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Transcripts For CNNW Anderson Cooper 360 20170725 00:00:00

that s absurd. did anyone involved in the trump campaign have contact with russians trying to meddle with the election? absolutely not. we don t know of any contacts with russian agents. those conversations never happened. lie after lie. why would there be any contacts between the campaign? why is a question that remains to be answered. what we know now is there were contacts between jared kushner by his own admission, not fake news, real facts. jared kushner said he met with russians, he just didn t collude with them. what else did he say? reporter: he said he had four meetings with russians during the campaign season and during the transition. he did say he met with the russian ambassador at the mayflower hotel during one of then candidate trump s foreign policy speeches. of course, he acknowledged being at that now infamous meeting at trump tower which donald trump, jr. was promised dirt on the
clinton campaign as part of an effort to help with the russian government, effort to help his father s campaign. jared kushner down played these meetings, saying he went to this meeting with donald trump, jr., really not knowing what it was. he said he got an e-mail exchange about it, but he didn t read the full e-mail. he said he arrived late and asked an assistant to call him out because it was not relevant. he also acknowledged two other meetings during the transition. both with the russian ambassador, as well as the former national security adviser michael flynn. and the head of a russian bank, he claimed there was nothing to those meetings. he made some rare public remarks at the white house today, anderson, defending his meetings and said there was nothing there. here s what he said. the record and documents i have voluntarily provided will show that all of my actions were proper, and occurred in the normal course of events of a
kislyak, et cetera, et cetera. he portrays him as innocent, and that may well be. but throughout all of this, he didn t deny that these meetings took place. i think one thing that the investigation will be looking at is inconsistencies in his testimony. so on the one hand with the e-mail about the trump tower meeting in june of 2016, kushner says i didn t even read that whole exchange, because obviously there was one part of that, maybe incriminating is not the word, but it says the russian government supports your father s campaign and we want to give you information. he said, i didn t read that part, i knew nothing about the meeting. on the other hand, he talks about an e-mail we got from gucifer or something or other. he read that one and took it to the secret service and said is this anything i should be worried about? little things like that, the investigators, when he goes before the house intelligence committee, will be honing in on. remember, the reason he paid attention to that is because there was a threat to release all of his father-in-law s tax
records, which they didn t want to release. what s striking about all of this is first of all, there s the tortured process by which jared kushner has revealed all of his meetings, which is disorganization at the very least or something worse. but i think what we re piecing together, which has nothing to do with the investigation itself perhaps, is these folks were open for business. donald trump has never taken a threat from russia seriously by his own statements, and he still doesn t as president of the united states. his son, his son-in-law, apparently they all thought it was typical opposition research. they weren t worried about it. kushner is talking about setting up a secret channel to get information from russian generals about syria. so that is so negligent and so naive that you want to turn to people who actually know something about this, who can tell you you shouldn t do that. they don t appear to have done that. if donald trump jr. is to be believed, he is told that the russian government is backing his father, didn t sound like it was new information to him.
but at the very least, that s pretty big information. if donald trump, jr. is to be believed, he never discussed this with nip, not with paul manafort or jared kushner. that s a lot of information for donald trump, jr. to be holding on to. the reason you had this naivety for jared kushner, which is ironic given that this person who is charged with trying to resolve the palestinian-israeli conflict can t get out of his own meeting, they re doing that because in the legal terms he does not want to have the knowledge, the intent that everyone has been talking about. if he is not knowledgeable about it, he could not possibly have the intent to break the law or collude. and so he has a vetted statement that he put forth that was vetted by his lawyers, i m sure, with an attempt to say this is a conscious decision. you will be the naive, overwhelmed, inexperienced person on this team. because while master mind might
be a political asset in political terminology, it s a scapegoat legally. he said in his statement that he contacted henry kissinger at one point to get some advice. but he made it very clear in his statement that this was kind of new territory for him. and he even said that when he suggested this general-to-general meeting in the russian embassy, that both flynn and kislyak said no, no, you can t do that. so he just sort of showed or was trying to show how naive he was. i think, anderson, your point that is important, which is there is information that comes across saying russia wants to help your father win. there s nobody that doesn t know that s very inappropriate, beside just cheering on the part of vladamir putin. and there were enough people around, lawyers, other foreign policy types, who could have been giving advice, including
flynn, who wouldn t say put the brakes on this. that s the point, that the president is acting like he has something to hide and is c contemptuous of the suggest you talk to business leaders. they understand that there are leaders with russian and american business folks. but even they understand it s different than saying you re going to get involved 234 an election. they didn t care. that s the timeline now. you get the e-mail that says the russian government wants to help your dad win in june. and then in december, during the transition, you have, as you said, open for business, russian officials coming in and talking and there s no evidence that he ever once at any of these meetings raised russian interference. they just didn t care about it. up next, once upon a time, he was the first senator to back the trump candidacy. why is president trump referred to jeff sessions as beleaguered? and the president increases
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a new attack against one of his earliest and most loyal supporters. our jeff zeleny is at the white house with the breaking news. so has the president even spoken directly to the attorney general since this comments about him in the new york times last week? reporter: anderson, he s not spoken to the attorney general, and the new communications director, anthony scaramucci, told our sarah murray earlier today, he said they need to have a face-to-face discussion about their future. that s interesting that the communications director would say that the president and the attorney general should have a conversation, but the president has not asked for one. the president has not brought the attorney general he was his most loyal, committed, dedicated supporter back during the presidential campaign. he left his job in the safe senate seat of alabama to become the attorney general. he, in fact, jeff sessions was in the west wing today we are told, having normal meet wings
with the white house counsel s office but not with the president. they have not spoken since before that new york times interview. last week, the president essentially threw his attorney general under the bus. we got a window into the president s thinking today, during a photo op with interns of all things, when the president was standing silently to take a picture and a reporter asked him this. mr. president, did jeff sessions resign? [ laughter ] there and the smirk spoke volumes, although he didn t speak anything. the president tonight was in west virginia, speaking at a boy scout jamboree. he invited some eagle scouts who serve in his cabinet to be on stage. rick perry, but jeff sessions is also an eagle scout and he was not invited.
also rex tillerson is, isn t he if? reporter: yes, rex tillerson is an eagle scout but he was not there. but no two people were closer during the campaign, but because of attorney general sessions decision to recuse himself from the russian investigation, the president fuming about it, and we re told he s gotten angrier. and rudy giuliani s name has been band yesterday about as a replacement. he commented about it. reporter: rudy giuliani was talked about being the secretary of state or a variety of things. but there s been a rumor who would replace jeff session it is he stepped down? rudy giuliani was flying to washington today and cnn caught up with him and he said there s no truth to this rumor. i m not going to be named the next attorney general. he also said i believe that jeff sessions did the right thing by
recusing himself from this russian investigation. and should the president, if the president would appoint him, there s a good reason to believe he would have to recuse himself as well, because rudy giuliani was also involved in the campaign at the same time period. but it points out how difficult it would be in this environment in washington to confirm a new attorney general. it s one of the reasons a lot of smart minds think that the attorney general will stay. but again, of course that s all up to the president. we ll see if they ever have that meeting. jeff zeleny, thank you very much. back with the panel now. jason, should the president sit down with his attorney general and why do you think he hasn t? i think the president has to make a decision here. jeff sessions is someone who was very loyal on the campaign trail. he s a favorite of conservatives and of trump nation supporters through and through. but look, the president clearly has an issue with jeff sessions recusing himself from this russia investigation. if it s something that the president fundamentally can t
get over, he needs to fire him. the further this goes on, without dealing with it, i think this is problematic and distracts away from the bigger things we should be dealing with like repealing and replacing obamacare. but jeff sessions does have a strong support base across both the administration and the country. a lot of tough days on that campaign, jeff sessions never wavered. it is interesting that there was nobody more loyal to donald trump than jeff sessions, and by the way, trump a lot more loyal to vladamir putin who also played a critical role in elected him is the only place trump has stayed loyal to. sessions had no choice to recuse himself. rudy giuliani said so today. also, president trump seemed to believe that sessions should have told him before he got the job that he was going to recuse himself, but at that point, as far as i know, he didn t know he was going to recuse himself, because he only recused himself after his testimony. he would have had to recuse himself ebecause he played a
critical role in that campaign. so even if he had given the misleading testimony to the senate judiciary committee, this is what is bothersome. the attorney general had no choice. it wasn t simply i don t feel like doing my job. it was my job requires me to recuse. the president doesn t understand that. what s really disturbing here is that he s not firing him, that he s torturing him right now and toying with him. and he s like almost insulting him publicly, two times in a week, trying to i guess trying to get him to quit because he doesn t have the guts to fire people. it reminds me of the movie office space where they don t fire milton, they just take his stapler and move him to the basement. that s how they do it with tv anchors, as well. [ laughter ]
everyone just got very nervous. but it is interesting for a president who, you know, made a name for being the fguy you fired the irony is, he s not very good saying things face-to-face to people. as much as he was mr. fired on tv, that s not how he operates. he s more likely to try to drive him out. the question is, why now? we know that he s been upset with sessions since the beginning, since he recused himself. but now he s really going after him in a much more intense way than he was before. to me it suggests that he s realizing this is serious. the russia investigation is a real problem, and so whereas he was frustrated before, now he s panicking. but there s nothing he won t do apparently. we thought it was folly to fire the fbi director. bill clinton, president clinton was not very happy with janet reno at very uarious points.
but there was a sense there was an independence of the justice department and the fbi. there s no reason this president won t fire the a.g. or make a move on mueller. he wants to litigate every aspect of this. if he fires jeff sessions or sessions resigns, and he wants first of all, very difficult to get another a.g. in there, even if you rod rosenstein gets elevated. he doesn t like rosenstein either. right. because he s from baltimore or whatever. so he doesn t like there s too many democrats in baltimore, unlike new york city where president trump is from. so he doesn t want to elevate rosenstein. what does rosenstein do, does he stay or quit? does he ask rosenstein to fire mueller and mueller refuses? and if he wants to fire mueller,
i guarantee you his legal team would quit. i can t imagine the president s he will team saying, you know, it s okay jason, do you think it would be hard to get another attorney general? i think there is one thing that s a little bit different with this president and administration, that we have to take a step back. if we rewind a couple months ago and we heard the talk about firing comey and the sky is falling and how could we ever come back from this? i think, look, this president has the authority, if he wants to fire somebody in his administration, he can. that s his right as president to do so. so he invariably will fire people at various points in his administration. we need to realize this administration is different. and it do you think it would be hard to get somebody past on capitol hill, another attorney general? look, in this climate, of course the partisan opponents are going to make a lot of hay out of this and turn it into one month-long spectacle along russia and everything else. and that will be a bigger
distraction away from what the president is trying to do. that s why i hope the president sticks with jeff sessions and keeps him there. i don t think he s going to get away from this. there have been occasions where he has gotten mad at somebody and it blows over. this is the second or third iteration of this, i think. and the way that trump constantly brings up that he won the popular vote and this is one of those things that i just don t see him getting over it. we ve got to take a quick break. we ll continue this discussion. and we ll hear what sessions had to say. steve was born to move. over the course of 9 days he walks 26.2 miles, that s a marathon. because he chooses to walk whenever he can. and he does it with support from dr. scholl s. only dr. scholl s has massaging gel insoles that provide all-day comfort to keep him feeling more energized. so he even has the energy to take the long way home.
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breaking news tonight about attorney general jeff sessions. the washington post is reporting that president trump is discussing possibly replacing him. with me on the phone is matt. so what have you learned? we learned that as president trump and his aides have been discussing removing jeff sessions as attorney general, which maybe isn t a total surprise, given what he told the new york times haste wela but interesting that it s not just him venting or thinking about what he s saying, but a calculated move and he s considering getting somebody else in there. do you have any idea based on your reporting how serious the discussions, what level they re at, or what the kind of permutations are being discussed? we understand at this stage it is informal. some names have been floated, but maybe not even with the president himself. it s not as if he is asking what do you think about this person or this person? and some people kascharacterize
this as an intense level of venting on his part. so it is pretty early, but i mean, in this administration, things move quickly. is there any timeline that s been discussed, to your knowledge? no, no, not at all. i don t think that the talks are quite that serious that we re going to remove him on x date. just discussing the idea of removing him. is there anything else you learned i should ask you about? you know, i think another important point here is that some people, again, not the president himself, but some people in his orbit see this as a possible way to get rid of the special counsel, that this is maybe one step along the line. jeff sessions is recused from the special counsel investigation, but if he goes, maybe there could be more stuff happening at the justice department. is there any concern, based on your reporting, that removing jeff sessions jeff sessions
is very popular among the nationalist wing of the republican party or conservatives. you know, and jeff sessions held a lot of these views before donald trump, before president trump began to hold them. yeah, that s right. one of the things that we reported is that president trump asked someone, if i got rid of jeff sessions, how would that play with conservative media? i talked to newt gingrich who told me that look, he would really strongly advise against removing jeff sessions against he thinks he s great for the republican base. so i think that s something the president has to keep in mind. matt, appreciate the reporting. thank you very much. back now with the panel. think about if this is true, and it s clearly true that they are talking about this. but what this reveals about the president. here you have the person who has, as jason pointed out earlier, represents trumpism more than any other republican
in this administration, what you agree with jeff sessions or not on trade, on immigration, on drug policy. he is the person implementing the trump policy agenda more than anyone else. certainly more than some of the white house people around this president. and trump doesn t care about that. he cares about himself. he cares about a personal issue. he cares that this guy recused himself from an investigation and cares about his own criminal liability and he s trying to maneuver and figure out how to get rid of this guy. it shows how much trump is committed to ideas and policy and how much he s committed to self-preservation. what does it say about the president s definition of loyalty? he talks about loyalty, he talked about it frin front of t boy scouts. you can argue that jeff sessions has been loyal to this president since the beginning. there are reports that there was a conversation with steve bannon and jeff sessions where
sessions says if i endorse trump and he doesn t win, then it s over for me. the president defines loyalty as that who can be his that s very clear through the course of his administration so far. jeff sessions is the only person in washington, d.c. who is an appointee that has leverage over the president of the united states for two runs. number one, you have the obstruction of justice issue. if he fired jeff sessions, that cloud rains down on him once again. number two, jeff sessions is well aware of his popularity and knows that to replace him would be an uphill battle. and that would leave his policy platform in limbo so it looks like you have insight into general sessions thinking. but look, general sessions is
someone who believes in president trump, not just as a leader on these issues but also the president as a leader, as a person and bought into this whole movement that we were behind. general sessions is very loyal, and if the president were to ask him to go, then he would go. and that would be the end of the story. but i do think that general sessions, i would not expect to see him quit under any circumstance. i think he s loyal and dedicated to the cause. and that s why i think so many folks like myself who are trump supporters want to see him in place, because he does believe in that mission. again, it s not just that he believes in some set of ideas but he believes in trump as a leader. he believes in the independence of the justice department. and the rule of law. and the rule of law, such that he was going to follow the ethics guidelines. i take your point that this president has shown he can break the seal on things and norms and get away with it. but there s a level of sabotage that the president is responsible for of his own administration, because he wants
to fight, because presumably he thinks he s right, and he ll take on all-comers. sessions is a perfect example, i think republicans, his senate colleagues, republicans would really start to break with the president. and i think that becomes an issue i don t think that will be, but look, they re a good team. they ve worked so well together so far. that s why i think look, there are a lot of swamp creatures in this town. a lot of people who have not been on board with this reform agenda. jeff sessions has been on board with it. so where are the republicans now? who can come out right now and say stop doing this to jeff sessions? where s the ground swell? there ought to be one. he s being mistreated. if he s popular in the senate and some people feel very strongly about it, why aren t they saying mr. president, stop calling your own attorney general beleaguered? where are the republicans saying we need to replace and repeal obamacare.
but, you know, maybe in the president s mind, he figures he can appoint a member of the senate like a ted cruz or somebody to take the attorney general s place during a recess appointment in august, and maybe he can do that. and i don t think he can. but maybe he s thinking i could get this over with, one, two, three, and we could get rid of mueller and i can get on with my agenda. when we come back, how president trump is using his bully pulpit to influence the health care vote tomorrow.
the energy conscious whopeople among usle? say small actions can add up to something. humongous. a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it s californians it s me and it s you. don t stop now, it s easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing. we re in d.c. tonight, on the eve of a remarkable, perhaps unprecedented move on health care. first, the gop member leaders pushing their own members to vote on the bill. and senator john mccain s vote could be crucial because the
vote is so tight. like i said, it s a remarkable time. president trump used his bully pulpit to encourage republicans to do the right thing. for the last seven years, republicans have been united in standing up for obamacare s victims. remember, repeal and replace? repeal and replace. they kept saying it over and over again. every republican running for office promised immediate relief from this disastrous law. well, repeal and replace, they kept saying it you heard the president saying there. keeping them honest thiey was also him. real change begins immediately with the repealing and replacing of the disaster known as obamacare. repeal it and replace it. repeal and replace. repeal and replace. obamacare, we re going to repeal it, we re going to replace it
and get something good. repeal it, replace it, get something great. we re going the kill it. let it die, and we re going to come up with something much, much better. you re going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost and it s going to be so easy. cnn s phil mattingly is on capitol hill with the latest. how close is mitch mcconnell to having the votes he needs to move this forward? they re still short. there are six or seven members that remain undecided, but they haven t come out as no s, and we ve seen during the course of the last seven or eight days, that members through every iteration of this senate process have killed that process. they haven t done that yet. and because of that, there is at least some shred of optimism. but it s important to note what s going on behind the scenes. you had vice president mike pence in ohio with senator rob portman, who is a holdout. there are offers on the table by
administration officials for things that holdouts could get behind the scenes. there are amendments that senate leaders are saying could be made in order for other senators. so there s an all-out blitz right now to close the deal on this. but the crazy reality is, as we go we re fewer than 24 hours from this vote. there s a real chance we might not know where the votes are until the senators actually vote. that s how close this is right now. and that s how much of an open question remains. what are they voting on? does anyone know the details? reporter: at least in terms of a final product that they expected to get to, the answer is know. they re voting to start the debate on the house passed health care bill. but the idea has always been, nobody in the senate likes the house passed bill. they wanted their own version. so throughout this amendment process, they wanted a backstop of sorts, a final product that we ve seen multiple iterations of, but none of those have been able to close the deal.
so what does that leave them with? as senator bob corker called it, the wild west. in a situation like this, you essentially walk into a process where any senator can offer any type of amendment so long it s germane and in the budget rules. so senators are being asked to move forward on something where they don t know the endgame. there is an politically risky move but also very risky on the policy side. whether it s conservatives on the regulatory side, moderates on the medicaid expansion, they would be going into this debate with no commitments that they could be getting any of these things for sure. as one former senate aide put it to me, it s akin to telling a senate tore jump out of an airplane with a backpack that there s 50-50 that there is a parachute with it, except in this case, it s more like 10-90. but this is the only pathway
that senate republicans and the white house have identified to move forward and they re pushing full speed away, whether they have the votes or not. phil, thank you very much. earlier today, i spoke with senator sheldon whitehouse about the health care bill. president trump today calling democrats obstructionists. are you offering any help on health care? the first thing, the very first thing the republicans in the senate did when they got in, like their first day was to choose to go the reconciliation option and slam the door on us and let us know we were not welcome. in fact, they got to the point where they weren t even having most of their own republican caucus in the room. they went to the 13 old white guys to come up with their plan. so that s pretty rich to turn that around on us at this point. senator schumer, the top democrat in the senate, just last week had this to say about
working with republicans. i want to play this. if republicans abandon cuts to medicaid, abandon tax breaks for wealthy, and agree to go through the regular order, the o door to bipartisanship is open right now. republicans only need to walk through it. republicans say that doesn t sound like a door to bipartisanship, having preconditions, many of which are nonstarters for republicans. what i ve said all along, and many democrats have said throughout this whole process, we keep knocking on that door and being told you re not welcome. but look, just promise that you re going to work by regular order. promise us that you ll take amendments, go into the committees and do a bipartisan vote to 60 when the dust settles and this isn t going to be a phony exercise that ends up with you doing the same ram job that you ve been doing now any way. on those terms, we re ready to go. i want to ask you about where the democratic party is going.
senator schumer said the two biggest priorities are health care and the economic well-being of the working family, not russia. have democrats done enough to get that message out? a lot of folks see the democrats as being anti-trump but they don t stand for anything. it s hard when you have a president that s horrifying even his own party with tweets that he sends out. one of the things about president trump is he does tend to be the brightest, shiny object in the room and attract most of the media attention. so it s also a little hard to get out there too far on health care while you re locked out of the room. and they told you we re not going to listen to you. if we were in committee, having hearings, bringing up their amendments, if we were taking votes, if we were doing real legislation on health care, then i think the public would be pretty clear about where we stood.
that s not a recipe for the next election, that s what happened to hillary clinton many people would argue in the last election. she was against trump, but a lot of people didn t necessarily know what she was for. so how do you get out of that? i think we re going to have a whole lot of members of congress that will have a really good chance at getting replaced. and a very good chance that there s going to be a democratic speaker as a result. and each of those races is going to happen in each of those congressional districts. i think a congressional race in a specific district, which is where you win those, is a very different thing than a presidential campaign. lastly, senator feinstein today said that even though donald trump, jr. and paul manafort will not testify publicly on wednesday, she still expected them to do so after the august recess. how important is it, do you believe, that their hearings are open to the public? i think it s very important. for one thing, the work that the
intelligence committee is doing by virtue of touching in so many places on classified information is never going to be as public as we had hoped. so it s just the nature of the beast. the criminal investigation is never going to be public. so the place where the public can keep up, and all the experts who came in and said how you do congressional investigations while there s a criminal investigation going on, is it s got to be public. that s the point, that we can help educate the public, let them know what s going on and be a truth teller that the public can hear from witnesses directly. so already important that it be public. and i m very pleased that we ve had support in chairman grassly in seeing that they will be subpoenaed if they refuse to attend voluntarily. and those subpoenas may even be moving quite quickly. senator, thank you for your time. when we come back, president
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crime so far is leaks against us. fake news. raises an additional whether or not a sitting president can pardon himself while still in office. joining me for their take, two constitutional law experts. nor ma i norma izen. co-authored on op-ped in the washington post on this last week. and mr. turley. you believe the president has the power to pardon himself. what i believe is he can make the argument under the text of the constitution. the constitution does not bar these types of self-pardons. the constitution mentions one exception with regard to impeachment. such as saying a president can pardon his way out of impeachment. it says the president shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the united states except in cases of impeachment. right. the language is actually not imbi ambiguous. usually in the law if you state an exception, there s a presumption that other exceptions don t apply because
queue didn you didn t include them. he d have a strong case to argue it s covered by his unfettered authority. norm, do you agree with that? anderson, thanks for having me. i do not agree with that. of course, we know that when interpreting the constitution, the words on the page are just the starting point. and literally entire libraries have been filled with what they mean and it s very clear, whatever school of interpretation you belong to, if you look at the history at the constitution, the structure of the constitution, the meaning, the intent, none of them suggest that something so absurd as a presidential self-pardon could be allowed. it stems from one of the most fundamental principles in american law. and that which is that that is that no person may be a judge in their own case. that no one is above the law. that is the core principle where government of laws, not of men, and so and the proof of it,
anderson, is there s nobody, and jonathan and i actually agreed on this, there s nobody who says it would be a good idea for the president to do it. everybody thinks it s catastrophic. but being a good idea and being possible are two different things. right. and i have to say, this is where norman and i disagree. i think this would be an exceptionally close question. one of the longest inresolved questions of the constitution. there s no clear answer here. i would give the president a 50/50 shot on it. i think it s not clear how a court would rule. it would go to a supreme court. that s right. where i dis agragree, this is n judicial act, not being a judge in your own case. the type of authority cited for that proposition often deals with judges and this is an extrajudicial act, a political act. the act of a pardon is a transcendence over the judicial process and i think that where norm s arguments fall short is they would go too far. i mean, norm has argued, for example, that the constitution says that regardless of
impeachment, you can still be tried criminally. in article 1. the problem is that article that same argument would mean the president couldn t pardon anyone in his administration from vice president to cabinet members who are subject to impeachment. so, norm, didn t they look into this during the nixon white house? they did. the office of legal counsel looked at it four days before nixon resigned. of course, those are nixon s lawyers. and they determined that a president cannot pardon himself. if you go back, jonathan, to these debates well, not at olc, there was not. not at olc. of course, nixons own lawyers said he could pardon himself. not at the justice department. anderson, if you go back to the debates in the constitution, contrary to my learned friend s view, you look at the debates, you have jachmes wilson saying,f course, a president can be impeached and prosecuted.
well, that would make no sense if the president could pardon himself, then he couldn t be prosecuted. the problem anderson, our constitution is a living document, it lives on common sense. this notion is absurd that the president can do imagine he could go he could go out on pennsylvania avenue, take bribes, shoot people, walk back in the oval office, sign a pardon for himself, do it again the next day. i m afraid of who he might target if he had that power. it is absurd, jonathan. i don t want you to have an aneurism, but i do want to mention a couple things. first of all, the president doesn t pardon himself out of state crimes. the president going around shooting people, he s not going to protect himself from state charges. bribery, though. federal bribery. most importantly, the argument that norm just made, once again, has no limiting princip principle. the same argument could be made he wouldn t pardon the vice president or cabinet member. if that person right, because they also would have to be prosecuted
under the same argument. no one has made that argument so i problem i think with norm s interpretation, i m not saying it s not a good faith interpretation, he has good arguments to make, is that you need to have some way to thread this needle. the text of the constitution would support donald trump in giving himself a self-pardon. that doesn t mean he will prevail but it is not absurd. all right. i have to leave it there. professor turley, norm eisen. more on breaking news, president trump talking about replacing jeff sessions according to a new report just out in the washington post. we ll talk about that next.
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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Five 20170713 04:00:00

something is bogus in new york and it s not the cops. that s it for us tonight from washington. we are here every night at 8:00. the five is next. dana: hello, everyone. i am dana perino. with juan williams, jesse watters, greg gutfeld, and kimberly h guilfoyle. it is 9:00 in new york city and this is the five. tonight, new reaction from president trump with the firestorm surrounded around his son and russia. the president is telling reuters tonight he only learned about the controversial sitdown a couple of days ago and doesn t blame his son for having the meeting. saying many people would have. democrats want the treason charge, other people say that s nonsense.
there s been soop much overwrought claim. there are people talking about treason. i can t believe the new york times had an op-ed yesterday in which treason was mentioned. people are saying it could be treason, which is facially absurd. it just doesn t rise to that level. dana: corey lewandowski thinks the white house needs to get much tougher on cracking down on leaks. anybody and i mean anybody who is not on the president s agenda working in this administration should be removed immediately, i don t know who the leaker is. if someone was speaking to the media or leaking information which could potentially be detrimental to the president and his administration, i would fir them on the spot. dana: juan, if i would go to your first you would think donald trump, jr., s meeting was wrong, possibly unethical but to jump to treason, does that underminena the democrats point?
growth dana: perhaps congress needs to clarify the law about interactions between campaigns and foreign government. right now, this is just not there. kimberly: people are trying to run with this. i think they are trying to smear donald trump and any kind of political aspirations. remember at the rnc how well he did? a lot of people talked about his political future. this is trying to do generational and reputational damage for the trump family. they are starting happily and aggressively with donald jr. they tried to take a hit with ivanka. she s been very passionate onon behalf of coming out with women s issues. eair pay for women, and health for working women as it relates to health care, syria, the chemical weapons attacks. when i say something like this, i just wonder what the motivation is behind us, in terms of someone going after him
like this. perhaps this is really the perfect time to find some clarification, some clarity as it relates to what is appropriate and what isn let me tell you, if my father was running for president of the united states, i would sit down and take a meeting and find out if there was information against anin opponent. compare this to what hillary clinton did to the women that accused bill clinton of sexual misconduct or assault against them. et cetera. what did she do to smear them and investigate them? i find the hypocrisy from the left really appalling. dana: jesse, some on the right have been saying well, why isn t anybody looking into and investigating and charging hillary clinton s team with the ukrainians? they got information that was against paul manafort. if that s the case isn t that also admitting that this meeting was wrong? jesse: if you want to
trying to help his father. if there s something wrong with trying to help your father, then i guess we are all guilty. dana: cory lewandowski was getting to that. the leaks are actually coming from the inside.. they established that the white house is not under any they don t think they have a legal problem but the p.r. problem is sort of internal sabotage. greg: yeah, i don t care. i honestly don t care. the more alarmed the press becomes, the more i believe america is becoming exhausted. these stories are becoming so intense and over-the-top. they are so interested in reiterating the past. we know as americans that is not about collusion, it s about settling the score. yeah, we might do the same thing
because s we would be angry over an election but at a certain point, you ve got to let it go. i can redefine collusion as the collusion between the media, academia, and the entertainment industry, who have been trying to brainwash us for decades over the dumbest ideologies. we ve been victims of collusions all of our lives. the narrative here is that the trump presidency is in disarray. that s what we know. that s what we elected. we k are okay with disarray. we elected somebody because they don t have experience in politics. therefore, he sct surrounded by people are not adept at controlling the narrative. maybe that s their fault and maybe donald should have known better but the bottom line is this: if you wanted this not to happen, you could have had a rubio, kasich. dana: you would probably have clinton. kimberly: and now we have less isis.
shut up greg: you have the good. it s a phenomenon. trump is a phenomenon. if you are seeing things happen like isis. the downside is, you are going to have this stuff going on forever because they don t know how to deal with it because they are not insiders. you elected ann outsider. this is not a bug in the system. this is the system. we just have to deal with it and over it. the hyperventilation on other networks is insane. have you see them lately? i worry about their health.nt jesse: yesterday you saw a fever pitch you can see the temperature come down ates least half a degree. greg: they will find something new. this wall street journal piece that came out, everyone is screaming about it. there s nothing in at least, i couldn t find anything. dana: it s basically sayingth that the russians were trying to infiltrate into the campaign to see they were trying to listener in. we found out the russians were talking about the trump campaign but we ve known that.
greg: that was the tick tick boom on twitter. juan: i think there are two other stories that are interesting. in fact, there are concerns that the russians were given information a about various districts where there were vulnerabilities for clinton. weaknesses. those districts saw an increase of the kind of hacking and emails being sent in, specifically targeting at blacks, women, to decrease hillary votes. that would be cooperating and urging on a foreign power. it s not to say that there is not real problems here. for me, as a democrat, i looked to see what are republicans thinking. when are republicans going to become critical? today, you had national review saying basically russian collusion is no longer just a tinfoil conspiracyic theory.
no american, republican or democrat, should defend the intent of donald trump s meeting. dana: even donald trump, jr., said he would have done it differently. hindsight being 20/20. juan: jesse said he was duped. he wasn t duped. jesse: the only reason he did it was because he was boys with the guy that had to hook up. juan: the email said that she was coming with informationk directly from the russian government. kimberly: this party is going down the toilet. they don t get it. now people within your party, juan, are saying this russian story is a total loser. if you don t have the senate, the house. you certainly don t have the oval. if you keep story. we have bernie sanders, he s not a closer, either. hillary clinton is going to hide out with scooby snacks in the van. if i was you guys, i would be freaking out.
[laughter] juan: i don t care what your political affiliation is. this presidents white house is not doing his job. kimberly:wh he needs to get some better people into be able to deliver what he promised the working men and women. juan: kimberly guilfoyle just said she thinks donald trump should get better people? en kimberly: yes. he needs to filled thee positios that are there. he knows that. jesse: they are going to run for the hills, at the smallest whiff of controversy. i ve watchedd them all day. juan: they are not turning away from donald trump. greg: i will ask the dumbest question. kimberly: you are good at it. greg: how come a citizen cannot engage in a practice that a reporter can?
a reporter can go to a meeting and if you get some information he s a whistleblower. it s snowden, everything. but trump, jr., a citizen it s collusion. he could have been chelsea manning. a reporter is a hero, they make a movie about you. dana: if a foreign government comes to you with information to damage another american, i would not do it. greg: i would in a second. i would say you re going to tell me you would say i wonder what it is. dana will get on the phone and say hello, fbi? dana: i would never do anything to if they had information on you, i am taking that call. [laughter] dana: a breakup announcement, next. and not the kind that you might be thinking. one that you might
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greg: joe scarborough has announced he s leaving the republicanth party. reactions pouring in from all over the world. [laughter] greg: it s too easy. joe scarborough, morning joe, told this shocker on colbert last night. this was well before donald trump was elected htpresident that my party has betrayed their core values. time and time and time again, they turn the other way. they are doing the same thing now. it s actually disgusting. you have to ask yourself, what exactly is the republican party willing to do? how far are they willing to go and how much of this country and values are they willing to sell out? but aren t you a republican? i am a republican but i m not going to be a republican anymore. i ve got to become an independent.
greg: okay, weird. we go to the republican party for reaction. [laughter] greg: so, joe calls it an exit but for republicans, it s really an enema. he played both sides as a teenager. thankfully, not joe s. greg: oh, man, is that awkward or what? he seems to be the only one
there enjoying the song. thee rest of them are just waiting for the check to clear. all decisions are driven by a need for attention. chases the spotlight, and thenh he moves on. after all, he does tend to leave things. he did resign from congress, after all. for something sanctimonious about leaving a group that isn t clamoring to keep you. if it s because of trump, fine. but joe indulged and flattered him and used him to gain access and ratings. to woo him away from fox & friends. then when he saw donald outgrow him, he imploded. i wish him luck. i welcome his independence, even if it s just another stab at relevance, to be noticed at the next hamptons cocktail party. i bet he s going to bring his guitar. kimberly: [laughs] greg: did his announcement move you to tears? dana: no.
when colbert asked him, are you still a republican? it s such a planted question. they probably were able to get booked on colbert saying they were going to make thiss big news. a it is a little hard to take in, watching the primary pretty closely, we all lived it. they loved donald trump. it was like wait, i don t understand. what about all these conservative principles? greg: he compared him to reagan! he said he was the next reagan. jesse, it takes such talent for leaving your party to seem phony. jesse: when i saw the story, i was like why are we doing this story? i now know why we are doing this story. i don t have anything bad to say and i have no animosity with joe scarborough. i want to congratulate him on hisre nuptials.
they are riding the wave. that s fine, let them do their thing. the band is getting back together. i don t know what that was. i don t think anybody cares and the republican party that he s leaving. i think msnbc, a talkingn point now, you can t say joe scarborough and morning joe. you can t even say that. [laughter]ay > kimberly: that s true. greg: juan, people are being broken emotionally by trump, they go through this thing and then something happens and they are never the same. is that what happens here? he s just emotionally broken by this victory? i don t know. juan: i don t know if he s emotionally broken. i think he s behaving in an expedient manner. he is capitalizing where he can
for the moment to get attention. i took him seriously. i wanted to know exactly what his argument is. donald trump says i don t know what the kkk and david duke are. because he has hispanic heritage he can t be a judge in my case. he goes on about values. heon says why are republicans continuing to make excuses for donald trump? greg: i don t think he said he didn t know who the kkk was coming he said he wasn t aware if they were supporting him. so what if some freak supports you? kimberly: this is old juan: take it seriously. it is very critical, as we sat in the first segment. what point do republicans say you know what? donald trump, this has gone too far. greg: you ve convinced me. now that joe has left, he has convinced me. trump is evil. kimberly: are you joining the unicorn party? i love the hairdo.
jesse: yeah, can we talk about that? i want hair like that. kimberly: yours is short in comparison. his is like a chia pet. miracle-gro. he wants to sell albums and he said that and that s fine. he s into this whole thing. i am happy for him. good for them. good. he wants to go and play and record and play for his kids but here s my thing. donald trump, the president, f s very good to them. very loyal. offered them to get married in mar-a-lago or at the white house. was on their show, a whole deal. and then they were hitting him in d the face. i don t live like that. greg: in the music performance, he reminded me a lot of the partridge family. you know you re not really musician if you are constantly looking at the people around you while you re playing.
it sounded like he ripped off pete townsend. dana: he s done a lot of these songs. monkey house? jesse: what kind of instruments do you play? greg: i play everything. i was in a band. i can t say the name of the band but it was a death metal band. kimberly: was lou dobbs in it?? dana: they were actually good, right? greg: we were okay. let s let it go. dana: russia, if you have the tapes greg: i was 20 years old. kimberly: how did you look? greg: i looked great. up next, why is a liberal magazine editor who considers herself a feminist criticizing ivanka trump for her clothing? we will tell you, up ahead. cizing can we at least analyze customer traffic? can we push the offer online? legacy technology can handcuff any company.
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kimberly: ivanka trump accompanied her father for the g20 summit in germany. the presidential advisor launched an initiative and sat in for her dad at a meeting from world leaders. one magazine editor is saying that ivanka trump is not a feminist. not for something she said but rather what she wore. i don t mean to sound sexist, it can be dangerous commenting on what women wear but she sat in for her father wearing a dress that was so ornamental. it sdr a pink dress with big bos on the elbows. there s something incredibly ornamental. that s not a dress made for work or to go out in the world and make a difference. that is a dress that is designed to show off your girliness. god bless her. show it off.
but don t then tell us that you are crusading for an equal place for women at the table. because you are not. kimberly: gross. dana: i can barely breathe. this is exactly what the didn tt movement you want to be judged by your looks. you wanted to be judged by your thoughts, capabilities, work. when you say i don t mean to sound sexist but. it s like when you say i don t mean to disrespect but. don t even say that. the democrats could not change maternity leave. ivanka trump is actually changing it. she s going up there on the issues that she cares about. today, she was able to announce that the president is going to put in more money towards humanitarian aid for the famine being exacerbated in africa. she has created this entire worldwide push for women and
girls around the world. what else could be feminist? and they make fun of her outfit? this is why young women don t want to call themselves feminist and that this is whyhy that movement is dying and it should. greg: after seeing this, i am no longer a feminist. are we sure she s not an evil white male? it was so patriarchal. dana: it sounds like it would have been set in the 70sri or mad men. greg: i m not surprised she s a predictable ideologue. if somebody gave you two of her beliefs, you could predict the third one. she sat predictable. she has never strayed from this ideological hard left stance. all of us here are unpredictable in the things we believe in. you are a conservative here or a npliberal here. that does not exist in her
world. she s an ideologue dogmatist and really predictable. kimberly: jesse? jesse: i was told never to start a sentence when you say this might sound sexist but. that s like 101. it was a very spiteful comment. i thought women were supposed to boost each other up, not tear ryeach other down. it always seems like the left thinks the worst of the trumps. trump, jr., has a bad meeting. he s a traitor. ivanka takes her father s seat it s because she s an ornament or a piece of property. donald trump praised symphonies and that makes him a racist. everything this family does, everyone on the left thinks he has the worst intentions. i m getting sick of it. kimberly: there s nothing anybody in the family can do to get some honest evaluation or
statement about what they do.e she s an entrepreneur, very charitable. i ve known her for over ten years. it s sad because what also she kexpected to even do? she s trying to serve the country. she s very passionate about women and children and equale wage and good health care and being murdered and genocide that s happening, she s created ave vey affordable clothing line. nothingh. is good enough. this woman is setting back other women, by diminishing her accomplishments, by complaining aboutwo what she s wearing. shame on you. what have you done for women, joan walsh? juan: i have a different viewpoint. dana: you are siding with joan walsh? juan: i will say this for joan walsh and people looking at the trump family i don t
think anybody is all down on the family. jesse: are you watching the news? juan: i think you guys enjoy the idea if you haven t noticed, the women around donald trump, they all are very stylish, extremely beautiful dana: everyone just praised ymichelle obama s outfits. juan: they talked about her muscle tone, everything. that s fair. kimberly: what are you talking about? that s a compliment. oh, my gosh. juan: she said she looked ornamental. kimberly: that s not a dress that s made for work. that s a dress designed to show off your girliness it is sexist. juan: i don t think it s sexist about what she s saying and what dana said, look at the woman s work.
look at what she has done.e. kimberly: are you better than me because you can wear that outfit and i wear a dress? no.he juan: she t saying let s have more money for this or paid leave, that s not making the argument or winning the argument in congress. that s not changing our national values. dana: she s been very active, she s gone to senator rubio, she s written to the wall street journal because they don t like the idea. she s taken them on. she s actively trying to do something. juan: okay. you can praise it but the ideaea that you have her sitting in at formal meetings at the g20 that s kind of unusual that you have your daughter kimberly: that showsd that president trump champions women and believes in his daughter. it s an example for the rest of the people in the country to do that for their daughters. the only thing that would make the left happy is if she was screaming like a lunatic and throwingng things.
dana: and don t forget, wearing a hat. greg: you can make those jokes now. i can make fun of how chelsea dresses. everything s on the table, right?no no, i wouldn t. because i am a classy guy. juan: you are. you are. greg: am i? kimberly: i m done with this. illegal immigration and the long promised wall, next. tech: when you schedule with safelite autoglass, you get a text when we re on our way. you can see exactly when we ll arrive. i m micah with safelite. customer: thanks for coming, it s right over here. tech: giving you a few more minutes for what matters most. take care. kids singing: safelite® repair, safelite® replace.
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[vo] progress is seizing the moment. your summer moment awaits you now that the summer of audi sales event is here. audi will cover your first month s lease payment on select models during the summer of audi sales event. jesse: today, jeff sessions gave an update on the administration s efforts to stop illegal immigration. we are finally getting serious about securing our border. this is a matter of national enforcement. we are seeing positive resultser with m illegal border crossings, falling to their lowest s monthy
figure in 17 years. this is a real improvement but we are not there yet. jesse: there s also an update on mr. trump s big, beautifule wall. yesterday, a house panel unveiled legislation for a down payment. likely to start a spending fight that could lead to a shutdown. steve king backs the measure but thinks it should go even further. i would throw another $5 billion on the pile and half a billion dollars right out of planned parenthood s budget and the rest of it could come out of food stamps and the entitlements thatom are being spread out for people that haven t worked in three generations. we have to put america back to work. this administration will do it. jesse: wow. what do you think about steve king s inflammatory greg: this is not a persuasive argument. building a wall, you have to be practical, not political. this is a guy saying ifot you he
the idea of the wall, you are going to hate this idea even more. g you are supposed to broaden the appeal of stuff. this is a salt in the wound kind of thing. you want people on the fence or on the wall to come to the wall. you don t want to say hey, guess what? we will take money from this and this and other causes that you like. make it the world s longest strip mall. it could be nail salons. chinese take-out. dry cleaners. always the karate studio. they always have a karate studi in strip malls and no one is ever in them. jesse: just a lot of trophies. is this donald trump s way to negotiate? steve king saying we will do thisy and this and this? and then when they negotiate back from there, they will get the funding? dana: maybe the white house could put steve king up to that but my talking point was not the most persuasive argument for the wall. greg: i saw that.
kimberly: it could be top line. dana: consistently, across the board, polling for the wall is 60% against. polling for planned parenthoodg is like almost an 80% popularity rate. not that i think it should be funded by the federal government but basically, he s bringing up two very difficult things. on the food stamp point, if they can prove they can t get those roles t down they should do that in a demonstrable fashion. and then instead of saying people that haven t worked in three decades, we will take their food stamps away jesse: i don t think the wall can be chipped away at all. they can t be slowed down or defunded. t if donald trump loses the wall or momentum on the wall, that puts a huge chink in the armor and the base. kimberly: the moneyal would be better spent securing the borders than ending and shortening the lives of thousands of babies. wouldn t t it?
juan: are you kidding me? first of all, planned parenthood does so much more than abortion but if you want to have the abortion argument, let s have it. greg: they shouldn t be doing abortions then. juan: why can t they i don t want to get into it and it s so emotional. when it comes to the idea that you would kick people off of food stamps and you just say oh, it s just those undeserving, degenerate people who have been taking advantage? what is going on? steve king thinking those mexican immigrants have calves the size of cantaloupes, well, stevem king looks like a big old halloween jack-o -lantern. the two-thirds of the people getting food stamps in our great country are either children, the elderly, or disabled. why would you go after this group? i don t get it. one more point, jesse. guess what states would be hardest hit, jesse? states that voted for
donald trump have the highest population of this needy group. ii don t think it s respectful r loving for anybody to go after children, the disabled, and the elderly. jesse: maybe the able-bodied people that are getting food stamps can work for the wall. a funeral for the officer assassinated in new york city last week. trying to end hatred towards police, up ahead. you totanobody s hurt, new car. but there will still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they ll only pay three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do? drive three-quarters of a car? now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement™, you d get your whole car back. i guess they don t want you driving around on three wheels. smart. with liberty mutual new car replacement™,
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juan: a lot of people have this sentiment. this is a very intriguing moment. this woman is a latina. a lot of people talk about black and blue, brown and blue, what happens when you have officerst who were shot, assassinated, who are protecting the community? kimberly: i ve seen this type of story over and over again. to that family and her children, this is raw. real. unacceptable. something like this is happening but it s part of this sickening cultureng where people are not respecting the men and women that faithfully serve in blue. they try to beat them down, they try to make them look like they are the enemies. the police that serve every morning and try and do this job are the ones that are hunted and disrespected. it s really appalling to me that this is going on in this country. it s been going on for a while. we know where it started and what administration, bill de blasio should be thrown out.
juan: jesse, in fact, there was some young kid playing nwa s blank the police. i get people would say look at all the police officers cleared in the shooting of people, the philando castile it s hard for police any police to get convicted of killing someone unarmed. jesse: yes, you would never want to blast that song at a funeral. it s inexcusable. kimberly: it s part of the ferguson effect. jesse: real, average americans are trying to take care of their families, going to work. they have commitments. there is a silent majority out there. the silent majority that talks to their friends, neighbors, families about something like this. and then they talk at the ballot box and i think that s what counts. the silent majority make their
voices heard. the young people, black lives matter, the open borders activists those people are going to get out there because they don t have a lot to do. theyey don t have jobs or a lot going on. that s when you see the hatred and animosity. they don t have the passion to be fair. you won t see a lot of hard-working americans coming out for this because life moves fast, unfortunately. juan: we saw police come from around the world to this funeral. it was on the grand concourse. it was flooded with blue. dana: the hardest job in the world is being a single mom and second hardest job is being a police officer. it does show you why the new york police department consistently recruits s and retains america s finest. juan: greg, your pal, big bill de blasio spoke at the funeral. greg: there was a demonstration they are, after all.
hundreds of cops turned their backs on them. that s a demonstration. in terms of why there aren t other demonstrators coming out of this like black lives matter, they ignored this injustice because it doesn t fit their narrative. perhaps if they actually did , listen to this, it would force them to look in the mirror and question their own complicity in this. there is complicity in this. the police have been demonized. the narrative on various networks have demonized the police, making the ferguson effect. making them on capable to do their jobs. juan: this is a conflict between police and black lives matter but there s no doubt i think everyone at thee table understands that what happened to officer miosotis familia it was an abomination and should never happen. one more thing up next.
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stop suffering with hot ac. cool it yourself with a/c pro. just connect the hose, squeeze the trigger and check the gauge. with 2 times the cooling boosters enjoy the comfort of the #1 selling coldest air. nothing cools like a/c pro. dana: it s time now for one more thing. k.g. kimberly: this is a shout out to one of our friends, a colleague, melissa francis. a brand-new book is out. she is an acclaimed author. diary of a stage mother s daughter. melissa was celebrating her book party last night, with a bunch of our fox friends. take a look there. if you remember, fans of the tv show, little house on the prairie greg: i hated it. kimberly: she claimed the
role of ms. cooper. pick the book up. if you are going to love it. dana: president trump promised to aid money in africa. the united nations world food program called the pledge a godsend. president trump led the effort to allow a group of afghan girls into the country after they had been previously denied entry. soso they could partake in an international robotics competition. they t had initially been denied and theth national security advisor said the u.s. is proud of these girls who represent the best of the afghan people. jesse. jesse: i ve made a fashion statement last night on the ffive. people went crazy.
that s called a burgundy blazer. we call it that for a reason.y. because everybody on the internet set i looked like ron burgundy. a stay classy. and a mustache. i did not do that. that s not my mustache. juan: there is a new area and photography, look at the winners of this contest. it looks like someone is falling off the edge of a building but a closer look, you will see it s a man in the picture laying on the edge of a tennis court. here s the secondd one. looks like vibrant pink standing out, a sea of green lilies. greg: it s my turn, juan. i have a great article at you should read it. i ve got a great new podcast with ariel pink, of brilliant musical artist.

Something , People , Meeting , Democrats , Son , Doesn-t , Couple , Treason-charge , Nonsense , Treason , The-new-york-times , Claim

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight 20170819 03:00:00

may be more people to come, is the president has to get back on track.k. he has to honor the promises that he made during the campaign. he has to get a legislative agenda passed by 2018, the start of the new year, otherwise we re going to be consumed next year with the midterm elections. it will be every man and woman for themselves and they re going to be running for the hills. the president needs a staff t around him, that s congenial, and believe me, it s possible, it happens. i worked with two presidents and the staffs had disagreements but they were in the room and once that disagreement was over, and a consensus was had, policy was made and that s what we have to do. you also have to make sure the president understands that you make policy in washington but you sell it on main street. tucker: for sure. i think he already sold it on main street, though. that s what that campaign was about. he ran out a bunch of different things that everybody in hated but the public kind of liked, and he hasn t moved to make those law, for reasons that are not clear, but are a little clearer today.
little bit, but the president needs to get on the road and have an aggressive fall agendael traveling all around america talking about health care and talking about infrastructure and taxes, more importantly, because taxis are the key to picking up our economy and get a get moving again. we have the opportunity now, and donald trump does better than anyone else, to sell his policies. he is the salesman, he is the deal closer, the people around him, they are support staff. they are not the people who are going to be at the end of the day with their signature on the bills that are going to be signed. tucker: me ask you one last question. you ve been in washington a long time.r you ve been a republican in your entire life. rex tillerson said we are going to improvent the state departme. the most important thing you can do is enact a straight system and hiring.t that was sent out loud. he is the secretary of state for the republican administration.
that is going to be the state of play in the republican party, when your head have exploded or would you havetu dismissed it aa lie? my head would ve exploded. look, we ve got to, again, return to the basics of principal and the republican party, things that we believe in, not reinventing things, not things that are not part of our platform, not things that are manufactured by people outside the party who are not believers, we have to return to the core principles that make the republican party a great party. but you can t do that as a freelancer, you can t do that willy-nilly, and you can t do that out of thin air. you have to be principled and that s where your first question is very germane, who are the believers? tucker: i don t know the answer. we re going to try to find out. thanks for joining us tonight. pleasure.e. tucker: for more on the reaction to the departure of steve bannon, we are joined by author, columnist, and thinker mark styn.
mark, did this make america better or worse with bannon gone?or i inclined to the latter because i am worried that the departure of steve bannon makes the trump administration more ordinary and i think the people who voted for trump wanted something extraordinary. and at the risk of quoting myself, which is, i think the first sign of madness, over a decade ago i said it required some genius of for george w. bush to get demonized as a right-wing madmaniz when 90% of the time he was tony blair with a ranch. and i think the same process is underway now, trump is being demonized as the new hitler while inside the building they re basically trying to turn them into jeb bush with a kind of foulmouthed semi-tourettes twitter feed and i don t think that s going to work. the trump agenda, it was very interesting listening, and that was a very sane explication we just heard but he didn t mention the wall, it didn t mention illegal immigration, it didn t mention any of the issues that catapulted trump in june and
july of 2015 into the lead over all 17 sane governors and senators for whom there were no takers among the republican base. tucker: so his voters haveke put up with an awful lot. they are mocked as bigots for supporting him, there is a lot about what trump says it s hard to explain or understand, but they ve stuck with him because he speaks for them on those issues. how long will their patience last? how long until they say, you know what, he s not doing the things i voted for. what s the point of this? i think there s three groups of people. there are people who just loathes trump s style. that includes a lot of republicans. like your pal, bill kristol. then there is people who liketh the style, they like the ways he plays at smash mouth.
but there s a third group of people who recognize he is a curious and idiosyncratic character but he was the only one advancing policy is that cared about. and if you are in these states and towns where the mill has closed. in the factory has closed. and you re listening to these things from marco rubio about a second american century when all you want is for, you know, your remaining life expectancy to be marginally less work, then, i think, i think they do want the trump policies and they are disturbed by the fact that, for example, on national security, we essentially have, i don t know what he s complaining about, when you look at the options in afghanistan,, essentially bill kristol s foreign policy establishment is still in control of the joint. likewise, the obamacare skinny repeal was nothing like what trump was talking about.
[laughter]bo deepest thinker, what do you you make of that? i don t think she s very sound on either theology or the history. because there are actually a lot of satanic iconography is throughout thest history of the christian church. and indeed, these days, whenever certain liberal groups discover that there is a nativity scene on public land, they petitionis for a satanic seem to be included with it. i think there was a famous one in detroit a couple of years ago. but just to stick with her analogy, if the confederacy is satanic, the church, and i m just running with this because her thought popped into my head, then the church of satan is the democratic party. the democrats were the biggest institutional supporters of slavery on the planet in the 19th century, and they re the only ones to have survivedla ino the 21st century.
if you look at other racist parties, the national party of south africa changed its name three times and then completelyo expired. same with ian smith s in rhodesia. and, and, and, and her father, her very own father presided over one of the great, just seven years ago, the funeral of one of the great satanic archbishops whom you mention the other night, robin seabird. never mind guys have been dead for a hundred 50 years, if you land in west virginia, everything in the state is named after him. yes directions, they say youou come out of robin seabird airport, you hang a left on robin seaboard parkway, turn it right, then when you get to the robert seabird sign, he was, and bill clinton said, well, you know, he had a little bit of a flirtation with e the klan.
but he had to do what he had to do to get elected and we ve all been there. let me just reread what he said. i don t want to get this quote wrong.o i d rather quote trampled in the dirt never to rise again then to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongols, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wild. this is not a young man, this is a middle-aged man far older than chelsea clinton an tucker: he is writing to senator bilbo, i think. that s right. and i am a foreigner so i can t tell a grand cyclops to a grand because due to grand wizard. but i think if you forgive a little bit of criticism from your grand public, i think this is what happens when you don t have titles and nobility. people invent stupid titles like grand wizard. but he was one and bill clinton delivered his eulogy. why doesn t chelsea take that up with the satan in her own family
household? tucker: because they are good people, mark. unlike you and me. they are just good people. thank you for joining us. thank you for joining us tonight. have a kliegle weekend. [laughter] tucker: the southern poverty law center is an ideological left-wing organization. the question is why cnn using it to decide what a hate group is? we will talk to the head of one group not a hate group that cnnnn lumped in with the ku klux klan and neo-nazis. we ll talk with someone who thinks it s just fine to silence bad thoughts online. this lovely lady has a typical airline credit card. so she only earns double miles on purchases she makes from that airline. what d you earn double miles on, please? ugh. that s unfortunate. there s a better option.
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tucker: yesterday, cnn published a story with the headline, here are all the active hate groups where you live. this was not a list narrowed to neo-nazis and anarchic, but also had regular conservative organizations like the alliance defending freedom, the family research council, and others. the list was too large and grossly biased and that s because cnn wasn t listing real hate groups they were just listing hate groups as defined by the southern poverty law center which is a totally responsible organization that left-wing organization that casuallyra throws around the tem hate group in order to raise money and it s raised a lot of money doing that. terrifying people.
it eventually scaled back its headlineut changing into the southern poverty law center s list of hate groups. why is cnn doing the bidding of the southern poverty law center? they are not coming on to tell c us why so we asked someone from the southern poverty law center to come want to tell their side but they decline like theyki always do, so instead we are joined by tony perkins was president of the family research council, one of the group slandered by cnn and the splc. thanks for coming on tonight. so, you wake up to see that cnn, which is a supposed news network is describing is a hate group? what is your reaction? it was the fact that it was irresponsible and reckless. this is troubling because the media should not be using the southern poverty law center and their hate map as a means of communicating what is hate and what is not. thert southern poverty law centr and their hate map have been linked in federal court to domestic terrorism and that occurred at our place when a gunman came in armed with 100
rounds of ammunition with the hit list that came off of the southern poverty law center s hate map. so this is real and it s dangerous and it s reckless for the media to use it. tucker: so a lunatic read that your organization was described as a hate group and showed up with a gun in response? it was five years ago that that occurred based upon thiss map that cnn put up, that s a new version of the map it has all of us listed, you can go to the web site and it shows you how to get there, and this gunman confessed to the fbi that s where he got his list was from the southern poverty law center. they want people to think that they re in the crows nest looking on the horizon for america s well-being when they are vultures that are preying on the fears of americans. they ve gone after ben carson and got after the president and even in minnesota they are pushing policy, they are not an objective arbiter sitting on the sidelines, they went into minnesota pushing a liberal policy in a local school, parents organized against them and instead of arguing the merits of whatever the policy was, the southern poverty law center slapped a label of hate
group on these parents. that s how they operate. they are a fearmongering organization that rings over 350 million back thousand dollars. which they are sitting on and offshorent accounts. it is irresponsible for the media to use them as a source. the department of the army has moved away from them, the department of justice, even under the obama administration moved away from them because of their questionable methodology. tucker: they are totally fraudulent and it s not even a close call. they re completely over-the-top. you spend 10 minutes on their web site and it s clear this is not a group concerned about hate, this is a fund-raising organization with a very specific political agenda. smearing people in order to raise money. no journalist, no honest journalist would ever use them as a source. it s shocking, actually. and that s the problem. tucker: last one, did cnn call you? cnn describes you as a hate group. you ve all ready had some
nutcase with a gun show up when this happened last time. that they call you and say hey, we are going to describe you as did they warn you? a hate group? we had a discussion about this, what s happening here in this last week is, again, another case of irresponsibly w from the media. you remember when james hopkins cameyo to washington, d.c., with the hit list. and we don t know the extent to which he was visiting with splc s web site but we know he was communicating with them. his web site his computer s showedal that. but he s dead so we don t know all the facts. steve scalise, a friend of mine, he was on splc s site multiple times. they went after him trying to deprive him of his leadership position. after that, the media then calls for hey, we ve got to ratchet down the rhetoric, we ve got to calm down here. we have not heard those calls this time. tucker: they re completelyar irresponsible. we are out of time. i feel for you.
i hope this doesn t expose you to any dangers. thanks. thanks for coming on. tucker: traditionally the left was wary of large, powerful corporations controlling people s lives. but not any longer. they are in bed with big tech companies who are now minoritieb suppressing minority news online. yes, some of it is disgusting, but a year from now will you be on the list? we are talking to a progressive radio show host who is defending it. stay tuned.
tucker: in the wake of charlottesville, tech companies have decided to start rolling back speech on their platforms. google, go daddy, and cloud fair have all cut surface to the daily stormer, that s a white supremacist web site. airbnb has banned whites the premises from using the site, paypal banned a site from using their service and said it won t stop there. spotify, the music service is purging its music library of hate bands using a list provided by the southern poverty law center. of course. most of these victims are not sympathetic at all, but the question is, in the long run, is it a good idea to allow tech companies this kind of power? we are joined tonight, ethan, what i find so fascinating about this is that liberals traditionally were free speech absolutistses and were deeply suspicious of corporate power. probably both good things. now, every level i know is a toady to big business and
whatever apple and google think it s a good idea, they kind of nod and say it s fine with me. what happened to liberals? in this case, you have speech, as you just pointed out, that is so reprehensible that we reach a line and say, look, this is not the government intruding on somebody s first amendment rights. the platform itself, whether it s google, facebook, go daddy, or others have terms of servicel which relate to things like incitement or violence toward others, or hate speech. so if you are violating a company s terms of service they have the right to pull the plug. that s what we re talking about tucker: you re smarter than that. you re smarter than that. i m not making a legal case. i m not saying that the government has a right to force spotify to play these songs. i m really saying there s a moral case to be made on behalf of free expression and not all of these groups, i don t actually know anything about the daily stormer, i know what v dare is, though, and you may not agree with that it, but they are not espousing violence, they are espousing views that these companies don t like. is it a good idea?
should liberals get behind the censorship of speech that they don t like? i can t believe the liberals are supporting this.ce you run into the philosopher karl popper put forth the paradox of tolerance. when somebody says, i don t tolerate anybody else, thatmi would be the white supremacists in this case, i don t need to tolerate their speech becausese they are intolerant of everything and everybody.o unless you happen to fit their very narrower worldview. i agree that there can be a slippery slope your but this is the free marketplace. if you want to support white supremacists, go create your own hosting company and go create your own music service for white supremacists. tucker: let me just say i m sure i m going to wind up on the splc web site for saying this, but i m not defending white the premises. i don t believe it in and ii don t approve of it. what i believe in his freedom of
expression. in a marketplace of ideas where they compete with one another. if you don t like what somebody saying, make the counter case. beat them in debate, don t shut them down. aren t you as a liberal may be a little bit bothered by the practice at google of eliminating things from should search results? t you don t even know it s there? google has a functional monopoly on search and you know that. let s not pretend. that doesn t bother you? in the case of google that would be the exception. search is like, the one area where they really are like a monopoly but all the other things that you just described are not monopolies, so there really is a marketplace for competition. search is a which is why google is running whole other w animal. into some trouble in places like europe. i don t like the idea that google remove search resultsov just because we don t like what the answer is.on i am with you i on that one. i think there is a dangerous precedent when we shutdown something. tucker: why don t liberals stand up and say that? i m glad to hear you say that. why don t your fellow liberals make their voices heard? this is a really important principle and only liberals can
help preserve it. conservatives are not taken seriously on this issue but liberals are and yet they are all toadies, as far as i m concerned, to corporate power in this case and it s really distressing. i hope you will raise your voice. we are counting on you. thank you. i will, tucker. thank you. tucker: yesterday s terror attack in barcelona wasar very similar to countless other islamic attacks. naturally the press is scrambled to compare to charlottesville instead. we ll talk that over with radio show host tammy bruce who joins us after the break. plus, are you ready for next week s solar eclipse?? should you stare directly at the sun, or not? fox meteorologist janice dean will be here to tell us. when you have something you love, you want to protect it. at legalzoom, our network of attorneys can help you
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.on the hotel you want. trust this bird s words. tripadvisor. the latest reviews. the lowest prices. steak and lobster is back at outback. you asked for it, you got it. starting at $15.99 for a limited time, we re pairing our signature steaks with a mouthwatering, steamed lobster tail. starting at only $15.99. it s time to get back to outback. tucker: one of the most depressing things of yesterday s attack in barcelona is how routine it has begun to feel at this point. deadly mass casualty attackseg happen almost monthly now in europe, and lesser acts of extremism are even more common, not even in the press here
yesterday s attack fit perfectly into this wider trend but i dont tell the press in the united states. years spent trying to downplay islamic terrorism may reach they are peek yesterday when multiple figures trying to tie the barcelona tactic, not to thi islamic terror attacks that have come before, that would seem an obvious part of the chain but instead, somehow, to the attack in charlottesville. there will be questions about copycats, questions about what happened in barcelona, if it b wasn t all a copycat version of what happened in charlottesville, virginia. with the intensity of information that we ve had relatedh to the charlottesville incident over the last five days, it s quite possible that may have precipitated this terrorist group s desire to gain the limelight and carry out a similar attack. tucker: needless to say,
this is news stretched to the point of propaganda. the public isn t learning anything except that maybe they shouldn t trust the media and that sad, because over time, one day the media will wake up to discover the public puts more faith and trust in conspiracy theories than they do in the official story. that s bad for america and bad for the press. maybe they should think it through before they spread garbage like you just saw. tammy bruce is a new york city radio host and she joins us tonight. so, tammy, when you saw the atrocity, maybe charlottesville inspired this? every normal person looks at something like that and we are crushed and we know it s a touristy area, we know multiple countries will be involved, we know people were enjoying their day in a beautiful city, and just walking through a promenade, and the next thing, it was like our american who was killed on his anniversary, first year anniversary gets up to use the bathroom, walks away from his bride and he gets murdered. so these are the things that
remind us about how things can change in a moment. but horribly for american news, americans rely on news networks to find out what s going on around the world especially in tragedies. and you have wolf blitzer. immediately saying that as ani political opportunity. but let me tell you, it s not about downplaying the event. yot i would argue with you in that regard. they see in that example for that network everything through the prism of hating trump and so they saw tartlets bill. charlottesville. they said that we ve attached them to that now, we ve achieved that, so we say that that s a copycat in barcelona, barcelona is his fault as well. so that i think it is more of what we are watching is this inability to see anything t outside of the prism of hating donald trump and when you ve got viewers who are relying on the facts of the matter on thena ground, my goodness, they can t even get straight news anymore from individuals who are pathologically fixated at this
stage. tucker: exactly. i this is an opinion show. you re watching the show and you know you are getting opinions. but if you re watching a news show or reading the front page newspaper, there s an expectation that you are going to find out what actually happened. and the description is not going to be colored by the opinions, political opinions of the person who wrote it. isn t this making all of us just too cynical in the end? on average people going to conclude there is no absolute truth, there is no way to find out what reality was? i think if we refuse to allow that kind of cynicism on, let s say, cnn s part, we see what they re doing and it s obvious but what americans are doing instead is they are cutting the cord, aren t they? the cable companies havehe realized that people are turning somewhere else. but this is a problem for our democracy because media and news, and even opinion is meant to be an estate here, it s meant to really contradict power, tos really be serious about contradicting power, asking the hard questions, and when you
move from not caring what the answers are but making things up in order to achieve your political role, even abandon your job, so that harms all of us and it certainly harms the viewers over at cnn and that hao got to be our commitment with either opinion or news. tucker: nicely put as always. tammy bruce, thanks a lot. tucker: you remember that trump s fall with cuba was supposed to have a better relationship and why is there no evidence that a dozen or more american diplomats have been injured in an attack on americans in cuba? a story you may not have heard before, but an amazing one. stay tuned.
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tucker: the u.s. government recently established diplomatic relations with cuba but all is not well in that communist paradise. recent official that said that six diplomats came in with mysterious illnesses that are believed to be for a hidden sonic device. in response, diplomats have been expelled from the united states. now the washington beacon reports that the attacks were more frequent and affected far more diplomats than had been reported. susan crabtree is a writer, lieutenant colonel scott is a veteran of special forces, they will join us tonight. this is an amazing story, susan, i don t think most people are aware of this. give us the outline of exactly what happened. last week we discovered that the state department finally admitted that six diplomats,
we are saying u.s. personnel, had come down with some mysterious symptoms involving hearing loss to begin with. there are other symptoms, too, that we have learned about, they were pinpointing this as happening late last year in their residences outside the embassy in havana. this supposedly affected six people, that s what they said last week but we have learned that actually it was more like 12-18 people, definitely in the double digits, our sources say, and also, that this occurred much earlier than we previously thought, months earlier, actually, and that timing is critical when you think about the normalization process and president obama leaving his administration and his policy directive. which came october 14th. tucker: right. scott, tell us about these devices, sonic weapons, what do they do and what are the effects? thanks for having me on. it s just another type of a nonlethal weapons system, andn. this one sounds more like an
infra- sonic or ultrasonic type weapon which can, you know, it s physically undetectable really to the victim and it can put in physical pain, harm, even death if exposure is long enough so, it s a nasty weapon. tucker: you can kill someone with a sound he can t hear? prolonged exposure, there been studies that this can possibly lead to death. i don t think there s a lot of, there s not a lot of documented use of this other than riot control, but then the audio harassment is what this really is, is what it sounds like, is that targets were identified and then audio harassment was employed where they lived and operated over a prolonged period, and yes, that can have significant damage on humans nervous system. tucker: that s just shocking. susan, is there any indication your reporting of why the cuban government would want to do this? they hate us, of course, on ideological grounds, but why now?
why u.s. diplomats they are? that s what everyone keeps asking, including myself. the cuban government has denied this, of course, and they are saying, we didn t know anythingg about this, but other people are suggesting that it could be russia that was in cuba at the time, because of the canadian connection, we learned last week that canada is saying that one of its diplomats, too, had come down with similar illnesses, at least one that we know of, and that they are not adversarial, they don t have an adversarial relation with cuba, they don t have a huge trade embargo with cuba, so why would they be targeted at the same time? people are suggesting that it could be russia and their motivations are clear. they don t like this trade embargo, they don t like this new detente that we have with cuba, they would like to have more control over goods andhe services going into cuba,mo they don t want the u.s. to have the embargo with that, that s one speculation, one theory that i ve heard, but, yeah, it s really mysterious especially
because everyone that you ve talked to knows that they know exactly what s going on. tucker: it s just a shocking story. thank you both for that insight. we will keep track of that. for my constipation,
tucker: i will trade my tickle me elmo. [laughs] it s just a reminder that there are some things that are not in our control. this eclipse is going to bring all of america back together. you know the anatomy of anal eclipse? where the moon passes between the sun and the earth, blocking all or part of the sun. the penumbra is the partial a shadow, which the whole u.s. is going to experience. a very small little widespread region, the umbra, that s the full shadow. the totality that s going to go coast-to-coast, tucker, for the first time in 99 years. from the northwest to thee southeast. this area is going to experience total darkness for over 2 minutes in the daytime. it s going to be crazy. it s going to be amazing. it s going to change our lives. yes. the only thing that could ruin the eclipse is the cloud cover.
don t get mad at your local meteorologist if the clouds cover the eclipse. tucker: so you know what that narrow band is? are there any population centers?ha absolutely, nashville. i m going to be in greenville, south carolina, for fox & friends. lincoln, nebraska. the rest of the u.s. is going to get partial eclipse. it s going to be kind of dustyip around 1:00, 2:00, 3:00 in the afternoon. there is your monday forecast. the midwest, that s where we will see the cloud cover. i m hoping we are getting this full effect in greenville where i m going to be. this is a big deal. tucker: you can see why people 300 years ago, beforere they explained the phenomenon might think the world was ending. absolutely. what i want to do for fox &
friends is have a rooster close by. you know what s going to happen? it s going to get dark and the roosters going to think morning has come again. the roosters going to grow. yes, animals could freak out a little bit. the big deal is, if you don t have the sunglasses, they have to be iso 12312 2. they have to be approved. nasa will tell you what you need to be looking for. the last time we had a coastal eclipse coast-to-coast with 1918. do you remember, tucker, back in 1979? i was eight years old. i know i am giving away my age. how exciting that was. it is also very scary. it was almost like don t look at the sun, you could go blind. it s very true.s you cannot look at the sun. an ophthalmologist likens it to being out when it s cloudy and it still getting a sunburn. if you are more apt to look at the eclipse because it s dark out but you re still getting the full effect at that uv light. that s why you have had these really cool sunglasses. tucker: i m going to try to
control myself. i might not be able to. does your new book about on monday? yes, it does. freddie the frog-caster. it comes out on eclipse day. here s a couple of tips. don t look at the sun directly. sunglasses have to provide sufficient protection. these babies. only look at the sun through an approved filter. and remember when you were a kid? we made the filters out of a cereal box and pinhole. those are safe. go online and learn how to do that. you cannot look at the sun. tucker, thank you for promoting freddie the frog-caster. i will be in greenville, south carolina, for the totality. it s going to happen. it s going to change our lives. i love you. tucker: i will be lying in bed, watching you, janice.lo you are theg best.

People , President , Agenda , Promises , Campaign , Trackk , 2018 , Him , Man , Staff , Presidents , Hills

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight 20170819 00:00:00

home and hillary clinton administration. indeed, he was one of the rare republicans there and the only, or one of the very few, populist conservatives. that s strange, since populist conservatism is the platform his boss ran on. like trumpet candidate, bannon was willing to criticize big republican donors in their ideological stranglehold in a corrupt g.o.p. establishment. he s able to break with orthodoxy and big and dramatic ways con for higher taxes, better infrastructure, fewer pointless wars around the world, and more. he understood that the country s greatest crisis isn t robert e lee statues but the steady economic and moral decline of its once robust middle-class. not surprisingly, traders on wall street cheered when he got fired this afternoon. the dow shut up 100 points on the news. lobbyists in washington will be celebrating late into the night. the funny thing is, that in some important ways, steve bannon was more traditionally liberal than the liberals who spent the last
year shrieking for his head. not that you would know that from the coverage, everything is identity politics and also has ideological opponents attacked him from the very beginning as a bigot. he was always a ludicrous charge , he is a flawed guy, but not in that way. just yesterday he called white nationalist buffoons and losers . it s not steve bannon who is obsessed with racism, it s the activist left in the morons who do their bidding in the media. after his departure was announced, huffington post ran this headline. exactly what with it even means, it s disparately some kind of jewish joke, but even keith olbermann complained about it said to change the headline to white flight. identity politics now, identity politics forever. there was never any real attempt in the press to understand or critique exactly what bannon was saying saying, ideas and policy are not interesting to reporters , mindless tribalism is , so that s what they cover. this is toxic and obscures the
issues that actually matter. instead of looking at real problems like rampant drug addiction or economic inequality , and those are real problems, and trying to find solutions to them, the left is obsessed with finding and enjoying destroying the imagine racist in our midst. with banning on, they will move on to somebody else, and they will. see when you about steve bannon, and you can see a lot a lot, but he never forgot what trump got elected in the first place and in a democracy that is not a small thing. he kept an office full of campaign promises, which has probably all ready been taken down by now. blakeman was an advisor to george w. bush and he joins us tonight. thanks for coming on, brad. so with steve bannon gone, who left among senior staff wholeheartedly agrees with what trump ran on. i think steve miller obviously has been there for sometime, but it s not necessarily the people who get you to the white house that you need around you when you finally get there. and i think the main thing that has to be done, now, once the
should be leaning on. success is going to be driven by the president being able to keep his promises. yes, but you got to have people around you who agree with those promises and are trying full time to subvert them, as a lot of the people around him are this is the macro view as far as i can tell. to the left hates trump, that s never going to change. he fires bannon, nancy pelosi releases a statement decrying him as a race to spread the press in washington hates him almost as much, maybe more so, so the only people who like him are people who voted for them in middle america, and bannon was kind of there man in the white house. so once you lose them, where s your constituency customer coos for you? the president needs to do what he does best and that is, in the fall, go out and sell his policies and his promises that he made. now is the hard part, now you have to implement them. get to go to peoples districts and help them. he also has to go to those districts are people who were against you and kick them a little bit, but the president needs to get on the road and
have an aggressive fall agenda traveling all around america talking about health care and talking about infrastructure and taxes, more portly, because taxes are the key to picking up our economy and get it moving again. we have the opportunity now, and donald trump does better than anyone else, to sell his policies. he is the salesman, he is the deal closer, the people around him our support staff, they are not the people who are going to be, at the end of the day, with their signature on the bills that are going to be signed. let me ask you one last question. even in washington a long time, even a republican your entire life. rex rex tillotson, secretary of state came out today and said we are going to improve the state department. the most important thing you can do is enact a straight system and hiring. they set out loud, he s a secretary of state for republican administration. if the money had said to you that is going to be the state of play in the republican party, would are head have exploded or would you have dismissed it as a
lie? my head would ve exploded. look, we ve got to, again, return to the basics of principal and the republican party, things that we believe in , not reinventing things, not things that are not part of our platform, not things that are manufactured by people outside the party who are not believers, we have to return to the core principles that make the republican party a great party. but you can t do that as a freelancer, you can t do that willy-nilly, and you can t do that out of thin air. you have to be principled and that s where your first question is very germane, who are the believers? i don t know the answer. we re going to try to find out. thanks for joining us tonight. pleasure. tucker: for more on the reaction to the departure of steve bannon, we are joined by author, columnist, and thinker mark stein. mark, did this make america better or worse with bannon gone i inclined to the latter
because i am worried that the departure of steve bannon makes the trump administration more ordinary and i think the people who voted for trump wanted something extraordinary. and at the risk of quoting myself, which is, i think the first sign of madness, over a decade ago i said it required some genius of for george w. bush to get demonized as a right-wing madman madman when 90% of the time he was tony baer with a ranch. and i think the same process is underway now, trump is being demonized as the new hitler while inside the building they re basically trying to turn them into jeb bush with a kind of foulmouthed semi tourette s twitter feed and i don t think that s going to work. the trump agenda, it was very interesting listening, and that was a very sane explication we just heard but he didn t mention the wall, it didn t mention illegal immigration, it didn t mention any of the issues that
curious and idiosyncratic character but he was the only one advancing policy is that cared about. and if you are in these states and towns where the mill has closed in the factory has closed and you re listening to these things from marco rubio about a second american century when all you want is for, you know, your remaining life expectancy to be marginally less work, then, i think, i think they do want the trump policies and they are disturbed by the fact that, for example, on national security, we essentially have, i don t know what he s complaining about , when you look at the options in afghanistan, essentially bill kristol s former policy establishment is still in control of the joint. likewise, the obamacare skinny repeal was nothing like what
trump was talking about. i think at a certain point the people who voted for trump did not vote for john kay sick or jeb bush or marco rubio with a slightly wackier personality. they want the trump policies as well as the trump personality. tucker: that some people who don t really care about his personality or his dumb tweets, they just want to see the essential problems of the country addressed in an honest way on the parties are not capable of doing that. meanwhile, bannon s ouster has not ended the left restate against confederate statues. as part of work, chelsea clinton treated this. the story of lucifer who rebelled against god is part of many christian traditions. i ve never been in a church with a lucifer statue. this might be the first question you ve ever gotten about chelsea
the 21st century. if you look at other racist parties, the national party of south africa changed its name three times and then completely expired. same with ian smith s in rhodesia. and, and, and, and her father, her very own father presided over one of the great, just seven years ago, the funeral of one of the great satanic archbishops whom you mention the other night, robin seabird fred never mind guys have been dead for a hundred 50 years, if you land in west virginia, everything in the state is named after him. yes directions, they say you come out of robin seabird airport, you hang a left on robin seaboard parkway, turn it right, then when you get to the robert seabird sign, he was, and bill clinton said, well, you know, he had a little bit of flirtation but he did what he had to do to get elected and we ve all been there.
let me just redo what he said. i don t want to get this quote wrong. i d rather quote trampled in the dirt never to rise again then to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongols, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wild. this is not a young man, this is a middle-aged man far older than chelsea clinton and tucker: he is writing to senator bilbo, i think. that s right. and i am a foreigner so i can t tell a grand for from a grand cyclops to a grand kazoo, but i think if you ll forgive a little bit of criticism, i think this is what happens when you don t have titles and ability. people invent stupid titles like grand illegal and grand was due. but he was one and bill clinton delivered his eulogy. why doesn t chelsea take that up with the satan in her own family
household? spoon because they re good people, mark, unlike you and me. they are just good people. thank you for joining us. thank you for joining us tonight havoc havoc legal weekend. [laughter] spin the southern poverty law center is an ideological left-wing organizations of the question is why is cnn using it to decide what i hate group is? of next will talk to the head of one group that cnn lumped in with the clan and neo-nazis . we ll talk with someone who thinks it s just fine to silence bad thoughts online. ugh. that s unfortunate. there s a better option.
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tucker: yesterday, cnn published a story with the headline, here are all the active hate groups where you live. this was a list narrowed to neo-nazis and anarchists, but it also had regular conservative organizations like the alliance defending freedom, the family research council, and others. the list was too large and grossly biased and that s because cnn wasn t listing real hate groups they were just listing hate groups as defined by the southern poverty law center which is a totally responsible organization that casually throws her around the term hate group in order to raise money and it s raised a lot of money doing that. terrifying people. dean and eventually it scaled back its headline changing it to the southern poverty law center s list of hate groups. why is cnn doing the bidding of
the southern poverty law center? they are not coming on to tell us why so we asked someone from the southern poverty law center to come want to tell their side but they decline like they always do, so instead we are joined by tony perkins was president of the family research council, one of the group slandered by cnn and the splc. thanks for coming on tonight. so, you wake up to see that cnn, which is a supposed news network is describing is a hate group? what is your reaction? it was the fact that it was irresponsible and reckless. this is troubling because the media should not be using the southern poverty law center and their hate map as a means of communicating what tate and what s not because this, in particular, the southern poverty law center and their hate that have been linkedin federal court to domestic terrorism and that occurred at our place when a gunman came been armed with 100 rounds of ammunition with the hit list that came off of the southern poverty law center s
hate map so this is real and it s dangerous and it s reckless for the media to use it. spoon so a lunatic read that your organization was described as a hate group and showed up with a gun in response? it was five years ago that that occurred based upon this map that cnn put up, that s a new version of the map it has all of us listed, you can go to the web site and it shows you how to get there, and this gunman confessed to the fbi that s where he got his list was from the southern poverty law center. but they want people to think that they re in the crows nest looking on the horizon for america s well-being when they are vultures that are preying on the fears of americans. they ve gone after ben carson and got after the president and even in minnesota they are pushing policy, they are not an objective arbiter sitting on the sidelines, they went into minnesota pushing a liberal policy in a local school, parents organized against them and instead of arguing the merits of whatever the policy
was, the southern poverty law center slapped a label of hate group on these parents. that s how they operate. there a fearmongering organization and averaged over $350,000 which they re sitting on and offshore accounts. it is irresponsible for the media to use them as a source. the department of the army has moved away from them, the department of justice, even under the obama administration moved away from them because of their questionable methodology. spoon they re totally fraudulent and it s not even a close call. they re completely over-the-top. he spent 10 minutes on their web site and it is clear that this is not a group concerned about hate, this is a fund-raising organization with a very specific political agenda smearing people in order to raise money. no journalist, no honest journalist would ever use them as a source. it s shocking, actually. and that s the problem. spoon did they call you, tina describes he is a hate group, you ve all ready had some nutcase with a gun show up when
they happened last time, did they call you to say hey, were going to describe your organization as a hate group, did they warn you? we had a discussion about this, what s happening here in this last week is, again, another case of irresponsibly from the media. your member when james hodgkins came to washington, d.c., with a hit list and we don t know the extent to which he was visiting with the web site, we know he was communicating with them, his computer show that, but he s dead so we don t know all the facts, but steve s police who he shot, he was on splc s site multiple times, they went after him trying to deprive him of his leadership position, and after that, the media then calls for, hey, we ve got to ratchet down the rhetoric, we ve got to calm down here. we have not heard those calls this time. tucker: they re completely irresponsible.
we are out of time. i feel for you. i hope this doesn t expose you to any dangers. things are coming on. thanks. spoon traditionally the left was wary of large, powerful corporations controlling people s lives, but not any longer. they are in bed with big tech companies who are now minorities online. yes, some of it is discussing, but a year from now will you be on the list? we are talking to a progressive radio show host who is defending it. stays tuned.
spoon in the wake of charlottesville tech companies have decided to start rolling back speech on their platforms. google, go daddy, and cloud fair have all cut surface to the daily stormer, that s a white supremacist web site. airbnb has banned whites the premises from using the site, paypal banned a site from using their service and said it won t stop there. spot if i, the music service is purging its music library of hate bands using a list provided by the southern poverty law center. most of these victims are not sympathetic at all, but the question is, in the long run, is it a good idea to allow tech companies this kind of power? we are joined tonight, ethan, what i find so fascinating about this is that liberals traditionally were free speech absolutist and were deeply suspicious of corporate power. probably both good things. now, every level i know is a
toady to big business and whatever apple and google think it s a good idea, they kind of nod and say it s fine with me. what happened to liberals? in this case, you have speech , as he just pointed out, that is so reprehensible that we reach a line and say, look, this is in the government intruding on somebody s first amendment rights. the platform itself, whether it s google, facebook, go daddy, or others have terms of service which relate to things like incitement or violence toward others, or hate speech. so if you are violating a company s terms of service they have the right to pull the plug. that s what we re talking about here. spew tucker: you re smarter than that. you re smarter than that. i m not making a legal case. i m not saying that the government has a right to force spot if i to play the songs. i m really saying there s a moral case to be made on behalf of free expression and not all of these groups, i don t actually know anything about the daily stormer, i know what z dare is, though, and you may not agree with that it, but they
are not espousing violence, they are espousing views that these companies don t like. is it a good idea? should liberals get behind the censorship of speech that they don t like? i can t believe the liberals are supporting this. you run into the philosopher karl popper put forth the paradox of tolerance. when somebody says, i don t tolerate anybody else, that would be the whites of premises in this case, i don t need to tolerate their speech because they are intolerant of everything and everybody, unless you happen to fit their very narrow worldview. i agree that there can be a slippery slope your but this is the free marketplace. if you want to support white supremacist, cocreate your own hosting company and go create your own music service for whites of premises. spoon let me just say i m sure i m going to wind up on the splc web site for saying this, but i m not defending white supremacy. i don t believe it in and i don t approve of it. what i believe in his freedom of expression. in a marketplace of ideas where
they compete with one another. if you don t like what somebody saying, make the counter case. beat them in debate, don t shut them down. aren t you as a liberal may be a little bit bothered by the practice at google of eliminating things from should search results? you don t even know it s there? google has a functional monopoly on search and you know that. let s not pretend. that doesn t bother you? in the case of google that would be the exception. search is like, the one area where they really are like a monopoly but all the other things that you just described are not monopolies, so there really is a marketplace for competition. search as a whole another animal which is why google is running into some trouble in places like europe. i don t like the idea that google remove search results just because we don t like what the answer is. i am with you on that one. i think there is a dangerous precedent when we shutdown something. spoon why don t liberals stand up and say that? i m glad to hear you say that. one of your fellow liberals make their voices heard, this is a really important principle and only liberals can help preserve it.
conservatives are not taken seriously on this issue but liberals are and yet they are all toadies, as far as i m concerned, to corporate power in this case and it s really distressing. i hope you will raise your voice we are counting on you. thank you. i will, tucker. thank you. spoon the attack in barcelona was very similar to countless other islamic attacks, so naturally the press is scrambled to compare it to charlottesville instead. we ll talk that over with radio show host tammy bruce who joins us after the break. plus, are you ready for next week s solar eclipse? should you stare directly at the sun, or not? or fox meteorologists will be to tell us.
europe, and lesser acts of extremism are even more common, not even in the press here sometimes. yesterday s attack fit perfectly into this wider trend but don t tell the press in the united states. years spent trying to downplay islamic terrorism may reach their piece yesterday when multiple figures tried to tie the barcelona attack, not to the islamic terror attacks that have come before, that would seem an obvious part of the chain, but instead, somehow, to the attack in charlottesville. there will be questions about copycats, questions about what happened in barcelona, if it wasn t all a copycat version of what happened in charlottesville, virginia. with the intensity of information that we ve had related to the charlottesville incident over the last five days , it s quite possible that may have precipitated this terrorist group s desire to gain the limelight and carry out a similar attack.
spoon needless to say this is news stretched to propaganda, the public isn t learning anything except that maybe they shouldn t trust the media and that sad, because over time, one day the media will wake up to discover the public puts more faith and trust in conspiracy theories than they do in the official story. that s bad for america and bad for the press. maybe they should think it through before they spread garbage like you he just sat. tammy bruce is a new york city radio host and she joins us tonight. so, tammy, when you saw the atrocity, maybe charlottesville inspired this? every normal person looks at something like that and we are crushed and we know it s a touristy area, we know multiple countries will be involved, we know people were enjoying their day in a beautiful city, and just walking through a promenade , and the next thing, it was like our american who was killed on his anniversary, first year anniversary gets up to use
the bathroom, walks away from his bride and he gets murdered. so these are the things that remind us about how things can change in a moment. but horribly for american news, americans rely on news networks to find out what s going on around the world especially in tragedies, durable splits or as an example as you played, immediately saying that as a political opportunity. but let me tell you, it s not about downplaying the event. i would argue with you in that regard. they see in that example for that network everything through the prism of heating trump and so they saw charlottesville, they said that we ve attached them to that now, we ve achieved that, so we say that that s a copycat in barcelona, barcelona is his fault as well. so that i think it is more of what we are watching is this inability to see anything outside of the prism of hating donald trump and when you ve got viewers who are relying on the facts of the matter on the ground, my goodness, they can t
even get straight news anymore from individuals who are pathologically fixated at this stage. tucker: exactly. this is an opinion josie watch this show and you know you re getting opinions, but you re watching a news show or reading the front page of a daily newspaper there s an expectation that you re going to find out what actually happened. and the description is not going to be colored by the opinions, political opinions of the person who wrote it. isn t this making all of us just too cynical in the end? on average people going to conclude there is no absolute truth, there is no way to find out what reality was? i think if we refuse to allow that kind of cynicism on, let s say, cnn s part, we see what they re doing and it s obvious but what americans are doing instead is they are cutting the cord, aren t they? the cable companies have realized that people are turning somewhere else. but this is a problem for our democracy because media and news , and even opinion is meant to be an estate here, it s meant
to really contradict power, to really be serious about contradicting power, asking the hard questions, and when you move from not caring what the answers are but making things up in order to achieve your political role, even abandon your job, so that harms all of us and it certainly harms the viewers over at cnn and that has got to be our commitment with either opinion or news. tucker: nicely put as always paired tammy bruce, thanks a lot. thanks, tucker. tucker: your member that trump s fight with key mount was supposed to have better relationships and why is there now evidence that a dozen or more american diplomats have been injured in an attack on americans in cuba? a story you may not have heard before, but an amazing one. stay tuned.
spoon the u.s. government recently established diplomatic relations with cuba but all is not well in that communist paradise. recent official that said that six diplomats came in with mysterious illnesses that are believed to be for a hidden sonic device. in response, diplomats have been expelled from the united states. now the washington beacon reports that the attacks were more frequent and affected far more diplomats than had been reported. susan crabtree is a writer, lieutenant colonel scott is a veteran of special forces, they will join us tonight. this is an amazing story, susan, i don t think most people are aware of this. give us the outline of exactly what happened. last week we discovered that the state department finally admitted that six diplomats, worsening u.s. personnel, had
come down with some sort of mysterious symptoms involving hearing loss to begin with. there are other symptoms, too, that we have learned about, they were pinpointing this as happening late last year in their residences outside the embassy in havana. this supposedly affected six people, that s what they said last week but we have learned that actually it was more like 12-18 people, definitely in the double digits, our sources say, and also, that this occurred much earlier than we previously thought, months earlier, actually, and that timing is critical when you think about the normalization process and president obama leaving his administration and his policy directive. tucker: right. scott, tell us about these devices, sonic weapons, what do they do and what are the effects thanks for having me on. it s just another type of a
nonlethal weapons system, and this one sounds more like an infra- sonic or ultrasonic type weapon which can, you know, it s physically undetectable really to the victim and it can put in physical pain, harm, even death if exposure is long enough so, it s a nasty weapon. tucker: you can kill someone with a sound he can t hear? prolonged exposure, there been studies that this can possibly leave to death. i don t think there s a lot of, there s not a lot of documented use of this other than riot control, but then the audio harassment is what this really is, is what it sounds like, is that targets were identified and then audio harassment was employed where they lived and operated over a prolonged period , and yes, that can have significant damage on humans nervous system. tucker: that s just shocking. susan, is there any indication your reporting of why the cuban government would want to do this they hate us, of course, on
ideological grounds, but why now that s what everyone keeps asking, including myself. the cuban government has denied this, of course, and they are saying, we didn t know anything about this, but other people are suggesting that it could be russia that was in cuba at the time, because of the canadian connection, we learned last week that canada is saying that one of its diplomats, too, had come down with similar illnesses, at least one that we know of, and that they are not adversarial, they don t have an adversarial relation with cuba, they don t have a huge trade embargo with cuba, so why would they be targeted at the same time? people are suggesting that it could be russia and their motivations are clear. they don t like this trade embargo, they don t like this new detente that we have with cuba, they would like to have more control over goods and services going into cuba, they don t want the u.s. to have the embargo with that, that s one
speculation, one theory that i ve heard, but, yeah, it s really mysterious especially because everyone that you ve talked to knows that they know exactly what s going on. think you both for that insight. copd makes it hard to breathe. so to breathe better, i go with anoro. go your own way copd tries to say, go this way. i say, i ll go my own way with anoro.
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maintenance records and performance data suggest replacing capacitor c4. not bad. what s with the coffee maker? sorry. we are not on speaking terms. what s with the coffee maker? listen up, heart disease.) you too, unnecessary er visits. and hey, unmanaged depression, don t get too comfortable. we re talking to you, cost inefficiencies and data without insights. and fragmented care- stop getting in the way of patient recovery and pay attention. every single one of you is on our list. for those who won t rest until the world is healthier, neither will we. optum. how well gets done.
tucker carlson. tucker: i will trade my tickle me elmo. is just a reminder that there are some things that are not in our control. this eclipse is going to bring all of america back together. you know the anatomy of an eclipse? where the moon passes between the sun and the earth, blocking all or part of the sun. the penumbra is the partial shadow, which the whole u.s. is going to experience. a very small little widespread region, the umbra, that s the full shadow. the totality that s going to go coast-to-coast, tucker, for the first time in 99 years. from the northwest to the southeast. this area is going to experience total darkness for over 2 minutes in the daytime. it s going to be crazy. it s going to be amazing. it s going to change our lives. yes. the only thing that could ruin
the eclipse is the cloud cover. don t get mad at your local meteorologist if the clouds covered the eclipse. tucker: so you know what that narrow band is? are there any population centers? absolutely, nashville. i m going to be in greenville, south carolina for fox & friends. lincoln, nebraska. the rest of the u.s. is going to get partial eclipse. it s going to be kind of dusty around 1:00, 2:00, 3:00 in the afternoon. there s your local forecast. the midwest, that s where we will see the cloud cover. i m hoping we are getting this full effect in greenville where i m going to be. this is a big deal. tucker: you can see why people 100 years 300 years ago, before they explained the phenomenon might think the world was ending. absolutely. what i want to do for fox & friends have a rooster close by. you know what s going to happen?
it s going to get dark and the roosters going to think morning has come again. the roosters going to grow. yes, animals could freak out a little bit. the big deal is, if you don t have the sunglasses, they have to be approved. iso 1232 2. they have to be approved. nasa will tell you what you need to be looking for. the last time we had a coastal eclipse coast-to-coast with 1918. do you remember, tucker, back in 1979? i was eight years old. i know i am giving away my age. how exciting that was. it is also very scary. it was almost like don t look at the sun, you could go blind. it s very true. you cannot look at the sun. an ophthalmologist likens it to being out when it s cloudy and it still getting a sunburn. if you are more apt to look at the eclipse because it s dark out but you re still getting the full effect at that uv light. that s why you have had these really cool sunglasses.
tucker: i m going to try to control myself. i might not be able to. does your new book about on monday? yes, it does. and the flash flood comes out on eclipse day. here s a couple of tips. don t look at the sun directly. sunglasses have to provide sufficient protection. these babies. only look at the sun through an approved filter. and remember when you were a kid? we made the filters out of a cereal box and pinhole. those are safe. learn how to do that. you cannot look at the sun. tucker, thank you for promoting freddie the frog-caster. i will be in greenville, south carolina, for the totality. it s going to happen. it s going to change our lives. i love you. tucker: i will be lying in bed, watching you, janice. janice dean, everyone s favorite at fox news.

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special Report With Bret Baier 20171020 08:00:00

work yesterday morning and brokenhearted at what i saw congress doing. a member of congress who listened in on a phone call from the president of the united states and in his way tried to express that opinion, he was a brave man, fallen hero, he knew what he was getting into because he enlisted. he was where he wanted to be, exactly where he wanted to be, exactly the people he wanted to be with when his life was taken, that was the message. kelly s own son robert was killed fighting for the us in afghanistan in 2010, donald trump s chief of staff describing the agonizing process of notifying a family member of a loved one s death and the pain those loved ones go through and live with. typically the only phone
calls a family receives are the most important phone calls from their buddies. in my case after my son was killed his friends were calling us from afghanistan telling us what a great guy he was. those are the only phone calls that really matter. kelly said he was upset by will finance committee had to collect his thoughts by walking through the graves at arlington national cemetery for more than an hour. heather: remarkable moment to see him standing there explaining to people the significance of the phone call from the president of the united states. and the significance of serving our country. we will talk more about this. this is what donald trump had to say blasting frederica wilson on twitter. commander-in-chief writing this. the fake news is going crazy with the congresswoman wilson
loved ones. as a commander i have had to write those letters. i have had to make those calls. there is nothing more difficult in the world to do. those men are out there doing what they love. the families have to suffer. they get weepy choices, don t come back in the come back missing arms and limbs, or not write mentally and not the same as how we left. nothing more sacred than the. heather: you have a lot to say about that. and tell us what you general kelly s speech. we will share your comments and look forward to that. a crucial step forward for donald trump s agenda republicans passing a $4 trillion budget proposal for donald trump tweeting great news on the 2018 budget, mitch
mcconnell first step toward delivering massive tax cuts for the american people. let s get to griff jenkins with developments all about the hashtag. right down party lines. the senate passed budget framework 51-49 paving the way for the tax reform plan donald trump promises would be the largest tax cut in history. we completed the first step toward replacing our broken tax code by passing comprehensive fiscally responsible budget that will put the government on path to balance. the budget gives us the tools we need to strengthen our economy after years of stagnation under the previous administration. when mcconnell mentions tools the senate can use a special process known as budget reconciliation to avoid a democratic filibuster and pass
tax reform with a simple majority of 51 votes. this would cut spending more than $5 trillion, for medicare, and $1 trillion for medicaid but senator rand paul was the only republican to vote against the bill joining democrats and opposing it. he said he couldn t in good conscience vote for budget that ignored spending caps as minority leader chuck schumer blasted any adding to the deficit. after eight years of debts and deficits under a democratic president republican deficit hawks seem to have flown the coop. one of the worst budgets congress has ever passed a. here is what happens, the house passed at the budget plan last week, house and senate, in the package coming next week. they want to get on the president s desk by christmas. that may be a bit hopeful but
calling a special cabinet meeting tomorrow, the most economically vital region to spain s government. the los angeles police department investigating harvey weinstein for rape, italian model accusing the disgraced hollywood mobile of sexual assault in 2013 at beverly hills hotel as we learn weinstein isn t taking sex rehab seriously according to a new shocking report in page 6, weinstein is being belligerent barking into his band phone and falling asleep during group therapy, remains in denial about the alleged attacks insisting each and every one was consensual. week 7 of the nfl kicking off last night with all players on the kansas city chiefs and oakland raiders standing for the national anthem but one player
known for protest making headlines. lynch ejected from the game after sprinting from the sideline and shoving a referee, watching the rest of the game from the stands while wearing street clothes. the los angeles dodgers are world series bound after a dominating win against the chicago cubs. it is cross and the ball game is over. they won the tenant. dodgers are added to the world series. first time in 29 years the 11-when victory gives the dodgers the first national league pennant since 1988. the american league game 6 between the new york yankees and houston astros kicks off tonight, the yankees just one win from the world series.
the time is 11 minutes after the top of the hour, free speech under fire, rowdy crowds, richard spencer putting the event short watching people discover their years. and emotional message about the sad state of politics from the left. i just got selfless devotion that brings man a woman dying in the battlefield, might be sacred. next guest is a us army veteran who understands the sacrifice and honor service men and women make. he joins us live up next and we will be talking to him. no uniform but there will be a frenzy over the new freaky cappuccino. find out what is in it next.
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white house chief of staff general john kelly giving an emotional defense of donald trump, the media continues to politicize a tragedy. should not fall in service members and their loved ones the spared political attacks. army veteran doctor darren porcher. we were just talking, and general standing yesterday. having to explain and defend the president and what happened to him. a unique position as relates to this, goldstar father, and chief of staff and a prior marine corps general.
if anyone understands it will be him and interesting, i felt terrible that he had to introduce this pattern in connection with goldstar family. it goes back to this no right way to do this. was to relive those moments, heart wrenching. it is a prior army officer. and on the other side of this to a goldstar family, and one thing donald trump mentioned, talking out of context, and the truth of the matter is i knew what i signed up for, initially and enlisted soldier but transferred to being an officer, this was in the back of my mind so talking
about training exercises, the element of danger present in those. the most controversial line brought out. what about the congresswoman, in terms of her and what she has done to bring this out and politicize with the family? she could handle this in a more professional manner. this was a discourse between the president and the goldstar family and should have stayed there. she should have stayed back. she is running for reelection soon, something she will tout moving forward, in diametric opposition to the trump administration and something came to the forefront more so and the sorrow of a goldstar family. call for his impeachment among other things in the past, going to families and their loved one has died. in a very unique position.
i was an officer, so we had people that passed away and never a good way to do this. traditionally when a family member or military member passes, someone referred to as the casualty officer knocks on someone s door and makes the notification as the person passed away but often times on the other end, the command staff make these phone calls to goldstar family members and it was never the same thing. it amazes me when i look at. a mortician in that line of work how they are able to do that. fortunately i only did it a few times. thank you for joining us, we appreciate your service. appreciate you keeping me on
fox. heather: the time is about 19 minutes after the top of the hour. no man left behind, search for a missing soldier in somalia is intensifying. the moment of contact, no one is left behind. what happened to these four men in these final moments, plus a modern-day goldrush, cities battling to become the site of amazon at newest headquarters. why it actually could ruin your city. these days families want to be connected 24/7.
protesters flooding the campus as ryan spencer took the stage to deliver a speech, the way nationalist to help organize the deadly rally in charlottesville virginia barely able to speak before the crowd shut him down. i am not going home. and add this speech. another high school catering to pc police in the name of being gender inclusive, ending a 50-year-old tradition of having the guys and girls again. now everyone will wear the same
color. the decision is about being respectful to select a gender or not select a gender. game on amazon in search for a new city to have the second headquarters in the competition heating up, it was actually yesterday but is it really worth? the cyber guy to explain pros and cons of having a billion-dollar retail company land in your city. thank you for joining us. talking about a goldrush, 39 cities across the us yesterday with the deadline. we think amazon knows who the winner is but haven t announced it yet. what we do know is it is pretty incredible. with regard to the amount of money that can come into your community. in seattle, amazon where they are currently headquartered has already speech is getting a
little feedback with mike. talking $38 billion from 2010 to 2016 that went into seattle. this could be coming into your community. if your city already has 1 million people in it, within 45 minutes of international airport and they want a friendly town, high-paying job coming into your town talking home values that will shoot up overnight, local economy boosted so the money will be converted to better schools hiring better teachers, hard-working this and that and $5 billion is what they will spend to fill this out and talking about a huge investment, adding the economy component and attracting new businesses. there is clarity so all these people hire local people and all the model shops going out of business because amazon is
shutting down by nature of the economy would be thriving again. this is like living in your house while you renovate. huge traffic jams, chaos during construction, and the existing identity of your town, you may know judy at the dry cleaner but that could change immediately when you have such an influx. cities in contention have to promise how large a facility, 8,000,000 ft. . you are right, 8 million square foot of the building they are going to build, 50,000 people to bring in, people spend $5 billion overnight building this, 39 cities and interesting things some mayors are doing,
kansas city mayor, once dollars of amazon boxes, please come to my city, pretty fun stuff. heather: the top five contenders. those are some ideas. my hometown charlotte in new york city. new york, chicago, but pittsburgh. heather: pros and cons to everything. it is half past the top of the hour almost. high praise for donald trump s chief of staff. there was a speech given by a general, chief of staff, goldstar father, an american. that is what people needed to hear. navy seal rob only of having the general on the back for speaking from the heart. what do you think of general kelly s emotional speech? we are share your comments. president obama helping fellow democrats with campaign speeches
but his message still the same. some of the politics we see, with we put them to bed.
welcome back to fox and friends first, emotional, rare patriotic moment from chief of staff general john kelly producing a riveting and stunning condemnation of frederica wilson s claims about donald trump s condolence call. s love of country shining. i was stunned when i came to work and brokenhearted at what i saw congress doing. a member of congress who listens in on a phone call from the president of the united states to a wife and his way tried to express that opinion, a brave
man, fallen hero. he knew what he was getting himself into because he listened. he was where he wanted to be, exactly where he wanted to be with people he wanted to be with. that was the message. kelly s own son robert, a marine lieutenant with killed fighting for the us in afghanistan in 2010. general kelly knows what happens when troops are killed. he watched it happen firsthand. rob o neill reminds us and america of the general s experiences and why it is so important to hear his speech. general kelly is the classiest guy in washington dc, that was a speech given by a general, chief of staff, goldstar father, an american. that is what people needed to hear because this is a goldstar
family, the most sacred thing we have, the bickering, the political politics, playing politics with families is unacceptable and i would like to see it end. people said stuff they hopefully regret and it ends, the president made a phone call that has got to be very uncomfortable, he asked general kelly what to said he said the best way he could. i know donald trump, he cares about the military, won t insults anybody, way general kelly said, it broke his heart. i watched it live and it was an excellent speech. praise is pouring in for general kelly online with some of your comments. a lot of praise for general kelly, i was crying before he was halfway done, moved beyond words and appalled by the reaction of some media.
jim on facebook, you are a great american, john kelly. even if he said the wrong thing or it was taken the wrong way it was meant to be kind, that is what hit general kelly so hard and got a little emotional. shirley on facebook, he was right on the mark, there is no draft like there was in vietnam, young men and women join because they want to. a great deck of the general made, they don t have to do this, they do it because they have the heart. thank you. everyone keep doing us your comments. another story, the pentagon putting the pieces together to find out what happens when four green berets were killed in a terrorist ambush. live from london more on that investigation. lots of questions about the
ambush and the handling of the ambush. us special forces soldiers were injured in that ambush, we know the body of the fourth soldier was recovered and what is less clear is why that david johnson or his body was left behind after that initial conduct and whether there was an appropriate search and rescue mission. the moment of contact no one left behind, the us, partner in nigerian forces or french forces on the ground actively searching. it is a battlefield, it is in the middle of nowhere so not as clear as the briefing room. information is foggy about details of the ambush. two of the outstanding issues, did the soldiers have the appropriate intelligence going
into a routine patrol just before this one. have they been appropriately briefed, second question was it appropriate because of soft skinned vehicles, did they have the right security posture? general kelly saying there is going to be an investigation but a lot of people in congress including senator mccain say that the white house has not been forthcoming with formation. they want more of it and if necessary will use a subpoena to get it. heather: bottom line whether it is the controversy over presidential phone calls and condolences or the investigation is green berets lost their lives. we need to remember that in all of this. donald trump meantime back home meeting with puerto rican governor at the white house and giving his administration a grade of 10 towards hurricane
relief efforts. we have done a really great job, we had tremendous cooperation from the governor and we are getting there. i m confident with your commitment and support we will be able in the long haul to give citizens of puerto rico adequate resources. giving the okay to provide additional funding to repair the ravaged islands, 80% of puerto rico remains without electricity. after months of vacation since leaving the oval office barack obama returning to the campaign trail. four more years! heather: promoting gubernatorial candidates in new jersey and virginia, president obama slamming the current administration without mentioning donald trump by name. the politics we see now, we thought we put that to bed.
looking 50 years back. it is the 21st century. not the 19th century. heather: obama breaking with presidential tradition in recent years by going out and campaigning for his party after leaving the white house. this is pretty exciting. hdtv s last season going out in style with two of favorite jewels announcing former first lady laura bush and minor league outfielder tim tebo will appear as special guests. the fifth and final season is on november 21st at 9:00 pm eastern. the time is 20 minutes until the top of the hour and controversy in the classroom after a teacher.tapes not one but ten elementary students mouths shut and the school is responding.
brand-new lawsuit taking on a diet soda industry, did it have a case? nfl players neil for the national anthem, one country music singer says i m going to stand. the musician going viral, joins us live. america ose words from a doctor: stage 2 breast cancer. i have three little kids, my baby s seven years old - i can t have cancer. we really wanted a cancer team, that would care about not only my cancer but you know, how is my husband doing through all of this? and what about your three kids? so we thought that we would travel to cancer treatment centers of america and see what they had to offer. i think the hope for us came in the form of knowing that these doctors were experts, and that they would help us decide the best course of action in
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bays and bring down a plane. a recent test shows lithium batteries in laptops can overheat from pressure and catch fire in less then a minute especially near certain products that contain aerosol. since 2006 pilot have been killed by in-flight fires that were caused or made worse by igniting batteries. general motors paying a big time for the ignition switch defect leading to 100 death. here with the latest on that. reporter: this comes three years after general motors recalled 5 million cars that contain that ignition switch defect that would not cause the airbag to deploy. it cost 120 death. they paid millions in
settlements, but general motors going to have to pay $120 million to 49 states and the district of columbia to resolve allegations that general motors didn t disclose the safety defect in a timely manner causing these deaths. the states say general motors new this in 2004 but we didn t hear about this. i heard this before the diet soda makes you fat but people are suing over that. these are several federal lawsuits this past monday, separate lawsuits against the largest sodamaker s, pepsi and dr pepper. the lawsuit said the marketing gets people to think they will lose weight when it is the opposite. we will see if there is a case.
heather: starbucks, do you remember the unicorn? back in the summer. heather: it didn t taste too good. but it was so popular. starbucks reporting on something called the zombie, they haven t announced the drink yet. it is going to be green apple, pink powder, don t know what flavor that is. and pink mocha drizzle, just in time for halloween, october 26th. i want to know how long it will take to break that. starbucks thank you, have a great
weekend. the time is 15 minutes until the top of the hour. and 8 is called out for softball questions. so many people asking you to tell the story, you re talking about it now and you won t talk about it again. heather: what we learned about this bizarre interview. fired up for picking up a dollar, fired for picking up a dollar off the floor. this grandmother was let go from walmart. ah, dinner.
about the bizarre interview ellen degeneres scored with a las vegas security guard. at 8 has been called out for softball questions to jesus campos and the daily mail is reporting hotel executives pressured him to only appear on ellen to keep him from talking with the media. reporters who broke the story saying mgm is trying to keep the timeline from changing. we spoke to an insider who confirmed this with all mgm. they were concerned about the timeline it keeps changing and they would not keep it great if he was put on hard talk shows with pressure. heather: the report claims mgm is worried the disputed timeline could prompt victims families to sue if police were not called right away by the hotel. substitute teacher has been banned from teaching after placing duct tape over the mouth of ten, fifth-graders. students according to officials
in texas, the incident lasted several minutes before the teacher was removed from the classroom. no word why she did it. all the students were checked out by the school nurse and return to their classes. and 84-year-old grandmother demanding answers after she is fired from walmart. she was working at the door as a greeter for nearly a decade. she said she was told to turn in her vest and badge after picking up a dollar bill she found on the floor. a manager is telling her she was being let go because of her, quote, integrity. i thought how am i going to be able to push my walker and walk myself outside? i needed the job. heather: walmart not commenting on it firing so far.
unveiling the 2017 christmas book, lavish gifts did not disappoint the most outrageous gifts including his and hers rolls-royce cars for $449,000, first-class trip to france to make champagne, $150,000 individual and crusted brooch of the bunny dressed like a butler. who doesn t want? a message to the protesters refusing to stand for the national and, he will stand and now his hit is going viral. the country music star is with us live, stay tuned for that. a symbol of freedom whoooo.
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excited and they wanted to know what made you do this. a friend of mine said write a song about the nfl. that was on thursday. so i wrote the song. heather: we got to fix the like while you are talking. i started writing political songs, one of them was the monica lewinsky and one about sarah palin. last year, i wrote i am voting for donald for president. you are a donald trump and. are you a football fan? i certainly am. heather: they beat us but that
is okay. so what did you think, when you see these players not standing for the national anthem? they have a constitutional right and i have a solution for all of this, you wanted to know about the song. on thursday we wrote the song and friday we performed in pennsylvania and i didn t have a chance to rehearse with the band but i wanted to try it out in the evening so susie, my bandmates and cowriter holding the lyrics sheet concentrating on singing the song. so we got going. heather: the crowd loved it. they were shared.

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