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Week. Here now, coanchor martha raddatz. Good morning. We begin today with new warning signs that Donald Trumps campaign is in serious peril. Yes, its only august. Trump has time. And the opportunity in the upcoming debates to turn it around. But right now, our new abc News Washington post poll suggests hes in a dangerous summer slide. The top line, 50 of registered voters say they would vote for Hillary Clinton. 42 for trump. That eightpoint gap is in line with several new national polls. That show clinton surging. Trumps worst numbers in a while follow what may be one of his worst weeks ever. It all started with the fight with the family of a fallen soldier. What looked bad on the news looked pretty bad to some Trump Supporters we found in pennsylvania. One of trumps worst numbers, 73 of americans and 59 of khan family. It definitely makes me wonder if he could handle being president. Trump needs to win me back a little bit. Before im ready to vote for him now. Reporter those questions about his fitness to serve are serious. Our poll found 61 say hes not qualified. Just 31 say he has the right kind of personality and temperament. This is my fight song reporter its an argument Hillary Clinton and her allies are pounding home. A man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons. Elf. Just listen to what mr. Trump has to say and make your own judgment with respect to how confident you feel about his ability to manage things like our nuclear triad. Reporter back in pennsylvania. Do you trust him with the Nuclear Codes . I dont know. No. I dont know. Hes a little yeah i dont yeah, i guess i do. I mean, hes not that stupid that he would just send something off without thinking about it, i think. I dont know. Reporter Hillary Clinton has her own problems with trust in our poll, 66 say clinton is too willing to bend the rules. So i may have shortcircuited, and for that, i will try to clarify. Reporter and with her email server back in the news, theres an opportunity for trump if he can stay on message. I think that, the people of this country dont want somebody thats going to shortcircuit up here. Okay . Honestly, i dont think shes all there. With all these questions about trumps temperament and staying on message, lets get to a top adviser to the trump campaign, former new york mayor rude zi giuliani. Your friend and a finalist for the vp spot, newt gingrich, told the Washington Post, the current race is which of these two is more unacceptable because right now, neither of them is acceptable. Trump is helping her to win by proving he is more unacceptable than she is. Is that how you see it . No, not at all. First of all, eight points down at this stage, of course, you would rather be ahead. George bush, the first one, was 16 points behind running against Michael Dukakis in september. So lets you know, calm down. Everyone should calm down about it. Theres certainly every opportunity for trump to win this election. And i think her comments, hillarys comments, just dont get the same attention that trumps do. For example, she lied to a gold star mother. She lied to patricia smith. The mother of sean smith who was killed at benghazi, i believe, because of her incompetence. Her incompetence in failing to secure that mission. She lied to her on september 14, 2012, right at the coffin. She said, it was due to a video. So, i think thats far more serious or at least it should get as much attention as all the attention that was paid to the comments that were made about the khan family. Lets go back to donald trump for a moment. Hes clearly a man who does not want to walk away from a fight. He does not want to apologize. So how do you keep him on message . Well, i think he was. I think his reaching out and supporting john mccain and kelly ayotte in particular, and paul ryan who had been critical of him, you know, a couple of days earlier, shows he has the ability and the understanding that there will be disagreements and you have to be able to reach out to the entire party. I think youre going to see a lot more of that in his economic message. I think youll see him hit hillary very hard. She shortcircuited . That was a heck of a comment. First of all, she lied. She didnt shortcircuit. She lied. When she said that the fbi found she hadnt lied. You read comeys report, he found she lied in about eight places. Maybe shortcircuit is her euphemism for lying. But i dont know. Did she shortcircuit when she didnt protect the benghazi compound. When she got 20 requests for more help. Did she shortcircuit in the benghazi six weighs when, if we had gotten people there, we might have been able to save sawn smith and the other cia gentlemans life. There have been about 13 investigations into benghazi. You said this week, the fundamentals are still in trumps favor. Look at numbers from our poll. Unfavorable view of trump, 63 . Not qualified to be president , 61 . Does not have the personality or temperament to be president , 67 . He now seems to be unacceptable to a fixed majority of americans. How can he turn that around . Thats what ive heard the voters say this week as well. He can turn it around by doing to Hillary Clinton what the democrats have been doing to him. He can say, hey, did she shortcircuit when she reset the relationship with putin and now russia is, according to the New York Times article today, russia is in control in syria. We turned it over to them. Did she shortcircuit when she advocated for the overthrow of gadhafi . And libya is now an Islamic State strong hold. Did she shortcircuit when she said shes going to raise taxes on the middle class . First of all, she is going to raise classes on the middle class. I think thats the only truthful thing shes said in three weeks. Mayor giuliani, i want to go back to this again, and stick with trump if we can, because youre on here as a trump surrogate. This week, he was called unfit to be the next commander in chief by a long list of people. President obama, a group of former cabinet officers, senior officials, career military officials. A Veterans Organization with 100,000 strong petition, said it on thursday, and the former acting director of the cia, mike morell who is my next guest. Said it friday in an oped, s saying trump is dangerous. Does that not concern you . It doesnt concern me at all. I find it a lot more concerning to me that Hillary Clinton was extremely careless in the handling of National Security information. Not just one or two. But thousands and thousands of pieces of National Security information. Im a former federal prosecutor. Former associate attorney general. If i had done that, i would have been prosecuted. Its a clear violation of 18 United States code, section 7. 91. What she did were criminal acts. She has displayed the fact that director comey said he would have to prove that there was intentionally transmitted or willfully mishandled classified information. Our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case. And many reasonable prosecutors have come to the conclusion that they would have brought such a case. I would have brought such a case. I would have won such a case. Ive prosecuted those kinds of cases when i was with the justice department. Hillary clinton skated because shes running for president. She clearly violated the law. Now take comeys words. She was extremely careless with handling National Security information. You know, if thats written in someones fbi background report, they dont get a top security clearance. If she were just an order person, she would be denied a top security clearance because shes proved in her past acts she is extremely careless in handling National Security information. Maybe she shortcircuited when she wiped out 35,000 emails. Donald trump has been raising questions about whether this election could be rigged. Youve lost elections in the past. And never really said anything like that. Is that an appropriate thing for him to be saying . Do you believe this election could be rigged . I think what hes talking about is the very unfair Media Coverage that republicans get. I know all of those of you in the media dont believe this, but you really dont treat us the same way. The the allegations by mrs. Smith, a gold star mother about Hillary Clinton lying to her got about onetenth of the coverage that the khan situation got. Hillarys situation in which the fbi in an extraordinary memo found her to be extremely careless in handling top security information. My goodness, i wouldnt hire a person as an assistant u. S. Attorney if that was in their fbi background. Were going to make her president of the United States . Nobody raises that. Nobody makes a very big deal out of that. Thats not on the news for five days, six days. I think what donald trump is reflecting is and i know the media discounts this, because you dont like to get criticized. But you dont treat us the same way you treat democrats. Hillary, bill, obama, they get the benefit of the doubt. And, i mean, if trump had said something like, im going to raise taxes on the middle class, it would be all over the news. You would be questioning his sanity. Mr. Mayor, we look forward to the speech this week by donald trump on the economy. We thank you very much for joining us today. Thank you, thank you. One voice broke through in his attack on donald trump this week. As we showed you just a moment ago. In his fiercely worded op ed, in the New York Times, former cia acting director Michael Morell said trump was unprepared and dangerous and endorsed Hillary Clinton. Mike morell joins us now. I want you reaction to what Rudolph Giuliani said. One thing that struck me right off the bat. There was a view hat she lied about benghazi. Theres a view out there that she lied about what caused the attack. That she said it was the video. I think one of the really interesting things that is in early 2014, the fbi walked into the House Permanent Select Committee on intelligence, they said, we believe the video was a motivation in this attack. Abu khattala, who is the only person arrested, said that the video was a motivation. The idea that the video played no role, that the republicans keep repeating over and over again. Just isnt true. Those parents have said that she said those things to them. Thats resonated among the voters. She said it was terrorism. To chelsea. She said to them, it was the video. Those two things can both be true at the same time. And it turns out, it turns out that the video did play a role the that attack. And republicans dont want people to believe that. You came out in that strong op ed in support of Hillary Clinton, saying donald trump would be a poor, even dangerous commander in chief, and referencing his comments about putin, you said in the intelligence business, we would say that mr. Putin had recruited mr. Trump as an unwitting agent of the russian federation. Recruited an unwitting agent of the russian federation. You really believe that . Yes, i do. Look at it from putins perspective. Hes a trained intelligence officer. Worked for the kgb. Very talented. Manipulated people much smarter than donald trump. He played this perfectly. Saw that donald trump wanted to be complimented. He complimented him. That led donald trump to compliment putin and defend Vladimir Putins actions in a number of places around the world. And donald trump didnt even understand, right, that putin was playing him. So in putins mind, i have no doubt that putin thinks that hes an unwitting agent of the russian federation, though putin would never say that. From mr. Trumps perspective, he heard putin compliment him. He responded by complimenting him. He never thought that he might be being played. Lets talk about what donald trump has said and others, many others, have said about Hillary Clintons judgment, especially in light of that email server. Listen to what you said about that email last year. I dont think that was a very good judgment. Do you believe that at least one or perhaps many foreign intelligence servers, services have everything that went two and from that server . The good ones have everything on any inclassified network that the government uses. Whether its a private server or a public one. Theyre that good. So thats a yes. Yep. So why should america trust her to be commander in chief since she did expose intelligence to Foreign Governments and passed classified and topsecret information back and forth . Yeah, just one comment on what i said previously. Since then, the fbi has said they found no evidence that a Foreign Government hacked into her server. But they didnt rule it out. I think theres a bigger issue here. I think theres a bigger issue here, right . I worked with her for four years. Very closely when she was secretary of state. I was at the cia. I provided her personally provided her some of the most Sensitive Information that the Central Intelligence agency has. She never misused it. She always protected it. I would trust her with the crown jewels of the United States government. And more importantly, i would trust her with the future security of the country and the future security of my kids. But ive got to say again, this is resonating among the voters. Many, many voters talk about the emails. This week, when she said that, fbi director comey said everything she said was okay to the american public, he didnt really say that. So do you think shes handling this well . I think theres actually a simple explanation here, right . Um, you know, when she saw those emails, um, she did not see classification markings. Why . Because there wasnt any classification markings. Except of two of them, right . I know theres no classification markings. They very very small on two of them. It wasnt marked. The two that were marked with little cs, right, she doesnt remember. Shes not trying to mislead anybody. Yet, she was on the Senate Armed Services committee. She was secretary of state. There were eight chains of top secret classified material that went back and forth. Those particular ones were not marked. Shouldnt she recognize those with her background . I think what is important here is that she has said repeatedly that the private server setup was a mistake. And if she had to do it over again, she wouldnt, right . She has said that. I think the other important point is that she would be the first to tell you that the processes and systems of the state department for handling classified information need to be enhanced. And ill tell you that they need to be enhanced not only at the state department, but they need to be enhanced across government. I think shell do that as president of the United States. The Obama Administration announced theyre close to completing their goal of bringing in 10,000 syrian refugees. Some of your colleagues have said the same thing. Listen to this. I dont obviously, put it past the likes of isil to infill strait operatives among these refugees. The group is probably exploring a variety of means of infiltrati infiltrating. There are gaps in the Information Available to us. You have heard the warnings about lone wolf attacks. So why take the risk to bring in more refugees . Im concerned about isis ability to infiltrate people. We have effective, robust processes for vetting people. We brought in thousands of iraqi refugees after the iraq war. Not a single one turned out to be a terrorist because the vetting was so good. Bring the people in. Not bringing them in sends a message to the muslim world and plays into the isis narrative and the al qaeda narrative that this is a war between religions. We cant have that. Thank you very much for joining us, mr. Morell. Coming up, how trumps rough week played with voters. Permanent damage or dismissed again as trump being trump . More from my trip through a crucial swing state. Plus, negative numbers for both candidates in our brandnew poll. What can they do to turn it around . Well break down the numbers with our pollsters, next. Around . Well break down the numbers next. Dont worry about that baby. I love babies. I hear that baby crying, i like it. I like it. Actually, i was only kidding. You can get the baby out of here. The press came out with headlines. Trump throws baby out of arena. I dont throw babies out, believe me. I love babies. I did it so nicely. She was happy. Even the baby was happy. He stopped crying. Trump and the baby. Turns out he did not throw out the baby. Its one of many comments the gop nominee made this week that had people talking. Are trumps antics wearing thin with voters . Well hear directly from them, next. Female. Heavily into basketball. Wait. Data just changed. Now shes into disc sports. Ah, no shes not. Since when . Since now. Shes into tai chi. She found disc sports too stressful. Hold on. Let me ask you this. Whats she gonna like six months from now . Who do we have on aerial karate . Steve. Steve. Steve. And alexis. Uh, no. Just steve. Just steve. Just steve. Live business, powered by sap. When you run live, you run simple. Get between you and lifes dobeautiful moments. 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And pennsylvania, which has been reliably democratic for decades, is now potentially up for grabs in this wild election year. Weve been paying close attention to the state all along. Starting in the west, where voters shared their concerns about trade and jobs. Once the glow from the Democratic Convention fades in philadelphia, well go back for a reality check on the enthusiasm for Hillary Clinton among crucial africanamerican voters. This week, with donald trump in the headlines, i went to see how hes playing with the voting bloc he desperately needs. The affluent suburbanites in bucks county, a mostly White Community just outside of philly. Obama won here in 2012 by a narrow margin. The growing concerns about trump i heard this week are potentially a big deal. Take beth. You voted in 2012 for who . I voted for romney. And who are you voting for this time . Im not quite sure yet. Traditionally, i vote republican. But, im a little concerned with trumps outbursts. Is there anything he could do to bring you around . Yeah. Get serious. Be a little bit more president ial, like he said he would. Reporter if trump can combine narrow wins in bucks county and nearby montgomery and delaware counties with big turnout in his rural strongholds, hell have a real chance to win pennsylvania. Without these suburbs, the numbers dont add up. So trump needs white collar voters like brad burnstein. Who did you vote for in 2012 . Obama or romney . Romney. And who are you voting for this time . Hillary. Quite a change. Why . Just the policies. And, hes trumps just a little too far out there for me. Would this be the first time you voted for a democrat . In my lifetime, yes. Reporter but trump is winning over some former democrats. Like eric chamberlain, a doylestown Small Business owner. Tell me first who you voted for in 2012. Obama or romney . I voted for obama. Have you ever voted republican . I have not. I am this year. Im voting for trump this year. Why . I dont trust hillary at all. At all. She wanted to be a politician her whole career. Saying in a marriage for that is something that bothered me a little bit, too, i think. Does anything bother you about donald trump . Well, you know what . Im taking theyre both horrible. I dont know who to pick. Theyre both horrible. I think hell surround himself with great people. Thats what i think. Because he wants to win. I think his cabinet will be amazing. I will gladly lend you reporter still, those comments about the khan family put veterans and their families in a difficult spot. I was very, very upset. I mean, my dad is a korean war vet. I i it just broke my heart. Just his recent ant ix have just been really unappealing to me as a mother, a woman, and in general. Im im just not sure hes the right man for the job. Reporter but in classic bucks county fashion im not really sure that hillary is the right answer. Now, i would love to see a woman president. Absolutely. But, i dont know. Reporter door knockers take note. Rachel of bucks county, pennsylvania, like many of her neighbors, up for grabs. Lets take a look now at some of the data behind those stories with the cohosts of the podcast the pollsters republican Kristen Soltis anderson and democrat margie omero. Welcome. And lets get right to these numbers. As you say, time and time again, kristin, i spoke with the voters in the critical suburbs around philadelphia. They said again and again, concerns about trumps temperament. Is that a weakness . Its a huge problem. Trump represents change. But the problem is, he may represent too much change. Too much of a risk. Too dramatic a departure. 70 of the people in the abc Washington Post poll said a trump presidency, the idea makes them more anxious. So rather than addressing the electorate with something saying, calm down, im help in the future. Hes making them more nervous. Margie, do you agree . Its not just the anxiety. Its everything causing it. About twothirds dont feel hes honest and trustworthy. Twothirds feel he doesnt have the right temperament or personality. About twothirds think hes not got the right knowledge on foreign affairs. Hes weaker than clinton on all those numbers. And thats been true for awhile. Its not just this week. This is something thats calcified, this image of him. I also spoke to voters who are deeply skeptical about Hillary Clintons honesty. Trustworthiness. Benghazi, the emails. All of that. This has been a theme throughout her campaign. How does she get beyond that . How do you read those polls . This poll Shows Improvement there. Shes now almost even faveunfave. Which is an improvement over the last poll. Certainly an advantage over trump. Her honest and trustworthy numbers have improved over the last poll. Now, the question is, is this something thats temporary . Is it because of a bad week trump had or a postconvention bounce . Or something on the mend and permanent through november. You read the polls the same way . I think the other problem shes got to deal with is, is she in step with the mood of the nation . You have 51 of voters anxious about a Hillary Clinton presidency. A lot say they view her as being optimistic while they, themselves, are pessimistic about the future of things. I think she needs to tap into a little bit of the sense that she may not just be more of the same. She is going to bring about some change to put some of those minds at ease. Kristin, you saw some of those voters. Some seem to be saying its a vote against her. What do you see as the positive case for donald trump . Oh, gosh, the positive case for donald trump at this point is mostly about the economy. Its the issue in this poll where he comes the closest to tying Hillary Clinton on who do you trust more . And typically, when he goes back to his business record, thats something that at this point in the campaign is perhaps the strongest point for him. Now, it also prevents a vulnerability. Hes not been attacked on it quite strongly enough. I think democrats view that as an opportunity. Do you agree . Yeah. I mean, the irony here is that he has a message that some people respond to. Maybe not the majority. But some people. The latest poll shows 40 agree with the muslim ban hes proposed. We did a poll that showed we tested clips from the speeches in cleveland and speeches in philly. Each candidate moved about the same amount after showing speeches. Trump has a message that some people respond to. The challenge is, he steps on his own good news with bad news and then steps on bad news with even worse news. You heard that romney supporter say she would love to vote for a female president. Is she making gains there with women . Is that her greatest opportunity . Well, whether its her gender or women in general, gender clearly is playing a role if you look at the recent poll. Trump does about as well as romney did with men. With women, clinton has a clear advantage over where obama was in 2012. And with white women specifically. And among white women with a college degree, thats where some of the biggest gains in the poll from before the conventions. Clinton has moved the most. Gender is playing a role. I want you to very quickly flip hats on this. Youre a democratic pollster. If youre advising trump, what would you tell him to do . The first piece would be to take advice from somebody. Its clearly something hes not particularly interested in doing. When you have a relationship thats damaged or a brand thats in crisis, you want to first acknowledge, hey, i hear you. Im going to do things differently. Maybe thats where he should start. And kristin, your advice for Hillary Clinton . I would start focussing on the business record. Thats his strongest point. I would go after that the strongest and say, voting for donald trump is gamble. Its not worth the risk. I think youll see a little bit of that upcoming. Thank you very much for joining us. Coming up, as trump slips in the polls, hes angering Republican Leaders with his latest comments. From lashing out at allies to calling the election rigged. Can the republicans put their Party Back Together . Plus, clintons latest email defense. Saying she shortcircuited when making another false claim. Will it convince distrustful voters . Distrustful voters . Bp wind farms are monitored 24 7 at our remote operations center, so onsite teams can count on Early Warning of approaching weather. Because safety is never being satisfied. And always working to be better. Becah, my poor is nevemouth breather. Ed. Allergies . Stuffy nose . Cant sleep . Enough. Take that. A breathe right nasal strip of course. Imagine just put one on and pow it instantly opens your nose up to 38 more than allergy medicine alone. So you can breathe, and sleep. Better than a catnap. Shut your mouth and say goodnight, mouthbreathers. Breathe right. 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People are going to walk in, theyre going to vote ten times maybe. Of course the elections will not be rigged. What does that mean . If mr. Trump is up 10 or 15 points on election day and ends up losing, then, you know, maybe he can raise some questions. That doesnt seem to be the case at the moment. Sharp words from president obama, responding to Donald Trumps preemptive claim that the election could be rigged in Hillary Clintons favor. Back to discuss that and more with our roundtable in just a minute. Asis, a lot of it is very acidic. The enamel on my teeth was actually weakening. The whiteness wasnt there as much. My teeth didnt look as healthy as others. My dentist said that pronamel would help fight against that erosion that foods and drinks were causing. So it was really important to start using the pronamel. Itll be one less thing you have to worry about. Pronamel is now giving me the confidence to know that im doing the right thing. 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[ cheers and applause ] after waffling all week, trump finally came around to endorse House Speaker paul ryan friday night, as well as republican senators john mccain and kelly ayotte, all up for reelection in november. So was it convincing enough for republicans . And can he bring the Party Together . Lets bring in our roundtable. Youre all laughing. Republican strategist and cnbc contributor sara fagen. Tv one host and managing editor, roland martin. Abc news Cokie Roberts and our chief political analyst matthew dowd. Lets start with you, matt. I know we were all laughing at Donald Trumps smirk. Hes had a rough couple of days. Beginning with the khan family. He went on from there. Clintons bounce in the polls. Do you think hes changed . Do you think this has changed anything . No. I mean, he hasnt changed. The race has somewhat changed and adjusted. Well see how longlasting this is. Before all this, the equilibrium was about a three or fourpoint Hillary Clinton lead. Now the question is, is it a seven or eightpoint Hillary Clinton lead . I think the thing about donald trump at that press conference, as i said yesterday, he seemed like a tranquilized circus lion that had bitten too many people in the audience. Watching him, and i endorse, speaker ryan. I mean, it was amazing to watch in the course of that. I dont think the voters care about that. The elites do and the chattering class. Should he be worried . About the election . Absolutely. I dont think you can find anybody thats won the popular vote thats been in this position after the conventions, this far down, and actually went on to win the popular vote. Giuliani said later someone else was ahead. That was before the convention. Michael dukakis. Yep, yep. But it was before the republican convention. Right. The numbers in this poll that really struck me, other than fact that white men have a lot of answering to do, is that cares about people like you. That is a key question. Hillary clinton was up 20 points on that. That is often the question that tells you whether somebody is going to get elected. Lets talk money here first. 74 million in cash on hand raising 82 million last month. He says including 36 million from small donors. Theres the irony there. What does that tell you . That tells you that the people that are for him are for him and are willing to give him money. And it tells you that the republican politicians will stick with him longer because theyre worried about those people. Theyre worried about his voters, theyre worried about his money, theyre worried about their base. You have at the same time, republican columnists and commentators saying your grandchildren will call you wicked if you support him. So its been a very mixed picture. Let me go to this. When trump endorsed ryan, mccain, ayotte, he seemed to be stage on message. He did. Even with the smirk, even with the smirk. I am endorsing ryan and ayotte. I love this here. That wasnt convincing. So maybe you know, its a step in the right direction for him. Have his advisers gotten to him . Can he stay on message . It might last 24 hours. This is a guy who wants to be whiner in chief. He complains about everything. The issue is can he deal with issues . What did Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell say . He doesnt know a lot about the issues out there. He has to focus on that. You can wing this thing. You can talk in broad terms. At some point, you have to get to the nittygritty. What does he do this week . He appoints a team of economics advisors. All men. All hedge fund guys. Tell me how thats going to work. Clinton in her speech broke down where his products are made. If im the clinton campaign, i walk on stage with a cardboard cutout. I go, tie in this country, belt in this country. Youre regular . And everybody will look back at her clothes. Sara, what do you have . This is when voters start to tune in. The democrats had a much better convention than donald trump. Hes performed incredibly poorly since his convention. And so, he is not passing an acceptability threshold. Shes such a weak candidate. You saw it again just yesterday where she was stumbling over her answers on how she handled her email controversy. And what about him tweeting on her shortcircuited brainwashing . Unhinged. He questions her mental fitness. Nobody in america questions her mental fitness. They think shes liberal. They question her honesty. They question her honesty. Unhinged and she doesnt look president ial is totally code for we shouldnt elect a woman. That is what that is. I was there friday. Clinton campaign, follow me. Take the loss. Youre not going to win this. I dont understand why smart people want to somehow think i can convince everybody that what i did right. Take the l. Youre not going to win this one. Say i made a mistake. Comey has come out. We shouldnt have done it. If i had to do it again, i wouldnt. Next question. The broader point though. She doesnt do that. To me, watched in the last two weeks demonstrates something clearly. When donald trump is in the news media, hes not doing well. When Hillary Clinton is outside the media, not in the press, she rises in the poll. Weve seen that for eight years in the course of her life. Thats right. Thats right. She ran in 2008, when shes in the media, shes shes an awful candidate. Everybody knows it. Shes not liked. Not trusted. The positive for her is shes running against a worse candidate in the course of it. Thats why i think, we ought to Pay Attention more to the two thirdparty candidates in the race. We had some disastrous things said in the beginning of the week according to critics of donald trump. Then there was the pushback. Reince priebus was said to be apoplectic. What does the republican establishment do now . Pray. Certainly it calmed down by the end of the week. What theyre talking about is at what point do they publicly and openly start to use as an argument, we need to save the senate, we need to save the house of representatives. Those conversations are happening in back rooms in washington right now. Because of the way hes performed. I agree with matt. I think this week was so bad for him, you have an equilibrium that is about eight points. What donald trump needs to do and what they need to talk to him about is he needs to start thinking about passing a threshold of acceptability to get the race closer. Put this in a position where he can be competitive with her by two, three, four points. He can do that. Is the Republican Party falling apart in all this . Theyre not happy, obviously. Theyre having battles within the party. Somebody like paul ryan, where the voters have been so revved up against him by donald trump and his supporters that his family is being threatened. Thats a terrible turn of events. I think that trump can bring it back around. A couple of things can happen. Events can happen in the course of the campaign that bring people to him. She can make blunders that bring people to him. And the debates can make a tremendous difference. That might be the place where he meets the threshold. I think the only point left where he can change the race. Not through Television Ads or read speeches that look so so out of touch. Its a debate. And the interesting thing now is, trump needs the debates more than she does. The first sign youll see in what sara is talking about, if i were advising republican candidates, i would say, put up ads, put up messages that say, im here to stop Hillary Clinton. Im here to put a brake on the Hillary Clinton presidency. When you start seeing that, you start seeing the and the Republican Party, its been hostilely taken over by donald trump. There is no national Republican Party. Heres the piece. The biggest problem is your candidate has to actually have something to say. And so we have a candidate still refusing to break down any policy issue. Will its education, whether its the economy, whether its jobs. Blanket statements are not going to work right now. Its not going to work. That what hes survived on. He goes to the debates, he gets nailed. There is something deeper going on. Donald trump is a reflection of what is going on in the base of the Republican Party. Charles murray wrote a book called coming apart, which is an analysis of white america. The divide in white america. Donald trump is going to win noncollegeeducated whites by a greater margin than anybody. Hillary clinton will win collegeeducated whites for the first time in 60 years. Right, right. Youre shaking your head. Im shaking my head about the white voters not College Educated because youre getting bamboozled. You cant have a guy talking about trade and the jobs and you look at the Economic Team who frankly is totally opposite of what he actually says. So i get that people theres an understanding, of why theres listen, theres an understanding of why theyre going to trump. Theyve been lied to and misled by both parties. And i heard again and again, hes telling us what we want to hear. If i say, do you believe him . They say, maybe not. Theyve seen no increase in their pay for 40 years. Through democratic and republican administrations. Black voters say the same thing. Latinos say the same thing. Which is why Hillary Clinton should be spending her money almost exclousively on get out the vote. Minorities and women. Forget the tv ads. Jeb bush, 150 million in tv ads. And he got 2 of the vote. I want to quickly talk about president obama this week, who said donald trump is unfit to be president. Thats unprecedented, to hear a president say that. You had mr. Morell on earlier saying the same thing. A former cia director. That and you see, as i said earlier, from the conservative columnists. That, too, may backfire . No. You have two former president s both last name bush, both who are republican, who will not endorse the gop candidate. Forget what the president said. I have to say mike morell and some of the former bushes who got us involved in the iraq war, mike morell who apologized to colin powell for misinformation. Who defended torture, for him to criticize donald trump unfit, i think they ought to stand down a little bit on that. If theyve been in the spot, they have credibility. To make huge mistakes like they have before. And were going to leave it there. Were going to leave it there. You guys take it out in the green room. After the break, the man bringing obama, trump, and clinton together. Well tell you who he is in just a moment. As far as mr. Trump, were going to go by the law. Theyve been told, these are classified briefings. And, if they want to be president , they gotta start acting like a president. The president promising both candidates a full security briefing. The briefings are only one part of what our next guest calls the largest, most complicated takeover of any organization on the planet. Thousands of jobs switching hands. Not to mention the Nuclear Codes. Life and death decisions made one minute by one team and the next by another. Max stier was a government lawyer who saw theres no room for mistakes. He started the center for president ial transition to help. Thank you for joining us, max. Thank you for having me. Tell us about the center for president ial transition. Why does the government need a private organization to tell how to run the process . Everyone is focus tonight horse race. Everyone is focused on who is going to win. In reality, for all of us, we need to know who will run our government and whether theyll run it well. The center for president ial transition is trying to make sure whoever wins has the ability to run the government from day one. The scope of this is enormous. More than 4,000 jobs and plus how many need Senate Confirmation . 4,000 political appointees. Over 1100 need confirmation. A 4 trillion budget. Youve got hundreds of different operating organizations. No takeover on the planet or in history that is more complicated or more important. One thing that prompted your efforts, i know, and the legislation to smooth this transition was the Terror Threat to president obamas inauguration in 2009. Did they plan out what to do if there was an attack . Tell us more about that. The transition is not only big and complicated. Its the point of maximum vulnerability for our country. Post 9 11, a smooth handoff of power and an equipped president is essential. And as you note there was a a real terrorist threat in the last inauguration. They did get information. There werent a lot of people in place as a result of the transition taking place. They handled it well. They went through scenario planning. They did tabletop exercises. They did. The idea is to make sure whoever comes next is actually prepared to run our government effectively. Starting with the National Security establishment. But its everything. Our economy. All the services our federal government provides. So, this week, you opened up office space for Donald Trumps transition team. Hillary clintons transition team. Can you give us a sense of how many people they have in there and what theyre doing . Were a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization. The federal government runs the transition space for the two campaign as of monday, they were given their keys. Both clinton and trump have operating transition efforts going on. Really important. If you wait until the election, theres no way you can be ready to take over the government. You have to start preelection. The legislation you mentioned is enabling that to happen at larger scale. Frankly, the voters should be paying attention. Promises cant be kept if the candidates are not ready to run the government. How does whats happening now compare to the past . Youre seeing a more active effort thans ever been done before. Four years ago, mitt romney ran the best transition preparation effort at that point, preelection. Now, two candidates are up and running earlier than its been done. Thats a good thing. Again, they cant be ready if they dont start early. Edison said vision without execution is hallucination. The campaign, the promises youre hearing are only meaningful if the candidates can run the gonchts effectively. Thats what transition is babt. Thank you so much for joining us. Fascinating. And now, we honor our fellow americans who serve and sacrifice. In the month of july, one Service Member died overseas supporting operations in iraq and syria. Thats all for us today. Thanks for sharing part of your sunday with us. Check out world news tonight. Have a great day. Fios is not cable. Were wired differently, which means we can fix things differently. Thanks for calling fios. This is ryan. You cant tell me this cord isnt in. I know its in. Its in, but its not working. Im sending you a link to the my fios app that going to let me see what youre seeing. Really . Yes, mr. Mcenroe. See that cord . Just plug it into the connector on the right. So you can clearly see whats in and whats out . Oh absolutely. I like that. Tech support that lets your technician see the problem over your smartphone. Only from fios. Weve got new poll numbers. Hillary clinton has quite the lead. Is this just a convention bounce or something bigger . Lets get the inside story. Good morning. Im tamala edwards. Welcome to inside story. Lets introduce you to the panel this morning. First up, we were talking about poll numbers, heres our pollster, terry madonna. Good morning. Tam, good morning. Documentarian sam katz. Good morning. Lawyer ajay raju. Good morning. And Foreign Policy expert ed turzanski. Good morning. Great panel, covers all the bases. Lets start with these poll numbers, terry. I mean, lets look at these numbers. You found quite a bump for her. The numbers say 49 for her, 38 for him. Thats an 11point jump. Were talking about this on the same day that another poll finds her 15 points ahead. And people will often say, of course you go up after a convention. Itll come back down. Not 15 points. What do y m

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