Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 11 20171116 : vimarsana.

Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 11 20171116

>> live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 11:00. right now a massive manhunt accused killer on the run and community very worried. police are warning he could be armed and dangerous. thank you for joining us at 11:00. i'm lucy noland. the teenager who escaped from youth detention center this morning is still out there. fox 29's chris o'connell joins us live in bridgeton, new jersey. chris, police have caught the three other teens who broke free along with him. >> reporter: lucy i got to be honest with you residents here in bridgeton cumberland county are on edge tonight. knowing that an accused killer is still out on the loose, believed to be in this area. now, more than 22 hours after he first escaped, there's no sign of michael huggins. bridgeton police scowering the city tonight as the manhunt for 18 year old michael huggins continues. >> safe to say they're using every resource available both ground, air. >> reporter: it all started 35 y huggins along with three other teenagers overpowered correctional officers and escaped from the harbor feels youth detention al facility in egg harbor city about 12:30 this morning. >> they overpowered two guards. they stole vehicle. they subsequently crashed the vehicle after a small chase. then they escape on foot. >> reporter: three of the juveniles were caught in bridgeton about midday. schools were put on lock down. state police helicopters searched the area by air and troopers descended on the bridgeton home where huggins once lived. huggins was awaiting trial for the first degree murder of 21-year-old did he van thai lee of bridgeton back in october of last year. police say at this point huggins may be armed and should be considered desperate and dangerous. >> anyone who would harbor a wanted individual who escaped from a facility would be committing a crime. so we're asking the public not to provide assistance for this individual. >> reporter: and since he was not wearing a jacket, police are worried that huggins may become more desperate as the weather sets in. for warmth and food. police say if you see him, do not approach him. just call 911. lucy. >> the moment do you. now the detention sent chris that they escaped from is a few blocks from an elementary school. as precaution, the egg harbor and hamilton school district closed their schools today. when the search moved to bridgeton some schools in that area went on lock down. authorities blocked off roads and many were concerned about family. >> just to check on her to make sure they was okay because i heard they had caught the three of the four guys and i wanted to make sure my mom is all right. >> schools in the hamilton township district will open and a regular schedule tomorrow. we're not yet sure about the schools in bridgeton where the search is still going on. what a difference 24 hours make. last night she was pregnant. then shot. tonight she has new baby. a healthy little girl. fox 29's dave kinchen broke this story last night. live now at einstein mel sent. so glad that it work out okay, dave. >> reporter: amen to that luce so. you can only imagine what this mother was thinking she was day away from giving birth and she's shot. thankfully that baby was born healthy and happy but the mother is still thinking about that terrifying night. >> i feel like overwhelmed because my kid, like, her life was in danger at the moment. >> at a para recalls the moment of terror as she recovers inside einstein mel center. she just gave birth to baby girl just hours after being shot during a dispute with her neighbor. >> what i'm currently going through is like a lot to deal with. >> reporter: it was on the 1500 block of rows sally in oxford circle last night when she says an argument about her children being loud prompted 43-year-old neighbor owe niece cox to pull a gun and fire. hitting tamara lease who was nine months pregnant and just one day away from her do you date. >> every time i close my eyes, i hear the gunshots and i jump up. >> reporter: madeleine is the mother of shooting victim and saw it all. >> i always say her up tension target was my daughter, because, um, i was there too. she can have shot me if anything, you know, i'll take bullet any day for my kids. i was screaming. i was going crazy. >> reporter: never thinking she would welcome her grand baby into the world while her daughter is suffering from gunshot wounds. >> i was scare and happy at the same time. i was more scared for my daughter. >> reporter: she says the bullet narrowly miff the main arteries and that tamara will be able to walk when she recovers. meantime, philadelphia police say cox is in custody facing aggravated assault and gun charges but the victims are still afraid to go back home. >> nervous, scared. terrified. all of the above. >> reporter: the victims have lived in that house for few weeks and police say they've been called out to that location numerous times to deal with the squabbles that have erupted. this case still under investigation. back to you. >> all right, thank you very much, dave. developing news in philadelphia. a federal judge blocking the u.s. government from with holding major grant to the city. now the fight is over philadelphia status as a sanctuary city. today judge michael baylson said he weighed the public interest and possible harm that could come from with holding funds. the justice department has threatened to cut off millions in federal grants if cities do not cooperate with immigration officials and federal law. a second full day of deliberations with new your roar has wrapped with no verdict in new jersey's senator bob menendez's bribery trial. baaing to the table tomorrow for the jurors. meanwhile defense attorneys are asking the judge and they did so today to tell the jury that a deadlock is in fact an acceptable out come. now, on monday, jurors said they were deadlock. the judge sent them home for the night to clear their heads. come back the next day. they did. prosecutors charged new jersey democrat with accepting gifts from wealthy in order eye doctor in exchange for political favors. he and the doctor maintain all they are are good friends and both maintain their innocence. we've got breaking news now. police have just arrested a man connected they say to child po porn. on social media parent after parent could not believe what this guy was posting often pictures of their own children. dave schratwieser has the details now live at police headquarters. >> reporter: lucy, this is part of on-going child pornography investigation. tonight 23-year-old tehran brown was arrested on west 72n 72nd street we're told tonight they were led to the suspect in this case by cyber tips from parents who noticed some disturbing photos on instagram and facebo facebook. the facebook posts were so disturbing detectives here at the special victims unit immediately began investigating. they found pictures of young girls posted to a philadelphia man's facebook page with comments like, feeling in love and can i try to become a friend? investigators here say the posts started showing up recently. the pictures appear to be taken from other people's facebook pages then reposted to the man's page. one read, little girls bring live. another said, little girls stay on my mine all the time. the special victims union was tipped off to the posts several weeks ago by parents. claims of where he works have proven to be untrue. the posts have been followed by parents demanding their child's pictures be removed. parents sent the posts to fox 29 asking us to look into it. one said, i love little girls on my lap. another post said like mychal jackson said there's nothing wrong with sleeping little girls and yet another stated, she told me she missed me and she wanted to come over my house. so i kidnapped her, too. the man also made reference to a recent high profile kidnapping case in involving a five-year-old girl in philadelphia. he boldly states, i kidnapped her. >> now brown is charged with sexual abuse of children and legal use of communications device. he will will be are a raped on those charges here at police headquarters later tonight. this is an on i've going investigation. lucy? >> thank you, dave. the brothers who police say took the life of beloved father and neighborhood activist will both stand trial even though one is a teen. 38-year-old jerry grandzol died in a carjacking attempt in september. in today's preliminary hearing in philadelphia video played showing what went down on that day. not only had images in crisp color it had sun. 16 your old marvin roberts and 21-year-old maurice roberts will stand trial for murder. prosecutors say they tried to rob and carjack grandzol in front of his home on the 1500 block of melon street. prosecutors say when grandzol told them he needed to get his two-year-old daughter out of the back seat, that the 16-year-old brother shot him in the head. >> this is like one of the first case that is we've actually had audio as well as video. >> really gives i was sense what was happening and why thing were done? >> yes. you can actually hear not only see but hear -- from a technologically standpoint i had never seen a home surveillance video from the outside that was color and sound. >> the brother will face formal arraignment on murder charges on december 6th. this best man just stole the show. wait until you hear what this ten-year-old had to say at his dad's wedding. all right, kathy. batoning down the hatches are we. >> we have rain coming our way lucy this is going to come through during the overnight an few showers tomorrow. a lot of wind and looking ahead to thanksgiving. we have that seven day coming up. ♪ ♪ sky fox over the scene of a deadly crash in burlington county. county officials say the car involved -- the crash involved a car and tractor trailer on routs morning. here's what we know. it happened near the intersection of riverton road. from what authorities are telling us, that car reported stolen. speeding rear ended into the tractor trailer. passenger of the car died. the driver younger 18 years old now in the hospital in critical condition. authorities not releasing either of their names pending family notifications. truck driver we understand is not hurt. a ten-year-old boy his dad's best man and gave one great speech at his father's wedding. that ten-year-old ecstatic to be part of the celebration. but as we said, he wasn't just the ring bearer. our shawnette wilson spoke with ten year old and his family to night life now in plymouth township. shawnette. >> reporter: lucy, jadin said that he was so glad when this whole thing was over. he was nervous because he wanted to deliver the speech to perfection and did he. >> actually kind of nervous not going to lie. >> ten-year-old jadin filled the shoes not too many kids can. sunday he stepped into the role of best man at his dad' wedding. >> this means i'm losing my bachelor buddy. we go way back. [ laughter ] >> reporter: this is video of jadin reading the best man speech at the reception. he stole the night. >> it was actually pretty fun because everybody laughed and i had a great time. >> reporter: jadin showed us how he practiced the speech several times. it included tributes to his stelle mom brianna. >> there is nothing more important as a son to see my dad happy and that's what he is he is with brie. >> he wanted it to be witty and it was. >> we have never been the cleanest of guys together. without brie i don't think we would ever have clean underwear or socks. >> it's definitely a big proud dad moment. >> his dad kevin says he wouldn't have had anyone else as his best man and he says jadin's personal fit the role. >> he's a great kid. i couldn't ask for nothing better. he's -- he make you laugh all the time i was cracking up the whole team during the speech. >> his mom and step dad are proud, too and the speech was really emotional for the bride. >> when he said i was the chosen one, definitely kind of hit me. >> jadin hopes he'll always be this dad's best man. >> happy and proud that he was, like, that his son could actually like have guts to do this. >> reporter: and the family shared the video of the entire speech on facebook. lucy, already it has gotten hundreds of views. >> you know it would. [ laughter ] >> all right, thank you so much shawnette. i hope that shawnette has an umbrella handy because looking live at allentown which looks great right now. but kathy, you got a little insight knowledge on what's going on. >> absolutely. we're tracking them on ultimate doppler. were avenue cold front that's going come through and bring some changes. now associated with that will be some rain and after some wind. right now the temperature is 48. the high today 53. the wind is calm so right now don't have to deal with that. temperatures are on the cool side. 48 in philadelphia. these numbers haven't changed that much because the cloud cover. on shore flow ocean water temperature only 54 degrees. so go hour by hour and you can see that ultimate doppler is bringing the rain as far to the east as harrisburg right now.& it's not a lot of rain a couple of tenths of an inch it will get you wet tomorrow morning. so overnight most of this falls 2am, 3am, 4am. by 6am it's offshore. and we see the return of sun. so bob kelly, sue serio will be talking about sunshine and sun glare on "good day philadelphia", and then by the noon hour, we see another band of showers moving through to the north and west moves through philadelphia by about one, 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon. and then offshore with some clearing skies. but then the winds kick in and they'll be gusting 35, maybe even 40 miles an hour by the afternoon. we fast forward to saturday. this is our next storm after tomorrow. an area of low pressure in front that will bring rain saturday afternoon into saturday night. behind it, cold enough for snow showers but it look locate most of the moisture will be gone. it will be windy for the birds on sunday. it will be chilly. thanksgiving well looks like it's going to be cool right now there's just a chance avenue shower with mostly cloudy skies. but morning lows in the 30s. evening temperatures in the theirs and peaking in the 40s. last year it was much warmer and traveling thanksgiving day, no weather issues. mount pocono looking like a cold temperature. arthritic. upstate new york syracuse 40. cleveland 44 richmond 51. our wind particles are indicating an area of low pressure right near d.c. we'll keep an eye on that. overnight tonight, temperatures pretty much staying where they are. 40s in philadelphia in our suburbs much 30s in the poconos. during the day tomorrow, getting up into the 50s. we'll go for 55 degrees. 56 in the city. a morning shower becoming sunny and breezy that wind will put a chill in the air. now, for friday looks pretty decent but cool. 51. saturday some showers 56. for the birds cool and breezy monday 44. tuesday up to 54. that's a nice jump. the day before thanksgiving a lot of traveling the temperature 55 and dry lucy if you're flying out of philadelphia monday or tuesday or wednesday, no weather problems. >> all right, sounds good. by the way i love the outfit the skirt. >> thanks. >> very nice. it's on. the salvation army kettle drive off and running with big kick off today in center city. iain, chris, shawnette, karen hepp and myself serving up delicious free soup to everybody that dropped by shops at liberty square. it was for incredible cause and our bill rohrer has more. >> three, two, one, her oh christmas. >> the official kick off to the holiday giving season. since 1865, the salvation army annually helps more than 25 million americans in need. they are known worldwide by their signature bell. red buckets and seasonal band. ♪ >> it makes difference in the lives of lots of people in our community much this year we anticipate that over 14,000 children will be receiving christmas toys from the salvation army. >> reporter: holidays are when the salvation army is the most visible. >> but no one -- how ya'll doing today. >> more visible today than tony lewis. >> salvation army. doing the most good. >> for the last 15 years tony has been doing more than just ringing a bell. >> how ya'll doing today. >> spreading joy wherever he goes. >> you know the old saying, it takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile. >> reporter: at the shops at liberty place, his voice -- save some energy. >> reporter: is his bell. a quick smile and hello is all it takes to brighten up a shopper's day. >> i want to be a blessing to people. how you doing today? you got another good smile. keep that like there too. >> reporter: smiling is contagious. >> all right. we appreciate that. >> reporter: you never know who needs a little pick me up. >> give me a hand shake. have beautiful day. >> reporter: it will be hard forget toni' infectious spirit. you won't forget his name either. >> you got a toe annie. you if you it together, you got me. >> reporter: in philadelphia, bill rohrer fox 29 news. >> i love tony lewis. i don't love what ucla basketball players did, though, kristen. >> yeah, lucy, ucla basketball players arrested in china have apologized and are zebb ago suspension. hear why i say the bruins need to make ♪ the three ucla freshmen arrested for shoplifting while in china for a basketball game have been suspended indefinite indefinitely. they will not travel, suit up for games or even practice with the team until the school has finish their review process. this is a good start. the players gave their pre written apologies or rather statements today. saying they didn't exercise best judgment. considering they were facing real prison time in china, this became an international affair with serious ramifications. they need to take the suspensions seriously. and so does the school. remember when duke's grayson allen was suspended up definitely for tripping people and sat out one game. these guys need more time off the floor to reflect on what they d the players straight up admitted to shoplifting today. and they created an international incident. so how about at least having them sit out the rest of their non conference schedule because any less than that and you ucla is basically just giving them a slap on the wrist for incredibly and irresponsible and unacceptable behavior. lucy? >> yup. don't know what they were thinking. clearly they weren't. country music star blake shelton the world's sexiest man alive. [ laughter ] >> so says people magazine. i'm guessing gwen stefani. shelton covers -- grace the cover of people's latest magazine as you can see. interview the 41 year old said i've been call ugly my whole life. if i can be sexy for a year i'll take it. >> he's a humble guy. >> he seems like a great guy. >> adam levine sexiest man a couple years back. you know these two go at it they're really good friends. it will be funny to watch this one go on. it took convincing by his girlfriend gwen stefani to embrace the title. >> he's got great dimples. >> okay. >> talk to me about weather. couple seconds heft. >> 50s next couple of days and then it gets chilly over the weekend. and then we're looking toward thanksgiving. >> amazing it's all right here. >> i know. does we're back here at 4:00 a.m. for "good day philadelphi philadelphia". sue serio and fabulous dress i'm not sure and bob kelly not really? really? really? really? really? really? see zero in a whole new way. get zero down, zero deposit, zero first month's payment, and zero due at signing on select volkswagen models. now with the people first warranty. announcer: today on "tmz" -- harvey: blake shelton has been named sexiest man alive by "people" magazine, and there is a torrent of bloback. >> we got the women at "the talk." >> he's a good guy. harvey: that means he's a good >> twitter is outraged. not my sexy man. >> that's so mean. he's not bad looking. >> "people's" most decent man alive. >> yeah, you are adequate award! [laughter] >> so the ucla basketball players finally confssed to shoplifting in china. >> we're sorry for stealing from the store in china. harvey: what do you think the punishment will be? there's got be to be significant suspension. >> expel them. they brough game shame to westwood. >> r kelly accused an autistic fan of smoking percocet and bullied him into singing. ♪ i believe that you're touching

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