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White CT woman appeals civil ruling by judge who found a Bla
White CT woman appeals civil ruling by judge who found a Bla
White CT woman appeals civil ruling by judge who found a Black woman was spat upon because of her race
In response to the appeal, Krayeske said that “the defendant would rather pay her white attorneys to delay the final reckoning in this case, rather than paying the Black plaintiff for the damages the defendant caused."
Related Keywords
United States ,
Connecticut ,
America ,
Kennethj Krayeske ,
Sharmese Walcott ,
Yuliya Gilshteyn ,
Matthew Budzik ,
Bishop John Selders ,
Keren Prescott ,
Appellate Court ,
Power Up Manchester ,
Hartford State ,
Attorney Sharmese Walcott ,
Black Lives Matter ,
Spitting ,
Civil Case ,
Udge 039s Ruling ,