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Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With John Berman And Christine Romans 20150416

landing his aircraft right on the capitol lawn. why he did it? in his own words. isis making addvances in iraq. cnn is there with an inside look. we are live this morning. good morning. welcome to early start. i m christine romans. i m john berman. thursday april 16th. explosive allegations about the deputy who shot and killed an unarmed man on camera. roll on your stomach now. i shot him. i m sorry. he shot me. you hear me? he shot me. the tulsa world is reporting deputy robert bates did not earn his job on the police force. sources tell that paper that supervisors in the sheriff s office were ordered to falsify bates records giving him credit for field training he never took and firearms certifications he never earned. questions about he paid to play dependency. he doughnateughnated money to the sheriff s campaign. cnn has not been able to verify the claims. the sheriff s office is strongly denying the newspaper report casting out on an anonymous source. the e-mail to cnn. the reporters who broke the story will be on new day at 6:00 a.m. if true it raises issues of liability and culpability. a steep plunge from grace for former nfl star aaron hernandez. he was once under a $40 million contract with the new england patriots. now he is convicted of murder. convicted by a jury in the 2013 slaying of odin lloyd. what say you? is the defendant guilty? guilty of murder in the first or guilty of murder in the second degree? guilty of murder in the first degree. you can hear the emotion in that courtroom. judge susan garsh sentenced hernandez to live in prison without parole. susan candiotti was in the courtroom. she has more. reporter: christine and john good morning. aaron hernandez showed little emotion when the guilty verdict was read. he did lick his lips and rub his chin. something we saw him do during the trial when things got tense. at this moment he turned to see his mother and fiancee in each other s arms weeping. he told them to be strong and appeared to mouth the words they re wrong. we looked across the aisle to the mother of odin lloyd. she pumped her fists in the air as if a sign of relief. before aaron hernandez was sentenced to live in prison she addressed the court and said she forgave the people responsible and played a role in the death of her only son. afterwards the jurors were asked why they took seven days to reach a verdict. they said it wasn t a long time. they took a long time because they were careful about all of the evidence they had to consider. then there was this from the jurors. they said they only found out from the judge after the trial that aaron hernandez faces a double murder case in boston that is yet to come. he is also facing accusation that he shot someone in the face. someone they heard testimony from during this trial. after the verdict was over and aaron hernandez was led from the courtroom to his prison. a source said he told his jailors this i didn t do it. they got it wrong. evidently the jury did agreed. john and christies. susan candiotti for us this morning. a may 28th start date for hernandez s trial on the double murder has been canceled. the trial expected to be rescheduled soon now the first case is over. members of the jury in that odin lloyd trial say when the judge told them that hernandez faces more charges they knew they delivered the right verdict. when you found out the things the double murder what was your reaction after going through all this and you hear that. that we made the right decision. that we did the right thing. absolutely. outside the courthouse odin lloyd s mother remembers him as the backbone of the family. the man of the house she will never forget. just like god has left his footprint in the sand take your time ursula take your time. my baby s footprints is in my heart forever. he was my strength. i love him dearly. now it is interesting. ursula ward was told by the judge during the trial not to show any emotion on the witness stand. now she can as any parent should be able to do. cry and mourn over the loss of a child. during her victim impact statement, she went out of her way to say she forgives those who had a hand in her son s murder. we are learning new information about a florida man who flew a small aircraft a gyro copter on to the u.s. capitol lawn. this is not good people. no, you are not supposed to do that. 61-year-old letter carrier doug hughes landed in front of the capitol. i saw out of nowhere a machine that looked like something from chitty chitty bang bang flew and bounced once and landed on the grass. the gyro copter was examined by the bomb squad and carted away. the aircraft did not show up on radar, but homeland security officials said hughes would have been shot down if he was closer. he was interviewed in 2013 and was deemed not a threat. he told the tampa bay times about his plans. he let the paper shoot a video in which he admits it is a crazy stunt. he said he was willing to risk his life to protest what he called the corrupting power of money in polliticspolitics. i ll violate the no-fly zone nonviolently and i intend for nobody to get hurt. i m going to land on the capitol mall in front of the capitol building. i ll have an 535 letters strapped to the landing gear in boxes. those letters will be addressed to every member of congress. you see the post office emblem on the back there. he is not using the post office. he is using his copter. he has been transferred to d.c. central jail awaiting charges. i the militants have advanced into ramadi. the isis fighters killed iraqi troops. the need for reinforcements is critical and troops in the city will not be able to hold the line any longer at all. i want to bring in correspondent arwa damon close by. she had an exclusive look. ramadi on the edge or past the edge arwa. reporter: john this is something the deputy counsel had been warning about since yesterday. begging, pleading for additional troops and for iraqi and coalition air strikes. now he is saying that isis fighters are advancing toward the government complex. he says they tried to launch an assault on the complex. being backed by the iraqi force for the time being. this force is out gunned and out manned. if they do not get assistance they will not hold out longer. a saudi warning which would make them withdraw and allow for isis free reign in ramadi. that would be devastating for a number of reasons. it would be a significant blow to the iraqi government but perhaps an even more difficult blow and situation to the residents that are still stuck there. upwards of 150,000 have fled, but many more remain behind. the battle to take back ramadi if there are additional troops will be devastating. we are talking about street-to-street combat and air strikes inside the city in and of itself. we spoke to a number of people fleeing the violence yesterday as the isis onslaught began. an old woman burst into tears. she was sitting inside a metal cart to be pushed across a bridge surrounded by children. many piling their belongings elderly or children too tired or too weak to go across the bridge. a great source of frustration to the lack of response. officials have been asking for reinforcements for weeks now. none has come despite the fact the iraqi government claims to have sent an additional army brigades. people don t understand the additional air strikes in the area before isis was able to breach ramadi. this is a desperate and dire situation, john. arwa damon in baghdad. thank you. time for an early start on your money. stock futures barely moving. dow yesterday up 75 points. nasdaq closed above 5,000. to give you some perspective, very close to record highs. the dow 1% away. a couple of days of good moves and you see records. the big winner is energy stocks. crude oil bounced 6%. closing above $56 for the first time this year. the price of oil is falling because of the global supply glut. for wall street it is about expectations. a report said u.s. supply did not grow as much as expected. big supply move in the united states not as big as they thought. this morning, citigroup and goldman earnings out later. bank of america and jpmorgan chase did well. earnings expected overall to fall by 3% this quarter. as you know when profits decline, that tends to be a tough thing for stocks to weather. 12 minutes after the hour. hillary clinton the low key listening tour with the high profile edge to it. that happening as the republican side chris christie in new jersey doing his tell it like it is tour. how is it for him? that s next. the beautiful sound of customers making the most of their united flight. power, wi-fi and streaming entertainment. that s. seize the journey friendly. curling up in bed with a . .favorite book is nice. but i think women would rather curl up with their favorite man. but here s the thing: about half of men over 40 have some degree of erectile dysfunction. well, viagra helps guys with ed get and 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clinton is wrapping up the high profile, she would call low key kickoff to the 2016 presidential campaign. she met with voters in small settings. also met with key democratic officials. let s get the inside look now from cnn s jeff zeleny. reporter: good morning, john. hillary clinton is waking up for the third straight morning in iowa. the first trip as the 2016 presidential candidate is coming to an end. she is planning to return to new york this afternoon by plane, not road trip. the campaign stop was more than a drive-by. she lingered with voters and officials to talk about fighting for the democratic nomination. when she walked into the iowa statehouse for a closed-door meeting, people lined up to see her. the clinton campaign believes this trip was a successful one. it is only the beginning of a long campaign. she is expected to travel to new hampshire next week. the state that holds the first primary of the 2016 fight. unlike iowa she won that state during the first presidential campaign. as she begins to layout the principles of the candidacy, she did so through scripted crowds. the real test is when she takes tough and unscripted questions from the discerning voters in those states. thank you, jeff. the clinton foundation is changing policy on foreign donations. spokesman says the foundation will accept large donations from the limited number of foreign countries. some countries considered hostile to the u.s. hillary clinton resigned from the board of directors while she runs for president. so he is not an official candidate as of yet. new jersey governor chris christie in new hampshire with his four-day tell it like it is town hall tour. an event in londonderry on wednesday, he talked about the political future. when anybody is considered running for higher office issues will change and move over time. what you need to know is who is that person. jeb bush rick perry, two other undeclared republicans in the field, make stops in new hampshire today. the nba s regular season is on the books. there were some last-minute entries into the playoffs. who is going and who is going home? coy wire has the details in the bleacher report next. we re digging into travel numbers in the cnn money away. uber appears to be raking in big travel dollars. the share of the transportation market tripled in the last year. jumping from 15% to 46%. that is according to a report which tracks business spending. uber rides tend to be $4 cheaper than taxi fares. and the flight delays? the culprit is not weather. the ntsb found that 72% of all flights are on time but when flights are delayed, it is related to factors within an airline s control like crew and maintenance issues. mean, n. national gives me the control to choose any car in the aisle i want. i could choose you. or i could choose her if i like her more. and i do. oh, the silent treatment. real mature. so you wanna get out of here? go national. go like a pro. the e-class has 11 intelligent driver-assist 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[touch tone] freeze it, only from discover. get it at celtics are going to the playoffs. a ton of other spots up for grabs last night. coy wire has the latest in the bleacher report. good morning, john and christine. this was one of the crazy finishes to the nba season in some time. going into last night s games, we knew of one playoff match up. the cavaliers and celtics. pelicans had to deal with the spurs to make it happen. a tough task. anthony davis brought his hard hat and went to work. he scored 31 points. sending new orleans to the first playoff appearance in four years. fear the brow. wow. the brooklyn nets not only needed to win against the magic, they needed the pacers to lose to earn a playoff spot in the east. they got what they needed. thanks in part to bogdonavich. he gave the nets enough to win. they go toe-to-toe with the top seed in the east the hawks. here is a look at the eastern match ups. celtics and cavaliers. the great match ups with the spurs and clippers who are both on fire. let s take a dip in the pool. michael phelps announced he is making a run for the summer olympics in eriee rio. after spend 45 days in an alcohol abuse treatment facility and serving a six-month suspension from usa swimming after a dui arrest in october. that s humbled him a bit. he talked about that. take a listen. i, of course would like to show everybody in the world that i am in a different place and i am much better than i ever have been. you know i understand that it will take a lot of time for me to prove to whoever i need to prove to that i am different and changed. john, christine, now he also said he has done more growing up in the past eight months than the rest of his life. this guy has a great platform to be an inspiration to a lot of people and make the u.s. proud in the next olympic games. i was reading he has a chance, a good chance considered to be a favorite for two more gold medals. he has like 80 already. he has to find a place for the new ones. the rise and fall of nfl star aaron hernandez. his troubles don t stop there. the fall and further fall of aaron hernandez next. you ll experience a transformation. take the listerine® 21 day challenge and start your transformation today. i ve lived my whole life here in fairbanks, alaska. i love the outdoors, spending time with my family. i have a family history of prostate cancer. i had the test done and that was when i got the news. my wife and i looked at treatment options. cancer treatment centers of america kept coming up on the radar. so we flew to phoenix. greg progressed excellently. we proceeded to treat him with hormonal therapy, concurrent with intensity modulated radiation therapy to the prostate gland. go to to learn more about our integrative therapies and how they re specifically designed to keep you strong mentally, physically and spiritually throughout your treatment. i feel great today i m healthy, i have never been in a happier place, i can t imagine being treated anyplace else. fighting cancer has given me opportunities to live. i think i chose extremely well. call or go to cancer treatment centers of america. care that never quits. appointments available now. i ve been the same shade of red for many years. it s time to change it up! hello, golden blonde. shift a shade with nice n easy. for natural looking color i don t know if blonde has more fun, but i plan to find out shocking new allegations about the volunteer oklahoma deputy who shot and killed an unarmed man on camera reports now claim he did not earn his job. we ll explain. security scare at the white house. raising new questions about capitol hill security. a pilot undetected by radar landing his aircraft on the capitol lawn. the message he wanted lawmakers to get. isis gaining new ground in iraq. cnn crews getting exclusive look. welcome back to early start. i m john berman. i m christine romans. new information about the volunteer deputy who shot and killed an unarmed man. roll on your stomach. i shot him. i m sorry. oh, [ bleep ]. he shot me. that s the video of the moment. this news more controversial. the tulsa world reporting that deputy robert bates did not earn his job on the force. sources tell the paper that supervisors of the sheriff s office were ordered to falsify bates records giving him credit for field training he never took and firearm certifications he never earned. questions were raised about being paid to play. he is a wealthy insurance ceo who donated to the sheriff re-election campaign. cnn has not been able to independently verify the claims in the tulsa world. the sheriff s office did denying the report casting doubt on the sources. those doubts expressed in an e-mail to cnn. now the tulsa world reporters who broke the story, they will defend it this morning. they will be on new day a few minutes from now at 6:00 a.m. developing this morning, a steep fall from grace for former nfl star aaron hernandez. once under a $40 million contract with the new england patriots now convicted by a massachusetts jury in the 2013 murder of one time friend odin lloyd. what say you? is the defendant not guilty? guilty of murder in the first degree or guilty of murder in the second degree? guilty of murder in the first degree. after hearing that verdict, a judge sentenced hernandez to life in prison without parole. our national correspondent susan candiotti was in the courtroom. reporter: john and christine, good morning. aaron hernandez showed little emotion when the verdict was read. he did lick his lips and rubbed his chin. at this moment he turned to see his mother and his fiancee in each other s arms weeping. he told them be strong and appear to mouth the words they re wrong. then we looked across the aisle to the mother of victim odin lloyd. she pumped her fist in the air as if in a sign of relief. and just before aaron hernandez was sentenced to life in prison she addressed the court and said she forgave the people responsible and played a role in the death of her only son. afterwards the jurors were asked why did they take seven days to reach a verdict. was that a long time? they said not in their opinion. they took a long time because they were very careful about all of the evidence they had to consider. then there was this from the jurors. they said that they only found out from the judge after the trial that aaron hernandez also faces a double murder case in boston. that is yet to come. he is always facing accusation that he shot someone in the face. someone they heard testimony from during this trial. after the verdict was over and aaron hernandez was led from the courtroom to his prison, a source tells me he told his jailors this he said i didn t do it they got it wrong. evidently the jury disagreed. john and christine. thanks susan. the double murder trial, susan was talking about, is scheduled to be rescheduled soon now the first case is over. members of the jury as you heard in the odin lloyd case when the judge told them hernandez faces more serious charges, they said they knew they delivered the correct verdict. when you found out about the double murder what was your reaction after going through all of this and you hear that. that we made the right decision. that we did the right thing. absolutely. outside the courthouse, odin lloyd s mother remembered him as the backbone of the family. the son she will never forget. just like god has left his footprint in the sand take your time ursula take your time. my baby s footprints is in my heart forever. he was my strength. i love him dearly. her poise as a spokesperson for her family and victims families everywhere was remarkable. she told reporters she praise heaven forgives all those who had a hand in her son s murder. we are learning new information about a florida man who flew a gyro copter. he flew it right on the u.s. capitol lawn. this is not good people. 61-year-old letter carrier doug hughes landed the craft in front of the u.s. capitol. i saw out of nowhere a machine that looked like something from chitty chitty bang bang that flew for the capitol building. it bounced once and landed right on the grass. hughes was promptly arrested. lucky he was not shot. the copter was examined by the bomb squad and carted away. the aircraft did not show up on radar. homeland security officials said hughes would have been shot had he come closer to the capitol building. secret service says it interviewed hughes in 2013 on a tip concluding he did not pose a threat. the flight wednesday not a surprise to everyone. he told the tampa bay times about his plans and let the paper film video in which he admits this is a stunt. he said he was willing to risk his life to protest what he calls the corrupting power of money in politics. i ll violate the no-fly zone nonviolently. i intend for nobody to get hurt. i m going to land on the capitol mall in front of the capitol building. i m going to have 535 letters strapped to the landing gear in boxes. those letters will be addressed to every member of congress. they are in a u.s. post office box, but he did not use the postal service. that is not an official u.s. postal service gyro copter. i think the u.s. postal service is not happy. he has been transferred to the d.c. central jail awaiting federal charges. some people are making light of it. somebody could have been hurt. he said i wanthe wanted to do it without getting hurt. 38 minutes past the hour. isis on the rampage into the city of ramadi. officials say isis fighters have killed a number of iraqi troops. they say the need for reinforcements is critical and troops in the city will not be able to hold the frontlines. let s bring in senior correspondent arwa damon. she was there. she had an exclusive look inside the attacks. what is the latest arwa? reporter: that call for additional assistance is growing more desperate. isis fighters are trying to reach the government compound and they have launched a series of attacks that began overnight into the hours of the morning. iraqi security forces able to repel them from the vital piece of infrastructure within the city of ramadi. they won t be able to indefinitely. especially if help does not arrive. they are out manned and out gunned. the isis assault that began in earnest yesterday morning, remember they control the north and the south. sent according to the deputy counsel, upwards of 150,000 people fleeing. we saw some of them. trying to cross a bridge from anbar province where ramadi is located to baghdad. this is the bridge where they do not allow vehicles to cross. people were walking. those who were too old, too weak or too tired to walk were piling into metal carts. elderly, women, men, children all of them shellshocked. all of them carrying whatever it was they could. some able to take away large pieces of luggage. others forced to shovel belongings into small bags. some holding on to their children. one woman we met burst into tears the moment we approached her. another man that we spoke to is describing how isis fighters taken over his home and put a sniper on his roof. he grabbed his children and wife and ran out. as he was talking to us telling the story, his wife just burst into tears. there have been ongoing calls for additionndditional iraqi troops to come. these are calls that have been made for weeks, now warnings if reinforcements were not brought in this would take place. there have been requests for air strikes over the last few weeks from the iraqi air force, but also from the u.s.-led coalition. those have not happened. any sort of significant or decisive manner. a source of great anger and frustration for those trying to fight isis inside the city of ramadi. failing to understand why the iraqi government says it is sending reinforcements yet none seem to have appeared. frustration in a critical situation. arwa damon, thanks. what is next for hillary clinton? just wrapping up the listening tour in iowa. did the campaign get off to the start she wanted? details next. for the whole weekend! [ snoring ] [ male announcer ] zzzquil, the non habit forming sleep aid that helps you sleep easily and wake refreshed. because sleep is a beautiful thing. when you re not confident your company s data is secure the possibility of a breach can quickly become the only thing you think about. that s where at&t can help. we monitor network traffic worldwide, so we can see things others can t. mitigating risks across your business. leaving you free to focus on what matters most. when you re living with diabetes steady is exciting. only glucerna has carbsteady clinically proven to help minimize blood sugar spikes. so you stay steady ahead. big day? ah, the usual. moved some new cars. hauled a bunch of steel. kept the supermarket shelves stocked. made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. what s up for the next shift? ah, nothing much. just keeping the lights on. 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[clicking sounds] it s so shiny. i know mommy. but it s time to let the new kitchen get some sleep. if you want to choose wisely choose angie s list. with in-depth reviews, an exclusive scoring system and real people standing by to help, you can get a finished project that you ll love. pretty. call, click or download the app for free today. this week iowa next week new hampshire. hillary clinton wrapping up the low key kickoff to the 2016 presidential campaign. clinton with voters in key democratic officials during her swing through the hawkeye state. we get more from jeff zeleny. reporter: good morning. hillary clinton is waking up for the third straight morning in iowa. her first trip as a 2016 presidential candidate is coming to an end. she is planning to return to her home base in new york later today. this time by plane not a road trip. this first campaign stop was more than simply a drive-by visit. she lingered with voter and key elected officials to show she is serious about fighting for the democratic nomination. she walked into the iowa statehouse on wednesday for a closed-door meeting, people lined up to see her. her campaign believes this is a successful trip. she is expected to travel to new hampshire next week. the state that holds the first primary of the 2016 fight. of course unlike iowa she won that state during her first presidential campaign. as she begins to layout the principles of the candidacy, she did so before scripted and friendly crowds. of course the real test of the candidacy comes when she takes unscripted questions from the voters in all of the states. new jersey governor chris christie crossing new jersey for the four-day tell it like it is town hall tour. at the event on wednesday, christie addressed the political future. when anybody is asking to be considered for high office whether the governor of new jersey or bigger job, issues will change and move over time. what you need to know more than anything else is who is that person. jeb bush and rick perry, two other undeclared republicans make stops in the first primary state today. let s see what is coming up on new day. chris cuomo joins us now. christine we have a couple of big items. a startling report from tulsa. the argument by police is 73-year-old bus maninessman or not, robert bates, the reserve deputy that shot and killed a man in the sting operation. he was fully certified. his lawyer echoed that point on new day. what we will play you part of the interview. two local reporters have a story that says records were manipulated and officials removed when they would not go along with helping the long time friend become a deputy. we will also have the aaron hernandez verdict. plenty of pain to go around for odin lloyd s family. the jurors had interesting things to say after the trial and sentencing. christine, this one about sofia vergara and her former boyfriend. they made embryos. this is a big thing for couples. they are now not together. one of them wants to get rid of the embryos. the other one wants to say no. we will take you through it. it is a serious issue. invitro is a growing subject posted in a not classy way. legg my eggos. do it with class. they put the eggs together. they made a baby so now what happens to those babies? it will get pretty thick. thanks chris. nice to see you. we ll be right back. new york state is reinventing how we do business by leading the way on tax cuts. we cut the rates on personal income taxes. we enacted the lowest corporate tax rate since 1968. we eliminated the income tax on manufacturers altogether. with startup-ny, qualified businesses that start, expand or relocate to new york state pay no taxes for 10 years. all to grow our economy and create jobs. see how new york can give your business the opportunity to grow at are you so congested. it feels like that brick s on your face? try zyrtec®-d to powerfully clear your blocked nose and relieve your other allergy symptoms. so you can breathe easier all day. zyrtec®-d. find it at the pharmacy counter. the president of iran not too pleased with the compromised reached with the white house and senate giving congress the right to block the lifting of sanctions against his country. president rouhani repeating his claim there will be no deal unless all sanctions are immediately dropped once agreement is signed. in israel the senate and white house compromise hailed by officials there as an important element in preventing a bad deal with iran. iran is increasing precision and frequency of the cyber attacks. at the same time it is parties participateing in the nuclear talks. according to the security firm norse. if it is suspended, the increase could produce oil revenue to bolster cyber activities against the u.s. the cyber attack destroyed the sands infrastructure last year. tensions are flaring with two allies in the east. iraq and saudi arabia. iraq s prime minister abadi criticized the saudis for the air strikes against the houthi in yemen. he says there is no logic to the operation. massive marches to raise the minimum wage. more than the $9 or $10 than some companies. they want $15. we will tell you about it after the break. let s get an early start on your money. oil rose sharply today. google facing a fine of up to $6 billion. the eu european union says google favors its own search results above competitors in europe. relevant links not listed first. you will see companies advertising with google. amazon will be lower. the eu officials saying this amounts to uncompetitive practices. about 15,000 low wage workers marched across the country yesterday demanding a minimum wage of at least $15 an hour. these are workers from fast food retail and home health care. some employers like mcdonald s and walmart raised wages to $10 an hour starting salaries. it is a start, but those increases are not enough and still not liveable for the work. shocking new allegations about that volunteer oklahoma deputy who explosive allegations about the oklahoma volunteer deputy who shot and killed an unarmed man. questions have been raised about whether bates paid to play deputy. murder in the first degree. sentenced to life without parole. aaron hernandez is a murdering thug. i forgive the hands of the people that had a hand in my son s murder. i think we can say we made the right decision. isis is advancing into ramadi. thousands of refugees fleeing. [ gunfire ] nbc news under fire once again. the story of their reporter being kidnapped changes. we climbed out of the vehicle and the rebels took us. the integrity of the peacock back in the media cross cross hairs. this is new day with chris cuomo, alisyn camerota and michaela pereira. alisyn and michaela are off. they told me not to take it personally. we do have breaking news for you this morning. a major report claiming tulsa county sheriff s supervisors were ordered to falsify the training records of robert bates or else. he is the 73-year-old reserve deputy who accidentally shot an unarmed man, he says when he confused his gun for a taser. now, we ve been told the whole time he was trained. now that is not as clear. cnn has also just obtained copies of the bates training record. they still don t give a full picture at all of his qualifications or lack of qualification. those records now being called into question. this as the tulsa sheriff s office is planning to audit the reserve program that allowed bates on the streets with a gun. let s begin our coverage with cnn s ryan young with the breaking details. good morning, ryan. reporter: good morning, poppy. a new report calls into questio

New-york , United-states , Capitol-hill , New-jersey , Tulsa-county , Oklahoma , Tampa-bay , Florida , New-hampshire , Anbar , Sistan-va-baluchestan , Iran

Transcripts For WMAR ABC2 News At 530PM 20130225

federal spending would have a slowdown in services. sequestration treats everything the same. everything is cut across the board defense and nondefense. it makes no sense whatsoever. if sequestration were to take effect, it would be very damaging to our economy. congress tells us it would slow down our economic growth substantially. but senator cardin said he doubt if the deal will be done by friday. he is committed to seeing one in place before furloughs begin. you trust them with your life and you assume your doctors are doing the right thing, right? that s in the always the case. we have a look at bad medicine. abc2 investigator joce sterman is back again to see if we re one year safer. reporter: stunning allegations. a doctor videotaping his clients at his most vulnerable. the case involving johns hopkins dr. nikita levy i don t know if you have pull closure. reporter: he said he knows the pain knowing a doctor can break your trust. 2005 his mother janet died after lengthy cosmetic surgery. in the years following her death her family discovered the physician had broken state guidelines by stringing together to many surgeries in janet case, but it took the board six years to revoke his license. ups and downs as they waited years for action their case not the only one with a delay. last february an abc2 investigation of discipline file of almost 50 doctors found stunning delays. in more than one third of cases it took the board more than two years to suspend or revoke a physician s license even when accusations of drug abuse, sexual misconduct and dangerous practices were involved. some cases took as long last seven years but that was then. fast forward 12 months and you see the doctor talks differently about the board. since our investigation, much as changed, in parkts thanks to intense scrutiny by the legislature and an independent panel. there is finally a grip on an lounge problem for at least 13 years and probably longer. reporter: problems that included communication breakdowns, disorganization, data sanctioning guidelines and a backlog of complaints, much of that done under the leadership of a new chair and executive director. this was a tremendous amount of work. we weren t without guidance. reporter: they made 46 recommendations for the board during a review. an independent panel also suggested changes including splitting them into two groups to move the process along and cut down the backlog. there s proof in the board files. abc2 news investigators looked at 14 doctors disciplined in the last year and found eight had their licenses suspended or revoked within nine months or less once the board was notified. that s well below guidelines. even as patients and doctors wait for action, they re armed with more information. for the first time charges are now posted online against doctors in the discipline chain so you ll know sooner about potential problems. without all the facts, i don t know how a patient can be expected to make an intelligent decision. reporter: brian is happy to see the board be more transparent, opening up as it attempts to better protect you but he says the proof will have to come long term. i don t anticipate people would naturally assume that everything is changed and that it will never be bad again. on the other hand, i hope they see that the motivation and the procedures that have been put in place are there for the good of everybody. reporter: joce sterman, abc2 news. if you want to hear more about the board s progress and see if your doctor made our list, go to this weekend when you went to ikea in sweden, you couldn t find swedish meatballs. there must be an explanation. and if you want an exa nation why you don t feel well with your heart. give our hotline a number. it s cross cross. our experts are standing by to take your calls. meteorologist wyatt everhart. take a look at havre de grace from the tide water a marina. big rain coming. we ll talk about when the heaviest arrives. we could soon see some relief at the gas pumps. the national average is $3.80 per gallon, up 54 cents over the next nine weeks. we could see an increase before the prices fall. all right. ikea is not selling swedish meatballs. there are reports the meatballs contain horse meat. they found traces on batches of frozen meatballs, now the company said it has shown no traces. these particular meatballs were only available in 13 european markets. all right. ikea is the latest company to be caught up in the scandal. all right. money may be tight but when it comes to our pets we americans are big spenders between food and vet care. pet own ares spend $53 billion on their spent $43 53 billion on their pets. we re going to take you from the classroom to the studio as students try their hand at making news. really, they re making a huge difference. the tears and tumbles of last night s oscars. which winners are creating a buzz. that s tough to watch. she was grateful about it. we re taking your calls. doctor, you re a transplant cardiologist. how can you tell when you re in heart failure? some of the symptoms can t be very specific. some of the things people have are a lot of breathing issues. they have trouble walking, trouble doing the things they used to, trouble climbing stairs, walking down the blofnlgt sometimes they get swelling in their legs. sometimes they gain weight quickly. that s because of the fluid. sometimes they re fatigue. that s the most overwell manying symptom overwhelming symptom. we are taking your calls. the number to call is 410-481-2222. you may notice the days are getting longer. sunset will be at 6 p.m. and only getting later, so definitely getting more and more of that look of spring. show you some of our weather in motion. sunny skies, our unique view from hemingway. boy, the water glassy. not a lot of wind, sunny conditions. in towson at loch raven tech as well as the middle school just off of charles, plenty of clear conditions for your commute. no problems weather wise. that will be different by tomorrow. take a look at the 3d setup. i want to show you what s headed our way. you can see a tremendous amount of moisture into atlanta. the heavy rain coming down in this direction. slowly but surely this will be landing in maryland. you see that in maryland s most powerful radar. winter weather advisories. we think there will be flood advisories for tomorrow evening. winter weather concerns will be at elevation. we ll be in the 40s. rain for central maryland, rain for the eastern shore with the possibility of winter weather. okay. temperatures very comfortable, upper 40s. it was a comfortable day with a high temperature of 50 in the city. things changing. you can see the few clouds clearing to the east. we ll get a clear night, maybe some sunshine. check it out. by 3:00 the rain begins to move in the first of two fairly heavy waves, the most intense waves at 9:00. this could provide as much has 2 inches of rain by early wednesday morning. by 10:00 the last showers to taper off. two and a half inches of rain. isolated flooding and the low lying areas. then we re dry and comfortable late tuesday. temperatures could be back up to 50 degrees. here we go overnight. no issues as we go toward the morning commute. cold and partly cloudy. the rain moves in by midday and heavier by 4:00, 5:00, 6:00. so just rain as this thing comes in here. snow in the mountains tomorrow, hagerstown west and clearing conditions back in the 50s wednesday afternoon. could see mid-50s bay thursday before we get a blast of cold air for the end of the week and over the weekend looks like temperatures will be on the chilly side. in the moon time all eyes on this double barreled system. the core of the system, we can see it spiraling heavy snow toward oklahoma city. the main concern will be heavy rain. tonight dry, clear and cold. 44 tomorrow. obviously, comfortably above the freezing mark. by tomorrow night upper 30s, heavy rain. there will be flood concerns. then we begin to dry things out, just a few morning showers wednesday into the 50s we go. thursday, maybe as high as 50. cold air begins to funnel in cold winds friday and saturday. then reinforcing cold front on sunday into monday. what that will mean is we don t see that progressive warmup where we hit the 50s. stay tuned for that. the long time guideians as this cold the first week of march. shouldn t we have a fireplace under here? it feels like spring almost with all the rain. two more weeks. we re anxious. all right. some students at one high school will be replacing us. they re getting an early start on their broadcasting career. they re learning what it takes to put on a newscast. some hands on tv experience is making a big difference in student achievement. stand by. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. reporter: it s 9 a.m., time for titan tv. students at newtown high school put on live 10-minute broadcast with closed captioned tv. i really like it. after my first day here, i got to be on camera. i was nervous but i like it. reporter: titan tv offers the latest information on information from sports to sat preparation. students do it aw. they re the anchors, reporter, director, camera, teleprompter and operator. it s a television and radio production class. each day they re tate positions. i want students to take away from the titan tv experience who learn how to work together, to learn how to problem solve and also to think critically in order to better prepare themselves for their future careers. reporter: with titan tv they get an up close view of broadcasting. titan tv gives students real world experience and taste of what lies ahead. it s been an eye opening experience, you know. i wanted to be a meteorologist for a few years. it just so happened that i got put in this class. reporter: hopefully, some day these budding journalists will end up as anchors. it s one of a number of courses offered. february is national career and technical education month. if you wrapt to see more on how area students are making a difference, is your resource. check it out on our resource page to see the dozens of stories we do to show off the good in our schools. we re back with the doctor and we re taking your calls. doctor, let s talk about women and heart disease. we present so differently. we absolutely scan. it s a very important thing to think about because women, especially when they have s scheme s keelic heart disease or coronary heart disease we don t present the same as men. they can have abdominal bloating, short of breath. so that s important when you re evaluating women in particular when you think they may be having a heart attack or coronary artery disease. it s still it still sometimes happens today. women sometimes present later than men because the symptoms can be more subtle. when should they see a transplant surgeon. when they have heart failure and not respond well,. they re failing the medical therapy. they re getting sicker despite everything we can do. we start to think about advanced therapies like heart transplants or left ventricular assist devices. heart pump. sometimes people get better quickly with a heart pump. they go sick from the heart failure and all the symptoms to feeling a lot better but they re taking care vive themselves in a different way. so they have to know how to take care of batteries, change batteries. they have to be on blood thinners to prevent clots in the clot. they have to change the drive line. it s a different type of care but most patients feel a lot better. okay. about 30 minutes left to get your questions answered. the number to call is 410-481-2222. jamie? kelly, doctor, coming up, city schools out of date need rebuilding. they rally to change the upgrading. a local firefighter is helping. those stories and more at 6:00. here s what s ahead on world news. see how world news saved this family more money than they ever expected and the easy tips that can help you save, too. it s real money. people are still talking about the academy awards. this was a night filled with try yum up triumphs. we have the latest. reporter: the headlines say it all with the biggest oscar going to argo. not only did the first lady announce the best picture winner, excited director ben affleck gave one of the biggest speeches of the night eye want to thank my wife who i don t normally associate with iran. reporter: from that high to this fall. jennifer lawrence took a tumble. you guys are standing up. you feel bad that i fell. that s embarrassing. reporter: back stage jack nicholson introduced himself to lawrence making it clear she s part of the a list. host seth macfarlane. some of his performances and jokes were praised. others were criticized, but knowing the stakes were high, macfarlane brought william shatner back from the future. your jokes are tasteless and inappropriate. one second he s ricky gervais, then donny osmond. hollywood needs to grow a thick skin. reporter: early results indicate this year s oscar ratings will be up from last year, especially among younger men. tough job. he did the best he could but this person will take it all the way. he know we know he can dance away from a defender but how about dancing with the stars. that s on abc2 news at 6 which starts right now. the perry hall shooter is given a sentence. when firefighters rescued a family pet, they ll have more help. the lifesaving donation they received today. the teenager who shot a classmate inside the perry hall cafeteria on the first day will learn how long he will spend behind bars. chris? reporter: 3345 years in prison. that s the sentence handed down today. robert gladden, jr. had already agreed to plead guilty to attempted murder. after the sentencing prosecutors released this video of the interview gladden did. that s him wearing the same green shirt he had been wearing when the shooting happened. prosecutors

United-states , Hagerstown , Maryland , Iran , Loch-raven , Sweden , Hollywood , California , Woodlawn , Americans , Swedish , Seth-macfarlane

Transcripts For CNNW At This Hour With Berman And Michaela 20141021

hour. so we ll begin with breaking news in the darren vann case, the suspect in the murder of 1-year-old afrikka hardy in a 19-year-old afrikka hardy in a motel room. police savan started talking and what he said shocked them. they found himselves chasing victims. they say vann led them to the bodies of six more women in and around gary, indiana, and opened the door to an even bigger investigation. we re joined by our poppy par low harlow. poppy is riding around with police on the hunt and the big question is at this stage, poppy, what are they looking for? well, john and michaela, they re looking for possibly other bodies. this is incredibly disturbing. we now have seven dead murdered women. six of them found in these abandoned homes around gary, indiana, and police want to know are there more. we know that darren vann, the 4 -year-o 3-year-old suspect in the murder of afrikka hardy led police to the other women s bodies. he has not told police there are any more however clearly there have been some indications that there may be because police are out here checking. this is an area all of this city, really, off huge problem with abandoned homes and the bodies were found in abandoned homes so we ve been going for the last half hour with them door to door through these abandoned homes. they have not found anything yet. the cadaver dogs have just arrived to help them. they re using a grid pattern, about 20 different police officers scouring different parts of the city. i just talked to some residents around here, guys, who said to me we call this scary gary. and the girl told me, the 19-year-old, she doesn t go out past 8:00 at night because largely of all of these abandoned homes that are clearly a danger to the city. so they re looking for more, but they have not found anyone else at this point. poppy, we know after they found the body of africa hardy van confessed to these other killings, led them to these other bodies. but that police believe there could be deaths going back decades. help us understand that. is that coming from him or are there other open cases they re concerned about? yeah, they do. that s a good question, michaela. at this point van has not directly confessed to the other murders, however he s led police to all six bodies. clearly indicating some involvement in their disappearance. we don t know why he s cooperating with police. they said it s completely unclear why he s giving them so much information. the police chief of gary told me in an interview that his mental state is normal. you re right, his arrest record goes back to 1993. he was arrested again in 2009 for aggravated rain. he served five years in jail. we also know that in 2004 he served 90 days in jail for grabbing a woman, holding her and threatening to burn her with gasoline. that is huge with a hugely troubled past. and the question is why was he out on the street? and how could he have committed potentially seven or more murders? now, the police told me that he was monitored as recently as september by the local sheriff s department because he is a registered sex offender but it begs the question what is this monitoring entailing if this could happen? what did the monitoring entail, when did the crimes happen? poppy harlow, riding around with police right now looking for more bodies possibly. our thanks to you. let s talk about the point poppy brought up. mel robbins is our legal analyst. mel, you look at this man s past, a convicted sex offender, convicted of aggravated rape in 2009 and he served five years for that. that doesn t seem like a long sentence. this seems like a guy you would keep on a very short leash. oh, a very short leash, indeed, john and michaela. this is such a gruesome story. i dent even know where to begin. but let s start with that case in texas. so in 2007 he hired a prostitute and when she arrived he asked her if she was a police officer and as soon as she said no he immediately started the assault, the strangulation, the rain, and she was one of perhaps only the lucky ones who had an encounter with him because she left. she cooperated with the police guys, told them the whole story, he was arrested in 2009, pled guilty, sentenced to five years, did the entire time and when he was released from a jail in austin, texas, he was deemed by the state of texas as a low risk. he did register when he moved back to indiana, but obviously since they thought he was a low risk they weren t doing any kind of tracking, they were only doing random check ins and he was allowed to travel at will. and what we know now is that there are at least seven victims that he has confessed to. they have recovered five they ve identified five of these women. and one of the things i think it s important to note, john and michaela, is that there s only one of the five women that they ve identified that was reported as a missing person. that s deeply troubling to me, i have to say. yes. and so he probably was preying on women that might be in danger or might be in the fringe and there does appear according to cbs in chicago, they re reporting there was a pattern to the way in which he was killing these women. therefor h there were seven women that still ended up dead. i want to pivot to a story we ve been watching on cnn for some time, the results of the sentence we heard today, turning to south africa now if you will mel to talk about the sentence that oscar pistorius, so called blade runner, received. five years. by american standards that seems like an awfully light sentence. i understand they have a different legal system in south africa, their law works differently. i m curious what your reaction is to the sentence. frankly, mckael la, i was floored for a number of reasons. one this s this judge. she has a history of flowing the book at defendants to that commit acts against violence against women so i was expecting a decade in prison. i think even more troubling is that the experts are saying based on their time served good behavior and other factors he s probably only going to serve ten months behind bars so i realize she wanted to give a balanced sentence, but this one is a balanced sentence that weighs in favor of pistorius and i felt that it was way too lenient and, frankly, i was surprised based on some of her comments during the during her findings when she spent a day recounting that he was a terrible witness, that he was evasive. and that this was reckless. mel robbins, thanks to you. certainly the large majority of people commenting online are shocked that it was so low. i have stopped trying to understand the south african legal system. it s very, very different, clearly. absolutely. good to have you, mel. meanwhile, we want to talk about a huge medical breakthrough. imagine this, a paralyzed man walks again after implanting cells from his own body into the injured area. we ll speak to the leader of the research team ahead. quite a break through. and then people in the room for this speech for ski ski just said wow. wow. amazing words to hear from her as she now says she s determined despite cyber bullying. i was patient zero. the first person to have their reputation completely destroyed worldwide via the internet. your goals, our experience. your shoppers, our technology. your data, our insights. introducing synchrony financial, bringing new meaning to the word partnership. banking. loyalty. analytics. synchrony financial. engage with us. this is charlie. his long day of doing it himself starts with back pain. and a choice. take 4 advil in a day or just 2 aleve for all day relief. honey, you did it! baby laughs! remember, the open enrollment period is here. the time to choose your medicare coverage begins october 15th and ends december 7th. so call to enroll in a plan that could give you the benefits and stability you re looking for, an aarp medicarecomplete plan insured through unitedhealthcare. what makes it complete? it can combine medicare 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offer smart ways to save, and give you the tools to help make your healthcare experience a positive one. remember, open enrollment ends december 7th. call unitedhealthcare today about an aarp medicarecomplete plan. you can even enroll right over the phone. or visit us online. don t wait. call now. monica lewinsky says she has a new mission. she wants to end cyber bullying. the former white house intern is planning to make an emotional plea to end the kind of harassment she was subjected to following her air i affair with president clinton revealed back in 1998. a long time ago. during a speech at force 30 under 30 summit in philadelphia, lewinsky says she knows what it s like to be shamed online and she wants to help other victims of what she calls the shame game. she wants to help them survive. i think people were just wowed by the speech in general. let s listen to her tell the story. 16 years ago fresh out of college, a 22-year-old intern in the white house and, more than averagely romantic, i fell in love with my boss. in a 22-year-old sort of way. it happens. but my boss was the president of the united states. that probably happens less often. i couldn t imagine ever showing my face in public again. i cringed, i yelled, i sobbed. and the mantra continued i just want to die. when i ask myself how best to describe how the last 16 years has felt, i always come back to that word shame. my own personal shame. shame that befell my family and shame that befell my country. our country. i was patient zero, the first person to have their reputation completely destroyed worldwide via the internet. i think what s truly remarkable, john, here is that how far she s come given what went on and given the words she just spoke i wanted to die, i wanted to die. you look at her standing there, polished, poised, eloquent. what a long way that woman has come. joining us to talk about, this our digital correspondent kelly waltz and margaret hoover. what struck me is this sound like an intelligent person who s had 16 years to think about what she wants to say when she s given the stage and then this was the speech. it was really interesting. and it was a perfect speech. i mean, i had speech writers even commenting that the highs and the lows, the way it was written it was crafted so beautifully, delivered really flawlessly. and i think she really is truly a character of real courage. courage is somebody who can face difficulty and pain and it s this quality of spirit and mind and you see that in her. she almost died but for the love of her family and friends, she cites tyler clemente s story, the freshman from rutgers university who threw himself from the gw bridge after being cyber harassed by some friends because he was gay. this is a really authentic story of a woman who identified with somebody because frankly she was the very first person to endure anything like that and on a global scale. to me it s quite extraordinary and i really hope that we in the media and everyone can give her a place and a platform. you hope that the haters, the critic cans pull all of that aside and we all when we played that sound of her saying that she simply wanted to die, more than once, all of us were taken aback. you hear that from somebody s lips, kelly, and that s so power. so powerful and upsetting. the haters are going to be out there. they re already out there on twitter and the critics are going to be there but the word brave kept coming to my mind. she doesn t have to do this. she does not have to do this. she can go i mean obviously she has tried to get jobs and it s hard to get hired. i m monica lewinsky and people say you have a history, we can t hire you. but she doesn t have to do this. that to me was so powerful. you sense this is an authentic feeling that i was there, i survived the shame game, she says, and how about i commit my life to trying to prevent this, this climate of hate that we live in. it s cathartic. it can really lead to damaging things for people and death in ways, too. as consumers, we don t have to say we approve or disapprove of what happened 16 years ago or in the 90s. that s a separate thing. the issue now is what she has done since then and what she s choosing to do now. it s interesting, my producers will hate me for this, but we were talking in our meeting and they said let s talk about the political angle of this. i m not sure we have to talk about the political angle here. that s the key insight is that we can talk about monica lewinsky s new war on cyber bullying in and of itself and not have to reference back what happened in the begin organize what gave her that platform. she s taking the platform, she s bold enough to get into the arena, to decade herself to a cause that is desperately needed. there are parents across the country cheering her on because they need her voice and guidance desperately. so good for her. let s allow her to remake herself and rebuild herself because she s dedicating herself to a greater good that we need. isn t america about redemption? it is. we love redemption, right? but we haven t really as a country embraced her story in that way. i sure hope we start. i think the follow through will be key. what does she do? does she work with the tyler clemente foundation. you can embrace her message witho without embracing her story or politics. in this country people make horrible mistakes and we ve forgiven them. that doesn t mean what they did was okay but we allow them to move on. she was not the only person who did anything wrong, either so let s not rehash it at all. and let her have her voice and platform. she couldn t be impeached. he was. there was judgment all the way around. thank you so much kelly, margaret. thanks so much for being here at this hour. ahead for us, the cdc taking new measures to protect health care workers against ebola. but will this now be enough to prevent the spread of ebola in the united states? on my journey across america, i ve learned that when you ask someone in texas if they want big savings on car insurance, it s a bit like asking if they want a big hat. . scuse me. .or a big steak. .or big hair. i think we have our answer. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. we have breaking news out of spain and it is good news. theresa ramos, the spanish nurse s assistant who caught ebola is now clear of the virus. that is the official word now from the doctors at the madrid hospital where she s been treated. the all-clear comes after a second test now, all clear. great news to be able to report. also at this hour, the u.s. is taking a different approach when it comes to dealing with ebola. the cdc has released new guidelines and putting them into place for health care workers, those very people who are so vulnerable to the disease. the guidelines we re releasing today are updated. they provide an increased margin of safety. they provide a consensus on better protecting health care workers because even a single health care worker infection is unacceptable. the measures call for repeated training and practice. it also requires protective gear to cover workers from head to toe with no skin exposed. we know that s been an issue. also for monitors. sort of a buddy system to watch them put on the gear and take it off. a short time ago, the national nurse s union issued a statement welcoming these changes. but added nevertheless, the optimal standards should be in place tomorrow and regrettably they will not be. lawrences s gs go stin is a prr of global health. great to have you with us, professor. i m curious if you d had a chance too dig through these new guidelines and if in your estimation you believe they go far enough. i think they go far enough. they ought to have been done sooner, i think i agree with the nurse s union about that. and the fact that we ve had to young brave nurses in the united states infected is completely unacceptable. but this is the gold standard. rigorous training, full-body protection with no skin exposed and also really having somebody monitor you. and actually it takes more than an hour to take your gown off because you have to make sure that you don t cross contaminate yourself. that s a very hard thing. i think we ve learned a big lesson. this is not a staph infection, this is ebola. no one said it s going to be easy, but easy isn t the issue here, safe is. professor, the cdc as far as i know doesn t have a police force. they have no enforcement mechanism here so these new guidelines are may be great but they re just guidelines. hospitals in every state, in every city in the country need to implement this. how confident are you that they will? i think you ve made an important point. most people think cdc is a regulatory agency. they re not. they can enforce the guidelines, they just have moral and public health force so will hospitals abide by them? this time i think they will because they ve had a rude awakening with the two nurses but it does underpin something really important which is that although we have an advanced health system, it s variable. you can see there s some hospitals that won t abide by the highest standards of care so we have to figure out how we can create incentives for hospitals to have uniform quality control so that any patient anywhere in the country goes to the hospital and the doctor or nurse treating them is safe and the patient is safe. professor, to that point, you talk about the variables. i m curious. we got these guidelines. and, again, not an enforcement agency, these are guidelines set out by the cdc. i m wondering how far they went in terms of talking about everybody within the health care system that would come in contact with this virus. ambulance workers, people who do waist removal. i was looking for guidance on how that west removal could be handled. do you get a sense they re going to come out with guidance 2.0 with some of those further details drilling down a bit more? but you re so right. we ve got hazardous waste. we don t have state-of-the-art in many places to be able to safely remove it in the dallas case they claim they couldn t decontaminate the apartment because they didn t get a license to move the hazardous waste. we have to prethink these before our t crisis. professor gosti nirks, thanks for being with us. appreciate. it police say two men accused of attacking women, one in indiana, the other in virginia, they believe they ve ve been getting away with it for years. we ll look at some of the clous next. . and for many, it s a struggle to keep your a1c down. so imagine, what if there was a new class of medicine that works differently to lower blood sugar? imagine, loving your numbers. introducing once-daily invokana®. it s the first of a new kind of prescription medicine that s used along with diet and exercise to lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. invokana® is a once-daily pill that 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doctor right away or go to the nearest hospital. tell your doctor about any medical conditions, medications you are taking, and if you have kidney or liver problems. using invokana® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase risk of low blood sugar. it s time. lower your blood sugar with invokana®. imagine loving your numbers. ask your doctor about invokana®. i have a cold with terrible chest congestion. better take something. theraflu severe cold doesn t treat chest congestion. really? new alka-seltzer plus day powder rushes relief to your worst cold symptoms plus chest congestion. oh, what a relief it is. here we go! the man charged with abducting university of virginia student hannah graham is now charged in another woman s abduction. this all comes as a lab tries to determine if a skull and bones found in a creek bed are, indeed, the remains of hannah graham. a grand jury indicted jesse matthew on charges of sexually assaulting, abducting, and attempting to murder a 26-year-old college student nine years ago. the woman in that case escaped and her description created a suspect. joining us is jean casarez, we re also joined by forensic psychologist jeff gardere. that s a big chunk of time, nine years, between these two cases. and there s also a third. that s right. nine years. it s so significant, though, because when you look at the 2005 case and we ve known about this case, a sexual assault case. well, guess what? that indictment returned yesterday now it is an attempted capital murder case. that s different right there because what prosecutors are saying was this was not someone that wanted to sexual assault someone, this is someone who intended and with premeditation tried to kill somebody that is significant. the second thing that s significant is there was dna that was able to be gotten from that living victim and that s significant, too. there s a living victim here. that dna has been unknown for nine years because there s been no one in the database to match it up with. in 2010 they were able to get dna from morgan harrington. they couldn t have gotten it from the skeletal remains but they got it from an article of clothing or something else associated with her. that matched the unknown dna from the 2005 sexual assault case but still it was unknown dna they didn t know who it was. now here in charlottesville because of the hannah graham case and they searched that car and the apartment of jesse matthew, we have not been told they got his dna but how easy is it to get dna from a cup or straw and that could have been the missing link. now we know thrts working to identify those skeletal remains. you can hang tight. we want to turn to jeff gardere who s here in studio with us. we look at this case where jean is and we look at the alleged indiana serial killer and it s striking to me that these are two men who targeted young women, targeted women, we don t know the ages in the serial killer in indiana, if it is a serial killer. these are men who targeted women and flew under the radar for a very long time. this is shocking to us that they could operate under the radar. that happens with people we categorize as serial killers. unlike spree killers who kill one person after another in a short period of time, these are individuals who kill every few years or every few months, sometimes 10, 15 years may go by before they kill again. so this fits the profile. we tend to think of them as being very intelligent, but they get away with these murders for the most part because they re choosing people who are indigent, people who are drug abusers, prostitutes. in this case we see a college student perhaps being involved in this and this is a bit of an aberration. the guy in indiana, obviously, was in and out of the justice system for a long time jesse matthew, jr., not so much and now charged or allegedly connected. to go on with your regular life in between these alleged violent acts is troubling. well, these are people who don t have a conscious. we see farce the biological of this there s something called the amygdala, which is the emotion center of the brain and quite often it s not connected to the ventral medial prefrontal cortex that processes this so at times they have flat affect, they don t have the feeling of guilt. they can manage rage but they don t understand what it s like to live in someone else s shoes so they don t care about the victims and therefore they can go on with their lives day to day as if nothing happened. chilling to say the least. jeff gardere and jean casarez, thank you for joining us. this is a story cnn will continue to follow. we ll bring you updates when we can get them. ahead at this hour, is the president a pariah? and if democrats are working so hard to create distance from him, why does he keep dragging them back so close? imagine this. after being told he would never walk again on his own, a british man is up and walking with the aid of a brace. the treatment we ll tell you about and how potentially it s being seen as the cure for paralysis. we ll discuss. [ female announcer ] you change your style. why not your eye color? new air optix® colors prescription contact lenses enhance your eye color for a naturally beautiful look with consistent comfort. find your perfect color and get a free trial offer at president obama not really out on the campaign trail much during this election season and it s not an oversight or because the calendar is full. it s because the president s approval ratings are at near record lows so most candidates out there really don t want it. the president did make a rare appearance sunday night in maryland, supporting lieutenant governor anthony brown who is running for governor. turns out some people at the rally ended up kind of running from the president. here to explain what may be going on or at least give an opinion about what he thinks is going, dana milbank, op-ed columnist in from the washington post whose latest piece is entitled obama, the pariah president. dana, i don t think anybody would call you a conservative pundit but omg, that s harsh even by your standards. i guess so. i m really talking about from the point of view of where the democrats are and they ve not only have they asked him not to show up in their districts, a lot of these vulnerable democrats running for the senate and for the house, they re actually actively distancing themselves from him in ads and you ve got the democratic senate candidate in kentucky refusing to say whether or not she even voted for the guy. so you almost felt bad there. i was there in prince georges county, it s a very supportive area for obama. i was there in maryland sunday night and to see them walking out before he finished his speech, he was sort of like, you know in the seventh inning when your team is down by five runs and you just want to get a jump on the traffic and it just it just feet like that sort of encapsulate what is this year had been for president obama. the president says he understands this. he says he gets politics, he knows candidates may have to run away from him to a certain extent but if he knows that, why does he say things like this? let s listen to what he told al sharpton. the bottom line is these are folks who volt with me, they have supported any agenda in congress. so once again there you have the line out of the president s mouth that s almost certainly going to end up at some point in a republican ad. it can be a republican ad without adding anything to it. it s very similar to what he said a couple weeks bag when he said my policies are on the ballot. that s exactly what these democrats don t want to hear the dynamic here is this isn t a national election. if the president were on the ballot, if this were a 50-state election democrats would be in a different position. these are red states where these people are running for the most part, they re republican states so it makes sense they would want to distance themselves what doesn t make sense is why the president is grabbing them by the ankles and saying no, no, these guys are actually with me. one thing that s interesting, in georgia you ve got michelle nun who embraced obama in a sense, put the photo that has been used against her of president obama and her in an ad and said, yeah, i ve worked with this president and the presidents before him, too. i keep hearing that song after the love is gone. we ll have you back and talk about that at another time, dana mill bank. i hope so or they ll stop paying me. god to have you with us today. we have some big political news coming up on cnn tonight. the debate the sequel. jake tapper moderating the debate of the florida governor s race between rick scott and charlie crist. there will be many jokes made leading up to that debate but it s a very serious, serious matter. it will be moderated again by the icy cool jake tapper here at 7:00 on cnn. also it s going to be a long road but after receiving a new form of treatment a british man walks again. we ll speak with the doctor behind this amazing break through. this is charlie. his long day of doing it himself starts with back pain. and a choice. take 4 advil in a day or just 2 aleve for all day relief. honey, you did it! baby laughs! great rates and safety working in harmony. open an optimizer plus account from synchrony bank. service. security. savings. is. we have a startling headline that could help millions of people suffering from paralysis. in europe, a firefighter recovering frrecove paralyzed from the chest down is recovering and learning to walk. doctors implanted nasal cells from the patient s own body and a complete spinal paralysis has been reversed. it was a collaboration of british scientists and polish surgeons. what an opportunity for us, the man who led the research team in the uk, jeffrey raceman. what a pleasure to have you here. are we closer to a cure for paralysis today? we say this is one of the greatest challenges in medical science. are we close to a break through? yes, i think we are. i think we have opened the door to a future treatment. opened the door for how many? does this now work for anybody and how soon will people be able to get it? there are lots of people out there perhaps watching this saying this guy s cured paralysis, will it work for me? okay, well, let s say this is the end point of a large number of laboratory researches in which the procedure has worked in rats. this is the first time that a neurosurgeon in poland has applied it, the exact procedure, to a patient, a human patient. it so s the very first. it s news because it s the first. because it s the first, there is only one. until we repeat this in a number more patients, it s just that, it s one patient. so all we can do yes, go ahead. i want to hear. because i think many people are so hopeful. we know how many people around the world are waiting for such a miracle, if you will. i think the next question, if you can help us non-scientists and non-medical professionals, explain it to us how it works. the problem with spinal injury is that nerve fibers are severed by the injury so that impulses to carry movement, the desire for movement down from the brain to the body are cut off. impulse is carrying sensation to the brain are cut off. so from the level of the injury, in this case the level of the chest, the waist, derek, our patient, had no movement, voluntary movement, and no sensation. so he was in a wheelchair. now, there is only so my idea, which i followed for many, many years, is that actually nervous system is capable of repairing itself. actually the cut nerve fibers are capable of growing but they lack a pathway to cr s cross. the cars still know where they want to go but there is no roadway for them to go across. so the question thinking that way, the question is, what could we use to make a bridge? now, we don t know how the bridge would work, we don t understand the basis of this. so our idea was, is there somewhere else where they can relay the road. the only place we know is the o olfactory system, the sense of smell. so the underlying thing is can we get something out of on area where repair works and transfer it into an area where repair doesn t work? will it then cause a repair? that s the basic we congratulate you on your work and we thank you for coming on. we wish you the best of luck in repeating this work in the future because it does hold out great hope for so many people around the world. so many people. really remarkable. ahead for us at this hour, what does the singer lorde have to do with the world series? if you listen to the radio. reporter: have watched a baseball game, you ve heard it about 10 billion times. it s all about her song royals. there s a baseball team with the name named. all of it banned in san francisco. ah! come on! let s hide in the attic. no. in the basement. why can t we just get in the running car? are you crazy? let s hide behind the chainsaws. smart. yeah. ok. if you re in a horror movie, you make poor decisions. it s what you do. this was a good idea. shhhh. be quiet. i m being quiet. you re breathing on me! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it s what you do. head for the cemetery! thank you. ordering chinese food is a very predictable experience. i order b14. i get b14. no surprises. buying business internet, on the other hand, can be a roller coaster white knuckle thrill ride. you re promised one speed. but do you consistently get it? you do with comcast business. and often even more. it s reliable. just like kung pao fish. thank you, ping. reliably fast internet starts at $89.95 a month. comcast business. built for business. we have breaking news on the ebola front. an announcement from the department of homeland security that any travelers coming from the three nations in west africa, liberia, sierra leone or guinea, known as the hot spots for ebola, any travelers coming to the united states from one of those countries will now be required to come through one of the five airports in the united states that has advanced screening. we have them listed for you right now jfk, chicago s o hare, dulles in washington, newark in new jersey and hartsfield-jackson in atlanta. there were calls for banning flights outright. but they ve decided this is the way the states are going to go now. you have to fly in from west africa to one of those international airports. not a ban but a restriction. rene marsh, our aviation correspondent, is looking into this right now. we ll have more in a few minutes. we ll never be royals unless you live under a rock, you ve probably heard that on the radio playing everywhere, everywhere except for the city by the bay or at my house. radio stations have banned this song during the world series. why? because lorde says the song was in part inspired by george brett. who is george brett? perhaps one of the greatest third basemen of all time. he threw out the first pitch for the kansas city royals. he was on the only royals team to ever win a world series, which was in 1985, 29 years ago which leads us to tonight, game one of the world series. the kansas city royals are playing another team in game one of the world series. who? who, andy? andy, facts are your business. it is a fact that everyone is rooting for the royals tonight, correct? no, that is not a fact. reporter: everyone outside of san francisco. if you re in the from there from california like michaela. 29 years is how long these fans in kansas city have waited to get back to the postseason. it was the longest playoff drought for my of the four professional sports. they have just been amazing so far. they ve won eight straight games to start the postseason. a lot of those games in extra innings. such excitement here in the city of kansas city. and we say 29 years is how long they ve been waiting. you can tell how xiexcited they are about this game just by ticket prices. just to stand, it s going to cost you around 500 bucks. that s incredible, incredible stuff right there. ouch, ouch, ouch. you were talking to us earlier on new day about the fact that it s an even year. so that means the giants must be in the world series. if it s an even year, they re also likely going to win, right? i have to show giants love here. i like the dodgers, the giants, the blue jays reporter: you re from california. take a stand. i have a stand. but we ll talk about that after. we could be talking dynasty, don t you think? reporter: we certainly could. the giants fans, i m sure, are excited to be here. not as excited as the royals fans. they re getting used to this in even years. in 2010 and 2012 they won the world soares. now they re back again this year. they have such clutch players. good pitching at the exact right time. hunter pence, buster posey, the kung fu panda at third base. they don t have the superstar that s going to hit the 35 home runs and get 100 rbis. but whenever they need the hit or eight innings of shutout ball, they get it. can t wait. pretty incredible, as you say. royals in five, andy, i know you think that is correct. thank you for being with us from kansas city. sorry. got a little something stuck in my throat. before we go, just a reminder tonight, i am hosting roots with our friend anderson cooper. you can set your dvr. there are more letters for you. check out our website for more. that s it for us. i m michaela pereira. i m john berman. legal view with ashleigh banfield starts right now. seven women found dead so far in indiana, but that is only since friday. now we re learning the suspect has a criminal record dating back two decades in at least two other states. and also ahead, remember the man arrested in last month s disappearance of the uva student and then linked to a 2009 death at virginia tech? now jesse matthew has been indicted for sexual assault and attempted murder in a similar case from back in 05. and later this hour, she says cyberbullying

Texas , United-states , Atlanta , Georgia , Kentucky , Madrid , Spain , Florida , California , Indiana , Virginia , Liberia

Transcripts For CNNW New Day Saturday 20170325

of legislation. now, they own it. welcome to saturday. thank you so much. for keeping us company here. i m christi paul. i m victor blackwell. good morning to you. president trump taking aen there, tried that approach to his agenda, vowing to move on after one of his biggest campaign promises gets pushed on to the shelf. but will the false start on repealing obamacare put the brakes on the rest of his agenda? well, this morning, president trump and house speaker paul ryan are coming to grips with the setback under the first piece of news on the administration. the bill definitely abandoned yesterday before it could even come to a full vote. despite full chrome of washington the president and speaker ryan just couldn t wrangle enough votes within their own party. so, you know, the blame game has started. this morning our team of political correspondents and experts standing by to break it down for us. i want to bring with cnn national correspondent suzanne malveaux live from capitol hill. suzanne, what are you hearing about the state of folks there? christi, good morning to you. already the lawmakers are back in their district having to explain what happened here to their constituents. but what we can say is that president trump made it very clear yesterday, even before the vote was pulled here, that he was ready to move on. that he had very little appetite for this. we saw yesterday that he was sitting there officially signing off on opening the keystone pipeline. that he met with his treasury secretary to lay out tax reform. some of the big agenda items that he wants to move forward with, infrastructure projects, tax reform, immigration, building that wall and making trade deals. that is what he s trying for. trying to put the repeal and replace obamacare behind him. at the same time, look at the republican party. it is fracture fractured, divided in disarray. the conservatives very much emboldened by taking a stand against the repeal legislation. the moderates of the party, republican party, they re much feeling like they need to make sure that the conservatives tonight take control. don t have as much influence in the party looking forward. as for the leadership itself, house speaker paul ryan. and majority leader mitch mcconnell, they are faced with the challenge of bringing the party together. not only bringing the party together to find common ground. but also trying to find some issues where they can work with the democrats. here s a little bit of the fallout from yesterday. i m going to say to all of us, members of the freedom caucus, members of my study committee, and the tuesday group, i m going to and the white house, we all need to kind of reflect on this moment. and recognize that in a diverse legislative body, you have to come together at some point. and recognize that 80% is not bad. it s a step in the right direction. from the beginning of the process, i think that the way it was set up did not bring the desperate part of the conference together. so, we need to start from the beginning to making sure all of the concerns are addressed. this is going to be an ongoing leadership challenge for the governing majority. and republican lawmakers are now home, meeting with their constituents for the weekend. but they ll have two weeks next month to really kind of lay out why and how it was that the repeal did not go through. despite the fact that they are in control of congress, as well as the presidency. in the meantime, christi, source, and lawmakers are telling me that essentially a president has about 200 days, the first 200 days of very narrow window, to kind of push forward the biggest legislative items on his agenda. and that window, of course, is quickly shrinking, christi. suzanne malveaux with the latest there. thank you, suzanne. you can call it the blame game, you can call it finger pointing, it s happening. nobody wants to put this business loss on to her or her shoulders, in part from what we heard from suzanne there. let s go to ryan nobles in washington. ryan, what are you seeing? victor, you can make no mistake about this. this is still a major setback for the trump administration repealing and replacing the affordable care act was bun of his big promises. and this was also his first attempt to drive through an important piece of legislation and it failed. but the president and his team are shaking it off and moving on to the next thing. but pinning the blame not only on republicans, but instead, on democrats in congress. take a listen. i think the losers are nancy pelosi and chuck schumer because now they own obamacare. they own it, 100% own it. this is not a republican health care. this is not anything but a democrat health care. and they have obamacare for a little while longer until it ceases to exist, which it will at some point in the near future. just remember, this is not our bill, this is their bill. democrats still have a problem owning obamacare which they never have. instead, the presidency is prepared to just let obamacare stay in place. and says calls it to explode before taking any action. while publicly, the president is defending the overts of house speaker paul ryan and deflects across the aisle, there are is angst within the administration that ryan and house leadership chose to tackle health care first, instead of tax reform. regards, this was a check for the administration on how washington works, much different than a private corporation. something that the president is going to have to get used to. ryan nobles, thank yous. let s continue with senior congressional reporter eugene scott and susan crabtree. thank you for being with us. i want to touch on something that ryan was talking about, the cbo report, we should point out, says that obamacare is not collapsing under its own weight. but representative chris coons said yesterday, he does believe it s in jeopardy by republicans. eugene, listen here real quickly. there s rulings that the secretary of health and human services can make that would deny some of the reimbursement standards for insurance that would remove some of the impact of the mandate. they ve already been trying to make changes to the affordable care act that will make it harder for it to survive. any indication, eugene, that there are deliberate actions being taken to accelerate the failure of eca. and what does it mean for people who have it and concerned about health care. there are definitely republicans who have issues with obamacare and have before it even passed and definitely are working on legislation to make changes those problems that they ve noticed. whether or not they will actually be able to do that remains to be scene. based on what we just saw this week. one of the big challenges and john boehner can tell you this, is getting republicans on the same page when it comes to obamacare and what needs to be done to fix it. whether or not they will find a solution that will fix the problems that hurt americans most is not yet clear. but it s not looking likely based on what we ve seen so far. yell well, yeah, i hear president trump saying we re just going to let it go for a while. let it be. susan, what does it mean for the tax reform then? what does it mean for the infrastructure bill that they re looking ahead to? i talked to several congressmen yesterday who were in a very grim mood on capitol hill, agency you can imagine. they say this makes it harder to pass a tax reform. it makes it harder to tackle immigration reform. i can t see them doing that in this climate. to me, this is not really the art of the deal. that s an overused metaphor. this is the failure of the south. you cannot tackle something as complicated as obamacare in 64 days. the president did not use his power at the bully pulpit to go out and cross cross the country, hold town halls, getting the american people on his side. he seemed to think this was a business negotiation where he still had the power of millions of dollars behind him where he could power through and convince people to go on his side. he did not reach out to the house freedom caucus early on. he did not talk to the tuesday group and get them on board. it was all last minute. and it just seemed to fall apart. and he s wondering what happened. well, it took president obama at least a year to get his version of obamacare through. he went through regular order. there was some secrecy involved, yes. but they did go through some regular order. and now we re seeing calls on capitol hill to please don t abandon this. for four election cycles, they said this is their top priority. they ran against obamacare. so, they have a responsibility to repeal and replace it. and fix it. this is not on just democrats. now, republicans own part of this problem. and, yes, premiums are skyrocketing across the country, especially in rural areas where choices are grim for people. and so, they have a responsibility to get they got knocked down. they have a responsibility to get back off the ropes and tackle this again. okay. but let s listen to something that paul ryan said about this yesterday as well about this. we were a ten-year opposition party where being against things was easy to do. you just had to be against it. now in three months time we try to go to a governing party where we actually have to get 216 agree with each other on how we do things. and we weren t just quite there today. they weren t quite there today, meaning yesterday. how do they get there, eugene? well, i think one thing they have to focus on is realizing that diversity within the party is something that s a good thing. and they need to work together and try to figure out how they can find unity, despite that. but the reality is, if we look at some of the ideas that president donald trump campaigned on during the election, some of his strongest pushback has actually been from other republicans so far. when you look at the travel ban. when you look at the border wall. and now when you look at repealing obamacare, he has had to fight republicans, it seems like, more than he s had to fight democrats. and whether or not they re going to figure out a way to get on the same page so that they can get this agenda forward, that they seem to believe they have a mandate to carry out, it s not yet clear. you have the last word here, what do you think president trump may tweet himself to try to get through some of the other agenda items that he has, first and foremost on his plate? it seems like he does want to move on to tax reform and infrastructure. that may be the best part of this. but they have to promise to get back to obamacare in the year, because that s what they ran on. that was the number one priority. so, yes, i do think that the house freedom caucus and others are maybe doing a little grand standing here, just like they did in 2013 with the government shutdown. i heard members of congress tell me yesterday that they think that they just had to get that you out to show that they were pure, that they were conservative. now, they will go back to the negotiating table and pick out how to proceed from here. they do not want to run on repealing and replacing obamacare. eugene scott, susan crabtree, good to have you both here. thank you. thank you. thank you for having us. all right. the president is backtracking. you ll remember, he promised to repeal and replace obamacare immediately after becoming president. starting on day one. well, now, he says that day one and immediately really didn t mean in the first 24 skas. also, finger pointing and calls for an independent investigation on capitol hill, after the house intel chair cancels next week s public hearing on russian hacking. can i get some help. watch his head. i m so happy. whatever they went through, they went through together. welcome guys. life well planned. see what a raymond james financial advisor can do for you. does your makeup remover every kiss-proof,ff? 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well, look, it s very clear, victor, that republicans have certainly mastered the ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. it was a really disappointing day yesterday for republicans all across the united states of america. but, more importantly, a really disappointing day for everyday, regular ordinary americans. i think we re hoping for a different outcome. it s really unfortunates what happened. of course, the democrats didn t help. but i do think that this is a failure on the part of republicans. well, i mean, we ve heard from republicans many times say that democrats didn t help. we didn t see many of the republicans vote for the affordable care act. i guess, what you even expect the democrats to vote for the repeal, replacement of obamacare. but let me move to something else here. what could the president have done better? you said it was difficult and disappointing. you re a supporter of the president. what could he have done differently? victor, i think the president did an extraordinary amount. i think he pulled out just about every single stop. i don t really know that we can level any criticism at the president for this. i think this falls squarely at the feet of both house republicans. clearly to a difficult task to unite such a widely disparate group of people. i think that president trump s prediction is going to turn out to be accurate and prescient. and that democrats will also seek to change the law. let me take two elements, i m going to produce from the desk here on the fly here. guys, pull up full scene one, we want to impair the number of events that president trump hosted versus what president obama hosted taking the case to the people for respective health care events. president trump, seven events on hit care in which he talked about sweden and media and other issues. president obama held 28 events. now, president trump held his events during a contracted period. but the republicans set the schedule here. you say he did everything he could have. how do you defend that, knowing that he wasn t out using that bully pulpit to explain this plan? well, victor, look, some people need to go somewhere 28 times, and some people can get the job done in just one event. but he didn t get it done, so maybe he should have gone 28 times. that s exactly right. clearly, neither case turned out to be acquit. but the point is that i think president trump did work tirelessly on this. he was working in a different time period for the time period that you ve just shown the viewers. i think it s unfortunate. but again, i really don t think that we can really lay this at the feet of president trump. i think president trump is a winner. and house republicans have really become losers to use an expression. president trump has very much brought into the main treatment stream. you say president trump is a winner, post january 20th in his inauguration, point to a win. well, i think he s winning every single day. give it a win? is it a travel ban? is it the health care bill? no, i think it s a vibe. i think it s fantastic that we have a president more interested in kicking butt rather than kissing it. it s a vibe, is that what you just said, a vibe? a vibe doesn t go into a w column. point to a policy win. point to a win that affects people s lives. this segment was supposed to end in three minutes but i ll give you more time if you need it. victor, i think that president trump is making america safer. i think president trump this is rhetoric. point to a win. about being patriotic. but there have been lots victories come in many forms, victor. you know this of all people. tiff it to me. i m giving it to you, you don t like what i m saying. i think it s very clear that president trump is winning for the american people again. finally, they have a choice again. finally, the elites have been returned to their rightful place which is at the bottom bookshelf of a dusty library. and we are seeing the beginnings of what is going to be a fantastic presidency. things don t happen automatically. but i m convinced, victor, that we ll see great things. okay. nick, i gave you an opportunity to point to a policy win. you pointed to patriotism, a bookshelf and a vibe. nick adams, we ll have you back on. i m looking forward to it. you ve got your version. i ve got the truth. all right, well, thank you very much. christi? alrighty then. the white house and house republicans say the health care battle is over, at least for now. president trump declaring it s going to explode. but what about the millions of republicans who say they re suffering under obamacare? who should be responsible for saving it? plus, a partisan split in the house intelligence committee over the russian investigation. the top democrat accusing the chairman of trying to choke off information to the public. should there now be this independent commission that according to the latest poll two-thirds of americans want? well, mortgage rates moved down this week. here s your look. it takes hard work, dedication and hours of practice for a drum line to perfect its routine. rocket mortgage by quicken loans is just as precise. but it only requires a few minutes of your time. now, you can securely share your financial information with the push of a button, giving you an accurate and custom mortgage solution without missing a beat. 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right. i mean, 20 million people have coverage under obamacare. under the republican plan, cbo estimated that 24 million were going to lose it. those are big numbers. those are those are very difficult for congress to get over. so, now, really, president trump says that obamacare is about to explode. he just wants to let it explode. that would be the best thing because it would bring democrats to the table. but is he really able to tell 20 million people, sorry, i m not doing anything for you. it s going to be difficult and for lawmakers. here s the other thing, the republicans had seven years to come up with a plan. then, of course, president trump came into the mix and had his own ideas about the plan. why do you think they were not able to after that amount of time to plot something workable? i think as president trump said, health care is complicated. who knew. there s a lot of things going on.right now that the administration has to do number one thing they have to do if they want obamacare care to survive they don t necessarily want obamacare to survive, but if they don t want millions to lose their coverage for 2018, they need to take some steps to shore up the market. there s people with deductibles and co-pays. congress has not appropriated money for that next year. and insureds say they re going to walk if congress doesn t do that. they have only a couple more weeked before the shoots file their plans with the state. they ve got to make moves fast. one of the other changes they wanted to make is repealing the health benefits talking about maternity and substance abuse. and sanjay gupta said this is one of the things most important to the people. had they not come out with that particular facet, would they have had better chances? you know, it s difficult to say, because there was also all of the people who said that they didn t want obamacare-lite. a lot of people, congress ryan and his group were squeezed between two points. you have the conservatives, the freedom caucus, who wanted to repeal obamacare. that s what they had run on. that s what they wanted. you know, they just wanted it out, they wanted the essentially health benefits out. they wanted a lot of big changes but on the other side you had the moderates, the tuesday group and others who said we can t go back home and face many people in our districts who lost coverage. what are we going to say to them. so the essentially health benefits was important for them. a lot of districts particularly suffering from substance abuse. the opioid epidemic with the health care to help those people. and moderates felt they couldn t go back home and tell people that, yeah, we re doing a deal that s going to strip these benefits away from you. all right, tami luhby thank you for taking time. marine le pen, how a win for the candidate falls into president putin s playbook. and a growing feud has erupted in the middle of the russian investigation. now, at least one democrat investigating the trump campaign ties to russia says the chief of the house investigation should step down. kevin kevin kevin kevin kevin kevin kevin kevin kevin kevin trusted advice for life. kevin, how s your mom? 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here we go again. well, the famous bellagio hotel in las vegas. several armed burglars snatched their way through the glass at a high-end jewelry store and able to get away through the parking garage. imagine this, if you ve ever been to one of these big casinos, bellagio is placed on lockdown agency the investigation continues. there were no injuries. we re told police are search, for the suspects. and french presidential candidate marine le pen called russian a great nation. saying, quote, it s important to build balanced relations with both countries and i think it s perfectly possible to do so with both vladimir putin and donald trump. she has vowed to take france out of nato and out the european union, a move that, if elected, further pushes putin s agenda in europe. cnn s brian todd has more. christi and victor, there are strong signs that the far right nationalist surge in france is gaining momentum. many americans are worried about it. and vladimir putin is embracing it. he met in moscow with french presidential candidate marine le pen who could turn america s reliance on france on its ear. reporter: vladimir putin s latest attempt to manipulate another country s levers of power. he meets in moscow with france s far right presidential candidate marine le pen a woman who could turn it upside down. saying like to recognize putin s annexation of crimea. translator: it s the world of vladimir putin, it s the world of donald trump, united states. reporter: only efforts say it s a stunning image for a top candidate in a democracy to unabashedly embrace moscow. at the time in america when trump s campaign is being investigated whether they coordinated with russian operatives. i think it s important to say how much russia is playing into our daily news cycle and dales consciousness. russia at the center of attention. reporter: why is marine le pen a favorite of putin because le penn wants to bring prance out of nato, she wants to bring france out of the euro. and wlants to break a bloc which putin seeing correctly as preventing russia achieving a dominant position in europe as a great power. reporter: and now, there s serious concern that putin will meddle in france s election like he allegedly did in america. cnn has learned that french officials are worried that putin hackers will fish for damaging information using tactic on how they targeted hillary clinton s campaign. russian hackers are believed to have targeted france before with a defs staying cyber attack in 2015 of a top french tv network. putin denies trying to tilt the french elections. translator: we do not want to influence events in any way. reporter: but marine le pen has gotten a boost from raushia. alone, ten years ago, about $10 million for her party. the very fact that marine le pen is in moscow this week and is there to drum up support from putin, has received a $10 million loan from the russians in 2014 that putin is trying to boost the far-right forces in france, all of this does suggest that marine le pen is beholden to putin and russia. analysts say putin trying to win power in other countries is just part of putin s way of moving towards his own ultimate goal, staying in power himself. he s got an election coming up next year which experts say he s fairly paranoid about. even though he s manipulated the political machinery heavy enough, that there s virtually no chance he ll lose. christi and victor. thank you so much. now, the trump/russia investigation is getting a little dicey. democrats fewer yaus has the house intel chair cancelled next week s way. and march madness, madness, the florida buzzer beat, andy scholes has a report coming up. . to keep it supple and hydrated day after day. with hydrating hyaluronic acid, which retains up to a thousand times its weight in water. this refreshing water gel plumps skin cells with intense hydration and locks it in. for supple, hydrated skin that bounces back. the hydro boost skincare line from neutrogena®. see what s possible. z282uz zwtz y282uy ywty knows how it feels to seeetes your numbers go up, despite your best efforts. but what if you could turn things around? 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i would certainly hope so. i think senator mccain has it exactly right. we ve certainly seen from the antics of representative nunes and twe can see that the trump administration and its close allies will defend outrageous material that we ve already seen that shows close financial connections, troubling lack of candor and nsa leader that had to step down because of the lies that were told already. we re at day 65 of this administration. clearly something is wrong here. clearly an independent investigation needs to be undertaken. congress has the ability to do it. they should have done it a long time ago. nunes is not the man to lead that investigation. errol let me stick with you and what we heard, which actually got lost somewhat earlier in the week because of all that was going on with health care. what we heard from congressman schiff about some of the evidence that he s seen. let s watch. to take evidence that may or may not be related to the investigation to the white house was howholly inappropriate and cast grave doubts into run a credible investigation. can you believe that he can still run this committee or should he step aside? ultimately that s a decision that the speaker needs to make. and i think the speaker has to decide, just as well as our own chairman whether they want a credible investigation being done here. whether they want an investigation that the public can have confidence in. that wasn t the sound bite what i was looking for. what i was looking for, there is more than circumstantial evidence now of collusion between the trump campaign staffers and we have not heard that from many entities. that, i guess, is the whole game then. well, that s right. that s the question on the table. let s recall that just a couple weeks ago the president himself set the wheels in motion here with the inflammatory and baseless charge that he had been wiretapped by the prior president. he called for a house investigation and now he s got a house investigation. many of us said at the time it was widely noted that this was probably a bad idea for the president to invite more scrutiny into an area where he is clearly vulnerable. that we know that there are millions of dollars worth of tainted money that is coming out of the russian system out of the dictatorship from close allies of vladimir putin into the trump empire itself, as well, as many of his close political top aides. for him to ask for this investigation and then to perhaps think that he can control it by controlling representative nunes was really sort of fanciful thinking. it s the ball is rolling and the evidence is popping up all kinds of different places. lots of news organizations digging into this now and that might end up being the investigation that the independent investigation that the country needs and deserves. eugene, quickly, any evidence that chairman nunes position as chairman is in any real jeopardy? it doesn t seem like it, not from his office or from the trump administration. but the fact that so many people are calling out the fact that it s difficult for people to believe that someone who is a trump associate can investigate with integrity the relationship between trump associates and russia is up in question does give people reason to believe that it could be in jeopardy. thank you. thank you. march madness down to the elite eight and andy scholls has a warning. if you went to bed, you missed it. finally, an awesome ending to a march madness game. but if you missed it, don t worry. the incredible overtime buzzer beater coming up in this morning s bleacher report. modern life deserves a modern way to pay. oh jane, you re getting a ticket i m going to get you out of this chair. breton. you can use it online and on your phone. nope. it s been masterpassed. winning the little victories, priceless masterpass, the secure way to pay from your bank don t just buy it, masterpass it. 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[heartbeat] florida made it happen, people. andy scholls is heschole is her. 59 games and no overtimes and buzzer beaters before florida and wisconsin gave us an epic final few minutes last night. this game the best game of the tournament so far. the badgers schowalter going to hit the three to tie the game. rogers was sitting in the stands at madison square garden cheering on wisconsin. the game would go to overtime and then four seconds left. florida down two. guard is going to go the length of the floor and throw it up at the buzzer. gators everywhere rejoicing as they win a thriller. florida now heading to the elite eight where they ll face sec rivals south carolina. two games tonight with final four on the line. xavier with bill murray trying to keep their cinderella story going against gonzaga and oregon taking on kansas in primetime. both of those games in our sister station tbs. in the nba, get this. booker becoming the youngerest player ever to score 7 o0 points. just the sixth player ever to score that many points in an nba game. however the suns lost to the celtics. but they were having some fun about it. he is holding the wilt chamberlain sign with 70 on it. victor i made one for you of how many points you scored in the nba. zero. the big egg. and they still lost. one man gets to 70 and they still lose. i was thinking the same thing. that s tough. thank you for that, andy. you re welcome.

New-york , United-states , Moscow , Moskva , Russia , South-carolina , Idaho , Washington , Florida , Sweden , Wisconsin , Kansas

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Jesse Watters Primetime 20240613

maybe they could do an exhibition where he does some backflip that the open. maybe nancy pelosi will do that tonight of the congressional baseball game. no that s when trump visits tomorrow. is there a lightning bolt that s going to hit the capital? trump is coming. they said populism was over, that it was over in europe. trump was over. how many times can they declare trump politically over or populism is over? they ve been wrong and wrong again. the tide is rising internationally and i think trump s return to washington, this will be quite a day. you all stay tuned for that tomorrow. speaker-01: raymond arroyo, great to have you. that s it for us tonight, follow me on social media, thank you for watching, jesse is next. welcome to jesse watters primetime . tonight,. jesse: [ inaudible ] jesse: we finally figured out what they are going to do with joe. four more years, pause. [ chanting ] jesse: arab spring break, not over yet. [ crowd noise ] shot fired. jesse: crime is down. [ laughter ] jesse: new hoax alert. plus. jake paul. [ ] jesse: politics is like a game of cards, you don t pick the cards, you play the hand you are dealt. after using up their dictator on day one card in the lock him up card, democrats are down with only two cards left to play. joe biden and come in layers. around the democrat poker table, the question is, what s the next play. the obvious answer was joe biden he won them the first poker game, why not go for a repeat? the question is, everybody sees the play coming and the biden card, no guarantee. he s lagging with debate prep, skipping out on g-7 dinners and now his conviction is hanging over his head. sources inside the white house tell the new york times biden has grown more resigned and worried than ever about what the future might hold for his son. the media is starting to question the play. the people close to him say that this is the thing that more than anything else he wakes up, you know, if he s briefed by aids on gaza, the next immediate thing, constantly in contact with his son, they speak at least once a day. so this is something that is going to add more weight to the presidents mindset. i think it s a very heavy burden and by staying in politics, by being as exposed as they are in some ways, it has put pressures on hunter biden and i think that weighs on the president. jesse: like any poker game it s all about the odds. a prediction model gives biden a one in three chance of winning and after biden s approval rating just hit an all-time low, even the democrat numbers guru nate silver is a joe needs to drop out. or else it s a longshot. most americans they get biden is reelected, he will die in office. now the question is, do you take the risk or do you make a swap? i think a lot of voters have trepidation about whether or not joe biden will make it through a second term and so they tune out these other things. is this because they have issues about his vice president? also issues about kamala harris coming into the office, absolutely. whether that s racism, whether it s because of her track record at not being great at public policy. at someone new in? a convention would require do you think you should? we should watch for the first debate. jesse: what good does a harris candidacy do? she s less popular than biden and no one thinks she can beat trump. but she s still here because no one has told her no or maybe she just won t listen to it. i eat no for breakfast. i don t hear no. and many times in your life, you are going to here no. someone is going to many even many people will say to you, it s not your time, nobody like you has done that before, they are not ready for you. and then i love this next one, that s going to be hard work. really? jesse: democrats have a better shot of winning the white house with the guy that s about to die than with kamala harris. as machiavelli says in the prince, to maintain power you have to be prepared to act immorally when it comes necessary. that s what the democrats are preparing to do. charles cook in the national review says biden s candidacy is nothing more than a decoy biden is operating as a stand-in, a widget or a macguffin whose primary purpose is to make it to november 5th of this year without expiring. the most powerful man in the world has been transmuted into little more than a game token in a game that narrows down to this , biden must win because donald trump must not. the only way biden wins is if he s not seen as too old are too incompetent or too misguided. that means he cannot be seen as who he is. the media has to lie to you about him. the job is simple, boomerang every trump attack on biden to better the odds. for all his calls for president biden to undergo some kind of cognitive test, it s clear to say mr trump s remarks are not at all coherent and these rallies. mr trump s remarks have never been super coherent in his rallies. this split screen has always been there, will always be there. they are different people. jesse: it s risky when your candidate looks like this. i need to see some black folk on the grass! [ ] come on! i need to see some black folk on the grass! [ ] [ ] banning books about black experiences. [ inaudible ] jesse: so plan b, change the subject. i think you have to stop making it about gold versus not old versus bit versus unfit and it s very simple, you keep putting on the graphic fit and you show biden at the state of the union. unfit, you show trump. fit, unfit, and each one of trump s is very funny and then you go it s all fun and games until it comes to nuclear weapons. we can t have unfit. jesse: this guy might be a little old but his hand on the button is okay. this guy s hand is not on the button and i would bring it back to end of world stuff. jesse: notice how the democrats don t have a winning message. it changes every day and that tells you they are in trouble. as soon as biden is reelected, cook says that is when you will see a shift. 23 seconds after he has won, this will change and when it does the reversal will be astonishing in both speed and scope. instantly all of biden s senile ticks will be visible to all. within seconds of his inauguration got the scene will begin to cast doubts on the ability of any octogenarian to do such a demanding job and when the last weight falls, it will become clear as day that joe biden wasn t a presidential candidate, but a lumbering decoy . the media will turn in the kingmakers will go to work. hunter gets pardoned, biden gets pushed out and the torch gets past took kamala harris in the first year. whose presidency will look like this. to aspire to create wealth is a good thing as far as i m concerned. if that is what one chooses. i on the other hand have chosen to live a life of public service. but i am all for you getting yours if that s what you want. we dry in. that s what those tours about jesse: every day for four years it will be a dei victory. the media will celebrate the first black the mill president and the deep state will run a lock because kamala harris is easier to control that joe, just like joe she will be a macguffin to washington s poker game and when 2028 rolls around, they can say thanks for playing, kamala. would like to introduce you to someone, maybe you ve heard of him, gavin newsom. former house speaker kevin mccarthy joins me now. do you see this? i see it. year one, joe is gone, kamala is in, that s the play, that s the decoy. you know why it s so true? they ve already played it once. it was a hunter biden laptop. the first thing they did, they had it since 2019, they go out and tell people it s not real and then they told immediate you can t print this or talk about it and then once the election is over, it s real. the wall street journal did a story recently, and i told them, i watched this behind the scenes working with this president, is all the moments he s not there. i never hid from the fact and they are acting like this is a big shock. but if you follow the democrats, remember axelrod who ran obama s campaign? he started a year and a half ago trying to get him not to run. then clinton s tried to get him not to run. now they finally decided we can t get him off the ticket. kamala can win. jesse: so they have to lie to all of us about how great he is, how sharp he is, how he can outhustled the whole country just to get him over the finish line and then the switcheroo. ogc, they literally have the top people in hollywood working on it. those sunglasses. the problem is, he has to walk to the podium. he walks to the podium and everyone walks around like what are you talking about? when he starts to talk, then you are in trouble. they tried to hide him the last time and this is the play they want to do. they have to get through this last bit. jesse: when we see him swallow words or say things completely incomprehensible at these public events, or not clap to the beat, when you were behind the scenes negotiating, what did you see? he would always go with the cards. what i learned early on, he has to read from them. once he starts reading, i was would interject and he would not know what to do. then he would close it and just stop. kamala would have to start talking. so it was a player used every time. there was one time we were sitting there and he s taking us on a tour and all of a sudden he goes, you want to go out to the pool? and then jill is on the other side of the table and she goes know, they don t want to go out. he goes you don t want to go out? then he opens the door, it s wintertime, and he walks is down to the swimming pool into the changing room. and then we walked back up and he s created this little room outside the oval office to be a little office for him. president trump had it as a gift shop but clinton used for something else. [ laughter ] but he s made it an office for himself like 10 feet away from the oval office. why? jesse: like a mini office. not the grand oval office, a little cubbyhole. between you and i. all it does is have a desk in their and then it has one of those ballets when i walked in. a blue dress shirt all wrinkled. why does the president take his shirt off and there? then we come walking back and i m thinking oh my gosh, please don t show this to any other world leader. i will tell you, democrats. jesse: kevin, i can t believe you showed you the pool in the middle of winter, but not just the pool, the dressing room when he got to the dressing room, what did he say? first he got to the door and it was locked. [ laughter ] secret service comes and opens it up. i m like what are we doing? jesse: do some laps. all right. you are doing laps around him. we just mentioned hunter. and someone just floated the idea of a pardon but not who you think it would be coming from. watch this. i d like to see president trump coming out with a statement saying if hunter biden commits to a program of sobriety and inpatient or maybe outpatient, shows up got keeps his sobriety, i will partner him. i love to see president trump say that. mack not on his part, it shows humanity and flip the tables on the democrats magna minutes. i like it for this, it means trump is president. it also shows the democrats are fearful of trump to become president because they are fearful he will do what they are doing to him. and you know it s interesting, they run on bidenomics which fails because inflation, because than they run a democracy. npr did a pool of independence and by a vote of 53-42, they think the biggest threat to democracy is him having another four years. so what i think from this is it s not bad. trump shows that the greatest retribution you can do to anybody is be successful. jesse: i think that s the move. revenge is success. you want to go see the pool? [ laughter ] jesse: kevin mccarthy, thank you so much. more primetime ahead. [ ] if you might pray with me real quick. lord, you know what s on our hearts. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything we do. amen. i invite you to join me in more prayer on hallow, stay prayed up your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel. nothing beats it. i recommend pronamel active shield because it actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a game changer for my patients. it really works. scout is protected by simparica trio and he s in it to win it! simparica trio is the first chew with triple protection. whoa fleas! and ticks! 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[ ] [ ] jesse: biden said his executive order which i don t the border but it s been a week and thousands of illegals are still pouring through. bill melugin has more. reporter: jesse, president biden s executive order is pretty much having zero impact whatsoever in the busy san diego sector where adult men from really all around the planet continue crossing illegally nonstop with most of them released into the u.s. fox news cameras have witnessed mass illegal crossings in california several days in a row with every day in the last week averaging over 1000 illegal immigrant apprehensions down in that sector. one border patrol agent is now voicing his frustration. doesn t frustrate you when you hear the narrative like why aren t border patrol doing anything? if i don t allow them to cross, they call and complain and i m in trouble and i lose my job. reporter: meanwhile at boston international airport, the baggage claim has been turned into a shelter for a legal immigrants with hundreds camping inside the sanctuary city s airport. at san antonio airport, a reporter posted this video showing americans having to wait in a long line at tsa while illegal aliens released from dhs custody with their notice to appear paperwork had their own much faster line. we reached out to tsa for comment and they said they are preparing a statement but as of this newscast, we have not heard back from them yet. meanwhile today fox news questions democrats about eight to g augusta national s with ices ties being arrested by ice and the fbi after they were caught and released at the southern border. to me, it s just a reminder that republicans need to stop opposing additional resources for more border patrol agents and other dhs personnel to help continue to enforce the law. they have the personnel and let them go. they need more. republicans need to stop getting in the way. reporter: and just a little reminder for your viewers, democrats held the white house, the senate for the first two years did not the about the border. jesse: thank you bill. trump has been clear when he gets into office he s going to get revenge but what does that look like? my revenge will be success. and i mean that. but it s awfully hard when you see what they ve done, these people are so evil and at the same time the country can t come together. can come together. jesse: revenge through success. everybody wins, even trump s enemies. jesus told his disciples that i say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you and prey for them which despitefully use you and persecute you. what would jesus do? revenge through success. some people heard the word revenge and thought trump is going to put me in gitmo. maddow, wallace, will be goldberg and aoc worried about been thrown in solitary. stelter says that s just the beginning. jail of course is an extreme part of the spectrum. imprisonment is a sub extreme part but think about irs audits, government pressure, other forms of government interference. there are a lot of pressure points and rachel maddow is not the only one thinking about this. i ve talked to the heads of news organizations, they are thinking through not in dramatic fashion, because they are afraid of going to jail but because they want to know what could trump do to use his power in a second term to punish the media. jesse: trump doesn t want to put the press in prison, he loves them. he loves them so much that he talks to them even when he should not. and the press should love him back. he made them rich and famous. during his presidency, cnn and msnbc ratings were double what they are now. deep stators got huge tv contracts. million-dollar book deals being handed out like halloween candy. today biden runs away from the press. there s mass layoffs, no book deals and cnn is losing to reruns of martin. he s coming, he s coming! [ laughter ] jesse: the media is catching a case of arrest and be. they saw what happened to trump when he got arrested, legendary mug shot, 24/7 coverage, millions of dollars in donations and they want a taste of martyrdom. they are baking trump to arrest them for attention. it s the only way anybody will know they are still famous. they want their own trials like trump. gag orders, de niro showing up. but none of that is going to happen. of trunk trump locks up all the reporters, will he joust with? but there s a different revenge path trump could take. legal scholar says there s only one way to stop the political prosecutions, prosecute democrats. only retaliation in kind can produce the deterrence necessary to enforce a political version of mutual assured destruction. without the threat of prosecution of their own leaders, democrats will continue to charge future republican presidents without restraint. john is a former deputy assistant attorney general. john, what would that look like, prosecuting democrats, be specific. thank you for having me on. i have to say, that was a great article you were just reading from. jesse: thank you. what a wonderful scholar. [ laughter ] this is what it would look like. you would have to have republican das indict hunter biden or indict joe biden just in the way that blue state das have been indicting president trump. and would it be for it would be for things like corruption, fraud, bribery, because that s the only way i think you can get democrats to stop abusing the legal system, to stop breaking the norms that they have. i was listening to your introduction to the segment and look, the democrats are so scared because they have broken all of these rules. they have crossed the rubicon and now they are worried because once they ve destroyed these norms in the way they ve gone after trump, they realize republicans can turn around and do the exact same thing to them. jesse: we heard a guy at the top, a consultant to trump in 2020, say that trump should promise to pardon hunter back preemptively back as a kind of way to rise above things and flip the script on democrats. you are saying trump wins, local das go after joe and hunter and go further than that. what other avenues or areas do you think republican das or prosecutors could legitimately do in order to get accountability? well one thing they can look at his influence peddling beyond just the biden family. are there other democratic politicians who engage in the same kind of conduct? they get their brothers hired, their sisters hired, their kids hired by foreign governments, foreign corporations or even u.s. corporations. and then try to help those companies out. look, the justice department actually goes after a lot of american companies when they due exactly the same thing abroad. if you were in exon and you hired say the sun of the head of saudi arabia, he would be prosecuted like that. so why can t republican das do the same here in the united states? and look, i don t want this norm to have been broken. i wish we were not using the criminal justice system to interfere in politics, but how else could you deter democratic das from doing the same thing? if you don t, they will just keep doing it and doing it worse and worse. jesse: insider-trading could probably be an area where prosecutors would have a field day. just look at nancy pelosi, look at some of these members of congress. could the sec get involved there? it could be the sec but it could just be, and this is the thing that the democrats really started, it wasn t just the justice department, it was leading any sitting county da go after trump. there are 2500 elected das in the country and so to really establish, and this is all to rebuild the norm, to get people to stop doing this, then you would allow republican das and in say texas or florida to ask why does a democratic senator or democratic congressman go into office and then 20 years later they seem to have millions of dollars and multiple mentions like bernie sanders? jesse: so don t do what jesus would do. don t love my enemy. [ laughter ] play the long game. jesus wasn t running for president. [ laughter ] jesse: john yoo, thank you so much. new hoax alert, right back. 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[ ] arab spring break might be over by the occupiers are still at it. over 100 hamas lovers marched into ucla holding fake dead bodies in looking to set up a new campus caliphate. but this time the cops weren t having it and started arresting the ecology hotties before they could pitch their tents. watch. [ crowd noise ] [ bleep ] [ chanting ] no racist police! [ bleep ] jesse: if they can occupy campus, they occupy a subway. a horde went underground, they love tunnels, fighting with cops, vandalized trains and demanding any jews identify themselves. [ bleep ] [ crowd noise ] [ chanting ] shut it down! raise your hand if you are a zionist. this is your chance to get out. jesse: a mostly peaceful commute, unless you happen to be jewish. crime so out of control looters are back and there s not even a reason to riot. [ crowd noise ] jesse: the whole mop recorded the rampage. one arrest. in seattle where they told johnny there s no crime, there s gang shootouts in residential neighborhoods. [ gunshots ] jesse: in new york, maniacs with knives are lunging at cops. let go of the knife! give me another taser. all right, all right. jesse: and in san francisco it was just another day that ended in the letter y. [ engine roars ] jesse: a sideshow with fires, burnouts and roman candles, those are fun. blatant and outrageous crimes occurring on a daily basis coast-to-coast but biden is running for reelection so the fbi is telling you crime is down. attorney and retired nypd inspector paul moreau. the fbi comes out and says crime is way down. is that true? no. let s just break it out in a simple way from the get-go. forty% of the nations police departments don t report to the fbi with their crime numbers. what a coincidence. let s do the roll call. new york, la, chicago, baltimore, washington, dc which is federal themselves. consequently, what do they have in common? big blue cities with high crime rates and those numbers are not going into the crime reports. furthermore, the fbi has a habit of trying to extrapolate those numbers. nothing is more dull than statistics but it s interesting what they do. for instance, this quarter when joe biden is claiming violent crime is down, he s focusing on murders, murders are down the nypd and the fbi murder number for this year are different by 44%. jesse: wait a second. and it looks like the new york city number is a little higher than the fbi is telling. and by the way, they use the same definition so it s not like the devil is in the details, the same order definition, they are off by 44%. you can t trust these numbers and just consider this, the videos you just showed, most of what you just showed would not be captured in any crime numbers. jesse: why not? that was a knife attack on a police officer, we saw i believe a shoot out in a residential neighborhood. that is legitimately classified as a shooting. they probably got that for in new york for instance you have to hit someone for that to be a shooting incident. jesse: i can empty my clip but if i miss, they don t count that? that s right. [ laughter ] and look, the bottom line is, quality of life is not captured in any of the fbi numbers and if you live in the blue city, walk outside and use your eyes. and by the way, what with the arrests be for those people who were yelling about jews on the train? where the hate crimes? where are the fbi hate crimes task force and all these other none of that gets captured. jesse: zero he crimes on that subway. just a handful of arrests. it looked like a music video in san francisco with the fires and the skits. and joe biden is talking about how he s supporting law enforcement, all-pro law enforcement. the day he came to town, he went to radio city, he had five hours before that event, he did not pick up the phone and call the family. donald trump went to that wake. if you don t think america s law enforcement sees that and will vote commensurately, you are not paying attention. jesse: thank you paul. jake ball joints primetime , next. 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[ ] jesse: young voters used to be la up for democrats on election day but now they are heckling joe biden, voting trump or straight up disappeared. why is that? war, high prices, biden is 140. so the democrats came up with a new plan to win back young voters, free beer and birth control. the washington post writes, a group of democratic donors think they may have found a cure for what ails you. they want to make politics looked different, like a dance party or comedy show or just a place to chill out. sometimes there will be free beer, manicures, boot shines, rent check sweepstakes, a handout of contraceptive pills or cooling towels, whatever those are. and if the booze, birth-control and boot shines don t work, maybe hollywood marketing well. won t pack down, get it? hired millenial and gen z directors back writers and producers to help craft pro biden content that is specifically engineered does sell an octogenarian candidate to typically disillusioned and hard-to-reach voters under 30. biden paid off their school loans and they still hate him? what a waste of money. professional boxer jake paul joins me now. so jake if the democrats gave you free beer, would you vote biden? man, it will take more than that, but it does not have to do to me it does not have to do with democrat or republican, it s about which president is going to fight for us and who is going to represent us the best way possible. and that s really what the young people in america want. we won t solutions, we don t want all of this marketing, we don t want all of the the yes. this is the smartest generation. we ve had the most access to information and knowledge out of any other generation, so you can t fool us. we just want the truth and we want authenticity. jesse: what are the solutions you want for, what s the problem? man, there s a lot to name. jesse: we only have a couple minutes. that s not necessarily my area of expertise, but i know people are struggling with jobs, mortgages, too much for people to afford. inflation, prices are going up and is minimum wage rising? people are having trouble paying off and going to school, and then they are feeling like i have this college degree but what has this gotten me? i believe there s a massive problem with our food. the stuff they are putting into our bodies and allowing a grocery stores is causing massive health problems. i think there needs to be a massive conversation with a national institution of health. that s why i created it gotta try this stuff, it smells delicious, but i wanted to make it, a product that took out all the weird stuff for young men and boys across the world because it matters what we are putting in an on our bodies and so definitely there s a lot of things. jesse: wait, jake, was that just body spray? yes. this is w body spray deodorant and body wash. i ve been working on this for two years and it s available in walmart nationwide right now. jesse: you gotta send over the skincare line to primetime . we will sample it and give it a review. your brother was just with trump let s watch the clip. explain what was going on here. jesse: what was that? yeah, no, i thick my brother is having trump on his podcast and i think that s what s important to young voters, is the president showing up, speaking their mind, saying how they are going to help. my brother has invited biden onto his podcast, the last i ve heard, and let s see what happens. i ve invited biden to my fight. i want both donald trump junior and biden to come to my fight but who knows which president is actually going to show up, talk to the people, it into the weeds and meet the young voters where they are at, give them that representation and give them that voice and somebody who will fight for us. jesse: so what s the deal with the fight? i heard mike had heart problems and it was postponed. what s next? he had stomach issues. but the fight is rescheduled to november 15th. same everything, dallas, texas, at&t stadium, still historic night live on netflix. mike says he will still knock me out and i just bought a little bit of extra time. jesse: well send that body spray this way. i have to sit next to dana perino and i have to be smelling good, if you know what i mean. jake paul, everybody check him out, and the skincare line w. no relation. [ ] jesse: time for waters mack cooler. let s bring in cat and friends watters cooler legendary hot dog eating champ was banned from this year s nathan sauder david and contest after he signed a deal with a vegan wiener brand. is that fare? you sign a deal was someone, we have that here at fox. we can t just go on cnn. coral, he s freelance so he did not sign anything, he s just a guest. jesse: so carl can go on cnn. if he wanted to. but if i were joey chestnut, i would be petty. i would compete along anyway. i bring my own hotdogs and i would sit there at coney island and fill myself film myself doing it and beat everyone anyway. jesse: ute the impossible dogs. that might give them a tactical advantage. go in the crowd into it anyway. win from afar. don t get mad, get petty. jesse: wise words. next up, a mom says she charges other parents who bring their kids over for a play date. are you ready? this mom charges three dollars for a bag of goldfish, two dollars for yogurt, one dollar for three squirts of soap. one dollar. four dollars for two juice boxes, four dollars for markers, five dollars for electricity, four dollars for meat sticks, three dollars for an ice cream bar and a ten-dollar cleaning fee. she s billing the other parents for the play date at her house. i don t think this is real but for the sake of television i will pretend that i do. jesse: i ve never done that before. not without the disclaimer. i think she s a troll and it s a good thing. that makes me want to have kids so that i can have my kids friends over and then send the bill. send it over and see how they handle it. i think it would be a really good test. if somebody said what is this, what are you doing? that s how you know you have a real friend. if someone says no problem, you know that person is talking about you behind your back. jesse: you have strong moral character. i do they when a lot of people don t realize but you do. next up, kit cats with catch up is all everybody is talking about. sounds disgusting. probably is but we have to try it. you squirt yourself. are you going to eat it? your not any need it. he just put a little squirt on their. right on there it. i never have agreed to do this. jesse: i m gonna go. let s go. cheers. it s not good. jesse: not good. that s so bad. i don t like this at all. so bad. jesse: do something with it. throw it at johnny. i don t like it. jesse: well, tell me about your dog. my dog is named karl. he has and instagram and he s greg s dogs uncle. i got the stock first. jesse: so greg stole your idea? they are biologically related got is the nephew of my dog carl jesse: a family tree. of dogs. jesse: a beautiful dog. i kind of like yours better than cost. shots fired. thank you for entering the ketchup and kit kat. the spartan race, that s next. [ ] when you re in the military you re really close with your brothers and your sisters that are in the military with you. and when you get out of the military, you kind of lose that until you find a new family. we can talk about our struggles and the things that we did overseas and not everybody can do that. adam! how s it going, brother? we live pretty close to each other. so he s always coming over. when i go to jack s house, we watch a lot of football, hang out. we go outside the friendship has kind of grown into a family i was overseas on a deployment. i got separated from my marines and i got hit in the neck, and it broke my neck and paralyzed me. 14 years ago, i was on a training mission. going, 30 to 40 knots and was instantly paralyzed. i met jack fanning and ski with my fa when he invited us to park city, utah, through his foundation. mily, i can t put into words what that meant. i got paid in the military to do crazy fun stuff. and after my accident, i m still that same guy. and when i was able to jump out of a perfectly good, helicopter, at 10,000 feet, i did it. i was talking to some vets last week amazing how we have these houses where they can come over because they■re in chairs too. carpet and wheelchairs don t mix very well. tunnel to towers, they got rid of all that. they redid my whole bathroom. that s probably the favorite part of my house. i thought they were just going to do the upgrades. but the surprise to me was they paid off the entire mortgage. when they told me they re going to pay off my mortgage, i cried. please contribute $11 a month by visiting now choose advil liqui-gels and longer-lasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away. jesse: the spartan race you have to see this you know what it is 5 k through mud that s a killer. under barbed wire you have to crawl. monkey bars you have to swing. rope climb there s gerrit a 75-pound barrel there. wall climb it s like an hour or 2 hours and all day event. we ll let part 2 tomorrow with video a bunch of fox people involved with the primetime tear crew was there they wanted me to do it i pretended like i didn t hear them lets do some text messages. how we from new jersey says give biden a break maybe he watches waters window and uses his will for daily ice plunges. gary from tallahassee the last time biden brought someone to a pool he wrapped a chain over there and neck mccarthy is lucky he s breathing. alan from grove city pennsylvania trump pardoning hunter blessing those who kirsten a start of healing and uniting that america needs. is that possible? donnie from eugene, oregon. it you think they would pardon eric or donald trump junior? that s a no. stewart from colorado, jesse please don t laugh at jesus he s the only 1 new has it together. i didn t laugh at jesus i laughed with jesus. and andy from albuquerque new mexico. waters what s with you read hoping for a sob gate there soft daisies sound like opera man up. jesse: it s for sporting claves get it. sean: kamal khera seats know for breakfast. what you eat for breakfast? sean is next remember that i am waters and this is my world. sean: welcome to hannity. tonight and biden s attorney general merrick garland has rightfully been held in contempt of congress will you be held accountabl

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