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Transcripts For DW The Day - News In Review 20171101 00:02:00

thank you oh thank you. thank you thank you very much ok ok. thank you. very much. and we begin the day with a former president on the run who says he s not today a spanish chord subpoenaed carlist put him on the alstad president of the spanish region catalonia but mr burrage the ma was nowhere in spain to be found earlier today he appeared before reporters and cameras in brussels the whereabouts of mr bridge to ma and several members of his deposed cabinet had been unclear following some unprecedented moves on friday by the spanish government madrid fired mr bridge tomorrow and the entire cattle on parliament after it voted to declare independence from spain or tonight mr porridge tomorrow faces charges of rebellion and sedition if convicted he could spend the rest of his life in prison but he ll need to return
public prosecutor s offices if he doesn t they will ask that you watched the. issue of european arrest warrants now if it is that if he were to theory you know this is just the beginning of the stadiums it hasn t been formally charged just only if the judge. were to shocking if he were to show that he could be remanded in custody afterwards but one way or another it s all in the hands of the church. in charlotte you re in barcelona what has been the reaction there to the news that mr bridge a month has left the country. the people here were absolutely stunned and when the news started to trickle down that he was in brussels but we did not see hide nor hair of him last night nor the smore ning there was a sort of a hunt for fusion one it was being described in brussels
a lot of people here honestly needed to believe it to see it that we did see him today we gave that press he gave that press statement people here who are for independence a divided on exactly how they feel about it some have been very dismayed that he s left some of even suggested that he s a captain leaving a sinking ship and then there are those who are still very much behind him who still really back him there have been the people who were out in the streets on friday saying that he was a hero they believe that this is part of a well crafted plan and they backed him in his desire to get european support for that strategy those who are against independence i think many of them have been telling us that they re quite relieved now that he s left the country and isn t trying to still goven from within catalonia and instead is backing these elections which are going to play take place on december twenty first it looks like we re heading more towards a democratic process with the elections rather than crashes on the streets.
meanwhile of course there are lots of accusations that are being thrown around the carillon cabinet today saying that they are not criminals take a listen to what the alstad cabinet member said the planning member cabinet member for catalonia what he said today about the prospects of prosecution by the spanish government. so you think it s possible to go to prison because it s funny yes this is very strange justice so obviously this is a possibility so we we are not to scare we we have no we are not criminals we are democrats so. if they want us in jail these responsivity i insist we are not criminals we are democrats thank you thank you very much there were not criminals or democrats some of us are in spain some of us are not charlotte we know that mr he took some
of his former cabinet members with him to brussels but some of them also decided to stay in catalonia is there any type of strategy behind that i mean what are they doing there. that s right he took some he left some others behind the strategy isn t quite clear is possible that they reach that decision all together that it was decided that some would pursue the european pasta trying to visit europe while others stayed behind to go over and continue with the independence path from here or of course they could be a space in the party and some didn t want to leave future money and didn t want to be seen to be abandoning ship this ship that s not yet knowing we know that minister that we just heard from that other ministers dismiss ministers who stayed behind they met in parliament today they didn t release a statement afterwards and of course the permitted to do that they re allowed to meet together in parliament because even though parliament s been dissolved they are still m.p. s what that plan going forward is is really are known and in
a process is in so many twists and turns honestly and i think it happened and more you know we heard the member there and former member of the kettle on camera talking about strange justice in spain what about strange politics in strange elections we ve got the former cattle on president who has now been subpoenaed he has to testify in spain. today he also said though that he welcomes snap elections in catalonia does this mean he could also run in those elections at the same time being forced to testify in the case against him. actually yes in fact over the weekend especially respects that he would welcome them again. because just as he still an eight you know. of course the question is whether the fractious coalition. will begin as
a coalition or as individual parties but certainly he could run again even if he wanted to be generous in theory he can now again i m working on shots it s kind of nobody knows any of this practice because there s absolutely no prestigious group. so actually get to the optics of a lot of i mean is. president of the castle under x.p. got through political office but only after official written two or three years so yes all sorts of things that nobody ever so long ago that we would see have been happening in a continent and indeed yes in markets where it didn t cost as it could certainly look again or who knows if it even. seems to be possible that s right strange but true our journalist martin roberts in madrid and correspondent charles until in barcelona to both of you thank you very much. and
now to the story that has engulfed the u.s. capitol the special counsel investigating possible russian meddling in the u.s. election is signaling that he has reason to believe members at the highest level of the trump campaign may have committed crimes yesterday trump s former campaign manager paul men a ford and assistant rick gates both turned themselves into the f.b.i. they face numerous charges including money laundering and conspiracy to cheat the u.s. government and it was revealed that george peppard awful as a former campaign advisor has pleaded guilty to lying about his connections with russian officials now his arrest and his possible assistance in the investigation mean that the stakes are now higher than ever for the u.s. president and his inner circle today both the russian government and the russian foreign minister reacted to this remarkable turn of events. if the meeting was about russian american relations i don t see anything illegitimate or illegal about
it. there s never felt any guilt that he needs to feel excused of. we have expressed complete in comprehension regarding some groundless accusations against our country and the myths of russian intervention in us elections. groundless accusations don t make those who started this mess look good and they don t know how to get out of it now. now they found a ukrainian trace in regards to mr mann afford and some help. but the ukrainian trace should probably be investigated via ukraine. or let s try to connect some dots here for more on the ukrainian lincoln man affords dealings there i m joined by our correspondent nick connelly in kiev good evening
to you and nick so there are it seems two major parts to this ukrainian connection first the charges that. worked for the ukrainian government and did not tell the u.s. government about that work and about his income what did he do for ukraine. good evening brant well he was brought in back in two thousand and five just after the first modern revolution to really polish victory on a coach s reputation he had tried to take power from his political ally to slip in to govern as it were the elections very contested and eventually that brought people out on the street said no we don t want you in power he then returned to opposition with a very bad reputation to clean the west and it was poor manifolds job to really lobby for him internationally to portray him someone as not someone who was an enemy of democracy but more as someone maybe who wasn t so polished in his manners but someone who the west could deal with and someone who was a pragmatic manager and also to help him with his campaigning to improve his
polling methods just bringing in classic western campaigning tactics and that all paid off yet a coach was voted into power in two thousand and ten in a relatively fair elections that was what he was doing that was classic international political consultancy nothing illegitimate and perhaps the most explosive part of this connection has to do with the russian oligarch all the dead pasko why is it important to possible russian meddling in the us election. so then about this brant is that the money that the u.s. authorities are now talking about only about twelve or some say eighteen million of the money that manifold received was is alleged to come from directly from ukrainian government sources the rest it s alleged that some of this money came from electoral pascoe who is someone that man affords side is going to business with essentially to use its alleged again this is all still very murky territory
but it s alleged he was planning to use his political connections here in ukraine to take advantage of business opportunities and to do so with electoral pascoe who was for a long time the kremlin s favorite oligarchs someone who depended on soft loans from the russian government and in these countries russia and ukraine the line between business and government is pretty is pretty thin so any involvement there puts him in a very direct contact with someone who is obviously very close to the top of the kremlin and if you could briefly you know we haven t heard much from the current ukrainian government about the indictment why so quiet. there in a very difficult position here they don t want to be seen to be uncooperative in the investigation they re dependent on the u.s. for loans and for military support but equally they don t want to embarrass the trump white house they ve already had enough conflict with him trump tweets in the summer that the ukrainians to try to sabotage his campaign his real fear here that whatever they do they ll be dammed and they ll jeopardize their ties. are our
correspondent nic connelly on the story for us tonight in kenya nic thank you very much. or german police say they have prevented a serious terrorist attack special forces arrested a nineteen year old syrian today in the northern city ferry the suspect reportedly had contacts to islamist extremists and had been gathering materials for a highly explosive bomb is intended target remains unclear tonight. a syrian flag at a housing complex in a northern german town of. this is where special forces arrested a nineteen year old syrian man early on tuesday on suspicion of planning an islamist terrorist attack on the american fast as a human are according to our findings the yemen a decided at the latest in july to detonate a bomb but with the aim of killing and wounding a large number of people. on social networks he researched
instructions on how to build a bomb we also know that the suspect was in contact online with people with jihadist backgrounds it has on and also the g.i. distortion spectrum mouth catullus taught throughout the morning police searched the apartment and other locations for additional evidence the suspect had placed orders online for chemicals to build a bomb the german interior minister is convinced authorities have prevented a severe and imminent terrorist attack in germany. to get out some of the police operation took place at exactly the right moment light enough to secure the necessary proof and early enough to prevent any danger. that the danger of an islamist terrorist attack remains high in germany and europe and that security forces would act with determination to counter any threats.
it s time to go back about half a millennium on this day five hundred years ago the german monk and theologian martin luther unintentionally began a process that would lead to a radical split in the roman catholic church and the creation of a new christian faith the protestant religion and the luther nailed his famous ninety five theses of the story goes it was a list of questions and criticisms to a church door in the town of it and right that s not very far from right here in berlin now ever more people were won over by luther is thinking especially here in northern and central europe but the roman catholic church denounced the protestant movement millions of people were killed in the religious wars that swept across europe for a century and a half here in germany half a millennium later martin luther remains a national hero and an inspiration for many around the world.
queuing up for church in martin luther s hometown witan back today thousands came to celebrate the five hundredth anniversary of the protestant reformation and all of my life i have been lutheran this is a very important day for me any less is the this is the place where luther lived and worked and we want to celebrate this today and that if one cannot understand german history without luther and the reformation it has left its mark on us i myself belong to a lutheran church and belief in its values but at the council church of wittenberg germany s leaders including chancellor merkel herself daughter of a lutheran pastor attended a service to commemorate martin luther d.s. legend has it that it was here on this day five hundred years ago that nailed his ninety five thesis through the door of the council church the document was not tacked on practices of the catholic church luther wanted to reform it not divided but his ideas to simply to revolutionary how i ll timidly it was
a liberation for the world the replace the hiroki of power and money but the new individual freedom manifested in love. in the time as their service and getting back the head of the protestant church in germany which bedford school meant he had of the catholic church in the country cardinal runup marks jointly presented german president funk by the steinmeyer with the cross as a symbol of unity after the service german chancellor angela merkel underlined the importance of religious liberty saying that ensuring it is one of the key duties of a free society. just as freedom of belief must always be protected from religious fanaticism so too must our commitment to that freedom include respecting those who practice a religion it should. today service representative the culmination of a year of celebrating the reformation throughout germany.
and for more now i m joined here in the studio by our religious affairs expert mark gak mark smart and it s good to have you back here at the big table so we know what happened five hundred years ago why is martin luther why is he important in our world today of the year twenty seventy well in many places around the world it remains a very potent religious figure and protest and to some it s lutheran farm remains saluki central actually in many places and particularly interesting cases might be left in america for instance where the church had many of the problems that martin luther and encountered five hundred years ago i mean great for himself where which were not us seated would sort of you know a participating church and then of his own would have luther nice in it some of them in jellicoe forms emerging in latin america and putting in opposition to the catholic church is not going today so in that sense i mean it remains very
important as a religious force it also remains were important as a political force because it has opened the terrain over five hundred years and not just. but over this five hundred years and has actually helped to the more pluralistic society and in which different voices are actually included ultimately for a place like europe which is actually very secular and i think that. this form of protest and system in particular remains part of our cultural d.n.a. even when we are not religiously inclined i mean it remains a very strong force in our society and there if you look at our cultural d.n.a. and part of it being shaped by martin luther you have to ask yourself then how do you explain what we re seeing today we hear time and time again that there is this general malaise in the western world people no longer trust authority you have leaders who are elected and immediately they appear corrupt you have leaders who are elected to drain the swamps of the establishment did martin luther did he lead
us to where we are today politically. well in some way i think the answer is yes i mean since it becomes one of the most salient figures in the history of the west going to station figure i mean the very core of this position is demanding justification this is somebody who from five hundred years ago continuously asked a question why can you explain yourself it demands actually that on the other hand what he s very interesting about with her is that he was a very ambiguous figures on the one hand he actually protested the catholic church but on the other hand he was his actually completely married and tied to the political power in his region of the world essentially princes princes in northern germany so i think that it actually does define sort of a way to approach politics which is on the one hand going to station but on the other hand a sense of yes and so to say to political to political forum i mean we ve got about
twenty seconds i mean this notion of secularism though did he also enable society to become secular i myself am quite convinced that that is indeed the case i think that he did not secular ice particular individuals he clearly was a religious man but i think that by just opening the space for anything beyond the got the lake church shields and as he also ultimately opened the space for voices beyond any really just a nomination force to force us to live in communities in which we had to deal with many different religious persuasions and political persuasions that itself is a secularization of the public sphere martin jacques a religious affairs correspondent as always thank you very much the day is nearly done the conversation continues online you ll find us on twitter news you can write to me t.v. don t forget to use that hash tag today and it is halloween and keeping with tradition we re going to welcome our resident trick or treater here martin you get to sit with him as well and remember no matter what happens between now and then tomorrow is another day we ll see you then everybody happy halloa.
year maxes on the back of that. last verse read how the reformation has been celebrated in. the panorama three hundred sixty degree view of the world five hundred years of the musical the split between protestants and catholics is a reformation special. next. comes from martin luther the bearer of hope for the noah and middle classes for. the development of the german language. and the script is accessible to ordinary people. to what extent did he help to bring about the creation of a unified. youth of the nation.

President , Burrage , Spain , Region-catalonia , On-the-run , Carlist , Chord , Hvalstad , Cabinet , Government , Reporters , Bridge

Transcripts For DW Euromaxx - Lifestyle Europe 20171025 00:30:00

digest nine thousand is of bread history now there may be many ancient artifacts inside it but the pan am is packaged in a rather futuristic design. this futuristic building is the fulfillment of one man s story. this tiny room a museum located in us to near the austrian city of leeds and it s dedicated to one thing right. it s a vision of the austrian vegetarian in. his company but rather the next millions. this is his trip to bright. for putting else was gone but he still had bread you could live no matter how bad things were. throughout history the moment there was no bread people knew it was over that s what s fascinating about bread it s. always had his heart
books the british novelist ken follett likes to make his readers wait after the first installment of his kingsbridge series was published in one thousand nine hundred eighty nine fans had to wait eighteen years for the sequel this time the way it has been just ten years follow its newest book a column of fire features a europe at war in the sixteenth century with clashes from edinburgh to geneva among the battles there is also a love story as well as the beginnings of england s first secret service. ok the more phone book promotion is part of the job can follow it and poses with translations of his latest historical epic column of fire the third in a series that returns readers to the town of kingsbridge with a cost of characters including a sixteenth century james bond. film that took inspiration from locke living in scotland mary stewart better known as mary queen of scots was imprisoned here after
a british politician and former minister for culture and tourism the strategic moves a powerful women play a big part in follett s latest novel. comelec mary queen of scots. and more distant queen elizabeth in a game of life and death. lots of people wanted to kill queen elizabeth first. the most powerful men in europe wanted to kill the king of spain the king of france and the pope wanted to kill elizabeth because she turned england from catholicism to protestantism and so she set up a secret service. to find out who these assassins were and arrest them. in his book follett sends the queen s agent on a journey through the biggest events of the cheater period. the hero ned willard helps elizabeth ascend the throne and he organizes the defeat of her catholic
adverse race. from the spanish armada to mary stewart s assassination plot he always managed to thwart plans to overthrow queen elizabeth if the book sounds like a james bond story that s not a coincidence. when i was twelve years old. i had read all the books in the children s library and so they let me into the adult library and one of the great discoveries i made at that point was the james bond stories. in a column of fire ken follett makes a turbulent era in history come alive while drawing an astonishing number of parallels between then and now fall it hasn t disappointed with his new book which has reached number one on bestseller lists around the world.
now let s see what s happening in europe today in our express featuring the works of monet and the fountain of verse side but first we take a look at a film making waves in russia. the controversial film matilda saw its world premiere and some pieces back on monday the historical drama explores the romance between son nicholas the second played by german actor loss idea and polish prima ballerina matilda action skier the film has angered the russian orthodox church i m nationalists with its depiction of russia s last emperor a man they consider a saint. for the first time in the history of the palace of versailles a woman will assume the responsibility for the gardens fountains daniella mountain will head a team of experts who look after the fifty five fountains and their thirty five
kilometers of water pipes. since they were you know created by louis the fourteenth in sixty eight sixty six responsibility for these masterpieces of engineering has lain solely in the hands of men. an exhibition of works by french impressionist painted killed monet has opened in russia they were originally housed at the artist s residence in shivani in northern france until his death. the words ranged from impressionist renderings of rule and urban united states. to caricature is dating from the mid nineteenth century. the exhibition tracks monet s artistic development and diversity the show at the complex. runs until february. now let s take a trip to the clue touch her the cave in germany it s three hundred eighty five
million years old and the biggest accessible cave in the country visitors can explore the depths with a guide who s also available for an extreme tour that has participants squeezing through the narrowest gaps in the rocks we sent our reporter to check it out and trust me it s not for the faint hearted. this group is about to start an extreme guided tour with headlamps helmets and overalls they descend into the depths of the kuta had her like a. van with no sign of danger yet these were boys are nice and wide but they shouldn t get too comfortable the guide is taking it up a notch. they proceed swiftly through one of the three hundred and eighty passengers. so. cheerful i can already hear you breathing
a little heavier. no more working up right now this is what we re going down into the fox is dancing folks going on. the dam is a series of narrow crevices visitors have to squeeze through each one if someone gets stuck all they can do is breathe out and slowly push themselves through. their a five point eight kilometers of passageways in total making the truth at her that one of the biggest caves in germany. it s exhausting but it is in good spirits. but is it not as it was what. does this christmas just my thing so much fun we ll have to see what s next what s yours oh yes. they ve got a lot more challenges ahead of them. the k. formed around three hundred seventy million years ago the temperature down here is a constant ten degree celsius but the f.a.a.
makes everyone break out in a sweat. how was it. you know it was a hard. unbelievably hard i m dripping with sweat from head to toe and i feel really dirty. is it fun to have definitely. the air down here is clean and. said to help relieve symptoms associated with her spirit tree disorders it s also the path it went to hide out for bats the climbers also get used to it. when given the sun can speak used to the constrictions and to trust yourself with tighter passageways and get braver with time and it well and you start to appreciate the case qualities. what i like down here is and just the silence distiller. one last challenge awaits the group it s known as the birth canal the tunnel is so narrow they can only squeeze themselves through a centimeter at
a time. and the good news for you is that. you need not only a strong body but strong naps as well to tackle the extreme case sure. everyone and it made it and triumphed over fia the. serving of sometimes are completely stuck but you can t panic. they finally resurface after three hours below ground the group is tired but happy and definitely under drink and. over to do a successful tour chairs having developed a taste for adventure some are already planning many next trip down. well those adventurous had plenty of fun underground but next up we re having
a look at some of the more unexpected activities that can be enjoyed on the water every week we present to you five fun facts in our series high five so grab your wetsuit and snorkel and let s dive in here are. five activities you probably never thought could be done underwater. performing in front of an audience is like taking a plunge into cold water but that s literally the case for a danish group between music creators of the uk or sonic project number five in our list of unusual underwater activities is playing music. each musician occupies his or her own tank here they hold their breath and move as if in slow motion their instruments are all custom made from metals that i am prone to rust.
watching fish swim around an aquarium isn t the most exciting and statement but looking at plants in an aquarium is really plumbing the depths of number four in our list of activities that can also be performed on the water is gardening. actress caving is the name of this leisure activity in which fish only get in the way the goal is to create beautiful underwater landscapes in an aquarium. most people get dressed for dinner not undress but then this restaurant in brussels is no ordinary establishment. at third spot in a ranking of unusual underwater activities it s going out to eat the pearl is a restaurant located five meters under water in this round capsule all my food is served by waiters inditing cost use.
these words about are enough to take your breath away especially feel forgotten your oxygen tank. in second place a visit to an underwater museum. the museum atlantico lights of the coast of the spanish island of lands are rolled up it s europe s only underwater sculpture museum the brainchild of british artist jason they can tailor the artworks change with time and create an artificial reef that attracts marine like. this couple is ready to take the plunge but wait haven t they done that already our number one activity you ve probably never thought could be done and what is getting
married exchanging vows on the water has become a worldwide trend. this couple is getting hitched at an aquarium in london though the minister and the guests remain on dry land the benefit of marrying in water the groom can easily sweep his bride off her feet but there are drawbacks to. this couple had to fend off an attack from a jealous or perhaps just hungry on. what a way to tie the knot now on the stage ballerinas dazzle audiences with elegant and effortless artistic displays but behind the scenes it s a gruelling schedule of workouts that keeps the dancers fit for performances for decades julia tonelli has been honing her body in order to perform at the highest level the italian has been done sing at the zurich ballet for the past seven years
and we followed her for a day to see what it takes to be a prima ballerina. if she wants to she can fly. and dancing when i don t see them i feel completely free. the body responds to her every command. a fact to forget everything. footloose and fancy free. that seemingly the opposite of what a ballerina s everyday routine looks like. thirty four year old julia to merely trains rigorously six days a week she spends exactly seventy five minutes practicing her kisses and from dues . to what i think you similarly thirty minutes you need lots of determination
discipline and a certain charisma to be a ballerina. only so you have to come together and charisma isn t enough for the hard work and discipline and there and vice versa hard work and discipline aren t enough as the charisma is lacking because that is vital on stage shaniqua. and i have spent thousands of hours at the bar. she performed her first play a when she was just three but she only decided to become a professional ballet dancer at the age of sixteen which is quite late in the ballet world so she had a lot of catching up to do the extra dose of discipline required made her into the fighter she is today. and i m going to do what i m yeah it s a tough environment. and people don t tell you that you re good on the contrary with they tend to discourage you so only those who are really strong willed and determined to make it. their girls are plagued by self-doubt.
but over time you acquire a sense of confidence that can t be shaken so easily. if you meant that was one of the. he s been with his europe ballet for seven years about arenas korea is usually short so julia tries to get the most out of it. with her so you have. let her get more k. flowers now on because that s a little tough. she always ends to jump high and parallel faster sometimes that means crossing the pain threshold but for her it s homeworkers. and dance a fair guess when i don t so i forget everything. it s descending to fear the snore it s a feeling that you only get on stage only there and nowhere else in life do i feel this oh no fear no stress i m free to fly and happy only.
two o clock she takes a break to refuel with the notion lunch. her afternoon is spent rehearsing various choreographies and different formations. she also squeezes in an appointment with a physiotherapist. if she doesn t have to perform she s done for the day at seven pm then she can relax and unwind. what he does there are those also has a fair say when normal people who go home and get hungry. was out on the can marry the man who has nothing to do with dancing with somebody else or to go back to work the next day and give it all i ve got for a lot of what. everyday life helps keep a balanced life for me and that s the most important thing of all. the italian ballerina hopes to start her own one soon. defensively this year. it s difficult to decide the right time to become a mother because your body undergoes huge changes and that scares me so. how would
i go back would i be. i mean is if you. are not already have a hand my body is function so we know i believe for your. son if you tend to the way it is now to get into look at us. strong supple and expressive the years of training have paid off. in tip top shape. here at your remarks we showcase all sorts of talents and now we d like to hear about yours are you a dancer like julia is cooking your passion maybe you paint your past time let us know what it is that you do best and you could win your max wristwatch take part on our website and find out if you were the winner at the end of the week. that s all from us today thanks for watching and please do join us again for tomorrow s show
goodbye. from the next edition of your max said stop. the ice you know fought in islands in no way home to the northern no surfing region in the world up to five thousand people get it every year some of them are even lucky enough to see. riding the arctic waves next time on the next.
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Building , Artifacts , Design , Pan-am , Nine-thousand , Story , Underwater-sculpture-museum , Fulfillment , Us , Room , One-man , City-of-leeds

Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20171105 18:00:00

the peel that are possible and in the end even legal experts here don t really dare to prophesied whether they really did too to make a prophecy whether they will then somehow get away whether the belgian judges will find grounds to maybe on on the fundamental rights reasons or other reasons to not implement the arrest warrant or whether they will be sent back to spain all this can be dragged out to the general even several for next year. the european union as an entity has already said that the catalog referendum cattle on independence issue was an internal matter for spain to resolve is there not pressure on belgium to toe that e.u. line. doesn t has politically seen absolutely no interest not to toe that line i mean we really do have to remember this is a country that has been threatened by secessionism time and time again it would be
then split up into a flame is part of the loan and part and both of them would be really tiny and not really viable so that is the last this problem is the last thing the government of brussels wants however it just has to deal was the rest for and and it will be very careful to sort of repeat again and again that this is a judicial process politics cannot and must not interfere here it s judges and judges only who decide what will happen in this case right i know you can t see into the future although it seems to me like this process will move forward extradition etc but you know leaving that aside what does that mean for upcoming elections in catalonia we ve had mixed messages from all of these independents figures in the lead up to this book which will happen in december. the question of course is whether push one can sort of exert political power from afar the question also is whether he will have to stay in jail here are not whether he can send like weekly or even nightly video messages to barcelona are not whether he can
washington asked u.s. military officials for specifics on removing north korea s nuclear capabilities the joint chiefs of staff responded that only a ground invasion could do it with absolute certainty of success in response sixteen lawmakers fifteen democratic and one republican all military veterans called the assessment deeply disturbing they criticized the trump administration for lacking a strategy on north korea and a plan to contain potential conflict but that didn t affect the personal chemistry trump and abhi appear to have both are also hawkish on defense but trade may be another matter we will seek new opportunities for cooperation and comers and we will partner with friends and allies to pursue a free and open sea think reach we will seek free thing. and research trade the u.s.
trade deficit with japan is a sticking point in the country s relations the deficit hit sixty nine billion dollars in two thousand and sixteen the second largest behind china. did have these best in hot is following the u.s. president s trip he told us donald trump shouldn t expect the rest of his asia tour to be as easy going as the first day. it was an easy start for president donald trump here in japan on the first day of his long asia trip a visit to u.s. troops around of golf with japanese prime minister since an informal dinner starting tomorrow things are likely to become a bit more serious even though trump and abhi are pretty much on the same page when it comes to north korea they have a bone or two to pick over trade issues but overall for trump japan is likely to be the least testing leg of this trip with much bigger challenges coming up on his
next stops in south korea and after that in china. we can turn now to some of the other stories making news around the world a car bombing in syria s eastern they re also a province has killed dozens of people the area close to the iraqi border has been a gathering place for displaced people the attack is thought to be the work of the so-called islamic state. saudi arabia has arrested dozens of princes and government ministers in a major high level perch there the first arrests sanctioned by king solomon under a new anti corruption body headed by his son and likely successor the move is seen as cementing crown prince mohammed some months of power in the kingdom. police in russia have reportedly arrested hundreds of people across the country for holding unauthorized protests demonstrations come after a nationalist opposition politician called for an uprising to end what he called
climate talks are taking a hard look at the global impact of climate change representatives from some one hundred ninety countries are being reminded that climate change is real and that it s already having disastrous impacts that point is being driven home by fiji s prime minister his little island state is on the frontline of global warming. message from fiji and the pacific and the wonderful nations of the world who say that. enough is enough. enough greenhouse gas emissions that is prime minister by name around is demanding action from the global community before his country sinks into the ocean in an attempt to underscore the urgency germany s developed ministry has created a miniature global landscape in the meetings venue. the climate protection is key for the survival of mankind even if there are few heads of state or government who
still don t believe this. this statement would seem to be addressed to u.s. president donald trump who has expressed doubts about climate change and is not attending the bone conference. all right done days but just like action hoffenheim returned to winning ways with a three nil drubbing of hapless cologne denis geiger gave hoffenheim a first half lead before a wagner double sealed all three points it was oftentimes first one in five games for cologne it was just another loss among many if their ninth of the season with a club at the bottom of the bundesliga table without a win in today s big clash remember dortmund locked horns with byron munich the home team were in second place they trailed by and by just three points but these two teams have been headed in opposite directions the past few weeks prior head into the match actually as heavy favorites that they live up to that label or did dortmund attack rise up in front of
a home crowd. dortmund s goal machine emerick obama young hadn t scored in three hundred eighty six minutes and all of dortmund was hoping he would pounce but it was byron who got off to the better start in the seventeenth minute homme as fed are you and robin who opened the scoring. men s defense to passive here and remember key powerless angle still maintain their composure you know the inveigle won the ball and it was off to the races gonzalo castro found langkow but the ukrainian couldn t beat spent over. and kept pressing for an equaliser but wasting chances has been their problem for weeks now unlike. yahshua kimmage teed up robert live and who made it two nil is eleventh goal of the campaign the back line allowing too much space and vagal with the unlucky deflection. in the second more of the same dortmund s attack dangerous but the ball just wouldn t go
in. and go coming up short again. in the sixty seventh minute but the final nail in the coffin david all about eleven three nil. but the replay showed the ball never made contact instead it was all of us first of the season. marked by pulled one back for dortmund in the waning minutes but it was too little too late three one the final score and biron extend their perfect record under your pint just before league games dortmund meanwhile haven t won in four outings. sunday saw the annual running of the new york city marathon one of the world s premier long distance races and there was a surprise in store charlayne flanagan became the first american woman to take the crown for decades the thirty six year old beat out three time champion mary toney of kenya kenya did prevail however in the men s race geoffrey commodore finished
just seconds ahead of his compatriot wilson cup song it was his first ever marathon victory. all right it s reminder of our top story that we ve been following for you before we go let s put him on test turned himself into belgian police chief ousted cattle on leader and four former ministers were taken into custody in brussels and will appear before a prosecutor any time now. to washington d.c. news from berlin we ll have more news coming at the top of the hour with sara harmon and don t forget there s more news on our website dot com i buy. health. and here in studio. solidarity. they fall by the wayside when the gap between rich and poor grows. in life

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight 20171019 00:00:00

detail she actually had a plan on toughening this body that would prove these kinds of comforter hooked on my controversial deals. she is very knowledgeable on the subject she s a hawk on this issue. for her to pretend like i don t know what was going on stretches credulity and that s one of the reasons we need to have an investigation and really to this point, we have not had a congressional hearing on this. we have not had a grand jury as far as we know. it s just shocking to me that there has been no investigation on this whatsoever. tucker: just to be clear, the dots we are connecting are not very far apart. the chairman of this uranium country is also on the board of the clinton foundation and the coastline of the clintons. the podesta group lobbied on behalf of this company. am i getting these facts wrong? you are exactly right. here s the bottom line. as this deal was coming for approval in 2010 the clinton
foundation received from nine shareholders in this uranium company that was sold to the russians. none of them all of a sudden decided they were going to donate large amounts of money to the clinton foundation, more than 145 million. by the way, a lot of those donations were never declared publicly by the clintons, they were hidden. it stinks on so many levels. here s the other important national security implications. this deal was predicated on the fact that when the russians got control of this uranium it would not be exported out of the united states, that was part of the agreement. the new york times has now reported that that s not true. yellowcake from these uranium mines are being exported out of the united states and we don t even really know where they are going. that and of itself demands investigation. tucker: about 20% of it they ve reported has gone to an unknown destination. peter schweitzer, the person who broke the story in the beginning it has been on it ever since. thank you. thanks, tucker. tucker: questions of bribery aside, why exactly did
the obama administration allow a foreign rival, russia, to control 20% of american uranium reserves? soderberg was in the to the united nation s and deputy national security advisor under president clinton and she joins us. thanks for coming on. my presser. tucker: leaving aside the questions of the doj investigation, why in the world would hillary clinton state department and the obama administration sign off on a deal that allows a rival power to control 20% of our uranium reserves? these business deals are ones that had review of nine different agencies and they agreed that since it was going to stay in the country that it would be an acceptable way to keep our uranium safe here and under appropriate control. i think the reporter that has been gone and yellowcake has been really disproven. i really think you are digging at the bottom of the barrel here. tucker: let me stop you there. you think it was a good idea for the obama administration to give
russia our primary adversary in the world, according to the democrats, control of parnate, 20% of our uranium? why is that a good idea? i m sincere. why is that a good idea? i m not familiar with the details of this particular uranium deal but we have traded in uranium with appropriate controls throughout the last 40 years, bipartisan, both republican and democrat governments feel that we can keep the appropriate control. the bigger issue here is this whole issue is fake news in terms of an investigation. it s been shut all president trump has to do is ask his current deputy attorney general and deputy head of the fbi, who looked at this and closed it in 2015. this is fake news trying to divert tucker: i m not engaging in you may have that view but i m not engaging in that. i m asking about the policies. why are we talking what happened wow something that happened almost ten years ago? tucker: hold on. the russians are invading
in our own democracy, we should be talking with that. tucker: if we are as concerned about russia as you say we should be, as you just said we are to be, then why wouldn t we be concerned about the fact that according to the nuclear regulatory commission reported in the new york times, some large percentage of this uranium in the form of yellowcake has been exported to unknown countries? what countries do think those are? switzerland? i have no idea. tucker: hold on. are not a government right now. tucker: you have no problem hold on. why are you concerned about that? look, what i m more concerned about right now, i m concerned about any breach of our national security. if there s a problem here we need to investigate it and look at that and that s what both residents at democrats and republicans do. what i m more concerned about is the invasion of our democracy by that very power you are trying to go back ten years ago. what did the russians do in our investigation right now and why
are the doj why are the current what i want to know and what your show should be talking about is why are the republicans in this congress trying to cut off the investigation of russia s role in our democracy? that s real news. tucker: you know what, i will grant you that point. i don t care. i want to talk about the fact that uranium is being mined in the american west and is controlled by the russian government, the very one that you say poses a threat to our democracy. why shouldn t every american sat bolt upright and safe, what? how the heck did they could control that? it s not ten years ago, it s happening right now. the uranium is under very tight control, security. my understanding is they own some they own some of the company that owns it. if it s a problem that we need to have the president look into that. he s in charge right now and
president trump should look into it. tucker: would you upside off an ideal? knowing what you know about russia, you don t think this is insane? the country six or description, control of our uranium supply? this was a deal that almost ten years ago. 2010. it s almost 2018. look, no. tucker: that s not speculation, that s a fact. all of us take very seriously the control of uranium and plutonium, our stockpiles. absolutely i do. tucker: maria blowing past my questions, which are real? i ve said several times these types of deals, i m not familiar with this particular one, very, very tight control, reviewed by nine agencies, all of whom signed off. tucker: we don t know where the yellowcake is going. if that s been reported by the new york times, it s not something i m making up in the right land. why are you upset about it? i haven t seen that report and from what i know they have very tight controls on them.
if there s a problem than the trump administration needs to immediately look at it. tucker: i agree. what i m concerned about is congress doing russia s bidding for trying to stop the investigation of russia s collusion in our election. why are they we have an independent counsel investigation. congress are trying to it why the republicans in congress trying to do russia s bidding and stop the investigation tucker: i m a little upset you are going to political bumper stickers. you are trying to dig back in history to deflect from what s going on in today s what s happening right now tucker: why am i the policy person in this conversation? as i ve said, we need to address the security of the deal that was all most ten years old and we will. the president of the united states has the power to do that. what i m concerned about is what s happening today and russia s interference in our election. tucker: this is happening today, they have control right now. why is the republican
congress trying to cut that tucker: whatever, they have no control, it s an independent counsel investigation, they can t stop it. they are trying to cut the funding off. tucker: i m worried about the dissemination of yellowcake, i will let our viewers to side. the american people need to know what happened in our election and that s the bottom line. tucker: all right, ambassador, thanks for joining us, appreciate it. the hollywood backlash against sexual harassment has named mike named inuit. this time amazon. details on that next. for the future. who s he? he s the green money you can spend now. what s up? gonna pay some bills, maybe buy a new tennis racket. he s got a killer backhand. when it s time to get organized for retirement, it s time to get voya. whstuff happens. old shut down cold symptoms fast
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tucker: : kaepernick became an icon on the left were voicing his political views and now, irony of ironies, he s going after the nfl owners for expressing their own political views. kaepernick started the trend of kneeling for the anthem. he hasn t been signed by a team in the nfl this year. he says that s because the owners, the team owners, have colluded to keep them blackballed from the league. he is now suing the nfl. does he have a case? saturdays 9:00 p.m. eastern, you already watch it but you should keep doing so. judge, this opens up a whole new list of possibilities. i would love to be in the nfl. can i sue because they haven t hired me? calling capper nick has a right to his opinion, but he doesn t have the right to be in the nfl. this guy is a crybaby, he s claiming he s a victim, he s claiming that this collusion in the nfl. think about this, tucker. what he has to prove in this collective bargaining claim of
collusion and conspiracy is that several teams in the nfl, or the nfl officials, and at least one team got together and said we will prevent this great football quarterback from being in the nfl because of his political views. i got news for you: they can keep you out of the nfl for whatever reason they want. they can decide they don t like you and keep you out of the nfl. you don t have a right to be in the nfl. but he s got to prove by a clear preponderance of the evidence, with evidence, that they colluded. what evidence does he have a collusion? right now he s saying that there was a political atmosphere that the president was partisan in this. : kaepernick needs to understand he took a knee and, what was it, august of 2016, when the president had not even mentioned this and he became a free agent in march of this year.
the president didn t talk about any of this until last month. he saying i m a victim of the president and all this political partisanship, the president didn t open his mouth until a month ago. tucker: the claim itself is just ludicrous on common sense grounds. character is clearly not an important criteria in the nfl, they hire horrible people all the time. if it s a pure meritocracy. they hire the best football players. they have a long history of that, right? if you look at the rap sheets of any of these? the proportion of the guys who have been arrested. i m not even going to go into it, but make no mistake, the domestic violence, some of the claims that we fight about, manslaughter, et cetera. what you ve got with: kaepernick is a guy who, sure, he helped the 49ers get to the super bowl, but he was benched 2015 for the whole year. we don t say it because you decide you want to be a free agent and get out of your contract, now all of a sudden you have more rights than everybody else. you don t, and i don t care who your lawyer is, i don t care
this seems to me to be a leftist agenda to bring donald trump into the issue, the president, everything is his fault, no, it isn t and you are not a victim. you are just not as good as you used to be. tucker: i like the argument. i ve got political views are no nfl contract, i wonder if there was collusion. we ve got another studio had brought down by sexual harassment allegations. roy price. a producer for the show the man of the high castle, one of the most popular shows on amazon says that he aggressively propositioned her for sex. according to a hollywood reporter, this looks something like, a little bit like the harvey weinstein story. what does it add up to? if this evidence that weinstein is not alone? i think that it is more evidence that there is a culture in hollywood that allows men in positions of power to try to seduce, sexually harassed, sexually abuse young women that
this casting couch, a.k.a. casting bed, and something that is so much a part of business that they don t even talk about it. and i think that look, amazon is huge. you and i both know it s huge. this guy is not only accused of sexual harassment, rose mcgowan said i was raped by harvey weinstein. under federal law you are supposed to look into those allegations. in addition to that, he then got rid of i believe it was there was some kind of project being developed by someone who had made a claim of sexual harassment and he got rid of it. this guy, price, was a very tight with weinstein. what we need now, tucker look, i was a prosecutor for a long time. i did sex crimes. we need to get to the bottom of this culture in hollywood. we need to have a liaison with the national va association, talk to women in new york, in
l.a., wherever they are doing movies, motion pictures, get the motion picture association to find it if they really mean business, because this is going not just across the country, but across the globe in terms of the victimization of women who are young, vulnerable and want a career. tucker: i don t understand this. harvey weinstein was a big donor to planned parenthood, obviously he supports women. that s the one thing we know about hollywood, it s an empowering place. they voted overwhelmingly for hillary clinton, how could they not be on the side of women? this is part of the hollywood hypocrisy where do as i say, not what i do. by the way, harvey weinstein s support of women projects and programs is nothing more than a prophylactic, so to speak, for his attempt to do what he s got to do and then say i m innocent, i love women. i love women, look at all of these issues. tucker: i hired lisa bloom, i m a good person! i thought my indulgences.
it s like the medieval church. that s classic hollywood and the fact that so many strong women, tucker, didn t come out and say anything, they just went along with it, tells me we need an outside, independent agency to oversee what s going on in hollywood. tucker: [laughs] i m sorry to laugh, the ironies are so deep. it s great to see you. judge jeanine pirro. every weekend. thank you. he probably thought the threat of president hillary clinton was dead and buried, but like a zombie, it rises once again. professor lauren of harvard has a plan to reverse the election results. joins us next to explain what it is.
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tucker: it s been almost a year since the 2016 election, ten months send the inauguration, but the idea of a hillary clinton presidency refuses to die. she going to run, please run again. there were a lot of reasons she didn t when my, including the fact that she was not what she did. tucker: our next guest says hillary clinton may not even have to run again, she may be appointed president. harvard professor lawrence lessig recently wrote a piece explaining that she can still become president, hillary can, without waiting for 2020. what exactly is this plan? professor lawrence lessig joins us now. next are coming on. thanks for having me. tucker: i want to take this seriously because you are a harvard professor, you are smart. i know you are a sincere person. it doesn t seem like a very
democratic plan, but how exactly does hillary clinton having lost, become the president? i didn t like a piece predicting anything. i wrote a piece in response to a question. the question i got was, what happened if it is shown that there was a conspiracy to steal the election? what i said was i m not even sure i think i believe that. there s no evidence evidence of that, not enough to actually speculate about it in public, but if that is true, if it is shown than what should happen? and i think the fundamental point that if you steal the election, you have to give it back, is something we all should be able to agree upon. i don t know why there should be much argument about that. all i was trying to explain is one of the steps that would actually happen if this was the first thing that happen? number one, if it is shown without doubt that there was a conspiracy to steal, which is different from lots of other reasons you might impeach a president. this is a very particular one, the president should resign. if the president to resign, so too share the vice president resigned, and if that happens
that under the presidential succession statute, paul ryan becomes president. that s where the hard question comes. should ryan remain president as somebody who has inherited because of this theft, or should he do what i think is actually the moral thing to do, the right thing to do, which is to correct for the theft. he could correct the theft very easily under the 25th amendment by nominating a democrat, hillary clinton, to be his vice president and then step aside. it s a speculation based on the question that was presented to me hundreds not hundreds of times, i m a law professor, tens of times. tucker: a couple of things, when you say theft, do you mean literally theft? if it could be shown that the kremlin somehow controlled the voting machines? or is it theft in the sense in which it s used in washington now, that somehow sophisticated russian propaganda convinced a lot of right-wing mouth breathers and a couple of key
states to vote against their own interests and selecting from? which of those? propaganda? its actual theft. it s not just actual theft. if you show that the russians actually controlled the voting booths and flipped the election, but trumpet nothing to do with it, in the sense that you can t show it was a conspiracy, i don t think there s anything that hangs on from. the only thing i was talking about was the extreme case, the unthinkable case where there is an agreement, a conspiracy working together between a foreign government and a campaign to bring about the actual changing of votes, or something at that level, to lead to the flipping of the election. that s the hypothetical i was trying to address. tucker: that is so hypothetical. by the way, just for the record, if that was ever shown, i would be leading the charge against anyone who would do something that s totally immoral and that would be hope s aversion. of course, that s why i m kind of surprised by the outrage. tucker: here s the thing,
that is so unlikely that it almost seemed like you were writing a piece of pornography were desperate for trump to not be president. saying this could actually happen, you know what i mean? you are rating escapist literature for unhappy lefties kind of thing. i m not sure that s what i wrote. the first, the second paragraph of what i wrote, i don t know that i believe it, i certainly haven t seen clear evidence that i don t think is appropriate to speculate about whether there is clear evidence of it. but i get emails from people asking what if there was such a conspiracy? i set it up to say i m not saying this is true, i m just trying a lot of people say can we have a new election, or can the supreme court forced the electoral college to vote again? what i m trying to say is none of those things are possible under our constitution. you can t have a new election, you can t have a new electoral college vote, all of that is fixed, there s no way to go
back. but there is this path given the way the 25th amendment works that it could actually work. again, not a prediction, not a plan. tucker: i get it, it s a little like saying i m not seeing the israelis are behind 9/11, but just theoretically, would it be better to say using the immoral authority you have is a tenure more professor, that s not true. there s literally zero evidence that the russians got into our voting machines at any level, we look into this, it s not true and move on, wouldn t it be better to do that? as soon as the actual ongoing investigation of what happened is finished then yes, i think exactly what you re saying is true. but when i started the piece by saying is that there s this chatter that is coming up. it could just be conspiracy theorists, i don t know, i don t really care. again, i wasn t making a press release and coming out and trying to do some big event drawing attention to this, i was just writing a blog post in response to a question.
tucker: people pay attention you are not just writing a blog post. people pay attention to what you say because you are smart and you have this position of authority. let me ask you this thing. can you understand the perspective of the term voter looking on at this saying i voted for the car, i knew his boss, but i did it because i felt like he was better than the option and ever since i voted for him i ve been attacked as a moral by the elites in washington, boston, new york and los angeles calling me immoral and trying to take the election are way for me and i m offended by that? can you see that perspective? oh, my gosh, of course i can. it s not just seeing the perspective i completely understand. there s a segment of the people who voted for donald trump who were so deeply frustrated with what they perceived to be the deeply corrupted way that washington works and i m one of those people that has been on that charge. i completely get it. i m the first person to say i wish that all of these questions would be bracketed and put to one side, or answered at least.
in the context of this ongoing investigation i don t think it s to be placed on me that i m answering a question about something that came out of the investigation. all i m saying is here s what could happen if something came out of the investigation. tucker: unlikely to happen. as a nonlaw professor. i will support you on that, it s unlikely to happen. tucker: thank you. lawrence lessig. up next, you pay for illegal immigrants to go to school, college, get food stamps, housing vouchers at a whole lot more. are you ready to start paying for their abortions? that s on the table somehow all of a sudden. we will discuss, next. i was a good soldier.
we look after each other. thank you for your service. rated r. don t put the blame on me we see their hunger. their courage. we see their dreams. we see the things that built our nation. and we wonder, what would happen if everyone had equal access to education? what would they discover? what new worlds would they build? that s why we built a university for everyone. southern new hampshire university.
our recent online sales success seems a little. strange?nk na. ever since we switched to fedex ground business has been great. they re affordable and fast. maybe too affordable and fast. what if. people aren t buying these books online, but they are buying them to protect their secrets?!?! hi bill. if that is your real name. it s william actually. hmph! affordable, fast fedex ground. tucker: google has appointed itself the internet sheriff against big news, adding to a long list of jobs like controlling your life in every way. google says it s valiantly guarding the innocent and the ignorant masses from lies that would lead them astray, like
voting for donald trump. that s the idea. there are some bugs in the system. earlier this week the new york times reported that fake news stories have persistently popped up as, believe it or not, google-driven ads on fact-checking websites. and adam pollitt affects said that melania trump was meeting the white house, a bogus story that joanna gaines was leaving her tv show. perhaps divining fact from fiction isn t google s strong after all. it s well-established at this point the left believes single person on earth has the right to enter this country are not. the avant-garde liberals are finding a new rate for illegal aliens, the right to have an abortion at taxpayer expense. kristin hawkins is president of her students for life for america. just wrote a piece about this, she joins us for night stomach tonight. thanks for coming on. thanks for coming on.
tucker: you fill in the blanks, liberals are arguing that u.s. taxpayers somehow have an obligation to fund abortion for illegal aliens? true? that s right. at this young girl entered our country illegally, she s from central america. she informed the government once she was apprehended that she was pregnant and that she wanted to have an abortion. not surprisingly, the aclu seized this opportunity, along with their abortion allies to mandate that taxpayers facilitate our abortion and this is just a shocking case because it shows you just how far the aclu, their friends at planned parenthood and the abortion industry want to take their extremist abortion agenda. they want to use this girl, and what they re trying to do is use or a sort of a way to internationalize roe vs. wade. declaring that she has a constitutional right to have a taxpayer-funded abortion. the last time i checked the constitution only applies to americans. tucker: i don t think it directly addresses whether or
not we have an obligation to pay for the abortions of illegal aliens. it almost seems like the left loves abortion, they think it s the key to freedom. it almost seems like it s not really all about the abortion, if the aclu and affiliated group seeing how high they can raise the middle finger in the face of middle america and say we hate you, we despise your values and we will do exactly what we want to make you pay for it whether you like it or not. that s right. this is something that goes against the majority of americans. majority of americans are against taxpayer-funded abortions and now they are just doing this again. they actually try to use this gross case to add onto their additional additional losses that they are already trying to stop catholic charities, one of the largest charities in our country from receiving federal grants of up to help refugees and immigrants. this is their antilife, their anti-faith agenda coming out in full force and that s what we re seeing. that s why really it so important that we have president trump there in d.c. we have a pro-life administration, a pro-life hhs,
because they are the ones trying to protect this young girl from the aclu, from planned parenthood, who are simply using her. tucker: i am pro-life, but you wouldn t have to be in order to find this appalling, the idea if some federal judge decides in fact the constitution has been hiding this obligation for 225 years, would this mean that u.s. taxpayers have an obligation to fund the abortion of anybody from around the world that comes here? that s right. this is setting up dangerous precedent. what this will do is tell any young, scarecrow in central america, or anywhere else in the world, come to the united states illegally or legally and we will find a taxpayer-funded abortion for you. this is dangerous stuff, especially when you consider this young girl coming from central america, who made that dangerous, life-threatening journey to cross our borders and this is the signal we will be sending out across the world. tucker: this is what trump is going to win back again no matter how flawed he is, normal
people look at the alternative and say you scare me because you are nuts, actually. you are hateful. they are extremists. tucker: s that s for sure. thank you for joining us. thanks for having me. tucker: that is appearing las vegas guard his back, jesus compost appeared on the ellen to generous show today, but the res about las vegas remain unanswered. you didn t think it was possible, but it has, we will fill you in after the break. shut down cold symptoms fast with maximum strength alka seltzer plus liquid gels. stare with me into the abyss ( )
last thursday, but he abruptly back out without telling anybody and disappeared. today he resurfaced, he made an appearance on the ellen degenerate show. here s part of it. they go you just want this to be over so you re talking about it now and then you re not going to talk about it again, and i don t blame you, because why relive this over and over again. it s helpful for people to understand what a hero you are, because you being shot in the leg saved so many people s lives, so we just want to celebrate you, that s why you re here today. we want to thank you for what you ve done. tucker: how exactly does that work? is that really an interview? it turns out it could actually be a bizarre case of cross marketing by mgm resorts, that owns mandalay bay. it sponsors the ellen degenerate show and features ellen theme slot machines and many casinos, including mandalay bay. maybe that s why he did the interview. meanwhile, mgm reached out to us after reports came out
suggesting that jesus compost was using someone else s social security number. mgm company claims they verified his employment eligibility back in 2015 and it was a social security card. mark stein is an author and columnist and he joins us tonight. look, i m not a conspiracy not at all and i m desperately hoping the authorities will prevent me from forming my own conspiracies to explain what has become excrete singly and exportable, but it looks like that interview was managed by md that s what it but i m on ellen show. does that give you confidence that the public is learning anything meaningful about the story? no, and i m not a conspiracy not either, but you are entitled to be one on this, tucker, because whether by intention or design, nothing is proceeding normally in this case. up to the absurdity where someone says i m only going to give one interview and i m going
to give it to ellen to generous. tucker: [laughs] i ve got nothing against i ve got nothing against ellen. tucker: i don t either! this seems very weird choice and as you say she manages to say you are a true hero because by getting shot in the leg you saved so many lives. that s not what happened. that was the old narrative. tucker: exactly. at the old narrative was that he interrupted the gunfire, took a shot in the leg and brought the massacre to a halt. then the sheriff said, sorry, i got things the wrong way around, actually mr. compost got there before the mass shooting started and then apparently the shooter between shooting mr. compost in the lake, there was then a six minute delay before he started massacring everybody, during
which time he had a nice cup of tea, a call down to room service or whatever he did and then the hotel said that s not what happened, there s a third timeline and then everybody does the obvious and says why don t we ask mr. compost what happened and then they say suddenly, he has disappeared, he s gone now. he s off the scene, no one has seen him for a week. then he comes back and he s on the ellen to generous show. that s how conspiracy theories start and everybody is entitled to take a flyer on whatever conspiracy theory they want in this case because were, for whatever reason, mandalay bay and the ellen degenerate show have muddied the waters to total impenetrable lady now. tucker: i think it so nicely put because it s clear, and by the way, simply because mgm managed this interview, doesn t mean that it s an accurate, i m not attacking mgm. but i also think it was managed, clearly it was managed. so they are under a ton of legal
pressure because the usual ambulance chasers are circling the hotel looking for payouts and so that suggests that he s under a lot of pressure to give a specific story line that may not be that useful in understanding what happened. there s other issues here, talker. las vegas is one of the most surveilled cities on earth, because all these big casinos resort owners want to know what people are doing in the building from every conceivable angle. even before we got the big post-9/11 security, in vegas they had cameras everywhere linked to some back office where everybody is looking at what you re doing. and what s interesting to me is that there are some s that goes on in london or paris or brussels or wherever, the brussels airport farming is a very good example. they pulled some stunned at the
brussels airport, kill a bunch of people. within 24 hours you ve got the closed-circuit television picture showing the killer moving through the airport concourse. here, mandalay bay has not released any footage, any shots of the sky, the couple of pictures, event of the hotel room door are actually extremely limited. 200 rounds did indeed come through the store, that must be the best build hotel room door in the history of hotel rooms. tucker: exactly right. so, i might be wrong, there might be an explanation for tha that. he might not have been a very good shot so he was actually firing through the cheap sheet rock to the side of the door. i don t know. the fact is that mandalay bay has not done what brussels airport did in that terrorist attack. tucker: totally right.
nobody knows what this guy was doing. tucker: there s dishonesty in her somewhere. quickly, just to prove i m not a conspiracy not, want to ask about the jfk assassination. 54 years ago next month, a long time ago. we are about to get as released by law, the final tranche of papers from the investigation into the murder. the cia is apparently arguing those papers should be held for another 25 years, which would bring the total up to almost 80 years that they are under wrap from public view. what could be the justification for that? again, you are entitled to be a conspiracy not on this one too, and it makes you wonder when donald trump in one of his more inventive moves placed ted cruz his father on the grassy knoll that day in the late stages of the presidential primary campaign. makes you wonder, it seemed a little crazy at the time and i you look at the facts.
we all know ted cruz was born in alberta, was his father operating on the instructions of the canadian government? we have some canadian deep sleeper operation going on here. tucker: one of my personal favorite moments. we are out of time unfortunately. more conspiracies. that was great. thanks a lot, talker. tucker: up we will wrap up with the discourse on fitness from cnn s poet laureate chris cuomo. your body was made for better things than rheumatiod arthritis. before you and your rheumatologist move to another treatment, ask if xeljanz xr is right for you. xeljanz xr is a once-daily pill
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Medicare-supplement-insurance-plan , Issue , Deals , Body , Detail , Hawk , Comforter , Subject , Kinds , One , Doj-investigation , Point

Transcripts For DW Business - News 20171030 17:15:00

or you could barely see or hear he was isolated from the world. i find that terrifying that devry now if if i mean that i see but only the know but there he was nearly blind and couldn t hear much what was in fact a kind of isolationism let me down and these are let me go. with thanks to his zest for life and positive attitude he compensated for that with friendships and a core base sas he often said now i am very a lot more than that but he tried to take every day as it came living day to day that wasn t a problem for him you know what though they were alive. that s a comfort to me and i m happy for him. i thought.
old man a fourth is now facing the first charges of the investigation into alleged russian meddling in the u.s. election so was the collusion between team trump and moscow. kenya s president who wins last week s repeat election by a landslide electoral commission says the vote was free and fair despite street violence and an opposition boycott will bring you the latest from nairobi. i m phil gale welcome to the program as the spanish ration of catalonia begins its first week on the direct rule from madrid the country s top prosecutor has called for charges including rebellion to be brought against the latest who last week voted for independence from spain among the accused his catalonia president. whom a trade has removed from office spanish media reporting that he and other full
members of his companies are now in brussels. correspondent. pants regatta joins us from brussels welcome back spanish media. in brussels what are you hearing . the manhunt for collins push him on the sect president is still on there s no official confirmation hearing process that he has arrived in this city or that he is on the road to the city the cut alon representation says they have no clue mr put him on is a actually is but some spend his correspondents here in brussels who are reporting that he is already in the city in a. discreet and safe location as they say and it is said now that tomorrow morning is to put him on with address the press and the public here in brussels and tonight he is supposed to meet some lawyers and what he s exactly doing in brussels nobody knows there s also talk that he is about to establish
a kind of a government in exile here in brussels but these us to the rumors ok let s so what have we heard that of the other members of the sat catalan government well we don t have a confirmation that he is accompanied by other members of his cabinet there s only some sources who tell us that the vice president is with him and also for ministers what they had intending to do here in brussels but he knows exactly and the e.u. commission told us there s no official request for any kind of meeting or something like that so the e.u. is staying out of this and also the belgian or thora teams have not issued any word what of what putin month and his fellow guys are doing here yet that the e.u. has been keen to stay out of this so i suppose while you re asking the question i m asking cashmore asking why brussels. but mr putin months before
the referendum and before he was ousted always applied to the european institutions that they should have a role in this in a spanish conflict that they should. try to to establish talks between the catalans and the spanish central government but the refused to do that you said this is a matter that spain has to deal with on its own and this is also as a stand point this afternoon the commission says we don t have nothing to do with that of course mr putin one can apply for asylum here in belgium if he wishes but is almost certain that this application will be turned down and mr put him on as a spanish citizen can move freely within europe so he can travel to brussels if he likes but what his motives are well we have to wait until he speaks. in brussels bandra get thank you the united states now president trumps of former campaign

Terrifying , World , Life , Kind , Know , Fact , Isolationism , Thanks , Attitude , Friendships , Zest , Couldn-t