Transcripts For WPVI World News Now 20170626 :

Transcripts For WPVI World News Now 20170626

shame about your friend thepadre. but, he died with god's name on his lips and a bullet in his heart. and now i send you out, a sheep amongst wolves. (man screaming) (groaning) (screaming) (screaming) thank god, you're alive. i already did. listen, go to the marshal's office and tell them what armand is doing here. where are you going? to catch a train. (creaking) can i get you something to drink? understand something. you can lock me in a tower forever and i will never stop hating you. you may feel differently when you see how much joaquin enjoys the life of an aristocrat. i can't wait till mypapikicks your... joaquin! (horse neighing) (gasps) zorro! zorro, zorro! don't touch him! (groans) (speed increases) guards! come on! (neighing) (neighing) yes! good boy. well done. (whinnies) (whistling tunefully) let's see how much your father truly loves you. no! get the boy! joaquin, quick. -i want you to keep going. -what are you doing? when the car stops, get off and follow the tracks back to town. you are the son of zorro. you can do it. now, go. (tornado nickers) how did you get in here? (sighs) (exclaims in pain) (grunts) (grunts) wow! so the devil will know who sent you. (grunting) (screaming) the drinks are on me. (crowd cheering) riley: my fellow californians, we have gathered here at historic bear point to make official our entrance into the united states of america! (cheering) whoa, whoa. (panicked muttering) (screaming) (instructing in spanish) (rattling) (cheering) -(bones crunching) -(screams) come on. (screaming) (sighs in relief) welcome to the union, governor. (cheering) i bless these rings in the name of the father, and the son and the holy spirit. elena, receive this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. alejandro, receive this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. today you join in the fullness of time for all eternity. yea, seeketh tolerance when easily provoked. (church bells tolling) love endureth, for it keeps no score of wrongs. love bears all things and believes all things. love endures day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute. (softly)padre. love is patient... -padre. -huh? can you hurry it up a little? the people are calling. it's who we are. -do you want her back? -of course i want her back. and you take him? if i must. you may now kiss the bride. again. don't wait up. never. (spurs jingling) (neighing) dad: is it gonna work... of course it's gonna work. sfx: horn blowing. sfx: distant warriors shouting, shooting arrows, and horses. anncr: you don't have to work this hard to keep rampaging... hordes out of your home. use parental controls or the v-chip to block your kids... from inappropriate tv. good morning. i'm kendis gibson. >> and i'm diane macedo. >> a ruling is expected today on the administration's proposed travel ban. we have full details ahead. the company that made the exploding air bags is filing for bankruptcy protection in the u.s. and japan. takata is at the center of the largest recall in history, 42 million vehicles. and a ferry sinks in colombia. major rescue efforts are under way. survivors say it may have been overloaded. and more than a billion muslims around the world are celebrating the second day, marking the breaking of the month-long fast of ramadan. those are our top stories on this monday, june 26. from abc news, this is "world news now." >> a good morning to you all. we kick things off with an important day at the supreme court. >> yeah, this is the final day of the session before the justices go on a break until october. so get this. we're expecting a ruling on the trump administration's proposed travel ban. we're also keeping an eye on the longest-serving member of the court. will this be anthony kennedy's last day? richard cantu has more. >> reporter: president trump has a lot riding on what happens as the supreme court wraps up its term. the justices are expected to issue a decision this week on whether to allow the administration to enforce a 90-day ban on visitors from six mostly muslim countries. >> this is racist from the president. >> reporter: the travel ban generated protesting. >> the supreme court could lift the lower court orders and let the travel ban go into effect or leave it in effect, not take the case at all. and that's essentially the death of the travel ban. >> reporter: or it could decide on a third option and shelf the decision until next term. the other high court news involves justice anthony kennedy who could possibly announce his retirement on the last public session on monday. so far he has not publicly indicated any retirement plans, but his departure would allow conservatives to take firm control of the court. >> he is the swing couvote for e than a decade. in his one vote, if he goes, this court is up for grabs. >> reporter: justice kennedy will be 81 in july. richard cantu, abc news, new york. and there are many other cases we're paying attention to. one dealing with religion, another dealing with a border shooting. some hot-button issues as usual coming up for decision later teed. and mitch mcconnell is pushing for a vote by the end of the week on the senate plan to repeal and replace obamacare. >> but the vote promises to be a nail-biter. some republicans are wavering, with five already promising to vote no and others expressing concern. >> a couple things i'm concerned about, but if those can be addressed i will. >> president trump promised to deliver health care reform without cutting medicaid. but the senate bill calls for a phase out, which would leave many without any kind of health insurance. president trump appears to have shifted his position on russia's alleged meddling in the election. in a tweet he sent over the weekend, he appeared to concede that russia did in fact interfere with the election, but his new strategy now is to blame president obama. it comes after a "washington post" report detailed russia's role in the election and president obama's struggle to stop them. and now the finger pointing is coming from both sides of the aisle. >> why didn't you form candidate trump, i know you thought hillary would win, but how could you not reveal important information about russia hacking? >> he should have spoken out to the american people and said this is what russia is doing. russia has better stop it. >> in the meantime, russia's ambassador to the u.s. is also now being recalled by his government. the move and sergei kislyak's decades-long tenure as the top diplomat to the u.s. has been facing growing scrutiny into his role in russia's alleged interference in the presidential election. and passengers on board an airasia flight got quite a scare when the plane hit extreme turbulence. one passenger said the airbus a-300 started shaking like a washing machine. about 90 minutes into that flight from australia to malaysia. others said they heard a bang before that problem started. the pilot said there was a problem with the engine and decided to turn back to perth. he also suggested they pray. >> also, please, listen to everything. our survival depends on your cooperating. hopefully, everything will turn out for the best. >> luckily, it did turn out for the best. there were no injuries on board that flight. and the passengers applauded when they landed safely, but the airline says it hasn't found any problem with the plane's engines. also in asia, more than 150 people are dead after an overturned oil tanker exploded in pakistan. and before that explosion, dozens of people rushed to the scene to collect the leaking fuel. here's abc's ron claiborne. >> reporter: the horrifying images showing the tanker engulfed in flames, at least 150 killed, many burned in an instant. the truck overturned after the driver lost control rounding a curve. some people from a nearby village descended to collect the spilled gasoline. police warned people to stay away. but the crowd grew. then the sudden explosion, transforming the roadside into a scene of apocalyptic horror. one man said i could hear people screaming but couldn't get to them. soon all that remained was this, the fire-gutted tanker truck, charred motorbikes and cars. more people would come, searching for loved ones, a mother pleading, where are my beloved sons? please tell me. no one could. pakistani officials are investigating what caused that tanker to explode. one says it may have been a spark from a passing vehicle. some witnesses blame a lit cigarette that someone going by may have dropped. ron claiborne, abc news, london. almost 100 people are missing after a massive landslide in a village in china. only three people have been rescued, and ten bodies have been recovered. experts believe the landslide was triggered by rain, which is often a problem in the mountainous areas of china. a north carolina teen missing for more than a year has been found alive in georgia. 17-year-old hailey burns reunited with her parents. her mother calls that reunion a dream come true. she went missing more than a year ago. her parents discovered a diary detailing her plans to run off with an older man she met online. the 31-year-old man who allegedly held her captive is now facing several charges. and an alabama man is fighting for his life after being robbed in the turks and k caicos. he is now in a medically-induced coma after several surgeries. he's showing progress. last night he was taken off a ventilator. >> our main priority and our main concern is to make sure his health is, you know, top and he is, you know, given the right care he needs. me personally, i can't stand to see him like that, you know? it's my dad. he's my best friend. >> the turks and caicos island police are investigating but have not made any arrests. when he is able, he will be transferred to an atlanta hospital. what makes for an interesting partnership. south korea is expecting the north to accept an invitation to field a joint team for the winter games that are being held in south korea. now the rivals have united for athletic events in the past. they marched under a unified flag at the 2002 asian games. north korea still has to qualify for next year's olympics. and speaking of sports, the golden state warriors, klay thompson is paid to shoot jumpers. >> oh, no! >> he is not paid to dunk. while promoting his new sneakers, thompson goes up, fails on the 360 and falls down. >> he needs some air jordans, maybe that would help him out. >> yeah. maybe a new ball. >> the baller? >> we're happy that he's okay. his ego is probably a little bit hurt, but he's all right. >> the sneakers are supposed to help you jump. >> apparently he made it on the second attempt. >> oh, did he? >> yeah. so there's that. >> he looks like all of us when he tries to jump. meanwhile a winner has been crowned at a beauty contest in northern california. >> martha. >> hey, martha. >> she is the mastiff and the world's uglyist dog. >> the mastiff. i tried to make it french. >> very sophisticated. >> the three and a half year old pooch is bigger and older than most of the other contestants. >> look at her. she's like, i've been standing for five seconds, i'm tired. her own says martha is gorgeous and realizes not everyone sees her that way. at the contest, martha climbhood onto the stage and immediately took a nap, because clearly she needs her beauty sleep. >> apparently, there's a gas issue as will. >> well, you know, she's very relaxed. all right, coming up, the national great outdoors. this is the month to celebrate, people. and as people leave the cities and hit the trails, a group of kids is trading in ipads for river paddles. and it's the pat down that turned into a shakedown, when a tsa officer was seen stealing money from a passenger's bag. but first we're going to take a look at today's high temperatures. "world news now" weather, brought to you by oral b. i was wondering if an electric toothbrush really cleans... ...better than a manual, and my hygienist says it does. but... ...they're not all the same. turns out, they're really... ...different. who knew? i had no idea. so, she said look for... that's shaped like a dental tool with a round... ...brush head. go pro with oral-b. oral-b's rounded brush head surrounds each tooth to... ...gently remove more plaque and... ...oral-b crossaction is clinically proven to... ...remove more plaque than sonicare diamondclean. my mouth feels so clean. i'll only use an oral-b! the #1 brand used by dentists worldwide. oral-b. brush like a pro. firefighters in reno, nevada had to act quickly to save a woman who was being swept down a river. she was hanging onto trees when crews got hold of her and put her in a raft. he is expected to be okay. >> quick thinking. and a tsa officer is under arrest for reportedly stealing money out of a traveler's bag. >> and this isn't the first time an officer has been accused of violating trust of passengers. >> reporter: he was confronted by a passenger who said he stole from her. surveillance shows the officer reaching into her bag and take $500 during a security screening at orlando international airport. he's now facing a felony grand theft charges. other officers have been fired for theft like this one from memphis, and also this officer from orlando international who was the last person seen with an ipad intentionally left by abc at a security checkpoint as part of a 2012 investigation with our brian ross who tracked him down. >> and the tracking device shows it's located right here at this address. >> okay. >> is it here? >> no, sir. >> reporter: but shortly after our team set off the gps alarm, the officer produced it. >> you found it. there it is. >> reporter: he was ultimately fired. in the latest case involving johnson, the tsa says they have zero tolerance for misconduct in the workplace and immediately ended the federal career of this individual. johnson arrested and reportedly already out on bail. experts say that this woman did exactly the right thing, insisting that the bag stay in her sight even during initial screening and she did get her money back. >> hard to imagine somebody doing something like that when you're basically standing right there. >> yeah. you prefer they do it behind your back? >> yes. if you're going to steal from me, wait until i turn around. >> out of respect. just from a numbers standpoint, there are tens of thousands of tsa workers at airports that we have. from a numbers stand point, stuff like this happens, i guess it's highlighted because of -- >> if you look at how many people are going through those search searches every day. coming up, june is national outdoor month, so it's time to hit the trail. ? and take in the fresh mountain air. you're watching "world news now." ♪ ♪ i'm going to soak up the sun ♪ i'm gonna tell everyone to >> right now, we are very happy you're sitting in front of the television, so don't move for the time being, but you should know that it is a good time in general to get out of the house, because it's national great outdoors month! >> couldn't you have told me on june 1st? but anyway, we have the entire summer. and it's been proven that there are good benefits, that kids gain a ton of confidence from being outside. and as we point out, they can learn a lot, too. >> yeah. >> reporter: this is summer at its very best. >> what's up? >> reporter: putting down your screens and getting into the great outdoors. >> this is so great! i feel like i'm free! >> reporter: we're at allamuchy state park, my new friends along with our guides discovering why it's so "in" to get out. how did you feel about that experience? >> it was awesome. >> it was fun. >> reporter: is the key to get them involved in the process. >> absolutely. what are you interested in, let's go outside in whatever activity they find interesting. >> reporter: and rather than thinking of technology as a barrier, embrace it. apps from rei and the national park service can help you find the best trails near you, helping connect you with thousands of national and state parks, nearly all of them within driving distance of major cities. as for us, we're heading into the woods. here we go. >> oh! that's going to leave a mark. oh. we made it! >> is that tougher than you thought it was going to be? >> yes. >> kind of. >> i have to tell you, this was just a warmup. guess what we're doing next? right there, the rock climb. >> reporter: after a quick safety lesson -- >> i am ready. are you ready? i am ready. i feel like a warrior. >> reporter: one by one, our young outdoors men tackle the rock. >> you got it, buddy! >> reporter: the first to the stop, 12 year old jared. >> i feel great. i feel successful, actually. >> reporter: now it's my turn. to get vertical. how's this for the old fart? oh, yes, that was empowering. something everybody could agree on, this feels great. >> i did something. >> it relieves stress for some reason. >> reporter: you feel like you could go run a marathon now? >> maybe i could take a rest first. >> reporter: two tickets to the gun show. >> rock climbing! >> reporter: paula faris, abc news, new york. >> kickin' some butt. >> you've climbed that, right? >> i have climbed that. >> is it tough? >> it's awesome. it's a beginner wall-ish. you'd be fine. just give it a try. you won't see these folks at the post office. they have businesses to run. they have passions to pursue. how do they avoid trips to the post office? mail letters, ship packages, all the services of the post office right on your computer. get a 4 week trial, plus $100 in extras including postage and a digital scale. go to and never go to the post office again. what does life look like during your period? with tampax pearl. you get ultimate protection on your heaviest days and smooth removal for your lightest. tampax pearl and pocket pearl for on the go. do you often wake up with chest congestion or suffer excess mucus? left untreated mucus can build up causing further problems. treat mucus buildup early with #1 doctor recommended mucinex 12 hour. the bi-layer tablet immediately releases to thin and loosen excess mucus and lasts for 12 hours. learn more at treat excess mucus with mucinex 12 hour and enjoy living well. ...better than a manual, and my hygienist says it does. but... ...they're not all the same. turns out, they're really... ...different. who knew? i had no idea. so, she said look for... that's shaped like a dental tool with a round... ...brush head. go pro with oral-b. oral-b's rounded brush head surrounds each tooth to... ...gently remove more plaque and... ...oral-b crossaction is clinically proven to... ...remove more plaque than sonicare diamondclean. my mouth feels so clean. i'll only use an oral-b! the #1 brand used by dentists worldwide. oral-b. brush like a pro. hey, jackson storm, right? great race today. >> wow, thank you, mr. mcqueen. you have no idea what a pleasure it is for me to finally meet you. >> oh, thanks. did you say meet or beat? >> i think you heard me. >> cars three, knocked from the top spot this weekend with "transformers." the weakest yet for the franchise's five films. and it was a photo finish between cars three and "wonder woman." each cutting into the transformer take with $25 million apiece. >> i did transformers on purpose like that. there was a quick-thinking 4 year old who called 911 and informed them about a problem her mom was having. >> in order to get help, she had to go far beyond just placing that phone call. >> reporter: 911. do you need police, ambulance or fire. >> can i get -- >> can you get what? >> mommy needs, mommy needs help. >> reporter: a little girl called a hero, making a 911 call saving her mother's life. >> i love my mama. >> reporte . >> how old are you? >> 4. >> reporter: abriana meeting the person on the other seend of th phone. her mom unresponsive after a seizure. the only other person home, her infant brother. >> could you tell me the numbers that are on your house? >> 15. he hello? >> reporter: dispatchers found her by tracking the cell phone. >> the more time we keep somebody on the line, the more precise. >> reporter: her mom taught her the password on her phone and how to use the emergency feature. just in case they ever needed it. wow. >> i can't believe she did it. i was shocked. >> reporter: eva pilgrim, abc news, new york. >> and just so you know. you don't even need the password of the phone in order to call emergency. swipe to the left and push that button. >> and hit emergency. >> does that work for other this morning on "world news now," the health care bill in critical condition. >> it enters a crucial week. we'll have the full story just ahead. and breaking news, a boat packed with tourists goes down in south america. the desperate scene turning deadly as jet skiers and scuba divers try to find victims. and a shocking surprise after the coroner admits they made a terrible mess take. after burying the man they thought was his son, he now finds out his son is still alive. and could the freeze be losing his edge? thedly popular star, just as a major league player issues his own challenge. it's chilly in here on this monday, june 26th. from abc news, this is "world news now." unleash the freeze. but -- >> record temperatures all across the country, but the freeze is on. >> though not doing so well, maybe, because of the heat wave. >> could be. he's melting. his powers. >> we'll have more on that koomkoo coming up. but we start with president trump making a final push for one of his agenda items, repealing and replacing obamacare. >> senate leaders led by mitch mcconnell push for a vote this week. and it comes as the budget office releases its take on how it shakes out financially and how many would lose their health insurance. >> but tom price is questioning the accuracy of any report. >> reporter: the white house is still hoping to close the deal on the senate's plan to repeal and replace obamacare. but the president himself acknowledges, they're not there yet. >> i don't think they're that far off, famous last words, right? but i think we're going to get there. >> reporter: not a single democrat supports the bill, and republicans are not exactly in lock step either. five of them have said they'll vote no. five others have expressed concerns. some, like rand paul, say the bill doesn't go far enough. >> there's no way the republican bill brings down premiums. look, i've been in medicine 20 years. i'm 54 years old. premiums have never gone down. they're not going to go down after the republican bill. >> reporter: others like susan collins say it would be catastrophic with older citizens with serious chronic illnesses. >> i'm concerned about the medicaid cuts, what it means to our most vulnerable citizens. >> reporter: during the campaign, trump vowed to deliver health care rye fo make reform without cutting medicaid. >> save medicaid, mid caedicare social security without cuts. and i'm going to save them. we're going to take care of all of the things that frankly, right manow, we can't do. >> reporter: kellyanne conway insisted the senate gop plan delivers on that promise. >> this slows the rate for the future and allows governors more flexibility with medicaid dollars because they're closest to the people in need. >> reporter: but that's not what the republican governor of ohio says. >> over a ten-year period, medicaid funding will be significantly curtailed. and not accompanied at this point with the kind of flexibility we need. >> reporter: a point on which he and bernie sanders seem to agree. this weekend senator sanders has been leading the charge against the bill. >> this bill is immoral. this bill is not what we as americans stand for. this bill must be defeated. >> reporter: the senate majority leader has made it clear he wants to bring this bill to a vote before the senate adjourns for its fourth of july recess. that's a self-imposed deadline, but it means there's only a couple days now to wrangle the votes. david wright, abc news. the white house. the supreme court is expected to rule today on the proposed white house travel ban. in a few hours, the high court issues its final decisions of the session before going on break. the ban has been ruled unconstitutional. and the trump administration is hopele the justices will allow the ban to take effect. meanwhile, there is speculation that justice kennedy could announce retirement. he triggered new retirement schedules by moving up a long-scheduled clerk reunion by a year. kennedy turns 81 next month but made no announcement at the clerk reunion over the weekend and hasn't made any comments on his future. keeping us in suspense. thousands of revelers turned out for gay pride marches coast-to-coast. but the biggest crowds turned out in new york city and san francisco. the birthplaces of the modern day gay rights movement. and for the first time ever, a gay pride parade was broadcast on television. on wnbc. but this year, it's taken a political turn with many taking aim at president trump. and adding to the tone, marches were chapters of the black lives movement, black lives matter movement, crashing and even temporarily halting festivities in some cities. black lives matter activists stopped the parade in seattle taking over the microphone. >> we don't stop until liberation for all of us. because there's no liberation unless all of us get free. >> overseas, however, gay rights activists in turkey encountered outright resistance from police. who used tear gas and plastic bullets to disburse crowds. nearly two dozen were detained by police. and a ban was ordered by the governor for a third year in a row. groups did manage to defy that ban. nearly a thousand firefighters are working to contain a wildfire in southwest utah. it is in the nation's largest wildfire. it has consumed 43,000 eriacresd only 8% contained. and another significant wildfire is burning north of los angeles. it started when a car crashed in santa clarita and quickly grew to more than 750 acres. some residents have benjamen ord to evacuate. at least nine people are dead and dozens missing as a ferry sinks in colombia. dramatic images of the boat sinks are circulating on social media. air force pilots and scuba divers are fraptically searching for survivors. survivors say it was overcrowded with at least 170 passengers, and none of those on board were wearing life vests. a teenage girl has escaped serious injury after falling from an amusement park ride thanks to a crowd that gathered below to catch her. adrian bankert has more. >> reporter: that teenage girl screaming. >> her neck is stuck! >> reporter: a panicked crowd gathered at six flags near albany new york, ready to catch her. the chair is swinging. >> i've got you, honey, go ahead! >> reporter: the teen finally falls. rescuers carry her away. she's later airlifted to a hospital. >> reporter: matthew howard and his daughter among those helping to break her fall. >> after an hour of wiggling, she got herself free and held on and let go, and my father and i caught her as she came down. >> reporter: howard says he was injured when he caught the girl. she landed on his chest. >> if she didn't get caught swhie be in a body cast. broken bones or worse. >> reporter: the ride will remain closed while they conduct a thorough review. they found nothing wrong with the ride at the time the girl slipped out and that her injuries were not serious. adrian bankert, abc news, new york. and there's a grave with frank kwer begerrigan's name onn though he's alive and well. he was put on the phone with his dad. he didn't have any identification on hichl the younger kerrigan suffers from mental illness and is homeless and is assumed to be that man who had died. he as back living on the streets after turning down offers of shelter. >> quite a shocking development there. there's also drama on the course at the pga's traveler's championship in ohio. jordan spieth and daniel burger had to go to a playoff. spieth was in a bunker on the first playoff hole about 20 yards from the hole. and there you see he sank it. the title. and he does it again, i guess and becomes the big celebration. you'd be happy, too, if you'd just won $1.2 million. spieth joins tiger woods as the only players in the modern era with ten tour wins before age 24. got to work on that celebration, don't you think? this is awesome. former nfl quarterback tim tebow is a step closer to the major leagues. the mets have promoted him from the lowest level of the minors to the next level. they admit he isn't posting good numbers but he is improving. and he's been great for business in every city where he's played. for a time, he had the number one jersey. throughout the entire new york met franchise. >> wow. >> so, tebow's good. >> tebow, moving up in the world. >> good at something, check. >> what do you mean good at something? he was a good football player, too. >> he was a great football player. >> yes. i know. >> and great to look at? >> oh, i think he's pretty nice to look at, too. >> you've seen the slow-mo video of him running. >> you know what's the opposite of slow-mo? >> what? >> the freeze! remember the guy who raises fans during the atlanta braves games and lets them get this huge hid start? >> yeah. >> it hasn't worked so well for him lately. >> did he get beat by teddy roosevelt from the nationals? after being virtually unbeatable, the freeze has lost twice this month. >> oh! >> he was beaten in a photo finish over the weekend. >> maybe braves relief pitcher jason mote helped contribute to the freeze's downfall. he held up a rabbit in front of freeze's opponent to give him inspiration. >> oh, i see. next time we need to get frank out there. >> well, good luck, freeze. >> next time, not so much of a head start. hear why you shouldn't use coca-cola as tanning oil, as if everybody thought they should. >> it's something we call here news you can use. >> you're welcome. and the new settings on the popular app, snapchat that may be a nightmare for some parents, but could they help others? hear how the location sharing works. and a man held under a pool five minutes is suing claiming the lifeguards failed to notice him as he nearly drowned. and you can weigh in on facebook. you're watching "world news now." i'm worried i can't find a safe used car. you could start your search at the all-new that might help. show me the carfax? now the car you want and the history you need are easy to find. show me used minivans with no reported accidents. boom. love it. 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(laughing) (colonial penn jingle) we're back with a terrifying incident caught on camera. it happened at a ymca pool. the family is suing saying that the man was left under water for five minutes. >> the distracted lifeguards were unaware the man was in trouble a few yards away. >> reporter: a chicago ymca is being sued for alleged negligence. a family filing the lawsuit based on these critical moments at the pool captured on surveillance camera. according to the complaint, t the 61-year-old entered the pooh without issues. he felt chest pains and slipped under the water for five minutes. >> it's unimaginable to think that my father was under water for so long. >> reporter: ten minutes after he entered the water, no one seems aware he's gone under, the video showing the two lifeguards on duty a stone's throw away, speaking with one another. one lifeguard walking right past bornstein. >> it's their job to scan the pool and be alert. >> reporter: finally, a swimmer notices him at the bottom of the pool. the family says bornstein suffered severe brain damage, undergoing emergency bypass surgery in the hospital. >> it's disturbing to see him in this condition. >> reporter: the ymca is accused of failing to observe, assist and pull bornstein out of the pool when he was in distress. in responsible to t in response to the law surkts t the ymca writes -- >> such a difficult story to think about. >> his family is saying right now that it's a miracle that he survived the heart attack and that near-drowning. >> amazing that it was caught on camera. i imagine that video is going to play a very big role in this case. >> but we don't know how much they're suing for as of yet. that hasn't been released. coming up, could snapchat's newest feature be a privacy threat? it could be putting children at risk some experts say. and in the next half hour, the b.e.t. awards, the big wrap up in "the skinny," including new edition taking the stage. >> and kendis. >> no, no, new edition. >> you're watching "world news now." oh. >> this is what happens when we spend too much time in hair and makeup. >> yes. you grow some ears. >> we were having a little fun with snap chachat earlier. but it turns out a lot of people are talking about snapchat this morning, not because of us but because of its latest feature. and there are a lot of concerns that it could be a privacy threat >> it allows people to see your exact location on a map. here's adrian bankert. >> reporter: stalking on snapchat. it shows the user's exact location, raising privacy concerns. >> it is very easy to accidently share everything that you've got with more people than you need to. and that's the scariest portion. >> reporter: it pin points a user's exact location on a map once they've shared a story with friends. >> interesting, but i think that it's kind of scare ey at the sa time. >> reporter: snapchat's rep saying it is off by default in a setting called ghost mode and it's impossible to share your location with someone who isn't your friend. they tell abc news in a statement that we want to make sure that all snapchaters, parents and educators have accurate information about how the snap map works. >> let's see what's going on. >> reporter: in-camera mode, pinch to zoom out. show your location by tapping on the top right icon. >> if you are sitting at home and don't know what you want to do make up your mind on the couch. >> reporter: it also includes public snaps of what's happening at users' favorite venues. >> if they're sending funny videos, they want you to be able to be there and virtually participate in what's going on. >> reporter: adrian bankert, abc news, new york. >> you have to be so careful with those location settings on the phone. >> and snapchat has been getting in trouble with instagram. the mix is next. or suffer excess mucus? left untreated mucus can build up causing further problems. treat mucus buildup early with #1 doctor recommended mucinex 12 hour. the bi-layer tablet immediately releases to thin and loosen excess mucus and lasts for 12 hours. learn more at treat excess mucus with mucinex 12 hour and enjoy living well. this clean was like pow! everything well? my teeth are glowing. they are so white. step 1 cleans. step 2 whitens. crest [hd]. 6x cleaning*, 6x whitening*á i would switch to crest [hd] over what i was using before. there's nothing more important than your health. so if you're on medicare or will be soon, you may want more than parts a and b here's why. medicare only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. you might want to consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like any medicare supplement insurance plan, these help pick up some of what medicare doesn't pay. and, these plans let you choose any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. you could stay with the doctor or specialist you trust... or go with someone new. you're not stuck in a network... because there aren't any. so don't wait. call now to request your free decision guide and find the aarp medicare supplement plan that works for you. there's a range to choose from, depending on your needs and your budget. rates are competitive. and they're the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp. like any of these types of plans, they let you apply whenever you want. there's no enrollment window... no waiting to apply. so call now. remember, medicare supplement plans help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. you'll be able to choose any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. whether you're on medicare now or turning 65 soon, it's a good time to get your ducks in a row. duck: quack! call to request your free decision guide now. because the time to think about tomorrow is today. ♪ time now for the "mix." and i have an amazing beauty secret. so you know sometimes if your skin gets oily and you buy those >> all the time. >> those little blot papers that you use to blot it? >> they work great. >> it turns out, toilet seat covers work just as well-to-do the job. so you can save tons of money by using a toilet seat cover. try it. it works really well. >> this isn't used. >> no. no. >> let me spray a little and see if it will work. >> oh, wow. you really are. see, look. >> this is supposed to -- >> you can use the glossy side for a normal day or the matte side for a really extra oily day. so people are -- >> i don't feel. >> some people are raving about it, but there are some people who say it's actually disgusting, because every time you flush the toilet, the germs go into the air, and it's all over the toilet seat cover. so some say it's gross. there's that too. >> what do you mean it was a used one. we didn't get a clean one for this? first and last time. >> for you to use. >> i think i'd rather be greasy and shiny. here's another secret for you. quo coca-cola, apparently, is not only good for drinking but it also has like bodily uses as well. >> what do you mean? >> there are people who are applying coca-cola to their entire bodies as a tanning oil before going out to catch rays, but it actually contains like. >> what? >> caramel dyes. so it will bronze you. >> yeah. okay. >> but there are some folks at mt. sinai who say that while some people feel that coca-cola can speed up your tan it can be dangerous, and they recommend staying away from it. >> oh, oh. >> you're welcome. >> this is like the hazing here. >> put a used toilet seat cover on my face. on to adorableness. a father in california is delighting his family and everyone by taking adorable photos with his daughter. in this one, he's a cop, she's a passenger getting a ticket. check out the next one. she's the nome. there he is, the gardener. >> she's garden plant. >> a potted plant. each one takes about 20 minutes to put together. and giving us ultimate moments of joy. here's >> i'm alex trebek. if you're age 50 to 85, i have an important message about security. write down the number on your screen, so you can call when i finish. the lock i want to talk to you about isn't the one on your door. this is a lock for your life insurance, a rate lock, that guarantees your rate can never go up at any time, for any reason. but be careful. many policies you see do not have one, but you can get a lifetime rate lock through the colonial penn program. call this number to learn more. this plan was designed with a rate lock for people on a fixed income who want affordable life insurance that's simple to get. coverage options for just $9.95 a month, less than 35 cents a day. act now and your rate will be locked in for life. it will never increase, guaranteed. this is lifelong coverage that can never be cancelled as long as you pay your premiums, guaranteed. and your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. you cannot be turned down because of your health. call for your information kit and read about this rate lock for yourself. you'll also get a free gift with great information both are free, with no obligation, so don't miss out. call for information, then decide. read about the 30 day, 100 percent money back guarantee. don't wait, call this number now. ♪ this monday morning on "world news now," the unfriendly skies. a panicked pilot asks for prayers, the extreme turbulence shaking the airplane at pilot did very little to ease fears. plus, an unruly passenger removed from a flight after she forced a landing. and new this morning. government websites in the u.s. allegedly hacked by isis. john kasich's website is just one of those taken over with a message of support for the terror group. and it's not just happening in ohio. and the disturbing nanny cam video. >> that nanny is under arrest after parents say they watched her abuse their disabled child, desperate to stop her while miles away. and the b.e.t. awards, brought old school stars together with a new generation for a night of some interesting performances. leslie jones was host. we'll have the amazing performances and the silver carpet stars coming up in "the skinny." it is monday, june 26th. from abc news, this is "world news now." >> isn't it something like that? >> i thought this was hangin' tough. >> no, new edition did it before them. >> okay. what? >> that's all i got. i think i might have busted my hips a little bit. >> "dancing with the stars," here he comes. did you break something? are you okay? all right. we'll have more on new edition's performance and kendis's dance moves in just a few moments if you're still with us. >> few people can actually dance. but we'll start with the tense moments for airline passengers. new incidents under investigation. >> severe turbulence on a flight from australia to malaysia. and in the midst of this, the pilot told everyone to pray. and then turned back to perth. not so much on keeping everybody calm. >> and an unruly passenger forcing a landing. during a flight from los angeles to houston. a woman tried to open one of the doors there on board that plane. more on that in a minute. but first, we have more on the airasia flight. >> reporter: dramatic video of the plane violently shaking in the sky. passengers detailing the moments of distress. >> you could just tell by the cabin crew's reaction that it was really bad. >> reporter: one witness describing the cabin shuddering like a washing machine. >> we thought there was a good chance we were going to go down. >> reporter: the engine off the left wing caught on camera appearing to sputter. the pilot issuing an ominous warning, even telling people on board to pray. >> also, please listen to everything. our survival depends on your cooperating. hopefully, everything will turn out for the best. >> reporter: the airasia flight carrying 350 passengers was bound for kuala lumpur. but 90 minutes into the nearly six-hour journey, the airbus forced to turn around. emergency crews on the ground reportedly told to prepare for rescues in the ocean. crisis eventually averted. the pilot finally landing the plane safely in perth. the low-cost carrier only saying the plane had a technical issue. no one was hurt, but this was certainly a close call. passengers describe hearing a loud bang before that shaking started. the airline investigating what caused that scare in the sky. abc news, new york. >> and now to a young woman who caused an emergency landing on board a southwest airlines flight. >> she had been standing in the aisle yelling and turned to open an emergency exit while the jet was on its way from los angeles to houston. she was subdued by an off-duty police officer. the pilot decided to land in corpus christi so the woman could be removed from the plane. the other passengers cheered the officer. there are close to two dozen fires burning in the west. >> a fire in santa clarita was started by a car accident. that quickly grew to more than a square mile shutting down the highway. it's about 50% contained. >> another fire forced the evacuation of nearly 50 homes -- 30 homes in arizona near the prescott forest. and the biggest fire in the nation is in southwest utah. >> 1500 people have been evacuated. the fire covers 67 square miles and is 10% contained. >> overall, there are 21 fires burning in the west in areas where it has been extremely hot and drive. record temperatures expected out west today. and today is the last day of the supreme court session and it may also be the last day for justice anthony kennedy. various sources say the 80-year-old is considering retirement. the reagan appointee has served for 29 years. he's been the swing vote in a number of high-profile decisions. president trump already has a list of qualities he wants in a potential replacement. >> whenever there are vacancies, he will look for somebody who has fidelity to the constitution. who doesn't make up the law as they go along. somebody who's beyond reproach as was justice gorsuch. >> the court is expected to issue a ruling on the administration's proposed travel ban. the white house is appealing two rulings from lower courts that determine the order is discriminatory. another of trump's top agenda items is taking place as senate members vote on a health care bill. nearly 2,000 turned out to hear bernie sanders urge vote against the bill. and support is wavering. five have said they'll vote no. five others are voicing concerns and others are disputing claims that it reforms health care without cuts to medicaid, the last health care safety net for the poor. >> over a ten-year period, medicaid funding will be significantly curtailed and not accompanied at this point with the kind of flexibility we need. >> senate majority leader mitch mcconnell says he wants a vote on the bill before the congress adjourns for the fourth of july holiday weekend. >> you saw john kasich governor of ohio. he has other concerns. hacking. his official website was hacked. a message from the hackers left on the websites proclaim a support for isis. the same hackers have claimed responsibility for doing the same to other government websites in wisconsin, new york and even scotland. heartbreaking tragedy in pakistan. more than 150 people killed after an oil tanker overturned and burst into flames. the truck veered off the road after the driver lost control. before that explosion, people rushed to the site to collect the leaking fuel. investigators are trying to figure out what caused the accident and that explosion. some are blaming a spark from a passing vehicle. others say a cigarette. an arkansas inmate is behind bars after escaping 32 years ago. steven dishman seen here in old and new mug shots was serving for burglary and theft when he escaped in 1985. he was taken into custody sunday at a home in springdale by arkansas state police after more than three decades on the run. state police got a tip about his location. he is now 60 and will have to complete his original sentence and could now face additional time. the world tae kwon do federation has decided to give up its fight against internet trolls. >> the internet organization changed its name this weekend after 44 years because of the acronym. that put it directly in the cross hairs of social media. world tae kwon do federation. think about the first three letters of that one. >> oh. >> yeah. >> i mean, i always thought the "f" stood for federation. >> well, it does, but now it's not there anymore. >> it's not what the federation >> no, it wasn't the most user friendly. the international group is now known as world tae kwon do, period. >> i like it. it's got a ring to it. unless those internet trolls think of something else. >> i'm sure they will. just give them time. j. lo is facing a firestorm after showing off her insane abs, but she is firing back. and the parents watching their child be abused. they're miles away and virtually helpless. see what they did, next. but first, a look at today's forecast. 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"the skinny" is next. lo is hitting back against haters. et care. it lifts more dirt and pet hair versus vacuuming alone. resolve carpet care with five times benefits ♪ every little step i take ♪ you will be there ♪ every little step i make ♪ we'll be together ♪ every little step i take ♪ you will be there ♪ every little step i take >> i think we actually have hip action. >> kendis taught me that choreography, which means we have no idea if those were the actual moves. >> something look that. >> welcome back to a special skinny. >> we are celebrating new kids on the block. >> no, new edition! >> i get them confused. >> we're kicking things off with the b.e.t. awards. where the old school and new stars collided for an epic show. >> bruno mars kicked it off and actually did a great job. there were no relaxers on stage. it was all about perm. for his performance. perm kicking it off. that was a great six-minute performance by bruno. >> but no one was safe once leslie jones took over. she went after the youth, hung out in the audience for a while. checking out what everyone was wearing and ended the night in a yacht, well, a blow-up yacht anyway. >> and then, new edition, which isn't so new anymore. was honored with the lifetime achievement award and of course bobby brown had words, words of wisdom. bobby. >> i mean for 35 years, y'all have been our backbone, y'all have been there for us through thick and thin. and i know i been through some -- >> so the iconic girl band, "xscape" hit the stage for "who can i run to" and "kickin' it." the r&b group brought down the house. everyone was singing along. >> i didn't know the real housewives was in that group. i didn't know that's where she got her start. >> duh! >> this is another throwback group. new edition, they also did the -- >> wait, wait. for this performance, sh! ♪ >> kendis decided he was so excited he had to lip synch to the song. only he wasn't really lip synching. >> i was just mouthing. i think that's what everybody did when new edition got on stage. we were all like ♪ can't get you out of my head ♪ ♪ miss her, kiss her ♪ that girl is poison >> there's a little poison on the silver carpet as it was called. french multana. >> oh, look at that. that's a jacket right there. you should wear that to work tomorrow. >> he wore that jacket. >> blac chyna barely wore anything at all. nice little leotard number. >> i approve of her effort. >> lot of leg, but she's lookin' good. >> jada pinkett smith classed things up with this gold dress and a whole lot of leg. when she went on stage, there was no missing her leg. >> she looks beautiful, though. >> can you tell our fashionista isn't here. >> "orange is the new black" star had a plunging neckline and rocked the silver carpet with this suit. >> something is taking over her right shoulder. i can't tell. >> it's a puff, a poof. a ruffle. i don't know. maybe it's a pinata. >> maybe toilet paper. >> how about gucci main or his son. definitely not a tie. >> on to j. lo. jennifer lopez is 47. and no argument, she has an amazing body. in fact, she calls this her best body. she posts on instagram to show off her ridiculous ab. >> the haters came out to say it was photo shopped. j. lo said not photo shopped. just a smudge on the mirror. >> she spends hours training every day. she dances, lifts weights. she says i work for this body. don't accuse me of photo shop. >> of course not. >> good for you, j. lo. ♪ it's never much, just what's left after i break a dollar. and i never thought i could get quality life insurance with my spare change. neither did i. until i saw a commercial for the colonial penn program. imagine people our age getting life insurance at such an affordable rate. it's true. if you're 50 to 85, you can get guaranteed acceptance life insurance through the colonial penn program for less than 35 cents a day, just $9.95 a month. there's no medical exam and no health questions. you know, the average cost of a funeral is over $8,300. now that's a big burden to leave your loved ones. as long as you're 50 to 85, you cannot be turned down because of your health. your premium never goes up and your benefit never goes down due to age. plus, your coverage builds cash value over time. call now for free information and a free gift. all i did was make a phone call and all of my questions about the colonial penn program were answered. it couldn't have been any easier and we both got the coverage we should have had for years now. mm-hm, with change to spare. (laughing) (colonial penn jingle) do you often wake up with chest congestion or suffer excess mucus? left untreated mucus can build up causing further problems. treat mucus buildup early with #1 doctor recommended mucinex 12 hour. the bi-layer tablet immediately releases to thin and loosen excess mucus and lasts for 12 hours. learn more at treat excess mucus with mucinex 12 hour and enjoy living well. this clean was like pow! everything well? my teeth are glowing. they are so white. step 1 cleans. step 2 whitens. crest [hd]. 6x cleaning*, 6x whitening*á i would switch to crest [hd] over what i was using before. ♪ cause we're close to the edge ♪ ♪ we're tryin' not to lose our heads ♪ >> it has been a good year if your name is diddy. or daddy or puff daddy or p-diddy or sean colmes or any variation of those things. >> i think he just goes by "it" now. >> so he topped this year's forbes list. of highest-paid entertainers. >> and his new documentary just drop on itunes. it looks at how he built the empire. michael strahan recently sat down with him to talk all about it. ♪ >> from his harlem roots to shiny suits, sean diddy colmes is the definition of a trendsetter. ♪ >> the music mogul's empire includes everything from fashion and fragrance to medium and premium liquor brands. now powerful film can't stop, won't stop, a bad boy story shows how it all began. over 20 years ago when he founded his label, bad boy records. >> what was your vision when you started bad boy? >> i just dreamed that i would help to create your lifestyle. so you wake up in the morning. your alarm would go off, you hit bad boy record, you get in the shower, get out, put on your sean john suit. get ready to go. spray on some unforgivable sean john cologne. you know what i'm saying? >> full-service. he also brings together some of bad boy's biggest stars from lil' kim to faith evans for a reunion concert. >> what is one piece of advice you think you can say to inspire them to chase those dreams. >> you have to get on those computers. instead of just going to instagram or snapchat, do research on what fields they want to be in. all the information is there. you know, right now. so that's a why i want to make sure that i can do anything i can to provide the infrastructure to make sure people get educated. you can't rise in this game if you don't have the education. >> i couldn't be prouder of you man. >> thank you. >> i have a lot of respect. and as they say, ♪ bad boy, come out and play ♪ thank you, i appreciate you. >> so diddy here, some quotes from diddy. >> from the bs to the i. >> i was in one bedroom dreaming of a million, now i'm in a beach house, cream to the ceiling. poetry. his empire's worth $800 million. >> thank you for that. >> smart businessman. making news in america this morning, decisions and deadlines in the nation's capital. will the supreme court act on the president's travel ban? and a self-imposed deadline is looming for republican senators trying to reach a health care deal. we're live in washington. breaking right now, wildfires are spreading in several western states. crews are trying desperately to save threatened homes. hear why the weather is making things worse. a midair square for travelers struck on a plane that was shaking like a washing machine. the pilot even asking them to pray. what the airline said overnight. hear the stunning claim. john mcenroe is making a claim about serena williams. we do say

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