more attention to key issues affecting their families.famili inflation, crime, an like inflation and crime in the border crisis. the biden s only interested inac appeasing his far left basea fou with the focus on abortion, , an student debt, bailout and his promise to save democractoy fin as delusional as ever. new and he has a new attack linef t that just rolls right off pol the tongue. pulls been all overbeen a wee the place. i think that we re going to seee one more shift s back to our mee you wh and let me tely i thl you why ik that we re starting to see some of the good news on the economy. the election is not it s a choice. it s a choice. and the republicans criticize economic record .k what but look at what i ve inherited and what i ve done and look at what they re offering. it is a, mega trickle down, mega mega trickle down.own, that have b failed the country beforefe and i ll fail it again, knowa he and while biden tests out a last ditch effort to sway at ditcvote
more attention to key issues affecting their families.famili inflation, crime, an like inflation and crime in the border crisis. the biden s only interested inac appeasing his far left basea fou with the focus on abortion, , an student debt, bailout and his promise to save democractoy fin as delusional as ever. new and he has a new attack linef t that just rolls right off pol the tongue. pulls been all overbeen a wee the place. i think that we re going to seee one more shift s back to our mee you wh and let me tely i thl you why ik that we re starting to see some of the good news on the economy. the election is not it s a choice. it s a choice. and the republicans criticize economic record .k what but look at what i ve inherited and what i ve done and look at what they re offering. it is a, mega trickle down, mega mega trickle down.own, that have b failed the country beforefe and i ll fail it again, knowa he and while biden tests out a last ditch effort to sway at ditcvoters, she lo