And leadership with the commission and it is very special this is your first meeting. Copal housekeeping items before we begin. Cell phone silenced please. Invited speakers will be given 3 minutes to provide testimony. Members the public receive 2 minutes. There will be a bell that will sound ot30 seconds on the count down to zero and when your time is up there will be a double bell so ask you to please work within the parameter oz thf timelines. We are excited we have wonderful attendance this afternoon. We have a lot of good information and testimony to get through and want to be fair across dh board with everybody. At this point, will the clerk call the roll . Fuentes, present. Chair quenelley, here. Commissioner kong. Commissioner maldanado, here. Vice chair pause, here. Commissioner romanenko, here. Commissioner roy, here. Commissioner wang is excused and commissioner wong, here. The commission has a quorum. Thank you, clerk. Our first item of business is approval of the minutes f