ANGELA BARETTO (NICARAGUA) As a freshly graduated architect, I was convinced that I wanted to contribute to a more sustainable future for the built environment. That is why I decided to pursue a master’s degree in environmental design and engineering back in 2011. It was through this course that I became truly aware of the impact that buildings, and especially their heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems, have on our global energy demand and greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, focusing on measures that would improve their energy efficiency became my main interest. After graduating, I had the great opportunity to work as a consultant in South-East Asia, which allowed me to develop my knowledge of HVAC technologies and design principles. In the beginning, it was quite intimidating for me, as a young female professional, to enter a mostly male-dominated sector. However, thanks to my educational background, strong determination, and great support from my mentors, I soon found myself comfortably collaborating with electrical and mechanical engineers to develop design solutions for high-performance buildings.