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Vote now: Who is the top shooting guard in Ohio high school
Vote now: Who is the top shooting guard in Ohio high school
Vote now: Who is the top shooting guard in Ohio high school girls basketball for 2022-23?
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Ohio ,
United States ,
Laurel Gatorsfv Basketball Shaker Heights ,
H 221504 ,
Laurel Gators 1 Lyman Cir ,
Shaker Heights ,
H 44122 ,
Loudonville Redbirds 421 Campus Ave ,
Loudonville ,
H 44842 1104 ,
Jackson Polar Bearsfv Basketball Massillon ,
H 184657 ,
Copley Indians 3807 Ridgewood Rd ,
Sopley ,
H 44321 1697 ,
Princeton Vikingsfv Basketball Cincinnati ,
H 188354 ,
Loudonville Redbirdsfv Basketball ,
H 185609 ,
St Vincent Mary Fighting Irish 15n Maple ,
Akron ,
H 44303 2394 ,
Purcell Marian Cavaliersfv Basketball Cincinnati ,
H 145499 ,
Lincoln Golden Lionsfv Basketball Gahanna ,
H 183419 ,
Olentangy Liberty Patriots 3584 Home Rd ,
Powell ,
H 43065 9757 ,
Olentangy Liberty Patriotsfv Basketball Powell ,
H 187541 ,
Notre Dame Titans 2220 Sunrise Ave ,
Portsmouth ,
H 45662 2962 ,
Lincoln Golden Lions 140s Hamilton Rd ,
Gahanna ,
H 43230 2919 ,
Jackson Polar Bears 7600 Fulton Dr Nw ,
Massillon ,
H 44646 ,
Princeton Vikings 11080 Chester Rd ,
Cincinnati ,
H 45246 3898 ,
Toledo Christian Eaglesfv Basketball ,
H 221755 ,
Summit Country Day Silver Knights 2161 Grandin Rd ,
H 45208 3300 ,
Wayne Warriors 5400 Chambersburg Rd ,
Huber Heights ,
H 45424 3798 ,
Reynoldsburg Raidersfv Basketball ,
H 188563 ,
Girls Basketball ,
Purcell Marian Cavaliers 2935 Hackberry St ,
H 45206 1407 ,
Dublin Coffman Shamrocks 6780 Rd ,
Lublin ,
H 43017 1027 ,
Toledo Christian Eagles 2303 Brookford Rd ,
Toledo ,
H 43614 4300 ,
Dublin Coffman Shamrocksfv Basketball ,
H 182513 ,
St Vincent Mary Fighting Irishfv Basketball Akron ,
H 145573 ,
Westerville South Wildcats 303s Otterbein Ave ,
Westerville ,
H 43081 2397 ,
Archbishop Alter Knightsfv Basketball Kettering ,
H 145473 ,
Springboro Panthers 1675s Main St ,
Springboro ,
H 45066 1524 ,
Archbishop Alter Knights 940e David Rd ,
Kettering ,
H 45429 5512 ,
Solon Cometsfv Basketball ,
H 189322 ,
Solon Comets 33600 Inwood Dr ,
Colon ,
H 44139 4199 ,
Summit Country Day Silver Knightsfv Basketball Cincinnati ,
H 145457 ,
Springboro Panthersfv Basketball ,
H 189539 ,
Wayne Warriorsfv Basketball Huber Heights ,
H 184475 ,
Copley Indiansfv Basketball ,
H 181987 ,
Reynoldsburg Raiders 6699e Livingston Ave ,
Reynoldsburg ,
H 43068 3000 ,
Notre Dame Titansfv Basketball Portsmouth ,
H 145649 ,
Westerville South Wildcatsfv Basketball ,
H 191005 ,