U.S. shale oil output to drop 46,000 bpd to 7.46-million bpd in April: EIA NEW YORK Bookmark Please log in to listen to this story. Also available in French and Mandarin. Log In Create Free Account Getting audio file ... This translation has been automatically generated and has not been verified for accuracy. Full Disclaimer U.S. oil output from seven major shale formations is expected to decline by about 46,000 barrels per day (bpd) in April to about 7.46 million bpd, the U.S. Energy Information Administration said in a monthly forecast on Monday. Output at nearly every formation is expected to fall and the biggest declines are expected to come from the Eagle Ford and Niobrara basins, where production is expected to drop by about 15,000 bpd in each basin compared with March, the data showed.