Prevent transfers of equipment inappropriate for local policing, such as military weapons, long-range acoustic devices, grenade launchers, weaponized drones, armored military vehicles, and grenades or similar explosives.
Require that recipients certify that they can account for all military weapons and equipment. In 2012, the weapons portion of the 1033 program was temporarily suspended after DOD found that a local sheriff gifted out army-surplus Humvees and other supplies. This bill would prohibit re-gifting and require recipients to account for all DOD weapons and equipment.
The bill adds requirements to enforce tracking mechanisms that keep up with and control transfers of the equipment, implements policies ensuring that police agencies can’t surplus the equipment for resale, and defines drones more clearly.
House lawmakers on Tuesday reintroduced a bill that would restrict a Pentagon-led program that gives surplus military equipment to law enforcement agencies for free.
Hazlet news briefs, Jan. 6
During the final days of 2020, members of the Hazlet Township Committee completed several items of municipal business.
Final payments totaling $1.8 million were issued for improvements to local roads. Chief Financial Officer Robert Phillips was authorized to make final payments for improvements at Bethany Road and Lynn Boulevard, and at Franciscan Way and Park Avenue.
According to resolutions, S. Brothers Inc. performed the improvements at Bethany Road and Lynn Boulevard ($1.12 million). The improvements at Franciscan Way and Park Avenue were performed by Lancha Construction ($696,119).
And, committee members passed a resolution to accept the 2019 audit. Under state law, the governing body of every municipality must conduct an annual audit of its books, accounts and financial transactions.