The Sheridan Chess Association, (SCA), a 501c3, has announced that three chess grandmasters will travel to Sheridan during the first weekend in May for the third annual Sheridan Wyoming Open chess tournament, which has potential to be the largest chess tournament in the Cowboy State’s history.
Russian GM Mikhail Antipov and rising Ohio junior IM Jason Wang shared top honors at the 10th Washington International held earlier this month in Rockville, Maryland. The event reliably boasts among the strongest and most competitive fields on the DMV summer chess calendar.
In the current ChessBase Magazine #212 you will find new repertoire ideas for eleven different openings - from the English Opening to the King's Indian. In his search for a suitable weapon against the Scotch, Lars Schandorff has come across a fresh idea with which Black immediately seeks active play: After 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 exd4 4.Nxd4 Bc5 (Schandorff's favourite) 5.Nb3 Bb6 6.Nc3 7.Qe2 he recommends 7.a5!?. In his analysis, this idea has proved so successful that he even sees White facing the task of looking for new ideas in the alternative variations with 5.Nxc6 or 5.Be3. Take a look!