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This was a very powerful explosion Strong Enough to rattle the buildings in that area t. Popular tourist spot. Rolling stone magazine releases morof that bombshell interview between sean penn and Joaquin El Chapo guzman. Hillary clinton suddenly in a fight to hold on to iowa, where she and Bernie Sanders are in a statistical dead heat. The democratic tom nation may not be so inevitable today. Alabama on the top of the world. The fifth National Time for saban. After the semifinal, we asked, could we get a smile . How about now . You got it. You got it. A small plane made an Emergency Landing on a california highway during the evening commute. Im freaking out, a plane just landed on the freeway. Attendant. In michigan, police are responding to a domestic dispute call. Seconds later, he appeared on the roof. Hillary clinton appears on ellen. Hes cooler than my mom. All that matters. Joe biden sharing a touching story about president obama. Biden says when bo was attorney general, family say he had a financial concern. He said, ill give you the money. What did penn fine out in his interview with el chapo . Many say some of that summary money and buy a backup teeshirt. Teeshirt. Welcome to cbs this morning. Charlie rose is on assignment so Anthony Mason is with us. Newly released video shows the drug lord el chapo answering questions by sean penn. Rolling stones released the full intervrvw this morning. Penn asked el chapo, if you you . El chapo said for me the way things are, im happy. He claims he has more marijuana and cocaine and methamphetamine than anybody else in the world. He asked if the business will disappear or grow . He said, no, it will not end, as time goes on, we are more people and this will never end. Mexican Officials Say sean penns interview helped to lead them to Joaquin Guzmans hideout. Manuel, good morning. Reporter good morning. A newly released mug shot of Joaquin El Chapo guzman shows mustache shaved. Authorities at the facility indicate they are making it difficult to escape. They are looking at the violent arrest. Dramatic video taken by helmet camera by the Mexican Government shows the deadly gunfight that took place shortly before el chapos capture. Cbs news has learned when 17 Mexican Marines stormed the home early friday morning the kug drug lord fled through a secret door concealed by a mirror. He hid in a tunnel t. Armed guzman stole a car before finally being arrested. Now thanks around the maximum security prison where zbuzman is held. Is there a chance we will see him escape again . Its more than automatic eyes of the world put on him, therefore, i dont think so. Says he hasnt been able to communicate with his client. Which he claim violates the drug lords rights. Over the week, it was revealed that guzmans secret visit with sean penn and a mexican actress helped authorities narrow dn the location. New nos to show the academy werent arriving for the okay meeting. She arranged the visit. She was photographed in the country on several differenttates. In one of the image, a lawyer for el chapo is said to be handing her a cell phone. Rolling stone magazine has come under fire which penn details the encounter. Penn says guzman refused the article before it was bub u published, but did not ask any changes. On monday, penn told the Associated Press quote, he has nothing to hide. In an interview, they defended was a small price to pay. The u. S. Is seeking g extradite guzman. One mexican official said that process could take year or more. Anthony. Manuel, thanks. At least ten people are dead this morning in a possible isis suicide bomb attack targeting tourists if turkey. Police an planss rushed to the scene. The blast wound 15 people t. Explosion rocked an area of istanbul popular with sight seers. Foreign visitors are reportedly among the victims. Charlie dag da is following the developments from morning. Reporter good morning, there is a high probability isis is responsible for todays attack. It took place at a crowded square, clo to historic blue moss. The suicide bomber was syrian and both foreigners around turks were killed. A group of German Tourists were in the square at the time. Government officials from german citizens are among the victims. Islamic state militants were blamed for previous attacks in turkey, not longer since that country joined the u. S. Led coalition in iraq and syria. Norah. Charlie dagata, thank you. A new National Poll Shows Hillary clinton ll ahead in the democratic race. The Online Survey shows with the a 15point lead over Bernie Sanders. The race is tightening in iowa. Nearly three weeks before the first in the nation caucuses. Nancy cordes is in walk, with how she is changing course. Good morning the latest iowa numbers call for a new strategy. Hillary clinton barely mentioned Bernie Sanders when she was leading byen or 20 point. Now she is highlighting her differences with him on guns and on spending. He argues its a sign shes in serious trouble. Senator Bernie Sanders said Hillary Clintons new focus on him is not a notice. It could be the inevitable candidate for the democrarac nomination may not be so inevitable today. Reporter Democratic Candidates took questions from a panel at the minority oriented forum. Plus this one came from a college junior. Can you tell us what the term White Privilege means to you. I was born white, middle class in the middle of america. I never really knew what was or wasnt a part of the privilege. I just knew that i was a lucky person. Reporter three weeks before the iowa caucus, sanders has closed the gap dramatic ally a. Poll gives Hillary Clinton a threepoint lead among likely caucusgoers. Everybody wants to be the private. Reporter Vice President biden told cnn hes not i never thought she was the favorite. I dont think she thought she was the favorite. I think everhing is coming down to earth, just seting in. But its not over. Reporter former marylands governor Martin Omally is a distant third and largely has been ignored by his rivals. Only three of us left in this race. Im the only one that can still upset the apple cart. A rapid round of quebec brought this revelation from the former first lady. The best rumor youve ever heard about yourself in. My favorite, when i was in the white house, one of the tab loitds published this amazing pick. It was my head and there were ar coming around and the headline was, hillarys secret alien baby. Hard to top. That chelsealinton makes her first solo appearance on the campaign trail, stumping for her mom at three events in new hampshire. Polls show Hillary Clinton is closing the gap in new hampshire. By about 4 points. Are you so right. Alien baby, very hard to top. Thanks a lot. The next Republican Debate will have a much smaller field. One candidate said, hed rather stay out of it. John kasich. Chris christie, marco rub bo, ted cruz, ben carson and jeb bush will all take part in thursday nights prime time debate. Rand paul and Charlie Fiorina were dropped to the early debate. Rand palm now says he will not take part unless he is on the prime time stage. President obama delivers his final state of the Union Address tonight with the country sharply divide on his performance in office. In a new cbs news, New York Times pom, 46 of americans approve of his performance. 47 disapprove of the job hes doing. Margaret brennan is at the white house where officials pediatric a different kind of speech tonight. Good morning. Reporter good morning, prprident obama says hes never been more optimistic about but americans dont share that sunny outlook. Tonight may be his last best chance to persuade them. Its my last one. Reporter in a pair of white house video, president obama previews a speech that will be lesspledges laif lative to do list and blueprint for the next administration. Never in our lives again, do we have the chance to do as much good as we do right now. Accomplishments. Mess. Reporter hell also try to counter what the white house calls an avalanche of negativity from republicans. I think the state of the economy and the state of our Foreign Affairs is terrible right now. People are really worried about national security. Reporter 65 of americans believe the country is on the wrong track, according to latest cbsNew York Times poll. And 67 said the fight against would you say the president feels like he needs to be on the offensive . I think the president feels like this is a Good Opportunity when you have the attention of the congress and the American People to help people understand this case. Reporter seated along the first lady tuesday night will be a refugee, the lead plaintiff in the Supreme Court case that legalize samesex marriage and a vacant seat too represent gun violence. The president of the united states. Reporter p perful symbols, but no specific policy proposals, from a president unlikely to get major legislation to a publicly controlled congress in his final year. To be fair, americans disapprove of congress. Tomorrow the president will begin traveling the country to the promote his agenda. The white house says its aimed at making his message more accessible. Which is also, norah, why it tonight for the first time. All right. Margaret, thank you so much. Face the nation moderator john dirkson is in washington. Good morning. Good morning. So the white house is promising a nontraditional state of the union. What does that mean . Is this about his legacy . Well, it is about his legacy. They kind of one way or another always try i to sayts going to be nontraditional. Ititill break the form. The problem with the state of the union always is the president is encased in a Traditional Forum with all of the applause and eruptions, striveing to up the him as he walks down the aisle. That its very hard to break out of it a. President really has power in the beginning of his term. This is at the end of the president s term and about to cluns u influence affas, greatly diminished. Its also an election year. I think his best shot here is to offer the first take on his legacy. The sort of long form version of his presidency. It wont have any impact now. Look back, if there is something in this speech that frames the opalm years, thats probably his best chance at doing something. And what are you hearing about what he intends to say . Have you heard any specifics . Well, no, other than the generalities that margaret mentioned. I mean, is an attempt to frame the debate. The problem is, its hard for him to frame the debate, it was hard for him in the middle of his presidency. People hear from the president all the time. They hear him defending his legacy a lot. So theres a chance that basically people will let this pass by. T he can frame those big challenges ahead. Again, he can take that first whack of putting into context all hes done into a kind of larger view of history. He really brilss against the daily momenttomoment coverage of his presidency. This is his chance to say, now you got to listen tome, i will reporter meanwhile, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are running neck and neck in iowa and new hampshire. Sanders said on the program two weeks back, those two states were critical for him. If Hillary Clinton were to lose those states, how troublesome would it be for her . Well, it would be quite bad for her to lose those states, but we got to remember. She has a serious organization across the entire country. She ran a Long Campaign against barack obama in 2008. She knows how to go there for the long game. She has a lot of states in South Carolina. She has been organizing there as if she we the one 40 points behind. So she has a durable and Strong Organization out there that would help her if she did lozano those two states. Right. John dickerson, thank you. Looking forward to seeing you tonight. Ill join scott pelley and a team of correspondents to bring president obamas final state of the Union Address and the we have that at 9 00, 8 00 central right here on cbs. An air marshall steps in to detain a disruptive passenger on an American Airlines plane. The man shouted at the flight yesterday from los angeles to miami. Hes accused of shoving a flight attendant, a producer from cbs miami station wfor was on the plane and captured video when the air marshall confronted the passenger. One particular guy i saw walk to the back of the plane. I just assumed that guy probably must know what hes doing. Hes going back there to help the flight attendant. Eventually he took his badge out smr police took the passenger off the plane when it landedn miami. Witnesses say he dropped a bottle of alcohol on his way out. The mother of the socalled affluenza teen could be released from jail today. A judge released her bond from 1 million to 75,000. Include wearing a gps monitor and turning in her passport. Her son ethan is at a Mexican Authority fighting deportation. Police say he vlated his pro bakes for deadly drunken driving zempbt. Alabama is College Footballs National Champion for the fourth time in seven years t. Crimson tide beat clemson last night 4540 t. Tigers were ranked number one but couldnt complete an undefeated season. Don dahler is here with the best moments from an amazing title game i arizona and since i when to the bed early, don, im looking forward to seeing this. Good morning. Amazing sums it up. I didnt go to bed early, as can you probably s from the bags under my eyes. Few were thinking of a defensive chess match. Think again. Look for the story of the night . Take your pick. The future hall of fame coach against his alma mater. In the open field, headed for the end zone. In the pocket. It was a slugfest in the desert with alabama and clemson exchanging blows all night. Big defensive line han in the formation lead block. He dives. Reporter the crimson tide deployeded Heisman Trophy winner derrick henry, who unleashed a tidal wave of offense, scoring three touchdowns. Watson, scores reporter clemson unleashed a heisman finalist of their own, Deshaun Watson who claude through the Alabama Defense with machinelike efficien. But it just wasnt enough. Downfield. Thfield is wide opened. The tight end will wallop into the ends zone. Reporter sometimes it takes the brieft lights for players to shine. O. J. Howard who hasnt seen the trips into that rarely charted territory monday night. Alabama back on top of the College Football world. Reporter reporter while this isnt New Territory for alabama head coach nick saban. Its his Fourth National title in seven seons at alabama and his fifth overall. Only legendary alabama coach bear bryant has more with six. I always said, this is my, i hate to say favorite team, because i love them all. But these guys have come so far and done so much. This is all about winning the game for them. Its great for our fans. Its great for the state of alabama. But i wanted to win this became the for these guys, man, theyve done a great job for us this year. Great game. Last nights victory was nick sanes 100th game with alabama. Its only fitting he follows in the footsteps of bear bryant, who wouldnt you know won his little history. Thank you. So how long should women wait until their first mammogram . The leadi powerball fever spreads across the u. S. How foreigners are trying to cash in. The news is back in the morning right here on cbs this morning. Ou have copd, it can be hard to breathe. It can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. So i talked to my doctor. She said. Symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. Symbicort doesnt replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. Symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung fction. Symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. It should not be taken more than twice a day. Symbicict contains formoterol. Medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. 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And zero holding me back oikos triple zero. Be unstoppable. Give me miles, lots of miles, under starry skies above. Dont fence me in. Let me fly any time, any airline that i love, dont fence me in. Give me a mile and half for every buck i spend. Double my miles when the first year ends. No annual fees, no blackouts, let the fun begin. Dont fence me in. Nobody has won the Powerball Lottery since november and the jackpot is now signature at 1. 4 billion. Some people say they wont change if they won that much money. Im teing you right now, i would absolutely change. Id have a ferris wheel in my dparnd. Id have a pet chimpanzee. Id boo i the elephant mans bones. Id be michael jackson. Well, they say the lump sum payment would be a little over 800 million. Do you think that would make you change . Yes. Buy a couple of thangs. Welcome back to cbs this morning. Canadians are crossing the u. S. American fortune, coming up, why foreigners have to pay more if they hit it big respects new guidelines on mammograms. They suggest women should wait until they turn 50 beforor their first screening t. New debate in the battle to stop Breast Cancer. That is ahead. Time to show you this mornings headlines t. New york times tells us about the Government Program to build the nations first precision decided atom bomb. In a test last 84, a fighter jet took off with a mock version. It was adapted from an older bomb t. Weapon can zero in on deeply buried targets. Critics hear the bombs could be more tempted to use in a first strike. The Los Angeles Times reports on members of the Supreme Court appearing skeptical in a face involving union fees. At issue is a law to require public workerso pay member fees. They say they should pay some of the costs. Justices bieve this is and the ruling is expected in june. The wall street journal reports the plunge in oil prices plomts skiers in a surge of bankruptcy. Benchmark u. S. Crude fell 5 yesterday to over 31 a barrel. Thats a low. It could soon fall into the 20 rage. As many as a third of u. S. Oil and Gas Producers come closer to bankruptcy within 18 months unless the price rebounds. The walk post reports an American Woman allegedly murdered in italy was seen at a seedy nightclub the night right before her death. Investigators say 35yearold ashley olsen was in the killed by someones bare hands. Her body was found saturday inn her florence apartment with black restraints and a computer cables nearby. Yesterday her father laid flowers outside of her building. Cbsnews. Com reports a expanding because of an overdose. They are sold by nine retailers at store brands, including rite aid, cvs and krogers. The affected syrup is cherry. Check online if this affects you. The largest lottery prize in history is getting even big iraahead of wednesday fights drawing t. Powerball jackpot this morning stands at 1. 4 billion. Excitement is growing internationally. Thousands of canadians are pouring into the u. S. To try tear luck. Demarco morgue isnt at knightry falls. Good morning. Reporter good morning. It may be hard to make out. Butifying ra falls clearly is behind me. Its an attraction that draws both americans and canadians. But now it seems as though canadians are using this, hoping this crossing will transport of their dreams will come true. While millions of amamicans think they are lucky enough to beat the unimaginable odds. So, too, do canadians. I will take my chances like everyone else. Repepter shari anne drove two hours for the chance to be the next become ir. We come here and drop a lot of money on a regular basis. We shop a lot. We give to you. Its time you give back. Reporter the neighbors from the north have been crossing thee border. They come in like crazy here for the lotto. Thank you. Reporter which they are legally allowed to do. You do not have to be a u. S. Citizen to buy a powerball ticket. As long as you buy them at a retail location. The federal government can withhold 30 of gambling winnings paid to a foreigner. Thats 5 more than for a u. S. Resident. There can be state taxes, new york has one of the highest, more than 8 . Were steps away from the border where canadians entered the u. S. For those not willing to make the trip. There are online retails tailers willing to do it for them. This week the service says it became temporarily unavailable after receiving high demands . We dont endorse them. We tell everyone to be careful. Reporter no matter which side of the border youre on, there is no escaping the one in nearly 300 million chance of winning. Even though the odds are totally against winning, somebody has to win so one can dream. The jackpot coninvestigators to 1. Billion in canadian dollars. Thats a long way from the jackpot in canada. Comparable lotto max games announced to set an estimated 50 million. Hope are you warm enough. Im not trying to make fun of you. You look kind of funny standing there. Okay. A new set of Breast Cancer screening guidelines is sparking debate this morning. An independent panel of medical experts advises women to get rear first ones at age 50. And every two years after. That but the American Cancer Society recommends getting screened from age 45 and the college of obstetrician and gynecologists puts the starting age at 40. So whats a girl to do . Our dr. David agus leads at the southern california. Joins us at the table. David, when i heard these new guidelines yesterday, i sort of growned. I feel its changing again, now what . Hashtag confusing. Yes, i think the data are clear 50 to 74. No question it saves lives the benefit outweighs the risks. Age 40 to 49. It saves lives. It does, but fewer. East cancer happens more frequently age 50 and 66. So its your decision as a woman when to do it. Do everything i can to play with my children. Therefore, i will risk false positives and rick screening. You say, i dont like doctors, somebody squeezingly breasts and putting radiation through it. Its a decision 29 and your doctor together. Age 50, it should be mandatory. What again are the downsides to an early mammogram . Well, mammogram is raid 8. Its xray tech nochlg exposure radiation. Number two is a false positive. They call you up say, hey, there is something ere. I im worried about it. We will stick a need him in. See what it is. Stress and extra procedure. Doesnt that biopsy, where that knead him went through your breast also leave a mark every time you do a future maam gram . Have you future information. All of those are true. That being said, it saves lives in age 40 to 49. All the dplierngs david, say women should make a personal situation with t tir doctor. They make this decision . They go with the risk of false positiviv is this t. Rick of saving lives is this. You make your own decision with your values between you and your family. David, shes in her 40s now. Yes, i want you around, so im going to risk false positives, which clearly happens. I think it underscores tetenology. Hopefully, i was going to ask you, it isbarbaric. Hon st to god. If men had to have their manly parts squeezed flat as a pancake, somebody would come up with another w w to do this. Im not even trying to be funny. Management isnt fun either. Yeah. I agree with you. Its putting raiddiation. There is no way to look for density changes within the breasts. I think k should put a lot more National Resources towards this. Death rate more. Still, 30 of women 50 to 59 where clearly benefits dont get mammograms. I dont understand that. Its important to have the information. Thank you. Its wore atmosphere little discomfort as they say. This is going to be a little uncomfortable uncomfortable. Yes, it is, children. Davids newew book, by the way, called the lucky years. Just notice its published by simon and schooirshuster. A division of the u. S. The life of david bowie continues this morning t. Rocker told 60 minutes he never liked the sound of his own voice. Ahead the interview thats never been seen on television until now. If you are headed out the door, you can watch us live through the cbs all access app. You wont want to miss that. Comedian jane lynch who is well be right back. Ness with just water and a dash of sea salt. Nothing else. Its like life on mars made david bowi a legend. Now two days after his death, hes back on top of the carts. Black star of the album he released on friday is number one selling on itunes where five of the top ten albums are bowie. Papers across the globe have front page tributes of the singer songwriter who died after a year first half long battle with cancer. 60 minutes did a series of interviews with bowie in 2003. None of the footage has aired until now. Bowie describes how he never liked hearing himself sing and why so much of his music deals with loneliness. Searching for music is shrike searching for god. Theyre very similar. There is an effort to reclaim the unmentionable. The unsalable t. Unseeable. Unspeakable. All those things comes into being a composer, into writing music and into searching for information that dont exist. Somebody asked me the dumbest question. My god he was hard to answer. They said, what do do you all day . Its an awful question to answer. I really had to think about that. I guess take my old theatrics of the costuming and all that, the outer layers, im a writer. I write him i started examining about. It really only boils down to a few songs, placed around i guess loneliness to a certain extent and coupled with isolation. Some kind of spiritual surge and a looking for a waynto communicating with other people. Thats about it. Thatat about all ive ever written about in 40 years. Lets do a harmony line on those two that we just did. The forever sections. I never tught of myself as a singer. I felt that i wrote songs and wrote music. That was sort of what i to the i was best at doing. Because nobody else was ever doing my songs like that, you know, i had to go out and do them. This is only after the last few years i felt more comfortable in being a singer. I would have much preferred other things then i wouldnt have had to put all that makeup on and that hair. Yeah. But its way of the world. You havent seen him talk that much. Its also interesting. Its funny, ive heard a lot of singers over the years say they didnt really like their own voices. You know, they always wanted to be somebody else. When have you people paying to hear your voice, its at it and say, no, im really not that great. Or can you watch more of the never before aired interviews with david bowie at 60 minutes overtime. Com. He talks about the endurk legacy of ziggy stardust. You probably had this music. I want to get it. Sider shares secrets on how to make your hospital stay safe ahead. Plus a fleet of dancing drones. A beautiful marriage of art and a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. Harvoni is proven to cure up to 99 of patients. Whove had no p por treatment. Its the one and only cure thats. One pill, once a day for 12 weeks. Certain patients. Can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. With harvoni, theres no interferon and there are no complex regimens. Te your doctor if you have other liver or kidney problems, hiv, or other medical conditions. And about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. 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Tell your doctor if you are pregnant, plan on becoming pregnant, or are nursing. The most common side effects are nausea and an increase in liver enzymes. If you think you have ibs with diarrhea, talk to your doctor about new xifaxan. Da da da da. Tomorrows fifth symphony, of course, provides the sounds track for a spectacular drone display in germany. 100 drones are synchronized. Software made it possible. The display made it possible for the most drones airborne at the same. That is super cool. I wonder if some people to the that was an alien invasion. So cool. Coming up aheaea why the high profile rebuttals can at times seem like a kumplts are you watching cbs this morning. Ke you. Visit legalzoom today. The legal help you can count on. An ordinary jar of vaseline jelly. Its something we dont think about much. Except when weve got chapped lips or a small cut. But for People Living in areas of crisisi simple skin conditions can turn into serious issues. So we created the vaseline healing project. A partnership with direct relief to help millions in need heal their skin. Because the same thing that helps heal your dry skin. Can hp others get to work. Or go to school. And that ordinary jar. It is tuesday, january 12th, 2016. Welcome back to cbs this morning. There is more real news ahead, including fact, the hospitals do not want you to know. were going to tell you the new information that can help you or a loved one avoidd a costly mistake. First, heres todays eye opener. Turkish officials are quoted as saying there is a high probability that isis is sponsible for todays attack. Authorities here at the prison where he is being held, removing him from celltocell to make it difficult. For him to escape. Hillary clinton barely mentioned bern benefit when she was leading in iowa. Now she is highlighting her differences with him. Been getting more aggressive with . Yes. The best in the shot here is to offer the first take on his legacy the sort of longform version of his presidency. Reporter last nights legacy was nick sabans legacy with alabama go they do what they have to do to win. We just have to wait from the border, where canadians entered the u. S. For those not willing to make the trip, there are online retailers willing to do it for you. El chapo has been on the run. To find. It takes another unpredictable man that looks like hes been in the jungle. Sean penn. Sean penn looks like hes been hiding in the jungle more than el chapo. Elhapo looks like he has been hides in a disco for six months. Thats good observation. Charlie is on apepe assignment rollili stone released a full 17 minute video of Joaquin Guzman answering questions by sean penm t. Mexican drug lord says he has never done anything to urge the prub public to consume more drugs. Because that attracts more attention. I never thought of hurting anyone. All i did was ask god and things worked out. A newly released mug shot shows guzman with his head and maus mustache shaved. He was taken to the same maximum security prison he escaped from last year. Workers say guards are moving the drug lord from cmtocell to pre vent him from getting out again through an underground tunnel. Tanks now surround the prison. New photos appear to show penn arriving for the october interview. Officials say the visit helped location. The first nation, caucuses are less than three weeks away. Both races are tight anew republican poll shows donald trump leading ted cruz by just 2 with marco rubio in third place. The democrats answered questions last night in des moines at a forum focusing on the concerns of snyder. Clinton took the opportunity to seseherself apart from her rival. I have laid out specifically my tax plan and my friend senator sanders said he will lay it out before the iowa caucus. I and others will be anxious to see them. Sanders called clinton an establishment politician and said he was time for a change. I think we need to have the courage in this country to bring forth a Political Revolution where millions of people stands up and say enough is enough. This government belongs to all of us. Of billionaires. Is that Hillary Clintons position . Frank lip, i do not think so. Vice President Joe Biden says he understands why voters respond to sanders message. Bernie is speaking to a journey that is deep and real and he has credible on it. And that is the absolute enormous concentration of wealt and a small group of people with no class now being able to be shown being left 0u9. Its relatively new for hillary to talk about that. Hillarys focus has been other things up until now. Thats been bernies, no one questions bernies authenticity on those ises. They question her . I think they question everybody who hasnt been talking about it all along. In that same interview, biden revealed, president obama oufr offered to help the Vice President with money when bo he worried his family would struggle financially. I said, you know, my concern is, i said if beau resigns, he has no, there is no, nothing to fall back ob on, his salary. I said i worked it out. But joe and i will sell the house, well be in good shape. He got up, said, dont sell the house. Promise me you wont sell the house. Ewill be mad at me saying this. He said, ill give you the money, whatever you need, ill give you the money, dont, joe, promise me. Promise me. I said,sh i dont think we have to anyway. He said promise me. Biden said hell never forget the eulogy he delivered at bo bidens funeral the love he has for the Vice President s family. President obama this morning is preparing to layout his priorities for the country in tonights state of the Union Address. The republican chance to answer him is getting ready. Congressman gerald ford went onto the white house. The republican rising star see who they picked. Reporter good morning, Republican Leaders chose someone who is widely viewed and has the added benefit of being outside washington. It is South Carolina governor nikki haley, who has agreed to give an address sometimes a blessing, sometimes a curse. The president of the united states. Reporter its hard to compete with the pomp and circumstance of the state of the union. As many politicians have found out the hard way. Good evening and happy mardi gras. False choice loo tick ones the president laid out tonight. Its no wonder haley the daughter of indian immigrants and the youngest governor in the countries took a weekend to think about it before accepting the task. I always go back to that just wondered what was out there and to be able to think that i will now have the ability to address the country is very humbling. But its really an honor. Its a rol only doeld out to rising stars. Paul ryan, before he was mitt romneys Vice President ial pick. Bill clrnths before he was president. By the way, mr. President , happy birthday tonight. Has there ever been a politician that says, no thanks, i do not want toive the response . Im not aware of any politician saying that. Reporter republican strategic says its not an acacdent that haley is the third woman in a row to be tapped to give the speech. Republicans, its no secret, they had a problem appealing to women voters the past president ial cycles. Nikki haley not only a female governor, but also a mirpt. Shes had great jobs fixing jobs if her state, in South Carolina, theyve had real systemic problems. Its right here. What do you want . Can you not see . Marco rubio is proof that have to hold you back. We asked the president ial candidate if he has tips for haley . Shes a great choice. I say drink the water before the speech. Rubio, himself, got is that advice from a cbs news producer in the room before his speech. But he didnt take it. This is the actual bought him of water th he took a swig from last night. That night. And his aids later acknowledged it probably would have been a good idea to put a glass there instead. Live and learn, guys. Wait a minute. So cbs passed that bottle. Is it encased in some Washington Bureau . It could be worth something some day. Im worried that we still have that bought him of water. I dont know what are you going to do with that. I think thats great. I think its odd. I didnt drink from it. Okay. Dont. Thank you. Cbs news will bring you toons state of the une Union Address. We haveive coverage of the president s speech and the republican response. That starts at 9 008 00 central. Narc knoller is going to take over the twitter account tonight. Follow at cbs this morning. I is going to be good. He always has lots of interesting things to say. Only on cbs this morning. Norah talked with the new acting educationer is point. Is there a vices in education in this country . Its hard to look at the fact weve fallen from thursday to 13 the future of our schools and. Theres one day of the week you might want to avoid going into the hospital. Readers digest is in studio 57 with secrets hospitals dont. At healthcare. Gov i found affordable, quality coverage. Man checkups, emergency services, prescripons. My insurance covers everything for my family. Narrator most people who enroll through healthcare. Gov qualify for financial help and avoid paying a fee of 695 or more. Someone helped me find a high quality plan and financial help to pay for it. Narrator sign up at healthcare. Gov. In our morning rounds the secrets that can mean the difference between life and death in the hospital. More than 35 million americans a year spend at least one night in the hospital. The system may seem impossible to navigate. Only on cbs this morning, we have a Readers Digest poll of alth care experts nationwide. The just released cover story is called 50 secrets hospitals wont tell you. Our chief Liz Vaccariello is here. Good morning to you both. There is one hospital secret you all discovered is that medical errors can occur during shift changes. Thats right you are supposed to ask the nurses to do that something called a bedside change. After they exchange that ininrmation in front of you. Can you say, no, its the left foot rather than the right foot. Doctors, the interns, everybody there, so you can interject your on opinion and your thoughts into your care. In terms of medication errors, a big source of errors, have the list the dosage, dont interrupt the nurse when she is handing you your medication or dispenseing it. Dontt engage her. Dont talk to her, him or her. Heres a shocking hospital secret. Your surgeon may be doing someone elses surgery at the same as yours. How can that be . This sounds crazy, physicians who are unaware, this is called concurrent surgery. It occurs all over the country. T. Boston globe recently highlighted this in one of the nations leading hospitals in unba. Was the found that at least 15 of case, patience shared their surgrgn. The idea is that the surgeon jumps from one operating room to another in order to increase efficiency access to care. There are obviously safety concerns. The paent may be unanesthesia longer. Of the care may be left to junior interns and residents in training. So its very controversial right now in the surgical world, what should be done about this is there you should ask, are you doing anybody else other than many me . You need to ask the surgeon, are you going to be there for my entire case . The other thing is the day of the week. For me, if i want a procedure, i could recuperate if god forbid it doesnt go according to plan. Ou should schedule any major surgery have you for monday. Because on weekends and holidays, they have less skilled staff, doctors and nurses, and you may have trouble getting the lab and diagnostic ticks that you need done. You guys say friday is the worst day to have the procedure . Yes. I know from having a baby. I always schedule the first appointment in the morning on monday. Thats right. 7 00 a. M. Monday morning. Up to 30 of tests, medications and procedures are i think a lot of patients feel powerless when theyre in the hospital. The point is you have to be proactive. You have to ask questions, how will it change my care . Sometimes the tests are nonnegotiable. Theyre critical. They have to be done. In many instances its something you can discuss. Maybe the doctor will say,y, we dont have to do this right now. So its important to the empower the patient for them to feel like they have a voice. But in most case, i think the doctor knows more than i do about what they ar there to see him or her about. It is a fine line. That is true. H so you dont want to overstep the bounds. You have to have some trust. At the same time, its your body, your health. What about hospital bills . Eight out of ten hospital bills contain an error. Its important for your own wallet and insurance fees to make sure the bills are accurate. Did you take that m dicine that they have you down for . Did you stop the treatment on wednesday . They say you stopped it on friday . The Billing Centers and most times theyll take care of it. If you have trouble, just saying, can i have the information of your chief Financial Officer will often rattle that Customer Service representative into getting, into taking action and looking into it for you. How do i know the bill is long though, liz . How will i know . You wont spendours and days looking at every code. There are resources that you can find to help you. Look for obvious errors. You sa tohave to check it like everything else. Thank you both. To learn all the 50 secrets hospitals wont tell you, go to cbs this rning. Com. A horror story for homeowners trying to sell a house with an unusual history. Ahead, why a connection to a popular thriller movie is now keeping potential piers away. Well haha that story. You are watching cbs this. When it comes to connecting to the world online, people have different needs. Whether its keeping up with loved ones or keeping up with the latest trends. At t uverse high Speed Internet lets you get the fast and affordable internet thats right for you. Get high Speed Internetjust 15 dollars a month for 12 months with other qualifying servi and a oneyear term. All on one bill no matter what you use it for, youll get fast speed at an affordable price. Connect all your wifi enabled devices at home with high Speed Internet. And save on smartphone and tablet data usage. Just 15 dollars a month lets you watch online videos, videochat and play games. With reliable internet that works when and how you want it. Get high Speed Internetjust 15 dollars a month for 12 months with other qualifying service and a oneyear term. All on one bill high Speed Internet thats fast and affordable at jus 15 dollars a month. Call now and get a 100dollar rewa card with this great offer only from at t. [ music playing ] your name is . Jack gordon. Mr. Gordon. Well, fredericka used to work for mrs. Litman. Did u know her . No, huhuh, wait, was she a great big fat person . She was a big girl, sir. Couple is struggling to sell a house this morning World Trade Center conction to the 1991 movie you remember silence of the lambs it was the home in the movie of psychotic killer buffalo bill. They listed the three story house last summer for 300,000. They dropped it by 50,000. They often find trespassers on their property. We never knew what to expect when we got home from work. How many people were actually in the house, outside t house. Freeze one of the movies most chilling scenes was shot at the house. Wow. She rubs the legs on her skin. That might crimp your sales a little. Nothing actually happened there. It was a movie. Actress jane lynch returns to studio 57. We will look at her new home on prime time tv. The cbs angel from hell welcome back to cbs this morning. Coming up p this half hour the walk post calls him one of the most polarizing figures in k through 12 education. Only on cbs this morning, we talk with the acting secretary john king over the battle over common core. Also, how is home schooling helped rescue him after tragedy. Actress jane lynch is in our Toyota Toyota green room. She will take us inside our comedy angel fromhell and we will look at her work on glee and her famous one liners ahead. The New York Times reports on north korea accused of taking video, showing the test of a missile a. California based think tank says heavy Video Editing was used to cover the place where planesen gulfed the missile t. Footage was released days after the north constructed a Hydrogen Bomb test. Cbs houston affiliate reports on high anxiety ona high rise. Two window washers. Look at this, were left dangleing from this 71st floor tower. Yikes. So flampl malfunction. They got stuckt a 45 degree angle. Firefighters were able remove a wind to allow the men to safely get vidz inside after about 40 minutes. My worst nightmare. The Los Angeles Times reports on nfl owners starting two dayof meetings to discuss a possible move back to l. A. Oakland, san diego and st. Louis are all manitoba u lobbying to move to los angeles. The nations second largest market t. Times says concensus is building in the nfl soccer star carley lloyd has been named fifas women player of the year for 2015. The u. S. Team cab tain scored six u. S. Goals in the tournament. She dominated the vote for the title and for the fifth time, fifa named lionel messi of argentina as the best male player in the world. Congratulation on that watch. And our cbs station if boston reports a secret Service Agent got married in his hospital room. Garrett fits gerald is one of four agents involved in a road crash. Last month in new hampshire, she a part of Hillary Clintons detame. He suffered a spinal cord injury on saturday. He and his fiancee exchanged vows in his intensive care. Reporter its hard to believe anybody survived. There is a go fund me page to raise money. They have been together nine years. Its nice to see they can get married to begin his rehabl obamas state of the Union Address tonight will be different the long term focus might be preparing students for jobs in the 21st century t. New acting secretary of education john king stepped into a role his predecessor arnie duncan left deep in controversy. Student debt skyrocket. King faces a series of challenges. Only on cbs this morning, we talked about the hurdles he expects. We went to the Elementary School where king says his teachers saved his life. Are you a president . Am i a president . No, but i wowo for the president. Reporter john king can speak softly. In his new role acting secretary of education, emay need to carry a big stivenlth. I will go on. In 2010, king scod u. S. State a 700 million federalal vernment grant. Which weighed the conversation commissioner h. Eruled out common core standards. Parntsdz and teachers shouted him off a stage in 2013. You ended up can selling further meetings like that. We restructured them. It got to a pce where it wasnt productive. Folks were screaming, yelling. Why were people screaming and yelling . Some of it was the politics of the moment. Some was misunderstandings that folks have. You know what the critics say, i dont need the federal government delivering standards in my state . Soon, you know, its important that folks realize that the standards are a matter of state policy and what weve said is the state has standards that push towards college. At first, 46 states adopted common core standards. Three have since droed them and 19 more have put them under review. King will have to continue the without overstepping the bounds of his federal role. He wentt from this school to coming the first africanamerican ed indication commissioner. The first puerto rican Education Commission of new york. What does that mean to you . I think its a testament to whats possible and students have the right opportunity. Teachers could have looked at me and said, heres an africanamerican latino 1250u7b9. Difficult family situation what chance does he have . They could have given up on me, so they didnt. So this is your old classroom . Wow. The teachers king call life saving taught right here at ps 123ix in brooklyn. My mom worked here, was a guidance courage lor here. We felt we might go holmgren then my mom passed away when i was in 4th zbrad. And school took on a different role in my life. He was just y50er8sd when he 12 when he lost his father. He was once the highest ranking ancken educator in the country who later suffered from undiagnosed alzheimers disease. I can recall one night he woke me up at 2 00 in the morning, says time to go to scho. I can remember holding on to that beenisters in the house saying, daddy, daddy, its not time to go to school. Its the middle of the night. He didnt understand. I didnt know what was wrong so it was a very, very difficult period and you know it made school even that much more important. Because school was the place where i could get beyond that. He went on to earn four Ivy League Degrees and cofound one of bostons best charter schools. He married and had two children and now 41yearsold, he will become one of the youngest cabineting iss`in history. Is there a part of you thatps to shout and say, come on if you look at where we are with our national competitors. We were once first in the world. A portion of our population have had college degrees. Today were 13. Is there a crisis in education in this country . Its ha ready to look at the fact that weve fall frein 1st to 13th and not see a crisis t. Good news is that i do think there are lots of signs of progress. As the country goes through a president ial election, weve got to ask. Every candidate should be talking acht. What are they going to do to make sure more students graduate from college . Raise your hands if you love School Reporter king will be in office just over a year a. Year that will be defined by a president ial race for the republican candidates to have condemned common cores. The term common core is so darn poisonous. I dont know what it means. Common core has to be ended. Its a disaster. Imagine repealing every word of common core. He isnt exactly phased. Hard and ambitious things and the question is, are we moving towards the goal of all of us having access to a quality education or to all of our students having a kind job, life saving experiences that i have here and if were doing that, if there are politics that come with that. So be it. Interesting. This is, you know the top of everybodys mind is education in this country. Few want to fix things, you go to education. Whether it should be done with the guidance of the federal government or kept at the state and local level. U know a lot of parents dont like common core. At the same time, were saying. We got to have standards. Lets go to john king. You certainly feel his passion for the job. When you hear his back stoto. It takes on a greater meaning. What an impressive career, really. Can you imagine at 8yearsold, losing a parent . I cant. Your father is doing the laundry. Are you doing the grocery shping. You grew up way too soon. Very impressive. A great story. Jane lynch, shes shes in our toyoya green room with a look at her cbs comedy. Its called angel from hell. Interesting time. Glee influenced her new roam. This is a total dessertion ladies, im going to ask you to smell your armpits. Thats the smell of failure. And its stink up my office. I remember that scene going, oh, that is jane lynch as coach sue sylvester. You remember her as the beloved bully from glee the emmy and golden globe winner returned to a new cbs comedy called angel from hell. She plays amy owho claim to be a Guardian Angel. Aim amy is very needy. By the way, she has a drinking problem. She is sent to teach an uptight dermatologist how to loosen up. Heres a peek at thursdays episode. Why dont you tell me a wod . Worlds. Nine worlds. Ask me anything you like. So why do i need a Guardian Angel . There are so many people na need they all have them. Guardian angels are like turk years everyone has a version they dont know about. No matter how hard they try, they can get rid of us. Sweet ad campaign. Jane lynch is back to the table. There is another scene and episode where they compare to you a taoo, bigger than expected, cool, lets make sure the family never finds out. How do you describe amy . She seems like a fun character tore play. Shes great. She loves being human. She loves everything about human, alcohol, sex, sugar. She wants allison to loosen up in that way, too. Shes very buttoned up. She models a different way to enjoy life, with i is enjoying everything. I get it. An ensemble cast, you love and thrive in. There are four of us as opposed to 24 like glee. Its great. Kevin pollock. Maggie lawson. You and Maggie Lawson havee great chemistry. I har you had a special bathroom. Before. We were doing a chemistry read, which is what the network does to make sure have you something between each other. I was in the bathroom, singing. What were you doing in the bamroom . I was singing from a chorus line. The acoustics are so good. I was singing god im a dancer. Afc maggie joined in. So we were singing a chorus line in the bathroom. Thats amazing. So many people want to be the star, jane, of the show. You said you prefer ensembles. What is that . I love playing t. Back and forth. Its like a balloon up in the air. Its so much fun. Its no fun being alone. I love that they do a chemistry test. Yeah to make sure you got something, you know. For so many people, will you always be sue sylvester holds a i seen two episodes, there is not a track suit anywhere in place. Do you miss that character that, show at all . Where does it sit with you . Its something, it lives on in my heart. You know, i think i was the beneficiary of a terrific writing and kind of a culture phenom naw none. It was a great thing to do. In one of the episode, you dressed up as david bowie. I did. What you this think when you heard the news . It was sa i did not know he was ill. Nobody did. Did everything his own way. He was such an original. He even went out that way. He did it his way. He was something else. He was i remember the first time i saw him, i was shocked. My little midwestern self, who was closeted gay persrs. He was a man dressing up as a woman, really working it. I wentz, ha, i thought it was kind of pudding and he scared me say that. If you know about hosting shows, you have done the emmys before, what was so interesting, you did an interview, you said, im ready for anything, im relaxed him. I can hand him it. What did you think when that knucklehead jumped on the stage . I was wondering . They handled it really well. Sharon osbourne, i dont know if you saw. We saw. Know, we didnt see that. I think they cut that out. T. It wasnt live on the west coast. She kicked him in the butt. I thought it was great. Whats so hard about a show like that . First of all, its not a hardd thing. Its not. Its about setting the tone. When i made it hard, with the emmys, i made it very difficult. I knew going into this. It was about the opening number. You want to sell that. That can be nerve racking. It was fun. We were well rehearsed. I was supported by not just the fabulous dancers, but a great crew. So once thats over, you are setting the tone. Funny lines. It was fun. Mark barnett the producer was back there the whole time. Hes hands on, very back stage. Hes ntt uck. Hes back staging lookings a watch, someone goes over, we have to cut this, cut that. You can be given funny lines, though, you got to deliver them. You us as deliver them. Thank you. Sue sylvester was known for so many one liners in glee. Ill give you one right now. What is it. I dont think i should have to carry photo i. D. Anymore, because everyone should know who i am. Very good one. Yes. Loving musical theater isnt awful, it just makes you awful. [ laughter ] i got another good one i heard, do you know who i think i am . I say that every day. Jane lynch, we know who you are. We are cheering you on. Thank you. Thank you. I appreciate it. Hell thursday 9 30, 8 30 on cbs. Comedian joe cordonat healthcare. Gov i found affordable, quality coverage. Man checkups, emergency services, prescriptions. My insurance covers everything for my family. Narrator most people who enroll through healthcare. Gov qualify for financial help and avoid paying a fee of 695 or more. This is your last chance to enroll. Someone helped me find a high quality plan and financial help to pay for it. Narrator sign up at healthcare. Gov. Hello, its me. I was wondering if after all these years youd like to meet. Hello from the outside. That is fun. That is a clip from an upcoming segment on the late, late show. Can you see all of his car pool karaoke with adele tomorrow night right here on cbs

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