Welcome To IANS Live - NATION - Actor Warren Beatty sued for reportedly coercing sex with minor in 1973 : vimarsana.com

Welcome To IANS Live - NATION - Actor Warren Beatty sued for reportedly coercing sex with minor in 1973

Kristina Charlotte Hirsch filed the lawsuit in Los Angeles Superior Court on Monday. The suit does not cite Beatty by name, but identifies the defendant as having been nominated for an Academy Award for his role as Clyde in 'Bonnie and Clyde', a clear reference to Beatty, reports 'Variety'.Hirs

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Hollywood , California , United States , Louisiana , Los Angeles , Warren Beatty , Kristina Charlotte Hirsch , Los Angeles Superior Court On , Academy Award , Actor Warren Beatty , Charlotte Hirsch , Los Angeles Superior Court , Beatty , Sexual , Defendant , Commented , States , Attention , Window , Hirsch , Childthe , Mental ,

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