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Transcripts For MSNBCW Hardball With Chris Matthews 20141028 23:00:00

rest of my life. i m more than half the size i was, but i m twice as sharp. more effective, because as i worked my body, i sharpened my mind. self-control is the key. discipline must be your goal. thanks for watching. i m al sharpton. hardball starts right now. tonight, two title fights, christie versus obama. and hillary clinton versus elizabeth warren. let s play hardball. good evening, i m chris matthews in washington. pt barnum, the guy who created the greatest show on earth, knew how to fill the tent. if you want a crowd, start a fight. he put his money where his mouth was. he had has men start brawling on
street corners, when the crowd gathered, they d hand out flyers that the circus was coming to town. meet chris christie, who knows how to start a fight, telling the president he doesn t know how his business. itching to get into the center ripping, he s declared war on president obama. and the white house s don t panic approach to the handling the ebola crisis. the president meanwhile is taking his deliberate approach of logic, listening to the experts and all the doctors at the cdc and nih. christie is selling something different. he wants to put up a wall around west africa, and after two cases of ebola transmitted in the u.s., he wants to quarantine every single health worker coming back from there. what he have here is not a failure to communicate, but a street corner brawl. since christie ordered the quarantine, he s ratcheted up the macho. look how he barks at the press?
no, i don t, i have no reason to talk to you. can you explain the quarantine, how that will work? you re in your home and you re quarantined. [ laughter and applause ] i know at times i know at times i heard your question. i know at times that you all would like to make things a heck of a lot more complicated than they are. let me just none this. but the right side of public opinion? no, i m going to be on the right side of both, ultimately, matt. do you have any regrets at the way you handled the ebola situation in your state? no. today president obama addressed the country from the white house lawn. here he is. we got to make sure that those workers who are willing and able to dedicated to go over there in a really tough job,
that they re applauded, thanked and supported. that should be our priority. when we see a problem and we see a challenge, then we fix it. we don t just react based on our fears. we react based on facts and judgment. chairman of the rnc back before it was dedicated to black voter suppression. and the washington bureau chief with mother jones. both political analysts. that was the best introduction ever. it came from here. anyway, mike, i see an interesting thing. chris christie knows how to get in the senate ring. he knows he can bromance the president, whatever he does with obama, it creates a media situation. he s up with the big boys. he s running, saying to us, to hell with you guys. i think you re right. he s definitely on the big
stage, engaging on the subject. and why? it s because he s listening to folks closer to the ground in the communities who are concerned about this. about ebola? about ebola, yes. but not so much about ebola, but about the way the government has walked into this thing. where they ve left open a lot of questions. people walked away little bit more concerned about whether or not the cdc is drilling all the way down to local hospitals. whether or not the president has a plan, and this idea of sending health workers there without a plan to deal with their return home, is something that [ all speak at once ] wait a minute. but there s a difference between what obama is saying and what chris christie is responsible for as the governor of his state. that s where he s walking tell the world now watching what the president said. you have to take your temperature, it s a particular plan it s a plan based on science, not on fear. no, no, no, no, you had a chance to talk. right now there are seven americans who have contracted ebola.
none thankfully are dead and almost all on their way to recovery. only two americans have contracted it here by being in touch with the liberian fellow who died from this. so right now, there s not any scientific basis for what chris christie says. maybe there s an emotional basis, or fear-based basis, but if that s the way we re going to set policy, playing on people s fears, not on rational policy. you think this isn t a football, a political football? this is from the same crew who said we wouldn t have any cases of ebola in the united states. he said it would be unlikely. that s close enough for football. anyway, christie criticized dr. anthony fauci at the national institute of health. he said fauci criticized christie s quarantine order. let s watch him go after dr.
fauci? i think dr. fauci is responding unfortunately as are many people from the cdc, in a real hyperbolic way, because they ve been wrong before. and now they re incrementally taking steps towards the policy that we put in effect in new jersey, and six other states have put in effect and the joint chiefs of staff have put in effect. we re all wrong and they re right. we re trying to be careful here. this is common sense. and the members of the american public believe it s common sense. we re not moving an inch. our policy will not change. it did change. he first said that kaci hickox was ill when she wasn t. he then said it would be a 21-day quarantine. and after three days he let her go. why? because he doesn t care about people in maine. he backed off because of pressure. he s not being consistent. but one thing he s being consistent in is the brash way which he hasn t been able to pull off since bridgegate where that arrogance, his version of
charm, doesn t serve him well. is he back to [ all speak at once ] yeah, i think it s a little bit back to that. but at the end of the day, i can appreciate where christie s coming from. i want to say something. i m sorry, michael, finish your thought. having served in office i can appreciate where he s coming from. he s got a lot more to be concerned about than [ all speak at once ] today christie went after nurse kaci hickox who was quarantined in a tent for three days and is threatening to sue him. here s the governor. looks like you re going to have to defend this in court. whatever. get in line. get sued lots of time in court. get in line. i m happy to take it on. it s all kinds of malarkey about this. she was inside the hospital, in a controlled area, with access to her cell phone, access to the internet and take-out food from the best restaurants. she was doing just fine. the best restaurants in
newark. that s frpretty good. what is he thinking about when she talks about her access to the take-out restaurants in newark? that means he s connected with real people who are sitting around their table saying she had access to the best restaurants in newark. there s the credit card. you put your life on the line and you go to west africa to deal with these people, the most important thing we can do to contain the disease. contain it there. and what you get when you come back and brash treatment like that, and the best take-out in newark. i appreciate your sensitivity. but what is the plan to deal with folks when they come back? there say plan. what is it? there s a cdc plan. why did they have to take action on their own? you ve never heard of a government doing something for politics? that includes democrats and republican governors [ all speak at once ] picked a fight with doctors at the cdc.
this reminds me of groucho marx, fight any man in the house for a dollar. we want stricter things than what they have been willing to impose. and now they re incrementally moving towards our position. what s the difference between telling someone who s been a high-risk health care worker that they can t go into public places, public transportation, and we want them to work from them. what s the difference between that and quarantine? it s because they don t want to admit that they were wrong. i m sorry about that. let me suggest something. politics is about getting on the galloping horse when you get your chance. he sees this as a chance to be tough with the president because that s the only way he s going to win the nomination. i don t agree with all of that. i think he s looking at from the perspective of a governor. it s not just about conservatives with their hair up about this. americans have legitimate concerns about this. he s mouthing off with everybody. and since when has that been
a partisan thing with christie? when he mouths off, he mouthing off, reflecting how people feel about stuff. but he s wrong. he s not wrong. he said she was ill, put her in a tent, didn t consult with any policy experts, other than his own expertise? let s take a look at rush [ all speak at once ] rush limbaugh doesn t like what he s doing. he s found inside this macho behavior of the governor of new jersey, some sort of caving, as he sees it, to president obama. here s the under water walrus himself, rush-bo. we need to quarantine chris christie is what needs to happen here. second election in a row, one week prior to the election, the governor of new jersey ends up arm in arm, hand in hand, in bed
with, i don t know how to characterize it, but responding to obama s demands. already cuomo and christie have been forced to cave before obama s onslaught. so it s really clear that obama can act, and he can act fast when it s something that really matters to him. such as making sure that people who might have ebola aren t cooped up for 21 days. this is unbelievable to me. i think what he s mad at is that christie said the nurse had to be there for 21 days. after she showed no signs of the disease he lead her go to quarantine in maine. one thing that the white house has said, wrong or right, they don t have a lot of control over governors who take these policies. [ all speak at once ] you re just making my point, david. the fact that the way christie handled this, when she came back, he had to deal with,
verify whether she was symptom attic, once she was asymptomatic, you can go. but what about the 21-day quarantine? it s not like you re going to sit there for 21 days and no one s going to check on you. can we get away from the clinical and back to the political? here s my point. your party is so run by his hard right, rush baugh being the high priest. he s saying this guy isn t tough enough. [ all speak at once ] i don t really think that chris christie is really concerned with what rush limbaugh thinks about him. he s an elected official by the people of his state and he s doing what he thinks a responsible official should do. period. is he your candidate? i don t have a candidate yet. but he s a good guy and i loved working for him and helping him get elected. thank you, david. he s not your candidate. no. you supported obama, right?
we re getting to snapping here. thank you both. i m right about your party. ever since you left, it s been black voter suppression. coming up, another hard right tonight, this one for the heart and soul of the democratic party. what was hillary clinton arguing when she said corporations don t create jobs? i think she had a strong point there. she is poaching on elizabeth warren territory. the top two democrats in the country going a bit to war here over ideology. this is hardball, the place for politics. tomcat presents dead mouse theatre. hey, ulfrik! hey, agnar! what s up with you? funny you ask. i m actually here to pillage your town. [ villagers screaming ] but we went to summer camp together. summer camp is over. [ male announcer ] tomcat. [ cat meows ] [ male announcer ] engineered to kill. [ male announcer ] tomcat. [ cat meows ] a pet friendly hotel.
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5,000 pounds of gear for the six people living on board the space station. nasa contracted orbital sciences to stock the space station. now that the space shuttle has been retired. back to hardball right after this. there s trusting your vehicle maintenance to ford service confidence. our expertise, technology, and high quality parts means your peace of mind. it s no wonder last year we sold over three million tires. and during the big tire event, get up to $140 in mail-in rebates on four select tires.
we got a big one for you. now back to hardball. is hillary clinton contending for the democratic left? the ground elizabeth warren has been stomping so hard. here she was stumping for alison lundergan grimes earlier this month. our democracy is supposed to work for everyone, not just the privileged few. but more and more you know this, you feel it, you live it. the scales are weighted against working families. well, last week, she praised senator al franken for pushing for tough regulation of big banks. friday campaigning for martha coakley up in boston, pushed for raising the minimum wage. no surprise there, but it was the comment she made about jobs that created attention.
listen. don t let anybody tell you that, um, you know, it s corporations and businesses that create jobs. you know, that old theory, trickle-down economics, that has been tried, that has failed. it has failed rather spectacularly. you know, one of the things my husband says when people say, what did you bring to washington? he said, i bought arithmetic. according to politico, later said the secretary of state meant to talk about tax breaks for corporations in that sentence. a sentiment she s long held. that was the quote from the staffer afterwards. yesterday, mrs. clinton herself sought to clarify the previous comment. she said she shorthanded the point, but meant to say she was against tax breaks for big
corporations. that outsourced their jobs or profits overseas. she seems to be embracing elizabeth warren. will it work? the founder of the progressive change campaign committee, is a columnist for the washington pos post . i don t want to dilly dally over nuance and everything. it seems to me secretary clinton was taking a tough shot at corporations there, saying they don t deserve tax breaks, where the president is pushing for lower corporate rates if he can plug the loopholes to pay for it. there s a difference between those two. i think hillary clinton is moving closer to your candidate, elizabeth warren. i m wondering why is she doing it now, ahead of the campaign? chris, there s a rising economic populace in america that elizabeth warren has been the personification of. hillary clinton is logging that. before an election, you want to say popular things. elizabeth warren is the most
popular and sought-after campaigner for democrats across the country for a reason. that s because her positions are popular and hillary clinton is smart to embrace them. my question, that s a good argument, but what about hillary clinton s goal here? if elizabeth warren doesn t run against her, she walks into the challenge. but can she get a strong mandate out of the election and not squeak in with a divided government? that s what i do. is it smart to go to the democratic left if you re trying to grab the center for the election? is that smart? it s not just smart. it would be brilliant if that was her strategy. we ll find out. we ve done the polling. red states, purple states, blue states. are you surprised that raising benefits wouldn t be popular? that s not a tricky question. that s like saying, do you want to lower taxes? of course you want benefits to go up. they re never enough.
there are some democrats around the country that are adopting the simpson bowls plan to cut social security and they are down in the polls that s obvious. that s why simpson bowles was tough to do. let me ask you, i think it s going to be a battle for the democratic left here. i think hillary clinton, i wouldn t go that direction. i would go to the center. but when you watch the statement he s made lately that she s contending for the votes on the hard left? i think what s clear is, if you listen to her on the not quite yet campaign trail, is that she s very aware of the left of the party, not of the threat from elizabeth warren, because i don t think elizabeth warren will run for president, but of the popularity with warren. but it s true at the same time, that this is not a flip flop. if you look at her speeches from 2007, she was talking about issues of income inequality
what about corporations, the language that corporations don t create jobs. that was a dumb thing to say. it was badly said. why did she say it? i think you get a little bit carried away when you re up there talking and you don t say things in the best way. i think she didn t say it in the best way. she s definitely not elizabeth warren. wea we ve seen this a million times before, chris. when you re running, as she is not quite yet. but when you re running, you re going to put your thumb on the rhetorical scale in one direction and you re going to attack back let s take a look at elizabeth warren. she was asked today about what she means when she says the political system is rigged. let s listen to senator warren. the government works for those who can afford to hire armies of lobbyists and make big
campaign contributions. it doesn t work so much for real families. what we have to do, we have to have real people take our government back and make it work for us. we know the political world. parties are identified with the people, with their strong eft hostilities, animosities. republicans hate labor unions. where they exist, they hate big government, they hate taxes. democrats don t like big corporations, the power of wall street, the koch brothers, it s smart politics to work that side of the street, to go after those people, right? holding big corporations and wall street accountable is more politics. as you re pointing out, not judjust in a primary, but it s a smart general election strategy. frankly, we could have rand paul or huckabee in the general election and if the party isn t embracing warren s position, fighting for the little guy against the big guy, we could lose. tell me how that works. i m fascinated by that.
how does the right-wing snake the democrats as the party of the people? i mean, basically by co-opting our message. the reason warren gets record crowds, people want someone to fight for the little guy. some republicans are pretty good at faking that game. while warren is the real deal. that s why i think hillary clinton might be recognizing this is a smart general election strategy to adopt warren s message. braley in iowa and begich in alaska are winning because they re campaigning warren s message. do you see secretary clinton as a political leader of the left? in this case, she s a follower of the left. the republican national chairman priebus, you know what we think of him. he said hillary s language said she s not ready for primetime.
this is priebus, the leader of the black suppression movement. she s trying too hard and she s not really good at this stuff. i think that she is bordering on becoming, you know, sort of a character catture of something on the outside looking in. if you look at what she s trying to emulate. she s trying to be elizabeth warren. i don t know if she was a little off script on that particular moment, but it clearly wasn t natural, and it was certainly awkward. that s in slow-mo. it was the thought, i guess. but he s attacking her brain? or her strategy? reince priebus isn t ready for day time, what do you think? so there s this critique from the right that hillary clinton has gone way left and is attacking corporations and hates business. and there s a critique from the left side that she s just
pretending to be on the left. they re both right. you are both so smart. let me ask you a question about life. i believe in this. and i think adam believes what he says. if you are who you are, you are who you are. if people can tell. mitt romney tried to prove he was a crazy right-wing barn burner, whatever the hell, just a business guy who likes making money and knows how to do it. he didn t want to say that. hillary clinton has to be a practical politician, she listens to people, she s friends with people like john mccain. she s not some crazy lefty. she s not a crazy lefty. but i think that the flip flopper label is going to turn out to be easier to apply to mitt romney, than to hillary clinton. she s not flip follow-upping he flip flopping here?
i think she s shown an ability to evolve smartly on some positions and hopefully he s evolving on the economic you put the shift in there. we ve all evolved on gay marriage, most of us anyway. great to have you on, with a great point of view. by the way, i just did a tweet thing for like an hour with people. almost half of them were pushing elizabeth warren. so it s real out there. i m sure you re good to hear that. thank you both. coming up, john stewart takes on chris christie. david and goliath. and david letterman has the remedy for bush fatigue. that s next in the side show. this is hardball, a place for politics.
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time for the side show. governor chris christie is taking heat for the harsh treatment of nurse kaci hickox after he issued a mandatory quarantine for those returning from west africa. here was john stewart s take on that last night. why does christie have to be such a [ bleep ] about everything? [ cheers and applause ] you know, he can t just quarantine. all right, you did the quarantine, but he can t just quarantine someone, he s like, you re a doctor without borders, not anymore, get in the [ bleep ] room! you self-sacrificing angel of mercy piece of [ bleep ]. i got your altruism right here! [ laughter ] anyway, a week to go before mid terms, mcconnell isn t taking any chances in his fight. last week he loaned his campaigned nearly 2 million bucks of his own money which is usually a very good sign of a
nastily close race. he s put that money to a positive campaign ad, i didn t know there was such a thing, trying to show off his lighter side. a lot of people try to tell me how to do my commercials. we see you between two trucks. that sounds dangerous. hey, mitch, what about using a talking baby? that s been done before. you and blood hounds. that s not going to work. maybe this isn t such a bad idea. i m mitch mcconnell and i approve this message. you saw that. that shot you saw of the senator straddling two trucks say parity of the volvo ad starting john claud vandam which was popular last year. and the blood hounds are a throwback to an ad from 1984 that showed a back of blood hounds chasing his then
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here s what s happening. an unmanned rocket headed to the international space station exploded after lift-off. the spacecraft was carrying 5,000 pounds of gear. there were no injuries. the department of homeland security is beefing up security at federal buildings nationwide. the move is following acts of violence in canada and elsewhere. now back to hardball. welcome back to hardball. and the hardball roundtable tonight, topics chris christie wants to make sure everyone knows there s no one more macho on ebola than he is, even if scientists say his prescriptions go overboard. plus, the battle of ideas
for the democratic primary. the question, should hillary clinton run? get to the left without going to the left herself? and this headline is create. every tv show right now is about hillary clinton. political shows are dominating television. reviewers and viewers alike compare the leading women in all these shows to hillary clinton. joining me now is tim daily, who stars in one of those programs, where he plays the husband of the secretary of state. auls the author of art of discovery. and also a columnist from the chicago tribune, author of culture warrior and he owns a pulitzer prize. if you have one flaunt it. i ll trade you for a tv show. let me start with chris christie, i think he s mr. ma o
macho. he s fighting with the press, the president, going after anthony fauci who has been a public servant for a thousand years. he s attacking everybody. i think it s a political football. your thoughts? well, first, this is his brand. a feisty chris christie. but secondly, he is thinking about running for president and the party, now the base, hates government, hates authority hates obama. of course, doesn t trust the cdc, et cetera. and after what happened with hurricane sandy where he was seen in public actual cooperating with obama, that will never do. so he has to wipe out that memory and replace it with one of doing battle with government. this is a new gesture on his part. new jersey can handle its own affairs. we don t need washington telling us what to do. he s got to quietly let this woman out of the quarantine that he s got her in, she after all, is not ill, as far as anybody
knows. but he just kind of overshot it i think that she said she had access to the best take-out in newark. i did some tweeting the other day and i discovered, which i should have long ago, that the excitement in the democratic party is on the hard left, people who are exciting about elizabeth warren. the clintons can t break their ties with wall street. they have been fund raising there for years. my question, there s a lot of interest in elizabeth warren and hillary is now trying to compete with it? i think what s interesting in hollywood land, the campaign never seemed to stop. people have been campaigning there since the last three years. so it s hillary s still campaigning? everybody s still campaigning. there s not a week that goes by that there s not some major fund-raiser in hollywood. since, i don t know, 2012. i mean, it just keeps on
rolling. the world series is going on. madison bumgarner, great name, ace pitcher .29 e.r.a. it s incredible, right? it s like saying he throws his first pitch. 98 mile an hour fastball on the outside of the plate. and everybody s going, is he going to throw that same pitch to every batter for the rest of the game? the answer is no. so of course hillary is playing a little bit to the left. she ll throw the slider, the curveball, the change-up, whatever pitch she can to whatever batter. because her goal is to get everybody out and win the game. i don t think it s a surprise she s drawing the batter s attention to the left, but she s going to throw a fastball down the middle later. or a change-up. that s not a bad analogy. [ laughter ] so in other words, i can throw a lot of stuff? yeah. look at this guy. new kid on the block. because hillary, she may be a
lot smarter than critics who say she fumbled the words. maybe like eisenhower, she said exactly what she wanted to say. for one thing, to carry the analogy on a little bit, that she s throwing the same curveball that she threw back in 2008 when she was trying to please the base of her party, while at the same time, playing to the middle. that kind of backfired on her because barack obama was already building a new base at the time. but if she s going to win, you know, if the republicans start hitting that curveball, she s going to throw a different i go back to religion. say what you believe, because in the end, if you fail, you can always say, i failed saying what i believe. there you go. if you fail saying what you don t believe, you got nothing. i don t want why she was a hawk going to the iraq war. i think it had to do with her own instincts. her husband was president. and also with the contributors, the land developers are all hawks. maybe there was part of that. maybe she thought it was a smart
move. like in the godfather. she also remember dukakis. she doesn t want to be out-done on the dove side. and it turned out that the war was getting uppopular at the same time that she was last question to the experts here, since you re really good at this. is hillary smart to go to the center as fast as she can, or smart to go to the left, appeal to the left, get them behind her, and then move back to the center? look, i m not smart enough to know what she should do or shouldn t do. i think she s going to have to adjust. should she win, she s going to be adjusting her game plan the whole way along, depending on polls and how her opponent is doing, and how the other people are doing. she s a politician. she s in the game. she wants to win and hopefully as you said, she believes in what she s saying along the way. it s 50 shades of politics. you guys are so cynical. i thought hollywood was filled with idealists, you got to say what you believe and trumpet it. that s what we re doing.
you re great, by the way, i love this, you re a guy, supportive of your wife, but i take on that drunken marine about a week ago. i think it s an ideal version of a leader. visionary, have very good values. two, they re very gutsy. and the key ingredient we need today, they know how to fix problems. that s why i love tealy i don t knowy as the secretary of state. she fixes things. i got an answer here, it s magical. one of the reasons people are so enamored of political shows is that on these fictional political lives, people actually get something done. there s an ending. and even if it s machiavellian, something happens. whereas in the real world, we re just stuck. sunday night i m watching the ideal hillary for an hour, which i love. and then i get the good wife. that comes on with the marriage that was wrecked. still in love with this other
guy. i m not saying this is hillary, but it s all complicated. every tv show is about and has aumz been about hillary clinton. madam secretary which stars our guest as the husband. let s watch that part. what happened to my ethics being so sexy to you? they are. this is a one-off. it s just a crazy situation that trumps that. the very nature of ethics, they can t be trumped. please don t make me argue that. so your work is more important than mine? of course not. so you re willing to risk my entire career. but a man is sgg to be killed. who is going to be killed? . josh broke up with me. what a noodle. he s a duf us anyway. your dad and i have something really important to talk about. more important than my shattered existence? no. okay, look, i ll be there in a
minute. can we talk about the guy getting killed? back to bed! now comes the more complicated version in the good wife. we get a look at the complexities of a political marriage. let s watch. if you don t show up to endorse me, if you go out to some governor s conference instead, your favorables will plummet through the floor. on the day that you want to be talking about pensions, every question will be about the state of your marriage. yes, i may need you, peter, but you sure as well need me too. that is raw stuff. that s politics. i love that. i don t know if that s the clinton family, but that looks like the real thing to me. what do you think? i have been a political lunk for so long. this is my fantasy baseball. [ laughter ] it s finally come to washington. washington s the most interesting city in the world. i love how the good wife takes place in chicago. and it s filmed in new york. at least it s not vancouver,
right? but we are bringing sexy back to politics. got to talk about this book. when we come back, we ll talk about the art, of why people like my son went into this business you re in and we ll be right back with the roundtable. this is hardball, the place for politics. i just talked to ups. they got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. like smart pick ups. they ll only show up when you print a label and it s automatic. we save time and money. time? money? time and money. awesome. awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome! (all) awesome! i love logistics.
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hans opus. this is our opus. this is a beautiful book. take this book, show it off. i did ask him to wear it around his neck. how did you decide to take the road less traveled? my kids did it. most people coming out of school, they had to go to law school. bankers in my day, they take something pretty predictable successful. they don t take something risky, like acting. in my case, it may be congenital, with both of my parents actors. my son, sam is an actor, my niece, catherine brown is an actress. so it s in my family. it dook me a whitook me a while. i was not impressed by actors when i was a child. were you wrong or right? i was right. i had an overactive imagination and i want today be a lot of things.
a fireman, a policeman, an as o astrona astronaut, and i realized in order to do one of those things correctly, you have to devote to it totally. who were your heroes? my heroes were not actors. they were people like john glen and willie mays. those are the people that i aspired to be. and i got to play gjim lovell i a series. sq . i wrote a story in the book about being backstage with my father. that was very special to me. i was in the whole illusion that you re pulling off. when you watch ronald reagan, when you watch president obama, who i ve supported most of the time, do they act? are they acting? well, i always thought this is i m going to reveal myself here everyone though
craig of coalition is a non-profit, i always thought ronald reagan was a terrible actor. when he was president, was he acting president? sort of: i just never liked the kbie. i just felt he was writing a speech that was written for him. can you tell the w speeches were written by dick cheney? okay, you re going to get me in a lot of trouble now. no, i could not tell. congressman ben jensay. he was the actor in dukes of has saturday kwlgts. someone asked him, do you miss it? and he said i m acting up here every day. anyway , thank you for being here. it was made with renaissance hotels and jeff vespa and it s a labor of love and the arts and go buy it on amson. that s a sign.
i never thought i d have to say that again. when we return, let me finish with my thoughts about the battle of ideas. and it is that between hillary clinton and elizabeth warren. this is a hot one on the left. you re watching hardball the place for politics. twhat do i do?. you need to catch the 4:10 huh? the equipment tracking system will get you to the loading dock. there should be a truck leaving now. i got it. now jump off the bridge. what? in 3.2.1. are you kidding me?
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and prop 46 has too many potential drawbacks to be worth the risk. time to vote no on prop 46. let me finish tonight with this battle of ideas. i should begin by confessing where i stand myself. i usually find myself with the
candidate who s furtest left. where does this put me in the war of ideology between clinton and warren? i ll get to that, just not tonight. i m ready to state my cases on the politics of 2016. i believe the best candidates are the people who are true to themselves. i believe the worst are the ones who betray themselves. i believe the best candidates who don t say things or pretend to be things in the run-up to the primaries that they have to deny when facing the general election in november. people like to blame ralph nader for taking ag way those 90,000 votes. i think the greater impact was when he pulled gore over in the middle of the campaign, in the center and to thoo easy-going appeal of george w. bush. i believe secretary krclinton s greatest appeal is as a professional. who knows how to get with the other side and get something done.

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Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley 20140320 22:30:00

pelley: tonight a break in the case of the missing jet. australia reveals photos of debris. probably the best lead we have right now. pelley: lee cowan is in australia. more from jim axelrod, barry petersen and seth doane. more russian forces are li charlie d agata street appropriating for an invasion. an american general faced 20 years for sexual misconduct. today he walked away with a reprimand. wyatt andrews reports. and he got to the tournament with a secret that might have ruined his career. manuel been orcas with isaiah austin. captioning sponsored by cbs
this is the cbs evening news with scott pelley. pelley: they are the biggest clues yet in the disappearance of light 370 by size and maybe much more. don two objects spotted in the southern indian ocean 1500 niles southwest of perth, australia. that is at the tail end of the route that investigators believe the plane may have taken after it veered off course on a flight from kuala lumpur to beijing 13 days ago. the objects were picked up by a satellite last sunday but it took time to analyze the pictures of what might be the wreckage of the boeing 777. today, australia had so much confident it found something important that the prime minister stepped forward to make the announcement himself. ships and aircraft rush to the scene. we have a team on the story first to lee cowan in perth where it is friday morning in us
a trail california lee? reporter: scott, i don t know whether you can tell the weather started to deteriorate outside the australian base. not good news for the search effort they are planning to get more planes out over the site by day break. it s a long trip, 1500 miles one way and weather just making everything complicated. after a day of finding nothing, search planes are at it again in effort to nail down just what those salt light images may have captured a. norwegian cargo ship was the first to reach it. powerful search lights are being used to scan the water around the clock. so far, found nothing but empty ocean. the untrained eye the satellite images could be almost anything. one piece appears to be around 16 feet long, others some 80 feet. that is about the size of a boeing 777 wing. of the australian maritime safety authority was cautious
said images do offer a glimmer of hope. it is probably the best lead we have right now. we need to get there, find them, see them, assess them to know whether it s meaningful or not. reporter: four military planes have been dispatched to the scene but the weather has not been kind. winter is approaching. making the south indian ocean rough, skies cloudy. added challenges for australian pilots like flight lieutenant chris birrer. we can relate to the and continue searching as long as required. reporter: in five days now since those satellite image were taken, they have already drifted for miles. transport plane dropped marker bouys. that is only most immediate concern concern. the ocean floor is more than 9,000 feet deep in the area being searched. there s been some talk of trying to redirect some of the australian commercial satellites to see if they can get a bet
every resolution, but most experts seem to think that it s probably as good as it s going to get. best option to get eyes on whatever was pictured in those satellite images before they disappear or sink. pelley: you said that the search area is 12500 miles from where you are that is really got to limit what they re able to do. reporter: it does. just talking about pure fuel. it s about four hour trip out and back, leaves about two hours to actively search the area what they re trying to do is stagger those flights at least one plane in the air at all times during daylight hours. obviously they re waiting for more reinforcements to arrive. pelley: thanks. as lee said searching the waters of the southern indian session enormous challenge we asked jim axelrod to tell us more about that. the part of the indian ocean where the possible wreckage has been spotted is called the roaring 40. 40 degrees south of the equate or.
known for strong westerly winds that whip up large swells. after 12 gays in these fast moving waters, any wreckage on the surface could have traveled 250 miles from where a plane crashed. there s a reason why we ve only explored some of this because it s very difficult. reporter: david gallow helped track down flight 447 that debris was recovered 2.5 miles below the surface of the atlantic. there s no gps. there s no radio communication. there s no power we have to bring our own. lights don t go very far. reporter: it took a french nuclear sub $50 million and two years to find the air france jet. that was after finding wreckage just two days after it crashed. it could take weeks to get equipment to 1500 miles to this search area and find submerged wreckage. it could take months to recover. working in a needier logical
boundary line between pockets of ecuatorial and and arctic air with violet attorneys. you have to deal with currents, visibility, got to deal with things like wind and weaves if the ocean acts up. reporter: the ocean floor where the possible debris was spotted is three miles deep. scott, that is a half mile deeper than the air france flight. pelley: thanks very much. from the depths of the ocean, barry peterson takes us high above the earth toe where the picture of the day was taken by commercial satellite. reporter: the image that captivated the world was captured by this satellite. world view 2. launched in 2009 it is the most advanced of five satellites operated by colorado-based digital globe. which sells images for both government and commercial purposes. many digital images have been put on a website where some three million users have looked for debris from flight 370 to help with the search a. website
designed who spoke with us. they see little parts of the image able to identify oil slicks, areas with debris or other anomalies. reporter: use considers not find these images the company said but did help by searching and thus eliminating other parts of the indian ocean. but website users did help find this crashed plane in idaho in january that led searchers to recover the body. the satellites orbit more than 400 miles above the earth and are so sophisticated they can see something almost as small as home plate on a baseball diamond. or our back yards on google earth. pictures that were snapped in part by that same world view 2. the sophistication of a satellite, scott, now stymied by mother nature. they cannot see through that cloud cover that lee talked
about a moment ago. their next hope for a good look, maybe not until friday. pelley: thanks. finding the wreckage really is a race against time. the flight data and voice recorders that could unlock the mystery of the flight send out a ping to help searchers locate them, but only goes out for 30 days. and the plane of course has been missing more than 13. every minute of those days has been frustrating and painful for the families of the 239 people on borrowed. two-thirds of them were chinese, there were three americans as well. the flight crew was malaysian. seth doane is in kuala lumpur. today in kuala lumpur, relatives of the missing watched and waited for the 13th day in a row. those grainy satellite images out of australia brought hop to some. now, we really need the proof, whether it is the plane or not,
this father of a passenger said. while in beijing others were skeptical. this kind of news has been reported many times, this man said. so many times that i don t believe them any more. the frustration has been building, it exploded here on wednesday. just before the nightly press briefing where. protesting chinese relatives were hauled outed of the room by security. others have waited quietly at home. almost did miss his flight. if only if only he would have. reporter: we hot sarah bajc after the flight disappeared with her boyfriend, philip wood on board. today we asked what she was thinking. she replied by e-mail. i m desperate to hear, it is an airplane wing and there are survivors clinging to it and one
of them is philip. apprehensive it will be unrelated and wait will just continue. i m prepared for dead bodies, she wrote. but i am not prepared for never knowing. the passengers friends and family members we ve spoken with have told us they re dealing with grief in different ways, school, they all say the waiting is the most difficult part. pelley: very lates on cbs this morning tomorrow. seth, thank you very much. in another major story breaking tonight, president obama has slapped russia with new sanctions, they are meant to punish president vladimir putin s inner circle after russia took crimea away from ukraine. the russians responded with the sanction, banning several americans including john mccain, house speaker john boehner and senate majority leader heard reed from entering russia. the bigger concern is what will putin do next. will he try to grab more of
ukraine. we have two reports tonight beginning with david martin at the penitentiary done. david? reporter: the build up of russian troops along the ukrainian border is getting larger and raising serious concerns. russia could innovate ukraine proper. right now there are as many as 20,000 russian troops complete with tanks and war till larry positioned just to the east of ukraine but other units deeper inside russia appear to be on the move. that could soon double the number of troops at the border. today defense sect hagel called moscow is ask russia s defense minister about the troop movements. according to john kirby russia promised there would be no invasion. exercise only. no intention of crossing the border in to ukraine. not going to take any aggressive action. that was minister shoygu s words
and secretary hagel s expectations he ll live up to those words. reporter: the obvious next questions how long will the exercise last. but when hagel asked the russian defense minister, the answer was, there is no term timetable. david. pelley: ukrainian soldiers are preparing for the worst. charlie d agata spent the day with them in eastern ukraine. the convoy rolls out carrying ukrainian soldiers towards the border where russian troops are gathering strength on the other side. this part of eastern u crane is braced for a possible russian invasion. we found these ukrainian troops setting up a combat outpost about 60 miles away from the border. you got here last night? can t veal their exact location or why this stopped here. but the vimmage s mayor, genadi chernov, said a group of armed mentored the convoy to turn back. you re telling me that pro russian stopped the army from going further?
i don t know that they re pro russians, he told us, this weren t chanting slogans but they said they wanted to prevent war. several other towns in the east pro russian mobs tried to stop ukrainian soldiers deplowing to the board are. it only under lines the frustration and sense of futility here, like digging miles of trenches in an attempt the slow down a possible russian advance. nobody here wants a shooting war, they re getting ready for one anyway. of course there is some anger and resentment toward ukrainian forces. a real concern, nobody wants to have a potential military target move in to the neighborhood. but we also saw villages who came to give the troops some food, some supplies and their support. pelley: charlie d agata from eastern ukraine, thanks very much.
a drug deer general to plieded guilty to sexual miss conduct was sentenced today. and mom couldn t raise her cubs so the zookeeper stepped in. when the cbs evening news continues.
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jeffrey sinclair expressing relief. highest profile military case of sexual abuse ever attempted ended with a sentence of no jail time, $20,000 worth of fines and a formal reply manned. the system worked, i ve always been proud of my army. all i want to do now is get up north, hug my kids, see my. reporter: the case against general sinclair, veteran of five deployments to iraq and eve began when female captain in his command accused him of force can her to have oral sex. he denied that but admitted to an affair. cbs news does not name the victims. as sinclair s trial approached last january, the most serious charge of sexual assault fell apart when prosecutors began to doubt the main accuser. when the trial finally began the jury was dismissed after the judge complained of outside influence by superior officers. in the end, general sinclair pleaded guilty to the military crime of adultery to obstructing
the investigation and to inappropriate relationships with three other junior officers including demands for nude photographs. the fact that those admissions led to no jail time brought an angry reaction from the army captain who first accused sinclair. we spoke to her attorney, jamie barnett. he admitted that he s not being punished for it. no justice for this young captain. this will stop victims from coming forward? i m afraid it will have a chilling affect after talking to my client today, i mean, now she is just devastated by this and wonders if it was worth it. reporter: the judge s no jail decision surprised everyone including sinclair s lead attorney. at the end his one word reaction was simple, wow. reporter: wyatt andrews in washington. thank you very much. south african olympian oscar pistorius is selling the house where he killed his girlfriend. he s on trial and needs the
money to pay his lawyers. he has not been back to the house since he shot riva steenkamp there. he claims he mistook her for a burglary there. is embarrassing breach of security at the new one world trade center. that story is coming up. raised their hand ave for the proven relief of the purple pill. and that relief could be in your hand. for many, nexium helps relieve heartburn symptoms from acid reflux disease. find out how you can save at there is risk of bone fracture and low magnesium levels. side effects may include headache, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. if you have persistent diarrhea, contact your doctor right away. other serious stomach conditions may exist. avoid if you take clopidogrel. for many, relief is at hand. ask your doctor about nexium. their type 2 diabetes. .with non-insulin victoza. for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar, but it didn t get me to my goal. so i asked my doctor about victoza. he said victoza works differently than pills,
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midwest and new england. it should stay warm and dry in the west where california s drought could expand. security of course has been a top priority at the 16-year-oldo had no trouble making it to the top of the tallest building in the nation, which is still under construction. he told police he squeezed through an opening in the fence early sunday, took stairs and an elevate for to the 104th floor, walked past a guard and climbed a lad are on the roof to the antenna. casquejo was arrested as he was leaving the building. in a first, the national zoo in washington said today its keepers are are hand raising a sloth bear cub. the female was one of three born in late december. the mother ate the other two, so the staff took the surviving cub away. since then they have stayed with her 24 hours a day bottle feeding her. the cub now weighs 11 pounds and
is doing well. scouts have marvel the at isaiah austin s talent on the court especially after he revealed his secret. that s next. don t miss a step. nothing s missed with tena twist. because tena gave you a new outlook, we ve given tena a whole new look.
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one more time let me make it clear with no more weeds, it s your year i have a big meeting when we land, but i am so stuffed up, i can t rest. [ male announcer ] nyquil cold and flu liquid gels don t unstuff your nose. they don t? alka seltzer plus night fights your worst cold symptoms, plus has a decongestant. [ inhales deeply ] oh. what a relief it is. ben! [ train whistle blows ] oh, that was close. you ain t lying. [ ql guy ] let quicken loans help you save your money. pelley: a lot of us will be watching march madness in just a few minutes. making it to the ncaa college
basketball tournament is quite an achievement and for one player in particular, manuel bajorquez has his story. reporter: sees see to see how isaiah austin helped him reach the tournament. he s 7 1 , has average 12 points a game. and blocked 114 shots this season. the best in his conference. while his height advantage is office, austin does all of this one distinct disadvantage. i m blind in my right eye. prosthetic that i have here. reporter: austin has been blind in that eye since he was 16. the result of a torn retina he suffered two years earlier while playing basketball. i felt like quitting. i felt like giving up because i was scared that college coaches weren t going to recruit me if they found out. reporter: his mother, lisa green, gave him two choices.
make it your excuse to tell people that you have this injury and feel sorry for me or make it your story. if you make it your story how many people can you inspire through that? reporter: austin decided to make it his story and keep playing. but his depth perception was off. sometimes when i was practicing i would air ball m. times i would just hit the side of the backboard. that came just down to lack of ropes. reporter: how frustrating was that, have to learn that all over again? for that to be taken away from me it was hurtful to me. but i got used to it. reporter: by high school, austin was one of the nation s top five players. so good baylor recruited him knowing he could see out of only one eye. stories like you have inspired an 11-year-old. reporter: now in his second year the choice his mother gave him has become a bit clearer. kids have come up to him, you know, you ve inspired me.
my mom always tells me, nobody is going to remember you for the great basketball player you are but they will remember you for the character you have off the court. and how machine auto lives you ve changed. reporter: austin is expected to enter this year s nba draft, an opportunity to take his talent and his story to the next level. manuel bajorquez, cbs news, waco, texas. pelley: isaiah and baylor play nebraska tomorrow. but there is more march madness tonight here on cbs right after this broadcast. that s the cbs evening news for tonight. for all of us at cbs news, all around the world, good night. captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media access group at wgbh ,,,,,,,,

few times you get in your life that you can be the best on that given day and the tournament makes everyone feel that way. you re one of the teams that gets to play for the national championship. it s special. everybody is playing le there s no tomorrow. you don t know who could win and who could lose. any game you could go home. just win your next game and you re one step closer. the more you win the gert be better it gets. every bern that plays basketball dreams of being on that stage. it s about teams laying it on the line. everybody lives for that. there s nothing like it. if you lose, it s over.

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20140429 10:00:00

your partner. thanks to everyone who responded. we appreciate it today. if you re in any of those storm-ridden areas, certainly be careful. you re in our thoughts and prayers. fox & friends starts right now. bye. good morning. it s tuesday, aprilç 29. aoeup elisabeth hasselbeck. we start with a fox news alert. a second wave of deadly tornadoes ripping through the south. the worst could be yet to come. maria molina is live from mississippi. terrible. meanwhile secretary of state john kerry making outrageous comments about one of our biggest allies. israel. [inaudible]ç appartite state. he said apartheid state.
should john kerry resign? we re going to report. you decide. one u.s. senator is calling for an end. this morning the nba will decide what they are going to do with clippers owner donald sterling. actually this afternoon. the boycott has begun. is that right or wrong? mornings, by the way, according to everyone i asked, including steve and elisabeth, are better with friends. hi. this is jimmie j.j. walker. let the good times roll, brother, on fox & friends. the show is dynamite. by the way he says he only said it one time in the show and it ends up being his catch phrase. ç dynamite! later on good times they would turn on each other. they don t really like each other? i m not familiar with that part of the story. thank you for joining us today.
we ve got a very, very busy day. it s just like monday all over again because of the weather. thanks for being with us this morning. an extreme weather alert. a second wave of killer storms taking aim in the south. we ve got to get out! let s go! at least 11 deaths reported across !51ñ mississippi, tennessee this morning. homes ripped to shreds leaving countless people homeless. the account of the devastation is staggering. maria molina is live on the ground in tupelo, mississippi. maria, tell us what you see there. reporter: good to hear from you. 11 people were killed overnight in alabama, tennessee and mississippi. that brings the total from the past two days of this multiday severe weather outbreak to 28. 28 people killed by these killer storms. here in tupelo, the damage is extensive.
as you can see behind me, what used to be a gas station almost unrecognizable. just a pile of rubble and twisted metal. across tupelo we ve seen car windows smashed, a lot of power lines down. we ve also seen roofs torn off buildings. when weç arrived last night at about 11 p.m. we could smell the strong smell of a gas leak. we spoke to the mayor about that. take a listen. the gas lines are the major concern of the storm damage that has released natural gas lines through the neighborhood. crews have been working nonstop all night long. they have made progress. i don t know that they re 100% completed but they re making progress. the governor of mississippi, phil bryant, arrives at 9 a plt to survey the damage. otherç areas hit hard across mississippi is louisville,
mississippi. look at the incredible video storm chasers captured of that tornado. a big tornado! right there. there it is! athens, alabama, roofs torn off buildings there. today the storm system continues to move eastward and we have a risk for severe weather stretching across parts of the southeast up into the midwest. this is a very widespread area and the national weather service issuing a moderate risk again today. we could see more tornadoes that stay on the ground for a longer paoefrd period of time.ç violent storms right here in mississippi and alabama for the second day in a row here. this is the third day of our multiday severe weather outbreak. please stay safe out there. let s head over to you in new york. maria molina live in tupelo, mississippi, where
she reported 11 killed overnight in twisters. we continue to focus on what s happening with the weather, and that s the continuing story. we re going to have a next chapter in the saga revolving around the los angeles clippers and their owner and the 81-year-old s controversial comments that leads one to believe that he has a problem with theç african-american race. we also know as we mentioned yesterday, not only is there this one-hour tape out there, there could be a hundred separate tapes of donald sterling, the owner of the clippers, talk nag way which will make him look according to reports even worse than the tapes released already by tmz sports. today at 2:00 eastern time it will be announced. what shall happen to the owner of the clippers after those remarks. people all across the country are waiting. and afterwards they ll take action, whether it s the players deciding not to play or sponsors deciding not to take part.
whether it s the fans deciding to stay home. the clippers have 57 wins. most successful season. ever, going into the playoffs with a tie right now, set to play again. decisionç about to made. who is the enemy? the racist comments by their owner as proven by the tapes allegedly out there. everyone s sponsors are backing out. state farm, virgin america said they are supporting the team but not. car max out, doesn t align with their values in terms of what they heard. this is what metaworld peace had to say. you can go into somebody s pockets, you can do all those types of things but in reality do those things hurt? hate versus hate, did it ever help in america? no. iç say he needs to go get help. let him be, go get help and become unracist. he needs help according to the former ron artest
known as metta world peace. yesterday we were talking about if it is his voice on those tapes he would be in trouble. apparently attorneys for the nba went over to the girlfriend s attorney s office yesterday, listened to the 15 minutes that have been released so far out of that first hour and said pretty much, yes, that s him. however, the big question is how hard are they going to come down on him? mark cuban, who knows a thing or two about owning a team, said this. there s no excuse for anybody to support racism. there is no place for it in our league. but, you know, it s a very, very, very slippery slope. you know, ifç it s about racism and we re ready to kick people out of the league, okay. then what about homophobia? what about somebody who doesn t like a particular religion? what about somebody who s antisemitic.
let us know what you think about that. is it a slippery slope or a path to more acceptance? speaking of a slippery slope our secretary of disaster i mean secretary of state, john kerry, really angered a lot of people when he said behind closed doors to a room fullç of influential world leaders, he said israel is at risk of becoming an apartheid state. we ve got a little clip of it. it s kind of hard to hear but that s what he said. listen. i heard [inaudible] apartheid states [inaudible] a state that destroys he said those remarks and it began to resonate written by the press in israel. now the word has gotten out. you ll hear his reaction. when there was backlash he
pointed to the partisan reaction to his comments. how do you explain this tweet from barbara boxer, who is a democrat? israel is the only democracy in the middle east and anyç linkage between israel and apartheid is nonsensical and ridiculous. this backlash is bipartisan. aligning with the time when they spent the weekend and a day remembering the holocaust, it seemed to jab a knife into the heart of those in israel. this is rush limbaugh. who again are the anti seplites? not these guys. these are the tolerant oées, the democrats, john kerry, the leftists. a dangerously absurd thing to be saying. the people that think something like that is
going to inspire and fuel and give impetus to? you re talking about painting a target. supposedly israel is our ally. it doesn t look like that from sitting here anymore. it certainly doesn t look like israel is our ally with this bunch. let s get this straight. there would be a piece process continuing if hamas and the palestinian authority didn t combine, and hamas s sole reason for existence is to wipe out israel. they re not talking about recognizing that country. not one person would be criticizing this administration, i don t think, in a time in the middle east where egypt is about to explode again, syria hasç 170,000 dead. there was no call to jam down the throats of both sides this peace agreement that he dreamed up. john kerry stepped in, if he had a do-over he probably wouldn t say it again because barack obama himself in the past has said apart not apply to israel. he did in 2008, i
believe. ten minutes after the top of the hour. we ve got a busy day news wise as well. exhibit a. a lot going on. anyone here afraid to fly? if you are, you may not want to watch this story. new overnight, could you imagine looking out your rá yeah, some sparks flying and some flames from this small plane that had just taken off from an airport in australia with 97 people on board. airport officials say it was an engine fire that started shortly after takeoff. the pilot immediately turned that plane around and was able to land it safely. fortunately no one was hurt. the cause of that fire under investigation. the search is on for a father and his two young children who are missing in a national park, and the search is growing more desperate by the hour. j.r. kimbler son and his
son and daughter went missing while they were on a hike. they were last heard from on saturday. kimbler texted a friend the main concern is they do not have food or water. wishing them the best. the terror mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks on the world trade center also set his sights on london. fattad who is testifying in another trial said khalid sheikh muhammad pulled out an almanac and krofd out crossed out the twin towersç and started looking for another target. there is a blimp that broke free during a hockey tournament in new brunswick, canada. pilots flying in the area
were warned to keep an eye out for it as it can reach about 5,000 feet. now authorities say they have lost track of that blimp. those are your headlines. it s hard to miss. it s a blimp. we have over two and a half hours left to go. straight ahead, media matters, that group has been trying to take down fox news. i don t think it s been successful. it has always been for big labor so why is it against their own workers joining a union? imagine waking up in the middle of the night to a total stranger screaming at your sweetç baby. another baby monitor hacked. [ female announcer ] it s simple physics. a body at rest tends to stay at rest. while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms.
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despite its long history of supporting unions, media matters, that liberal activist group that declared war on fox news, doesn t want their own employees to unionize. this is aç petition they the seiu sent to media matters. it is reported now that the watchdog group is hiring big powerful attorneys. joining us to weigh in is the professor of international politics and american government at the citadel, also a fox news contributor, mallory factor. good morning to you. i don t get it. you look at their website, they re so prounion. yet you say now that the people of media matters who work there, the worker bees, they want to unionize, media matters says we can t do that. media matters, when it comes to their own employees they want to reward their best employees
and deal directly with their employees. they know if they have a union in between their employers will lack freedom and they re no( going to be able to reward employees who are doing well. let s put hypocrisy aside. we should congratulate them for the first time doing the right thing. media matters? media matters. they re standing up for workers rights. i don t know if they re going to do that in the future but now they are. they are standing up for workers rights by saying we don t want to unionize this place. when you look at media matters, considering all the money they have gotten, for instance from seiu, in 2012 they took $100,000 from them.ç in 2009 they took $50,000 for a total of $150,000 we know of. they re such big supporters of them. look at other unions that have sent money media matters way, $140,000 from that big union, then $35,000 and $400,000 from
the teachers union, the n.e.a. on paper they look very pro-union. yet, their chance to unionize, no. they have been sticking up for the unions. they have been attacking fox news and any other outlet they consider conservative. they have been going after anybody fighting for workers rights. whenever we do a segment here on fox news that they have a problem with, they oftentimes distort things and take sound bites out of context. that s just how they operate. you know, curiously, they haven t done anythingç about how sharyl atkisson, how she claims media matters helped her produce stories for cbs. yet, they are a partisan attack dog. they are did he definitely a- they are definitely a partisan attack dog except
when it comes to their own employees. let s congratulate them for doing the right thing this time. they are standing up for their own workers rights and their own organization. to show howç seriously they don t want a union in their shop, they hired a big powerful attorney firm to make sure it doesn t happen. his book is number four on the new york times bestseller list. it is called big tent. mallory factor, thank you. 20 minutes after the top of the hour. don t even think about having a fiesta. one college banning them because fiestas are racist. have the p.c. police gone too far? like a scene out of a movie, a wild ride caught on camera, but that is no stunt man. that is the carjacker. woman: this is not exactly what i expected.
man: definitely more murdery than the reviews said. captain obvious: this is a creepy room. man: oh hey, captain obvious. captain obvious: you should have used their genuine guest reviews are written by guests who have genuinely stayed there. instead of people who lie on the internet. son: look, a finger. captain: that s unsettling. man: you think? captain: all the time. except when i sleep. which i would not do here. would have mentioned the finger. i dbefore i dosearch any projects on my home. i love my contractor, and i am so thankful to angie s list for bringing us together. find out why more than two million members count on angie s list. angie s list reviews you can trust.

quick headlines. terrifying moments for passengers on an amtrak train when two cars jumped the tracks in montana. 117 passengers were on board at the time. at least one person hurt. investigators are still looking at what caused the crash. you ve got hacked. aol investigating a security breach that put personal information of users at risk. this includes e-mail addresses, passwords and security questions. just about everything. no financial data was affectedç but they are telling users to change any passwords. elisabeth? thanks, brian. the p.c. police are at it again. a party benefitting research had to be canceled because one student found the fiesta theme offensive saying, quote, as a mexican
born first generation woman of color it was sadly unsurprising that this party was seen as a casual venture for such privileged institutions such as darthmouth. there are various ideologies regarding cinco demayo events. end of quote. our next guest wrote a response. the editor and chief of darthmouth review, thanks for being with us, nick. important to write your piece? the mood on campus was such that a lot of frustration, even anger over the way in which this was handled. a lot of comments on the initial report about the way in which this was handled were negative and very critical the way the administration pursued this. so i felt the need as someone at the review to write a more cohesive response. are you saying the
student body perceived this as what? what is the general feeling on campus? theç general sense from my standpoint was one of outrage. people were horrified that the reactions from the administration was such that the sensitivity of one group was able to outweigh what was a charitable event put on by the vast majority of the student body. most people on the campus, as far as i can tell, are very much in agreement with the opinions we express in the paper. the student who put forward the complaint said this was for business. you say it was for charity? it most certainly was. this is the third year in a row that the fraternity and sore sorryty put this on together. this is a charitable opportunity which has gone awry. what is your fear with this move? our concern is that the
rule of law on darthmouth campus seems toç be eroding slowly. it seems the group with the ripest sense of self-esteem gets a free pass when it comes to these issues on campus. there is no longer a sense of bringing people to the table, discussing problems. it is always if you re offended, if you re the most sensitive, you prevail. there is a lot of frustration sensing from that climate and cultural drift in weeks and months. have you spoken with hernandez? i have not personally no. do you hope to? is that on your list, the two of you get together? it is.ç darthmouth emphasizes dialogue and discussion and it would great for everyone to have an open discussion about this rather than an orwellian conversation. that conversation could happen, is something we re hoping to have happen and something i hope my article inspires. great. something i love about your
generation. thanks for being with us today on fox & friends. keep us posted on that. my pleasure, thank you. we ll hope for the best there. students at rutgers university determined to stop condoleezza rice from speaking at their graduation. imagine waking up in the middle of the night to a total stranger screaming at your baby. another baby monitor hacked. how does that keepç happening? first happy birthday to michelle pfeiffer. she s 66 years old today.

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unfortunately another extreme weather alert for you. deadly tornadoes slamming across the south, and this storm chaser had a very close call with one of them. take a look at this. oh god! please make it pass! please make it pass! wow. amazing. he did make it out okay, but the storm system went on to kill 11 people in alabama, mississippi and tennessee. maria molina is live on the ground in tupelo, mississippi. maria, what are you seeing there? we re seeing such heartbreak and devastation. reporter:ç absolutely,
heartbreak and devastation and now the death toll rising to a total of 28 people killed by a multiday severe weather outbreak. when we arrived here in tupelo, mississippi, last night we could smell the strong smell of a gas leak as well. we spoke to the mayor about 30 minutes ago about that. he said crews have been working all night and making progress on repairing those lines. they have a very difficult task ahead of them due to how extensive the damage is here. behind me you can see what used to be a gas station reduced to a pile of twisted metal and rubble. across the city of tupelo we ve also seen carç windows shattered, cars tossed, roofs blown off buildings and power lines down. one survivor in tupelo who was driving to work when the tornado hit described how powerful the wind was. take a listen. everything was flying. the roofs, metal, woods,
everything was like wide. reporter: people are starting to dig through the rubble in tupelo that was once their home. in pearl, mississippi, another hard-hit area by these storms, mobile homes were tossed and destroyed. in kimberly, alabama, a firehouse was blown apart by strong winds. the storm system is a very slow mover. we expect more strong storms today stretching from parts of mississippi includingç right here in tupelo, mississippi, and that stretches farther north into the midwest. the storm prediction center issued a moderate risk. this is an issue for the third day in a row from the storm system that includes parts of mississippi and alabama. those are areas that could see some of those long track tornadoes, meaning tornadoes that stay on the ground for a long period of time. we have all the conditions ripe for severe weather. very humid air mass here. we have very warm temperatures ahead of the storm and a lot of wind sheer. that means these
thunderstorms that fire up later this afternoon into this evening could start to rotate and unfortunately produce mosu tornadoes. again, anywhere from parts of the southeast up into the midwest. please when the warnings get issued, seek shelter. do that fast. maria molina live in tupelo, mississippi. they have had days advance notice. keep in mind, they knew this was going to be moving through that area last night and yet 11 people were in the wrong place unfortunately when the tornadoes came through their areas last night. it looks like it could be another rough one today. like maria says, keep an eye on your phone because you can get emergency alerts on your phone. or stay near your television. heather nauert is standing right by the couch with other news. the feds are starting to look for new contractors to run obamacare s website. could a small business run better than a big government contractor? the administration begins aç
wide-ranging search for companies to run the on-line exchange program. the feds say they are particularly interested in hiring small businesses owned by women or disabled veterans. of course this would be a stark contrast to c.g.i. federal, that s the company blamed for the botched obamacare rollout. a new contractor would take over when the current contract expires next year. we ll keep you posted. dozens of students at rutgers university occupy the president s office and are protesting the school s decision to invite condoleezza rice to speak at graduation.ç rutgers is paying her $35,000 for the appearance but some say they are outraged because of her role in the iraq war. so far the university says rice is still invited. you may remember this. two years ago the school paid $32,000 for snooki to offer students these choice words: study hard but party harder. a crazy carjacker
caught on video trying to break into a new york city cab as it speeds down the highway. the man clinging on for dear life. finally at a red light he hopped off where he stole another car. the suspect has since been arrested. nice police work there. hackers here s a scary story every new parent wants to hear. hackers can pretty much hear and see just about everything you do by hacking into your child s babyç monitor. this happened to an ohio family. they say they heard the voice of a screaming man who woke them up in the middle of the night. they heard this on the baby monitor that was controlled through their stpafr. through their smart phone. i heard a voice start skraoepg screaming at my daughter. wake up, baby, wake up baby. just screaming at her. you kind of do feel violated in a way. when the man started
screaming swear words, the manç unplugged the monitor. again, story every new parent wants to hear because video baby monitors that are remotely controlled are so popular right now. talking about popular, let s go to brian. thank you very much, heather. the exact opposite thing was in the prompter. let me tell you what s going on in sports. with donald sterling dominating the nba headlines it is easy to forget we re in the middle of the playoffs and a great first round. atlanta hawks squared off against indiana pacers. hawks win 107-97. atlanta on the cusp, up three games to 2. dallas mavericks taking on the spurs. in the spurs, tony parkers, game winning 3. spurs tie up that three games a piece.ç miami heat four games to none. wouldn t have happened if
michael jordan played instead of owned. lebron james 31 points in the victory. what s the quickest tapout you ve seen in the m.m.a.? try this. it s over. right before it began, the crowd understandablyç upset. callister said he tapped out, the quickest in history. two softball players at florida southern college helped an opposing player around the bases after she tripped and blew out her knee. the injured player s home run may not have counted if she did not round the bases. luckily good sportsmanship
prevailed. elisabeth is against this. she said that is not the way you do things in sports. on the radio between nine and noon, jennifer griffin, all live nine to noon on fox news radio. you ve never done that in softball? i needed to be carried around. i needed all the help i could get. you were carrying the team. 20 minutes before the top of theç hour. going, going, gone. a ceiling collapses inside of a mall. look at that. luckily nobody was below. how does that happen? we re going to tell what you we know. our next guest says president obama abandoned the middle class. can the republican party bring them back?
jeff. hey, scott! this is no time for lollygaggin , lad. the chickweed and the dandelions are wreakin mad havoc! now s the time to send in the scotts turf builder weed & feed, man! it kills weeds while it feeds and strengthens your grass. feed your lawn. feed it! natural energy from tea packed with real juice from delicious fruits and veggies. it s what you need for that extra boost! oh and did we mention it s only 50 calories? need a lift? could ve had a v8. in t juice aisle. i wasn t sure what to expect at the meetings. but i really love going. i do! it reminds me we don t have to do this alone. it s so much better to have some backup and to do it together because we all face similar challenges. the meetings keep me focused and motivated. and i have a newfound determination that i m really proud of. [ female announcer ] jump-start your summer and start losing weight right away. join for free. hurry. and if you join by may 3rd, get a month free. try meetings, do it online, or both. weight watchers. because it works.

say it ain t so. in headlines, free carry-on bags appear to be a thing of the past. frontier airlines will now charge passengers an extra fee to put carry-on bags in the overhead bin. frontier says in exchange for the new fees they re going to be lowering their base fare by an average of 12%. but the overhead bin fee could range from 20 to 50 smackers. not so good. the ceiling collapsing inside a mall in poland, the mall appears to be closed at the time and nobody was around as the roof comes crashing down. look at that right there. investigators believe it fell because of the deteriorating structure. i think they got that part right. brian? has the republican party lost touch with america s working class?
and how did it happen, if so? former pennsylvania senator and former presidential candidate rick santorum said yes. he wrote a book called blue collar conservatives, recommitting to an america that works. he gave the g.o.p. a wakeup calling urging the party to reconnect with middle-class america. joining us now is senator rick santorum. why is this the right message for you now? if you look at what would happen in the last few elections, we are losing elections because middle-income americans feel like republicans don t care about them. so they re not turning out to vote. an estimated six million folks who were going to vote for obama, squarely in the middle of america income wise stayed home instead of voting for republicans because we re talking about tax cuts for high income individuals, balancing the budget and cutting government programs, all of which are things that i support. but what if you re in middle income america? where are you talking about me? no one is talking about the
70% of america that don t graduate from college, folks looking for jobs. we need to have an agenda for them. this book lays out an agenda, policies of how we can make lives for average americans better. how much is the perception we give people that decide not to go to college or not to finish college and go learn a skill or trade a bad feeling in our society? that s the otherç thing. we should celebrate all work. the obama administration through obamacare and a bunch of other welfare programs subsidizes people for not working or discouraging people in obamacare s case from working. we need to say work is a positive thing no matter what work you do. the earned income credit is one thing i talk about in the book but there are lots of suggestions of policies that can move us in the right direction of rewarding work, encouraging people no matter what the work is, that it is a positive thing for them. republicans who end up being labeled as a party of white rich guys will not be successful and it is not accurate? i
the last convention. i spoke on tuesday night and they had placards saying we built that. one after another remember when obama said you didn t build that? we had one after another come out, small business person saying i built this. but we didn t have workers come out and say i m here because this person standing next to me did build a great job, great employment place for me to work and employer put their arm around the person and say we re a great team. or i worked 9 to 5 for you who put up the capital. we need to be unified. the other side, they re going to divide all the time. we need to unify. senator, you had almost no momentum going in your pickup truck, traveling around. no one took you serious. then you came up on the scene, you almost took the nomination. you have the foundation to run for president again. you re aheadç of where you were four years ago. what are the chances of you getting back in this this? we have patriot voices,
700 leaders signed up, almost 400 chapters, about 150,000 people we communicate with daily. we ve got a strong organization out there. they re excited for this message. the reason we did as well as we did is because we did talk about this message of lower-income folks and middle america having opportunities to rise. you have a lot of santorums to feed. you became a movke mogul? we re excited we re going to be launching a new initiative this week to do a first run of our movies through the churches instead of going directly to theaters, we re going to run because our movies are faith based, our theaters are going to be churches instead of the movie theaters off the cuff. the big question is will you sell raisinets? the churches would have to sell them. we are not going to be the
raisinets the idea of putting chocolate around our raisinets. rick santorum, congratulations. the blue collar conservatives: recommitting to an america that works. 11 minutes before the top of the hour. she refused to answerç questions surrounding the i.r.s. tea party scandal. now lois lerner s attorney wants another chance to address the house. we ll tell you why. the clippers owner, comments he made in private now made public. what if this happens to you?
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you can pay the bill, too. but don t worry about that right now. okay. how do i look? thanks. [ male announcer ] troubleshoot, manage appointments, and bill pay from your phone. introducing the xfinity my account app. it s the world. you go to israel, the blacks are treated like dogs. do you have to treat them like that too? the white jews, there s
white jews and blacks. do you understand? are the white jews less than the white jews? 150%. what are your rights when it comes to something you say in private as that was? here to weigh in, fox news legal senior judicial analyst andrew napolitano. judge, what do you think? it is a very complex case. we start with a couple of basics. this was recorded in his home, in theç privacy of his own home. this was done in california. california requires bilateral consent. not only the person recording, but the person speaking. it was an illegal recording, couldn t be used in a court of law against him. that is one side of this. the other side of this is when he bought the l.a. clippers he signed the standard nba owners agreement which requires that he comport his private behavior consistent with the best interest of the team and the nba. so this behavior, although it s extremely private and although the recording was
illegally done, is hardly in the best interest of the nba or the clippers. and so he can be punished for it in a way that the government couldn t punish us, the nba can punish him. i think the punishment will be severe because the outcry has been severe. how about how they got the tapes? does that matter? if he doesn t know he wasç taped, would that matter? that would matter in a court of law if these tapes would become part of litigation. if he were to sue the person who taped him, whoever it was, i don t think that matters to the nba. the nba s agreement is secret. i tried to see it. they won t let me. but i have a general idea of what s on it from seeing similar agreements with other professional entities that don t keep them secret. more developing on that. the supreme court set to side on whether or not a cell phone can be takenç upon stopping somebody.
searching without a warrant. whenever i m with brian i say brian keep your cell phone with you and the battery with you because i want president obama and the n.s.a. to hear everything we have to say. kidding about that. these guys were drug dealers and the police took their cell phones and accessed them, got in, got the pin number or the password and extracted all kinds of information. on the basis of that information prosecuted them for another charge for which they were arrested. the other charge is serious. murder. convicted of murder. now the supreme court has to decide, when the police stop you for jaywalking or bank robbery and you have a cell phone on you can they take it without a warrant? you ve got to explain to a judge why you think there is evidence of a crime in there. you can t go on a fishing expedition. what if it is time
sensitive? the police would know if it s time sensitive because here they were search for whatever they managed to find. thanks, judge. still ahead, secretary of state john kerry warning israel that they could become an apartheid state. his comments are spas[ing bipartisan outrage. should he resign? we report. we report. you decide. i ys say be thman with the plan but with less ergy, moodiness, i had to do something. i saw mdoctor. a blood test showed it was low testosterone, not age. we talked about axiron the onlynderarm low t treaent that can restore t vels to normal in about two weeks in most men. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18
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good morning. it s tuesday, april 29. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. we starts with a fox news alerts. more deadly tornadoes slamming the south again. oh, god! please, make it pass. please make it pass. the worst still yet to come. we are live on the ground. today the nba will decide what they are going to do with donald sterling. but the sponsors made their decision. the boycott has begun. and they shake pom poms and dance to music to support a teaches should cheerleading be a sport?
this age-old debate that raged on in our control room for years may have been put to rest. we ll explain that straight ahead. thank you for joining us on this tuesday morning cause mornings are better with friends. we re boys 2 men, you re watching fox & friends. we have people in the control room, one producer thinks it is a sport. the other person thinks that s laughable. it s. that s a great debate. they shall remain nameless. unless we decide to name them. good luck on that. first things, we got to get serious. for the last 48 hours, we ve been covering the extreme weather down south and the midwest. it s impacting a loft you watching right now. a second round slammed the south last night, leaving at least 11 people dead this morning. big, big tornado right there!
there it is! this as we see incredible new images of devastation. this showing a woman in mississippi hugging her dog after she found it alive near her destroyed home. maria molina has been live on the ground. she s in mississippi. what are you seeing is there? this is so heart breaking. it is so heart break. the sun is starting to rise and we re starting to gets some of the first glimpse of the damage here. it s so extensive and heart break. storm chasers captured the tornado on video and had a very close call with it. oh, god. please, make it pass. please, make it pass. that tornado hit here in
tupelo leaving behind extensive damage as you can see. what used to be a gas station reduce to a pile of rubble and twisted metal. we have seen flipped cars, buildings severely damaged, if not completely destroyed. and there are survivors who were work at the time that the tornado hit and had the roof blown off their building. ripped the roof off the buildings over there. we all jumped in the pit. glass flying all around in the pit. to see trees twisted like it is now, i ve never seen anything like that. the governor of mississippi is visiting the area today. other areas hit athens, alabama of the another hard hit state. very severe damage there with homes torn apart. the threat today including yet again alabama and mississippi. the storm prediction center
issued a moderate risk there, meaning we could see more of at least violent storms that could produce tornadoes that stay on the ground and cause this teach damage. there is a very widespread area that could see these strong to severe storms today stretching from parts of southeast up into the midwest. have a we to get those warnings today. a tornado warning means there could be a tornado on the ground. and when those are issued, that s when you need to seek shelter. thank you very much. leetle talk about the storm in the nba. sounds like later today in a press conference here in new york city, the nba is going to say what they want to do to donald sterling. apparently yesterday a couple of nba attorneys did authenticate it is his voice on the 15-minutes of the tape that has been released. so all across america, people are talk about is that really is that something i should lose a team for? should he be fined? what are they going to do? meta world peace said the guy
has a problem, but he needs help. watch. i mean, you can go in somebody s pockets. you can do all those teach things, but? reality, do those things help? hate versus hate doesn t help. i say he foods to get help. let him get help and become unracist. when he was ron artest, he had that problem and we discussed it live, running into the stands, protecting and beating up on a few fans. he s calmed down a bit. on top of that, one of the things he he won a world kilpatrick with the lakers, he thanked the psychiatrist. sponsors around waiting, car max, mercedes benz have said we re out as long as he is big. the players themselves, jerseys inside out as we saw.
the coach rivers is saying, he s not sure if he s coming back. he wouldn t even take a call from donald sterling yesterday. he said no, we re going to let the players do their thing. many wondering if he will lose the team. will sterling maintain ownership? mark cuben said this could be a slippery slope. there is no excuse for anybody to support racism, there is no place for it in our league. but it s a very, very, very slimmery slope. if it s about racism and we re ready to kick people out of the league, okay, then what about homophobia? what about somebody who doesn t like a particular religion? what about somebody who is anti-semitic? mark jackson, the coach of the warriors, says he thinks fans should stay home. maybe he s looking out for his warriors. rivers says north texas we need your sore. perhaps wear your jersey inside out if you support that.
meanwhile, he didn t know that he would be widely quoted, but he is our secretary of state. he was at an event behind closed doors with a bunch of world leaders and he used apartheid state, that expression, to describe israel and now the world is horrified fort most part action excepts john kerry who said this. when people think of apartheid, they think of apartheid, black versus white thing. he s suggesting unless they come up with a peace agreements between israel and the palestinians, they ll have that problem. there has been an outpouring of anger toward these stupid comments that mr. kerry made. eric cantor said that the
word routinely being dismissed as owe penssive and inaccurate offensive and inaccurate. senator year said we can t have politics rage over this. senator boxer tweeted this. israel is the only democracy in the middle east and any linkage between israel and apartheid is nonsensical and ridiculous. he tried to claire guy when he realized there was a fire storm of the did he it in way which i found odd. he lashed out against partisan political attacks again him, but acknowledged his comments last week to a closed international forum could have been misinterpreted. if that was my apology, my mom would say try again. if he s talk about partisan attack, clearly, to barbara boxer. right. clearly conservative. or maybe thele fact that a number of conservatives said
those kind of comments, he s got to go. sad lyrics it is my belief that secretary kerry has proven himself unsuitable for the position he holds and therefore, before any further harm is done to our national security interest and to our critical aligns with the nation of israel, that john kerry should offer president obama his resignation and the president should accept it. i think is a resigning type statement. this is an injury to an ally that will echo because it will be repeated and people will say, i m not saying this. it s the secretary of state of the united states. it is untrue. it s truly something that the man at the very least, an immediate apology. yeah. he needs to go back to saying
brilliant things that climate change is causing problems. for the most part, it s been relatively quiet in the area. let us know what you think about those comments and is it enough to cause secretary year to resign? ten minutes after the hour, and heather joins us for overnight developments. good morning. could you imagine this? look out your airplane window and then seeing fire spewing from the engine? look at this. steve, you re right. that s not good. that plane had taken off from the airport in australia with 97 people on board. it start in the engine shortly after takeoff. the file immediately turned that plane around and land safely. no one was hurt. but the cause of that fire is under investigation. the search for a father and
his two young missing children in a 27,000 aircraft national park is now growing more desperate. he and his ten-year-old son and six-year-old daughter, you can see them there, went missing in a south carolina park just days ago while they were on a hike east of columbia. they were last heard from on saturday when he texted a friend saying they were lost. the main concern from rescuers now is that he and his children don t have any food or water. the terrain they re searching is described as difficult, with a loft downed trees and swampy water. wishing them the very best. we ll keep you posted. this swimmer gets an escort from dolphins. adam walker was a record-break open water swim, in the middle of a swim often the coast new zealand when a pod of dolphins appeared. ten joined him for an hour of his it s a-hour journey. some people thought that the dolphins were scaring off a
shark. he said his swimming with the dolphins was a dream come view for him. those are your headlines: what would you rather have, a dolphin or mermaid? it sounds like the choice is dolphins or sharks. so true. be kind of fun. thank you very much. if you have a better mermaid movie, let us know. it looked perfectly reasonable. you started look hard. i really did. instead of christian mingle, a loft people should go diving. there go. brian, you re fired. coming up, what is causing islamic extremism? if you ask nbc it s president bush. it s his fault, along with tony blair. isn t the legacy of your leadership and that of president bush in part responsible for the
reality today? really, david gregory? ten people caused extremeism. john yu joins us next. plan on going to a wedding or two this summer? staggering amount it cost just to be a guest i m rdy, and i quit smoking with chantix. as a police officer, i ve helped many people in the last 23 years, but i needed help in quitting smoking. [ male announcer ] along with support, chantix varenline is pron to help peop quit smoking. chantix reduced the urge for me to smoke. it actually caught me by surprise. [ male announcer ] some people had changes in behavior, thinking, or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood, and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after opping chantix. ifou notice any of these, stop chaix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental-health problems, which could get worse whe taking chantix. don t ke chantix if youe d
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what s causing islamic extremism? if you ask nbc, it s president bush and tony blair. isn t the legacy of your leadership and that of president bush in part responsible for the reality today? did the west fail to deal with the extremism you talk about today appropriately in afghanistan in a sustainable
way. will make a huge era when we end up thinking somehow it s our actions that have caused this. in afghanistan and iraq, you can agree or disagree with either decision. we removed brutal dictatorships, allowed the people a chance to elect their government. that s why they re to blame. is that a valid question or just ridiculous? let s ask the former deputies assistance u.s. attorney general under george w. bush, john yu, he just wrote a book the causes of war called points of adark. your response to david gregory s question which assumes that the last eight your eight years were responsible for this. that s a terrible mistake. it s like saying firefighters are responsible for fire or during the cold war, it was our faults and not the soviets faults. if you look at 9-11, the worst thing that could have happened for us and the best thing for slamsic extremists is that they controlled afghanistan.
in the bush administration, we put an end to that. we overthrough the taliban regime and started on a campaign to try the al-qaeda terrorist network. i worry this administration has let its foot off the gas pedal in the war on terrorism and actually allowing al-qaeda to rebound. so think about this, somalia, after that tragedy, nothing. after beirut, we ve done nothing. after the cole, we did nothing. we fine low take action and it was a question, not a statement, butylene people outs there agree with it. now the bush administration s war morning could bring us to a caused this. no one even has a chance to look or google it, you would find out that s not the case. before 9-11, there were no aggressive american policies, as you pointed out, responding to all these terrorist attacks. we took a hit, we took a hit, we took a hit. we didn t respond forcefully. and what happened? we were attacked on 9-11 just down the island from here. the us us didn t cause those attacks. those happened despite american
policy. i think now as pointed out, what s going on is that we are withdrawing from iraq and afghanistanment we re allowing extremists to get back into power and restore the networks we spent so much time destroying. now the president says i d rather hit isn ts and doubles then go out and try for a homerun and make a mistake and i m para phrasing. i m worried putin and next in crimea invading ukraine, with place like china declaring air defense soon which include parts of japan, that this president, he may think he s hitting singles and doubles, but i worry he s watching called third strikes go by. is there a manhood problem as this president is perceived in the middle east? i don t know if it s manhood, but this president is turning out to pursue a very passive policy. what worries me is that american withdrawal from the world is going to have terrible costs on
the world and on the united states. and that this effort to pull the united states back from its role as securing regional and international security is going to harm the world that the united states built for the last 650 60 years. thanks so much. thanks. ten minutes before the bottom of the hour. coming up, she forgot she had a pocketknife in her purse when she witness to school. now she s expelled, zero tolerance gone too far? and texting, tweeting, instagramming. parents don t understand their teens social media lifement our next guest does and she s here to help you learn about what they are saying. hash tag. [ male announcer ] v8 v-fusion plus energy.
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now, ladies and gentlemen, time for news by the numbers. first, 30%. that s how many breast cancer survivors are out of work four years after treatment, according to a study. researchers say the long-term effects need to be considered when look at treatment option. next, 600 bucks. that s how much you re going to spend on a wedding by just being a guest. a new survey found wedding spending is up by 75% in the last two years. the 600 bucks includes travel, as well as clothes, accessories and probably cocktails. finally, three years. that s how long william and kate have been married. the royals are celebrating their third anniversary today. the palace is keeping quiet on what the two love birds have planned. they usually opt for something low key. all right. congratulations. that s very nice. whether it s tweeting at the dinner table, snapping selfies or tuning out family time to finish game with words with
friends, teen-agers spend more time than ever on social media. you know it. what exactly are they doing there? what should parents be doing? what don t they understand and get? here with some insight is author dana boyd. thank you for joining us today. a lot of parents, when you see at least numbers, 94% of the teens are on facebook. 26% are on twitter. 11% of them are on instagram. so when you know that the vast majority of them are on-line, parents think, i got to northern this. i monitor this. you say? i say back off and the reason i say become off is that what young people are trying to find is a police of their own. over 30 years, we ve done tremendous disservice to young people s freedom. today s teen-agers have no right to roam of the the whole culture of get on your bike and be home by dark is gone. you re not just saying there, you spent years, about eight years studying teen-agers spending time with them.
but i guess the concern as a mom, i want to let my kid go anywhere anymore, it s not that world. why wouldn t i check in and monitor their freedom? i don t see it as though i m infringing on their personal space. i need to know they re safe. parts of it is you want to help your child transition to adulthood and that can be rocky. so what that process looks like is to slowly give them freedom and back off when they vital new some particular wait a minute way. it s a process. with colleges, jobs, people are look at their behavior on-line. what do you say? that s true. part of it is helping your child think creditly about what they re going to encounters. in the work force, at college, et cetera. but let them be making the decisions. that s part of it. they need to learn to make decision because whether they re out of your household, they don t have you to turn to. so don t punish them or critique them, understand what s going on? it s a process.
sometimes you ll is to critique and punish. that s so the overbearing approach to all of it, then you don t have them learning what they have to to become an independence adult. there was an article that we discussed and found yesterday saying that teens can t decipher between reality and what s going on on-line. you say? i find that so confusion. the best i could find is that the folks were look at cyber bullying. young people don t distinguish between siren bullying and bullying. they think of bullying wholisticcally, whether it s their friends or on-line. i think it s a serious issue. i think we need to concern ourselves with it. but it doesn t mean they can t tell virtual reality from reality. i go by you are what you tweet. that s when i say. thank you. thank you. coming up, hello, texas. governor rick perry s pitch to come to the lone star state is work with a major auto company of the he s going to tell you. and we re going to tell you who
is headed south. they shake pom poms and dance to music all to support a team. should cheerleading be a sport? this age-old debate may have just been put to rest. o i ve got a to-do list and five acres of fresh air.
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if you re just wake up, we ve got another extreme weather alert. as the sun comes up across the southeast, we re seeing all devastation left behind last night by dozens of tornadoes across our south land. that s right. at least 11 people dead in three states. alabama, mississippi, and tennessee. maria molina knows that very well. she s on the ground in tupelo, mississippi. i see you moved your location slightly. what are you seeing? the damage here is so extensive, very severe. behind me we have what appears to have been a strip mall. the roof has been blown off. is there is a lot of debris inside what s left of that structure. we ve also seen piece of furniture. there is a couch that s just outs in the parking lot. there is pieces of debris that s let serring the roadways and also the parking lot. power lines, some of them are down and the ones not here in
the area that we re standing in are just dangling. we ve also seen car windshields that have been shattered and also basically just a lot of damage out here. some buildings are unrecognizable. they re just a pile debris. they have allowed traffic to allow people to get to where they need to go. something lard to convey through video or images is the smell of gas over the past 30 minutes, it has increased in intensity here in tupelo, mississippi. we did smell it last night when we arrived and did speak to the mayor about that. take a listen. the gas lines are the major concern of the storm damage. atmos energy through some of the neighborhoods, those crews have been working nonstop all night long. they ve made progress. i don t know that they re 100% completed. but they re making progress.
and tupelo, mississippi is just one area hit hard by the severe weather yesterday and in the overnight hours. in pearl, mississippi, we ve also seen video of mobile homes that were destroyed and severely damaged out there. we have reports as well of severe damage in parts of tennessee and also across alabama. the storm system continues on the move and the storm proceed diction center has issued a moderate risk yet. we ve had that already for three days in a row, including parts of mississippi, kellogg right here if including here in tupelo and parts of alabama. preparing into the midwest. this has been a rotten week weather wise. peculiar i can t, thank you very much. let s talk business now and let s talk interstate business. score another one for governor perry. no kidding. he s been on this program. he was with us about a year ago talking about how he s encouraging businesses to head down to texas. texas is open for business.
you know who got the message? toyota. for 50 years they have had their national headquarters in torrence, california. they ve just announced that they re moving to plano, texas, which i have been shopping in plano in the last couple of months. it s a great my daughter lives in the dallas area it s a great town. they re going to move their 4,000 employees and a lot of people are going, okay. what took you so long? right. toyota financial also moving that arm to the area as well. just north of dallas. as well, since july of 2012, 60 companies moved to texas. rick perry talked with us about why this is so important to companies and why they are coming to texas. the fact is there is economic policies in those states that are this is two things. it s about going out and recruiting businesses, telling the great story about texas, our light tax burden, regulatory climate fair and predictable.
legal climate that doesn t allow for oversuing, a very skilled work force. those are the four things that businessmen and women really look for. it s about tax and also a windy day, i digress. toyota has been in los angeles area since 1957. and again, it was a big revenue stream for them. california, which needs that tax revenue, keeps upping taxes. they don t get it. sooner or later, successful companies will decide, we re being extorted. we re going do leavement what are they going to do? continue to up taxes? more companies are going to leave. right. they hit texas where it s friendly for them and all the 4,000 employees and jobs that will be work there. that high speed rail thing is not going to save the state of california. and the message is texas is open for business and now once upon a teen-ager the big three used to be located in california. nissan moved to tennessee. we got other break news with heather. good morning. we have serious break news
coming out of georgia this morning. as workers were showing up at what appears to have been a fed-ex ground facility in georgia, there are reports of a shooting in this area in kennesaw, georgia. we re hearing at least six people have been hurt. officials are saying that the injuries so far range from minor to serious and that shooter, as we understand, is still on the loose. dozens of cops and emergency workers are on the scene right now. fed-ex just releasing this statement saying, quote, fed-ex is aware of the situation. our primary concern is the safety and walt our team members, first responders and others affected. we will keep you updated on there story as it develops throughout the morning coming out of georgia a short while ago. in north texas the woman known as mama damato has been laid to rest. the mother of form new york senator and fox news contributor
damato campaigned for her son of the he credits her with having helped him win the 1980 election. listen to this. she was the heart and soul of our family like many mothers. she was special. she challenged us. she was there for us. she sacrificed and she had god gave her a great life. she was a force in her own right. i have nothing but wonderful memories of her. my mom is 98. they became great friends and had this bond of two wonderful mothers whose sons had gotten involved in trying to help make people s lives better. a lovely tribute to her. she was 99 years old. what a life. let s go out to the midwest now where a minnesota high school students has now been expelled from school for having a pocket knife in her purse. 17-year-old alyssa says it was a
mistake and that she s really a good girl. school officials say there is zero tolerance policy left them no choice but to kick her out of school for a year. a she says an administrator found the knife during a random drug search. a dog had mistaken her perfume for something more dangerous. what dow think of that? they shake their pom poms and dance to music to support a team. should cheerleading be a sport? cute. new york educators say yes, it should be a sport. the board of regents is expected to vote today. 34 states and the district of columbia already consider it a sport. the move would require coaches to be properly trained and for schools to follow common safety standards. seems like a good idea. that stuff is tough. they changed from gymnastics, from cheering to a few moves, maybe pyramid, to wild tricks
and stunts. it s half gymnastics, half cheerleading. most schools are cut out gymnastics. interesting. brian an advocate. what do you think? is cheerleading a sport? e-mail us. our floor director says no, it is not a sport. what? do you know how heavy those pom poms are? e-mail us, we re going to include your comments. in golf, no defense. not a sport. he has a consistents argument there. if john will stop heckling, 20 minutes before the top of the hour. look for a job? stick around. cheryl casone wants to help you land one. the top five companies hiring right now. plus, it s america s favorite original high school musical making a comeback. details on that next
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protect the renewable fuel standard. quick headlines. entertainment version. just weeks after david letterman announced his retirement, craig ferguson has announced he is leaving his show. called the late late show. he claims he has been planning the departure for months. blake shelten and adam levine may trade good natured jabs on the voice, but he may have gone too far. he tweeted out what may have been levine s personal phone number. we tried calling issues but the voice mail is full. a new live tv musical on the block. you re the one that i want fox announcing greece is the a grease next year.
they have not announced who will play danny and sandy. steve? you think he could fit in that outfit? meanwhile, sometimes when look for a job, there is no other option but to move. that s what one state is banking on as it hosts a gigantic job fair dedicated to hiring people in michigan. cheryl casone from the fox business network is here with information on? and other companies. this is your biggest one. michigan is look, with the pure michigan dream job summit for 70,000 jobs. they re having a tough time getsing qualified candidates to relocate to michigan. what we saw was this exodus from michigan. this is not a company. it s actually a summit of many, many companies. all the auto makers will be there, chrysler, ford, general motors amway, ge, whirlpool, these are big companies that pay decents salaries.
if you re in michigan a good salary can take awe long way right now. house something so cheap there. april 30. i wanted to bring this to your attention. engineering, marketing, i.t. and design. at ford field in detroit. they re expecting thousands for this. but if you re willing to go to michigan, there is opportunity is there and a lot of these companies some of these jobs are $100,000 salaries attached to them. fantastic. adt, the people who make sure you re okay in your house, they re look for people. the security company who looks like have to start monitoring baby monitors. residences, small businesses, adt need salespeople, customer care, operation position, which is like installers. they ve also got jobs in their corporate headquarters. mostly colorado, ten continue, texas, new york, florida. 63500 jobs. heather was talk about the baby monitoring. home security is blockbuster business right now. we want to look at everything. baby cam. the whole works.
everything. adt is hiring. also molina health care, nothing to do with maria. they re look for 300 people in cincinnati. yeah. hiring again. this is jobs in ohio. they basically started out servicing in california. they had a clinic where they were servicing low income individuals. knew they re work with the government under medicaid and medicare. it got 300 jobs open right now. they ve got a huge flu office in springville, ohio. greater sin sun. they need nurses, case managers. people that are social workers. they are across the country. they ve got about 2.1 million. fran net has different opportunities. this is interesting. we did a loft franchise companies on the show. so a we got a fair coming up. they connect people with the right franchise for you. they re hoping to place 700 people into new businesses. senior care, you would know that. electronics repair is another
big moving franchise. like the geek squad. how many times do you drop your ipad or iphone on a daily basis? a lot. i m not trying to call out. but that is what they do for a business. i like that one. kind of different. yeah, it is. and finally, i love the chicken and biscuits, bojangles is look for people. known for breakfast, this is all good. 3,000 jobs for this year. they re planning to open almost 50 new locations, they need managers, area directors. the directors, iffy got food service experience, you can make $55,000 and up for this job. they give scholarships out. if you re salary, you get full time, 401(k), which is everything. and even some of the assistants directors can make 37 or 38 grand per year. they serve breakfast all day. sounds delicious. i can never get enough fried chicken. once again, if you like more information, particularly the 70,000 jobs up in michigan, go
to good job. ready for breakfast? bring me something. we re hitting a commercial. i could use some chicken. coming up, it s money saver on three wheels. the new cars that cost less than 7 grand and they re made right here in america. elisabeth, look at that. she s behind the wheel. look good. meanwhile, on this date back in 1966, good loving, number within song across this great land of ours chico s effortless shirt. play in it. work in it. go wild in it. do everything but wrinkle in it. the perfect fitting no-iron effortless shirt in 4 styles and 31 colors and prints. visit the shirt boutique, only at chico s and
(vo) oh. my. tongue. finally. (announcer) all-new friskies saucesations. a taste experience like no other. in cheesy, creamy, homestyle, or garden sauce. friskies. feed the senses.

with the national average for gas prices at 3.69, how would you like to drive a car that you can get more than 80 miles per gallon? wow. what kind of hybrid is that? what if i told you the car only has three wheels. it promise to do just that, promising us is the founder, paul helio. congratulations. thanks. you say the tandem seating is responsible for the great gas mileage. at highway fuel, most fuel goes to moving air. let s take a walk around it. it s going to be a long walk. this is it. it s the width of two people. look at this. open up the trunk. you. one in the fronts and one in the back. you have also partnered with pep boys. tell us about that. that s correct. so pep boys has agreed to be our authorized service provider. so we have 800 authorized
service locations day one. how much would this cost? $1,600. and you say people make these kind of cars, but this is an and car, you should have this in addition? right. one of the reasons small cars have not made it in america, we buy big cars for a reason. and so you don t have do get rid of your suv. you can have this and your suv. what are we, saudi arabia? you can ride in the front. i m getting here. so she s right behind me. she ll take the back seat. i ll take the front seat. are we there yet? wow. okay. i can take the bike lane and still ride next to a schwinn. it s classified as a motorcycle? right. it has three air bags, power locks. we re building it in shreveport, louisiana. true will truly an american pro.
this is a great concept. it will be a reality for so many. i m going to use this seatbelt and we re going to test the air bag. look out! i only have three wheels! oh, my gosh. this is not a way to get revenge. that s the last we saw of them. that is cool. very nice. like more information about that car? go to our web site. coming up, what did john kerry say that has people calling for him to resign? laura ingraham weighs in on this coming up. then he was so excited to receive his diploma, but there college grad fell a little short.
what happened next? we ll play the rest of the tape straight ahead on this fox friends fox & friends .

good morning. it s tuesday, april 29. i m steve doocyment we start with a fox news alerts. a second wave of deadly tornadoes slamming the south. get out. let s go! a new warning this morning. this may be just the beginning. maria molina is live from tupelo, mississippi. outrage after secretary of state john kerry s slur about one of our biggest allies. the country of israel.
should john kerry resign? laura ingraham weighs in on that. and it s one of the most iconic rides in america, but if liberal mayor of our city bill de blasio gets his way, these beautiful horse and carriages will be replaced by a electric cars. brian and elisabeth, where have you been? we re kick off the third hour right now on fox & friends . hello,. thank you very much. how are you? live from new york city, these are the iconic horse-drawn carriages. believe it or not, the mayor of new york city, bill deblass oh, wants do get rid of at least and replace them with electric cars. it s true. where have you been? in new york city, we had to go around the block.
the left doesn t help. a loft people were staring at us. i bet. single file. this is one of the big stories in america today. if they could strong arm horses out of central park, what s next? they could stop lunch. i know. we re going to larry from paul and steve. they ve been driving at least carriages for years, coming up in a bit. but first, brian, come on did you know. how about let the girl? you re in her way. i m just trying out different types of transportation today. thank you. just like in the little orange car, go straight. okay. meanwhile, we ve got a live shot with laura ingraham coming up. but right now heather joins us with the news. good morning. got serious news. coming out of georgia, at least six people are hurt after a gunman opened fire at a fed-ex
facilities in kennesaw, georgia. we understand that the shooter is still on the loose. this happened around 5:45 a.m. eastern time near cobb county airports, just northwest of atlanta. officials say the injuries as of now range from serious to minor. right now we understand that there are dozens of police on the scene and they are hunting for an active shooter right now. fed-ex, a short while ago issues released this statement, saying issues quote, fed-ex is aware of the situation. our primary concern is the safety and well-being of our team members. first responders and others affected. we ll keep you updated on there story as it develops. as of now, six people have been shot so far and someone is still on the loose, a shooter on the loose. another fox news alert. a second wave of killer storms taking aim at the south.
let s go! look at that. the death toll after two days of tornadoes, rising to at least 28 people. you can see the homes ripped to shreds, leaving countless people homeless today. the extent of the devastation is staggering. the family from arkansas hit by a twister for the second time in three years. the family is okay, but their home completely destroyed. the roof is gone, the windows are blown out. the only thing that wasn t touched we hear this time and time again was the cross on the fronts door of their home. we know god was with us. god was taking care of us and he s still with us. indeed. more tornadoes and severe storms are expected through the south again today. we ll keep you posted on that. also new overnight, could you imagine look out your airplane window and seeing a fire spewing from the engine? look at this.
pretty scary. that plane had just taken often from the airport in australia with 97 people on board. airport officials say that the fire started in that engine shortly after takeoff. the pilot immediately turned that plane around and was able to land safely. no one was hurt. the cause of that fire is under investigation. a college graduate in michigan tries to celebrate getting his diploma, but he fails pretty miserably. take a look. tried to do a back flip, but ouch. he was a university from davenport graduate. he fell a little short right there. he landed face down in a large crowd of family and friends. cheerleading is a sport. that s for sure. his ego was hurt, but he wasn t hurt too badly. those are your headlines. i don t think that guy could
actually make the cheerleading squad. a for efforts. just a fist pump next time. get an air horn. or stick the landing. laura ingraham joins us right now from our nation s capitol. how did you like our open to this hour of the program on the carriage? i m going to get to that. i think he s exempli tying what the job market looks like. fall right on your head. as you graduate. but you guys, next time could you please ride into the actual studio while connected to your ifb? okay? that would make it a you got to get the silksen for the kentucky derby. you need to be on a real racehorse. i love the horse and carriage. de blasio, take that. he took a lot of in a. a lot of those campaign funds. yeah, he s against them. of course. horse with no name. there you go. we re glad you re with us. now we want to hear what you
think of john kerry, the disaster that is right now. we heard warning that israel could be apartheid state if they don t enter peace talks. should he resign? he s kind of apologized. he s done the walk back. as soon as it came out of my mouth, i regretted make the comments. we have to remember this comments doesn t exist in a vacuum. especially at the beginning of the administration. there was a loft concern from jewish americans and awful us to support israel that the president really wasn t as i think continuing the relationship with israel as it had been continued and conducted for years. so there was a loft concern, a lot of push back on the settlements, et cetera. so there was a lot of concern early on. so this kind of confirms what a lot of us believe about the president s approach to israel and the middle east peace. it s always israel s fault.
and to say that apartheid he said he misspoke. i don t want to make too much of it. but the word is very charged. like the word holocaust. apartheid means economic and social and political disenfranchisement and discrimination institutionalized discrimination. this is our only ally that s a real democracy in the middle east. he knows that. he s going to have to do is he going to resign. he s not going to resign, i don t believe, over one comment. i think the policies are the real problem. and i don t think to brand israel an apartheid state has been very helpful, but he s going to be cleaning this up for some time. i think you re right, because people in his own party are steamed. boxer. yes. senator barbara boxer was on the twitter machine. she says israel is the only democracy in the middle east and any linkage between israel and apartheid is nonsensical and ridiculous. bad politics. yeah. plus, jewish leaders are fuming.
yeah. again. the left rushes to demonize people who are either republican or conservatives who misspeak. i don t want to do what they do. i m more concerned about the fact that we have a foreign policy that is essentially nonexistents today. we ve accomplished nothing really in terms of foreign policy. america is weaker. everybody knows it. china is only the move. russia is on the move. and the middle east, all these dreams that we had of an arab spring turned out to crush religious minorities, crush christians, still have the textbooks in muslim countries that say jews are pigs and are defiling the world. so that s all continuing under the obama administration. so we re weaker and that s my real concern. one comment, it s a stupid and horrible comment, but the policies are the problem.
i think it s so true because you can t debate a policy if there is no one to debate. we ve taken our hands off the wheel. what do you think, mom? right. that goes right to hillary, too. let s talk about domestic politics and a woman that a lot of people are saying is a liberal s liberal. the senator out of massachusetts, senator elizabeth warren. her book has become a best seller because she s taken on the rich, on the capitalism. she says it s rigged. she says it and said it also on the daley show. that s what s fundamentally changed. it s tough out there. it really is a rigged game and it s set up now over and over. it s probably always been. well, snot not like this. it s set up over and over that the rich get richer and the powerful get more powerful. they ve got all the advantages of concentrated money and concentrated power. wait a minute. she lives in a mansion. she was paid $350,000 to teach one class at harvard. and i believe she s worth north
of $10 million. she s a 1%er. yeah. nothing is ever rigged at harvard, right? nothing rigged. it s so easy for a conservative professor to make their way at harvard or conservative students for that matter. they re never discriminated you know something? warren is for the whole equal pay mess. women, equal pay, 70 cents per dollar. she s all for policies attend up hurting the middle class. she s against the keystone pipeline. she believes that the minimum wage should be $22. that s what she said would be equitable. that would be fair in the currents market. so she talks good game and i think a lot of people do believe that money is concentrated in fewer hands today. that s true. fewer banks as well. no doubt about that. there is a populist pitch to be made, but her ideas actually run counter to helping the middle class. she s also for immigration
amnesty, which i think, you know my position on this, it will hurt the middle class, hurt black american, hurt single mothers because it will depress wages in the united states to legalize millions upon millions of people who are already here. so i understand the moral case for that. i get it. but it s not going to help the middle class. that s farce. so she s got to change her policies to have any credibility on boo hoa the middle class. speak of stupid. we re going to move the party over to dartmouth college. you know it well. they can t use the word fiesta because it s racist. one of the students filed a complaints there. the editor of the dartmouth review was here with us and this is what he had to say. people were horrified that the reaction from the administration was such that the sensitivity of one group outweighed what was a charitable
events put o on by the students body. our concern that the rule of law on dartmouth campus seems to be eroding slowly. the group with the ripest self-esteem gets a pass on these issues. there is no sense of bringing people to the table. it s always if you re offended, the most sensitive, you prevail. you say? i was editor of the dartmouth review a while ago. i was the first woman of the editor review. look, now one person, one young woman said she was offended by the word fiesta and the fact that they served, i don t know, mexican-themed food, that was so offensive to her that she i guess she wrote a letter, made her views known and the fraternity president and the sorority president, oh, of course we re going to cancel. so there is a couple of things going on here. one person can be offended and
shut down a charity event. okay? that tells you all you need to know about free speech, free thought, and frankly, a great charity work at dartmouth college of the there is no meaning to the word liberal education if that is the basis for canceling a wonderful event that s been going on for three years. it s my alma mater. i love dartmouth, but the president set this up a couple weeks ago. the president of dartmouth allowed all these kids to take over his office and then a couple of days later, he s like, well, whatever it is you want, we ll basically give in to your views. yeah. that s where we are. thank you for joining us this morning and straightening us out. see you next week. coming up, can the nba team donald sterling s team, that is, can they take that team away from him and can someone go to jail? peter johnson, jr. with the questions you re asking and answers that may surprise you. and like a scene straight out of a movie, a wild ride caught on camera. that s no stunts man of the it s
a carjacker. stop him. stop him. my name is karen and i have diabetic nerve pain. it s progressive pain. first you have that, that feeling of numbness. then you get the hot pins. it got to the point where i felt like, almost like lightning bolts, hot strikes into my feet. the pain was, it was. i just couldn t handle it, so my doctor prescribed lyrica. the pain has been reduced and i feel better than i did before. [ male announcer ] it s known that diabetes damages nerves. lyrica is fda-approved to treat diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or, swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight, including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or skin sores from diabetes.
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just hours from now, the nba set to make its first official announcement about the los angeles clippers owner, donald sterling and his status after the shocking remarks to his girlfriend when it hit the internet. do you know that you have a whole team that s black, that plays for you. do i know? i support them. i ve given entertainment food and clothes and cars and house. who gives it to them? does someone else give it to them? do i know that i have who makes the game? do i make the game or do they make the game?
is there 30 owners, that joining us now, peter johnson, jr. good morning. he said, let me just answer everybody s questions cause we keep asking in the halls. we ve gotten hundreds of questions here. here is one, can the commissioner actually confiscate the clippers, take them from the sterling family and sell it to somebody else? there is something called due process in this country. under the league rules, usually if there are financial problems or improprieties or the is insolvency, it could happen of the i don t believe it will happen. i believe we ll see a fine of the we ll see a penalties. some form of suspension today with regard to his activity. of course, he could always decide to appeal that. yes. is donald sterling actually accused of a crime? that s really important. he s not accused of a crime. but he s been treated in some quarters as if he did commit a
crime because the statements are so against what we sedan for in this country. but he s not accused of a crime. there is no violation of state or federal law. he s not subject to this points that we re aware of, to any kind of federal or state inquiry, civilly or criminally in termination of his conduct. could i as a player sue him? could i say, i m offended by what you did? that s going to happen. we re going to see a flurry of racial discrimination claims against him and perhaps against other owners. is the tape legal? the tape, if it was made in the state of california and there wasn t the permission of both parties, is illegal. if those facts are true and the person who made it, if the person did not have the permission of all parties on that tape, could be prosecuted in the state of california. it s a two-party consents state, meaning all parties must consents to such a taping. you know what i get from
this? it s over, there is the fine this is going to be an election year issue on top of t. we can talk more about that later. this is a huge issue in america. thanks, peter. coming up straight ahead, students at rutgers university determined to stop condoleeza rice from speak at their graduation. their plan will have you outraged, i am sure. plus, steve is on his high horse again. that s right, brian. if the liberal mayor of new york city has his way, these guys and these horse out of work, replaced by an electric car? that story coming up.
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thanks for being with us. type for quick headlines for you. you ve got hacked. aol announcing it s investigating a security breach that put the personal information of a significant amount of users at risk. this includes e-mail addresses, contact information, passwords and security questions. no financial data was affected, but aol telling users to change their passwords. and this crazy carjacker is caught on video trying to break into a new york city cab as it speeds down the highway. look at this. the man clung on for dear life, kick be at the windows and doors to get in. finally a red light occurred, he hopped off where he stole another camp the suspect has since been arrested. steve? thank you. it is an iconic american ride here in new york city. but if the liberal mayor has his way, horse and carriages may soon be gone. so how far will he go to get rid
of them? it might be too far. new reports now say the f.b.i. is investigating the group behind the ban for extortion against de blasio addressic opponents. allegedly they told christine quinn if she didn t support the ban, they d make sure she never got elected. and then they spent a lot of money in anti-quinn ads. so how would shady politics affect the agenda of the horses and the carriage drivers? let s talk to them now. we ve got steven malone and his horse up fronts is tyson and paul mcdade and his horse behind us, here amid the streets of new york city. good morning to beth of you. good morning. first of all, let s get started. this is the first time you ve ever been in the back seat of a cab, right? yes, it is. the last time with two men. and during your years, how many people have guiltien engaged in the back of your cab? over the years, hundreds and hundreds of people. thousands. thousands? thousand. this is one of those iconic new york things, when you come
to new york city, you got to go to central park. mayor de blasio has been funded in part by an anti-carriage crowd. why? it s our belief they all want real estate involved on the lower west side of many times where two of our stables reside. it s currentsly in the hudson yards project. and it s very valuable real estate and we re here to say to the american public that they re not for sale. sure. paul, the other side, the antes carriage people say it s lousy on the horse. they don t like doing it. let s replace them with $175,000 electric cars. makes no sense. people are coming for the horse and carriage rides. central park and other groups worked for years and years to rid the park of carriage. people are coming for the horse and carriage ride. that s what they want too see n sure. central park wouldn t allow them to start w. steven, tell us
about your personal story, biography of you driving a cab. i started since i was a kid. my dad start here action he came from ireland in 1964, started shoeing horses for one of the local stables and my mom and dad eloped leer from ireland, got married on 13 carriages. he started driving a carriage bus the guy had an extra carriage of the they gave my dad to earn extra pay. that impacted your family for generations. so if de blasio gets his way after taking that campaign money and gets rid of the cabs, the horse drawn carriages what, will it do to you? as a 44-year-old man, i don t know what to do. i m in the prime years my life, but this is all i ve ever done. i was bred to drive it. yeah. we ve been reading about this story in new york city. it s a big local story. it sounds like dirty politics. one guy took a bunch of money
from one outfit. in the past, he was for the carriages, before he was against them. he had carriage rides before himself and his wife have been in the carriages. really? yep. and this is actually only really happened in the last couple of years that he s taken this position, since a big bagger, new york class. he s the money man. eats guy with the money. he s the guy with the real estate. he s the guy that wants real estate and wants these two stables specifically at the hudson yards. so he s a big player in this. different people fall in behind him. it looks like dirty politics. well, yeah, definitely. it doesn t smell right, you know what i mean? i understand it completely. all of a sudden we re going okay and then got a flu mayor, boom a new mayor, bottom. it changed out of nowhere. if you would like to help these carriage drivers and horse go to thank you very much. thank you very much. we ve been sitting here for
the last five minutes, we re lucky the horse didn t take off. there is nobody keepings from keeping us from going on. we ve asked him to stay kwai kwai quiet. coming up, she had a pocket knife in her purse when she went to school. now she s been expelled, has zero tolerance gone too far. they shake pom poms and dance to music, all to support a team. should cheerleading be a sport? this debate may have been put to rest here in new york state. that story and so much more, live from the streets of new york city [ male announcer ] v8 v-fusion plus energy.
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when used with diet and exercise. it is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and should not be used in people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. victoza has not been studied with mealtime insulin. victoza is not insulin. do not take victoza if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza or any of its ingredients. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction may include swelling of face, lips, tongue or throat, fainting or dizziness, very rapid heartbeat, problems breathing or swallowing, severe rash or itching. tell your doctor if you get a lump or swelling in your neck. serious side effects may happen in people who take victoza including inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis) which may be fatal. stop taking victoza and call your doctor right away if you have signs of pancreatitis, such as severe pain that will not go away in your abdomen or from your abdomen to your back, with or without vomiting. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take
and if you have any medical conditions. taking victoza with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. the most common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, and headache. some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. if your pill isn t giving you the control you need. ask your doctor about non-insulin victoza. it s covered by most health plans. an extreme weather alert. another deadly round of twisters barreling through the south. the death toll rising to 28 people after two days of tornadoes. our own maria molina is live on the ground in tupelo, mississippi. another day of death and destruction, unfortunately. yeah, that s right. more tornadoes impacts another series of states over the overnight hours and earlier in
the afternoon hours yesterday. we know that tornadoes touched down in places like mississippi, alabama, and also across the state of tennessee. here the damage is extensive. behind me we have what used to be a strip mall with the roof blown offment there is debris inside of it. we ve seen furniture outside of park lots, metsal scrappings on park lots as well, thrown around. and cars tossed and flipped and windows shattered as well. and also car wind shields shattered. we did speak to someone who survived a tornado. he was in his car when the tornado hit and that car was pushed to the side. his wife and children were at the restaurant and they had to hide and ride out the tornado inside in the cooler. he survived and they are all fine. but their business severely damaged. other survivors who rode out the storm when the tornado hit here in tupelo, take a look.
ripped the roof off the building over there. we all jumped in the pit. glass flying all around down in the pit. to see trees twisted and snapped like what they are now it s nothing i ve ever seen in my life and nothing i want to see again. we ve also seen images of trucks and cars overturned and just again, the debris extensive out here. something that s hard to convey over video or images is the smell of gas. that s also been a big concern here in this city and we spoke to the mayor about that who said that crews have been working long hours overnight and have been make progress on that. other areas that were impacted hard by tornadoes, louisville, mississippi. that county, three people were killed, extensive damage there as well. the threat for more severe weather extending from parts of the southeast up into parts of the midwest. there is a moderate risk issued by the storm prediction center, including parts of eastern
mississippi. also parts alabama and that means that the tornadoes that stay on the ground and cause this type of damage are possible yet again today. let s head over to new york. all right. maria molina live in tupelo, mississippi, where another 11 dead overnight in the states of boston alabama, mississippi. heather nauert is standing by with break news. this time i have good news. we ve had a loft tough news this morning. listen to this, we ve been talking about the story all morning long. a father and his two young children who went miss not guilty a south carolina national park have been found. they are all safe and have been taken to a local hospital for observation. the three of them went missingia hike in an enormous national forest there. a friend says he knew they were in trouble after receiving a text message saying they were lost. no word on how they got disoriented, but they are okay this morning. we re glad to tell you.
self-proclaimed 9-11 mastermind had his sights set on london. testifying in a trial said khalid sheikh mohammed was planning to strike. after 9-11, mohammed pulled out an almanac of the world s tallest building and crossed out the twin towers and started going through the book for new targets. sick. overnight dozens of students at rutgers university, they occupied the president s office protesting the school s decision to invite condoleeza rice to speak at graduation. rutgers is paying her $35,000 for her appearance. but some say that they are outraged because her role in the iraq war. so far the university says that rice is still invited, but you may remember this one two years ago, the school paid 312 grand to snooki to offer students these choice words. study hard, but party hard.
okay. looks like a very interesting story coming out of new orleans. a flamboyant new orleans socialite, her dying wish is to appear at her own wake, so she did. 83-year-old mickey easterling died april 14 and she went out in style with a final farewell cocktail party. she had left strucks to be propped up in a chair dress in her finest floral dress and bright pink boa with a glass champagne in one hand and cigarette in. no her daughter said it was really nice way to say the party is over. okay. party is overment let s take down that picture. brian, let s head over to you for sports. okay. nice message. i d be alive if i didn t have that cigarette in my corpse. now clippers owner sterile something feeling the full court press. hours from north texas the nba
will decide about 12:00 o clock eastern time, to deal with him. commissioner ademeanor silver s first big task is expected to give a presser. it s unclear what punishment it could be. but many are expecting the league to come did you know hard. he faces fines, suspensions, and could even forced to give up his team. i sense it might go to the rest his family and he ll be tossed. check this out, two softball players helped an opposing player around the bases after she tripped and blew out heroine the injured player s homerun may not have counted if she didn t go around the base. good sportsmanship prevailed. it goes to show you that it s a team sport. it took a village. right. for her to score once injured. i love that story. by the way, coming up in 20 minutes, mark levolitch will be
our guest. i got to talk about something else. cheerleading, i ve never done it. many have. now the big debate, should it be a sport? right. 34 states so far have acknowledged it is, including the district of columbia, recognized it as a sport. new york set to decide on that today. board of rejudgments is going to say yes or no. it s not a sport. they re going to say yes, it is, because apparently state officials have already recommended it. this has set off, in the history of our station issue for years we have done battle behind the scenes, is it or is it not a sport? dean cain, who is definitely a support of this program we d in on whether or not it s a sport and he said this definitely should happen asap. look at that. support for cheerleading being a sport. this is due to the evolution of the sport and the difficulty of it. the old-fashioned
cheerleading was give me an a, give me a c. there is no i in team. what were you spelling? i m not sure. it was a team that never won. but those are just people who showed up and do cheers. but cheerleading is misnamed based on what they re doing today. here is the definition of a sport and tell me if it fits this. sport, an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment. right. you got a dwelled medal for stick ago landing. they re tossing people up, the injuries are severe. they have to train long hours to do what they do. i say yes if should be a sport. so that is the definition. what do you think? norris has written in on facebook. last time i checked, they don t have sporting events at sporting event. that s good one. good point. general gee on facebook says there is a huge difference
between side line cheering at game and a competitive cheer team. i agree with that. my 17-year-old daughter is a competitive cheerleader who anyone who says is not a sport has never watched. i would say this, the problem is the name. there is cheerleading, which is look, we re winning. we re really winning. and there is the competition that you see on espn and fox sports 1. that s why you should rename it. it should be synchronized acrobatics. there is cheerleading on the side, but synchronized ac about thetics. i wouldn t say synchronized because then everybody has to dot same thing. but they have to do it in a we of you know what? name the sport. joe, your daughter does cheerleading. she does. it s a competition cheer. so you believe it is a sport? it is a sport. okay. my daughter is catching the girls who are flipping in the
air. these girls, they work very hard. they get concussion, sprained fingers, ages, the whole nine of the i saw a girl do a flip and get a face plant and get a broken nose. what would be a good flame name? it s competitive cheer. they work very hard. it is a sport. in spite of the what you re saying in the control room, it s sport. joel, how much time before the hard break? about 40 seconds. we should read this. coming up next, according to joel, actors have a new way to see and hear everything you do. by hack into baby monitors. it happened to one mom and she s here live with a warning every parents needs to hear. that s right. take a grape from a monkey and he ll go ba fellow in as. bananas. you ll be talk being this video
all day long. lesson there.
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quick headlines now. minnesota high school is expelled for a year for having a pocket knife in her purse. 17-year-old alyssa says it was a mistake issues but school officials say they have a zero tolerance policy. it was found during a random drug search. a texas news anchor monkeys around with a monkey on live tv and instantly regrets it. oh, take that. wow. the great day houston host says it was her fault because she
teased the monkey with a grip. so the monkey will not be put down. we have a fox news alert. gunman opens fire at a fed-ex facility in georgia, injuring at least six people at this hour. the gunman is still on the loose. waja reporter mike is live with the very latest. mark? reporter: that s right. just a few seconds ago, right before we came on, we were told by police here that the gunman has now been found dead of a self inflicted gunshot wound. so that person is no longer on the loose and is dead. at this point we ve got at least six people who were injured at this fed-ex facility in kennesaw, georgia. it s about ten or so miles northwest of atlanta. it s obviously a suburb in cobb county, one of our major counties here. it was just before 6:00 o clock this morning when this gunman went into the fed-ex facility located near the cobb county
municipal airport and opened fire. six people injured. at least one critically wounded. cobb county police were spending hours trying to find this guy. but within the last couple of minutes, we ve just been told that he was found dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. that s the latest from kennesaw, georgia. thank you very much. ten minutes before the hour. coming up, hackers have a new way to see and hear everything you do by hacking into baby monitors. if happened to one mom and she s here live with a warning every parents who has got one of those needs to hear. but first, we re going too check in with martha mccallum for what s coming up at the top of the hour. good morning. these monster tornadoes and utter devastation in the heartland and now tupelo. we ll bring you the latest and go live to the scene and also the v.a. hospital disgrace. we are now learning more about
how some our inflation s heros are being treated. and some very rough numbers today for the white house. what they may mean for the coming election. bill and i will see you at the top of the hour chico s effortless shirt. play in it. work in it. go wild in it. do everything but wrinkle in it. the perfect fitting no-iron effortless shirt in 4 styles and 31 colors and prints. visit the shirt boutique, only at chico s and he gets a ready for you alert hthe second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can check in and power up before his big meeting.
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baby monitors are supposed to give parents an extra layer of security. but one ohio couple recently made a horrifying discovery when they found out a hark using the monitor s camera to watch their baby inside that baby s own room. sharing their shock story is heather, along with her sweet baby, emma. good morning. emma, you are so cute! let me tell you, you hear this
story. it sounds horrific. can you describe to us what happened? you hear this man s voice coming from emma s room. what happens then? it was terrifying. i immediately woke up and i looked at the monitor, which is on my cell phone. i looked down and i saw the camera panning around her room. so realized that someone was controlling the camera and look in her room. i woke my husband up and he ran in there immediately and when he walked in, the camera panned up and looked straight at him and start screaming expletives at him and it was terrifying. he unplugged it from the wall at that point to disconnect the camera and then we just had to console emma, who was terrified. it s just so fightsenning to think some creep can have access to your little girl. the irony is that you have this to protect her. she s so sweet, you want to do
that. did you know it it had happened before? that would be my worry that, this wasn t the first time. i don t know. and if this man hadn t spoke and yelled at my daughter action i would not have known that he was even watching. so we don t know if it happened before. that mix me crazy to think that someone could have watched me in her room for several months before. and i no way of knowing. such a violation. have you used the monitor since then? yeah. we disconnected it for a few weeks and did some research on it. we have since rehooked it up and we ve added some security to it. so it should be safe now and secure. we do still use it. i think it s good tool. but just wants to make sure everyone knows to make sure it s locked down. it s so creepy to think this happened of the such a violation. emma is so sweet. what can parents do?
security wise what, are the changes you played to make it more safe? well, we took the default password off and locked down our rueter at our home of the we made the passwords different, we change it periodically and keep a close eye on it. we wish you well. thanks for bringing us those tips. bye, baby emma. thank you. someone nice is watching you right here. yeah. you re bring your suggestions in for renaming cheerleading and they re all going to be read coming up. in pursuit of all things awesome, amazing,
and that s epic, bro, we ve forgotten just how good good is. good is setting a personal best before going for a world record. good is swinging to get on base before swinging for a home run. [ crowd cheering ] good is choosing not to overshoot the moon, but to land right on it and do some experiments. so start your day off good with a coffee that s good cup after cup. maxwell house. good to the last drop woman: this is not exactly what i expected. man: definitely more murdery than the reviews said. captain obvious: this is a creepy room.
man: oh hey, captain obvious. captain obvious: you should have used their genuine guest reviews are written by guests who have genuinely stayed there. instead of people who lie on the internet. son: look, a finger. captain: that s unsettling. man: you think? captain: all the time. except when i sleep. which i would not do here. would have mentioned the finger. why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain. it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to your doctor. if your doctor decides viagra is right for you, you can fill your prescription at your pharmacy. or, check out viagra home delivery, a convenient place to fill
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you have plenty. that s right. cheer nastica or cheer battic. i had one, synchronized acrobatics. see you tomorrow. another day, another round of deadly tornadoes tearing through the south. thousands running for cover as the massive funnel clouds form right before their eyes. it is so enormous and so cloud and right in front of your face. it looks like a storm chaser on that funnel cloud. a storm of destruction level in its

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Transcripts For KNTV NBC Nightly News 20131117 23:30:00

on this sunday night, high alert. a dangerous and powerful li of stms triggers at last a dozen tornadoe throughout the dwest.p tonight, where it s headed, as morehan 50 million americans remain in its path. > moment of impact. new video show the enormous por of the typhoon as it surged ashore as many wait for relief, how me are taking matters into their own hand ten ys after the storm. meningitis outbreak, a rare strain of the potentially deadly disease discoveredt a leading universi, as thousandwait on a cision or whether to use an emergency vacne. and invisible threat. why law enforcemt now fear it could lose an important dense agait those deadly homemade plastic guns, capable of
slipping through metal dettors unte detected. good evening. alafternoon we ve been watching aajor and deadly weather evt unfold across the midwest and it is stillot over. at least the ople have died in central illinois, after the violent orm system unleashed tornadoe demolishing score of homes and businesses, and injuring dozensf people. the threatening weather even forcing th suspensionof today s chicago bearsame at soldiefield. here now 5:30 central time pas of michigan, ohio and kentucky remain under tordo wahes, with strong wind warnin and aisories extending back into illinois. we have full coverage starting with nbc s kevin tibbles in the town of wilminon, illinois. good evening. reporter: lester, no one could havemagined a storm of this magnitude churning its way
across the midwest this late in the year but tonight, at least three people are dead, and numerous communities are assessing the damage. oh my go this thing is huge. and it s comingfast. reporter: severe weather cut a wide ph through the midwest sundayafternoon. go, go, go, go, go! oh my god, it s he. reporter: putting more than 53 million people across ten states at high risk, tens of millions more the storm pushed east. oh my god, this thing is getting really wide, john. reporter: the national weather servicessued significant waings for tornadoes, damaging winds, havy thunderstorms. these dangerous stms are expected to spreaapidly eastward during the afternn. this is a very dangers situation. reporte in washington, illinois, three hours west of chicago, whole sections of the city flatten. reports alrea of 70-me-an-hour winds associated with this stor and one inch hail. eporter: the strong nds barreled into a peoria, illinois, news station, during a live broadct.
we may need to takeshelter right nowourselves. we do. we need to go off air. weill be back when we can. ight, we llbe right back. reporte heavy rain and straig line winds also caused serious mage in missouri. oh my goodss. this is going on downtown st. louis right now. we ve got very stro wi, raining to beat the band, wow, that s why we have the severe understorm warning right now. eporter: in chicago, a tornado warng delad a bears and ravens game in soldier field during the fst quarter. warning. reporter: due to e inclement weather the ge will be temporarily suspende . eporter: forcing fanto evacuate the stadium. first as a precauti and then we suspendinghe game seek shelter. reporter: the sto threat from illinois southeast, wisconsin, lower michigan and western ohio. piures posted onocial media show the devastating eects of thstorm as it moved fromne location to the next in a matter of minutes, givingeople little visual confirmation of the
thre before it stru. all of audden the wind really started pickin . reporter: steve bucher from washington, illinois, was eating lunch when a tornadoit his street. within less than ainute everything started collapsing inside the house. cracng, sputtering and the next thing we know it slight inside the house. those are our two vehicles sittingcross in theield over there, one of which was inside our garage at the te. reporter: it was your garage and n it s he gray one. reporter: 100 yards away? yes. you see it on your tv pgrams d you can t belie it, and you sit rit in the middle of it and you still can believe it. reporter: lester, tonight the winds continue to rip on their way down here, i saw damaged hoem homes, toppled trees and semis tossed like toys. con ed does not want me to go any further because those are
power cables acss the road. this storm ll continue moving east overnight. remarkable pictur, kevin, thanks. we turn to the south and fartr east. weher channeleteorologist mike eidel is tracking the storm in covington, kentuck we understand you were just hearing sirens there. reporter:es, lester in the background the tornado sirens just wt off a fewinutes ag the linef storms we ve be watching all daynow movi in as we speak. the winds cld gust over 70 miles an hour, you could see e leavesnd rain swirling in the piure. the orms are moving at 60 miles an hour. i can hear the roar of the win eier side of the building is providingprotection. visibility is going down the flags are being whipped by this wind. there is a severe thunderstorm warning acro the metro area and a tornado watch until 8:00, but thnextalf anhour is ing to be the storms that mean siness potentially knocking down trees, power lines and knocking out per here in metro ncinnati. lester? all right, ke seidel. let let s ll back the big picture
weather channel meteorologist jim cantore is at weather channel headquarters with re. good evening. lester what s amang about this outbreak it s movi as fast as most of us dre our cars on the interstate, 60 to 70 miles per hour here. the watches that are out you can see em from michigan all the way downnto tennsee. we do expect ose will continue east tonig, as the storms do as well, and you can see they re progressing alonquickly. let s ask this model to let us know where these storms are gog to be at what times. so here s sunday, 9:30 this evening, we progressforward, pittsburgh, you ll be in this, rochester, scrann, albany, new york. most of the weather will be through the big cities by 7:00 m. with the exceptn of boston, they havto deal with the worst of thi but of cose behi it we are talking about very gusty northwest winds, like the winds th kevin tibes is aling with tonight sagain as we go fromhis point forward throug the overnight expect a severeeather area to cover many, many states d many millions of people, an active
november d to say the least. lester? all riht, jicantore thanks very much. we ll go bac to the weathe story as evts warrant. we wt to turn to a deadly ane crash today in russia. it happeneds a boeing 737 on a flight from moscow crashed while trying to landin the russn city of kazan, st of the capital. officials saidll 50 pple on board were killd. thplane, which belongedto tarttan airlines was tryg to ma a second landing attempt when it slammed into the runway and exploded. here in southern california just off thcoast an accident this weeke involving a u.s. navy drone. officials say the manned plane malfunioned and struck the uss chanceorsville a guided missile stroyer. the drone w being used to test the ship s radar. two sailors wer treated for minor injuries. the obama ministration gins this week still very mh on the defensive about the new health care law, trying to nally get the rollout on tck and trying to make sure democrats st with the party
line. our report tonight fm white use correspondent kristen welker. you guys are worthless. eporter: one month ago it was the republicanparty on life support, blad for the government hutdown. the amerin people overwhelming reje ama ca. reporter: butow the democrats are fractureand playg defense in the wakof the rocky heal care rollout. they can fix this, it is a textible problem. reporter: replicans are pilingn. the president said that h fumbled e rollout. it sime for a time-out. reporter: thimorning democratic par leaders tried to strike a unite front. democrats stand tall in support of affordable ce act. reporter: and they downplayed the 39 house democrats man facing tough re-ections who broke with the president fday to approve a republican bill reoring canceled policies indefitely. bout 30 of them and i ve talked to them were insulati themselvesgainst sound bites, and that s partof the problem. reporter: today the washington post reports the adnistration will consider the marketplace a success if % of
users can buy health care plans online, meaning tens of thousas won t be able to do so. administration officials wouldn t confirm that figure, but the house democratic leader sa she s ancipating an 80% success rate o the website. ty re anticipating tt 80% bydecember 1as we goforward. reporter:till with l the problems plaguing obama care the administration has become fodder for saturday nightive. the enrollment perioisn t a disaster. and is ginning to affect your work. ask your doctor fo paxil, second tm strength. reporter: not a laughing tter to those inside the white house, who know the president s legacy is riding on his health re plan. analysts sayhere s still time to recover in the end,narack obama s ca, probably the best thing he cado about all of this is to make sur that his health care program succeeds. reporter: now this week insurance companiesnd state
commissioners wille scrambling to figure out how and if they ll adhereo the president s fix, which allo insurance companies to restore canceled policies for one year. anwhile president obamawill try to rally his core supporters during a conference ca tomorrow night. lester? kristen welker, thank you. as big desion is expected in the next day or so at princeton university whether wbr id wbr6210 to give thousands onñr that caus a vaccine not approved in this country buthat could protect them against an outbreak of meningitis. we get the latest from kristen da dahlgren. rorter: at princeton ai waiting game, many ndering if the university will approve a emergency vaccine for a potentially deadly meningitis outbreak the fact that thanksgiving break is scar with all of the families coming to princeton. reporter: meningitis kills 120 people in the u.s. every year and the b strain fod at princeton isn t covered by vaccines approved in this country. outbreak is b it doesn t make sense that this many childre over a six month period have been infected. /b
reporter: the first princeton stent was diagnosed in march after she returned from spring break. those who had come in contact th her were given prophylactic treatmt. may 6t a student wa taken to the hospital and agsed, may 20th another diagnosised afte he traled home. june 3h a wbr-id wbr6810 student on an academic trip abroad was diagnosed and there have been two more cases snce school resumed thifall, one october 3 d the most recent novembe 10th. meningitis is spread bylose personal contact, a quarter of the population couldarry and spread t dsehout getting sick themselves. symptoms va but may include high fever, headache, stiff neck, naus and sentivity to light. bexsero the vaccine does prevent the b strain and used in europe since january and australia since august. our approvalrocess can be exemely rigorousut it s designed to prott the united
states populatioagainst side effects that may not appear right afr approval of a drug. reporter: if approd the ccine will only go to those on caus. routine, everyday, going to e movies, the restaurant, it s not a concern. reporter:o on campus tonight e wait continues for a decision thatcould come as soon as tomorr. kristen dahlgrennbc news, new york. wve got lot more to tell you about on this sunday night. when we continue on nighy news, still waiting for helpn the philippines and how some are responding ten dayafter the deadly typhoon struck. and later, real guns made of plastic and undetectable. why police worry theyay lose a. the streets. the sics, you know. i got this. [thinking] is ithat time? the son pickup the check? [thinking] i m stillorking. he s retired. i pe he s saving. who matters st to you says the most about you.
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we like interacting with people. so you have time tfocus on the this you love. ink fromhase. so youan. now n days aft the devastating typhoon inthe philippines, officialtoday put the death toll near 4,000, with about 1,200 still missing. this new video shows the incredible power of the storm surge asthe typhoocame ashore today the country s president said while there has en some progress in the relief effo, it is not enough. we havtwo reports tonig beginning th nbc s ian williams. reporter:his is the crumpled remains o sea wall, a dense shanty tow lining the waterfrontn tacloban, where hundreds are still missing and aid is scarce. hi. hi.
reporter: how are you? nowater, no. reporter: you rstill waitg for help? yes. reporter: yet walk deeper into sea wall and there s other story, which resonates to the sound of saws and mmers. we are not waiting for the government. thatould be too long. my brother, my sister, my friends, we e helping each other to reild the house. reporter: helng emselves, clearing and recling the remainsfheir oldhomes, salvaging what they can, while e first signs of commerce are reemerging. wi a smile that belies the horror the experienced, even the youngest readily share stories surviving the storm surge. how did you get up there? the water was flowing up and we up, up, uplike a dog. reporter: lika dog? yes. reporter: when the aid does co, this is th response, all fotwo pounds of rice and six bottlements of the water. one of the first aid handouts to
reach sea wall sunday quickly draws dozens to what s left of the community s main steet. this imporished santy town had little before the typhoon but it is a resilient community and the sluggh pacefelief suppes reaing here has only stoked their substubborn determination to rebuild. ian william nbc news, tacloban. this is dr. nancy snyderman in cebu. in tanauon city ha a team of doors arrived st week to treat the sick and wounded. i ve never been in a war but this is what i imagine it s like. reporter: within three days th performe 100 surgeries. we need supplies quickly. reporter: when weere here on wednesday resources were stretched thin. we brought some bic suppls, gauze, wraps, needles, sir rings and bleach, not a lot. some acetaminoen but at least someing that will help tie them or because wh we left they didn t have much. it still is crded inside as it was the other day, a long line
of patients but a far y from what wsaw the last time. ow. reporter: you have a lot of good supplies here, yr a bit antibiotic, even a solar powered refrigerator and food is now plentiful. the makeshift operatingoom is still active upstairs but not nearly business busy. when the americans left afte ick days of work w came here the night before so we took over from them. reporter: there are doctors here, patients who are bing seen, food is here and there are plty of medical supies. th is a sign that relief is happening. it may n be overnight, but these peop are starting to rebuild. dr. nancy snyderman, nbc news, cebu, philippines. when we come back,new fears abou deadly plastic guns, there is a law banning such undetectable wpons is about to
expire. 3, whh would be fine ifob were a vampire. but he s not. he s an architect with twoids and a mortgage. luckily, he founsomeone who gave him a fresh perspective on his portfolio. and withome planning and efrt, pefully bob can reti at a more appropriate age. it s not rocket science. it sust common sense. from td eritrade. i don t miss out. you sat out st of our game yesterday! asthma doesn t fect my job. you were out ck last week. asthma doesn t ther my family. you coughed all through our date night! i rdly use my rescue inhaler at all. what did you say? how about - every day? coping with asthma isn t controlling it. test your level ofontrol at, then talk to youdoctor. there y be more you could do for your asthma.

e country wil payribute this week to predent john f. kennedy who was assassinated 50 ars ago this friday on wednesday, president obama and his wife michelle will be joined by former presidentill clinton and hillary clinton as they visit nnedy s gravesite at arlinon national secretary. and wednesday evening, the president pls to deliver an address on kennedy s legacyof service at the smithsonian american hisry museum. and stay he with nbc news.
there will be specia coverage of the anniversary of keedy s assassinationthroughout the week on all our programs and platforms. the is new conce tonight among thecountry s police that it becoming much easier to make lethal plastic guns that could be slipped past metal detectors just as an important protection against tho weapons is about to be lost. we get more on that story from nbc s justice correspondt pete wiiams. reporter: this is what has law enforcement organizations so worried, a plastic gun that can withstand firing seval bullets but cannotbe discovere by metal9/ detectors inpublic buildings, schools, sports arenas and airports. this would be really dangerous for travelers, it would mean a terrorist, crimal, menlly ill person could walk tough a metal detector undetected, completely undetected and pfectly legal. reporter: theun is made using machines called 3-d printers widely available that
layer downthin layers of pltic to build objects. computer instructions for this version called the liberator are circulating on the ternet deveped by a group in texas headed by cody wilson, a law student who opposes goverent regulations. we should have the right to pursue creative endeavs d pursue anything we wan reporter: his design cls for putting a four ounce unk of steel into the gun so it can be discovered by hand ld or walk-throu metal detector, even so the metaliece can easily be removed, making the gun undetectable and illegal to possess but t federal law that bans undetectable firearms is about to expire. it is a matt of common sense and common security to extend t undetectable act and modernize it. you could manacture this in about a day ana half. reporter: offials at say plasticuns can b made with cheaper 3-d printers. th atf)
exploding e first time they re fired even thoughthey were made according to instctions on the internet with variouguns and parts. there rlly is no hunting or sporting/7y purposes for a plastic weapon that can blow up your hands or hurthe collector ofsportsmen around you. eporter: now the atf and others in law enforcement who worrabout plasticcts hope congress acts before theaw expis december 10th. pete williams, nbc news washington when we come back anupdate on the severe weher going on in a lae part of the country tonight. right outside the station, wow. abley nochoosing the right medicare d plan. no one could have left ts much money he. whoo-hoo-h! yet many seniors who compare medicare plans alize they can save hundreds of dollars. cvs/pharmacy wants to help y save on medicare expenses. talk to your c pharmacist, call, or go to get your ee, personalized plan comparison toda
call, go online, or visi your local sto today. so i deserve a small business cret card with amazing rewards. with the spa cash card from capital one, get 2% cash back on every purchase, every day. i break myack around here. finally someone s recognizing me with unlimited rewds! meetings start at 11, cindy. male announcer ] get the spark siness card from capital one. chse 2% cash back or double miles on every purchas every day. what sn your wallet? i need your timesheets, larry! what sn your wallet? but with less engy, moodiness, and low sex drive,y first. i saw my docto a ood test showed it was low stosterone, not age. we talked about axon. i saw my docto the only underarm low t treatment thatan restore t levels to normal in out 2 weeks in most men. axiron is not for usin women or anyonyounger than 18 or men with prostate breast cancer. women especially those who are or who m become pregnant
and children shod avoid contact where axiron is applie asnexpected signs of perty in children or changes in body hair or increased acne in women may occu rert these symptoms to your doctor. tell your door about all medical conditions and medications. serious side effects could include increased risk decreased erm count; ankle,eet or body swellingms; enlarged or painful breasts; proble breathing while sleeping; and bld clots in the legs. common side effects includeskn ere applied, increased red bld cell count, headache, diarrhea, vomiting and increase in psa. ask your doctoabout axiron. we want to return to tonight s top story, the wave of
destructive weather inuding ma tornadoes wee been watching all day as it s been mong across the midwest and since we ve been on the air the death tollas increased to four peopleonfirmed dead from those tornadoes. let s get an update from the weather channel sim cantore standing by with re. lester a damaging nd threat unfortunaty that means the rest of the night for many still across t east, so you ll notice from vermont all the way down across mississippi,e are talking about a chce for some damaging winds, so far today we ve seen winds gusting 70 to 85 miles per hour. is graph reprents a look at all the tornads that have occurred in illinois and indiana since about 11: this morning local time. if all of the 89 reports hold, this wld be thehird largest tornadoutbreak in the month of november so far with the death toll where it is, and the number of strong tornadoeshat we ve had, ef4, this makes this the strongest and deadliestin november history in the state of illinois. not numbs we like t talk
about. all rightim cantore, jim, thanks very much. that s nbc nightly news for this sunday. briawilliams will be he tomorrow. coming up next, football nighin america followed by the chieer have success the bron broncos. i m lesterolt reporting from los angeles. from all of us herat nbc news, good night. captns by vitac

nbsports exclusive homof the nhl, premiere league and sochi winter olyic games and sunday nht football. with the majestic rocky mountains inhe distance we greet yofrom sports authority field at mile high in denver where this nfl season began and where it is now the stage for a jor matchup at the 9-0 chiefs take on the 8-1 oncos in the season opening, peyt manning threw sevetouchdown passes to spark a 6-0 spark to t season that had denver looking li super bowl favorites but after an emotional losin indy and got knked around in san diego

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20141118 11:00:00

obama is far from being the most transparent in history? log on to our facebook page, #keeptalking. have a good one. good morning. it is tuesday, november 18. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. we begin with a fox news alert. terror in the heartland. a 29-year-old woman behind bars in virginia this morning for having ties to the islamic state. was she trying to recruit americans to fight for isis? we have those breaking details for you. he s never met a microphone he didn t like. until now. professor, do you really think the american voters are stupid? what about the obamacare? is that just a hoax on the american people? go get him, dave. watch what happens when the men who sold obamacare faces the fox news cameras. it is the best video
perhaps you will see all day. because you know i m about that baste more butter i m all about that baste about that baste america s favorite singing family taking on turkey day. your move hasselbeck family. you can match it. mornings are better with friends. this is nancy o del and you are watching fox & friends. thank you, nancy. welcome aboard, folks. ladies and gentlemen, we re all back together. i can t believe it. i know we ve got a lot of to get to but so good to see you elisabeth. you can say you re back and you re okay and everything s okay? i m back, i m okay and everything is okay. thank you for having both of my brothers by my side and all of you joining us this morning.
we ll get right to a fox news alert. overnight palestinians armed with knives and guns and axes stormed a synagogue killing at least four jewish worships that were praying inside. we re live in jerusalem with the breaking horrific details. what can you tell us this morning? we ve seen a spike in violence in jerusalem, really around the country in recent weeks and months but today s attack in comparison to what we ve seen was particularly brutal. about 7 a.m., 50 or so israelis were beginning their morning worship. two palestinian men armed with axes, knives and a pistol stormed a local synagogue here in jerusalem. most of the people were able to get outside and escape the violence but the two men began hacking and shooting at different people and at least four people were killed. several others were injured. we re getting word one of those dead is an american citizen. one of the first responders on the scene described the situation like this. have a listen. they stabbed people once
and twice and three times to make sure that they did the job. very bad. very bad. police say the two attackers were brothers from east jerusalem and one of them worked at a grocery store in the area. they knew the synagogue. they knew the area. tensions between israelis and palestinians have been tense in the last few months particularly after this summer s war in gaza. clashes and attacks happening on both sides fairly regularly here in jerusalem. but in recent weeks it s a spike because some very extreme jewish groups have been trying to pray on a exawnd, compound, devoted to both muslims and jews. this has ratcheted up tension. we ve been seeing the spikes for a few weeks. the city in jerusalem is as calm and chill as i ve seen it because there s sort of a real fear about what s going to happen.
people are describing this as a second interfad did a. there is a real concern that a third intifada may be starting or we may be in the middle of one. thank you for the barbaric details. if you look at the pattern of violence, something s happening and it s not good. and they keep on going up on each side. keeping you posted with the headlines this morning, heather nauert has got those. good morning. a lot of news back home. the governor of missouri is activating the national guard and declaring a state of emergency as we await a grand jury decision in the shooting death of michael brown. the state of emergency declared as the f.b.i. issues a nationwide warning. law enforcement across the country being advised that the grand jury decision will likely lead to violent backlash by protesters. new this morning, a 29-year-old woman is behind bars in virginia. she s charged with lying to the f.b.i. about possible ties to isis. court papers reveal that
she promoted isis on facebook using fake names and talking about arrangements for her husband to train with the terror group in syria. he backed out when the couple split up. investigators say the woman offered to make similar arrangements for an undercover agent. she is supposed to be prepping for the miss world competition but instead she is missing. she and her sister vanishing after a party in honduras later in the week. police have four suspects in custody but they have not found the woman nor have they say what might have happened. the beauty queen is supposed to be in the world competition which takes place next month. an oxford dictionary releasing its word of the year, vape. that is the word and it s short for vapor. it means to inhale or exhale while smoking an ecigarette.
it has terms including slackivist. last year s word was selfie. those are your headlines. what does bae mean? loved one. are ecigarettes bad for you? they don t have nicotine. they have tar. where do you get the tar if you can t get it from cigarettes? how do you get that into your diet? you ve got to drill for it. go to your asphalt sidewalk. we ve been talking about jonathan gruber and the damage he has done to that man the president. and there s john gruber right there, the m.i.t. professor. obviously he s doing real damage because this morning the new york times in the editorial page is defending him. what s curious is of all the video that we have
released and shown so far, it shows him shooting off his mouth, mr. gruber talking about how he did all this stuff for the president. the white house has been saying he s kind of a fringe player. well, here s the president of the united states on television in 2006 talking about how he, barack obama, actually stole ideas from mr. gruber. you ve already drawn some of the brightest minds from academia and policy circles, many of them i ve stolen ideas from liberally, people ranging from robert gordon to austin goalsby, john gruber, my dear friend jim wallace here, who you can talk, i think, who can inform what are sometimes dry policy debates with a prophetic voice. prophetic? was he prophetic about the premiums going up right now, the increases in the lowest point plan right now in obamacare? prophetic? that word stuck out to me
and what s sticking out to the american people, is obama, remember, he was opposed to the individual mandate. during the democratic nomination. absolutely. he attacked hillary clinton for her stance on it. saying imagine being forced to take on an insurance plan you can t even afford. imagine that. imagine no more. we re in that area. but gruber who was tbrawt in with his mathematical machine to give numbers behind the madness of obamacare is the one president obama denied, he wasn t even on our staff. not on your staff? he was paid over $400,000 by the department to get in there. and he had a lot to say. maybe you should have had him sign a nondisclosure. david webb went to get him at m.i.t. yesterday and ambush style asked him a few questions and jonathan gruber was all hush yesterday. you have had lots to say to the media. what about talking to us? we just want to talk to you. no thank you.
do you think the american people would have actually bought into obamacare without all the deception on the c.b.o. scoring? i have no comment. if you re telling the truth, why are you apologizing, as you did? i have no comment. professor, one last chance. let s have a conversation. professor, do you really think the american voters are stupid? no comment. what about the obamacare? is that just a hoax on the american people? i don t think he wanted to talk. i m not really sure. that was easily voted the most unpleasant walk of the
day. meanwhile, jonathan gruber comes out and it turns out he was a member of the transition team with the obama administration. he ends up being a member who visited the white house 12 separate times and got countless state and federal contracts. but in the end peter gruber john. jonathan gruber, i m thinking about the producer. here is jonathan gruber talking about essentially what the president s legacy is. i think the short attention span of the american public works to his advantage here. i think a year from now when the law is working, it will be long forgotten. so to recap, we re stupid and we forget things quickly. we re not going to have the attention span to remember this. how about this latest poll from gallup? 56% of you out there disapprove of the a aaffordable care act.
there s going to be zero forgiveness. that s the tippy top of disapproval. that s the largest number of americans who haven t liked it. and the critical number is only 33% of people who identify themselves as politically independent like it. people don t like it and now that we re learning more about how it was made, people are liking it even less. they certainly don t like the fact that someone said we re too smart and you re too dumb. we know what s best. the only way to sneak this in is to undermine go ahead and just get in there and throw a hoax at you because we know what s better because we re smart and you re not. the american people aren t buying that. unfortunately, they re buying plans they don t want to. he s going to be in front of congress and also senator rand paul on hannity said i think we want that 400-plus dollars back because of the way you handled it and the way you did it and you ultimately came out and said that you deceived the american public and bragged about it. coming up straight ahead the president vows executive action to push
his immigration plan forward. one g.o.p. lawmaker has a way to stop it in his tracks. live next. convicted serial killer charles manson may soon be getting married. how does that happen? we ll do some explaining.
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i could talk to you all day. very simple solution to
this perception that somehow i m exercising too much executive authority. pass a bill i can sign on this issue. there s president obama in australia defending his plan to push ahead with an executive order on immigration. but a brand-new poll shows nearly half of the country wants him to wait. what s the hurry? now one lawmaker says he has a plan to stop the president once and for all. here to explain, congressman from arizona matt salmon. he is a republican. good morning to you, matt. good morning. congressman, tell me about the letter you sent off. the letter that we sent last week instructs the chairman of the appropriations committee on our side and then the appropriations committee on the senate side in our funding bill to put language in that says no money in here can be used for the president s executive amnesty. there wouldn t be money available to no money. to deport people
essentially. how much does it cost not to do something? well, the cost of doing it is blatantly breaking the constitution. this is exactly what our founding fathers envisioned when they gave us exclusively the power of the purse. when we re at an impasse with the president, when the president wants to go off road, this is the only option that we have to be able to stop him. he can do things through executive order but we will not provide the funding for him so he cannot get him past. what s curious in the past we ve heard the president of the united states say i can t do what he s about to do. he said it countless time. when he was speaking to la raza a couple of years ago he said i d love to be able to do whatever i want to do but that s not the way things work. that s not the way our constitution work. now suddenly he believes differently. i don t think he believes differently. i think he s basically thinking i m going to do whatever i want to do. i m president. the election never happened. i rule this place
regardless of what the people say. right now about half the country, as i just told you, congressman and everybody else listening, would like the president to wait. what s the hurry, really? but what a lot of people are wondering is you ve sent off this letter and you said let s cut off the money to do this. all right, if he doesn t and he goes forward, then what are you going to do? are you one of the republicans who would like to shut dow the government? no, i don t believe that a shutdown would be productive. but i do believe that there are a lot of people on the senate side that are bluffing and blustering right now and i believe that if we give them a bill that defunds the president s ability to do this, i believe there are a lot of democrats that saw what happened in the last election when they don t listen to the people, and i believe that things will turn out well if we just simply have a stiff spine and do what we re supposed to do. he said last week, i hear you, regarding the midterms. if he really hears americans, he heard the latest poll and he knows
half the country doesn t want him to go ahead. if he doesn t listen, he does it at his own peril. i think that s something we need to put on his plate. all right. the plate is full, getting fuller. 18 minutes after the top of the hour. congressman, thank you for joining us live. good luck to you. coming up on this tuesday, a grand jury decision in ferguson, missouri, can come at any moment and now a state of emergency has been declared by the governor as businesses and police officers brace for potential trouble. a ferguson store owner joins us live with how he is preparing just in case. it s the best video you re going to see all day. america s favorite singing family, the viral family, takes on turkey day. on thanksgiving day i think it s really true that i can make it
two quick headlines. british police on high alert at this hour. authorities have been told not to wear their uniforms to and from work over fears they may be targeted by terrorists. cops also being told to be extra careful on social media because jihadists are combing instagram, twitter and facebook for victims. the government worries terror groups may be planning another attack similar to the public murder of a british soldier. 80-year-old convicted killer charles manson is about to marry a 26-year-old. she abandoned her life in illinois nine years ago to live near manson s prison
and clear his name. manson and his followers killed seven people including actress sharon tate. we have a fox news alert for you now. the governor of missouri activating the national guard and declaring a state of emergency as we await a grand jury decision in the shooting death of michael brown. the f.b.i. sending out warnings as protesters prepare for violence regardless of the decision. how is the city preparing? jay, thanks for being with us this morning as we wait for the jury decision here. most people are anticipating violence. what s the tone? well, it s anxiety. a high helpful of anxiety a high level of anxiety about the decision and what might happen once that decision comes down. what steps are being taken? i know the governor has the national guard saying they re ready to stand in
to assist local authorities should anything occur which everyone is anticipating. are you confident? are the small businesses confident that will help them? spoil the businesses in ferguson after the last the businesses in ferguson after the last looting want to see for themselves that things will be different this time. i think the entire area learned some lessons and they hope that it will be, but they are actively preparing for the worst and hoping for the best. everyone understands the right to peacefully protest, but we understand, and as the national guard is now deployed this, that violence is anticipated. when that does occur, has there been training for business owners? are there funds to help them during these times? i know a number of the businesses that i represent have already started securing their stores not just with boarding up the windows but with doing more
than that and making those preparations on their own. these were the stores that were hit the worst last time around and they just can t afford another round of looting and violence. in terms of what s being done, the community as a whole is preparing. we truly are hoping for the best. sure. we saw photos yesterday of the die-in protest with bodies chalked on the ground there and everyone is literally holding their breath. but as it relates to business in general, a, safety is of grave concern. secondly, this is the livelyhood of so many individuals. how are they to recover post this decision? i don t know that they can recover, some of them. they ll be gone. business right now for many of them is down 50, 60, 70 percent from where they were in august of this year. if there is another round of violence, another round of extended protests like we had then, most of those
businesses along that route will close up shop forever. as we await the jury s decision, we thank you, jay, for joining us from an area that has faced already too much violence. thank you. coming up this morning, more than 200 million americans waking up to a record freeze and snow. in the chill talking about it now, maria molina is live from right inside that storm affecting the entire country straight ahead as she trudges through inches and inches of snow and wind. and they clean planes after every flight but a new investigation reveals what is left behind and the results, they re a large. first happy birthday to actor owen wilson. he is 46 years old today. he is 46 years old today.
when diet and exercise aren t enough, he is 46 years old today. adding crestor lowers bad cholesterol up to 55%. yeah! crestor is not for people with liver disease or women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. tell your doctor all medicines you take. call your doctor if you have muscle pain or weakness, feel unusually tired, have loss of appetite, upper belly pain, dark urine, or yellowing of skin or eyes. these could be signs of serious side effects. are you down with crestor?
ask your doctor about crestor.
. at the g-20 summit this weekend politicians took a break from saving the world to do a couple of photo ops. check out these three world leaders who have never shaken hands before. what? put your hand on red and left hand on yellow. at one point they took a break to pose for pictures holding a koala bear. vladimir putin and tony abbott with koalas. here s one with president obama with a koala. check this out.
hilarious. the way they did the handshake. that could have been the most awkward i don t think it s done like that. can we play the beginning of that again. can we play that? [sound of buzzer] i think i m asking you to dance. now i feel like the koala that putin had. isn t the koala the thing that hugs us. what s the other thing that hugs us? it s got three fingers. it s a big hugger. yeah, the sloth. if you ve been hugged by a sloth and a koala, what was
better? if you can write us. we re going to need some hugs because it s getting cold. it is getting cold. peskt perfect transition. moreamericans waking up to a freeze and snow. and maria, we sent you there because it is going to snow and jackpot, it s snowing. we knew it was going to be a really bad storm here. we arrived in buffalo, new york, last night and conditions have deteriorated. we were expecting two to three feet of snow and the forecast is for this to continue over the next several days not only off of lake erie but off of lake ontario and others as well. we re seeing significant lake-effect snow and it is very early in the season. it is only november so the lakes are relatively warm and it s slide a lot of energy for these storms to continue to produce such significant snowfall.
we re seeing snowfall coming down at a rate of three, even five inches per hour. very persistent snow out here and we re even hearing reports now that parts of interstate 90 have been shut down. that s what we re hearing. it s very dangerous out here. conditions are not good to be on the road and people are urged to stay home, stay off the roads. we re seeing wind gusts over 45 miles per hour out here and that s what s producing those whiteout conditions. on the radar you can see snow moving over the great lakes. very cold arctic air moving over the relatively warmer lakes producing such a potentially historic snowstorm out here across parts of upstate new york and temperatures setting records down to the southeast and also the plains, we re looking at about 200 million people waking up to temperatures below freezing. very early in the season. it s only november. this is a little unusual. but again, we re going to continue to monitor the
situation here. we re in pembroke about 17 miles east of buffalo. we had to come here because our truck had issues driving to buffalo. it s cold, very windy, whiteout conditions and even thunder and lightning with some of these snow squalls coming off the lakes. let s head to you in new york. maria molina, as you can see, plenty of lake-effect snow and what not and freezing temperatures across the country. it is a good morning to watch cable. the good news is though, heather nauert, as you know, the people in buffalo can handle it. at five years old they drive trucks in this. they can handle it. pretty much. i talked to some of my friends back in the midwest. they said the lakes had already frozen over, which is pretty early for this. that just means hockey. i have news to bring you also out of the midwest. it is a fox news alert. there is a pilot who is missing this morning after
crashing a small plane into this home near chicago s midway airport. officials say that the pilot reported engine trouble right after takeoff, tried to return to the airport but didn t make it. this happened about 3 a.m. local time. that plane reportedly crashed through the roof ending up in the basement. two elderly residents were able to escape their home with the help of neighbors. emergency crews are still trying to locate that pilot. he was the only person on board. actually i should say he or she. today the vote for the keystone pipeline goes to the senate floor but louisiana senator marry landrieu and other supporters are stuck at 59 votes which is one shy of a super majority. all senate republicans and some democrats support the bill. the white house passing an identical bill that was sponsored by congressman bill cassidy. he is landrieu s run-off
opponent but the vote is seen as a last ditchest to try to save her seat. even if it passes, the white house says president obama will veto it. if you re getting ready to travel for the holidays, you may want to bring purell for the plane. there are studies that show everything from the airport bins to seat belts are crawling with dangerous infectious germs. and the worst offender? the tray tables often had a large number ofs of bacteria. we found influenza virus because they are not cleaned between every flight. they say bring a lot of hand sanitizer and bacterial wipes to wipe down the tray tables and everything else around. call it a last-minute way to create a holiday feast. there are thanksgiving-flavored potato chips. they re manufactured by a boulder company called boulder canyon. the chips have all the
fictionin s, stuffing the chips have all the fixin s. look at all the stuff. available at target. monday night football, we ll review what they finished. the tennessee titans holding the steelers. the steelers staging a massive come-back in the fourth. 27-24. marilyn marlon carlo, 25 just signed the richest contract in sports history, an opt out after six years. if stanton stays for the duration heel be he ll be 37 years old. as justin timberlake says what goes around comes all the way back around.
his favorite team, the memphis grizzlies are the team to beat after lighting up the rockets 119-93 but one fan taking a jab at justin accusing him of being a band wagoner on twitter. timberlake s response, epic. i m from memphis. and i m an owner. anyone else? i m a band wagon, i m an investor. remember last christmas we played a great parody by a family in raleigh, north carolina and it was called christmas jammies and it was hilarious. you know the song now by meghan trainor called all about the bass. they have used that song to depict what goes on in homes across america at thanksgiving. the mom, the woman prepares the turkey, they say.
and the dad prepares the baste. here they are. i m all about that baste more butter on thanksgiving day i think it s really true dads can t make it like they re supposed to do the dining room we have no taste all the wrong forking in all the wrong place all about the baste the family offering a new parody for us. we want you to send us your horror stories, how to avoid them, anything that happened in the past with your baste. we want to know. send it on facebook, twitter, e-mail and we will share them all. if you have a family parody which the whole family participates in, please send us that. we understand according to reports, they do this full time now. nefs tv news for a very long time.
he was in tv news for a very long time. they were on the program last year. he said they have decided to do the video so they re doing it and that is a catchy tune you re going to have in your head all day. your move, weird al. coming up? starting a business? what if you could learn everything you need to learn at a bar. your personal life is interfering with your business. it is unnecessary. i think it is emotional discipline. that tough-talking host of bar rescue joins us straight ahead. as the obamacare architect admits the white house deliberately misled the public, is this anything you can do about it? judge napolitano has been asked that question.
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welcome back. we have quick headlines for you now. a jewelry store insider arrested in a diamond district heist in new york. police say he was in the store when two crooks stole $500,000 worth of luxury watches and $6,000 in cash. the other crook still at large. that happened a block from here. it sure did. speaking of the crooks, he ran the largest ponzi scheme in history but now victims of bernie madoff getting become $5 million. madoff is serving 150 years in jail. videos surfacing of obamacare architect
jonathan gruber admitting deception was used to get the bill was passed but is there anything that can do legally to fix it? we re going to ask judge andrew napolitano. good morning. welcome back, elisabeth. thank you. a lot of people wondering if there is anything the g.o.p. can do now? there is two ways to look at it. one is political. the fallout for the democrats has been horrific and rightly so given the intimate involvement professor gruber had with writing the laws and the admissions he s made. the other way is legal and it s really too late in the game for professor gruber s admissions to make their way into the one case remaining, which is a challenge to obamacare. remember, the supreme court already found it constitutional, for better or for worse. i profoundly disagree but that s the law. they re not going to go back and revisit it. but there is a very interesting case they re going to hear this spring involving ambiguity, which is professor gruber s field, as we know.
that has to do with whether or not the i.r.s. can grant tax credits to certain people in states where the federal government, not the state government, has set up the exchanges. what s the difference? the statute says in order to get the tax credit the states have to set up the exchanges. bottom line, if the supreme court takes away the tax credit, obamacare will fall of its own weight. there will not be enough cash to compensate the people it was intended to benefit. that will be based on ambiguous draftsmanship. you said you disagree with how the supreme court ruled regarding obamacare in the past. mr. gruber said if anybody knew it was a tax, it wouldn t pass. justice roberts actually said it s a tax. so he was right, you know? you know, i m loathe to criticize but i will. here s the thing. if you re in a court and one side says the light is green and the other side says the light is red, the court can t say the light
was yellow. you re in the supreme court of the united states. the government says it s not a tax. the people challenging it say it s not a tax. where s the court? we now know that language wag written intention was written intentionally to dupe the court. because it was a tax. in the big picture rand paul hast night said i want to get that 400,000 dollars back gruber got from the government. can he get it back because it was seen as the stupidity of the american public that he got that money? i don t think he got that money because of the insults and those insults are profound, the american public is stupid but they can get it back if they found he did more harm than good. house republicans will bring him before a house committee probably now or after christmas and ask him
to say under oath what we ve seen him say in a half dozen tapes. i hope he likes washington because he s going to spend some time there. judge, thank you very much. coming up on this tuesday, want food stamps? you better be looking for a job. that is the rule for anybody collecting entitlements in indiana. governor mike pence of indiana here to explain his controversial new plan to brian. struggling to start a business? maybe you need this guy s help. your personal life is interfering with your business. this is unnecessary. i think it is emotional discipline and i think you [bleep] need it. okay. he is the tough talking show from the hit show bar rescue. he joins us live next. he joins us now in the studio. hey.
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that looks good. john is used to saving struggling bars on bar rescue. now we see an emotional turn in a contentious exchange between two bar owners who used to be married. i think i am. i wasn t until you brought it to light keeping me alive. big help. i m glad. all right. that s why the show is successful. the host who knows this business like nobody else. that was emotional you said for you watching that. it was. because there is business and there is relationships.
tell us what happened. this was a husband and wife. she ran the front of the restaurant. he was a chef. they got divorced years earlier with a ten-year-old daughter. hadn t spoken to each other in years. so her friends wouldn t go in the restaurant. his friends, because of their wives, wouldn t go in the restaurant and they were family. i had to get them both together again to coexist. they never thought they were going to go to the ball together after. get them to coexist for their daughterrism forced them to work together and the first no, no, no. second day they started to that was the third day. and by changing the dynamic between them, i turned the business around. i like the way you do. it s the tough way. you re like, let s yell about it. like your way, i m used to that at my house. let s talk about some of the contributions not only with this show helping people survive in a business, but you played a vital role in forming the nfl sunday ticket and made everyone sunday a little better. tell us about that. years ago, comsack wanted to hire my company to do a fees
county study on out of market sports programming. so if you were in new york, you could buy the dallas signal for a particular game. i put together a business plan, combined the marketing elements and multi-games. they presented my plan to the nfl. the nfl liked it. did it themselves, put me on the advisory board of nfl enterprises and sunday ticket was rolled out. wow. so i didn t invent the idea, but di create it as it exists. you talk to customers and try to make a bar and say, why do they stay? what do they drink? put the game on. finally, you have a new app not to make for profit, but to help people because eight out of ten of these bars go under. tell me about if. most bar owners and small business owners manage their business by how much money is in the bank. i created an app that is in their pocket. i give them promotions every week, revenue programs. i track their sales. they push a button and it goes out to social media. it really helps them grow their business easy.
and that was my point. what s it called? barhq. it s available in android and ios. we re going to watch you sundays as we are 9:00 o clock 8:00 o clock central. always great to see you. we ll talk more on the radio. i love that blazer. coming up straight ahead, he s never met a microphone he didn t like until now. professor, do you really think the american voters are stupid? what about the obamacare, is that just a hoax on the american people? wow. watch what happens when the man who sold obamacare faces the fox news cameras. and she was at a wal-mart when her infant stopped breathing. needing cpr right now. no pulse, no breathing. is there somebody on scene that knows how to do cpr? next hour meet the hero teen who came to the rescue and saved
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with 1% when you buy and 1% as you pay . with two ways to earn, it makes a lot of other cards seem one-sided. good morning. it is tuesday, november 18. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert, breaking overnight, a house with two people inside takes a direct hit from a plane. the pilotñi still missing at ths hour. the new images are coming in straight ahead. and he never met a mic he didn t like until now. professor, do you really think the american voters are stupid? what about the obamacare, is that just a hoax on the american people? watch what happens when the man who sold obamacare faces the fox news cameras. getting the idea. it s the best video you ll see all day.
because you know i m all about that bass, about that bass more butter, more butter that base, that baste, about that baste more butter all about that baste, about that baste. it s america s favorite viral video family taking on turkey day and your thanksgiving stories are pouring in. there is a lot to gobble up this hour. so put down that remote. you re watching fox & friends . i m raquel welch and you re watching fox & friends . and welcome aboard. brian was down in texas. you know that this arctic plunge is significant. it was freezing down there. it was. but there is nothing we can handle that s back up to 60, 70. your daughter would know that. but people were stunned. i think i m the bad news. the last time i was there for a significant period of time, dallas had the super bowl,
people were hydroplaning. it could be you. it could be me. i think they had ice and sleet, no one had snow tires. they had to kick you out of there. they don t really like me and they like you. they could get a couple feet of snow in new new york state. right now we turn to heather nauert who has a fox news alert. very serious news coming from overseas. overnight, palestinian terrorists who are armed with knives, guns and axes storming a synagogue, killing at least four jewish worshipers there who were praying inside. one of those who was killed was an american citizen. the two suspects were shot dead by police. the group hamas says the attack is revenge for the death of a palestinian bus driver. secretary of state john kerry is calling it an act of pure terror. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu says israel will respond with a heavy respond. back here at home, another fox news alert, a pilot is
missing this morning after crashing a small plane into this home near chicago s midway airport this morning. officials say that the pilot reported engine trouble right after takeoff, tried to return to the airport, but didn t make it. all of this happening around 3:00 a.m. local time. two elderly residents who were inside that home were able to escape with the help of neighbors. emergency crews are still trying to locate the pilot. but as of now, the house is too unstable to search inside. that missing pilot was the only person on board that plane. ferguson, missouri bracing for chaos. the governor of that state, jay nixon, declaring a state of emergency as we await a grand jury decision in the shooting death of michael brown. he announced the national guard has been activated and, quote, support law enforcement during any period of unrest that might occur. the f.b.i. also releasing a statement saying that violence is likely following that grand jury decision. matthew mcconaghey is
returning to the stage for the sequel of magic mike. he originally said he wouldn t do it, but he was such a fan favorite as dallas that he couldn t help but perform it again for everyone. the announcement comes on the heels of getting a star on the hollywood walk of fame yesterday. let s give it your best all right, all right, all right. all right, all right, all right. normally you re better than that. all right, all right, all right. all right, all right, all right. i m still trying to figure out interstellar. he s dumbing it down for me. it was an hour too long. but he lives, right? this morning more than 200 million americans waking up to a record freeze and snow. maria molina is live in upstate new york. that area now getting hit by more than a foot. we can barely see you there. you re getting pelted with snow. what else can you tell us? yeah. we have some extreme conditions up here in upstate new york. our cameraman was cleaning the
lens so you can hopefully see the scene because it s just incredible. we re looking at feet of snow coming down in a very short amount of time. this is all part of a much bigger story. it s an arctic blast impacting about 200 million americans early this morning. so they re looking at temperatures that are below freezing very early in the season. it s only november. we re seeing some very cold air from canada dipping down and impacting portions of the gulf coast. take a look at those current temperatures. you can see how cold it is out there this morning. that s without factoring the wind. so in areas where you have a bit of a breeze or some windy conditions, you re going to be look at significant windchill temperatures, as much as ten to 15 degrees colder than what the temperature reads. as the cold air goes over the relatively warmer lakes, you re looking at a very significant lake effect snow event occurring off of the great lakes. parts of michigan, new york, and where we are. we have a lake effect snow warning in effect not only for today, but the next few days because we ll continue to see feet of snow accumulating.
something also very unique that you can call some of this weather out here when you have very convective snowfall is thunder snow. we saw a lot of that last night in buffalo, new york. take a look at this video. you can see a flash of lightning and that does tend to occur when you have very convective systems producing such significant snowfall. so it s really just like a regular thunderstorm, but it s so cold out that instead of it being rainfall, you re looking at heavy snow. so that s what we re looking at here just east of buffalo, new york. this is an area that is used to dealing with significant snow. but this is even a lot for buffalo. we saw snowplow off the road, trucks off the road. many car accidents. so please be careful out there across the region while you re seeing those areas of heavy snow. almost 50% of the u.s. is currently snow covered. let s head back to you in new york. all right. thank you very much from convective to invective,
jonathan gruber thinks we re stupid. he does. and the american people will not have it. the president denying he was a major player and he challenged the media to look back at the debate over obamacare over the years and you will find that that was not true, or was that not the case? another video now surfacing actually where gruber is actually saying that he was part of it all, that the american people don t have the attention span to get through it, and now the president actually on camera as well saying that gruber is pathetic. he pulled some of his ideas and stole them and our own david webb went to go talk to gruber and all of a sudden, he was silent. you had lots to say to the media. what about talking to us? we just want to talk to you. no thank you. do you think the american people would have actually bought into obamacare without all the deception for the cbo scoring? i have no comment. if you re telling the truth, why are you apologizing as you did for being honest about what
was done to get obamacare passed? i have no comment. professor, come on, one last chance. let s have a conversation. professor, do you really think the american voters are stupid? no comment. what about the web of lies to a web of david. yeah. of course he said the lack of transparency used to your advantage, the stupidity of the american people, they have a short memory. yet the president of the united states did to jonathan gruber what most democratic candidates two weeks ago. they froing they voted for the president. they forgot they voted for his policies and again, the democratic strategy is when confronted with a horrific truth, it s easy to deny it ever
happened. however, the problem is he s visited the white house 12 times and known to sit with the president one on one many times. even david axelrod said he played a vital role even though he said his comments were stupid, he said he played a positive role in the construction of obamacare. there is a problem between truth and reality and they re counting on you not to pay attention. pay attention. $400,000 he was paid for that work. and made millions. that s right. shifting gears here, louisiana senator mary landrieu s front yard becoming center stage for a keystone pipeline protest. more than two dozen activists assembling complete with an inflatable pipeline, if you can believe that. this coming as a vote to begin construction on the oil pipeline hits the senate floor today. the president has vowed to veto the bill if it crosses his desk. peter doocy is live in washington where supporters are scrambling to get the super majority. what is the very latest? and good morning to you. reporter: good morning. the latest is that right now there are 59 senators who are
publicly pledging to vote for the keystone xl pipeline today. if one more senator supports its construction, then the measure passes. it s filibuster proof and will head to the president s desk. once it gets there, a veto could be on the way. one major determinant of whether we should approve a pipeline shipping canadian oil to world markets, not to the united states, is does it contribute to the greenhouse gasses that are causing climate change? reporter: today s vote could also determine if louisiana s senate seat stays blue or turns red. there is a runoff the first week of december and democratic senator mary landrieu, who is behind in the polls, is hoping a successful vote will help her keep her job. even if she does, the republicans have a majority in the next senate and it might be enough to passkey stone whether
the president likes it or not. my own view is eventually we are going to be successful here because when we had the republican majority, we will not only have 60 votes, we will have mid 60s, which gets very close to overriding a president s veto. reporter: so even if today s measure fails or passes and then gets vetoed, the new republican senate majority plans to try again with their beefed up numbers in january or february. back to you in new york. busy day on capitol hill regarding keystone. peter, thank you very much. meanwhile, remember the family that came out with their christmas jammies video last year? well, the family of raleigh, north carolina, professional video makers, they ve got a new one. it s all about the baste, regarding thanksgiving. watch. i m all about that baste, about that baste thanks, baste on thanksgiving day i think it s really true a dad can make it, make it like they re supposed to do the dining room, room, room.
we put all the wrong forks and all the wrong plates things go haywire on thanksgiving as the family here is depicting. we asked you for your examples and you heated up the e-mail machine. you sure have. it s stuck. joan is saying, i spent one week carving soup bowls out of gourds. 36 of them, and then i burned the soup and didn t serve it at all. sorry about that. mildred has facebook and says we always took a picture of our thanksgiving table and one year our beloved cat jumped up on the table and gnawed the leg off the turkey. no dark meat that year. that s like our dog, charlie, actually jumped up on the table and pulled the whole turkey off on the floor. wow. we washed it. it was fine. majerle has nothing on charlie. i think i forgot the stuffing depletely one year. you forgot the stuffing? yeah. where is the stuffing? at least you didn t leave the
plastic bag this there. keep the stories coming. 13 minutes after the top of the hour on this tuesday. coming up, we just learned just days after we learned about the hoax used to pass obamacare, another rate hike is on the way. is there any way out of this law? neurosurgeon and potential presidential detainee ben carson, joins us live next. and billions of your tax dollars down the drain. the big mistake and how the feds are trying to explain it all. i m all about that baste, about that baste on thanksgiving day i think it s really great a dad can make it, make it
obamacare, dr. gruber revealed, they tricked us. now they re charging us. days after we exposed the hoax the democrats used to pass the affordable care act, we re learning of more double digit premium rate hikes in eight states coming up in the next year. see them right there on the map. is there anything that the american people can do to reverse this trend and make things right? joining us now is pediatric neurosurgeon and potential 2016 presidential candidate, dr. ben carson. good morning to you.
good morning. always great to have you here. thank you. i love that introduction, by the way. pretty cool. is there anything that we can do right now as americans, feeling as though the wool was pulled over our eyes and this is just a big hoax forced upon us? we begin to ask the question, is there such a thing as morality left in this country? is there such a thing as right and wrong? does that mean anything anymore, or is it just who can pull the slickest deal and who can pull the wool over people s eyes? if morality does mean something to us, we should stop, our congress should stop and say, now that we know what s in this bill and now that we know that there has been a lot of subterfuge involved here, let s rediscuss it and let s vote again. i thought this was an opportunity for democrats to say, that s not what i was told about this bill. and for guys like angus king when he was on, he should be equally outraged if there was a
moral foundation to politics. am i dreaming to think there is? well, let s hope that some democrats will come out and actually talk about that, talk about what s true, what s right rather than what is politically expedient. it s one of the reasons that i ve said that i will never be a politician, because i don t believe in political expediency. i believe in what s right and wrong. and i think that our country was founded on some of those principles and if we allow this to go through, we reetting a precedent that says whatever you can do, however you can do it, it s okay, as long as you get it done. and as a doctor, your motto is do no harm. we want to play a video of dr. gruber a while back and we want to get your assessment on what he s talking about here. i don t think it s the voters in florida don t care about the low income insured. they re misinformed.
if we can t politically help explain the cost to society of cutting provider rates, of cutting back medicaid, i think we get the majority of people to support strengthening that program. i think it s just because of racial reasons, other things, we haven t managed to get through with that message. they can t get through the message because of racial reasons. what s he talking about there? that s always the fallback position. if nothing else is working, then let s call it racism, or let s call it sexism or whatever. i think the american people are a little smarter than that. i think they are really underestimating the intelligence of the people. we re glad you said that this morning, dr. carson. thank you for being here. media doctor will be in the white house in 2016. thank you for joining us in our waiting room. now this, she was at wal-mart when her infant stopped breathing. coming up next, meet the hero teen who came to the rescue and saved her life. dr. carson, you would like that story.
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24 minutes t at the top of the hour. $2.4 billion, that s how much your taxpayer dollars for the usda wasted this year giving out food stamps to people who weren t eligible. and 19 puppies. that s how many were just delivered by this great dane in pennsylvania. the owners had no idea that she was pregnant with so many little ones there. the average this great dane litter is usually about eight puppies per litter. eight stories, that s the height of the world s largest hd screen lighting up for the very first time tonight in times square. the length of a football field and the most expensive ad space
in the united states. $2.5 million a month. that will cost. steve, a great story you have there. i do indeed. take a look, folks, at this. shocking video shows a mother struggling to revive her 11-month-old daughter who stopped breathing last wednesday inside a missouri wal-mart. one of the employees at wal-mart called 911. they are needing cpr right now. no pulse, no breathing. is there somebody on scene there that knows how to do cpr? that was the question, was there somebody there who knew how to do cpr? the answer is yes. there was a 17-year-old high school senior who was shopping a couple aisles over, abbey snodgrass. she seen the commotion, ran to the rescue. emergency workers say that she saved the girl s life. she joins us right now from st. louis. abbey, thank you very much for joining us this morning.
so you re just doing some shopping last wednesday. what did you hear a couple aisles over? i heard over the associate s radio that there was some kind of emergency over in electronics. so what did you do? my first reaction was just to run over there. so you ran over there and what did you see? at first i really couldn t see a whole lot pause there was a pretty decent size crowd. and as soon as i got through the crowd, i saw it was actually a little baby girl. at first i thought it was like some kind of adult or something, but it ended up being a little girl. and at that point the baby was not breathing. did somebody say, does anybody here know how to do cpr? no. when i walked over there, the first thing i asked was if anyone knew cpr. and the one wal-mart associate that was holding the baby, she said that she used to be a nurse a long time ago, but told me to
go ahead and do cpr. okay. now for you to be the one to do the cpr, that is a big responsibility. but you had just learned how to do cpr in school a couple of weeks earlier, right? yes. that s amazing. how lucky. one of the problems with an 11-month-old baby, it s a completely different kind of cpr than you would use on an adult, right? yes. so what do you do? when the wal-mart associate firsthanded me the baby, i put her on my forearm and held her head in my hand and started doing chest compressions with two fingers on her chest. then i would flip her over onto her stomach still in on my arm and do the ones on the back and flip her over again and do them on her chest. that s exactly how they teach you thousand do it. while you were doing that, what were you thinking? while it was happening, the only thought that crossed my mind was what if it didn t work?
but i pushed it out of my mind cause i knew i had to keep going whether or not. yeah. how long until the baby started breathing? i couldn t really tell you exactly how long. the time was so distorted. but it probably was about a minute. that family is so lucky. i know they reached out to you. they had a statement on facebook thanking you for that. you re such a brave person to run toward where the commotion is and take charge. but it makes sense because what do you want to do when you grow up? i want to be an e.r. doctor some day. and right now, are you involved in the national guard? yes. i am enlisted in the n guard. that s fantastic. all right. abby, it was great that you were in the right place at the right time. you saved a baby s life. congratulations. thank you. wonderful. and good luck to you. thank you. how great is that? meanwhile, 28 minutes after the top of the hour.
this morning more than 200 million americans are waking up to a record freeze and snow. we re going to take tout worst hit area take you to the worst hit area in america next. and we re talking life, love and kids with the one and only nick lechay. hello, nick.
we ve got a troubling fox news alert. breaking moments ago on that terrorist attack on a jerusalem synagogue, apparently now three of the dead have been identified as americans. conner powell live in jerusalem with the latest. conner? reporter: we re finding out now that three of those killed of the four were americans. the fourth was also a british national living here in jerusalem. the attack began sometime about 7:00 a.m. as about 50 or so
israelis began their morning prayers in a synagogue in jerusalem when two attackers went into this synagogue. they apparently had knives, axes and a pistol as well. most of the people in the synagogue were able to get out, but several did not. there were at least five or six that were injured and one of the first responders on the scene had this description of the site. they stabbed people once and twice, a few times to make sure that they did the job. very bad. very bad. reporter: now, police say that two attackers were palestinians from east jerusalem. they again used knives and an ax to attack these israelis that were in the synagogue. tensions have been flaring up here in jerusalem over the past several months, really after the war in gaza between israel and the palestinians there. but also there has been fights over religious spots here in
jerusalem and we ve seen sort of tit for tat violence here and what we re seeing is that neither side is calling for calm. there have been escalations in the language that s used here by both sides. there is real concern that we re going to see violence here that we haven t seen in probably more than a decade or so, steve. all right. conner powell live in jerusalem with the very latest. thank you very much. got to figure there is a real good possibility they were targeted because they were westerners. absolutely one would think that. thanks. now we re going to move to heather who is standing by with more of what s happening this morning. we ve got a lot going on at home. this morning a 29-year-old woman is behind bars. she s in virginia and she s charged with lying to the f.b.i. about possible ties to isis. court papers reveal that she promoted isis on facebook using fake names and talks about making arrangements for her husband to train in syria with that terror group. he backed out when the couple eventually split up. investigators say that the woman offered to make similar arrangements for an undercover
agent. the hatchet attack on a new york city police officer has now been declared an act of terrorism. f.b.i. director james comey saying the attack was inspired by isis radical political and ideological views. he warns the threat of home grown terrorism and also lone wolf attacks is in fact rising. the primary way in which we worry about them bringing their poison and their savagery to the streets is through motivating people already in the united states to act on their behalf. comey adds there is no word if any impending attack on the united states. caught on camera, amazing show of strength in china. a group of passengers saving a woman who is pinned underneath a car. she was riding a motorcycle with her husband when they were hit. she was trapped under the wheels of the car. a crowd of people coming to her rescue, lifting up that car all together. the woman is still recovering at the hospital this morning and lucky to be alive. those are your headlines.
thank you very much. busy morning. this morning as you get up, millions of you are going to wake up and it s going to be really cold. a deep freeze across much of the land and some spots of america going to wind up with two feet of snow. maria molina has been dispatched to upstate new york where you need a shovel. yeah. big-time shovel and a snowplow as well. we re here just east of buffalo, new york, where we have some significant lake effect snow occurring. this is a part of a bigger story. we have an arctic blast currently taking place across the country where many americans, about 200 million americans, are waking up to temperatures that are below freezing this morning. we could be looking at record low temperatures being set out there early this morning and this cold air reaching areas as far south as parts of the gulf coast. that cold air, when it moves over the great lakes, the lakes at this time of year are relatively much warmer. so that means significant snowfall occurring off the great lakes.
we re looking at snowfall here that could be measured in feet. we already have more than a foot of snow. we re also looking at wind gusts over 45 miles per hour. that creates whiteout conditions. take a look at this video we shot earlier this morning. it was us driving to meet up with our truck to be able to broadcast to you and we saw incredible conditions, whiteout conditions, very dangerous out there. we saw trucks off the road and even a snowplow that was off the road. so that s just how dangerous the conditions are out here. we re also hearing that parts of interstate 90 have been shut down and the snow out here is forecast to last for several days. this could potentially be a historic storm for places like buffalo and also areas off of lake ontario. let s head over to you in new york. all right. maria molina joining us live from the snow belt. nick lechay joins us, remind you of growing up in sine? a little bit. did you get out and shovel? only because i was forced to. yes. if i wanted to get an allowance,
i had to shovel. you can t just say it, you had to build character. but you never shied away from working hard. right now you have a lot going on. you have the big morning buzz live show. you have a new show coming out with your brother. what s that about? opening a sports bar and restaurant in cincinnati, our hometown. we re doing a show on a and e documenting the whole process leading up to it. so you re gog have beer and flat screens. do you need anything else? a 90-inch flat screen. very excited. more than anything for that. i m going to watch all the big games. wait a minute. don t you think your wife, who is carrying your second baby, probably going to be a daughter where is my husband? oh, he s at the bar working. look at this cute picture. this is you. is this camden? s that. we went on her birthday to disneyland. we took him to disneyland for his first time.
a moment to make him feel special before his sister comes. we had a great time. you were okay with putting on the ears, right? absolutely. i had my name we went all out. you ll have a new set of rules with a little girl who is going to fall in love with you? you always hear about the relationship between dads and their daughters. i m excited to experience that firsthand. but it s also terrifying in a whole nother way that a son isn t. going to the ball game. let me ask but this, there is a new study out that says that if you have children, it s actually good for your career because they found that if man put down on an application, i belong to the pta, they d wind up in the long run, getting a raise, whereas women actually are paid less. so this is good for your career. well, i m probably not a good barometer cause i did a lullaby cd. tell us about this new album. i guess you still call them albums, dvds.
you think now that you re married, more people should buy this. that s right. this is a cover album, always wanted to do a cover project. so this is all cover songs from movie sound tracks called sound track of my life. all movies and songs that were meaningful to me growing up. like what? falling slowly from the movie once. it was a special song for vanessa and i. we had it performed at our wedding shower. that s on there. streets of philadelphia. don t want to miss a thing. let s hear one of the songs. and i don t want the world to see me cause i don t think that they d understand . after that we got to start paying for it. you re a good sport to do that. what about hawaii 5-0. did you think about putting that on? no. but i did have a guest starring role in hawaii 5-0 .
the in your one. are you all about the baste on thanksgiving? it s so funny. that was one of the most brilliant things i ve ever seen. all about the baste. i m a deep frying turkey preparer. really? he s all about the fry, about the fry. new album for you. do you fry your turkey and then hand out stridex pads. congratulations. thank you so much. we look forward to seeing you working at your sports bar. next time you re in cincinnati, come down. i ll buy you a round. they re all showing up. thanks. coming up on this tuesday, want government assistance? well, you have to work. that s the new rule in indiana. that state s governor, mike pence, here to explain why it s going to work. and are you bundling up the kids before putting them in their car seats? a new report says you are making a dangerous, very dangerous mistake. first today s trivia question, born on this day in 1970, this fox news host was named to time magazine s top 100
influential people of 2014. who is she? be the first to e-mail us with the correct answer. 1970? fact. fast-acting advil is designed with an ultra-thin coating and fast absorbing advil ion core technology stopping headaches and other tough pain.
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(dad) there s nothing i can t reach in my subaru. (vo) introducing the all-new subaru outback. love. it s what makes a subaru,a subaru. it s about 15 minutes to the top of the hour. some headlines for you here. don t overbundle your kids before putting them in a car seat. tests showing that puffy coats create too much space between the straps, leaving a loose harness, which could lead to a child being thrown from the seat in a crash. experts say cover up with a blanket instead. good advice. and eat less for more brain power. scientists say restricting your calorie in take by 30% stabilizes the genes in your memory, forming areas of your
brain. if you want food stamps, you may have to work for them. the state of indiana is reinstating rules that will require at least 20 hours of work a week for some benefits for people to get benefits. the changes could potentially cut off 65,000 recipients when they go in to effect next year. but can the state handle the new influx of job seekers? joining us right now is the governor of indiana, republican mike pence. governor, so you re saying if you want food stamps and you are single without dependents, you have to work for them? what do you mean? it s exactly right. the good news is here in indiana, we ve got a real success story in our economy, brian. when i became governor, unemployment was over 8%. it s 5.7% today. we ve seen our labor force grow by 50,000. we just thought it was very important to go back to a core principle of welfare reform in the 1990s and say that for able-bodied adults without dependents to receive food
stamps that they have to be working at least 20 hours a week or participating for 20 hours a week in one of our job training programs here in the state of indiana. we want people working or training for work or looking for work to be eligible for these food stamps. and the good news is there is lots of jobs available in indiana and we re just very anxious to make sure that able-bodied adults find a pathway into being able to stand on their own two feet. how do you feel about people say, well, you re targeting poor people. don t they have it bad enough? now they got to go out and do service just to get things that they paid when they were working taxes into the state for? i m someone that really believes there is nothing more enobling to a person than a job. and to make sure that able-bodied adults without dependents at home know that here in the state of indiana, we want to partner with them in their own success. it s the old story about give someone a fish, they ll eat for a day. teach them to fish, they ll eat for a lifetime. i think is an idea whose time
has come here in the state of indiana. again, i would say to you, brian, many of your viewers would know this was part of welfare reform back in the 1990s. it s in the law today for food stamps, but many states, including indiana, waived this requirement during the great recession in 2009. but with a growing economy in the hoosier state, we believe the time has come to reinstitute for able-bodied adults without dependents this requirement that they re either working or they re in job training. we think that s great for them and we think obviously it s a great foundation for a growing indiana economy. governor mitch daniels is very popular in indiana and doing so well. people pushed him to run for president. he pushed back. now your track report and report card looks good and people are pushing you to run. when is that something you will decide if that s something you want to do? evidenced by this policy, we re talking about today, my focus is indiana. i m always flattered to be mentioned for the highest office
in the land. but we re going to stay focused on a growing economy here in indiana. we re taking steps to run for reelection. we ll probably make a decision about our future sometime next spring. but with a long session of our legislature up ahead, with lots of opportunities to build on the momentum we have here in indiana, i m going to stay focused on the future of the people of our state and we ll let my future take care of itself. okay. we ll see how this goes cause the rest of the country has been watching indiana s success story. governor, thanks so much. thank you, brian. coming up straight ahead, we change gears. why work when you can play all day? cheryl casone is here with a job opening that has you working like one of santa s elves. on this date in 1957, elvis had the number one song in america called jailhouse rock. it was much different then. it was black and white. bells
remember when christmas was magical? let s get back there. at bass pro shops santa s wonderland, kids can get a free picture with santa. and you can save on great gifts, like kids jumbo adventure play sets for under $20.
we are so glad you re with us. it s time to answer today s trivia question. the answer is megyn kelly. we love her. congratulations to carey iowa. she will get a copy of brian kilmeade s book. well, tis the season for hiring. that is why cheryl casone from our sister network, fox business, is here with the top companies hiring for the holidays. a lot of people looking for some extra work or work in general as we move into holiday season. i say get the job for the discount. you know what i mean? i did that when i was in school. there are so many jobs out this year. you re going to know the name.
wal-mart. of course. 60,000 jobs. what kind of jobs. they need people to work in the stock room, cashiers, sales floors, everything else. wal-mart, 25% of last year s seasonal hires stayed with the company full time and actually these turned into permanent jobs. all the companies i ve got for the holidays are going to continue to hire through december. some of these guys are going to end up hiring the day before christmas. they just don t know what they re going to get. if they re going to get flooded at the store. they want to be prepared. if you want to be the hero of your kids, toys r us. right. i think brian does play all day and doesn t really work. that s just my opinion. he s protesting. but he had a point. if you want to play all day, play with toys, it s getting crazy in toys r us in the holiday season. it is every year. but they re hiring. there is employee discounts. exactly. 45,000 and 20% of their last
year s work force permanent this year. great to know that. shutterfly. photo books. these are the manufacturing jobs we talk about during that big jobs report we cover every month. 4,000 seasonal positions and a lot of these again are going to be convertd into full time positions. these are people that can work to help make the photo books that will be on your christmas table. they have so many new products. i just got a catalog with all their options. j.c. penney? finally, j.c. penney. so big holiday season for them. they need this to be good. 35,000 people and they usually add about 20 to 25% personnel for each store across the country. you do get the discount. also really quick, they have something which i actually like. if you want to walk into the store and you think, oh, i d like to work part-time here, they ve kiosk, applicant kiosk. instead of having to go home and go to the web site, you can do everything right there at a kiosk. i think a lot of companies should start doing that. kind of makes it a faster process to get you hired. yeah.
they also are look for jewelry specialists. thank you. you don t want to miss cheryl on the fox business network. we sure don t. to find it in your area g to thanks. watch out, get brian to work a little harder the rest of the show. head over to the casone exchange. take a listen to this, he never met a mic he didn t like until now. professor, do you really think the american voters are stupid? what about the obamacare, is that just a hoax on the american people? silence there. but you re going to hear a lot from laura ingraham cause she s about to weigh in on the obamacare hoax next. and justin timberlake knows a thing or two about karma. now necessary a beef over basketball on twitter and his
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time? money? time and money. awesome. awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome! (all) awesome! i love logistics. good morning. it is tuesday, november 18. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. we begin with a fox news alert. three americans murdered this morning, killed by terrorists while praying. breaking developments for you straight ahead. and he s never met a microphone he didn t like. well, until yesterday. professor, do you really think the american voters are stupid? what about the obamacare, is that just a hoax on the american people? m.i.t. has a lovely campus. watch what happens when the man who sold obamacare faces the fox news cameras. laura ingraham is going to react with her perspective straight ahead. like the beginning of get
smart. have you met the country bucks? go big. or go home. those brothers are here live because mornings are better with friends and we have to go outside now. thanks. this is alan thicke. you re watching fox & friends. now, there is a guy who is thick. when was he on, by the way? i don t even remember that. a while back. a while back. i did play tennis with him. i think did you too. it s that chris everett thing a couple years ago. i think that s this weekend. i think he s back. if you know when alan thicke was on, please write us. heather nauert has breaking news. terrible news happening overseas in israel. that s our fox news alert. three americans are dead this morning in a brutal synagogue attack taking place in jerusalem.
a fourth victim who is a british national, was also killed. two palestinian terrorists who were armed with knives, guns and axes stormed inside that synagogue while they were worshiping. the two attackers are believed to be cousins. they were shot dead by police. at least nine relatives of those attackers have now been arrested by israeli forces. secretary of state john kerry calling it a pure act of terror. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu says israel will respond with a heavy hand. today the vote for the keystone pipeline goes to the senate floor. but louisiana senator mary landrieu and other supporters are stuck at 59 votes right now, just one vote shy of a super majority. all senate republicans and several democrats support the bill that will green light the oil pipeline project from canada to texas. the house passed an identical bill that was sponsored by congressman bill cassidy, landrieu s runoff opponent. it s seen as a last-ditch effort to try to save her senate seat.
even if it does pass, the white house says president obama will veto it. she s supposed to be prepping for the miss world competition, but instead, beauty queen miss honduras is missing. maria jose alvarado and her sister vanishing after a party in honduras last week. right now police say they have four suspects in custody, but they still haven t found the women and they have not said what might have happened to them. the beauty queen is supposed to be in the miss world competition which takes place next month. and justin timberlake says what goes around comes around all the way back around. listen. goes around, goes around goes around so his favorite team, memphis grizzlies, are the team to beat after beating the rockets last night. one fan taking a jab at justin, accusing him of being a band wagon. his response is epic. i m from memphis and i m an owner. anyone else? and those are your headlines.
can t be a band wagon if you own the team. they call that wagon, you own that wagon. thanks a lot. thanks. if you re look for laura ingraham over the weekend, does anyone know where she was? yes indeed. you were traveling, weren t you? alabama, you were at the big game. it s a bucket list. it s a bucket list deal for me, brian. you should know this. my mom was a big bear bryant fan. one of my bucket list things was meet nick saban before a game and i was blessed to meet the coach briefly. i gave him a little advice on the offensive line and he took it, so they won. i think he should listen to you more often. what the heck? i didn t know you were much of a blocker. i know you re a verbal tackler. offensive tackle. no safety for me. you re on the offense on twitter. you have tweeted out remember the candy good-byers?
we really need a new candy called grubers. they re really expensive with a bitter after taste. yeah. you could throw those at the movie theater. they w to throw. goobers. you can throw the grubers and they really hurt. they do. not on the inside. it s curious, over the last week or so the white house has been going, we don t know anything about that guy. he was just on the fringe. he had nothing to do with the millions we gave him, until listen to this, this is juicy. here is barak obama back in 2006 talking about in fact, bragging about how he stole a bunch of his ideas from guys just like and including professor gruber. we ve already drawn some of the brightest minds from academia and policy circles, many of them i ve stolen ideas from liberally, people ranging from robert gordon to useston goolsbee, john gruber, jim
wallace here, who can talk i think who can inform what are sometimes dry policy debates with a prophetic voice. there you go. what do you think? first of all, it s great to see elisabeth back. elisabeth, it s wonderful to see you. we missed you. i ve been watching you. we missed you so much. but first of all, guys, that is an obama double. that s not really obama. this is his part of the fox news obsession with tearing down obama. so it s really not him. but look, this happens all the time with obama, right? he pretends he didn t say something, then the video surfaces and they try to move on to the next agenda item. and then undoubtedly they will say, we re facing real problems in this country. we need to get americans back to work. and talk radio and certain cable news outlets are just they re fanatical on this topic. they re going to go on the attack against anyone who raises this question. but mr. gruber is an ally of
this administration, a paid advocate who was sold to us as an objective expert. for all of our friends watching how all these other debates are playing out, like immigration reform, i would remind everyone that when you hear objective expert, be very careful because when they say x is going to happen, usually y or z happens. so it s infuriating. i think the american people understand this now. this is based on a total fraud, obamacare, and now mr. gruber is mysteriously silent, i understand, after fox tried to get him to speak. yeah. what i think what really struck home, especially when it broke last week, is everything jonathan gruber said is everything that people were worried about obamacare being. right. he mentioned it. the lack of transparency, how we were told one thing, but it was something entirely different. bingo. david webb decides, who is usually serious radio contributor here, i m going to ask him to answer a few questions. let s see how that went.
oh, good. you ve had lots to say to the media. what about talking to us? we just want to talk to you. no thank you. do you think the american people would have actually bought into obamacare without all the deception for the cbo scoring? i have no comment. if you re telling the truth, why are you apologizing as you did for being honest about what was done to get obamacare passed? i have no comment. last chance, let s have a conversation. professor, do you really think the american voters are stupid? no comment. what about the obamacare, is that just a hoax on the american
people? surprised he didn t talk? well, look, someone like a gruber is perfectly happy behind closed doors, guys, trashing the intellect of the american people. an ivory tower. and so does it surprise me that when he s kind of exposed and all of this is exposed, everybody suddenly clams up? again, i think we all should be very careful about deals struck behind closed doors where there really is no transparency and all these broad proclamations about how certain pieces of legislation are going to expand the economy or lower costs when we the people don t have a bird s eye view into the legislative process, the horse trading that s going on and the real justification for why we re passing particular laws and with obamacare in particular, we were told one thing and it ended up being something completely different. and all of you guys and yours true complete a number of others on this network were proclaiming the truth and were vilified for
it. we re not going to get apologies, but i think the people watching may know what time it is. it s amazing that the democratic party denied they voted with the president and for the president during the mid terms and that bombed out. now the president is denying one of the architects of obamacare was actually related to the actual construction of the bill which is now a law and that s going to bomb out. i just can t believe he s going to get away. we were grubered. all right. thank you very much for joining us today. go do your radio show. roll time. we re going to eat these during the commercials. by the way, gruber is grubered still trending. it sure is. meanwhile, a house with two people inside took a direct hit from an airplane. the pilot still missing at this hour. we got breaking news straight ahead. and he s a convicted killer and has ties to terrorism. now he s being allowed back inside the college classroom to
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have you received the legal advice from the attorney general about what limits you have and what you can do? yes. would you tell us what those are? no. i will tell them when i make the announcement. but it s a good try, though. well, it s for me to know and you to find out the hard way it seems to be the administration s line when it comes to immigration and obamacare. did the white house mislead the american public about obamacare. where the heck is the transparency the american people were promised and deserve. joining us is fox news legal analyst, peter johnson, jr. it seems in this administration that we are a nation of fools and a government of experts. so now we have the president of the united states saying that somehow the advice rendered to him by the attorney general as to what his constitutional authority is to do executive action on immigration, meaning not clarify the law, but
invalidate the laws that are on the books, in my view, that s somehow a secret and that s a cute little secret. so we see it again with professor gruber, the m.i.t. professor, with cute little secrets, with cute little deceptions that i m smarter than you. you re essentially stupid. we can put this over on you. we can put this over on the federal government. we can get money from massachusetts. we can take care of this and no one will know the difference. and no one will know who i was. until now. i m just professor gruber and i only made $6 million and nobody ever heard of me and according to the president of the united states, watch it now does the president of the united states know professor gruber? the fact that some advisor who never worked on our staff expressed an opinion that i completely disagree with in terms of the voters, is no reflection on the actual process that was run.
some advisor? that s clintonian in the sense of denial. some advisor was known affectionately as gruber. known by gruber, by pelosi and referred to by the president of the united states and you showed the clip earlier in the day at a function at brookings or one of these outfit where he gives gruber credit for make him smart on this stuff. so he made the president is so smart that the president began to believe, maybe believed before, that the american people were really stupid. we can t have this web of deception. we need transparency in this country. we need the ability to know that if we re being told something, it s truthful. we need to remember the axiom of lincoln. and the president of the united states needs to remember that. you can t fool all the people all the time, especially when people like gruber who makes $6 million want to take credit for everything that you
allegedly did. we see this spinning, the spinning going around and around on both issues. on a lighter note, i think we have a sighting of professor gruber. he may be trying to scale the white house walls. so they remind him of who he was. there he is. there is gruber, the $6 million man. scaling the wall of truth. the secret service will him in? don t know. don t know gruber. don t know what he did. made him 6 million. but he can jump. i don t know. where in the world is gruber? gruber goober. peter johnson, jr. steve austin. on a serious note, a great reminder to americans on the truth that they deserve. it s so funny, but so tragic, too. great reminder to the american people. now this, coming up, convicted serial killer charles manson may soon be getting married. how in the world can that happen? we re going to tell you. and thanksgiving is a great time to learn more about your family s heritage. our next guest does exactly that
and today she s taking a look at ainsley s family tree. we can t wait. ainsley is in for us. right when you feel a cold sore, abreva can heal it in as few as two and a half days when used at the first sign. without it the virus spreads from cell to cell. only abreva penetrates deep and starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells. you could heal your cold sore, fast, as fast as two and a half days when used at the first sign. learn how abreva starts to work immediately at don t tough it out, knock it out, fast. with abreva.
we ve got quick tuesday morning headlines for you. terror in the classroom. the university of illinois rehiring murderer and known domestic terrorist james kilgore. he taught for four years but was let go when his criminal past was revealed. nearly 2,000 people signed a petition demanding he get his job back. he is convicted of killing a mother of four in 1975 during a bank robbery in california. unholy matrimony. 80-year-old convicted killer
charles manson is about to marry a 26-year-old woman. she abandoned her life in illinois nine years ago to live near the prison that he s at in california. she wants to clear his name. of course, famously manson and his followers, manson family, killed seven people, including actress sharon tate. and that s ts. thank you, steve. thanksgiving is right around the corner, which means it s the perfect time to give thanks and look back at your family s heritage. every family has a story and we re about to discover some information about ainsley s family history and give a special discount for fox & friends viewers only because you watched. this is a special treat. first we ll meet the author who traced her own family s history when she wrote the book, which resonated with so many. why is it so important to you to really reach tout to others to get back into their family history and understand the mystery? because when i wrote the book, i learned what can happen
when you dive into your family s story. the book is about my grandmother s life and how she, during world war ii, was one of a group of islanders who helped hide and save a family of jews from the nazis. i then sought out that family and after years and years of searching, i found this family and i thought i never would. i finally found them. they had no idea about this connection cause their mothers never spoke of how they survived the war. they never spoke of the holocaust. so after 70 years, we rewrote this family s history and anyone can do it. it s really incredible. we did it for ainsley. we found really, really cool things. what did you find? we found great things with our friends at, we put them on your family search and found cool things. ainsley, i know on your mom s side you have deep roots in this country. prerevolutionary war. one of your ancestors was a paul bearer for george washington. your dad s side was more of a mystery. that s trouble. there is a reason for that. we found great stuff. we know that your you knew
your father s family was from germany and thought that they came in through ellis island. but they didn t. we went back ten generations to germany. you have good stock. you come from good genes. thank you. back in the 1600s, we found your great grandmother ten times back anna katherine roush and they lived to be 100 years old. that was back in 1635. she died in 1736. so imagine that. living to 100 at that age. you come from good, hearty stock. my grandmother lived to 98 when she died. amazing. and also we found we have great records for you. we found some christian sus documents from south carolina. i think ruben harmon, a postmaster in south carolina. we found a census document of him living with his wife, louisa and three children in 1860. you thought your family came through ellis island. it opened officially in 1892. this shows your family was here
at least 30 years before that. but that s not all. they are in the country legally, right? well, you know. we re confirming that. we also found more of your relatives in south carolina in 1773. so you guys have been here for a very, very long time. that s fascinating. thank you so much. thank you for choosing know do this. it was wonderful. myheritage. this computer age has allowed people to go back and back and back. we don t have to depend on verbal history. can you put in simple terms how you ve consolidated records of all these nations? it s amazing because my, who helped me in my search, if you go on there and you build your family tree and coming up with the holidays, thanksgiving around the corner, it s the perfect time to do this. sitting around the table yelling at each other. if we sit around the table yelling at each other and if go on there and start plugging in information, it links you to other family trees. ainsley, we went to another
family tree so you have a lot of cuffs you don t know about. how much information do we need? not very much. i went in with my in-laws and all of a sudden, we started getting matches of documents. and trees link up to each other. she s terrific because she did my family tree and i asked her to please look for a rockefeller somewhere back there. she did find out that my family had land in ireland. exactly. we found the documents for you. you absolutely did. if you would like to go ahead and trace your family tree, listen to this, you can save 30%. go to in the friends code, use the word friends. that s right. and you can also go to our web site to figure out how. if it turns out we owe debts and discover this, are we responsible to pay? not if donald trump is your relative. that s good. i hope so. that s so exciting. thank you so much. thanks for having me on.
now that we both said good-bye, it s my turn. coming up, a state of emergency as the city of ferguson braces for riots. what s the plan? we re going to ask state highway patrol captain ron johnson next. and this morning more than 200 million americans waking up to a record freeze and snow. maria molina live from inside the storm affecting the entire country straight ahead. make a snow angel. (holiday music is playing)
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this weekend chuck hagel was giving a speech about nuclear weapons, but there was something on his face that had people talk. remember, this is the guy in charge of defending our country. take a look at this.
i have an incident with a cabinet door. i engaged the corner of a cabinet. even isis was like, this is going to be easy. he can t defend himself from a cabinet. ouch. that might be embarrassing, this is going to give you a chill. millions of americans waking up to record freeze and snow. right here you re looking at buffalo, new york where at least two feet of snow have already fallen. and this is near where we re going to find maria molina live playing in the snow. she has been all morning giving us the latest. what are you looking at now? that snow just continues to pile up here across parts of western new york. this arctic blast is a big story for most of the country. we re looking at about 200 million americans experiencing temperatures that
are below freezing along parts of the east coast, down to parts of the southeast and even across the plains. so a major story. very early in the season to be seeing this. it s very cold arctic air going over the great lakes is producing a very significant lake effect snow event that we do have warnings in effect out here and we re talking additional feet of snow, on top of what we ve already seen out here off of places like buffalo and here where we are in pembroke, new york. i want to share with you some video that shows how much snow has fallen across the area. we ve also seen wind gusts up to 45 miles per hour and we even seen some lightning and heard some thunder with this snow activity out here. people are likely going to be trapped in their homes for several days as it continues the clean-up, which has been ongoing. but of course, we re still expecting so much more snow that this is going to be lasting for several days out here across parts of western new york. i also want to share with you out of buffalo, my fiance has a live stream for you that you can see how bad it is out there.
we re also seeing feet of snow out there and very strong wind gusts. that location is just off the lake. so that s what s really enhancing that lake effect snow out there across parts of buffalo and as far inland as we are, 40 miles to the east of the city of buffalo. again, this scene is going to continue out here off of the great lakes and that cold air is going to be sticking around and that cold air really is also making that snow very light and enoughy. kind fluffy. kind of tough to make a know ball. that s the scene here out of western new york. we ll head over to you in new york where it s cold, but a little colder out here. absolutely. for a girl from miami, any time you see the snow, it s like whoa, that is so cool. if she could make a snowball, she d be throwing it right now. now from heather, you have an update. coming out of chicago this morning, fox news alert, a pilot is missing at this hour after a small plane crashed into this home near chicago s midway airport. you can see the jet smashed into
the side of this house. officials say this happened around 3:00 a.m. local time. the pilot had reported engine trouble right after takeoff, tried to land at another nearby airport, but did not make it. two elderly residents escaped from that house with the help of their neighbors. emergency crews are still trying to locate that pilot. but as of now, they say the house is too unstable to search inside. that missing pilot is believed to be the only person on board. this morning a 29-year-old woman is behind bars in virginia charged with lying to the f.b.i. about possible ties to isis. court papers reveal she proposalled isis on facebook using fake names and discussed making arrangements for her husband to travel to syria to train with the terror group. he apparently backed out of the deal when the couple split up. investigators say that the woman offered to make similar arrangements for an undercover agent. a missouri teen-ager comes to the rescue, saving an
11-month-old girl who stopped breathing at a wal-mart. the 17-year-old heard calls on the loud speaker, ran to the commotion to try to help. earlier on fox & friends, abby snodgrass said she just learned cpr at school. listen. while it was happening, the only thought that crossed my mind was what if it didn t work? but i pushed it out of my mind. what a great young woman. the little girl is now home and healthy. rescuers say that abby without a doubt saved her life. al sharpton making a surprising claim that he s all squared up with the tax man. he was nailed by the irs back in 2007 for both himself personally and also his civil rights group tax return. the reverend is claiming he s now paid the millions in back taxes that were owed. sharpton saying, quote, we are now making the final payments on our installment agreement, both personally and organizationally. records on file with the city show that that may not be true. he still owes millions of
dollars. and those are your headlines. let s head over to steve. all right. thank you very much. fox news alert, the f.b.i. declaring rather a state of emergency has been declared by the governor of mo in in ferguson. it s warning law enforcement officers, the f.b.i. is, to brace the city for violent protests as we await a grand jury s decision in the michael brown shooting. what are police expecting? joining us right now, speaking exclusively on fox & friends, we ve got missouri state highway patrol captain ron johnson. we ve got st. louis police chief sam doddson and st. louis county police chief, john bellmar. thank you for joining us. good morning. captain johnson, you famously were walking with some of the protesters back when violence did break out and you were trying to calm people down. what are you doing to make sure that there is not more trouble straight ahead? we ve been going around, all three of us, and meeting with several groups throughout our
region, business leaders, community leaders, activists, high school students, middle school students, and just individuals and trying to connect with the community and find out their concerns and addressing those concerns. let me ask you this, chief doddson, are there a number of groups that you are particularly interested in, because i was reading on line this morning that apparently one of those anarchist groups have done some training with some people in ferguson, showing them how to screw things up. well, actually the coalition that we re talking to is made up of over 50 groups and there are a lot of people in those groups that really want peace. they want to come out and have their voices heard. but what we do find is there is a small percentage that want to come out with violence, that want to disrupt those peaceful protests. those are the groups where i think law enforcement really can play a big role and do what we do. we arrest criminals. if people violate the law in a violent way, we have a plan to take care of it. and it s great that you guys have all joined forces.
chief bellmar, what kind of manpower are we talking about getting ready for some sort of an announcement there in ferguson? you know, steve, i think the manpower is going to be sufficient. st. louis county, for example l have probably 250 officers on the ground just in the evening. st. louis perhaps 300. the highway patrol perhaps 150. but keep in mind, we want to make sure that people understand we re going to ride their beats also. if you call 911, regardless of the manpower, we ll be at your house and business. absolutely. and captain johnson, the message is clear, violence will not be tolerated. correct? that s correct. we re out here to make sure that the public remains safe. we re going to forget the businesses. we re also going to forget the constitutional rights of visitors to our region. chief, i read somewhere on line that speak of protecting businesses, that there were some particular businesses you were worried about. is there a list of targets? well, there is not a list of
targets. but in august what we saw these activities were happening in ferguson in the city of st. louis, about 25 window smashings occurred. as you talked about the governor activating the national guard earlier, that s part of our plan, to put police officers and national guard into neighborhoods to watch strip malls, shopping centers as deterrents, visibility, so that the community knows that we have a plan, and then early warning. so while we don t have a list, i think police chiefs all over worry about just about everything. finally, chief bellmar, i know that you got a lot of manpower there, but also got the national guard at the ready as well, right? we appreciate the governor offering a the guard. they re really a force multiplier for us. last time they were a lot of help in securing the command post. i think they re going to be a tremendous benefit this time and we certainly appreciate these citizen soldiers coming to our aid. we appreciate the three of you joining us this morning. we know you got a lot on your plate today. so we thank you very much. thank you. thank you. 20 minutes before the top of the hour.
we have showed you this video of fox news catching up with dr. jonathan gruber. professor, do you really think the american voters are stupid? what about the obamacare, is that just a hoax on the american people? well, you know what? he s not talking, but you are. your e-mail pouring in. we re going to share some of them next. and matthew mcconaghey said he wasn t going to be in that stripper sequel. but you know what? this morning an update. he s going to take it off again. all right, all right, all right.
welcome back. we have some headlines for you. dallas is back.
matthew mcconaghey will reprize his role as a strip club owner in the sequel to magic mike, but just for a cameo. rumors are producers couldn t afford him for the whole movie. and the word of the year is vape. short for vapor. last year s word was selfie. you know, it s funny, here at fox for years we ve been telling you about the various angles in obamacare. pretty much dr. gruber has revealed that we were right. there he is right there. he has revealed that famously on video that the only reason they were able to get the law through was because americans are stupid and we forget things really fast. if you re in power, you don t have to be transparent about
everything in the plan. after all, if you told healthy people that they had to pay for sick people, that plan would never have passed. plus it s a tax. it s a tax. they knew it was a tax, but he said if people knew it was a tax, it would never pass. he s been loose lipped, up until our own david webb from fox news actually ambushed him right at m.i.t. and couldn t get a peep out of him. he had nothing to say. look at this. you had lots to say to the media. what about talking to us? we just want to talk to you. no thank you. do you think the american people would have actually bought into obamacare without all the deception for the cbo scoring? once again, i have no comment. if you re telling the truth, why are you apologizing as you did for being honest about what was done to get obamacare passed? i have no comment.
come on, one last chance. let s have a conversation. professor, do you really think the american voters are stupid? no comment. what about the obamacare, is that just a hoax on the american people? so it wasn t just it was not only did the fact that he was talking at a school and mocking the american people, every single thing that he went through was every single thing critics who bring up about obamacare and were quickly told that has nothing to do with it. you re trying o cloud the issue. you re trying to scare people away from this brand-new plan. so here is what you re saying. julia on facebook says this. it s about time these people get cornered and questioned. keep in mind that gruber is still trending on twitter. barbara said this on facebook. sure had enough to say when he was calling us stupid. absolutely. steve, if you can do a girl s
voice, would you let elisabeth do a boy s voice. he s afraid of the mic. never happened before. good point. david had to walk in the open rain. maybe gruber was right that americans are stupid because david webb is walking outside with no umbrella. what s really curious is david axelrod, who a couple of days ago attacked gruber by saying, you know, you look up stupid, there is his picture. now he s backing it up. he says that his contributions to the affordable care act were invaluable and his throw away equips were offensive. this is the same time that the new york times is doing damage control on their editorial page. looks like there is more to come from mr. gruber. we know it was big last week and still resonating this week. meanwhile, we have a great close to this show and here is the question: have you met the country bucks?
go big or go home. the brothers who built the outdoor empire here next. but first we re going to check in with martha mccallum for what s coming up at the top of the hour. i m going to follow the country bucks. good morning. after all that, the president says he just heard about this whole gruber scandal and that he was just some advisor. david webb caught up with gruber and he s here with us this morning to tell us about that. and dr. michael bodien joins us with fresh testimony in terms of his take on what happened in ferguson. he ll tell you his findings. senator lindsey graham is here this morning on the iran talks. what now there? bill and i see you at the top of the hour how could a luminous protein in jellyfish, impact life expectancy in the u.s., real estate in hong kong, and the optics industry in germany? at t. rowe price, we understand the connections of a complex, global economy.
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love this story. they went from a simple stove to a multi-million-dollar hunting and fishing empire. that s right. we are talking about the stars of a and e s country bucks . we re just a typical american family. goggles on. let s do this. that just happens to run a multi-million-dollar outdoor empire. we create, test and sell the world s coolest products for the modern outdoorsman. joining us from country bucks are ryan and matt. we re glad you re here. tell us about the start of your really empire. on a stove? in the kitchen? kitchen stove. true story. yeah. he came out, it looked like a cries crispy treat. we got started making hunting products. now we pretty much make everything for hunting and fishing. you re in the hunt for the best new products. that s it. so you re successful without the show.
do you have to be convinced to do the show? yeah. they came to us. they heard about how we test our products and all our r and b and were fascinated with that. we thought it would be a great way to promote our brands and show everybody how we do this. i hear the robertsons are friends of yours. but it sounds like they stole your act. a couple of brothers, they got land and wildlife gear. hello. you re spot on. we got a long way to go. did willie robertson give you advice? oh, yeah. willie, doesn t give advice. best advice. there he is right there. you brought some of your stuff. show us the laser range finder. it s right by your hand. y all know yardage, right? yep. just like you want to know how far the pin is. hunting is the same thing. you ll shoot a cross bow at a target. you got to acquire the range before you shoot so you know where to aim. i need that for my cross bow. that s it. you got a couple models here
of cross bows. we do. this is our top of the line it shoots 400 feet per second. smoking. carbon and titanium. it s made for anything. you have a lot of vikings come to your ranch? whenever, we re ready for them. this is our kiddy, junior for the kids. i love this right here, the black antler call. yeah. the black rack. what message are you giving? it means you want a piece of me. every deer loves a fight. same with deer. if you saw rattling antler, that buck is coming on. you re pretending you re fighting to invite the other bucks? the buck starts there. the buck starts there. then we get them to stop. guy, stick around. we ll continue this conversation in a minute, cause it s not cold enough. we re here.
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we are the champions my friends the 114th congress taking their class picture, the freshmen members of the house of representatives getting all set to take over when new congress begins in january. smile. that s right. we showed you this video earlier. all about the baste. i m all about that baste, about that baste more butter and the comments have been pouring in. one said this, sensation in germany, i didn t realize the ovens used selfy. also how i love monkeys, so check out this.
my friends are up in thailand acting like pirates. these monkeys steal from a kayaker. they jump on the boat for his pineapple and then more keep coming. monkeying around. see you tomorrow, everybody. bill. bill: a bloody terrorist attack in jerusalem and three americans are dead. martha: two palestinians storming a temple. they attacked worshipers there with meat cleavers and a gun. you hear the sound of shots ringing out as the first responders were arriving on the

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