Tyler of the comIcally camp entered Into, campIng, Abc News was anythIng but faIr Imbalance when It came to the showdown the moderators davId MIer And Gma LInsey DavIs asked truck tougher questIons wIth more followups and fIve correctIons of what he saId compared to 0 for VIce PresIdent harrIs, the bIas was absolutely unmIstakable. The cronyIsm and curIng between abc moderators and the Democrat Party was on full dIsplay. DavId mIer dId not say madam VIce PresIdent are you goIng to answer that questIon where he dId do that would trump. Heres what look lIke. I made that very clear In 2020, I wIll not be In frackIng. Thats not true she saId Joe BIden would oppose frackIng. Donald trump, the candIdate has saId In the selectIon there wIll be a bloodbath If thIs In the outcome of thIs electIon Is not to hIs lIkIng. NothIng from abc even though It was establIshed long ago that trump was talkIng about a bloodbath for the auto Industry. It was the same story when harrIs accused trump of wantIng
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company wallet to their company for quote safekeeping and bankman-fried is speaking out uncensored admitting to vioxx in a direct message he says he did not intend to be published that he quote f.ed up big multiple times. bankman-fried also telling the vox reporter sometimes life screens up on you, bret? bret: that it does. hillary vaughn on capitol hill. thanks. twitter s ceo elon musk is clarifying policy on censorship. musk tweets: his new rule is freedom of speech but not freedom of reach. negative hate tweets will be max deboosted and demonetized so no ads or other revenue to twitter. kathy griffin, jordan peterson and babylon bee reinstated. decision about allowing former president trump back on the ballot form has not been made yet. some software engineers have left twitter there are concerns the site could crash a concerned
was lining up outside a bank and some banks in the country have been opening the doors to pensioners who don t have have bank cards. you can see him collapsed on the ground weeping only. he was assisted by a police officer and a member of the staff of the bank. he visited four banks i m told to withdraw a pension on behalf of his wife. all he was allowed was $ 120 euros, $133. the man s future along with the country remain uncertain at this hour. we can take you back to the finance minister voting, yanis varoufakis the picture is frozen. he goes into a space where he will fill out a ballot form and he will put it into a box. he s also quite a media figure and he s there posing in front of the cameras as well. but it is a key moment in greek