Do you have children at home? Are you worried about COVID-19? In this article, we will discuss some of the common symptoms of coronavirus in kids that every parent should know.
COVID-19 in Kids- COVID 19 cases are rising in children-symptoms of covid in kids include itchy eyes, redness, high fever, runny nose are being reported this summer- ways to prevent covid 19 in kids aaa
Infants have a high proportion of naive T cells and as they move towards adulthood, they get exposed to to more viruses, the naive T cells are replaced by memory T cells
An increase in the number of COVID-19 cases in children has some parents taking notice. And with back to school quickly approaching, doctors are also sharing an important message.
Covid-19 Deaths Rare In Children: The Covid-19 pandemic created a scare across the mankind. Crores of people lost their family members who are the major earning people. After some time, the virus also impacted the children that scared the parents.