National Workers Compensation Defense Network (NWCDN)
We all know certain events are going to happen every year: Alabama is going to play for the national football championship, your property taxes will certainly rise, Tom Brady will be in the Super Bowl, and most likely of all someone is going to challenge the way Section 40 liens are calculated in New Jersey. This year the lien challenge has already occurred in Panckeri v. Allentown Police Department, No. A-2015-19 (App. Div. March 2, 2021).Police Officer Daniel Panckeri was injured on April 15, 2012 rendering assistance at the scene of a motor vehicle accident. While attempting to stop one of the cars that was rolling into oncoming traffic, Panckeri suffered injuries to his left foot that resulted in an award of thirty three and one third percent permanent disability. He reopened the case two years later and received an increase to forty percent of the foot. Panckeri also settled a third party suit for $99,000 and