This room, for guidance from the office of attending physician, masks must be worn at all times during todays proceedings except when a member or witness is speaking. Please also sanitize your seating area. They view these as a safety measure and an important matter of order and decorum for this proceeding. For members participating remotely, please keep your video function on at all times. Even if you are not recognized by the chair. Members are responsible for muting and unmuting themselves and please remember to mute yourself after you finish speaking. Consistent with House Resolution 965 and the accompanying regulations, staff and members will view it as appropriate when they arent under recognition to eliminate background noise. I see that we have a quorum and i now recognize myself for opening remarks. Let me welcome our witnesses as ive let the Ranking Member know. Ill be going considerably longer than the customary five minutes. My statement this morning and, of course, ill yie
Others physically present in the room for guidance from the office of attending physician, masks must be worn at all times during todays proceedings except for the member or witnesses speaking, please also sanitize yourss seating area we use these chairs as a safety issue in an important matter of order and quorum for this proceeding. For members participating remotely, keep your video function on all times, when you are not recognized by the chai. Members are responsible for mutating and on muting themselves and please remember to meet yourself after you finish speaking. Consistent with House Resolution 965 in the accompaniedr regulation, staff only mute members and witnesses as appropriate when they are not under recognition to eliminate background noise. I see that we have a quorum and i now recognize myself for opening remarks, let me welcome or witnesses as i let the Ranking Member know, ill be going considerably longer than the customary five minutes by my this morning and ill yi
Extraneous material and questions for the record subject to limitation in the rules. To insert something into the record, please have your staff email the previously circulated address or contact full committee staff. As a reminder to members, staff and others physically present in this room, for guidance from the office of attending physician, masks must be worn at all times during todays proceedings except when a member or witness is speaking. Please also sanitize your seating area. They view these as a safety measure and an important matter of order and decorum for this proceeding. For members participating remotely, please keep your video function on at all times. Even if you are not recognized by the chair. Members are responsible for muting and unmuting themselves and please remember to mute yourself after you finish speaking. Consistent with House Resolution 965 and the accompanying regulations, staff and members will view it as appropriate when they arent under recognition to e
Affairs will come to order. Without objection, the chair is authorized to declare a recess of the committee at any point and all members will have five days to submit statements, extraneous material and questions for the record subject to limitation in the rules. To insert something into the record, please have your staff email the previously circulated address or contact full committee staff. As a reminder to members, staff and others physically present in this room, for guidance from the office of attending physician, masks must be worn at all times during todays proceedings except when a member or witness is speaking. Please also sanitize your seating area. They view these as a safety measure and an important matter of order and decorum for this proceeding. For members participating remotely, please keep your video function on at all times. Even if you are not recognized by the chair. Members are responsible for muting and unmuting themselves and please remember to mute yourself aft
I am just wondering if you can talk california, is the network their local programs that are proven to be effective. In oakland, and also a couple of other cities, we are looking for full funding. This is what we were in the midst of. This is something for people to do right here and now about gun violence. This is a violence intervention program, their local programs operating in individual cities. Thayer county programs . We are looking for statewide funding to bring this to cities that dont have them yet, or when the funding does not allow them to fully operate. That is why these programs are needed. Let me step back a little. The way we approach these issues, we try to be as proactive as possible. When we look at many of the challenges, whether its challenges to the democracy, gun violence, which is an issue, we have worked on as well. Whether its poverty, or any host of challenges, we take what we call a Community Relations approach but we build relationships we startitot, ich rea