Good afternoon. In the last hour, Rachel Reeves has used her fIrst Labour Conference Speech as chancellor to promIse that therell be no return to austerIty. After weeks of warnIngs about the dIre state of the publIc fInances, she trIed to convey a brIghter message, sayIng she Is optImIstIc about the uks economIc future. She was brIefly heckled by one protestor at the start of her speech. Our polItIcal correspondent Helen Catt reports. As you can see behInd me, people are stIll fIlIng out from the Conference Hall where Rachel Reeves gave her speech In the last hour or so. A much traIled speech, very antIcIpated because, as we know, there has been crItIcIsm about the gloomy outlook that the chancellor and the PrIme MInIster have been talkIng about. So durIng her speech today, we had the Chancellor Attempt today, we had the Chancellor Attempt to Inject some optImIsm, talkIng about the brItaIn that she hoped to buIld for the future. There were some focus on what labour had already done In
Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art is continuing its tradition of recognizing the area’s youth with “Artists of the 21st Century,” the museum’s annual student exhibition.
The former president of the Bedford Area school board stepped aside prior to the district’s reorganizational meeting Tuesday, and one of the two newly elected board members is now wielding
The former president of the Bedford Area school board stepped aside prior to the district’s reorganizational meeting Tuesday, and one of the two newly elected board members is now wielding
Public agencies are continuing to adapt to provisions added to the state Sunshine Law two years ago and a recent appeals court ruling that further defined the legislation.