Corrupted because of foreign interference elicited by the president which is clearly trying to do. Coercing an ally, betray our National Security and try to to cheat in the next election. If they refuse to discipline him, he will be unbounded and i am greatly concerned about what else he might do between now and the 2020 election. Feeling the wrath of his own party coming after he said he is becoming a republican because of impeachment, watch. What he is reacting to is the public polling that shows he cant get renominated. To turn and go be a republican is kind of strange, i have heard of rats jumping off of the sinking ship. Their lowest thing there is in the congress is someone the Minority Side was a traitor to the majority. Dana Speaker Pelosi was quite reluctant to do impeachment and she could read the political tea leaves and its turning out she was right and her instincts were right but now Chuck Schumer has to deal with this in the senate and he is suggesting that Mitch Mcconne