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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas News HQ 20180728 19:00:00

that was president trump taking a victory lap on the news that the u.s. economy grew at a robust rate at 4.1 percent in the second quarter. the fastest pace in almost 4 years. here with a look at what s behind that acceleration is - - chair of the white house council of economic advisory. nice to see you. 4.1 percent. economists predicted 4.4, as you look at the details of the report. what do you like in it? it goes back to a piece i wrote a while back that corporate tax cuts would cause a capital spending boom. if you look at the average of the first half of the year, we got a capital spending boom in the average growth is 3.1 percent. it s not often that economists can nail it that tightly and it showed its working exactly as we thought. paul: capital spending in the first quarter was more robust than in the second quarter.
do you have an explanation for that? one of the things that happened is for equipment spending you were allowed to expense it retroactive to october. in the fourth quarter of last year, you could deduct a machine at 35 percent so you get a bigger tax deduction. at the start of this year, the value went down to 21 percent to we expected to see a spike and then and negative number in the first quarter but in fact, we got the spike in the fourth quarter but continued strong capital spending by the way is one of those things when it pushes growth, it means the growth will be sustained. because now we have these new factories and machines in the u.s. over the next year s, they will produce more output. if you have a capital spending boom, you can expect that to be sustained growth. paul: here s another surprise, gdp of 4.1 percent came without any increase from residential housing. is actually down. one of the bad pieces of news in it.
what s the case for this being sustainable? you mentioned capital investment but what else? the other thing is the president has emphasized opening up areas for oil exploration. there was a big increase in drilling and mining activity consistent with that. the biggest story going to the second half of the year is a lot of times if the economy is really booming, then inventories will be drawn down because people are buying stuff more than producers are making. then that s a positive for the quarters ahead because the producers want to build up their inventories. it s up a percentage point from gdp growth and we expect you ll see that come back in the second half. last year in the fall, we said we see 3.1. the first tapestry .1 and were carrying into the second half,
this inventory which could go higher. paul: the other big economic policy issue is trade. we are beginning to see an earnings call from ceos and anecdotal reporting that we get, they are saying, it s creating uncertainty and i will hold off investing in that plant or my costs are going up so i have to worry about how i manage that. how big a headwind is trade policy going forward? in the second quarter, trade was a big positive. net exports skyrocketed. i think that s a sign that maybe one of the effects of the stress to you mentioned is that people are reassuring activity now in anticipation of future uncertainty. but make no mistake, the president has guaranteed the american people he would get them better trade deals. he s assured me over and over that his objective is tomove toward reciprocal deals even , 0-0 deals. i would have to say to people hoping for that outcome must be really happy about the meeting
we had this week with the eu because they removed the ball in the direction of freer and fair trade this week. paul: are we going to get a nafta deal before the fall? that thisrepublican congress ca on? wax i m not i m not a negotiator but what i m hearing is that they are making tremendous progress. my guess is that we will see something before the fall but i m not the person authorized to comment on those things. it is amazing the progress they are making. paul: thanks for being here. when we come back, united states and the european union declare a tariff terms as the two sides continue to negotiate a larger trade deal. is the over or are there hurdles ahead? great question. see, for a full service brokerage like ours, that s tough to do. schwab does it. next question.
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absolutely. by the way, when you impose tariffs as the president has been doing with china and elsewhere, those efforts are felt immediately in these people s districts. he s been getting a lot of pushback from the ag sector in different parts of manufacturing sector and even from his own economic team saying we can t keep going down this road. paul: james, what do you make of the trade agenda going forward. as you look at the gdp numbers, did you see any impact of trade, the trade policies in the numbers? you saw a nice contribution from exports. that s a nice reminder that and everyone included, this is part of the growth strategy. paul: but some of that people think, let s get our ahead of the tariffs and sell the soybeans. we may not get that balance in the second or third quarter? i m sure that was part of it but balanced somewhat by the
fear of trade fights discouraging some investment. all the capital investment was terrific, it wasn t quite as good as the first quarter. i think some of that was people being afraid to pull the trigger on a new that we not knowing how this new trade stuff would be resolved. going forward, it s really striking the tone of these trade discussions has changed. starting with the g-7 where the present at the end says how about zero tariffs? now he s got the germans excited about it. let s hope that is the discussion but how do we lower instead of raise them. paul: is that the larry kudlow affect? i don t know. this trump reminds me of totalt mcgraw. load the bases at the end of the game and then strike them out was terrifying until the end. [laughter] he isn t looking for
protectionism, is looking for zero tariffs. paul: the trump administration putting those auto tariffs on hold as they continue negotiations. senator - - and what that means for the auto industry in tennessee and across the country, when we come back. your insurance company is gonna raise your rate after the other car got a scratch so small you coulda fixed it with a pen. maybe you should take that pen and use it to sign up with a different insurance company. for drivers with accident forgiveness liberty mutual won t raise their rates because of their first accident. liberty mutual insurance. liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty
baby, baby, baby. if you touch me like this and when you hold me like that. all you can eat is back, baby. applebee s. eatin good in the neighborhood.
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and auto parts. but that would be put on hold as talks between the u.s. and the eu continue. this is good news for tennessee senator lamar alexander who introduced a bipartisan bill to delay the proposed 25 percent penalty. he joins us now. welcome. thank you paul. paul: you cheered this truce between the united states and the eu, why? zero tariffs is exactly the right policy. that s what we did with the north american free trade agreement. we implemented nearly 0 tariffs over 15 years. now that we ve got a policy of where were going, zero tariffs, time to get rid of the steel and aluminum tariffs which are driving the cost of cars and hurting the 136,000 tennesseans that work in the automotive industry.
paul: you heard wilbur ross say this week that he s still going to go ahead with these investigations. which basically are designed to show, to answer the question, do cars that are imported pose a national security threat? do you think bmws or nissans imported are at all plausibly a national security threat? of course they are not. it s wrong for the president to use that pretext. the bread-and-butter part of this is of this.tennessee has become in many ways the number one auto state. we ve got 929 auto parts suppliers. 50 percent of the cars we make here are steel. 10 percent are aluminum. when the price of steel goes up, 40 percent as it has since january, think of what that does to our economy and the jobs in tennessee. we are shooting ourselves in the foot with the tariffs and it s time to do with the
president said this week, zero tariffs and the sooner the better. paul: you hear from the companies in tennessee that their costs are going up on their supply chains, they are being disruptive because of the tariffs? of course i am. you saw this week that ford and general motors, gm has a big plant in tennessee. they announced they each lost $300 million this year. they have to tell that to their stockholders and they attributed most of that to the tariffs. you can t be in the zero tariffs world which is where the president wants to go and raise the price of steel 40 percent and still make cars and trucks in tennessee that are competitive to sell in the united states or export around the world, which we do a lot. paul: how many cars are made in tennessee remark you ve got a nissan plant and a volkswagen any gm plant. how many of those cars are exported outside the united
states? i don t know the exact number but it s billions of dollars of cars that are exported. and billions of parts are exported. the real employment in our state is with the 900+ auto parts suppliers. the way you make automobiles, a nissan rogue will go back and forth with its parts to canada, mexico and back to tennessee before it s finally built. that permits it to be built in a competitive way at a low cost and sold successfully here and exported around the world. paul: your colleague bob corker has introduced a bill with other colleagues to take back some of the president s authority to use 232 and that national security definition to impose tariffs. he hasn t been able to get a vote on that with some of your colleagues in the senate. why not?
getting a vote on anything is hard in the senate. i am the cosponsor of that bill. i think the visits we ve had with the president, senator corker s bill, my bill, all of the activity we ve had in the senate to say tariffs are shooting ourselves in the foot. really shooting ourselves in both feet. we have a trade problem but the way you solved it is not to shoot yourself in the foot. you find some other way to deal with it. now that the president has said let s go to zero tariffs, which is the same thing japan and china are doing with each other. same thing we did with the nafta. i think we ve had our impact and i suspect we ll get a vote as time goes on. paul: the president also saying trying to renegotiate nafta. what s your advice on nafta? are using let s close this negotiation so we can have a vote this congress? yes. let s get it done before september. nafta has been good for
tennessee. we ve doubled the amount of cars and jobs and it s been good for the united states in my opinion. the president disagrees with that. we are making about as many cars in the united states today as we did when nafta was signed in 1944. the only difference is, we ve had 3.5 million jobs shift not overseas but from the midwest to tennessee and other states in the southeast because of right to work and it s more competitive. my advice would be finished the work on nafta. modernize it. that can be done. get it done by september and give us a signal about where these tariffs are going. we need an end to shooting ourselves in the foot. that s a good way to solve a problem. paul: senator, i appreciate you being here. still ahead, immigrants are
stepping up the rhetoric and the delay tactics on a bid to stall a vote on the tesupreme court nominee. will brett kavanaugh get confirmed before the midterm elections? on every purchase, everywhere. actually, that s super easy. my bad. get your groove on with one a day 50+. that s super easy. get ready for the wild life complete multivitamins with key nutrients that address 6 concerns of aging, including heart health, supported by b-vitamins. your one a day is showing.
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you are fighting against it. paul: that was new jersey democrat this week rallying the opposition to supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh. democrats are stepping up the rhetoric and digging in for what they hoped would be a protracted fight demanding access from millions of documents from cavanaugh s years in government including his time as staff secretary in the bush white house. mitch mcconnell says despite the democratic delay tactics, he will get a vote on the senate floor before the midterm elections. we are back with - - bill, are the democrats making headway against brett kavanaugh? i don t think so. they think they can - - brett kavanaugh. it s a different situation.
it was 45 minutes after the announcement was made the white house was unprepared, the judge was on prepares it i think the attacks may be nastier but there s a hint of desperation. as long as the republicans hang together, he will be confirmed. they might get one-to democratic votes because the democratic in the trump seats might be more - - and then those against him. paul: this document requesting they want all the documents for his time during the bush white house. that is a clearinghouse for the president. all of the documents coming through him and he make sure the president sees them and they re in the shape the president wants them. should the senate have the right to see all of those? no, absolutely not. that is not the precedent. we have had prior supreme court
nominees for whom the executive branch have said some things are off-limits. particularly, elaina kagan where the argument was her time at the solicitors general office, some of those documents were too critical to be exposed. this argument that they should be able to see every piece of paper he touched and initialed while he was there is not going to fly. you have susan collins, one of those key swing republican votes that says i don t need to see that. that s way more than necessary. and chuck grassley who is head of the judiciary committee who will make this final call. think we will get you the paper from white house counsel but not everything thing he touched as staff secretary and that s a reasonable standard. paul: they are talking about providing a lot of documents at the white house counsel s office but it s that staff secretary position where i would argue james, those documents really don t relate
to brett kavanaugh s thinking. they relate to the decisions that george w. bush made as president. therefore, they re not really relevant to the court. where as the solicitor general s, that would have told you what a lot of elaina kagan thought about judicial issues and still the obama admission did not turn those documents over. speaking of elaina kagan, when she was running harvard law school, she hired brett kavanaugh to teach there. this shows you that rhetoric we saw from senator booker is over-the-top. it s if he s kim jong-un or something. i think it relates to the desperation of democrats to find something. the republicans are saying we will provide hundreds of thousands of pages of emails and documents and they are saying no, millions.
more than 300 open from judge cavanaugh. that s not enough to get some sense of where he s headed? there s nothing in there that would disqualify him. so this is an increasingly frantic search. paul: let s talk about what to brett kavanaugh things about presidential power. there s one case, the famous watergate tapes case. nixon had to turn those tapes over. judge cavanaugh was on a panel in the late 90s where he was in a discussion with democrats from bill clinton s defense team. he said maybe u.s./nixon was wrongly decided. i think it s ridiculous bid
on a panel, you should be able to say let s think about this and think about the premise. if you can t do that in a panel discussion, we are in a really bad place. he wrote a law review article before that he was firmly on the side of the decision. and chuck grassley, pushing back on chuck schumer, he has a long record and that s what should matter. i will go out on a limb, i think he will get 52 votes. paul: what about rand paul? will he be a problem? his raised concerns about the fourth amendment. he did meet with brett kavanaugh this week. we haven t heard a lot about where that meeting went. rand paul will often raise these issues. remember he said he was going to vote against mike pompeo. he voted for him in the end. become a real ally of the president so it looks as though republicans are standing together. paul: a group of republicans escalating their view with
deputy ag rod rosenstein. will they make good on their threat of impeachment?as we will discuss after the break. forgot your bike was on the roof rack, you only pay one deductible -instead of two- for a claim involving both your auto and home. and when you save that much, it s almost like it. never even happened. that s auto and home insurance for the modern world. esurance. an allstate company. click or call. to me, he s, phil micwell, dad.o golfer. so when his joint pain from psoriatic arthritis got really bad, it scared me. and what could that pain mean? joint pain could mean joint damage. enbrel helps relieve joint pain, helps stop irreversible joint damage, and helps skin get clearer. enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers,
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recess but supporters say all options are on the table when congress returns in september. we are back with james freeman, kim - - and bill mcgurn. how seriously should we take this threat to impeach rod rosenstein? even though the word this week was impeachment, the word everyone was all that was contempt. mark meadows, the head of the freedom caucus after they filed those articles of impeachment and after paul ryan said he disagreed, he gave a little talk. he said he spent the day with leadership. that his group was backing off impeachment but what everyone decided and rallied around, if they come back after their break in august and the department of justice is still not compliant, they will rally around a contempt resolution against rod rosenstein and the department of justice. which is probably a more accurate description of what s been going on rather than high crimes and misdemeanors. paul: contempt is no small thing. congress, if they took it far
enough, could call for the arrest of someone who s in contempt of congress. you made a really strong argument in your columns that if congress doesn t enforce its subpoenas, it s losing its authority to oversee the executive. do you want an impeachment? i could use an impeachment in the sense that i m not opposed to any constitutional exercise of power. congress gets to decide high crimes and misdemeanors. if you go back to the federalist papers it s not just treason or bribery. however, i think contempt is a more perfect vehicle in the sense it s been used before against officials not giving documents. when you find someone in contempt, there are three options. you make a criminal referral to the justice department. you could go to the courts in a civil action. or you can jail them in your own jail. congress doesn t have a jail but they could make a deal. i am personally for the last
one because the first to have proved they don t work. paul: here s the problem for me, i don t think impeachment is good politics of republican congressmen trying to impeach a republican attorney general. rod rosenstein works for donald trump. he can at any minute saying, turnthose documents over to con. i will do the declassify them. why won t he do that? i wish he would. it would allow americans to learn how surveillance was turned - - [indiscernible]. this is kind of dangerous for a democracy. rosenstein is de facto operating without a boss on these matters. paul: his boss is the president. sort of. paul: he works for the president of the united states. any attempt by the president
to manage rod rosenstein is seen as a horrible conflict by many on the left. paul: if he declassified the documents, he wouldn t be covering up anything. he would simply be sang let s let the public see the record. how could they criticize him for that? i think he should declassify everything it doesn t mean congress doesn t also have a responsibility to conduct oversight. i think when people don t cooperate, we see these markings taking out this redacted material, it s understandable they would take measures to demand the information. i agree. it baffles me that donald trump doesn t do this. however, the congress and president are co-equals in the branch of government. until they exercise their power, they re not going to be taken seriously.
paul: talk about the fisa documents. the fisa warrant on carter page that was released this week. what was your take away from that? the key take away is that what house republicans claimed the fbi did were in fact true. that is what happened. the main argument that house intelligence committee devin nunes made back in february was that the fbi made this an essential part of their application to the fisa court and had not told the court where it had come from. both of those things were spelled out crystal clear in that fisa application. this should be very concerning to a lot of americans. it means the fbi was using political dirt to obtain surveillance warrant on another campaign. paul: we are following this, continue to follow this.when we come back, as president
trump intensifies his rhetoric against the - - regime. we will look at the strategy against iran.
it s a difference you can see, touch, and feel. that s proudly particular. century. only at select local paint and hardware stores. it s time for iran to shape up and show responsibility as a responsible nation. it cannot continue to show irresponsibility as some revolutionary organization that is intent on exploiting terrorism, exporting disruption across the region. i think the president would make it very clear that they re on the wrong track. paul: that was secretary jim mattis responding to president trump s stark warning to iranian president - - that warning coming in the form of
an all caps too sang key west dire consequences if he continued to threaten the united states. - - good to have you back with us. we ve got the tweets back and forth it might compile giving a speech this week. a speech that i thought was very good. and many statements from the administration. what is the trump administration s policy toward iran? i think from what we can tell so far, it is we re not going to simply isolate the iranian nuclear program from the rest of iran s maligned activity. that s why the president walked away from the deal in may why sanctions will snap back into place in november. i think beyond that, this is an administration that will not put up with threats with closing the - - which is something they have alluded to in recent weeks. i think that explains the presidents tweets. and more broadly, we are announcing a policy being laid
out why secretary of state mike pompeo, that we are now basically going to launch an assault on the legitimacy of the iranian regime. that it has pilfered funds from its own people. that is responsible for most of the unrest we are seeing across the middle east and that the u.s. will go on a counteroffensive which i believe is long overdue. paul: you ve got on the one hand, let s rewrite the nuclear deal so it s more constraining. push back against iran s middle east activities venture resume elsewhere in the middle east. and three, question the jetta misty of the iranian regime. that sounds to me, maybe we have a policy of regime change. is that what we are talking about? not sure we can call it exactly that. my compile delivered a speech at the reagan library.
i think he was trying to echo president reagan on the assault of the legitimacy of the soviet union. would you say reagan s policy was a regime change in the soviet union or trying to support the dissidents of the people of the soviet union to rise up against an illegitimate government the one you are. paul: you are right. it was telling the truth about the soviet union in a way that might echo through soviet society. it s interesting what might come pao did asmike pompeo did . - - presumably, they would tell the truth that they can t get inside iran as well. i think that strategy is incredibly important. part of the problem is that iranians don t understand the united states is behind them
and there is a truthful narrative out there. unfortunately, i think that s born by misbegotten policies in years past. we had the opportunity in 2009 to stand with the iranian people as thousands came into the streets after the - - rigged election. the obama administration elected not to stand on the side of the iranianpeople . again, i think with the iran nuclear deal, providing$150 $15 billion was a legitimization of the regime and it was a message that we were not with the people. we are seeing a shift in policy and i think we are trying to message to them directly. whether through media or mike pompeo s speech. if you look at the people in attendance at the reagan library, many of them were iranian americans in california and beyond. i think it was important that
they were in the audience. that he was speaking to them directly. paul: is one question i have that i think will be a test of this policy. in syria, the iranians are trying to establish a permanent beachhead. israel doesn t want that at all and the united states doesn t want that either. i don t see from the attitude of the white house or this administration, any appetite to push hard to get iran out of syria, other than talking about and begging putin to help us. that s exactly right point what iran is doing is stretching its influence from its western border all the way to the mediterranean. some are calling it the shiite crescent. they re using the revolutionary guard corps. i think no one has stopped to them to this point. the failure to prevent them from getting that foothold across the middle east. in my view it would be obama
2.0. everything the trump administration is doing to counter would be for not if we don t stop them in terms of the regional ambitions. paul: have to take one more break. when we come back, hits and misses of the week.
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so kudos for raising the issue. kim? a hit to the interior department for the proposed modest regulatory revisions to the endangered species act. with the goal of making that both more predictable and effective. this is caused the usual meltdown on the environmental area but they have no answers to a law that has failed and has not been revised in 25 years. any efforts here to help those that struggle with this every day ought to be applauded. bill? requester innocent businesses that have been hit by the terrace. we ve a new one, the trump 2020 campaign.the keep america great banners are coming from china. 90,000 of them. the factor manager there says there are about one dollar apiece.he thinks the campaign has ordered so many because they expect the price to go up with tariffs. a big hit to the flag factory
for not letting politics get in the way of trade. all right, thank you very much for that. i m sure the trump campaign will appreciate it. that is it for this week. thank you to my panel, thanks to all of you for watching. i am paul gigot. i hope to see you all right here next week. trump taking a victory lap over strong report on the economy before touching down in new jersey. where he is spending his weekend. economic numbers coming in a good time for the president. it was fresh off of a turbulent week at the white house.hello everyone welcome to a new hour of americas news headquarters . i am mike emanuel. i m julie banderas. good afternoon. the report shows the u.s. economy grew at a 4.1 percent annual rate in the second quarter of the year. the fastest since 2014. the president quickly praising the numbers yesterday.
an economic turnaround of historic proportions. when it came to office 1.5 fewer prime age americans were working than eight years before. we had lost almost 200,000 manufacturing jobs under the previous administration. julie: ellison barber is live from new jersey near the president that mr. golf club. reporter: the white house is love in the economy. they think it is great news for them. some say this is essentially a sugar high, a short term, it is not sustainable long-term. the white house says it is sustainable. the president says the economy is something that will help republicans win in november. i will go to work very hard six or seven days a week when we are 60 days out. and i will be campaigning for all of these great people that do have a difficult race.
and we think we are going to bring them over the like. so i really believe because we are doing so well as a country and so well with the economy, i think we are going to be surprising a lot of people. reporter: there are a lot of stories surrounding the white house and a lot of them are not particularly great. they are arguably overshadowing the economic message the white house wants to focus on right now. one issue, allegations from the former lawyer michael cohen about the trump tower meeting with russian officials in 2016. another, the press shops decision to bar a cnn reporter from an open press event after she tried to ask the president questions. mostly about michael cohen in the oval office. the move was condemned by the majority of press outlets including fox news. is not going to be a standard moving forward? because i am a newbie and i ve only been in the oval office once. i know i continue to shout questions at the same reporter after i was told to leave, leslie.
and i did not have similar repercussions. that particular video it was clear that it was ongoing in terms of asking questions over and over again. it was already clear after five or six, seven times they told them to leave the oval office. again, this more of a matter being respectful to our guests at the white house. no regret about the decision? no. there is constant communication with the press. reporter: no public events on the president s schedule today. he is set to go south this week on tuesday and to tampa will heal attend a campaign rally. julie: ellison barber, thank you very much. mike: the booming economy also spark a reaction from vice president mike pence s&m with maria bartiromo. a wide-ranging exclusive interview. that heirs to mauritanian eastern on sunday morning futures . here s a preview.
the reality is in the last two administrations, the economy grew by less than two percent. in the first few much of the ministration we are little shy lester we are on track to be at three percent or better this year. we really believe the internals of the numbers, whether it be the dramatic increase in business investment or dramatic increase in american exports, all support the conclusion that the policies the president has been advancing, that republican congress has supported directly working to revive the economy. mike: new jersey republican congressman on the house energy and commerce committee and my guess, great to have you, sir. thank you. this is a pretty wonky number. how do explain the big number, 4.1 percent yesterday to the constituents? i think it is due to a series of factors including regulatory reform and it has been the past by congress repeatedly in the last year and 1/2. and also, the tax policy.
although, i think we have to be careful about that. i am a free trader, mike. i hope to return to free-trade, because i think that is the way to sustain this. 4.1 percent is terrific. long-term, i hope it is three percent over the course of this year and next year moving forward. and in the last year the obama administration it was not as strong. i do not think that we can maintain 4.1 percent forever but i would like to see three percent growth moving forward. you represent a pretty traditional republican district in the big blue state of new jersey. how are you feeling about your reelection bid in your party holding onto the majority? i think whichever party controls the new house of representatives will be very re- narrow margin. i think the republicans have the opportunity to retain control. but i take nothing for granted. the democrats carried my district to the presidential
level last time. by 3800 votes, hillary clinton. i won by 38,000 votes. obviously i like the extra zero at the end of that number. but i am optimistic without being overly optimistic because i think it is always important to make sure that we represent the views of our constituents and i am confident that my views, the moderate conservative are the overwhelming majority of constituents i sir. full disclosure, i grew up there, you are a big town hall guy. you get out there and really interact with your constituents. is that an opportunity to know how you are doing but how the policies are playing back home? yes. we ve done 47 town hall meetings and some of them have been very vigorous but i respect the interaction with constituents. sometimes those constituents who attend town hall meetings wish to be vigorous and what they are saying but i think it is an essential part of my responsibilities and i ve always conducted them.
looking ahead to the midterm the president said he was to be very active on the campaign trail. here is what he told sean hannity on the radio yesterday. i said to general kelly, i said, to a whole group of people we have to get a group together. give me the top 25 congresspeople that or you know, could go either way. and i want to go out and campaign for those people. likewise with the senate. because we re going to fix everything once we have considering your district and being from a very blue state, would you prefer that the president campaigned elsewhere, respectively? i ve always campaigned on my own and i think that will be the case this year. i support the administration and the policy related to isis, they ve done a much better job in the area. i support moving the embassy to jerusalem. i think that was a promise that had been made by a series of presidents and kept by this president. but i do disagree with the position on tariffs.
i am a free trader. and i favor moving forward in an extremely bipartisan capacity. that will require, of course that the democrats come to the table because i do not want to see the house of representatives that is far to the left.and that will be the case in my judgment if my district were to go in the other direction. some of your colleagues are already starting to talk about leadership in the next congress. do you have a favorite for the next house speaker? i think kevin mccarthy is the leader. i think he has been an excellent majority leader and i do not want to count chickens before the as are hatched because we have to make sure we have the majority. then i think it will be great controversy on the other side. regarding nancy pelosi and the position of speaker or i hope, minority leader. and of course, some democrats say they would not support nancy pelosi for the leadership position. that is not true in the district i serve but the
democrats who have seem to be successful so far have distanced themselves from the current democratic leadership in the house. mike: taking a look at the other side a little bit. do you expect a bloodbath in terms of their leadership? you know, they have such consistent leadership for so long with nancy pelosi and others. then you look at some of the fresh faces that have come up. every democratic socialist running in new york who took out one of the top democrats, joe crowley. what do you see on the other side? i see the other side moving far to the left. self-proclaimed lifelong progressive democrats for example, in my district, that is not where think the district is. i think the nation demands bipartisan cooperation. i am a member of what is called the problem solvers caucus. a moderate conservative.there some moderate democrats but i do think there will be a battle royal for the leadership position on the democratic
side. congressman, leonard lance, from the great state of new jersey, i can say that! thank you for coming in. thank you. mike: a reminder tomorrow morning on sunday morning futures, maria bartiromo with vice president mike pence. they cover a wide range of topics including the tariffs, gop strategy for midterms, confirming judge brett kavanaugh and the planned trip to hawaii to receive the remains of americans killed in the korean war. that is tomorrow at 10 am eastern right here on fox news channel. julie: all right, a fox news alert. officials are holding an update on the car fire in california and what they are doing to combat the raging flames of the deadly car fire, it has doubled in size again to over 80,000 acres. almost the size of philadelphia. the city of philadelphia. thousands have been forced to flee, 500 buildings escorts,
two firefighters have been killed trying to contain this. we ll continue to monitor this and bring you updates throughout the day. meanwhile the white house on federal aid to california as crews their battle several explosive wildfires. now more resources on the way. we have our meteorologist, adam, tracking how the extreme heat and gusty wind could make matters worse. but first, jeff paul on the ground with the latest. reporter: firefighters here tell us that they are preparing for conditions to get worse. so for the creston fire where we are at is 70 percent contained but in the last hour so the wind has really started to pick up and as you take a look to the side of me, you can see the giant plumes of smoke coming from that mountain. that is what crews are worried about. they ve been out here hitting the spire hard.
helicopters are flying overhead as they dump water, hoping to douse the remaining flames. for the north in redding california, this fire remains a huge threat. in fact, a few minutes ago cal fire issued a new round of even more evacuations. it is on top of the thousands and thousands who already have been ordered to evacuate. there s a bulldozer operator, firefighter and some families are reporting their missing loved ones. and for terms of damage, 80,000 acres and it is only five percent contained. many residents in the area are scrambling to get to safety leaving behind everything they own. through a few things in the car, we driving back out and get out of here. as we pulled out right here the flames were not even one block down. swirling and noise, wind blowing. i mean it was just, nothing i have ever heard. reporter: back out here live, in idyllwild, you can see the giant plumes of smoke going
into the air. every once in a while a helicopter will come over and dump water from the nearby lake. here s what they re worried about. everything out here is extremely dry. all of the pine needles and pinecones. anytime embers go airborne, it is a potential for another fire to start. julie? julie: thank you, jeff paul. mike: conditions in northern california expected to get worse. red flag warning said are now up amid extreme heat and gusty wind. adam is tracking all of this. adam: the entire western half of the country is dealing with wildfires. 73 of them, greater than 100 acres. obviously some of the largest and california. these are all of the spots that have been dealing with such dry conditions and windy conditions the last several days. unfortunately, you are right it is going to be continuing. here is what some of the dangers, they continue in northern california. when you start to see red flag
warning, what does it mean? the wind is strong in these areas. humidity is very low and they can to to deal with a lot of heat. also looking at spots in southern oregon. in a large area moving across portions of nevada stretching up into colorado. the wildfires really stretching across the west. this is something to watch the next couple of days. unfortunately, it comes with all the heat and the heat is not going anywhere. this is the current heat advisors. you are looking at spots across portions of southern california running all the way up the west coast. again, oregon up to washington. the heat is extreme and humidity is very low. the wind is continuing also. the forecasted highs today and a lot of the locations running into the triple digits. spots getting close to 110 degrees in phoenix. that is the case up and down portions of california, redding california 110 today. it does not collect the next couple of days as you re looking at again, 110 degrees for folks in northern
california. tomorrow throughout the entire state, spots in the triple digits. this also unfortunately, lingers into monday. with all of this on top of tha , you really need rounds of showers. those are not on the way. we have seen some pop up showers but some of the worst hit areas in northern california over to nevada continue to be dry. and as we run out here the next couple of days, it does look as though things will be staying dry and we will not get a lot in the way ofrain. mike: triple digits can temperatures, no rain, thank you. julie: the president firing back at his former personal attorney. as he comes out with a new allegation against the president. michael cohen reportedly claiming the president knew in advance about the 2015 trump tower meeting with the russian lawyer. will have reaction from washington straightahead. plus the trump administer sustained have met a court order deadline to reunite families as the battle over immigration heats up. we are calling to ensure
that this administration does not continue the policy of zero tolerance. that the president knows that we have zero tolerance for his zero-tolerance. and we are praying instead for unity. to be their best, kids need good nutrition.
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reuniting families separated at the border.homeland security saying a statement quote - it ministration continues to comply in good faith at the courts request. while protecting the safety and well-being of all children in our care. some illegal alien adults are not eligible for or available for reunification today. including some adults who are not in i.c.e. custody. garrett tenney is live in washington. reporter: parents are not eligible because a ready been deported of the country. this morning the aclu slammed the administration for allowing this to happen.tweeting in part some 463 parents were deported without their children. in the government isn t even trying to reunite them. dhs says they re making every effort to reunify eligible adults with their children. they claim some parents are not eligible because of criminal records and others decided not
to be reunited with their children. so that the kids can stay here in the u.s. with family members while the court process plays out. in hopes of being granted asylum. in a court filing this week lawyers with the aclu argued some of the parents either misunderstood or were misled by the government. they were never meant to leave the children in the us. democratic lawmakers are suggesting some parents and children may never be reunited. in a statement one center said a lack of accountability in the administration is stunning. there appears to be no plans to beautify children with parents who have already been deported without their informed consent and no guidelines as to how the administration is deciding who is eligible to be reunited and who is not. this issue is not going away anytime soon. the head of customs and border protections is expected to face a lot of tough questions on tuesday when he testifies
before the senate judiciary committee. what questions is short to be what the process and timeline will be to reunify those remaining kids. mike: garrett tenney, thank you. julie: for more on the suffering and democratic strategist steve brown. brad blakeman former deputy assistant to george w. bush. gentlemen, thank you very much for coming on. there is a court filing on thursday. which released the numbers. the government said this. among the child migrants in the country, 1820 children ages five through 17 were eligible to be reunited with their families. in all, 2531 children were separated at the border. that means more than 700 children were not approved for reunification. so how does the process work, brad, to decide whether or not parents history makes him ineligible to be reunited with their children? is on a case-by-case basis. we have twos records, we have two interviews. we have to make sure the children are being but with the people who can care for them.
that s how they got here in the first history of forced borders, democrats will not secure the border that s how we got the mess. it did not start with trump and it will not end with trump.we have to stop the influx of people were willing to bring their children here illegally or smugglers who bring children here. the key is the president and the administration is acting in good faith to solve this problem. julie: dave? look, one child not reunited with his or her mom and dad is one too many. if that families eligible for reunification. you heard from the report, this government, this administer agent, donald trumps administration deported over 400 parents before reunited them with their kids. now the kids are trapped here. there without their moms and dads and no clear path forward to reunite them. this policy fails from day one
because it is repugnant to who we are as a people. it is morally apprehensible. but what s striking to me, beyond the chaotic indifference and cruelty to these families, it just underscores how this administration is just so incompetent. not only on this issue, but on so many other issues. whether it is looking at tariff policies with farmers which julie: have to jump in. just to put into perspective here. it is not the trump administration, however, the obama administered in the in fact if you come in illegally need to be detained. but before a settlement in 1997 that essentially put a 20 day. if the child was detained for a day over 20 days, you re breaking the other words this it ministration by going forward with jeff sessions zero-tolerance policy, made at the loft, essentially, that if you re detained for over 20 days you have to be separated. and that is why the separation not necessarily a law to do so, this settlement only states
20 days and up. the judge last week that filed for the 20 days settlement to be wiped out, the families can stay together is that a good i guess, compromise? because you have to add to the numbers that was just brought up of the 431 parents that have been deported. said i have official have to work with the courts and have to figure out how to find the parents in order to reunite them with their children. and they are still detained in the us. it is a total mess! it is a total mess and again, it was not created by the trump administration. it was created by the fact that we have people are willing to bring the children or smuggle children into the united states. either for them to leave and have the children stay and remain while they leave and they are here with others. this is a system that is broken from the beginning. they can t get into the country unless we have secure borders.
brad, hang on a second. we are fighting tooth and nail we have a problem we should fix it. we should not have the courts determining the policy. when you serve president bush, like president obama is administration, they look at a policy of separating. a zero-tolerance policy separating kids and families. both your administration and the obama administration rejected that. it is not a characterization to say this is not something of donald trump and is doing. julie: there was no law that says you have to separate parents. it takes away prosecutorial discretion. which triggers other laws produce a policy choice by this administration. it is disingenuous to say otherwise. no. it was based on condition we children were separated. when there was no law the fact is the administration is trying to get a handle on a system
that is totally broken from top to bottom with democrats democrats are tripping over themselves to get over the border, to get to the photo op and get back to exploit the very children that they [multiple speakers] there is no bipartisan [multiple speakers] julie: the statement in 2013 that there was an opportunity for republicans and democrats to come together and try to fix this mess before it gets to where it is today. it was never done in good faith. they never wanted to solve the problem. the reason they did not have the spine to do is because they used it as leverage for other things. the democrats are so disingenuous. they do not want to secure the border. if we had a secure border they would be coming in.
julie: i believe it was the democrats in fact, the obama it ministration that were very adamant about wanting to secure our borders. so i have to disagree that the democrats have not wanted this. it does seem, however, that now there is a republican in office, the agenda seems to be shifting a bit because now the protection of all of these under age children in the country is starting to take center stage. which is unfortunate but it is a fact that these are human children. clearly you cannot forget that it is taking with the conversation of immigration control. which is something the democrats did want. i don t know what happened with here is the problem you have record numbers of deportation [multiple speakers] julie: here we are in 2018. let s move forward.
you had to foresee this happening. the process of separating a five-year-old from their mother or father and now, this minor illegal immigrant with noah to take responsibility for them here in the united states is now in the hands of u.s. taxpayers while their parents, over 400 of them have been shipped back to their country. how much of this whole separation mess will end up costing americans? brad, i leave and then gave the final word. it cost us dearly. we don t want to see this. we don t want that responsibility. we should not have that responsibility but we do. and we want, illegal immigrants in this country, to have the custody while in the care of the american government. so we can deal with it he monetarily. final word. it is cost us and our moral integrity. who we are as a people and it will cost us millions of dollars to the american taxpayer because of the failed policy that donald trump has of his own creation. julie: that is it for now. thank you very much. mike: a star nfl quarterback
weighing in on the national anthem controversy. what he says about taking during taking a knee during the star-spangled banner. and what the president knew about meetings with a russian lawyer. how this has turned into a ou battle of credibility. re high p, with 16 grams of protein and 4 grams of sugar. ensure® gacan start in the colon, n, and diarrhea with 16 grams of protein and 4 grams of sugar. and may be signs of an imbalance of good bacteria. only phillips colon health has this unique combination of probiotics. it helps replenish good bacteria. get four-in-one symptom defense.
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the president taken to twitter yesterday to reinforce the claim he has made several times. saying, i did not know of the meeting with my son. sounds like to me someone is trying to make up stories in order to get himself out of an unrelated jam. the president son is also long assisted his father had no knowledge of the meeting. it was such a nothing, there is nothing to tell. i wouldn t have even been remembered until he started scouring through things which is a shame. someone like the recording between the president and his lawyer. now they are speaking out painting an unflattering portrait of michael cohen. number one, elected people about taping the president and other people. not only that, he went and
to do it. it shows how pathological he is. looking ahead in a few days the trial of the former campaign manager, paul manafort will kick off in arlington, virginia. insiders anticipate witnesses there will also be asked about the meeting. mike: gillian turner, thank you very much bit more and thus less bring a former federal prosecutor doug burns. great to have you here. thank you. mike: how big of a deal are the michael cohen recordings? those who do not like the present are quick to say aha! but is it a big deal? everyone is quick but this really does apply. we have a legal process in court with tapes, by the way. we look at it really closely for voice inflection, audibility, things like that. context. i ve been working with tapes for three decades.the point is, i m not judging one way or the other. but when he says pay cash versus don t pay cash. it depends, there has to be a forensic expert to look at what the words are. the point is, i do not think it is as earth shattering as it has been made out to be. the cash thing is interesting. donald trump is in real estate. if you tell me you bought a
building, if it s an all cash deal doesn t mean you have a suitcase as a lawyer i don t prejudge.mike: do you think that michael cohen was trying to protect himself? i do. it is interesting i was talking to friends earlier this afternoon. it is really a double edge sword because on the one hand is outrageous, why would a lawyer tape a client? it is highly unusual but there s also the flip argument. and that is what law is, to side. dad had to protect himself against something. so it really is a tie. mike: the president has said he did not know about this 2016 meeting between his son, donald junior and a russian lawyer. here is a california congressman on it. if he is proven to have not told the whole truth about the fact that campaigns look for dirt and if someone offers that you listen to them, no one will
be surprised. there are some things in politics a just take for granted. mike: what do you make of it? as part of the problem. everyone is working backwards as though it is some nefarious federal is not necessarily. there are factual scenarios where it could be a crime, money changing hands, conspiracy to break laws. will understand that peer but the fact of taking a meeting i think everyone again, a little too quick to jump. in fairness, the collateral point about lying about it, absolutely. that can create legal exposure. donald trump jr. said he did not tell his father. investigators were drilling him, maybe someone else told him. again, you have to carefully weigh in. mike: since michael cohen was his mr. fix it, i m sure the president and those close to him are not particularly comfortable with him at this point. is a fascinating question. because in this toxic climate it is funny because a figure can be embraced one day and
then hated the next day. that is what happened here. michael cohen was a confidant, the fixer, the cohn of the earliest part of donald trump career. he was embraced as a inner-circle member. now he is hated, terrible, lying etc. it is a bit of a roller coaster. it s funny how they show giuliani saying he is not credible then there s a soundbite a month ago saying he was credible. all jokes aside you go into court listen to the person, we evaluate credibility taking it from the jury, the matter in which a person testifies their intelligence, the delivery, whether they are calm and the absolute standard, the extent to what they re saying backed up or corroborated by other evidence. and to use what he is saying, they ll have to back it up and corroborate it. mike: from experience, there are recordings. is it your expectation that
robert mueller and his team are aware and going through them? or is this michael cohen trying to cut a deal? a great question. the point is, they have recordings and where your question goes, mike, wait a minute, how did this get in front of the public? the team has been close, they have not leaked this. they say, would michael cohen have leaked this? no, i don t believe so because it does not help him. i think giuliani, the trump side wanted to have this credibility question. thank you for your time. thank you. julie: a summer day is the remains of american service members from the korean war begin their journey back to the united states. we will have more on our fallen heroes next. we honor the sacred memory of every incredible american patriot. who fought and died in that war. and everything we do and every action we take, we are fighting
for loyal, hard-working, patriotic citizens of our blessed nation.
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ask about enbrel. enbrel. fda approved for over 18 years. julie: north korea making good on one of the promises made at last month s historic summit between donald trump and kim jong-un. returning he believes to be the remains of some soldiers missing from the war. i want to thank chairman kim for keeping his word. we have many others coming. i want to thank chairman kim in front of the media for fulfilling a promise he made to me. and i m sure he will continue to fulfill that promise. as they searched and searched and searched. julie: bryan llenas is live with the latest. reporter: north korea says inside those 55 cases are the
remains of u.s. soldiers who fought in the korean war. these remains will undergo forensic testing in hawaii to verify they are human and that the remains are in fact, of missing u.s. troops. yacyk, u.s. military c-17 transfer the 55 cases of remains from north korea to the airbase and south korea. where they were received with military honors. more than 35,000 americans died on the korean peninsula during the korean war. from 1950 to 1953. of those, 7699 are still listed as missing in action. 300 are believed to be on north korean soil. yesterday s ceremonial handover remains came on the 65th anniversary of the end of the korean war and especially important day for its veterans. there are no two ways about it. the military personnel, who dies or perishes not only in
fighting for a cause, no matter what it costs, no matter what consequences should be brought home. reporter: the return of possible remains is being held by the administration as a sign the summit on june 12 between president trump and the north korean kim jong-un, was a success fee listen to vice president mike pence an interview on sunday morning futures with maria bartiromo. the fact that this president sandel of kim jong-un to negotiate the compute denuclearization of the korean peninsula. also had our fallen heroes on his heart. should tell you everything you need to know about president donald trump. my wife and i are deeply moved and deeply honored to be able to be there when we bring our boys home. reporter: vice president mike pence will be in hawaii on august 1 when remains are expected to arrive in hawaii.
the state department tells fox news that in this instance, north korea did not ask for any money and no money was exchanged between government for returning the remains. julie: thank you, bryan llenas. mike: new controversy over the national anthem. an nfl star quarterback, what he is now saying. that story straight ahead. please don t, i m saving those for later. at least you don t have to worry about renters insurance. just go to geico helps with renters insurance? good to know. been doing it for years. that s really good to know. i ll check em out. get to know geico. and see how easy homeowners and renters insurance can be. i never count the wrinkles. and i don t add up the years. but what i do count on. is staying happy and healthy. so, i add protein, vitamins and minerals to my diet with boost®. new boost® high protein nutritional drink
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anthem controversy announce a new policy for the team. which requires players to stand for the national anthem regardless of nfl rules. the quarterback prescott is backing the decision. and every protester in anthem and i don t think it is the time or venue to do so. the game of football has always brought me such peace and i think it does the same for a lot of people. taking the next step, whatever that may be, i am for action. julie: a reporter axios is here to talk about this one. it is a confusing message we are getting from the nfl. when a team like the cowboys and league are not on the same page with how players regard the national anthem, isn t it? a good point. because even though prescott has come out in support of what jones is saying here, jerry jones the first to come out
after the nfl announced the new policy to say how his team will handle the policy. at the same time the nfl still in the midst of renegotiating the policy after some concerns were raised over collective bargaining and political freedom of speech rights. it is still in the midst of negotiations. julie: the present has applauded jones for his leadership role. but the coalition later of the philadelphia eagles, jenkins, calls jones a bully. he says it was a bully move by making that call. what is your thoughts? jenkins is pointing out the fact he thinks our political rights that players still have whether they are on or off the field. raise the point of things jones is exploiting his power and position to intimidate players, to tell them how to do what they can do on the field in relation to the anthem and a lot of plato saying it s not mutually exclusive. you can stand up for the anthem and show patriotism and also believe that it is important to show what you think about police brutality and racial
inequality in the united states. at the end of the day we have to member the reason why a lot of players are kneeling in the first place is recalling what, brought up. about racial inequality and injustice. it might not matter to some people. julie: also black lives matter. it is a true cause and one that deserves respect. it deserves attention. there is also a time in the place. and i know for myself, i compare those who go to a football game, there out there to enjoy themselves. if i m on vacation or not in the office, where all i do is talk politics, the last thing want to do is hear about politics. when i m trying to enjoy myself much like the fans there in the stadium. players have political rights and freedom of expression. we all get that. but can they take it off the field so fans can enjoy football without the politics? such is one of the agreements would be, if they want to get down on a knee stay in the locker room.
but it is not necessarily being enforced by the nfl either. is still up for debate. some are saying staying in a locker room would still show something very visible about how players feel about the way the police brutality functions in the country. others say is important out there and nail down because it s more visible. and it is all still in the air about how other teams are handling it. we know there was controversy over whether the miami dolphins were handling it by saying that players, if they kneel they will be suspended. now the miami dolphins are saying it is not necessarily the policy. julie: what is the policy? that s a good point. the nfl announced in may that they would require players to stand and then that was suspended. then the miami dolphins policy said they would essentially suspend players that were kneeling during the anthem. when will the rules be issues of players from all teams can adhere to one message? it is still in the process.
miami dolphins have said that the reporting is not necessarily true. they say they do not have a policy even though some documents reveal that. i think everything still julie: they just have to wait and wait. it s just going on too long. thank you, we appreciate you coming on. thank you. mike: it s been a pleasure. julie: it has been a pleasure! it is a beautiful day outside. mike: sunshine in here. that does it for us. thank you for watching. julie: the news continues at the top of the hour. we are not done yet, more after this quick break. for drivers with accident forgiveness liberty mutual won t raise their rates because of their first accident. liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty stay at la quinta. where we re changing with stylish make-overs.
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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special Report With Bret Baier 20180730 22:00:00

A weeknight look at the news, featuring interviews, analysis and panel discussions hosted by Bret Baier.
recordings regarding other people having nothing to do with the trump organization, which to give you an idea of what a scoundrel he was. my opinion has turned on him on a dime when i found out he was a lawyer recording his clients. fundamentally that s a dishonorable offense. the president did expand on the threats to shut down the government if the president doesn t give him what he wants on immigration reform and $25 billion to build a wall along the southern border. i would be certainly willing to consider a shutdown if we don t get proper border security. i have no redline. the president was on friendly territory on the issue of immigration. italy s prime minister has pledged to tighten his country s immigration laws. but avoiding the political fallout from a government shutdown may be a difficult maneuver for president trump to accomplish. president trump also surprised the nation today, a week after threatening iran with consequences, the likes of which few throughout history have ever suffered. the president said he would be willing to sit down and talk
employees. female administrator calls them deeply disturbing and is asking for an investigation by the homeland security inspector general. the post says cory coleman resigned in june after leading the personnel department since 2011. as you heard, the top republican in the senate says there will be no government shutdown before the november midterm elections. the president, though, sending a different signal today. chief congressional correspondent mike emanuel is on capitol hill tonight. president trump once his border wall and is willing to shut down the government for it. after many, many years of talk within the united states i would have no problem doing a shutdown. it s time we had proper border security. 99 days out from the midterm elections in the message from congress to the white house is no government shutdown. let s hope not. i think hopefully most of the appropriation bills will actually be passed.
i certainly don t like playing shutdown politics. i don t think it would be helpful, so let s try and avoid it. even democrats make the case a shutdown this fall would do a lot of damage. the shutdown would be very bad news for the country, total disruption and i think it would be a very bad idea for republicans. last week mitch mcconnell and speaker paul ryan met with the president to urge against the shutdown, warning it could damage the argument republicans will make for reelection in november with the g.o.p. running washington. it can also mess with the efforts to get judge brett kavanaugh confirmed to the supreme court just weeks before the midterm elections. today cavanagh met with joe manchin, the first democrat to do so during this confirmation process. after initially voicing concerns with the president trump spec, rand paul took some of the drama away from cavanagh s confirmation announcing he was a yes . and other republicans are predicting cavanagh will be confirmed with at least some democratic votes. when it comes to brett kavanaugh i have zero doubt he s going to be on the supreme court
before the end of october. he s highly qualified, well deserving. we are going to break the back of every democratic effort to stop this man from being on the supreme court. that s this nomination in terms of future vacancies, ruth bader ginsburg said she s not going anywhere anytime soon. at 85, ginsberg says she thinks she s got at least five more years and her on the high court. bret: mike emanuel on capitol hill, thanks. what do you think, would you be in favor of a government shutdown in order to get funding for the border wall? let me know on twitter. you can use the hashtag, or on facebook. stocks were off today. the dow lost 144. the s&p 500 dropped 16. the nasdaq plunged 107. overseas, turkey s leadership is apparently willing to call president trump s bluff. the turkish president says he will not back down over the detention of an american pastor
years, but turkey accuses brunson of terrorism and for supporting a turkish cleric who lives in pennsylvania and who president erdogan believes was the mastermind behind a failed military coup in 2016. turkey is demanding he be extradited. last week brunson was released from prison but he remains under house arrest. earlier this month it appears the deal was in the works to release brunson. an israeli official confirmed to fox news that president trump called israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu to request the release of a turkish woman arrested in israel on suspicion of aiding the militant group hamas. she was released, but brunson remains in custody. turkey s relationship with the united states has been fraying for years largely due to disagreements about the war in syria. pastor brunson s release will go a long way to easing tensions between the trump administration
and president erdogan s government. bret. bret: connor, thank you. here in washington, we welcome the italian prime minister, prime minister conte. thank you. thank you for the interview. bret: you have met with president trump before at the g7. you have exchanged some friendly tweets to one another. tell me about the relationship with president trump and what you were hoping out of this alliance. i met president trump, as you mentioned, during the g7 and canada. there was a feeling by the beginning and maybe because we are not from political backwards. we pay attention to the needs of our people. i hope that also we can increase this relationship between our countries. bret: you have the third largest economy, italy is.
the e.u. commissioner was just here talking trade. your thoughts on that development and where it s headed? i was very happy about the meeting that the president of the e.u., president trump they held here in washington. also because they reaffirmed the special relationship between the european union and the united states. of course i understand very well the position of president trump. would like to have a rebalance of the u.s. foreign trades. we have to work for this goal and make a shift for this goal and i hope we can find a good solution for american citizens, italian citizens and european citizens. bret: there are many italians, it seems, who blame the e.u. for some economic problems. as you took over power there was some talk about whether italy would be in the e.u.
you are going to stay in the european union? we are going to stay. we ve been very comfortable in the european union. but of course we want to stay also according to our region, according also to our needs of italian citizens. my position is very clear in the most him important issue, migration, economic, political situation. we will try to, of course, convince the other member states to direct their position in the same direction. bret: other people in italy who look at great britain in the middle of brexit and say we need to do that? we feel very comfortable in the european union. there is no future in that direction. bret: you mentioned
migration. half of all the migrants, refugees coming by sea to europe landed in italy. half of them. that is a big issue in your country. you have to consider that since my government took office, the illegal migration dramatically dropped. we are talking about 80, 85% less then comparing the last year. our strategy is working out. bret: when you hear president trump on the issue of immigration here in the u.s. taking a hard line, that is something that you identify with. i identify with that position. you are mentioning a hard position. i think we have to fight against the criminal migration. we need to be conscious, the damages, the risk for the
migrants, it s not only important to focus on the mediterranean sea but we had to also concentrate from the other countries. supported by the criminal organizations. bret: one of the issues the u.s. is concerned about his libya and the chaos that has been libya. the u.s. has obviously had a role in the past. what is your assessment of libya, you are next-door and you feel obviously the impact of what happens in that country? libya, i think we share the same vision. we want a more prosperous libya. in this way, through this way we can reach more security for the
entire mediterranean sea. bret: does it include u.s. troops again? it s important to cooperate with all the libyan people in order the direction is very clear. to have elections, political presidential elections in a condition very sublime. bret: in europe, where do you see the trajectory going? what is the biggest issue for european countries? the most important issues are to keep unity of the european union, because we are 28 state members and you can understand it is difficult to have a future of solidarity. we are many countries now with different sensibility spirit bret: mr. prime minister, we appreciate your time. thank you very much. bret: we will be right back to special report after this
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xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. bret: the transportation security administration is pushing back tonight on a report about a secret surveillance program targeting americans who are not suspected of a crime. correspondent leah gabriel looks at both sides from new york. a previously unknown tsa program designed to keep you safe is drawing fire for secretly tracking u.s. citizens not on the terrorist watch list or suspected of a crime. the boston globe first reported the quiet skies program over the weekend. the tsa confirmed it first began in 2010 with the aim of preventing another 9/11. tsa officers are trained in behavioral detection and so they are already looking for somebody
who is acting erratically, who makes them extremely nervous, someone who is exhibiting signs that other people who have executed attacks on airports and airplanes have exhibited. under this program, as travelers pass through airport security, a computer algorithm spots those whose travel and activities match with current threat intelligence. a human team then bets the information and if there is a red flag in the flyer s background, that person may be followed through his or her travel and watched. one attorney for the aclu saying they are watching travelers in secret and they are doing it without any suspicion of actual wrongdoing. but it tsa official tells fox news the program has a system of checks and balances, including with the agency calls robust oversight. so the idea that ordinary u.s. citizens are being surveilled is wrong. average americans would not
come close to qualifying for inclusion in this program. if you are being observed by a federal air marshal as part of this program, it is because you have a pattern of travel as well as other activities. although this program may be new to the public, the tsa tells fox news congress has been briefed on it four times in the last few months and that there is strong oversight from legal and civil liberties experts. the agency also says that contrary to some news reports, race and religion are not criteria for selection. bret: we will follow it, thank you. also a new york senate, increasing speculation about the future of one of the most power up till my powerful people medi media. the cbs board of directors today discussed what to do about sexual harassment allegations against chief executive les moonves. howard kurtz tells us where things stand right now. the dark cloud over cbs was a prime topic today on its morning
show. the board of directors at cbs is expected to meet today amid allegations of sexual harassment against chairman and ceo leslie moonves. since ronan farrow reported highly detailed allegations by six women spanning three decades, three board members aligned against moonves and pushed for his immediate suspension, but no action has been taken. it underscores a huge problem at cbs. if this kind of behavior is coming from the chairman of the company, it could be seen as a reflection of the general and overall culture at cbs. the one time actress julie chen today reinforced her tweets defending her husband. i will stand by that statement. has led the resurgent from last-place to first place and recently found a commission to eliminate harassment in the workplace. last week ncis was watched by
25 million people. i don t think we are dying. a far different portrait emerges in the new yorker. douglas told the magazine that in 1997 business meeting moonves held her down, violently kissed and groped her and after she fought him off had her fired from a cbs sitcom. kristin peters said moonves put his hand up her skirt and touched her underwear. moonves who are admitting kissing douglas denied harming anyone s career and said he knew no means no but added i recognize there were times decades ago and they may have made some women uncomfortable in making advances. those were mistakes and i regret them immensely. cbs quickly fired anchor charlie rose after the washington post reported harassment allegations against him in november. moonves is already locked in a legal battle with jerry whetstone, who wants to combine cbs and viacom. the cbs board meeting ended today with no action be on the search for an outside law firm to investigate. but it will be hard for the network to return to business as
usual with moonves still in charge. bret: thanks. up next, california burns as more than a dozen wildfires tear through that state and other western states, forcing thousands to evacuate. here s what some of our fox affiliates around the country are covering tonight. fox 29 in philadelphia as state officials say they have successfully stopped a company that makes 3d downloadable guns, for making them internet accessible in pennsylvania and from uploading new files. a texas company agreed to block pennsylvania users after an emergency hearing sunday. fox 28 in columbus, ohio, as vice president mike pence visits suburban newark to campaign for state senator troy balderson. he s running for ohio s 12th congressional district against democrat danny o connor. this is alive look at kansas city from our affiliate fox 4. big story there tonight a lawsuit seeking $100 million in damages has been filed against the owners and operators of a tourist boat that sank earlier
this month in a missouri lake, killing 17 people. at the federal lawsuit was filed sunday on behalf of two members of an indiana family who lost nine relatives when that boat sank. that s tonight s live look outside the beltway from special report. we will be right back. yes start them off right. with the school supplies they need at low prices all summer long. save $200 on this dell laptop at office depot officemax. you wouldn t accept an incomplete job from any one else. why accept it from your allergy pills? flonase sensimist relieves your worst symptoms, including nasal congestion, which most pills don t. it helps block six key inflammatory substances. most pills block one. flonase sensimist. most pills block one. the winter of 77.uring i first met james in 5th grade. we got married after college. and had twin boys. but then one night, a truck didn t stop. but thanks to our forester,
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containment lines. crews say that they have moved on from a defensive mode, they say the fire is still unpredictable, one reason why tens of thousands are still under evacuation orders. and this is one of the many homes leveled and reduced to ash in this reading neighborhood. you can see a washer and dryer over there, what used to be a filing cabinet just in front of it. overhear a garage door melted to the ground and as we walk further out into the driveway, metal is just about the only thing left from this truck after the car fire swept through this area. it s unfortunate if our house is burned. it sounds like there s only two places sanding so the chances are that it probably did. the car fire is one of just nearly 2200 fires burning. of 12,000 firefighters from across the state are on the front line. it s a back burn into the creek. even with the help from 800 national guard soldiers and 150 engines from outside the state, containing these fires remains a dangerous mission. at least half of the eight
deaths linked to the fires are among crews. the rest residents including some who either chose not to evacuate or didn t receive notice at all. cal fire tonight announcing they will allow the first round of evacuees to finally return home, but many are bracing for the worst, not knowing if they are t everything. bret: in redding, california, jeff, thanks. attorney general jeff sessions says the justice department is committed to protecting the religious rights of americans. sessions telling an audience at a religious liberty summit western culture has become less hospitable to people of faith. a dangerous movement undetected by many, but real is now challenging and eroding a great tradition, our religious freedom. there can be no doubt it s no little matter. it must be confronted intellectually and politically
and defeated. bret: session says he believes one reason president trump was elected was because he said he respected people of faith. up next, the panel on president trump s apparent decision to reject an interview with the special counsel and the latest on all of that. first, beyond our borders tonight, a new report into the disappearance of malaysian airlines flight 370 highlights shortcomings in the government s response and raises the possibility of intervention by a third party. the plane carrying 239 people to beijing vanished, as you may remember, four years ago, presumed to have crashed in the far southern indian ocean. the report reiterates malaysia s assertion, the plane was deliberately diverted and flung for more than seven hours after severing communications. three russian opposition leaders were detained by police minutes after the conclusion of a demonstration against the government plan to raise the retirement age. the protest in central moscow had been authorized by city authorities and attracted
thousands of people. the proposal to raise the pension age for men from 60 to 65 and from 55 to 63 for women has sparked dissent across the political spectrum. and greece s prime minister has visited the site of the countries deadliest wildfire in decades a week after the blaze swept through a seaside resort north of athens killing thousands of people. the vast majority of victims died in the fire itself with some growling while swimming out to see you trying to flee those flames. just some of the other stories beyond our borders tonight. we will be right back.
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the united states postal service. priority: you there was no collusion and therefore and that collusion is no crime. it s a very, very familiar lawyer s argument. the alternative is my a client into it and even if he did is not a crime. it has become crystal clear this investigation that began with peter strzok has been continued as an illegitimate investigation. bret: the president s attorney on a series of shows and then calling into our own outnumbered this afternoon to talk more about what he has been saying over the past 24 hours about the russian investigation. the president tweeting over the weekend, is robert mueller ever going to release his conflict of interest with respect to president trump including the fact that we had a very nasty and contentious business
relationship? i turned him down to head the fbi one day before appointment as special counsel and comey is is right. why is mueller only appointing angry dams? some of whom have worked for kroger hillary, others have worked for obama. why isn t he looking at all of the criminal activity. we start there with our expanded penalty. brit hume. chris stirewalt s politics editor here at fox news. mollie hemingway, senior editor at the federalist and charles lane, the opinion writer for the washington post . thoughts on giuliani s press to her? disposition today, series of them. a lot of confusion and our people arguing tonight that he does this on purpose. you see everybody get all mixed up. i think he came out and said something that sounded very much like he was giving ground as to whether there had been collusion. i don t think you meant to do that and i think he tried to walk it back and how successful
he did that remains to be seen, but there remains tonight i think a lot of confusion. bret: one thing that is clear is that rudy giuliani is saying president trump will not sit down for an interview with mueller. i try to look back at the big picture here, what is trump and giuliani trying to accomplish? and i feel with their political base if there were any traction to this investigation at all they would be behaving much differently. they feel no need to give anything to robert mueller as long as republicans are behind them and i checked, and i was right, my hunch was right. in the latest quinnipiac poll, 61% of republicans regard the investigation as unfair. 82 republicans agree with the president that it s a witch hunt. as long as he s got that kind of agreement from his base, he feels no need to give in. i do think people in d.c. like to separate that initial fbi investigation where you saw that there was spying on the trump campaign and the use of human informants, the wiretaps,
the secret subpoenas called national security letters from the mueller investigation and what i thought was interesting that he said is these are just the same investigation, and that is true that mueller picked up that initial investigation and he just has more money and fewer restrictions. i think that it is worth having a conversation about what exactly is going on with this investigation, how much has been going on, how long people are expected to wait to find out whether there s anything and whether there is such political bias inherent in the investigation the latest updates without that mueller was digging into tweets. this is kind of silly and ridiculous. bret: on obstruction. from collusion from treason to collusion, some obstruction of justice charge. i think people have the right to know what the scope of the investigation is, how much money they intend to spend, how much time they expect to take place so i hope people get more answers. bret: it doesn t happen in a vacuum. it is moving forward. tomorrow the trial for paul
manafort starts and that s obviously tangential to the russian collusion allegations, but we will see more evidence against manafort in coming days. and we will see more evidence of why no one would hire paul manafort. these are the consequences of being a political novice as the president when he came in. none of the other candidates hired paul manafort because he wasn t suitable to hire. what did we see, $60 million i think that he took doing work for some rather questionable entities in the ukraine says federal prosecutors. so talk that went up to experience. i don t think trump would rehire paul manafort. i also think that we are getting to the terminal phase. when it comes to manafort, certainly, but mueller says september 1st was his target all along. that s where he wanted to get. if that s what we believe, so i think things are going to get a lot more choppy in the next couple weeks. bret: and giuliani has said that, that mueller has told him they will wrap it up sometime early in the fall.
then it becomes the subject of the whole campaign going into the elections, which is why you think the president the president s view of this is that he can make it a political advantage. he hammers on mueller as unfair and bias, he is preparing the ground for the republican campaign in the fall to turn out the base as a protest against what they are going to be told and what many of them believe is a biased mueller investigation. what we know and what we don t know, it s reasonable i think to consider the possibility that what so in flames president trump about this investigation is that he believes that he is innocent and he can t understand why nearly two years now into his presidency he still having to deal with this monkey on his back. and a lot of things we know he hasn t been innocent, but he may well be innocent in this case and i m not sure how different his behavior would be. i think his behavior would be very different if you weren t. we talked about before with
questioning his election and russians actually doing things to so chaos in the elections. i think it is also worth remembering things like davis and paul manafort were people that republicans hired on campaigns. long ago for paul manafort. there seems to be a different standard here and one that thinks that anything you do is okay because it s donald trump and anything you can run against him, there s nothing that s unfair and there s nothing that s ridiculous. i think a lot of republican voters are wondering why donald trump is the only person actually making some of these claims about the unfairness of the investigation or this idea that mueller is beyond reproach. people says that he too has a history, including messing up the anthrax. i think we will get a real sense of what the russians actually did, the exact things they did and the extent of it and the extent of its potential effect. we have some knowledge of that. we will get more.
some of the anti-trump zealots are now claiming that the russians actually swung the election. i think that s an extremely dubious theory, but the mueller investigation s final outcome on what the russians did may settle that. bret: what we are going to say? the russians were involved with another campaign. hillary clinton secretly bought a dossier that was sourced to promote operative. i m very curious why mueller hasn t dug into that margaret is not interesting that you can secretly hire a foreign spy who sourced information to promote operatives. if people were really genuinely concerned about russian meddling, and by the way the fact that the spy let it be known that he was looking for dirt meant that he opened himself up to exploitation by russian government operatives. if we genuinely truly cared about these things i think you would see much more interest in the media and by mueller into that. bret: i m not sure that we are not going down that road with the second ig report from horwitz and you may see that in those topics covered. i want to talk about two things. one is the reference to conflicts of interest.
john roberts reports that it appears to be a reference to a 2011 dispute over fees at the trump golf course when mueller had a dispute over fees for the golf course outside washington. except that the president s tweets as he wanted it to be fbi chief. bret: that was in addition to this. i don t think that amounts to a whole lot. i just think it s interesting that it s that personal at that point. bret: rudy giuliani on this second meeting that he comes out and talks about a second trump tower meeting that never happens. take a listen. two alleged meetings. first meeting, group of people, not the president. a group of people say the meeting didn t take place. the only person that has alleged it is cohen. the second meeting, in walks donald trump jr., says let me meet with the russians, never took place. bret: he just brings up in this outnumbered interview saying that reporters have asked him about a second meeting that cohen is going to say this in
some story. i love the response from our colleague guy benson, sitting on the center of the curvy couch and he was pining about what the former new york mayor had said earlier in the day on television. it became apparent that as giuliani was listening he said e gad, i made a mess! 91, go. longtime viewer, first time fire caller, rudy from new york. and i also tend to agree on this, which is i do not think this is strategic chaos. i think this is just plain chaos. bret: i m going to do a hard turn here. this is the president today on iran. take a listen. i ended the iran deal, it was a ridiculous deal. i do believe that they will probably end up wanting to meet and i m writing to meet anytime they want to and i don t do that from strength or from weakness,
i think it s an appropriate thing to do. if we could work something out that is meaningful, not the waste of paper that the other deal was, i would certainly be willing to meet, anytime they want. it s good for the country, good for them, good for us and good for the world. no preconditions. if they want to meet, i will meet. bret: meeting with iran s president. this is what the secretary of state said just a couple of days ago. as president trump i said, we are willing to talk with the regime in iran but relief from american pressure will come only when we see tangible demonstrated and sustained shifts in tehran s policies. bret: so? you know me, he says, i will meet with anybody. he did not suggest an pompeo certainly didn t that there would be any relief involved as a precondition of anything we are doing vis-a-vis iran, so he thinks meeting with these guys is good. i have my doubts, but that s
what he does, that s his style and he thinks he s a great meter. it would confer a lot of legitimacy on a regime that we ve been trying very hard in all other ways to delegitimize. it wouldn t be the first time, because we did that with kim jong un of north korea too. bret: next up, is president trump serious about a government shutdown? ahoy-hoy. alexander graham bell here. no, no, my number is one, you must want two! two, i say!! like my father before. [telephone ring] like my father before. ahoy-hoy! as long as people talk too loudly on the phone, you can count on geico saving folks money. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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are you ready to take your then you need xfinity xfi.? a more powerful way to stay connected. it gives you super fast speeds for all your devices, provides the most wifi coverage for your home, and lets you control your network with the xfi app. it s the ultimate wifi experience. xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. if we don t get border security after many, many years of talk within the united states, i would have no problem doing is shut down. it s time we had proper border security. we are the laughingstock of the world.
the shutdown would be very bad news for the country, total disruption and i think it would be a very bad idea for republicans. i certainly don t like playing shutdown politics. i don t think it would be helpful, so let s try and avoid it. bret: what about that, a possible shutdown over border security? the wall. just moments ago the senate appropriations committee chairman, shelby from alabama said there could be a vote to override a veto to avoid her shutdown. asked what he think president trump makes such threats, he said i don t know, it s not a good threat for anybody and said that they are moving forward with regular order. chris stirewalt, what about this? do you ever see the grace of the church picnic where you get an egg and a tablespoon and you have to walk across that s mitch mcconnell with the budget trying to get something passed before the election so everybody can go home and campaign. whether or not there s a shutdown, all of these things first question, can they get something out of the house? the issue in the house, as we
know, it s about the wall, but it s also about amnesty and the freedom caucus basically shot down a plan for a package that would have funded the wall because it included an amnesty for the people who were brought here illegally. if we think of it as a pejorative word, alleged amnesty, they shut it down because they said they wouldn t go for it. first he got to find something to get out of the house and then it has to get through the senate. this is going to be tough. these are tough tumblers to tur turn. if you learn anything from decades of occasional government shutdowns, it s this, the public hates them. they may not say that in advance, but they always do and whatever party gets the blame pays the price. this most recent instance the democrats got the blame. they were the ones making all the noise about it and what happened they backed away almost instantly. bret: are poles said most responsible, democrats 32%. they backed up immediately.
ted cruz was the pied piper of the conservatives in the house of all places. it backfired terribly. the republican party standing with the public dropped to the lowest level in the history of the gallup poll. people say they won the next election. they did, but that was a year and a couple of months to go before that and a major intervening event, which was wa disastrous roll out of obamacare. shutdown politics are a bad idea and if you are going to try to pull that off, the last thing you want to be doing is threatening it because it means that you are going to be blamed. bret: molly? i think what you have is a president who really wants to deal with the issue and an establishment in both parties that really doesn t want to deal with the issue and donald trump knows that the leverage he has is with the voters and the only time republicans get the steel needed to take on their donor class and talk about immigration is when they are under threat from voters. donald trump is using this leverage he has to encourage people to actually take action. he s got a strong economy, he s got his second supreme court
nominee confirmation process going through. he s in a position of strength right now and immigration is an issue that he ran on and he cares about, so i think he wants paul ryan said it s not an issue up if this will happen but when. i think donald trump is saying i m losing my patience. bret: there are some inside washington that say this effort, and by threatening this potentially threatens the kavanaugh nomination. shelby was asked about that and he says it s two different kettle of fish but people get polarized here and eventually everything comes together. i didn t think i would ever say this, i really strongly agree with molly s take on this. bret: sweet of him, right? it s a lovely sentiment. what s really going on here is the president is responding, just like he is on the mueller thing, to his base. in this great scheme of things, what does he care about most? i m not sure it s brett kavanaugh. not even sure it s whether the republicans hold the house. it s how he does in 2020.
and he has to authenticate himself constantly on this issue of immigration because that he knows there s hard data to set him apart from all the other republicans. 72% of republicans favor building the wall. on the substance of the issue, he s right. and they don t care about the shutdowns, at least rhetorically. he can make a big fuss and bother ground about i preferred this even to keeping the government open and that is will he go so far as to let it shutdown? he never has before, but that can be forgiven. i think that s why he s doing this. bret: the italian prime minister talking as well. you can t build a wall in the mediterranean sea but i think they would have if they could. bret: panel, thank you very much. when we come back, high school sweethearts get hitched to a different beat.
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Think-trump , Interview , Italy , John-roberts , Giuseppe-conte , Up , Russian , Wind , White-house , Pro , People , Robert-mueller

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Greg Gutfeld Show 20180729 02:00:00

god bless all of you. thank you for watching. i m advocating for truth, justice and the american way. i m jeanine pierrot signing off, greg gutfeld is next. see you next saturday. man walks into a pet store and sees as a sign, talking parrot and buys if it comes back and says he doesn t talk. dices what letter? tour owner says sorry, the letter is $10. another week and no talking and back to the store. he did not climb the ladder and look in the mirror and talk, another purchase. there becomes a guy comes back to the store and the owner says the parent is dead but before he died he spoke in the store owner says what did he say. though they sell any birdseed at that store you. greg: will be appearing at the comedy cellar all week. [cheering and applause]
about. this tape shows how the sausage is made. i m hearing to criminal co-conspirators conspiring on making a payment. the president of the united states to try to tell you what you are seeing and what you are reading but it s not happening. don t believe what you see with your own ears. [laughter] greg: don t believe what you see with your own ears. that s a fortune cookie that makes no sense. in other words, it is a fortune cookie. the question, did anyone die from this secret conversation? was anyone physically hurt? does anyone care? which leads me to a new sextant. does anyone care? tonight s episode, slimy lawyer secretly takes his client
with women. could it be that all of this good news is due to that? i know correlation is not causation but maybe his tex-mex life has made us all better off. i feel bad for the media. the invent so much time in the scandals. why? because democrats are hopeless at understanding sex. raising income taxes is their pillow talk. redistribution is there for play and that is why they re good at screen people. [laughter] which is why thank you very much. [cheering and applause] this is why it s good news that the democrats would rather get drunk on tawdry tales and i thank you should do because of my god, he lied to. whether we know what happened or not, whether the payment happened or not we know he lied. it shows that trump line once again. the white house lied about
let s welcome tonight guests. like a man who steals your organs to sell them on the black market and he will keep you in stitches, comedian jamie jurek. [cheering and applause] he produces more drama than my pet llama and stars in the new movie out this fall actor nick searcy. [cheering and applause] social interaction gives her an allergic reaction, natural national review reporter captains. [cheering and applause] and the jumbotron is his iphone, former wwe superstar in my massive sidekick, tyrus. [cheering and applause] tyrus: i m going to get you. greg: i m scared. i m shaking in my little boots. tyrus: okay. greg: jamie, how are you doing?
what are your thoughts on this week so far any insight? i would not have believed that story if i had not heard it with my own eyes. [laughter] unbelievable. i feel like that parent joke was brutal. the parent was not only missing a mirror and a letter but a punchline in timing to anything stormy daniels it s weird that they used one of those porn star name generators. it s like what is your favorite weather and your father drink and stormy daniels. mine would be raining martini in years and maybe sunshine seven jan. greg: nick, what you make of the good news in the scandals? pick one. it reminds me of the movie i directed which is coming out october 12th 5 nice plug
A show featuring parodies of current events, commentary on significant issues and interviews with newsmakers, culture critics and media personalities.
movie and it s coming to theaters but it never comes to theaters. even recording somebody is simple and michael cohen, [bleep], can get lower than being a rat but what kills me is he is setting somebody up what he supposed to be a fixer he s one of the worst people in the world. if you think about someone who is so rotten that you would trust him with your secrets and he records them and then when he gets in trouble tries to use them against you and i guess he was sitting on the phone while he was recording so you cannot even make out what he was saying. they had to get a rocket surgeon and ophthalmologist to figure out whether he said cash or check. he s a bad black male and then he finds out that it s a desirable offense to record a client. it scans a lot but he broke a
lot. then he leaked information that i know who happened or what thinking the prosecution would help them and they said no, we will not help you at all. you can t cooperate because re- proven liar. he s had the worst week that a villain usually they have a bad week at the end of the movie but this dude started out with here is my plan and got arrest arrested, the worst villain i ve ever seen. you would think he d be better. greg: what drives me nuts is when you watch the other networks they are ignoring what matters and in their snow globe the only thing that matters porn stars, playmates, michael cohen intake. when you re in a snow globe you don t know you re not in one. everyone else in the world is enjoying, their life is getting marginally better everyday but they don t know that at cnn because are too busy chasing tail or tales, tawdry tales.
all right, coming up, democratic candidates are out of step with the mainstream in other news, chocolate is delicious. [cheering and applause] if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, little things can be a big deal. that s why there s otezla. otezla is not an injection or a cream. it s a pill that treats psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months, . with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. and the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don t use if you re allergic to otezla. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. tell your doctor if these occur. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history
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b5 like a drunk octopus trying to line dance at his sister s wedding the democrats are out of step. what an intro. like you didn t know that already. according to a new nbc wall street journal poll 56% say today s democratic candidates are out of touch with the mainstream and that s a spike from two years ago when the new number was 42%. that is when bernie sanders was all the rage. and that looked great with a man. [laughter] i was one of the first. bernie sold young voters on socialism and got progressive to take a hard left turn but this poll shows they are not progressive enough.
tired of the party that brought you fdr s new deal? you will love super turbo hyper progressivism. the first system for the government pays for everything. universal healthcare, plus, guaranteed basic income you never know when you will meet the enemy in the future and the national anthem is replaced by this. total awesome sanctuary cities and public bathrooms where it s all in the open. the best part about super tumor hyper progressivism, all wars will be fought with finger guns. and if that doesn t work, will
hug the enemy to death. [cheering and applause] greg: cap, the polls say the democrats are out of step and they say the republicans are out of step are the libertarians out of step? kat: no one really likes us but we don t really like ourselves. greg: that is true. kat: that is okay. i feel like it shouldn t be surprised that the democrats are out of step as i feel like when you talk to most americans they don t say what that what they want to do is wait in line for toilet paper so i m not surprised that this old democratic socialist thing is not catching on. people want capitalism we can get toilet paper via amazon prime without getting off your couch and as much as you want you can get 4712 packs and build a fort for you and your cat to
sit in. you know, it s not like it always comes down to toilet paper but sometimes it does. greg: if i could have a dollar for every time it does. the big democratic, the new obama, alexandria and she is a socialist what you make of her? she s never. it s like she s never read a newspaper or book in her life. this young lady is i can t imagine where she gets information and i m beginning to think that she s a republican plant where they have placed her there to make the democrats look incredibly stupid. greg: tyrus, will it democratic party pay attention to the polls and fix themselves? tyrus: there are too many rules. i don t like rules. when i get by mike is a
president and the instructions are this thick, we are winning it. the new democratic world order there are 37 gender so how will i say hello to someone without being afraid of a lawsuit? there s all kinds of give me stuff and i don t want to give anybody jack. i ll keep mine and you get yours and will be fine. there are too many rules and they don t even know when they talk if you ever have a conversation with a super left person they talk in a person so i don t even know who i m dealing with. [laughter] everything is a world cost. i just want a coffee. i m sorry i came in here. i won t do it again. if me forgiveness will kill mike because in the amazon, i ll st stop. greg: to your point about your first point, party forgotten it s liberals were
supposed to be liberal and now they have more rules and conservatives are the ones that don t want rules. the conservatives are the freaks. they are for free everything in terms of thought. tyrus: you have to catch yourself to greet a stranger. if you don t know something about them, don t find out the hard way by asking. [laughter] i felt like this is one of those articles where they did need to do the polls. they re like they re out of step but we knew it had of time and i feel like they could ve saved money. i don t like any candidate is talking about what i m worried about. like how do i keep beat my kid at fortnight? tyrus: that s a real thing. dragon ball z, i have to ground him to beat him mid- game. [laughter] connect no one cares what i m worried about. i m worried about healthcare. i asked my daughter what she
wanted to do and she asked to do a puzzle so i had her go to healthcare .gov. [laughter] greg: should be and on that note or do you have a third joke? i don t think i do. [laughter] greg: i think the democratic party needs an intervention. they need to sit down the leaders and say socialism is ruining your life just like with drugs, you said you been doing a lot of socialism and you re losing your friends and running out of money and we are here to help you will fly you to a capitalism center and teach you how to make money. that would be the answer .com, nikki haley has great advice for conservative teens. so do i, listen to nikki haley. [cheering and applause] get your groove on with one a day 50+.
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something important. it s not going to be easy. quicksilver earns you unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere. actually, that s super easy. my bad.
wildfires. a 26 year old mother and five of her children die in a motel fire in southwestern michigan for the children were age two to ten years old. the woman s husband in the one -year-old daughter survived. investigators say the fire appears to be an accident. i m marianne rafferty, now back to the greg gutfeld show. greg: now, if i were nikki haley and who says i m not? i would ask high school kids to raise your hand if you ve ever posted anything online quote unquote on the lips. razor hand if you ever posted anything online to quote unquote own the liberals. i know it s fun and i can feel good but [laughter] but step back and think about
you are accomplishing when you do this. are you persuading anyone? greg: she said that to students but adults can learn from this. i ll admit it s fun to troll the other side and they make it so easy sometimes. don t believe what you see with your own ears. [laughter] greg: i will play that forever. if you go online now there are two sides clashing over nothing. it s vicious into nikki haley s point, no one is persuading anyone. government you try to cross the aisle with an olive branch. you get shunned by your own like actor mark who faced the wrath of the online mob on his side as he had the nerve to complement ben shapiro on twitter. then he had to apologize for being nice. what he was. neither side will win the great twitter war. it s been mutually assured destruction. is that good or bad or both? i don t know what went i do know
is i prefer to dance in front of gus the dog. [inaudible] [laughter] greg: the greatest dog ever. he knows a bad answer when he sees with it, your twitter feed is rambunctious, combative and would you join a group of people that say i m disarming and i m no longer going to be so negative on twitter? absolutely not. i don t think nikki haley has seen my twitter feed she would not have seen it. she says that i know it feels good and it s fun but what are you a composting? what s wrong with feeling good and having fun? not trying to persuade anybody on twitter. the point is i don t think i m going to persuade them but i
want to ridicule them and have other people see how stupid they look. greg: good point you re trying to persuade the person you re insulting your trying to give some kind of energy to the other people that almost teach them how to do what they re doing but it might be considered mean what am i turning into? used to be so mean, tyrus, what is happening? tyrus: i don t think too much about you, greg you know what it is, we have believed right now. whenever you are winning it s fun to put phone at the other side and it s great but when you are losing it sucks. it goes back and forth. i had a flashback when nikki haley was talking. i literally thought it was minors at school and some. when i had an embarrassing moment when i had my first you know, at school. greg: i don t want to know. tyrus: she was like it s fun and it feels good but don t think
about those things at school. greg: oh, i see what you mean. [laughter] it took me a while. [laughter] tyrus: .com and cooling boys in it to be back to that nurse. used to go to the nurse and tell her stuff and she make you feel good and if your mom saw your heart you are a dirty little boy the nurse would tell you it s okay. it feels right. greg: we will move on from this discussion. jamie when tyrus was talking there were four moments where i felt like i knew what he was talking about and then he said something else and i still didn t know. greg: let s stay on topic about civility online. [laughter] thank you. greg: civility online, is it worth it to be the first person online to disarm? you don t always have to be leading but you could be having fun but what a great point that
you could be rallying troops but i do get tired of the hate sometimes and i don t know if you know but it s an add-on for google chrome and it turns off all politics if you want to break so i turn it on the other day and there was one puppy video left. [laughter] greg: and it was an old right puppy exactly. would you ever you are on twitter an awful lot and are not meeting on it -. kat: i try to be nice i think that is probably right but i do understand that it can be very tempting sometimes. i will read an article that says yoga is cultural appropriation and that everyone is a certain halloween costumes are cultural appropriation nightly line if i said the first thought that comes to mind was not to post a
video of myself doing yoga in a pocahontas costume. [laughter] but i would not be changing hearts and minds that way and if i wanted to try to change hearts and minds you have to be respectful. greg: i had to semi- serious comments on this. this social media behavior might be necessary because were not allowing this behavior anymore in the real world. were not having community for getting together and churches are under attacks and sororities are being gender-neutral and teams are breaking up so maybe twitter is the only place we can insult each other and build each other and make jokes because you can t do that anywhere else. having said that, now people are collecting scalps on twitter. you can t make jokes anymore because you could be the next one. you can lose your job. greg: you can lose your job. the director of disney, his job is gone because of some joke he made. it could happen to you -. greg: no, no, don t look at my
twitter feed. coming up, would you attend your own funeral? science says it s what is possible. by the way, science is my third nipple. [cheering and applause] come here, babe.
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because your brain would essentially live in the crowd you could switch bodies as often as you like. from where we went to mike and the immortal goat for comment don t jump. don t jump. don t jump. what is he doing? oh, oh, oh he jumped. [bleep] he jumped. [bleep] [laughter] [bleep]. dude, we killed a [bleep] goat. dude, he s alive. greg: get with the program. is this realistic and would you do this? tyrus: no, i would go to my funeral and sit in the corner and listen to people talk about me my funeral will not be pleasant. there will be a lot of people not on things and plus my note before i go will build real. [laughter] people start turning around the
computer laughing in the back in its me what is wrong with dying and i just don t get it? i can t wait. i m waiting for my testosterone to go way when your time comes, let it go. will you be a robot? b5 you are saying. greg: you are saying let it go. tyrus: you ll have your dream because you can get in with your ai buddies because after a while the robot guys will be jealous of the flash guys so that will not cure racism because we ll have robots attacking anyone with me. greg: it will this will be meat and metal and that will be the war because i am the best benedict arnold for metal i would be king of the metal because i don t like meat. i think this would ruin funera funerals? kat: i think that it s a lot of science in trouble and much simpler than that.
all you need to do is there yourself a funeral while you re still alive. that s what i m doing. greg: that s a great idea for a company. kat: i m doing that in three months for my 30th for the party in a few months. this is not a joke. i m coming in a hearse end in a casket and i ll have a processional of people they been as i enter and will be a big party. not everyone is invited but you re invited to like the photos when you see i am not joking. greg: i have a feeling you will be doing this. next, i think what if you are in annoying unlikable person and people are relieved that you re dead. then oh great, i had to deal with brian because his head is in a new bat? why are you asking me this? greg: i don t know. i like to be in my own funeral to hear what people say about me. it would work better if i could get that thing started now like if i could get the robot that is
me started up now i could get a lot more done. i could direct another movie like my movie which is coming out october 12th climatic. greg: it s a great movie. was that too obvious? greg: no, it was a tough movie to make. wherever it is you should find it. jamie, would you do this? stupid question, great britain i m not the smartest guy but if i m at the funeral why don t we just not have a funer funeral? you know what i mean? jim is on and they say no he s not but he s over there did i ever tell you my idea to get a laugh in my funeral i want to have an open casket but when you come up my legs are showing. [laughter] wouldn t that be funny? greg: that s pretty funny. i just think in general
will you write that down? greg: and if something happens i will say you want an open caske. tyrus: open leg casket. robots we have to be so careful with building things that we cannot compete with because i had this ex-girlfriend and i bought her this electronic toy and i never saw her again. [laughter] greg: on that note, still to come, it s the most interesting interview you will ever see. i am serious. you don t want to miss this. stick around. [cheering and applause] sometimes, bipolar i disorder can make you feel unstoppable. but mania, such as unusual changes in your mood,
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to run the full clip on my very own to take a look. [animal sounds] greg: thank you for having me. i ve always been a fan of your investigative work. it s a pleasure to be here. [animal sounds] greg: i really did this for the fans.
everywhere i go to blast me where can they read the monologues from the show. where is one place they can get them so i decided when not give the very best monologues and put them in the book. [animal sounds] greg: i figured it would be different to take a book and criticize it and take it apart and go after the thing you got wrong so i took my monologues and if you look in the book you will see, take a look, i have commentary with my actual monologues and i m fairly blunt about the things i got wrong. [animal sounds] greg: the one thing i noticed is that i tend to rely on certain clichés like if i m writing about a liberal i will often say they have a nose ring or a henna tattoo and i find i fall into
stereotypes over time which is intellectually lazy. i tried to call myself on that wherever i go. also, i think i was mean on bernie sanders. i should of been nice. [animal sounds] greg: my favorite topic is always going to be hollywood because it s so easy something is always going on in that place that is worthy of ridicule and every day there s an actor or actress things have been stupid and i wake up every morning to write about. it makes my job so easy. [animal sounds] greg: the producer will send me ideas and that s a great question. what i do is pick the ones that are most exciting to me and start writing. i don t like to think about it too much because when you think about it you start to lose the scene. you want to dive right in and before you know it you come up
with your own point of view. it s a lot of fun, i think. [animal sounds] greg: i learned that there are a lot of interesting topics that culminated in s presidency. if you look at what i covered law and order, identity politi politics, terrorism, these are the things that donald trump hit on so i m convinced that he created this entire clinical plank on or off my monologues. [animal sounds] greg: i think the shorter the better, much like me. [laughter] if you can make it under 80 seconds that is perfect. it should be sharp, original and funny it does not have to be funny off the bat. first you write it but then you had the jokes later. short, clear, concise and unexpected and surprising. much like the work you do, don
don t. [animal sounds] [cheering and applause] greg: thanks again dolphin and ted next weekend is the start of my book tour. more dates are coming soon go to g gutfeld .com for the latest tour information. don t go anywhere, final thoughts next. [cheering and applause] gas, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea
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greg: jamie, where will you be? i ll be on netflix and check out season to on netflix right now. greg: it s funny and i enjoyed it immensely that, you have a movie. [inaudible] opens october 12th. here s a clip. a lot of the employees at that clinic have been arrested on drug trafficking charges, why haven t you? objection. given your personal animosity why should we believe anything? your honor -. greg: that s intense. i love that guy, he s a great actor. greg: tremendous. thank you jamie, nick, kat, tyrus, in my studio audience. [cheering and applause]

God , Store , Guy , Parent , Owner , Greg-gutfeld , Applause , Cheering , Store-owner , Birdseed , Comedy-cellar , Payment

Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20180731 00:30:00

A roundup of the day s events.
A roundup of the day s events.
both officers fire, shooting blevins four times. blevins later dying. at a press conference today, members of a police union said the two officers acted heroically and believed their lives were in danger. the whole time, he s looking back, getting position on where the officers are at to acquire a target to shoot them. reporter: at a later press conference, the county prosecutor took to the podium to defend the police department. but before he could announce charges would not be filed against the two officers, family and protesters rushed the podium, cutting him off. we want the cops arrested within the next 48 hours and prosecuted to the fullest degree of the law, because this was murder. and alex perez joins us live tonight from minneapolis. alex, emotions raw there. we saw the family and the protesters at that news conference today. they want justice for their family member. and the city bracing for possible more protests? reporter: that s right, david. another demonstration already
planned for tomorrow afternoon. family members firmly believe their loved one did not have to die here in this alley. as you heard them say right now, they believe this is murder. david? alex perez in minneapolis. alex, thank you. we re going to turn next tonight to president trump and his personal attorney, rudy giuliani, who went on cable tv today. that is not new, but what he said was. after the president has repeatedly said there was no collusion, giuliani now saying collusion is not a crime. abc s chief white house correspondent jonathan karl. reporter: when it comes to the russia investigation, there is one message above all where president trump has been perfectly consistent. there was no collusion. at all. there was no collusion. at all. everybody knows it. reporter: but now, former trump lawyer michael cohen seems to be prepared to tell prosecutors that the president knew in advance about the infamous trump tower meeting organized by donald trump jr. after he d been promised dirt from the russians on hillary
clinton. and today, the president s current lawyer, rudy giuliani, offered a new message. it doesn t matter if the president colluded, because collusion, giuliani says, is not a crime. i ve been sitting here looking in the federal code trying to find collusion as a crime. it s not. collusion is not a crime. reporter: it s a message giuliani repeated throughout the day. you don t even know if that s a crime, colluding about russ russians. okay you start analyzing the krip. the hacking is the crime. the hacking is the crime. that certainly is the original crime. the president didn t hack. of course not. he didn t pay them for hacking. reporter: giuliani s meandering and confounding interviews followed a series of tweets from the president blasting special counsel robert mueller. is robert mueller ever going to release his conflicts of interest with respect to president trump, the president tweeted, including the fact that we had a very nasty and contentious business relationship. the president offered no evidence and did not even say what the conflict was. and neither did giuliani. you have every right to say,
okay, you explain it, mueller. stand up and be a man. why is it up to robert mueller to have to support the president s tweet? because he has the conflict, not the president. what s the conflict? i can t tell you, i m not sure i know exactly what the conflict is. i have a good idea what it is. it s one that would have kept me out of the investigation. reporter: just last month, deputy attorney general rod rosenstein, under oath, told congress he hasn t seen any such conflict of interest. i m not aware of any disqualifying conflict of interest. reporter: of course, no word from robert mueller, who is almost never seen in public, although he was spotted at d.c. s reagan national airport on friday, waiting to board a plane just steps away from donald trump jr. and jon karl with us live tonight from the white house. and jon, we know jury selection begins in the trial of paul manafort tomorrow, the first trial, of course, to come out of special counsel robert mueller s investigation. but we heard that argument from giuliani, he has said it before, essentially saying to mueller, if you have something, show us. but is there any sense of when mueller will reveal his findings? what are you hearing from your
sources at the white house? reporter: well, giuliani himself said that based on today he said that based on his conversations with robert mueller, he believes that mueller wants to issue his final report on the president by september. but then again, we see the negotiations over an interview between the special counsel and the president have gone nowhere, the president is escalating his attacks, and the bottom line, david, is that nobody but robert mueller really knows how close he is to finishing his investigation. all right, jon karl live at the white house. jon, good to have you back. president trump also making news on iran tonight, at his new conference with the italian prime minister today. after ripping up the iran nuclear deal and then exchanging harsh words with the iranian president, today, president trump declaring he would meet, no preconditions, face-to-face, with the iranian president. no preconditions. no. they want to meet, i ll meet. any time they want. any time they want. it s good for the country, good for them, good for us. and good for the world. not long after that moment,
secretary of state mike pompeo indicated there would be preconditions, among them, how iran treats its own people. and when asked, was it true, what iran now claims, that president trump requested a meeting with iran, but iran rebuffed him, pompeo would not answer. we turn next, late today, to cbs board of directors taking no action against les moonves, at least for now. the chairman and ceo of cbs, he faces new accusations of sexual misconduct. they re instead launching an outside investigation of one of the most powerful men in television and in hollywood. here s abc s eva pilgrim tonight. reporter: tonight, the wife of immediaty titan and cbs ceo of les moonves speaking out over sexual misconduct allegations against her husband. some of you may be aware of what s been going on in my life over the past few days. i issued the one and only statement i will ever make on this topic on twitter and i will stand by that statement today,
tomorrow, forever. reporter: in the tweet, chen said, leslie is a good man and a loving father, devoted husband. he has always been a kind, decent and moral human being. i fully support my husband and stand behind him. the new yorker magazine detailing allegations from six women ranging from unwanted advances to sexual assault. actress illeana douglas claiming during a 199 7 business meeting, moonves began violently kissing her, even pulling up her skirt. douglas saying, i couldn t get him off me. moonves admits to trying to kiss douglas, but denies kissing her, but denies assaulting her, saying in a statement, i always understood and respected and abided by the principle that no means no. tonight, some conflict inside the company. cbs films president terry press struggling to reconcile the moonves she knows with the allegations, posting this statement. i do not believe it is my place to question the accounts put
forth by the women, but i do find myself asking that if we are examining the industry as it existed decades before through the lens of 2018, should we also discuss a path to learning, reconciliation and forgiveness? tonight, the cbs board taking no immediate action against the ceo credited with turning around the network, announcing the board will seek to appoint outside counsel to investigate. and david, this independent investigation will be looking at the corporate culture, as well, at the company. david? eva pilgrim on this tonight. eva, thank you. we re going to turn next this evening to an abc news exclusive here. the father of that missing student in iowa is now breaking his silence, pleading for help in finding his daughter. of course, last seen jogging nearly two weeks ago now. here s abc s whit johnson. reporter: tonight, the search for 20-year-old mollie tibbetts growing more desperate. authorities now focusing on her digital footprint, trying to nail down a clear timeline of her disappearance. i just want her home. reporter: mollie s father, rob tibbetts, speaking
exclusively to abc news. we just need people to think. there s somebody they know something and they don t even know it s important. reporter: mollie, last seen jogging july 18th, wearing a sports top, shorts and running shoes. investigators say her evening jogs were often long, on different routes through this sprawling farming community, complicating the search. authorities hoping to find critical clues in her cell phone and fitbit, which they believe mollie had with her. we are using technology to its fullest in hopes that we can track and locate mollie. reporter: mollie s boyfriend, dalton jack, says he was working a construction job more than 100 miles away, while tibbetts watched his dogs that night. authorities say jack is not a suspect. investigators say they have been inundated with tips. 20 to 30 agents have already conducted more than 200 interviews. david? whit johnson tonight. whit, thank you. there is still much more ahead on world news tonight this monday. the crash here in new york city. the driver slamming into a restaurant, the suv jumping the curb. several people trapped and
injured. we do have news on their conditions tonight. the new development in the murder of that well-known doctor who once treated former president george h.w. bush. what s now been revealed. and alex trebek tonight. what he s now revealed about his own future. a lot more news ahead tonight. c. tremfya® is for adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. i m ready. with tremfya®, you can get clearer. and stay clearer. in fact, most patients who saw 90% clearer skin at 28 weeks stayed clearer through 48 weeks. tremfya® works better than humira® at providing clearer skin, and more patients were symptom free with tremfya®. tremfya® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections. before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. tell your doctor if you have an infection or have symptoms such as: fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. before starting tremfya® tell your doctor if you plan to or have recently received a vaccine. ask your doctor about tremfya®. tremfya®. because you deserve to stay clearer. janssen wants to help you explore cost support options.
come hok., babe. nasty nighttime heartburn? try new alka-seltzer pm gummies. the only fast, powerful heartburn relief plus melatonin so you can fall asleep quickly. oh, what a relief it is! we turn next tonight to new surveillance in the killing of that well-known doctor in houston. police say it shows the suspect immediately after the doctor was shot and killed while riding his bike to work. here s abc s clayton sandell. reporter: tonight, a new piece of the puzzle in a houston doctor s murder. just-released video of the suspect riding away moments after police say he gunned down dr. mark hausknecht. it happened july 20th as hausknecht, shown in green, rode his bike to work. the suspect, in red, follows close behind, opening fire in broad daylight. the suspect drove past the doctor, turned and fired two shots. the doctor immediately went down. reporter: adding to the mystery, houston s police chief
now says, there is a high probability the doctor was targeted, but offering no other details or motive. hausknecht, who once treated president george h.w. bush, was 65. i was shocked. i was stunned. couldn t absorb it. yeah. and i m still grieving, like many people are. reporter: houston homicide detectives are asking people to check any security cameras or dashboard cameras that might have also seen the killer. in the meantime, there is a $5,000 reward. david? let s hope it helps. clayton, thank you. when we come back, news tonight about alex trebek. also, a breakthrough for depression. the frightening crash here in new york city. an suv slamming into the front of a restaurant. several trapped. and music legend neil diamond, and what he did. psori. as you and your rheumatologist consider treatments, ask if xeljanz xr is right for you. xeljanz xr is a once-daily pill for psoriatic arthritis. taken with methotrexate or similar medicines, it can reduce joint pain, swelling, and significantly improve physical function.
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researchers in the u.s. and sweden tonight are working on a possible blood test now for depression. a new study revealing a molecular deficiency in the blood of patients with major depressive disorder. they do hope the findings will help treat the disease. we have more on our website tonight. and alec trebek, tmz is reporting tonight that trebek may retire when his contract ends in two years. say it isn t so. he says there s a 50/50 chance and a little less that he would stay on. trebek, who is 78, has been hosting since 1984. when we come back tonight, the surprise from neil diamond, they loved it. and you will, too. you re headed down the highway when the guy in front slams on his brakes out of nowhere. you do, too, but not in time. hey, no big deal. you ve got a good record and liberty mutual won t hold a grudge by raising your rates over one mistake. you hear that, karen? liberty mutual doesn t hold grudges. how mature of them. for drivers with accident forgiveness
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the firefighters hard at work in california, and in colorado, too. working to contain the lake christine fire there, and there s someone there thanking them. shall we do a song, or maybe two? reporter: this community in basalt, colorado, is grateful tonight. firefighters and their families with their phones in the air. now, you have to save my house. reporter: before neil diamond plays, a thank you. i want to take you all home, i want to give you a kiss, i want to make dinner for you. warm touching warm reaching out reporter: neil diamond revealed six months ago he was retiring due to parkinson s disease. but that did not stop him from telling these firefighters they have helped calm an entire community. i ve been here for 20 years and you ve made everybody happy. touching me touching you
sweet caroline bah bah bah reporter: the firefighters, the community members singing along with him. and with their phones recording him, in the end, neil diamond turning the focus back onto them. the heaviness on our hearts is gone, we know the calvary is here, and we say thank you. sweet caroline we join neil diamond in saluting those firefighters hard at work across the country. good night. deadly and devastating. tonight, live team coverage on
the wildfires that are both ndg lives up and down california. i call it apocalyptic. that one word sums up what life looks like in lake and mendocino counties tonight where evacuation orders are expanding. i m spencer christian. i ll give you a close-up look at weather conditions near the fires right now. live where you live, this is abc 7 news. wow. there are so many people in this community helping. and we know that we re going to all get through it. hope is what they are holding on to tonight. thousands of evacuees wait and watch, wondering what s happened to their homes while thousands of firefighters take on a task that they know has provengood e. i m dan ashley. and i m ama daetz. dozens of fires are burning in the state basically from boarder to border. yeah, there are about 20 active wildfires blazing across the state right now. on this map, each of these icons
represents a firefight involving cal fire. now four of these fires are major. they re destroying homes, forcing people to evacuate and in some cases have taken lives. we ll discuss each of these in the next ten minutes. and we have a team helping cover them for you. abc 7 neuews weather anchor spencer christian is tracking weather across the state. and let s start with the largest and deadly fire. that s the carr fire near redding. we do have some encouraging news. evacuation orders have been lifted for some communities. now this fire is nearly 100,000 acres in size, and just 20% contained. more than 700 homes are gone and six people have died. abc 7 news reporter laura anthony joins us live from redding with the latest. hi, am. first, the fire itself. the leading edge of the carr fire now burning 15 to 20 miles to the west of where we are standing with that. the process of repopulating

Hands , Police , City , Suspect , Protests , Running , Police-body-cam , Former-trump , The-fire , Officers , Family , Charges

Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live With Hallie Jackson 20180731 14:00:00

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seated, the judge will give fairly long explanation.on. reporter: after the jury is seated, the judge will give fairly long explanation. we re not going to hear opening statements today. it s possible we could hear them tomorrow or thursday. got it. pete williams. thank you very much. let me bring in national political reporter for the washington post and msnbc political analyst. two msnbc contributors. charlie savage. let me go over briefly this reminder about paul manafort and why the special counsel is interested in him. starts with donald trump. he hired paul manafort to run his presidential campaign in march 2016. prior to his work on the trump campaign, manafort did political work overseas. some for the pro-russian
highlights which as you indicated, rick gates, all eyes will be on him. he was the right hand man to manafort. what he ll have to do in order to fulfill his cooperation agreement, for the government to file that sentencing letter to his judge to say give him a below guideline sentence is provi provide information for the prosecution. there are no leaks coming out of special counsel ice offic s off. we don t know what gates will say and it could blow this thing wild open. here is what he had to say. when you re a prosecutor, we used to say all the time, if you re going to try to kill the king, make sure he s dead. the fact is, this case is going to be very important to establish credibility for bob mueller. if he were to lose this case, it
would be extraordinary it looks like a pretty strong case. bob, do you think that chris christie is given us a window of president trump s friends and allies? reporter: in a sense he has. that line comes from one of my favorite tv shows, the wire. if you come at the king, you better not mess. what s going to be so vealing about this trial, yes, it s about document, manafort s finances. what does manafort s finances tell us about his conduct during the 2016 presidential campaign. what kind of financial pressure was he under and what kind of actions did he tyake with forein officials, with foreign bankers during the time he was working on a federal campaign. what do you make of that, the idea of pressure that paul manafort might have been under there? a lot of people are bringing up the fact there s to cooperation, why hasn t he
cooperated yet? i think the key to remember is the government doesn t always offer plea deals. they don t always want to cooperate with people that they are prosecuting. they may have everything they need in form of cooperation of rick gates, we have no idea what they are going to say in terms of evidence they have. everybody is wondering what does manafort have against the president? there are advantages to deal or not deal. you could avoid jail time. maybe manafort think i might be acquitted. he thinks maybe i could get a pardon from donald trump. something one of his advisors said hasn t been talked about. it s possible manafort hasn t been offered this thing in the first place. the pardon theory is out there for a reason. president trump went on a pardon spree with scooter libby and
jack johnson. he used that key piece of information in that word when he described the treatment of manafort by the special counsel s office, unfair. that s what he said before he pardoned everybody that he did. he said they were treated unfairly. that could be a code word to give a wink and a nod to say stick it out because after this is over, i m going to give you a por d pardon. there s the evolving time line of what president trump said about paul manafort. he was brought in to help the trump campaign when it seemed like they were going to face some challenges internally. let s take a trip down memory lane. i brought paul in because a very, very smart friend of mine who knew him well said he s fantastic. he s someone political. paul manafort, who is a good
man, was replaced long before the election took place. he was only there for a short period of time. he was with the campaign for a short period of time. i ve always known him to be a good plan. he s a nice guy. he worked for me a short period of time. literally for like a couple of months. it s like manafort has nothing to do with our campaign. bob, i asked sarah sanders at the last briefing if there was a message to paul manafort, she said not that she s aware of. i think back to our time back in cleveland. you were taking out rich gates and paul manafort talking to them all the time. we were trying to get quotes. paul manafort, rick gates were at the head of the republican party, at the head of the trump campaign. you could argue that manafort wasn t a formally the campaign chairman for his entire time working for then candidate trump but he came in pretty early in
the spring and summer working on the delegate count and elevated to the higher role once lew lewindowski left. you can t take away the fact that manafort cultivated an brought president trump over the line at that republican national convention. all the delegates built a relationships that were necessary for that nomination to happen. bob you re jogging my nerm m of me and you chasing down rick gates. that should be on an msnbc commercial. some things are better off camera. while we don t expect witnesses to say the word russia or say the world donald trump because this is for things unrelated that happened before manafort s work at the campaign, there
could be some serious implications like if he s found guilty. it could embolden the special counsel investigation. it could let mueller squeeze manafort. allow him to gain cooperation for other defendants. not guilty could undermine the credibility the special counsel investigation. i might give president trump some anti-talking points and open the door to let gop supporters soften support of the investigation. the president is looking at mv manafort s trial and looking to see how far this goes. if he s found guilty, he s facing hundreds of years in prison. you have what the president s attorneys have said this morning and over the last 18, 24 hours on this. i ve never been one to give dates on when this thing wraps up but i ll say it needs to wrap up for the good of the country. he has no information incriminating of the president. i know that for fact.
they can squeeze him. paul manafort does not know anything nor could it be possible he did. i don t know anyone will take rudy giuliani s word for it especially him in particular after all the things he said that turned out to be walked back. like this meeting before the meeting that turns out to have been something that was leaking. absolutely nothing. i agree with everyone that this will be a weird trial. if russia is hanging underspoken over it. is he going to crack before the jury goes into the jury room, strike a deal or not. if he is acquitted through some terms of events i m sure trump will say he s been vindicated about russia even though it has nothing to do with russia. there s this concern to shift this strategy from know collusion to no collusion but even if there were collusion it s not really a crime. explain. conspiracy is the crime here. bob, the president tweeted exactly that message this morning.
seeming to get behind where his legal team is going with this. saying solution is not a crime but it doesn t matter because i didn t do it. that s right. the question is, is collusion a crime? as we have been saying all along, the word collusion does not appear in the united states code. a conspiracy to defraud the united states of a free and fair election is a crime that can be charged. a conspiracy to violate campaign finance laws is a crime that can be charged and a conspiracy to violate anti-hacking laws that can be charged. we have seen robert mueller charge many of these crimes in those two bob shell indictments. it s disingeneralous on the part of rudy giuliani to keep hitting hard on this. bob. the trump legal team is watching mueller move slowly but
very much moving forward on all these indictments of the russian who is are meddling. they are wonder where does donald trump junior fit in this whole mueller investigation. if the russians are getting indicted for facebook activity, what would happen to donald trump junior if he s under intense legal scrutiny. we re going to talk about that specific topic later in the show. thank you. we have mump more to come including what s happening overseas where two foreign policy hot spots are taking center stage. the new signs north korea might be ramp up missile production.
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about president trump s condition of meeting with them any time they want. courtney, let me start with you. you made waves just last month report on something similar. can you talk through this latest sat lellite image? north korea was not only continuing to produce fuel for nuclear weapons but upping its production and there was one facility that they were hiding from the united states. they weren t even acknowledging that now u.s. intelligence knew existed. they were going to continue to try and hide the presence of that facility going forward in these diplomatic talks. that comes several weeks later and now the washington post is reporting that north korea has been continuing to produce one or maybe even two
intercontinental ballistic missiles. this shouldn t be a big surprise. when we look back to the singapore summit, while there wasn t much of an agreement made, they were talking specifically about denucle denuclearizati denuclearization. when talking about missile production, that s different. also you know with last time they tested a missile was in november of 2017. there are a lot of analysts who thought when we went into this lull of no launches and no testing when they had been testing about one a month, there were a lot of people who thought north korea plooefs they have hit a faze where they can begin to produce. they call it production phase where they can produce more and more missiles because they have achieved the milestones that they need. it shouldn t be a surprise they
may have been in a production phase during all this time. i want to go to the white house. peter, trump administration can t be happy if this is true. any response from them so far? reporter: there is some response but it s what you expect. we reached out to multiple officials at the white house. they say we do not response on intelligence. mike pompeo was testifying before a senate committee saying we have not been taken for a ride but conceding that its program is still active. this is critical for this president and his credibility on this issue. we heard from his repeatedly after that summit saying that north korea is no longer a nuclear threat. a lot of independent experts are challenging that assessment by the president.
he s back at it trying to bludgeon his critics that they haven t launch any robert tests in the last nine months and asia is on board with this until thispointhis point. thank you very much. happy belated birthday. i want you to stick around because i want to talk about this other headline that relates to iran. we were at that news conference when the president asked about a reporter which was a topic that s not come up during the news conference. the president said this. it dropped jaws in the room and outside. i would meet with iran if they wanted to meet. i don t know they are ready yet. they re having a hard time. if they want to meet, i ll meet. any time they want. any time they want. it s good for the country. good for them. good for us and good for the world. no pro h-conditions. then secretary of state mike
pompeo went on tv. reporter: you re right. going on tv saying something that was a pretty strong contrast from the words from the president. you had the president early in the day saying no pre-conditions high pressu . here is his secretary of state with pre-conditions. the president want to meet with folks. if they demonstrate they want to make changes in how they treat their people, reduce their malign behavior and agree it s worthwhile to enter an agreement that prevents proliferation then the president is prepared to sit down and have a conversation with them. reporter: also hearing from the national security counsel at the white house trying to bolster that statement and clarify what the president said about no pro-conditions, the nsc saying the u.s. is not going to lift any sanctions, wouldn t reestablish ties until there are tangible and demonstrated
sustained efforts or changes in tehran s policies going forward. i think an important note because tehran is saying we re not going to engage on this to this point so far. what worked with north korea and gave the new credibility to kim jong-un may not work with iran. there s different domestic politics at play for kim jong-un. it only bolsters his credibility at home. the antagonizing of iran by the u.s. president only makes the regime in iran look stronger. let me start with this idea of what peter just laid out. no pre-conditions and then secretary pompeo goes and literally lists conditions. rattles off this list. fundamental changes on human rights. reducing maligned behavior in
iraq and syria. entering oo nua nuclear agreeme. the reporter sort of teased this out of president. this was extemporaneous on side. pompeo is stepping back and saying there s no pre-conditions. i don t think he has any intention to do this with the president. he doesn t have in gain of prestige that would come for a meeting like that that kim jong-un got. i don t think he has an incentury tiinse incentive to do it. we pulled out the agreement. he s tistill in it. why would he do this? you sort of get to this point in the piece that you wrote, the u.s. administration policy looks destined to go in circles.
the agreement was perfect. it was the policy equivalent of making lemonade out of let me nons. the trump administration has turned that let monlemonade bac lemons. we had an agreement. it could have kept iran for having a nuclear weapon for 15 years and probably after. that s a long story. by pulling out of that agreement, what trump has done is put himself in a cul-de-sac. he s got three options here. he can try and renegotiate the agreement. the iranians won t do it. he can consider military action. he s already tried to get out of syria. he s tried to get out of haf afghanistan. iran has a pretty strong military. he could try regime change but that hasn t worked out well for the united states. i don t think they have a plan. when you push the iranians, it tends to drive them together. it strengthens if hard liners
and so forth. that s why it s going in circles. you say driving in a cul-de-sac. this idea of a meeting could be trump s way out of it. president obama was blasted by republicans for showing a willingness to talk to iran back in the day. the two never met but they did talk on phone. that was the highest level of contact between three decades. different time. different time and different republican party and different president and as we see in many other arenas, the republican party doesn t agree with mump. is the president seeming willing to talk to leetderaders have been add ver sed veadversa.
i think it s a good idea to t talk to these people if you know what you want. i don t think the president prepares for these things. thaurnk you so much. senator chuck schumer are on the senate floor now. you see him on the left side. they are making a big push to ban 3-d printed guns. you may have heard about that this morning because the president is throei ithrowing o opinion. he said i m looking into these 39d plastic guns being sold to the public. i already spoke to the nra the doesn t seem to make much sense the public. i already spoke to the nra the doesn t seem to make much senseo the public. i already spoke to the nra the doesn t seem to make much sense to the public. i already spoke to the nra the doesn t seem to make much sense the public. i already spoke to the nra the doesn t seem to make much sense.
plans for these guns are already on the internet mp t. tom, i watch with interest as reported on the today show. now the president is tweeting about it. there s a big push on the hill from democrats now. walk us through these moving pieces. reporter: they can accurately manufacture ghost guns. they are fully functioning weapons. not registered or traceable. because they are made of plastic, they could slip through security check points at airport, prisons, even capitol hill. welcome to the age of printed magazine. reporter: 30-year-old cody wilson is the face of gun movement. gun control is undead. reporter: the obama a administration took wilson to court. cody wilson insisted he has a first amendment right to pub lu lish and they were online any
way. you have the right to make them.any way. you have the right to make them.d they were online any way. you have the right to make them. this changes the safety of americans forever if this is allowed to happen. reporter: plastic guns, he fears, will bring even more gun violence to a country already reeling. someone could walk in with a gun and wow won t know it. airplanes. you ll be flying with someone with a gun and you won t know it. courthouse, someone with a gun and you won t know it. that s the risk. reporter: interesting that the president this morning said that he has already spoken to the nra and that it doesn t make mump sense. it was his own administration that dropped the fight against these 3-d guns. not clear why he felt the need to call the nra as opposed to his own state department to try to figure out how to come to an end to this. it was ornliginally the state department that tried to ban this. this is something that over
on the hill where we re sitting democrats are already seizing on. chuck schumer asking why even get in touch with nra on this. there is the overall arching argument is this is a first amendment issue, not necessarily a second amendment. in other words, you can t stop somebody from printing or saying anything on the internet so why stop them from printing or offering instructions on how to make guns using these 3-d printers. it s really a clash of the amendments. the first amendment, the second amendment and these gun advocates would argue both amendments are arguing in favor right now. thank you very much for bringing this story. appreciate it. nc coming up, another tax cut on the table but this time the white house is not waiting to get the go ahead for congress. why this break could be a big win for the top 1% and how the move might put the treasury
department on shaky legal ground. i m alex trebek here to tell you
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outrage. jim, can you explain some nuts and bolts. what is it? who would it impact and how would they do it? it s called indexing capital gains for inflation. it s fancy way of trying to say the government will take inflation out of equation when it calculates taxes on an asset being sold. if right now you buy a stock for $10. say you bought it in 1980 and set it for $100, you pay tax on the $90 difference. in 1980, actually $10 is worth $30 today. if they make this change then the gains are indexed and now it s only a $70 difference, not a $90 difference. your tax bill goes down because you re paying taxes on less of a profit.
this mostly benefits rich people, seems to be the bottom line? absolutely. rich people are the ones who do most capital gain sales and pay the most capital gains taxes. like two-thirds would go to the top 0.1% of income earners. could this face a legal challenge given the treasury department would be going around congress here? it could. the george h.w. bush administration looked at this and concluded they did not have the power to do it. treasury would have to do is issue a regulation redefining the word cost for tax purposes. the former bush administration said we can t do that. there have been conservative legal opinions since then to say we think this can be done. every other administration has rejected the idea. where is this going in congress? chuck schumer is real ticked off
about it as he made real clear. it s not like they can t do much to stop it. they can t do much to stop it. it sounds like they can do this and get tied up in courts. the immediate impact of this will be people say that the economy will be happy about this. this is going to spur spending and spur sales. this is the trump administration coming off of really bragging about the growth. it goes to this idea they are helping the economy. when it comes to midterms, whether or not republicans will have to answer why they gave another tax cut to the rich is the big question. it s how it looks from the trump administration. how it looks politically and legally. the president trump administration has been pushing an anti-regulatory agenda. its selection of justice gorsich and probably future justice cavanaugh based on the idea we have to have less power to
regulatory agencies. if they re-interpret this in a way previous administrations said they couldn t, it could cut against the argument about what the court should be doing, the attempts to curb their power. it show it was an out come based theme where they came up with rationals they didn t believe when they wanted to do something different. is this something the information is floating, trial balloon might burst? how close to becoming a reality? seems like they could still pull back on this? they could. the advocates are more excited than they ve been about more excited by the day. they think it s real possibility. pleasure to have you on the show. stand by. a u.s. senator targeted in a plot to get lawmakers to give up inside information on russia. that s what we re talking about next as this comes less than 100
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mpblt in ju . in just a few minutes from now, they will be speaking at a cyber security summit. it comes days after nbc news reported there s no coherent, cohesive administration strategy to fight election hacking. joining me here onset is democratic senator who is a member of intelligence committee. great to have you onset. this story is sort of bizarre. somebody impersonating a government official trying to set up a phone call with talk about anti-russian sanctions. first you had somebody trying to
mess with senator haskell. people should know this happens all the time. i ve been targeted. my kids remails have been targeted. related to russia in. you don t know who it is. are you concerned any of those instances may have been related to russian government? you can t be shocked. anyone who sits on any of the intelligence economies, any of the armed services econocommitti serve on both, have to assume they are a target. do you feel like the government is doing enough to protect you? i think i have a number of tools that we deploy on a regular basis to make sure that we do the best we can. we also have recognize that the russians are really serious about this. not just about hacking but the thing that worries even more is what we have learned as a committee about their ongoing
efforts in warfare. to divide this country and be engaging in united states on all sorts of platforms from pokemon go to facebook. russia is very active. they will continue to be active. we have seen meddling in the lek elections, our control systems and routers. china has a long view. they are looking to understand our government. understand who is who, get access. others have launched their cyber security initiatives. we kind of needed this two years oog. too little too late.
i m glad they are focusing on this but it s been halfhearted. this is a very skichizophrenic administration when it comes to dealing with cyber security. i think we should be pro-actively working with our colleagues. that s highly bipartisan. it has really good folks working together. we need leadership like mitch mcconnell to put that stuff on the floor so that we can do something about it. you ve got a hearing tomorrow related to social media. you mention companies that have a responsibility to be better. i think all of our online companies, any platform whether it is a online video game that pulls people from different parts of the country and around the world to all the big social media companies to search engine
have a responsibility know there s an active information warfare campaign by the russians that seek to divide americans. they have to be aware of that and helpgot, in addition to tomorrow s hearing, a pretty high profile one to happen in september. can you confirm that sheryl sandberg and jack dorsey will be there? i cannot confirm that because i can t speak on behalf of the intelligence committee. i hope they will be there. what s your biggest question for them? i want them to come clean about what they knew and when they knew it so we can start to have a conversation about what the risks are and how people should respond to those risks. i have a couple more on the intel committee piece. you said at the top of the interview you had these attempts on your own office, on your accounts. and that it shouldn t be shocking. shouldn t it be shocking that the foreign governments are trying to mess with you? i think people should be aware of this because it s a very real risk. it s a real risk for somebody in
a public space, but also an enormous risk for our utilities, a risk for anyone whose online information is in someone s database that they use for online shopping. all of these things are at riv when you have an international actor with the kind of heft that russia has, willing to use those tools. have any of the attacks on you personally been successful to your knowledge. not to me knowledge. what have you done in order to make sure it doesn t happen again? i would encourage people to go online and do research about basic hygiene. the basics of good internet hygie hygiene. that s the foundation, but there s more you can do. we re talking about your role on a number of committees including the senate intel committee. there was a question that rudy giuliani raised about the meeting before the meeting at trump tower with russians involving donald trump jr. giuliani then seemed to knock it down later in the day on fox news. a confusing situation. do you believe don jr. needs to come back in front of your committee to answer more
questions about it? absolutely. i would love to see don jr. come back. until recently, we were hopeful mr. cohen could come in front of our committee. do you believe that won t happen? i think given the current state of play, it will be very difficult to make him do that, especially given the amount of cooperation that seems to be going on with the special counsel. have you been told by michael cohen s team that he will not come in front of the committee? i have not been told that. has the committee reached out to don jr.? you would have to ask the chair. before i let you go, there s been this discussion, this seeming legal strategy that the president has coalesced around to say the president didn t collude, but even if he did, it doesn t matter because it s not a crime. does that strategy hold any water? none. why not? if there was collusion, there are huge implications and questions about legality. when you say collusion, you mean conspiracy? exactly. if this president was actively engaged with a foreign power to manipulate an election, that s
beyond a crime. so we need to find out what exactly happened here. and mr. giuliani needs to be a little more transparent with the american people. excuse me. senator hinrich, thank you for coming on set, talking through all of this with us. i appreciate it. we ll be right back. by the way, with today s big picture. before we do, keep in mind, senator shaheen, who we were just discussing, will be on andrea mitchell today. andrea mitchell reports, noon eastern, 9:00 pacific. don t miss that. we ll be back. i tried cold turkey, i tried the patch. they didn t work for me. i didn t think anything was going to work for me until i tried chantix. chantix, along with support, helps you quit smoking. chantix reduced my urge to smoke. i needed that to quit. when you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. some people had changes in behavior or thinking, aggression, hostility, agitation, depressed mood, or suicidal thoughts or actions with chantix.
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we are back to wrap up here with more on what our sources are telling us. charlie, let me start with you. any story you have been working on, what are your sources saying? earlier this month, i went to syria to go into the kurds prisons where they re holding over 1,000 isis fighters. and those countries are not taking their citizens back. my sources are telling me the reason is that they re afraid under their legal systems either they would not be able to successfully prosecute them or they might only get a couple years and then be out on the treat. they re letting the kurds keep holding the people, but they can t hold them forever. it s a mess, unsustainable and, 17 years after 9/11, the west has not figured out what to do. what s the most likely solution? we ll see what happens. if the kurds can hold on to their own territory, maybe they can hold those people for long time, but the civil war keeps going, turkey could crush them, the assad regime could crush them. maybe they escape, maybe they
get murdered. you have been focusing more on domestic politics. what are your sources telling you? people are looking about diversifying not only the people, but the candidates. a lot of tom about how many african-american women and men are running, but there s this idea that now there need to be training for all the people, even if you re running essentially a white candidate or hispanic candidate, because if you look on capitol hill, there are a lot of people who see even in staffers who are not as diverse. even if you have a diverse candidate. do you think that will come to fruition prior to the midterms? source are indicating there s a lot of training right now and they re trying to push candidates to do that and they re working with the dccc and other democratic these are usually democrats doing this, working with the establishment to say these are the people you should be hiring and here are diverse people and not just look at the resumes and people from ivy leagues but also diverse candidates that might be from the ivy leagues but from
state schools too. hot fresh reporting from both of you. thank you for joining me on set. friends of the show. well rr see you soon. we want to end with today s big picture. we re heading out to california because you need to know that these huge fires are basically taking over that state. look at this. you re looking at one of cal fire s own tirelessly pulling a fire hose, trying to keep the flames from spreading. look at that. that guy is one of he s taking on one of 20 fires in the golden state right now. a special shout out to him, to the 12,000 firefighters who are going after these flames right now that have killed at least six people, destroyed hundreds of homes, thousands of acres. lots of people having to evacuate. the photographer here, hector, for the sacramento bee and the associated press. we would love to hear your thoughts on facebook, twitter, snapchat, and insta. i ll see you at the white house later. the president takes off for tampa. we ll be there on the south lawn to shout questions at him. ali velshi, stephanie ruhle. we ll keep a close eye on it

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