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Transcripts For MSNBCW The 11th Hour With Brian Williams 20170513 08:00:00

here is the clip in question with janine pirro of fox news for an interview to air saturday. are you moving so quickly that your communications department cannot keep up with you. yes. that s true. what do we do about that? we don t have press
elliot necessary found it so hard the believe that he would have reassured the president that he is somehow not under investigation note once, and certainly not three times. let s bring our kickoff panel on the, the veteran new york times chief white house correspondent peter baker is with us, who happens to be our newly minted msnbc political analyst. vivian solana, and matthew nussbaum. good evening to you all. peter, i was watching you on live television slight after 4:00 p.m. eastern time.
micolle wallace played the clip. that i can t talk about. i won t talk about that. all i want is for comey to be honest. i m sure he will be, i hope. you reacted in real time. i m not going to talk about that. you think this is a very serious moment right there. i do. it s very striking. it s been 40 years since we had a president that we knew of anyway who wasrd recording on any regular basis, tape recording his conversations. there is a reason why other presidents haven t done it. because it didn t work out well for richard nixon, obviously. the idea that he is putting out there is either he is in fact taping conversations with the fbi director of all people or he is bluffing or misleading in order to intimidate somebody who might have conferring that he considers to be damaging i guess. either scenario is stunning i think for any white house. vivian, this would appear to be a second straight interview done perhaps outside the authority and track of the press shop in the west wing. lester holt, and then janine pirro in two straight interviews the president has made news n. three separate depictions of the west wing, i have read about a dark place this week a place where people who did not want to encounter the president had their doors closed. what can you speak to the mood
him since the very, very beginning, relative and closest advisors, the original staff of his campaign his inner circle is getting smaller. he is apparently getting very, very tense with the situation that they can t sort of shake off the whole russia allegation. so it s really an interesting time. and definitely can be felt, the tension, throughout the white house. and matthew, let s talk about the comey angle, respectfully he would insert the word integrity in every sentence he utters publicly if he thought he could. he has now been accused of what the president has ascribed to him, and that is saying three times, reassuring the president, you are not the subject of an investigation. let s talk about, call it comey s revenge and how you think that s going to play out now? well, basically what we have is donald trump s credibility versus that of james comey. i m not sure if that s a fight
donald trump wants to pick. james comey, for all the controversy he has been a part of, remains a respected figure certainly among the fbi and among law enforcement and among some on capitol hill and the idea that he s the one pushing these false narratives and the it s the president who is the one delivering the truth on this seems a little dubious to a lot of people, all the more so because the president has been acting so defensive making this veiled or not so veiled threat about recording their conversations. and then of course the quote you showed, someone close to comey saying i hope there are tapes. so, again, in a credibility battle i m not sure if that s one that trump comes out on top. peter we have been talking 16 weeks now of this administration that the president is not, shall we say an institutionalist. he is not among those of us who have been steeped in history in the ways of the presidency because we have learned about it and find it interesting. he came from another world. does that explain the fact that
he apparently did not know what his words in neither confirming nor denying recording the kind of scrutiny that the brief papers with janine pirro would bring? i think you need to remember this is the first president who never serve admin in an elected office and never been in the military. this is all new to him. it is a strength and a weakness. a strength obviously because people who support him and love the fact he is shaking up the system and when they see everybody pile on like washington is doing they get defensive and say that s because he is trying to drain the swamp. it s also a weakness in that he doesn t understand where the pitfalls are like politicians would. most politicians understand hinting at the idea of a secret taping system would raise echos you don t want to raise. most administrations try to avoid it. now it s unavoidable.
and who does he listen to. is there anybody out there who can get to him and make him understand why there might be consequences to the thing he does on twitter and in these interviews? the answer seems to be no at the moment. vivian, what steps were taken to further enhance the trump legislative agenda today or at any time this week? it is a hard to say, a lot of the communications have been surrounding this issue about firing director comey. as far as any of the major items on the agenda that he is trying to carry out sort of further his health care bill, you know, the tax plan, things like that, everything is sort of they are still rolling but there isn t a lot of attention because so much energy and effort is going into this whole issue of director comey being abrupt lee
fired and the russia investigation. i just want to point out something that peter said earlier. it s really important to remember that again, is it a bluff or there really evidence of something secret? this is at same president who threw out serious wiretapping allegations against president barack obama. yet we have never seen those claims substantiated. again we have a situation now where there is so much energy going into these claims that have no evidence to back them up. it s engaging people on the hill. ow lawmakers are being engaged where you are having to reopen investigations and dedicate so many resources into these issues. and then president trump gets really angry when they get so much attention. it s sort of a vicious cycle we are leading. that s where we are now. it s fascinating to watch, but also very troubling for a lot of people who do want to see him fulfill his campaign promises. our whole panel is going the stand by. we are going to fit a brief break in here and continue our
conversation. coming up, new reporting tonight on former trump campaign chairman paul manafort. former national intelligence director james clapper weighs in on the russia investigations that as we mentioned keep dogging this white house. we are back with all of that right after this.
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there is new reporting from the wall street journal about the sweeping russia investigation of it says, quote, the justice last month requested. bag records of paul manafort as part of a widening probe related to donald trump s former campaign associates and whether they concluded with colluded with russia forgive me in interfering with the 2016 election, according to people familiar with the matter. manafort has not been accused of any wrongdoing, and in the past he said any suggestion that he coordinated with russia is unfounded. when the white house talks about the russia investigation he often points to comments made by former director of national intelligence james clapper. in march he told chuck todd to
his knowledge there was not the intelligence to definitively answer whether there were improper contacts between the trump campaign and russian officials. today andrea mitchell asked him about that again. it s not surprising or out of or abnormal that i would not have known about the investigation or each more importantly the content of that investigation. so i don t know if there was collusion or not. i don t know if there s evidence of collusion or not. nor should i have in this particular context. our panel remains with us. peter, vivian, and matthew. matthew, we ll begin with you. on this week where we had the so-called two sergeis in the oval office, where we had the russian news agency wandering around the oval office and taking what stood for hours as the official photoers. henry kissinger shows up in the oval office and the man running the russian investigation is fired. this is about optics. is it another lost week to this matter.
this week was a disaster for the white house. no other way to put it. from the mess anning perspective they were all over the map. they had the president undercutting communications staff, his own vice president. tweeting out this morning that his press secretary can t always be trusted to give accurate information. and you have all this when they could be pushing health reform in the senate, when they could be laying the ground work for tax reform and they could be preparing the president for his foreign trip. instead we have another week consumed by russia and with this wall street journal report you are referencing it s more of a drip, drip, we know the president hates the story but its a not going away. and it doesn t go away when you fire the person leading the investigation. as one wag put it tonight, how many coal mines were reopened today? zero. peter, among your travels covering four presidents you were also the former moscow bureau chief. how much of this, given what you learned about the soviet and
then later russian mentality, how much of this is deja vu and how much does it inform your reporting? it s deja vu. it s not surprising that the russians would try to meddle in the affairs of other countries. it s part and parcel for what they have done for many years. there is a feeling on their part they are simply retaliating. this blame us, blame the united states for meddling in their neighbor when ukraine and the ballotics and georgia and so forth. and even the election of vladimir putin. they blame hillary clinton for rousting out protesters in the streets. they said that was hillary clinton personally doing that. that s one reason why you saw them take off after her in last year s election. it is deja vu. it s surreal seeing it now on this end as opposed to that end. that does not mean there is necessarily links with the trump people. that s still something that s an uncertain part for us.
we are still waiting for real conclusions by investigators on that. vivian i m guessing the sunday morning shows will be something to watch. we may have some democrats actually passing out from hyper ventilation over this. it started today. they just can t believe they may get a shot at the possibility of recorded phone conversations. what is next week supposed to feature? next week is jam packed actually from the beginning. we have visits from the crown prince of the you united arab emirates. we have a visit from the president of turkey, which is going to be a very significant visit because obviously he is a very controversial figure. he is basically just won a referendum to gain more power, monopolize more power in his country. then eventually his president will make his way to the middle east, saudi arabia, israel, and europe for his first foreign trip. that was supposed to be very significant. this week, in fact, was supposed to be a planning week for him. and that s why the white house originally said he was going to
scale back his public appearances today was to prepare for the foreign visits. unfortunately he has been consumed by other matters as we ve seen. it s going to be interesting how this plays out. even with sergey lavrov coming to down this week a lot of reporters asked him what do you think of the firing of james comey and he joked and said oh, my god was he fired? he kind of blew it off but i m sure a number of foreign leaders overseas are going to be asked because there are a lot of eyes on this situation. russia and the united states have been basically in a struggle for power, especially in the middle east, for many, many years now. the syria situation is a very significant one and on the mind of a lot of people. a lot of people want the know is he going to give russia a free pass or not? this is not something that is just impacting washington or the united states. all eyes around the world on this issue and everybody is going to be asking about it.
three terrific journalists to start us off late on a friday night as we put trump administration week 16 in the books. peter, vivian, matthew, thank you all for coming on with us tonight. coming up after our next break, jim comey in his own words and in the eyes of his coworkers will be joined by two former colleagues of his when the 11th hour continues. hey allergy muddlers
one of my daughter s said dad the problem is you are the man. i thought that was a compliment. and i said thank you. she said i dopamine that as a compliment. you are the man, who would want to work for the man? i get that but the truth is if you know what this man and woman were like, you would want to be part of this. hey guys thank you for hard you have been working. you have been killing it. you are one of the things that i have in mind when i tell the american people look, don t freak out, right, let us do our work. thank you for that. that was from a show called inside the fbi on u.s.a. network that airs thursdays at 10:00 p.m. and that comes close to portraying the james comey a lot of his associates know. this is what donald trump said about james comey yesterday.
look, he s a showboat. he s a grand stander. the fbi has been in turmoil, you know that. i know that. everybody knows that. comments like that from president trump about james comey cannot sit well with his defenders or the more than 36,000 employees and the 56 field offices of the fbi. we learned yesterday from comey s replacement, the acting director andrew mccabe what the vast majority of rank and file employees at the bureau in his view have deep and positive connection with comey. many have quietly replaced their facebook photos with a photo of their old boss as a show of solidarity. james comey and as we mentioned a source close to comey told nbc s ken dlanian he hopes there are tapes saying that would be perfect. joining me, stacey plastic ket. importantly, she was senior
counsel for then deputy attorney general james comey. with me, ron has kell, former 30-year veteran of the fbi and former assistant director at the bureau. welcome to you both. stacey, we ll begin with you. a lot of the president s narrative n plain english, didn t sound like the james comey people knew at the bureau. the desire to have dinner with his boss, for starters. but then asking to stay on four years into a ten-year term. and then reassuring the president he wasn t under investigation. did you have that same reaction? that does not sounds like the james comey that those of us who worked with him at the deputy of justice during his tenure as deputy attorney general know. james comey was a man of you had most integrity. almost to a fault. and we saw that earlier this summer with the way that he conducted himself, may in some instances seem to have
overstepped the line. but i think that was based on his belief in his public servitude and his idea of having an honest and open dialogue with the people of america to whom he feels the greatest bit of gratitude and servitude towards. in your day job as a member of house oversight, what was your reaction to hear there may be recorded conversations? well, you know, back in april, myself and congressman ted lou as well as kathleen rice all being former federal prosecutors wrote a letter to the department of justice requesting that a special prosecutor be put in place because of what is now happening. there cannot be any seeming politicizing of this investigation which is exactly what is happening. and the notion there would be tapes are something that the oversight committee, both the ranking member and i think think that chairman chafe, et cetera would want to dig into at this
time. ron, i have referred to former director comey as kinds of an elliot necessary character, affectionately. as a catholic, i can also say he has the bearing of a member of the college of cardinals. talk about the director comey you knew and worked under. and talk about the hit his reputation has taken this week. well, first, like stacey said, i saw a person of impeccable credentials, trustworthiness, smart as a whip, so experienced. i had said to many people when he was the nominee that the fbi is getting a rock star. and i fully believe that and when i came to work with him, you know, i saw the human being as well as this incredibly capable boss. you know, i ve told others a store on when we had the government shutdown when i was assistant director. his secretary called me the first day that the non-essential employees were allowed to come back to work. and i got a call were the director s secretary asking
me saying mr. hosko the director would like to come down and visit the criminal investigative division. he came down with, you know, one support employee with him and walked the floors of my division, several hundred strong, meeting in small groups with people, apologizing to those who had been sitting out as unessential or non-essential, and just saying thank you for what you do. and he has done that on a regular basis, with sick agents, agents who have put great cases on the boards can get a call out of the blue from jim comey telling them what a great job they have done and what an asset to the organization. you know, i think what his dismissal to me and i think to a lot of my former colleagues is nothing less than obscene. this is a great american, a patriot, a public servant who felt like this was the pinnacle of his public service career.
to me and to a lot of other people is a disgrace the way this has been handled. stacey, yes. brian did. yes. we have the remember this is the james comey who was willing in the bush administration to stand up against the white house, during the torture memos. and with that was able to ask his staff each to prepare their resignations and willing to leave the job. the idea of him begging to keep his job as the fbi director doesn t ring true to most of us who worked with him. but i think we need to really the idea of him begging to keep his job as the fbi director doesn t ring true to most of us who worked with him. but i think we need to really expand outside of just james comey and really look at what this investigation is about. we need to allow special prosecutor be put in place so that the work of congress can still go on now. you know, we talk about the investigations that are happening, the intel. of course tell continue to have their investigations, but they
cannot do that if in fact those agencies that requiring information from are tainted by invex from the white house and other political individuals trying to steep into it. we are trying to do work in congress. my district, the virginia islands is looking for equity. we have issues of health care, tax reform, infrastructure, the growth and the future of our young people. and that s this is a distraction from the american people. whatever the outcome, no american is going to believe and feel confident in it unless a special prosecutor is put out in place. the honorable stacey plastic ket gets to go home to her district in a beautiful place, the virgin island. come on down. don t tempt me i ll be down there for breakfast. and veteran fbi agent john hosko. thank you for appearing with us.
the question arises, can conservatives be pro trump in this environment or are they more successful being the anti anti-trump? we ll explain with charlie sykes right after this.
they are totally suffering from a syndrome. trump derangement syndrome. the democrat party is going bananas, completely totally unhinged on the road to literal insanity. the democrats are convinced the russians stole the election. conservative media reaction to the firing of fbi director comey. more broadly, many republican lawmakers avoided commenting on the firing this week. according to nate silvers 538, of 52 republicans in the senate 25 either gave an ambiguous reaction or gave no statement at all. only a quarter of them defended the president s decision. similar story in the house. they have been home on an 11-day recess. here with speaking paul ryan today wbr id= wbr23300 /> shielding questions on the firing. i m not going to comment on their private conversations. i ll let the president speak for himself. /b>
the president made his decision. wbr-id= wbr23425 /> there is nothing i can do about that. i m going to focus on what i control, which is my job. joining me from wisconsin conservative commentator and msnbc contributor, charlie sykes. his new op ed in the new york times is titled, if liberals hate him then trump may be doing something right. in a moment we will make him account for that headline. and jeremy alter, msnbc analyst. charlie, what is your central holding about what conservativism has been replaced with? it s been replaced by this viralent loathing for the president, anti-anti-trumpism. they have three choices. you are going to have some people who go to the mat to defend president trump. sean hannity. the never trumpers who will break with him. but the reality is this is a
difficult moment for republicans as long a as the republican base is supporting trump. the safe space is not to necessarily support or defend s to change the subject and attack his critics. in some of the sound bytes you play, notice how they pivot. it s not about trump. we are not going to defend trump. but let s beat up on liberals. it s talk about the hypocrisy of the liberals. things that make the liberals heads explode. that s what the conservative media is talking about right now. that means rather than focusing on ordered liberty it s turned into a party dedicated to trolling the leif. whatever upsets liberals is good enough for them. i m not sure that s a winning streep. jonathan, the three of us are of a similar age. having said that, when you say
the word tapes, when you indicate recordings of private conversations, it gets your attention. is this sustainable? and how does this end? well, i personally don t believe there are tapes. i could be wrong. but i think that what will happen is pretty soon the conservative media, after it s clear that trump was just saying this in order to, you know, bluff and hold some cards over comey, that the conservative media will say, see, trump was punking them, he punked the liberal media, the gullible liberal media believed there were tapes. this is out of the trump playbook. he will make it seem lying he has something on one of his political enemies. i find it hard to believe that trump so stupid as to keep tapes. charlie, we do talk about him, the plight term is anti-institutionalist, someone who came to office not with the
reading and learning background in the trappings of government and the machining of government that most do because he came from another world. that s why people so often look at him and listen to him and say you can t say that. or if you say that, you will exposure entire press team s efforts this week. if you say that, you will invite subpoenas from the hill and it keeps happening. yeah, and even by the standards this president, this really has been a stunning series of days. look, we know that in fact as you point out that he is he has displayed his ignorance about, you know, the constitutional form of government and about the norms. we have seen how erratic he is. we have seen how he is unburdened by much allegiance to the truth. you have to wonder whether or not the president is too addled to know how corrupt he looks or his behaviors that become. we are at the point now where this is no longer a parlor game. what we are seeing i think it
is a dawning on a lot of people and a lot of republicans are genuinely horrified or ought to be horrified by this. we are actually seeing a president coming out and all but acknowledge he is engaging in the obstruction of justice of that s what is so breath taking about it. because you want to say do you understand what you just said, you are threatening somebody, you are implying you engaged in nixonian taping, you are trying to blackmail the head of the fbi who was in charge of investigating your campaign? so we are seeing openly something that none of us i think ever imagined we would see out of president. jonathan, something i repeat all the time. republicans were the heros of watergate. right. having said that, who are you looking to these days. well, i think we have to look to
john mccain and lindsey graham. maybe ben sass richard burr. richard burr, ben sass and some of the others are like charlie, principled conservatives. this is a character test for the republican party. it s going to go on for a while. i think a lot of them are failing the character test. they are putting their integrity and principles in blind trust. it s about one of the only blind trusts that we have in washington right now. but they are making their loyalty to this man, this very flawed, impetuous, incompetent, and you know, possibly incriminated man the bases of their political future. it is a very riskly political strategy for them. and i can t there won t be some others who will rise as barry goldwater and others did during watergate and come out of this looking good because they went to conscious and principles over partisanship and loyalty. the top of their ticket goes into the weekend at 38% pop layer. charlie sykes, jonathan alter, gentlemen, our thanks for appearing with us.
coming up after thebreak on the week len rehessinger is invited to the oval office, they might be looking for micro phones in the oval office. back with more after this. it only takes a minute to take care of yourself, and nothing rhymes with org . programs regularly scheduled for this time will not be seen today in order that we might bring you the following nbc news special report. watergate, senate hearings.
romantic titles back then. that was july 16, 1973, very important day in american presidential history, important because that s the day we learned from the senate testimony of former nixon white house aid alexander butterfield. mr. butterfield, are you aware of installation of listening devices in the oval office of the president? i was aware of listening devices, yes, sir. if i can move on to telephones. are you aware of the installation of any devices on any of the telephones, first of all in the oval office? yes, sir. unbelievable moment. fast forward to today and the president either hinting or bluffing or threatening to have recordings of private conversations in the white house. for more tonight we are joined by michael and among his many
works and nine books on presidents two books on the recorded conversations of president lyndon johnson taking charge and reaching for glory and point of personal privilege but if you buy the audio books you get the johnson white house tape recordings as narrated by michael beshlaus. there is a scene when nixon comes to the white house. he is going to move in. and johnson is showing him around the place and they both get down on their knees. what did johnson want to show richard nixon? there is nothing i can say that is going to match that build up. thanks for the kind word, by the way.
what happened was that johnson was showing nixon around the private rooms of the upstairs of the white house and says come into my bedroom. johnson gets down on his knees and as the story is told sort of almost crawled under his bed and nixon wondered what is going on here. johnson apparently pulled out a lot of wires and said these lead to my taping system. dick, you really should have a recording system the way that i do records my telephone calls, records even here in my bedroom, records oval office conversations. when nixon went home he said that s the last thing i want to do is record all of these conversations. the second i m president pull all of this stuff out. then about a little more more than a year in he began to think the idea was a good one because nixon was worried the people who work for him might take all sorts of credit for things that nixon felt that he deserved so
nixon felt that to record all of this conversations essentially wall to wall because it was not a system with a switch as johnson had. he could use this to protect himself. the early system used a dictaphone recording mechanism. it was pretty primitive. today the president says tapes in quotes meaning recordings perhaps. michael, i know lbj wanted in part for leverage to remind people what they had said or promised to him over the phone he always had the transcript if he needed it. if this current president is recording private conversations in the white house other than making himself a huge subpoena
target, is there anything wrong with it? is there anything illegal? illegal is a question. in terms of shattering precedence and shattering things that presidents have been doing before ever since that day that you just showed with alexander butterfield in july of 1973, nixon had to immediately stop taping and pull out the system and later presidents have all said i will never do such a thing because it reminds people of nixon who behaved badly, but it violates people s civil liberties to record conversations with the president that are supposed to be private without their knowledge. and the other thing is that presidents have felt that if people even had the suspension that when they go into the oval office or talk to a president on the telephone that they are being taped they are not going to give a president unvarnished advice and that will wind up hurting the president. our thanks for joining us late on a friday night. to our viewers to hear what the recordings sound like the books are taking charge, reaching for glory. try the audio books. thank you. a final break for us.
when the boss makes news on twitter in the morning what do you say at the news briefing in the afternoon as the 11th hour continues.
you just said a minute ago that what president was but you stood at the podium and said the tweet speaks for itself. when do you decide when a president s tweets, when his words are open to interpretation and when they stand on their own? last thing before we go that was back in march hallie jackson ask ag question a lot of us have had about the white house press shop and that is how do you decide who to defend what the president says on twitter and when to deflect. sean spicer has held 49 press briefings. in 31 of those there have been questions about what the president on twitter including two biggies that he was somehow wire tapped by president obama and that there might be a recording of his dinner conversation with james comey. throughout sean spicer has
relied almost exclusively on a go-to response. i think the president s tweet speaks clearly for itself. i think the tweet is pretty clear. i think the president made clear in his tweet that he was referring to the fake news. the president was clear that it was wire tapping. i will say the president has tweeted about this and is clear he believes there is surveillance. i think the tweet speaks for itself. sometimes you don t have to read too much into it. referring to the tweet. the president has nothing further to add on that. he simply stated a fact. the tweet speaks for itself. i m moving on. just today comedic national treasure melissa mccarthy was spotted driving her sean spicer podium all over the streets of new york. it is clear she is hosting saturday night live less than 24 hours from now. that is it for us for tonight. happy mother s day.

Question , Interview , Clip , Communications , Janine-pirro , Fox-news , Department-cannot , Fair-saturday , Yes , President , Investigation , It

Transcripts For CNNW Inside Politics 20171213 17:00:00

whether there are grounds for a criminal investigation or an ethics investigation against the president of is the united states of america. for example, rachel crooks is one of the 16 women that we know of who have come forward. she said that president trump, before he was president, quote, kissed me directly on the mouth. it was so inappropriate that he thought i was so insignificant he could do that. jo hart, said he absolutely groped me, and he just lipid his hand there touching my private parts, end quote. these are just two examples of unwelcome sexual advances. i think were he on the subway or in a restaurant would not either or both of these incident be enough to get him arrested? in your experience as the number two most important law enforcement officer in the united states, but before you answer that, how about these cases?
kristin anderson in an interview said, quote, the person on my right who unbeknownst to me at the time was donald trump, put their hand up my skirt. he did touch my have aina through my underwear, end quote. cassandra said he continually groped my ass and invited me to his hotel room. end quote. these are very serious allegations of crimes committed by the president, are they not? before you answer the question, i think it s important to point out that these stories are corroborated by one of the most important witnesses of all the president himself corroborates this. he told tv host billy bush when he was miked up for an interview with interat the same time tonight i just start kissing them. it s like a magnet, and when you re a star, they let you do it. you can do anything. grab them by and you know what he said. you can do anything, end quote.
samantha hovley said on national television when he was a contestant, trump would come back unannounced to the dressing room. she tells her story and once again, we have audiotape of the president corroborating this account when he told howard stern well, quote, i ll tell you the funniest is before a show, i ll go backstage and everyone s getting dressed and everything else, and you know, no men are anywhere, but i m allow to do go in, because i m the owner. he went on to say the chicks will be almost naked, end quote. mr. rosenstein, i value your opinion on this. would it be appropriate to evaluate these investigations by the president of the united states? congressman, i am happy to take any questions regarding oversite of the department of justice. with regard to that matter or any other allegation that you think, i would invite you to
submit the evidence and the department will review it if you believe there s a federal crime. that applies to any alleged violation by any person. that s all i have to say about that. but you re the number two top law enforcement officer in the nation. let me ask you if a person on a train went and kissed a woman, is that a crime. if it s a federal train, it might be a federal crime. it s am track. it wouldn t be appropriate to me to answer hypotheticals. as the number two law enforcement officer, you don t think it s a crime for a woman to be on a train and be in a restaurant sitting and a stranger, unwanted stripinger would come up to her and grope her and kiss her, that that s not a crime. the time of the gentleman has spired. the witness may answer the question. i would have to know the facts and evaluate a law. i ve never prosecuted a case
i have ultimate respect for them. they helped me in many cases. i would like you to clarify a procedure. tell me if i m right here. special counsel is appointed by the attorney general, or under the circumstances by you, and that s special counsel reports to you. correct. am i correct in saying an independent counsel is appointed again by the attorney or you, but that counsel is independent and does not report to anyone in the essence of can i do a, bo.c? is that. under the statute that lapsed in 1999, the appointment would be made by a federal judge. so there would be no role for the department in the selection or oversite. doj wouldn t be involved at all? correct.
i ve been in many interviews involving many cases. what i ve seen handled was above board, but would you explain to the committee what a 302 is? yes, a 302 is simply the form newspaper better for an fbi interview report. after conducting a witness interview, it s a summary of the interview and we refer it to that as a form 302. an interview, whether it s done by an investigators or attorney, or back in my district in pennsylvania, is there usually an assistant attorney present in those interviews?
we should not give immunity just because somebody asks for it. that s all i have. thank you. i know you ll keep an eye on things and keep everything aboveboard. it s a pleasure to see you again. likewise. thank you. i yield back. the chair recognizes the gentleman from florida, in deutsche. thank you for being here. there s been a lot of dates and timelines. i would like to walk through for the benefit of my colleagues, just a short timeline from this year. in january it was concluded we asocieties vladimir putin ordered an influence campaign, the goals to undermined public faith in the democratic progress, den gait secretary clinton. we fur asset that the russian government developed a clear preference for donald trump. has he given any reason to dispute that?
hired the head of the fbi called him a nut job and said, i face great pressure because of russia. that s taken off. on may 11th the president told nbc news the russia thing is a made-up store. on june 7th we learned president trump urged comey to drop the investigation. there was an undisclosed meeting with donald trump junior and rush sources. five days after that, a veteran of the russian military we learned also attempt eed attend that meeting. on october the 5th, george pap
do th p between in a state of offense, we learned that he reached out regarding his connections that he could help arrange a meeting between trump and putin. on october 27th, former trump campaign chairman paul man a fort and rick gates were indicted on multiple counts including conspiracy against the united states. in november the president of the united states met with vladimir putin said, and i quote, he said he didn t meddle. i asked him again. you can ask only so many times. every 250i78 he sees me he said i didn t do that, when he tells me that, he means it. the president went on to say, give me a break, talking about the national security folks who put together that report that i quoted earlier. give me a break, they are political hacks. on december 1st mike flynn pleaded guilty to one count in making a false statement to the fbi about conversations he with had the russian ambassador. this is a little walk-through of what happened over the past
year. i would like to ask you, mr. rosenste rosenstein, i d like to quote some of my colleagues. one of them said the special counsel s investigation into whether the trump campaign assisted in its effort to interfere in the election is an attempt to overthrow the government. do you believe that, mr. rosenstein? no. he said we re at risk of a could y coup d etat. there is an oversight. and if we allow an unaccountable person to undermine the duly elected person of the united states, is pursuing a rule of law undermining the duly elected president of the united states? no, it is not. one of my orel colleagues said we ve got to clean this town up. he talked about firing mueller. one of our formers colleagues accused mueller of having a vendetta. mr. rosenstein, do you believe
he has a vendetta against the president? no, i do not. i would just conclude this walk-through, this one year in american history, makes it impossible to understand how it is my colleagues on the other side continue to launch attacks not only against reporters, against the fbi, against the special counsel, but they do so to throw dirt on the story, to make it try to go away. they may want to bury their heads in the stand, about mr. chairman, i want to make clear they will not bury the rule of law in the united states. i yield back. there is a lot of issue issue to talk about, the authorization is pending in congress on gun violence, the opioid, criminal justice reform.
when i go home to south carolina this weekend, true me no one will tell me about any of these issues. they will ask me what in the hell is going a with the department of justice and the fbi. the reason we have special counsel, and you know it. the reason we have special counsel is because of a conflict of interest. the regulation itself makes specifically reference to a conflict of interest. we don t like conflicts, because it undercoat people s confidence in the process and the result. so let s be clear why we have special counsel. there was either a real or perceived conflict of interest that we are fearful would either impact 9 result or people s confident in the process. that s why we have something called special counsel, and that is why we have special counsel in this fact pattern. then lo and behohn, those who are supposed to make sure there are no conflict of interest seem
to have a few of their own. there s a senior prosecutor who sent obsequious e-mails to a fact witness. she can be described as nothing other than a fact witness. they got off the collusion, she may be the most important fact witne witness. then we have prosecutors assigned to.
then attended what he hoped to be a victory pattern for hillary clinton. we have a senior doj official with an office that used to be two doors down with yours, meeting with fusion gps, and of course fusion gps was paying for russian dirt on the very person they re supposed to be objectively investigating. then that same senior doj official s wife, the one that met with fusion gps, his wife was on the payroll of fusion gps. then we have a senior investigators assigned to help draft the exoneration letter when we changed the letter to extremely careless? interviewed secretary clinton in an interview i have never seen. i doubt you have either in your career as a prosecutos interviewed mike at flynn, actively involved in the investigation into the trump
campaign before the inspector general found his text. so this agent in the middle of almost everybody, sent pro-clinton texts, anti-trump texts to his paramour. he said i can protect the condition at many levels. he said hillary clinton should win 100 million to nothing. think about that mr. deputy attorney general, that s a pretty overwhelming victory. 100 million to 0. when i read that last night, what i thought was this conflict of interest-free senior agent of the fbi can t think of a single solitary american who would vote for donald trump. that s where the zero comes in. not a single solitary american he can imagine would vote for donald trump. this is the conflict of
interest-free special agent assigned. then he went on, if that weren t enough, to bealso trump supporters by say he could smell them at a walmart in virginia. then he said this. they fully deserve to go and demonstrate the absolute bigoted nonsense of trump. but he wasn t content to just disparage donald trump. he to disparage donald trump s family. this is what he said, mr. deputy attorney general. the douche bags are about to come out, talking about his first lady and children. this conflict of interest-free special agent of the fbi. this is who we were told we needed to have an objective, impartial, fair, conflict of interest free agent. he s open i vitting a candidate
he has bias against. if that s not enough, he says trump is an f ing idiot. what the f just happened to our country. this is the same man who said he would save our country. what happens when people who are supposed to cure the conflict of interest have even greater conflicts of interest than those they replace? you nor i nor anyone else would ever sit piaeter strzok on a ju knowing what we know now. why my final question to you, and i pressure the chairman s patience. how would you help me answer that question when i go back to south carolina this weekend? congressman, first of all, with regard to do specialty counsel, mr. strzok was already working on the investigation when the special counsel
appointed. the appointment i made was to rob mueller, so i recommend you tell your constituents that rob mueller, rod rosenstein and chris wray are accountable, and we ll make sure that there s no bias within any matter of the jurisdiction of the justice department. when we have any evidence of inappropriate conduct, we ll take action. that s what mr. mueller did as soon as he learned about the issue. i anticipate that s the rest of our prosecute owes, our new group of u.s. attorneys, justice department appointees, they understand the rules and they understand the responsibility to defend the integrity of the department congressman, that is the beassurance i can give you, but there s one other point. you should tell your constituents that we exposed this issue because we re ensuring that the inspector general conducts a thorough and effective investigation, and if
there is any evidence of broke prity, he s going to surface it and report about it publicly. i ll try. the chairman h . thank you mr. rosenstein. in february the department of justice changed its litigation position. the texas photo i.d. case. did you have any involvement in the decision to reverse the that the texas voter i.d. law was intentional and indiscriminato indiscriminatory. i did not. in uthe department of justice changed its position, now defending ohio s voter purging law, were you involved in the decision to change this position and now side with the voter purging law? i was at the department at that time, but i don t believe i have any involvement in the decision. were you involved in the decision to file an amicus brief in the cake shows versus colorado.
that decision was made by our inspector quenelle pardon me, our solicitor general. you described the special counsel as a her heroic figure served his country confirmed eye nan mussily assed fbi director. i take it your judgment on mr. pluler has not changed today. correct. you would not have appointed mr. mueller if you thought he was going to engage in a witchhunt, correct? correct. so you then would disagree with the president s labeling of the special counsel s investigation as a witch-hunt, i assume? i don t know exactly what the president meant by that, congressman. the special counsel s investigation is not a witch-hunt. you re supposed to be independent. you can answer a question contrasting the president. you disagree it s a witch-hunt, the president is wrong. i do not know what the president meant. i can only answer for plyself. do you believe that the repeated
attacks on mueller threatens to undermine the credibility of the independent investigation? the independence and integrity of the investigation will not be affected by anything that anybody says. you delivered remarks on october 25th before the u.s. chamber of commerce and i quote if we permit the rule of law to erode when it does not harm our personal interest, it may eventually consume us as well. the rule of law is not self-executing. if it collapses, if people lose faith, then everyone will suffer, end quote. in the context of the president s attacks, the american people are really witness i witnessing an unprecedented attack. under way about vladimir putin s interference on our elections, attacks on the judiciary, attacks on the free press, the one snugs, which continues to enjoy broad public more and remains key to protecting the
rule of law is the federal bureau of investigation and the department of judds. america is counting on your integrity and your commitment to protecting the independence of this special counsel to reaffirm our commitment. so when you said just a moment ago you don t have an opinion about a loyalty oath from the president being asked of people, it might be useful to remind you, sir, that members of the department of justice take an oath to the constitution, and so a loyalty oath to the president of the united states is inappropriate for anyone to ask for and for anyone to swear it, do you agree? nobody has asked me a loyalty oath. that s not my question, sir. your question you are to demonstrate the independence of your office. you are unwilling to say that an oath to the president of the united states rather than to the city is not inappropriate? that does not inspire confidence. an oath to the president rather than the constitution would be inappropriate. an oath to the president period
you re talking about a hypothetical. it s not clear what was asked or what was said. as long as you are following your oath of office, you can also be faithful to the administration. faithful is not i ll move to a new question. you said you would not respond to the question to say whether or not the president of the united states had asked you to initiate criminal prosecutions again political adversaries, you would not disclose whether or not those conversations took place. i said i would disclose if i was told to do something improper. what about if you were encouraged to do something improper, to initiate a criminal investigation? that s not appropriate to do, is it? several of your colleagues on both sides have encouraged me today, congressman, as i ve explained, i d make may decisions based on the evidence and the law. but the act of a president, separate and apart what you will do, that very action is not appropriate. you re free to make that judgment. nurmt isn t that
inappropriate? in my but it wouldn t be inappropriate for your supervisor, the person you serve, the president of the united states to tell on you suggest or encourage you to initiate a criminal prosecution against a political adversary? congressman, i think i ve been very clear, nobody is giving me any improper orders. i ll say this, mr. deputy attorney general. you know, we have heard you proudly talk about the integrity of the department of justice and the work of the fbi. we heard director wray say the same thing. the two agencies, the fbi and department of justice are in the midst of an unprecedented attack by individuals who are trying to undermine the credibility of this independent counsel s investigation. these are the same group of individuals who praised robert mueller when he was appointed, spectacular was praised uniformly. and now the only thing that s changed is two indictments, two pleas, might be at flick part of
the president s inner circle now, cooperating with the government. that s the only thing that s changed. we need to hear your voice defending the integrity of the department, rule of law, the independence of this investigation, because the very future of our democracy is at state if you fail to do that. i urge you to do so. with that, i yield back. the chairman recognizes the gentleman from idaho, mr. labrador. thank you for being here today. i shudder at some of the questions from the other side. i want to ask you a quick question have you ever said you are the president s wingman? no, sir. has the current attorney general of the united states ever said that he is the president s wing man? not to my knowledge. yet the attorney general under president obama said he was the president s wing man, and i never heard a single democrat object to that. so it s kind of ridiculous to sit here and try to question your integrity or try to question whether somebody will
be loyal to their president or not, as you clearly indicated, you can be both loyal to the constitution and to the president of the united states as long as there s not a conflict of interest, as long as you re not doing anything that is inappropriate, it s okay to be the president s wing man. it s also okay to say you ll be royal to the president as long as i m not asking you to do anything illegal. isn t that correct? yes. so what was the goal of the russians when they tried to interfe interfere. the assessment of the intelligence community as reflected in the public report, the goal was to undermine americans confidence in democracy. so to undermine the americans i m paraphrasing, congressman. i don t have it in front of me. they tried to undermine the faith in the process. i believe that s correct. i believe no one has done more to undermine the believe in the democratic process than the
democrats, and the press in some cases, when they continue to report on false allegation after allegation after allegation. in fact what you see from the democrats is they move from one allegations, thats proven to be false, they move to the next one, and to the next one and the next one, because they re unhappy with the results of the election. can you tell me why the independent counsel was actually appointed? special counsel, congressman. i ve explained publicly that i appointed the special counsel based on the unique circumstances in order to promote public confidence. i have nothing to add to that. so why, when mr. mueller was charged with investigating, he was charged with investigating, quote, any links and/or coordination between the russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of donald trump. and any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation, end quote. that charge is overly broad, but
there s been two prosecutions, or at least two charges so far brought by the independent counsel. is that correct? four individuals charged to, pleaded guilty and two will stand trial. have any of them been charged with any linked and/or coordination between the russian goismd and individuals associated with the campaign for president trump. the charges speak for themselves. i m not going to comment beyond what s in the charging documents. is there anything in the charging documents that there was a coordinate between the trump administration and the russians? congressman i m not going to comment beyond what s in the charging document. i think you can draw your own conclusion. something i do agree with my friends on the other side, we should know the truth, we should know whether tiffs collusion between russia and the president of the united states. we should also know whether there was collusion between any department who tried to
interviewer with our election. so can you tell me u. was there collusion between the doj and fusion gps to use a democratic-funded document for political and legal purposes? i don t know the answer to that, congressman. i simply appointed out the language actually used was coordination, and i believe that was the language used by director comey, when he publicly testified about an ongoing investigation. i did not use the world collusion. so that coordination was there any coordination between the doj and fusion gps to try to undermine an election of the united states? if there were, congressman, i would be very concerned about it. as you know, there are ongoing reviews. i m not in a position to comment about it. ongoing reviews, so there could potentially be an investigation, whether the doj and members of the doj duly colluded with an enemy of a political party and a political
candidate to undermine the elections of the united states. if there s any evidence that warrants it, congressman, we ll do what s appropriate. all right. so i think, if you want to to restore the trust of the american people, i think the department of justice has a duty to give us all the information we have been asking for. we need to find out who started this investigation, we need to find out what the purpose was. if you have an individual who actually had a desire to have an outcome in a political race, and they decided to use the department of justice to investigate their political opponents, i think that s one of the worst crimes that as occurred in the history of the united states when it comes to politics. do you agree with that? it would if that were what happened, congressman, it would certainly by of great concern. i hope you are truly investigating this and we get to the bottom of this. thank you very much. i yield back. the chair recognizes the gentleman from california, mr.
swalwell. express my thanks to your employees who serve our national interests every day and do very important work at the department. mr. rosenstein, have been spoken with the president since you were appointed. of course. sup in a one-on-one setting. i ve never spoken with the president in a one-on-one setting. has he called i by telephone? yes. and what was discussed? as i said, congressman, i ve told you that if i were told to do anything inappropriate, i would talk about it, but if the president is consulting me within matters of my responsibility, that s part of the way you run the government. did he discuss the investigation. i m not going to communication with the president. how many times has he called you? congressman, i m not going to comment about my communications with the president. there s nothing wrong with the president consulting with his deputy attorney general about matters within the jurisdiction
of the justice department. as long it s not inappropriate. i agree, except this president has demonstrated and been expressed through testimony from james comey that s not been contradicted under oath multiple times he is willing to talk to individuals at the department about ongoing investigations. that s where the concern arises with respect to attorney general sessions recusal. was he involved to allow reporters to review the text messages that you discussed earlier? no tnot to my knowledge. would you tell us if he was. if he learn about it, if it matters i m not aware of any impropriety in what the department has done. but attorney general sessions is recougsed from bob mueller s investigation, right? attorney general sessions is recused from the investigation, correct. and these text messages related to
i don t want to argue with the congressman. i m aware of the recusal and not aware of any evidence though the attorney general has violated his recusal. if you are overseeing an investigation and lead a team of investigators, and you learn that one of the investigators has demonstrated a perceived bias against an individual in the investigation, should you, a, keep the person on the team, or b, remove the person from the investigation. b. know that fact pattern, what did bob mueller do with a similar fact pattern. he chose the correct option. mr. rosenstein, the president has said a number of things about you, the attorney general, the fbi being in at that timers. he even compared or intelligence community, which your employees are a part of, to nazi germany. considering his continued disparagement of the department and your employees, are your employees proud for work for a person who holds their high integrity in such low regard.
my employees i believe are proud to work for the department of justice. some of them support a particular president, some of the them don t. as long as they do their job appropriately, that s my concern. i agree and i hope that s the case. mr. rosenstein, your testimony is you believe bob mueller is a person of high integrity. is that right? yes. you believe the investigation is being conducted fairly, correct? yes. and you believe he s publicly indicted two individuals with respect to his investigation? correct. he s also obtained two guilty pleas? correct. is there good cause to fire bob mueller as we hit here today? not to my knowledge. i m concerned that my colleagues particularly in the majority have signaled quite indiscreetly today, they would probably give the president a pass if he were to fire or order you to fire bob mueller. there have been a number of statements attempting to
undermine the good character of bob mueller. that concerns me, because that would certainly fly in the face of the rule of law in this country and would not be object, i believe. with the american people or the spirit he that our country was founded upon. mr. deputy attorney general your investigation is a very narrow bridge. the important part i believe we need you tore fearless. we have a president who has demonstrated his willingness to be involved in investigations that involve he and his family. for the sake of our country, for the sake of rule of law, i hope that you continue to demonstrate the character that got you into this position and that has given us as a committee i think faith in your ability to carry out that mission. i yield back. the chair recognizes the gentleman from texas, mr.
farenthal. i feel obliged on the account of the folks that i represent are always sfoop asking me about this to say, there is a real concern out there in texas, certain around the nation, that we ve got a special counsel who is basic loire the department of justice has not basically been able to confirm or deny what investigations are going on, if any, with respect to the potential misdeeds of the clinton campaign and be it through uranium-1, various speaking engagements for former president clinton and the like. again, i m not asking you to break that confidentiality, but i am suggesting there are a lot
of people out there who would be sadly disappointed if there isn t an investigation, and who may actually or who do actually think there might be ought to be a special prosecutor or special counsel to look at the other side. so instead of beating that dead horse, i m going to beat another one that i ve been talking a thought about. that s specifically the doj s opposition to the usa liberty act. why is it so hard, why is a warrant requirement so difficult to deal with on your part, when we understand the needs to have exigent circumstances where things get look at quickly, it s like the fisa court or to stop terrorists are being rolled into more normal mainstream criminal investigations, where
traditionally there s been a need for a warrant? why is it so difficult to get a warrant? in many cases, you can create the necessary paperwork and cause in a matter of hours, if not minutes. there are judges on call 24/7 to look at these things, why is it such a problem? why are you all opposed to it? i will duplicate mr. wray s comments. i wish independence join us and see how it would work, and i think that would enhance the public s confidence. think it would be burdensome, and i certainly respect, and i understand the concerns, congressman. i think those are serious concerns, and we ll do everything we can to try to reassure people about it, but i can simply tell you, and it would take me longer than the time you have to explain the
full process, but i believe director wray is correct about this, and the national security community, i know many folks involved pre-9/11 and post-9/11 have spoken up about how importance we need this tool. we do not want to be in the position during 9/11 why didn t they figure out the threat before the attacks? if it were easy to do with a warrant, i would be in favor, but it s not. i believe we have appropriate safeguards in place and we have people who are responsible, who are conducting these investigations and are going to avoid infringing americans rights. that s our primary concerns. attorney general sessions has made that one of his priorities to make sure there are no violationses. i do not believe the program as it exists represents a violation of anyone s rights. you and i may respectfully disagree on whether it violates
folks rights. there s a reason the fourth amendment was excluded in the constitution. i used to run a computer consulting company. you ve heard about breaches throughout the public and private sector. can you give me an overview of what you all are doing with respect to that and what if anything that congress needs to do. it would hard to do it quickly, congressman. we do have a lot of resources, both the fbi and other agencies that are protecting against the threat. it s a significant threat. we face both intelligence threat from hostile foreign governments, and also a criminal threat from people who try to break into our systems to commit crimes and defraud americans. so it s a very challenging issue, as you know, from your experience. technology continue toss evolve. we need to stay a step ahead of
the capabilities of our adversaries and criminals. the fib does have a lot of resore devoted about that. and i think that s going to be an area where we will need increasing support from the congress to make sure that we keep up with our adversaries. i see my time has expired. thank you, mr. chairman. thank you. the chair recognizes the gentleman from california, mr. lu, for five minutes. thank you deputy attorney ross are not stein for being here. i note for the american people not only were you appointed by president trump, you were also previously appointed by president bush to serve as u.s. attorney for maryland. in a protile view in the washington post when you were u.s. attorney, a former prosecutor says rod rosenstein is a post are child for the fair-minded prosecutor. so thank you for your service to the american people and your exemplary service.
thank you. last week fbi director christopher wray told you that no one is above the law. would you agree with that statement. absolutely. yes, i would. important to our democracy is not only that concept, but also that people have to have trust in our law enforcement investigations. there are some of my colleagues, and some in the media who have suggested if you make political contributions, somehow you cannot be fair and impartial. so as you know, these political contributions are a matter of public record. you previously said when it comes to a special counsel investigation you, counsel mueller and fbi director wray will be the ones held accountable. we looked up the contributions of fib director wray. he has made over $39,000 in contributions exclusively to republicans, including 2500 twice to romney for president. 2600 twice to perdue for
president. is,000 to comstock for congress, on and on. do you believe fbi director christopher wray can remain fair and impartial? yes, i do. okay. your colleague associate attorney general rachel brand has made over $37,000 in political contributions exclusively to republicans. do you believe she can remain fair and impartial despite her political contributions. yes. and to shut down this silly argument tro my colleagues across the aisle that somehow they exercise their first amendment right to make political contributions that somehow they cannot do their job. it shows a desperation that some people have about the mueller investigation, which i now want to turn to. you supervise the investigation, so you are aware, of course of their guilty pleas and indictments, and in reviewing the guilty plea of george p
papadoupolis, you believe it was and with russian officials. i believe that s correct. i don t want to comment beyond the charging documents. the guilty plea of michael flynn, you must have looked at those. you would agree there s a legal and factual basis fort as well? yes. he lied to fbi agents about his interactions with russian ambassador, correct? again the documents speak for themselves. you have indictments against paul manafort and rick gates. you would believe there s a solid basis for those indictments. when we return an indictment we are always careful to say the defendants are presumed innocent, but i m comfortable with the process that was
followed. would agree that was a factual basis to interview the witnesses, correct? i m not aware of? improprie impropriety. you previously testified about robert mueller s sxemp hear record and dedication, you did mention he es a vietnam record. he also did receive a bronze star for his service in vietnam, correct? i believe two. correct. he also received a purple heart for his service in vietnam? yes. okay. what do we have here? we have a special counsel investigation that s being supervised by mr. rosenstein, who s been described as a fair-minded prosecutor, appointed twice by republican presidents, but run by special counsel mueller, extraordinary dedication, vietnam veteran, purple hard, bronc stars, and in
coordination with christopher wray, who has made over $39,000 of contributions exclusively to republicans. that is the leadership of this special counsel investigation, and i am okay with that. . i yield back. the chair recognizes mr. desantis for five minutes. when sally yates defied president trump, was that appropriate what she did? i disagreed with her decision. if you re in a position where you get an order, your job is to follow the order, if you think it s unconstitutional, then your response would be to resign your office, correct? my response i think would be first to talk first with the person who gave the order. of course if i concluded it were constitutional, i would not implement it. obviously you can t have a department operating where each one is a law unto themselves, or if they happen to think it s bad, they don t follow the
orders. is that correct? that is correct. it bothered some you have andrew wiseman, a big donor, he went to hillary s supposed victory party. when she took that action, he sends her an e-mail, saying how he s in awe, and so proud of her, basically standing up to trump. it was seen as a very direct rebuke to the president. so your tests was are the political opinions affecting someone in that office. isn t that an example of his strongly held anti-trump opinions affecting how he s conducting himself on his official e-mail. as i mentioned congressman, i have discussed this general issue with director mule are on several occasions, he understands the important of ensures thatting there no bias reflected in the conduct of the investigation. it looks bad to the public. i m telling you now. part of it, is there an actual
bias, but there an appearance of that? this appears to be that, because clearly what she did was not something that experienced prosecutors the russia investigation, who started it? who was the agent? was it strzok who started it? who opened the case? that matter is under review by the jell gens committee, but i can assure you we ll provide appropriate access to the intelligence committee for what they need to answer. did the fbi pay for the dossier? i m not in naps to answer that question. do you know the answer? i believe i know the answer, but the intelligence committee is the appropriate committee that is not true. we have oversight over your department and the fbi, and whether public funds were spent on a dossier, that is not something that s classified. with evident ever right to that information. you should provide it.
if not there would probably be things. was that info used to get surveyians over anyone associated with trump. i know it s been a concern for several members of the committee. i have set aside about a half hour every day to review fisa applications, and it is not legal for me to talk about those applications. i m not able to answer one way or the other. i would like that authority. i think you can say you may not be able to talk about the sources and message of the subject, but if this was used, we need to know that. do you agree what was the role of bruce orr? he met with christopher steele before the election. was that authorized? i do not know all the details. i don t know the full story, but we have agreed to make mr. ohm rr available for congressional interviews. you need to pursue it. it s your department, you demoted him. he wall street working with christopher steele, you have an anti trump dossier, his wife
works for fusion gps. this doesn t look good. i m knott suggesting that i m disinterested. i get it. let me ask you this. the role of mr. strzok, how much of we re going to leave the hearing. we ll take you back there moment tear, but the president of the united states meeting at the white house with republicans from the house and the senate. the conferrees who say they have struck a deal, reached a framework, to recognize the competing house and senate tax cut plans, the president meeting with them. let s listen in. i m told we re about to get the tape from the white house. the president meeting with the key republicans who they re charged with, the conferrees we call them, to they say they have reached a deal. the 20% corporate tax rate would go up we re told in this compromise. in exchange, top earners would get a tax cut in that plan as well. here s the president of the united states meeting with republicans at the white house.
well, thank you very much. we ll also by speaking at 3:00 today, a little more about what s happening with this incredible journey and what we re doing with regard to bringing down taxes, the largest tax cut ever. but i appreciate you being here today. i want to thank the incredible members of the house and senate who have been working so hard, we re close to a historic legislative victory, the likes of which rarely has this country seen. i think i did say kevin and orrin that we re getting close. i know a lot of the folks that we d like to have here, we want if you have a choice, stay back, get it done. they re all working and negotiating some final points, but we re very, very close. this bill is vital to the american people for many reasons. first of all, it s going to have a tax cut the likes we haven t seen for not only business, but for the working families of our
country. it s a tax cut based on jobs, and also very good for companies which also means jobs. the typical family of four earning $75,000 will see an income tax cut of $2,000. so that s $2,000 in their pocket additional to spend on whatever they want to spend, or they could save the money also. you do have a lot of families in the old days, they saved money, but they will be saving it in many cases. second, the bill will cut taxes for the american businesses, both big and small, so that they can grow higher and compete all around the world. right now they re paying 35%, and that s the highest in the industrialized world. in many cases by far, and we ll be bringing that down to a number that would be extremely impressive to a lot of people
we ll be able to compete all over the world. thi third. so we re fixing the system. finally the plan will bring trillions back into the united states, money that s offshore well, 2.5 has grown, and it s going to be a lot more than that they have billions of dollars overseas that they want to bring back. now they re going to bring it back, and we ll be spending that money and they ll be spending it right hoar, jobs and other good things, while the media has focused on the differences, i can only tell you that we have

President , Mueller-investigation , Women , United-states , Example , Rachel-crooks , Grounds , One , 16 , Former-trump , Quote , Mouth

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Ingraham Angle 20180426 02:00:00

plus the high cost of socialized medicine. little alfie evans parents have been trying to liberate the 2-year-old from a u.k. hospital. i want to let him go? kanye west blows up the internet supporting trump while the left goes into a volcanic meltdown. i will get it all in our seen and unseen segment with raymond arroyo. the media trying to spin a g.o.p. congressional victory in an off year special election as a loss for trump. we will expose the real agenda. and another untested social experiment is underway, as girls begin joining the boy scouts. but at what cost? an eagle scout response. but first, the tyranny of the judiciary. that s the focus of tonight s angle. yesterday a federal district court judge in d.c., jon d bates, overturned
this type of power should outrage every american. i don t think any serious legal scholar really thinks that president obama had the constitutional authority to waive his noble hand and grant 700,000 young people de facto citizenship. remember, he gave them the right to work here without fear of any deportation, all by this executive action. remember, when the democrats have a majority in congress, they failed to pass broad-based amnesty. so obama, through his homeland security secretary janet napolitano, decided he will do it on his own. this was done despite the misgivings of his own justice department. but nevertheless, obama pushed it as far as he could. the bill hasn t really changed. the need hasn t changed. it is still the right thing to do. the only thing that s changed apparently was the politics.
it makes no sense to expel talented young people who, for all intents and purposes, are americans. laura: the whole citizenship thing, millions who came here illegally to get citizenship, that s all a formality, mr. president. what president trump and his admin s ration did by rescinding daca was to actually restore the rule of law and return immigration decisions and the fate of those daca kids to the constitutionally appropriate branch of government, congress. yet district court judges from san francisco to brooklyn and now here in washington, d.c., have stymied this president at every turn. this is totally absurd and an abuse of power. now, you might be asking yourself how we got here. and how did we get to a point where people from foreign countries believe they can crash our borders, game our immigration system, and ultimately just wander freely in
our country? well, the answer, one out-of-control judge in california have a lot to do with it. her name is george dolly d. in 2014, we saw of the mass influx of illegals crossing our southwest border. remember the obama department of homeland security placed a lot of those illegal immigrant family units in detention facilities. well, in 2015, judge gee ruled that the government could not detain the children in center set up. although centers in texas because the judge ruled they were not safe and sanitary enough. she based that decision on this 1997 settlement agreement that was called the florez case, that required that unaccompanied alien minors be released into the country without delay. this judge gee went further, ruling that not only should the
minors be released into the united states once apprehended but their parents should be allowed to go free as well. so again, that one district judge in california is responsible for the release of an estimated 107,000 unaccompanied minors into the interior of this country since the year 2016. and then also most of the 167,000 apprehended family units released as well. again, think this through. one district court judge has forever changed our cultural, demographic, and economic, perhaps national security landscape. one judge. that is not what our founders intended. now let s face it. the runaway judiciary has become in effect a new flank of the resistance. they are taking away your power. come and it s time for congress to circumscribe the authority ad
or at the very least, constitutional determinations of the type we are seeing in this daca case. they should be referred to the appellate judges, three-judge panel or maybe an on banc panel of the whole court. they are far more knowledgeable on constitutional knowledgeable on constitutional and all these matters. the tyranny especially of the district court bench has to end. the people s will should no longer be held hostage to the capricious whims of one ill-equipped disgruntled life tenured jurist. that s the angle. joining me now for reaction are. rnc national committee woman. scott bolden. with me in washington, saul weissberg. cute and cuddly as always. deputy independent counsel. scott. i am teasing.
good to see all of you. let s start with you. when we see an entire federal program either struck down or in this case a decision invalidated in 90 days if the judge isn t satisfied, it will be invalidated. that s a lot of power for one unelected district court judge residing in washington, d.c. that s right. he isn t the first one. he s the third in the country, as you mentioned, in your opening. judge also in san francisco and a judge in brooklyn. what s interesting to note for your viewers is that there was a federal judge in maryland who ruled the opposite way. what s wrong with the whole scheme is that one district judge is now overruling basically another district judge. this nationwide junctions inviting litigants. they are running to the most liberal jurisdictions in
america. northern district of california, eastern district of new york, and district of columbia. that s not how our courts were meant to be. our courts were meant to have a hierarchy, as you mentioned. and only a superior court, not an equivalent court, should be allowed to do this. president trump has been subjective 22 nationwide injunctions. that s more than any other president in history. laura: district court judge, right? district court judge. an injunction that affects the whole country. that s wild. it didn t used to be a thing. 175 years of our country s history, there were no nationwide injunctions. it s recent and out-of-control. laura: scott, robert bork talked about the political seduction of the law. he had given lots of speeches over the years about, and he disagreed with justice scalia on this about limiting the federal courts jurisdiction because of the allure, the political allure that all of the charges and of
laura: it is all made up. he made it up. the d.c. circuit law. he s got to follow the d.c. circuit. laura: he made it up. you do not think we have a problem with runaway judges in this country? absolutely, and i m not saying i agree with judge bates decision but it s a mainstream decision and all he said if he had wanted to be like one of these california judges, he would ve said i vacate it right away. you ve got 90 days. you were sloppy, is what he sai said. permanent injunction. issued a permanent injunction. laura: her meet, then scott scott. conservative judge in texas. scott, you raise a good point. i think democrats should be very concerned about this as well because the tables will be turned one day and it s not the place of judges who are an equal branch, not a superior branch, to be issuing nationwide injunctions on the basis of two or three people in front of them. that s outrageous.
it s not president in our history. this judge did go further than the judge in california. he issued a partial summary judgment here with no trial. he sort of made up some of these rulings, they make no sense. finally president obama himself in 2012 when he signed the daca order, he said this is a temporary measure. this is a stopgap. this is to give hope to some people until congress acts. now it s being converted. laura: comey made a comment. i want to play this for all of you. scott, you can react. this is what he said tonight on cnn. after i was fired from i put together a legal team of three people, one of whom was professor dan richman at columbia university. after i had asked him to give this information to the media. i separately gave my legal team four memos which were unclassified. they included the ones that he had gone to give the substance of it to the new york times.
the bottom line is i see no credible claim by any serious person that that violated the law. laura: scott, no problem? a couple memos were confidential. four of them were not. absolutely, and because they were not confidential or seen as sacred and what have you, no problem. i guarantee you this. under the trump administration, if they really thought he had leaked secret documents are classified documents, he would be prosecuted right now. what is the delay? you yelled and screamed about this for months about him leaking but what about the substance of those documents, which is the real issue. and why hasn t he been prosecuted if he has broken the law with the republican administration that he is at war with right now? why not? laura: sol. as a practical matter doesn t matter because the judgment proves in d.c., there is no d.c. jury that whatever convict jim comey. they are not going to convict anybody who is an enemy of trum
whatever he said in the campaign is irrelevant? laura: played both sides in the questioning. he seemed to indicate he was siding with those would strike down the travel ban. what s your take? well, laura, i think they did play both sides, several judges. most of the conservative judges seem to be siding with the administration on this. i think this case is up in the air. i would be foolish to make a prediction here. i think they thought about a very carefully. ultimately i think the trump administration should win this but obviously you know, there are politics and very strong feelings. we heard some rhetoric about flipping the tables and one of the candidate made anti-semitic remarks. i know they are thinking that way. if they look at the four corners of the law, hopefully should be laura: or the constitution. scott, prediction. upheld or struck down. i certainly hope it will be struck down. a tough case here. trump s biggest problem in doj s biggest problem is they do have
broad authority but trump s own statements, political and outside the courtroom, he s his own worst witness. the judges have to grapple with that. i don t think they can ignore his statements, whether they are inconsistent or not. laura: they can, depending depending they know laura: we ve got to go. for once, scott is halfway right. the problem isn t what he said before the election. it s what president has said and tweeted since the election. he s got to watch that. we talked about that before. laura: fantastic segment. did i get any continuing legal education credit with that segment? when we return from i will reveal exclusive information tonight about how forces in america kept mexican authorities from fully disbanding the illegal immigrant caravan. you don t want to miss it. coming up.
laura: welcome back to the ingraham angle. i can reveal to you exclusively tonight some blockbuster new information. about the caravan of illegal immigrants arriving at the southern border. a source close to the mexican government told me today that after mexico had effectively disbanded the caravan and deported many of its members, the american media outlets including cnn along with various ngos and the united states whipped up a lot of stuff that helped reconstitute the caravan and indeed recruit new members. it started chugging its way to tijuana. what happened is a narrative was created that helped, as i said, recruit new members and convince those already in the caravan to keep the party going. while, they sold these individuals as political refugees of course, when most are seeking a seven based on purely economic reasons because they want a better way of life.
this source told me that the caravan was basically finished until cnn reporter sympathetically focused on the plight almost exclusively of women and children in the caravan. many of them coming from honduras, telling us that they are fleeing violent political corruption as well as poverty, r way north. they say doesn t matter what president trump says or if president trump since the national guard to the u.s.-mexico border. they will find a way to get north. laura: women and children. you see that shot, they were almost all men. just one woman. what? what else do we know about who is in the caravan? and ms-13 gang member tried to sneak in the country pretending to be an unaccompanied minor. lastly, we exposed how american attorneys may try to use our lax asylum laws to force us to take
in hundreds of these illegal immigrants, conducting seminars and so forth. for reaction, we are joined by congressman steve king of iowa, member of an immigration and border security subcommittee and congress. it s good to see you, but this is disturbing. this is just wild what s happening. you have these lawyers, including this guy who was one of the lead lawyers in this effort, alex mensing, a project coordinator organizing this effort to help the caravan. the concern, congressmen, is that we have american lawyers and other nongovernmental organizations almost working hand in glove, de facto, with media outlets to push, mexican election coming up in a few months. put the political pressure on mexico and as i said, keep it all going. they make their way to tijuana and then walked? seeing this caravan make its way towards the united states endeavor towards tijuana and seeing the way they are
facilitating this with the media and with the immigration attorneys, i wish the immigration attorney organization has at least 15,000 members in the united states. of that organization. there is federal statutes that prohibit and are a felony for contributing and aiding and abetting illegal immigration. they better have their laws right if they re going to go to a foreign country and help facilitate an unarmed invasion into the united states. we are weak on our asylum laws. that is how the law was passed by voice in the middle of the night after everybody left for the airport for christmas vacation. a few years ago. several years, i don t have the exact year. i read the text of that and they were ready to gamble out and everybody headed to the airport and it was set up to be, this was during the pelosi era when she was the speaker and when harry reid laura: let me explain to people. you claim asylum when you say you have a credible fear of persecution for a variety of reasons. it s really lax. you can race, religion,
nationality, membership in a particular social group. i don t even know what that means. and political opinion. some of us feel persecuted for having a political opinion here. on those grounds committee can claim asylum. overwhelmingly, the immigration judges have granted asylum or allowed people to be released. then they never come back for their hearing or deportation briefing. training them what to say so when they arrive laura: workshops. they are doing workshops with these migrants. i stood on a cliff outside of roma, texas, and watched them inflate the raft, bring a pregnant lady across. they brought it to the shore and the grass, helped her up, handed her bags of her possessions and she stood and waited for the border patrol to come along to claim credible fear. laura: why haven t republicans in congress done anything to change this law? you have been a staunch log strengthening immigration laws. noncontiguous countries, other
than mexico, guatemala, honduras, el salvador, central america and beyond. if they show up at our border and they throw themselves at a border patrol agent, they don t have to cross the border. just show up. they can get asylum in the united states very easily or at least be released into the united states easily. we must have a new law that says you can be expeditiously and immediately removed back to your country, like you are if you are a mexican. mexicans don t have that ability. only other than mexicans have that ability to be released back into the united states. that s nuts. we talked about this judge in d.c. part of the judicial tyranny. changing the credible fear language, we did a tour of the border last october with chairman bob goodlatte and others. we went through a support system. we saw a lot of what was going on. the simple changes written into the davis oliver act that s got a lot of enforcement provisions in it. he laura: where is that?
speak of this act is looking for a way to come to the floor. laura: paul ryan, he s not going to bring into the floor question ? some republicans insist on daca amnesty. laura: here we go. you cannot just do something that protects the american people. that protects our sovereignty, our borders, our health, our national security. you can t just do that for the american people without a big giveaway to illegal immigrants. is that correct? people watching this, they want to throw something. i do, and i am hosting the show. the president whom i support, promised he would end daca but he served up daca amnesty. laura: i don t talk about that. that drove me crazy. speak what i m saying is we should make a deal between the rule of law and amnesty. laura: i can can lately agree 13,186. 13,186 uam, unaccompanied minors
under 17 have already been released this year in fiscal year 2018. i can guarantee they were driven to, bust to, or flow to all 50 states. records show laura: they go to sponsors. they made go to an address in las vegas. who knows. could be a coyote house. could be a drug smuggling house. ms-13. i was in arizona. they busted him for a pickup load of marijuana. 240 pounds. he had a tattoo on his arm. i saw with my eyes. we unloaded that marijuana. it s a stunning thing when you put your eyes on it you walk in the warehouses and going to those jails. about 81% male by the data i m looking at. some of those youth have a little gray in their beard, laura. laura: i get it. they might not be 17, congressman? we have to get something done. think is much for your advocacy work. up next, the media focuses on the first ladies hat while
missing the real story. kanye west goes full make america great again. stay there.
on taft made the orwellian nightmare of socialized medicine exposed by the plight of a dying child. kanye west strikes again, making liberal heads spin. to put it all in perspective, we are joined by fox news contributor raymond arroyo. the media coverage of the first lady yesterday, focused on her hat. her hat. stephen colbert kind of captured it in this clip. watch. today the two men addressed the crowd, and there was an awkward moment. trump goes for the kiss and oh! saved by the hack. that s more than a half. that s a defensive perimeter. their deal is either she gets to wear the hat or trump has to wear a cone. laura: we call it the cone of shame on my dog. there was mainstream coverage of this idea. the narrative is that the terms are distant.
they are loveless. here s the bottom line. laura: what are they supposed to do, make out in front of everybody question rex to go they are depriving melania of a really important moment. this moment yesterday. michelle obama when she was running the white house or laura bush before her, they had teams of people, hundreds, to organize. laura: professional party planners. desiree rogers screwed up at the state dinner and people snuck in. remember that? melania trump of this all on her own. she assembled a team of ten people, just her staff. it s her staff. she went over the protocol. laura: the video of her. she chose the flowers, lights, whole thing. she should be given credit for that, not maligned, not grabbing the hand when it was presented. she did hold his hand. she did indeed let him kiss her. this narrative, i am tired of this narrative. laura: they cannot give her one moment. this was an elegant, wonderful, beautiful presentation of america to france, and with the
french touch and the new orleans stuff. jambalaya. laura: i don t want to mention new orleans. i wave at everybody. don t wave it me. laura: i like that we are in double boxes. alfie evans, this is another infuriating case. national health service in britain is preventing parents from giving medical assistance to their child. this is so heartbreaking. speak of the subtle boy came in december of 2016. he was part of the hospital with an infection. he s been on a respirator. they say if you take the respirator out, he would die. he would be able to breathe on his own. well, it s been out since monday. his parents fought to keep the respirator. laura: they don t want to pay the money? they don t want to spend the money? national health service in britain, they look at an actuarial table and they say laura: not a human life. does the cost exceed the quality of life? in the case of visible baby who has a degenerative brain
disease, they say should be cut off. no more care. parents are fighting. they want them to have care. the father went to see the pope last week. in desperation. the pope not only blessed his efforts, he interceded. the pope said the head of a clinic in rome to liverpool, england. she is standing there, the doctors won t meet with her. there s a medical jet waiting to take this child to italy to get medical treatment. laura: the pope wants to take the baby and help the baby and the national health service won t let the pope and give him italian citizenship two. they won t let him free. why? i will tell you why. it s a shame. it would be a blight on the face of this national health care which has become its own religion. laura: dehumanized. to have a citizen go elsewhere for medical care. they would rather let the child died in hospital. laura: the child is suffering now because it s being denied food and hydration as well or food? sticker they are giving it some hydration. let me tell you, the networks in the united states to a 28 minutes of coverage of the royal birth.
none to alfie evans. laura: the queen made a statement. william and kate as well. lots of prayer services happening around the country. in new york tomorrow at noon at the u.n., also notre dame today and other schools. laura: well. let s pray for a miracle here. pray for a miracle. all right, this have the twitter sphere going crazy. i m glad it s not focused on me. i m glad when i am not trending. what is trending is kanye west who i had a problem with when he took taylor swift s award out of her hand. remember that ideal? it s kanye. he is a free laura: he was a pal of trump. he issued this week today which reads: of course the mae america great hat. he came out and said no mom is going to dissuade him from that love. he is being attacked, as you can imagine. laura: must have watched
our defending the first series because we ve been defending people s rights to have a different opinion. i am of 2 minds. laura: you re a big hip-hop fan. right up with frank sinatra. here s the idea, i m not sure if he s trying to promote his upcoming albums and his line, line of clothing or if it s truly a cry for freedom of speech and might be an opening in a community that s been monolithic. we ll see. chance the rapper came out and set up not all black people have to be democrats. taking a chance. there it is. we will see where it leads. hopefully it will start a conversation. why can t there be white liberals and white conservatives and black liberals and black conservative? laura: has to be monolithic monolithic. diversity is more fun. laura: prayers for baby alfie. raymond, thank you so much. you re gonna want to stick around to see the next segment. the media telling us that
congressional victory for the g.o.p. in arizona is actually a win for the democrats. isn t that cute? we are going to expand how they are wrong next.
analysts are former secret service agent dan bongino and florida and in new york, croissant, democratic former eta seminar leader chuck schumer. okay, chris, let s start with you. both sides do this at times. when obama wins big in a district in their selection on the republican another democrat only wins by 7. then republicans might say something but this is kind of a weird deal, it s a special election. not our regularly scheduled election. it s always going to be fairly low voter turnout. i think the democrats were kind of hyping this little much. well, look, i think that the swing here were significant mostly because of the demographics of the district. let me explain. the average age of the voter there is 60 years old. and that is a voter that tends to be reliably republican. the fact that this race was as close as it was with those demographics is particularly
troubling to republicans why been talking to all day. there were other races around the country where there was swings last night including new york for a democrat took an assembly seat that would have been held by republicans for the last 40 years. took it by 18 points. so there is a mood among republicans that there might be some changes in the air, and they ve got a lot of work to do. like one of the people quoted before said, you extrapolate that 15-point swing across the country and it s devastating. more importantly, if you look at the demographics here, mostly white, older. that s really bad especially given the fact that the candidate that the democrats put up there was pretty much a mainstream democrat, did not separate herself from washington democrats. there was nothing wrong with the republican candidate. she would not some crazy laura: okay, okay, okay we ve got a go. listen, i have no doubt laura that the democrats are probably going to pick up some seats in
these midterms. what do you expect? that media has been on a 24-hour conspiracy news network tirade on a fake russian collusion ferry trail against donald trump or they ve been calling him anything that ends in a -ist or a -phobe for the last year. yes there s probably going to be some good wins by the democrats for them, not for us. but if this turns out to be a blue puddle rather than a blue title wave they are in a lot of trouble. because they are solely invested in impeachment and they can t do it without taking the house. laura: another point i think we should think about is congress itself and republicans in congress have not done enough to enact the president s agenda.
i think that s part of the dash of republicans are kind of dispirited, it s not because the economy. the economy is doing really well. they are dispirited because the republicans aren t getting it done. they did repeal obamacare. the wall is not being built. they spent a lot of money on this omnibus. i mean, if you are a republican like this congress is lame. maybe debbie lesko is going to be better and hopefully she will be. we have to move on. we have another topic. i disagree. laura: quick, quick, quick. this election is good to be about trumpet nobody else. p rack. laura: okay, gentlemen, stay right. let s look at how the left and the media are portraying conservatives, republicans and the right. remember when then candidate obama made these famous remarks. cling to guns or religion nor antipathy towards people who aren t like them. laura: when hillary said this about trumpet voters. you could put half of trump supporters into what i call the basket of deplorables. right?
laura: now cnn s jim acosta is in trouble for saying this about trump supporters. people around the country don t know it s an act. they are not in on the act, they take what he says very seriously. they don t have all their faculties in some cases their elevator might not hit all floors. my concern is that a journalist is going to be hurt one of these days, somebody is going to get hurt. laura: after a backlash, acosta denied today he was referring to trump supporters and even mocking mental illness. what s really going on here? chris, let s get you on this. he really is echoing the refrain of the elites. they are dumb. they are troglodytes. they go around in ford f-150s. they have the gun rack on top. a book years ago called power to the people, about how the elites looked down on the regular working class people in the country.
that s how they lost the last election. that s how they lost in 2010. they made fun of the tea party. they haven t learned anything. acosta is just a member of that crowd. doesn t surprise me at all. all i can say is wah. i don t know when cnn became a safe space for conservatives. i am sorry if their snowflake tendencies were disrupted by what he said but i am a liberal who goes on fox news. i ve been called a lot worse than that. laura: that s why we love you. no sympathy for all of this. laura: i don t call all democrats mental or they don t have all that s a reporter, not a commentator. you are an analyst/commentator. he is supposed to be a reporter calling balls and strikes. at least that s what we are legibly. dan, hold on, hold on. have to get dan on this. he s been a rapid anti-trump reporter for cnn which i think it s one of the reasons why cnn again god bless them. i ve lost so many viewers over the years.
there s no reporters. they are only opinion makers. i have to say, laura, for as much as i like chris. this is how i know we are winning a little bit the culture war on the right. chris has co-opted one of our terms. snowflakes. this is how i know we are fighting back and winning. it really bothers chris. here s what chris knows that he s not telling you. i know this. chris knows his party has zero agenda. here is their agenda: give us your money. give us your health care. by the way, send your kids to bunch of crappy schools. they have no good schools. chris is married to identity politics, deplorable politics. look, the minority communities, muslim communities. females, we are going to save you from those rapacious republicans. they have nothing else. dan, dan, dan or not married
to any of that. we are not married to impeachment. doesn t even matter with the democrats care about. this election is going to be about donald trump. laura: chris, you are making his point. hold on. hold on. chris. dan. chris is making your point. it s a most likely democrats have given up on offering solutions or ideas, proposals to raise the standard of living for the average american. all of you guys hold on. what i m telling you, what i see a veteran washington for far too long. there s a lot of you are a xenophobic, anti-immigrant, antiblack, anti-lgbt. anti, anti, anti, bob mueller, impeachment, racist. that s what it is. where are the proposals about raising standard of living for average americans? there are tons of those proposals. laura: you say they are running on trump. that s all they are running on. no, they are not.
the people are voting on trump. i ve been on campaigns my entire life and this guy has taken all the oxygen out of the debate. it s all about him. it s not about the republican what they may or may not want to do. it s not about the democrat what they may or may not want to do. it s about donald trump and what he s doing. laura: growing the economy, good. the margin of victory is not going to be about him. chris is making our point. while the elitist democrat snobs, they knocked the deplorables for being the uneducated ignoramus class. chris is saying that his party stands for nothing. they re only running on one thing. we are not the guy the white house. we have nothing to offer you. we have no economic plan. laura: there is no obama in the wing. that s not what i said, dan. not what i said. it doesn t matter what any candidate on either side of the debate says during the election. laura: all trump all the time. i will take that. he is growing the economy. we might have a deal with north korea and we re getting back on the trade track.
i love it. let s make that. all right, guys. the pc police don t seem to think boys deserve their own safe spaces. now the girls want to join the boy scouts and are joining. the fallout next.
their ranks. 170 troops nationwide have begun a soft launch program after the organization revised its rules in october. this may make the verdure similars feel good but at what cost? let s discuss it with charlie kirk, executive director of turning point usa, fabulous group. also an eagle scout. now i m really impressed. i was impressed with turning point but now you re really cool. what is the problem with having girls in boy scouts other than it kind of messed up the description of the group name? i always said, laura, i said things are getting bad about what s next? are they going to let girls in the boy scouts? s? social psychologists will say in the development phase of young men in particular, there is quite and quite important of being around other young boys. as soon as you put a singular young lady in that environment, their behavioral pattern changes
completely. they are trying to impress that young woman. the way they act, the way they interact totally changes. look, the boy scouts of an unbelievably successful over the last 100 years of turning boys into men and creating some of america s greatest leaders. weatherby neil armstrong or u.s. presidents are u.s. senators u.s. senators, i m trying understand what was the motive behind this and the conclusion i ve come to his the political correct virtue signaling left, they like to destroy things that work. they want to destroy core cultural laura: attacks on masculinity. toxic masculinity now. if you bring girls and commits less toxic. and what have you listened to a comment from a father about his daughter who wants to be an eagle scout. let s watch. to think that my daughter could be an eagle scout, i want that for my son s but yesterday i didn t know that my daughter could be an eagle scout.
today she could if she wants to. and that makes me incredibly proud. laura: so he said my daughter, it s fantastic. she gets to reach this pinnacle just like the boys. well, what do you say to the sons who want to join the girl scouts? is that okay now? why doesn t she just joined the girl scouts? by the way, there is a wonderful tradition that s been around just about as long as boy scouts and here s the real problem. this whole move by the boy scouts of america is going to destroy the girl scouts of america. there is an institution that s designed programmatically to try to have leadership development for young women. that s the real problem here. it s going to destroy this other organization just to try to increase membership for the boy scouts. laura: by the way, charlie. hold on, charlie. we have a statement. came out in october when this decision was first made before was implement it. this is patricia mallard s, ceo of the girl scouts. vermont, new hampshire. to me a daughter is not a matter of convenience. you ve made the transfers are based on what you thought was
best for him and the doctor should be getting a similar decision. we know facts prove that the girl scout program is better, is a better program for girls and young women we serve. goes on and on about how they are not happy, obviously because they think it s going to destroy the girl scouts. and it will. the girl scouts have already troubled pruning and trying to grow their membership and this is only going to obliterate that. the broader point is this kind you see this happening throughout our culture and this is an important cultural issue and politics are always downstream from culture. the postmodernists want to redefine truth and they want to destroy things that work. the boy scouts of america for hundred years has been a core cultural institution that s turned boys into men. now we are severely jeopardizing that by inserting young ladies into the boy scouts. look, i can t understand why we can t just try to improve the girl scouts and we have to try to put them into the boy scouts. as an eagle scout, someone who was benefited from this program
personally, i am so disappointed. unfortunately with the trend of the country, i am not surprised. laura: charlie kirk, think is much. we ll be right back with the tweets of the night. will yours be chosen?

Trump , Parents , Kanye-west , Left , Cost , Medicine , Hospital , Internet , Uk , Alfie-evans , 2 , Raymond-arroyo

Transcripts For CNNW Anderson Cooper 360 20180403 00:00:00

immigration. as you pointed out, he spent a three-day weekend in mara large reminding the president that the midterms are coming up. on top of the vocal criticism from ann coulter. we are told that the president was already frustrated that there has been a lack of progress in his view in building the border wall. all of this was exacerbated with the reports on fox news with the caravans coming.
it isn t just on the immigration issue as you pointed out. it is a myriad of topics the president is touching on. amazon, nafta, mexico. some may say he has lost some of his moderating forces in the white house including hope hicks former communication director who left last week and this is the first week the president was without her by his side. even when she was here, he still went through these fits of fury. at the bottom line here is this is the president being the president. it is obviously not the first time that the president has gone after multiple groups in just one day. reporter: absolutely. i mean, if you look at his twitter feed, it appears that
this is someone in his seventies is not going to change and this, the accumulation of the staffing changes at the white house have been to, you know, take off some of the guard rails, some of the restraints that he previously had. let s be honest, it is not like he had serious guard rails or restraints previously. he loves this platform or the fact that any thought that pops into his head can be immediately disseminated to his people and he is very easily worked up on certain issues especially immigration. worked up about the omnibus bill that he claims didn t want to sign and had no funding for this number one priority, this wall. the funding said could not be used for anything except see-through fencing.
so easily worked up on the circulating media right now. so this is classic trump. we are going to be having this same conversation a year from assuming he is still in offeric. this is who he is. molly, i wonder how worried he is about the base. we are going to talk later. that he is getting this message that he needs to be fearful of getting soft in immigration. do you think there is truth to that, people in your base are starting to wonder where you are in immigration. that is clearly the message he is getting from somewhere. and you know see it popping up here and there in conservative media which is interesting because up to this point,
conservative media has been an a amen chorus. so it is very interesting to see conservative media holding trump accountable for some of his promising particularly on immigration which was such a signature issue. it is hard to blame him for being frustrated. in his view to the trump base. and seo you see him getting restless and wanting to do tariffs and something about immigration. and having fewer moderating influences around him. and we in washington know that congress doesn t do anything in even number of years. but if you are joe six pack, that doesn t make sense. that is stupid. why can t the congress keep going. part of that, you can t blame
trump for being annoyed. yeah, ryan, i guess the bigger question is whether the president understands like what daca is. he says big flows are trying to get in to u.s. to get in on the act. and that doesn t apply. he tweeted out a picture of fencing on the border that he says is the beginning of building the wall when we went down there and it is just rehabbing basic fencing that was put up in the bush administration. in the omnibus, there wasn t any money for his wall. it specifically said not allowed to be built. his tweets are hodgepodge for facts and fiction about immigration policy. you know, sometimes he talks about mexico having this tough immigration policy which it actually does.
2014 they changed the law in mexico because of the crisis on the southern border and aggressive about deporting people from central america something that trump sometimes points out. now he is arguing that they are letting all of these people through. couple of points on daca, one, of course president trump ended the program. it doesn t exist right now. and even if it did exist, it would not mean necessarily that anybody crossing the border would be eligible for it. and he made this point that if he had 51 votes in the senate that he could pass what he wanted on immigration. and that is not true either. that is not quite right either. so a lot of errors in his tweet over the weekend today. thanks very much. the president just tweeted again, and more on that next. also hear from a former white house chief of staff who has
plenty to say. also digging deeper on the sinclair broadcast. guest debate. and you can decide when we continue. touch is how we communicate with those we love, but does psoriasis ever get in the way? embrace the chance of 100% clear skin with taltz. for people with moderate to severe psoriasis, up to 90% had a significant improvement of their psoriasis plaques. with taltz, 4 out of 10 even achieved completely clear skin. don t use if you re allergic to taltz. before starting, you should be checked for tuberculosis. taltz may increase risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection, symptoms, or received a vaccine or plan to. inflammatory bowel disease can happen with taltz, including worsening of symptoms. serious allergic reactions can occur.
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days off and we try to unplug. the president lets his tweet wbr id= wbr10866 /> flag fly. he just tweeted again, as ridiculous as it sounds the laws of our country do not allow us to send those crossing our southern border back where they came from. a whole big wasted procedure must take place. then this came later, honduras, mexico and many other countries that the u.s. is very generous to sends many of wbr id= wbr11173 /> their people to our country through our weak immigration policies. we are talking about what it might means and what it says who the president might be listening to and who is not anymore including chief of staff john kelly. we have learned that kelly has /b>
little to do these things. leon panetta has a unique perspective on this. where do you think daca stands right now given the president s tweets this weekend declaring daca dead and blaming the democrats. i don t think the president s rationale is working at all with the american people certainly with latinos and more importantly with the congress. the president is the one who got rid of the daca program and created this crisis. he has failed to be able to work out any kind of approach on capital hill that was acceptable to him to try to fix the situation and now he is standing back and basically blaming everybody else for the problem and i don t think it is working. you now have a situation where it seems like, you know, people still read the president s tweet and reporters
report on them, but it doesn t seem like anybody on capitol hill pays them any attention. is that your impression as well? yeah, i don t think there is any question that one of the things that has happened over the course of these last many months of this administration is that the congress has gotten to the point where it simply doesn t take the president s tweets in particular with any degree of credibility. they have experienced a president who says one thing one day and says something else the next day. they know better than to take any action based on what he is urging because in the end, they are not sure whether he will stick to it. so they basically keep quiet and do what they have to do without responding in any way to what the president is saying. these tweets obviously came after, you know, he was at mara
largo. and he was with his chief of staff. do you think that kelly was not with the president while all of this happened? it was not a good situation in the white house. we have known that for a while. but the reality is that the whole purpose of a chief of staff is to be able to work with the president to have a trusting relationship with the president. and to be able to at least provide some degree of discipline with regards to how that president presents his positions to the country. not being there in mar-a-lago and having a group of individuals visit mar-a-lago that look like the bar scene from star wars and then for him to start tweeting based on that kind of conversation is just, i think, another reflection of the chaos that this president engages in as president. you are talking about the bar
scene in star wars, i wasn t going to quite putting it like that, but you have steven miller, sean hannity, the bright lights of fox news. don king who is really, i don t need to describe don king other than he stomped someone to death once. how unusual is it for the president to echo those around him than set an agenda himself. it is normal to have people to have like minds around them. but it is interesting the extent to not only watching fox news but consulting with these people. i think what we all have to do is remind ourselves of how presidents have always acted in the past whether they were republicans or democrats. normally, presidents of course
they want to meet with people that are friendly to them and most presidents have done that. but when it comes to policy, when it comes to pronouncements by the president of the united states, normally, what every president i ve known has done is to engage his chief of staff and the responsible staff in the white house or military leaders depending on what the issue is to sit down and have a policy discussion in which they arrive at a decision by the president and then they develop a process for presenting that decision to the american people. this is the only president i ve ever known who is basically thrown that whole process out the window. it is interesting, i remember back from the start of the administration you raising concerns about the make up of the white house, the weakness of the chief of staff. how people didn t have individual lanes of authority.
people could wander in and out of the oval office. several advisers have told him he doesn t need a chief of staff or communication director. what kind of an impact would it have if he eliminated those positions. in many ways it feels like that is the case right now, even with john kelly chief of staff, this president goes off and does whatever he wants to do. tweets whatever he wants to say and conducts policy by his tweets. and so you very much have a situation in which a president of the united states is basically out there kind of operating on his own. now most presidents usually have a support system. they have staff, chief of staffs policy individuals who have experienced in the areas they
are involved with. we are in never never land with this president. not knowing from day-to-day what he is going to say what he is going to tweet or what he is going to do. secretary panetta, i appreciate it. thank you very much. thank you. the president s barrage of tweets took aim on daca. i will talk to jorge ramos on his perspective. dr. scholl s. born to move.
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fox news. jorge ramos has spent time defending. do you think he is right? do you think there is a political will to get things done from this president? i don t see any political will from this president. the president who killed daca is donald trump. he did that last september. he didn t have to do that. he was offered from the democrats to have daca approved for a few miles of the border and he said no. i don t think president trump wants to do anything that might favor up to 2 million daca kids, dreamers and the person who did it was precisely donald trump. i mean, he continues, he is blaming the democrats for
killing daca. i don t think he is right. look, it was president obama who in 2012 established daca and it is president donald trump who killed daca. they want to have some kind of negotiation with the president. they offer him up to 300-350 mails of border of wall and he said no. look, we have been hearing all kinds of things about president trump. he said this was going to be a bill of love. that he had the heart to helped dreamers. he is not going to do it. i think something happened during the weekend. we are dealing with the most anti immigrant president since the 1950s. not only killing daca, he wants to end legal immigration. he has arrested 30% more people
than president obama. i don t think this president is going to do anything for the dreamers and be the dreamers know that. a supreme court hearing ensure that daca is going to be in place at least during the fall. i don t think congress is going to do anything about it with a republican majority. they cannot only approve daca, they can help the dreamers and also have immigration reform if they want to. they don t want to do it. for the dreamers, they have two options. one is to wait for the courts to rule on this. and the other one is what they already call plan b. and plan b is to wait until 2020 to see if donald trump is going to be re-elected or not. and for many of them, donald trump is not an option right now. and the real wall right now on immigration is called donald trump. trump is the wall.
the president tweeted that these big flows of people are all trying to take advantage of daca and they want in on the act. i mean, just technically that is not true, no one can enroll in daca, what do you think is going on here? he has no idea what he is talking about. he precisely said these caravans, first of all, there are no caravans, there is ungro ungroup one group. every year they do it and their purpose. and we talked to univision, spoke to the spokesperson, and they clearly say their purpose is not to come illegally to the united states. their focus is to bring attention to the violence. they cannot take advantage of
daca. to apply for daca, you would have to have been here in this country before 2007. 11 years ago. i don t know what the president is talking about. the president accused mexico also in his words doing very little. the relationship between president trump and mexico s president has been chilly and this cannot help and now the fate of nafta is further in doubt. this is not helping. even though the mexican government released also statement saying that mexico and the u.s. are cooperating on immigration. the fact is that since donald trump announced hiss candidacy on june 2015, nothing has been good in the relationship between mexico and the united states. jorge ramos, thanks very
much. hearing dozens of news anchor reading the exact same thing across the country. sound familiar, we will take a look at what is behind it next. (vo) you can pass down a subaru forester. but you get to keep the memories. love. it s what makes a subaru, a subaru. (avo) get 0% apr financing on all new 2018 subaru forester models. now through april 2nd. non-drowsy claritin 24 hour relief when allergies occur. day after day, after day. because life should have more wishes and less worries. feel the clarity and live claritin clear.
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defending the move that critics are calling pro trump propaganda. sinclair broadcast owns hundreds across the country. a script that sounded pretty much like what the president would have to say. false news has become too common on social media. more alarming, some media outlets publish this push their own personal bias and agenda to control exactly what people think and this is extremely dangerous to our democracy. after that video went viral the president tweeted and i quote so funny to watch fake news networks among the most
dishonest groups of the company defending the promos as a journalistic. all too common on social media. reporter: identical script read by local news anchors across the country. stations all controlled by one company, the sinclair broadcast company. reporter: the tone sounding early similar. this is extremely dangerous to our democracy. this is extremely dangerous to our democracy. reporter: done to quote reach maximum reach frequency. it is the latest move by a media
giant that critics say is pushing pro trump propaganda. former fbi director james comey testified. reporter: last year senior advisor bor ris epstein was hired by sinclair. the media coverage of this administration seems to be hype and little substance. reporter: mandated by corporate bosses. has rankled news room for cutting into local news time. in the run up to the election the trump campaign struck a deal with sinclair. better news coverage in return to more access to then candidate trump. most viewers don t know their local news is being shaped by a
national conglomerate. sinclair nows owns or controls 193 stations and markets across the country. the company is poised to control even more since a bid to by tribune media will give sinclair access to 72% of every household in the nation. most of sinclair stations are cnn affiliates meaning cnn shares context and resources with them and vice versa. ac 360 made attempts to have a sinclair representative on the program to no success. fair and objective reporting. and for specifically asking the public to hold our news rooms accountable. gary tuchman, cnn, new york. i spoke with chris ruddy who
frequently speaks with the president and here is what he had to say. i agree with the sentiment of the sinclair editorial. i agree with the president that the media should not be calling sinclair unfair. if you look at their local news reporting has been generally fair and not biased. i have watched a number of their stations. that said, there is a tremendous dangerous when major tv net works are homogenizing and packaging news at the local level. joining me npr media adviser, as well as dan abrams. can you remember though anything like this before? no. two things that are proublitrouo
me is number one, local stations prides themselves on independence. and then it detracts from that argument. maybe the most important thing to me is the lack of transparency. if sinclair wants to come out to say there has been media liberal bias out there for years out there, it is time to combat that. fair enough. a lot of people would agree with them. that the mainstream media has tended to be left of center. but to pretend this isn t that kind of statement. to pretend this is a statement of how good we are as local news reporter and go in depth and get the real story feels disingenuous and that is my bigger problem here. david, what they are claiming what they are talking about is not actually what they were talking.
i know you spoke with scott livingston. he said this is a differentiation for us. let me be clear, when i used to be a reporter for the baltimore sun, they did some of the best reporting locally in the market. what they are doing is trashing much of the rest of the media. he says they are really expressing concerns about the way fake stories get reported. but you know, the echoes of president trump s rhetoric are so very strong and as dan says i think we have every right to present this as their corporate belief. they are trading on the trust that many of these local news anchors have built with their audiences. not simply by dent of what they are saying, but by dent of the
fact they deposit snt that they say it all. simply reading it from a teleprompter. it is not if they are actually saying fake stories that are ginned up online. they don t use any specific examples of what consider fake story and it sounded from the way all the anchors are reading is talking about reporters like magg maggie haberman, that all of these people are doing one side reporting. of course they are talking about the liberal media. we can sit here and pretend that maybe that is not what they are talking about, but they are talking about the liberal media. i don t think it is okay to just pretend this is just a statement by the anchors. and david makes a good point,
these anchors are in a tough spot. people are saying they should all quit and stand up and say they are done. that is a nice principal point to make but a lot harder for these anchors who these days those jobs are tough to find. if they say i won t do it, they will be celebrated by some, they will be lionized by many in a particular community but they also may lose their job. so you are putting them in a difficult spot to make that point and particularly many on the left many demanding of them don t say it, if they say you have to say it, then quit. boy, that is a tough spot to put all of these anchors in. david, the president s tweet in support of sinclair, i m not sure it helps sinclair with what it is trying to accomplish. sinclair is saying this isn t
about left or right, it is about us expressing our values of being fair. i am not sure the president weighing on the side of sinclair, helps their point. it is hard to look at this controversy over these statements being read aloud by anchors. in the absence of how sinclair handles themselves both on the air and off the air. looking to take over 30 more stations. and the reason that matters is they are nationalizing their coverage. and a lot of that national becomes. thank you very much. new reporting on the mueller investigation to tell you about. the wall street journal reporting details on that ahead.
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the wall street journal tonight reports that special counsel robert mueller is investigating possible links between longtime trump adviser roger stone and wikileaks founder julian assange. in its report, the newspaper says it has an e-mail dated august 4th, 2016, in which stone wrote he d had dinner with assange. then as now pretty much confined to the ecuadorian embassy in london. an e-mail stone tells the paper was a joke. i m joined now by one of the reporters who wrote the story, shelby holiday. shelby, roger stone says this isn t true, that he never dined with assange and that, quote, it s not what you say. it s what you do. this was said in jest. that s not dissuaded mueller s team based on your reporting from actually looking into it, correct? correct. there s an people and it says he dined with julian assange. he says it s a joke.
he did not deny that he actually wrote this e-mail. he said it was all just a big joke, claiming he had been in touch with julian assange. we do know after he wrote this e-mail, he went on to tell a crowd in florida he had been in contact with julian assange, and his statements have shifted over the past year. he told the house intelligence committee according to reports that he spoke to assange through an intermediary, but when we approached him about this story, he said he never talked to assange in 2016, especially on that day, on august 3, 2016. if you pull back and look the at the time line here, this comes a few days his e-mail comes a few days after president trump called on russia to find hillary clinton s missing e-mails. and it also comes after reported contacts between paul manafort, who is facing a number of charges, and a man that the special counsel s office said hinted at is linked to russian intelligence, konstantin kilimn kilimnik. that time line leading up to this e-mail is very curious. then following the e-mail, roger
stone went on twitter and praised julian assange. he went on to say liberals want wikileaks to stand down, but they won t. the payload is coming. so he predicted this e-mail release for months after the e-mail that said he d dined with julian assange. do you know whether ecuadorian officials in london have been cooperating with mueller s team? obviously assange is holed up at the embassy there for years. if there actually was a dinner with roger stone, it would have had to have been at the embassy? that s unclear. also julian assange was not available to respond to comment. he has not had internet access off and on recently, so it s hard to know. roger stone actually sent us a screen grab. we gave him multiple days to show to prove to us that he was not in london because that s where he d have to be. all he sent uses with a screen grab of what appeared to be a flight booking with the name roger. he said he was flying from los angeles to miami on that night and couldn t possibly have been in london.
but i ve talked to different prosecutors, and some say dining doesn t necessarily have to mean that he was there in person. he could have called him on the phone and caught him during dinner, or maybe they had face timed. other prosecutors say that s pretty concrete language and dining would be dining. but at this point there s no beyond the e-mail, beyond the screen shot booking, we don t have any proof that roger stone was or was not in london. and he wouldn t he didn t provide any other evidence. he scoffed at me when i asked if he could put me in touch with people he had been with on that day. and he sort of just laughed the whole thing off. even when i asked, is there a 2016 on the screen shot, he said, are you kidding me? so it s hard to know. it s hard to know, and even people close to roger stone say they aren t exactly sure when to believe him and when he s telling the truth or when he s not. yeah. i mean there is sort of a performance art at times to some of his statements in the past. right. he calls himself a political trickster, and if you watched the documentary, get me roger stone, he actually really loves
this reputation, that he pulls off political tricks, and sometimes he does things he says he s never broken the law, but that he does things that sort of raise eyebrows and stir the pot, i guess you could say. what s unclear is if he was communicating with if he was communicating with wikileaks and also guccifer, if he s talking to these two groups that spread hacked e-mails, hillary clinton s e-mails before the election, did he know that they were working in tandem with russia as u.s. intelligence agencies have said, and did he know did he have knowledge of a hack and still encouraged the release of these e-mails? that would be a crime under the federal election i m sorry the computer fraud and abuse act. even if you know of the crime, you didn t commit the crime, but you helped spread or helped disseminate the e-mails, you could be in trouble. yeah. shelby holiday, appreciate the reporting. just ahead, president trump
goes on a weekend tweet storm and declares daca dead. he s also on the attack once again against the mainstream media. no surprise there. the latest on all of that ahead.

Immigration , Three , Donald-trump , Criticism , Midterms , Top , All , Border-wall , View , Progress , Lack , Ann-coulter

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends Saturday 20180804 10:00:00

anybody. this country hasn t broken your heart? then you don t love her enough. savagely wrong in this country. i don t understand how they would not root for the success of america. it s rooting for the success of all of us. every time that you get undressed i have in my heads i wrote this song just looking at you oh, oh, oh the drums low and the trumpets they go and the trumpets they go. pete: oh my goodness. you don t tell us what music is going to be on the show. they just spring it on us. they nailed it. griff: they do a good job. trumpets.
get the goose bumps going and horns playing this saturday morning. abby: only pete hegseth lives a more interesting life. a normal week. i m going to fly on air force 2. i m going to go with the vice president over to hawaii. we received the remains from north korea. an historic moment. what an experience. pete: it was an experience. i m a little jet lagged. it was an honor truly. air force 2 to get a chance to speak with the vice president. interview him there. but then to see the way in which the respect given to these remains so many years later was an amazing thing to be a part of. i m a little jet lagged so give me a break. griff: my father was a marine in korea a he survived. you know, for that generation so forgotten and the channel and your coverage really food out and you did a great job. there is a lot of other news out there, too. abby: a lot of positive news. a lot of things that people are excited about. griff: that economy thing.
pete: economy thing. abby: he was in pennsylvania two nights ago and really rallying up the crowd. they are excited because they feel like things are going well. economic numbers across the board, according to the latest jobs numbers last month, i mean they are something to be pretty excited about. pete: he will be in ohio tonight which we will cover on the fox news channel. i m guessing he will be touting some of these numbers. a record high number of americans employed in the month of july. look at that number, 155. tough to even put that number in context. all you need to know is it s never been that big. we have never been winning this bigly. 155,965 i can t even say the number. it s impressive. you want to see this kind of recovery because it s good for people. abby: it s across the board. record hispanic numbers. 380,000 new manufacturing jobs. those are good-paying jobs.
A morning news show that includes interviews, features and banter among hosts.
A morning news show that includes interviews, features and banter among hosts.
A morning news show that includes interviews, features and banter among hosts.
for the democrats that they want you to suffer economically. i mean, really, if you look back to popular song in the 90 s eat the rich by heavy metal band. the democrats co-opted that and we have to tax the rich. root against. people don t feel good about that. corey booker was a moderate level-headed guy. i have interviewed him at least a dozen times in washington. and this turn is, to me, an observation, indicative that really the ocasio-cortez, and the bernie sanders grasp on the democratic party has really almost fully co-opted it when cory booker is going down there. not just saying it any place he is saying at the net roots convention which is a driver of the political movement online. pete: they have gone and lost their minds because they hate trump so much. really, a lot of the reasonable people have been dragged so far left and also, i don t know, i think there is a lot of wonderful
pete, he looks so young there. what happened? pete: what you are implying is that i have aged rapidly ever since then. which is true. these guys with these astronauts suits incredible. griff: next, update on the search for missing college students mollie tibbets. we are live in iowa. pete: little girl gets an awesome visitor on first day of 3rd grade. her mom home from iraq. hi. wanted to see how the first day of school is going. good. hi, mommy. hi, sweety. (electronic dance music)
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griff: despite officials disclosing little about the investigation, mollie s family and friends are speaking out to the press with what they know. pete: former homicide detective ted williams is out in brooklyn, iowa with the latest. ted, good morning. we are looking for any information here. what new information can you share with us this morning? well, you know, guys, this is like needle in a haystack. we are here in god s country, mid america. and what we have a missing young 20-year-old as you can see over my shoulder, there s this poster that is out here. this community is really galvanized in trying to bring mollie home. now, here s what we know. on july the 18th, around 7:30. mollie went jogging from her boyfriend s home. and mollie has not been seen since. and the authorities, as have you already said, is very closed lip. but, recently, they found a
red shirt. they don t know at this stage as to whether there is a nexus between the red shirt and mollie but we know that mollie did not show up for work the next day and the place she worked at she would have had to have worn a red shirt. they have had several more persons of interest. one they looked at specifically is a hog farmer. they brought him in, from what we understand, for questioning. they also asked him to take a polygraph. yesterday i went out to that farm. spoke with that person that hog farmer and asked him would he take the polygraph and he emphatically said no. so that s where the investigation stands at this mead time. griff: you and i have covered these many times on greta s show in the past and we go in and look for the time line. we look for the motive. we talk to the police. in this case the police very tight-lipped. but, what do the authorities what do the investigators want from the
public and what does that tell you about what might be a possible motive why this happened. well, griff, you know and i got to compliment you. you have been as opposed to on through these investigations, through the years, which you and i going out. i can tell that you investigators are holding a lot close to their chest and they know quite a bit more than they want to give to the public. they are trying to hold press conferences and keep this story alive in the public. but, as it pertains to the investigation itself, they have a great deal of information that they don t want to share with the public because they believe that the perpetrator is out there listening. if there is someone holding mollie. and as to that end, there is over $200,000 reward for mollie s return safely and they have announced that
they would certainly be willing to give that reward to anybody who would let-mollie go if they have mollie. abby: ted, as you know the country is watching this story closely and hoping for the best. she is such a beautiful young woman. can i give us a sense of the town? it s a small one. folks say they don t lock their doors at night. how particular is this situation? have they had missing people in recent years or is this something they really haven t seen before? abby, i wish you were out here. you would find, again, these people are engaged, they are wonderful people. they are very relaxed people out here. and they believe that and they have unlocked their doors. they know their neighbors. but, as a result of this now, there is a chill in the air. they are locking their doors. they are deeply concerned about where mollie is. now, part of my investigation is try to determine we have heard that
there are sex traffickers out in the midwest in this area. and so quite naturally, that is a part of the actual investigation that s taking place. pete: lots more on this. and cover it personally. bring you back in the program as well. thank you for your great report. griff: you see the sheriff s number there 641-623-5679. the community, even if you think it s not important, call the authorities, let them know because they are putting it together. as ted said, the authorities are holding onto the information in this case. that must be because they think they have a lead and they don t want that public lest they should pete: bar worker hurled into the patio. people duck for cover. abby: rahm emanuel out of office. next guest says that he just wants to help illegals. retired sergeant police sergeant is live with us next. running down a dream
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bin laden s mother denies his role in the 9/11 attacks. he was killed by u.s. navy seals in 2011. griff, over to you. griff: chicago protesters taking to the streets thursday marching against the city s crime crisis and demanding that rahm emanuel step down. when we put this march together because in chicago there is too much blood shed in the african-american community. do you think mayor rahm emanuel has failed chicago? rahm emanuel, first of all, is a con man. no, he doesn t care about anybody but the people in his neighborhood and his family. the city is in financial calamity. griff: here to react retired chicago police sergeant pete coconis. sergeant, good morning. thanks for joining us. why does rahm emanuel need to go? why does he need to go? he closed 50 schools in the minority neighborhoods. he promised a thousand policemen. it s seven years. he hasn t got them. right now i think we have
1740 people shot, 333 people killed. you know, i think he threw all his cards in the hillary clinton s basket and he expected to go to the white house after she won the election. well, his plans were obviously upse upupset. now is he fighting for his political life. not a time to start pandering for the minority vote in order to get elected with 8 people running against him. griff: sergeant, you put your finger on it. that is that crisis. we ll show our viewers. there is 30 3304 homicides this year alone. i was imbedded in iraq numerous times. these numbers are war zone numbers and they are right here in one america s biggest cities. how are the police, you are talking to the thin blue line out there. how are they handling this situation? what do they think about the
mayor? oh, the mayor, you know, buckling under the department of justice, aclu, black lives matter, everybody else to get a consent decree, and he s not letting the people that do the effective policing have a voice in what they need to improve the conditions. the march on wrigley field. in ferguson during the troubled times there they never closed the highway. if the mayor continues to go along this path, he s just going to alienate more people. i mean, if you take 50 schools and close them in a minority neighborhood and enforce these kids to walk through different gang territories and say you are doing something for education. his chief education officer got indicted and pled guilty to bid rigging for over $2 million. so, his leadership is horrible.
pete: so, sergeant, we have reached out to mayor rahm emanuel for a statement. we have not heard back. mayor, you are welcome to come on this show. we will give you an opportunity to explain yourself. quickly before you run out of time, sergeant, i want to ask you for solutions. what could the mayor do now to make things better? what could he do to make things better? and indicatabdicate his throne. he has no chance. an african-american woman running against him named lori lightfoot. i don t agree with everything she says. but you need somebody who has a handle on what s going on. don t all of a sudden ignore one part of the city and now do everything can you to get their votes. pete: sergeant koconis, we appreciate you coming. in our hearts and prayers go out to you there in that city because it s certainly a crisis. we re just in the middle of
summer. thank you very much for coming on today. we ll follow this story. thank you. griff: all right. and mayor emanuel have you an opportunity to come on this show any time, an open invitation. outrage over the las vegas massacre. police now closing the case. there is one survivor who says she needs more answers. hear from her next. and president trump taking his message straight to the people this week. america is winning again. last week we announced that the u.s. economy grew at 4.1% last quarter. nobody thought that was possible. griff: what do the voters think? we have the brand new dials. that s coming up next. it s saturday. let s get going can t you see oh, baby, b aby, baby.
all you can eat is back, baby. applebee s. chicken! that s right, chicken?! candace new chicken creations from starkist. buffalo style chicken in a pouch bold choice, charlie! just tear, eat. mmmmm.
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and now he is on team trump. i agree with him. we need to make america strong again. we need to make america great again. and i like most of what i heard. so, you know, coming from a guy that didn t like him to liking him now, i think that s a step up, right? pete: cutting through the media and straight to the people. that s why he does those rallies and does them effectively. abby: genuine response. always good to get the response after it s so real. griff: that guy shaker part of the airborne. abby: lee carter joins us from maslansky and partner with the latest dials. what a week it s been. let s talk about this one. he talked about the workers and importance of their job and the role they play in this country. here s what he said. the back bottom of our country, the backbone of american strength and might. but the loyalty of our
workers was repaid with betrayal. you were betrayed by our politicians. you were betrayed by the people that ran our country. you are not betrayed anymore. so this is trump s message. this is trump s appeal. republicans gave this an a. independents a b. democrats only a d. but i think it s just fascinating. this outside approach. i m not the typical politician. you ve been betrayed. i m not the one that s going to do it. that s a message that resonates with the people. we saw in tennessee with that big upset. incumbents and establishment candidates aren t having the same appeal. people want something different because they have been disappointed over and over again. when the president uses messaging like this it resonates. abby: d grade from democrats it highlights the biggest problem they face in their party right now. they are not speaking directly to what trump calls the backbone of this country. people with those jobs that
allow us all to really survive in this country. i think you are right. i think that s why you are seeing some of these socialist candidates have a rise on the democrat side. they are having a message towards these same people. democrats have to learn from that they have to be talking to these people and embracing them and giving them hope. that s what they need. griff: i was at the tampa rally on tuesday. in all of these rallies the president has one target that he really likes to hit. that is, of course, the media. take a listen. we re doing better in all of those states than we did on election night u despite only negative publicity, only negative stories from the fakeers back there. [laughter] you know, his base loves the attacks on the media. we were talking about it. they gave it an a. part of the reason it s not because they are so tired of the media attacking trump. they are so tired of the media attacking the right. on the right people gave this an a.
independents gave it a b. meanwhile democrats, of course, turned out to this message. there is a lot of people out there really afraid that the president is attacking the free press. those who support this message say that s not what i agree with. i am supporting the fact that he is calling out fake news. pete: correct. it s not about free press. say whatever you want. it s clarifying and calling out a bias that s existed for a long time for independents to give it a b shows it s percolating. it s really interesting time. there is so much controversy especially this week about him calling out the media. abby: a lot for the president to be touting. the top of that list is the economy. we saw another set of great numbers this past week. here he was talking about the economy. america is winning again. last week we announced that the u.s. economy grew at 4.1% last quarter. nobody thought that was possible. and if the democrats got in, that number would be 1.2. it could even turn negative.
it was going to go down. so that was really interesting. right? you can see there the republicans gave this an a. independents a b. democrats only a c minus. this is what i want to point out. the draghts democrats. abby: so kind of them. in the beginning the democrats were responding talking about how great the economy was. only when he started attacking the democrats that they turned off. not that surprising there the idea that they are responding on the economy is really a big deal for the president. this is a big deal for the republicans going into the mid terms. people are feeling optimistic. they feel good about the money in their pocketbooks. yes, people are concerned about tariffs but not that concerned. people are still feeling good. most people, more than two thirds of people still think the tariffs are a good negotiating strategy and in the long term it s going to benefit the u.s. griff: very interesting. james carville, a democrat white house that said this economy. we will see if that c minus can go up to a c plus.
oat. pete: that s a passing grade. abby: that s asking too much, griff. we always love those dials. good to see you. abby: other headlines we are following. starting with this. the investigation into the deadly lo las vegas massacre is officially closed. police still don t know the gunman s motive. it was a war zone. most horrific, tragic event of my life and 22,000 people were had bullets raining down upon us. now we have no idea why. abby: final police report does reveal the shooter was mentally ill and lost more than $1 million before last year s attack that left 58 people dead. no one else will be charged. and two passengers being hailed heroes for restraining a man, threatening to take the plane down. witnesses say that the suspect was punching windows and screaming on the delta flight from maine when a coast guardsman and former
corrections officer on board stepped in. he was capable of doing what he wanted to do. i wasn t willing to sit around and find out. somebody had to do something. abby: the unidentified suspect was arrested when the plane ultimately landed in atlanta. and people running and ducking for cover after a lit fire work flies on to a bar patio. take a look at this. surveillance video showing the blast in asheville, north carolina. police are now looking for a suspect who they believe tossed the fire work from a passing car. one person was hurt. but luckily will be okay. yikes. and listen to this. a little girl gets a very important visitor on her first day of 3rd grade. watch this. came to see how the first day of school was going. good. hi, mommy. hi sweetheart. that is air force master sergeant mackenzie hugging her shocked daughter in the arizona classroom. she just came home after
serving six months in iraq. what a sweet story. pete: my take away school is already starting? it s only august 4th. you are from arizona, is this a thing. rick: no. i was in school like 30 years ago. pete: beautiful story but i couldn t stop thinking about it s only august 4th. rick: we have a bunch of back-to-school segment later today. is there even a summer anymore that they ken joy. abby: i think they get out earlier in the spring. i think they get out maybe in april. i m just making that up as we go. i hope. pete: totally not true. abby: fake news. rick: all right, guys. take a look at these maps. point this out. 98 degrees in phoenix. 3:40 in the morning there. obviously really hot. 76 here in new york. right here along the eastern seerkd. it s hot. it s humid. all that flooding yesterday
that we were worried about in lynchburg, virginia from very heavy rains. take a look at the radar map and move this map forward. my clicker is not working so our audio person in the back maryland is forwarding this for me. that wa marilyn s move. southeast today good. socked into a lot of rain. we at least have a couple of dry days here. rain come in tuesday to wednesday. move this forward here marilyn, hit one more button. big storms moving across the northeast. also bringing some flooding. flash flood warnings going on across parts of new jersey. this is a really big storm and move this forward one more time marilyn. that s marilyn, she is amazing. this is the line of storms moving across the plains. big storms across minnesota this morning. you see this line right here that s going to continue to pull towards the east no. rain out across parts of california, unfortunately where all that dry condition is going on. griff: looks like down there in southern virginia is not going to be as many storms. rick: that s what i started saying but you guys weren t
listening. [laughter] thank you. reinforce that. abby: yeah. pete: all right. well, next, update on the remains of the veterans of the korean war that are returned home. what s next? head of the d.n.a. operations head of the dodd department of defense joins us more on the identification process. griff: firing back at lebron james this morning days after he criticized the president. what i noticed over the last few months that he has kind of used sport to kind of divide us and that s something that i can t relate to because i know that sport welcome! hi there. so, what do you look for in a vehicle? sleek designs. performance. dependability is top on my list. well then, here s some vehicles that deliver on that. woah! wow. oh jeez! that s our truck! it s our truck! and they re our cars! that s my chevy! chevy s the only brand to earn j.d. power dependability awards across cars, trucks and suvs
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oh, god u. oh, god, no, no. i can t watch. oh, no. griff: police say that s raymond rynkes beating his chest. he has had several run-ins at the national park in the last several weeks. rhino runs into an suv at animal park. take a look. rhino nearly flipping the suv in mexico. not clear whether it was pro-vehicle. the family in the car fortunately were not hurt. griff: remains returned by north korea this week are consistent with being americans. scientists say it could take years to identify them all. here with an inside look at the identification process is dr. timothy mcmahon. he is the d.n.a. operations officer for the department
of defense. tim, thank you very much for being here this morning. it s my pleasure. > pete: i was there, we are all very heartened by the return of these remains. what are your expectations about what we might learn in the coming weeks and months? the expectations that we will see is that the annual throw pollinanthropologists wilt their samples for a d.n.a. testing. the medical examiner lable has been a partner with dpa since 1991 to do all of the d.n.a. testing for these past accounting samples. we will receive portions of bone that we ll extract. we will then put through mighmight throwmicrochondral te. pete: part of your job is to maintain a database of family members.
how many of the missing korean war veterans are in your database, family members? so right now we have 92% coverage of having some form of maternal, paternal or auto family reference for the 8100 missing from the korean war. pete: so the hope is once the d.n.a. work is done, which could take a lot of time, you have got an mead match with a family member? well, we will get, depending on the test, we will get to a match to if it s a lineage marker we call migh mito chondral d.n.a. we can go to a more definitive test like geno see weaponing and d.n.a. into an actual person and rely on paternal reference. so anyone on the father s side of the missing service member and do that and be able to segregate them into individual identification. pete: if folks are families
of a korean war veteran where can they go? they can go to respective offices for air force, navy and marine. for anyone who thinks they are a viable family reference. we get a lot of our leads from missing one us, from the families themselves. pete: really? yeah. pete: good stuff. thank you for what you do. it was a proud day. it was a great day. pete: targeting ice in the production of the diary of anne frank: they are swapping out the nazis for ice agents. yeah, we are serious. tools amazon doesn t want you to know about. kurt, the cyberguy is here with what you do need to know. for online shopping. better hotg in every hand. and that s just what we do. with no artificial preservatives, no added nitrates or nitrites, and by waving bye to by-products. so you can get back to loving them. for the love of hot dogs. (wienermobile horn)
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chicago. no rahm emanuel doesn t care about anybody. there are things savagely wrong in this country. i do not understand how they would not root for the success of america. it s rooting for the success of all of us. um-huh i want to put on my, my, my boogie shoes and boogie with you yeah. abby: pete is remarkably quiet during this song compared to the last hour. pete: boogie shoes doesn t resonate quite the way trumpets did. it s good. it s good if this was golden girls. griff: cc and the sunshine band they are a classic. pete: a classic. i will give them credit. abby: you want to here something this morning? send us i feel like our viewers should be part of this with us. what do you want to wake up to.
griff: but pick 90 s rap, pete will really be excited. abby: jessica simpson. griff: katie perry. pete: i have a radio station from a certain era and it came up. one of the producers saw it on my phone and mocked me for it. listen, she has some good songs, right? abby: i had darius rutgers on my way in. pete: he was playing last night near home dale where i live pnc arena. i could hear him in the distance. abby: that s something i would have stayed up for. griff: i was listening to am radio getting news. there is quite a lot of it. griff: let s do some news now. abby: what does it tell you, griff? griff: a story came out of washington a federal judge in d.c. good morning we will give you a little bit of news you need. remember daca, deferred action for childhood arrivals. there is new action on that. has said he is going to we have to restart daca. the president shut it down.
it doesn t have meaed me have ie affect. this was an executive order that was originally put in by president obama. but there is 20 days for the administration to respond. but it, is the next chapter in daca, which is a bigger part, of course, of the president s push for immigration reform, which includes the wall. pete: a lot in the weeds there. a little confusing. ultimately daca was a program selective enforcement of immigration was the policy under the obama administration. they carve out for the dreamers and the kids that came here as before they were 18. abby: to let them stay. pete: to let them stay. said congress this is your job. pass a law and it shouldn t be executive action. i will give you a temporary amount of time to do. so that time has expired. abby: wasn t that backs in march? pete: now a judge is determining he doesn t have the authority to undo executive action? that s the point of executive action is one administration can have
different priorities than another. abby: that s the problem. that s why a lot of times we rely on congress to do it. the problem is congress can t get their butt in gear. byron york and mollie hemingway were on this channel. it should be up to congress to act on daca. here s what they said. this particular judge has been saying for months now have you got to give a better explanation for rescinding daca. daca was enacted by president obama on his executive authority it auto could be rescinded by president trump on his executive authority. there has been at lot of talk about some sort of deal on capitol hill for daca, relation. democrats don t need to deal. the courts are stopping are going to keep daca alive and possibly restore it. they are doing their work for them. the constitution clearly gives the authority for this type of program to congress. president obama didn t have the authority to do this. but, somehow, that was okay. but when president trump tries to correct that issue by rescinding it, then he can t do it.
abby: where does this go, griff? griff: it s going to be part of whether or not the president gets into a big fight with congress over border security which includes a wall. but, also, a deal on daca. and what you need is the viewers to take away from this is president obama shielded illegal children here from being deported. president trump said, i m stopping that, congress, you figure it out. congress said the deal from the present administration wasn t good enough. got hung up. see this play out possibly before the mid terms, maybe after. certainly a fight that s coming. pete: once again, judges step in on executive action it happened on the travel ban, some border policies. one judge comes in and says no, you can t do that reminds you how important the judiciary is. and this president has focused on one-eighth of the federal judiciary has been replaced by the trump administration. a very important legacy of what they have been focused on. if you don t like the fact that there are activist judges out there. time to nominate ones that would be faithful to the constitution there have been plenty of activist judges that have stepped in.
in this case presenting a president from undoing executive action that shouldn t have been done in the first place. and congress hasn t stepped up yet. abby: also the important issue of immigration, right? and that i think, is probably become other than the economy, the most important issue that we are debating right now. the parties could not be further apart when it comes to what they want to happen with immigration. what sort of country they want to live. in and one of those big issues is ice and the role that they play in this country. so there is now a lot of outrage about ice. we can talk about whether or not we need to rethink the job that they do or how they can be most effective. pete: let s just abolish ice. abby: there is now a go fund me page put in place to help people protest ice, to make their life more difficult. griff: well, in the climate that we are until. abby: there is the page right there. griff: the climate we are in and it is an election year. but not only get rid of ice
but it s anti-law enforcement. really one side is going anti-law enforcement and go fund me page is basically saying we are going to go out and protest against law enforcement. in this case ice and protecting the border. and interestingly enough, thousands of people gave money. pete: i don t know how much there it is, 12 grand right now. maybe it will go up. can t go down, i guess, right? i will win up you on that. you think go fund me page for ice is one thing. how about this in los angeles there is a production, a play the diary of anne frank we all know that story a powerful story about what the nazis did to the jews in world war ii. this production in l.a. replaces the nazis with ice agents. so now it s not nazis with was particular can as hunting anne frank and her family, it s ice agents playing nazis. abby: when do you cross the line? at what point do you say this is too much.
this is repulsive, we don t stand for this? griff: at some point when do you define the lie between culture and politics? and what you are seeing now is that s an absurd replacement. i mean, email us at if what you think about it. because, here we are a classic story that tells the story of freedom and struggle and it is one not just for america, and not just for a midterm election, but for the entire world to see what isn t okay for, you know, humans around the world. and yet now ice pete: remember shakespeare in the park when they depicted the assassination of president trump? the left can t resist making these ridiculous analogies to history as we f. we live in the worst times of all time. de rangement syndrome. abby: the problem is it s the end of the world every single day we are not going to know when it is the end of the world. a real problem.
it feels like every day the world is coming to an end. griff: the play hasn t started yet? pete: it hasn t started yet. griff: you are a free market guy, we will see. abby: who is buying particulars to thabuy tickets t? pete: art. sometimes sport. lebron james, remember this, a couple days as we played the sound of him talking about president trump. listen to this. what i noticed over the past few months that he has kind of used sport to kind of divide us. and that s something that i can t relate to because i know that sport was the first time i ever was around someone white. abby: he has made it clear how he feels about the president quite a while back, actually. the president last night tweeted in response to that interview and he says lebron james was just interviewed by the dumbest man on television don lemon. he made lebron look smart which isn t easy to do. i like mike.
pete: you know who that mike is. michael jordan. abby: you know someone respected through all of this is shaquille kneel. shaquille o neal. we will oftentimes play clips of things that he has said. i admire people that he speaks his mind and obviously can he do that he doesn t get in the weeds and doesn t get so divisive. griff: great point. abby: you don t want sports to become political. you want to watch the game and relax. griff: look at the comparison you laid out though. literally we had last week lebron james bashing the present administration. and where was shaquille o neal? in the water with great white sharks doing shark week which is where we want to see when you have a crossover super star in sports you want to see them in another environment. you don t wants to see them regardless of your politics weighing into the political fray of partisan. pete: lebron is opening a school in akron, ohio.
it s a wonderful thing. great to see athletes giving back. you want to see that. but, leave it there. and he actually lebron actually proactively brought up trump in that interview. don lemon didn t say what do you think of president trump. he decided to make it about divisiveness and sports. abby: go to the white house as the president said after the one of the teams didn t come to the white house. pete: golden state warriors certify curry. let me know what your frustrations and r. and work through it together. you saw what happened when kim kardashian went to the white house. now she has some pretty nice things to say about president trump. lebron or anyone else that has frustrations you might disagree. go at least have a conversation. see if you can get any good in the end out of it. griff: maybe is he just speaking out now because he has gone to los angeles. pete: make him more popular with the folks in california. abby: let us know at other headlines this morning. new evacuations underway as officials warn the california wildfires could get even worse. dry, hot air and strong
winds threatening to cause new and fast-moving fires in that state. there is already at least 16 large wildfires burning in california including near the popular yosemite national park. you see it right there. the smoke is rising so high you can see it all the way from space. take a look at that also breaking overnight, president trump responding to a letter from kim jong un. the u.s. ambassador hand delivering the message to north korea s foreign minister, still unclear what it says, but it comes just days after kim sent a letter to the white house following up on commitments made at that singapore summit. secretary of state mike pompeo just wrapped up a security summit in singapore where he warned that russia and china are against violating north korean sanctions. and there is this. the list of democrats who want to meet with the supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh. that list is growing. senator claire mccaskill wants to sit down now with the judge on august 21st. she is up for re-election in missouri this year. fellow red state democrats
senators heidi heitcamp and joe donnelly will also sit down with kavanaugh this month. so far the judge has only met with one democrat west virginia senator joe manchin. all of those democrats have something in common though. and an all-star on the battlefield and the football field fallen soldier pat tillman will be inducted into the arizona sports hall of fame. the cardinal safety left his nfl career behind to protect our country in 2002. he was then killed two years later by friendly fire. while serving as an army ranger in afghanistan. tillman was just 27 years old. what a life he lived though in those short years. pete: absolute hero in our generation. griff: pat tillman. president trump talking tough on trade. this is the time to straighten out the worst trade deals ever made by any country on earth. they are the worst. griff: business owners agree. one of them joining us next. pete: remember this statue of liberty climber put
meaning to the when they go low we go high. now she is hitting a new low. i say one more time america, you mother [bleep] you drug addicts. you kkk, you fascist u.s.a. o sa, go this way. i say, i ll go my own way, with anoro. go your own way once-daily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators that work together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. anoro is not for asthma. it contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. the risk is unknown in copd. anoro won t replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, high blood pressure, glaucoma, prostate, bladder, or urinary problems. these may worsen with anoro. call your doctor if you have worsened breathing,
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w.c. wielding services out of ohio, ohio and pennsylvania. good morning. good morning. how are you today? griff: what do you make of this poll? you are a business owner. do you agree. yes, i agree fully with the trade policies. give trump s policies some time to work. give it time to hope. china is not going to pass our market up. we have the largest economy in the world. they want a piece of that. they need that to grow. their economy, they are hungry for food and technology. where else are they going to get it. how do you believe the president s trade policies will ultimately in the end benefit you? oh, it will be a very short-term pain with a long-term gain. the thing is, we have the largest economy in the world again. everyone needs us to grow their economies. griff: that s a great point, wes. i was mentioning earlier in the show. i rode on a train up here with larry kudlow, the top white house economic advisor
and he says what china is not understanding is that president trump is not backing down. of course, he just imposed 25% tariff on $34 billion worth of goods in china. is he threatening another 200 billion. do you believe that s the right course of action. i applaud him for doubling down on that. this is a dangerous situation. china does not want trump doing what it s doing. he knows it s going to hurt their economy as much as it s going to hurt ours for the short-term. trump scares china in my honest opinion. he is not going to give into them. he is going to put america interests first. that s what he was elected to do. that s what he promised to do. wes, how is your welding business benefited or been affected by the policies so far? the policies so far trade the trade tariffs on steal cost of our products go up. it leveled out. it always will. it always has. the economy is booming right now. it has taken off.
it has helped my business. griff: okay. you talk about the economy. another thing that larry kudlow told me is that, you know, what president trump has done is changed the power scale between the u.s. and china in that the u.s., which used to be isolated, now it s china that s isolated for guys like you. what would that mean to re-set the playing field? resetting the playing field. here in the u.s. we support free trade. we know that s the basis to propel a growing economy. china believes protectionism and tariffs are going to protect and grow their economy. this will be just a short-term thing to prove them that they are wrong. look at the win with europe last week. that was big. griff: that was big. wes karins thank you for wesu for joining us. we look forward to seeing how this tariff battle plays out. thank you. griff: our next guest is an army veteran who will use his skills to keep kids
safe. and johnny football is back on the field. johnny manziel. so how did he do? you will find out. and your 4 wheel drive yeah, the boys around here drinking that ice cold beer talking about girls chicken?! chicken. chicken! that s right, candace new chicken creations from starkist. buffalo style chicken in a pouch bold choice, charlie! just tear, eat. mmmmm. and go! try all of my chicken creations! chicken! motorcycle revving motorcycle revving motorcycle revving
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i know, right. we are seriously keeping with the anderson s. we are finally keeping up with the ford s. keeping up with the garcia s. keeping up with the harvey s. keeping up with the wahh-the-wahh the romeros. carters. patels. the allens. wah. wolanske s. right, them. no one is going to have internet like this. no one is going to have internet like this. gig to more homes than anyone. not just the joneses . over here. xfinity. the largest gig-speed network. pete: 11,500 how many pills were found in the largest fentanyl bust ever at the southern border. the citizen had 61 pounds of meth and 14 pounds of heroin in his car in california that is not very good. smuggler. next $37 million. that s how much dolly parton is spending to expand her dolly wood amusement park.
the six new rides and rides open next year. finally four. that s how many interceptions that s how many interceptions johnny manziel threw during his canadian. he got benched in the fourth quarter. manziel s montreal lost to the tiger cats 50 to 11. abby: that s not even a game. community taking action after the devastating parkland school massacre that left 17 dead in florida. this week 87 men and women were sworn in as armed school guardians ahead of the new school year with one mission. and that is to keep our students and teachers safe. griff: our next guest is one of those graduates army veteran justin dunn he joins us this morning. justin, first, thank you for your service and thank you for joining the show this morning. thank you. good morning. griff: what are you going to be doing? i will be elementary school in polk county
protecting kids, making sure nobody comes in and harms them. pete: justin, you served in the military and served in afghanistan. in reading your perspective, you were a little bit hesitant at first about a program like this about having armed officers in school. what has changed your perspective and what makes you excited about this role? after seeing how they trained us and who was training us, it was law enforcement training us, not some third party security company or anything like that. they actually made the training worthwhile. i was able to jump on board and became a part of it and helped push this program forward and get it started. abby: look, i mean, the state of florida and some other states across the country. they have been through so much. they have been through way too many shootings. too many innocent lives that have been lost. so many young, young lives u what does it mean to you? i mean, what an opportunity you have to step in to this role and also, just help young kids not be scared to go into school. right? you feel like that s part of the job to just keep them calm and to remind them that
school is still a good and safe place to be? yes. coming into this job gives me a huge sense of pride. i haven t felt something like this since i was in the military. and i can probably speak on other veterans and law enforcement. they probably feel the same way. huge cause behind it. abby: why do you feel that way? when you leave the military, you leave behind a part of you. and you don t have that camaraderie, that brotherhood anymore. that sense of purpose or belonging. but, this has fulfilled that since i have been out. it s been four years now sips i have been out. pete: so well said and you are exactly right. people are said before, we have got all these vets with all these skills who are trained to make decisions in tough spots. i bet your time in the military was very helpful in connecting the training. yes. i had the kind of conform to their tactics and standards. change the way i looked at things a little bit. that was probably the hardest part of the training for me personally.
griff: justin, you answered the call to serve our nation. answering the call now to protect our schools. yet, some critics say there is no place for guns in schools. what do you think? there s always going to be critics in everything. the only way we can do and act is to figure it out from here. this is the first step. i would much rather my little girl go to school feeling safe knowing that there is somebody who cares and who is there to protect them than feeling scared that somebody is going to come in and do them harm. abby: thank you for being here and thank you for your service for all that you do. pete: good guy with a gun. abby: important role that he plays. pete: love it. a giant herd of goats. abby: did you see this? pete: causing chaos in one neighborhood. more of the baaaad situation ahead. abby: well-played. remember the woman who climbed the statue of liberty? oh, yeah. she is climbing to a new low sharing an anti-american
chant that she wrote herself. herself. herself america! abby: we have to bring in dan bongino next. is he next and in person. pete: i feel safer. now that s eatin good in the neighborhood.
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i m a big believer if america, if this country hasn t broken your heart then you don t love her enough because there are things savagely wrong in this country there is a normalcy of injustice that we have accepted. pete: that was senator corey booker yesterday at netroots talking about what s savagely wrong in america. is he a savage and he is not wrong sedan bongino former secret service agent and nypd officer and host of the dan bongino podcast. you have a book coming out. we are like number one in four or five different categories. pete: there it is, check it out. abby: no surprise. we are so lucky. you took her to frozen last night. yes. pete: when i think of dan bongino i don t think of frozen. i m a softy. i m really a big softy. griff: you didn t take her
to a cor cory booker speech. no. what s interesting about corey booker he was generally a pretty moderate reasonable democrat for a long time. it s quite obvious now is he setting up for 2020 and has to appeal to radical far left base. let me be clear. i m not talking about democrats. but the radical far left, what is savagely wrong with america in booker s words, not mine is the radical far left. there is really no don t of the bill of rights they haven t attacked. free speech? hofreedom of speech.conservativ. fourth amendment. donald trump has no right to privacy anymore. he was spied on by our government. and this happened. we have the second amendment constantly under attack. that s what s wrong with america. but booker is trying to raise money and volunteers for his presidential run. he has to lurch to the left to get their support. abby: what does that tell you about where the democratic party is ultimately come 2020 only way to succeed as a party to
get a leader somebody who resonates enough with the party. that s what donald trump was able to do this last time you are seeing joe biden and cory booker and others. trying to appeal to the far left. that s the only way to get through right now. i know. what s weird about that is they should have followed the barack obama initial strategy of hope and change. now, listen, figured out later there was no hope and no change left in your pocket after barack obama. but the new strategy of the democrats, i agree with you, seems to be like this desperation and despair, not hope and change. lunching towards socialism? it s the exact a an tis an tiff. they feel like they have to one up it. abby: what else can do you when the economy is doing well? they re in a tough position. they are in a tough position. none of them voted for it think about the predicament. zero democrats voted for this thing. zero. their only choice is they can t run on it they voted against it.
what are you going to do run against the economy? that s a wallet literal lay wallet issue for people. pete: just scream and try to scream louder which brings us back to this woman. remember? she was the statue of liberty climber shy was outside of court yesterday screaming just listen. america. america! i made a song. if it fits you, so be it. if it doesn t. america, you mother [bleep] you drug addicts. you kkk, you fascist u.s.a. i say one more time, america, you mother [bleep], you drug addicts, you kkk, you fascist u.s.a. pete: she is a naturalized u.s. citizen by the way. abby: whoa. griff: this is the radical left. again, not all democrats. there was a reasonable wing of the democratic party for a long time. my mother was one. she was a democrat forever.
jfk democrat. that s been largely gone. hijacked by radical far left. this is who they are. and donald trump has exposed them. they have been this forever. david horowitz has always called them the anti anti-communist. we re the people who fight for freedom and believe in liberty and the republic. they are anti, anti-communist. whatever that was. that speech right there. that is hot radical far left is. that s it. abby: where would your mom go today? i think she represents so many people in this country that affiliate with the democratic party and they are not this extreme and sort of without a home. where do you go? i know it would be real cute as a segment she watches your show. she does. i m not making that up. i like you, you are friend of mine. my mother was a jfk democrat. she now watches this show and she texts me. she is an emoji texter. never says a world. american flag, a fist pound.
a jfk democrat now in the gop column. she didn t leave the party. the party left her. she was really and my grand mother got mad at me one time because i said something bad about fdr. that s how democrat my mother s side of the family was. now my mother is a diehard republican. griff: i like momma bongino. she raised a hero, an american patriot. we keep seeing an assault on law enforcement. a disrespect and that s become part of this democrat platform. what do you make of this? it s one of the saddest things i have ever seen. pete served. you know these guys, rim by the way they work for almost no money at all. how many jobs. griff. seriously did you go to work every night where you think you could die? really i m being serious here. i love my job. i m in the content protection space like you guys. i m not going to do die at
my job. constant attacks on police officers where are the morals and standing up, guys, lady, this is too much. we can have sincere political disagreements on these issues these are americans heroes keeping our america safe from nothing lost their lives to keep your neighborhoods safe. the least we can do is respect. abby: they should live in their shoes. just for a day. pete: then you would see their heart. you know the heart they have for their country and community. i went overseas and spent time in afghanistan. they put us in nice boxes. i said where are you guys staying? you see those dirty hooches over there? that s where we stay. god bless you, brother. you are the man. i got to go home. he didn t.
griff: god bless you. i bet you get a fist bump. abby: your beautiful daughter is here on set over there isabel. dan, always good to have you with us. have a great rest of the trip. now to other headlines we are following this morning talking about police. play say they are now slowing down in the search for missing college student mollie tibbets. search teams combing through a pig parm in iowa after a red shirt was found. that s the same color mollie wears to work. we talked to ted williams who spoke to the farm s owner who has a history of stalking, take a listen. prout limb in for questioning. they also asked him to take a polygraph. yesterday i went tout to that farm spoke with that person that hog farmer and asked him we take the polygraph and he emphatically said no mollie
vanished more that two weeks ago now after going for a jog. also this the korean war returned to the u.s. by north korea are consistent with being americans earlier we spoke to the d.n.a. operator for the department of defense who explained the identification process. depending on the test we will get a match to if it s a lineage marker we call it mighmitochondrial d.n.a. then we can go to a more definitive test genome testing and segregate that into an individual person. abby: scientists say it could take years to identify the remains in the 55 cases. and there s this. rosie o donnell is turning a protest into a performance i had to come to broadway where they live high. i love it so abby: o donnell will join several broadway stars in a
demonstration out outside of the white house on monday. it will be live streamed online. the actress has been an outspoken critic on president trump for years now. and a giant herd of goats, oh, yes, goats, breaks loose and causes chaos in the suburbs. more than 100 animals spotted walking the streets of boise idaho chows down on front lawns. they were hired to eat weeds and overgrowth at nearby retention pond. they somehow broke through a fence and walked off the job. the goats belong to a business called we rent goats. the owners are going to join us live tomorrow in an interview that you do not want to miss. griff: goats on the loose. abby: that is hilarious. we have a special guest. look who is here. we just mentioned her. we lookalike? what do you think? goats? pete: i see it. abby: you have a pretty good dad. do you know that? yes. pete: we saw you with cooking with friends. what are you doing in the city. we are just visiting. getting some stuff done.
pete: cool and you went to frozen last night. yes, we did. pete: was it good? it was so good. abby: does he ever embarrass you around your friends. oh, no. is she good or what? that was awesome. do you like that? pete: is he really a big softy? because he says he is. yes sea softy. i cry a lot. yes. i m a total softy. don t let the image you see on tv get you. griff: i have two daughters i get it. abby: isabel is my daughter s name. it s a beautiful name. i love it have a great rest of the day you guys. thank you. griff: cynthia nixon now officially jumping on the socialism band wagon. i am proud to be one of the small but growing number of candidates who identify as a democratic socialist. [cheers] griff: next guest says at least she is honest unlike the rest of the radical left. pete: she has probably been on that train for a long time finally admitting it
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always good to have you with us and early from l.a. at least she accept bracing it she says i m a socialist. she calls ice a terrorist organization. what is going on? at least she is being real to herself, i guess. have you got to hand it to her, she is being honest for years and years she has embraced these policies as have many in the democratic party and now they are open about it there is practical aspect to it too the future of the democratic party is socialism. tom perez says the future of the democratic party is alexandria ocasio-cortez, the socialist candidates. and it means in these mid terms we re going to get a choice not an echo. there is a real choice here. do you want impivment? do you want no impeachment? do you want economic freedom or do you want socialism? those are your choices at least the american people can see them. abby: how do you think so she dual in new york because she is running against governor cuomo is her message resonating at all. new york is left of lennon. i don t have to tell you, you live there luckily the politics are so corrupt in
new york something tells me cuomo will still be able to pull it out. pete: that s true. the new darling of the left the socialist from the bronx wasn t always a socialist. there is now some blog posts that have come out from alexandria ocasio-cortez. she talked about capitalism and feminine. don t seem to capture the priorities of our administration. sound like relics from the past. frumpy and outdated. she also called herself a smithian capitalist. she didn t really love the outdated concept of feminism and she was a capitalist and now sheet darling of socialism. alexandria ocasio-cortez certainly a capitalist when this comes to fundraisers. holding $2,700 a plate fundraisers all over california. but she really does seem to get everything backwards, doesn t she cliche socialist on campus and becomes a capitalist when they get out in the world. she has been stewed in this
ideology. she has degrees in international relations and economics. she knew less about both of those leaving college than going. in this backs up a study by isi which shows that american college seniors know less about civics than college freshman do. pete: so true. the dogma lives loudly within her. really, it s ideology that you get baptized n college and this is what we get. abby: we will see where she is 10 years ago from now. pete: booming right back to capitalism. abby: michael knowles. good to see. pete: pastors facing backlash after meeting with him. just meeting with him. that s where we are at. dan moody firing back at critics don t attack faith leaders working with the president of the united states to help others. he joins us next hour. abby: believe it or not, it is already time for back to school. we have a consumer savings expert here with tips to keep the shopping trip affordable. you don t want to miss this.
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off through the student discount. even if you don t need it but have a college student at home. griff: thanks andrea. my daughters are watching. mac book air. that s another deal. you get another $150 off as a student discount. now, t mobile is also offering a by one, get one deal on a lot of different smart phones, so that lg you, you will buy one and get a credit of up to $750. so if you have two kids going off to school, college maybe. that s a great way to save money on those items. because, unfortunately you probably want to stay in touch with them so you have to splurge on these. griff: break the screen? you can get it repaired. don t spend more on that. pete: true. of course these things are expensive. shop second hand place like facebook marketplace have really great deals locally on these type of itemization. abby: good advice. griff: thank you very much. if you have to go back at least have you great deals. abby: you are expecting number two. yes. abby: soaks sighting.
abby: geraldo rivera, candace owen dr. sebastian gorka and charles payne all here live. another big two hours to go on a fox & friends saturday um-huh that s the way i like it um-huh um bold choice, charlie! just tear, eat. mmmmm. and go! try all of my chicken creations! chicken!
this country hasn t broken your heart? then you don t love her enough. this things are savagely wrong in this country. what s savagely wrong in booker s words not mine is the far left. despair not hope and change do it like that this is how we do do, do, do this is how we do. griff: just repeat. abby: in honor of pete hegseth. this is what he listened to by his own choice coming into work today. pete: katie can emulate this if she wants it was in my play list katy perry. you know you love her too at some level or your kids or grand kids. abby: especially during the summer out in the pool with friends. pete: more love. you know. griff: play more katie bop. play at president trump s rally in ohio.
pete: what does he always play at the end can t always get what you want you et get what you need. abby: he is making the round. he has a lot of energy. pennsylvania thursday night. going to ohio tonight: madison square gardens. he played a lot of his old classic hits. one of my favorites. the crowd goes wild. reminds me of pennsylvania. takes people back why they voted for him. issues most important to them and why he is still out there fighting for them. he said if he are not getting it done it s because of obstruction and because of democrats. put the blame on other people. i m still here fighting for this country. i m fighting for you. that s why the economy is where it is today. pete: he is so smart to do it. because no one else is going to do it. think about the flurry of news cycles every day russia, manafort, stormy daniels. every other network doing
what he can to tear them down. if he doesn t remind people what was said about him and in reflection said about them. said about the deplorables, said but if you support this president you are the following bad thing. that s not true. here s what s actually happening and a big part of his message. he takes on plenty of cultural issues. takes on the media. always said from day one this is going to be about jobs and the economy. i m a businessman and i m going to deliver them and griff, looks like the anybody s are coming back. griff: i was at the rally on tuesday and i have been to dozens of these things. the his i have will write about the rally. direct access to your commander-in-chief for the people. you will hear a lot today about the g.d.p. numbers. about jobs numbers coming down. one number you will hear about tonight is the low hispanic numbers. this is the hispanic unemployment record. it has hit a low four.5% 4.5% unemployed that number is significant. because as i played a sound
bite earlier. a gentleman that was a never-trumper finally after 18 months came over to him. he was a veteran from 82nd airborne. but the hispanic community, the president has work to do in the hispanic voters. and that certainly is going to be. pete: his numbers have come up there. griff: hey, going to the mid terms. these republican has are running are following my policies, my plan. make it even stronger and give you jobs. at the end of the day, grab him why the pocketbook and you will follow him. abby: question will be if trump s name is not on the ballot. pete: it s on the ballot. abby: not physically on the ballot. will voters get out and vote for. pete: that s the message is he pounding home. my name is on the ballot. look at that local republican. whoever you are voting for scratch it out and put trump. that s what the left is doing. they are scratching out democratic name and saying impeachment. that s the stakes of 2018. that s what i think he needs to continue to pound home to voters. this is a referendum on trump everywhere. abby: is he going to be in ohio tonight. that s a state that he won. the numbers have ticked down
a little bit for trump. and the republican that he is going to be out helping to campaign for is only, i think, a point ahead right now. it s in a very red district. you know this as well as i do, griff. it is telling to see how he does in that district. even the local paper endorsed a democrat for the first time in 99 years. pete: media endorsing democrat? abby: local paper always gone with republican. they asked him a question what do you support that you don t support the president on he said wherever he is. the city has had a hard time differentiating. can i use that word? himself. griff: it s a good word. abby: identifying the person he is you want to alive yourself with the president right now if you are republican. how do you stress how are independently? griff: that s an error certainly on that candidate s behalf. buff what s bigger and what pete is talking about with the president s name not on the ballot, his policies are. in those republicans running on carrying those policies
on. biggest impacted of america small business owners. they re the lifeline of america as they say. and i talked to wes carnes. he owns a welding company. and he is in ohio, pennsylvania, west virginia. here s what he said about the president s trade policies and how it s helping him. listen. want to give trump s policies some time to work it will be a very short-term page with a long-term gain. everyone needs us to grow their economy. the trade tariffs on steel, caused our products to go up. it leveled out it always will. it always has. the economy is booming right now. it has taken off. it has helped my business. pete: this is the common sense that de feats the conventional wisdom of the elite types that say this trade war is going to cause trump voters to leave in droves. they trust his heart is in the right place. as a businessman is he willing to stare down china undercutting us for years there are 400,000 more wes
carnes today than there were abby: 330,000 manufacturing jobs. pete: manufacturing jobs created. the jobs they said would never come back. jobs 20th century jobs. we are not going to build things in america anymore. not going to manufacture. 37,000 more created in july. unemployment numbers at 3.9. another record low. this economy is humming and supporters of this president are grateful for him. abby: let s fight for america first. it s that they feel it in their pocketbook. they feel it every day and small business owners realizing they can hire more people and more productive. good across the board when that happens. the question now is with the democrats in the mid terms in 2020, what is their economic message. pete: clapping hey got to give it to him. abby: no. because it doesn t help their cause and help them win at the polls. what your counter argument to the economy? that puts them in a tough place, griff. griff: it does indeed. as we were all three sitting here and played this sound bite. go back to it now. that is bill maher. a reminder.
griff: essentially is he rooting for americans to suffer. listen to this. i feel like the bottom has to fall out at some point and, by the way. i m hoping for it because i think one way you get rid of trump is a crashing economy. so, please, bring on the recession. sorry if that hurts people. but it s either root for a recession or you lose your democracy. abby: that wouldn t impact his life at all by the way. he can say it. pete: exactly. abby: where would the country be. a sad place when anyone would root for are a recession. pete: totally de attached from the lives of everyday people. i have actually been on the show once. we should roll that tape. abby: i have, too. griff: you should go back and take him on on this. the problem with mar he is a piece of this larger narrative. it is carrying over with our politicians. cory booker as we said on this show is a moderate. pete: at least he posed as one for a long time. griff: lame duck part of his
presidency. just as cory booker came on and said let s work with everybody. i m going to be a future star. is he showing his cards that he is moving to the hard left. listen to this. i m a big believer that if america, if this country hasn t broken your heart, then you don t love her enough. because there are things that are savagely wrong in this country. there s a normalcy of injustice that we have accepted. abby: which the message is far different griff was saying than what we heard a couple years ago from cory booker. he talked about coming together in the middle. trying to solve problems together as a country. we had dan bongino on the couch just last hour. he said it s very clear what is he trying to do here. it s quite obvious now he is setting up for 2020. he has to appeal to this radical far left base. what s savagely wrong with america in booker s words not mine is the radical far left. there is really no component of the bill of rights they
haven t attacked, right? freedom of speech, fourth amendment. donald trump apparently has no right to policy anymore. he was inside on by our government. this wanted ha. the second amendment constantly under attack. that s what s wrong with america. pete: i don t think cory booker is a socialist yet. they will all get there eventually. and you know what? if you are setting up for 2020. think, about again, the field for 2016 was set. it was going to be romney and jeb bush and, you know, ted cruz and marco rubio and chris christie and then along came donald trump. we don t know who it is going to be. whoever authentically connects to the base of the left that has gone very far left. a guy like cory booker pretended to be a moderate for a long time. either is he posing as a leftist or coming out as one and posing before, that doesn t resonate very well. abby: only wave to get through the primary is to get to the extreme. i talk to a lot of folks and get their feel how they think things are going to go in 2020. whenever i say do you think president trump will win again even if they re
against the president they will say who going to beat him? that s the question who can democrats put forward that can bring that party together? dan bongino was talking about his mom, by the way, who was a jfk democrat. de finds herself right now in the middle without a elm who. there is no one speaking to her. she is not a socialist. griff: good point. griff: president trump s approval rating at 50% this week. abby: i haven t seen that poll many places. pete: no. abby: got no traction. pete: still fake news if they don t tell you about it just saying. ainsley: send us your saying. abby: send us your thoughts a man charged with killing president bush s former doctor shoots himself. investigators confronting joseph james pappas in houston after a massive manhunt. police believe he shot and killed cardiologist mark
houseconnect last month it may be revenge after h his mother died on his operating table 20 years ago. a army soldier glide a training accident this week. seen right there army private jeremy wells rushed to the hospital after an incident at small arms range at fort ca campbell, kentucky. still unclear what happened. he joined the military last year as aircraft electrician. he has been posthumously awarded the army commendation and good conduct medal. also this, breaking overnight. president trump responding to a letter from kim jong un, a u.s. ambassador hand hand-delivering the message to north korea s foreign minister. still unclear what it says. it comes just days after kim sent a letter to the white house following up on commitments that were made at that singapore summit. secretary of state mike pompeo just wrapping up a security forum in singapore where he warned that russia and china are violating against north korea sanctions. those are some of your
headlines. a lot going on in the world right now. pete: russia and china. news alert, still not our friends. [laughter] another fox news alert. a real one. update on the search for missing iowa student mollie tibbets. this is a tough one. a red shirt found that may be connected to mollie. we re live in iowa next. griff: ton a lighter note, a rhino charging right into someone s suv. who won? abby: who won that battle? griff: what happened next? we will tell you. stay tuned wild thing you make my heart sing you make everything sergeant baker, how are you? they took care of everything a to z. having insurance is something everyone needs, but having usaa- now that s a privilege. you finished preparing overhim for, in 24 hours, you ll send him off thinking you ve done everything for his well-being. but meningitis b progresses quickly and can be fatal,
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search teams. a red shirt found that same color as mollie wears to work. former homicide detective and fox news contributor ted williams is out in brooklyn, iowa right now with the very latest. ted, you have been following this so closely. first off, the news about this red shirt. what can you tell us about that? well, that red shirt may very well be significant. it is my understanding that someone was out cutting their lawn and they came upon a very shirt. at the press conference yesterday i asked law enforcement about this red shirt. they would not confirm or deny that they actually had the red shirt. law enforcement, abby, is keeping this very close to their vest. but, if they do have the red shirt, what thin they are going to clearly do is do a forensic test on it to try to see if there is any d.n.a. to show it was actually mollie s. abby: is there information that you think the police
has that he had are withholding from the public? do you think there is a lead here and they are being quiet about it? what is your sense? i think there are numerous leads that they have. law enforcement has received over 200 calls concerning mollie s disappearance. and they are keeping a lot of it close to their chest. she was alleged to have been wearing a fit bit. this is when you go out exercising. something you wear on your arm. and it deals with your pulse and everything. but it also acts as a g.p.s. we understand that they are looking at the data from that fit bit. so that s going to be, also significant in this investigation. abby: ted, how is the community holding up? we have had the dad and the boyfriend on this show. we have heard from her loved ones and her family. what a close knit town this is. they say they don t even lock their doors at night. they all know each other. how are they holding up and
helping? is it right her boyfriend s brother they were supposed to go to the wedding this week from. what i read they cancelled the wedding and they are all there on the ground to do everything they can to help find mollie. you are right, abby. i got a chance to talk to blake jack. he is the brother. and he informed me that he was scheduled to have his wedding in the dominican republic and because mollie has gone missing, they are not able to go. but the community itself has come together. if you look over my shoulder, you will see this sign here says missing. it s about mollie. and these signs are all over these communities. i see young kids out here just giving these signs out. everybody is trying to bring mollie home. abby: the nation is watching closely. we are praying for a safe return here, ted. just so i can tell our viewers, if you have any
information you can contact the sheriff s office at 641-623-5679. ted, great work out there. we are all really hoping for the best. we will talk to you soon. good luck. my pleasure. abby: thanks. all right. coming up on the show. some inner city pastors were attacked over meeting with president trump. one of them has a message. don t attack him for working with the president to help others. is he joining us next. you don t want to miss that plus, why china is taking on disney s new winnie the pough film and they are banning it. that is a tease. we will tell you why coming up motorcycle revving motorcycle revving motorcycle revving motorcycle revving no matter who rides point, there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep.
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the center of frantic amber alert was never kidnapped. she left reagan s international airport with her parents and not strangers. unclear if her family told her tour group that they were picking her up. and this: fans of winnie the pooh are out of luke in lucn china. the new christopher robin movie won t be released there. i need your help. i have lost all of my friends. griff: there is no official reason for the ban. the source tells the hollywood reporter it could be due to crackdown on winnie the pooh on china. the country began seen as symbol of resistance in china some people think the bear looks like the chinese president. pete? winnie the pooh banned. not aloud. president trump welcomed faith leaders to the white house talking building reforms. particularly your leadership on the issue of prison reform and workforce
development. those are two the of the biggest issues facing our community. thank you for that being compassionate and caring about all of them. pete: but, instead of focusing from the good that could have come from that meeting. our next guest says he was attacked for working and merely meeting with president trump and thanking him for his work on prison reform. pastor van moody author of the upcoming book desired by god and founder of the christian worship center in birmingham, alabama. pastor, thank you for being here this morning. here is a bit of the example of the anger you got because you met with the president. tweet from angela i m saddened a pastor i respected for several years basically cosigned the christian fool lerry that president trump is perpetuating at van moody. i am very disappointed. how, pastor, do you respond to folks that say you never should have met with the president in the first place. you are giving your seal of approval on everything. one of the things that i
have tried to live is what i teach through the premises of scripture and example of jesus christ. one of the things we see through that is once we get beyond our disagreements, we have got to learn how to come together, find commonality for the common good. that was reason i went. my statements about him caring for all people as i said into n. my op-ed piece. as i have said vehemently was not a blanket endorsement. i m on record through other things that i have written. through other interviews that i have given saying that there are things that have happened in this administration that i disagree with but i do believe as a person of faith and just a as an american, that once we establish that, okay, you may agree on some things. we may disagree on others. we have got to learn how to come together. particularly to work on behalf of other people. there are too many disenfranchised and marginalized people in our country. especially in our prison population that have no voice. so i felt obligated to go to work on their behalf, particularly because this
first step act is, i think, a step in the right direction and it has bipartisan support. so i m hopeful that we ll see some real movement in the area of prison reform. pete: pastor, you made it clear though you don t agree with the president on a number of issues. willing to work with him on others. yet, you are being accused of effectively being complicit and you said, hey, he does care for people, has compassion. that s based on an issue you are working on and evidence that you have seen. what does it say about the discourse of our country that you get attacked for being, trying to be a part of the solution as opposed to, you know, saying i won t even go to the white house? yeah, i think it is a very sad commentary on where we are and how our cultural climate has descended to a very, very petty and low place. i m very concerned about that. once again, i understand that people are hurt. i understand that people are angry. but, we have got to do something with that. it is not enough for us to back away from the table and
point the finger and hurl insults. we have got to come up with solutions because there are lives and families that are in the balance. we cannot sacrifice people in need on the altar of our egos and our political ideologies and so we have got to move beyond it. pete: pastor, we have talked a lot on this program about unemployment rate being at record lows. black unemployment rate has gone down. do you feel like this president has had an ear and an eye toward the black community and trying to improve their lives? well, i think that that s, you know, debatable based on people and how they read situations. part of the reason that i went and part. reason that i said what i said is because i do think that actions speak louder than words. i do believe we have an opportunity here with the first step act to really demonstrate and move forward in an area that has long been something that, you know, has been neglected or forgotten about. i think there is an opportunity and, once again, i think that actions speak louder than words. if we can get movement, i
think this will go a long way towards helping marginalize and disenfranchising people. pete: thank you for your time. thank you, pete. pete: two passengers now heroes after someone threatened to, quote: take the plane down. he was capable of doing what he wanted to do. i wasn t willing to sit around and find out. somebody had to do something. pete: the story behind that heroic action ahead. and, president trump taking his message straight to the people this week. so what do the voters think? we have got the grand new dials from lee carter coming up next. america is winning again. last week we announced that the u.s. economy grew at 4.1% last quarter. nobody thought that was possible.
entertainer than a politician. what did the voters think? abby: here with the brand new dials. president and partner at maslansky and carter lee carter. always good to have you. great to be here. abby: a lot to get to from this rally and all the rallies we have seen. another one in ohio we will be watching. at one point he talks about shutting down the government. something we talked about last weekend. it s over national security. said i am fighting this is number one for me. here is what he said. a lot of great republicanning. well-meaning. i don t mean like they are well-meaning. they say, look, we have the best economy ever we are doing great. maybe we don t want to complicate. i m a little torn myself. i would personally prefer before. whether it s before or after, we are either getting it or we re closing down government. we need border security. pete: look a at that number spike at the very end for republicans. did you see that? pete: yeah. republicans are ready to
shut this government down over the wall. at the very end when he said we are going to shut it down over border security. i would say they gave an a-plus. they were over the moon. they think it s time to get something done. abby: what do democrats say to that? democrats say oh no. they gave this an f. independence are somewhere in the middle. independents want to see some sort of compromise here. enough is enough. pete: i want to see that unicorn of compromise, too. griff: i was at that rally and the economy was a big part of it. and the president talking about his message always america first and he talks about other countries looting our wealth. listen to this one. right now china is not too happy with me. but i have great respect for president xi and i have great respect for china. it s not their fault that our leaders were stupid. we got ripped off. it was a massive massive
transfer of wealth to other countries. the politicians just watched as other countries stole our jobs, plundered our wealth and alooted crown gels of jewel. when the stupid line came out the line fell. it fell to the floor republicans an a, independents a b and democrats d. in the beginning talking about china. talking about a difficult situation. he talked about and respect for the chinese president. but he said we have got to do some work. the democrats agree. and so i think this is the thing that s most important for people to understand a lot of people right now, despite the fact that there is a fair amount of fear about this trade war, quote unquote, with china, there are a lot of people throughout who say it s about time we re tough on china. now, the democrats, of course, aren t going to like it when we say their policies are stupid because it was president obama who was in the white house for the last 8 years.
obviously that s a reference towards him. at the same time, i think people are happy seeing us get tough on china. abby: something the president is always happy about we are winning in this country and touts the economic numbers. here he is. america is winning again. last week we announced that the u.s. economy grew at 4.1% last quarter. nobody thought that was possible. and if the democrats got, in that number would be 1.2. it could even turn negative. it was going to go down. abby: you would think across the board it would be positive about the economy right now. but, democrats, even a c minus is about as good as it can get. it is about as good as it can get. in the bottom line republicans, democrats were on board with the message until he started talking democrats not that surprising. you could see republicans an a. independents a b. democrats there a c minus. this message on the economy is an important one. americans are feeling good about the economy right now. they re spending more.
our unemployment numbers all-time low. people are feeley really really optimistic. this is going to be really important going into the mid terms. i know a lot of people right now are talking about a blue wave. i don t see that coming especially as we are looking for nontraditional candidates going to try to fight for the working class american that seems to be american. pete: hammer that message home. effective for him. griff: we have another rally tonight in ohio. we ll be there. pete: lee carter is working. appreciate it. abby: turning now to headlines this morning. two passengers are hailed heroes for restraining a man who threatened to take a plane down. witnesses say that the suspect was punching windows and screaming on the delta flight from maine. that is when a coast guardsman and form are corrections officer on board stepped in to help. he was capable of doing what he wanted to do. but i wasn t willing to sit around and find out. somebody had to do something. and he did. well, the unidentified suspect was arrested when the plane landed in atlanta.
look at this. a rhino charges at an suv at drive-thru animal park. take a look at the scary moment it was all caught on camera. is. abby: the rhino nearly flipping the suv over that was in mexico. unclear what provoked the rhino. the family inside the car luckily was not hurt. pete: somebody is that rhino. abby: police officers jump into action to save a baby choking on chicken nugget. performing the heimlich maneuver, the officer saved her child s life. because of you, our family is intact, and i know that you guys are angels who saved our daughter s life. abby: what an amazing story. the baby is doing just fine. and listen to this, a
determined little boy is stealing hearts as he learns how to walk. watch this. watch me, daddy. i m walking. abby: how adorable is. this 2-year-old happy to tell his dog maggie that he can walk with crutches. he was born with spina bifida a birth defect makes it difficult to walk. he only got those crutches last month. as you can see is he now walking and so excited about it i love that video. pete: very special. pete: i hope if f. a rhino goes after rick he will get out of the way. rick, no rhinos out there, are there? rick: the by son is the more troubling one. abby: have you an umbrella is it raining outside? it is raining outside it will get worse at least for the next couple hours. show you the weather map. one big storm hurricane hector going possibly to the south of hawaii. maybe around tuesday or
wednesday. it s a major hurricane right now. just something to watch if you are heading out in that area or if you are in hawaii right now. we dry out a little bit behind this storm. got the rain showers moving through new jersey this morning and in throughout connecticut. it s a slow moving system. once it s out. we will dry out a little bit. the heat remains, however. down across the southeast, scattered showers across parts of the central gulf area. parts of southwest florida. nape pells area as well. overall we dry out a little bit at least for a couple days across the southeast which will be welcomed news. in towards the northern plains, scattered showers. some of them heavy at times minnesota. and climbing out across the west. the heat continues and the dry 114 in huma. it s hot. all right. guys. that s it. abby: rick, have you got to share your umbrella a little bit. rick: i m sharing it right here. very kind. rick: we are giving it to you because it s her birthday today. happy birthday enjoy your time in new york. here you go. griff: very kind of you. all right. the media trying to make
trump s booming economy sound like bad news. 157,000, which is somewhat healthy but also disappointing. this is not the strongest gain we have seen. wage growth remains stagnant. what s the real story? charles payne says it was remarkable month for jobs. is he here live next with the truth. abby: plus, believe it or not, it is already time for back-to-school. we will show you what every college student needs to turn that dorm room from drab to fab. pete: give it a month, it will be back drab again. in clinical trials to improve short-term memory. prevagen. healthier brain. better life.
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opened its first u.s. brewery in over 60 years. the guinness open gate brewery and barrel house makes american logger and small batch beers. just got cooler. abby? abby: thank you, pete. the media making the job report sound like some bad news. 157,000. which is somewhat healthy. but, also disappointing. it shows a slowdown in hiring. and good economic times in the past like we re having now, we have seen greater wage growth. we re not seeing that. this is not the strongest gain we have seen. wage growth remains stag napolitano. just 2.7% year over year. this becomes a big problem for american workers. griff: what s the real story with the job numbers? here with insight is charles payne, host of making money with charles payne on fox business network. charles, good morning. i like i used to do at love tv with him. he knows is he being disingenuous. talk about the headline number. the private sector created 170,000 jobs last month.
there was a quirk on hiring on the state and federal level there were a lot of teachers who weren t hired. to give you an example last two months revised up 59,000. this number will be revised inline probably better than what we thought on wall street. let s talk about the story. the real story here, guys. the same tide is lifting all the ships, all the economic ships in this country. last month 131,000 black americans came back into the job market. 9,000 got jobs. 126,000 hispanics came into the job market. 146,000 got jobs. taken they re unemployment rate to an al-time low. 146,000 women came back to the job market. 179,000 got jobs. here s the kicker. here s the beautiful thing. just folks with only a high school diploma, 484,000 came back into the job market. half a million got jobs. so, when these when high schoolers are getting these jobs. their wages aren t going to be that high. overall wage number is not going to look that great. it s going to be skewed somewhat. the better story here are
people who didn t think they would ever work again are starting to get jobs. abby: sounds like a better time for this country to move to socialism. [laughter] abby: all signs point to yes. [laughter] i wasn t ready for that one. oh, man. you know, you want to talk about shared prosperity. i just read it off for you. right? 400,000 manufacturing jobs since last year. 171,000 people last month who had previously been working part time only economic conditions because they couldn t find full-time work no longer do that anymore. you know, this is really not a good time to sell socialism. griff: at what point does alli or any of the democrats running for office force themselves to admit these numbers. i don t think they will. i really don t. abby: why? why? they can t come to grips because it goes against the core of their ideology more than anything else. then, ultimately what happens is you will hear them say the rich people are benefiting more. that s as close as you will hear them come to an
admission that something is working. pete: boats are rising but only the big yachts. unfortunate because again we have an amazing job market. we do have a serious skills gap. but right now we are hearing that employers are saying okay we re going to take a shot. taking shots on people without skills. taking shot on nonviolent felons. even people who say listen i smoke a little weed on the weekend there are certain jobs can you do for me. again, we have people in this country who thought they would never work again who are now working. abby: good point. seems like the administration is taking that skills gap pretty seriously. by the way, that s going to have to take multiple administrations. it s not an overnight fix. griff: thanks, charles. pete: speaking well of socialism, cynthia nixon now officially jumping on that bandwagon. i am proud to be one of a small but growing number of candidates who identify as a democratic socialist. pete: could this development help president trump s
agenda? we re going to ask dr. sebastian gorka next hour. abby: believe it or not, it s time to go back to school. wwe will show you what every college student needs to turn that dorm from drab to fab. that is next she ll have fun fun fun i until the daddy most pills don t finish the job because they don t relieve nasal congestion. flonase sensimist is different. it relieves all your worst symptoms, including nasal congestion, which most pills don t. it s more complete allergy relief. and all from a gentle mist you can barely feel. flonase sensimist helps block six key inflammatory substances. most pills only block one. and six is greater than one. flonase sensimist.
of time to make sure that you coordinate with roommate and don t duplicate things and check with the school to see what s prohibited in your dorm. that s really important and varies from campus to campus on the same dorm. abby: start with the girl s room. start with the bed. build a nice comfortable bed. that dorm mattress has probably been around a while not the most comfortable. some students bring their own mattress. start out with memory foam mattress topper. that s a nice way to put a few katyushay comfy players between you and that mattress. abby: that s nice. then put like ugg comfortable set super comfortable and soft and nice way to set the color pallet and the room. griff: ugg very popular. abby: i love my uggs. i wear them before and after the show. i don t know how well can you see this. these sheets have a cell phone pocket in them. abby: new world we are living. in who takes an alarm clock to college anymore. that s a nice practical thing for students students to take with them.
abby: these are plugs and outlets. this is a lamp and has shelves and power ports and usb ports in it great way to make good use of the space. pete: this almost looks like we are camping. privacy test we have here. this comes in different colors. nice way to create your own space in the room. griff: look at that. can t stand your roommate really perfect option. comes in pink, blue, gray. abby: little kissinger station for yourself. always want to have plenty of caffeine and decorative items like the chair we have over here. love. this this is nice way to set the tone. this the first time that students have been able to totally decorate their room off to scratch. griff: head to cvs or walgreen s shut pete out. pete: or just watch fox news all day long.
abby: on your phone? this is a lot of stuff to take to school with you. bed, bath and beyond has a free service called pack and hold. shop with a local store with a scanner like a gift religion scris industry pick up at the store closest to college. save up to free college savings pass get 20% off not just when they re initially it shopping but for the whole year whenever you are restocking k cup pods. can you save that money. griff: tell us about the chair. softer chair. only about 30 bucks. we have nice faux if you are abby: we will have all that information on our website as well to get parents excited and students. griff: pete tested good it s approved. abby: coming up on the show, targeting ice, a new production of the diary of anne frank is swapping out the nazis for ice agents. geraldo rivera is here and fired up about this one. is he next.
pete: famous wwe wrestler cane. he i has a new job. he s the mayor. he joins us next hour makes me work a little bit harder makes me that much wiser motorcycle revving motorcycle revving no matter who rides point, there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. and just like tyrone taylor, they know what it takes to help keep you protected. are you in good hands?
i am proud to be one of a small but growing number of candidates who identify as a democratic socialist. savagely wrong in this country, savagely wrong with america. desperation and despair, not hope and change. we ask you to send your song requests this morning and you followed through with that. this is a suggestion from chicago, all right from a woman after my own heart. there is rutger. geraldo. a good song. great to be here. didn t even recognize it. rock and roller. i don t quite i was a
little more casual. good to see you always. thank you. i come up from washington and got to ask you about a story, a federal judge in dc wanted to restart the daca program. president obama put in place the daca to shield children brought by their parents from being deported. donald trump said we are ending that. and executive order says congress, you figure it out. this judge says they need to restart it. what are your thoughts? my first thought is i know my point of view on immigration is different from most of our viewers and i expect the three of you as well. i am for daca. the dream act is very
compassionate and pragmatic. what president obama did, these kids were brought here at a young age through no fault of their own, the right thing to do. donald trump saw it differently and he wants to end the program. what the judge did in this case was not to say the trump administration had no legal right, a legal, rational reason for rescinding the program and the reason they put forth the homeland security secretary and others were political rhetoric, the point of view of the trump administration but were not legal in the sense that they weren t rational, and appropriate reason for taking away a right and privilege. it is oversimplified, the previous executive order, and you expect it was.
only if the rationale is legal. not just selective enforcement. not a bad argument. the argument was given, and executive order created this, why can t an executive order and do it. you have millions of people invested in this program, their lives are settled, they have been here 10 years or more. some are married, they have citizen children. what the judge did, was air on the side of passion. this is a bad argument for donald from. if he tells these dreamers, a green light, a green card and green light. if you give me $25 billion to
build the wall that is a compromise that make sense. let s just make it a straight compromise deal. a compromise deal is a reminder congress is a huge player in all this, they should be the one solving the problem, the president could leave it up to congress to act, the next question i have for you is we have been debating the role of ice, a lot of been talking about abolishing ice altogether, trying to harass members of isis. there s a go fund me page to raise money to help people go out and protest ice. an upcoming la production of the play the diarrhea van frank
which replaces the nazis with ice agents. you are paying people to protest law enforcement block them from doing their job. and train them in a play as nazis. how do we have a rational conversation with that perspective. i heard about that and this morning and i was heartbroken by it. it is outrageous. first of all, as a jew myself, nothing compares to not these but not these. nazis. i m outraged people use the nazi comparison so freely. when someone disagrees with us, he is a nazi, donald trump is a nazi. they are absolutely insulting the memory of the millions who died at the hands of the nazis. incinerated a race of people
targeted, industrialized society to eradicate a whole race of people. they compare ice agents who are doing their job? i may disagree with what ice agents do in terms of their enforcement and removal of ordinary undocumented immigrants but those good men and women in uniform doing their duty are nazis undermines the arguments, the anti-ice arguments, makes them look intellectually cheap and cavalier and unpatriotic and the most disgusting insulting memory of the victims bring it into politics, does it hurt the democrats who have gone anti-ice, anti-law enforcement. i don t consider myself a leader. i consider myself a relatively progressive person, listen to me, people to the left of me
using the ice comparison, shame on them and it will undermine their arguments but in the big picture, undocumented immigration and how to deal with it, unwillingness to fix this problem. this is coming up in november. undocumented immigration, do you do it with bareknuckle s, it obviously afflicts the country and generates tremendous concern among citizens. i don t know whether it helps a political pundit in that regard but i do wish there was a way to fund a pragmatic solution. many of these people have been here for decades, they have citizen children, law-abiding hard-working, they are after the american dream, a very poor region in mexico and central america adjacent to the richest country on earth.
if you are a 3-year-old looking to provide for them what would you do if you were on the other side of the border? we have to be compassionate, pragmatic, remember the historical relationship between the united states and latin america. you have some folks in this country that aren t rational, aren t saying things that make sense. remember the woman that climbed the statue of liberty on the fourth of july, she is back and was given a microphone and she was able to sing her anti-american songs she wrote herself. here s what she wrote. america america i made a song. if it fits you, so be it. if it doesn t. america you [bleep] you drug addict i will say it one more time
america you [bleep] you drug addict you fascist usa i don t know her or what motivated her. she is a naturalized citizen, immigrants from congo, she came to this country seeking the dream i was alluding to earlier to resort to those kinds of absurdities talking about this country where the promise of a better life is exactly what attracts people like her, underprivileged parts of the world, for her to come and disparage the nation, the most important iconic symbol of freedom and the opportunities the country presents immigrants, the day of the birth of the country is terribly unfortunate. if she safe let me go on a let me go to a tangent.
if i were donald trump i would talk about why are people so encouraged to come here? why are things getting so good in this country for people who are minorities and underprivileged, latinos and african-americans and other groups? because my economic policies are providing historic opportunities for people to achieve the american dream. i would talk about that on a constant basis. all of the democratic policies you have seen in our lives, in urban america, pockets of horrible poverty with the program despite the anti-poverty program and the war on poverty, here is a republican president with american providing opportunities that have reduced unemployment on the hispanic, black and other vulnerable populations to historic lows, this is the way we fix the problem, providing quality,
this is the way we give the country the promise the statue of liberty standing majestically in new york harbor radiates to the entire world. that young lady. i m all for activism. in the 60s i was there. i understand civil disobedience but you have to have a logical reason for it. you came to this country seeking opportunity. there are historic opportunities but for you to use obscenities to degrade the very dream you sought when you came here. that is a great point. their choice is socialism. socialism has been tried in many parts of the world. we have seen how it works in places baltimore, new jersey, new orleans, detroit, we see
how it works, it can t provide. give people a job, let them pick themselves up by their bootstraps, give them equal opportunity, equal housing, give them a fair shot of the american dream. you had your coffee this morning. wants to bring socialism to new york. i am proud to be one of a small but growing number of candidates who identify as a democratic socialist. finally being honest. does this help donald trump s agenda? we will ask doctor sebastian gorka. a giant herd of ghosts on the loose. more of the bad situation ahead. and harsh glare of the islands, all while enhancing the view. after thirty years, we re still independently owned and the freethinking hawaiian spirit that first inspired us, is still a part of everything we do. our polarizedplus2 lenses not only protect eyes from harmful rays, they also make colors more vivid and contrast crisper.
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of that word. republicans are going to call us socialists no matter what we do so we might as well give them the real thing. democratic candidate for new york governor cynthia nixon jumping on the socialism bandwagon. will democrats move to the far left? will that help the trump administration? doctor sebastian gorka, deputy assistant to donald trump. you have a personal connection to the idea of giving people socialism. does she understand the meaning of the word? she can t. she is saying she has no idea what she is talking about. my parents lived, suffered under fascism and then socialism. let s not forget the two are linked. the not these the nazi phrase comes from nationalist socialist workers party. millions, hundreds of millions
of people suffered under that system. i saw it myself. i lived behind the former iron curtain for 50 years. it is very simple. this system crashes human souls. there is no equality under socialism. it is a lie whether you are in cuba or the soviet union or china today, north korea. a tiny number of people have all the wealth and power and everybody else suffers. if you disagree, the most scary thing at all is you will be persecuted, you will sometimes disappear and sometimes you will be killed. the toll of socialism for the past hundred years is 100 million people killed by cynthia next and s favorite system. there s a reason the country has never gone that direction. do you think donald trump is the reason, people of done so
extreme. why are we seeing such a drastic turn from the left, they have nowhere else to go. did they have to go this way. we conservatives. allowed the radicals to take over the education system. and bill ayres. terrorists, marxists, we have a problem in america. and brainwashing among millennial. and john f. kennedy cannot become a member of the democrat party today, if you are a patriot, you love this country, tough on national security, you would not be allowed into the dnc.
radicals like maxine waters, that have taken over the democrat party. and ardent anti-communist. socialism, moving to the democrat party is a platform, a one off line, it really is a center. we will see how it returns. thank you very much. fresh outrage over the for bei wrestler, a new job, mayor. that is coming up.
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over here. xfinity. the largest gig-speed network. a few saturday headlines, evacuations underway as officials on the california wildfires could get worse, dryer and strong winds, 16 large wildfires burning right now. and the letter from kim jong un, us ambassador hand delivering the message from the foreign minister but it comes as attempts, hurrying up on the singapore summit. mike pompeo wrapped up a security for him in singapore warning russia and china against violating north korea sanctions. our next guest is famous for being the wwe wrestler cane but
now he has a new job, the mayor. he will be the new mayor of knox county, tennessee after beating alyssa haney by 32%. he joined us right now via skype. congratulations on your win. a lot of people said you don t have a shot. that never crossed your mind, you knew you would win the beginning. thanks for having me on but yes. people said afterwords that a lot of folks didn t think you had a chance. i thought all along, if i didn t i wouldn t have done it to begin with. i was shocked at that. why did you want to run? i want to make our area the best place it can be. i love knox county.
with wwe i traveled all over the country. a different part of the country, i m not tied down to a geographical area but i love it here. i moved here in 1995. my wife is from this area. i fell in love with east tennessee. the character you played is famously silent, didn t really talk. he wouldn t think the guy that didn t talk did a lot of talking. he was arrested in politics, we had a mock debate, and i played walter mondale, last time in my life i was a democrat but in any case even from an early age i have been interested in politics. i see the impact big government has on people s lives, how destructive that is and as i grew older i realized i could
do something about that and turn the tide because in many ways that is the way i see our country going, america is the land of opportunity because of the free enterprise system and we forget that. that is why i had an interest in politics, my kids, my grandkids would have the same opportunities to live the american dream. you are a small business owner yourself. give us a sense of the mood in knox county, tennessee? how do they feel the country is doing, their town is doing? take us into your world. tennessee is doing wonderful. i don t often praise politicians but our general assembly has done a tremendous job, the fourth lowest local and state tax in the country, we are business friendly, seeing businesses relocate because of the tax rates,
because of the business friendly environment we have been able to create, a wonderful place, the climate is great, not too cold in the winter, not too hot in the summer, a lot going for us. we are reaping the rewards of good fiscal policy at the state and local level. i think there is a lot to expect and more work to be done. our rural areas are suffering, a lot of work to do in our inner cities but overall things look great. you choose to give back to your country, great american story. kane is now the mayor, i love it. all right, some inner-city pastors attacked over meeting with donald trump. one has a powerful message for everyone going after him coming up next. cory booker slamming america. this country hasn t broken your heart, you don t love her enough. because things are savagely wrong in this country.
what does candace owens think? she is here to react live next. biotène is clinically proven to soothe and moisturize a dry mouth. plus, it freshens breath. biotène. immediate and long lasting dry mouth symptom relief. gathered here are the world s finest insurance experts. rodney mastermind of discounts like safe driver, paperless. the list goes on. how about a discount for long lists? gold. mara, you save our customers hundreds for switching almost effortlessly. it s a gift. and jamie. -present. -together we are unstoppable. so, what are we gonna do? insurance. that s kind of what we do here.
there is a normalcy of injustice that we have accepted. response to that, senator boy booker, candace owens for turning point, usa. you heard with the senator had to say, looks like he might be running for another office in 2020, savagely wrong in this country? i think senator booker has treated politics like a novella. he is hilarious to watch. i get a chuckle out of him. there s nothing savagely wrong about disagreeing with the democrats, there s something indisputably right about understanding that they have a platform of government dependency, best for everyone to move away from that platform. no question he is seriously thinking about a run in 2020 but you have to get through the primaries. your thoughts on a new paul, you tweeted about these numbers, a rasmussen poll shows approval rating among trump black americans have gone up 10 points.
what is the reason for this change? this made me so happy, felt like sweet vindication for me. i have taken so many hits from the leftist media. i sat next to you guys many times and told you there was a major black exit from the democratic party, i could feel it on the ground, i travel 6 days a week across the country and hearing everybody s stories, and tired of democrats lies, telling them at every turn everything is racist, politics of fear and at long last we are waking up and seeing there is so much to be gained by changing the way we think and escaping these mental chains. talking about the way people think, new york times editorial board, anti-police, anti-male tweets, what do you make of this and where is this taking
us? this is probably the correct job for her, she is a leftist, they went anarchy, no borders, they hate ice, men and trump, a hateful platform. they haven t dismissed her, speaks volumes about where they are at this is the direction they have gone. it is an extreme left that is emerging. i wasn t thrilled about a but not surprised. she sent out so many tweets about the people she hates and the fact she gets promoted in her job and she serves on the board of the new york times, here is how they defend this woman, her journal, the fact that she is the young asian woman, made her a subject of frequent online harassment for appear go of time, she responded to that harassment by imitating rhetoric of her harassers, she regretted and at
times does not condone it. this is the topic you focus on all the time. isn t racism racism regardless of background in skin color, tell it like it is. absolutely and everything she said, they have not dismissed her. put the shoe on the other foot. imagine if you had tweet did it to the that. i wouldn t be sitting here. you would not be sitting there the next day. they gave her a raise, she has been promoted because of her tweets. it is disgusting and hard to look at the double standard but this is where we are. and look big picture. the logic of identity politics, you see it through that lens, they are willing to defend her because she checks the right boxes to defend. you can be hateful towards
white people and get away with it, that is the platform the left has built and they stand on the platform proudly. they are happy, they love racism, separation, as i said, she said to write it. is there a double standard? harassment online. exactly right. if you are a black conservative you can be as racist as you want i get obscenities spoken to me all day on twitter. sometimes i get obscenities from checked her jake tapper. you stand on the platform of supporting the president and loving this country and i do both. good to have you. and other headlines we are following, donald trump is heading to ohio rallying support for tori balderson running in the special election for the 12th congressional
seat, and this quote, early voting, strong on crime, his opponent is a puppet of nancy pelosi. and danny o connor on tuesday. the investigation into the deadly las vegas massacre is officially closed. police do not know the gunmen s motive and the victim, they are frustrated. it was a war zone, most horrific, tragic event of my life, 22,000 people had bullets raining down upon us and we have no idea why. final police report reveals the shooter was mentally ill. is attack left 58 people dead. a pastor is under fire for working with donald trump on prison reform. he joined us earlier on the
show with a message for all of those critics. i do believe as a person of faith and as an american that once we establish that okay, you may agree with some things that we disagree on others we have to learn to come together particularly to work on behalf of other people. pastor van moody and other faith leaders were invited to the white house to discuss community building and prison reform with the president. a giant herd of goats breaks loose and causes chaos in the suburbs. 100 animals chowing down in boise, idaho, hired to eat weed that a nearby retention pond but somehow broke through a fence and walked off the job. they belong to a business called we print goats. they will join us on the show tomorrow morning. they walked off. they walked off. you know who is on the job right now? the weather.
you have a job today. it has been incredibly wet in the eastern part of the country, july was the wettest july for a number of cities in the eastern part of the country. we have a break this weekend. to the south and the mid-atlantic, the rain is gone, that is good news but big storms moving across the northeast, localized flooding, severe weather will move out by evening and try things out by tomorrow. across the west, one store moving in parts of minnesota through areas of texas, a little scarce in the northern tier. we have been talking about the fires in the west. today we have more fire conditions, the reno national weather service called fire danger a particularly dangerous situation, high windss. any fire that does spark could spread very quickly. cooler conditions near the carr
fire but things warm-up by weekend. no moisture incite. your clicker is working again. it is working. first he sat down with kim jong un, then he went one on one with vladimir putin. now could there be a down with the iranian president rouhani? why trump s foreign-policy is all about business. summer is not over yet. where to save big on the end of summer deal. you won t miss this, that is next. motorcycle revving motorcycle revving motorcycle revving no matter who rides point, there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. and just like tyrone taylor, they know what it takes to help keep you protected.
are you in good hands?
from a waste processing plant. if you smell something, say something. a tourist town to go bison is under arrest. no, no, no, no, oh no, oh no. no god. no, no, i can t watch. police say raymond is beating his chest at the animal at yellowstone national park, he had several run-ins with the law in national parks over the last few weeks. beware. donald trump on the world stage. first he met with kim jong un. the denuclearization agreement and repatriating of our korean war heroes. then he met with vladimir putin and though he faced criticism for the meeting he stressed he is willing to meet with anyone including iranian president
rouhani. he will meet if iran is ready. the trump doctrine at work. here to discuss is the director of defense studies at center financial interests, thanks for being here, and the largest state sponsor of terrorism, a theocratic regime. it is a good idea? i think that is the beauty of the trump doctrine. donald trump doesn t have formal political science training like me or other people in dc. he looks at the world in a black and white way. he is a businessman. he looks at things like a balance sheet, he looks at things america is doing well. he looks at other parts of the world and a lot of countries want to do us harm whether it is iran, russia, china, north korea and things if i can get into a person s head and
understand their motives maybe there is a way to find common ground, work together and when it comes to iran we have a lot of problems with them. i give the president a lot of credit. with iran, largest state sponsor of terror, for regime change and hoping this regime would go away, death to america, they want to eradicate israel. where is the common ground to be found, preventing them from getting nukes and allowing the regime to exist? what the outcome we want? we all know essentially syria is the blackhole of the middle east. millions of people internally displaced, millions people in any part of the world they can just to survive. iran is fueling the terror in syria. donald trump could get a measure of what his motives are and what they are trying to do
in syria. mirror there could be compromise and donald trump could say what you are doing is wrong and evil and has to stop or there are going to be repercussions. the president is being tough in iran. just because you are looking at your enemies isn t doesn t mean they re your friends. how do we keep iran from getting the bomb? iranian s need to understand that is a way they are going to go, the united states will do what they have done to north korea which is maximum pressure. they won t sell their oil or train in dollars and essentially that means they will go bankrupt and you see the iranian currency starting to collapse on fear of sanctions. he needs to keep going.
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if you want to hold up longer labor day sales will be really big annual score deeper discounts. that is right around the corner. thank you very much. still ahead, remember the woman who climbed the statue of liberty? she s climbing to a new low, the anti-american chit she wrote. america america your emails coming up. stay tuned. that s why i m using nicorette. only nicorette gum has patented dual-coated technology for great taste plus intense craving relief. every great why needs a great how.
usa. abby: that was yesterday here in new york. if you recognize that woman, she was the same woman who climbed the statue of liberty on the 4th of july, really putting meaning to what michelle obama said when she said go low. obviously had some thoughts about this country. very, very low. an e-mail said i would love to know if she s getting government benefits. good question. she certainly hates this generous country. gary give and this week from bill, why is she permitted to stay here when there are others want a chance to improve their lives? pete: if you hate this country so much, why don t you just leave? seriously? she s a naturalize toed citizen. she came here from the congo. if it s so great there, then go there and talk about how much you hate america. abby: it s because of the country we live in to give her a microphone and say whatever she feels. pete: and we get to make fun of her and say she s a lunatic.

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