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Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20240612

destruction of evidence, and it doesn t absolve trump of the idea that he willfully retained the documents. he knew he had them in 2022, when he turned stuff over to the archives. they told him, hey, there s classified documents in this stuff. they knew he had them over the course of the next year, talking to his lawyers telling him, turn them over. and the fbi kept funding stuff in what you are turning over. it will ultimately not change anything, but quite possibly with the way judge cannon handles things, it could drag it out just a little bit more. just a little bit more. we are now at the first anniversary of the mar-a-lago case, the grand jury and bob dikeman came down on june 8th, 2023. anyone s guess if we get to the second anniversary. bradley moss, thank you, sir, for your time tonight. have a good night. that is our show for this evening. now, it is time for the last word , with jonathan k part. lawrence o donnell come in for jonathan. i would love to see if we get the classified documents case, but who knows? she take, with the number not on the cake, and eat it depending or not, if it happens. if it is sheet cake, let s just eat it, anyway. have a good show. thank you. today, a jury convicted hunter biden, the only surviving son of president joe biden, of three federal gun felonies. after a little less than three hours of deliberations, 12 jurors in president biden s home state of delaware agreed with prosecutors that hunter biden lied on a mandatory gun purchase form by saying he was not illegally using or addicted to drugs at a time when he was. president joe biden responded with this statement. as i said last week, i am the president, but i am also a dad. jill and i love our son, and we are so proud of the man he is today. i will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process as hunter considers an appeal. jill and i will always be there for hunter, and the rest of our family with our love and support. nothing will ever change that. she didn t attack the verdict. he didn t say it was rigged. he didn t attack the judge, the prosecutors, or the jury. no, all the while, an irresponsible reaction to the hunter biden verdict today came from republicans. some of whom have embraced the conspiracy myth that the justice department charged and convicted hunter biden of these felonies to misdirect from other crimes, big-league crimes, unnamed, unspecified, imagined, biden crimes that are much bigger and better than all of the actual crimes donald trump is charged with. x trump adviser, steve miller, posted, the hunter biden verdict is proof that doj is the democrat protection racket. he called the verdict a distraction from the real crimes. one right-wing commentator things hunter biden was prosecuted as cover for the trump prosecution? i don t know if this is fair, you go after donald trump and you go after hunter biden. okay, in republicans defense, you might go a little crazy, too, if you had to defend backing a known fraudster, sexual abuser, and now 34 times convicted felon for president. in a new op-ed, attorney general merrick garland denounced the attacks on the the justice department. they are baseless, personal, and dangerous. today, the doj sent a letter to jim jordan to confirm that there were no emails between any justice department officials and the office of manhattan district attorney, alvin bragg. the department has no control over the district attorney, just as the district attorney has no control over the department. the committee knows this. despite that, district attorney bragg has agreed to testify before the house on july 12th, the day after donald trump s sentencing. a spokesperson for the manhattan d.a.s office said, it undermines the rule of law to spread dangerous misinformation, baseless claims, and conspiracy theories following the jury s return of a full count felony conviction in people be trump. nonetheless, we respect our government institutions and plan to appear voluntarily before the subcommittee after sentencing. joining us now, former acting solicitor general of the united states, who has argued more than 50 cases before the supreme court. he is a professor at georgetown law and msnbc legal analyst and host of the podcast courtside with neil cocktail. neil, thank you much as always for being here. so, now, some republicans are pushing the hunter biden jury verdict as proof of a doj conspiracy. this is some carrie matheson red yarn over a corkboard stuff. eight you have that on your bingo card? it is almost impossible. i mean, jonathan, the verdict today makes these conservative claims look ridiculous. i m i mean, for years, these conservatives have been pulling about a politicized justice department and so on. what happened today, this justice department convicted the president s own son, his only living son. i mean, imagine what that would take. imagine you are the attorney general and the president gave you that job, jonathan, one of the most important jobs in the country, in the world, and you have the power as every attorney general does, as merrick garland does, to end the prosecution with the stroke of a pen and you didn t do it. garland didn t do it. that is what the rule of law is all about, and similarly, the constitution gives the power to the president to pull the plug on any in the constitution, that is article two. so, president biden could have absolutely ended this prosecution once and for all. he didn t do it. that is the test about someone who has convictions in the system. and when it is over, you didn t hear joe biden whining about a trump judge even though the judge here is literally a trump judge appointed by trump, rather you heard the president say, he would accept the outcome of the case. i know no other word for that, but presidential. even went so far as to say he wouldn t pardon his son, that is how much respect he has for the system. so, neal, we saw this with judge merchan, and it seems to be merrick garland s way, too, trying to lower the temperature in the wake of these over the top trump republican attacks. do you think he is responding proportionately to the trump be an all out war on our justice system? i was really glad to see the attorney general s op-ed today in the washington post basically saying, look, what the department does is just apply the rule of law, we do so fairly and impartially. that is the justice department that i saw, jonathan, when i worked there in two different administrations. it is why people respect this country so much. this morning, i had the privilege of speaking at a naturalization ceremony for 150 new citizens from 54 countries, and what did they respect about america? they respect exactly a verdict like this, that even the president s own son can be convicted by the president s justice department and the president s prosecution arm, because this president, as almost every president in our history does, respects the constitution and respects the rule of law, unlike some of these republicans, like stephen miller, who spit on this every chance they can. what do you expect to see when manhattan d.a. alvin bragg testifies before jim jordan subcommittee? do you think you made the right decision? i expect to see a big nothing. i expect to see all sorts of innuendo, akin to the kind of innuendo we are hearing today about how joe biden helped orchestrate the felony conviction of his own son even though it was overseen by trump appointed national council and adjudicated by trump judge i am sure we will hear craig cray like that, but there will be no fax, because as the justice department even said today, literally, there was no communication between the prosecutor, matthew, angelo, the centerpiece of these crazy conspiracy theories, and the justice department, zero, none. so, have the hearing. by all means, of course, that is part of congress responsibilities and oversight. , it would be nice to have some facts in those hearings. yeah, it would be nice to have some. i am not expecting any, though. neal, neal katyal, thank you very much for coming to the last word . thank you. so, here s how you know can pick the convicted felon, trump, knows it can get much, much, much worse for him. you have a deranged individual named jack smith, he is a deranged, john dumb guy, he is a dumb son of a convicted felon, trump, indicted by special prosecutor jack smith on multiple criminal charges for his unsuccessful attempt to overturn the 2020 election, also praised that january 6th writers that attacked the capital calling them warriors. those january 6th warriors, they were warriors, but more than anything else, they were victims of what happened. all they were doing was protesting a rigged election, that is all they were doing. while trump was landing in las vegas sunday, president biden was returning from france after commemorating the 80th anniversary of d-day. the biden campaign has released this ad, featuring three american veterans slamming former president trump for being a draft dodger. a good commander in chief is somebody who gives a [ bleep ]. i registered, i served in the united states marine corps point my name is ed mccabe. i served from the 1990s until 2014. my name is matthew mclaughlin. i was a navy pilot for eight years. it is the first time i m shaking the hands of a president of the united states. it was pretty impactful to me to see an individual that supports troops not just on the battlefield, but when we return home. i see a man in joe biden who accepts accountability and responsibility, and when i see his predecessor, donald trump, i see a man who is only in this for himself. who criticizes veterans, who doesn t see it important to go to the funerals. donald trump has zero accountability in his life. is a draft dodger, simple as that. yesterday, draft dodger donald trump sat for his first probation hearing as a convicted felon, a mandatory requirement before his sentencing on july 11th. meanwhile, president biden held a white house event commemorating juneteenth, a federal holiday he established in 2021 to recognize the emancipation of enslaved african americans after the civil war. in his remarks, president biden reminded the audience why black history is still so important. but, let s be clear, they are all ghosts, and they are trying to take this back. they are taking away your freedoms, making it harder for black people to vote. well, i will have your vote counted. closing doors of opportunity, attacking diversity, equity, and inclusion. if you can believe it, banning books about black experiences, trying to erase and rewrite history. or, this is not just about the past, this is about our present and our future. it is whether or not that future is the future for all of us, not just some of us. folks, black history is american history. black history is american history. joining us now, former democratic leader of the house of representatives, james clyburn of north carolina, he is a co-chair of the biden- harris campaign, congressman clyburn, always good to see you, welcome back to the show. i was at the juneteenth event last night and president biden has touted the inflation reduction act, and lowering drug prices, but listen to how the events host, comedian roy wood junior, talked about that achievement. we have legislation now for cheaper prescription drugs because of this administration. insulin is down to $35, if you are a senior. and i don t know if anybody here has paid for insulin before, but that is like the bottle service of prescription drugs. so, we appreciate that $35 right there. [ laughter ] congressman clyburn, i love the relate ability roy wood jr. used to break it down. it is funny, but it is telling a policy success story. does the campaign need to do more of that? well, thank you very much for having me, jonathan. absolutely. we have got to get this out there. this administration has a record that is unequaled, even cannot be imagined by a lot of people who have thought about these kinds of things as we went into the last election. this administration, with this rescue plan, has brought young children out of poverty with this infrastructure bill. it has put in $65 billion for internet when we had no money for infrastructure in the previous administration. it is chips and signs act, it is packed act, it is inflation reduction act. all of these things people said could not be done, joe biden did them. and i get a little irritated when i hear people telling me, well, he isn t talking loud enough. he isn t showing the kind of energy we want. we are about substance. substance, not style. that is what will move this country forward. that is what we will leave for our children and grandchildren, to be proud of. real substance. you can talk loud, you can misrepresent, you can prance around. but, the question is, what are you doing? i grew up in the prostitute and i used to listen to my dad s sermons. one of the things i learned early, it is their deeds that make them, not their words. and if you get caught up on the words, and don t pay any attention to the deeds, you might believe in donald trump. but, if you are all about deeds, you will be supporting this president, this administration, biden and harris. well, let s talk about so, more deeds, congressman clyburn. today, the biden administration announced that medical get that can no longer be considered in credit scores and president biden has made debt elimination one of his major pitches on the campaign, but new polling shows that voters are split on student loan forgiveness. three out of 10 approve and four out of 10 disapprove. how concerned are you about the polling numbers we see on the screen there? i think it is because people have misrepresented this whole thing about student loan debt elimination. joe biden, if you look at the program, he made it very clear, we are talking about eliminating this compound it is interest and all of the things that have accumulated beyond what the original debt was. i have got a constituent not a black constituent, but still a constituent in north charleston who wrote to the president and copied to me. his original loan was $60,000. over the years, she has paid back nearly $200,000 because of compounded interest, and paying for it for more than 20 years and still owed money. so, when he eliminated that debt, it was on the compounded interest, not the original loan. and people need to look at that. when i hear senator romney saying that this is a bad deal, how can this be a bad deal? the principal is paid back a long, long, long time ago. these people are paying compounded interest that has been put out there about people who are making money when the original principal was paid back a long time ago. so, that is what is going on here. so, nobody is paying anybody s debt. they paid off the debt. it is a compounded interest that people are electing and that is putting people in the poorhouse, as we say down south. congressman, let me get you on one more thing before we have to go in a couple of minutes. let s talk about comments that entertainer, $.50, meanwhile on capitol hill last week. listen to this. what do you think appears as significant to african-american men this election? i see them identify with trump. why do you say that? because they got rico charges. congressman clyburn, your reaction, black men are moving to trump because they ve got rico charges? [ laughter ] look, he should ve been with me last saturday night at the south carolina naacp freedom fund dinner. 100% support for joe biden. not one single person in their, male or female, for donald trump. he should have been with me at greater target memorial miami church on sunday morning, 100% for joe biden. not a single person there for donald trump. i don t know where $.50 is hanging out, but i hang out with naacp. i hang out with the black community, black faith community, and i don t see any support for donald trump. these people aren t worried about rico statutes, they are worried about their children s student loan debt. they are worried about the cost of insulin, when it comes to their healthcare. they are worried about affordable housing. they are worried about broadband deployment. that is what they are getting from this president and they are thinking whatever it is, what they will talk about in rico statutes. the rico statutes down in georgia, that is what donald trump violated. and so, we are upset because he is being called to account for violating the rico statutes? come on, 50 cent. that is worth a dollar to know better. [ laughter ] congressman james clyburn, always great to see you. thanks for coming to the last word . thank you very much for having me. [ laughter ] all right. $.50. we are 11 days into pride month and there is one person i know who is in celebrating justice samuel alito s wife has been caught on tape sharing her exasperation in seeing pride flags from her house. and that is not the only reason we should be worried about what is on those secret recordings. that is next. at is next. that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don t take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it s time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. summer. it s the hungriest time of year for kids across america. kids whose hardworking families are struggling to make ends meet. whether it s working the crazy hours so you can have enough money for food or, you know, just giving up things for your personal self, and it s just yeah, gotta feed your kids. far too many kids are missing the meals they need this summer. that s why i m here now asking you to join me in helping end child hunger in america for just $0.63 a day. that s only $19 a month. you can help provide healthy meals to power kids through their days. they re growing at this age, and they need the best diet they can have. so please, call now or go online to right now give $19 a month, only $0.63 a day. and when you use your credit card, you ll get this special team t-shirt to show that you re helping kids build a brighter future for themselves and for the world. we want to ensure that all of our kids have healthy meals every day, and many of our parents and many of our communities are still suffering. it s very difficult to, you know, have a good family setting when we are worrying about having enough food for your family. you can help kids get healthy meals this summer and all year long. please join me in supporting no kid hungry today. for just $0.63 a day, only $19 a month. you can help provide healthy meals to kids across america and in your local community. thank you for giving. thank you for giving. thank you! families are struggling to make ends meet. these are hard times. so please call now or go online to give. my wife is fond of flying flags. that is what supreme court justice samuel alito said when he blamed his wife for flying two different flags at their homes that are associated with the stop the steel movement and carried by writers at the january 6th insurrection. new secret recordings of his wife, martha and alito are revealing more about flying flags. you know what i want? i want a sacred heart of jesus flag because i have to look across the lagoon at the pride flags next month and he is like, please don t put up a flag. and i said, i want to do it because i am referring to you. but, when you are free of this nonsense, i m putting it up and i m going to send them a message every day, maybe every week i will be changing the flags. they will be all kind, this is how i satisfy myself. i made a flag. it s white and it is yellow and orange flames around it and in the middle is the word vergona, which means shame in italian. that is the wife of a supreme court justice being openly hostile to a complete stranger about the pride flag. a symbol of freedom and equality for the lgbtq+ community during pride month. people, like me, being proud of who they are makes her mad. it makes her want to send them a message. it makes her want to fly a flag that says shame. this is not a woman who is unclear about the message of the flags she is fine. and for what it is worth, i don t think anyone would care if they looked across the potomac and saw a jesus flag flying. there are lots of martha-ann s in america who also harbor this kind of grievance. but, this is martha-ann alito. she is not just any random person, she is married to a supreme court justice, for life. one of the most powerful people in the country, who is actively rolling back americans constitutional rights. justice alito authored the majority opinion revoking nearly 50 years of rights for women when the court overturned roe v wade. that laid the foundation for another right-wing justice with a right-wing wife, clarence thomas, to target the lgbtq+ community by saying the supreme court should reconsider two cases that reaffirmed the rights of same-sex, including same-sex marriage. so, martha-ann alito longs for the day when samuel alito is free of all this nonsense. she is thinking about who will replace him on the court. are you? joining me now, kelly robinson, president of the human rights campaign. kelly, thank you for coming back to the last word . your reaction to what we heard from mrs. alito? shocking, and also not shocking in the same sense. what she is saying about flags, it is not about flags, it is a dog whistle to maga bullies across the board. what she wants to do is use the flag as a simple to talk about how they want to erase us from public life, to push us back into the closet. and when i think about what today represents, not only is it pride month, but tomorrow represents eight years since the pulse mass shooting, were 49 members of our communities lives were stolen forever. this type of violent action and political rhetoric leads to real-world outcomes. so, anyone that is listening to her, anyone who is watching what she says should be very, very concerned. not only about her words, but what it means in terms of the actions of the people that are listening to her. this new audio from justice alito tonight, listen. i just wanted to ask you, why do you think the supreme court is so is being so attacked and being so targeted by the media these days? well, i think it s a simple reason. they don t like our decisions and they don t like how they anticipate we may decide some cases that are coming up. that s that s the beginning and the end of it. kelly, does the sound often is, given the two abortion cases and two january 6th cases yet to be decided this term? to me, it sounds hypocritical. i mean, i remember when barack obama wore a tan suit and people acted like it was the end of democracy. those lines! right! now, we are talking about a whole supreme court justice whose wife is saying things like this, who is espousing these beliefs that are concerning for someone who is on the highest court of the land. so, i do think anyone who is listening to the words that are coming out of justice alito s mouth, you should be concerned. but, i also know if you are a person of color, if you are an lgbtq+ person, a woman, or someone who is non-binary, we don t have the luxury of letting our concern and fear put us into a state of paralysis. we have to understand that this is why it is more critical than ever that we get out and vote this november. our lives are quite literally at stake. you know, trump is out there giving comfort to antiabortion groups, promising to defend life, while republicans are not voting to protect conception. today, a federal judge struck down a florida ban on transgender care for minors. these all sound like rights this ideological supreme court has no interest in protecting. they don t. they have said the quiet part out loud already. i mean, we have to remember that when roe v wade was overturned, justice clarence thomas concurrence, he said out loud, the next court should revisit lawrence, they should revisit griswold, these are cases that fundamentally asserted our basic rights as lgbtq+ people in this country, and our right to contraception. so, anytime they say that these things aren t on the table, that these rights aren t at risk, look at what they are doing. we should all, again, be very concerned with what we are seeing, but also take it as a call to action, because at the end of the day, we still live in a democracy. our votes still count, and there is something we can do right now about how this course has gotten so far disconnected from this actual mission and our democracy. you know, as i mentioned before, i was at the juneteenth event where i met your beautiful wife last night, but that is not the point why i m bringing that up. i want to play something that vice president harris said last night. watch. across our nation, we witnessed a full on attack on hard-fought, hard won freedoms and rights, including the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body, the freedom to be who you are and love who you love openly and with pride, the freedom from fear of bigotry and hate, the freedom to learn and acknowledge our nation s true and full history, and the freedom that unlocks all others the freedom to vote. how important is it to stress to voters that the supreme court is on the ballot in november? what is at stake is more samuel alito, or marco tonya brown jackson? exactly. what i saw from kamala harris right now, that is leadership. and at the end of the day when we think about this election that is coming up, it is not just about two candidates, it is about two fundamentally different visions for our country, two fundamentally different visions for our future, and our children. when you talk to people regardless of where they are on the political spectrum, a lot of our fears are the same, worry that your kids will have a better life than you do today, worries about inflation, making sure schools are good, and welcoming, and safe. but, i want to make sure that whoever we elect, the solutions are about moving us forward and not pulling us back. what the supreme court has shown that they are willing to do from the overturn of roe v wade, to all that they have said and done in the last year, they are willing to roll back the rights, not even the last 10 years or last 40 years, but the last 100. we have got to do something about it, for the sake of all of our communities, and especially for the sake of our kids. kelly robinson, president of the human rights campaign, thank you very much for coming to the last word . thank you. coming up, it is election night in nevada. it is a must win state for joe biden and kamala harris, and a must win seat for democrats if they hope to hold onto the senate. nevada senator jacky rosen joins us next. ins us next. and long-lasting gain scent beads. part of the irresistible scent collection from gain. rising costs. selective coverage. for countless americans, the complex specialty care they need has always felt. just out of reach. at evernorth, we give members unrivaled access to the most complex therapies at the best prices. while providing enhanced support like in home nursing at no additional cost. that s wonder made possible. evernorth health services. hi guys! bill, you look great! now that i have inspire, i m free from struggling with the mask and the hose. inspire? 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well, i can tell you latino voters in nevada, they are the decisive vote. i can also tell you that my team in nevada, so many of them born and raised in nevada, i, myself, lived there for the last 50 years, just about. so, we are in the community all the time, we are listening, we are responding. i can tell you, i sit on the small business and entrepreneurship committee, and when i talk to our latin chamber of congress, we talked to all of our latino small businesses, so many entrepreneurs, we want to be sure that they have all the tools they need to keep their small business and thrive. we talk about affordable healthcare, it is really, really important that we talk about education, our environment, we are connecting with our latino voters every day on the issues that matter to them. kitchen table issues, the same issues that matter to everybody else. senator rosen, the late longtime nevada senator, harry reid, built a famous statewide democratic organization in nevada. is the reid machine still in effect in nevada? well, what senator reid did is really build a coordinated campaign. so, what that means for the nevada state democratic party, all of the candidates, the incumbents and candidates who are running, we work together to be sure we knock on doors, we do our field program, we are talking about the issues, we coordinate. that is really what is the magic. being sure that we are communicating, working together, bringing people together, because nevada families really matter. listening to them and delivering for them really matters, like delivering for our seniors. i can tell you for our veterans, we passed the pact act in northern nevada in reno, we will have that va hospital, they are searching for that 50 acre site now. it will be a game changer for the veterans in northern nevada. whether it is our seniors, our veterans, our students, our tours economy, we are listening, and we are delivering. senator jacky rosen of nevada, thank you very much for coming to the last word . thank you for having me. coming up, biden is beating trump in a new election forecast, and one of the big reasons is biden s strength in the key swing state of wisconsin, and particularly with a group of voters who make up the bulk of the trump base. that is next. that is next. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. 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the fundamentals favored biden, and according to 538, biden currently has a better chance of winning pennsylvania and all of the blue wall states of michigan, minnesota, and wisconsin. my newest favorite, the washington post has a new report about president biden s success so far in wisconsin, where republicans will officially renominate a convicted felon donald trump after a national convention next month. particularly, with white, noncollege voters who make up the trump base. the post reports wisconsin democrats attribute part of biden s relative strength with white voters without degrees to a real progressive tradition that has faded but not disappeared and part of it to tenacious organizing, including in rural areas where many of those voters live. biden s campaign is investing in an unprecedented field operation in wisconsin with 47 coordinated campaign offices across the state, more offices than biden has in any other battleground state, and far more than republicans have in wisconsin, staffed by more than 100 full-time campaign workers. even ousted republican governor scott walker admitted to the post, the organization is on the side of the left, so joining us now, ben worker, wisconsin democratic republican chair, and sandy wendy, the greene county democratic party chair. thank you for coming to the last word . you worked tirelessly to defeat the scott walker gop machine in wisconsin, but it must still feel good to have walker praise the democratic organization. it does feel good. it is the result of a huge amount of work by thousands of people in the most rural parts of our state. in suburbs, big towns, small towns, and cities. our motto is we work statewide and year-round. we don t take anyone for granted and we don t write anyone off. that is what it takes to win in a state like wisconsin. you can see the result in the numbers and it is an exciting moment. if we win wisconsin we win the white house. sandy, tell us about the green county voters you are reaching out to. is this 2020 biden voters who might be going software a true undecided voter? what issues do they care about? i think the issues they care about are the real, kitchen table issues that a lot of us have been talking about. affordable care, healthcare. women s reproductive rights. voting rights. saving our democracy. good education and childcare. basically kitchen table issues, that is what we are hearing about. what do you say back to them when you hear about kitchen table economic issues? we talked to them about some of the issues president biden and kamala harris have already put forward. unemployment, the jobs that have been created. money that has come into greene county for various things such as our ymca in our county seat, in the city of munro. we have received funding for that. basic issues like that. we try to point out to people what is being done. on the flipside on the ground, what do you hear from voters about donald trump, if anything? that they really don t want to have him back in office. simple as that. simple as that. so, ben, how do voters how voters get their information has changed, much more in social media or add then newspaper editorials, which breaks my heart as an opinion writer. how has that changed voter outreach? the first thing we have to assume is that there is no silver bullet. you might get something on the evening news that reaches some voters. some voters are reading the weekly newspaper that comes in. maybe they pick it up in the grocery store. we have to really be everywhere. social media platforms. on any screen. billboards, yard signs, door to door organizing, phone calls, text messages. show up at parades. show up at county fairs. we try to build a surroundsound environment so people here from trusted messengers and we assume that just because you say something similar doesn t mean everyone has heard it. on you have to say it over and over and that is what it will take. we have to cut through the noise. trump is trying to confuse people. he s trying to throw people off. we need to bring people s focus back to what affects them directly. their freedom. to make their own decisions about their own body. living in a democracy and who is fighting for them, fighting special interests and bringing down costs. trump promising wealthy voters whatever they want. that contrast does resonate with people, but you have to go where the voters are and not expect them to come to you. you have been nodding in agreement. my last question to you is if president biden were to come to greene county and ask your advice on what he should say to voters, what would you tell him? that is a good question. i guess just to be honest with him and what he plans to do with the voters. listening to them, the most important thing, listening to the voters and what their issues are and being able to address those. i know if president biden were to come to greene county, they would be ecstatic. i can t tell time, so we actually have about 90 seconds l left. same weston to you. what would you say to team biden? what would you say they need to work on or watch out for? we love president biden w coming to our state because he does listen to people and they move toward him. we also have local candidates. 97 out of 99 assembly districts covered with local candidates. we are organizing everywhere. our website, if anyone wants to help us organize, volunteer, chip in. i love what president biden does which is really dig into what he is doing and wants to do. he announced a $3.3 billion investment by microsoft in a community where trump showed up and promised the sun, moon, and stars with a golden shovel and never did anything. that contrast early lands for people wondering what job they will be working over the next 10 years. when president biden does something it clicks. we love the president s visit, we hope they keep coming and we think we can draw a real contrast with trump who talks big, delivers nothing and tries to ward it all for himself instead of serving the people. i think it is guaranteed president biden and vice president harris will be back in wisconsin multiple times before election day. thank you both very time very much for coming to the e last word. we will be right back. when i was diagnosed with h-i-v, i didn t know who i would be. but here i am. being me. keep being you. and ask your healthcare provider about the number one prescribed h-i-v treatment, biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for h-i-v in many people whether you re 18 or 80. with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to undetectable and stay there whether you re just starting or replacing your current treatment. research shows that taking h-i-v treatment as prescribed and getting to and staying undetectable prevents transmitting h-i-v through sex. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. tell your healthcare provider about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your healthcare provider. common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. no matter where life takes you, biktarvy can go with you. talk to your healthcare provider today. citi s industry leading global payments solutions help their clients move money around the world seamlessly in over 180 countries. and help a partner like the world food programme as they provide more than food to people in need. together, citi and the world food programme empower families across the globe. nothing dims my light like a migraine. with nurtec odt, i found relief. the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don t take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it s time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. that is tonight s last word. the 11th hour with stephanie ruhle starts now. tonight, hunter bide

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS Business Today 20240612

facing a flood of cheap chinese cars, europe s expected to raise tariffs on electric vehicles today. apple investors push its value up to record highs following its foray into the world of ai. we ll look ahead to the uk s latest economic data as april s gdp data is released. will it spur a bank of england rate cut? plus, supplies are squeezed for the makers of orange juice with prices going up due to extreme weather and disease. welcome to business today. we start in europe, where china is accused of drawing upon surplus capacity to dump electric vehicles at artificially low prices into the european market. policymakers in europe and the united states claim hefty state subsidies in china allow ev manufacturers to produce cars at prices that are impossible to compete with. in the us the biden administration raised its tariff on imports of chinese battery powered cars from 25% to 100%. later today, the european commission is expected to provisionally raise duties on ev s imported from china from the standard level of 10% for third country imports to between 20% and 25%. here s some background from david waddell. there is a growing tussle between electric vehicle manufacturers in china, europe and the united states. in recent months tesla has been forced to cut the prices of its vehicles and of its self driving software. that is because it is facing stiff competition from the likes of china s biggest ev producer byd, another growing competitors. manufacturers want to start not only to their own domestic market but also explored. byd wants to sell to the united states and tesla wants to sell into china. there is human mask trying to smooth feathers on a recent trip to beijing. we see now the spectre of protectionism. china stands accused of unfairly subsidising its own producers. one way or another european consumers are faced with a choice and it includes expensive electric vehicles from the eu or cheap imports from china. i got into a report by this with bank ubs published in september, byd could produce cars at about 25% less than the legacy global carmakers. last month the us took decisive action, but meditation raised tariffs on imports of china s cars 25% to 100%. part imports of china s cars 25% to ioo%. part of a wider package of measures targeting imports from china. beijing condemned as naked protectionism. russell seems poised to take similar action. brussels. and tariffs could hurt european companies as well. for example, bmw is building its ix3 electric suv at a factory in dadong, to be exported to europe. the company also intends to import large quantities of chinese made electric minis. let s cross live now to anna marie baisden, head of autos & infrastructure research at bmi, a fitch solutions company. always good to see you. this is complicated. girly europe is fighting back as was the us. yes. we expect whatever tariffs are introduced will be something much more moderate than the us because trade is much more of a 2 way street between the ee and china than it is between china and the us. chinese imports to the us are actually very small. 100% is no good to have as much of an impact. whereas the european brands really don t want the eu to cause any kind of retaliation from china that would make it difficult for them to then export the chinese market which is still important. there are some european brands actually importing from china themselves. it has been a good balancing act for the eu.- balancing act for the eu. there seems to balancing act for the eu. there seems to be balancing act for the eu. there seems to be a balancing act for the eu. there seems to be a problem - balancing act for the eu. there seems to be a problem with i balancing act for the eu. there | seems to be a problem with the audio but let s persevere. you may want to move your microphone or something like that because we are getting a bit of interference. to say as far as europe is concerned, this is a very important relationship for europe and some key economies in europe. china is an important market. a difficult balancing act between putting tariffs on goods such as electric vehicles and not burning bridges with china. absolutely. given that we have seen growth slowing in china which is one of the reasons, you mentioned the excess capacity for the chinese brands and the fact they are looking for other nuggets to now target. still very important, especially volume terms. the biggest market out there and still important for these brands to have a foothold. in terms of demand for electric vehicles in europe, what is that looking like in the moment? it is slowing down. this is another risk from all brands, european, chinese. we have seen a move away from electric towards hybrid. that is a big change for everyone in the market. obviously with the pricing the waiters, consumers who choose electric are likely to move towards these cheaper brands and it is why we start to cbe you take on more of a stance against this now. what i euro ean stance against this now. what i european governments - stance against this now. what i european governments doing i stance against this now. what i | european governments doing to try and help their car sectors as they transition to electric vehicles? as they transition to electric vehicles? ~ . , ,., vehicles? we have seen some companies vehicles? we have seen some companies actually, vehicles? we have seen some companies actually, some - companies actually, some countries rather, state national policies won t apply to chinese brands. there is certainly a belief among automakers that the eu as a whole could do more as far as your european support. something that helps brands as much as it does punish chinese brands. ~ ., . much as it does punish chinese brands. ~ . . , brands. we will watch this s - ace. brands. we will watch this space. good brands. we will watch this space. good to brands. we will watch this space. good to talk- brands. we will watch this space. good to talk to - brands. we will watch this | space. good to talk to you, thank you for your time this morning. let s stay with news coming out of china. latest inflation numbers. consumer inflation in the worlds second biggest economy held steady at an annual rate of 0.3% in the month of may. but the concern still is about what is happening in factories. the producer price index, which measures changes in the price of industrial products, contracted one point 4% year on year that is slightly worse than expected, still a marked improvement on april s 2.5% decline. live now to louise loo, senior economist at oxford economics. lovely to see you again. what are you reading from these numbers we have had today about how china is doing? how china is doing? today s numbers how china is doing? today s numbers are how china is doing? today s numbers are broadly - how china is doing? today s numbers are broadly in - how china is doing? today s numbers are broadly in line| numbers are broadly in line with what markets are expecting. china is a low inflation environment. what that suggests is for the rest of this year, at least when it comes to prices on short, we are likely to see a little bit of a u shaped recovery, it has been bottoming out for quite a while. the numbers you mentioned are slightly better than what it was a month ago. much of that is based on for, we cannot extrapolate improvements on short and we know it locally that there are depressed discounts happening. given the weak domestic demand and brands are still trying to push out to the consumer. china is viewed as push out to the consumer. china is viewed as the push out to the consumer. china is viewed as the factory - push out to the consumer. china is viewed as the factory of - push out to the consumer. china is viewed as the factory of the i is viewed as the factory of the world and has been for some time. what does it mean this construction we are seen? it is improvement but not significant improvement. is that because of less experts going out of china? is it because of domestic demand being weak? what is happening? domestic demand being weak? what is happening? demand has been uuite what is happening? demand has been quite weak what is happening? demand has been quite weak and what is happening? demand has been quite weak and so - what is happening? demand has been quite weak and so far- what is happening? demand has been quite weak and so far what| been quite weak and so far what has been driving the going forward as exports. we know we re heading into the peak tariff risk season for china. might potentially see tariffs coming out of eu letter today. many see more momentum behind us tariffs. i think export resiliency we have been seeing so far this year is likely to really fade away quickly. which means the company s onshore when it comes to produce a prius indices, we might see a lot more downward pressure going forward than upward recovery many are expecting. i recovery many are expecting. i was talking to anne marie about the potential you referred to of tariffs on electric vehicles put on from europe today. what impact do you think that will have in your opinion? the quantity have in your opinion? the quantity of have in your opinion? the quantity of tariffs - have in your opinion? the quantity of tariffs will - have in your opinion? tie: quantity of tariffs will be small which is good news for the chinese. it is a big market and it will prompt some level of retaliatory measures from the chinese especially on them might potentially raise tariffs, we know they are picking up tariffs on eu motor levels. when it is attracting some pushback from european carmakers. the leaders of european car manufacturers. there is a balancing act the eu leaders have 2 way up against. when it comes to some of the tariffs forcibly the end result is we might see a smaller more politically significant tariff but not so much economically damaging. but not so much economically damaging- but not so much economically damauain. , ., damaging. give your take on the latest news damaging. give your take on the latest news out damaging. give your take on the latest news out of damaging. give your take on the latest news out of china. - latest news out of china. thank you for your take. let s get some of the day s other news now. the tesla boss elon musk has been accused of making billions of dollars by selling tesla stock with insider information. the accusation is made by an institutional investor in a delaware court. mr musk and his brother solder $30 billion of tesla stock between late 2021 and the end of 2022. the lawsuit accuses him of concealing plans to buy the social media platform then known as twitter. it also claims he knew that deliveries of tesla cars had fallen far below public projections. tehre has been no comment from mr musk or tesla. two former directors of the british department store bhs have been ordered to pay at least £18 million to creditors over their role in the collapse of the retailer eight years ago. a court found that lennars henningson and dominic chandler had breached their corporate duties after the acquisition of the retailer by continuing to trade despite knowing their was no reasonable chance it could avoid insolvency. the chain was sold to their employer in 2015 for one pound, but collapsed a year later resulting in 11,000 job losses and a £571 million pensions shortfall. now yesterday we covered the launch of apple intelligence, which initially triggered a bit of a hit to the company s share price. but that s now seen a reversal as wall street digested the news. apple shares leapt sharply on tuesday to record highs, and the company s overtaken nvidia to become the world s second most valuable company a whisker away from microsoft. our north america business correspondent erin delmore has more on the story in new york. investors have been waiting for month to see how apple would embrace ai. on monday they got their answer, a partnership with openai. an chatgpt powers for theory and some enhancements like proof reading and writing help and ai generated images and emerges. it was not until tuesday that the market rewarded apple s efforts. the new ai tools are only available on one models of apple products like the iphone 15 pro. the 1a series and order will not do it neither the base model iphone 15. will not do it neither the base model iphone15. ipads and macs will have to have apple pie oratory and one chip or neuro. investors are betting consumers will upgrade the devices to take advantage of the new tools that will lead to more sales for apple. well, let s explore that more now with susannah streeter, who s head of markets and money at hargreaves lansdown. apple back at number two. no big surprise deposit it was quite interesting to see beach up quite interesting to see beach up reaction in the other direction to its ai offering. it was. apple has been late to the ai party but now there is an expectation it will take up an expectation it will take up a big spot on the dance floor. in particular the way it will help drive the integration of ai into everyday life. through this deal with openai. essentially a big upgrade to the siri assistant. expectation it will develop a very powerful digital copilot for consumers. by digital copilot for consumers. by only being available in belated models, the expectation is it will drive product sales going forward. just how much remains to be seen. how infused and willing will consumers be to get the hands on the latest new kit. we see other iterations in the past, huge demand for the latest product and we just have to see how the technology plays out. just what it can do and may be able to do in the future to really get a grip on how much demand there will be. , grip on how much demand there will be. h . ~ grip on how much demand there will be. , ., ~ ., will be. let s talk about raspberry will be. let s talk about raspberry pie will be. let s talk about raspberry pie which - will be. let s talk about - raspberry pie which viewers may not have heard of, unlike apple. it also had quite an incredible day of the market yesterday. it incredible day of the market yesterday- yesterday. it certainly did. this ipo yesterday. it certainly did. this mo of yesterday. it certainly did. this ipo of this yesterday. it certainly did. this ipo of this computerl this ipo of this computer company that creates these low cost computers really thought it shares on their debut. only treated by institutional investors but they rose 43% and this offer among retail investors was seriously oversubscribed. we have where my clients that wanted to buy the shares than actually was provided for under the terms of this offer. it really shows there is a big desire among retail investors in the uk to invest in british companies and particularly in british technology companies that it has really lifted hopes of an ipo revival in london. there are changes afoot to try and create london as more attractive place to list, the conduct authority launching this review with expectation will have this coming perhaps in the next few months. that certainly would be welcome because at the moment lots of retail investors miss out from operas like this. and would like to see these types of ipos being open to many more investors in the uk. i being open to many more investors in the uk.- being open to many more investors in the uk. i get very much. investors in the uk. i get very much- the investors in the uk. i get very much. the low investors in the uk. i get very much. the low down - investors in the uk. i get very much. the low down on - investors in the uk. i get very - much. the low down on raspberry pi, a cambridge based business. shares are up some 40% on their debut. around the world and across the uk. this is bbc news. as you ve been hearing here in the uk the political parties have been unveiling their election manifestos this week as voters head to the polls onjuly 1l today we ll get a better idea of the health of the uk economy when the latest growth numbers are released in around 90 minutes time. it was in recession at the end of last year and managed to eek out 0.6% grwoth in the first three months of this year. so what is the picture now? i m joined by george buckley, chief uk & euro area economist at nomura. good morning. we hope we are still going in the uk, the economy? still going in the uk, the econom ? ~ ., , economy? we are. the recovery in the first economy? we are. the recovery in the first quarter economy? we are. the recovery in the first quarter of economy? we are. the recovery in the first quarter of this - in the first quarter of this year, 0.6% is a strong quarterly rate of growth, may not sound it but on a quarter thatis not sound it but on a quarter that is very strong. have to bearin that is very strong. have to bear in mind it is coming on the back of the session, maybe not surprisingly was a bit of a balance in q1 of this year, more edges and to see where that growth rate settles. i doubt we will see 0.6% of all the way through the 2024, i suspect it will be weaker. the other thing to notice is we have not seen very back to back rises on a monthly basis in gdp and the size of the economy since 2022 but that is what we saw in the first quarter of this year. some strong numbers, i would not be surprised if we see a bit of payback in april figures today and the market, the consensus dictation is we see a very small fall in the month of april. see a very small fall in the month of april. part of that is to do with month of april. part of that is to do with the month of april. part of that is to do with the fact month of april. part of that is to do with the fact that - month of april. part of that is j to do with the fact that easter fell in march, also has been raining, orthat fell in march, also has been raining, or that affects how much we get out and spend money or do stuff or domestic demand. inflation has come down quite a bit. give us your take on how this will be read by the bank of england was that at the same time we have of this manifesto is launched this week but are promising all sorts of uk economy. it promising all sorts of uk economy- promising all sorts of uk economy. if you look the headline economy. if you look the headline rate economy. if you look the headline rate of- economy. if you look the | headline rate of inflation, economy. if you look the i headline rate of inflation, it has come down fairly materially and this is probably one of the reasons rishi sunak called the election when he data. it was no coincidence it was on the same day inflation figures were released and fell by almost a percentage point due to be to be low to use when you look at the details of the report, the services domestic generated inflation was still far too strong for what the bank of england would like to see. running at almost 6%. they have to be careful these numbers are still very high. we need to look outside of the headline numbers and into the detail to see this. the other thing is we saw labour market yesterday report very strong in the sense of wages that are still growing at an elevated pace. the bank of england won t be happy about that. i don t think there was any danger that next week we will see a rate cut, it might be delayed until later in the summer or possibly beyond. thank you for your time. now if it s not too late, it might be time to rethink your breakfast. the orange juice industry is experiencing an unprecedented price spike due to disease and extreme weather events in brazil. did you know brazil accounts for around 70% of global orangejuice production. the situation there has been exacerbated by declining production in other major orange growing regions such as florida, israel, spain and argentina. i have just the i havejust the present i have just the present to talk to about this. joining me now is kees cools, president of the international fruit and vegetable juice association. a warm welcome. what is going wrong in brazil at the moment? you already said a, two things, it is the weather. they had some unusually high temperatures in 2023. also the rain which normally helps the trees to grow and bring fruit. also the rain has been much less, 30% than usual. these are of the two weather affects that impacted growth. as you said, the more important thing is now becoming a disease that kills trees over a period of time. unfortunately, we have not been able to find any cure for it. it is a devastating disease. if you look at florida, which wants is to be one of the world s leading suppliers of orange juice and orangejuice juice and orange juice concentrate, juice and orangejuice concentrate, to give you a number, florida was harvesting some ten, 15 years ago some 242 million boxes and 95% of production has gone because of the same disease. you can imagine what it means for the global supply. imagine what it means for the globalsupply. now imagine what it means for the global supply. now it is in brazil in the biggest supplier of the markets. that is why prices have almost tripled beyond chipboard. that is a very negative effect. what impact does this have on the brazilian economy? produces 70% ofthe brazilian economy? produces 70% of the worlds brazilian economy? produces 70% of the worlds orange brazilian economy? produces 70% of the worlds orange juice. - brazilian economy? produces 70% of the worlds orange juice. the . of the worlds orange juice. the first thing that happens is farmers will have an impact on their income because there is less to harvest, less to sell. prices are going up. that is some factor. the same goes for the processors, about three or four large processor is that turn these fresh oranges introduce and concentrate and ship around the world. definitely has a negative impact on the brazilian economy and in particular on the economy of the joyce industry and suppliers. economy of the joyce industry and suppliers- economy of the joyce industry and suppliers. when it comes to the disease and suppliers. when it comes to the disease itself, and suppliers. when it comes to the disease itself, scientists - the disease itself, scientists are busy trying to combat this? it is really devastating crops in brazil and also in florida. what is happening in terms of progress in trying to overcome this disease? in progress in trying to overcome this disease? this disease? in florida, it has been this disease? in florida, it has been going this disease? in florida, it has been going on - this disease? in florida, it has been going on for- this disease? in florida, it i has been going on for almost this disease? in florida, it - has been going on for almost 15 years and we have not found solutions. all the super size we have nowadays, we have not been able to find a cure. people are working hard. in brazil, the united states and elsewhere to go and find trees resistant to the disease. also at the same time the new weather circumstances. work is going on the cure has not been found and bombers can keep attri alive by putting extra fertiliser but in the end but is also extra costs and they cannot save the tree. the time being, we will have to consume orangejuice as is being, we will have to consume orange juice as is still there but we can also move to other juices like apple, grape, tropical. juices like apple, grape, tropical- juices like apple, grape, troical. ., ., tropical. almost out of time but thank tropical. almost out of time but thank you tropical. almost out of time but thank you for tropical. almost out of time j but thank you for explaining the situation. it sounds very challenging. that is all. hello there. it s felt quite pleasant in any strong june sunshine. but generally temperatures have been below par for this time of year and wednesday looks pretty similar to the last few days. some spells of sunshine, variable cloud and further showers mostly across eastern areas. i think there ll be fewer showers around on wednesday because this is a ridge of high pressure, will tend to kill the showers off. the winds will be lighter, but we re still got that blue hue, that cold arctic air hanging around for at least one more day before something milder starts to push in off the atlantic, but with wind and rain. so it s a chilly start to wednesday. temperatures could be in low single digits in some rural spots. these are towns and city values. a little bit of mist and fog where skies have cleared overnight, but it s here where you ll have the best of the sunshine, northern and western areas. a bit of cloud across eastern scotland, eastern england, one 01’ two showers. through the day, it ll be one of sunshine and showers, but the clouds will tend to build most of the showers eastern areas, tending to stay drier towards the west with the best of the sunshine. so it could be up to 17 or 18 degrees in the sunniest spots, but generally cool, ten to 15 or 16 celsius. and then as we move through wednesday night, any showers fade away, lengthy, clear skies. the temperatures will tumble against mist and fog developing. temperatures in rural spots dipping close to freezing in a few places. generally, though, in the towns and cities, we re looking at 4 to eight degrees. now we ll start to see some changes into thursday. we change the wind direction, we lose that cooler air, something a bit milder. but this frontal system tied into low pressure will start to bring wet and windy weather initially into northern ireland, spreading across the irish sea, into western britain and pushing its way eastward. so we start dry with some early sunshine across eastern areas and it should stay dry, i think in eastern england, eastern scotland until after dark. we change the wind direction despite more cloud around, 17 or 18 degrees. and it means thursday night will be milder. so a milder start to friday, but low pressure across the country bring stronger winds, sunshine and showers or longer spells of rain. some of these showers will be heavy and thundery, particularly across southern and western areas. but despite that, in the sunshine, it ll feel a little bit warmer, maybe 19 or 20 degrees. not much change into the weekend, low pressure dominates the scene. it ll be breezy at times. there will be showers or longer spells of rain again, some of them heavy and thundery. but in the sunnier, brighter moments, it llfeela bit warmer, 19 or 20 degrees. and another thing you ll notice, it will feel milder at night. take care. good morning. welcome to breakfast withjon kay and sally nugent. hello. it s six o clock. our headlines today. the green party launches its election manifesto, pledging to increase taxes for higher earners to transform health, housing and transport. good morning. personal finances good morning. personalfinances and our nation s finance are at the heart of this election campaign. i ve come to newcastle to find out how businesses and households are feeling, and if it can swing the vote. good morning from munich ahead of the start of football s european championship, with the hosts germany taking on scotland in the opening match of the tournament here in

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Transcripts For CNN CNN NewsNight With Abby Phillip 20240612

and many cbp customs and border protection high-level officials have told members of congress and the public that they re concerned about terrorist and known as what we call k asts, known suspected terrorists, and people in the no fly list sneaking across the southern border because of the the volume of individuals that are coming and the number of countries are coming from. i mean, this is exactly what we ve heard from republican critics of the southern border and how it s being handled at this moment is a concern that this something like this could happen and the system not working yeah, it s always a concern, especially when we would call them up the gottaways. so if you look at if one in every hundred thousand individuals who get away is a known as suspected terrorists. you can have dozens or hundreds of individuals that could potentially threats and so this is a wake-up call to all yeah. it certainly is marvin southern border. your connection broke up a little there at the bet, but a great point and we ll keep watching this denial, harvard. thank you for that. thank you all so much for joining us. state a news night with abby. phillip starts now republicans tried to eat their cake and have it too that s tonight on these nine good evening. i m have you fill up in new york tonight president biden and his family are huddling together in delaware. after a jury convicted his surviving son on all three federal gun charges. it is the first time in american history that an immediate family member of a sitting us president was convicted of a crime. now the moment, of course, creates the split-screen of conservatives who just 12 days ago were slamming the rule of law, slamming the judge, the jury, and the verdict in donald trump s manhattan trial some even claimed the conviction was the end of the republicans. we know it but tonight, they seem to be singing from a completely different tune this is a new error in america, and i think it goes against the elc of who we are as americans and our faith in the criminal justice system in the end, this juror, jury of ordinary people from delaware, we re not intimidated and by that family and they recognize that this was a clear cut case and that clearly no one is above the law. this is a very political exercise. and you have to say that it accomplish what it set out to accomplish. but i would say this abet judge noreika, i think she ran a very fair courtroom. she ran a very fair brian, i guess we all need to shop at banana republic from now on because that s what it feels like. yeah, a banana republic for years, the bikes have been able to escape any legal accountability for their sleazy corrupt conduct but today they re luck ran out, at least hunters did. power is all they love. and they re willing to do anything to cling to it. they re willing to destroy the rule of law the republic has been wounded by week lawyers and talent less political bloodhounds gave me a little boost of confidence in the american legal system although they still have a lot of work to do to win me back, i believe that there was a conscious collusion of allies that came together it s pretty obvious with a private strategy to eliminate a common shared adversary, a hundreds going to jail. so joe doesn t have to and when he comes out, he ll be rewarded for his loyalty, like a made man and a biden crime family. this is a distraction from the influence, peddling and the kickbacks yes. these are two different trials under very different circumstances. hunter biden was federal trump s was not the crimes and the evidence all completely different. but you can t claim the justice system is dead because of a single conviction, while also praising it for another you can t claim president biden is weaponizing the justice department to go after his enemies. when that same department just convicted his own son but in a world of maga, perhaps you can prominent conservatives are trading baseless conspiracies, for another now they re claiming that hunter biden s trial was a sham to give cover to biden. charlie kirk. kirk says the democrats will use the conviction to claim that the system is fair. vivek ramaswamy, he calls it a smokescreen to deflect attention from biden s other crimes republican senator tom cotton says, it s a way to insulate joe biden who is guilty of corruption trump s campaign calls the case a distraction from the quote biden crime family. now remember, this is the same biden that conservatives claim can t walk, can t talk or think on his own but just so we re clear, biden has no power over a state-level prosecution but the same federal government that he actually runs just prosecuted his own son and the system we re supposed to believe is rate that just makes no sense we re gonna get to all of that in a moment. but first, tonight joining me now is reverend dr. christopher bolick. he is a spiritual advisor to light and family and the pastor at canaan baptist church in new castle, delaware. reverend, thank you for being with us. it s good to be with you, abby. god bless you. thank you for having me. thank you for being here. you spoke last night or before this verdict, i should say, with hunter biden how was he when you last spoke with him? he was upbeat. he was positive and but he understood the gravity of the situation and the nature of the trial. so he is well aware of what the possibilities where uncertainty disappointed in the verdict. however, things did not go on his favor does not mean that the favor of god is not a ban him. we believe that his faith is strong course is family is strong and width him. and i encouraged him to look to the heel from what s come at this help? all of his help coming from the lord. but he s focused and we know that things are going to work out in the end a hunter biden has talked about his addiction. he s talked about what that has been like for his life, but i wonder on this particular issue or the set of issues that he was charged, it has now been convicted of has he ever expressed remorse for what led to all of this? i believe that he s aware of every step of his journey and remorse is a part of the process therefore, he is prepared to move forward knowing that god is a forgiving god he has said in his own words that he has hurt people along the wake but we know that the power of prayer, the power family, the power of faith can change him and any situation listen, abbe this addiction issue is a disease this impacted millions of americans regardless of race, creed, or color, phd, no, d, g, d, md jd. this disease is real. and we know that it s a journey and it s a season in his life and this season will hopefully in, in a way in which we ve been endured for night, but joy will come in the next season i cnn spoke earlier today with one of the jurors in this case. juror number ten, i want to play for you. what he said about the defense i felt i felt bad that they put naomi on trial on witness i i think that was probably a strategy that should not have been done no. no daughter should ever have to testify or again, sir, dad you know, this family wow. was it a mistake for the defense to put a hunters own daughter through that i think they had to make some critical decisions. they had a particular strategy and they were going for what would work for them, what would give them favor in the face of the jury at all? the judge at all who are concerned. it was painful. but we understand that the fence had a strategy. they believe it would work. and we know that this family, again it has gone through was going through a lot and at the end of the day, it s all about what s in the best interests of hunter and the biden family we saw those emotional images of president biden hugging his only surviving son can you tell us what this has been like for him going through this trial? a different kind of trial compared to some of the other trials that he s gone through in his life with the loss of his late wife and several of his other children president, my friend and brother is a man of resilience. a man of deep faith a, man who understands the hand of god when god s hand moves in, his life. and he said that, let justice play out and whatever the decision was of the jewelry, he would respect and accept the decision. but when i saw him come home tonight and embraced his son i saw the power of love let me say this. abby love is greater than politics the bible says, loves the more excellent way love indu, with all things, believes all things love is patient. love is kind and the script it talks about that. nothing can separate us from the love of god, the love of god is in that family our president and first lady. they love onto and we love him and we will continue to walk alongside him with the ministry of presence. my role has been the past of presence in the courtroom. we prayed three times in the courtroom. we brought the church house to the courthouse. we prayed openly we prayed, we hugged, and he knows the power of prayer and god always has the last word. and i just think something good is going to come out of this in the end. and god will use this moment for his glory on his own time reverend dr. christopher bullock. thank you very much for sharing all of that with us god bless you. thanks for having me abbe and for more. let s bring in our panel here, former clinton white house aide, keith boy can also with a cnn political commentator, s. e. cupp and reason editor at large, matt welch asieh, that at the end there is basically what the message from the biden world is going to be about this, which is that this is a story three of a family, a family like any other, where someone has messed up. and the father loves the son. nothing more. do you think that that is going to work in this situation? i think everyone can relate to some parts of this. i don t find a hunter biden to be a terribly sympathetic figure, not because of his addiction, but because he s messed up a lot. he s broken the law and i don t think he s been a great family man, but at the end of the day, this is someone sign that someone happens to be the president. and for the president to say, i m not putting my finger on the scale for this one. i m not i don t even want to talk about it. i can t imagine how you do that. i can t imagine as a parent, how you disassociate from that. and i think that will look very noble and good to a lot of democratic voters. there s also a possibility that this completely doesn t matter to voters at all yeah i m one of the people who thinks it doesn t really matter to voters. hunter biden is not running for president and i don t know if that s a newsblaster. anyway, but donald trump was convicted and he is running for president hunter biden is a son of a candidate for president and the president himself refused as estee pointed, to, put his thumb on the scale of justice. he refused to intervene, he refused to stop the prosecution, refused to condemn the judge and jury. he refused to promise to pardon hunter biden after the conviction that s a stark and dramatic contrast from everything adopted. trump has done since donald trump has been on trial attacking everybody involved in his trial. okay. let me play this from the speaker of the house, mike johnson. he was asked by our own manu raju about the way that republicans are responding to a hunter biden versus how they dealt with donald trump. listen mr. speaker, you ve been saying two tier system of justice for some time. here s the president s son being convicted on three counts. that undercut your client. it doesn t every cases different and clearly the evidence is overwhelming here. i don t think that s the case and the trump trials and all the of charges that have been brought against could have been obviously brought for political purposes. a hunter biden as a separate instance that s a separate instance, but the other thing about the hunter biden is that this is not the only hunter biden trial. we ll see. there will be another one. it come this fall. so are we going to go through the motions again? i m saying everything hot? that happens to hunter is aboveboard. anything that happens to trump is not i think that the way that we should think about this is to try to get ourselves as individual consumers out of the non-stop political consideration. let s look for the republicans. there s at least one thomas massie. i saw him do this in congress today. say this is ridiculous. he, let s, we shouldn t be convicting someone and sending him to 25 years in prison for doing one thing, he lied on an application. there s no victim in this crime. there s no victim and trump s crime either, right? so if we we have a sickness of in the criminal justice system in this country, we have so many people in jail. we have so many victimless crimes. harvey solar relate the great civil libertarian writer has had a book called three felonies a day. that s the average that us very law-abiding citizens on this panel commit everyday because there s so much in the criminal code. right. so that puts everything up to the discretion. question of prosecutors. and we re sitting around and if we re republican, we cheered hunter biden getting locked up or a convicted for democrat would share donald trump, i say as americans, let s work back. is there a victim if there s not, let s stop sharing i listen. i m glad it for ones we are talking about the ways in which perhaps this country over criminalizes people, 20 people in prison. i just never thought that it would come up because of donald trump and hunter biden. but let me just as a gun owner. okay it s a crime to lie on a gun application for a reason. and there could have been a victim to this crime that s why you don t lie on a form or purchase a firearm. there wasn t that s lucky. but it s bad for every law abiding gun owner when people break the law in an attempt to buy a gun. i mean, i think that should have been i understand both your points, but i thought the point matt was making surprise. i agree with you and this is that even if we think that that hunter biden did something wrong, he broke the law which the jury found that he did maybe we shouldn t be putting him in jail for them. i m not sure if that s what you re making your knife. maybe you re making definitely a point. maybe you re making whether we shouldn t be prosecuting him. i think we should prosecute people when they when they violate the law, then maybe we shouldn t put everybody in jail and incarcerate everybody when they aren t found guilty. many people think have committed unlawful drug use while filling out a gun applicant probably 20 million. well, if they look at the number of gun owners in the number of people who smoke pot 20 million people and very few get prosecuted. almost all of whom who do have less material advantages than 100 biden does. are we thinking about that joe biden go to jail? i mean, he might not serve. i m saying we shouldn t be prosecuting people who smoke, break the law, who break. we should i say, this is man, granted, this is a weird libertarian thing to say, but i think that if you would expect nothing less, if the victim is the government s yeah. and you smoke pot and it filled out an application. you can get punished and not go to understand to properly understand the gun the part i take very seriously. do you think that this is an example? look, i mean, if we re talking about tonight, okay. maybe the argument is donald trump would not have been prosecuted where he not president hunter biden, would he have been prosecuted where he not the president s son? i don t think he might have been prosecuted. probably not. and he certainly wouldn t have had this thing here where we discovered new felonies only after the plea agreement fell down. think about this, like months ago were like cool with him walking free. and now we re like maybe he should go to jail for up to 25 years this is also a trial penalty, right? this is the reason why 98% of all criminal cases never go to trial because they re always stacking up of charges to scare the bejesus out of you so that you ll plead guilty and then you ll walk or maybe you ll go to jail for a brief period of time. can i just ask a case i mean, i think that s a very good faith argument that we re hearing here for matt. would you even consider applying that same argument to donald trump in terms of the crime that he was convicted of, new york absolutely. i don t believe in i don t believe in incarcerating everybody, including donald trump i know i ve never wanted to lock him up people i ve said that as a joke on my internet feeds but for the most part, i don t think we shouldn t be blocking anybody got for nonviolent white-collar crimes are non-violent offenses in general, i think we should find other forms of ways to freak to treat with, to deal with the situation of crime without incarcerating people. and we don t do that. and our country where there s donald trump or hunter biden, let s be fair, but i agree with you on that. all right. well, we have a lot of agreement at the table here. i appreciate that everyone stick around breaking news tonight from the pioneers having mccarthy s revenge tour against her pop blinken s who ousted him, plus the justice department takes the extraordinary step of debunking one of trump s most common conspiracies. and as concerned for this plot, a second trump term, democrats are now making moves of their own for 2025. this is news well, it s hard besides dad is a legends that his legendary moves might be passed down to you. ancestry dna can show you which traits were inherited where they came from and who he shares them with? but get moving. this sale is only for a limited time, introducing new advil targeted relief. the only topical pain reliever with four powerful pain fighting ingredients let s start working on contact to target tough pain at the source for up to 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some more petals parents can get everything you need, right when they need it. keeping more pets and families happy for the love of moving our clients forward, for the love of progress we never thought that with verizon saving on the best and entertainment was going to be so easy before we had to pretend we d seen all these shows now that we have a ryzen, we can stop pretending disney plusair of odean hearing aid s starting at just $189 i hanako montgomery and tokyo and this is cnn i ve said it before and i ll say it again. what this presidential race looks like right now will be completely different from what it looks like in october but we re starting to get a preview of what democrats may be hanging their political hopes on. just take a look at these headlines from the last 24 hours. the world bank says that the us economy is growing faster than expected and is helping the entire world the fbi reporting that violent crime in america has shown historic declines with the murder rate showing the sharpest drop they also come as a group of house democrats are now launching a counter to the infamous project 2025, put forward by conservatives that s the heritage foundation s plan for a second trump term, which proposes eliminating, for example, the justice department, the homeland security department, and the fbi. now, even though it s only june if democrats, for example, our delta good hand politically the question is, are they capable of actually playing it i mean this is the big question. if you ve got an economy that is actually humming along, you ve got crime that is going down that is a reversal of fortunes for democrats. and yet americans are still sauer. can they reverse that? is that messaging? is it something else? they re not feeling it yet. americans are not feeling this american economic large jess, they don t care that we re helping the world. most americans feel like i helped my my own bank account, helped my wallet helped me at the pump they re not feeling they re feeling more unsafe. they re not feeling like crime is going down. so the numbers are important. but you can t tell voters that what they re feeling is wrong. and so the messaging is very complicated for joe biden and democrats to say, look how great the world is. but i know you re still hurting on this stuff is like a lagging indicator in a way sometimes i actually don t know if that characterization is right. i see because according to the polls, i ve seen, the public actually, they do feel that their personal economic situation is better. i just talking two according according to the polls, this is they don t feel like that the country has as a whole other, everyone else is doing as well, but they individually feel better about the, about their economic situation according to the polls, i say maybe i m incorrect, but that s what i ve seen. i think and i think trump voter one of the major reasons is they feel like this economy is terrible and inflation has been bad for them personally. well, i think the reality is that because people s wages have increased faster than actual inflation has increased, people have a stronger economic position and they would be otherwise we also know that more people have jobs 15.6 million people have jobs now for the african american community, we ve had the lowest black unemployment rate in history. we also complaining about that. no you re not playing. i know i know. but i think also i don t want to be the person to make this argument, but i m going to make it anyway. the media, we have a responsibility for his for doing this too. we can we continue to say this is reporting the facts. the economy is doing well or crime is going down. we say the economy is going well and the crime is going down. but this isn t really playing for the american people. why is it playing for the american people? because we keep asking this question the way that makes it a question instead of a fat, it is that the current that crime is going down. we re talking to the fact the kind of thing, but that s a direction as opposed to like an overall real-world thing. we had an incredible insane spike in the year 2020 in everything 2020, we lost our marbles and yes, things trend better since 2020, but a lot of people remember 2019 and that s not like a, like a trump nostalgia bit. they just remember when prices were different, when interest rates, which is a huge thing that almost never gets discussed about home prices. it is really, you can feel that and see that prices are just higher than they were in 2020 or 2021. and it s not gonna be good messaging to say you re just not understanding how great the economy you want to get to project 2025 for a second here, because this is something that i have noticed. i don t know if you ve noticed this. i see a lot of more liberals talking about this. it s kinda wonky, but it s become real fodder for democrats to say here are the extremist plans for a second, trump administration is this a wound that republicans have opened up for themselves? no, it is an election year, democratic party branding exercise, and it s not actually very serious if your project is to stop pop bad people from exercising government power. if you were actually interested in saying, oh no, trump might be in power, we should do something. maybe you would ve spend a minute. i don t know over the last four years or eight years, we re filling whatever timeline you want. actually reducing the power in the presidency, actually reducing power in government. i don t think elizabeth warren has been like, how can i reduce whose power in government? joe biden signed an asylum executive order last week that he knows is probably illegal that trump used that was thrown out by the courts because he was probably illegal. it s not about the use of the power is about the abuse of power and democrats don t have the power and have never had the power to be able to unilaterally make these decisions. because of the way you have a complicated system of government with the senate and the house and the filibusters know that. i think that the problem is that would project 2025 does is it takes us back in time. it reverses it reverses basic the 20th century. it takes us back to a time. the civil service rules don t apply. where protections for lgbtqi people don t exist, protections for women don t exist protections for minorities and immigrants and african americans don t exist. rev, voting rights are decimated, would become a christian nationalist country. and this is all weaponized because donald trump has no policy issues that he talks about. it just talks about his personal grievances. it s the only thing we have to go on is project 2025 and the heritage foundation and the conservative scholars who are putting this out there are letting us know that this is the plant they will implement if trump is elected. well, i m just glad that democrats are taking this seriously because i hear a lot of denialism from the left people who say the polls aren t wrong. joe biden is going to win, don t worry about this. i am glad there are democrats in the house who are very seriously considering what will happen when trump wins. yeah, we will see what kind of turnout mechanism this product 2025 turns out to be for democrats, keith asieh and matt. thank you all very much. and extraordinary step for the doj. now, disproving a conspiracy theory, i ll explain what the attorney general merrick garland said about that next. plus liberal tv host rachel maddow says that she is afraid the trump who jail her and other americans. bryan stelter joints plus results are rolling in now when key states across the country tonight, we ll have the latest on tonight s primary elections just to the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn t be higher. the president and the former president s one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 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on capitol hill desperate conspiracy is call for desperate measures. the united states justice department tonight, taking an extraordinary step to debunk perhaps the central conspiracy in trump land right now about this conviction. more on that in just a moment. but first, it comes as the attorney general rights and op-ed demanding that the lies against justice department s stop immediately. merrick garland is keeping keep in mind, is running the department that not only is prosecuting donald trump, but also president biden s son, along with a democratic senator her and a democratic congressman, garland called out the bullying and the rhetoric and the conspiracies that are being peddled by trump and his media and right-wing allies, including this one that the biden administration coordinated with the manhattan da s office by sending an official there to target trump and now joe biden has weaponized law enforcement to interfere in our elections. matthew colangelo. it colangelo s should know. he faces years in prison. this was planned from the biden white house, is top person called angelo and some others i ve been placed into the da s office to make sure they do a good job of election interference. the number three under merrick garland at the department of justice, he left that cushy job at the department of justice to go be a line prosecutor in a city office that shows how coordinated this is. these are all biden trials because let s call angela works for biden. can you imagine they take a guy out of doj and they put them into the attorney general s office and then the manhattan da s office. to go after trump. alvin bragg, who not only met with joe biden, joe biden s lawyers in the white house. he took one of joe biden s lawyers from the department of justice to have him bring this case back collegial was obsessed with trump before mac collegial worked for letitia james michelangelo knows that democratic operative, he seems obsessed with trump. so now he comes back there to revitalize this case. well, angelo is a radical left from the doj, who was put into the state working with letitia james. and then was put into the district attorney s office to run the trial. hello. against trump. give us the communications if they exist, if they don t tell us, but he won t say which leads anyone with common sense to believe there was communication going on all right. well, let s talk about those communications according to the justice department, they don t exist in a letter to the judiciary committee, the doj says that they looked and there was a 00 email communication with the manhattan da s office nor any communications between colangelo s and the da s office? the doj calls their effort to dispel these conspiracies as extraordinary, which seems now like the new normal joining me is brian stelter. he s the author of network of lies. he s also a special correspondent for vanity fair brian, is there any amount of fats? given right to congressman jim jordan that would change this web of conspiracies, web of lies. lies, and there are not, there are not. and it s because of what cast sudden see wrote 15 years ago for the harvard law review, he said, this self-serving the self-sealing quality of conspiracy theories is what makes them so dangerous for government directed attempts to puncture the conspiracy theory causes the people who believe it to just fold all of that does debunking into the theory itself self-sealing. that s the problem with these theories. i want to play when we had dr. phil on the show and this came up but just listened to this exchange you really think that party politics don t cross state lines federal versus state leinz, that there aren t meeting some people talk about this and make decisions about what s best for the party if you think that there aren t politics that goes into some of these decisions. i think that would be a naive position while luck, all i m saying is that there s no evidence that that happened one way or another. he doesn t have any proof. he said it right there. i mean, the dpp sayyed that you saw me take there. i felt like i had to take another one now salted when i would walk is very difficult to rationalize when the people you re talking to acknowledge there s no there s no there there. and it s interesting to think about what is dr. phil doing? why is he motivated in that way? what is jim jordan thinking? i think they re trying to make sense of a complex world. conspiracy theories help simplify complexity, but they do so by taking shortcuts and real world and real life with real-world thinking, there are no shortcuts that s these guys are trying to take shortcuts, trying to use code words and buzzwords and propaganda in order to satisfy an audience by taking shortcuts. and there are no shortcuts in this real complex. we re just as a point on civics. the complexity is the point that is actually how the system is designed to work so that it doesn t get rigged up so that i do want to move on to what msnbc host rachel maddow has said she said in an email to cnn s reliable sources i am worried about the country broadly if we put someone in power who is openly vowing that he plans to build camps to hold millions of people into root out what he s described in sub-human terms as his enemy from within for that matter, what convinces you that these masses the camps, he s planning are only for migrants. so yes, i m worried about me, but only as much as i am worried about all of us she she makes a point that this is not just about migrants if he s really to do it for them, why not you or me are the enemy of the people are joe schmo walking down the street. but this has been shorthanded as matt, i was afraid which is gonna be thrown in jail. and unfortunately, her comments were nuance and thoughtful to cnn. a lot of the dialogue, i think ever since has been anything but nuance and thoughtful. she s raising something important i think it s valuable to think ahead to what may happen in a second trump term. this is frankly speculative nonfiction because we use the words that trump and his allies have said, and we use them to talk about the future future jail, of course, is a extreme part of the spectrum. imprisonment is an extreme part. but think about irs audits. think about government pressure on media companies. think about other forms of government interference. there are a lot of pressure points and frankly, rachel maddow is not the only member of the media thinking about this. i ve talked to the heads of news organizations, ceos, and media companies that are thinking through not in dramatic fashion, not because they re afraid of going to jail, that because they want to know what could trump due to use his power in the second term to punish the media. and it s also now a real question whether the voters actually take that information and believe in i also want to note that that a great interview with matt i was conducted by our own oliver darcy over at reliable sources, you re hold stomping grounds. bryan steck, that she s bringing it up because we need to think through these issues even though it can sound a little bit out there talking about it. yeah, absolutely. bryan stelter. thank you very much and polls have just closed in nevada where a key senate races now up for grabs. we re going to have the latest results coming up and also coming up next, our new audio from justice samuel alito, liberal activists lauren windsor shares new excerpts from her secret recordings live night 11:00 p.m. eastern right here on cnn devastating and sudden power of tsunamis happened in faraway lins, and it s easy to think. it can t happen here if one hits home, we d be ready. silent, earth would liev schreiber sunday at nine cnn. did you know sling has your favorite news programs for just $40 a month my favorite news, but just $40 a month my favorite for just $40 news for $40 a month. sling lets you do that from medium rare to whelmed so many 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is election night in america for five key states and pulls him just closed in nevada where a senate seat could be up for grabs. cnn s harry enten is at the magic wall with the latest harry, what do we know so far? yeah. i mean, in nevada looks like nothing. there s nothing in nevada trump endorsed sam brown. he s the favorite going into this evening. obviously this is one of the key senate races that we re looking forward to. of course, republicans need one to get the 52 to guarantee neck control. so we ll see this could be one of those races along with west virginia, which has definitely leaning republican at this particular point. for them to get control. but i want to also take a look at some other cute primaries let s go to the palmetto state, south carolina where trump made a bunch of endorsements as well. we ll go down to charleston. and what do we see here? nancy mace, who of course is kind of gone back and forth with trump, right? but he endorsed her this time around. of course, kevin mccarthy was on the other side of this particular battle, but nancy mace with a very wide margin, 57% of the vote, way more than needed to avoid a run-off. she is going to win that republican primary. there are much stronger performance. then she had four years ago, let s go up to greenville in the north west part of south carolina this is a very interesting race. were william timmons, the incumbent, has been sort of angered some freedom caucus folks, donald trump though endorsed him right now. we have not called this race to my knowledge, but blamed timmons does in fact have an advantage right now of a little bit less than ten percentage points. so this could be trumped two for two on the evening. and of course, trump s so far has not lost a single race in which he s endorsed into their the congressional sayyed of the group and notorious but one other interesting house race that i m going to take you to. we re going to go away from the south and we re gonna go to the north. we re gonna go to ohio and we re gonna go to the youngstown area. and what do we see here? this is a very interesting race, right? we see the republican. he has won their 55% to about 45% for the democratic candidate. but what s the key thing that s going on? yeah, this is a very republican district. trump won this district by 28 points. and of course this margin right here is a little bit less than ten percentage points. this is another example of these special elections were democrats or app performing their 2020 baseline, i think democrats are hoping when actual people vote come the fall that you ll continue to see that type this is not a presidential battleground, but an important senate race. we will play out here in ohio, which will test exactly this neighborhood of ohio, youngstown, very enten, thank you very much i trump vp contender is doubling down on blaming democrats for creating social programs. he says are hurting black people. reverend william barber join me next 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public policy at the yale divinity school. he is also a spokesperson for the poor people s campaign. reverend barber, thank you for joining us tonight. thank you so much for having me in this book. you focus on the depiction of poverty in this country. how we talk about poverty, how we show poverty, and you say that black people on the edge of poverty, they re called pour, while white people in the same low-income situation are called working class and getting rid of those stereotypes you argue would help people of all colors, all colors, and races. how would you say that? that would actually happen well, first of all, what we hope to do in this book, and i hope to do is to take to america. the way we measure poverty in government official power measurement is, is a lie, it s distortion, it does not count all of the poor. i want to see america deal with all of her pool. we re talking about 135 million people were talking about 41% of adults and over 50% of our children and the fact that the matter is they re 26 million for low wage black people 60 some of black population. but there s 30% of white poor people. and that s over 66 million when you, when you, when you frame it as being poor people or black, other-focused but working what you re doing is dismissing millions of poor and low weight white people. and it has been down through history, a form of mythology designed to keep black and white people from working together who really are allies and unified when it comes to the experience of poverty in this country. reverend barber, i want to ask you about something that i m sure you ve seen. this is representative byron donalds. he s been making some pretty stunning claims about black people during the time of jim crow and even just today, he doubled down on it when it comes to the social welfare programs and he says are hurting black people in particular they don t want to acknowledge that jim crow was, was, was an era ushered in by democrat politicians and a south who still wanted to segregate and subjugate black people in this country. and they also don t want to acknowledge that is lyndon johnson s great society also heavy democrat policy? that actually lead to fathers not being at home i wonder what your responses to that well, he s doubling down on ignorance. first of all, democrats of that day were not the democrats are today have today, and republicans of that de, well-linked republics, they re not, we re not kind of trump and other republicans today. so let s give it back, but more so what he s dismissing its the same mythology to suggest that the war on poverty was just about black people went. in fact, the war on poverty cut poverty in a major way. and most of the measures in terms of raw numbers help white people, particularly white people in the south the king said in 1965 to the greatest feat of racist oligarch or the puppets like this young man is the fear of a mass number of four and poor white folk coming together, reframing the voting electric in order to change the economic architecture of the country right now in this country, 295,000 poor low-wage people that every year, 800 a day that we cannot dismiss, that, we cannot say that is all right. the fact that we can have presidential election after presidential election debate, after debate, and not even talk about 135 million poor low-wage people who by the way, makeup 30% of the electorate and non battleground states and over 40% in so-called battleground state. poverty is an american crisis. i m arguing in this book, let s talk about all the poor, how it is contrary to our fundamentals about democracy, like establishing justice and promoting the general welfare. let s talk about the 55 million people who make less than a living wage in this country. and let s start fixing policy. to abolish that is unnecessary scourge of poverty low way that does not have to exist in the wealthiest country in the world. yeah, you know, the idea of building a coalition based on class as opposed to race, has been around for a long time. i mean, going back to reverend jackson s rainbow coalition famously tried to do that, but one of the interesting things about this era is that you see this unique dynamic happening in the election where the white christian right has really we attach itself to donald trump, and that has been the frame by which they look at american politics. i want you to listen to what congresswoman marjorie taylor greene said just a couple of days ago in las vegas the democrats in the fake news media want to constantly talk about, oh, president trump as a convicted felon. what you want to know, something the man that i worship is also a convicted felon as a as a pastor, as someone who is a student of history, what do you make of this worship of the former president among the evangelical christian right? most mostly hey, the white christian right. well, first of all, i don t call it christian is religious nationalism. that s the first day because you wouldn t be applying white is the operative word. secondly, you can t talk about christianity and not be concerned about the poor. the first sermon that jesus preached, he said, you must preach good news to the poor and, jesus was crucified for standing with the pool. he was crucified for lifting those who are on the margin. that is not in any way comparison to what trump is doing, but more importantly the most of those folks that she s talking about are not the poor, are poor, and low wasteful. this is a moment in history that we say, we can no longer allow an american crisis to be marginalized or treated like an anomaly and that s what this book is about. it s about the stories of pot from appalachia and folks from the east kentucky that cannot be denied or dismiss. yeah, that often don t get told. that s fascinating what you re saying there again, the book is called white poverty. how exposing myths about race and class can reconstruct american democracy. reverend dr. william barber. thank you very much for joining us thank you and thank you for watching news night. laura coates live starts right now tonight a. new batch of secretly reported audio supreme court justice samuel alito, the activists behind the reporting s will share it with us in just minutes from now, plus, hunter biden convicted the new reporting about the reaction from inside the trump campaign and say it ain t. so why joey chest that s reign as one of the top dogs at coney island is coming to an end. good evening anja lithosphere now i ll go good evening. i

People , African-americans-don-t , Jury , Us , Faith , Juror , Criminal-justice-system , The-end , Error , Elc , Delaware , Terrorists

Transcripts For CNN Laura Coates Live 20240612

told. that s fascinating what you re saying there again, the book is called white poverty. how exposing myths about race and class can reconstruct american democracy. reverend dr. william barber. thank you very much for joining us thank you and thank you for watching news night. laura coates live starts right now tonight a. new batch of secretly reported audio supreme court justice samuel alito, the activists behind the reporting s will share it with us in just minutes from now, plus, hunter biden convicted the new reporting about the reaction from inside the trump campaign and say it ain t. so why joey chest that s reign as one of the top dogs at coney island is coming to an end. good evening anja lithosphere now i ll go good evening. i m jim acosta and for laura coates on this busy tuesday night for months, donald trump and republicans have tried to make the case that there is a two tiered justice system one system of justice for trump and one for everybody else. there are tax goes something like this that the justice department is being weaponized against donald trump. and donald trump only at direction of president biden. never mind that trump and his allies are also claiming that biden is slipping mentally while at the same time orchestrating that conspiracy set that aside. just consider the trump-world allegation that biden is behind this plot. two persecute the former president just so you understand this is all done by biden and his people maybe as people more importantly, democrats across the slide they ve crossed the line in which now the court system is a political weapon. this department of justice, the biden department of justice he is the most partisan department of justice in our nation s history today that same biden department of justice secured a conviction against the president s son, hunter, guilty on all three counts for lying about his drug use when he purchased a gun here is david weiss, the special counsel leading the case no one in this country is above the law. everyone must be accountable for their actions. i want to thank attorney general garland for providing the support necessary to fulfill our mission. that s why it s thanking the attorney general for ensuring that he has independence. the same attorney general that the former president and his allies have relentlessly accused without evidence of conspiring to get trump s today. some of those trump allies accused the biden administration of pursuing a conviction of hunter basically accusing the president of sacrificing his own son to continue that conspiracy. former trump white house adviser stephen miller posted this. take a look at this. the gun charges he says are a misdirection, don t be gasland. this is all about protecting joe biden don t be gaslight. indeed, new tonight, the new york times reports hunter biden s conviction not only undercuts trump s narrative, but also hurts his campaigns fundraising efforts, citing a person familiar, the time says, quote, there had been discussions about how much an acquittal of hunter biden would help mr. trump? potentially raising tens of millions of additional dollars as they plan to cite it as more evidence. the justice system was rigged oops it s an ai, democrats on the hill noted their response to the biden conviction was different. we re not here contesting the results. were not here trying to defund the fbi or the department of justice because we don t like the outcome of a of a given trial we respect the judicial process, which we respect the outcome of it for his part, president biden two, it says he accepts the outcome of the case, and we ll respect it. he issued that statement before he changed the schedule to be with his son, fleming fine. to wilmington, delaware, where he remains the night photographer. you can see right? they re capturing their embrace hey, shortly after the president landed on the tarmac. now i want to get to brandy harden, a criminal defense attorney, liam donovan, former national republican senatorial campaign committee aid and karen funny a cnn legal commentator. brandy, i so let s let s jump right into this. republicans still saying that doj is a big weapon but against them, does that hold up anymore? let s listen to a speaker johnson. he was talking to our manu raju and other reporters about this verdict will talk about the other side every case is different. and clearly the evidence is overwhelming here. i don t think that s the case and the trump trials and all the charges that have been brought again, obviously brought for political purposes. hunter biden is a separate instance separate instance. the speaker say separate incidents, and so i think, look, this convictions certainly undercuts the theory that there are two there s a two tier justice system in reality, there s not one system for donald trump in one system for other folks in reality, we see that this conviction stands that when the government sets their sights on you, when they think that you ve committed a crime, they re gonna go after you and just like what happened here, a jury of your peers is going to listen, is going to figure out what happens. and here there was a guilty verdict yeah. and leon, the new york times, reporting that the trump campaign plan to raise millions of dollars off of 100 biden acquittal, i guess that s oh, well, i guess that s not gonna work out now what do you make of that? well, i mean, it s certainly makes sense if you re trying to play into the cynical idea that the system is rigged, that would certainly be prove it. i think well, with the punches though, if you start with that premise, then you can use that to any anything can come back and affirm that. so there s there s nothing that can prove the negative the system s not rigged, not a conviction of hunter biden. i mean, look, this would never should have gone to trial was supposed to be a plea deal. the plea deal fell apart. this also doesn t resolve because there s going to be a tax trial that comes up in september. it s just a mess. nobody s actually satisfied the president. but what do you sent through a tax trial to get help right? exactly what where does the conspiracy end? all the way up and then sanity begin? but here s this so cynical and discussing about that anybody who is dealt with addiction or it has people that they know deal with addiction it is a journey to stay clean, right? and the idea that the president would want to risk his child sobriety for the presidency. i get why in donald trump s mind that might make sense because that s how he thinks about things, right? is how do i work the angles to get the result i want, but the thought of joe biden doing that after again, i think what s important about today, i think about the contrast here you have a man who has this is a guy who has taken punches throughout his life. joe biden and he gets back up and he s resilient and he has figured out how to say, look, i love my son, but the law is the law versus trump, who acts like a spoiled brat, who just doesn t get his way yeah. i mean liam, the trump campaign saying in a statement, we put this up on screen. this trial has been nothing more than a distraction from the real crimes of the biden crime family and limb. people buy this stuff. i think there is a separate issue. i mean, truly if you look at this, this is kind of the it s the bragg case of the hunter charges. it really is small potatoes. i mean, i don t think republicans truly do believe there are other things that foot here they. haven t produced the goods though. they haven t been able to put together a case in the house of representatives that would that would be able to pursue this. i know that the oversight committee is tried, but there are big things that you re going to call the biden crime family. should you have are tied to the president, wears we re doing we re doing hot dogs later ron, those out. we ll look at for the nothing now, you know, that s why i think we are where we are. they talk a good game. they talk like there s going to be something else. but in reality, this is it. this is what they have. this is the case that they have and ultimately it s resulted in a conviction. yeah. and brandie, a juror ten, spoke to cnn about the decision all 12 jurors did agree that yes, he know and laying bought a gun when he was an attic or he was addicted to drugs yeah. i know everything gets thrown into the political meat grinder in dc. but again, this is further validation of the jury system that we have in this country. it s, it s not perfect. it s flawed. our justice system is why there s no doubt about that but in the trump case, you had a jury of men and women doing their job, doing their civic duty. they came to a verdict. they issued that verdict. same in this case, saving this point in new york one and delaware, you know, it s really important that we rely on the jury system. i mean, we call it a jury of your peers, whether it s actually your peers or not, it s 12 people who listen to the evidence and make get decision. one of the things that i think is so problematic here though, is that why is this? i mean, you shouldn t be able to lie on an application, but with respect to whether or not he was addicted, i mean, that just takes it another step and i think it s sad that he was struggling with addiction is sad ultimately that he said what he said on the application, but i do think that the jury system i m has 12 people decide what the evidence is and i listened to what the juror said the jury seem to say the fact that he s in the biden family had nothing to do with the case although in reality, everyone knew it was joe biden son and so even if it was in the back of their minds, they may have been at the front of their mind, but certainly it was something that everyone was aware of apparently it didn t, impact the verdict. this ties back to this larger theme about democracy that we ve been talking about, right? because there is a part of democracy that is a leap of faith. you have to have a leap of faith that you go into the system 12 people are going to listen to the evidence and make a decision and you abide by that decision, you have a right to appeal, you have a right, you write, you have plenty of rights, under house that hunter has that right there s rather, you know, exactly. and so but that s democracy that and when some of the commentary that we re seeing from republican let s the whole fact that the trump campaign initially put out a statement that had sympathy for hunter and then pull that back. i mean, all that does is undermine people s belief in our democracy and in our systems at a time when we actually should be reaffirming into your point, it s not perfect. there s so much work we need to do. but this is our system and we ve got to work with it. and by undermining it actually makes us less safe as a country tree. and the jury system works. i mean, at the end of the day and we re gonna for a long time, it worked and so regardless of how perfect it is, one way or the other, 12 people look at the evidence, they listen, sometimes say they get it wrong, sometimes they get it right, but the jury system works and leave just very quickly. there s a bob menendez trial going on henry cuellar trial going i mean, there are other trials of prominent democrats going on right now. i think the tricky part is and you re exactly right, but i think the tricky part is if you look at these piecemeal, you can say, well, this just proves the democrats are corrupt in this case of menendez or whomever. i think the tricky part is, as you say, i think there is trust in these institutions. but when we start to, when we start to talk about the supreme court, we start to talk about judge cannon and we pick apart things that maybe it looks like it s not on the level in other areas. i think it s hard to make these cases that we need to trust in the system if we re not bringing that across the board fair point, our guys, thank you very much. great discussion. i appreciate it tonight the bidens are huddling together in their delaware home to be with their son, hunter and addressing the verdict, the president said he could relate to families who have had loved ones battling addiction, saying quote, i am the president, but i am also a dad, jill, and i love our son and we are so proud of the man and he is today and chris whipple joins me now he s the author of the fight of his life inside joe biden s white house chris good to see you. i see you studied the bidens for a long time. how painful is this moment for the president yeah, i think it s extremely painful, just heart wrenching and it s impossible to overstate date just how close joe and hunter biden arnon it goes all the way back to that horrific car crash in 1972, which hunter and beau barely survived. it s the reason why we ve been seeing him holding him close through throughout the trial and jill biden has been there and why you see these continuing statements of support? i mean, i think that for joe biden, this is a personal tragedy at a political windfall because i think that politically, i just don t see any downside soup so many people, so many americans can relate to a father, loving and supporting his son why? and chris, we were talking about this new york times piece that s out this evening where the trump campaign has sort of analyze this various different ways of how a biden acquittal or conviction might play out. one of the things that says in that story is that the former president has been talking about hunter biden a whole lot less out on the campaign trail in part because the former president thinks that there s some sympathy out there for the current president because of what his son has been going through. and it is worth reminding our viewers just how much tragedy, personal tragedy, the president, the united states has endured over his life. and it has shaped him. it s made him the man he is. now. it s absolutely true and i think that look, i think a lot of the joe biden s advisers are keeping a close eye on him, not because they re worried about the political fallout as i say, i think that s nothing but upside, but i think they re just worried about him personally. they re worried about having to shoulder this on top of the burdens of the presidency. this is a guy who s got a lot of stuff on his plate but again, politically, i think there s no downside. i thought so even before the verdict and after the verdict, even more so because the guilty verdict gives the lie to the notion that joe biden is some kind of puppeteer who weaponized as the department of justice punishing his enemies it s and freeing his friends, obviously hundred biden never would have seen the inside of a courtroom if that were the case. and i think luck we ve got a debate coming up and i don t think joe biden, would ever go there. i don t think he ll bring it up but let me tell you if donald trump is makes the mistake of going there and spewing nonsense about the biden crime family. i think joe will be prepared. mean can you imagine if that happened? joe biden saying, look, last time i checked you were guilty of 34 felonies i m guilty of loving my son yeah. and chris, the president, has said that he will not pardon his son. what did you think of that? i thought it was extraordinary. i mean, it was it was a moment of just moral clarity on the part of joe biden and couldn t have been in starker contrast to the way donald trump has handled his own conviction so i think it was extraordinary when he was asked will you will you accept the verdict, whatever it is? he said? yes. would you and then again, what would you rule out a pardon? yes. you can t be much more clear than that. all right. for swivel a great discussion. thanks so much for your time. really appreciate it. good to be with you as we were saying earlier, new audio of supreme court justice samuel alito bashing the courts critics, the activists releasing these tapes this audio is here to walk us through it. that s next. say what the assignments are going off. the tornado here you cannot swim you cannot outlet on it. it really doesn t. terrifying experience. it is a stuff of nightmares. you just hear and feel it nick eyes and my throat or brain i m thinking i m going to die and i thought that was it earth with liev schreiber, sunday at nine on cnn dad is a legends and his legendary moves might be passed down to you ancestry dna can show you which traits were inherited. where they came from and who he shares them with but get moving. the sale is only for a limited time. how do you keep your teeth so white with all the coffee you drink? my secrets lumen, no way mainstream. i mean, that is why. and because there s no sensitivity, i feel like i can use them more often and you can get this at walmart or target we never thought that with verizon s saving on the best and entertainment was 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uncovered ethics scandals at the highest court in the country is the latest in a series of recordings released by progressive filmmaker who secretly recorded alito while posing as a religious conservative, the next clip was recorded by her colleague, ali said marco, take a listen to this tylee they don t like our decisions, have, they don t like now they the sides of the case that s the beginning and there are groups that are get somebody gets a lot of money now, cnn is not obtained the full video, but we ve reached out to the supreme court and propublica for comment. we have not heard back from the supreme court, but of propublica saying in a statement tonight, propublica exposes abuses of power, no matter which party is in charge. and our newsroom operates with fierce independence. the fact that clarence thomas amended his past filings to formally disclose trips that were paid for by billionaire harlan crow speaks for itself and joining me now, the executive producer of the undercurrent, lauren windsor, she is the person behind those secret recordings. lauren, great to see you again, we talked to you earlier this morning thanks for coming back on. walk us through this. i can first of all, why did you want to get these justices on tape? and was it tough when you walked up to them where they more reserved at first digit to warm them up. how did it work? well, so it went to two different dinners. there s one and 20231 and 2024, at the first one? i spoke with justice alito only there were several justices there, but we had a good conversation. i had gone initially because of propublica reporting on clarence thomas so i thought at the time, will he be there? will he not who knows, but the reporting is it s like one of his favorite dinners so i thought there was a good chance he was not there. harlan crow is not there to my knowledge but justice alito was and so i had a conversation with him about how do we repair this partisan rift in our country that s right. they didn t say partisan rather, sorry. how do we repair the polarization in this country at the time he responded really and newsworthy way it was. i don t know. i don t know. that s not really a role. so he didn t publish that audio. but then this was before he actually went under the glare of propublica is fantastic reporting, right and so i imagined that because of that he might be more aggrieved and i might have a second shot at that this year. and sure enough, when i asked him similar questions, he had a much different response. and let s talk about what he had to say. they re about pro public. i mean, it is odd to say the leaves to see a supreme court justice or hear a supreme court justice go after a news organization which by the way, for propublica did a perfectly legitimate series of new stories on what was going on at the supreme court. and it s raised all sorts of questions about the ethics there there have been calls for ethics, codes and so on, because of that, they ve wonderful is a private one that they did they did honestly, i have no idea what propublica is budget is, but let s just say that what is it 4 million that i think that clarence thomas is accepted in gifts from donors. i would, imagine that given that it s an independent newsroom, that the annual budget probably rivals the amount that clarence thomas is taken in donations that he hasn t reported. do i know for sure? i don t know. i just you know, if you re talking about millions of dollars there that you didn t report and justice alito is saying, oh, they ve spent a fortune on going after clarence thomas. let s look at that relative. were you surprised that he was as candid with you as he comes across and as mrs. alito comes across, i mean, what what surprised you the most? it was very surprised in my so just to give some more context to this, i spoke with justice alito at the cocktail reception before. that s nris spoke with mrs. alito after the dinner? and i was surprised with him because when i went, i honestly thought these justices, they have to exercise discretion all the time. and so it wasn t surprised the first year when it wasn t newsworthy. the second year i go back. okay. we ll try again and see if we get something newsworthy so as i m standing there and having this conversation with him, it s blowing my mind when he says there are fundamental things that can t be compromised. and so to me that s okay. well, wow what are those fundamental things that can t be compromised because it s clearly is going to affect how you rule on really critical decisions that are impacting the lives of americans every day yeah and i know you and i talked about this earlier this morning, but just in case the viewers have missed that, are watching now let s talk about tactics and the way you went about doing this when i was talking to you earlier this morning, you said spare me the pearl-clutching but what about the folks at home who might be saying, oh, you know what, she shouldn t have misrepresented who she was, she should just go in there and say, hey, i m i m doing this investigation, talk to me well, you know, if i were to walk up to someone and say, hi, i m a journalists, would you please tell me that you have a lack of impartiality. that s not something you re really going to be candid about. and it really goes to the genesis. i ve done undercover reporting for a long time back to a huge scoop that i had in 2014 with the koch brothers it s reserved for events or situations where you re not going to get information. really any other way. and in this particular circumstance, they re not forthcoming. there already evading any accountability measures whatsoever. and so is it worse for me too? tend to be a fan girl or is it worse for them to not disclose millions of dollars worth of gifts from gop donors let s talk about relative ethics violations here. i think that what i m doing is in service of knowledge for the public good, the greater good for all of us congress needs to take action this i shouldn t have to do this it should be congress and this should be the media holding these justice. justice is two accounts is say your public service as part of the problem, the supreme court is unaccountable course. it isn t accountable. they can get ethics reform passed you know, why are we having congressional hearings into this? i think any reasonable person would say that clarence thomas let s getting his mother s house paid for or his nephews tuition paid for or an rv loan, much of which was forgiven. all of these things, any reasonable person would say there extraordinary. all right. lauren windsor. thanks a lot. you got i got us all talking here in dc. that s for sure. thank you, jim. thanks for your time. i appreciate it. all right. just ahead. a cnn exclusive rare access inside detention camps and facilities in syria where children of isis isis fighters are coming the age. and it s being described as a breeding ground for the next generation of isis plus could trump may military service, mandatory why some and his camp are pushing that idea. we ll talk about them the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn t be higher. the president and the former president, one state very different visions for america s future that cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming on max. hey, you ve seen this hi was the dish everyone you re telling me you can get directtv, vogue good stuff, and you don t need a satellite dish i used to love doing i d business on those things. yeah, won-sik pigeon, then dishes kept the rain off our beaks. we just have different priorities is satellite free directtv never thought i d see the day well, our lifespans are quite short. extreme directtv without a satellite dish, you gonna do this thing with my neck just for a bit dan made progress with his mental health, but his medication caused unintentional movements in his face, hands, and 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all protected from scary oner s day, and get free shipping anywhere nationwide hydrozoa alvarez at the white house. and this is cnn also tonight seen in his learning that federal agents have arrested eight nationals from tajikistan who were inside the united states over suspected ties to the terror group isis versus say they entered the us or the southern border. and it was later discovered they had popped possible links to isis members overseas. they were monitored for more than a month and eventually arrested before it possible plot could develop those arrests coming as the us grapples with a growing problem in syria tens of thousands of children have suspected isis fighters, many now becoming adults held in detention facilities and camps controlled by us ally hi as an american general describes one of those camps as a breeding ground for the next generation of isis. cnn s clarissa ward got rare exclusive access to these sites including a prison that holds some of the most dangerous isis members. and here s what she saw. cnn has found that boys as young as 14 had been held here at the notorious panorama prison with an estimated 4,000 inmates. it is the largest concentration of isis fighters the world no journalist has been allowed in sayyed panoramas since 2021 until now. so the head of the prison has asked me to put on a head scarf what we walk through here because these are some of the most radicalized prisoners they have a senior us official told us the number one concern at pan panorama is a prison break the fear that was realized in 2022 when hundreds of inmates managed to escape and i look inside 25 men sit cross-legged in silence cell is spotless. the men we see appear to be indecent physical condition. but tuberculosis is rampant in the prison. and we are only allowed to look inside two cells versus your where are you from? a british man approaches the great, but does not want to show his face i know advocacy groups called the us funding did panorama illegal black hole worse than guantanamo bay in an interrogation room, we he made 19-year-old stephane ux charloux from suriname. he tells us he was brought to the prison when he was 14, along with more than 100 other miners have you had a lawyer ever you talk to a lawyer? well, i don t know about the big guys. you speak about the kids assume we re all feeling know the truth. you don t know even my we re always punished is like five years in prison. i were punished we don t even know what he s done. like we ve been imprisoned because of our clients at the sdf intelligence headquarters. we made british pakistani dr. mohammed socket accused of joining isis. he claims he was the victim of an elaborate kidnapping plot. it says panoramas. inmates are abused so we live in torture. i live in fear we say, you live in torture, do you mean that you are actually physically being tortured? this happens on and off. what kind of torture, like beating by the stick by the gods. to be honest, i m just waiting for my death. is no getting in out of this prison. belle-v never the warden at panorama called psaki claim of abuse false, saying, quote, all parts of the prison are monitored by cameras and no prison guard can act this way the sdf and the us are pushing countries to repatriate their citizens from syria, saying it is the only solution to this complex and dangerous situation. but the process has been slow and many including western allies are dragging their feet in the owl rose, can we meet brits, canadians, belgians, australians, and a couple of americans? survive basically 30-year-old hoda methanol has been stuck here with her seven-year-old son for more than five years. i have to ask you, i m seeing all of the women here are fully covered. a lot of them covering their faces you re not covered, you re wearing a t-shirt is that hard it was hard when i first took it. i would say for the first 23 here s people were not accepting of it, you know, and they harassed us a lot. they stole our stuff in i had to stay strong and show example for myself. born and raised in the us. hoda became radicalized online at the age of 20 and left her family in alabama to live under isis a decision she quickly regretted if you were to be able to go back to the us and you had to go on trial, potentially serve time in prison have you reconciled yourself without possibility i always tell myself that i m going to prison would be a step forward in my life if i had any time to serve, i d server and not come out and begin my life with my son for now. that is not an option. while the us advocates repatriation, it ruled hold is us citizenship invalid on a technicality, i didn t write down. she lives in fear for her son s future what do you miss most about america? i just want to breathe at moroccan air and be around people i loved the people of america. they re very open and they re very forgiving and they re vary. their people who gives second chances and i think if they were to sit down with me and listen to my story from the beginning, they would give me a second chance and clarissa ward joins us, dow, chlorus are great reporting as always, i want to ask you about hoda the american we saw there, the us just completed one of the largest repatriation is from syria to date last month. why wasn t she part of it well, this is an interesting one gym, so we did actually reach out to the state department and ask them about hoda and they basically told us and i ll just read you the statement. the department has does not changed its position with regards to ms methanol citizenship status as the state department determined, and the courts agreed she is not and never was a us citizen. we ve also heard from who does lawyer who said the us has taken a high and mighty approach and lecturing other countries that they need to repatriate hello to them athena is not a us citizen than she is stateless. and that is a violation of international law that directly contradicts what the us government has stated that other countries cannot and should not do the lawyer also raises the issue of who does 7-year-old son, whose grandparents are american? again, so this is a complicated case it is continuing efforts to try to resolve it, and i should add, jim, that is senior us official told us there are about a dozen other americans who are also still in those camps. in syria. the difficulty with repatriation is that some of them don t even want to go back. we spoke to one woman. she didn t want to be identified she said that she doesn t want to put up her hand to go back to the us. she s fearful of whatever punishment or recrimination she may face there for her actions. jim all right. fascinating report. clarissa ward. thank you very much just ahead. one of trump s cabinet secretaries pushing for mandatory military service if the former president gets a second term. but what does former trump defense secretary mark esper think about all of that? it s not his ideas. other cabinet members idea. we ll talk about that last convex older chains is cold calculating, cynical and needs the money not only was the cia compromise, he also was compromised secrets and spies, a nuclear game sunday at ten on cnn from real quality that starts in our factory to real performance in your backyard. steel tools, or as tough and dependable as the people who use them. this fathers de give them the gift that s built for dab right now, save $30 on the fs 56 rc gas-powered driven real still the best things in life come into two scoops of ice cream, two thumbs up, and now by any phone, when you switch to consumer cellular and get two months of service free that s right. two months free, all the fast, reliable nationwide coverage make this switch today you have chronic kidney disease. you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with bars sega because their places to be for circular can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract 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the era of voluntary service, trump denied that he wants to revive mandatory service posting on truth, social quote, the story is completely untrue and he never even thought of that idea. he says, but the report highlights a concern all military leaders have in the united states plummeting recruitment staffing levels have dropped in every branch except for the space force is raising fears about military readiness and security with me now cnn global affairs analyst and former defense secretary under trump, mark esper of us secretary. great. grateful to have your time. this late tuesday night christopher miller says that mandatory service should be quote, strongly considered. what do you think of this idea well, jim, we do have a problem in the united states when it comes to recruiting and the numbers seem to be getting worse, we have when i was army secretary in 2018, only 71% of america s youth qualified to serve and now 56 years, years later, 78% are unqualified to serve. then the number who are interested in serving who remain has decreased from about 13% to 9%. so look out of a cohort of 34 million or so, 17 to 24 year-olds we can only seem to generate 500,000 or so that are qualified and interested in serving. so this is, this is a matter i m deeply concerned about. it s not going to bite us today or tomorrow. but if these trends continue in their cultural there lifestyle trends, if they continue, we re going to find ourselves in a bad situation when it comes to the all voluntary force, 5810 years from now let me ask you about the political dimensions of this, because trump says he doesn t. this is not his idea, but he famously calls some american veterans who died in we re losers and suckers does trump s past comments about the military make recruiting more difficult i mean, can you imagine something like this happening in a second trump term after what he has said about fallen american heroes there are a number of things that have made recruiting difficult coming from both sides of the aisle, frankly, but i think it s the bigger issues in our country. i mean, the bottom line is that america s youth just are not familiar with americans military, with the one-half of 1% that serves and defense them. and that s the challenges we had to grow that with a close that knowledge gap among america s youth. so i think there are a number of ways to address that. measures that are far less radical than then reinstating a draft. things such as expanding j rotc and making sure that recruiters are guaranteed full access to high schools too. to simple things like bringing back physical fitness to high school students every day. and when they go to school and high school, things like that, they could really improve the pool of applicants. because right now, they just simply don t know that these are credible career fields and we don t want to go the way of mandatory service because what s really made the american military great since the draft was ended in 1973, was affected, they re all volunteers. they re professionals who want to serve. they want to be there. they want to do right by their country. and that s makes our military so capable and so great you and i were talking before the segment about various things and i asked about d-day. and, you know, my thoughts. i mean, there s still with those amazing veterans that we saw on june 6, last week. you know, these these men who and women who we are in their late 90s and 100s, just a stunning and just stirring example of bravery to americans all over the country have you been able to put your finger on what has been lost in and why? maybe americans just don t have the same reverence for military service that we have for the greatest generation for the people who fought on d-day know what i mean yeah, there are tremendous generation toughened by the depression of course. and then brought together by the spread of naziism. and of course imperial japan in world war ii they re just remarkable and they thought that war for four years and then came back home and went straight to work and raised families and built america into what she is today. but look i think that ember is still there in the hearts of america s youth. i see when i visit the academies, when i used to go to visit basic training or units out in the field, i think it s still there but again, they re a distance is grown between the american population and the military that serves them. and we have to bring them back together and we need our national leaders to go out there and talk about the virtues of military service, about what it means to help one another to serve one another. and i do think there is also a virtue and bring them, bringing the americans together from all democrats graphics from all ethnic groups, from all religious and racism, bringing them together that would go a long distance to helping bring our country together, make us more cohesive. as cohesive as the greatest generation was nearly 80 years ago now. yeah, and i should note, you and i both though after 911, we saw the same kind of patriotic response. inside this country. and so does somebody extent what chris miller is saying is that maybe we need to bring back mandatory service because that doesn t exist anymore. but if there were to be a national crisis, international crisis, i agree with you. i think americans, young americans would respond in the same fashion. we have to keep fostering that kind of spirit in this country secretary mark esper, great to talk to you as always. thanks so much for your time. really appreciate it thank you, jim alright. just ahead. a big shakeup for a fourth of july tradition. a reigning champion, joey chestnut he has been banned from nathan s hot dog eating contests. that s right. he has been banned and it s all over. vegan frankfurter s. are harry ensign our very own frame further here and cnn as here to explain this coming up next this election season, stay with cnn with 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when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit. unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock.” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it s not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that s uncalled for. now and see how much you can save the cnn presidential debates june 20 at nine live on cnn and streaming on max closed captioning brought to you by thunder shirt, constant gentle pressure for a calmer pet. if your dog s suffers from fear of thunder, fireworks separation, or any other anxieties. thunder shirt can help. thunder shirts find at retailers like pet smart and petco all right talk about a major beef. the iconic nathan s hot dog eating contest on 4 july will be missing a famous hungry face, joey chestnut, and 16 times champion will sit out this year s feast because he s sponsored by a rival brand and plant-based company impossible foods. nathan says it has a longstanding rule banning competitors sponsored by rival brands, but major league eating says in a statement, quote, joey chestnut is an american hero. we would love nothing more than to have him at nathan s famous international hotdog eating contests, which he has dominated for years just not tweeting. he s gutted and argues the organizers are changing the rules from past years and regard to partnerships and cnn senior data reporter harry ensign is here now, eating a hot dog, though less hairy. what i figured we d be talking to you about this so where s the beef here and all of this? what s going? but on this is going to open up the competition. i suppose. and a pretty big way how dominant has chest not been hizon this thing. he s absolutely owned it. just look, joey chestnut to record he is when 16 nathan. no, no, no, no, not another always said don t speak with you while you re chewing your food. but anyway, anyway my mother is not here. that s what s most important. all right. he s 11617. last contests these in a total of 1070 hot dogs, the most at once. a world record 76. this dude eat hotdogs and his sleep, if he was here right now instead of just taking one byte, he would have finished all of the hot dogs that i have on this desk. so this dude is amazing he is an athlete. there s no question about a world-class athlete. and this is a tradition along the coney island boardwalk in new york harry wax poetic here. how did it start? this? there s a lot of myth-making with this particular contest and i actually went in, i thought maybe it started in the 19-teens, but no, it s only been every year since 1978, maybe a kind of start in the early 70s, but it s been consistent since 78. it s really been a competitive contest since 1997 when major league eating first sponsored it. and that s when we really started seeing the crowds and those competitive eaters, sometimes 40,000 plus people turn out to watch this thing. my goodness, gracious. you ve got 40,000 people to watch. anything yeah. and i don t want to think about what was going into those hot dogs back in 1918, but all move on. hairy chest on sponsorship change reflects this, i guess shift towards a vegan products plant-based meat. i eat some of this stuff every once in awhile. it s good stuff what are the number say in terms of what s more popular now, meet or plant-based alternatives. i mean, meet, it s still so dominant i mean, you just look at the profits and over the last year and you see, you know, look at the animal meat, 122 billion plant-based meat, only 806 million, far less. but you know, jim, you mentioned plant-based and i wanted to do it the taste tests right here, i got a plant-based impossible hot dog right here. all right. i m going to take a little bite here. all right it looks tasty so it s nothing compared to this. i mean, this is where you want it that is where you want it. that is where you are right now. it s where i am. i am in heaven, jim, i m in heaven right now. fantastic. i just love hotdogs overall. there s nothing that says some are more than a nice hot dog especially one that s made in the finest city in the world at a baseball game. there s nothing better. i harry answered, i ll let you finish your food, please chu and shoe everybody and swallow and please don t show up. we re still on the year. all right. i ll be fine thanks a lot see a light, wash it down with a good beer. all right. see you later. and thank you for watching. i ll see you tomorrow morning at 10:00 a.m. eastern right here on cnn anderson cooper 360 is next tonight on 360. what happens now that the president s son is a convicted felon and why supporters convicted felon who is running for president are still complaining about the criminal justice system, keeping them honest. also, a cnn exclusive course award goes inside a searing detention camp. were families, vices, fighters are being held and some fear of the next generation may be being born. plus we have breaking news tonight. a bus

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Transcripts For CNN The Source With Kaitlan Collins 20240611

seemed to be pulling more votes away from biden or trump based on who you spoke to anderson kennedy s coalition of voters, they ve really span the political spectrum polling data does indicate the largest contingent could actually be those who didn t support either candidate i didn t 2020 a lot of his support comes from these so-called double-haters. those holding unfavorable views of both biden and trump, anderson even can thank so much. the news continues, the sorts we count. collins starts now, i ll see you tomorrow. straight on the source tonight. the president and the probation officers were brand new details from inside donald trump s pre-sentencing interview that could have huge impact on his punishment, including whether judge, were shawn since him to prison, were to giuliani s latest mug shot this time in arizona as the ones it s powerful mayor drowns in debt and scandal he says he has no regrets. we ve got the tape of him today a new images of those extraordinary moments that hostages are found alive during that, during rescue mission in gaza in broad daylight, a top israeli official will join me here live. i m kaitlin collins this is the source let this sink in and for just a moment, the presumptive republican nominee and the former president of the united states, just met with probation officers ahead of his sentencing which happens to be one month from tomorrow here in new york. now these pre-sentencing interviews are routine procedures for convicted felons, but it s safe to say there is nothing ordinary about this interview or this convicted felon. here s what we do know as of 9:00 p.m. here tonight, it was around 330 this afternoon that donald trump donald trump met virtually from his mar-a-lago club down in south florida with officials here in new york or sources say that he answered all the questions that were asked of him. cnn s john miller was told that trump was polite, respectful, and accommodating to the probation officers who conducted this interview. and the whole thing was over and just under half an hour it is quite the call, but adding to the unusual nature of this whole thing, we re told that the commissioner of new york s probation department was present for it, along with the general counsel and the officer who s assigned to the case and trump, as we know, with the permission of the judge here, one more sean was joined by his lead attorney, todd blanche, who are you d this case. now, typically, a convicted defendant would meet with their probation officer without their attorney. there. but this was different here. like many of the dynamics here. and ultimately it is the probation department that will submit a report based in part on today s interview to the judge here, who of course, will then ultimately decide but trump s punishment will be, i m joined tonight by trump biographer, cnn political analyst, and you times senior political correspondent maggie haberman. maggie, i mean it s a required step before sentencing, but just the aspect that he is undergoing. this is just remarkable in and of itself, everything about this is remarkable. and i do think that we lose sight of it that especially those of us who were in that courtroom, as you and i were, this is a former president who was trying to understand that his supporters think that this was not a case that should have been brought. they say that all the time. i think his lawyers feel this way too but nonetheless, he was convicted and it took less than two days and now we are hurdling toward a republican national convention, where he is going to be he nominated for a third time as the party s nominee, and he will have just been sentenced a few days earlier on july 11. and so i don t think we can overstate how remarkable this is. i think where it stops feeling remarkable is that voters don t same, particularly interested in it. and so this is history. this is something we have never experienced before. everything you just described is not the usual procedure in this kind of a sentencing report interview. but this is not typical, as you said? yeah, for all the talk of how trump has treat, i mean does get special treatment in some of these circumstances and you talked about the hell the sentencing is on. it s on a thursday. the convention starts that monday based on what you ve heard, has it set in for donald trump himself though, that this is happening, that he is having to answer these kinds of questions to probation officers. it has not actually don t think that the the conviction has left his mind much even though he s i think the best compartmentalize are many of us have ever seen on the political stage. i think he is well aware of what he is carrying over the next four weeks this situation where most of them would try to get a lesser sentence in these kind of interviews or when they go before the judge, trump will have an opportunity to speak to offer to be contrite but it doesn t seem like he s going he has been making that argument based on what he s been saying on truth, social, or rallies, or in interviews about this case and we do know he s also planning on appealing it right after that sentencing happens. so how does he balance the two of those so my assumption and we don t know specifically what he said in this interview. it was pretty short today. i don t know what the average length of those are, but 30 minutes is not a long time on its own my assumption is that he was actually not contrite, but certainly more subdued in that interview. than what we have seen on truth, social, what we saw outside of the courtroom and the hallways at the courthouse, what we have seen him du rallies, what we ve seen him doing, interviews it will be very hard for him to then suddenly argue that that s all just politics. or he didn t mean it, or what have you remember? he s going to be sentenced by a judge who cited him for violating a gag order several several times. and at one point said to him, the last thing i want to have to do is put you in jail, but made clear that that was on the table. if he kept doing it i don t know what this ends up looking like it i don t see a world where trump stands up and says, i m really sorry because trump s still denies anything happened, especially to this judge of all people are rapidly rails against repeatedly, which is you make a really good point there that how he acts inside the courtroom or based on what john miller heard about how he was in this interview? it is quite different than how he talks about it at rallies on tv in front of the mics. as you and i know well, from covering him for a long time, he can be very different depending on what crowd he is playing, two and when he knows that he is playing to the probation commissioner and his probation officer or the person assigned to the case. i am expecting that he was slightly more subdued now, do i think that that means that he said you re right. i feel terrible about all of this. no, i find that very unlikely, but i doubt that it was spoken version of the all caps truth, truthsocial posts and part of this process is family members, friends can submit letters to the court on the defendants. the felons behalf do you think that ll happen in this situation? actually do think that there are a lot of people who are potentially going to write testimonials. we ll see if that happens, but we certainly saw that he and his aides were getting people to attend the trial. normally, when people do that, it s so that the jurors can see sympathetic people around the person is in trump s case, it was so trump could roll heavy with elected officials for the most part. but i could see efforts by his family members, by friends. he went to court a couple of times with steve witkoff, one of his oldest friends whose real estate investor from new york, i could see people like that sending in notes to the judge. yeah. it s interesting. i also wonder the vp contenders who also started showing up, the doug burgum is the jd vance s making very clear. it s also a question whether they would say something on his bath or there s doing it on on television and interviews. my assumption is that they are much likely are to do it to the cameras than they are to the judge because they re playing to a different audience than the judge. their plan to trump seated senior legal analyst elie honig is also your elie you when we look at this, how much impact does what happened today in this whole pre-sentencing report that s gonna go to the judge how much impact does that have on the actual sentence itself? these reports matter. they re not binding on the judge, but they absolutely matter because this is the first time you hear from some sort of neutral third party trusted by the courts, probation department, and i promise you, whichever side likes the recommendation will say, look, the probation department is with us. there on our site and just to give you a sense of how closely he held this information is when we would get these pre-sentence report sent to us as prosecutors, it would come in to emails first and encrypted email that you couldn t open unless you had the code and then a second email giving us the password to open it. so that s how confidential this information is kept. it seen as is proprietary, it s private information, it s personal information, so it s very closely guarded by the courts. does it ever make a difference to the prosecution of what they re going to ask the judge for in terms of sentencing, when they look it over port like this for sure. because let s put ourselves in alvin bragg s position here for a second. this is going to be really close call at sentencing. what does alvin bragg? i think he s likely to ask for some term of imprisonment. i think it s hard for him to bring a case like this. just to get 34434 convictions and then say, we re fine with probation. and if probation, the probation department itself has come in first and said, we recommend prison. it s much easier as the da to say we agree with them. yes. do that there s a lot of information in this pre-sentencing report that it actually could pertain to his other legal issues that he s dealing with from the civil ones here in new york, but also the other criminal cases. could that complicate anything? i mean, is that why todd blanche attended this today? would normally an attorney would not be present for it, happy if i had a client who had three other pending indictments and several civil verdicts in the process of appeal, i would absolutely insist on being there because what he says can be used against him in certain circumstances. another thing to keep your eye on here is now the trump s been convicted once he sentenced in new york that could actually bump up his punishment if he s convicted in the other cases because those cases, what you do is you calculate a person s criminal history. now, he has a criminal history. you re agreeing maggie? impact. do you think it could have i think it could have all of the impacts that le just described. i also think that it could end up being i m not sure that this will happen, but because it hasn t happened yet, but it could end up being a factor in whether prosecutors, any of the other cases and led correct me if i m wrong? if they want to suggest that this impacts his release conditions from those indictments. now, again, i don t think that s likely, but i do think that we have seen jack smith raised concerns about his attacks on the fbi. judge cannon, in that case, the mar-a-lago documents case, did not agree with them. it s just something it s more grist to the prosecutors can point to but if he s not if there s not jail as a result of this. i mean, even if he s checking the probation officer, that would be pretty remarkable in the homestretch of the presidential campaign. yeah, have a curfew. i do sometimes and to have a geographic restriction, i mean, the conditions or probation chen can differ quite a bit, but i do want to make this point, even if judge merchan sentences trump to prison. and i think there s a decent chance he does. that sentence will almost certainly not be imposed until after appeals. and i assume that he is going to differ the sentence until after the appeal is ongoing and set aside. and then that likely gets us till after the election. and of course we know trump is going to appeal this. elie honig when mega man great to have you both to start off the show tonight, coming up here, trump s co-defendant in georgia smiles for his new mug shot in arizona here what rudy giuliani said after he just posted bail and arizona today. but first the helicopter pilot who flew hostages out of gaza is now speaking out as we are seeing new video showing that rescue happening. israel s ambassador to the united nations is here to weigh in the source. we ve kaitlan collins. he s brought to you by up devo plus your voice. find out more at up if advanced lung 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on daylight, we typically this kind of stuff seems to happen at night. it was interesting that it did happen and daylight when i was in combat truthfully, kaitlan, we did normal conventional operations in the daytime and nighttime was left mostly for the special operators to do these kind of hits within our area of operation. so to do this in daylight, is just phenomenal to me that takes even more training. but they had to get in there, they had to see the ground and they had to see the train that they were operating on. and what does that tell you about the hostages? notice they re being held and buildings and apartments we know some of them were told are being held in tunnels, but clearly some of them are being moved around and being held held in buildings, but held in palestinian homes where palestinians were aware that they were there this is the coercion that hamas has on the local residents of gaza. and it s right smack in the middle of a neighborhood. and in fact, a un relief agency building was nearby. we have seen this throughout the campaign that these kind of operations by the israeli defense forces are taking place in neighborhoods with mosque, with hospitals, with schools. all of it within the environment of the palestinian people. it s remarkable, general mark hertling great to have you here tonight. also, your tonight, israel s ambassador to the united nations go out or dawn great to have you back. i do know how the hostages are doing. what would ve israeli officials heard about them they said that they re doing well, obviously they need psychological treatment and other kinds of treatment to recover from what they ve endured. but thank god, there they re at home and they are with their families. and that s the most important thing this were four people who were rescued. this puts the total that israel has rescued of hostages since october 7. its seven people. and obviously, it s undeniable that this is a success for the families and that they are happy to see this but also the question is do you, are you worried that it jeopardizes a potential bigger hostage agreement with hamas to release them on the contrary, i don t think he jeopardizes the bigger hostage deal since we had the first deal, hamas refused every for was put on the table. there were own ready. today we re where we had the fourth security council resolution that passed, but we had three previous ones that were rejected by hamas calling for the release of the hostages so it s the only thing that can work is this combination of diplomacy applying international pressure on hamas that started only today with the resolution that passed in the security council. and using our military might. but you can t what israel has not been able to do is rescue all of them through these special ops operations that are happening. we just talked about the difficulty of it. you can see they is so i do think that s a real question tonight of what it means for for a hostage deal, for getting the rest of the hostages home i don t think we forget them. i mean, we we are willing to sacrifice. you saw we are losing when we paying the ultimate price are best soldiers or lose all right sacrificing their life to save the hostages. hamas does the opposite, but what other choice do we have as long as hamas refuses to every hostage deal, i mean, president biden said ambassador linda thomas-greenfield said, the resolution said that we accepted the new hostage deal we are accepting the outline that appeared in the resolution today. i want to ask you about what happened at the united nations today. but on this, israel s facing a lot of backlash internationally because of how many palestinians were killed as a result of this rate, how does israel justify how many fatalities? it s worth going in and conducting a raid like this in broad daylight when civilians were obviously out. sadly, sadly, you cannot interview here one of the hamas commanders because he s the right address to ask him this question. it s not us to justify. they re putting their own civilians in harm s way. what other choice do? we have? any country would do the same in order to release and rescue their hostages. and still, we don t know the real numbers of un-involved civilians. there were so many civilians. there that we re cooperating with hamas to keep, to keep the, you know, to keep the host the jezzine in apartments to report to hamas when our forces are getting closer and many times, we know that hamas is using civilians that are not affiliated with any terrorist organization, but still they are terrorists. so we cannot still use the terrorist numbers, as you said these are hamas numbers, figures 200 276, and we regret the loss of life. we always, when there s an opportunity and there s an option, we want this civilian population, we hope that they re not going to stay in harm s way, but you re not denying obviously innocent lives were also lost as a result are you soon i assume, yes. and i regret it and i it s a tragedy, but we cannot i mean, if we don t put the blame on hamas, we are helping and advancing their strategy because otherwise, other terrorists, we are going to use the same strategy in many other countries. if you can abduct innocent civilians and then hold them in civilians apartment and think that you have immunity. it s not going to work. we will never defeat terrorism. let s talk about what happened at the united nations today because you just mentioned in that security council the resolution that passed, it is the first time we ve seen something like this passed since october 7 happened in the eight months since the war happened, you are present for the vote today, but you didn t address the security council. why not? well, i thought that we don t want now to emphasize any differences. i know when sometimes when i speak, people are listening to me and they re listening to what they want to listen to so we preferred to lower the tone today as i said, we accept president biden s first of all, we respect him and we are grateful to all of his efforts and his administration efforts. we accept and we accepted the outline of the deal, but i have to admit we had our concerns about the way it will be interpreted by hamas. that s why we held an intimate dialogue with our american counterparts once our security concerns were addressed so we accepted the deal. you said you had concerns. this is a resolution calling for an immediate it s fire, ultimately a permanent one, and the release of all hostages. can you say tonight that israel unequivocally backs this resolution again, it depends on the interpretation because there s phase one, phase two, phase three, moving from phase one that caused, now for the release of the world on the than the women and the elderly that should be done by hamas. and then moving to phase two, that, then you get to the permanent end of hostilities, ceasefire. it needs to be it depends on upon an agreement that should must be achieved between the parties. one of our conditions this is not only the release of the hostages is also the future of gaza, and we cannot agree to hamas continuing to be the rulers of gaza because then gaza will continue to pose a threat against israel. but this still is israel s proposal. why can t netanyahu say right? he supports it well, i don t know what he said to secretary blinken today when they met. the fact that the fact that i wasn t instructed to speak out against the deal means that we accept the deal wouldn t it mean that you re supported. if you could come out and say you supported it. but i m i m saying here that we accept the deal. again, it s pretty much depends on the way it will be interpreted by the negotiators because hamas years let s say answer, you re saying we support it but you re not just saying unequivocally that israel does support it because the words are very important, because when it, when you say that, if the negotiations continues after six weeks, we need to continue with the ceasefire. so hamas can exploit this clause and continue with endless and me in, in glass negotiation, that means nothing. obviously that wasn t the meaning of president biden when he outlined his just to be clear, even if hamas comes out tomorrow and says yes, we accept this israel still wants to negotiate what it would actually look like to implement. all know, there s, if hamas accepts it and you listen carefully to what they said today. they said empty words, they welcome the resolution, but they still didn t say that they accept the deal. they know exactly what is the deal already? for sure they know the first phase, phase one, so they can say yes to phase one, we will see hopefully the release of the women, the elderly, the wounded. israel will hold its fire for six weeks and then there will be negotiations on moving to the second phase, which is the permanent ceasefire, but it depends on some conditions that needs to be negotiated. the resolution says that upon agreement between the two parties, the parties not only two parties there there will be other parties as well. we ll see what they what they say, ambassador gilad erdan, thank you for checking. ahead. rudy giuliani is latest mug shot after he just posted bail to de in arizona, but still spreading lies about the 2020 election. my next guest is worried about misinformation in this election, arizona s secretary of state will join us here with a new ai video that he created as a warning to voters the most anticipated moment of this election. and the stakes couldn t be higher. the president and the former president one stage two, very different vision genes for america s future. this cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming on max have heart failure with unresolved symptoms it may be time to see the bigger picture. heart failure and seemingly unrelated symptoms like carpal tunnel syndrome shortness of breath and irregular heartbeat could mean something more serious, called attr cme a rare under-diagnosed disease that worsens over time. sound like you call your card pretty allergist and ask about attr cm, nine out of ten people don t get enough fiber. bennett fiber is the easy, gentle solution for every day. it s plant-based prebiotic fiber nourishes good bacteria in your gut, working with your body to promote digestive health with so many ways to enjoy benefit number is your fiber, your way? 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oh, my goodness. no. why not? i m very, very proud of it. there was a substantial amount of vote for the one on here that was covered up probably one of the biggest conspiracies in american history joining me now, arizona s secretary of state, adrian fanta and secretary, it s great to have you just for context for everyone, you are precisely the recorder and maricopa county. you are on the front lines of the election in 2020. so obviously you have great experience with what, what actually happened in the 2020 election. i just wonder what your responses to hearing rudy giuliani he say that he has no regrets about the efforts to try to overturn the election. there. well, first thanks for having me on and second, i stopped taking rudy giuliani seriously after the borat tape and so i m not going to countenance any of his lies further than they need to. he s been indicted and he isn t and it s an until proven guilty. and that s really what the process is that we re fighting for. we think the rule of law should be applied to every person regardless of their station and that s really, i think where it ends and i know you can t talk about the specifics of the case, but the other thing that he said there that caught my ear was he said that there was a tremendous amount of evidence and that there was an abundant amount of evidence. i mean, you oversaw the counting of the ballots and maricopa county, was there a tremendous tremendous amount of evidence of voter fraud from what you saw? well, i m glad you pointed that out because the 2020 election actually was the election where i was running for reelection and unfortunately the voters had a different opinion than i had and i ran the election. that was my own loss. and we know that the elections are solid in arizona. they always have been the people that run them have run them with honor and integrity for a long time. i can t say the same for folks who have been proven wrong over and over and over again. in every actual inquiry that has occurred. and so we re going to let the process play its way out and let the chips fall where they may, for these folks who have been accused. as you look ahead to 2024, you did something recently that is really remarkable. what you created this ai generated video of yourself, it looks like you, it sounds like you. i just want our audience to see this video that just as a reminder, is actually not real this is an impersonation of arizona secretary of state adrian fontes using generative ai. the video was created as part of the arizona election security and ai tabletop exercise for the media our goal is to make sure folks understand the capabilities of current deepfake technology and the dangers it poses to the public i mean, it s unsettling to see that, to hear that, to look at you right now in real life and i just wonder the fact that that can be so easily done, how much it concerns you about what election workers, election officials like yourself are up against. well, this is one of the reasons why we started engaging ai experts and training our own elections officials in arizona last december during a tabletop exercise, we want to make sure that our folks are as well prepared as possible that these things are not new to them. if and when they get used in malicious ways against them, or our voters. that is really what this is about being prepared for possibilities. we do all kinds of other preparations in election administration if we ve got delivery trucks, we ve got backups. if we have electrical systems, we ve got backup generators deployed this is part and parcel of the new reality in election administration and it would have been irresponsible of me as the chief election officer and arizona not to prepare my folks. it s just like when i was in the marine corps, you use the tactics and the weapons of the enemy to prepare yourself for the impending battle, hoping that that battle never comes secretary of state, adrian font says, thank you for joining us tonight thank you for having me. also tonight, we re tracking some vip stakes developments because one leading contender is revealing some of the questions that they are being asked by the trump team. including, have you ever committed a crime sirens are going off and the tornado here i m thinking, i m going to die. and i thought that was it fallen earth with the liev schreiber sunday at nine on cnn her appointment and 30 minutes. okay one. remember, i don t want surgery from i do patreons contraction two, i don t want to wait for my contracture to get worse. three, i want to treatment with minimal downtime for i want to non-surgical treatment. goodbye. and five and if non non-surgical treatment is an auburn i ll get a second opinion let s go take charge of your treatment. if you can t lay your hand flat visit, find a hand to get started that s rob. it s scientifically formulated to help you take charge of your health central gives everybody a healthy foundations supporting your i m yours you did plus try centrum silver. now clinically proven to support memory in older adults. in the next 30 seconds, 250 couples will need to make room for a nursery. 26 people will go all this family. we ll get two bathrooms and finally, one vacation or we ll say yeah, i m going to live here that as a euphoria subsides, their realisation hits i can see the house don t worry, just sell and buy in one move when you start with open door. wow. oh yes start with an all cash offer at kevin bought the tape. i ll put it on my chase freedom unlimited car and i m a cashback on a few other things too dark with the sale system. all right. from deep step one more thing, the team hold it gets five minutes. gay cash, rows i like it. i ll break the clay back like a pro would chase freedom and limits. how do you catch? 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unclear to me, i still think it s remarkable less than the uncharted territory that we re in. you cannot work in the west wing. i could not have worked in the west wing if i d ever had a felony charge, yet, there s a very real chance we ll have a president overseeing the west wing who has 33 or 34 felony charges on him? yeah. that s a good point. i mean, what do you make of that question? have you ever lied, you know, kind of what this process is looking like for these potential confounders look, i go back to the voters. i think that voters actually care if there s this kind of history. and i think the criminal conviction that trump has had is going to matter. dad. i know there s some polling suggests otherwise right now, but i think it s going to matter in the end. so this actually is important because if, for example the process that they have says it doesn t matter if you ve lived are commit the crime. that s going to come back to hurt them if they say, oh, no, no, we must have a vice president who s never, ever committed a crime it kinda advertise is the problem with the top of the ticket. and i think one thing we can say for sure, top of the ticket dominates here in a way we ve rarely seen, vp is going to be so much marginalized compared to past races but this question kind of speaks volumes well and the question is also, does it affect the margins because that is going to be incredibly important in this election. and so when you, what i ve been talking to people and tell me what you ve heard as well. is that it seems like it s jd vance, doug burgum, and marco rubio who ve risen to the top of who s under consideration electorally speaking, who do you think would be the most beneficial to donald trump s ticket i haven t publicly stated any favorite. they come a strengths and weaknesses. i m sure if you come up with a list of seven or eight names they all bring their own positive electoral history and they have their positions on issues that might have more symmetry with a, an electorate. but that s ultimately up to the present to choose who he wants to be his running a bunch of races. you just read one here in new york. i mean, that is something that people take consideration. one for me, i think in 20241 of the best skills is going to be the ability to get into cities, to go talk to longtime democratic voters about issues that they care about. their are disenfranchised voters out there who aren t going to just come around and vote for your ticket? i ll be this saturday in detroit. i ll be speaking a few hours ahead of president trump. we saw president trump go into the south bronx. i found during my race for governor, as i was talking to asian voters and black motors and hispanic voters when you show up and you don t pander, you show up and actually talk to him about the quality of education in schools or crime, or mental health challenges, or homelessness and more on the issues there are these issues that transcend blind partisan loyalty. so ultimately if you haven t asked me what traits as far as getting out in campaigning and making a difference, i would say it s the interest, the willingness, the ability to get out, not just talk to republicans who may be already with you, but being able to win over the support of democrats, saying that you should be under consideration. you re going to say all right now i will nominate julie sure. that ll help my thoughts. the first to speak up for it has somewhat like good stuff in the cup the vp doesn t necessarily matter beyond what can you add that the top of the ticket doesn t donald trump need somebody who can be a monster fundraiser? he s lag joe biden. this cycle. he needs someone who can go and campaign independent of him. he is going to be tied up in courtrooms. he s gonna be busy who can go out turnout crowds, and reach voters who we maybe hasn t been able to. and then he wants most fiercely loyal to him. and this is the key thing. and you were somebody so you know this i know personally it s somebody who would not do what mike pence did on january 6. that s been a bit of aliveness test and some of these discussions, i think rubio and bergen make a lot but of sense i am kind of stunned though, that there s only really one woman and consideration and she s kinda considered the second tier considering that abortion is one of the top issues this cycle, trump s consistently been bleeding support with suburban women. and i think having a woman in contention would be a huge boom. i hear you, but i have to say, i think it s past that point for them yeah the first time in american history that a right has been taken away. the right to choice has been taken away by the supreme court. those people named by donald trump, having a woman as vp is not going to erase that. there s no way you can make that up. and i think the challenge here is none of these figures that are being talked about for vp are big enough. to really have an effect on the election. they re not going to win the swing voters over. i think this is a key thing. you just said, right? suburban women are going to determine this election right now, that s something that s gonna help joe biden in my opinion, and those swing states, who of these folks that donald trump is looking at for vp are possibly going to help to change that balance. i don t see any of them as decisive. trump has just two dominant and he has crossed the rubicon on issues related to women in such a profound way, vp is not going to say, do you believe any of those three names that could help with that? i mean, a marco rubio or any of those names that could potentially help with some of those voters are two seats. i think first the foremost, the most important trait we re talking about one quality a few minutes ago about winning an election november the most important trait is somebody who can fill the position of being president of united states and that really should be like the top three priorities of picking them. and there are talented people here. i mean, you mentioned doug burgum is a governor of a state and he was a wealthy the businessman and marco rubio is he s a good messenger and he speaks spanish and he can get out and communicate with a larger demographic. but if you go down the list, you jd jd vance, cia, he come comes on your show and you might ask him tough questions and he s ready for, and he ll give you tough answers and you re ready to go back to them and i think the audience likes to watch the back-and-forth there. there are talents by don t think anyone really is going to change the election as a vp of them are particularly presidential in my opinion, respectfully, and i can say democrats and republicans, i can say different or the same analysis for people in both parties these particular folks don t strike me as the person who s going to step in if they were ever called one dynamic though that i think i just want to finish. i just don t think it would be very interesting and valid. trump said, i m going to go for a really well-known, highly respected kind of crossover american figure, someone that people could see as their president. i don t think the people we re talking about here meet that standard. i just think that when you get to a vp debate and you get one shot right? there might be as few as one debates. one debate. and vice president kamala harris is onstage with that candidate, and you re talking about these issues related to the border or the economy, foreign policy and energy. and you re flushing qing out, not just your own positions as a candidate, but really the positions of your ticket and your party in a moment, there s someone there when mike pence arguably beat vice president commonly harrison. a debate in the next day, donald trump s stepped on the entire message at the end of the day donald trump s fatal flaw since he wanted 2016 is not being able to pivot to a general election. he s out there this week and talking about wind turbines and sharks and boats and sinking, not talking about issues voters, qarrah, always talking about rage and retribution. so you can have the best messenger out there. i think mike pence was arguably the best person he could have chosen navigated the trump dynamics in a way that wasn t better could i think i don t know that anyone s going to be able to bring him back to these independencies right? a great discussion. we will see the countdown until donald trump picks mayor of lazio, elicit illa s farah griffin le zoltan. thank you all for being here up next the fate of president biden s son, hunter is now in the hands of a jury after a heated de of closing arguments it will tell you what they said cnn, specially, event. it s time to celebrate freedom, progress in the trail blazers and paved the way this is a festive day for all black americans. we still have a lot of work to do, joined cnn s victor blackwell for a native interviews and performances by john legend how do you bill smokey robinson and so much more special event, june celebrating freedom and legacy. wednesday, june 19 at ten on cnn dad is a legend at his legendary moves might be passed down to you ancestry, dna can show you which traits were inherited. where they came from and who he shares them way. but get moving. this sale is only for a limited time who are you? i m in a child listen horsepower, the going toward get you going all now we re talking dodge order or two the totally torqued out crossover. we never thought that with verizon s saving on the best and entertainment was gonna be so easy before we had to pretend we d seen all these shows now that we have horizon, we can stop it pretending disney hulu, espn plus netflix and max all for just $20 a month only on verizon and i was in trouble losing weight and keeping same, discover the power of week-old what we gobi, i lost 35 pounds. as some lost the war, 46 pounds. we go. and i m keeping the weight off. we go v help you lose weight and keep it off. i m reducing my wrist. we go v is the only fda approved weight management medicine that s proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events and adults with no work disease and with neither obesity for overweight, we go vision be used for semaglutide or glp-1 medicines. don t take, we go via fewer. your family had medullary thyroid cancer multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome two, for allergic to it stopped. we go we and get medical help right away. if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction serious side effects may happen, including pancreatitis and golf bladder problems. we go we may cause low blood sugar and people with diabetes especially if you take medicines to treat diabetes, tell your provider about vision problems or changes, or if you feel your heart racing while at rest depression or thoughts of suicide may occur, call your provider right away if you have any mental changes common side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems split. we go the i m losing weight i m keeping it off, and i m lowering my cv risk check your cost and coverage before talking to your health care professional about we go if you have chronic kidney disease, you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with part sega because there are places you d like to be for circular can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary factor genital yeast infections and low blood sugar a rare life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur, stopped taking four sika and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of disinfection section, an allergic reaction, want to save on some of the biggest names in streaming on the network made for streaming? 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i think we are going to get a verdict tomorrow. i mean, it s not a complicated case. we only had four days worth of evidence. the jury certain lee knows what the issues are i don t think they have to spend more than tomorrow on this, but i think if they don t get a verdict tomorrow, you could be looking at a hung jury here because, like i said, the facts are not that complicated and the legal issues really aren t that complicated. and as we know, if it s a hung jury, they ll try to send them back in, like what we were speculating with the trump case as well. yeah. they would get an allen charge, which is a charge to tell them to continue to deliberate, but they ll also be cautioned not to give up their firmly held beliefs. so it s time for the sake of coming to a close. jurors light want to reach verdicts. they know they re supposed to reach a verdict, but sometimes they can and sometimes allen charge is working, sometimes they don t. i wonder what you thought because you re always we re always trying to get the minds of the jury. we don t know what they re actually thinking, but what do you think they took the prosecution s closing argument today not to pay attention to who is in the room. i mean, it was a pretty clear comment directed at the first lady jill. i mean to refer to people in the gallery are not evidence. i think that was the direct quote to refer to the first lady as people in the gallery. i think it could have been very off putting. you have to assume that the biden family and forget about what you think of joe biden, forget about what you think of hunter biden. i m sure jill biden enjoys a good reputation in the state of delaware. the rest of the biden family, it seemed like a little bit of a cheap shot. i think the prosecutors felt like they had to acknowledge what they perceived as the elephant in the room that you have the biden family there, but it wasn t inappropriate. they were all close family members, right? it s not like, you brought in political allies or people that you wouldn t normally expect, people you wouldn t have thanksgiving with? yeah. if you were the attorney representing hunter biden here, would you have sent the family million? oh, absolutely. i would have had the family that interestingly, i think i would have considered bringing the president there just for the summations now, you can t bring the president there for the whole trial because people say, well, doesn t he have better things to do than sit here for a week, but for summations for a few hours, it would not have been inappropriate to do that s interesting. so you think a president biden being in there would have been helpful? i m sure that discussion was had between the biden family and abbe lowell and they decided against it. and i can understand there are reasons to decide against it, but if you do bring the president there, it does show respect for the system that he s there sitting as a father interested in the fate of his son, but he s not there. and you would have to acknowledge it. he s not there as the president of the united states he s there as the father of hunter biden? yeah. i mean, it is remarkable. abbe lowell going 90 minutes today with the jury was closing their eyes and some points. is that a bad sign look, it s it s not great, but you can t read too much into that. yeah. we re not us to bill, we will be waiting to see if there is verdict tomorrow. thank you for joining us tonight. thank you all so much for joining us, as well as we continue to

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