His standing as the frontrunner. Marco rubio and ted cruz finally team up. Donald, relax. Relax. Im relaxed. Youre a basket case. Theres a statute of limitation onz lies. Well talk live with senator cruz who has more riding on super tuesday than any other candidate as he defends his home state of texas. And marco rubio as he launches an all out attack against trump. We have a con artist as a frontrunner in the Republican Party. Plus, well ask our sunday panel what theyll be looking for as voters go to the polls in a dozen states across the country. All right now on fox news sunday. Hello again from fox news in washington. We begin with the democratic primary in South Carolina and landslide doesnt do justice to what Hillary Clinton did there. Clinton got 73 of the vote to well have a live report later in the hour. First, the battle for the republican nomination heading into super tuesday. Donald trump coming off three consecutive wins is set for a showdown with ted cruz and the senators home state of texas. The biggest prize so far with 155 delegates. Thats just of 11 states going to the polls with 195 delegates, half wlaf is needed to win the nomination. With the states rising the three front runners escalated their attacks and well talk to all of them today. Joining us first here now live is the frontrunner, donald trump. Welcome back to fox news sunday. Thank you. Lets get right to it. Marco rubio says that you are a con artist. Here he is. I think its time to take the mask off of this guy. He portrays him as the little gichlt hes been exploiting mr. Trump, your response and what do you think of marco rubio . Well, i think hes a light weight. He couldnt get elected dog catcher. He is not liked in florida. band ond florida. He deceived and defrauded florida. He doesnt even show up to meetings. I think hes a guy who thinks hes i dont think he actually does even think hes hot stuff. Hes not hot stuff. But he is, you know, i call him little marco. Thats what he s little marco. But hes very nasty guy. So is ted cruz, by the way. Theyre nasty. They teamed up. I saw them shaking hands before the thing. Lets go, see if we can get them. Theyre establishment guys. And as far as, you know, the con man man, that is very insulting. You know my career. I blult an unbelievable company. I filed with the fcc almost the federal elections almost 100 pages of financials that show worth of if i ever sold it over 10 billion. I had number one best sellers including the art of the deal which is the number one, probably the number one best selling business book of all time. The apprentice is one of the top shows on television. When you think of that as being a con man, i dont think so. I stipulate youve been a very successful i think hes a con man. I stipulate that youve been very successful businessman. Lets go through the specific allegations that rubio raised about you. He says that you hired 200 Illegal Immigrants from poland back in the early 80s to clear the site for the trump tower. The fact is that polish brigade did work on that project. So let me just tell you how sad that is that he comes up. That is was more than 35 years ago. So can you imagine with all ive done, i built buildings all over the world, i built massive buildings in new york, massive man hat manhattan, he comes up with a story from 35 years ago. They were hired by a contractor. I hired a contractor. I hired a contractor for demolition. He had polish workers in his force among others, by the way, he had polish workers in the force. Thats all it s i hired 35 years ago. And by the way, the laws were totally different 35 years ago. But 35 years ago i hired a demolition contractor to knock down a building that made way for trump tower and can you imagine they bring that up from so many years snag by the way, different laws and i didnt hire the polish workers, chris. He hired the polish workers. Some of the workers were sleeping at the site because they were Illegal Immigrants and they were pulling 12 hour shifts. Are you saying you didnt know any of that . In construction, many, many people sleep on the site. Even now they sleep on sites because they save money by doing that. But contractors all over the city and all over many other cities, they sleep right on the site. Thats a fairly common practice. And it happens. Contractors. Now, just so you understand, i hired a contractor. The contractor came in with people. Some of his people were polish. Some of them came from but i didnt have control over that. You didnt have everify in those days where im building a building the Old Post Office on pennsylvania avenue, i have everify. Everything is perfect even thoet Washington Post said maybe its not perfect, but everything is absolutely perfect. Let me talk about a subject force. This little marco, 35 years ago i built a building and 35 years ago thats the best they can do. Thats pretty sad. Let me get Something Else which is a lot more correct urrent and he is hitting you on Trump University, a program that you helped set up that you said to and so you could help people invest, a super pac is running this ad. Take a look. All of it was just a fake. Americans do not make the same mistake i about with donald trump. I got hurt badly. Id hate to see this country get hurt by donald trump. Now, Trump University apromised that these instructors on your real estate genius would be hand picks by you but inin fact the story is that a lot of them were picked just so they could get people to sign up and one of them was a manager from a buffalo wild wings. So did you hand pick the instructors or not . Okay. Many of them we were hand picked and i hand picked our people. And the people i think did a good job. And they ran a good school. And ill tell you about the school. It had an a rating from the Better Business bureau and the people that i think you even have on there have given a great report card. Just about everybody that took the course, almost everybody they rated the course, what they learned, was it good . Not a huge amount of money if they didnt pay a huge amount of money. But what happened is wait. Some of them paid 35,000. Wait. Wait, wait, some paid 35,000. Thats a lot of money. Chris, 98 of the people that took the courses, we have report cards from everybody. They report carded on the course. 98 of the people that took the courses, 98 approved the courses they thought they were terrific. Now just so you understand, i could have settled this case a long time ago. I chose not. To im going to win the case in court. I do. That i win cases in court. Its a lawsuit. Let me ask you about that. Because this week this weekend force. Im not a settler. You know what, chris, i dont believe in settling cases. I believe in winning cases. You went after the judge in one of the Trump University lawsuits. Here you are. Right. There is a hostility to me hostility, beyond belief. I believe he happens to be spanish which is fine. He is hispanic which is fine. And we havent asked for recusal which we may do. But we have a judge that is very hostile. The attorney general of new york after those remarks accused you of racial demagoguery mentioning hes hispanic. I think the judge has been extremely hostile to mechlt it thats to do with perhaps the fact that im very, very strong on the border. Very, very strong on the border. He has been extremely hostile to me. This is a case that in our opinion should have been won a long time ago. Its a case we should have won on summary judgment. Were nothing with this. We have a very hostile judge. Now, he is hispanic, i believe. He is a very hostile judge to mechlt i me. I said it loud and clear. The attorney general why even bring up that hes hispanic . It does raise a question. Up, chris, because you always say how the hispanics dont like donald trump. You always bring it up in your poll numbers. You say that hispanics dont like donald trump. I dont think i ever brought that up. I dont think i ever brought it up. You always talk about the fact that trump doesnt do well with chris, will trump do well with hispanics . In nevada i got 46 . I won with the hispanics. Thats very good. I can tell you, its a very this is a judge that in my opinion does not like donald trump. Lets talk about the tax returns. Because both cruz and rubio released they didnt release all of the tax returns, they released part of the tax returns. But youre refusing to release any of your tax returns. Back in 2012 when you were flirting with running for president , you said releasing your tax returns would be a great thing to show how suck us isful you you can still release them. You have three questions which you can answer without releasing a ballpark figure, 2014, the returns that you have already filed under penalty of perjury, what was ballpark, what was your gross income . What was your effective tax rate, and how much did you give to charity . Let me tell you something, as you know, i have filed in you know, unbelievable documents as to my net worth and as to the company i built, almost 100 pages with the federal Elections Commission. You know thats been filed, right . I do know. That. You talk about net worth. You dont know that . No, i think i do know that. I filed with yeah. I filed as to my net worth and values. People if your profession were unbelievably impressed with the company i built. All right. That has to do with net worth. You cant learn anything from that the tax returns have are being audited. Ive been audited for many, many years. It is very, very unfair. I dont know why but for some reason the irs audits me virtually every year. Can you tell me what the gross income is . Ive been singled out. Can you tell us what the gross income . Ive been singled out for 2014. Can you tell us what your effective tax rate is and how much did you give to charity . Go down to the federal Elections Commission and take out my Financial Disclosure forms. By the way, when you talk about cruz, he didnt put on that hes borrowing money from banks all over the place that he borrowed a lot of money from banks at a very low Interest Rate, an Interest Rate you could not get. Believe me, he could never get it. He borrowed from Goldman Sachs and citi bank. He didnt put that down in his Financial Disclosure form. And i put down over 100 pages of investments and deals and everything else. I have full disclosure. Denlt he had a Million Dollars worth of loans at low Interest Rate. As far as taxes are concerned force. I have two more questions i have to ask you. I got two minutes. So lets try to get these both in. You raised a new issue on friday. You want to change the laws to make it easier to sue. Here you are, sir. Whether they write purposely negative and horrible and false articles, question sue them and win lots of money. Were going to open up those libel laws. Is that really the kind of president you will be if you dont like an article youre going to sue a newspaper or a network and tie them up in litigation . The Supreme Court ruled on this to open up the libel laws to make it easier to sue us, for instance. Youre going to have to win them the constitution. Well, in england, i can tell you its very much different and very much easier. I think its very unfair when the New York Times can write a that they virtually tell me they know its false and i say why dont you pull the story and they say were not going to do. That because they cant basically be sued. You cant be sued because can you say anything you want and thats not fair. All i want is fairness. I would absolutely work to open up the libel laws so that if you write something wrong, i want rve to where he whatever they want to write. But if you write something that is wrong and at least knowingly wrong but wrong, a person like me and other people can bring lawsuits to have it corrected and to get damage. All right. Finally, i got about a minute left. Actually, im over time. What the heck. Do you expect to lock up the nomination with your performance on super tuesday, effectively lock up the nomination . And this week you won endorse. S from Chris Christie and maine governor or or paul lepage. Kevin mccarthy says he can work with you. Are you becoming a captive of establishment surrendering to donald trump . Well, were doing very well. I expect to do well on tuesday. You know, were going to have 25,000 people today in alabama. We have 15,000 yesterday in tennessee. We had a tremendous amount of people, probably 15,000 in arkansas and n. In an airport hangar. Its amazing. We have a movement going, chris. It is something really special. Having pauls endorsement and Chris Christie and sarah palin and sheriff joe owe pie apie yoe and Jerry Fallwell jr. , im winning with evangelicals. We are beating everybody with the evangelicals. I love them. Were winning with the military. Were winning with the vets. Were really winning with everybody. And i have am really thrilled. I think well do well on tuesday. Were going beat out the establishment. It is disgraceful. Little marco is doing not so well in florida. And the people in florida cant stand him. He couldnt be a dog catcher in florida. I think we already heard that, mr. Trump. Thank you for answering all of our questions. Thank you for your time, sir. Well see you at the fox debate thursday in detroit. Thank you. Thank you very much. Well talk with marco rubio but next, senator ted cruz your path to retirement. May not always be clear. But at t. Rowe price, we can help guide your retirement savings. 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What weve seen in the primaries is the first four states have narrowed the field. Its much, much more narrow. Super tuesday will continue to do. That 65 of republican primary voters dont think donald trump is the right candidate to go headtohead with Hillary Clinton. Hes too vulnerable to lowe lose in the general lection. The only candidate that has beaten donald trump, the only candidate that can beat donald trump is our campaign. And so on super tuesday, i hope and believe that conservatives will continue to coalesce behind our campaign because if youre one of those 65 of republicans that doesnt want to see donald trump as our nominee, doesnt want to see a blowout in november, then i ask you to come support us and stand with us because thats the only way to stop that is to stand together behind our campaign. There are problems in terms of your support. Youre running as a social conservative and as a political outsider. I want to put up some, i would think, troubling numbers for you trump beat you among evangelicals, 34 to 26 . And among voters who say they want the next president to be from outside the political establishment, they went for trump 63 to 13 . Question, isnt donald trump beating you, senator, at your own game . Well, you know, a primary is an extended conversation. And donald trump told us many, many times in his own words, he said seven months ago he was a week. Donald laid out he is a washington deal maker. And it is washington deal thats have bankrupted this country. If you want more washington deals, donald trump is your guy. Thats why harry reed said donald trump was his favorite republican because harry reed us. We can work with him. We saw it in the debate. When donald trump took me on and said, listen, ted, you have to be willing to compromise on the Supreme Court. Compromise on religious liberty f youre at home, i give you my word as president i wont compromise away your religious liberty rights. I wont compromise away your Second Amendment rights. Donald trump is telling us hes going to sit down with harry reed and Chuck Schumer and give away Justice ScaliasSupreme Court seat and that means your Second Amendment rights are in jeopardy. And its worth remembering, chris, donald trump is someone who supported bill clintons national ban on firearms for some of the most popular guns in america. I think we need a president who doesnt cut deals with democrats to give away our rights but rather stands with the working men and women of this country. I want to pick up on this question of the Supreme Court. One of your big issues, one of your pitches to voters is you say that you are a consistent conservative and that you would appoint a strong conservative to the court to replace justice antonin scalia. Made a mistake when he named john roberts to the court back in 2005. Take a look. I wouldnt have nominated john roberts. Indeed, governor bush pointed out y it wasnt that the president bush wanted appoint a liberal to the court. He said it was the easier choice. But, senator, thats not what you said when, in fact, roberts was nominated to the court back in 2005. I want to put up an article, a big article you wrote with the title the right stuff. There is in 2005. You wrote, john roberts should be a quick confirm. As a jurorist, job roberts approach will be of that his entire career, carefully, f