Ramakrishna Mission and Ramakrishna Math have spent over 1k crore on educational and medical services in the financial year 2022-23. Learn more about their activities and achievements.
In 400-year-old Dhaka, a few educational institutes have stood the test of time. These century-old schools have played a significant role in shaping the education and culture of the city and beyond and have produced notable individuals who have left their mark on the national and world stages.
In this write-up, I shall briefly touch upon a few eminent personalities of the past who have enriched the lives of generations through their varied contributions to society in the fields of education, arts, sport and culture.
In vara anului 1942, in localitatea Lidice din Cehia s-a petrecut unul dintre cele mai scandaloase masacre facute de nazisti asupra civililor nevinovati. Peste 300 de oam.
Deși au promis amnistie și pace, talibanii umblă deja, din ușă-n ușă în căutarea afganilor care au colaborat cu forțele Coaliției Internaționale.