Reseller News Join Reseller News Sign up to gain exclusive access to email subscriptions, event invitations, competitions, giveaways, and much more.Sign up now Vast kicks off A/NZ partner drive as Veritas’ Howard Fyffe takes the reins New role comes after three years heading up Veritas in A/NZ Howard Fyffe (Vast Data) Credit: Veritas Data storage solutions vendor Vast Data is set to kick off a partner recruitment drive in the local market as former Veritas Australia and New Zealand managing director Howard Fyffe takes the reins as the company’s new A/NZ lead. Headquartered in New York City, Vast offers a Universal Storage solution that combines exabyte levels of scalability with multi-tenant quality of service tools in order to, in the company’s own words, “make it possible to consolidate all data and all applications onto one scale-out tier of flash”.