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Transcripts For CNN CNN News Central 20240612

in better than better-than-expe cted, the market good love if futures way up right now, we have the latest moments ago, us secretary of state antony blinken suggested that hamas is moving the goal posts on ceasefire and hostage hostage negotiations. so where do things stand now and just in italian media reporting, the pope tuesday, homophobic slur behind closed doors again, this is a second and consecutive months sara sidner is out. i m john berman with kate baldwin in this is cnn news central all right the breaking. news that type of in-flight inflation data that a lot of people were hoping for. let s get right to cnn s rahel solomon with the very latest on this. what are the numbers show real? yeah, john, it may be somewhere outside, but it is cooling off in the inflation report, at least this inflation report. so this is cpi, the consumer price index. and what it shows is a better-than-expec ted measure on really every level, john. so let s talk about headline annual inflation that came in at 3.3%. this index increasing at 3.3% that is better than we saw the month prior. that is better than economists were expecting when you look at it on a monthly basis. and we haven t seen a figure like this since july of 2022. i want to say, and so inflation did not increase on a monthly basis. you like to see that now cpi is a basket of goods and services and the government sort of measure jurors that the price difference over time. so that s what we re talking about here. but john, even if you were to remove volatile categories, categories like food categories like energy, you get what s called core inflation. and this is a better underlying indicator of inflation and what the federal reserve has control over that also came at better-than-expected, both on ahead blind annual basis and on a monthly basis, really quickly to talk about some of the sectors which we re showing you here. gas prices, energy prices, those fell, food prices did tick up slightly ever so slightly and shelter, which has been especially stubborn has also increased in the month widget continues to do. now, let me tell you why futures are popping on this news are so happy about the zoo s investors welcoming this news with open arms because john, as you might remember earlier this year, we had a string not sure if the dow is correct because a moment ago when i saw the dow, it was actually up about 220 points, so we ll work on that for you. but the reason why futures were largely up, at least they were a few moments ago, is because we had gotten a string report after report after report, whether it was inflation, whether it was a labor market that was coming in stronger than expected? what that did those hot reports essentially through water on the idea that we might see rate cuts anytime soon. and so you get a report like this. i ll pull it up here. you get a report like this from the bls, which suggests that, okay, inflation is starting to cool again, it is starting to accommodate, be accommodating. well, that and puts rate cuts back on the table. there are four right. meetings. the rest of this year after this meeting, we will obviously here from jay powell and about six hours. but after this meeting, there are four meetings and so do we see more than one rate cut again? and so it just makes that conversation more active again because after these really hot inflation reports, it started to feel like, well, maybe we won t get any rate cuts or maybe we will only get one. and so we re back in the game, john, for all of those who were hoping for a rape gut, they are back in the game after a report like this, back in the game inflation slows down more than expected. what people want to see were hell solomon, thanks so much for explaining it so well, thank you. so president biden is headed to italy today. he s about to take off. you can see air force one right there. he s headed to italy for the g7 summit. there biden will be sitting down with world leaders with huge issues on the agenda, including the israel-hamas war. and moments ago, secretary of state tony blinken made his first substantive remarks after hamas offered its response to the us backed hostage and ceasefire deal approved by the un security council. this week. listen to tony blinken hamas has proposed numerous changes to the proposal that was on the table. we discussed those changes last night with depression colleagues and today with the prime minister some of the changes are workable some are not blinken, not immediately providing detail on what changes hamas once what the numerous changes are that they re proposing, seen as robertson is in italy ahead of the g7 summit. and nick tony blinken when out of his way to say g7 liters are among those who have all voiced their support for this hostage and ceasefire deal yeah, they have. so when they meet here where president biden everyone gets into town late tonight and i began meeting tomorrow perhaps this is not going to be a central ticket item on the planned agenda. but because of the bumps and the road getting to where we re at on these talks that egypt and qatar interlocutors on. undoubtedly, there s gonna be some discussion about how the g7 nations can help me please the ball forward because the narrative has been put pressure on hamas, put pressure on hamas it doesn t matter which diplomats in which country you re talking to either in the region or in europe that s the narrative at the moment. so you will have here the leaders of the ua and turkey who are not members of the g7, but will be undoubtedly consulted in conversations about how they can use their influence over hamas luck. we know that they re hamas leaders, the political leaders who live outside of gaza so they ve been to turkey, they ve met with president erdogan, the uae. has, has an influence in the region as well. saudi arabia, crown prince it s mohammed bin salman s still not clear as of yesterday because of the health of the king back in saudi arabia, whether or not he ll be here, but he s also invited and a key stakeholder and the humanitarian support and the rebuilding of gaza when there s a piece they ll, so these countries do have implements and do have a voice. so perhaps there ll be brought into the conversation, but it s not clear how they are actually going to leverage hamas who have already been under a lot of pressure already, who are clearly holding out for they think they re in a better position. we heard that indicated from the hamas leader yahya sinwar he thinks that they have israel, right where they want them according to documents seen by the wall street journal. so it s not clear what pressure can be applied, but conversations here that will be the question asked, how do we do and how do we move the ball forward? yeah, quite a moment in this one of many important issues that the world leaders are going to be hitting on great to have you, nick, thank you so much, john. with us now, max boot, a senior fellow at the council on foreign relations, washington post columnist and the author of reagan, his life and legend, max, it is great to see you. i just want to read you again with the secretary just said because his words were carefully chosen and i think reflect the moment we re in the ceasefire and hostage discussions. the secretary said you get to a point where if one side continues to change its demands, including making demands on insisting on changes for things that had already accepted you have to question whether the proceeding and good faith or not. he says hamas is changing as demands. he says, the gaps he thinks are bridged able. but what do you make this? well, i m doubtful that the gaps are actually bridge evolving. we ve seen this going on for many months where the us has been searching for a ceasefire. it seems like there s progress being made, but at the end of the day, it falls through on in this case, it s falling through because of hamas and obviously israel it gets a lot of international criticism and understandably so because of all the civilian casualties being inflicted in gaza, but let s listen to what secretary blinken, president biden, and other g7 liters are saying, which is that right now, the fault lies with hamas. they could stop the war tomorrow if they would just agree to these ceasefire terms. they refuse to do so because as nic robertson was pointing out there s every indication that the hamas leadership thinks that s in their interest to see more dead palestinians, because that puts more pressure on israel. this proposal has the weight of un approval. you also think egypt, qatar, other nations, or more invested. seems like they re more invested in at this time maybe then they had been before. does that have any soy with hamas? sure doesn t look like it. i mean uis sinwar, who is hiding probably in some tunnel and in gaza has just rejected these terms. and the biden administration had some hopes that they could use egypt and qatar and other arab states to pressure him clearly, it has not worked. sinwar is playing his own game and he doesn t seem to care how many palestinians pay the price for continuing this war? so president biden on his way to europe right now for these g7 meetings hell of a lot is going on in europe over the last few days. these european parliament elections where the far-right parties have done very well extremely well in countries like france where emmanuel macron has called the snap elections. how do you think that will impact? the discussions over the next few days? well, clearly this is going to be something that all of the g7 liters can commiserate over aside, of course, from prime minister meloni, the host of italy, who is herself from the far-right. so she doesn t see this as a threat. i would just put what happened in europe and a little context, john, which has yes, the big story certainly from france in particular, is the very strong showing of the national rally, the far-right party. but keeping having it all in perspective, they re also a lot of countries where the far-right did not do so on that end of the day, the far-right is stilled, only going to be something like the fifth largest party in the european parliament. it s still the center right? in the center left, which are the largest party. so let s not exaggerate and let s keep in mind that and in a few weeks time in the uk the labour party is almost certain to win a massive landslide election victory. so i would not say that the far-right is taking over all of europe, but clearly they are resurgent in france and germany in particular. and that is something that is of mutual concern not only to president biden, but his fellow g7 liters, in part because so many of these far-right parties are sympathetic to russia. some of them have been financed by russia. and so they are not going to continue to support ukraine if they reach power you have this book on ronald reagan, which is so interesting in such an interesting moment because president biden for the anniversary of d-day, the 80th anniversary, just spoke in places and spoke in ways very reminiscent of where and how ronald reagan spoke 40 years ago in a way. and i don t think it was a mistake. i think this is very much on purpose suggesting that his foreign policy binds is much more similar to ronald reagan s than donald trump s is to ronald reagan s. yeah. so and i don t think that was a coincidence. that was the message you wanted to convey without coming out what i m saying so and it s one of these great ironies of history. in 1984 when, when ronald reagan was in europe for the 40th anniversary of d-day and gave of course, is very famous speech about the boys upon to hawk. he was really talking about the need for transatlantic unity for strengthening nato in the face of the soviet threat. and now president biden is trying to deliver a very similar message about strengthening nato in the face of the russian threat knowing of course that ronald reagan s own party has largely abandoned the very positions that he espoused in the 19. and i think he s trying to drive home. the fact that in fact, as you say, his foreign policy has a lot more in common with ronald reagan s than it does with donald trump s next food. great to see you looking forward to reading the book, i appreciate it. all right a special election overnight with the republican candidate underperforms where donald trump was before. so how significant? is that and then a supreme court ruling, could that end up helping hunter biden after his conviction on doug charges? and one of america s greatest athletes. i mean a legend. no one is like this man will not compete in the preeminent contest in his field. how can we let this stand hi, i m hearing music check to check. one-to-one to check, check i do not hear myself that i do not hear any echo myself. no. everything sounds normal. just so your music hey, thank you hortness of breath and your regular 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this morning, hunter biden is a convicted felon. he is expected to appeal his conviction on these felony gun charges, and is supreme court ruling on a separate case. might be in his favor, or at least it s certainly something his lawyers are going to cite. let s get right to cnn senior supreme court analyst joan biskupic, the author of nine black robes out now in paperback so what are hunting a hunter? biden s lawyers looking at when it comes to the suffering in court sure. good to see you, john. it s just a coincidence that right now this case of hunter biden will be proceeding on appeals as the us supreme court is clarifying the rules for when a defendant can challenge a federal gun regulation right now, the justices are resolving just what those standards should be and the whole or deal with the court traces to a ruling two years ago that greatly expanded second amendment gun rights. the justices world in a way that said that a gun regulation could be upheld only if it s part of america s historical tradition of firearm regulation. that is very high standard to make meat. and it s also a confusing standard for lower court judges who have tried to look at what about gun possession for someone who was a drug addict or a drug user as in hunter biden s case, or in the case the justices are deciding right now, what about someone who is is subject to a domestic violence restraining order and under federal law would be prohibited from owning a firearm that individual man by the name of rahimi has challenged the case. the justices are now deciding and john, they could even give us an answer as soon as tomorrow. and the question is, how does that standard from two years ago tied to the historical tradition of firearm regulation, play out. now for what you would think would be more modern regulations, for example, for someone subject to a domestic violence restraining order. so we ll get more clarity from the justices. on that part of federal firearms law. but at the same time, there s also a case up there that really is similar to a hunter biden s where a defendant is challenging a part of the federal law that prohibits gun possession for someone who either was a drug user or addicted to drugs at the time. and a lower court has ruled that under the supreme court s test of two years ago, that federal law can cannot be enforced. the federal government is defending that law in the case of another defendant not at all related to the hunter biden case. but as you can see, john, however, the justices begin to clarify this will affect how hunter biden might be able to appeal his gun conviction, john? yeah. no question about that. the lawyers we pouring through the ruling word by word jump is keep a great to see this morning. thank you. kate. and joining us right now is democratic strategists keith boykins. he s a former clinton white house aide and cnn senior political commentator, david urban, republican strategist and former trump campaign adviser, david, there is the legal reaction and the legal future when it comes to hunter biden s case. and then there s the political reaction to this case. i want to play for you how the room so get republican house speaker reactant to this verdict but mr. speaker, you ve been saying two tier system of justice for some time. here s the president said, be convicted on three counts as that undercut your client it doesn t every case is different and clearly the evidence is overwhelming here. i don t think that s the case and the trump drop and then there s this from james comer. today s verdict is a step toward accountability, but until the department of justice investigates, everyone involved in the purported scheme, mr. comer said statement, it will be clear. department officials continue to cover for the president reiterating what remains baseless claim that president biden has been involved in bribery scheme. david is, yes, but a strong strategy on the tail of this now a look, i think that is case stands by itself if republicans just can t acknowledge that the justice was served here, this case was brought. it was a strong case, a hunter biden faces yet another case coming up september 5, he s being tried just as anyone else would be tried i think that it s just it s reality. there are two things can be true here, kate donald trump was found guilty by a jury in new york, which was overwhelmingly voted against donald trump in the general election, and 100 biden was found guilty in a state where his family is love and beloved. i mean, you saw the jurors the jury pool here. lots of folks ties to the biden family, and he was convicted. so i don t believe that the statement by the by the speakers hundred percent correct. that there are two systems of justice here. i think this case kind of illustrates that point. if the president had something to do with it, you think it let his son is lost, one son to tragic death and he s got a sudden now whose face some serious, serious substance abuse issues clearly what it put his thumb on the scale if he could ve right to preclude this from happening, and it didn t happen. so i think republicans need to figure out a different talking point. for this specific case. yeah. qizan apply for you then reaction from democratic congressman jamie raskin on how his take on how democrats are responding. listen to this and i m not heard a single democrat anywhere in the country cry fraud cry fixed, cry, rigged a cry. kangaroo court. you don t hear a single peep out of any democrats saying that why we believe in the rule of law when they go low, we go high is the oldest new strategy going to work for democrats when it comes to this contrast between donald trump and his response, and the democrat response to what happened with hunter biden is stark and dramatic. it s a reflection of what american politics excuse to be where we believed in the rule of law and we respect to the outcomes of jury trials. that s what a president and a presidential candidate. it was supposed to do the idea that donald trump was accusing biden of weaponizing the legal system against him in a case in new york that biden had nothing to do with this is outrageous and david urban made the point, i think precisely that why would he, of all people in the hunter biden case, if why would you because some republicans, by the way, when making the argument that somehow biden is using this case to prosecute hunter biden to somehow suggested that means that he s doing hello, guys donald trump junior being one of them. yeah. right. it somehow they misused. do we it because he wants to prove that the system is fair. it s double back yeah. and it s so complicated, it s even hard for me to explain and it just doesn t make any sense and it why would he prosecutors own sunday to prove the point? why would he make a sudden the fall guy to prove a point doesn t make any sense. the other point is just ridiculous is that they keep moving the goal post because at first they were saying that he would never be you ve never been prosecuted than he was prosecuted. then they said he would never be convicted in part because they said because they were black jurors and the black jurors would never convict a biden in delaware. and now they re making up other conspiracy theories. i think david urban is right that they need to move on and start talking about things that we can actually make sense for the american people. like, what are you going to do about, about jobs they re gonna be about wages and health care and where they re going to do about housing and things that people care about. not about donald trump trials. david irvin making sense, not on my show. that s not allowed data urban oh, come on i was just gonna say real quickly there were some people yesterday or the day before talking about how this case wouldn t be brought against hunter biden if he wasn t the president s son? hey well be true, but i think at the same time i need to acknowledge that what what your colleague fareed zakaria hit publicly stated that the case in new york city, what had been brought against donald trump, if if the defendant wasn t named donald j. trump. so i think that instance both things can be true as well. yeah. david, this morning, we are seeing the power of donald trump s endorsement truly, i mean, after it was put to the test and big republican primaries last night, six candidates, these six candidates all endorsed by trump, all victorious. so here you re going to do our price door number one. this is a sign that trump s endorsement carries more weight even though his rocking endorsement record has more to do with general election, not primary is carrying more weight now, nor number two, trump has gotten better at picking winners, meaning he s actually listening to his strategies and tacticians around him were doing number three, something else altogether i like three, i like all three of them. kate there s just like do i have to pick what i think look, i think he s gotten better at picking winners. i think his endorsement matters now more than ever, his popularity is soaring is through the roof poll after poll shows that donald trump it s not just dominating in republican polling, is dominating across the nation and especially in republican primaries. and three, candidates matter when you have good candidates running in elections, they win. and so in these republican primaries, trump, donald trump has been with the help of some allies and colleagues, bint picking better candidates. it s time endorsing better candidates. they have better candidates running and his populated is an all-time high. so i think all three-year points are valid. kate door number all i didn t give you an all of the above choice, so i don t know where this ends. again, david urban not making sense is where we re going to end this program. it s good to see you both biggies alleged keep it s great to see you so coming up for us secretary of state antony blinken, speaking out for the first time on the moss response to the us backseat ceasefire deal deal. blinken now questioning whether hamas is negotiating in good faith. his words, even as he holds out, hope that the gaps are bridge the vote next hour to hold attorney general merrick garland in contempt of congress what s at stake o we there yet so many ways to save life ready? while it has 365 by whole foods market deliveries happen ordered that this happens that happened, get out of there happened there with rain, learn more at first time. no baby. we recommend to exfoliate the night before when you come in, relax, don t be nervous come for wax teens before. smooth er, skin. lesson grown hair, less irritation in and out in under 15 minutes then our product amazing. how long does deodorant right now and not only is your skin going to think, you re going t norman, bad news. i never graduated from med school. what? -but the good news is. xfinity mobile just got 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me. sorry, i wasn t on my mic down there. this is the first us response to that hamas response to the proposal that was on the table, the secretary of state saying that numerous changes were put forth by hamas. some of them are workable and some of them are not clearly trying to strike a tone of hopefulness, but also frustrated with the fact that hamas has come back questioning their legitimacy, how seriously they are engaging in these talks, because some of the things that they have put forth in this counterproposal here. the changes they are proposing are positions that they have previously taken and effectively the united states believed that they had moved on from that point, but the secretary of state made it clear that they are determined to try and bridge the gaps here, the secretary said in his view, they are bridged able, but he s just not sure if there ll be able to get there, but made the case that a deal here is in the benefit of both the palestinians and the israelis listen to what he said single most effective and most immediate way to end the suffering of people in gaza to end the suffering if palestinians and israelis like to tackle the humanitarian assistance crisis to prevent the conflict from further escalating and spreading to other places. is to get a ceasefire that allows us to get to work toward a more durable end to the conflict here again, qatar has been a tireless pardon? during the prime minister personally a tireless partner in working to mediate a ceasefire now he said that in the coming days they re going to be engaged in what he called an urgent push to try and get both of these sides to bridge the gaps. and also in the coming weeks, he said that the united states and the there partners, it has been working with are going to roll out proposals for the day after plans in gaza with regard to governance and how gaza will look after this conflict is over. he said that will be key if they re going to be able to take a ceasefire and make it into an enduring peace. but of course, john, in order to get there, they ve got to get a ceasefire agreement and they simply are not there today know and it seems like the situation getting even more precarious in terms of these talks, but we will see what the next few days break highlight, what great to have you there. thank you very much for your report. we have brand new economic data released this morning, future soaring are as there are signs that inflation has cooled, more than expected then russia is sending warships, including nuclear-powered submarine to the water s not far from the coast of the united states. so what is the us response alder james is cold, calculating, cynical, and needs the money, not only was the cia compromise, he also was comparable secrets and spies, a nuclear game. sunday at ten on cnn. this is a futurama go daddy arrow creates a logo website, even social posts in minutes ai, ai like it who wants to go see that get your business online in 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lauren fox. you ve been assigned to go count those votes. lauren, where things stand right now? yeah it s been a moment to moment situation. we did hear from republican leaders as they were entering their gop conference meeting this morning, steve scalise the majority 40 liters said it s really important that republicans get this passed, get this out of their chamber today. he said that that is the hope that is the expectation. meanwhile, tom emmer her would not say whether or not the votes were there. he of course, is the republican vote counter that is his gig and he made clear that they plan to vote today, but he would not let s say whether or not the votes would be there. you re going to expect that behind closed doors as we speak, republicans are wrestling with what to do. there had been some concern but there might be some moderates who were on the fence and leaning against voting for this proposal. but again, it just all matters because of such a narrow majority 40 in the house, the speaker can only afford to lose two republican votes. that means they have to count very carefully when they have these close votes coming to the floor. so we ll see whether or not they ultimately put that on the florida de the rule vote happening at 10:30 a.m. john and looking at them, i don t mean to be glib here, but counting is hard. it has been hard for this particular group of republican leadership, but that s because of the way the members have been behaving on fox. thanks so much. keep us posted. news is say, okay, this morning there s also some welcome news on the inflation front, consumer prices rose 3.3% in may compared to a year earlier, slowing even from april s rate of cooling off and on a monthly basis, prices were flat, slower, which means better pace than april. this read on the us economy also is coming just hours before the federal reserve makes its latest interest rate announcement. meaning this is a big day on the us economy front, joining me now is one of president biden s top economic aids. well brainard. she s the director of the national economic council. little thank you for being here with the full understanding you all take a lot of qarrah, to not weigh in on the fed and respect the feds independence would you expect the data out just this morning to have a demonstrable impact on what we learn this afternoon yeah. so i don t speak about the fed s policymaking the president respects the independence of the federal reserve. i will say that today s report on inflation, which showed zero inflation in the month an inflation down by two-thirds is welcome news, particularly for families that are feeling squeezed by the cost of living grocery prices down or flat for four months in a row and gas prices below $3.50 at the pump, those are prices that are very important to american families and you re talking about how families are feeling squeezed. and in general, when it comes to the us economy how people feel about the economy is a huge issue it, but how they feel about the overall economy, how they feel about their personal economy. the president s approval rating, and how people feel about the economy remains underwater. we ve showed, we re going to show everyone a graphic kind of tracking his approval on the economy over the course of the year really, from since march of last year. and now it s kind of remaining in the low 30s. if the data is showing improvement and that is what you see with this report today. why aren t people feeling it the. president knows that families have been true. a lot with the pandemic inflation went up with the pants no and he knows that the cost of living is just too high for a lot of families. and he is fighting really hard to lower those was costs and health care, of course, he secured important legislation bringing the cost of prescription drugs down like on insulin to $35 a month. those are real savings. grocery prices. he s been calling on grocery chains to bring prices down. they ve kept their profit margins pretty high in now you see grocery stores answering the call price reductions on thousands of items. grocery prices flat or down from the past few months same on gas prices where we are seeing record production and gas prices coming down, going into the summer driving season. but look, we know for that in coming months, that s the kind of choice that s going to be in front of us whether to keep fighting, to lower costs for middle-class americans, which is at the center of the president s agenda or to be fighting for tax cuts for the ultra wealthy and corporations that s really where the republicans are focusing with all the data that you all are tracking. would you say that the us economy has achieved a soft landing? so i would certainly say, if you look at where we are today with inflation down by two-thirds and continuing to come down unemployment below 4% for the longest period in 50 years, robust growth very high levels of investment meant factory construction. those are all positives, but we really need to keep working on bringing costs down. that s going to be our focus in terms of grocery, housing, gas prices, health care. that s what s going to be important to american families. so you re saying you don t think think a soft landings yet been achieved or you re not comfortable saying, yeah so i think that we have achieved good labor market more imbalanced and inflation coming down, but we have more work to do and so we re going to keep working to keep the labor market at the good place that he is today and continue to bring costs down because we have more work to do there ai is a topic. biden is going to be discussing g7 liters in italy. it s also a big topic when it comes to ai s future impact on the us economy and jobs. sam altman, who is the founder of openai, he said last month later, one of the the things that annoys me most about people who work on ai is when they stand up with a straight face and say, this will never cause any job elimination. this is just an additive thing. this is just about to be great. all been says, all been goes on to say this is going to eliminate a lot of current jobs. this is going to change the way that occur that a lot i m current jobs function and this is going to create entirely new jobs that always happens with technology what are you planning for on this front and elimination of how many jobs on balance yes. so this is an area where the president was really outfront early on lead in the g7. on recognized seeing the promises of ai. but also that there are some downsides to ai and to put a framework in place where we really we grapple with those comprehensively put safeguards in place. and in particular, on workers thought it was very important to work with labor leaders business leaders, to come out with some principles about how to make sure that ai enables workers. workers are trained aim to take advantage of ai tools to enhance their work enhance their productivity. but that there are safeguards against, for instance surveillance that would impinge on privacy and that workers are given an opportunity to use ai tools as opposed to seeing the kind of displacement impacts. so i don t have updated estimates, but i will say we put out a set of principles and we re going to want to work with labor, with business leaders to integrate ai in ways that american workers have the capability to use ai to enhance their jobs and their productivity low, brandon from the white house. thank you so much for coming up so far. pope francis facing new criticism today after he allegedly repeated a homophobic slur in this march time you press rewind with neutrogena rapid regal repair. it has durham proven retinal expertly formulated to target stem cell turnover and fight not one, but five signs of aging. physical results in just one week, neutrogena. i brought in a juror, max protein with 30 grams of protein those who tried me felt more energy and just two weeks here, i ll take that. i m sure not to protein 30 grams protein one frame, sugar, 25the most anticipated moment of this lecture and the stakes couldn t be higher. the president and the former president one stage to vary different visions for america s future. this cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming on max knew this morning the pope is drawing criticism after he allegedly used a homophobic slur again, but some italian media is reporting that he was quoting a phrase said by a monsignor. let s get right to cnn, vatican correspondent christopher lamb with the latest on this. what are you hearing well john, these remarks from the pope are causing quite as surprising as because he s a reported two views, the same anti-gay slur that the apologize for two weeks ago. so this is causing a lot of surprise. now there is, as you mentioned, some context to this italian newspaper corriere della sera is saying the pope was effectively quoting back in this meeting with priests, quoting back what a monsignor, a senior member of the clergy, had told him. now, look, there are some people in the vatican and the church say francis, who s 87, is a little bit like an uncle or a grandfather who says an inappropriate remarks at the dinner table, but doesn t completely understand the offensive nature of what he s saying. that nevertheless, this is difficult for francis because he is the pope who said, when it comes to gay people, who am i to judge, he s offered blessings to same-sex couples. he s modeled are very different approach for the church when it comes to lgbtq plus catholics. and so the reports of these remarks and they are just reports because we haven t gotten an official transcript from the meetings. but the reports, these remarks are damaging to the pope s efforts, which have been very sustained over the last few years. now, i asked the vatican for response. they put out a statement about the meeting, but the pope allegedly made these remarks and they said, and i quote, the pope spoke of the danger of ideologies in the church and return to the issue of the admission into seminaries of people with homosexual tendencies, reiterating the need to welcome and accompany them into the church and the prudential indication of the digraphs for the clergy. so the vatican saying this was about the admission of priests or men into the seminary. but of course these questions of this reported remarks are damaging for france s efforts when it comes to lgbtq plus catholics. john all right a lot going on there. christopher lamb. thank you very much for that now, a beef over imitation beef major league eating, which is a real thing and is the organization that oversees the famous july 4 nathan s hot dog eating contest and coney island. now says joey chestnut is out this year all over his sponsorship deal with impossible foods, the league apparently has a long-standing rule that competitors cannot represent rival brands even if, even if it is imitation beef. joey chestnut himself, not happy posting on social media that he s disappointed to learn his band from the contest. that s what he says here. really is a phenom. he s won the competition 16 times. he also has the world record for hot dog eating 76, even in ten minutes back in 2021, the mla says they would welcome joey chestnut back once he no longer is working with a competing hotdog brand, truly is one of our country s greatest athletes and it s a shame to see him missing out on this premier competition. i somewhat famously interviewed him last year prior to the hot dog eating contest john verbit, whatever i say, this random thing happened jaume, like i did a story all right, on that one. he told me he goes into competitions, loose an empty. so we leave you with that. thank you so much for joining us. this has been seeing a new central see at a news room, a gym acosta is up next

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Transcripts For CNN CNN This Morning 20240612

physicians mutual hi, marla signs at the white house and this is cnn it s wednesday, june 12th, right now on cnn, this one already about his guilty verdict drama in the desert. a maga republican in nevada snubbed by donald trump. now he s trying to fight back police in atlanta chasing a hijacked plus through rush hour traffic before making a deadly discovery on boards is pretty wild and senate democrats asking republicans to join them as they prepare for a vote on protecting ivf all, right 6:00 a.m. here in washington alive. look at the white house homes wednesday morning. good morning, everyone. and kasie hunt. it s wonderful to have you with us for the first time in american history. the child of a sitting president has been convicted of a crime. a jury in delaware finding hunter biden guilty on all three felony charges as members of the biden family, including first lady jill biden sat in court to hear it, read his father, president biden was not in court, but afterward, he headed straight to delaware to be with hunter, the president, released this statement, quote, i will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process as hunter considers an appeal, that message does stand in contrast with how republicans greeted the verdict that was recently handed down against former president donald trump. how did they take in the hunter verdict let s watch every case is different and clearly the evidence was overwhelming here. i don t think that s the case in the trump trial. so i think the american people are smart enough to know that these are two separate cases. there are two tiers of justice but first in this case, this is existing law in the case of trump they ve made up something brand new that nobody s been prosecuted before okay. let s bring in our panel, brandy hardness managing partner at harden and pinckney plc. it s only kind of young s is white house reporter for the wall street journal. we have former white house communications director kate betting field with us and matt gorman, former senior adviser to tim scott s presidential campaign welcome to all of you. thank you for being here. kate good. i actually would like to start with you in terms of mean, look, this is obviously extraordinarily difficult for the biden family politically. when you look at them, whether republicans are saying there, i mean, had he been acquitted? i think you would have had a quite different storm from them. so i mean, maybe it s political break as hard as it is maybe tough just because i think it is so hard on the president, his family, but i absolutely agree this is not going to be a huge political winner for the republicans for couple of reasons. first of all, we ve actually seen them try to make a hunter biden line of attack that sticks to joe biden for five years now. i m trying to to make it central to the 2020 campaign. it didn t work and i ll tell you, we saw on the biden campaign in 2020, not only did it not work, it actually wound up highlighting some of the things that people most love and connect to about joe biden, his love for his family as humanity. so this just hasn t been a winning line of attack for them. and then also if you look at the reaction republicans had yesterday, it was all over the board to say the least. i mean, i think they recognize that the center of this conversation is really one about addiction. and that s a hard thing to seem like you re on the attack over. there s also the gun politics here. i mean, this is sort of a weird, unnatural place. it s for republicans to be arguing for less strict gun laws essentially. so no, i do not think there s gonna be a political winner for the republican by any stretch. i mean, i think matt, i m reading from the wall street journal. they write about the guilty verdict and they say the guilty verdict is likely to minimize any political impact and acquittal bio biden, hometown jury would have fed donald trump s narrative of unequal justice, especially since the justice department tried to let hunter off with a slap on the wrist plea deal. yeah. i mean, i don t think there s going to move votes. one way or the other. i mean, look at the end of the de is 50-year-old man are so he s responsible for his actions and you re lying on a federal form like that is something that is apparently great easily prosecutor able like it s it s fairly, fairly open and shut and so look, i don t think this is gonna move votes one way or another. i mean you remember, i remember 2020 debate. i think when that became an issue, i wonder if it s become an issue this time. i think it s unlikely. i think if they try the convicted felon line and that could be easier. or torque but yeah i don t really think at the end of the day this is going to move votes one way or another. and he s responsible for his actions. and we had another case coming down the pike it with tax charges in a few months. well, and also not the candidate. right. i mean, that s the other key difference here response to donald trump being a convicted felon is like, well, your son is a convicted. okay. well that s been kind of the whole, the whole game all the way along, right? so on and when you look at the impeachment proceedings against president biden, that really fizzled what they were trying to do was muddy the waters and make it and this is why they use the phrase biden crime, family, right? they re trying to tag the president with something that may be associated with the sum, but we haven t seen them actually come up with anything. right. without evidence. right? right. right at this point, i think i think what you saw yesterday in terms of the reactions from some republicans was some reaching, right? as well as an inconsistent overall message on how to react to this. you add some once again going to unfounded sort of conspiracy theories almost not mentioning the trial yesterday, not mentioning this result, but trying to indicate that there are other charges again, without without evidence, you had other republicans that seem to be saying that once again, trying to frame the justice system still as launching a witch hunt against, against trump, which again, just this would seem to muddy to undermine that argument when you have a justice department that did just deliver a guilty verdict to the president s son here. so at this point, you re not seeing really a consistent response from the gop on how to react to something that is really complicated. i mean, just a couple of days he s ago, you also saw the former president talk about the issue that was clouding this trial, which is that of addiction, one that i think many republicans and democrats know, many americans throughout the country are dealing with or know somebody who is, who is struggling with that issue. so it s not an easy one to tackle here. brandy i mean, one thing that we ve gotten in this case is that we ve actually started to hear from some of the jurors. yes. i m talking about this and this, of course something that when we have talked, obviously the former president s trial has become so political, but the jury itself, right? when you ask republicans like, hey, like, this was a jury if normal people, yes, they ll say, well, they re from manhattan, but you don t get the same kinds of attacks on the jury. and now we have jurors here in this case arguing that, hey, like our decision was not political, let s watch a little bit of that. if anybody was in that courtroom or the jury around, they would know it was not motivated by politics politics played no part whatsoever in my mind i can t speak for the other jurors but nothing was nothing was ever said about this election year that was never brought up pretty interesting texture there. yes, there is no better perspective than that from a juror. and so to hear from a juror that there was nothing in their minds that had to do with the political nature of the fact that it was president biden son, i think says a lot. i think jury systems work and i think to have our jury is talk about like, look, everybody knows is joe biden son, but at the end of the day, we re just looking at whether or not he lied on a form and whether or not he s guilty. and i think that says a lot about how intact our jury system is, because obviously there s a lot of noise surrounding the fact that it s the president s son so we re also learning about what he s going to potentially use on appeal. and the lawyers have indicated that they might try to use a supreme court ruling that actually came down in favor of conservative gun rights advocates. the president has criticized it to try to appeal this conviction is that something that you to see being potentially effective for him? so i don t think it s necessarily effective. one of the things is that when you have an appeal, you have all kinds of different things that you can argue. and i think you d never know it depends on who s on the court of appeals, who s actually hearing the appeal to determine whether or not it will actually be successful. i don t know under these circumstances whether this will actually work, but i do think it s a good avenue to try to appeal the conviction. all right. brandi, thank you very much. john shade. it coming up next here. he fuller house speaker paul ryan rebuking donald trump publicly. again, ahead will have the backlash to the former republican leaders comments plus the senate preparing a vote on ivf protections democrats trying to urge republicans to join them and a bus hijacked in atlanta, leading to a wild police chase during rush hour. it is one of the five things you have to see this morning cnn this morning is brought to you by vip guard and vip guard high truly if you. have generalized myasthenia gravis picture would life could look like with viv guard high to low, a subcutaneous injection that takes about 30 to 90 seconds for one thing could mean more time for you this 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we are personal limits of what pro wrestling can be we wednesday night dynamite good night at eight on tbs what am i gonna do when i voted for president? i m going to write some interim republican and who s in office? i haven t selected the person yet. i hate the fact that i feel i got it right in a republican like i did the last time in 2020, i voted for him in 2016, hoping that there was going to be a different kind of person and office that was former house speaker paul ryan telling fox news he will not vote for the presumptive republican nominee in november. ryan, again, framing trump is unfit for office and pointing to his record to drive home that point he s cost a lot of seats. i could probably spend some time with the numbers he causes senate twice. he causes the house because he is nominated. he is pushing through the primaries, people who cannot win general elections, but who pledged fealty. that s not a good way to build and grow a party all matt gorman paul ryan. look, he s come under fire from the left for not being aggressive enough during the time that trump was president. but he has actually maintain this this? line in his refusal to vote for donald trump that some republicans like mitch mcconnell is not doing that what is going on here with him? and what does it tell you about the state of the party today? i think it s easier for ryan to do. he s not an office and he s he s kind of has a nice kinda private-sector job. god bless him. it s easier to have that when mcconnell s still in office, who knows me going to run again? probably not. we ll see, but i think that is the kinda be different there. and look, i think the parties changing last ten years. i mean, we were just came upon the ten-year anniversary of eric cantor losing a primary back in 2014, and from that data, this day, who would have kinda thought i will say i respect what paul ryan is saying. he has obviously first-hand experience working with him as speaker of the house. i also don t think it s going to change very many mines and this is kind of what the other thing i talk a lot about and the kinds of democrats, but i ll just say in the context of the setting, people price in the fact that trump s has all this bad stuff. trump does this, trump says that that s fine. now we re going to talk a lot about abortion later in the show. and i think that might be the more salient issue if you re a democrat to push rather than look at what trump said now, but i respect what he s saying and i think you re right. this is the former vice presidential nominee from what, 12 years ago, but paul ryan s increasingly the minority of the party. i fight. i mean, anytime we mentioned this as an island, write a small island isolated on anytime we mentioned sort of these signs of descent, i think it s also worth mentioning the reason why it s news in a way is because it s, it s becoming increasingly rare to hear a republican kinda come out and criticized trump, love that magnitude. i mean, right, i mean, he s not let s point. i mean, he s not an office right to me, it s like such an indictment of the republican party rigueur as it stands right now, you have people for whom speaking up and saying donald trump is not fit to be present, united states might impact their electoral chances. that is, a position they should still take if that s what they believe, but they don t. and that tells you a lot hi about where the republican party, let s look at how one elected office holder, congressman troy nehls, talked about paul ryan with my colleague or my cnn colleague up on the hill yesterday. watch paul ryan, you re a piece of garbage. you re a piece of garbage. and we should kick you out of the party for paul ryan and say he s not vote for donald trump. that s the problem with some of our republicans. its guys like that. don t go spout in your mouth. often saying you re a conservative your spit in the face of the leader of our party, donald trump. i m grow up a little bit a piece of garbage. it s also like this message. i m just like fealty to the great leader rather than like making an argument that welcomes a lot of different voices and into your party, it s such a bizarre electoral strategy. i understand. you know, trump won in 2016 and since then, essentially republicans have said only donald trump is the way we can win despite the fact as paul ryan pointed out, despite the fact that they ve actually not won an election sense. and yet the message you get from republicans is like how, first of all, piece of garbage just course it s language but also it s like how dare he criticized the great leader. it s just a bizarre, i don t know. it s just a bizarre mindset. i will say this. i think troy s have bit of an outlier in a few respects because he was same guy, didn t you also came to the courthouse and like sedimentary, he knows when he has to say to get on tv. and so he knew the say something saying like this, we actually get them time on tv. so i think he might be an outlier in this. i think if you asked almost anybody in the conference, they would not agree with that. but he knows what he has to do to get on tv. but i think you re right. in some respects, look, it s easier when when paul ryan it s out of offices in office, i know trump is coming down to dc today to have kind of a meeting and looking is the leader of the party. i will say this we a primary, right? like we had and he had a one-on-one race with nikki haley. he did. and he one and i think that is it makes it a lot easier for republicans. it s not like 2016 where there s this clown car at the end where people were siphoning off votes. so i think it s easier for trump to take the mantle if he goes down there today and say, look, you had a primary i won fair and square, like we come together. well, this is the other key. i mean, paul ryan also says that he s he s not saying he s going to vote for joe biden he s criticizing trump, but he s not saying he s going to vote for joe biden. and when i hear his comments, basically expressing disappointment with both candidates, i also wonder you were talking about the primary. what that means for other voters that may share similar views as paul ryan s, such as maybe some of the haley voters, other members of the republican party are voters that are disappointed with both of these candidates. what will they do in november? and it makes you think about that when you hear those comments. okay. i think think of paul ryan, it s a nikki haley voter, didn t vote for trump, 20, didn t vote for, i can vote for trump in 24, didn t 16? where do they go? right? yeah. no, it s a really interesting way to think about it. all right, come up next here. kevin mccarthy s revenge tour, falling short as congresswoman nancy mace wins her republican primary plus rights activists giving king charles a portrait, the wallace and gromit treatments. okay and they may seem worlds apart. but this k-pop group has at least one thing 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price worth celebrating its one more way, aspen dental is in your corner? z is central all right. welcome back. later this week, the senate will be voting on legislation to try to ensure nationwide access to ivf treatments it s a democratic efforts not only in trying federal protections for reproductive care, but also highlight republican resistance ahead of the november election. the vote comes as the country is approaching the two-year anniversary of the downfall of roe versus wade and made way for controversial alabama ruling that through the question, the legality of increasingly used fertility treatments. majority leader chuck schumer calling on his republican colleagues to pass this ivf bill protecting ivf should be one of the easiest votes the senate has taken all year the vast majority of senators should agree that strengthened and treatments that help people start a family is a good thing. but no way shape or form is protecting ivf a show vote. it s a show us who you are vote all right, joining me now, are new york times reporters. elizabeth is and lisa layer. they are the authors of the new book, the fall of roe and the rise of a new america. good morning to both of you. thank you so much for being here and we ll let kate and matt ask some questions as well, because this obviously is a conversation that the country he is now having with itself what how is the nation going to look in the wake of the fall of roe? and we are learning every day, the new implications that come out of it talk a little bit about how you came to write this because you really, i think set out to answer the question how was it that row fell at what did you learn in the course of reporting this that helps us understand what s going on now. sure we thought it was really important to create a narrative of just what even happened especially over the last ten years because there hadn t really been one, right? this is an issue that s pretty polemical well, and instead of just looking at that side of it, we needed to know what are the facts because he can t understand where we re going. and i were talking about ivf all kinds of issues that we had not talked about really publicly. it campaigns before mean when was the last time anyone talked about icf as a presidential issue or never? when, we were talking about your embryos on the conversation. but as long time, you can t understand the stakes about where we re going until you understand the pieces of where we ve come from. so our book, the fall of roe really takes a look at all the things that maybe people missed about how we ended up, where we are yeah, it really is the first narrative of how rho fell. it s we we did a lot of deep reporting on both sides of this fight, talk to people who really just opened up about sort of the legal and political strategy in the anti-abortion movement. and also how the abortion rights movement fail to see and some cases stop what was going on as much as they could and so it s really encompassing of the legal strategy and the political strategy of documenting this, this really like historic period and time. and i do think it s scrambled our politics massively. i can t think of an issue that scrambled or politics so quickly and so dramatically as the end of roe. and so to understand these new politics and really in some ways to understand this election cycle where abortion has emerged as this determinative issue in a way that it really hadn t been at the presidential level. you have to understand how we got to this point yeah, fascinating. and of course, we got to this point in no small part because of samuel alito is a justice who has come under increasing criticism at here. and we actually heard him on tape. this was a liberal activist who recorded him. i, at a dinner where he talked about. and again, this was someone at a party who s approaching him with her view and he says he agrees. but the word godliness comes up and i think it really ties into this conversation. let s just watch a little reminder here. i suppose that and then we ll talk people in. this country, we re leaving that keep fighting to return our country a place the bottling names. i agree with so elizabeth, i mean, you really focus in on the connection between religion and our politics when you hear that, i mean, how does it tie in with what lisa does every day? which number well, it s not a phrase you d normally hear in legal disgust, like legal decisions, godliness, returning the idea returns turn america to a place of godliness but we re seeing more and more in american public life, like basically you name, name the area where this merging of conservative christianity and, and the future, like what the certain segment of mostly right-wing of a gel calls and catholics want for the future of the country. it s a movement that prioritizes this opposing abortion often same-sex marriage, all kinds of these big hot-button cultural issues. and you hear echoes of this. all the way in the highest court, right. with samuel alito, it s why we re hearing references to the flags being flown at his home or appeal to heaven, which is another conservative christian. sort of, well, actually banner based really about what kind of country they want yeah. i mean, i think part of what our book shows that there the fall of roe was accomplished by this web of conservative activists and lawyers and, churches and other and politicians, of course, republic we can politicians who are all pulling together. there s no one mastermind. but they were pulling together in a way that took generations and part of that effort was working conservative justices up through the courts and particularly to the supreme court and then they made their sort of guidance. they made their ideal political deal with donald trump helped get them election, elected. donald trump got three justices on the court, which was pretty unprecedented and they got these justices who had come up in their movement and we re willing to strike. it s such a landmark legal precedent i m curious. did you did you find especially in the wake of the immediate political backlash that i think it s fair to say republicans are feeling after the fall of roe, as you re talking to republicans, do you do hear them charting a course forward that is about leaning further into this. do you feel that you did you hear them? recalibrating? i m just curious, sort of. well, what what what the, the political folks you were talking to, what they feel like the prognosis it s so interesting because it wasn t just that democrats didn t believe row could actually fall and abortion, even some abortion rights activists and believe row could actually fall, report many republicans didn t believe row could actually fall. so the policy that was made as we show in the book in what we call the row era was built with this understanding that a lot of these things were political positioning, or even if they republicans believe they wanted to enter abortion, they didn t actually think these policies would necessarily be put in place, then real fell and the country was plunged into the series of unprecedented debates. and all of a sudden, these politicians on both sides had to talk about things like ivf had. i think i ve heard the word missing it s kerogen uterus. use more in political discourse over the past few years. i don t think i ever heard that in all my years. all our years covering campaigns, casey ray, now everyone is plunged into this world where abortion rights are not, this abstract concept on the national level, like we re living in this real reality of like how sick does a woman have to be to get a medical exemption? what s sick enough, like what what are these things actually mean? and that s forced as you re sort of saying, a scrambling of these politics. i would ask, i m telling him i would agree with you. first of all i found in a lot of respects our sayyed it was oh, here, we have this kind of thing. it s coming like it really wasn t like for a lot of folks at very tangible thing and very, very close. and i get to that point what is one? kind of either event or decision that kinda led that we might have missed to it than that 510 years span prior that you think like this was kind of where it was set a little bit on the glide path, was the justices wasn t something more minute? yeah. and i m not saying republicans were not sincere in their desire to end abortion. i think they were. i just think nobody really thought through what it actually would mean in real life, tangible impact. it s interesting because our book starts in 2012 and right after the reelection of barack obama, and we started that point because it s really the lowest point for the anti-abortion movement. and if you remember what the country was, it s the moment when conservative christians stopping a majority in american public life. it s the moment when obama is reelected, when democrats feel ascendant, when they have this abortion rights majority on the supreme court. and i think that moment that republican autopsy, which i m sure we all remember republic, i covered that can t be he i said x each other on the plane for very many, many days, we weeks where republicans, the republican party really said we think abortions a loser. it s a loser of an issue for us. and that moment i think is overlooked because that s the moment when the anti-abortion movement let s start to claw back and they really sort of these activists, i think dug deep and figured out a new strategy. and their strategy was, we re not shying away from this word, leaning into it more. and we think are voters and our politicians will support us. and they were right in some ways, it would be really easy to just find one moment, right? if there was just one thing we all understood, then i can unlock this mystery. but this part of the major success of the anti-abortion movement was their ability not to create one plan, but dozens, hundreds of plans, right? it was this idea but they will leave no stone unturned. they would felt every crack and eventually they would build a collective, a collective body of work that would inevitably lead to the overturning of roe yeah. i think your book also kind of outlines how while these groups were able to do that and had the passion, the dedication to do this for years and years. that was missing from people, from the movement that supported abortion rights. oh, a dead. yeah, absolutely. okay. lisa lara elizabeth is thank you both so much for being here. again, the book is the fall of roe and the rise of a new america highly recommend it s fascinating raid. all right, coming up next here, the emotional toll. hunter biden s federal conviction is having on the president and his family plus joey chestnut. remember him removed from the nathan s hot dog eating contest. why organizers? i m not reading this. they want me to say he was tossed out on his blood s, i guess i 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terrorist groups, victims pamela smart remember her taking full responsibility for her husband s murder for the first time after 34 years in prison. smarts says members of a writing group that she joined encouraged her to seek out spaces. she didn t want to be in in those spaces. is where i found myself responsible for something i desperately didn t want to be responsible for my husband s murder smart was a 22-year-old high school media coordinator when she began in affair for the 15-year-old boy, who later fatally shot for husband and this the top dog is out at this year s nathan s hot dog eating contest is 16 times champion. joey chestnut was disqualified for striking an endorsement deal with plant-based food company impossible foods. that violates major league eating regulations apparently matt gorman, this is kind of sad. end in an era 16 time champion to the offered secure go be actually watch matt, nina toad, stony could be the next champion. this doing the best events of the year. one guy, the guy in the gray the straw hat george grey is an electric host. it noon every july 4th by dad and i have a t-shirt. i love it every single year. an amazing you all you all should know out there in the break, i asked everyone, hey, who wants it s like what the hot dog guy mega again. i had the teacher where it every year it s fantastic because you live four, sorry, i m sure still well, we ll bring you back after it happens. all right let s turn now to this it s no secret how i feel about trump s conviction so ethically and morally, i have to be consistent and say that in light of this verdict, i don t believe hunter biden should be president hunter biden now, awaiting sentencing after his felony gun conviction yesterday, a federal jury in delaware found the president s son guilty on all three counts. two for lying about his drug use on a federal background check or third, for possessing a gun while addicted to or using illegal drugs. the president embracing his newly convicted sound on a tarmac in wilmington shortly after the verdict, biden releasing this statement, as i said last week, i am the president, but i am also a dad, jill and i love our son and we are so proud of the man he is today. he got it also, as i said last week, i will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process as hunter considers an appeal. and of course, this is the first time in american history the child of a sitting president has been convicted of a crime. matt kate s on our back with us. we re also joined now by national political reporter for axios alex trypsin, who has been covering this trial day in and day out. welcome. alex, you ve been i think in your hotel may over our viewers may be familiar with your hotel room and wilmington. so we re happy to have you here. look, this has been for the biden family just the cliche would be airing dirty laundry. right. but he is the president of the united states the events of this period of time and hunter biden s life and in the family s life from credibly difficult. now, he faces prison time, probably unlikely hill. he ll get it for this particular case. but it s all out there in the public. i mean, take us inside the room and kind of what it was like to watch this family go through this. yeah, absolutely. it s it s simultaneously a family tragedy, but also sort of a love story too. in which you in the room, the jury barely, barely deliberated at all. it was like three hours and they came back with a guilty verdict. it was so short that actually much of the family wasn t even there for the actual reading of the guilty verdict, who is just jimmy biden, the president s brother? and his wife, jill biden was not they re valid. biden was not there. she hurried and basically right after the guilty verdict had been red basically the first lady came up and went straight to the goodness holding room and then went to hunter and then obviously exited with him holding his hand. hunter biden when he heard the verdict he basically didn t move. he was like just this still portrait and then right afterward, he just nodded his head three times. it s okay. let s move forward. he hugged his lawyers. yes. it s wife. and then just said, let s get on with it. the next thing and there s plenty of next things to go beyond. appeals are definitely going to come potentially on second amendment grounds. you also have another trial that honestly as messy as this one was, this one. the next one might be messier because when you re dealing with a tax case, you re dealing with everything with spending money on yeah. there s a lot there. it keep any field. i mean, you when you were working in the white house, had to grapple with a lot of this as it was unfolding in real time. and one of the things i think i hadn t quite realized was the level of guilt that the president seems to feel around what hunter was going through then it obviously coincide with a time when he was deciding that he was going to run for president of the united states. can you take us inside that a little bit? yeah so yes, there is an amount of guilt that president biden feels you obviously know who s that if he were not president, if you were not front and center in our political conversation, hunter probably would not be dealing with these legal challenges but it s also important to understand about that period of time when president biden was deciding whether or not to run in 2019, that hunter really encouraged him to run and hunter didn t want to be a reason that he didn t run for president. so there was a lot of alex called it a love story. there s there was a lot of mutual love there between the two of them. both of them looking out for each other personally and wanting the other wanting to do what was right for the other so there s a lot of complicated feelings there, but at its core, a lot of love and a lot of respect it is also incredibly difficult and challenging for the president as it is for. i mean, i think any american who has a family member who struggled with addiction, it is a constant cloud that can hang over you. and obviously the president is enormously proud of how far hunter has come and how his thought to get to where he is today and protecting and preserving that progress that hunter s made is really important to the biden family and we know today in his story as well that the president does still fully believed that hunter can continue on this on his word to refer recovery. but at the same time, given all the events going on, he is concerned about what the future holds for his son as well i think that it s interesting that also you re seeing and that s evidenced also and just the movement of the president yesterday, you saw him change his scheduled to go to wilmington. you saw those images as well of him stepping off the plane, immediately embracing his son. i was in delaware last weekend and thought it was interesting that i mean, every public appearance you saw him basically attached to a hunter biden, whether they were going to church together or cycling together as well. you ve seen him really continue can you to embrace the sun? and i think that will continue as well as the language we saw from present biden statement when describing this case, when reacting to a you re going to see him continue to affirm his love for his son and continued to express empathy similar to that moment that we saw on the debate in 20 hey, 20, when trump was attacking, was going after hunter biden and the present had one of his more memorable moments where he really stood there and said, look, i stand by my son and i do love them. yeah. oh, sorry. no, no no. heading down that, the president s greatest fears, hunter relapsing and anyone knows it s been through banners and addiction. the biggest trigger for relapse is shame, which is why you have hunter always or sorry, joe biden always saying, i m proud of my son. i m proud of my son and trying to show that i m not embarrassed by you yeah. what i was going to say was they mean when you re the president there are cameras for your ever every movement, but if they didn t want a picture of joe biden embracing hunter biden yesterday. they could have avoided it, right? like they did that on purpose yeah. one sometimes when i think sometimes like joe biden doesn t even really care about the optics. i mean, i don t think having a hunter biden at some of these state dinners alongside merrick garland is like the best political optics, but joe biden doesn t care. yes, he is talking he has always going to put hunter s for hunter first. he s always going to put his family first and yes, there are times when it s optics me down. i love my son and the most important thing to me as being a father, i guess it s why kinda considering everything who said here, i am candidly skeptical of win or lose there s another, there s not a pardon in the future, forgetting every you re not alone. there are people, there, people close to the president that you didn t know. he has said this. he said this, you know, obviously very publicly there s some people around them that think he could change his mind. yeah. i mean, i think what do we have that the interview with david mirror where president biden said that he s not going to, pardon his son all right. we don t have that, but i mean there is the looming question of this, alex and in this other trial as well. i mean, if he gets off on prison time in this, which many of our legal experts have said, look like he s a first-time offender it s unlikely that this gun thing could lead even though there s a potential for 25 years, it s likely not to hit that. however, we re talking to a lawyer earlier on this program who said one of the things they could consider if there s a guilty verdict in the next case is that there will also then have been this prior conviction which makes it much more likely. i find it very hard to believe that that joe biden, the man if he has the power to get his son out of prison, doesn t do it will end as kate was just saying, you know, joe biden feels responsible for some of this because you have to remember when joe biden declared for president hunter biden is still not in recovery yet, like joe biden announces april of 2019, has his first rally on may in may of 20, 1,900 byte does not get sober until june of 19, 2019, and the thing is if you re running for president and this vicious political environment with his son that has a crack code cocaine crack cocaine addiction, you know that this is going to probably hurt his life potentially and it really has. so that s why i think that s why i think people, as you as you noted and simulated people close to the president, thank he might ultimately change his mind because he feels good. also, you referred to the abc news interview. he did say that he would not pardon his son. there is still the follow-up question of commey of commutation as well. there s multiple forms of clemency. could there be a sentence? since shortened or, or any sort of relief that way that i would imagine that that question at some points the president will face a look. i will say he he loves his son unquestioningly. he also loves his country and he also thinks that it is dangerous that we are in a moment where the rule of law is under attack, where a judicial system is under attack. so i would say don t, don t underestimate how significant it is to him that a president needs to send a message that the justice system works, that he will not inappropriately put his thumb on the scale. so i think let s see how things play out, but i would say as somebody who knows joe biden very well, i would take him at his word that he believes that but not sending a signal that he is going to interfere in the way the justice system plays out here is important and genuine, and it puts the hypocrisy of these republicans on display. absolutely accept to say absolute ipod pros, the way that they re handling this hunter thing, they re basically saying, well, it s totally not the same. i m sorry. i you mean republican politicians are looking at, you know, when, when we ve asked them and they ve responded to this, they re the speaker of the house for example, said, every case is different. the evidence was overwhelming in the hunter case, but that s it s not the case in the trump trial. yeah. i mean, look, i think at the end of the day, waiting and if you re republican politician into a hunter stuff is not going to win you any votes. let the flood the process play out. but i am very keen can you see i do think if there s a pardon, i think that could change things. all right thank you guys for that conversation. i will leave you with this get them bts army is celebrating the region turn of one of their own this morning, bts member jin has completed his mandatory military service in south korea. but k-pop star was seen leaving base today after 18 months in uniform he is far i will say, from the big first big pop star to spend time serving his country jaylen. jailhouse rock or elvis presley reported to the army after he was drafted in 19 58, the king was a soldier until the spring and 1961, earned his discharge from the army reserve in 1964 and then there was this i came

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what is good to talk about in politics. what is good for politics and not, here s an interesting one, donald trump now wondering aloud about taylor swift is apparently coming from an excerpt from a forthcoming book about his work with with the producer of the apprentice. a conversation that took place as in november 2023, trump saying this about taylor swift. i think she s a liberal. she probably doesn t like trump, but she is liberal or is that just an act he asks, she she s legitimately liberal. it s not an act, it surprises me that a country star can be, can be successful, being liberal trump said before the author noted that s with crossover to pop music years ago, the crossover, she, she can, she can do whatever she wants. i would say is it good for politics to take on taylor swift i mean, this is this just goes into that bucket of weird and strange that we are seeing pop up almost every single day in this campaign. kate. but again, i think the more than donald trump focuses and n is obsessed with somebody like taylor swift, the better it is for democrats because i think we do know that she s liberal. we do know that she probably will not vote for donald trump and she may even come out in and endorsed joe biden and kamala harris and the democrats before the november election, which i think would be the republicans and donald trump s biggest nightmare. and that s probably why he s injecting this question mark into this election for whatever reason, he might think helps him. but again, this just goes into the weirdness of what this campaign is. and it gives us the opportunity to talk about the weirdness of donald trump. and again, that does nothing to take away from his base but we know that his base will probably never leave him no matter what. but it does go into that category of moderates and common sense republicans that are going to think, wow, this man to just there s something not right up there this man is not fit for office the biggest night for your nightmare for republicans and donald trump taylor swift, you heard it here. it s good to see you guys. thank you so much the next hours in a new central starts now a verdict could come this morning very shortly. the jury and the hunter biden s gun trial resumes deliberations. the murder rate in the us could be headed to its largest annual decline ever big drops in crime across the board. what the new data tells us, and the bombshells secret supreme court tapes chief justice john roberts samuel alito samuel alito s wife, the one with the flag s. she even talks about flags sara is out today. i m john berman with kate bolduan in this this cnn new set standing by for another historic verdict, very soon to 12 men and women weighing hunter biden s fate will resume deliberations after meeting for just over an hour? yes. but i and any minute we could see the president s son for the first time. today walking into the courthouse that is where he s expected to have to wait or nearby as the jurors decide whether to convict get him on three felony charges related to a 2018 gun purchase. hunter biden faces up to 25 years in prison if he is convicted on all three counts, it is however unlikely. we re told that he would serve that kind of jail time still standing by to standby to here exactly what this jury decides. cnn s marshall cohen outside the court four just once again, how is jury deliberations going to look this morning okay. good morning. it s 8:00 now. and the jury is expected back in one hour, 9:00 a.m. they got one hour of deliberations in the books yesterday before breaking through the night. and they will resume this morning. now, the judge who has been overseeing this case she doesn t feel the need to bring the jurors into the actual courtroom at nine and wish them a good morning. they can go straight to the jury box and once they are all here here today, they can resume those deliberations on the three felony charges that hunter biden is facing for allegedly purchasing and possessing a gun while addicted to it is illegal drugs. now, i should note that, yes, there are three top line charges here, but underneath each one of those counts are a series of elements of each crime that the jurors need to deliberate and degree on unanimously for each element of each crime that s in this indictment. look, you mentioned it he is convicted on all three charges he could face prison time up to 25 years. that seems highly unlikely though, given the fact that he is a first-time offender. but as we sit here, for and wait for the verdict, the fate of the president s son is in the hands of those 12 jurors from delaware six men and six women. there ll be back in about one hour to finish up marshall, we ve seen the first lady going into court. we know that a hunter biden s other members of hunter biden s family have also been in the courtroom as any family does. and can to show their support for him. but that became part of the prosecutor s closing argument. why? yeah. it is, of course, common for defendants to have the support of their family it s pretty rare for those family members to have their own secret service agents following their every move. but they really beefed up the presence yesterday for the closing arguments. obviously, there was the first lady, jill biden president biden s sister, valerie, was their president biden s brother, james hunters, younger sister, ashley, they were all there in the pews. and the prosecutors noticed one of the very first things okay that the special counsel, prosecutor leo wise, said in his closing arguments to the jury, was that they may recognize some faces in the gallery from the news. they america may recognize some of those vips from the community here in wilmington. but respectfully, none of that matters. that s what he s said. none of that matters. he wants them to focus on the evidence, which in the view of the prosecution is overwhelming. kate, jury begins liberation very soon. marcia, thank you. john wright with us now cnn senior data reporter, harry and harry were talking about the hunter biden trial what does the data show about what people think about this trial? well, in terms of how hunter biden has been treated. yeah. you know, there s this real thing. what hunter biden even be on trial if he wasn t the president s son, there are a lot of folks who are on hunter biden signed are and joe biden cited say they wouldn t even be brought. that s not necessarily the case. all right. according to the public legal systems treatment of hunter bye. now, this was after the criminal indictments of them, but before this most recent trial, look at is 66% set of americans say that the legal system, treatment of hunter biden has been fair. in fact according to the polling, if anything, they think it s been not harsh enough on him. just 27% of americans think that the legal system has been unfair. so the fact is, most americans have no problem with hunter biden being on trial. his favorite bility ratings are quite low and it s something thank when you look at the polling, why the white house i think is genuinely worried because he s definitely in their minds potentially a liability for me, at least outside of joe biden and think that, well, the important thing to remember is that it s hunter biden? correct. who is on trial here, not president joe biden, but there is some data in terms of what the public thinks about the president in how he views are is i guess connected to his son. yeah. you know, sort of my leading question here. all right. hunter biden s legal troubles and joe biden, hunter hunters troubles are related to joe 46% related to juror, correct? i m related to job. thank you. 46% say that is believable that they were unrelated to joe. that is the plurality believe it is unrelated to joe biden, just 37% of americans believe that is not believe well, that s a good number for joe biden. how about this joe biden is a good dad by supporting his son, the clear majority, 54% say that that is believable, and this is, i think the polling that joe biden sort of two, is listening to saying, you know, what first off, i don t necessarily care about the public, but secondly, i think the public thinks i d be a pretty good dad by supporting his son. yeah, he may not be looking at the polling all at all when it comes to his public statements about this trial or his son, he may just being a dead dead. what is the potential impact on the left? yeah. a very probably not much at all because the clear majority of folks believed that hunter biden s illegal troubles. they have no impact on their vote. yes, there s this 23% who say they re less likely to vote for joe biden. but you know who that is, 23% are there republicans who weren t going to vote for joe biden anyway? or 4%. therefore, who say it s more likely to vote for joe biden, but you can get for free percent of americans to basically say hard to see the logic there. all right, harriet and great to see you much some police in china have now arrested a man. they say stabbed for americans in broad daylight video appears to show the victims on the ground clearly bloodied and chinese tourist was also interviewed that video though not seen on social media in china as it was swiftly censored after being published. the four americans injured are instructors from cornell college in cornell college in iowa, who were in northeast china as part of an exchange program, officials say they are all in stable condition, but it s unclear what motivated this attack seen as marc stewart is in the city where this attack happened, joining us now, what are you learning about this arrest mark ross has been made. kate police confirmed it just a short time ago. this is a 55-year-old mad and according greene to police, he said he was walking when he bumped into this group of four americans. these for educators. and then somehow this stabbing took place that injured all four of them, as well as a chinese tourists who stepped into you re being. we just got back from the actual stabbing side. it s about 15 hike from where we are now and when we arrived, there was basically no evidence that anything ever happened. look like some of the blood on the ground had been washed away a contrast to what we saw yesterday when we sell these people on the ground, bloody, clearly, a need of help. i should point out that this park is very similar to a park you would see in any suburb in the united states. we ve been here for just a few hours. there are hiking trails. there is a train, there is a temple, there is no reason, but it s a feel safe here. so obviously, a lot part of holes in the story. the blanks needs to be filled in. let s also look at the backdrop in china right now, there is certainly arise in nationalism something that i hear in conversations with people that i have here in china. it s also apparent on social media, yet at the same time, we have chinese president xi jinping very anxious to welcome american students here as part of study abroad programs. in fact, when he was in the united states last fall, he mentioned bringing as many as 50,000 americans and just last week even made a personal reach out to an institution in the united states to have this kind of exchange. so it will be interesting to see if this incident has any kind of damper on things and finally, kate, you alluded to this at the beginning. no one here knew about what happened. for a good 48 hours as soon as this happened, social media posts were scrubbed. it wasn t until we heard from officials and iowa that this came to surface. in fact, just a few minutes ago, there were a group of people gathered around, someone cell phone trying to get the latest information that is the environment, the surveillance state ms fear often that we see here in china, kate marc stewart. thank you so much for your legs reporting work. john wright, new statements this morning and the prospects of a ceasefire and hostage deal in gaza is their new reason for hope it is forecast to be one of the worst hurricanes seasons in some time now he worries that the government cannot afford it in a brazen porch. theft caught on video to be clear, the porch was not stolen. that s relief. what was on it was you. 19th cnn celebrate juneteenth, which special performances by john legend hadi lewbel, smokey robinson. we still have a lot of work to do juneteenth celebrating freedom and legacy wednesday, june 19 at ten on cnn greeting seven 730. yeah that s not good. happened huge things happen happens. be there with three, learn more at minute 30 minutes. good one remember, i don t want surgery for my duper trends can traction to i don t want to wait for my contracture to get worse. three, i want to treatment with minimal downtime for i want to non-surgical treatment good boy. and five. and if non-surgical treatment is an offer i ll get a second opinion let s go take charge of your treatment. if you can t 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bit from medium rare well done so many ways to save life, ready while it happy. but 365 by whole foods market unique style, cutting-edge innovation, and thoughtful details inspired by you. this is the all electric rz this is lexis election sure. five first, we did the impossible. then you age so many of them possible that we completely ran out. and now there the law cookies back-end subway at morgan stanley old school, hard work meets ball, new thinking to help you see untapped possibilities and relentlessly work with you shopping unparalleled selection at joy i voted buttons, dragging my remote kid it s like your generation has evolved past traditional political symbols. and there s room for everyone. yeah chins puke rainbows, white taken this morning, secretary of state tony blinken is now in jordan for gathering of leaders focused on getting more humanitarian aid into gaza. earlier he was in israel where he met with prime minister benjamin netanyahu, blinken, telling reporters that there is a consensus among netanyahu and other leaders to move forward on a proposed ceasefire deal that was just approved by the un security council. cnn s oren liebermann is in tel aviv. how much consensus really is there that where do things stand okay. this appears to be more positive position than we ve seen in quite some time now, when it comes to the efforts to reach a ceasefire and a hostage release between israel and hamas. secretary if they d anthony blinken making a whirlwind trip through the region, first, he was in egypt at the start of the week than a series of meetings with israeli leaders, the prime minister, the defense minister, the opposition leader the member of the war cabinet, who just resigned. and now he s in jordan and then we ll be going to cut her. so a lot of the key players needed to get not only the israelis on board and the biden administration is clearly confident that they have the israelis agreeing to the ceasefire proposal. but now to try to push hamas to agree to the ceasefire proposal that s on the table. there have been some positive noises coming from hamas, both in reaction to the un security council resolution calling for a permanent ceasefire, end to the proposal on the table. the question of course, is in the details and that remains to be seen because the process has fallen apart repeatedly on the details in the past, sill, blinken knows who he has to convince here and that s the head of hamas s military in gaza, the most powerful person in the organization, right now, yahya sinwar, he was a blinken said a short time ago there are those who have influenced, but influences one thing actually getting a decision made is the another thing i don t think anyone other than the hamas leadership in gaza actually are the ones who can make make decisions that s what we re waiting now, the wall street journal was able to view messages written by yahya sinwar over the course of the negotiations and from the start of the war, and they give an interesting insight into his mindset and his person spective in one of these messages, the wall street journal viewed which cnn cannot verify sinwar says, we have the israelis, right where we want them. sinwar sit in a recent message two hamas officials i think the broker an agreement with qatari and egyptian officials on the big picture perspective on how many pills to palestinians have been killed here it is clear from these alleged messages that sinwar views this as something almost necessary to push forward the palestinian national cause. here s another quote from the wall street journal. in one message to hamas leaders in doha, sinwar cited civilian losses in national liberation conflicts in places such as algeria, where hundreds of thousands of people died fighting for independence from france, saying these are necessary sacrifices. it s that mindset that blinken is trying to work towards agreeing to a ceasefire here. it s a key question. again, kate, we appear to be closer than we ve been in quite some time now. and yet doesn t mean the process is over or complete at all. absolutely great reporting as always. thank you so much. john wright joining us now is aveyron my year the uncle of former hostage almog my ear, who was rescued over the weekend, sir. thank you so much for being with us while we have you. just give us an update that was elmo doing this morning at a mortgage generally. okay and these drawing to digest what happened with him in the last eight months. and specifically in the last three days you said when he was first released, what he wanted most was a hug and ayesha warmer. how many hugs and chihuahuas has he had now over the last four days? lots of hogs, one shawwa bma but later that day, that s a good ratio. i ll take that ratio any day. what have you learned? what has he told you about his captivity we haven t had the opportunity to talk quietly together. but generally, in the last six months is spent time with two other hostages in the same place. within re kozlov and shlomi ziv and at that time, they were like a team. they are very good friends. they have their own nicknames. they have their own terminology there were lots of time together and they really, really love one each other i heard no daylight kept in the dark for months. what can you tell us about that? i didn t understand. i question, please. one of the things i heard you say is that he was kept inside with no daylight more or less in the dark for four months yes. it s right there in the last six months, this is what i know. i don t know what happened in the first two months but in the last six months, the evan been allowed to leave the apartment. so they saw sound from the windows, but not the gimmick go out what gave him hope while he was in captivity, while he was being held prisoner, hostage what i can tell you is that they were together and the empowered one each other all the time. and its friends where where is back? and e were their back and they supported one each other i can tell you that in the 11th of may is so television in al jazeera? and he saw the forum, the family four room in tel aviv rally and he saw a picture of the game in that rally so we understood that is not forgotten and people are thinking about him. but more than that, it didn t know too much your nephew has now been rescued, but there are many others who are still being held hostage. what do you want to see from the israeli government? what do you want benjamin netanyahu to do? in our personal family the circle is closed and the log is here. and we are very happy. but there are still 120 families who is looking for their deer s and what we want newtoni all to do is to bring them by an agreement because we understand that operations like maga have been rescued, won t bring one other than 20 others so we want to press all the governments for the hamas and on the israeli government to sign this deal and to take out all the other hostages. back home. i have to tell you the joy of the people of israel when they saw four oxygens came back, it was incredible. the joy is enormous and if, if the people of israel will see wondering people of a 120 other hostages that will come back home. it will be a tikkun, will be fixing israel will do anything to do everything. right? it will be lots of energy for us if they re just come back around my air, please, to your nephew, were all mog more hogs and many many more sju armas. thank you so much. and we are so happy for you and your family. appreciate you being with us secret recordings of supreme court justices, even a secret recording of justice alito s wife, what happened and what alito s wife is? now saying about flying more flags at her home and there are signs of some growing support for robert kennedy jr. even in states where he s still struggling, even get on the ballot the most anticipated moment of this lecture and the stakes couldn t be higher. the president and the former president, one stage two very different visions for america s future that cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming un-backed well done have you got the presence, the balloons, and the raptor cake now how about something to put a smile on your face aspen dental provides complete affordable care with dentists and labs in one place, plus free exams and x-rays for new patients without insurance 20% off treatment plans for everyone quality care at a price worth celebrating its one more way aspen dental is in your corner its terms day off but neutrogena ultras, your sunscreen is still on the clock. vital sun protection goes six layers deep, blocking 97% of burning uv rays. it s light, but it s working hard hard like me, neutrogena ultras, your sunscreen. can the riva support your brain health? married janet, hey eddie know appraiser, franck. franck, bread. how are you fred, fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the neretva 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majority of people experienced long-lasting remission at one year serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or lower ability to fight them may occur tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms had a vaccine or plan to liver problems may occur in crohn s disease now s the time to ask your gastroenterologist how you can take control of your chrome make official start your will at trust and we ll dot com and make it count what god job and god kid bagasse you up time is precious this morning, caught on tape always provocative war. it s even more so when it is a supreme court justice and his wife and she talked about flags on a secret according justice samuel alito appeared to endorse a call to return our country to a place of godliness. a liberal activist and filmmaker presented herself as a religious conservative and secretly recorded it secretly recorded the justice and his wife at a supreme court historical society dinner the recording comes in the wake of the controversial flags being flown at alito s properties. and this is what martha alito had to say about that i want sacred garden cheeses because i had to look cross the lagoon at the pride flag for the next month. exactly. who s like, oh, please don t put up a flag. i can i won t do it because i m deferring to you. but when you are free of this nonsense i m putting it up and i m going to send them message every day now, cnn has not obtained the full form of these recordings. we have also reached out to the supreme court for comment. cnn s senior supreme court analyst, joan biskupic, is with us martha alito talking about flags on tape yes. john, good to see you. and martha ends common certainly were provocative given the controversy over the flags that had flown at the alito home that appeared connected to the january 6, rioters and the stop the steal movement. but i want to focus on justice. alito and what he said at this event and also how much it echoes were justice alito has been on religion just as a leader who has acted as if religion is under siege, he s, he s said that in public comments before. he said that in his written opinions and john, let s take a listen now to what justice alito said this woman as she was surreptitiously recording him at the event last week one side or the other there can be a way of workout, way of living together, please it s different because there are differences. one fundamental things is it really can t. it s not like you re going to see what the difference yeah, john. so again, just a little context on justice alito. remember he was the one who authored the dobbs ruling two years ago that reversed all constitutional rights to abortion. he has been very outspoken. against, especially any kind of protection for lgbtq rights. he s been against gay marriage. he has been very strong on issues that have a lot of, as i said religious themes so that s the context here. and then after after he wrote the dobbs opinion, he even said in a speech at rome that religious liberty is under attack from people everywhere and especially people in power, which is somewhat ironic since he is in power, but he he did not respond to any of our requests for comment last night, but the supreme court historical society did. and let me just read what jim duff, who is head of the historical society, said. we condemn the surreptitious recording of justice s at the event, which is inconsistent with the entire spirit of the evening attendees are advised that discussion of current cases, cases decided by current sitting justices, or a justices jurisprudence is strictly prohibited and may result in forfeiture of membership in the society. but for us, john, for those of us who live in america under the rulings of the supreme court. what s important here is do know that this month the justices are about to issue rulings and so many important opinions. and we ll need to we want to see how justice alito s attitudes emerge in those rulings that will now set the law of the land. john. and interesting to hear his voice and really how different his voice was than that of chief justice john roberts, who was also recorded. what he reported the had to say also fascinating job is keep a great to see this morning. thank you very much thank the historic drop in crime across the board. the brand new statistics just out and new hope in the fight against all timers, disease as the fda is poised to approve a new drug the most anticipated moment of this election, and the stakes couldn t be higher the president and the former president, one stage two, very different visions for america s future that cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27, nine live on cnn. and streaming on max perfect de, for a family outing shingles. doesn t care, but she words protects only shingles has proven over 90% effective she fingers is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older, does not protect everyone that is not for those with severe 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gotten me. i saw them. that s what i got. gotten me juicy kernels and use holes. you don t role on rozi this election season, stay with cnn, with more reporters on the ground round and the best political team in the business follow the voters, follow the results follow the facts follow. cnn so. new data from the fbi shows violent crime in the us is falling. the murder rate has dropped dramatically and could be headed for its largest annual decline ever seen as josh campbell is with us now and you know, josh crime is a lot like gas prices. we hear a lot about it it s going up and not nearly as much what it s going down. and it seems to be going down a lot right now yeah, it is. i mean, this trend that we re seeing now, very promising when we talk about violent crime, when we talk about murders, get you straight to the numbers here. you can see this is based on new preliminary data from the fbi they found in the first three three months of this year, murders are down 26% reported rapes decreased by nearly 26% aggravated assault is down. robberies or down, you look at property crimes, the same trend their burgers have dropped nearly 17%. motor vehicle thefts have decreased about 17%. so across the board and regions across the united how did it states they re seeing these drops based on this initial data i particularly want it focused in on murders. now, there s a caveat, obviously, this prelim preliminary, the year isn t up yet, but murder right now is down by 80% in places like boston, over 40% in cities like new orleans seattle, baltimore, and fill it dell fea, murder spiked about 30% during the pandemic, but then started to fall. i ve been talking with crime data analysts who say that if these numbers now hold, we could see a potential historic drop here throughout the rest of this year. so as we look at this trend some, obviously some promising data when you look at prime across the country, john, look this is the type of data that i imagine everyone, all of the evidence that we have so far is showing a basically a double decline relative to what it was last year at this point, last year, it was down about ten or 11%. now we re talking 19 or 20%. it s plausible that this will be by far the largest one-year decline in american history. so obviously one of the analysts, we were speaking with, and as you were saying they re john, i mean, we often focused on a lot of different facts and figures in life. nothing more personal than when we re talking about crime, whether it s crime that s impacting us, whether it s crime that is impacting members of our community. of course, we are hearing from people like the attorney general who are now speaking out touting these numbers the attorney general saying yesterday in a statement that this continued historic decline in homicides does not represent abstract statistics. it represents people whose lives were saved, people who are still here to see their children grow up to work toward fulfilling their dreams and to contribute to their communities unities. we also heard the president come out with similar statements. of course, this is a topic that can always be improved when we talk about crime. and so this is not certainly not something to celebrate when there was work to be done, but when you look at that trend, particularly after the pandemic, when we saw so much violence is certainly moving in the right direction. and this is the type of trend that we ve all been waiting for, you good to hear, good to see you. josh campbell. thank you very much for that democratic senator bob menendez will soon be returning to court where he is facing federal bribery charges. the prosecution s star witness will also then be back on the stand, which is new jersey businessman jose uribe. he delivered testimony yesterday about the senator, seen as jason carroll, following all of this, he s outside of the court. what s going to happen today? jason well, i think we re expected to hear more of what we heard yesterday, except the only difference is this time the defense gets its chance to question jose uribe yesterday. he provided a lot of detailed information about conversations he said he had with senator menendez directly related to bribery. now remember you rebate as someone who wanted these criminal investigations in new jersey to go away? because they could have implicated people who he was very close to. he knew nadine menendez, he knew she needed a brand new car. and so he says he gave her $15,000 to buy a brand new mercedes in exchange for the senator s influence. he talked about a dinner, for example, august 2019 where he says, i get to ask him, him, meaning senator menendez, for the first time? explain what is worrying me so much. i asked him if there s anything in his power that he can do to stop these investigations. he says menendez answered he would look into it then september of 2019 he says he was at nadine menendez home. he says he wrote down the names of the people in question relate get to that investigation. he says he put it on a piece of paper, senator menendez folded it up and put it in his pocket. then october 29, 2019, he says he got a call all from senator menendez, and basically he told jurors that he felt as though that the situation had been settled and he choked up when he s talked about this, when he testified because he felt like it was all over finally, then at a dinner, kate and 2020, he says menendez told him, i saved your twice not one but twice now senator menendez, for his part, has pleaded not guilty. he says there were no ghraieb that took place here. he says he was simply acting on behalf of his concern so his attorneys get a chance to cross-examine jose uribe later this morning good to see you, jason. thank you so much john alright. new evidence that independent presidential candidate robert f. kennedy jr. is enjoying significant support in one crucial state cnn s even makin reports from wisconsin on a 17 acre tree farm in sackville, wisconsin, dells stand braunton rides around the land with hope. the 2024 election will bring monumental change, shreve in 2020, i voted for trump, but now he says, the former president sounds like a broken record. it s all about the election was rigged and the court system is re this year, the wedding venue owner who plans to eventually transform his property into a wellness retreat is all in for independent presidential candidate robert f. kennedy jr. bobby s the first candidate who i ve actually felt good about. i think a lot of people are very frustrated with voting for the lesser of two evils. is that how you view the major party candidates? yeah, absolutely a self-described conservative, independent stan braunton shares kennedy s vaccine skepticism and learned of him through kennedy s work with the anti-vaccine group, children s health defense the 62-year-old typically votes for republicans, but he s attracted to kennedy s anti-establishment message, ending the form was the financial corrupt sure within our government agencies in the fact that we can t trust our government agencies to do their jobs because they ve been hijacked by corporate interests. you don t think are government agencies can be trusted know why? because they re bought and paid for. i found a video rfk hey, junior on youtube, recent college grad katie zimmerman voted for president joe biden in 2020. but now she spends her saturday mornings tabling at farmers markets like this one in wahba tomasa for the kennedy campaign he s coming to all voters and saying like, if you vote for me, like you ll be able to afford buy a house. first is i haven t necessarily heard if biden say things like that, that appeal to me. if ultimately trump gets reelected how would you feel about that? i would not feel really great about that if he was elected into office, but i i wouldn t necessarily feel any guilt because i was able to have a choice and who i wanted to vote for dog denticola is a long democrat who never thought he would find himself lobbying trump s supporters. to switched to kennedy. what do you think this has go to 24. go watch when he s going to do you haven t even given him a chance, because he doesn t ever what chance anyway, is it hard to convince trump s supporters to vote for kennedy? yeah, i actually just appreciate that he was willing to stop and talk to me, fed up with political polarization, denticola thinks kennedy can bring americans together and isn t worried about him taking votes from biden or trump i person like bobby kennedy, who is really a message of unity, a message for all people i think that s why he s going to actually pull a lot of voters in both sides back on deal s farm. i shared desire for unity to address a deeply divided country. if we don t make some changes and find somebody who has played up solutions and somebody who we can trust who wants to bring us together we re going to be in a world of hurt and john kennedy s coalition of voters. they really span the political spectrum. polling data indicates the largest contingent could actually be those who didn t support either candidate in 2020. so he s bringing new voters into the fold. a lot of his support also comes from so-called double-haters. those holding an unfavorable view of both biden and trump, john, or even again, for us, fresh back from a trip to wisconsin, eva great to see you. thank you. so female helps people in communities pick up the pieces after disaster strikes. but now the federal agency is facing a disaster of its own. the new warning that theme is disaster relief fund could run out of money by the end of summer. and a driver was trapped at the bottom of a ravine the length his own dog went to save him devastating and sudden power of tsunamis. it happened in faraway lands and it s easy the to think it can t happen here if one hits home, will we be ready? silent, earth would liev schreiber, sunday at night on cnn. it s so easy to get your windshields replaced using safe flight until the people i haven t done it already. my man had started off as a ship and grew into a crack and it just keeps going. so what do we do now? i went ahead and schedule an appointment mean online at safe, told them he is here at the beach. let s get started rupert safely replace schedule free mobile service at safe safe night. we place at morgan stanley old old-school hard work meets ball, new thinking to help you see untapped possibilities and relentlessly work with you to make them real first we did the impossible. you age so many of impossible that we completely ran out. and now they re but, luck cookie is back at subway kinda riva support your brain health. mary janet, hey, eddie, know, fraser, franck, franck, bread. how are you? fred fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the neretva brain health challenge from media kim rare well done so many ways to save life ready while it happened that s 365 by whole foods market. all these games on directv and no satellite on the roof. think about this blue jays cardinals, orioles. what s missing? the andean condor know, walnut brain pigeons. they d rather de, but came after sox. be fair, we re not very athletic were trying to save the planet with nuggets because we need the planet and we also need nuggets impossible. we re saving the meat problem with more meat. thinker appointment and 30 minutes. you got one remember? i don t want surgery from i do patreons contraction two. i don t want to wait for my contracture to get worse. three, i want to treatment with minimal downtime for i want to non-surgical treatment. good boy. and five. and if not non-surgical treatment is an offer i ve get a second opinion that s go take charge of your treatment. if you can t lay your hand flat visit, find a hand to get started. what tractor supply customers experience is personalized service made possible by t-mobile for business with t-mobile s reliable 5g business, internet for he s get the information they need instant. i can feel the wind the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn t be higher. the president and the former president s, once moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming on max. and rafael romo, the georgia state capitol in atlanta. this is cnn so new this morning a panel of independent advisers to the fda gave their approval to eli lilly s experimental alzheimer s drug is still has to get full approval from the agency, but it has a lot of people excited. our chief medical correspondent, dr. sanjay gupta is year. what are we talking about here? sanjay? good morning, john yeah, potentially a big deal here there are no drugs to cure or to prevent alzheimer. so what we re talking about here are medications that can slow the progression of symptoms once they start. and if this gets approved this would now be the second drug that could do that sort of thing. as you know, john, the fda advisory committee that s an independent committee. they make their recommendations. they recommended this be approved. the fda usually follows her guidance, not always, but this is certainly a good sign and that approval could come by the end of the year so for this particular study, they looked at 1,700 people, just over 1,700 people between the ages of 6085 and these were people who had mild cognitive impairment. so this was early part of their diagnosis, early part of their disease and they gave them this drug and what they found was that over time, over 76 weeks that about a 29% reduction in cognitive decline. so they got worse, more slowly. it s not that they reverse the disease. it s not that they stalled the disease. they got worse more slowly, about 29%. so that is the big number in terms of benefit. the committee was paying attention to. on the flip side of that, let me tell you quickly, john, is the risks there are risks of these drugs specifically something known as aria, which stands for amyloid related imaging abnormality. you don t need to remember that, but basically it s these bleeds that can occur in the brain in response to the drug and what they found was about 37% of the people who are getting the medication compared to placebo, 14% did have evidence of these, these changes in the brain related to the amyloid. three people did die as well in that trial. so that was something that committee looked at very, very closely and still determined that the benefits outweigh the risks. john sanjay two very important questions. number one, how do you say the drugs named? because i can t make it out. i can t make sense of that in number two, how exactly does this one work yeah so the nonna mab and mab, which you hear at the end of a lot of these drugs, stands for monoclonal antibody. the other drug that i was talking about, lecanemab also a monoclonal antibody and a lot of people know monoclonal antibodies. they learned about them during the pandemic. but you re essentially giving the antibodies as part of the drug let me show you this quick animation of how it works. you know, amyloid is this protein plaque that builds up in the brain. when you give these medications, it can basically disrupt some of the building blocks of those plaques not allowing them to form as well or clearing them after they ve already formed so that s that s basically how these monoclonal antibody drugs work. and again, this might be the second one. what i tell you one interesting thing about this, this trial the ilo liliya suggesting that they follow the amount of amyloid that people have in their brain. and if the amyloid clears they suggest that maybe just stopping the drug it s a monthly infusion. but they say if the amyloid has gone no need to continue taking the drug when you typically think of the drugs, you think of them as lifelong for the rest of your life. maybe not the case here we ll see how the fda weighs in on that the nonna map sounds like sesame street phenomena to me, which is how i ll remember from now on how many people are we talking about that this could benefit hard to remember yeah. so you got about in the country, got about 6 million people who have alzheimer disease carry the diagnosis, but about 1 million who fall into that early stage category. again, keep in mind someone goes in there now developing early symptoms, sometimes hard to diagnose but potentially 1 million people taking the medication, right now. that is the population. will see in the future if some of these medications get approved for people who are further along in their diagnosis while got moderate or severe now so many people take any any promising news when it comes to all timers. they wanted, they take it so seriously, dr. sanjay gupta, thanks so much for being with us. appreciate it. and this does then the official portrait of king charles has now been vandalized and there s video of it seen as max foster spring. i m in from london. max, what has happened? what is this? well, is a pressure group and they are against cruelty on farms so this is the very famous painting, of course it was famous because lots of people didn t like it, but lots of people did like it. is charles his first official portrait as king these, activists came along making the point that king charles is patron of the rspca, as it s called an animal welfare organization and they have a short farms scheme and the activists say, those farms still are cruel to animals. some of them, so they want to get rid of this assured scheme. so they re basically animal rights activists accusing the king of being hypocritical overseeing an organization which isn t protecting animal rights. so they created this cartoon characters all right, just saying this cruelty on farms. and they use the british characters cartoon characters, wallace and gromit for that. so it s making lots of headlines this is the picture kate you ll remember it. lots of people describing it as some sort of hellscape or him bathing in blood. but it s become a very famous photo. it s become a really big thing on social media. so they re getting lots of attention for it. also. i mean, it is a bit an official portion of the case. i mean, there are people in this group gonna get in trouble from it for this. i mean, let s i think so because from what we can tell, there isn t glass along the front of it either, but it does look as though no paint was used, there s certainly some glue that was used. i think it s certainly going to be seized as an act of vandalism we ve contacted the police, but it s only just happens. so i think that pretty early on in the investigation absolutely all right. max. thank you so much. i really appreciate it i knew our scene a new central starts now start the clock as all this minute. we believe the jury in the hunter biden trial is back deliberating a verdict could come this morning breaking this morning, a suspect arrested for stabbing for americans in china the video censored on chinese social media. new questions this morning about what happened and why health experts expressing concern that a bird flu outbreak in the united states could become a much bigger problem there are a assignor is out today. i m john berman with kate bolduan. this is cnn news central happening now alive, look at the federal court in wilmington, delaware, where everyone is waiting for work when the jury now they will be resuming deliberations in hunter biden s federal gun trial. they met for only about one our yesterday. so maybe they have hours of work ahead, but word could come any moment

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Transcripts For CNN CNN News Central 20240610

for me the for the people that came to help, it was really just all in a day s work situations like this really show everyone and certainly showed us in this instance just how much all of us out in the world depend on all of you and again, i want to thank the crew from medic 24 firefighter hayden campbell, firefighter, paramedic, atom iq, and fire inspector paramedic, kimberly booser, who helped bring gray into the world. i got to be reunited with them over the weekend and i also learned when i spoke to adam and his crew, they were just as happy as i was to have a friendly female face on that crew. thank you. to kim for taking charge because man, she did. we also do want to just take a moment to thank all of the first responders here in the district of columbia, but across the country that all of us trust with our lives every day, because you really have no idea when you might need to make that call and having those people on the other end of the line makes all the difference in the world. they are truly lifesavers, so thank you to all of them, thanks to our panel, thanks to all of you for joining us. i m kasie hunt. don t go anywhere. cnn news central starts right this morning. a former president meets with his probation officer, you wonder if james madison had that in mind when writing the constitution what can donald trump say that might impact? his sentence? tony blinken back in the middle east set to meet with the israeli prime minister just after the dramatic hostage rescue operation in gaza. and a key number of his war cabinet resigns and now the us is calling for a new un security council vote and back-to-back shark attacks does miles apart part off the coast of florida officials are now issuing a warning because of it. i m kate bolduan. would john berman, sarah sayyed is out. this is cnn news central morning something no former president has ever done donald trump will sit for a pre-sentencing interview with this probation officer. this interview will be part of the report the probation department will submit to judge juan were shot ahead of trump s sentencing on july 11, and for normal defendants it could be a significant factor in determining whether there will be present time. of course, donald trump is not a normal defendant. will this now cnn, chief law enforcement and intelligence analyst john miller jaume, we ve got some new information about how this will be similar and different to other meetings like this. so the normal process is that the probation officer sits with the defendant and in some cases, in this case, the defendant s lawyer and they go through a tick list. it s what is your home situation? du you live in a stable environment? do you have employment? can you get employment? are you suffering from any drug addiction? what is your criminal background as it violent in this case, donald trump is going to be different from a lot of defendants. in fact, the vast majority he lives in a triplex at the top of a building with his name on it. he has no criminal record. and yet like any other defendants, he does have multiple other open felony cases but as far as employment, drugs, and so on the question that they re trying to resolve at the probation department as a couple of things, but key to it is is he a good candidate for the community corrections environment in english, that means the prison correction environment, or being on probation without going to jail, but having to accept the conditions of probation. now, a lawyer present in bys zoo this will not be in-person and todd blanche will be there with donald trump. how unusual is that? is that what joe schmo, defendant normally gets? joe schmo defendant usually it comes down to see the probation officer, their probation officer wants to get a look at him or her, get a sense of that. but during covid, the system had to keep going. so virtual probation interviews became a thing. and this makes sense because he s in another city. you said probation here. what would probation exactly mean for donald trump so probation is if you are convicted of a crime and they say we re not going to incarcerate you, but we need to check up on you to make sure you re not going to re-offend or you re not re-offending parole is when you go to jail and they let you out early and they check on you after the fact. so this is an interesting thing. the manhattan district attorney, alvin bragg went to a lot of trouble to bring this case and to get this conviction. and he said in his controversial day one memo that he wants less people to go to jail especially in non and violent crimes, but he didn t single out white-collar crimes. so we don t know what they re going to ask for. and then very finally, john, this meeting will happen today well, we hear what comes out of it or how will we know what comes out of it? so technically we shouldn t hear what comes out of it the psr or the pre-sentencing report goes from the new york city department of probation to that state supreme court judge juan merchan. and it is to help him as he decides on the sentence, whether it s in jail or prison, or whether it s on probation. didn t what those conditions should be if it s probation, donald trump will probably have to check in with a probation officer once a month. sometimes once a week. he sounds more like a once a month candidate. and make sure he doesn t get arrested again, that s days out of trouble. john miller and education as always, thanks so much for being here this wall civics lesson really is no. i mean, all this stuff is new to me. donald trump will learn a lot about it today, no doubt, it s good that you don t know about. i appreciate that. so far yet, but the things john miller doesn t know. so we ll hunter biden, take the stand or are we now just hours away from closing arguments very soon, you could have that answer as hunter biden s trial gets back underway in delaware next hour, the president s don is facing multiple charges related to a 2018 drug purchase. he has pleaded not guilty. so where did things go now after what end? the week with the week ending last week with very dramatic and emotional testimony. marshall cohen is outside court for us. how soon do you expect to have that answer of where this really is headed and how fast march kate good morning. we should find out pretty soon because the proceedings resume here in wilmington, delaware at 8:10 and am just about one hour from now. and one of the first items on the agenda is to have an answer from the defense. they told the judge that they want wanted to take the weekend to think this over, figure out the final contours of their strategy. if hunter is going to take the stand in his own defense, or if they re going to rest their case to move on to closing arguments. now why might they want to do that? we ve always said it s unlikely and it would be incredibly risky. but before the trial, they said then some of their court filings that one of the things that they would want him to tell the jury if he decided to testify in his own defense was that he has been cleaned sober, and law abiding since 2019. kate, the jury is heard so much testimony about his rampant drug abuse, really painting him anyway sorry struggling and negative light they said, if he did testify, he would want to convey to the jurors directly that he s been cleaned for several years now, but of course, if he did testify, prosecutors could grill him and they said in filings that they would probably want to bring up his discharge from the navy ten years ago after a positive drug test and that they might try to attack his credibility by bringing up that in their view, he not only light on this gun for him, but he s also lied on his taxes. so a huge decision, it would be a risky move. we should find out in about one hour so then add it all up with the caveat of it s uncertain what we re going to hear right when court picks back up, but how soon could the jury have this case well, if he doesn t testify, then it s time for closing arguments. both sides will be able to give their final push to the jury on why they think they should get a conviction or an acquittal, then there s jury instructions as well from the judge educating the jurors, instructing them on the laws in this case. the elements of the alleged crimes and how they should conduct their deliberations. now, one of the things that the defense wants the judge to instruct the jury you re about today during those instructions, is what they call their theory of the case. the simplest, most straightforward reason why in their view, this trial should to end with three not guilty verdicts. and they told the judge that she should instruct the jury that hunter biden, quote, did not believe that he was either a drug user or addict at that time when he bought the gun and when he possessed the gun, they ve said all along that if he did not know, he was a drug addict, if he did not no, he was a user than he cannot be convicted of these crimes. so it could happen today, kate, it very likely will and i ll pick back up an hour from now. thank you, marshall. appreciate the reporting. still ahead for us secretary of state back in the middle east and about to meet with israeli prime minister prime minister now facing a new reality after that dramatic hostage rescue operation in gaza is quickly followed by a key resignation from his war cabinet. the test now for blinken ahead as we learn new details about that rescue operation. plus nvidia is one of the hottest stocks of the year of 144%. and now the major change hitting today the market s about to open and they ve woken a monster that is the new reaction from caitlin clark after learning, she will not be playing on the us olympic team in the most anticipated moment of this election. and the stakes couldn t the higher the president and the former president s one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debates thursday, june 27, nine live on cnn streaming on max three body serie a city client uses city s financial expertise to help drive its growth and keep its supply chain moving. some more pet parents can get everything they need, right? when they need it. keeping more pets and families happy for the love of moving our clients forward for the love of progress, right now, pet dander skin cells in dirt are settling deep into your carpet fibers. stanley steamer removes the dirt you seen in the dirt, you don t your corporates aren t clean until they re stanley steamer the clean. his name were trying to save the planet with nuggets because we need the planet and we also need nuggets impossible. we re setting the meat problem with more meat certainly a not take kids don t need one. well, i m pretty sure kids doing it warned now you re thinking of plans. how many such daily show tonight at 11 comedy central with priceline vip family, you can unlock deals five times faster. you ll even have to be 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problems gobi may cause low blood sugar and people with diabetes especially if you take medicines to treat diabetes tell your provider about vision problems or changes, or if you feel your heart racing while at rest depression or thoughts some suicide may occur. call your provider right away if you have any mental changes common side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. would we go? hey, i m losing weight i m keeping it off. and i m lowering my cv risks , healthier. with the aura ring in these territories meno come try you we use that much this year evan had much needed, but yeah. in american saga, we did are happening now, us secretary of state antony blinken has arrived in the middle east for meetings at a precarious moment, he will meet with the israeli prime minister, benjamin netanyahu and also later, ben again hence, who just quit israel s war cabinet to protest netanyahu is handling of the war. cnn s oren liebermann live in tel aviv this morning. what a tumultuous few days there aren t john, this was such a celebratory moment and it s still is after a major operation to rescue four israeli hostages from a densely populated area in gaza. but the israeli government itself is already fractured following that with prime minister benjamin netanyahu trying to thank gone to one of his war cabinet members who just quit the government hospital in central israel. they hug does if there was no tomorrow because for so long they feared there wouldn t be four israeli hostages were rescued from gaza in israeli operation on saturday after eight months of captivity among the rescued, one of the most well-known hostages, noa argamani, were united with her father here video from october 7 showed her pleading. were held as kidnappers drove her into gaza and you d like a shield that s her father. thanked he israeli military for the rest. but reunions like this remain all too rare. this is only the third successful israeli rescue operation since the war began. while elite media reunited with her son, almog, one day before her birthday yes. still androids and 20 hostages in gaza and this will be want a deal. now the daring daytime operation in the new sayyed refugee camp in central gaza lifted the spirits of a nation but unity was fleeting as anti-government protests demanded a deal to secure the release of the remaining hostages, and a ceasefire saudi on sunday war cabinet member benny gantz resigned from the government, accusing prime minister benjamin netanyahu of slow walking the war for his own political gain netanyahu vowed to keep pushing towards total victory over hamas the cost of which was once again apparent witnesses in gaza describe israel s operation as hell on earth inside a dense residential area with the crowds of mid-day positive juno an increasing bombardment started hitting everywhere something we never witnessed before maybe 150 rockets fell and less than ten minutes palestinians rushed the wounded to ambulances in this disturbing video, many, including women and children, bore the horrific scars of heavy bombardment. i ll aqsa martyrs hospital quickly filled with the injured, the dead next were eating people s remains. we pulled out six martyrs, all torn up. children and women the operation drew swift and severe international condemnation and hamas called it a massacre. the palestinian ministry of health in gaza says more than 270 were killed in the israeli strikes. 700 wounded which would make it one of the deadliest days for gaza in months. the idf disputes those numbers, saying it estimated the number of casualties was less than 100. cnn cannot independently verify these figures on sunday, national security adviser jake sullivan told cnn s dana bash that innocent people were tragically killed in this operation he called on hamas to accept a ceasefire. that s on the table right now. and the best way to end this war is for hamas to say yes to the deal president biden announced and that israel has accepted what s unclear now is how easy it is to accept this deal from israel sayyed with guns, quitting the government netanyahu has even more pressure from his far-right coalition partners who have threatened the dissolve the government if he accepts the ceasefire deal. so this is not at all an easy path forward as blinken expected to arrive here later on today, john. yeah, it will be interesting to see the impact of the hostage rescue combined with benny gantz leaving the war cabinet. the impact that will have on negotiating oren liebermann. terrific new details in that report. thank you so much so temperatures, so hot they could kill you, were millions of americans need to be extremely careful today and then a catastrophic failure that is what officials say after a large chunk of one of the country s most beautiful highways cracked and then collapsed in a landslide if you have chronic kidney disease, you can reduce the 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trading easier with it s customizable options chain, easy to use tools and pay for trading to help sharpen your skills. you can stay on top of the market from wherever you are. e-trade from morgan stanley, power e-trade, easy to use tools may come flex trading, less complicated, custom scans help you find new trading opportunities. while an earnings tool helps you plan your trades and stay on top of the market. e-trade from morgan stanley cnn business update is brought to you by e trade for morgan stanley trade commission free today if no account minimums this morning, chipmaker in a video, we ll start trading at a new split adjusted price when markets open the videos chips are used in everything from gaming to car is now becoming especially important because of the surge in ai tech so what does this stock split really do? and who is going to benefit seen as matt egan is keeping a very close eye on this one for us. what is going on here? well, kate, if you re an invidious shareholder, don t freak out the share price is about to shrink dramatically, but it s not a glitch. it s actually a sign of success. so as you mentioned and videos, just having this legendary period of success lately, they power these computer chips that really ron artificial intelligence. and so they re so hot that the board announced a ten for one stock split. that means that the stock is going to go from closing on friday above $1,200 a piece. to just over $120 reason why companies do this is because they re trying to make the share price more accessible, right? when a stock goes into the high hundreds of dollars for a lot of the market exactly. it makes it harder for smaller investors to take a piece of it. now, the market value is onchange. this is really just a cosmetic change, but this is something that a lot of other successful tech companies have done. apple, amazon and tesla have all done it. and it s really a sign that, the company is on a positive run because the share price has gone up, it s actually a good problem to have talked to me about. i mean, you re hitting a lot of its ai, but what is driving videos six nvidia for the longest time was known as the company that powers computer chips for videos so games and then they made this bet ten years ago that they could become the brains of artificial intelligence. and that paid off massively. look at this gd or ec stock price rise, just five years ago, you could buy the stock for about 50 bucks. now, it s above $1,200 last month and video revealed that its revenue tripled year-over-year of its profits or more than 7-fold. it s now worth more than 3 $3 it s an incredible amount of money. if you compare nvidia it s worth the same amount as starbucks, boeing, city, at&t, jp jpmorgan, tesla, exon, home depot and walmart combined just one company is worth the same as all of these household brands. in fact, nvidia is now one of the most valuable companies in america, worth more than amazon, more than google owner alphabet, last week, it even briefly topped apple and it s really not far behind microsoft, which of course is another ai play, because they have their own ai chatbot and leave invested in openai, the company behind chatgpt. but guess what, computer chips, power chatgpt, invidious this has come, this company is already huge and it feels like what you re telling me, the sky s the limit where this thing is headed. it s good to see things much. let s see what happens with wow. there s number is, that chart was crazy fans. all right, talking about kraze bans wild plane ride passengers is saying that they could feel the hale hitting the plane. and now now we are seeing the damage left behind after a dangerous landing for one austrian airlines flight. just look at that damage and some are calling get an error ball. caitlin clark is calling it no big deal, but it s also is also making clear she has found brand new motivation to drive for new wnba career. we ll be back simons are going off and the tornado here. i m thinking die. and i thought that was it one when earth with liev schreiber sunday at nine on cnn recipes. recipes written by hand. lost to time are now being analyzed and restored using the power of delhi how long have you been tracking our car s value with carbonic? just like seven months, shubi we hold old silver vans are gone for more right now. should we are low mileage is paying off. you think we should depreciations really heating up you are already sold the car ivana go to car ivana and track your car s value today it s so easy to get your windshield replaced using safe flight. why don t you just get a fixed? all right. so what do we do now? let s scheduled an appointment as safe told him he is here scheduled free mobile service at safe flight, that we pay are safe, like we place from roger two. we there yet so many ways to save life ready, while it happened that s 365 by whole foods market buys helping me get my money rights to achieve my ambitions. like earning more money on my money s a head shop, ready for service thank was so phi to earn a higher apy and an welcome bonus what the role turn everyone comfortable? yeah. there s plenty of space. debris, gun no, no, don t don t don t everyone wants her, right. okay. gabe and see despicable me before and theaters july 3rd, rated pg. its terms day but neutrogena ultras, your sunscreen is still on the clock. vital sun protection goes six layers deep, blocking 97% of burning uv rays. it s light, but it s working hard. like me, neutrogena ultras years for sunscreen, sharp, that s the until june 16 and get up to 30% off father s day gifts that go beyond the classic go-to save on personalized gear. and other things. dads do when you want one of a kind gift to show him, he s number one, etsy has it you will mate to find inner peace we were her uncle s unhappy. i m sensing an underlying issue. it s t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit. unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock.” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it s not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that s uncalled for. a pro pain-free absorbing pro the most anticipated moment of this election. and the stakes couldn t be higher. the president and the former president, one stage moderated by jake tapper dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27. nine live on cnn and streaming on max overnight. a mayday emergency call after an austrian airlines flight suffered a significant amount of damage flying through a thunderstorm nearly 180 people were on board. the plane s nose was seriously damaged. the top of the cockpit, bent and the glass of the windows of the copic pratt the plane did land safely despite the damage. the catastrophic landslide in wyoming, a section of the famed teton pass, pretty much just fell off the side through the mountain. this is a critical route between wyoming and idaho, not to mention, you know, estimates on when it could reopen new mornings this morning from north korea as tensions with south korea escalate, overnight, north korea sent balloons filled with trash across the border that was in response to what it calls psychological warfare by south korea, south korea announced it will resume broadcasting. anti north korean propaganda in border regions so two shark attacks and florida, just a few miles apart, one woman had to have part of her arm amputated just 90 minutes after that first attack, a shark bit, two teenage girls in waist deep water cnn s rafael romo has the latest on this. rafael john. good morning. and then there was one more we re talking about three shark attacks in the united states over the weekend, three people were injured in two incidents in florida on friday and the men died in hawaii on saturday. this is what we know authority say a 39-year-old man died after what they describe as a shark encounter off the coast of maui, the first fatal attack in hawaii since a snorkel or die there in 2022, the day before, two separate attacks happened in florida in an area between destine and panama city beach in the span of less than 90 minutes and only about four months biles apart, according to authorities are 45-year-old woman suffered significant trauma to her midsection and pelvic area, as well as the amputation of her left lower arm. and the second attack, the victims were two girls between the ages of 15 and 17. the first victim suffered what officials described a significant injuries to one upper and one when lower extremity, both requiring the application of a tourniquet, the second victim has minor wounds to her right foot. one county officials said, what happened is both tragic and terrifying, but historically, shark attacks are exceedingly rare. they re highly unusual and it s extremely unusual for two to happen in the same afternoon when four miles of one another is the sheriff mentioned we re reaching out to us to speak to subject matter experts as to what may, you know, what may be causing that but golf temperatures, the steering current, whatever that is and you may remember that on may 28, there was another incident and galveston beach where a 19-year-old woman was bitten in her left hand by a shark, but survived as reported by cnn affiliate k prc on sunday, that south walton fire this strict in florida issued a warning on x, say the following. we are guests in the gulf. the post says, we all must accept some amount of risk when entering the water that does not take away from these two ladies whose lives are changed forever, but looking for someone to blame is not the answer. they said over the weekend, walton county officials were flying yellow and purple flags for moderate surf hazards and the precedence of dangerous marine life after what happened there friday, john, back to you. all right. rafael romo following this forest, raphael. thank you very much kate. now for eight months in captivity, four israeli hostages are now back home after a dramatic rescue operation. can saturday. and from ever all of everything we ve seen, it was overwhelming for the families of the four that were rescued. yet there are still believed to be 116 israeli hostages still being held captive in gaza today, meaning so many families are still left waiting one of those families is the family of abbe own abby s an american citizen who lives in israel five of her family were either killed or taken hostage in the hamas attacks two of her family, eight-year-old, carmella dan, and 13-year-old noa dan, you see them there. they were killed 12-year-old arrays and his sisters, 16-year-old. so har they were taken hostage and released in november. their father oh, fair calderon. he s still being held in gaza. an abbe on joins us now. abby, thank you for coming back on we ve talked so many times now in the last eight months, how does it feel today? we re how did it feel even on saturday getting the news that the four hostages were rescued and back safely and israel it was super emotional we were we were out. were outdoors with friends and family and we heard the news. and literally she started crying it s it was unmatched. it s unbelievable almost that it was real. and we thought for a second it was a rumor. and then we got confirmation and i think we just cried for hours because as much as we want the 116 for everyone s be home to know that for families will hold again, was amazing it s also now been eight months that ofer has been held hostage what is the latest, if anything, have you heard anything is he still believed to be alive he s believed to be alive. we are fighting to bring them home alive. look, last week was an emotional week it started off with four hostages being declared dead. three of them, amir, i m cooper, chaim peri, yoram metzger, from your odds and so it continues to be a living trauma for sauron areas for their mother, for all of our extended family to know that the people that are there or not safe, that every single day, every minute, every hour, it s urgent that we get an out of it. we get them home and seeing those four people, three of whom we ve seen in a video, alive to know that they were killed in captivity only makes this more urgent. and the fight for over more do allow yourself to feel disappointment when your heart also verse for joy for those families, just the pain of knowing that affairs was not among the four this time, how how do you deal with those feelings? it was it was this really intense moment because they said, it s no argamani and three men and i was like i just, you know, my whole body expanded and i was i was shocked because men are not the category of people that would be coming out in some sort of agreement. and so it was really, really surprising and ultimately you feel joy and happiness for anyone that comes out because it is in nightmare. it is a nightmare of eight months of 248 days for every single family member for the hostages, for anyone involved in this conflict. and we just know that if a hostages would be released, that any any of the challenges of this conflict would immediately be deflated. and that s our goal, is to make sure that every single one of them come home. and that this conflict ends you have made the point. i ve looked back at our conversations. i mean, you ve made the point in every conversation that we ve had to say that you don t want to see any deaths anymore, whether it be on the side of israel or amongst the people in gaza and how does that feel today okay. everything is devastating and heartbreaking. i have never in my life as an american or someone that lived in israel for the last decade i ve never lived through a war on the soil where i reside. and to know what happened, turn october 7, and to think about and appropriate response, there s no such thing but to know that the terror to happen them seventh or any of the deaths that have happened since are all unnecessary. there has to be a different way. and i just know the first step toward that solution is bringing the hostages home. i mean, i mourn every single leinz. there s no question. and i wish that our leaders, both in israel and the united states and around the world with steph, up even higher than they are now, and figure out a way to end this. this is something that cannot continue. now for family members, not for the rest of the world, not for the people who are suffering on the ground gaza, but the hostages and palestinians, it has to end president biden s national security adviser was asked what impact he thinks this rescue operations saturday will have on what we re talking about on the ceasefire negotiations with hamas. let me play for you. what jake sullivan said yesterday, api it s really hard to say, right now. it s hard to say how hamas will process this particular operation and what it will do to its determination about whether it will say yes or not. we have not gotten a formal answer from hamas i set this time even before the bigger impact on overall negotiations. i mean, just what does your gut tell you that you think that the rescue operation of these four hostages from the hands-off hamas will mean for oh, fair i hope if he hears that he feels some sort of hope that his army and its country are fighting for him but i truly believe that there has to be a negotiated agreement because this was a dangerous operation, because soldiers, for the hostages, and for anyone in the acidity. and we don t want to see more death. we want to see the 116 brought home with the minimum amount of death that s that s everyone s goal. they were taken from a party from their beds, from their homes. these are innocent civilians that should be brought home and the pressure in my opinion, needs to be on hamas to release them because if that pressure is big enough, then we get to a place where we can negotiate an agreement i feel so much joy that these four people are home, but i don t believe that putting our soldiers and hostages and other civilians in harm s way is a it s the best the best self forward abby. thank you so much. i m so thankful to see you again and i look forward to the de that we re talking about, the return of all fair thank you so much for coming on. it s going to happen thank you so much, john wright new comments this morning from caitlin clark, the star wnba rookie speaking for the first time after learning, she is not on the roster of the us olympic team competing in paris. cnn s coy wire is with us this morning. this was surprising. i think to people who maybe have just been introduced to the wnba this year yeah, john, there s no doubt about it. there are very strong opinions on both sides of this debate of whether or not caitlin clark should have made team usa for women s hoops many say it s a missed opportunity. the indiana fever phenom has helped shatter viewership and attendance records dating all the way back to her iowa hawkeyes college days. and now in, the, w, she s currently top 15 in the wnba and scoring nearly 17 points per game. she s coming off her best game as a pro scoring 30 points on friday. now, many others are saying that it s completely justifiable that she is not on this projected roster. take a look at this roster of four the 12th players have no previous olympic experience of those for each of them, or at least to time wnba all-stars, none of these players on this projected roster are under the age of 26. clark still just 22, says that being left off of this roster will only make her better listen yeah, they called me and let me know before everything came out, which was really respectful of them and i appreciated that they the same for ever go that made the team for every girl that didn t make the team. yeah, there s a lot of players in an olympic pool, so it wasn t like i was only when they had to call that a mccloud few calls. honestly, no disappointment. i think it just gives you something to work for you. it s a dream, you know, hopefully we can be there think it s just a little more motivation do you remember that? and, you know, hopefully in four years before you comes back around you and i can be there. she got the call on the bus and she texts me to let me know and i just tried to keep our spirits. i mean, the thing she said was, hey coach, they woke a monster, which i thought was awesome. they woke a monster john love that line of a us women are seeking an eighth straight gold at the olympics dating back to 1996, the olympics or just 46 days away, and other basketball news, john berman, celtics are to know nba finals against the dallas mavericks. i m convinced he doesn t want to jinx his it s team. and that s why we re not talking about them this morning. we will speak nothing of it, but noted coy wire. great to see you this morning. thanks very much a little girl in illinois, i will soon receive potentially life life-changing gifts, golani lens was born without her left hand was that a arms limit her ability to grip things are carry small objects but the third grader will receive what is called a hero arm, the 3d printed prosthetic limb has fingers that are more for mobile and we ll give sky a better grip she can do everything that we can do with two hands she just figures it out. welcome. that differently, but it gives you the opportunity for independence, and dependence and being able to do things mostly on your own, even more so than what you do know the arnon will be, paid for by the open bionics foundation and community donations. sky will get it next month so temperatures they could hit 120 25 degrees, millions of americans under dangerous heat 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destroying our country in nevada is being turned into a dumping ground and you are the whole country she is being turned into a an absolute dumping ground. the illegal immigrants are turning and they re turning at a level that nobody s ever seen before. they re fighting. our families that some of donald trump s message to supporters at an nevada campaign rally yesterday. trump campaign has high hopes for the state that joe biden won and 2020 from the stage, trump focused on slamming biden s new executive action on border security, and he launched his own latino americans for trump coalition. there s also new cnn reporting that president joe biden is considering following his recent border move with a second move on immigration that could protect some undocumented spouses of us citizens from deportation cnn, steve contorno, arlette saenz, both working different angles of this for us. so steve, what more did you hear from donald trump yesterday well, it was a continued attack kate on joe biden s record and that has been central to his outreach to latino voters in black voters and other voters of color. essentially, that your life under trump presidency was better than it has been under joe biden. that is the central case that he is making to voters of, of every shot stripe and it s coming even as you hear that that dark rhetoric about immigration, trump is promising to deport millions of americans. and one of the largest deportation operations in the country s history, if he wins and yet he. is polling suggests that he continues to make headway with latino, spanish-speaking voters four years ago, joe biden won latino voters, handle these 65% of those voters, one for joe biden, trump just got 32%. now, you re seeing almost parody not only nationally, but he s battleground states like nevada and trump also did make a promise that will certainly affect a lot of latino workers who work in the culinary industry. he made a promise about what he would do with tipped wages if he wins. take a listen when i get to office, we are going to not charge taxes on tips, people making we re gonna do that right away. first taking office because it s been a point of contention for years and years and years. and you do a great job of service, should take care of people now, the culinary union that represents nevada workers are very powerful union put out a statement blasting this proposal. they said quotes nevada workers are smart enough to know the difference between real solutions while campaign promises of a convicted felon, kate that s quite a statement coming from the union right there. steve arlette, what are you learning then about this new reporting on another immigration move potentially by president biden okay. sources have told cnn that the biden administration is considering a new step that could potentially offer legal status to undocumented immigrants who are married to us citizens, officials are looking at an existing authority called parole in place, which would shield the certain groups of undocumented immigrants from deportation and allow them to stay in the country and worked at legally while some of them would be able to seek citizenship, it s expected that this could impact about 750,000 to 800,000 undocumented immigrants at this moment. and it comes as it could potentially appeal to latino voters in states like nevada, arizona, and georgia. but this also comes as the administration is trying to shore up support, not just with latinos, but also progressives and immigration advocates. many groups access frustration with president biden s executive action last week that essentially shut off the asylum process for undocumented immigrants are who are coming to the country illegally when a certain daily threshold hold is met, you ve heard progressives who said that that is similar to policies that were adopted adopted during the trump era, and groups like the aclu have threatened to sue the admin ministration to try to stop this over the weekend, a homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas defended the administration s moves. take a listen but i respectfully disagree with the aclu. i anticipate they will sue us. we stand by the legality of what we have done. we stand by the value proposition. it s not only a matter of securing the border, martha, we have a humanitarian obligation to keep vulnerable people out of the hands of exploitative smugglers now it all comes as president biden is really trying to address a politically vexing issue increasingly, immigration, border security has risen in the list of concerns for voters heading into 2024, you take a look at polling at many believed that trump has would have better policies than biden. but at the same time, the president is i m also trying to shore up with key parts of his constituency, constituencies are heading into that november election. are let thank you so much, steve contorno. thank you as well. john wright with us now, senior spokesperson and adviser to the biden campaign aide or an l rod. thank you so much for being with us. this proposal reported proposal out there to provide some kind of legal status for the undocumented spouses of us citizens. what would that be designed to do? who would that be designed to help? yeah well john i certainly don t want to get into the front of the white house s announcement on this. but what i will say is the following, president biden is how to take matters into his own hands. is president, because congress failed to act. the most historic bipartisan piece of legislation that we have seen in front of congress in over a decade was stopped because maga republicans list sent to their leader, donald trump, who said, i don t want to give joe biden president joe biden, uh, when i don t want to give him a political victory during a 2024 presidential campaign year so president biden has had to take matters into his own hands by issuing executive actions that will will, will, will improve the situation at the border because congress failed to act and congress failed to act again, not because of democrats, but because of maga, republicans. how does providing a legal status for undocumented spouses of us citizens? how does that help people help the situation at the border well, again, i don t want to get in front of the white house on this, but i what i will say is that it s important that the president shall leadership on this, which is what president biden is doing. you see donald trump on the campaign turnout, tell talking about the border, talking about the crisis at the border, blaming democrats when really democrats are the ones john, who want to get something done, where are the ones who worked with republicans across the aisle to negotiate a historic deal that republicans immediately shot down in congress could have easily pass both chambers. they wouldn t let it pass because donald trump said to speaker johnson and other republicans in congress, i don t want to give joe biden to win this cycle. so president biden is doing what he can. he s using every lever his disposal, which of course is, you know, john, when you re the president united states, you can do a lot, but you are somewhat limited in terms of what you can do without congress acting. so it s very important that president biden, you do what he can in the executive branch, but he also hopes that congress will act hello, to play some sound from before. one of donald trump s events in nevada yesterday. in its rhetoric from marjorie taylor greene and another republican supporter. and it s the type of thing that we have heard on the trail recently, which is almost messianic rhetoric concerning donald trump. listen to this oh president trump as a convicted felon what you want to know, something the man that i worship is also a convicted felon and he was murdered on a roman cross is sensitive park to worship and bring back the grid is present we ve ever known in our generation so what do you think when you hear rhetoric like that i don t even know what to think, john, i mean, look, i i m not going to speak for the american people, but i think that rhetoric speaks for itself. and what our focus is, john, on this campaign is made make sure that every single voter understands the contrast understands what is at stake that donald trump and his maga allies are focused on seeking revenge and retribution. they are running a negative campaign that is not focused on the american people, but it s focused on themselves. we are making sure that the american people understand that president joe biden in this fighting for them. he wants to continue his policies of lowering costs for families lowering prescription drug costs continuing his agenda of economic freedom. whereas are republicans are focusing, focusing on themselves and donald trump has made it very clear that if he steps back into the white house, he will rule as a dictator on day one. he will seek, you will use the white house to seek political are the engine retribution on his political enemies? he is said, things that, you know, he s, he s praised the third reich. he s used racist rhetoric at every chance that he has. president biden has delivered for the american people 15 million jobs record unemployment growth when it comes to latinos, in particular, at one point, john, when president donald trump was an office, there was 47% unemployment among latinos. joe biden has created over 4.8 million jobs for latinos. we want to make sure that every single voter, all latino voters, understand what s at stake and what president biden has delivered for them? adrian elrod, appreciate you being with us morning. thank you okay. more than 20 million people from california to arizona could be seeing triple digit or near triple-digit heat. let s get over to cnn s derek van dam tracking this one for us. derek, what are you looking at? yeah. kate, 30 is coming out of phoenix arizona warning that the high risk of heat stress or heat-related illness is present here in the city today, if you don t have access to adequate cooling or adequate hydration as well, they ve had 14 consecutive days where the mercury in the thermometer has climbed above one in hundred degrees and we have no relief really insight, especially this week, 20 million americans under some sort of heat alert, including heat warnings for vegas, sin city. it is sisley and their 11 consecutive days with temperatures above 100 degrees. this is the warmest start in the month of june for n

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Transcripts For MSNBC Dateline 20240610

$6250 for each of his 28 years behind bars. from 2016 to 2020, 374 people wrongfully convicted of murder, 61% african-americans, have reunited with their families together they spent over 6000 years in prison. years. years they will never get back. that s all for this edition of dateline. i am craig melvin. thank you for watching. i am craig melvin and this is dateline. leading up to this assign what it was going to be like. i had so many thoughts leading to this assignment as to what it would be like. trying to imagine going down isoad, knowing it s a one- way trip. this moment where you get your last glimpse of the world around you, but that glimpse is through steelman mesh. louisiana highway 66. it s beautiful countryside and undoubtedly not lost on the countless men driven to the place where they will most likely die. that road ends here. the louisiana state penitentiary, a former plantation. the size of manhattan. 28 square miles. most people call it angola named after the african country that was home to the slaves who once worked these very fields. now, angola is the largest maximum-security prison in the country where today, i will be housed with about 5500 men. i am heading into ground zero of mass incarceration. there is a heightened awareness as i walked through here with no guards. for the next couple of days, i will be staying here, exploring key issues of the person reform debate. juveniles sentenced to life without parole. we were children when we got incarcerated. the lasting effect of the war on drugs. the power of rehabilitation. your life is worthwhile. the demand by many for punishment. i think he s where he needs to be. i will stay in a cell to better understand the purpose and experience of prison all from the inside. hello and welcome to dateline. we have all heard the saying, lock him up and throw away the key. critics say that has been our country s approach for crime for two we long. they question whether mass incarceration is keeping a safer and what lengthy prison terms mean for many of the more than 2 million americans behind bars. lester holt spent three days in one of the nation mesquite toughest penitentiary and this is what he witnessed. here is his special report. life inside. life it angola prison is not what you might imagine. the vast majority live like this. more than 80 men and open dorms, sleeping on bunkbeds. i will be staying in a unit next to death row for high risk offenders are in my case, a high-profile guest. we will go down here. my home will be on a tier called ccr a closed cell restriction. the men here are locked in their cells 23 hours a day. i am given sheets, slippers, and toiletries and shown to my cell. cell 11. go in here, please. go ahead and close. naturally, phones are not allowed. all i have is my journal, a pen, a novel, my watch, and am/fm radio. i have cameras around me installed by our crew to record my experience and my thoughts. as journalists, we note to get to the heart of something have to get inside it. the closer you are to something, the more is revealed to you. i soon meet my neighbor, william curtis who is serving a life sentence for second-degree murder. he tells me he is locked in ccr because he has tried to escape multiple times. how far did you get? not very. he s only allowed out one hour a day. do you go out? not very often. the last time was probably four years ago. you haven t seen the sun in four years? i just want to get through the night. take care of yourself. we will be here a couple of days. i quickly learned the falling asleep in prison is challenging. the toilets flush loudly and often. cell to cell chatter that lasts well into the night. my bed is attached to the wall to curtis is so when he moves around, i feel it. the bed is not much for comfort. it s kind of a plastic mattress, but it did the trick. i slept okay. breakfast arrives at 5:30 a.m., delivered by a prisoner. in case you are wondering, it s scrambled eggs, grits and biscuits to the sound of a flushing toilet. no country on earth locks up more of its citizens than the united states. while we make less than 5% of the world s population, we lock up more than 20% of the world s prisoners. politicians, academics, and activists say mass incarceration is an american crisis. we ve gone from $6 billion in spending to $80 billion today. a civil rights lawyer brian stevenson is one of the nation s leading prison reform advocates. we have hundreds of thousands of people in prison who are not a threat. is it about safety or punishment? we created a culture that makes it entirely about punishment. you might be surprised to us thanks mass incarceration is a problem. the people who run louisiana s prison system. nationwide, we lock up people too long and too many of them. smith is the director of operations for louisiana s department of corrections. it s not working and not giving the results it wants. it s costing a lot of money. we key people that their time of danger is over. he says it s time for americans to rethink the purpose of prison from simply punishment to rehabilitation. you say it s about rehabilitation but a lot of americans think it is about punishment. this should be hell. they ve done awful things. we can make somebody worse. plenty of the incarcerated to believe it is just about punishment. another day in the field. watch it make soap scum here. disappear. and sprays can leave grime like that ultra foamy melts it on contact. magic. new ultra foamy magic eraser. (rebecca) it wasn t until after they had done the surgery to remove all the toes that it really hit me. you see the commercials. you never put yourself in that person s shoes until you re there. (announcer) you can quit. call 1-800-quit-now for help getting free medication. if you spit blood when you brush, it could be the start of a domino effect. new parodontax active gum repair breath freshener. clinically proven to help reverse the four signs of early gum disease. a new toothpaste from parodontax, the gum experts. craig here pays too much for verizon wireless. so he sublet half his real estate office. a new toothpaste from [ bird squawks loudly ] to a pet shop. meg s moving company uses t-mobile. so she scaled down her fleet to save money. and don s paying so much for at&t, he s been waiting to update his equipment! there s a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don t have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. lester holt: much of angola prison is farmland. thousands of cattle are raised here to be sold on the open market, and a variety of crops much of angola prison is farmland. thousands of cattle are raised here to be sold on the open market. a variety of crops are grown here as well. all of it happening with inmate labor. one of the many hot button issues and mass incarceration debate. i am on my way to the fields riding on this truck. many of the men are convicted killers including the ones sitting on either side of me. jovan t sanders beat a woman to death and stole her car. what is your sentence? life. without parole. terry mays shot a man in the neck during a drug deal. you ve been here how many years? 30. like prisons everywhere in america, most inmates get paid pennies per hour. how much do you get paid? two cents an hour. this job is not one of the more desired once? it is the bottom of the barrel. nobody want to be in the field. angola is not like any other maximum-security prison i ve ever been to. all of this is angola. a series of prisons. they call them camps. you are from camp d? yes, sir. today to today we are picking carrots. should i be worried about my safety? well, if use an inmate, most definitely. a majority of the inmates are people of color. in fact, black men in america are six times as likely to be incarcerated as white men. i certainly cannot escape the optics. look around, mostly black men working on a former slave plantation under the watch of armed guards on horseback. it is unsettling to many. i know it s a sensitive subject and it troubled me a little bit. it made me uncomfortable talking to the guys. most of them look like me. african american. the history of this land as a slave plantation. do you see that as an issue? i can see how someone would have an issue with the. every land in louisiana was a slave plantation. growing vegetables, it s something given back to the prison itself. smith said the crops provide the inmate population fresh food but he says it saves taxpayers money. it costs $1.70 a day to feed each offender. this will be the life for many of these men for decades to come. some have left young children behind who are among the 5 million kids in america who have had a parent in prison. jovan t has two of them. you know the way it works. you are in prison, your dad in prison, your kids and children. are you afraid for your children? i definitely am. my father got murdered when i was three years old. i never knew him. it is hard to imagine knowing you will spend the rest of your life here. especially if you are convicted as a teenager. advocates like brian stevenson say juvenile offenders should never be treated the same as an adult. we put thousands of kids and adult jails and start prosecuting the kids and states with no minimum age being tried as an adult. we should never put children and adult jails. what about one commit violent crimes like murder? we were children and we got incarcerated. i m sitting in on a support room support group. they committed crimes before adults and given sentences of life without the possibility of parole. they are called juvenile lifers. i was 16. i was 17. i committed my crime at the age of 16. 2000 juvenile lifers like them and presented a. i was different at 17 then i am at 60 now. at 17, i knew right from wrong. how do you reconcile that? you have to be accountable. there s no excuse for what i did or what any of us done. they tell me they are no longer the boys they once were and are no longer a threat to society. how do i know they are not conning me? when we got the opportunity to show we are different, people could see. in the past few years, they have gotten new hope to make their case for a second chance. what gives you hope? right there. that s our man right there. state of louisiana. montgomery versus state of louisiana is a landmark supreme court ruling named after the oldest and longest serving member of this group. henry montgomery who is 72 years old when i met him. you were 17 years old when your sentence. do you remember what it was like to be 17? yeah. young and stupid. montgomery was indicted for murder in november 1963. the same month jfk was assassinated. he has been at angola for 55 years. i am behind 55 years. technology, i am 150 years behind. in 2012, the u.s. supreme court ruled mandatory life without parole sentences for juveniles are unconstitutional, pointing to science that says it s clear that adolescent brains are not yet fully mature. that ruling did not apply to people like henry montgomery who had already been sent away as a juvenile. that is why montgomery took his case to the supreme court and in 2016, he won. now, all juvenile lifers, no matter how long ago they were locked up can make a case that they deserve parole. mostly older guys over here? this 70-year-old clifford is one of them. i went to see him in the dorm where he lives. this is my bed right here. he has been locked up 61 years. since you have been here we have landed a man on the moon. think about that. there have been a lot of changes. six decades in prison have changed him and thanks to the man sitting next to him, hampton, he will have a chance at freedom. why do you think you deserve parole? i would not say i deserve parole. i would not use that word deserve because i took someone s life. i could say that i have earned parole. and faked, hampton and montgomery will see the parole board the same day and i will be there. how are you feeling? u feeling? lester holt (voiceover): one of the things that struck me while walking around angola was how many men i met who seemed to be focused one of the things that struck onme while walking aroun angola was how many men i met who seemed to be focused on changing their lives. one of them is dalton. i knew i had to do something different than just do time and die in prison. since coming to angola in 2004, he says he has turned his life around by taking advantage of the person s programs. i graduated with a ba, 3.91 average. he earned a masters degree from a bible college. he became an ordained minister. a couple of times a week, gospel raps his former preaching to the population. it is hard to square the man sitting across with me with the horrible crime he committed. your actions caused the death of a baby. yeah. when he was 21, he was watching a stepson. the child was inconsolable. he shook the baby so violently he died. now he is serving a 60 year sentence for manslaughter. how do you move past that? how do you become a different person? at first, i didn t know what i was going to do. it was sickening to my heart that i would have done something like that. prejean said he was filled with anger which had its roots in his childhood. this is a picture of prejean and his father shortly before he was executed in the electric chair in 1990 in this very prison for killing a louisiana state trooper. kids watch television and they are like, your daddy is about to be fried chicken. by me have been the same name, people would call my name, i would put my head down because i was ashamed of what i believed that name had meant. over the years, he said programs at angola helped change him. opportunities that were not available when his father was here and still not available at most prisons across the country. there is a movement to try to provide the rehabilitation that was abandoned. people locked up with nothing to do and we know education is transformative. education and programs have proven to reduce violence inside prison. angola was once known as the bloodiest prison in america. things began to change in the 1990s when the prison began to focus on more than simply locking up people and feeding them. now, in addition to his popular annual inmate rodeo, there are a variety of programs. these men are training service dogs for veterans. there s even a radio station run by incarcerated men. the station that kicks behind the bricks. we give them more freedom depending on your behavior. we have a lot of programs led by other guys serving life sentences. it gives them purpose. it looks like an auto shop. i talked with john, a master mechanic at the prison s auto shop. i did not know how to change a spark plug before he came to prison. he has been incarcerated here since 1988 for killing his wife with a shotgun. even though he was sentenced to life without parole, he mentors nonviolent offenders and a reentry program. when you can come in here and change his life and go back out and stay out, you know you done something. your life is worthwhile. many graduates of the program work in a car dealership outside of new orleans. it turns out his life has been changed as well. 2022, louisiana governor john bell edwards commuted his sentence, making them eligible for parole. he was released in february 2023 after nearly 35 years in prison. but there are other offenders at angola who might never get a second chance. this man, sentenced to more than a lifetime. 150 years. you will hear his dramatic story, next. story, next. and it was the worst day. mom was crying. i was sad. colton: i was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma. brett: once we got the first initial hit, it was just straight tears, sickness in your stomach, just don t want to get up out of bed. joe: there s always that saying, well, you ve got to look on the bright side of things. tell me what the bright side of childhood cancer is. lakesha: it s a long road. it s hard. but saint jude has gotten us through it. narrator: saint jude children s research hospital works day after day to find cures and save the lives of children with cancer and other life-threatening diseases. thanks to generous donors like you, families never receive a bill from saint jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food, so they can focus on helping their child live. ashley: without all of those donations, saint jude would not be able to do all of the exceptional work that they do. narrator: for just $19 a month, you ll help us continue the life-saving research and treatment these kids need. tiffany: no matter if it s a big business or just the grandmother that donates once a month, they are changing people s lives. and that s a big deal. narrator: join with your debit or credit card right now, and we ll send you this saint jude t-shirt that you can proudly wear to show your support. nicole: our family is forever grateful for donations big and small because it s completely changed our lives and it s given us a second chance. elizabeth stewart: saint jude s not going to stop until every single kid gets that chance to walk out of the doors of this hospital cancer-free. narrator: please, don t wait. call, go online, or scan the qr code below right now. [music playing] - [narrator] life with ear ringing sounded like a constant train whistle i couldn t escape. then i started taking lipo flavonoid. with 60 years of clinical experience, it s the number one doctor recommended brand for ear ringing. and now i m finally free. take back control with lipo flavonoid. former president trump is set to virtually meet with a probation officer later today. becomes a little over week after his conviction on 34 felony counts in his hush money trial. the sentencing is set for july 11. police in madison, wisconsin, are investigating after a early morning shooting that left 10 injured. none of the injuries are considered life-threatening and no suspect or motive has been identified. i m craig melvin. does the punishment fit the crime? welcome back to dateline. i am craig melvin. does the punishment fit the crime? it is a question at the heart of the prisoner debate especially when it comes to drug-related offenses. for the man you are about to make, parole board answer could mean the difference between a second chance at life or growing old and dying behind bars. back to lester holt with life inside. and my three days at angola, most of the men i spoke with had committed violent crimes and received long sentences. life without parole. yeah. like every person, there are nonviolent offenders serving laws sentences that might as well be life. john is one of them. i grew up in a middle-class neighborhood. he s a war vet that said he was lost and broken when he came home. i had no direction in life. in 2000, he was found guilty of running a massive drug ring that moved kilos of cocaine between texas and louisiana. it was his second drug conviction. my sentence was 150 years. that s right. 150 years and he is served 20 so far as. s case is a prime example of harsh sentencing laws for drug dealers and users the legacy of the government s decades long war on drugs. more than 450,000 people in america are locked up for a drug offense. brian said criminalizing drug addiction is misguided. we said this people are criminals and we did not have to say that. we could of said drug addiction is a health problem. is that why jails are so full? absolutely. this misguided war on drugs is at the top of the list. things have been changing. the first step act which was signed into law by former president trump in 2018 had been projected to reduce the sentences of thousands of nonviolent offenders in federal prisons. that does not affect more than 90% of the u.s. prison population which is locked up in state and local facilities. some states had already been relaxing sentencing guidelines like in louisiana which started in 2001. epstein was sentenced under the older and harsher laws so he sued the state and one co-which earned him a date with the parole board. now, he is just hours away. i am not a troublemaker. it s about debilitation. i m a little nervous. thinking about things. trying to get my mind that the possibility of me being released. you are making a way for all of us here. be blessed. his 31-year-old son, a law school graduate, came to surprise him. a three-member panel must vote unanimously to grant parole. our cameras were not allowed inside the parole hearing room. about an hour later, his family walked out first. he made it. i made it. i made it. we were there for his first steps as a free man in 20 years. oh, have mercy. [ crying ] two other people are eager to follow him out that gate. henry montgomery and clay after clifford hampton who served a combined 116 years are about to face the parole board themselves. do you think you should be paroled? i should be. i m 55 years older. i am mature enough to know i ain t going to do that again. that might not matter. this is his second parole hearing. he was denied a year before and it seems clear to many why armory is still in prison. you killed a cop. yeah. the man he murder was deputy sheriff charles from east baton rouge. in november 1963, montgomery then 17 years old was playing hooky when the deputy and plainclothes approached him. montgomery said as a black teenager living in the segregated south, he was startled and scared and was carrying a gun and he shot him. i had the gun in my hand and i shot him. i did it and i am sorry. they say it doesn t matter how montgomery feels. what does matter is he stays behind bars. attack on a police officer s attack on the very fabric of society. he is the victim in grandson and today he is a police officer himself. there is no parole for charles. his life sentences permanent. my mom, my aunt, my uncle, our belief in the system is its equal justice. the family of clifford s victim did not want to speak to us on camera but they told us they do not think he should get out either. in 1958, when he was 17, he got in an argument with his 18-year- old neighbor. he flew into a rage and brutally stabbed her to death. i realize what i had did, i walked to the home of the deputy sheriff and turned myself in ski. he has another hurdle to overcome. in 1961, at age 20, he killed another inmate. he told me it was self-defense. angola was like a jungle. that s what you had to do. kill or go under. hampton and montgomery will soon find out if they will be granted parole, but if they are tonight, they could eventually end up where i am heading next. the hospice word. when i want to feel my most powerful, it starts with venus. with five ultra-sharp blades and water-activated serums for incredible glide. i feel the difference with every stroke. feel the power of smooth. (ethan) i smoked and have had multiple strokes. now, it s hard for me to remember things. my tip is, if you need to remember something, write it down quickly. (announcer) you can quit. call 1-800-quit-now for help getting free medication. what is cirkul? cirkul is the fuel you need to take flight. cirkul is the energy that gets you to the next level. cirkul is what you hope for when life tosses lemons your way. cirkul, available at walmart and lester holt: like every maximum security prison, angola can be a dangerous place. let every maximum-security prison, angola can be a dangerous place. on this morning, knife is found and when that happens, this is the response. a shakedown. this appears to be crushed and medication. we ve seen a couple shakedowns, what do you find? weapons, drugs. they along with assistant warden said being a corrections officer is among the toughest jobs in the world. you ve had things that have raised anxiety. absolutely. i m 34 and on anxiety medicine. studies have shown corrections officers have a higher suicide rate than the general population. can you give me some specific anecdotes of things that have happened to you? i had human waste thrown at me. what can you do? he already has life. the institution is understaffed and the officers say they are underpaid. we start people off at $14 an hour. people in the free world can go to home depot and make the same amount of money and not get feces thrown at them. poor behavior is often the result of hopeless men. the assistant warden said one of the things that is help to something i was surprised to learn that the majority of the officers here are women. there is value in the female officers. we can sometimes talk an offender down a lot quicker. just because we have a calming ability. something else i did not expect to hear. they believe that life without parole sentences makes person less safer everyone. if a man has life he has nothing to lose. he knows there s no chance of going home. i heard the same from many who work your. tonya works in the hospice unit. i would love to see these guys get a second chance. i worry about backlash i would get from that. i know the outside public perception is they are supposed to be here. was there a period in your life you would ve been on the other side? absolutely. my mother worked here as a security guard and i said how can you work with those people? when you get here and you hear some of the stories, no one is the same person from when they were younger to now. decades in prison would change anyone. there is an aging crisis in american prisons. more than 130,000 inmates older than 55 are incarcerated today. that is costing taxpayers more than $9 billion a year. experts say the aging and dying are the most expensive people to keep incarcerated and yet they pose the lowest risk to society. this is what a life sentence looks like when life is running out. dying prisoners being cared for in hospice by other incarcerated men. 63-year-old frank has been in prison for 45 years. when he was 19, he and his younger brother robbed a store, crime that ended with the murder of the owner. now, dying of cancer, he has asked for a compassionate release. the vast majority of petitioners for compassionate release are denied and so was frank. how are you feeling? lester holt. oh, yeah. we are going to have a nice conversation. do you think you should go home? can you give me a candy? it helps my throat. there you go. all right. i will let you rest. he is a human being. i am not here to judge him. but, i don t know how you don t have compassion. a few weeks later, i learned that frank died in his hospice bed alone. back in my cell, i had a lot of time to reflect about everything i have seen. i wrestle with the question of his prison punishment? if it s punishment, it s pretty bad. is it a place of reform? you can see efforts to reform here. i cannot help thinking as we are talking to men incarcerated when they were teenagers, and i think of myself at 16, 17 years old, it s very complicated. and now, the two man i met who committed murders as teenagers, henry montgomery, and clifford hampton are about to find out if they will finally get parole and walked back out into the world. world. mommy, what do you love to do? (chuckling) i love to be your mom. ( ) hey, what s your name? lukie! this is luke, and he has cerebral palsy. are we going to pt? yes, we are. luke s mom: without easterseals, my luke would be a very different luke. i m gonna say hi. okay! let s say hi. hi! he wouldn t have got the help that he desperately needed. easterseals offers important disability and community services that can change a life forever. and your monthly support is critical for these kids future. luke s mom: luke, he has had five therapy sessions a week for almost. for three and a half years. the need has not changed and there are more families that need help. please join easterseals right now. go online, call or scan the qr code with your gift of just $19 a month. luke is a fighter. from the day he was born, to his time in the nicu, to luke s first time walking. now i m going to cry. (sigh) you worked so hard. i m so proud of you. i worked so hard. you did. you know, just to reach into your heart and see what your donation can do for these kids. please visit, call or scan the qr code on your screen with your gift of $19 a month and we ll send you this t-shirt as a thank you. luke s mom: you don t know what the future has and it s very scary. (inaudible) you ve changed the trajectory of my son s life. as a mom, i can t even explain how much that means to me. please join easterseals with your monthly gift right now. her uncle s unhappy. please join easterseals i m sensing an underlying issue. it s t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit. unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock.” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it s not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that s uncalled for. lester holt: if there is one state that defines mass incarceration, it s louisiana, known for decades as the prison capital of the world. if there is one state that defines his incarceration, it s louisiana. known for decades as the prison capitol of the world. 2019, the state s governor john bell edwards said tough on crime approach had not been working. let s talk about mass incarceration. i suppose there was a time it was a good thing. i don t know it was ever a good thing but we know now it was counterproductive. we had the highest incarceration rate in the nation for the last couple of decades but our crime rate was not better for it and recidivism was not better. we were not safer. it was costing a $700 million a year just in louisiana. that s third only to education and health care so we could not afford it. in 2017, edwards, democrat in the deep south signed bipartisan criminal justice reform legislation. the most ambitious in the state s history. you reduced your prison population. we have but we are number 2 at prison. it s a process. to see this happen in a deep red state. law and order south is pretty stunning. it s counterintuitive that you can over incarcerate and be less safe because of it. the reforms are projected to reduce department of corrections spending by more than $260 million over the next decade. some of the money will be invested in reentry programs for those coming home. an important investment because every week an average of 12,000 permanent prisoners in america release back to society. 95% of inmates will get out. when you do next to nothing for successful reentry, you are creating a future that is more riddled with crime. louisiana s reforms focus on nonviolent offenders. what about violent offenders like the juvenile lifer group i are the men dying in hospice. we met people in that person who do not pose a threat to society, but in your opinion, do some people belong in person because what they did was reprehensible? because what they did was reprehensible and there continues to be opposition among the victim s family. whether someone continues to pose a threat to society is a factor to be considered and whether they get released. it cannot be the determinant factor to the of all others. henry montgomery and clifford hampton face opposition from the victim s families. what will happen to them when they see the parole board? montgomery is about to find out. someone has come to support him. his name is andrew. he might look like a lawyer but he is actually the first juvenile lifer to be released because of montgomery s supreme court case. all right. today is the day. he served 19 years in prison. at age 15, he was out with a teenage girl when i got into an argument. he became enraged and peter over the head with a metal rod and try to get rid of her body by burning it. you committed a pretty savage crime. it was a horrible crime and on excusable there s nothing i can do to undo it. they were able to see how i had changed. the parole board said he changed after 19 years, what will it say about henry montgomery after 55 years? you are the first guy who got out and he is still here. there is a lot of guilt. i went to prison when i was 15, a white kid, and got out when i was 34. henry went to prison, a black kid at 17 and he is still here after 55 years. big day. the panel must vote unanimously to free him. they were behind closed doors for more than an hour. this is the audio from that hearing. my vote is to grant parole. my vote is to grant. two yes for his release. then came the third and final vote. for me, unfortunately, mr. montgomery i m going to have to deny your parole. i have a problem i think you need more programs. today your parole has been denied. i caught up with montgomery after he heard the news. he told me he had already packed his bag. you were getting ready in case. in case they said you could go home. yeah. you were holding together. i got life. i will keep my mind on trying to get out. you have to keep hope alive. clifford hampton s hope remains alive. he is about to face the parole board himself. i am realizing he has been in prison longer than i have been alive. i can t wrap my head around that. it was a unanimous vote. parole granted. i was there moments after a surprisingly subdued hampton learned the news. a new adventure begins. yeah. life on the outside. can you imagine what that might be like? excitement. a few days later, he walked free for the first time in 61 years. we will drop your stuff off at your apartment. andrew is here to help him because in 2016, he started a nonprofit called the parole project. by 2020, it had helped more than 40 juvenile lifer s reenter society. his first taste of the outside world, a fast food hamburger with everything on it. first apartment. his temporary apartment painted with bright colors to remind him he is no longer in prison. i am seeing so much that s new to me. i am excited about it all. 2.5 years later, he had the honor of assisting another juvenile lifer in his first moments as a free man. in november 2021, 75-year-old henry montgomery, the man who paved the way to freedom for andrew and hundreds of others was granted parole after serving nearly 58 years behind bars. in all honesty, henry should ve been the first one of us to come home. however, he is home today. you are going to do great. montgomery and clifford hampton left behind thousands of others who will never go home. they are today s filled with only yesterday s. something my neighbor curtis know all too well. this is my son he was killed in a motorcycle crash. in my short time here, i learned a lot about the human ability to cope. to accept. to survive. good night. as i wrote in the journal i kept, it s too easy to look away from prison and prisoners. dignity is earned. hope is essential. i m craig melvin. thank you for watching. that is all for this edition of dateline. i am craig melvin. thank you for watching.

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all right 5:00 a.m. here in washington alive. look at capitol hill on this monday morning. good morning. everyone in kasie hunt, it s wonderful to have you with us. new details this morning about the israeli military operation that rescued four israeli civilians held by hamas this new video edited and provided by the israeli military appears to show some israeli soldiers escorting the rescued hostages toward military helicopters on a beach in gaza. these for israelis now reunited with their families and just beginning to recover from their months of captivity. among those rescued 26-year-old noa argamani, who is abduction during the october 7 attack was captured on tape. noa screamed for help as she was forced by hamas members onto the back of a motorcycle. and driven into gaza. the idf raid also resulting in the deadliest day of the war in six months. at least 274 people killed according to gazan health officials the idf disputes those numbers, saying that the number of casualties was under 100 cnn cannot independently verify the death toll and we don t yet know how many of those killed were hamas fighters and how many were civilians. but we do know that the hostages were being held in residential homes in a densely populated area cnn also learning this morning that some idf soldiers disguise themselves as hamas fighters and displaced palestinians to conduct the raid. joining me now to discuss, is cnn political and national security analyst david sanger. david, good morning. i m very grateful to have you here for folks just tuning in after the weekend. a very dramatic time for the israelis here at with this raid. how do you see the fallout here as we see these hostages reunited with their families, but we also try to figure out to count the dead among the palestinians good morning, casey. and i think you ve captured it right? it was an incredibly dramatic weekend. and i think there are three salient points about the rescue. the first is the operation itself was a miracle of terrific intelligence, great covert work, and getting in there and getting them out. then certainly something to be celebrated. there are more than 100 hostages left, but this was clearly a big win on saturday morning when when this all took place. the second is at once again, it came at a great human cost as many israeli operations in gaza have and this is the sort of brutal calculus of this, which is maybe it was under 100 pounds justinian s dead. maybe it was over 200 is a palestinian say, but the fact of the matter is that we saw a huge number of palestinian deaths in order to accomplish the long-sought release of these four and that seems to sum up much of what s happened during the war. i think the third thing we re discovering as monday morning rolls in here, is that after this dramatic weekend, the rescue did very little to change the fundamentals of the problem that is real faces benny gantz, the former defense minister and, and head of idf took a day off or pushed an extra day because of the rescue but resigned from the war cabinet shattering that view of unity and he did so saying that prime minister netanyahu who does not have a plan for the day after four administering gaza yeah, david, in fact, let me pause you there because i did want to get to that next with you and we have a little bit from gantz over the weekend and what he said, how he explained why he was leaving the war cabinet. let s watch sorry. can you regrettably netanyahu is preventing us from advancing toward true victory, which is the justification for the ongoing and painful cost of war that is why we are leaving the emergency government today with a heavy heart, but with full confidence i call on netanyahu, set an agreed election date. don t allow our people to get torn apart so david, he said there that netanyahu is preventing us from advancing towards true victory what does he really getting at here? because he also seem to suggest that netanyahu was unnecessarily prolonging the war right? this has been a long-held view, including among american officials that prime minister netanyahu knows that once the war is over, or at least a ceasefire takes place at the active fighting is done the investigations into october 7 begin in earnest. the intelligence failures israel obviously had a good deal of intelligence. this would happen that it did not respond to the idf s failures. that israeli defense force in responding that day. he assumption is that prime minister netanyahu couldn t not survive that and of course, one of the beneficiaries could well be benny gantz himself, who ran against the prime minister a few years ago, laws. but today is doing well enough in the polls, but it s not inconceivable that he could emerge victorious. also, not certain but what we re seeing now is the united states with benny gantz s help, tried to get the israelis to commit to what president biden called and israeli proposal for ceasefire and prisoner exchange and get hamas most importantly to agree to it may be difficult, more difficult it was difficult before the rescue. it may be more difficult now. and overnight, casey, the us has finally decided to go to the united nations security council with a ceasefire and hostage exchange proposal basically the one the president laid out ten days ago and try to get their approval of it to up the pressure on both hamas and israel very interesting set of developments here. david, very, very briefly does this move by gantz not pushed netanyahu farther into the arms of the right-wing and israel it does he s got a very narrow majority s holding onto. he didn t need gantz s party to stay in. he needed kansas credibility to some degree that deal with the us and the rest of the world. but if netanyahu agrees to the israeli plan which came out of the war cabinet, not out of the political atmosphere and the coalition. he s put together those right wingers have threatened to leave the government. that would bring about a government collapse all right. david sanger forces morning, david, very grateful to have you kicking us off today. i really appreciate it great to be with you coming up next here. french president emmanuel macron calling for new elections after the european union takes a hard shift to the right will explain plus a shooting and wisconsin rooftop party leaves ten people injured and donald trump, but his first campaign rally since becoming a convicted felon the most anticipated moment this election and the stakes couldn t be higher. the president and the former president, one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming unmatched. i got this thousand dollar camera for only $41 on deal that deal online auctions since 2009, this playstation five sold for only $0.50. this ipad pro sold for less than $34, and this nintendo switch sold for less than $20. i got at this kitchen aid stand mixer for only $56. i 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the majority. protesters taken to the streets in paris sunday after the far right in france, scored an unprecedented 31 31.5% of the road. and the french president emmanuel macron dissolved parliament, called for snap elections situ in situation. one like it is a situation to which i cannot resign myself. the rise of nationalists and demagogues is a danger not only for our nation but also for our europe and for francis place in europe and the world. they don t all right, joining us now is cn an international anchor, max foster who joins us now, live from london max, good morning to you. this is a bit of a complicated situation for folks in the us who don t necessarily follow the ins and outs of the european parliamentary elections. but big picture is that we have seen kind of a across the continent these far right parties surging in a way that has really concerned the sort of center right? majority governing parties. and it so much so that you saw emmanuel macron take this pretty significant action. it s a risk for him to do this. why is he doing it and how does it help explain the big picture of what we re seeing here? hi, a lot of people quite baffled because off the back of a european election where in france at least the far-right, did extremely well he s now going into another election. he called it and it s going to benefit the right. many would argue because they can ride on that momentum, but he is effectively saying he wants to hand it over to the french people who he believes are generally moderate. and of his point of view. so he can prove that the european election, which is often a protest vote for european voters, won t actually hold in a national election. so a massive risk, and i think even the people closest to them realize that, but we ll see he, how marine le pen does out of that steadily over recent years she s been increasing in authority and power and she s doing what many of the european parties are doing, which is focusing on immigration. and ukraine and also environment. but on this basis that really resonates with a lot of people, which is that the cost of living is getting worse and worse inflation s going up. we can not afford to do all of those things. we have to hunker down a look at nationalism. and i think if you look at the overall parliamentary picture, then the moderate still hold it. but in the key country, the big economies, france, germany, and italy, the far right? excelled. so it s going to have a huge influence. yeah, we can put up on the screen for people to kind of see in color the way that this broke down in france. so let s set aside the yellow that s other, but that red piece which is clearly the most significant one for a named party, is the national all rally. those are the right wingers that 15% purple that you see the renaissance party, purple, blue. that s macron s party. and max, to be clear, we saw something similar play out in germany and in italy can you talk a little bit about how this strengthens the more right-leaning leaders who are in office in europe well you know, it s already got a right-wing prime minister. so she s empowered and marine le pen, as i say, he s been climbing steadily in germany. a lot of people would view that party. now the second most powerful party in the country as traditionally a very far right party. so it has huge influence because germany and france and italy are the three countries that have most influence over the european union i was interviewing a us expert based here in the. uk earlier on, and she was talking about how this will empower trump effectively. a lot of the wright was rising in europe before trump, but chump managed to popularize a messaging and they ve adopted a lot of that. so he certainly added energy to the rise of the right here in europe and it also means that the more senior these right-wing politicians become, the more contacts and power he has within europe. so it s very empowering to him and his foreign policy. he creates alliances specifically for him within countries which were traditionally us allies. so it has a it will have a big impact on trump if he gets into power and it will cause a problem for biden if it gets into power bi, it s going to be much less supportive of him and his policies going forward. yeah it s an interesting way to think about it. and i also think one of the things that donald trump has done that we remark on it, but i think perhaps not enough. and that is to normalize things that previously were considered out of bounds. and the politics and the way we re thinking about politics. and you can really see that in some of these right-wing up pushes, bringing things in that previously were considered to be verboten are not acceptable on our stages. max foster for us in london, max. thank you. always grateful to have you alright, coming up next cleveland police trying to uncover the origins of a cyber incident that s forcing them to close city hall plus president biden preparing celebrate juneteenth with a little help from some friends sirens are going off and playing the tornado here. i m thinking i m going to die. and i thought that was it. while and earth with liev schreiber, sunday at nine on cnn. we have a new home. what s that? we have of garage door that doesn t lift and we have a gate doesn t open. so i went on. angie took me just a handful hello, minutes. the vendors who came through energy, you were more knowledgeable. they did higher-quality work. they wanted us to be happy with the work done as well. we felt like we got the most value i have a contracted that we chose. it is a beautiful ghraieb. connect with skilled professionals to get all your home projects done well, get started today at andy there are giant so mug they are the minute woman building or daibes next generation submarines. de are giants and what they do because they work in a place we re, they can grow where they can learn the skills to build careers as 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attending include gladys knight, charlie wilson, and brittney spencer and oppressive heat ramping up across the west today while drought stricken south florida braces for rain and flooding this week are weatherman derek van dam is here and he is tracking all of it for us. derek, good morning. yeah. good morning. casey. we ve got las vegas sin city. it has had its hottest start in the month of june since records began, that s since 1937, 11. yes, that s not a typo consecutive days where the mercury in the thermometer has reached 100 degrees or more. that is why we have our heat warnings in place for this area. and you know what it s not just inclusive of las vegas checkout, much of arizona and into the central valley of california. the heat continues. we know it was hot last week, but it s going to ramp up through the course of this week as well. if you re in phoenix, i was just there. we could go. yeah. it was sizzling as i stepped off the tarmac and this is 14 consecutive days temperatures above 100 degrees is all thanks to that heat dome. remember that s an area of high pressure that really reduces cloud cover in the sky. so you get maximum exposure from the sun, doesn t take much to heat things up, and we start to see this triple-digit heat blanket. the southwestern us. now the other big story that we have on the docket for today is the flood threat that s going to be ongoing this week across the state of florida, particularly across the southern portions of the peninsula. watch this. there s a cold front approaching an abundant amount of tropical moisture moving in off the gulf of mexico that will bring wave after wave of heavy rainfall starting today. but ramping up through the week, look at tuesday, wednesday, into thursday. we know that it doesn t doesn t take much to flood the streets of miami. well, guess what? more rainfall. we re talking up to locally, ten inches of rain through this week for portions of the southwestern florida peninsula that could bring some localized flooding to the area. so from heat to heavy rain, we ve got it all covered today for you today on monday all right. are weatherman, derek van dam, derrick. see you next hour. thanks very much. all right coming up next new details about israeli soldiers in disguise to pull off a derrick, hostage rescue, plus brand new polling are more voters turning to biden because they just can t vote for trump this election season, stay with cnn with more reporters on the ground. and the best political team business follow the voters, follow the results follow the facts, follow. cnn over 13 million americans were affected by identity theft in 2022. and the threats go way beyond just credit card fraud today s identity thieves can use your information in ways that are easy to miss by just monitoring accounts and credit like opening loans, transferring home titles, even committing crime i m someone got my soul security number made a driver s license and was used for criminal 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brought in a juror max protein with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy adjust two weeks here, i ll take that ensure max protein, 30 grams protein one prim sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals in a new fiber blend with a prebiotic i m tom foreman in washington. and this is cnn all right. 5:30 a.m. here in washington, a beautiful look at new york city on this monday morning, the sun is coming up. good morning, everyone. i m kasie hunt it s wonderful to have you with us. new details coming to light this morning about the israeli raid which rescued four hostages from hamas over the weekend. this new video edited and provided by the israeli military appears to show helmet camera from israeli soldiers coming under fire while rescuing those hostages. one resident of a refugee camp in gaza claims he saw special forces with the israeli military disguise themselves as hamas fighters. and palestinian civilians during the operation the operation did come at a great human cost. scores of palestinians dead, just how many? we don t know. gaza s health ministry says the numbers, at least 274. israel says it s fewer than 100. i am joined now by joel rubin. he is the former deputy assistant secretary of state in the obama white house. joel, good morning to you. wonderful to see you this morning let s start with the raid for people who are two doubt on a summer weekend, just waking up to this news, these four hostages rescued this clearly was something that i mean israeli families of hostages have been increasingly more and more upset about the fact that their loved ones have remained in captivity. what does this mean for them? yeah, it was a dramatic rescue without a doubt and have very high costs as you described with a palestinian loss of life what it means is that the israeli defense forces for a day for a moment, restored confidence in the israeli public about their capacity to deliver and to get their people out. but in the big picture, the best way to get israeli hostages out has been through deals, through a cease fire for hostage exchange, like one that we saw back in november. so a good day for israel, a unity didn t last long. obviously, the politics in israel very, very dicey with benny gantz. now exiting the coalition government. but it was something that the israeli public has been demanding. and now they want more action. they want to see the prime minister lean-in on getting a deal to get these hostages out. of course the toll here was very high in terms of palestinian life. it all so served to highlight some of the tactics that hamas uses talk a little bit more about where these hostages were found. and why there was perhaps so much collateral damage. obviously, much of it should be laying at the feet of the israeli forces that invaded here. but that s not the only thing at play, not at all. the case you re right, it was despicable. display of how hamas d values palestinian life. so many very clear these hostages were held in private civilian homes they were there for months and they were in the midst of what everyone in those areas new was a civilian areas. so israel, by finding these individuals, by rescuing them, it was clear that there were going to be civilian casualties. hamas doesn t care about palestinian civilian life. i i know we ve talked about this before, but this is perhaps one of the most a stark examples of that. if they cared about palestinian civilian life, they would be agreeing to the ceasefire proposal that has been out there and discuss secretary blinken s going out to the region to try to push for this, but in the meantime, hamas is embedding hostages in civilian areas with the clear understanding, this will cause palace let s see any civilian lives for a propaganda bonus may be for hamas, but i don t see how this is a real bonus for anybody in the middle of this conflict. they clearly are not looking at civilians as something to protect inside of gaza. so let s talk big picture for a second. you mentioned benny gantz, of course, announcing over the weekend and he s going to leave the war cabinet. he is, of course, someone that the us has really relied on in the course of these negotiations in this push for a ceasefire that president biden actually announced on a recent i ve friday. here s what jake sullivan, the national security adviser, had to say over the weekend. let s watch keith thinks the best way to get all of vestiges home is in a deal where they re brought out diplomatically, where there s no need for military operations to get every last hostage out. what we would much prefer to see is a ceasefire where the hostages come out peacefully. that is available. israel has said yes to it. now hamas needs to say yes to it. that s where president biden full effort, energy and attention is so bottom line, draw what s the holdup? while the holdup is hamas? the holdup is that hamas is i want to agree to a ceasefire that essentially pushes them out of the power. and that s the genius of this proposal, which is that it lays out a roadmap for preventing at the end state of resurgence of hamas in the gaza strip. and now that, that is, of course, very frustrating as well to the white house, because what we re seeing is the far-right ministers in israel s government rejecting that proposal as well. and now with ben against leaving the coalition it gives them a little more power in the near term, but it also puts the question to the israeli public. and i think this is why the president did go public with his proposal to get the israeli public to recognize the stakes, to put it back in the political arena. this question about how to end this war in a manner that we don t see a hamas resurgence in gaza and so the holdup right now is that hamas understands this proposal is against their interests and that s why we see the secretary going out. that s why it s frustrating that it s not yet done. but hamas, they re hoping for more days of violence, like on saturday where they don t have to make this agreement. and that means more palestinian lives are put at risk. machel rubin for us this morning, joel, always appreciate your experiments for being here all right, let s go now to politics. donald trump, tried to win over voters in nevada. a key swing state with his first official campaign rally since he was convicted on felony charges i tell you what? no third world country has weaponization, where they go after political candidates, like we have either this guy can get elected anything without cheating. the only way he can get elected is to cheat so all of those folks in during triple digit temperatures as trump rally them in an outdoor event in las vegas, nevada. of course, one of a handful of states that could help to decide the presidential election this fall, a new cbs poll shows trump in a virtual tie and a head-to-head race with president biden, both nationally and in these key swing states. today, trump is scheduled to have a hearing with his probation officer ahead of his sentencing next month in new york, cnn s learned. today s interview will be virtual with his attorney, todd blanche president trump me now to discuss nicholas johnston, the publisher of axios nick. good morning. great to hear so yeah, probation hearing for a presumptive sentencing name. you d sentenced you just read off the teleprompter there, i think speaks to the kind of interesting election where in, where that sentence one interest hide across as the country tied and state sentenced to one of the candidates will have a virtual interview with his probation officer. today yeah that s seen as pool. actually interesting because it s one of the first things, places where we seem to see maybe a little bit of movement. obviously the official way we talk about it is that it s tied. there s no clear leader, but there is a little bit get over movement toward biden compared to where this pole previously was. what does that tell you? it s pretty clear across the board that again, within the margin of error is and all of these poles we ve seen a slight polling bump four biden, and then a lot of the surveys were the vast majority of people say that conviction won t have any impact. there is 20, 30% of republicans who say it well, and remember, we ve been talking about for months and months it s in a month. this is a very tight election for donald trump to win. he needs to get more voters and he needs to get the last time. and so far, being convicted of a felony in new york is not leaving more voters for that. but again, all of these are the margin of error. it s like going from trump up to two biden up one that is essentially a coin flip election still. yeah, it is yes. very, very, very close. so let s listen a little bit to some of what trump had to say in this rally over the weekend because is there are a couple of things that stood out to us, including how the former president talked about, well, i mean, he he always uses very often inflammatory language about joe biden. but in this case, he was talking about suicide as well let s watch this du are there this is a front row joe. he said everyone this guy wouldn t it be incredible. he s gone to 250 if he voted for biden, even for by now, i don t think so. i think it would be suicide before by dry a bit extreme i don t know how a front row you thought about that. i think we re seeing that this is trump being trump, like they re even though there s a big conversation a lot about how much will they stick to the issues there s pulling out over the weekend that shows what a strong conjugation issue the economy is as opposed to conviction. and so can trump come out and just talk about the economy and immigration for the next six months. i think that little snippet shows that will been a challenge for some of the president s former president s advisers. they gotta to do that. yeah, let s talk about nevada specifically for a second at trump also was up there. this is sort of a typical line, but he said it in front of it. a crowd. again, it s a very heavily hispanic at stateless watch. what trump had to say about hispanic and african-american voters joe biden is also weighed. you re going all out war on the workers have america, especially african americans and hispanic in america i spanish americans and african americans are the ones suffering most with his incredible illegal alien group that s coming in so this is, this is pretty typical for how trump talks about this kind of thing. but i think what s going on in nevada is particularly interesting. i will say i have okay to a lot of sources recently who think that it actually may go for trump. this time around and it s part of it s part of the reason is because of some of the themes that he is talking about. there, there are a lot of workers that tourism economy, cassino workers, who in the past had gone for democrats who may actually go republican this time you hear this was a big, i mean, again, this is a point-slope election. there s a lot of things happening that people don t really understand because this is such a different election than ones previously. and i think one of the ones that republicans are trying to capitalize as those capitalizes, in row on minority voters with hispanic americans or african americans, as well. that s clear on the polling data that donald trump is doing better with those groups in previous republican candidates. and i think his campaign, his advisers, he, that is a huge, massive opportunity. again, the same way that if a small amount of those republican voters are moved by the conviction, if a small amount of minority voters are moved by some of the present former president s economic arguments that the election right, they re all on the line. all right. nick johnson for us, nic, always great, to have you. thank you all right. come on up next and update on the condition of those just four rescued israeli hostages plus caitlin clark rebounding how she s trying rejection into motivation silent burst with liev schreiber sunday at night on cnn i m getting vaccinated and pfizer s pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine syllabi because i m at risk for pneumococcal pneumonia already gotten pneumonia vaccine. but i m asking about the added protection of krever 20 if you re 19 or older with certain chronic conditions like asthma, diabetes, copd, or heart disease, or are 65 or older, you are at increased risk for pneumococcal pneumonia, prevnar 20 is approved in adults to help prevent infections 20 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia in just one dose, don t get prevnar 20 if you ve had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients adults with weekend the immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are pain and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, fatigue, headache, and joint pain. want to be able to keep my plans. i don t want to risk 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easy for you call 800 630741 all right, welcome back. eight months of prayers for for families. finally answered this weekend as the israeli mannose military managed to pull for hamas hostages from two locations to safety one of the hostages were rescued noa argamani. she was kidnapped by hamas from music festival and was seen on video being forced onto the back of a motorbike? know his father said that the reunion that she had with her family was difficult. her mother has late-stage brain cancer and was unable to express her feelings professor hagai levine is the head of the health team at the hostages and missing families forum and joins me now from tel aviv, professor, thank you so much. for being here at noaa is being treated at the same hospital as her mother is. what are the primary concerns for her as she tries to recover after spending eight months and kennedy e-tivity when of course it s very motion to be back in his word to meet their mother. unfortunately, my there is very very sick and i m not even sure if she understood that noise here. that s the bet. that s shows that when the camo send people were kidnaps, also the families were kidnapped. and we see and we also almog father yossi meir funeral was last night and he did not he just died. a few hours because he received before the news that design is about no, i cannot disclose personal information, but i can say is that also in general and she s in a much better shape than what we were well, concern. there are not only psychological, but also physical issues related to captivity. i bought her personally the. last says that she needed for eight months where she had to use contact lances. obviously, it s not good for eyes and it s now she has struggled because, you know, a massive is so sick so with the joy, joyfulness of coming back home, and she cannot be completely happy and with friends, 120 the hostages, including friend, had been done while still in captivity can you give us a sense for the others who also were rescued, what their physical condition was like, what their mental state was like, and what the coming months you re going to look like for them so i ll morgue and why and shlomi, were together for long period of times. i must say this zero resilience and zero support of each other. i ll remarkable. it s really showed us what the human spirit can do. and, you know the stress anytime in captivity could be your last moment it sometimes it s the small anecdote as they talked each other languages. and andrei i taught them rushing and zealand the some arabic. i m saying together with all the physical and mental and other assaults, it s also very they re showing in a sense to see how they will able to cope with the situation. which reminds me, you know, the story is about cml gut with the student at the hebrew university where i teach 42 or therapy. and she provided yoga lessons for foil mates in captivity. we don t know what is going with her right now. it s clear they will need a very long recovery process shlomi cannot return to his home up in the nose because there is well, when gonzaga and is home is attacked and it will take months and the ears, it s also for the house. the other families. it s great joy, but the concern is enormous. they cannot really the release hostages. they cannot really full when they know that their friends are still there. and i must say with some void because because today in the israeli parliament, the families of the hostages were attacked by the extreme right-wing members of the parliament, which in a way told them that they should be sacrificed i m sorry to say that and we we know that the only way to get all the 120 hostages back dead or alive is by a deal. there was a deal that was put on the table by president biden, and i think it s all of us and i m through your show, i want to deliver to the world. we must put the pressure on the hamas and it s allies to accept the offer and to stop the bloodshed and released all those just because all of them are entitled to go back home. all right a professor hagai levine for us this morning, sir. thanks very much for your time. i really appreciate it thank you very much case. all right. time now for sports, the boston celtics. now just two wins away from a record-breaking i think 18th nba championship. after rallying and then holding off the dallas mavericks in game two of the nba finals coy wire has this morning splits your appoint coin. good morning. thanks up of the morning to uk s see the celtics faced pressure all season of past play off failures and being the league s best team. but it looks like they have what it takes this time around masdar luka doncic pre-game was all wrapped up in ice and up was potentially going to miss game to with everything from his chest to his knee banged up, but he did go any did register struck triple, double, 32 points, 11 rebounds, 11 assists for the celtics, just too much. one of the unsung heroes, jrue holiday clamped down deif calls himself for utility guy, but it leaves a team in scoring last night with 26, he was nine for nine in the paint and watch this effort. maths have a chance to bring it within three with under a minute to go. but jaylen brown and derrick white hustle block the shot. brown finished with 21 white and tatum 18 celtics take a 2-0 series lead with a 10598 when here s a two-time awesome an olympic gold medalist holiday, or what makes this year celtic so special i think when you sacrifice together, you do something together brings you closer i think being able to go through wins and losses and to build something it means a lot. i think the best with this team has done from from one to 15, somebody sacrifice something. so it s been great in the journey has been awesome, but i ve been in the day the judge and scottie scheffler has been through it all over the past month. de and his wife, meredith, welcoming their first child his arrest at the pga championship in louisville, then having the charges dropped yesterday, he found themselves back on top winning the memorial tournament, finishing eight under its fifth win in his last eight starts, his first wins is baby bennett, though. scheffler, full of emotion after the win that s pretty fun it s one he s getting sunburned out, looks like but it s this tournament is a very special to us and it will be for a long time because this the future of tennis is in good hands with 21-year-old carlos alcaraz, who rally from being down two sets to one to claim his first french open title. he s now the youngest man to win a grand slam on all three surfaces running around like the tasmanian devil, bewildering alexander zverev on the famous play algorithm, falling to the ground and victory then had gone over to give mom and dad of big o hug. he said he s been dreaming of winning the french open since he was 5-years-old. finally, caitlin clark park is commented on not being picked to play for team usa at the paris olympics next month, the indiana fever rookie phenom, who has helped shatter women s hub s viewership and attendance records so being left off the roster will only make her better listen honestly, no disappointment. i think it just gives you some them something to work for. you know, that s a dream hopefully one day i can be there and i think it s just a little more motivation. you remember that and, you know, hopefully in four years when four years comes back around, i can be there. i m going to be written commando it to win gold i was a kid that grew up watching the olympics. so, yeah, it ll be it ll be from the washington or fever coach christie sides said the kaitlan, texas sinner about not being selected, casey and she said they woke a monster. the us women are seeking an h street gold at the olympics and they don t have any players currently on the roster under 26. katelyn, just 22, plenty of time to still get some of that red, white, and blue she does have plenty of time. we ll all be pulling. well, i ll be pulling farm coy thanks. i really appreciate it coming up next here. more details on how four israeli hostages were rescued in a deadly operation in gaza, plus oh. my god. oh, my god. oh my god oh my god. beachgoers on high alert after two shark attacks leave three people hurt in florida alder chains it s cold, calculating, cynical, and needs the money. not only was the cia compromise, he also was compromised secrets and spies. a nuclear again, sunday at ten on cnn or your cooking on a black stone, you get a better experience. you ll have bigger adventures it but part of that outdoor cooking revolution with your blackstone doula, every breakfast lunch, and dinner, you create from fast and font it s a low and slow, good. anything anytime, anywhere go to your nearest black stole retailer or blackstone now and make everything better. on a blackstone today. at america s beverage companies are models might still look the same, but they can be remade in a whole new way 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with jake tapper, we days at for on cnn wildfires i have covered a lot of them. they are fast and deadly disasters. cnn s original series, violet earth with lives schreiber takes a look at if there is a way to protect homes and families. here s a look paradise, california burned from an ember attack, from a plume miles away from paradise this is like 9:00 in the morning and its pitch black given the smoke, it almost appeared as though it was the middle of the night and it was snowing ash and embers began to rain down we re in the middle the stapes, dan here like that i don t know to say if anywhere the fire was moving at a football field per second what in the way it did that, of course, was by jumping ahead and starting these fires they would immediately take hold and rapidly grow into its hundred acre, 200 acres spotfire that was happening all through town that resulted in the town starting to burn all at once, 30,000 people were trying to be evacuated while being overran by fire. go if i were to turn around to go north this is bad the cnn original series, violet earth with lives schreiber, heirs tonight at nine eastern right here on cnn hello? everyone, and welcome to cnn this morning it is sunday, june 9. i m amara walker. i m victor blackwell. thank you for joining us. here s what we re following this morning for israelis taken hostage by hamas, are back with their families after being rescued by the idf. but the operation of free them left more than 200 palestinians did the new details about the rescue effort and the impact it could have on ongoing ceasefire talks. president biden is wrapping up his visit to france after being honored with a state dinner yesterday, what he had to say about the state of the us relationship with this oldest ally balloons carrying trash loudspeakers the layering propaganda and thousands of flash drives full of k-pop music but for tat, between two neighboring countries, plus water safety experts say the color of your child s bathing suit it could be one of the most important decisions you make. this summer. the ones you might want to avoid as next we are learning new details about the rescue of four hostages from a refugee camp in gaza. but there are questions about the israeli operation to get the hostages back, as well as the number of palestinians reportedly killed. now, the four former hostages are set to be in good medical condition this morning after more than eight months in captivity, they were taken to hospitals for medical exams and to have reunions with their families israel carried out heavy airstrikes and shelling and central gaza during this hostage operation, one witness called it, held on earth saw lots of juno s increasing bombardment started hitting everywhere i must have missed something we never witnessed before maybe 150 rockets fell and less than ten minutes while we were running away no more fell on the market i m laying on her children torn apart and scattered in the streets they wiped out nuseirat. it is hell on earth hospital officials in gaza raised the number of palestinian casualties. now to at least 200 274 palestinians killed nearly 700 injured. the idf says the number killed was less than 100. cnn cannot verify the numbers from either side. we ve also learned new information about u.s. involvement in the operation. there were no as they re called, boots on the ground, but officials say us forces provided planning and intelligence support to israel well, let s be or to speak with elliott, god-given, who s been following the story from london. le, what do we know about the rescued hostages and how they are doing i m or as you said physically, according to the hospital authorities in israel, they re in pretty decent shape. the hostages and missing families forum says that they are in their words are relatively good psychological and physical state, but they are carrying out further further medical tests. and of course, after being captivity for eight months are also be more psychological tests and it will no doubt take time for them to ria climate ties back to their normal lives in terms of the hostages themselves i suppose first is noa argamani, 25-year-old young woman who became are almost the face of the october the seventh atrocities as she was filmed, being sped away on the back of a motorbike by militants pleading for her life as her boyfriend was being frog marched away by militants at the same time, she also subsequently appeared in propaganda videos put out by hamas during her captivity. obviously, a very emotional reunion for her with her father. was also her further father s birthday on saturday as well, on top of that, they ve been a number of calls from her mother other who is also a chinese citizen. her mother pleading even with president biden to do everything that he could to bring her daughter home because she s suffering from terminal brain cancer and her dying wish. she said was to see her daughter back safe and sound in israel. she s now had that wish granted in terms of the other hostages, the other three hostages, rural man, there was shlomi ziv, he s a security guard he was been living on a mosh have an agricultural settlement for 17 years with his wife, andrey kozlov at only just moved to israel a few months earlier. his family flew in from russia and then finally, there is our almog meir, jan 20 two-year-old. tragically, when the idf went to tell his father the news of his rescue, they found that his father had died on saturday itself. i m victor la. gucken. thank you. let s go now to cnn has been we d admin ben, tell us more about what we know about the operation well we. understand that the death toll at this point for that operation in the nuseirat camp in central gaza was 207 monday four with 898 wounded. that is the largest single death toll since the war began in gaza, or rather since the 10th of december. and that really underscores just how bloody this operation was. normally these operations take place under the cover of darkness it began at about 11:00 in the morning local time on a saturday where when many people were out and about shopping and whatnot. and as usual well, in gaza, there were children everywhere. the video we received from our cameramen inside the al-aqsa martyrs hospital shows there were dozens and dozens of people desperate for medical care. many of them women and children that the morgue was completely full and they would they were simply putting bodies on the ground outside the hospital, keep also keep in mind that because of the israeli operation in rafah in the southern part of the gaza strip, where according to the un, 1,100,000 people have left that area seeking safety elsewhere. many of them were in nuseirat, many of them were in central gaza when this operation went down. so there were many civilians and that explains perhaps partially why the death toll is so high amara, victor, then wiedemann in beirut. thank you, ben let s bring it now. aaron david miller, a former state department middle east negotiator and retired brigadier general mark kim. welcome to you both general, let me start with you. the latest numbers 200 274 killed multiples of that reportedly injured does that suggest to you that that s something did not go as planned or potentially there was a lack of a plan no not at all. for better or worse? i think it was intentional the way they conducted this operation probably the pandemonium that they created as part of the bombing within the nuseirat camp itself. they thought would actually make things to their advantage and it should say conducted this operation. so no, i think that they were very clear-eyed that israel is very clear-eyed about not only the tactics that they were going to be using, but also the consequence it would have as they conducted that, particularly brazen operation so when you say intentional use, am i understanding you right? that they knew that hundreds of people were going to die if the number from these medical officials in gaza is correct, and that hundreds would be injured. they knew that going in i think they took under consideration the amount of collateral damage and civilian deaths that would be caused by conducting a daylight operation in a occupied extremely busy city? yes. erin. so how does this then change the climate for the ceasefire potential? we know that the secretary of state is heading back this week into the region and the variables have changed. now with the rescue potentially emboldening netanyahu who benny gantz has not departed what now is the table set for blinken i mean, i think it validates the prime minister s narrative which i think it s unfortunate that the longer the work continues the more intelligence israelis gathering gaza, the greater the changes of the rescuing hostages. but keep in mind if you re carrying seven were now i m the eighth month of this war, nine month beginning next month. you have seven hostages were rescued hundred and 21 remain israelis believe maybe 46 were either killed on october 7. their bodies brought to gaza to trade or they died in captivity i think it does two things. number one, i think it is a certainly it was a day of hope for israelis who ve been living in sort of collective ptsd since october 7. but it puts a premium. it seems to me in a focus on hostages. and it also reminds the israelis, i think that the largest return of hostages november 105 can only come through negotiation and here s where i think there is a real problem because there are there s an irreconcilable set of objectives between israel and hamas. in this negotiation. if i were to make a prediction, i don t like doing it i think there is an opening perhaps but only for a phase one that is to say return of 2030 hostages to women, the elderly, the infirm in exchange for a six-week fire, they cease fire in return for palestinian prisoners and the surging because it ll be quiet of six weeks of quieting kazaa, which would be a win for the biden administration. i just don t see if victor right now the pathway out of this to end the war there is that increasing domestic pressure there were celebrations in the street and the afternoon at the report that these four hostages had been released and then protests in the evening calling for more and to prioritize bringing the rest of the hostages home. general to you. we know that the us offering the planning and intel support. can you be a little more specific based on like, what does that look like look, i think that there s a significant amount of intelligence that we can package in hand over to the israelis, whether it s the ince, the intelligence human, human intelligence satellite intelligence, image intelligence probably able to tap into the phone systems as well. all of those different types of intelligence sources provide more clarity to what s happening on the ground, more clarity on to the location of the hostages. and this was obviously one of those situations where probably primarily human intelligence provided by the israelis themselves located the site of the hostages. but i would suspect that the american intelligence added to engage in many cases. second, insert, third source validation of where their locations we re erin, does it matter that benny gantz has not left this war cabinet yet? he s not been effective in got the demands that he offered to netanyahu. those have not been fulfilled. how much does it matter whether he stays or goes? i mean, i think it matters, victor, but it s not determinative with respect to the knesset arithmetic. i mean, 120 seats in the israeli parliament, you need 60 plus one to govern. nothing. you have 64 and i think your strategy is very clear. the knesset goes into recess july 25th. he will not resume until a week to ten days. victor, before the us elections and i think that daniels was playing for time here. if he makes it through july 25th, we know he s coming to the united states to address congress besting churchill. there ll be the here what you ll address congress four times churchill, three on july 24. so i think benny gantz is an infix. you d like to remain in the government. he brings a sort of moderating hand, but he does not have the potential right now to bring down the government if he goes aaron david miller, general mark kim. it thank you both president joe biden as hailing the power of allies as he gets ready to wrap up his trip to france at the visit to the american in cemetery, honoring world war i troops lab report from paris. this next, plus north korea has sent more trash late and balloons to its southern neighbor how south korea plans to respond the increase in wildfires is exponential controllable with overwhelming consequences. the need to do something is urgent slightly with we have schreiber tonight denied on cnn what the biggest companies the liver is an exceptional customer experience. what makes it possible is 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loss, upper respiratory tract infection, and headache may occur live in the moment. asked your doctor about oh tesla from real quality it starts in our factory to real performance in your backyard steel tools, or as tough than dependable as the people who use them this father s de, give him the gift that s built for dad right now, save $50 on select ak system battery tool sets real still first repeat them possible. then you age so many of them possible that we completely ran out. and now they re the cookie is back at subway at morgan stanley old school hardware meets bold new thinking at 88-years-old, we still see the world with a wonder of new eyes helping you discover untapped possibilities and relentlessly working with you to make them real old-school grid, new world ideas. morgan stanley, juneteenth, celebrating freedom and legacy. wednesday, june 1910 on cnn president biden ramps up his trip to france today, he was honored by the french president with an official state visit on saturday at the point of the visit was to show the close partnership between the two countries on global security issues and easing of past trade tensions that later today, before today returned to the states president biden and the first lady are expected to lay a wreath at the end marne american cemetery that is a cemetery that donald trump notably skipped visiting when he was president back in 2018 a cnn senior white house correspondent, kayla tausche, as live in perez. hi there, kayla. what else did president biden have to say about his trip good morning amara and victor last night, president biden thanked france for helping secure u.s. freedom in 17, 76 and said the us was returning the favor 170 years later at the end of world war to president biden also reiterating a mess such that he has had all week here in france that we re at an inflection point in history and that the actions that countries like the u.s. and france undertake right now will have repercussions for decades to come. now, the white house is also hoping for the president s actions to communicate in and of themselves back to american voters, back home. that is why it is so symbolic that president biden is visiting the end. martin sarah cemetery just a few hours outside of paris later today before he departs. because of what you mentioned at the top, that president trump did not visit that cemetery at the time citing weather concerns back in 2018 and coming under wide criticism for not doing that. so president biden has been trying to distinguish himself on matters where the military is concerned his campaign, releasing two ads slamming trump s record on the military and on defense concurrent with the visit this week. so this is yet another opportunity for biden to seek out an opportunity to make a contrast between himself and his gop opponent. and he s going to be doing that before he goes home later today, victor and amara okay. let s how she in paris, kayla, thank you so much. millions of americans feeling that inflation frustration could get some good news this week. and of course there was that very strong jobs report that showed more people are getting jobs. and there are higher wages will talk with the acting secretary of labor next on cnn this morning we can i voted buttons that remote kid. it s like your generation has evolved past traditional political symbols. and there s room for everyone yeah puke rainbows when taken now, adt professionally installs google nest products they re all set on this system. we should go with the most trusted name and home security as the intelligence of google, you have a home with no worries brought to you by adt. if you have chronic kidney disease, you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with bars sega because there are places we d like to be for seeker can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infection sections in low blood sugar. a rare 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faster wifi and savings? .i don t want to miss that. that s amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? sign and make official start your will at trust and we ll dot com and make it count. this is a secret. war, secrets and spies tonight at ten on cnn closed captioning brought to you by rule or law. i kind of brands up to 70% off retail at rue la at rubella you never faithful these the deals on top before their current jobs we ll get a better read on inflation on wednesday when the latest consumer price index is released. and that same day, we could find out if the fed will lower interest rates or keep them the same. and there is good news when it comes to job and wage growth. friday s jobs report was record hot the economy added you ll 172,000 jobs blasting past economists expectations of 180,000 wage growth is also up for the first time in months, but so is the unemployment rate now at 4%, i asked acting secretary of labor, julie su about it. econ was one of my worst subjects in high schools, so i m so glad i m talking to you. you re obviously much smarter than i am. if you could help make sense of these numbers. so the headline is the us added 272,000 jobs, which is way above what the economists were predicting. but the unemployment rate rose just barely. but from three-point 9% to 4% what s going on here? so what s happening is if we take a look back to where we were just three years ago before the president came into office. covid was raging. there was no national strategy to get it under control. unemployment was extremely high. people didn t know if they went to the store, if they bill to find toilet paper if you fast forward to where we are now, the president has said, from the time he came into office, we can and must build an economy in which we see real job growth and where its good jobs, right? we re working people can get ahead. and that s exactly what we have done. and so this latest jobs report, we don t just look at one month as we look at an entire trend and we ve just seen month after month jobs getting created. you ll 15 million jobs since the president came into office is 15 million more individuals getting to use their, their talent, their skill, their drive, their hunger to contribute to their communities, and to make a decent living. and when i talk about real wages being up, right, that is demonstrating that we re not just creating jobs, we re creating jobs that really allow people to make a decent living to afford the basic things in life and that s not happening by accident. none of this was inevitable. it was because of strong leadership and strong economic policies and we re just seeing the benefits now in communities across the country and will continue to do that simple way to think about it is we re not looking at a shrinking pie that needs to be divided into smaller and smaller pieces, we re looking at a much bigger pie that s being created because the president is committed to real jobs, good job growth, and the well-being of working people. so you re going to have some good news to deliver when you embark on this nationwide tour to promote good jobs, you re gonna be hitting the road hitting battleground states, very important ones like georgia, florida, michigan, pennsylvania. tell me what is a good job and who will you be targeting the employers or employees with your message? everybody. so that s exactly what this tour is about. it s good job summer. i just announced this in phoenix, arizona, where cities and unions and community-based organizations signed onto these good jobs principles and a lot of what a good job is, is fairly funded the mental, it s making sure that you have a living wage for making sure you have good benefits. so you can go to the doctor when you need to. knowing at the beginning of the work-shift that you re going to come home healthy and safe at the end of it. the right and ability to have a voice on the job to organize, to form a union and sort of basic things the write-up, retire with dignity and to see growth and opportunity so we re really laser-focused on creating those kinds of jobs in communities all across the country. whether it s rural or urban, big stays small states. and going around the country to talk to working people and their families about what having a good job means for them, what the presence investments are meaning and communities, and what some of the ongoing challenges are. so we can continue to do our best to meet them i m curious what you will tell the people who see this really hot job market and understand that that may mean that the fed s, the fed may not i actually cut interest rates to help continually cool inflation because there is this disconnect between the economic indicators which shows that the economy is on the up and up when it comes to the unemployment rate and job and wage growth. but at the end of the day, people vote about how they feel, and how will you reconcile? it s especially those who are concerned about rising food and housing costs. how will you help them reconcile their reality with these numbers? yeah. i mean, i think that s why the battle gets inflation remains one of the top priorities of our president and of our entire administration. at the same time we i think working families know that the cost of things as one part of the equation, the other part is how much you make, how much you have to spend and that s why having a good job is so important. having a good job that doesn t just let you get by, but really lets you get ahead. that s what the good job summer is all about. it s also what the president s entire investing in america agenda is all about. we want safer roads and bridges and all communities. we want every family who turns on the faucet to get clean drinking water. we want high-speed, reliable internet everywhere across the country. and we also know that those are opportunities to create good jobs in the communities that need them the most and a big thank you to acting secretary of labor, julie su for taking time to talk with me well, in a tit-for-tat exchange, south korea says it will restart loudspeaker broadcasts in border areas after north korea center more trash-filled balloons will have a live report from the north-south border. next the most anticipated moment this election and mistakes couldn t be higher. the president and the former president, one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday june 27th, nine live. i d cnn and streaming on max and less time making cocktails and more time making memories introducing cartesian premium cocktail the touch of a button and shop for dad and get $50 lot with slash dad oh, karni isolde, it s got an answer. that s what i said. god-man, saada gotten need gotten me, got jews fade. you wise old. take xyz on when she with chewy, save 20% on your first pharmacy order so you can put an end to the edge take medication delivered right to 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muscles, problems, thinking or sweating. common side effects include inflammation kind of the nose and throat, insomnia and sleepiness ask your doctor for us, said, oh, xr shingles, some described it as an intense burning sensation or an unbearable edge. this painful, blistering rash could also disrupt your work and time with family shingles could also lead to long-term debilitating nerve pain. they can last for months or even years. if you over fifth day, the virus that causes shingles is likely already inside of you and as you age, your risk of developing shingles increases don t wait. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingles today i m melies nonna in washington and this is cnn this morning. south korea s national security council held an emergency meeting to figure out how to respond to hundreds of trash-filled balloons sent from north korea. north korea s vice-defense minister claims they sent the balloons as a direct response to south korea sending balloons with anti-north korea flyers for so many years. cnn s microfilariae is in puzzle south korea, which is near the dmz as an area separates north and south korea. so you ve confirmed that the south korean response happened just a little while ago, talked to us about it well, victor, we ve been able to confirm through the south korean joints chief of staff that date for the first time in six years resumed. what s been called a propaganda broadcasts. and let me say propaganda broadcast as tamarind viktor, we re not talking about cold war old tiny stuff. we re talking about south korean soft power, loudspeakers. we have new video in early this morning of loudspeakers coming up from the roofs of about nine or ten military vehicles here in south korea. this video being shown in preparation for this exercise, what the south can do the south said that they sent a broadcast of k-pop music blared over the speakers again, south korean soft military power directed towards the north and also news reports from south korean media detailing human rights abuses from north korea perpetrated by north korean leader kim jong-un what exactly lead to this point? south korea is saying, we did this one broadcast and it s up to you. north korea, whether or not we do another one of these. again, we rewind 2:11 p.m. on saturday night. that s when we were all out. we get an alert on our phones similar to an amber alert and the united states with public safety officials saying that more trash balloons were coming from the north, 300 total, about 80 of them made their way to south korean territory. some of them landing in the heart of the megalopolis that is soul. and if we rewind a little further back to thursday of last week, that s when a north korean defector who run it s an advocacy human rights group in south korea decides to send ten balloons to their neighbors in the north, having slices of life tied to those balloons like k-pop, k-dramas and little flash drives leaflets denouncing the north korean regime. so before that balloon launch, before this, that for tat, we were for able to speak to the founder of that group. here s what he told us just before the balloon launch now me will one. we send money, medicine, facts, truth, and love but to send filth and trash in return. that s an inhumane and barbaric act. so we are standing right here on pod you on the unification bridge. this is the only bridge that leads from south korea to north korea. it s the site of a few high-profile reunification between north and south koreans that are fewer and fewer in this day and age, it s notable victor and amara, where we re standing lot of military personnel, a prominent military base. we were not able to hear that propaganda broadcasts. it could have happened. miles and miles away from here. but the question is how will the north respond? well, the south just have this one broadcast or will things quietly, quiet lately simmer here on the peninsula? victor and amara back to you will see microfilariae force there. thanks so much tonight s episode of the cnn original series secrets and spies and nuclear game looks at how one russian agent put everything on the line as tensions between the u.s. and soviet union ramped up. here s a preview read or i always i think the early person, at least from the agency who really had a pretty good understanding of how the kgb worked there are no other seen the profile of a mobile phone every day it was good luck he d write these studies. everybody would read them and say, oh, that s really great work, rick and then that would be the end of it. you know, they didn t really send it anywhere the cnn original series secrets and spies, a nuclear game airs tonight. attend pm eastern right here on cnn dangerous heat is bringing sizzling temperatures to the west coast will look at how high temperatures are expected to get after the break qizan life with dr. sanjay gupta. listen wherever you get your podcasts, the idp disrupts cid p derails. let s be honest 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meteorologist allison chinchar is with me now. so which parts of the country are going to be sizzling? yeah, so i mean, if that s really kinda z because it s several different areas. take for example, where we have the heat alerts you ve got sundown in portions of florida, others in axis, then the southwestern states you ve got several different areas here that are going to be feeling the heat, the real focus, however, is going to be in the southwest. so areas of arizona, nevada, portions of california, although it does stretch into portions of northern california. but look at some of the records that we had on saturday, three of these were actually in florida. then we also had one in utah and one in texas. here s a look though at the next couple of days, you ll really start to see these numbers begin to shoot uptake. for example, las vegas going from 103 today to 108 on tuesday sacramental also getting back into triple-digits by tuesday, phoenix starting to see their temperatures get back into the one tens by the time we get to tuesday. here s the thing about las vegas weekend it s a hot place, especially this time of year. but even for them, this is extreme. their normal high still is not yet in the triple digits. they d be about 98 degrees, but every single one of these next seven days is expected to be in those triple digit temperatures, one area we re not really seeing the heat that s going to be where we re seeing a lot of this heavy rain. here s a look. you can see a lot of these showers across portions of southern missouri and a lot of rain has already fallen in these areas. you re talking at least three to five inches. that s why we have the potential for excessive rainfall and flooding risk, not just for missouri, but a lot of this area, even stretching back into colorado, texas, as well as new mexico oh. of course, speaking of hot summer days, a lot of us are going to want to be near a body of water, a pool here as an important warning for parents, as summer gets underway, the color of your child s swimsuit may help save them from drowning. that is according to water safety experts who say there are certain colors that are easier to spot in the pool or open water than others. cnn health reporter jacqueline howard is here with us to talk about this. i mean, this is so important and i m so glad that we re doing this so basic question, what are the safest? let s colors for your children to wear, right? well, a lot of safety experts say it s the bright neon colors like something in this color scheme, they say is the safest, most visible under the water. you want to avoid swimsuits that are light blue or white like this is a children s serp suit, something like this. this is not as visible because it blends in with them a lot are some yeah, exactly. and i did speak with a company called alive solutions. they tested different swimsuit colors to see how visible they were under the water. and they found these differences. if you look on this chart, the white suit, which is on the far right, almost disappears under the water. yeah. and those bright colors stand out the most the american lifeguard association, they said that they re happy people are now talking about this. a spokesperson for the american lifeguard association why it werneth. i spoke with them while he was patrolling beaches in florida and he said that swimsuit colors definitely mentally play a role in safety. have a listen shubi, very important to make sure that you brush your child in a bright-colored, something that stands out to me environment. the dominant colors that blend in with the ocean. more mature in or even even black. kids lie on the black line. you can t see him we want to be able to see them especially like just a crowd yeah. of course, swimsuit colors are one tool and the safety toolbox, but amerant drowning is the leading cause of death for children ages one to four. so this is so important to talk about very aware of that because my child when he was one fell in the pool, but obviously he s doing okay. yeah. so scary. that is very scary and i m listening to what your advice here. so white and black and blue probably not the best colors, but bright colors like oranges and reds and yellows and neon exactly most visible. is there anything else we can do to make sure their kids are safe? oh, absolutely. because swimsuit color, just one tool in the toolbox. it definitely enroll your child in swim lessons. of course, supervise them while they re in the water, make sure they re wearing a life jacket, and make sure that you yourself know cpr and you know what? doing case they do need help that s a good reminder. i do need to have gotten a little rusty on cpr skills and it s important because like you said, i mean, drowning is a huge cause of death for little children. yeah. and that rate has increased. it has the cdc just put out a report saying that more than 4,500 people a year die due to drowning here in the united states. and that number is higher than what we ve seen in previous years. and this involves children and adults to amara. so again, it s something that s a public health issue really, really important things to keep in mind. thank you so much for bringing that to us. jacqueline howard. absolutely victor reach for the gold or reach for the viewers. that s a decision in the us women s basketball team will have to make reportedly they re deciding whether caitlin clark s should be at the paris olympics next month? tonight on the whole story, how to drag becomes such a target for the political right? do you think drag queen story hours can? in the family-friendly? know, if they don t want to world of tolerance state should be afraid the whole story with anderson cooper tonight at eight on cnn, you re calling some people find it there s at an early age, others later in life are calling was to build trucks. and that s why trucks are what we do we put are everything and every truck so that 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[ bird squawks loudly ] to a pet shop. meg s moving company uses t-mobile. so she scaled down her fleet to save money. and don s paying so much for at&t, he s been waiting to update his equipment! there s a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don t have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. imprint for certain inside politics sunday with manu raju next on cnn new york officials are ramping up security for today s india versus pakistan cricket match. and nassau county after threats from an isis linked group targeting the game yeah, the group issued the threat earlier this year after specific mornings and even references to a viral video who calling for a lone wolf attack. cnn s gloria pazmino joins us live from nassau county international cricket stadium. i talk to us about the security plan well victor amara, we learned just a short while ago from the police commissioner that that threat remains credible. it was updated as of this morning still an encouragement for lone wolves to carry out an attack but the police here, nasa county has every possible everything at their disposal in terms of security, this is a multi-layered purity event. the biggest a security operation in the county s history, and they are prepared to make sure that this event happens is safely. they are expecting about 30,000 people to show up to watch this game between india and pakistan today. so they have been checking every single person that walks through the gates of this park, the cars, the packages, the bags, everything that s coming in as being checked by cani in units, metal detectors. there s elements that we can see as well as those that we cannot see. the police commissioner also telling us earlier this morning that this is the safest place to be in nasa county right now, they have deployed an additional 100 police officers two other areas of the county to make sure that they are also watching for those soft targets. other areas where people are expected to be gathering as a result felt of this big game that s taking place today. this is india, pakistan. it s like yankees or red sox. it s, it s a big rivalry and sports it s a big day for the community, a big day for the sport, but also a big day for law enforcement. the eyes of the world, watching, making sure that everything goes as planned victor, amara, gloria pazmino force, and nassau county the florida panthers are one when closer to their first stanley cup title in team history. and florida, i can give a big thank you to their goalie who had a great game in. carolyn maddow joining us now with more carolyn has as a winter s ford can thrive in south florida now, hockey fans, that s for sure. good morning to you both and after coming up just short in last year s final, the panthers seemingly back with a vengeance, they got tested right away and gave one last night, less than 30 seconds into this game, edmondson zach time and the leading scorer in these playoffs, giving a golden chance here. but stopped by sergey bob ross, cki to keep it nil, nil well, it would not be that way for long couple of minutes later, florida captain alexander barkat helping break the ice, feeding sam for haiti for the goal, giving the panthers the lead. oh, there s captain costs don t think david has been incredible on these playoffs trying to respond, but he too is denied and that was the story of the night big bob, as he s called, making 32 stops and becoming just the fifth goaltender this century to just shut out in the opener of the stanley cup is the panthers go on to win it three nothing elsewhere this morning. i know you guys have been talking about this. victor and amara, the us women s basketball olympic roster because leaked and a very notable absence, wnba rookie caitlin clark, the official announcement has not been made that news coming by way of reporting from cnn contributor christine brennan, who you spoke with and others over the week? again, but the former college phenom has been off to a little bit of a bumpy start and the pros so far, she s put up 30 points on a couple of occasions. she s also had games where she s been held the single-digits, she struggled a turnovers. she struggled with the leeks physicality, and every player on team usa does have senior level international experience. eight have played in the olympics still, only 22. clark has created an absolute frenzy of interest in women s basketball, which has already led to this tangible boost in the wnba s developed litman. her entry to the pros has come with an extremely divisive undercurrent. and this is just the latest thing that she s going to have to navigate now, as everybody figures out what the official roster will look like. yeah. i m sure we ll continue here about that and that controversy carolyn manner. good to have you. thanks so much. and thank you for spending a part of your morning with us inside politics sunday with manu raju was nice. we ll see you back here next weekend. have a good day.

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presidential daily brief before andropov can act, the able archer operation wraps up on schedule andropov is finally persuaded he that this really was just an exercise. this time life contribution was explained that this is dangerous you ll playing with fire the liver simply daughter the stands and intelligence. old russian leaders they able archer exercise world came very close to nuclear war the united states didn t know the ratchet down the tension when it really matter that is an indicator of just the lack of understanding that the united states and the soviet union headed each other. but in a nuclear confrontation, lack of understanding can have catastrophic consequences when adversaries have nuclear weapons pointed at each other and don t understand each hello, and welcome to our viewers, watching around the world. i m in a car part in hong kong, a hit on scene and user in high risk rescue. the idf rescues four hostages during a raid in central gaza. but as israel celebrates the reunions palestinians mourn the lives of those killed during the operations. details on how the mission unfolded ahead president joe biden commenting on the rescue during a state visit to france, what he had to today and the role the us played and trash talk between north and south korea were alive at the demilitarized zone with a look at how the latest tension are unfolding and israeli military raid on a palestinian refugee camp lead to emotional reunions for for newly freed hostages. and their families. but now there are questions about the deadly toll of the rescue mission well, this was the scene at a hospital in israel where the four hostages met with family and friends for the first time in eight months. the israeli military released this video showing some of the reunions. the idf says the rescued hostages are in good medical condition, but were taken to hospital for medical examination israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu met with the former hostages and their families. he told one of them, quote, we didn t give up on you for a moment. cnn spoke with a doctor who examined the four about what they need to recover from the experience they don t need politicians visits for pr purposes. they need some quiet they need to be able to recover to think, to regroup to get more into some kind of routine. it s personal, it s dependent on the people and, you know, i just was in the hospital. when are more visitors is friends visited him and it was important for him too. thanks is france to wear for him for the last eight months, walking to listen. but still they need comfort. they need what we call a tender love and care and examine all the medical conditions. but try to get them back to life. try to get them more independent because they didn t have any control what despite the rescue, we are seeing new protests calling on the government to secure a deal to free the remaining hostages in gaza. many of the demonstrators are also calling for new elections to remove prime minister benjamin netanyahu civilians in gaza describing the scenes of horror they witnessed as israel carried out its operation to rescue the four hostages. cnn has been wiedemann has the details hello, on earth is how one palestinian in gaza describe the situation in the nuseirat camp saturday to cnn as his israeli forces carried out their operation to successfully free four hostages and indeed the scene in the sedaghat and the nearby al-aqsa martyrs hospital. can only be described as held israeli operation killed at least two 230 people and wounded more than 400 according to doctors in gaza, who spoke to see and then the hospital was overwhelmed by the injured many of them women and children the corridors jammed with staff trying trying to treat the wounded with desperate relatives begging for attention for those awaiting care. the morgue is full the dead, some shrouded in white sheets, others still in their blood soaked clothing were laid out on the ground surrounded by weeping and praying, loved ones. the rescue operation is being lauded by israel s friends with little if any reference to the palestinian death toll. but the reaction elsewhere was one of anger, palestinian authority president mahmoud up best called for an emergency meeting of the un security council and the eu eu s top diplomat, josep borrell, described your ports of what he called another massacre of civilians as appalling i m ben wiedemann, cnn reporting from beirut would generalists still here go can join us now, more on the rescue and the aftermath. elliott, tell us what more you learning about this operation? from what we understand this was an operation that was weeks in the planning. in fact, they d aborted plans to carry out this rescue mission. a couple of times previously, but this time it got the green light it went ahead around about 11:00 in the morning local time, israel taking the view that hamas would be unlikely to be expecting some kind of death hey, time operation. and that would give them an additional element of surprise. so under cover of airstrikes, they knew that noa argamani, who became the face of the october 7 terrorist attacks or she was sped away on a back of a motorbike, pleading for her life. she was in one building and then 200 meters away, where the three male hostages so the rescue operation was carried out simultaneously in both apartments. they went in there, they the israeli defense forces say that they rescued know where they took her captors by surprise and rescued her without too much fast, but an intense gunfight ensued with those who were guarding the three male hostages they managed to extricate them from the building. and as they left with the hostages, israel says they came under intense fire, including from rocket-propelled grenade. they were given further cover by airstrikes and managed to get the hostages to the waiting helicopters by the beach and then flown back to israel for emotional reunions with their friends and family elliott prime minister netanyahu, who as we saw, has met with the hostages, release hostages. he has faced enormous pressure from all sides to secure the release of those hostages this obviously is a win for him. does it in bold in him, does it by him time it may embolden him. i don t think it necessarily by so many time because one of the first things the families of the hostages who were rescued when they met with the prime minister yesterday, was, we re very, very grateful that israel and the armed forces together with the shin bet and the counterterrorism unit of the police, rescued their loved ones but let s not forget that it is imperative that israel get back the remaining hundred and 60 hostages who were kidnapped on october the seventh, around a third of whom are believed to be dead. so there s no let up in terms of the pressure. i don t think it buys netanyahu time. it may buy him a few points in the opinion polls, which have repeatedly and consistently shown that were an election to be held tomorrow, that he would lose it. and i think it would also give him an other members of his governing coalition perhaps a bit of vindication from their perspective that as they ve been saying all along, it is military pressure on hamas that will ultimately lead to the release of the hostages rather than solely negotiation that said, the deal that president biden announced that he said was a israel s proposal for a hostage deal and a ceasefire that would ultimately lead to a full cessation of hostilities. hostilities that remains on the table, but there are still very large gaps between israel and hamas and they seem to be the same gaps that have been there for months, namely, that israel wants to be able to return to fighting after a temporary ceasefire. hamas wants guarantees of a complete end to the war. and unless they can square that circle and there is not going to be a hostage deal. it go can we appreciate the update? thank you we re us president joe biden is hailing the rescue of the four israeli hostages and vowing to help secure the release of the remaining ones. cnn s priscilla alvarez has more the united states on saturday commending israel for its rescue of four hostages with president biden welcoming the use alongside the french president. i don t want to echo president macron comments welcoming the safe rescue of four hostages we re returned to their families. it is you won t stop working until all the hostages come home and a ceasefire is reached. that is essential to happen. a us official tells cnn that an american cell in israel supported the rescue efforts, working with israeli forces. that and reference to a team that has been assisting israel since october 7, to information gather on hostages. but a source also confirming to cnn that there were no us boots on the ground in this mission. now, of course, the u.s. has it s been pushing for a hostage deal that would also include a ceasefire in gaza. president biden himself outlining that three-phase proposal that again would include the release of all hostages and a temporary ceasefire and potentially a permanent ceasefire in gaza. in fact, just this week u.s. and 16 other countries urged hamas to close, quote, close the deal. just another example of the ongoing pressure by the united states. so your us officials have also been back to the region to try to give more traction to those talks. and while it s still unclear where those talks will lead us at the very least, on saturday, committing ending israel and applauding what they called a successful operation priscilla alvarez, cnn, washington meantime, pro-palestinian protesters are keeping up the pressure around the world. this was the scene outside a museum in spain on saturday as hundreds of demonstrators lay on the ground to mimic casualties in gaza tens of thousands of protesters also marched through central london. the scenes were similar in the us as thousands of demonstrators gathered outside the white house demanding a ceasefire in gaza. cnn s bryan todd has the details it s been a day of high emotion and heavy symbolism here on the grounds of the white house on the south lawn here at the ellipse, and on the north sayyed at lafayette square park. what s going on here behind me is a symbolic court of justice, the palestinian, the pro-palestinian protesters here have prepared what they call an indictment of aged war criminals from the us and israel. they re reading some charges here. they have judges sitting behind them on the dais, their again, as symbolic court of justice for what they believe are war crimes committed in israel and gaza earlier. what they did was they unfurled a huge red banner symbolizing what they call a red line. they called it the people s red line, symbolizing what they believe is president biden not sticking enough to a red line that he drew with the israelis regarding the incursion of rafah, this red banner was two miles long and 100 foot sections. it was unfurled and protesters ring the entire white house complex earlier with that banner. that banner is now on the ground here late in rows, but it had a lot of writing on it, messages, signatures that was part of the visual earlier today. you ve got crowds here watching now the mock trial at the ellipse here on the south side of the white house earlier, we did witness two statues in lafayette park with graffiti written on them by protesters. so that was part of the kind of a dustup that happened earlier with police moving in and trying to get protesters off of the statue, but that didn t last very long. but two statues in lafayette park were the did have graffiti written on them these protests leaders tell us they hope to come out of this is a growth of this anti, anti israel and pro-palestinian movement and a lessening of us military and other aid to israel. bryan todd, cnn, washington well, there s much more to come here on cnn newsroom after the break. a strong show of unity between the u.s. and france during president biden s visit to paris plus mr. biden s rival for the white house, donald trump, is set to hold his first rally as a convicted felon in the punishing nevada. his that story much more tell me what you want from this. want to be a star cool to be normal? i d like this is waiting for who knows where it i promise you, i will not let you down hi. well, you know, i had to stopped talking you ve. waited, all week for this, mr. saturday morning. so rise and shy, your chariot awaits you didn t get a green works just to hurt your windshield gas mower, feelings you got it because greenwood s perfected lawn care on the world let s most powerful commercial platform and use that innovation to develop the ultimate platform for home maximise. see all in one utilities hero from greenwood s with more power, more runtime, and all the versatility of one battery powers over 75 products. you ll forget all about yeah. long have you been out here? no. 45 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the same symmetry, former president donald trump reportedly said was quote, filled with losers or french president emmanuel macron on mr. biden with a state dinner on saturday during his toast, biden called this visit. the most remarkable trip and stress the close bond shared between the us and france we stand at an inflection point in history the decisions we make now will determine the course of our future for decades to come. we have a lot of opportunity, but a lot of responsibility. and it gives me hope to know france, the united states stand together now and always cnn s kayla tausche joins us now, live from paris and kayla obviously this triple an incredibly important one for president biden. what has he achieved? well, the main goal of this trip was to send a signal to the world and to voters and citizens of the united states that the relations didn t kinship between america and france and america and europe more broadly, remains iron clad in the face of conflicts around the world, as well as a rising surge of populism on both sides of the atlantic. if that was the goal, then the trip by that measure was a success when the two liters delivered statements together, those statements reflected the closeness of the alliance, the closeness of that bond, and the areas of alignment on policies like the continued need to support ukraine. the need to contribute to more collective defenses at nato as well as the need for an immediate ceasefire in gaza. all of those were part of the part of the statements that the president s made, as well as the 13 page roadmap app that they released a following that so by that measure on it, it is safe to say that this trip was a success for both presidents. now, the hard work is what happens now. the leaders are going to be going to the g7 then taking some of those discussions on the road and figuring out what they can get other allies to agree to as well yeah, obviously the optics have been incredibly good for, for president biden whilst he s been in france, how is this trip been received back in the us, considering there were plenty of messages aimed at here he s domestic audience messages aimed as well as imagery aimed at the former president and now opponent on the campaign trail for president biden, of course course, former president donald trump. that was one of the main through leinz of this trip was that president trying to strike a contrast with what his predecessor did when he made a similar visit to normandy for the 75th anniversary and two other visits to france, where he has you mentioned did not visit that ceremony that sarah cemetery where world war one dead are buried and reportedly called the american war heroes, buried their losers and sucker s something he has denied, but something that cnn has reported on extensively it takes a few weeks for anything like what happened in this week to be reflected in the psyches and the mindsets of voters back home and to show up and pulls to really see whether it made a difference right now, the race is really at dead heat. it s been an a tie for a very long time with a small share of voters expected to decide the election. by that measure, most independence. recent polls show that independence favor trump by about 12 points. but certainly there s still about six months to go before the election on a those reported comments from trump truly unforgivable. kayla tausche in paris. we thank you. the world s largest multi-country election is underway for the next european parliament today, spain, france, germany, and several others open the polls on the final day of voting. millions of people in 27 nations are deciding what the next five years will look like for the european union. italy voted on saturday and like some people on the small island of lampedusa, many europeans are grappling with issues like immigration and the war in ukraine what i meant as what i mean, there s certainly expect to europe, there s more inclined to think about the conflicts in the world when that seeks not to arm, but to disarm with words using words have peace misleading words liberty thousand stuff. i was very undecided whether or not to go and vo actually, i was thinking of not going to vote because europe is not felt here. but in the end, out of sense of civic duty, i will go and vote. i don t expect a huge change, but some new faces might be there massive grounds protested in berlin on saturday, slamming germany s right-wing party demonstrators carried eu flags and signs urging people to vote polls a suggesting right-wing parties in a number of european countries. we ll see big gains in this election will south korea says it will resume broadcasting propaganda messages on loudspeakers over it s heavily armed border with the north today. well, that s after north korea, once again started sending hundreds of balloons carrying trash to the south, the mood by the north comes days after south korean activists sent hundreds of thousands of leaflets condemning kim jong own over the border. well along with 5,000 usb sticks loaded with k-pop music and k-dramas well, say in as mike valeriia joins us now, live for, for more on this season. south korea, near the korean military zone demon demilitarized zone. micah, great to see you and it would appear the south koreans not deterred by all that trash that fell across the country right? and it was striking to see those images, which we ll get to in a couple of seconds. so if the latest balloons falling into the middle of seoul, i would say that the south korean government is not deterred from having some sort of a response here. it s going to be delicate, is what we re expecting, but there are so many people like farmers. we talked to you on thursday after your new nana, who want this back-and-forth to stop, they want things to go back to where they were like in 2018, for example, the last military agreement between north and south korea when both sides somewhat pulled back their military presence from the dmc. so in terms of why we re here and what we re waiting for, it s exactly what you described the top of our segment, we re waiting for new loudspeaker broadcasts from south korea to the other side pointed towards the north with propaganda announcements, but we ll be talked about propaganda announcements, these are loudspeaker broadcasts of k-pop music albums and also news reports of human rights abuses perpetrated by kim jong-un un s regime. again, pointed in the direction of the north in some instances, audible for about 20 kilometers. so to sound the message loud and clear. but what exactly precipitated this latest at heightening of tensions are the the photos that we have new this morning of at trash balloons reaching the soul area, the heart of soul, one balloon. there s an image floating in the middle of the hunt areas in the middle of this megalopolis. so south korea is saying, okay, well, now that you ve had this response we re going to go back to where we were in 2018 before the last military agreement, which since has been technically abandoned as a few as of a few two days ago. so we re here at the gateway unification bridge and poggio, south korea. this is one of the last spots ana, you can get where you can. travel to get to north korea before you are restricted from going any further. all of these cars have civilian permits to work in the restricted zone. so we re gonna be waiting to see what we can hear from these latest loudspeaker broadcasts. and we ll be back in the next hour with a checkup on that front like you enjoy that k-pop music macular the demilitarized zone. thank you well, us supreme court justice clarence thomas is finally acknowledging that two trips he and his wife took back in 2019 we paid for by republican megadonor harlan crow one trip to bali on crows private plane was the focus of reporting by pro propublica last year, there are about 20 years of lavish vacations funded by the billionaire until now, thomas had never previously disclosed the 2019 trips and didn t place a value on them either. our ira enten crunched the data and found that thomas has received many, many more gifts than others. supreme court justices look at this amount of gifts accepted by a supreme court justice clarence thomas, 103 gifts over the last 20 years amount greater than 2 million. now, you ll see there are other justices on that list too. of course, have received gift amounts. samuel alito, north of 100,000, 170,000 but the fact is the amount that clarence thomas, not just the number of gifts, but the amount of money that he has received. i think these numbers will do nothing to quell the idea that supreme court justices have to be much more transparent with the gifts that they ve received. perhaps have to step back from issuing or taking part in certain opinions. and more than that, we ll do nothing i think the quell the thoughts from a lot of liberals who think that clarence thomas should not be on the united states supreme court. now, of course, he s probably not going to listen to them, right? he hasn t listened to them all along. but these types of numbers are something that just puts the political pressure on the united states supreme court. and that low approval rating that we ve seen, that historic low approval rating from the american public. i think this super charges that and it s just something that i think a lot of folks wouldn t necessarily have expected, but a lot of watchdogs on the court s certainly did. and these numbers definitely bear that out israel as sha daring and deadly hostage rescue in gaza will, let s take some of the pressure off israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu will ask an expert and have a report from jerusalem i hate seen in user russia. we re trying to spy on us. we were spying on them this is a secret war. secrets and spies tonight at ten on cnn it s hard to run a business on your own make it easier on yourself. with shopify, you have 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call today! montgomery and tokyo and this is cnn well four israeli hostages are now free after an israeli military raid on a refugee camp in gaza. the idea says the rescued hostages are in good medical condition, but were taken to hospital for medical examination israel says the right happened in civilian areas because that s where hamas was holding the hostages but the rescue mission appears to have had a deadly toll. hospital officials in gaza say at least 236 palestinians were killed. and more than 400 injured the idf says the number killed was less than 100. cnn cannot verify the numbers from either side cnn s paula hancocks has more on the risk rescue mission the first video, cool, in eight months friends of former hostage almog meir jan. welcome the 22-year-old homo his night, right the hi hallelujah child, get each other. yeah. yeah we re so happy to see me. john raised his hands in the air in celebration as he touched down on israeli soil. one of four hostages rescued in what was called a high risk complex mission saturday morning in nuiseirat, central gaza the idf says all four were taken captive by hamas militants at the nova music festival on october 7, where hundreds more were killed. noa argamani has become a symbol of israel s hostages being held in gaza, filmed on the back of a motorbike being taken into gaza by hamas militants from the first civil used and hamas propaganda videos while in captivity. today, she is free, hugging her father, waiting to visit her terminally ill mother in a separate i d hospital. andrey kozlov and shlomi ziv were working as security at the music festival when they too were taken hostage. all four were brought for medical checkups once back on home soil, or four are said to be stable and in good medical condition in this hospital just outside tel aviv now israel s military security agency and police say that this mission had been planned for weeks israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu given the green light on thursday this was a high risk complex mission based on precise intelligence conducted in daylight in two separate buildings. deep inside gaza israel s prime minister benjamin netanyahu visited the rescued hostages we re committed to getting the reuse of all the hostages. and we expect hamas do reach them all out if they don t, i ll do whatever it takes. we ll get them all back. the hostage and missing families forum says 120 more captives remaining gaza. the way to rescue them is with a ceasefire deal. that s not the way we can win 100 hostages back home. we must all of us together the word follow president biden speech. and go with the deep that the price paid in gaza for these rescues that has been unquestionably high more than 200 killed, more than 400 injured according to the enclave s government media office there is no clarity on the breakdown of civilian and military casualties and got bone on this man says, there are children torn apart and scattered in the streets. they wiped out nuseirat. it is hell on earth an endless cycle of dead and wounded rushed into al-aqsa martyrs hospital saturday a medical center already well over capacity and dangerously understaffed and under supplied it is a jarring view of two clashing impacts of one rescue mission. pull hancocks, cnn, tel aviv joining me now from london is gideon at levy column is for haaretz and israeli newspaper. he was also an advisor to former israeli prime minister shimon peres. great to see you get in the jubilation with within israel clearly shared by the prime minister who has been under a normal this pressure from all sides to secure the release of hostages does this rescue alleviate that pressure and perhaps by him some time no buys him only short time. israel is now in euphoria. but this euphoria will pass very quickly. i mean, it s so human soul nature so happy about really the release of four people getting united with their families. nobody can remain in indifferent. allow me just to remind our viewers that 230 palestinians at least hey, in their lives for this brave operation. and they shouldn t be forgotten. it s one thing to have the hostages released, but the price was almost unacceptable. in any case, in ateneo, israel will face the reality few days again because most of the programs were not solved. we are still stuck in gaza. we are most of the hostages are not released and the war goes on without having any clear goals. gideon, does this embolden netanyahu s government? will it make them less likely to come to some sort of deal where they would have to give concessions to hamas so far, i don t see them getting to again, i don t think they wanted deal because this government wants to continue the war in any price. and if this is the priority, then there is no deal this has nothing to do with the dramatic events of yesterday any guns might leave this government and still this government is quite solid and say i think that there s a lot of wishful thinking about this government to see them fall very, very soon. they might stay quiet as you say, the fallout of this rescue incredibly high. some would say too high. the idf claims that killed less than 100 gaza health officials say it s more than 200 dead and more than 400 wounded. i mean, i cannot imagine that this death toll, whatever it is collateral damage is some may see it for saving these, these four hostages will help any peace deal. us secretary of state antony blinken, he s flying to the region this week, you would have to assume he s meetings will be unsuccessful losses ford about it this does it really matter if it s 100 or 200 look at the scenes in the hospitals of gaza. lucky the scenes in the streets. it s horrifying by the way, i believe more to the palestinian figure because they know how many for this were brought there. i m not sure there are me these very aminos exactly how many they actually but any case this leads us only for another deadlock, not the de changed much. we will not close to the red for sure you mentioned piece pieces beyond horizons. now, nobody even mentioned species but a deal was quite far before this operation and is still very far after this ration, as long as the united states will not be decisive enough. and put some conditions to the aid of two israel as long as this continues to flow in an unconditioned way, israel is free to do whatever it wants gideon, despite the rescue of these for israelis protest is still took to the streets and we know that the families of some of those rescued hostages, they implored the prime minister to save the other hostages in gaza. do you see this, this pressure remaining, i mean, how, how is this going to play out as you say, this is this is momentary temporary. the relief and jubilation that israelis are feeling exactly and throughout the last month, those demonstrations were very impressive. and had very, very little influence. we have to face it my heart goes to all those demonstrators but they don t touch the core issue in the core issue is stopping the war the core issue must be stopping the war. it s not the case. they want to see that and you fall and they want to see the hostages being released. both are very important goals, but they don t call to stop the crimes, to stop the killing hearings, to stop the war. now, unfortunately, this camp of demonstrators is not the political base of this government and not the political base of netanyahu and therefore, from their point of view, this pressure is not a real pressure on them because they are much more concerned with their political base. and let s remember there is a majority of israelis who wants to see this. wo continue and there is a growing number, again, growing number of israelis who support netanyahu and his government so it will not be easy gideon, just before you go, benny gantz, the former defense minister, he appeared to have postponed his decision to quit the war cabinet, canceling his press conference at the very last minute after the news of the rescues what do you think he will do? and how will that affect the prime minister? and his government i might surprise you or not, but i think it s quite marginal and not important. benny gantz was in the government the last months and had very little influence if at all he justified joining this government by believing that he can moderate this government and have some influence you see what these government had done. you see the outcome in gaza. you see the killed you see everything. benny gantz wasn t there. he didn t have any influence and the fact that he might leave. now is not a very dramatic question because this government has still a solid, solid, the majority, as long as the right-wing us are salt leaving and it s always aiming everything to the right fingers, those extreme racist, nationalistic here, right wing partners and as long as de stay and they have no reason to leave, this government will continue, will benny gantz and also without him gideon lavy, we always appreciate hearing your perspective. thank you so much for joining us. thank you well, one tragic note to what is otherwise a joyous occasion in israel the father of one of those rescued hostages, almog meir jan died in his on saturday. that is according to israel s emergency services authorities found you ll see me unconscious when they went to notify him of his sons rescue and he was later declared dead in his home stay with cnn we ll be right back the most anticipated moment of this election. and the stakes couldn t be higher. the president and former president, one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming on max why is no vihj perfect for allergies? people who have allergies will have lots of problems if someone s exposed to allergens, they can get rid of those immediately by washing out the notes have hush works by pulling saline in one nostril through the nose and out the other nostril sucking out allergens, mucus, dustin germs experience on the spot relief. so he could breathe easier, sleep, better, feel healthier if you have seasonal allergies, divulge can help available at major retailers or online at nevada pain means pause on the things you love brene me go cool the pain with bio free and keep on going. bio freeze. green means go attention former marines and family members stationed to camp plus june, if you lived or work that can t lose you in north carolina for at least 30 days from august 1953 to december 1987, and has been diagnosed with cancer, neuro behavioral effects, had a child born with birth defects or been diagnosed with fertility issues are more significant compensation may be the available cold legal injury advocates now, to discuss your case, golf, when 800 013636. that s 1805 013636 called now there are giant so much they are the men and women building and daibes next generation submarines they are giants and what they do because they work in a place where they can grow where they can learn the skills to build careers as powerful as that. they we build giant. because it takes to veterans go to de somehow in the northern hemisphere is still more than a week away, but things are already heating up. some cities in the southwest is saying temperatures above 38 degrees celsius, or 100 degrees it s fahrenheit. and there s not much relief in sight or cnn meteorologist, at elisa rafah has over the last couple of days, we just wrapped up some of the season s first and record earliest 110 degree temperatures for places like las vegas and phoenix. now that extreme heat is easing summit as we go into the weekend, were a little bit closer to average for those temperatures in palm springs, i want 102 degrees, about five degrees above average in las vegas. temperatures at 103 by tuesday, we re going to start to find those temperatures, get back up to that 110 degree mark from phoenix to las vegas and palm springs is some of that more extreme heat continues to build until then. again, we re on the warm side of things above average still in the 90s. and salt lake city triple-digits in las vegas, overnight lows still above average as well, not quite giving you too much relief where those overnight temperatures in the upper 70s and low 80s, just again, getting a little relief at night. now we do know that the summer season is warming since 1970 in las vegas, it has a 5.6 degree fever summer is literally hotter than it used to be. and what that looks like is more warm and above average days, we have 39 more d s that are warming above average since 1970 as the these and it s just more extreme and longer that heat starts earlier and last later as we go through the summer months. now on the overnight temperatures, we actually find some of the biggest fever s since 1970 overnight temperatures are nearly ten degrees hotter than they used to be on average. now that s bad news because we just don t get that relief at night after the extreme heat during the de it would be nice to cool off and get some of that relief so we can cure themselves from some of that heat sickness at night. but with trends like this, that s just not happening. and for a lot of cities across the us, the overnight temperatures are warming faster than the daytime temperatures two people remain hospitalized in florida after separate shark attacks, neighboring beaches. one incident lift a 45-year-old woman with significant injuries that caused her to lose part of her arm another attack kill a little later in involved two teenage girls cnn s rafael romo, has a story it happened in an area that is very popular with tourists especially in the summer water sound beach and secrets beach are located in an area between destine and panama city beach, florida officials are trying to determine the cause of the two separate shark attacks friday afternoon that happened the span of less than two hours and only about four miles apart, according to authorities are 45-year-old woman who was attacked just after 1:15 p.m. suffered significant trauma to her midsection and pelvic area, as well as the amputation of her left lower arm and then a 2:56 p.m. two girls between the ages of 15 and 17 teen were also attacked. the first victim suffered what officials described a significant injuries to one upper and one lower extremity, both requiring the application of turning gets the second victim has minor wounds to her right foot. walton county official said, what happened is both tragic and terrifying, but historically, shark attacks are exceeded eating the rare. they re highly unusual and it s extremely unusual for two to happen in the same afternoon when four miles of one another is the sheriff mentioned we re reaching out to to speak to subject matter experts as to what may what may be causing that what the golf temperatures, the steering current, whatever that is it is rare. it s exceedingly rare to have three victims in one day du walden county sheriff s office marine unit was monitoring the shoreline early on saturday deputy spotted a 14th food hammer head and santa rosa beach that morning from their boat. but they say this is not uncommon. officials said that before those two attacks on friday in walton county to last one in the area occurred in 2021 and 14-year-old boy was swimming near the fishing line 40 yards from the shore, and he survived. and then you would have to go back to 2005 when a 14-year-old girl was attacked on a boogie board 250 yards from the shore and died they re being bold under by the shark, while the risk of being bitten by a shark is extremely low, florida tops global charts for the number of shark bites according to the florida museum of natural history s annual shark attack report rafael romo, cnn atlanta spacebar off sad a lot to be revved up about this week. still ahead, one space docks with the international space station for the first time while another picks up samples from the part of the moon, we can never see were you stationed working or living at campbell as yoon between 1953 and 1987, if you he loved one have suffered from a severe illness, you may be eligible for a settlement offer ranging from 100,000 to $550,000 without a court filing morgan and morgan is already helping over 15,000 veterans and their families and the fight towards justice. for more information, call the number on your screen or visit www. dot capital is you when i can sue or cellular, we pride ourselves on giving you fast reliable, nationwide coverage and up to half the cause, the leading carriers, but don t worry we ve got more than that going for us. you name it. we probably got it. we have the top smartphones from all the major companies. and new customers who buy any phone get two months of service free when you sign up by july 31st, call 1888 f frec dom or visit consumers to switch today she knows what she s talking about. pick up the phone pain means pause 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space flight for the boeing starliner successfully docked at the iss on thursday and is now part of a shortlist of u.s. spacecraft like mercury, gemini, apollo, the space shuttle, and the space x dragon to successfully carry nasa astronauts into space. the mission had its glitches. there were helium leaks and a temporary loss of thrusters, which delayed its arrival to the iss clock stopped at p minus three minutes, 50 seconds, and two previously planned launches we re scrubbed. nasa says it was historic deck. i m really looking forward to seeing two u.s vehicles at the international space station. i know butch and suni, you ll probably get a kick out of that if they get a chance to look out the windows and cia a dragon there, cia starliner there. it s something that i think all of us it should be proud of spacex starship also reaching new heights. its fourth test flight was a thrilling success for the first time completing its journey from liftoff splashdown spacex says the uncrewed two-stage rocket system achieved several milestones and gathered critical data needed for the ultimate goal of returning asteroid knox to the moon. and nasa is planned artemis missions and that s generating a lot of excitement from people following its progress. or i can feel it vibrating my clothing, which i wasn t expecting i don t have any pointer reference are allowed. it was going to be sounds really exciting, but it wasn t exciting time for china to its uncrewed total is six lunar probe, which landed on the far side of the moon about a week ago, successfully transferred samples from the lunar surface into the lunar orbit. last week, from there, they will travel back to earth s later this month hopefully providing new insight into uncharted territory at a time when technological gains are being achieved to better explore it when for space exploration all around sienna thank you so much for joining us. amount of current in hong kong and we ll be back shortly with more seen in 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