Transcripts For WTVT Good Day Tampa Bay 9AM 20160225 : vima

WTVT Good Day Tampa Bay 9AM February 25, 2016

Pwhat you were thinking mid to pupper 50s to start. Pthing is northwest winds, 14 to p20 miles per hour. Pdraining in that cold air. Pthat will keep us in the mid 60s pfor high todays. Pcolder tomorrow though. Pas we start in the 40s, and pfinish in the lower 60s. P vanessa. Pall right dave, after relatively pquiet morning it seems like pwere starting to get busy on proadway within last 30 minutes por so. Pwe do have few crashes with lane pblockage report im just going pextort off here with more pserious one in tampa area. Pweve reports of a dump truck pthat hit a utility pole causing pground. Pat this time. Phillsborough county sheriffs poffice that they like drivers to pavoid that area. Pi am watching the chopper shots pright now. Pscene. Pbut well keep you posted when pthey do get on scene meantime a plook from a viewer along 75 psouthbound near state road 54. Pwe have some lane blockage here pafter a truck overturned. Pdirection, we do have some pdelays. Phere we go. Pskyfox by the way, finally pgetting on scene here 50th and pcauseway by the way. Plooks like we still have that pdump truck there in the middle pof the roadway still working a pclear watch this for you and pkeep you posted. P all right vanessa, thank pyou. Pobamacare, it was a supposed to phealth insurance. Pand it has. P but like with anything good pthere are people who want to pabuse it. Pand new report from the pnonpartisan government paccountability office says that pthe feds are not doing much of panything to stop it. Pfox 13s walter allen is here pnow with more. P good morning there laura goa psays federal government is assive when it comes to otential fraud of obamacare. Pso whats at stake in billions pof taxpayer dollars. Pheres the issue. Preport says there were 431 pthousand priksz for health pinsurance that had pinconsistencies meaning pinformation provided on the papplications does not match with pthe different government pagencies have. Pmarital status or size of the pfamily . Pwhen this happens the person is poffered insurance and given pseveral months to correct the roblems. Pbut, when they are girn pinsurance they are also given psubs si des government pays part remium for 431 thousands papplications that have problems por subs si des cost government. Ptaxpayer 1. 7 billion. Pthe report continued to say that pobamacare didnt have any fail psafes anyway to followup to revent fraudulent applications. Pnow other issue the report found pthere are possibly 22,000 pinmates. P22 inmates that apply for health pinsurance and receive subs si pdes inmates are not eligible for paffordable healthcare act. Pthe now question is, what where pdid that money gore . Pthat leads to another 68 million pquestions. Plaura. Pall right walter thats not only pbad news for obamacare either. Psix states are now suing the pgovernment. Pthey have an issue with health pinsurance providers fee. Pand states to cover the subs si pdes that help pay for premiums. Pthe suit is asking for an pinjunction to that rule asking pfor a refund to whats already pbeen paid. Pthe legal papers say the fee is pexpected to bring between 13 and p 15 billion over the next ten pyears. P one major crises facing this pcountry right now is use heroin. Pgrowing use of heroin mayor pithaca, new york proposed punconventional plan to combat pheroin overdose and use. Phe wants to open a supervised pinjection facility. Pit would allow users to shoot up pwhile being monitored by phealthcare professionals and pwithout the fear of being parrested. Pthere are already sites like pthese in can and europe first of pits kind in u. S. Pcritics say all it would do is penable drug users. Pit was win for Prolife Movement pin louisiana. Pa federal Appeals Court upheld a pnew state law mandating all padmitting privileges at a local phospital. Pthe backers say this is a safety pmeasure. Pbut the critics say this is just panother way to make a more pdifficult to get an abortion. Rochoice reporters say if this plaw goes into effect it will pclose all clinics in the state. Pcenter for reproductive rights pis now asking the United States psupreme court to block the pruling. Pand by the way the florida plegislature is moving a bill pthat would also mandate abortion pdoctors have those hospital rivileges. P well it was certainly an pintense scene yesterday pafternoon. Pif you get alerts on your phone pyou probably saw it a frantic psearch for toddler inside a pstolen car. Pbut in a twist of events the olice later discovered that the pmom was not telling the truth. Pthat child was never missing. Pand new this hour the mom pinvolved in all of this is out pof jail and talking. Pshayla reeves is with us with p reporter hi, good morning to pyou, russell. Pthis is new video just in tour pnewsroom this morning. Pi want to show thank you to you phere shortly we were there this pmorning as angelica walked out pof the Pinellas County jail. Pnow she was behind bars arrested pjust yesterday charged with pfiling a false Police Report and pmisusing 911. Pthis morning she spoke with preporters, photographers as she pwalked out of the jail. Pshe was accused of telling olice her child and vehicle pwere stolen and ones people got pup with that vehicle there was pno child inside at all. Pin fact, we learn she reportedly precanted her original story. Pheres what she told crews out pin the field this morning. P my mom wasnt worried she pknew where my son was the whole ptime . Pthe whole time. P person was stalking me. Pin order to get my vehicle i ptold them my child was in the pcar. P didnt you think people would p last night we did have a pchance to speak with her mother pwho said the whole ordeal she pdescribed it as awful and just pwanted to see her grandkids pagain. Pultimately those grandkids were preleased into her custody. Pauthorities found the children pafter hours of investigating. Pthey located the 3yearold boy pand 4yearold sister at inellas county day care. Pso, we will continue to follow pthis story and keep you posted a pwe learn more. Pauthorities have told us that pthe man accused of taking that pvehicle is behind bars as well. Pfacing multiple charges as well pas the father of the child. Phe is behind bars this morning pwas behind bars has since bonded pout and facing charges as well pfor misusing 911 andless at pfiling of false Police Report. Pwell keep you posted a we learn pmore. Pauthorities saying that lastly pthat drugs may have a played a prole in this case. Pwell continue to keep you osted a we gather further pim sorry it was really punderstand what that woman was psaying. Pwhat did she say . Pthat sound bite can you tell me pwhat she was saying . P yes. Pa portion of that she said that pher mother knew where those pchildren were the whole time. P thats what i thought i pheard. P at this point it sounds, pyeah. Pit sounds like she was saying pher mother knew the children pwere in the day care during this pentire ordeal. Pokay. Pall right. Pjust needed to clarify that a plittle bit because it was really phard to hear shayla thank you, pwell talk later. P all right. P thank you. P it is 9 08 now. Pyou know old wives tale a strong pbody leads to strong mind if pyoure physically fit you have pan active healthy brain too. Pnow an interesting study out of pnetherlands. Pin this months journal ediatrics. Pthey found that there is a link pbetween test scores and active plearning. Presearchers found children plearned by activity. Pspelling tests than the students pthat learned the Old Fashioned pway. Pwith just books and pencils. Pwhat does that mean . P well it meant when learning ptwo times 4 equals 8 for example pthey would jump in place eight ptimes. Pand they elled do the same for pspelling jumping up and down for peach letter. P the researcher are noft sure pwhy students learn better during pactivities they are encouraged pby the results they say. Premember, this was done in the pnetherlands. Pamerican science tists are not sure pit also worth noting this study pwas done upper middle class pschool and again they are not psure how something would do in plower socioeconomic school. Psince those children have more pchallenges then their middle pdifference. Pinteresting though. Preally interesting. Pall right training for around psituation they hope will never phappen. Pcoming up next im going to go pbehind the scenes with phillsborough county deputies and pwith how they train for an pactive shooter. Pyou got to see this. Pchanges coming to the hard rock. Pmen getting equal rights to be pservers. Pand charley, you did it, man pamazing. Pit was something. Pnever seen anything like it. Punbelievable. P yeah. Pnever doing that again. Pim too old for this. Pmagical. Pyou talk about you talk about pstrong bodies and Healthy Bodies plaura moody. Pwait until you get a load of ell Greene Brothers and what pthese guys can do. Plook at the guns on that dude. Plook at that. Pwhen we come circus sarasota the pstick around and come some people dont like to share their wifi, but at bright house networks, login to one of our hotspots and get your code for free wifi at over 50,000 bright house wifi hotspots. P this week Colorado State prepresentative patrick 9 11 pintroduced a bill that would pallow guns in colorado schools. Phe is survivor of the columbine phigh School Shooting he says pmore of his friends would still pbe alive today if more people, pmore good people had guns. Pthe bill would allow teachers pwith concealed weapons permits pto carry weapons while on school pgrounds. Pyou know, dave this happens far ptoo often in school movie ptheater. Psomeone pull as begun they just pstart shooting they call it an pactive shooter in just a few pminutes persons life is gone oh pcertainly changed forever. PLaw Enforcement local law pand they changed how they train pthanks to that one scenario, pthat one horrible tragedy we pwere just talking about. P when you think of an active pshooter situation, this one pcomes to mind. Pthe Columbine High School pshooting in 1999. Pfor Law Enforcement columbine pchanged everything. P before it was considered patactical situation. Pactive shooter tactical. Pwhich means you let people who ptrain for tactical scenarios to pcome, you know come respond to pthat type of situation. Pwhich in essence meant s. W. A. T. Pteam some type of Tactical Unit pafter columbine you want to talk pabout change. Pnow weve changed where everyone phad become a tact cat deputy pofficer that you get there, you pget there a fast as you can and pyou get in there and stop that pthreat. Pour main focus is to stop that pthreat and preserve life. Pand thats why they train. Pat the walter c practical ptraining site in lithia. Phillsborough county deputies ptrain for active shooter pscenarios. Ptraining for every deputy. Pthe walls can moved. Pthe rooms changed. Pno deputy will ever have the psame scenario. Peven experienced deputies come pback here to train. Pno matter what equipment we give pthe deputies, what kind of guns pwe give them, what kind ammo we pgive them still a human being poperating that weapon. Pand we have to train that person pin the way we do it is we pexposed them to as many pdifferent situations as we can. Pwhile they are going through pthat training process it gives ptheir mind to formulate that lan when they get to an tifr psituation they can go yeah ive pseen that before or i have seen psomething similar to that. Pno one wants another columbine, psandy hook or San Bernardino. Preality is it will happen now, phills bro deputies must be ready pfor it. Pso much to think about in very plittle time. Pwho is good guys . Pwho is bad guys who has weapons pwho doesnt have weapons . Pwho your shooter how many bad pinformation as youre trying to pget as quick and expeditiously pas you can. Pto go stop that shooter. P another thing to think about phere is the amount of time pinvolved. Pan active shooter can be in, do ptheir damage, then be out or pkill themselves in just a matter pof minutes. Pwhile Law Enforcement will get pthere eventually what can we do pto protect ourselves if erie pever stuck there. Pwe will talk about that ptomorrow. Pwhen do you run, when do you phide and worst case when do you pfight. Pwell be talking about that with pmajor chad tomorrow. Pa fascinating story wee both psitting here watching i said to pyou im glad they train for pthis, but its unfortunate that pthey need to. P yeah sure is. P sure is. P look forward to that tomorrow pa beautiful start to the day. Psun just kind of poked out a few pmoments ago out from cold air pclouds that have been sdraeming pinto the gulf. Pthere they are. Pon your tampa cam. Pwe are currently a 57 degrees pis what happens wintertime when pgulf of mexico waters are cool. Pwhile they are still a little pbit warmer than that cold air pwhich is coming on top of them. Pbut what you get is you get what pwe call stratocumulus clouds prolling from the gulf. Pfrom time to time you mix in the pclouds. Pnow right now lakeland looks pgreat. Pthey havent made there way that pfar inland. Pi do think along coastline pyoure going in and out of pclouds overall today. Pstill though just going to be pcooler than norm will mid to pupper 50s. Pweve got a little bit of wind pthis morning although, i will ptell you wind is no the as bad pwhen i first came in this pmorning came in this morning pwinds were gusting 30, 35 miles er hour at least now, a little pbit better. Pand well go in and out from pthat sunshine throughout day ptoday. Penough so that we manage to get pback up into the mid 60s. Pwhich is by the way ten degrees pbelow normal. Pbut still very nice outside. Ptonight, reinforcing cool air psettles in. Pand it will knock us back into pthe 40s. Pthen for tomorrow 62. Pbut still, i mean hey, highs in pthe 60s, cooler than normal but pill take it. Pwe will get back to the 70s peventually. Pby monday, and our next chance pof rain to Late Wednesday and pinto thursday. Pall right dave, thank you. P and lets touch on a couple pother trouble spots were seeing pon the roadways in valrico area. Pwe do have delays westbound palong state road 60. Pnew crash thats actually preported with some lane blockage pheading in that direction. Pof course you will see some pdelays of course also remember pthat move over law as you pass pon through. Plets check out pasco county, pstate road 52 at hicks road a pcrash westbound Direction Center plane blocked. Pso watch out for emergency crews pheading that way. Pi do want to remind drivers. Pavoid 50 street causeway skyfox pmonitoring the situation pinvolving dump truck that hit putility pole knocking some live pwires into the ground. Plooks like we still have full pnorthbound and southbound lane pblockages. Pmore minutes. Pright now seeing deputies moving psome of those cones around. Pi dont know if they are pclearing the road if they are pjust adding more cones. Pso well keep you posted. P vanessa thank you. Pseminole hard rock kaf nay and pcasino is known for the pgambling. Pbut also, for food and drink pserved by women. Pbut now there will soon be psomething for the ladies too. Pfox 13s Alcides Segui is at the phard rock where they are finally phiring men to serve the guests, pright . P yeah exactly right. Pgood morning to you laura. Pyeah cocktail waitresses at the pcenter of casino business for pdecades now. Pit looks like things are finally pchanging. Pat least here at the seminole phardrock cafe in tampa. Pthey are hiring male servers and pexecutive say more than half pcustomers that walkthrough the pdoor are actually women. Pso this change will actually ptarget some San Francisco those pcustomers. Pthats exactly why they are pmaking some of those moves. Pmale servers in the casino pfloor. Pfirst time ever on the property. Pcurrently employs 170 gring pservers. Pall of them women casino pemployees say they want to pexpand amount of services on pcasino floor. Pso of course they need to hire pmore employees. Pso they are doing so by hiring pmore men. Pthey actually held a job fair pand received several job papplications. Phard rock is not only casino pthat has male servers either. Pa couple of years ago atlantic pcity new jersey made the move as pwell male servers here at the phard rock boots, black pants pbutton down shirts with red pundershirt. Puniform thats meant to match pthe waitresses. Pservers who will work between 24 pto 35 hours get paid about 3. 25 lus tips of everything is ad up pshould make them somewhere pbetween 10 and 12. Pcurrently hiring for those ositions by the way for more pinformation gone 0 than go to pour website, www. Fox13news. Com. Pby the way we were talking about plaura and russell are talking pabout it as well lot of people pviefd there are not real servers pcurrently on casino floor now pserving drinks. Pnot the case only women but pagain that soon will change. Pequal rights for men. P yeah. Pall right, alcides, thank you. Pamazing sounds coming up live in pstudio. Pcharley belcher showing up pcircus sarasota in fantastic pfashion. Pwere back after this. Lowes presents how to put your foot in your mouth. Man, wish my yard looked like yours. Hey, the grass is always greener on the other side of the. Now get 20 off stagreen fertilizer, pi just a note you may get pconfused about which one i am, pbecause we all look so similar pim the one in the vest. Pjust keep that in mind. Pim the one in the vest. Pcircus sarasota is here. Pup and running red white and lel pbelow is name of show tonight, ptomorrow couple shows on psaturday and sunday. Pfun for the whole family. Pgreat acts from around the world pincluding the brothers here pandre spokesperson for the pmorning what kind of act do do . P hand balancing act basically pwe balance each other and some pkind of pyramids. Pfetts of strength. Pyou got to be strong to do this p a little bit, yes. P and its very close contact pso good thing you guys are all pbrother. Pright. Pit helps a lot. Pit does help a lot. Pshall we see you guys in action . Plets go. Pthere they go ladies and poh, no way. P oh, wow. Pare you kidding me . Pimagine the triceps strength. Pare you kidding me . Pthe triceps strength that you pgot to the have. Poh my goodness. Pagain, im the one in the vest. Pim the one in vest i know its pconfusing. Pwow. Pgood job, guys. Pthanks. Pwell done, good job, guys. Pman, thats amazing circus psarasota, get down, exit 213 off pi75. Pamazing acts through sunday. Prussell, you got to pretty pimpressed. Pwe all were. Pwere all in the studio watching pthis and it was so funny because pwalter had the best response he pwas standing here watching it pwith us he just looked at and he pwent dad gum. Pthats the best thing. Pthat was just it. Pwow. Pwow. Pyeah. Ptell everybody there thank you. Psee you when

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