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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20140509 10:00:00

live on. thanks to everyone who responded. someone here made a good point. they re called food stamps for a reason. we hope you have a great weekend. thanks for joining us. have a great day. we ll see you on monday. fox & friends starts right now. bye. good morning. it is friday, mayç 9, 2014. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. seven democrats breaking rank and approving a select committee to get answers on benghazi, but will the others choose to boycott? probably not. but they aren t interested in answers and we re going to tell you what they do want instead. and welcome to the hotel sharia? the guy who owns the iconic beverly hills hotel adopted the brutal sharia law that says it s okay to stone people to death. now the biggest names in tinsel town are calling for a boycott of the beverly hills hotel. even they can t take it
anymore. guys, does this sound familiar? the bathroom is a mess! you should probably go work out! it turns out your wife sç nagging he seems to be chronicling her nagging might be killing you even though she is 100% right. i want to find out if elisabeth nags. we mean well. she has not nagged on the set so far. by the way, we re running out of music that sounds like another planet. so mornings are better with friends. hi, this is kenny loggins on the curvy couch. you re watching fox & friends. and we re footloose on this friday. thank you as we conclude the birthday week for brian kilmeade, youç will see more pictures of the activities. it s lovable about you because all the attention makes you a little
self-conscious. i can t wait for this week to be over. now everybody knows my name. did you get a haircut? i got a haircut on monday. it s friday. you haven t seen much of me really. somebody else is doing your hair. do you get a haircut before your birthday every year? is it a routine? it is a tradition i haven t tapped into. it is just a coincidence. but we have a best-up package. last night the nfl draft ended about midnight right across the street. we ll discuss that in a little while. but first a benghazi panel. new news today comingç in. an update here. it s been plus 20 months, four americans killed and zero accountability here. the house voted yesterday to establish a benghazi committee. all the republicans voted yes. seven democrats broke with their party in a vote of 232-186. we re going to look at who
the party breakers are. it looks like the same people who voted for the lois lerner investigation and what not. the makeup will be of this new committee, is going to be seven republicans and five democrats. republicans are going toç announce perhaps as early as today who is going to be on their side of the aisle. meanwhile, the democrats going to meet at 9:30 this morning to decide whether or not to have anybody out there. and as it turns out, in the last couple of days, remember on monday we were talking about how adam schiff from california, the democrat, said we shouldn t have anybody there. this is completely bogus. it s all been settled. a waste of time he said. yes. the democrats now see some utility in seeing somebody on the panel and plus if we don t have anybody there, who is going to protect hillary? they should have one guy there to get into the meetings to get access.
i guess they ll have a the inside and somebody to ask questions. they certainly don t want to leave hillary clinton, should she be brought in to testify defenseless, the irony being they re going to ask her why four americans were left defenseless and left to die. when you look at the americans here, there is one christen cinema from arizona. nancy pelosi seeming to back off her initial strategy to completely protest in favor of defending. one house democrat aide said they don t want to have a moment like whenç senator joe mccarthy was being chastised during his investigation of communist activities. they need a wingman in case one of their people winds up starting to look bad. a lot of people looking in are happy this is finally happening. a lot of people on the other side of the aisle said we figured it out already. let the chips fall where
they may. let truth be their guide. had the white house, as we learned last week, as the white house not started pinning from the get go we probably wouldn t be here if they would have leveled with people. now we ll find out. there will be a meeting today. the one good thing is mass media will cover it more than likely if you have democrats playing a role, as it s easy to marginalize even if great things and interesting things areç taking place if it is just one party hammering a group of people. charles krauthammer wrote an incredible article saying this should not be political. truth should supercede partisan politics. a lot of people fly out to hollywood and stay at the beverly hills hotel. it is iconic. as it turns out, it is owned by the dorchester collection of fantastic,
very expensive hotels. in the last week, it s interesting, theirç owner, the sultan of brunei has introduced islamic laws where if you re gay or you are an adulterer, they will stone you to death. some of the great things about sharia law, the way they treat women, the way they punish people, these are all the things that maybe a single american can relate to. because of that, i was heartened to see this because of that you have a-list celebrities canceling up to 20 events at the beverly hills hotel in protest of the way they treat women, the way they treat gays. not just canceling but calleding others. for a boycott here. you have)jay. it s going to get heated. who wants to support a company that supports
sharia law? come on! nobody! that s crazy. it is apparently out in california there is a lot of pressure on dorchester collection. you ve got to sell that thing. this is iconic. it s part of the hollywood and beverly hills fabric of history. sell it to anybody else who is not involved in sharia law. they re begging to keep in mind there are a lot of employees. you probably don t like the taliban. did they buy hotels? we don t know. they lost about $2 million in protests so far. if everyone continues to rally, if everyone continues to take note, i think this could make an impact. we wanted to update you on that and so much more. that s how we get started. in the meantime let s turn it over to heather nauert
who tells us about more bad news at the veterans administration hospital. a big update to bring you. the secretary of veterans affairs has been subpoenaed by congress. the veterans affairs committee voted to subpoena eric shinseki over the phoenix v.a. scandal. the goal is to get e-mails and ote[ documents about that alleged scheme we told you about that involved treatment delays that may have killed as many as 40 of our veterans. the white house still supports shinseki but lawmakers say he has got to go. listen to this. in his six years in secretary, there is no time left. if you can t change an agency in a fraction of that time, you re not going to do it in a year or more. that is the really sad truth. it is not that he isn t a good man. it is that he failed. there are new accusations this morning of similar scenes taking place at v.a. hospitals in texas and in colorado. we ll keepç watching that story. that s an important one.
here is what not to do on a dating show. admit that you killed your first wife. [inaudible] here is what happened. that man confessed to murdering not just his wife but another lover with an ax. he said he spent four years behind bars for killing his wife and six years behind bars for killing the other gal. he says right now he s an honest guy just looking for a new wife. the producers say they knew the guy killed someone when they let him on the show. producerrers; right? produce) on a turkish dating show that was called luck of the draw. wow. we do love our producers. then there is this story: the show must go on. four days after nine
performers plunged 30 feet to the ground, ringling brothers is back up for business. there are eight scheduled shows through sunday. many of those injured performers remain in the hospital. that human chandelier stunt will not be performed again. you can see it right there. sad news to bring you this morning. the man behind tony the tiger has died. ç frosty flakes, it s part of a balanced breakfast. they re great! that s lee marshal. he began voicing the frosted flakes mascot years ago. he died of cancer in his esophagus. lee marshal was 64 years old. and those are your headlines. an iconic voice. heather, thank you very much. what about your quiz your quisp? speaking of the voice, let s talk a little bit about the voice of your
spouse. when you close your eyes, can you hear that person nagging you? does it drive you to scream? as it turns out the university of copenhagen followed 10,000 men and women for a decadeç and discovered that if your spouse is a nagger, there is a real good chance you re going to die early. because women talk to other women you re pointing at her. don t point at her. it works both ways, brian. no it doesn t because men don t have a network of people to talk to. you forced all our friends away. so we re forced to deal with just the voice women have a network of friends to deal with and get all this off their chest. maybe that guy on the dating show wasç nagged. 2.5 times more likely to die are men within ten years and women are 34% more likely to die if they re nagged with increased risk of strokes and heart disease.
this is serious stuff. it is. wasn t king solomon in proverbs who said it would be better to be stranded on a desert island than to be married to a nagging woman? king solomon said that? i think i skipped that page. i think it was king kong. maybe men should just listen to what women are saying and do what we re told. define nag. constantly saying the same thing over and over. what about listening? does that hurt wives? aç little charlie brown speech. i think the problem is it applies to both sexes. if you feel like you re being nagged you ve got to talk to the other person. otherwise you re going to internalize it and the next thing you know, you ll blow a heart valve. men need more guy s nights out to build up that network of friends to allow
them to alleviate some of the stress they re keeping locked up inside. thou shalt not studies for your own benefit. it isç a good idea if your wife does ask you to do something about three or four times, if you re not doing it, she s going to keep repeating. message to women: if we haven t done it after three or four times, move on to the next topic. give us some advice. if you ve got a nagger at your house or you figured out how to deal with a nagger, let us know. that will go well for your friday night date night. on the national television morning show they read out your e-mails. this comes from bill wilson in florida. coming up on this
friday, imagine seeing this on your drive to work today. cars nearlyç swallowed up after the road collapsed underneath them. weed is still legal under federal law, so should colorado be letting pot shops in on their banking business? stuart varney here on that.
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don t drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don t drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. [ karen ] having less pain, that means everything to me. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor about lyrica today. it s specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain. to hear more of karen s story, visit colorado s blazing marijuana industry now getting theç world s first financial system devoted to the pot business. but since selling marijuana is still illegal under federal law, is the government essentially legitimizing these transactions by allowing their own banking system? let s talk to the host of varney and company stuart varney. the weed business in the
great state of colorado, a half million in january, almost five million. you asked? is colorado legitimizing the pot business? the answer of course is yes. that s exactly what they are doing. they are legitimizing it. they are creating financial infrastructure for this brand-new business. as you say, the feds,ç the big banks, they can t accept all this money. it s federally illegal. it s federally illegal and the banks don t want to give the obama team an excuse to crack down on the banks by saying you re dealing in drug money there, boys, we re going to hit you hard. so they ve got to come up with an alternative. and they have. and the thing about and the reason we put that graphic up a moment ago is to show you we re talking about millions and millions of dollars largely in cash. you know, there s a safety issue. i get that. but at the same time it is like what are they going to do? because they ve got this carvingout in colorado, tzey ve got to figure out
what to do with the money. it s all about the money. the politicians want to set up an alternative financial structure because of the tax money coming in. nearly $5 million walked into the door in pot shops in the month of, i think it was march. that doesn t include all the money that comes in from pot tourism which is pretty robust in colorado. that. people fly into colorado because they want to smoke marijuana recreationally and legally. there is a cottage industry organizing tourists to fly in, toke up and away you go. i think that is the correct expression, ladies and gentlemen. what colorado is doing with its alternate banking system and that s what they re setting up here, that is the template khr-l be used across the coqáry if recreational marijuana extends beyond colorado. in washington state in july they will need a similar alternate banking system. they will probably copy what colorado has come up. they are legitimizing it.
absolutely. some of the banks, because they ve got federal regulations they are reluctant to get in bed with the pot business. it s here. they re going to make money with it. stuart varney, you can check him out on the fox business channel between 11 and 1:00. thank you very much. have a good we= ahead, they put their lives on the line, some even paying the ultimate sacrifice. don t our military members deserve more than a minimum wage? plus it s not your grandpa s boy scout troop. now these young boys and girls are designing and flying their own robots. anna kooiman here to tell us all about that. the boy scouts of the future.
quick headlines now. the navy wants to exempt on base fast food workers from the president s federal minimum wage increase. they will make a public plea today echoing fears from around the country that raising the pay rate will force the restaurant out of business. republican senator marco rubio visiting new hampshire, his first stop in an early voting state in more than a year. so far rubio keeping quiet on his prospects so i should whisper thisç story. it s out of the bag. it used to be as a boy scout the coolest thing you could learn was to build a camp fire. now the scouts are learning to build robots. anna kooiman is here to tell us how they re doing. yes. they are evolving with the times. the boy scouts of america say 75% of america s
fastest growing careers require significant cowork in s, but 15% of kids aren t ready so they re trying to bridge that gap and even allowing some girls in on the action. watch this. reporter: robots, you see them in the movies and in the headlines. but now the boy scouts aviation explorers are getting their hands on the technology of the future. you built this yourself? here at the illinois math and scienceç academy students from 6th through 12th grade can design, build and maneuver their own quad copter. while they love for the robots to do their homework for them, quad copters like these are being used in real life situations. we re already seeing them used as surveillance vehicles, as delivery vehicles, patrol vehicles,
aerial mapping. and i think the future is unlimited. the program is preparing kids for careers in involved in sciengj-dw and technology. what kid wouldn t think it is cool to fly a quad copter. it drives up your [inaudible] that is what we need. boys will be boys. if you crash, don t worry about it. don t sweat it. we re here to leave. robotics is teaching science, tepl, engineering and math. thatr#hpá we need. and think being a scout
is just for boys? think again. we bring as much to the table as guys do. i want to work on building an app for my phone. this is cool because someday i can use this to make a change. these kids are fantastic. what skpaoeuts us ex-sites us is when they see what the quad copter will do they are thinking of things we never thought of. folks at home if you re interested in being part ofç an aviation exploring club visit fox & friends .com. can you get a merit badge? a drone badge. the number-one robot? gigantor. that is a roomba now
cleaning your house. anna, thank you very much. have a great weekend. coming up, teachers and a principal so desperate to make themselves look good, they help their students cheat on standardized tests. details straight ahead. ç johnny football. ç johnny football. the first round highlights. get all your favorites all day, everyday.
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boat overturned near some rocks while they were posing for some pictures. without hesitation the groomsmen started running toward the water stripping their suits in the process. they were able to pull the fisherman to safety. he s okay. the groomsmen wentç back to pictures wearing only their underwear with a few bridal bouquets located in strategic shots. that s great. good for them. it is now 27 minutes before the top of the hour. we have a very busy friday, and heather has got some troubling news from those sterlings. yes. we re hearing more from the sterlings. there is an alleged new report from the l.a. clippers own donald sterling reacting to the scandal that earned him a lifetime ban from the nba. listen to a clip of this. you think i m a racist?
you think i have anything in the world but love for everybody? you don t think that. you know i m not a racist.ç the nba banned and fined him millions of dollars for that racist rant during a conversation he had with his girlfriend, and other owns are trying to fast track a forced sale of that team, but sterling not going down without a fight. listen to this. they re trying to force you to sell it. you can t force someone to sell property in america. oh yes they can. in the meantime, sterling s estranged wife says she doesn t want to control the team but does want to keep her 50% stake and buy her husband s half too. teachers and a principal at a philadelphia elementary school were so desperateç to make themselves look good that they helped their students cheat on standardized tests. core papers from 2007 to 2012 say that they allegedly told students to record test answers on scrap paper so their work
could be checked later. those inflated scores leading to raises and promotions for the teachers. kids and parents trust these people to do their job, and here s what they do. five educators now face criminal charges. we ll keep watching that story. unsuspecting drivers nearly get swallowed up by a huge sink hole in russia. look at this at the top of your screen. amazingly all the drivers seemed to have noticed it and so they were able to drive around it. eventually thatç asphalt caved in and created a hole big enough to swallow a couple of cars. there is a driver in boston who was busted for putting his dummy in the passenger s seat in order to use the high occupancy vehicle car pool lane. a state trooper pulled him over, he found the man
mannequin head propped up and the officer then gave him aç ticket. creepy. he got to work faster. where s maria? she s outside. that s right, i m outside hanging out in new york city. it was raining earlier this morning. that has stopped now and we have areas of dense fog. we re probably going to be seeing delays at the airports in the northeast. across parts of the gulf coast, parts of the state of tennessee and up into the midwest we are expecting to see areas of heavy rain over the next several days. even over the weekend, even mother s day and some areas along the gulf coast could potentially pick up to six inches of rain. that s going to be a concern in terms of flooding and of course it is severe weather season so we expect more severe weather from parts of tam into indiana.
it continues on saturday, a little bit more localized from missouri and northeastern portions of the state of oklahoma and eastern kansas. by sunday very widespread again from texas up into parts of illinois. i want to take you to the rockies because out here we have a tropic setting up. that means an area of low pressure. look at the forecast from sunday into monday. snow. th erb they re expecting snow from the valley floor and a few inches possible in denver. some moms not going to be too happy in colorado. that was maria doing the weather. let s talk about sports and the big event across the last night was a big night for the nfl. it was draft day. with the first pick in the 2014 nfl draft, the houston texans select jadavian clowny. went to the houston texans.
who were the other picks? here is rich big daddy delgado. the word is in the building there is a sense it is not coming back next year. the draft is going on the road. looks like l.a., chicago, obviously jerry jones. like the super bowl. the big news, clowny, no surprise numberç one? no surprise. when you have an athlete like that, they only come around so many or so. you have to take him. you don t have to worry about two defensive ends that can bring the end. what about johnny football? they needed a quarterback. it took a little bit longer but he s in a good place. number 22 taken by the cleveland browns. at the last minute it looked like the vikings were moving up to take him but browns said not so fast. is this a guy that can put people in the seat? absolutely.
tell us about nike. he was anç adidas. nike, underarmour. he sells jerseys. tweeting, he s through the roof. who wouldn t look at that. what to you was the biggest surprise? bridgewater going so far. he was on two days ago. he had a bad pro day and everybody made aig deal because he didn t wear a glove. if you watch the film and those games he won, that guy s an athlete. he knows how to win. last year he was more valuable than this year. he went to minnesota and the guy who is the o.c. there is norv turner. norv turner knows how to coachç quarterbacks. we ve seen that happen before, they don t get drafted when we thought they would and come back. absolutely. being the second round, the
names that are going to go today, those are going to be the core guys because there s some guys that didn t go last night that will go today, and those guys are going to be players. a lot of people listen to us in florida, blake portals will put some people in the seats there. absolutely. those tarps that cover the seats and make the stadium look full, those will come down because you ve got a big constituted quarterback that won%t@5jñ big stud quarterback that won t play right away but people will come. and watkins. doug marone says we go as our quarterback goes. you re our party quarterback and it s great you went to the draft last night. thanks for the post game show. 20 minutes before the hour. will you be able to handle
a job that requires this. basically 24 hours a day, seven days a week, no vacation. in fact, thanksgiving, christmas, new years and holidays, the workload is going to go up. it is the hardest job in the planet. can you guess what that job is? we re going to reveal it appropriately on this in case you missed it, our show takes the cake. look at you. the best of this week on fox & friends coming up next. hey. i m ted and this is rudy. say hi rudy. [ barks ] [ chuckles ] i d do anything to keep this guy happy and healthy. that s why i m so excited about these new milk-bone brushing chews. whoa, i m not the only one. it s a brilliant new way to take care of his teeth. clinically proven as effective as brushing.
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other serious stomach conditions may exist. avoid if you take clopidogrel. for 24 hour support, automatic refills, and free home delivery, enroll at it s the nexium you know, now delivered. still runnng in the morning? yeah. getting your vegebles every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could ve had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories. i don t know about you but i m hungry. we ve got a serving of headlines all about food. let s start with breakfast. pizza for breakfast?
it s so college. burger king is now offering burgers for breakfast. they re calling it the burger at breakfast menu. it also includes chicken sandwiches, french fries and apple pie. mcdonald s is testing seasoned fries and st. louis dubbed shake and flavor fries covered in garlic, parpl is parmesan. here s what s different. you buy the fries andç season them yourself. i like that. have it your way. exactly. have it your way is burger king, am i correct? you ham burglar you. are you ready for a rewind? it s been another busy week on fox & friends.
let s take a look back. live from studio e. they really pulled out all the stops. fun day monday. packedç house. check this out. this high schooler is in his own one man rail. our own hail mary expert, brian kilmeade, is out on the plaza. he s run over next to our building. jack is back! how does it come back? it was done four years ago. i know. you get a call four years later and you re like who s pranking me. god doesn t actually have a phone number. he may. it sç 1-800-call god.
i looked to rub somebody down. fantastic. i need to get certified. can i go now? i m not wrong about that. it s brian kilmeade s birthday. i am officially 50. welcome to the club. happy birthday. when you turn 30, you ll understand what it s like. happy birthday it s a margarita mixer. wait a minute, last time you had a lot ofç margaritas, you wound up in a towel. doing a selfie. elisabeth decided in the after the show show you were going to take that cake and destroy it. i don t recall that. there s a crazy lady in high heels.
that guy just grabbed the cake out of her hand and smashes it into his face. nothing else to do but high five. he made me do it. i did not make you do it! she looks crazy we re running out of time. we are. jack is back-ç and she took a whack at you. it took six months. after your first throw at me which failed, it landed up top? is that what enabled you to attack somebody else? you can t leave a cake on the turf. i picked it up and tried to chase you around the building. then you went behind the barrier. and met the unexpected. a total stranger saw elisabeth when she was running by, then this guy grabs the cake and smashes it into his own face.
i later asked him why did he do that?ç he said nobody else did. i think his name is eroc from the opening anthony show which broadcasts next door. any way, it s been a busy week. you miss a little, you miss a lot. straight ahead on this friday show, should you be able to use food stamps for guns? one lawmaker, a democrat, thinks so. you re about to hear from him. later i ll remind big daddy we re on television and to whisper. he s taking note on that. would you be interested in this job? 135 hours, unlimited hours a week. it is basically 24 hours a day 67 7 days a week. no vacation. thanksgiving, christmas, new year s, holidays the workload is going to go up. it is the hardestç job on the planet. can you guess what it is? we re going to reveal it coming up next.
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going to go up and we demand that with a happy disposition. what if i told you that this position now? billions of people actually. who? moms. joining us is american greeting v.p. and president of the mullen agency. they created that video there that was seen by how many people in total? just over 18 million. that is remarkable. how did you get the idea to make this happen? well, mother s day is a really important holiday for american greetings every year. this year we asked mullen to help us take our company mission which is to create find a way to do that in the form of an advertising campaign that would recognize and celebrate moms and all that they do for us. it feels like those are real people with real job interview. tell me about their reactions. the reactions were amazing.
what i love about the web cam is you can see their eyes dilate and go to joy when we reveal 2 billion moms are doing this already. immediately they start laughing. they weren t angry at all. in fact, they were filled with gratitude. some turned the camera and addressed their mothers directly. i think it s great interview for those 24 individuals actually moving forward, to go through all these steps and see when they would be willing to sacrifice. what s going to happen for father s day? well, we believe at american greetings, fathers deserve to be recognized like mothers. we will invite to you wait and see. i m sure you do. brian is arguing that being a father is the hardest thing. right. and i did it off cam are hoping not to bring it up to a national audience. in the big picture, moms should feel is a lieutenanted by
saluted by this, correct? absolutely. this was all shared content. we re up to 18 million views because the moms were the velocity behind sharing it. it s a win-win. thank you for joining us. and it s a great message with american greetings. thanks so much. thank you. coming up, they put their lives on the line for this nation. so how do we thank them? we re about to take away their right to smoke cigarettes. is that true? and kids have invaded our control room. that s right. there is a good reason. how you can use your children to lose weight. they re being used? i think they re having the time of their lives scott: hello!
nbr: scott - we re concerned. you just fed your lawn earlier this spring and now you re at it again. scott: (chuckles) indeed, a crucial late spring feeding helps defend the grass against the summer heat to come. nbr: we knew that - right guys? oh yeah! scott: feed your lawn. feed it!
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good morning. it is friday, may 9, 20124. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. seven democrats breaking rank and approving a select committee to get answers on benghazi. will the others choose to boycott? probably not. but they aren t interested in answers. we ll tell what you they do want instead. a veteran affected by the v.a. scandal is speaking out. i m just like i don t want to die because of some waiting list like other men have. another whistle blower and saying it s not just phoenix. meet the democrat who wants you to be able to use food stamp s to buy firearms.
not kidding. #fridays arebetterwithfriends. it s time for fox & friends everybody dance now give me the music give me the music . hello,
with your little guy. so many times women are like, i don t have any time to go work out. you do them together. you work it in with the kid. there you go. that s the whole theme. what s the thing with putting them with the most ex opinionsive equipment in the building. i think anything could spill, things could come flying out. so it will be an exciting final two hours. that s right. meanwhile, also later today okay so yesterday, eric cantor said we need this benghazi panel because the administration has not cooperated. they ve stonewalled, redacted information. this could be the only way we figure out what happened after benghazi and leading up to it. we do know that it looks like the members of the republican side, there are going to be seven. they are going to perhaps be
announced this later today, there will be five democrats. democrats will meet at 9:30 this morning behind closed doors to figure out whether or not they should show up. what s interesting is when they had this great big housewide vote, all the republicans voted for it and seven democrats voted for it, too. so it was indeed bipartisan. all these name you see here happen to be in states, in situations that are heavily republican. so i m not saying they re insincere in their vote. i m saying it s politically savio for them to vote for this panel. i say you take those men and women, pick five and put them on the panel because they are sincerely looking for answer when is it comes to benghazi as opposed to other people that might be there just to obstruct. remember the initial strategy was to boycott. we heard nancy pelosi say why are we talk being this? we ve heard people suggest that this is just a waste of time when it comes to democrats and the perspective and looking at it again, 20 months later, four
people dead, no answers. they are now going to strategically as it seems, place their reps there in order to possibly protect hillary, which she will be called to testify. in fact, the democrats, given the fact this in the beginning they were saying, let s not have anybody show up, now democrats see the utility in having people on the panel. elijah cummings, waxman spoke in favor of appointing democrats and they did mention hillary would probable will he be testifying and probably be testifying and also said susan rice would be testifying. so they wanted and they talked about rosa delaro who said, i m not so sure this is a legitimate committee, but maybe we should have one person, just have one person who has got our back. all right. so we ll discuss it. we ll find out today at least. this is not going to be waiting over the weekend. they ll be meeting again at 9:00 o clock in the morning and maybe
put those name out and hopefully we ll got this panel going. we would like to see some of those who were on the ground that night and able to talk for the first time. if you can get them in fronts of that panel where we do not know the answers but we can ask legitimate questions on what it was like surviving that attack, that would be compelling. we have not seen that. admiral mullen didn t see that. ambassador pickering didn t see this. i want to hear from some white house people. it looks like the spin started there. perhaps it did. i think the important note is right questions and getting answers. let the decision be what it is based on truthful facts. the guy who runs veterans affairs, general shenseki, has been subpoenaed. he s got the support of the white house. john boehner said yesterday, it s a problem that is systemic and just replacing the guy at the top isn t going to fix things. what we re learning now is it s not just in phoenix where we heard about the situation where maybe 40 veterans died because they were on some made up
waiting list. now apparently a scheduling clerk, 40-year-old government employee is seeking whistle blowing protection. apparently they ve got a situation where this looks like they re gotting to people quickly in san antonio and austin. so it is systemic. what happens if you re a veteran and you re supposed to get medical attention? you got 14 days to get an appointment. they ve been putsing in false records and stringing out people that are in their last legs or deemed to be someone barely hanging on and essentially are on a death list. i thought it would be arizona and colorado. now it seems to have spread to texas. which makes you wonder what, could general shenseki say to keep his job next week? here with more is an arizona veteran. i thought at least one thing i have i can depend upon was my country to take care of me when i get older. i never knew i was going to get
this. cancer. i m just like i don t want to die because of some waiting list like other men have. gosh, they risk their life going to battle for us and then here, hearts-researching to hear that their biggest fight is to stay alive under the system as it is in the v.a. it is so wrong. we re supposed to take care of these guys, yet the government is turning their backs on them and making stuff up. in the meantime, let s turn to heather nauert who we can counts on with the headlines. we start with a deadly house fire. that story we told but yesterday. we have an update for you in florida. now new developments in the deadly house fired at james blake s house in tampa. investigators are saying that all four family members had been shot. there was a gun that was recovered inside that home and it was actually reject sistered to the father registered to the father. police say they are now investigating the possibility of a murder-suicide. there is new surveillance video that we re getting in. it shows this, campbell buying
$600 worth of fireworks on sunday and he paid in cash. he also bought several gas cans. we ll keep you posted on the details. here is what not to do on a dating show. it s not a good idea to admit you killed your first wife. okay. this was on a turkish dating show. that 62-year-old man also confessed to murdering another lover. this time with an ax. he says he spent four years behind bars for killing his wife and then another six years behind bars for killing the girlfriend. he says he s an honest guy who is looking for a new wife. oh, boy. would you believe him? the producers apparently knew that he had killed someone when they let him on the show. this again on turkish tv show. the iron i don t here if the show is called luck of the
draw. that s one you don t want to draw. while you were sleeping, new details about the mass kidnapping in nigeria. the government there now naming the names of more than 50 of the young girls who have escaped their kidnappers. this is considered a controversial move because the girls could now face a stigma from other groups in that area. the terror group boko haram abducted 300 girls. the girls were likely split up and sent to neighboring countries by now. here are bravest dogs you will hear. two bulldogs breaking through their enclosure when they saw giant black bear stroll to a bird feeder in their yard. look at this right there. isn t that amazing? they surround the bear and the stand-off lasts a few seconds. the bear seems to consider his options and then he runs off. way to go, bulldogs. that happened in new hampshire. it s like a cartoon. did that really happen? was this a machine in a bear suit was this a man in a bear
suit? i would like to hear from witnesses. thank you, heather. speaking of new hampshire bears travel in packs. wolves travel in packs. why are bears always alone. joel, do you know? e-mail us if you have the answer. do you have a couple of sleeping bear hibernating in the same cave, it gets noisy. if you know why bears travel alone, please let s us know. she was just talking about new hampshire. up in new hampshire, there is a democrat, tim organ is in the state house. it s interesting, they re considering legislation where you can t use your food stamp money for guns, foe back co, booze, lottery tickets, adult entertainment, tattoos or body piercing. this guy says wait a minute. maybe listen to this maybe you should be able to use it to buy a gun. the firearms ban is a blatant violation of the second
amendment. presumably you have the same rights to purchase guns like the rest of us for sporting or self-defense. they do have the right under the second amendment to do so. he actually said the inclusion of officials seemed ironic. we want to know your thoughts on this. food stamps are for food. right. i ll either get a bazooka gun or gum. you make the choice, honey. what happens when you runoff money for food? right. are you going to take the gun and rob a store? should i get something to eat oar get more ammo? there was the story of a woman who couldn t get dog food with her card. so raising a lot of brows. send us a post and let us know. let me tell you what s coming up next. we just told you that only seven democrats voted for the select committee to get answers on
benghazi. the others meeting this morning. will they boycott? one of them is here when we come back. and do you ever catch yourself talking to yourself? you re not nuts. in fact, it might be a sign of something pretty good. exactly. i wonder what she means by that. no idea. (vo) oh. my.
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announced today. the question, will those 186 democrats who voted against it stage a boycott or put five people up to be part of the 12-person force? let s ask one of the representatives, jerry connally. you voted against having it, but now that you have it, where do you stand? what will be your sense this morning when you meet with other democrats on whether they should participate in this? thanks for having me, brian. yeah. i did vote against it because i don t know that we need a select committee. we ve had four committees in the house and other committees in the senate looking at benghazi since it occurred. but i think the answer to your question is frankly going to be two things. one is what happens in our caucus this morning in terms of the nature of the discussion and where we re going to head and the second is the rules of engagement. what kind of procedures are going to be in place to ensure minority rights, that we have equitable representation in the
deliberations and in the decision making of such a select panel. so you want to make sure you have enough time to ask the questions of whatever witnesses are forward, you want lead time to know who they were, access to prior to their testimony? those are some of them, yes. i would add to that, though, strict rules of engagement in terms of fair play. so we get to have our witnesses as well. we are consulted with and have some say over the issuance of subpoenas. i m on the oversight and government reform committee and frankly those minority rights have been completely trampled over and if that s the experience, there is no way democrats want to repeat that with a select committee. cummings is push to go make democrats participate in this and he s a guy we always see next to darrell issa sometimes in a contentious way. that would indicate maybe that that s something you guys should do.
obviously we have to weigh carefully whether we re at the table or not at the table. the republicans have clearly pretty much on a party line vote. you have emphasized seven democrats, but that s pretty much a party line vote. they created a select committee in rather rushed fashion. the question is, are we better off being at the table to try to make sure it s a balanced approach and that will be determined at our caucus meeting this morning. we ll got an answer today and thanks so much for previewing that. let s ask you about the irs investigation. lois lerner is held in contempt. six democrats voted in favor of contempt and 26 in favor of a special council to investigate it. when she stood up and took the fifth about targeting tea party groups, you knew somebody would happen. where do you stand on this? you know, i think actually conservatives need to be concerned about the issue of fifth amendment rights. the fifth amendment was there not for angels, but to protect
all americans, innocent and guilty from self-incrimination. it s one of ten enumeratessed rights in the bill of rights. and we have to take that very, very seriously. i think case law no matter what you think of lois lerner, case law is very clear here. she did not waive her fifth amendment right. even though we d like to get her testimony. even though she made those statements prior you don t feel that way. it s not a matter of how i feel. it s a matter of case law addressing exactly that example. having said that. as an american, does it bother you in 2013, 14, i don t care who is in power, that the irs is using their power perhaps to target any group? i thought this would be one time in which democrats and republicans were equally outraged. actually when we began this process, we were. unfortunately, the republican majority then took it off to try to make it a political partisan effort to try to damage the
president. it didn t work. the president got reelected. yeah. we don t want to see the irs we didn t like it when nixon used it. all right. congressman, always great to talk to you. thanks so much. hopefully we ll get something positive out of today s meeting. thank you. coming up, they helped him in the white house twice. so why are unions turning on the president today? we ll find out. plus, you just heard them join me this this segment. babies are invading our studio. how you can use your children to lose weight. get all your favorites all day, everyday. olive garden s signature favorites, just $10 including creamy fettuccine alfredo, and our classic lasagna. plus unlimited soup or salad and warm breadsticks. signature favorites, just $10 all week long, at olive garden.
okay, kids. i ve got the headlines. everybody be quiet. like that s going to help. headlines now from the military world. the navy wants to exempt on-base fast food workers from the president s federal wage increase. the navy will make a plea, echoing fears from around the country that raising the pay rate will force the fast food restaurants out of business and the pentagon wants to force our military members to stop smoking congressman huntser is fighting back. if you want to make us all healthy, let s outlaw war because war is really dangerous. meanwhile, the marine turned law maker getting an amendment passed that would stop the pentagon s plans to ban the sale of tobacco. kids, good job. thank you very much for being quiet. elisabeth, over to you. we re just working out here. you can never use the excuse of i m too busy with my kids to work out cause this morning we re going to show you how it
use your kids to lose weights. that s right. that s when nicky fitness did it herself. after her son jack was born, she s the creator of baby booty camp and joining me now with great tips for moms and dads alike. you re going to watch us through some moves. those mother s day and moms are happy when they work out and babies are happy when they re working out. so i partnered with huggies. baby help to work out. kids are ready to move and the moms are ready to move. we re going to try some of these out. we want to get the kids involved as well as the moms. you can do a plie squat. the baby s feet are going to touch the floor and jump. my son loves this. up and down. and then after you work your legs, then we re going to turn the babies around to face you to work your arms overhead and
squat. this is the beauty of moms right here because we don t hear the screaming. then you put the baby s legs against your lunge and overhead. then the baby jumps off your other leg and overhead. on my dvd, my son never really likes to just be jiggled or shakes when he was fussy. he wanted me to do lunges and squats. so as they got bigger you can extend the move. as they get bigger, you get stronger cause they get heavier. can i say did you a great job helping mommy work out today? oh, my goodness. so you hold the arm and leg and work your obliques. your hips are forward, making sure not to lean forward to precontinuing your bike. this is for baby. they ll be able to do flips flid
somersaults. you like to ride up and down? a roller coaster for baby and mom gets stronger as the baby gets heavier. i did this from about four months until my baby was about two. then he was walking and running away from me. that was my new workout. and you can do races and obstacle courses. it s great to start really young with them and great for mom to feel better about themselves. you have something special for the moms today? all the moms have my baby booty camp dvd, a gift from my gym, and huggies diapers for a whole month. that s great gift. thank you. thank you so much. steve? we don t hear the sounds here, but we re awfully fit.
precious. are you as happy as can be? good job, ladies! very nice. all right. coming up, is senator marco rubio weighing a 2016 run? what he s doing today that has a whole lot of people talking. then guys, does this sound familiar to you? the bathroom s a mess! you should probable low go probably go work out! turns out your wife s nagging may actually be killing you. do you believe that? your e-mail coming in next. you re watching fox & friends live from the noisiest studio in america. for paul ridley there s no substitute for advil.
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is levy using our clippers? [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. she can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. my mom works at ge.

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yeah. and that is going to be interesting cause there is so many compelling things go on when a woman gets pregnant, everyone s schedule adjusts. yeah. don t surprise us. we need lead time. no doubt, when you talk about relationships, one of the most intriguing thing about the success or failure of a relationship when you talk to a guy or woman away from their spouse is how they talk about the nagging that could or could be going on away from your spouse? yeah. and then you find out how much they re really being nagged. is that correct? they re not going to say, hi, i want to you meet my wife. she nags me nonstop. a study came out that nagging can kill you. men are more like low to die from nagging within ten years and women 34% more likely to die with increased risk of stroke, heart disease. and they were asked these questions that really had these researchers finding their immune systems were completely sabotaged by nagging.
that s right. so when you close your eyes, do you hear the teacher from charlie brown? is it just a constant kind of nagging? yeah. is that a problem for you? we asked you for e-mail. we got a ton. that s right. by the way, you know how you define nagging? excesstive demands from partners, family or those living nearby. not adequate requests for some compliance why are you looking at me? i m not saying anything. diane said, i have a husband that nags. he can t stop nagging. i m retired, but i took a part-time job to get away from him during the day. that could be my grandfather with my grandmother. he d go to bloomingdale s to work during the day. he d rather pat people down than stay at home. well. mike on facebook wrote, i just ignore it. the more you nag, the less i do. that plays out. brian e-mailed this, that says the reason husband die before
their wives is because we want to. the theory, according to those in copenhagen, is that women chase away all men s friends so they have nobody to express themselves to and bent their spleen, so therefore, they internalize and their organs explode. that s the way you read it. i interpret it is guys end up putting everything into their wives and that s why they don t have any friends and that s why they don t have any friends. on behalf of all women, i m going to demand we talk to heather right now who has some headlines. heather again. same old. can you put those papers down? thank you. when we go to home depot later today, what do you need? i need some sand for sand box and vegetables for my garden. don t forget the batteries. and take out garbage while you re at it. good morning to you all. got some political news to bring you. today republican senator marco
rubio is fueling rumors of a possible 2016 presidential run with a visit to the state of new hampshire. this is his first stop in early voting state in more than a year. new hampshire is where the first 2016 presidential primary is held. rubio headlining two fund-raisers at republican strongholds today. some of president obama s strongest supporters are criticizing his visit planned for today at a wal-mart in california. the president is supposed to talk about efforts to fight climate change. wal-mart is using more solar energy to fuel itself and but labor unions are upset with the visit, saying wal-mart pays low wages and doesn t offer its employees enough benefits. and if you re like us, you probably talk to yourself a lot. you talking to me? you talking to me? there s a new study out that
says it actual low does make a difference. researchers found people who talk to themselves using their own name or the pronoun you performed better under stress. so when we view ourselves as a separate person, we re able to give ourselves more objective advice. researchers say that motivational self-talk you can do it. come on, way to go, brian really helps. those are your headlines. brian, when you say those are great tricepts, that helps. it s interesting we put robert deniro in that box during that entire story. or we re using a psychopath from a movie to talk about self talk. when you talk to yourself, then maria. we re talking to you. yes, we re talking to you. good morning, everybody. i want to show weather conditions across parts of the gulf coast.
we ll be seeing some issues in southeastern louisiana and southern parts of mississippi. we are going to be dealing with areas of rain over the next several days and unfortunately out there, we could be seeing localized flooding at some of these storms could produce more than four or six inches of rain just into this weekend. there is the potential for severe weather over the next several days, including today from texas to indiana, then tomorrow to kick off the weekend on saturday. they could be looking at some strong storms. by sunday a more widespread risk yet again, from texas up into illinois. out west across the rockies, we have a trough that s setting up. that is going to produce areas of snow. heavy at times along the higher elevations. we re going to see that snow come down all wait down to the valley floor. for mother s day in denver, you could be look at snowfall and a little accumulation expected there. temperature wise across the country, look at texas. 90 for your high in dallas and across the southeastern u.s., hot as well with a high at 930
in raleigh, north carolina. let s head back inside. all right. i was told to do a more specific toss. shocking picks in the nfl draft. a lot of drama. number within, no surprise. with the first pick in the 2014 nfl draft, the houston texans select jadeveon clowney. he was the number one pick overall and has been for months going into the draft unless they traded it away. we knew he was going in the top spot. johnny manziel had to wait. he is the biggest name in the draft. for his time in the spotlight. in the end, the cleveland browns took him on the 22nd pick in the first round. fulfilling the team s need for a quarterback, they felt they had a young one who got hurt. suspended infielder alex rodriguez. a lot of people wondering where he is. okay, me either. he is actually shaving his legs. that s because according to his barber, he shaves his legs and arms to, quote, feel more
hygienic. jose lopez, who gives hair cuts to many yankee players, says he once gave a-rod a hand when he was trying shave his legs. as you know, that is the number one story in america. now the number two story. this soccer player hits the ball in, then sprints before into the seats to applaud himself. that s fantastic. that s not a be your own fan. that s one of the greatest things i ve ever seen in sports. that s like the selfy fan. he knew exactly what he was going to do. did he got in trouble for that? what s electric to say? it s not like they can take ten yards away. a yellow card perhaps, but i doubt it. fanning yourself. 20 minutes before the top of the hour. you ve heard the millenials don t wants to work, that they want to invent the next facebook or twitter and rake in the cash.
sound crazy? my next guest did it, raising $10 million for his invention in 30 days. let s just say it wasn t as easy as it sounds. that s right. first your trivia question of the day. this actress won five emmys for the same role. who is she in e-mail us with the correct answer, you will be today s friday winner. vo: david s heart attack didn t come with a warning. today his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you ve had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. stick with innovation. stick with power.
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and the needle is thin. victoza is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. it is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and should not be used in people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. victoza has not been studied with mealtime insulin. victoza is not insulin. do not take victoza if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza or any of its ingredients. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction may include swelling of face, lips, tongue or throat, fainting or dizziness, very rapid heartbeat, problems breathing or swallowing, severe rash or itching. tell your doctor if you get a lump or swelling in your neck. serious side effects may happen in people who take victoza including inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis)
which may be fatal. stop taking victoza and call your doctor right away if you have signs of pancreatitis, such as severe pain that will not go away in your abdomen or from your abdomen to your back, with or without vomiting. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. taking victoza with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. the most common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, and headache. some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. if your pill isn t giving you the control you need, ask your doctor about non-insulin victoza. it s covered by most health plans. my len yam millenials, you might call them lazy, they live in their parents basement and can t find a job. but last month, more than 15%
of them were out of work. the majority said they d like to work for themselves in the next five years, invent something, or become an entrepreneur. kind of sounds crazy. but not totally impossible. our next guest pulled it off and he knows that it took a whole lot of hard work to do it. our guest, eric, is the founder and ceo of pedal technology, he created, built and marketed the most successful smart watch on the market today. first we got to say congratulations. thanks very much. the pebble, ladies and gentlemen. this is a support version. you re wearing the fancy one. what does it do? it s a watch that talks to your iphone or android phone, whenever you get a new text message, it pops up so you can see who is e-mailing or calling. you can hear the beep of your smart phone, you got a message. but why dig it out of your pocket when you can look at your watch? it s brilliant. it is. this concept was done in your dorm room desk. so you made your first prototype
there. you raised over $10 million in 30 days on kickstarter. that s incredible. that s like a record. you had to be blown away by that. but i know it wasn t easy. you had four years of struggle. correct? yeah. we had worked up to it for quite a while up to that point. when you re working on something and finally everything clicks, that s what it was for us. sure. in the beginning, you went to some venture capitalists and you said, take a look at this. just imagine what it s going to do. they didn t see it, did they? not as much imagination. why do you think that is? i think it s risk like lot of these projects are quite risky. but in the end, a lot of people believed in us. we had over 69,000 people from 150 countries around the world support us. one is forbes said you ll double revenue had the next year. that s incredible. if alt companies that are probably have a strong set of eyes on you, what about a buyout? what about selling the company? do you think about that?
will it happen this year? i think our focus this year is on building something that s useful for people. that s what drives us. at the end of the day, we built something that we want to do build for ourselves. we wanted to use it. how many times have i read in the wall street journal about how apple supposedly is working on a smart watch. you beat them to the punch. i think there is quite a few people working on things like this. but yeah, we re out there. we re in stores now. have they called you? i can t say anything about any sort of acquisitions or anything like that. but die know yeah. what is your advice to millenials? i think you re remarkable on what you ve been able to do sets the tone. what do you say to them? they want to do what do you. one of the things i realized through school is that you have to experiment. you have to try out different jobs and figure out what works for you. i worked at six different places while i was going through my undergrad. i realized that i didn t want to work at a single one of them. you found that out through work. exactly. trying things out, experiencing different jobs and realize what you want to do and don t want to do. i know a number of kids who
are in your demographic and they are at home right now. they are working on their app, their next facebook. they re expecting the moon shot to make some big money. it s not that easy. you got to do the leg work. you got to do the hard work, right? yes. a lot of work on the way. but when it clicks, you ll know. what s the web site? we thank you for being here. thanks very much. pebble on, my friend. thanks for traveling here from california. incredible story. short of ten minutes before the top of the hour. coming up, are you looking for a movie for mom this weekend? kevin mccarthy is up next. first on this date in 1914, president woodrow wilson established mother s day as a holiday. in 1994, nelson mandela is elected the first black president of south africa.
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family versus fraternity in the comedy neighbors . welcome. it s weird. he has the upper hand! kevin mccarthy joins us right now from wttt in dc with this weekend s reviews. kevin, first stop, neighbors. what do you think?
good morning to you guys. thank you for having me on. the movie itself, when i think of fraternity comedy, i think of old school or animal house, movies that are absolute classics. this deals with a couple who have a newborn baby and a fraternity moves next door and they have an all-out battle. it s a big fight. you have seen the trailers and air bag, robert deniro impressions. the trailers, i will say, give away a lot of the jokes. i m a big fan of raunchy comedies. i love raunchy r-rated movies. i loved pineapple express and others. but this particular movie, i feel like the jokes are all given away. there is all no characters to root for whatsoever. none of the characters are redoomable in any way. super bad, i cared for some of those movies. this movie, i didn t care for anybody. some of the jokes work, but i gave it three out of five. it s matinee. i would not pay full ticket price. you didn t like and gave it three stars?
no, no, no. i liked some of the jokes. overall, i didn t think it was as classic as animal house. it wasn t a classic by any means. most people were giving it really, really high ratings, but i thought it was very middle of the road. i ve been waiting for a review on moms night out. what do you say cause i m going. this is a move yes that really surprised me. it really gave me a deeper appreciation for how awesome moms are. i feel like the struggle that sarah drew s character has in this movie with her character and the idea that she deals with these tough struggles of being a mom and i love the idea of how it highlights that because she realizes that not every day is going to be great. and you re dealing with three women who go out for a night out. they leave the kids home with their fathers and everything goes wrong. everything you can possibly think of goes wrong. that part i felt was a bit unrealistic at times. but overall, it was the message is about moms and how awesome moms really are. and i love that aspects of it. for me, i called my mom when i
got out of the movie. i wanted to tell her i loved her. it made me appreciate how awesome she was. i gave the movie a 3 1/2 out of five. i really enjoyed some of the aspects of it. again, if you can suspend your disbelief a little bit and get past the unrealistic moments, you can actually get a really good message here. in reading your material, i didn t realize our buddy, trace adkins, was in the movie and you loved him. trace adkins is the best part of the movie! he plays this character called bones and he s like head of this motorcycle gang and he s absolutely hilarious. i wanted more of him in the movie. they didn t use him as much as i wanted them to. but he is the best part. i want to say in the spirit of mother s day, happy mother s day to my mom, jill. she s watching right now. she watches every single day for fox & friends. i love you so much and thank you for supporting my obsession with movies and thank you for letting me watch terminator 2 when i was eight years old that. movie made me fall in love with movies. thank you. just because you ve said that on television doesn t mean you don t have to send hear card.
i know a strategy. i m sending her they better be big! thank you very much. have a great weekend. thanks. thanks lot. he seemed sincere. did he. so that s what kevin says you should waste your money on this weekend. waste your money on? i mean spend your machine on this weekend. coming up straight ahead, your e-mails have been pour not guilty all morning on some of the topics. for example, this one. can your wife nagging actually kill you? geraldo has a wife. and he s going to weigh in on that and benghazi and so much more you start tomorrow? tomorrow we re booked solid.
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good morning. it s friday, may 9, 2014. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. seven democrats break ranks and approve a selects committee to get answers on benghazi and the others wants to be on it. but they aren t interested in answers. we ll tell what you they do want instead when chris wallace joins us live from washington. a veteran affected by the v.a. cover-up speaking out. i m just like i don t want to die because of some waiting list like other men have. he s a victim and now a whistle blower says it s not just phoenix. if you re in texas, find out where the problem hospitals are there. welcome to the hotel sharia. the man who owns the beverly hills hotel just adopted in his native land the brutal law that says it s okay to stone people to death. now the celebrities suddenly realize that, they re beginning
to boycott that place. in fact, it s almost entirely empty. how they re losing millions and when does the iconic hotel step up and maybe get sold? according to all reports, this is friday, and mornings are better with friends. i m terry bader from the mirage in las vegas. you re watching fox & friends. you don t have enough guys impersonating turtles these days. right. but we have sad news about impersonators. tony the tiger, the voice of tony the tiger, he s great, but he s passed away. he has. but the quisp guy is still okay. we ve got geraldo in the on deck circle. he s on in just a moment. but first we turn to heather. you start with benghazi. yeah. the house of representatives passed a resolution to create a select committee on benghazi to investigate that. all republicans voted for it. seven democrats broke with their parties to vote yes.
so here is the big question now will those 186 democrats who voted against it stage a boycott? democrats are meeting about an hour from now to talk about this apparently. representstive connally from virginia talked about this earlier on fox & friends. the question is, are we better off being at the table to try to make sure it s a balanced approach and that will be determined at our caucus meeting this morning. the members of that select committee are expected to be announced later today. we ll watch that story throughout the day for you. new information is now heading to house lawmakers investigating the irs scandal of conservative groups. less than a day after the house held lois lerner in contempt, the irs agrees to turn over all e-mails and other communications as evidence. republicans are saying that her actions could be criminal. listen to this. we believe that she violated people s constitutional rights, their rights to due process and
that s actually criminal in nature and so this is very serious and we want to find ou far this goes and we re going to follow these e-mails wherever they lead us. republicans have been demanding the documents for months now. the irs commissioner has set it could take years to produce everything that they have. the show must go on. four days after nine performers plunged 30 feet to the ground, ringling brothers & barnum & bailey circus is open for business again. there are now eight scheduled shows through sunday. that human chandelier stunts, that will actually not be performed. seven of the injured acrobats are still hospitalized this morning. and if you re married or in a relationship, listen to this one. nagging apparently can take a toll on any relationship. some more than others. all i ask is that you show a little bit of appreciation, that i just get 20 minutes to relax when i come home instead of being attacked with questions and nagged the whole time!
you think i nag you? there is a new study out that claims nagging can actually kill you. there is researchers who say that excessive demands from loved ones can more than double the risk of death in middle age. men are apparently at higher risk. of course. because it s said they keep all that bottled up. we have no one to talk to. what about women? we got nagged, too. you have people to vents to. you have your neighbors and high school friends. you are currently nagging. thank you very much. your e-mail and tweets pouring it. marla writes, if you do what we ask you, we won t nag you, duh. ashley says, i don t like to nag. i prefer to be listened to the first time. how can you ignore my wishes and expect me to be happy? can you tell women actually picked these out? no kidding. louis says, i gained some weight because my wife kept nagging that she wanted to see more of
me. so she got more of me. that s hysterical. geraldo rivera, you ve stop nagging. you ve been in relationships. you might say. right. was nagging ever a role in the destruction of those relationships? you know, when you re looking for an excuse to get out of a relationship, you seize on anything and nagging is an easy one. i can honestly say, they say that you re only as happy as you re unhappiest child. you re also only as happy as your unhappiest spouse. so if she s not happy, i m not happy. so i try make her happy. happy wife, happy life. that s right. happy wives, happy life. one more thing to talk to the doctor about. could i just say that i see you have a boxing segment planned. i hope it works as well as the exercise with your baby segment because that was brilliant. wasn t this for birth control? i think it worked like a charm. you know what s even better? when you re talking to a congressman and the babies come
marching in. i love that. it sounded a little like washington. lot of whining. it sounds like the white house is surrounding general shenseki who heads up the veterans affairs administration and it looks like they ve got big problems. john boehner yesterday said it s systemic. we have discovered that he s been subpoenaed. we now have discovered it s not just phoenix. it s also austin and it s san antonio as well. it looks like whistle blower coming forward. it s a big problem. speaker boehner is right, it is systemic. i ve done the expose every decade. this is the fifth decade it s happened. the v.a. has a chronic problem. it has since the post-vietnam era at least. i just caution to tread slowly when it comes to generic shenseki. shear why: here is why: he was a twice decorated wounded hero from vietnam. this is the real deal.
man stepped on a land mine, went back into the service after he lost half a foot. he was the army chief of staff in the joint chiefs, the highest ranking japanese american ever in the armed forces of the united states. he s a guy that is very, very admirable. if indeed, however, he knew or should have known that these problems existed, then the american legion might be right about demanding his resignation. i just, because of this man s resume, i just say let s go slow. let s make sure that he is to blame. obviously the story is disgusting and it s malignant and it s going to go respecting that office, of course, and you know that he s possibly tried to do. so keeping an open mind is a great point. listen to this one veteran because this is heart breaking. he says he came back and he thought the very least, he could depend on his country and he s fighting for his life because of this situation.
i thought at least, one thing i have i can depend upon was my country to take care of me when i get older. i never knew i was going to get this, cancer. i m just like i don t want to die because of some waiting list like other men have. in arizona, 40 died waiting for an appointment. terrible. as horrifying as that is, the fact that they kept two sets of books, that they kept one official record that showed a reasonable waiting time and a real list that showed the actual waiting time, allegedly leading to some fatalities, i think that deceit might be the heart of a real congressional investigation. everyone talks about edward snowedden and what he should have done. now you have whistle blowers coming forward. let s show these guys coming forward, protect their identity, let s them have the freedom to come forward and let them be effective. agreed. the problem with the federal civil servants is they protect themselves. we did a story yesterday. one in 1,000 members of the epa
were fired in a single year. one out of 1,000. you re more likely to die of a heart attack than to get fired. nobody gets fired in these federal agencies. the v.a. is one of them. this is a case that cries, it seems to me, certainly the keeps of the second set of records should clearly be fired. all right. what do you think about shifting gears about the sharia law in the hotel. the hotel we re looking at says you will die being stoned if you are guilty of certain crimes. we have hollywood celebrities boycotting this hotel, beverly hills hotel. it s iconic. it s icon iraq, along with the bellaire owned by the same owner. the dor chester in london i ll tell you a quick story. when the people bought norchester in london, i swear to god this happened to me. i worked at abc at the time. walked into my suite on the 7th floor in london, there
were people in full desert regalia cooking a lamb. in a room? on the balcony of their own suite. they were cooking a lamb on the balcony. i thought that the snooty dorchester in london was falling on hard times. i ll cut to the bellaire where i always stayed. it s in my contract that i stay will when i go there. whoever i work for. that s all been in my contract. i don t like boycotts generally. i didn t like when the gays boycotted chick-fil-a. you may remember. if you don t want to go to a place and you don t want to patronize a place, that s well and good. but don t pressure others to follow your lead. in this case, sharia law we hate it. it s ownerous, stoning and all the rest. i understand the argument against sharia law, but if you start putsing the politics of the owner at play in terms of whether other people can patronize it, if you don t want to, that s fine.
don t go. but when you start saying, brian, you can t go, or i stand in fronts of you, elisabeth, when you want to go and i know all the employees of the bellaire, some of them, my son was raised at the bellaire, what happens to the employees when the hotel was empty? how long did they stay employed? there are consequences. that s true. and i understand you always have an interesting way on this stuff. it s fascinating. but if you believe that these women are being persecuted, if you believe a whole country is oppressing a gender or an ethnic group and you want to make a stand, that s courageous. and having ellen degeneres and jay leno come forward and say, i m taking my business elsewhere. that s fine. if you don t want to get the chick-fil-a sandwich because you think he s antes gay, then don t go there. go to wendy s or some other place. that s fine. but when you stand in my way and i don t believe the politics
that you have, then i think it s anti-american. i don t like it. a protest of getting into that hotel. it s intimidating. political correctness is fine and you go with the flow and generally speaking, we believe as they believe in broad strokes. it s just that you have your right to take the stand that you do. just don t stand in my way. geraldo rivera, who as we just learned, has that in his contract, he can stay there in my contract, i have to sleep in my car. no tell motel. in my contract it says stay away from geraldo. coming up, the government wants to slash pay and benefits to our military. so there must not be anything tells cut, right? wrong. try the 150 bucks a gallon it spends on green jet fuel. then one driver wanted in the car pool wanted into the car pool lane so bad, he tried to pass this thing up. it s a real person. wait until you hear how this one
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woman: this is not exactly what i expected. man: definitely more murdery than the reviews said. captain obvious: this is a creepy room. man: oh hey, captain obvious. captain obvious: you should have used their genuine guest reviews are written by guests who have genuinely stayed there. instead of people who lie on the internet. son: look, a finger. captain: that s unsettling. man: you think? captain: all the time. except when i sleep. which i would not do here. would have mentioned the finger. where you ve learned youa thing or two. age this is the age of knowing what you re made of. so why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. 20 million men already have. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision.
to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to your doctor. cut this, not that. we already know the defense department is eyeing its deepest cuts in decades, which makes you wonder why is the department of defense splurging on things like green fuel? take a look. the department of defense paid up to 150 bucks a gallon for green jet fuel made with algae. regular jet fuel costs less than 3 bucks a gallon. shouldn t he be eliminating things like that when it comes to the proposed $75 billion in cuts? let s talk to the retired u.s.
army infantry captain and ranger and senior advisor for concerned vets for america. he joins us today from pittsburgh. good morning to you. good morning, steve. how is it going? going okay. although people watching this right now, their blood pressure will start ticking up. it s outrageous. 150 bucks for jet fuel, but it s green jet fuel. this is just another example of a wasteful government spending program and overall indicative of a department of defense that just does not have its priorities straight at all. any time i see a piece like this, i wonder why is the department of defense involved in the biofuel industry in the first place? that s why we have a department of energy. let the scientists and the laboratories research whether or not biofuel is a lucrative in the military. but what i want the department of defense to do is focus on one thing and one thing only. that s winning wars and protecting the american people. that s what i want. on top of that, let s make sure that we honor the sacrifice of
our servicemen and women who served in war. what are we doing on capitol hill? they re cutting the budgets for all sorts of things involving our military. but at the same time, we got money to pay 150 bucks a gallon for this algae gas. they re going to run in some jet airplanes. when i was we saw the headline and i started to read about it. it turns out these things are being produced i know of one case where it was produced by a company that had been a big democratic donor. because they re small companies, rather than giving them an outright loan, they re simply buying the gas for 150 bucks a gallon to subsidize these outfits. yeah. it s the government stabbing in the dark to try to pick a biofuel. what they should be doing is trying to improve the fuel efficiency across the spectrum of the military incrementsally so we don t outpace technology. that s what we want to do. that will save money. it will make our force more fuel efficient. and it will increase operational capabilities. but no.
instead we re investing a lot of time and money in biofuels that s not technologically viable in the open market and wasting time. we face a fiscal crisis in this nation, the likes of which have never been seen before. we re dealing with an administration that spends like a teen-ager with a credit card. we need leaders to step up to make tough decisions right now and there are probably 100 programs exactly like this that can be cut prior to getting to cutting the and i benefits of our military servicemen and women. a guy with a teen-ager with a credit card, i know exactly what you re talk being right there. if i got the balance statement and said 150 bucks, she suspense on a gallon of gas, i d hit the roof. as america will as well when they find out about this. sean, always a pleasure. thank you very much for joining us. have a great weekend. steve, can i just make one more points? sure. listen, it s mother s day. we ve got mothers all across this nation that aren t going to be able to be with their loved one. we are a nation that s still at war. let s remember and pray for those mothers this weekend.
absolutely. well put. thank you very much. thanks. to mothers everywhere, happy mother s day come sunday. straight ahead, they re paid to make our kids smarter. but some teachers and even a principal did a really stupid thing and it s happening more and more. we re going to tell you what about not making the grade. then jennifer esposito is here talking about a health struggle that affects a lot of people. you re watching fox & friends on this friday. those litt things still get you.
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some headlines. new developments in the arson at retired tennis star james blake s house in tampa.
investigators now saying four family members found inside were shot with a gun reject sistered to their family register to do their family. he was caught buying fireworks and several gas cans. police investigating the possibilities of a murder-suicide. this guy admit to go murder on a dating show. he confessed he killed his first wife and another and another. he spent ten years in jail, but is an honest guy looking for a new wife. this all went down on a turkish show called luck of the draw. it s not a pilot. it s on the air. that would be a deal breaker. more than 2 million americans suffer from celiac disease. mean it often goes undiagnosed by doctors. on average, people with the disease wait six to ten years before they re correctly diagnosed. jennifer esposito has struggled with the condition most of her life and never knew it. she s the author of a new book.
i feel like we re soul mates right here. absolutely. when i read your story, so much of it echos with what many go through. you had a tumultous experience. you were tested for a number of diseases. what was the most difficult part of that journey? not knowing. i think so many of us, an average diagnosis, seven to ten years. mine was since i was a child. and hearing things that it was either in my head or it was something else. ibs, ms, lupus, everything. depression. depression. someone asked you if you were suicidal? yes. yes. this was at the height of it. i just kind of stared at her and thought, i m sick all the time and you are the nth person that s not hearing me. wouldn t you be depressed? did you do i want to kill myself? no, i want help.
at that point i had a tooth fall out and a lump the size of a small grapefruit in my neck. i was horrible. jimmy kimmel said he couldn t find anything to describe living gluten free what gluten was. i saw that. i have a lot to say about that. i just wish the jokes would stop because when someone like him, who has such an audience and they keep making a joke about the fad, which i understand is a fad, there are people like us and people little people, small people, big people, people of all ages that are suffering from that kind of mentality because what happens is that waiter or server or that chef, that employer, they don t believe us and they think we re somebody who is on a diet. and it s really frustrating. strong message there. the silver lining is you express what you went through will help so many people. you have a bakery, jennifer s way. that s incredible. all these gluten free treats are
available. it s gluten free, soy free, egg free. yea. so i can eat. you can eat everything. that is great. i have to say, congratulations. i know you were recently engaged. and you guys are working together, a gluten free wedding is what i bet. i can t wait to make everything. look at that. so that s right out in front of your bakery. jennifer s way is the name of the book and bakery. we thank you for being here. thanks. coming up, democrats want to be on the benghazi panel all of a sudden. but some say it s just to protect hillary. chris wallace is standing by in washington with that. plus, skip the eggs. which fast food joint is serving burgers for breakfast? for paul ridley there s no substitute for advil.
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they ve done this new study that shows if your spouse nags you, particularly guys, your wife is nagging you, you re twice as likely to die. we asked you for e-mail and we got a whole bunch of it. right. paul wrote in saying, my charming bride of 34 years does not refer to it as nagging. she calls it adult supervision. yeah, right. kevin watson says nagging is why alcohol was created. ouch. i don t think he s talking about rubbing alcohol. probably not. let s go down to our nation s capitol, chris wallis joins us every friday at this time. we re not suggesting that your t you. but let s just say she s making some of her buffalo chili from her soup book and tells you to pick up some crystal sauce for it that, nagging? is there some nagging going on? what defines that to you? listen, whatever lorraine does is perfect. i m like a grateful dog.
she puts good food in front of me and anything i can do to help her in that intersurprise given the fact that lorraine and i had a little bit of a spat last night for what? i m on double secret probation. what happened? i ve already shared more than i should have. come on! i want to say if you re watching, i m sorry. oh, wow. so chris how intriguing. that should be the lead on fox news sunday. i have your home number. let s call her. fox news i m sorry. or tweet it. #i m sorry. we sent this study was done in europe. as you re an american, as far as we know, do you believe that nagging can actually kill a man? what about a hand in your face? i think that any kind of stress i don t know if it kills you, but it certainly is not good for you, whether it s at home or work or on a sunday
morning show. i want to ask you a question, brian. you ever feel like the johnny manziel of fox & friends ? in what way? i want to know. that you re disrespected. that elisabeth and steve are picked were the first two picks and you re sitting this in the room, sort of waiting with a picksar on you. no wonder you had to apologize to your wife, with a mouth like that on you. christian thank is what i say. johnny manziel will prove wbr id wbr92700 he was better than the 22nd pick. he comes out in the fall with something to prove. that s where we start in may. by september, everyone is going to realize they should have picked me first. yeah. speaking of the draft of sorts, they re drafting members for the benghazi committee. it looks like the republicans could announce their picks today and the democrats are going to have a meeting today at 9:00 o clock. are the democrats going to have anybody, one person, what? we re going to find out /b
because on sunday, we re going to have an exclusive interview with trey gowdy and i think today they re going to name all the republicans. the democrats, i suspect we won t know by this weekend whether or not they re going to participate. so we have booked the head of the house democratic office and we ll talk to him, along with gowdy because the democrats say it s just a political exercise, we may boycott it. i think that s a risky move for them. on one hand i can understand it does make it look partson. on the other hand, if they go ahead, the republicans and hold these hearings and bring up hillary clinton or bring up david petraeus, they may want to have a democrat there to present questions that allow these people to principal the other side of the present the other side of the story. interesting choice for the democrats. we ll find out whether they made it on sunday. they do have a list to choose from. seven democrats who voted in favor of the select committee. maybe they should say pick from them because they re probably sincere in their vote. i think they were, which is
probably the reason the democrats will not pick them. i suspect they re going to want people who they feel are more loyal to the democratic caucus, who oppose this whole thing and don t think it s such a good idea. your guest on sunday, trey gowdy, he s been long asking questions and noted this should really just fly above any sort of political partisan line and intention. so i think a he seems to be above partisan politics. yes. you re absolutely right. but on the other hand, at the same time that he s saying that, the national republican congressional committee, which is the campaign committee for house republicans, has been trying to fund raise off this issue, saying be a benghazi watchdog so that kind of adds some fuel to the fire the democrats saying this is just politics. there is lots to talk about on sunday. republicans should be embarrassed by that. democrats have done it in the past as well. chris, what about the suggestion by politico that the democrats are talking about we should have
somebody on there, on that committee to protect hillary clinton? that s exactly right. that s the choice they ve got to make. because let s say they bring hillary clinton up and you ve just got seven republicans, they could sit there and just hammer her with questions and we all know that sometimes somebody this goes with both parties that somebody from the other party, in this case, would be the democrat can sit there and protect and rehabilitate and say, isn t it so, madam secretary clinton, that when you did this, you had and kind of lead the witness in a safer direction. so it s kind of wbr-id wbr94500 an interesting choice that the democrats have to make as to how they want to play this. chris, it will be interesting cause you ll have an answer by the time the show comes up. there s a big meeting today for democrats. maybe by the end of the day, they not only decide if they ll participate, but if they do, name the people they want to be part of the panel. yeah. i think there is a possibilities they won t do it because nancy pelosi is playing this very close to the chest. there is a lot of stuff that has to be done. they have to get all of the
staff that is what s happening is they re taking all the staff of foreign affairs and intelligence and all these other oversight and they re going to put them all together in this one committee, all the thousands and thousands of documents. so the democrats have a little time to play this out. i have an idea to save some time. it s been over 20 months. four of our americans are dead and we haven t gotten any answers and the account abilities. how about we tell the truth? that takes a little bit of time only, right? that s the last resort in washington. yeah. chris wallis, we ll be watching you this sunday. before you go, do you need to apologize to anybody else? no. i think that s it. and brian, i want to say that as far as i m concerned, you are brian morning talk television. like johnny football, you re morning show television. thank you very much. what a nice thing to say. i still would pick you with a 22nd pick, i m sorry. now that you made up with me. just one person to make up with and you ll have a good weekend. we ll see. you don t know mrs. sunday. she holds a grudge.
your dog s name is winston, that s the dog house you ve been in? say that again. your dog s name is winston. that s the dog house you re in. yeah. we re sharing a bed outside at the dog house. all right. thank you very much. sweet heather. good morning. that s really sweet. i was thinking about our own marital spats. that s all. really? we re just one big happy family. everybody has them. if you have a fight this weekend, bring in a video. i will. good morning. today republican senator marco rubio is fueling rumors of a possible 2016 presidential run with a visit to the state of new hampshire. this is his first stop in the early voting state in more than a year. new hampshire is where the first 2016 presidential primary is held. rubio headlining two fund-raisers in republican strongholds today. this coming out of philadelphia.
teachers and a principal at an elementary school there were apparently so desperate to make themselves look good that they helped their students cheat on standardized tests. court papers say that for five years, they told students to write down answers on scraps of paper so that their work could later be checked. those inflated test scores leading to raises and promotions for those educators. i don t know what to say. i think it s sad. kids and parents trusted these people to do their job. all five of those educators face criminal charges. we ll keep you posted on that. talk about a real dummy. a driver in boston, massachusetts, busted for putting a dummy in the passenger seat just so he could use the carpool lane. a state trooper pulled him over and found a mannequin propped up with a jacket behind his head and a mustache on his face with marker. the driver then just got a ticket. it s what overnight workers and pregnant women have been waiting for. burger king now offering a the
whopper at some locations in the morning. they call it burger breakfast. we re so happy here at fox & friends. that s right. includes chicken sandwiches, some barbecue stuff, french fries, apple pie. no word if this is a permanent change. if you would rather have a normal breakfast, they re still serve that food as well. those are your headlines. i can t wait. thank you very much. the rage is protein, especially in the morning. why not give people a burger? why don t we stop on the way home, heather? you and me. we got your fast food friends weather forecast now with maria molina out on the streets of new york city. that s right. good morning. we re tracking a storm system farther west. today will be producing areas of showers, thunderstorms, and over the next few days, we are going to see some areas of heavy rain, especially concentrated right along parts of the gulf coast, across parts of louisiana, parts of mississippi and alabama. some of you could pick up over three to four inches of rain,
locally heavier amounts. so flooding could be a concern. severe weather possible from texas up to indiana. that severe risk will stay in place as we head into this weekend, saturday and sunday. so keep an eye out for that. temperature wise, heating up across parts of the southern plains today and also the southeast. i want to show you the city of denver. take a look at this. sunday into monday, they could pick up some snow out there. more snow expected as well across the higher elevations of the rockies. let s head back inside. thank you very much. i was just showing brian and elisabeth the picture of my daughter, sally, was taking a final yesterday and then down in dallas then the tornado warning came on. and there they all are down in the basement waiting for it to blow over. seeking shelter. as a parents living 1,000 miles away, that s when you want to see.
but it s all good. we re okay now. 18 minutes left unless hemmer and mccallum overshe wants again. here is what s coming up, imagine seeing this on your drive to work. cars swallowed up as the road collapses. it happened. look at that. plus, getting fit one punch at a time. we re getting ready to rumble. our gloves are on. it s the big rage and it will be raging here. put them up.
time for quick headlines. the great video edition. watch as unsuspecting drivers nearly got swallowed up bay sinkhole in russia. amazingly, all of them noticed
it and drove around it. they re blaming it on heavy rain. look at that. swallowed it up. boom. meanwhile, nearly two naked groomsmen in australia run into the ocean to save a fisherman after his boat tipped over. they got him to shore safely and then went right back to posing for pictures, only this time not so formal. they were just wearing their underwear. and how is this for living on the edge? chicago s hancock center s newest attraction let s you tilt 1,000 feet over the street whoa. a frightening 30-degree angle. that attraction opens tomorrow. it s closing time. for the last bar car in america. get this, the remaining commuter train serving beer, wine and spirits is ending its 40-year run tonight t. turns out nobody else wants to drink on the way home. wnyw reporter is live at grand central station in new york city with more on the last call.
how are new yorkers handling this news? reporter: they are quite upset about it, especially someone told me it s exactly what they need after a long day of work. good morning to all of you and good morning, everyone. the party is over, simply put. after 40 years, these four bar cars, the only bar cars that still exist are essentially hanging it out. the nta is taking them out of rotation. they re only running on the metro north new haven line they re something of a throwback to the 70s when having an after work cocktail on the way home was acceptable. it was daily culture. so we talked to some people who were riding on the train this morning. they talked about the tradition. it s one of those things that you do. fridays, thursday, whatever. it s kind of fun to do on the way home. reporter: the big problem is that these bars don t bring in enough money. they only pull in $357,000 a
year. a far cry from the bars on the platform. connecticut governor is trying to organize a plan to reinstitute bar cars. that won t happen for at least another year. that s the latest from grand central on this very sad day for a lot of computers. they re crying in their beer. thank you very much. i m looking on amtrak. the top of the picture still shows beer and wine. i was just on two weeks ago. i will say i d be surprised. i think that s the most successful restaurants in the world. at the last call. let me tell you what s coming up, you want to knock out those unwanted pounds, don t you? stick around. mar why is going to show us mar why is going to show us maria is going to show us next how to do it. come on, maria! let him have it
new from the hill, dems mail out one of their own on the benghazi panel. we ll take you live for the latest this morning. now we will also find out just what was in lois lerner s e-mails which have been released. we ll tell you about that. and ten years ago, army sergeant matt lawton was captured in iraq. now his dad travels to washington to find out who killed his son. he will join us live. now back over to you. if you re looking to gets in shape this summer, you might want to try putting on some gloves and throwing some punches. joining us is dr. paul thompson and the marketing director of
title boxing club. nice to meet you. this is actually a great workout. i read you can burn 1,000-calories in an hour of boxing? therapy. great workout. one of the great things about it, it s high intensity interval training, builds muscle, lose fat, gets your cholesterol under control. one session you can make your insulin work better. i watched it. i saw your new gym. it s unbelievable. i saw people of all shapes and sizes taking part. a loft people think it s a young person s thing. but not the way do you it. can we go over some basics over what we d see in a class? cause i want to punch brian. there is no hitting. it s very safe. but on our show we do. okay. so you want to start, if you re right-handed, start with your lead foot back. so you put your stance a little bit here and then this is going to be your power hand. start with your left with a little jab. just like that. then you bring your other hand
across. sorry. right at eye level. let s see you connect on the bag. these are 100-pound heavy bags. whether you connect, it will send a shock wave through and it s all muscle resistants. so you re here. you re building muscle at the same time as you re losing fat. okay. usually one person is on a bag. how long do you stay on a bag? three minutes. you ll come off and do something in between. maybe burpees, maybe jumping jacks. keeps your metabolism up. this not only burns calories, you re burning calories for two or three hours after. you also got somebody on the mitt. so you want to step out here. it s amazing how much you feel it in your abs. it s a core workout. that s nice. you get 15 minutes of core at thend. how long do you spar? i also see the medicine ball there. at thend of the class, we
do 15 minutes of core. we do this at the end on purpose because if you re using your arms and core, you can take it and do, for instance, a lunge rotate back. you re working your core as well as your upper body and legs. i love this kind of workout because it just gets a little aggression out, burns calories. absolutely. you can take your aggression out on the bag. guys, stay right here. brook and paul, we re going to come back with more boxing and maybe we finally got to take a shot at steve. that s right
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tomorrow fox & friends weekend, u.s. businesses are collapsing faster than they re being built. why isn t the government helping? also there is a lot of lazy men out there and they wait til the last minute why are you looking at me? last minute to get their mother s day gifts. i ll have the best gifts you can pick up on saturdays morning. what about sunday morning? 7-11, that s why we have it. also governor mike huckabee
will be in on saturday. also, in the after the show show, learn how boxing can make you extremely fit. elisabeth and maria are going to go head to head. we re going to go at it right here. have a great weekend. bye, everybody. happy mother s day. nice. good morning, everybody on a friday. fox news alert because the house approving a special committee on benghazi but how many democrats if any will take part it will be decided today. democrats will meet behind closed doors as you see screen right any moment. good morning from new york city. i m bill hemmer on a friday, america s newsroom. we ll find out something today. martha: we can see the doors are closed as we look at that. good morning, everybody, i m martha maccallum. debate from democrats are heating up. one lawmaker says democrats should appoint one member to sit on the panel. a lot of the other are suggesting a complete boycott. bill: republicans say they re determined to get to the bottom of all these facts saying

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20140516 10:00:00

rihanna retweeted a photo taking aim at a teenager who re-created one of her outfits. everyone have a great weekend. fox & friends starts now. head out on the highway lookin for adventure live from new york city, it is national ride your bike to work day. here on 48th street. this is a great way to wake up. it s cheaper than that car service you demand, steve.
that s a taxi. ride your bike to work day. by the way, we ve got a setup in front of our building because in a little while we re all going to be doing a spartan race which should be pretty interesting. even the spartans wouldn t do. it s national bike day. we re going to go inside. you ve got your protective helmet on. before we go further, take a look at how heather rode your bike today. all right, ladies first, come on in. the last time you walked down this hall was your first day. yes, and i had coffee. you haven t brought us coffee since the first day. today i ve got a coffee pot. it s ready to go. that is a great way to start the day, on bikes. a little exercise. today, the inside story, as we find out what it was
like going back to the view with elisabeth. i saw your instagram posts. i was instagramming along the way. by the way, i did retweet let s pause. we re on tv right now. elisabeth, i did retweet that picture of you and hillary clinton, and you got an inside story and you got some great details. i do. you re going to get that out of me. i ve got a feeling. ladies, right this way. heather, put your shoes on. we re in the studio now. hanger or hook? this is kind of how we start the show. welcome to studio e live from midtown manhattan. it s national ride your bike to work or school day. oftentimes on friday you might have trouble getting out of the starting gate but i think this is a great start. we should do this every
friday. isn t it a great feeling? those bikes are fantastic. thanks to chris for taping my pants to my legs so they wouldn t get stuck in my pedal. and thanks for the bicycle rentals. let s make sure everybody looks good. you look good. your hair is a little joel, are we going to start? and action. yesterday, big hearings on capitol hill as general shinseki went in front of democrats and republicans who had one thing in common. equally outraged with what s going on at the v.a., wait times and kill lists in three states that has people saying we re not going to give them incentives and they re going to die. when i say they, i mean veterans. it was time to tee off on someone who is a decorated veteran, general
who in my opinion seems way out of his depth. i think that was proven yesterday. he said i m going to continue, the president wants me there. this may be something where he is in over his head. people at the v.a. have known for years, they have had internal reviews in the past. they have known for years this is a problem. how many american heroes died waiting for treatment? we heard a lot of republicans yesterday, we heard a lot of democrats all outraged. let s start with the republican, he is from nevada, dean heller, asked point-blank, general shinseki, why shouldn t your head roll. would you explain to me after all this information why you should not resign? i tell you, senator, i came here to make things better for veterans. that was my appointment by the president. every day i start out with the intent and in fact provide as much care and benefits for the people i
went to war with and the people i spent a good portion of my life doing. this is not a job. i m here to accomplish a mission that i think they critically deserve and need. but it s not happening. it s not happening. so you would think that maybe he thought he should probably get out of there. this is going to be so interesting for me. it s going to be the first time that i can remember over the last six years that democrats and republicans are going to legitimately pursue an investigation on the same page. and if they both do that, let s see if they actually get answers. i think you and charles krauthammer on the same page with that one. williams said we should keep an eye out for real rage or faux rage. it would be unbelievable to think anybody wouldn t want to side on this side of the line to protect our veterans. the v.a. shouldn t be a death sentence for those who have laid down their life and been willing to sacrifice at all for us.
this is juan williams saying take a good look. what democrats are doing is making sure it s clear to the american public that they are outraged by this, they are supportive to our military. shinseki himself, i think, has the credentials as a four-star general, former war hero. i think that is their efforts to prevent any kind of political damage going forward. it would be hard for either political party to support what is going on. you were talking about not only a coverup they have known for years about these fake lists document destruction, corruption and ultimately death. we heard about the 40 deaths in arizona, but apparently there is another report, 23 vets died waiting for simple cancer screenings. this goes back four years, 13 stilts in nine different states 13 facilities in nine different states.
it is across the country. and for people who say it s not a big scandal, you just aren t paying attention. not only is it a big substantial, it is at the very heart of what we re supposed to provide for our veterans. the ranks of veterans waiting for more than a year for their benefits was at 11,000 in 2009. thought that was bad? it is now up to 245,000 waiting for benefits as of december of 2013. by the v.a. s own admission, it is less than 42% of the veterans who fit in that under 14-day waiting period to get treated to maintain health but be treated for something that ultimately could kill them. most americans in this fox news poll think this administration s skapblgs skapblgs scandals are a big deal. 37% of those polled think the president s handling of benghazi is a serious matter. when you look at the
n.s.a. scandal, 53% of you think it is a serious matter. 52% for benghazi and the i.r.s. scandal is 44%. i think it is curious, we ve heard from eric holder and he said the department of justice not ready to get involved. we re just going to monitor the situation. why? because they re investigating it at the v.a. let s think, department of justice, they investigated themselves regarding the, looking into reporters background. the n.s.a., they re taking care of that. the i.r.s., they ve got that handled as well; no criminality. this looks like, it could be, did it not touch so many americans lives, this could be another one of those stonewalling things. but in this case a lot of americans die. people are dying in the meantime. there is no time to go through a full investigation and delay while these veterans are dying. this is a death sentence right now. something has got to be done. john mccain actually
calling for jail for those that were involved and knowingly allowed this all to happen. he s right. it is nine minutes after the hour on this friday. we ve got breaking news. now let s turn to heather nauert who s got some shoes on. good morning. we talked a lot about the winter and droughts in california affecting the wildfire season right now. this is a fox news alert. overnight two teenagers arrested on suspicion of trying to start a fire in southern california. this as multiple wildfires are raging and tens of thousands of people are forced to be on the move this morning. they are trying to escape the flames that have ravaged more than 10,000 acres so far and may have killed at least one person. the exact cause of the wildfires remains unclear at this time but officials are not ruling out arson. listen to this one coming in from overseas. a pregnant woman sentenced to death by a sudanese court because she is christian. she has been convicted of apostasy or the disaffiliation from a
religion because she left the religion of islam and converted to christianity in order to marry her husband. the court gave her four days to repent from her religion. she of course refused. the death penalty is expected to be carried out after she gives birth next month. sad news to bring you this morning. a top army ranger who helped rescue former p.o.w. jessica lynch in iraq remember that big story? he has now died after he was shot when his unit was attacked in afghanistan. sergeant major martin barreras is his name and he served 22 years in the army 75 ranger regiment. he went to iraq and afghanistan many times, this after serving in the marine corps. barreras was 49 years old. he leaves behind a wife, two daughters and a son. casey kasem not in danger? he was just on vacation? the 82-year-old was in good shape when they found him at a friend s house in
seattle with his wife. the daughter still has concerns about his well-being, his battle with dementia. she has been battling her step mom to see him in court. those are your headlines. nobody had more going on yesterday arguably than you and barbara walters. it was nice we all returned there, all the ghosts i call us. just a tribute to barbara. it was an emotional day to go around the table. everyone was on good behavior, barely any cross talk. barbara has done so much for us. it was a great moment. it was like graduation day for her? it was. to look out and see all of us there, she really gave us an opportunity. i owe her the world really. love her. you shot yesterday s show and you shot an extra
show? yes. there we are. selfies. i took a lot of selfies. we have a family-style relationship. speaking of family, star jones and rosie o donnell, that was the first moment we saw each other in a long time. everybody seems so happy in that picture. yeah, you know, we re faking it. interestingly enough, barbara has the ability to take all of the opinions and any divisive moment anyone has on the program and bring everyone together yesterday. everyone was happy for her. it was such a truly selfless day for all just to give honor to the one person. i saw one quote from rosie o donnell. she was asked what do you miss about the show? she goes fighting with the skinny girl, meaning you. rosie, we had that big split screen moment. i told her then i would not defend the idea that our troops were terrorists. i won t defend it now.
it is indefensible. but i do believe she may have a different heart about it. yesterday none of that came up. i was so thankful because it was all about barbara. barbara walters, the first lady of journalism, a former first lady was actually there yesterday. look who i bumped into. talk about accidental selfies. i m going to tell you more about this. there is a story behind that arm reach, the left arm reach. it was actually her idea. it was? no, it wasn t. did elisabeth invite hillary clinton to sit on this couch right here? we re going to find out in 15 minutes. put down that remote; it s a busy day. it looks like a great day. it actually was very special. barbara, i think she cried. what kind of a tree was she yesterday? a weeping willow. she was. 13 minutes after the hour right now. something the v.a. secretary said on capitol hill yesterday, being called the second biggest
lie of the year. captain pete hegseth here to explain coming up. here s a way to attract women voters. send them pot holders. we ll discuss it. set me free why don t you baby up don t really love me you keep me close. help keep teeth clean and breath fresh with beneful healthy smile snacks. with soft meaty centers and teeth cleaning texture,it s dental that tastes so good. beneful healthy smile food and snacks. afghanistan, in 2009.
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veterans affairs secretary eric shinseki, the general, grilled on the hill yesterday over numerous veterans affairs scandals. however, he says he did not fail the veterans who were left to die. any allegation, any adverse incident like this makes me as makes me mad as hell. i could use stronger language, sure, mr. chairman, but in deference to the committee, i won t.
joining us is fox news contributor and the c.e.o. of concerned veterans for america, captain pete hegseth. good morning, captain. good morning. why should he get fired? because he failed at his job. he s been there for six years. the department is failing veterans. we re seeing folks dying on secret lists. he wants to stand there and call it a good system and then he stands there and says these are isolated incidents when facts that were presented before him and he s even shown this is a widespread problem, an infected v.a. system that he has been aware of and only once the media shines of light of scrutiny on the department do they start putting people on administrative leave and even then he s doing it only because the i.g. is recommending it. this is not a guy leading the department now. you ve got inspector generals at the v.a. inspecting themselves. they have known since 2010 about these gaming strategies. it is systemic. it obviously has come from the top. one of the problems at the
v.a. is if you hit your number as a manager, you get a bonus. it looks like people cooked the books to hit their numbers, and people died. absolutely. and what s different than private industry is the veterans don t get a choice in the scenario. they re going to that hospital no matter what. those administrators are taking that fixed volume of veterans, fudging the numbers, cooking the books to make the numbers look good for their administrators to get a big bonus. washington thinks the veterans are waiting two weeks. that veteran is waiting; months not getting the preventive care and so we ve got guys dying while waiting on secret lists. to the best of our knowledge the secret lists are not being used now. do we have any indication that the waiting times are less? no. the problem is even getting rid of shinseki if he s fired doesn t change a culture mired in bureaucracy, that s mired in process. it doesn t incentivize clerks or technicians or others to work faster, to
be more efficient. that is the problem with the system. how do we fix it right now? congress has to provide an oversight function and start holding people accountable. there is going to be a vote on the house floor next week, v.a. management accountability act that would give any leader the ability to fire bad managers. the onus will be on the senate and the president. let s see if harry reid and president obama are going to put their money where their mouth is and start to st up for veterans. there is going to be a vote and a bill where they can do just that and we ll see, because there is a lot of rhetoric but there hasn t been a lot of action. this reform is a real bite. extraordinarily we have not heard from the commander in chief since he was traveling abroad. nothing. nothing. that speaks volumes. pete hegseth, thank you for joining us today. you got it. 20 minutes after the top. this heisman winner says he forgot to pay but what does the video show? does it show him stealing crab legs? stay tuned.
a twin helped her injured sister across the finish line. they tell us their story live next on this friday, fox & friends. you can count on me like one, two, three like one, two, three i ll be there i ve got a to-do list and five acres of fresh air. happiness is a drive-over mower deck. [ male announcer ] that s how we run, and nothing runs like a deere. a short word that s a tall order. up your game. up the ante. and if you stumble, you get back up. up isn t easy, and we ought to know.
we re in the business of up. everyday delta flies a quarter of million people while investing billions improving everything from booking to baggage claim. we re raising the bar on flying yet again.
some stories making headlines overseas on this friday. [shouting] that dramatic video where they re cheering is from syria. it shows the exact moment syrian rebels blow up an army base with 60 tons of explosives with a tunnel bomb. rebel commanders spent months digging a 2,800 foot
tunnel under the base. over to india, the opposition party is headed for an election landslide. if results stand it would be the first time a single party has won an outright majority in that country since 1984. in resolution a rocket carrying a communications satellite broke apart nine minutes after that launch. a touching display of true sportsmanship and team work by teenage twin sisters at an illinois track meet. halfway through the track chloe gruenke felt something sharp pop and a sharp pain and fell to the ground. chloe s sister who was behind her in the race decided to pick her up when she couldn t finish and carry her across her back all the way across the finish line. the twins came in last but who cares.
for spectators who saw the special moment the girls came away winners. joining us now are the inspiring duo, sisters chloe and claire tkpwraoupb tkpwraoupb chloe and claire gruenke. how are you feeling now? surprised at the way everything is happening. is your leg okay? it s better now. you had an exhausting day. what happened to you? i did well in my first lap. when i came around to the second, my leg started to hurt and i fell to the ground from pain. i couldn t get back up. then claire came right behind me and said come on, chloe, you have to finish this. she stood up and motioned me to get on her back and i got on her back. she was jogging at first. i said claire, we re not going to be able to finish if you jog. i told her to walk and we
walked the rest. on the last 100, she was walking and she sat me down right before the finish line and kept pushing me to go first. i didn t want to go first. i wanted her to finish with me. we finished at the same time. i watched this with my daughter and she was so moved. this is a great message for many. the crowd, i hear, went wild. in a society where everyone is pressured to win, you chose to not let your sister stay behind. what were you thinking? why did you do this? it just came like natural to me like i have to help her. i have to have her finish at least. it doesn t matter if she doesn t win as long as she finishes it. what was your parents reaction? claire? they were in tears, both of them. and your coaches? they were also in tears. here s the big question.
chloe, if claire fell, would you carry her? i probably would. i would help her get up, ask her if she needed it and then i d help her. great. what s the next race for you all? well, next year in high school. you re going into what grade? ninth. we re going into ninth, yeah. i have a feeling any team, any coach would be more than proud to have you representing them. well done, girls. thank you. thank you. claire and chloe, thanks so much. we ll follow you. eat plenty of liquids and please stretch before you run. i m going to carry brian in our spartan today to honor you. i don t know if you re allowed to stay home but we re actually doing a spartan race later and if elisabeth goes down, she s going to stay down. i m not going to do the chair and chloe method.
the chair and chloe method. coming up, girl scott cookies not immune to big government. the story behind my selfie with hillary clinton coming up next. first happy birthday to our own tucker carlson. own tucker carlson. happy birthday, friend.
woman: this is not exactly what i expected. man: definitely more murdery than the reviews said. captain obvious: this is a creepy room. man: oh hey, captain obvious. captain obvious: you should have used their genuine guest reviews are written by guests who have genuinely stayed there. instead of people who lie on the internet. son: look, a finger. captain: that s unsettling. man: you think? captain: all the time. except when i sleep. which i would not do here. would have mentioned the finger. we cannot let the fans down. don t worry! the united states postal service will get it there on time with priority mail flat rate shipping. our priority has always been saving the day. because our priority. amazing! .is you! the amazing spider-man 2 delivered by the united states postal service.
tomorrow, by the way, is barbara walters last day hosting the view. after 53 years in broadcasting barbara is retiring and this morning they had a special show to send her off. they brought back all 11 kurpt and former current and former cohosts of the view. there were no survivors. actually we have the one who was on survivor. that s right. that is almost true. it was a special day. we got to pay tribute to barbara and all she s done for us. then look who i ran into in the hall. hillary rodham clinton. that is hillary clinton. how did that go? i said hi, do you take selfies? she said at this point what difference does it make? she said of course. we took the selfie and we talked a little bit about family. she s expecting a grand baby. i almost asked her about
benghazi and i thought not the place. then i said why don t you come she has a book coming out i said why don t you visit with us on fox & friends, to which her assistant said okay. then she said okay. and i thought that was a yes. so i think maybe she ll come. i think it would be a great conversation to have. when you were on the view when she was running for the nomination she was on about five times. at the end of the race, ed rendell told us nobody was fair in the mainstream media to hillary clinton than fox news. i remember watching it thinking the same thing. i think it would be a fantastic opportunity to have a great conversation and reach a broad audience. and we sell a lot of books. if you have a book out, that s what you want to do. i m banking on her keeping that okay word.
maybe we should put up the selfie every day until she returns. selfie day one. selfie day two. in a moment we re going to find out what the spartan race is all about. i ll go out on the veranda. the producers have done a great job. heather nauert, you saw as well, one of us is going to wind up going home today dead. from the hospital. it s so dangerous. that s the easy part. it s the big wall and it s the thing you ve got to climb. it s that thing down at the end. it s that remember gym class when you used to have to climb up the ropes? yes. i never did that. i m tkpwog do it i m going to do it today. guys, we talk about we all have trouble sleeping from time to time. that brings us to this first story, a wake up call for anybody who uses a sleeping pill called lunesta. the f.d.a. lowering the dose of that popular drug.
the reason? the pill you take at night could make it dangerous for you to drive to work the next morning. there is new data showing people might not be alert enough to drive to work even if they feel totally awake. the f.d.a. starting to cut that dose in half. there is new surveillance video out there. it captures the moment the heisman trophy winner jameis winston shoplifted crab legs from a store in florida. the video shows picking up the crab legs, walking around the store and then walked out the door. he says he forgot to pay for it. he wasn t charged but was suspended for three games and had to do 20 hours of community service. an attempt to reach out to women voters has some calling for a california assembly candidate sexist. a sacramento democrat sending out campaign pot holders addressed only to
women. he claims it was to appeal to female voters. i use them when i m at home. i don t want to burn myself. well, that makes sense? send me a potholder. the pot holders came with a letter slamming fong s g.o.p. running mate. the girl scouts in one georgia city, they may soon actually need a permit if they want to sell cookies door to door. yeah, that is right, steve. the city council in the town of snellville, georgia, proposing a measure that would require them to apply for a permit and submit to a background check. the city council said too many homeowners have complained about those pesky door to door solicitors. and those are your headlines. i d love to hear what our viewers have to think about that. it is actually the parents who need the background check. be prepared.
let s go out to the streets of new york city. maria molina i think is going to be competing against me in that crazy race where somebody is going to not do well. and i will win, of course. i ll let you. have you seen some of these obstacle courses. they re 14 feet high. that is going to go great coming up later on this morning. you need to tune in and watch. the weather conditions a bit of an obstacle across parts of the northeast. we have a chance to see rain here in new york city and surrounding areas of the northeast and there is the potential for flooding. as much as three to even five inches of rain are forecast throughout the day today. keep a heads up because there is going to be the threat for flooding across the northeast. temperature-wise, it is very cool. a little bit unusually cool across parts of the great lakes. chicago currently 40 degrees. even for may, that s cool for you. 40 in kansas city. minneapolis you re in the 40 s as well.
farther west across parts of the southern california, we ve been talking about wildfires. unfortunately we still expect an elevated fire danger today with red flag warnings in effect and temperatures in the 90 s in l.a. and triple digits in phoenix. let s head over to brian. we have the founder of the spartan race and the author of spartan up. you see it in the background. what is it? joe, where did this all start? four years ago in vermont we said we wanted to find high functioning people, people willing to get off the couch and get it done. we started, we thought 50 people would show up, it is a one million people movement globally. you believe human beings are meant to get off the couch and doing this at a regular basis, hunting for food, finding shelter,
digging holes. you should only want water, food and shelter. right now we have an abundance of stuff in america and it is making us soft. in the book you talk about your charity aspect. challenge athlete foundation, if anybody needs a wheelchair, we get behind them. come over here a second. we have this wall. the object is to push up right . you re going to use some triceps. we re going to flip a tire here. you want to lift the right way. we ve got a rope climb here. you re going to use upper body strength, hit the bell at the top. watch some of these guys and girls kicking it with their feet. here s the thing. we haven t climbed ropes since maybe fourth grade. i wasn t too good at it then. you re going to get better at it. you re going to need a bigger suit. over here, the we call this the
hercules hoist. you re going to want to grab this and then squat down. pink is for girls. steve and elisabeth, there are about six different things to do here. you saw how fit these guys are. do you have any preconceived thoughts about how well you re going to do? steve and elisabeth? just looking at that rope gave me a cold sweat flashing back to wakefield junior high school, wakefield, kansas, where we had that rope. i never made it to the top. neither did i. my gym teacher said you can do it. but we re going to do it! and we re glad he set it up. brian, joe, thank you very much. start stretching. in the meantime this video outraged so many of you today. a teacher gets to keep her job after picking up this child by his face. that boy and his parents are going to join us coming
up. are you kidding me? have you heard about a measles vaccine being able to cure cancer? we have that for you and it s coming up next. live from new york city. [ male announcer ] ortho crime files. reckless seeding. .failure to disappear. a backyard invasion. homeowner takes matters into his own hands. ortho weed b gon max. with the one-touch, continuous spray wand. kills weeds without harming innocent lawns. guaranteed. weeds killed. lawn restored. justice served. weed b gon max with the one-touch wand. get order. get ortho®. weed b gon max with the one-touch wand.
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welcome back. a major medical breakthrough in the fight against cancer. doctors found a way to use viruses to attack and kill cancer cells. they injected one woman with the measles virus, another woman with the polio virus and know both of them are cancer-free. does this mean potentially that a single shot cancer cure is around the corner? joining us on the couch is dr. manny alvarez with the medical a team. who thought up this? this is research that s been happening in animal modeled for about a decade
or so where, you know, we know viruses when they get inside any living organism, they kill cells. this is how viruses live in our body. in animal models, we know if you expose the animal to let s say the measles virus it goes directly to cancer cells. why cancer cells? cancer cells tend to divide very quickly. that is the perfect incubator a virus needs. in this particular case they did a human trial. do you think moving forward that chemotherapy can wipe out your body overall to fight against diseases, sickness outside of the cancer you re dealing with. is this something that will have to be, if it goes forward, injected early enough before someone goes through chemotherapy treatment? well, let me try to explain a little bit. i think this is going to be a norm of potential treatment for some people. you re still going to have the surgical arm, still have the chemotherapy, radiation. but in this particular instance, there s a couple of things that need to
happen. first, you can t have immunity towards the virus. if you have immunity towards the measles virus, it may not work. as soon as the measles virus gets inside your body, you re going to kill it. it will never get to target. that is one of the pitfalls. this is only one human, especially for the myeloma and the other was glioma of the head where the virus was injected directly into the tumor. there are some side effects, potential side effects that can mess up your whole immune system because you get exposed to millions of viruses all at once. this is not a little shot. this is a big-time shot. you re right. i was going to ask you about that. it s not just the regular injection. it was, with the measles it was ten million times the regular dose. sounds risky. it s risky. i read the article that was published the woman didn t know it was a ten million dose shot
until after it happened. within minutes she was vomiting, she felt ill, had a temperature of 105. you see the body s reaction wheb when you get exposed to it. thankfully she is now cancer free. that is remarkable. thank you, dr. manny. have a good weekend. i m going to go out there. you re going to climb the wall? on doctor s orders, dr. manny from the medical a team. good for your health. thank you. coming up, this video outraged so many of us yesterday. a teacher gets to keep her job after picking up that boy he s six by his face. that boy and his parents join us next. are you racist if you like this commercial? well, maybe. we re going to explain the argument one school has for that. guess what today is? it s hump day.
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quick high-tech headlines much the internet about to get 51 new regulators that will control the cop tent content. critics say this will create a fast lane for companies who have big bucks to put content the way they want. and you can now text your emergency to 911. select markets in states are trying it out. you have to type out your full name and address, something that could take precious seconds, especially me with an iphone. elisabeth? imagine this, the nightmare of seeing this happen to your own child. this is a teacher lifting up a
six-year-old boy by his shirt and then by his face and then worse, the school didn t tell the parents the whole story up front and worse than that, the teacher gets to keep her job. joining me now, that sweet boy, ian, and his parents. thanks for being with us this morning. how shocking and horrifying to see this happening to your son. autumn, you had to be beside yourself. oh, my god, yes. i lost my mind. seeing something like this happen to your child is unreal, unbelievable, something that you don t ever want to see happen to your child. how is ian right now? hey, buddy. can you hear? i ll wave to you. okay? i know you don t have a mike on. i like to see your smile. dad, how is he doing? doing about as well as a child that goes through something like this could be going through at this time. i mean, right now he s trying to work through things the best he
can. so we re just trying to get him back to his normal life the best way we can. so let s go back a little bit, this is not a video that was shown to you when you first heard there was an incident at school. the superintendent down played as far as i read, and then you had to go and find the video on your own. why? actually they never said anything to us about a video until later on. basically we got the video with basically a school-type discovery pack is what we got on tuesday and found out about a video. we had absolutely no idea about that. we were told that basically there was an altercation with him and a teacher. she had grabbed him and pushed him up against a wall and was yelling at him. that s all we were told. we obviously were mad about the situation of a teacher putting their hands on him, but to see a whole video is a whole different thing. when you read the statements, it s insane that they allowed this teach tore come back after a ten-day suspension.
not only that, the ten-day suspension is what she s facing right now after an assault as it seems right there in the hallway against your son. but now, as i understand it, did ian remain in the classroom for two days with her until you found out about this video? he finished the day out with her on wednesday and he was with her on thursday and then they decided on friday they were going to move him for a different class. they put him into a different class and immediately iam came home the next day, said i have a new teacher, i like her. he said, i made new friends today. he was back to being happy about school again for a little while, you know. do you believe that ten days is what this teacher should get, ten-day suspension? and is ian back in school? will he finish the year out? no, since we got the video we pulled him from school because obviously with all the media coverage going on, we wanted to try to shelter him a little bit from staff questioning him and everything else. we pulled him and my oldest son
out of school for the school year is over this week anyway. there wasn t anything detrimental to his education. but with the actual ten days, i mean, you re supposed to have a zero tolerance for bullying, but yet this is a teach obviously bully teacher obviously bullying a child and you re going to give her a slap on the wrist because she s been there for 14 years? come on, if i did that to her, i d be in jail. why is it okay for her to do it to a six-year-old child? great questions there. ian, you re a good guy. school will be good to you from now on. when you get back there, have fun. we want to thank you all for being with us. we ll stay on this. coming up, more trouble with school much now it s not okay to call your professor miss or mister? turns out that s sexist, too,
and a veteran running for office photo shopped to look like the cowardly lion. seriously? that lion here to react and roar good job! still runnng in the morning? yeah. getting your vegebles every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could ve had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories.
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i ve got a to-do list and five acres of fresh air. happiness is a drive-over mower deck. [ male announcer ] that s how we run, and nothing runs like a deere.
i m elisabeth hasselbeck. the v.a. secretary taking major heat over the v.a. hospital scandal. but was he lying under oath and will eric holder even investigate? who you calling a coward? the democrats tweeting out this picture of a congressional candidate who is also an iraq war veteran. that candidate will respond here first this hour. do you like this commercial? i think it s hilarious. leslie, guess what day it is. it s hump day. if you think that s funny, you might be a racist. we re going to explain.
what happened? mornings are better with friends. thank you for joining us. you are looking at the spartan race that we re going to attempt. steve, you are about to head out shortly. use a pully, race to the finish. it s a race that goes back to the early days of man. when we used to hunt, but used to dig holes, build fire. they had scaffolding and they had rope. we used to be as beings, out there hunting for food, flipping tires that were in our way, digging holes, making our own shelter. here is the problem, brian. what? you and i work on a couch!
how good are we going to be if we work on a couch? we ve got the upper body strength of lima beans. this is the worst pep talk you ve ever given. when is the last time you climbed a rope? sixth grade, wakefield middle school, junior in wakefield, kansas. you, brian? i think fourth grade. i don t think i was successful or else i would have remembered it clearly. these guys have been trying to tell me not only is it easy, then they re flipping upside down and kick the bell with their foot. all we ve got to do is hit the bell. okay. is there an escalator? it s not going to be pretty. on top of everything else, brian is upset that he knows that elisabeth is going to beat him. no, i didn t say that. and if i did, i said it in the break for a reason. let her win. she s new to the show. are you channeling edie hill? she used to do that all the time. i used to tell her things in the break and she d say, you you re not going to believe what brian told me.
now you re doing it. are you afraid of me? that was the story. that is my fear, that she will be carrying me. on a serious note, yesterday was dominated by the veterans administration hearings led by generic shinseki. he had to explain himself why the v.a. system is falling apart, why, when you re supposed to get treatment within 14 days, on average, it s taking 245 days. in some cases, so little treatment was given that people died. now we re finding out it s even more widespread than we thought. they risked their lives daily to fight for our freedom. yet come home to sit on waiting lists where they then die waiting for health care here. truly unfortunate, making a ton of people feel outraged on both sides of the aisle. but shinseki says he s not going to step down from the job.
six years has not done enough. he says he s mad as hell. what s extraordinary is there have been reports in his office since 2010 that reported these gaming strategies where they had these different ways to game the system so it looked like the wait times were pretty short and that way they could boast hey, we re doing things. they got incentives and bonuses. i was about to say that. you re absolutely right. they would get bonuses to hit their number. so in other words, they were cooking the books in some cases, as we ve already heard. pete hegseth, a regular on this program, he s had it up to here with this, says shinseki has got to go. he should get fired because he failed at his job, because he s been there for six years. the department is failing veterans. we re seeing folk dying on secret lists. he wants to stand there and call it a good system. and then he stands there and says these are just isolated incidents when facts presented before him have shown this is a
widespread problem, infected v.a. system that he has been aware of and only wants the media once the media shines the light of scrutiny do they start putting people on administrative leave and even then he s doing because the i.g. recommends it. this is not a guy leading a department right now. not general like. by the way, we know his track record is unbelievable. what he s already done for the country in uniform. however, just because you re a great general doesn t mean you re great ceo. clearly there is a problem with the system. let s get your responses. pam says people that don t do their job get fired where i work and a manager would get fired if the people they manage were not doing their job or caused harm to others. she s intimating he should go. steve, not doocy, said this on facebook. he is just a figurehead. it was not him that made the death list. go after the person that led them involved. we know the 40 people involved supposedly in arizona, at the phoenix facility. there is another report that 23
vets died waiting for cancer screenings. okay. the death toll is up to 60. so will the top law enforcement man in our country investigate? eric holder says at this point no. here is charles krauthammer weighing in last night on special report . he s the chief law enforcement officer of the united states and he s waiting to hear what the media will tell him about what s been happening inside the government in the one system in the u.s. that is the most entirely government run? i think this is just stupid politics. i can understand stonewalling on benghazi and the irs and all the other stuff. but this is the v.a. this is a big mistake on his part. yesterday jake tapper on cnn had dennis mcdonough, the chief of staff from the white house, on and he said essentially, how many dead vets do we need before heads start to roll? and mcdonough just gave him some excuses. how many more days until the commander in chief steps in?
dennis mcdonough tells him how mad he is. everybody is mad but nobody is doing anything. heather nauert. she s not mad. she s working hard here like the rest of us and will bring us some head lines. we ve got big news coming out of california. it is wildfire season. that gets us to our fox news alert. overnight, two teen-agers arrested on the suspicion of trying to start a fire at a park in southern california. this is multiple wildfires rage across that state and tens of thousands of people in the san diego area are now on the move. they are trying to escape the flames that have so far ravaged more than 10,000 acres and killed at least one person. we ll watch this story throughout the morning. casey kasem not in danger. he was just on vacation? the 82-year-old was in good shape apparently when they found him at a friend s house in seattle with his wife. his daughter still has really serious concerns about her dad s well-being. he suffers from dementia and can no longer speak. she s been battling her stepmom
in court for the right to see her father. also new overnight, a russian space launch not going exactly as planned. just nine minutes after this rocket launched, it veered off path and caused an emergency shut down. the rocket was carrying communication satellite and it broke apart and then burned up in the atmosphere. and talk about a rude awakening, take a lows look at this video. that s a bear as he pokes his head in the front door while this homeowner sleeps on the couch. this happened in california. the guy jumped to his feet, shoed away the bear by making loud noises. that frightening encounter happened two years ago, but it was just uploaded, the video, to youtube. can you imagine that? something wakes you up? not your teen-ager, but a bear. that s very scary. thank you, boo boo. thanks, heather. the pc police are working overtime today. two stories to tell you about.
we ll start with this one. do you like this commercial? guess what day it is. huh? anybody? julie, guess what day it is. come on, i know you can hear me. mike, mike, mike, mike. what day is it, mike? leslie, guess what today is. it s hump day. woo woo! a lot that is hilarious. a lot of us refer to wednesday as hump day. turns out we may be racist. at the university of saint thomas in minnesota, which is a catholic school, they were going to celebrate the end of school, which was on a wednesday, with hump day. and so they were going to bring in a camel, like a petting zoo. but a number of the university students felt that that would be racist and make people, students from middle eastern countries feel bad. so the school caved. there would be no hump day celebration because hump referring to hump in the camel is racist. right. also owe phonedded were
offended were sunday, monday, tuesday, thursday, friday, saturday. so do you think that s about time we cracked down on hump day? do you feel this is way overdue or not? what if you smoke camel cigarettes? doesn t that make the middle easterns feel bad? i don t know. let us know what you think about that. what if you smoked them on hump day? wait, there is more. yeah. so professors are demanding an end to titles like sir and miss because they re sexist. so i couldn t say sir, referring to them in class, this is a big deal here. do you think that s sexist as well? you can see miss but just professor? you re talking about professor jennifer coates in london. she says that one of her quotes is, the men on the staff are all in their 20s and they were called sir. she said, sire is what you call the king and sir is a knight. there weren t women knights, but miss is ridiculous.
it doesn t match sir at all. so she wants people to stop referring to people as sir and miss and instead use your title. if off professor title, use that. but if you don t have a professor title, i don t know what you would refer to you as, mrs. hasselbeck. just miss. right. why don t we just stop talking to each other and make it easy? the problem is, we re doing a talk show! that s right. i keep forgetting. hump day. there is no humping op hump day. straight ahead, coming up, who are you calling coward? the democrats tweeting out this picture of a congressional candidate who is also an iraq war veteran. that candidate will respond for the first time next. and it s a video everyone will be talking about today. the ambulance driver who drives and dances.
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you re not going to believe this, but democrats revert to go nasty name calling in a new york house race that could potentially pit republican against six-term democratic congressman tim bishop. this comment was posted on its web site about him. did i mention he served in iraq? zeldon refuses to take a stand against his party wreckless budget and and the insults don d
there. they posted this picture of him as the cowardly lion from the wizard of oz. he s here to weigh in to tell us the response. your reaction to being called a coward? you have some liberal democrat hack who is hiding behind his twitter account, stuffs his face with cheese doodles, shameful attacks. the fact is nancy pelosi, steve israel, tim bishop, they ve never served a day and i think when i was sitting at the door on that blackhawk and you do what s so unnatural, jumping out with your parachute, fast forward to today and you have these democratic hacks out of washington who want to change the subject and fling insults and say i m a coward. it doesn t fit. your reaction is put somees y serving. do they even understand that that s your background? they did something very similar to congressman cotton down
south, too. yeah. i think that they realize that our strongest suit is our character, our integrity, our honor, our personal courage. so they want to attack it because they re so desperate to hold on to power. they re prestige, their perks, they don t want to lose it. they ll do anything to hold a congressional seat. so they ll try to tear down someone who for me i spent half my life serving in the military. i love it. i m proud of it. i don t want to be called a coward. you put yourself through law school by joining the rotc. you went to al beeny. you were a jag officer, but also going out on missions because you were in this thing for the last 13 years called war. i was with the a second airborne division. i still serve as a major in the army reserve, 2006. deployed to iraq, based tekrit, with an infantry battalion. i was proud to serve with my hero, people willing to lay down everything in protection of our constitution, our freedoms and our liberties. honored to serve and i certainly
don t want to be mischaracterized of who i am and what i m about. tim bishop s area, which he held for six terms now, so he s had that, it s pretty much suffolk county on long island. but your main theme is, hey, if you re a family of four and you re making $80,000, you are not making it in this area. between the taxes, the property taxes, the income taxes, energy costs, health care costs, it all adds up. it s very difficult to get by. and for all the issues that are facing us as a community and a nation, we need courage of people in office who are willing to put forth plans to say balance our nation s budget. so the democrats, they refuse to put out a plan. instead they just want to campaign against it and they want to scare seniors. they want to throw low income americans on the street. it s scary what they re saying. real quick, do you back paul ryan s plan? i think that it s important that we put ourselves on the
path towards fiscal responsibility. i think that there is good things and things that can be improved in it. i look forward to being part of that discussion with him next year to have hopefully a stronger plan to move forward. thanks for your service. it s too bad the debate can t be about issues and they got to get into character. but actually it s one of your strong suits. so bring it on i guess could be the message. thanks so much. coming up, new mothers usually get a few months off after having a baby. how about a few years? we re going to tell you who is getting that perk. and some bad news for the brady bunch. that s the way we all became the brady bunch yep. you re not as smart as this family. meet the brainy bunch. seven kids who went to college by age 12 and three more on the way. they re here to tell us how they did it without alice. how did we do it last time? i don t know. i forget.
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welcome back. time for news by the numbers. first, three. that s how many years in time it takes a new pilot program will offer airmen to start a family while getting full benefits and stipends. next, $201. that s how much joe biden made in royalties off his book. and finally, 1.65. that s how much money an average junked car contains in loose change when it s shredded. check yours before you get rid of it. steve, you got your hands full. i do. you ve heard of the brady bunch. today the bradies have nothing on this family. two parents, ten kids, all home schooled and way ahead of the curve. in fact, seven graduated college by the age of 12. so how did they do it?
they ve got a great new book out called the brady bunch. please meet kip and mona lisa and their ten children. good morning. how who is still sleepy? kip, let s start with you. you started your family. you and your wife had a conversation probably about what you wanted to do with your children, right? yes. we started in public school and actually the private school in kansas with the oldest. the oldest three went to private school. right about the third grade, i guess, we were looking at it, thinking maybe there is a better way. my wife had a friend who was home schooling and talked to her. we missed them all day. we thought maybe we could be more efficient and accelerate them a little bit. see, that s the key. accelerate. you ve got ten kids who how many seven in college graduated from college started college. by the age of 12. right. there are a lot of parents looking in right now. they re thinking, okay, my kid
would barely be ready for middle school at age 12. how were you able to do it? we re talk being their academics here. a lot of parents are thinking how could my kids socially do this? but they re still kids. they re still they still have friends their age. it s where are they going for their academics. when people start thinking maybe they can handle some algebra at age ten, that kind of starts to make sense. kip, stand up here with me for just a second. if you would, just go through the line of kids. point at your children and tell us what they re up to. we have hannah, she s studying for a ph.d. then rosanne, an architect at cooper union. she ll graduate in september. that s a masters architecture. serena is a navy doctor. very proud of her service. and actually the youngest in the u.s., i believe still. congratulations. and then there is heath and he s graduated with a masters in
computer science. and he s working on a business at ho wait a minute. how old are you? 18. you ve got a masters. okay. i feel like such a slacker. heath just graduated. he s got a degree in music. he s 15 years old. masters at 15? no, no. bachelor s. now he s going to go on to study counseling or psychology. all right. then there is seth. he goes to huntington college and he is a history major. what do you want to be when you grow up? an archaeologist. all right. very good. then there is katrina and she is now a freshman at faulkner university. i m 11. she s doing legal studies. i like the way you added the age. i m 11. you keep them all straight, right? it changes every year.
then there is mariana. you re how old? eight. she s still home schooled. you want to be a doctor, i think? pediatrician. okay. then there is lohry bee. what do you want to do when you grow up? be a doctor. baby doctor. all right. i kind of like her job. it s much easier asking questions. you forgot about thunder. the last. thunder james. he just graduated from oxford no, that would be funny. with all these kids, and they re all turning out great, what about inside? what about the pressure to forget about getting them through school, but all the pressure on you as parents. i don t think it would be any different if they were getting up and going to public school, traditional school. i d have to deal with all those
things, all maybe bullying, maybe some of the social pressures. it s just different. the key to all your kids going to school early was you accelerated it. for people looking in, how do they do it? we have to let them do what they want to do, really. i couldn t force i don t know that that s a food good idea. as long as they re about something constructive, we re okay with it. it s like what do you want to read today? what do you want to study today? as long as it s good material, you know, then it s okay. right. let me ask the eldest daughter right up here. you ve got your parents and this book out, people are going to read about your family s story. what do you want to tell bus your parents and how they helped you achieve? i would say they both have a strong work ethic and both very disciplined. without that, i don t think we could have done what we ve done. that s fantastic. how important is the bible, because in your book, every single chapter starts with a bible passage. yes. character training is very
important. we re faith based. absolutely. we check what they re learning everywhere with god s word. sure. you re doing something right because your family is beautiful and they re on track to take over the world. check out the book, it is called the brainy bunch. thank you. thank you. real pleasure. kids, good job. straight ahead, the federal government making changes to a popular sleeping aid. why it doesn t exactly make you rise and shine. it s hard to wake up. and it s a global challenge called the spartan race. we re going to head to head between the headlines. coming up next, which of you kids would like to substitute for mr. doocy on the big wall? come on, there s got to be somebody. i make a lot of purchases for my business.
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instead of people who lie on the internet. son: look, a finger. captain: that s unsettling. man: you think? captain: all the time. except when i sleep. which i would not do here. would have mentioned the finger.
steve is getting ready for the spartan race, which he was born to do. that s right. he can not wait to get involved and get this race
underway. he s been talking about it all morning. this is what happened the last time he attempted to run, you were saying, brian. underneath! no, no, no! you got to go underneath! and the hard part is almost over, except for the electric shock they re coming through! i wouldn t want this part. i should have been a dentist! i think it s going to go better for him out with the spartan race. when he dove into the ice, he swears his heart stopped. so that was a negative. at least there is no ice now. it s a little humid. right. you have a tire. this is basically what early man went through in order to you had to climb rope, climb walls and hurdle buildings in order to get food and eat fox and wolf.
but i thought they we want through that so we didn t have to now. so we pavees, we got ourselves shoes and this shouldn t be happening. when we get done with it, heather will be here to take good care of us. that just didn t look like a lot of fun. steve versus maria, round one. my bet is on maria. so is america s. i ve got some news to bring you. listen to what this lady got away with. she is in her mid 30s, but she managed to fool everyone into thinking that she was a teen-ager for half a year. 34-year-old charity johnson, right here, is now facing charges for pretending to be a 15-year-old high school student. this is what she looked like as a high school student. did a pretty good job, huh? police in longview, texas, say she enrolled as a sophomore at new life christian school in october using a fake birth date and the name charity stevens. she even fooled the friend that
she was living with at the time. listen to this. she gave me the same story about being abused by her biological father, then he passed away, and her biological mother was dead. i invited her into my home. the friend finally discovered the con after she got a phone call from a needy chirp s group that johnson tried to join. her motive remains a mystery. students revolt at a texas high school and take a look at this. riots breaking out at the school after the school tried to suspend 200 students for violating the dress code there. their violations included piercings, large belt buckles, open toed shoes, and untucked shirts. students say this has they have been enforced before and they re pretty upset about it. they re enforcing the rules and they re supposed to do that, but for them to not do that all
year, the last two weeks of school and now they want to enforce it? students now are fighting to have that policy repealed. if you re one of the millions of americans who need help get to go sleep at night, listen to this. it s a wake up call if you use lunesta. the f.d.a. lowering the dose of that popular drug and the reason is that the pill that you take at night could actually make for a dangerous drive to work the next morning. there is new data that is showing you may not be alert enough to drive, even if you feel totally awake. the f.d.a. is now cutting the suggested starting doses in half. take a look at this video going viral this morning. it may make you a little nervous. an emt having a lot more fun driving certainly than we ever will. then he takes both hands off the wheel. that may not be the picture of safe driving, but this paramedic knows how to bust a move. he was dancing to rihanna s song and the video, even prompted a
tweet from the pop star herself. she said, quote, this paramedic guy reminded me of why god sent me here. having a good time. those are your headlines. let s head outside to maria. hey there. i m betting on you today. thank you. what about me? get out of here. let s take a look at the weather maps because we have some big weather headlines to tell you about, especially across the northeast where there is a flood threat in place today thanks to a storm system on the move and could produce as much as three to even five inches of rain across the region. temperature wise, below average across parts of northern plains and also the great lakes. those temperatures are yet again above average across parts of the southwest where we do have an elevated fire danger continuing across southern california. red flag warnings are in effect. that s what we have going on weather wise. now it s the moment you ve been waiting for, steve and i face off here in the spartan race. steve is representing men
across america. don t put that on me! i was told not to hug maria. i don t know what it is. she s 5-foot, 100 pounds. he is not. together they re going to compete. one on one for the right to be true spartans. true fighters. how do you feel, steve? let s just get this done! let s get going. i sense nervousness on both sides. ready, set, go! they go over the wall first. steve pretends to. brian is going to give him a boost right now. we are with the creator of the spartan race right now. i can t do this! i will give you a dollar! shear a dollar.
the rope without the knot is much more difficult. should i help her? look at steve race up that rope! look at this! do you say gee on a roll. ring that bell. now to the other side. steve, you got the pully. who is going to kill steve doocy? that is the question! pull and sit. who won? ladies first! you are witnessing the first ever spartan run by steve doocy and maria. it s no longer a race. elisabeth, i think this is more like survivor. she s doing incredible. i think she s a natural athlete. he s got to do some he is
stuck in a tube. has anyone ever spent the night in the tube? people are overweight, they get stuck. you win. the rope, i m going to kill you. maria, great job. that tire looks a lot lighter than it is. was that the most difficult part for you? no, the rope. how did they do? they did great. if they were at a real race, they d be top 30%. wow! good job. i love these guys. at 8:30, elisabeth tries to get out of it. but we ll go head to head. we ll see. i vote against the survivor chick. great job. coming up straight ahead, v.a. official accused of cashing in on big bonuses while veterans died. could anyone actually go to jail? peter johnson, jr. knows and promises to say it out loud. and you should go see godzilla this weekend? what you can skip and what you should go see. kevin mccarthy will join us live. from france?
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and now the prescription nexium you know can be delivered directly to your door with nexium direct. talk to your doctor to see if nexium is right for you. there is risk of bone fracture and low magnesium levels. side effects may include headache, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. if you have persistent diarrhea, contact your doctor right away. other serious stomach conditions may exist. avoid if you take clopidogrel. for 24 hour support, automatic refills, and free home delivery, enroll at it s the nexium you know, now delivered. v.a. secretary eric shinseki got grilled on capitol hill over allegations that 40 veterans died while waiting for an appointment at a phoenix v.a. this comes as we learn more about that hospital from 2011 to 2013, employees were awarded over $843,000 in bonuses and some say criminal charges may be
needed. this is shameful under any circumstances. it is ten times more shameful because it s being done to the men and women who have put their lives on the line for us. if these allegations are true, people should be going to jail. not just resigning their positions. so can and will anyone go to jail over this? we re going to ask fox news legal analyst peter johnson, jr. yes, yes. they should be going to jail if they killed our veterans. there is an allegation that 40 died. there is an allegation that others died across the country, including the failure to get colon checkups after being on waiting lists. and the best that mr. shinseki, the veterans administration secretary can say is that he s mad. he s mad as hell. we hear from the president s spokesman that the president is angry. so people are mad, people are angry. and veterans are continuing to die. nothing is happening here at all. this is the biggest con that
i ve seen in america in the last couple years. and congress is perpetuating it, too, but for john mccain and a couple of others. they re going to have hearings. they re going to thank general shinseki. thank you so much for your service, general. you ve done this for five years. you ve failed for five years. but we re not going to touch you. how many veterans will have to die until this changes? how many family also have to go to the grave site and say, yeah, my husband complained, he had symptoms. he cooperate be seen for three months. but they had phony waiting lists and my husband or my sister died as a result of the v.a. s insensitivity, if not criminal negligence. so if they are able to prove these secret waiting lists are there, that these veterans died as a result of those, what then will be the punishment? criminal negligence. mail fraud, wire fraud. these are all federal crimes. may be state crimes involved. but i ve been contacted by a bunch of veterans. i ran into two at the 9-11
dedication yesterday, of the memorial and the museum. i m sick of it and i m sick of the scam that s going on. so this is my small part. e-mail me at johnson junior at fox or write to us here at 1211 avenue. if you re a veteran or veteran family member and you feel that you ve been part of this scam, if you feel that you ve been part of this criminal negligence, it you feel that you ve been part of this cover-up, contact me. we will reach out to the inspector general s office and to congress and if necessary, to the u.s. attorney in the particular jurisdiction and tell of your concern because i m afraid americans concerns and veterans concerns are not being met. and they need a monitor on this. enough with i m angry, mad as hell. do something. shinseki has got to go. we need real change for the veterans. they gave their lives for us. let s do something for them today. they shouldn t come home to
sit and die. nonsense. thanks for being on top of this. i have a feeling your e-mail is getting full. please. e-mail us and write us. should you go see godzilla this weekend? kevin mccarthy says yes and no. there is one part you can skip. he s next on it. first on this day in 1985,, simple minds had the number one song with don t you forget about me.
oh, man, the new godzilla movie opened world wide today. everybody is excited about this. in fact, this week officials here in new york actually said the city could survive being attacked by godzilla.
they were like look, if we can handle all the hosts of the view in one place, godzilla should be no problem at all. he s picking on you. he is. jimmy, i m going to come get you. if people are just tuning in now, you went. how did it go? it we want well. i ll tell you about it in a little bit. in the meantime, he mentioned godzilla, does it live you want to classic version? looks like it does. joining us now is fox news contributor and founder of, kevin mccarthy, he s on with us. godzilla, are we for it or against it? hey, so good to be with you. it s one of the most frustrating movies i ve ever had to review and here is why. the beginning is amazing. the ending is amazing. but the middle is terrible.
it s absolutely awful. they re making huge mistakes in the first 35 minutes of the movie. a massive mistake. in the 35-minute marker, which sucks the life out of the entire film. now, for godzilla fans, the ending is amazing. that s what you will pay to see. for me, it s like when your parents tell you, i m not mad at you, i m just disappointed. that s how i felt about this movie. i thought it was 2 1/2 out of five. i thought the movie kind of worked in the action sense, but overall, i m giving it 2 1/2 out of five. skip the 3d. that darkens the movie. imax is amazing. all right. so we re going to skip that. meanwhile, hyped you is a dragon and that s the reason why you are coming to us from the mediterranean. right. i m out here. the movie opens in june. it premieres here tonight in cannes. i m at the actual world premiere. i m going to be walking the carpet. i sat down with the stars yesterday. it was an incredible day to spend with the cast.
the movie not playing in competition. there are 18 films here in competition and 20 years ago, it s now the 20th anniversary of pulp fiction. it won the palm door here in cannes 20 years ago. do y all remember that one famous scene about the royale with cheese? check this out. do you know what they call a quarter pounder with cheese in paris? they don t call it a quarter pounder with cheese? they have the metrics. they would call it the royale with cheese. classic scene. i actually went to a mcdonald s yesterday and ordered a royale with cheese. we have my receipt. we have my hamburger box here. i was so geeking out. that was one of the coolest experiences i ve ever had. ordering a royale with cheese in france. now i understand your instagram. how much was it in euros? i m trying to figure it out on your bill. i think it was like seven
euros for the combo. i got french fries. it wasn t bad at all. i m here for the festival. it s amazing. i m seeing hunter of the dragon. i m geeking out beyond belief. write down all of this. you can expense all of it now that you re on television. and skip godzilla requesting. we got that idea. thank you, kevin. how many monster movies have we seen in the last ten years where they destroy new york? in other news here, coming up, we re going to tell you something you probably never seen before. geraldo, look at this, riding a bike to work today. stick around for the next hour of fox & friends. where is his helmet? good job!
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you can fill your prescription at your pharmacy. or, check out viagra home delivery, a convenient place to fill your prescription online and have it shipped at no additional cost straight to your door. viagra home delivery. get started at good morning. it s friday, may 16, 2014. i m elisabeth hasselbeck. the president promised our nation s veterans this. cut those back logs, slash those wait times, deliver your benefits sooner. another broken promise. this time on the backs of our veterans who are paying the ultimate price. what happens now? forget calls to someone to step down. should someone go to jail? geraldo rivera pedaling in to talk about that. meanwhile, who are you calling a coward? the democrats tweeting out this picture of a congressional candidate who is also an iraq war veteran. that candidate here on fox & friends this morning with his
first response to that photo shopped image. then have you seen this video? you got a dog attacking a little boy. it looks like bad for the kid. the cat saves the day. the hero and the little boy she saved join us live this morning. according to all reports, except for when they bring the spartan obstacle course here and we have to race it, mornings are better with friends. ladies and gentlemen, it s ride your bike to workday. geraldo rivera joining us here on the curvy couch. hello. that s great bike, by the
way. i know. you looked great on the view with all of your colleagues. so proud of you there. you ve got a great story of barbara walters. if you missed me the last half hour, it was me and maria molina in the spartan race. she killed you. she did. this next part after the tire brian, i know you re worried about this, too, and i m trying to help maria and also trying ogive a guy a that to do it for me, but they wouldn t do it. i did that only through shear determination. i m 57 years old. nice. that s the first time i ever did that. it must have been the adrenaline. you went up and nailed the bell. look at that. i was impressed. this is not an easy task. i think it kind of bonds you with the people you run it with. it does.
it s brought a loft badness out of maria. she won t speak to you. she won fair and square and brian and elisabeth are going to square off against each other in a couple of minutes. are you going to help me? i was going to put maria on the handlebars when i rode in, but i didn t think my wife would appreciate it. as long as she was wearing a helmet. good point. we got lots to talk to geraldo about, including whether or not general shinseki should go. we re going to turn to heather nauert who has the news for this friday. good morning. we re starting out talking about wildfires that are taking place out west. they had a really dry winter season contributing to this. fox news alert now, and the question is being asked, were these wildfires in southern california set on purpose? two people are now under arrest at this hour. they re accused of trying to start at least two fires in san diego. right now officials are still trying to figure out whether they had any involvement in the fires that have so far burned more than 10,000 acres and left one person dead.
sad news to report this morning. a top army ranger who personally made sure that american pow jessica lynch made it to her rescue chopper in iraq has died after he was shot by a sniper in afghanistan. command sergeant major martin barreras was shot may 6, but he managed to make it back to the united states. doctors say they were sure he would make a full recovery and he was set to head to walter reed for surgery. but he decided he wanted to stay closer to his wife and his children and have his operation performed in texas. but he didn t make it. he had served 22 years in the army 75th ranger regiment, going to iraq and afghanistan many, many times. he s also served five years in the marine corps. he received a bronze star for courage. he now leaves behind his wife, two daughters, and a son. he was 49 years old. our prayers go out to his family this morning. the pc police working overtime today. two stories to tell you about. we ll start here, you like this commercial? you see it all over tv.
guess what day it is. huh? anybody? julie, guess what day it is. oh, come on. okay. if you like that commercial, you may be racist? the university of saint thomas in minnesota now canceling an event to celebrate the end of the year after some people complained about bringing a humped day camel on campus. they say it could be considered to be racist to middle eastern cultures. it was a wednesday. then this story, a feminist professor demands an end to titles like sir and miss, claiming they re sexist. the woman says she felt demeaned by youngsters calling her miss and she wants the titles banned from schools all together. that s what we teach our kids. call their teacher miss. not anymore. you re being insensitive. not in the new world we re in. yes, ma am. so silly. we got a lot of e-mail from you.
bob from new jersey writing about hump day. the truth is, people who make these claims just get a rush out of making an entire university drop a planned program. they need to feel that power. and regarding the professor against sir and miss, richard from georgia says, using sir and ma am does not make you politically correct or incorrect. it shows you have some respect for other human beings. to your point, heather. now let s switch gears. the big story yesterday was the v.a. hospital. very few people have been around more men in uniform than geraldo rivera. you know that general shinseki served admirably in uniform. having said that, do you think he should go from what you ve heard so far? let me start, and i don t do this characteristically, but i want to start with the white house because i think that this is potentially the most devastating scandal to affect the obama administration and i ll tell you why. really? because it speaks to competence. if indeed they can prove or and i believe they should bring the f.b.i. now to probe this,
possibility of criminal acts, if they can prove the double books and that the books were cooked, if they can prove that the administration of the veterans administration, including the hero general shinseki and i told you last week how i hold him in the highest regard and hearing about this master sergeant who passed from the sniper s bullet, these people that serve and are wounded in action and continue to serve, they are deserving of our admiration, our love, our compassion. but if they can prove a systematic failure within the veterans administration, the largest integrated health care system in the country, 6.5 million patients of the system, if they can prove that general shinseki knew or should have known, then i think it really bodes badly for the president in the midterm election year because it will be hammered. you hear now general shinseki being hammered by senators left and right. democrat and republican. i think that there must be an independent criminal probe at
this point. does it bother you he hasn t spoken out yet? president obama? you know, i think he has commander in chief has to get his arms around it and i would, if i were advising him, i would tell him right now to make a very forceful statement, other than i have faith in general shinseki. of course you do. but find out what really happened. it sounds like general shinseki has known since 2010. that s with they knew about the gaming strategies at the v.a. for the last four years. and he s been at the top of it. we know of the 40 people who died in arizona waiting on the fake list that they shredded. apparently there are at least 25 other people who were waiting for a simple cancer screening and they died. it looks to some like this is criminal and somebody should go to prison. two quick points. number one, the only national customer satisfaction survey that we have compares the v.a. system favorably to private
hospitals. in other words, patients in the v.a. like the v.a. system more than private patients like the private hospital system. does it look at waiting lists? having said that. if indeed we have evidence that this was cooking the books or fraudulently represented the waiting time, then that, i believe, is a crime and i do believe that with all due respect to the inspector general, that general shinseki has now ordered to probe these potential irregularities, i think you need the f.b.i. at this point. if you can have the f.b.i. investigating whether a new york congressman used undocumented workers in the kitchen, you can have the f.b.i. investigating this. they re saying eric holder s investigation might take too long and we can t afford to lose more lives in our veterans in the meantime? i think you need criminal investigators. i really think you need people to forensically go and study whether or not evidence was destroyed as now is being alleged, if indeed there are two books, if there was knowledge of the fact that they were cook the books, and keeping separate waiting time lists, one to
present in the public and the other as private, whispering this guy is going to three months, six months. the v.a. complaint has always been it s not the quality of care. it s the time you wait until you get the care. elisabeth had a big day yesterday. she was magnificent. i was so proud of her there. like watching our own sister. went back to the view. yesterday was special. barbara has done so much for so many in the industry. we just gathered together and i call us ghosting around her, but giving her thanks for inspiring us and giving us advice and we shared all our favorite memories together. it was really special. you wound up crossing trails with hillary clinton and you invited her on fox & friends. i did. i first asked if she took selfies. she said yes. i said, you should come to fox & friends and we ll talk. we specialize in selfies around here. look who is talking. she gave us a smiling okay. a couple of things that were interesting to me. i ll speak about barbara in a second.
but to see how few of the ladies that have been through the view share your political philosophy. it s quite extraordinary when you see everyone gathered. there is you and then it s all of the other women. welcome to new york. quite a disproportionate in terms of political philosophy. i think star jones travels along that. i ve known barbara for over 40 years. i had a crush on her, two quick stories. i was hitting on her, we were both covering the p canal. i said come on, baby. look at me. we were both covering it. it was romantic. she goes like this, i m busy tonight. she ended up with the panamanian dictator, took him to dinner. i m trying to get the interview. this little kid sitting outside. there is barbara. she got the interview and the dictator. she didn t get him in that sense. scoop wise. yeah. the other one on her 75th birthday, the ladies of the
view were you still hitting on her? still hitting on her. in recognition of that, they had me jump out of her birthday cake. i remember that. i remember that. that was her favorite cake. i wasn t topless. i remembered it wrong. i felt topless. i did not have sex with that woman. overall, it s another show today, isn t there? yeah. today is her time, final day. what a pioneer she s been. role model for so many. aside from the fact the first woman anchor, she s really about such a feisty and wonderful reporter. she practically made peace in the middle east by getting baggen and sadat to sit down with each other. she was barting and arbitrating that momentous occasion. castro, the first time he came out of his shell and talked to people on our side of the
did he come out of a shell or out of a cake like you? maybe he really was topless. thank you very much for remembering. has a great amount of respect and care for everyone on this couch, too. that s great. today is her last day. geraldo, we ll see you back here next week. thank you. coming up straight ahead, we give them billions of dollars each year. russia is telling the under the circumstances us, no more rides to the moon. senator bill nelson joins us next to weigh in. you watched steve and maria go through the spartan race together. but guess what, brian is promising he s going to hold nothing back when he faces me. who wrote that? i did not say that. i was misquoted on my own show. the prompter turned against me. i did not trash talk. go, elisabeth.
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up to $423. call. today. liberty mutual insurance responsibility. what s your policy? russia taking retaliations for u.s. sanctions over ukraine to astronomical proportions. moscow announcing it will reject a u.s. request to use the international space station beyond 2020. and no longer let washington use russian made rockets for military use as well as a form of transportation. this despite the fact we pay $70 million per flight to the international space station, which i believe we re co-owners of. so what does all this mean? let s ask the man qualified to answer of the u.s. senator from florida, and former astronaut, senator bill nelson. can they do this?
can they say america, you can t use the space station and we re not taking you up there anymore? the fellow who is saying all this stuff, he was sanctioned because of mr. putin s aggressiveness. they froze his bank account and he doesn t like it. and so he s lashing out. the fact is, we re still going to ride on the russian rockets until we get our own humanly safe rockets ready in about two or three years. and the reason that we will is the russians can t operate the space station without us. don t we own it? since when do they own the international space station? they currently have the way of transporting us there. they don t own it. that s correct. most of the international space station, which is 15 countries, by the way, most of it is the u.s. for example, the russians get all of their electricity from
u.s. systems. the russians have components on it. the russians were very good in building it with us. this cooperation goes back to the cold war with the soviet union when apollo soyuz and soviet spacecraft rand viewed and docked and they lived together in space in the middle of the cold war. rhetoric aside, how is it that we re depending on the russians? we re far ahead of them in our technology and our space exploration. how did we end up without rockets and how close until we get our own? here is what happened. at the end of the soviet union, the disintegration, we went in there to keep their rocket scientists from going to iran and north korea and worked out a deal that this incredible engine that they have that we would buy it. it is the main first stage
engine on some of our most important rockets, the atlas 5, that puts up military and commercial space load. so at the end of the day, we re going to have to build a new engine to replace that because they re threatening they re not going to sell that engine to us for military. for commercial, they haven t prohibited that. listen, we need a major speech about this, get america rallied around this and give new credence to the space program. we have allowed it to wither on the vine and i don t think it s right and i know you agree. especially in florida. senator bill nelson, thanks so much. have a great day. you, too. coming up straight ahead, a frightening new warning on something millions of americans are using to get a good night s sleep. pay attention to that. then you ve seen the video. a dog attacking a little boy. then a cat steps in to save the day. i m not talking about a cartoon if you re listening on radio. this happened. you ll meet that boy, you ll meet the hero live when we come back and that lovely family.
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24 minutes after the top of the hour. we got some headlines for you making headlines overseas. look at that. that dramatic video is from syria. it shows the exact moment syrian rebels blew up an army base with 60-tons of explosives by bombing through an underground tunnel that they dug. in india, change coming to the world s largest democracy. the opposition party heading for a landslide election. voters kicking out the gandhi family. they have been in control for all but ten years since the
country won independence back in 1947. elisabeth hasselbeck, over to you. thanks, steve. well, it is safe to say that our next guest is the most popular cat in america. she s the fearless feline who saved a little boy from a vicious dog attack. and it was all caught on camera. four-year-old jeremy was playing outside at his home when a neighbor s dog attacked him and that s what you see here. cat tara sprang into action and chased that dog off, saving him. he joins us this morning with his parents, and tara the hero cat is here. good morning to you all. good morning. good morning. okay. i see one tired little fellow there. he certainly is. a big week for him. and his protector, tara is right by his side. this is interesting because most people find cats more independent. they sort of get the rep for that. but it seems as though tara has
a serious bond with you guys. yeah. she definitely is independent for the most part. but she does have her loving moments when she wants to come in and be loved. that s what kind of made us post the video was the fact we ve never seen anything like this before in a cat standing up for someone getting attacked. it was impressive. impressive, it was life saving right there. if you could walk us through, erica, you actually were watering plants, i hear, and then you see this dog and hear this dog coming up on jeremy, who is only four years old and sound asleep now, but tell us what happened. what did you see? we were just getting off the bus. i was watering some plants before we went inside and he was just kind of enjoying himself on the warm afternoon. the next thing we know, he was just on the ground being pulled
by the dog and before i could even get to him, tara had that dog. she jumped in. she literally saved him. you attempted, too. i m seeing something on jeremy s leg right here. two questions, how severely hurt is he? and are you hurt? and also, is this a dog you re familiar with and has this happened before? the bandage on his leg, is it stitches? he has ten stitches. they had to do two stitches on the inside of each wound and then three stitches on the outside. he didn t really enjoy that. he told us the doctor punched him, unfortunately. but he got wrapped up and fixed up. he made sure his little leg was decorated with the cars sticker and he thinks that s pretty neat. that s great. i actually got bit as well.
nothing compared to my son. nice and large bruise, unfortunately. i m sure that s a bruise you re happy to take in an attempt to help your sweet little guy there. but roger, let me ask you this, the dog was a neighbor s dog and i know that he was heard barking before. did you ever expect that this would happen and then what do you want to happen moving forward? you know, we really didn t expect it to happen. the dog has been aggressive when he s on the other side of the fence, but not to the point where we have been afraid that something would happen when he was out front, he s usually with his owners. when he was with them, he always acted fairly normally, like you would expect a dog to act. so we didn t really have any tell tale signs that this was imminent. but just watching the video, it seems like the owners weren t there and they were a little bit away from the i want incident
when it happened. the dog kind of took to his own and went after my son. it s an unfortunate i want. if tara was not there, i mean, it s awful to think of the worst. but things would have turned out differently, do you think? definitely. if she hadn t been there, i don t know how i would have gotten the dog off. i m sure i would have gone in and tried to grab him myself and the dog might have bit me worse than it did. i don t know if i could have gotten him off my son without hurting him worse. in an attack like that, seconds matter. a hero cat right there, tara who loves your family and we re glad jeremy is resting andg the. we re glad everything is okay, important message to send. take care. thank you. we are, too. coming up, the president promised our nation s veterans
this. cut those backlog, slash those wait times, deliver your benefits sooner. well, another broken promise. this time some of our veterans are paying the ultimate price. so what happens now? chris wallace surely is on that next. and who you calling a coward? democrats tweeting out this picture of republican who is a veteran. he responds for the first time right here on fox & friends. [ male announc ] your eyes. even at a distance of 10 mis. the length 146 football fields. they can see the light of a single candle. your eyes are amazing. look after them with centrum silver. multivitamins with lutein and vitamins a, c, and e
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get help right away if you have swelling of the face or throat, or trouble breathing. tell your doctor your medical history. and find an arthritis treatment for you. visit and ask your doctor about celebrex. for a body in motion. this is cool. today all 11 current and former co-hosts of the view reunited to honor barbara wallets before her final show tomorrow. they all had a really nice things to say about her, unfortunately, it was all at the same time. pregnant it. good luck. forget it. good luck. wbr id wbr92750 he s making a joke about you, elisabeth hasselbeck, who was there yesterday. yeah. no cross talk actually, jimmy. everyone was polite and kind and let barbara have her moment. look who is here. it s chris wallace. time to plug his show on sunday. i come because i want to visit with you guys. i figure i m up with of the friends of fox. /b
of course. i come here to visit with you. there is no ulterior motive here. we don t have to mention our show or the exclusive interview with dick and liz cheney or the fact that karl rove will be on to talk about hillary clinton or that we re going to be talk being the v.a. scandal. i don t want to talk about any of that. what do you want to talk about? chris wallace, thank you very much. we ll be watching you. now listen, chris, you know what it s like to go back with reunions, right? you ve been to a high school reunion. he knows barbara walters. what do you think of elisabeth going back? how do you feel about her emotions? do you have a barbara moment you want to share? look, i had the great good fortune when i was at abc to work with barbara for a while and elisabeth will agree. she s such a great pro. relentless, tough, fiercely competitive. one of the things 2003 in the business, people who interview people for a living, you re always thinking, even if it s not your interview, how i would have asked them or what i would
have said and you think, boy they didn t do this right. one of the things i always felt watching a barbara walters interview was this she squeezed the sponge dry. when it was over, she had gotten everything out of that person there was to get. a total pro. i think she people probably have a few scars from having gone up against her and competed with her, but i don t think anybody leaves thinking that she wasn t just a total professional and a great, great journalist. get this, she still is getting the big interviews. through the donald sterling scandal, she still is nailing the big guys. so to speak. you have to be careful how you say that. interviews wise. i don t know what you re talking about. nailing the big guys. you want a do over on nailing the big guy? no. chris and i have a certain vocabulary. he knows what i mean. he s going to continue. she gets the big interview.
brian, really. hello, youtube. i m glad all of you are watching out there. that s another big point about why she was so great, which is the fact that i think people felt that she treated them fairly. she wasn t easy. she always asked the tough questions. but it wasn t about her and gotchas and i think that s up with of the reasons that the big guys were willing to be nailed by her is because of the fact that they knew they d get a fair hearing. let me ask but fair here, shifting gears, as it relates to the v.a. and the wbr-id wbr94550 hearing. it seemed to be unusually unpartisan or bipartisan in terms of the grilling of eric shinseki. why do you think that is? well, because there is no partisanship when it comes to the veterans. look, it s very simple. these are people that were willing to risk their lives and defend our country, in many cases, these great men and women were injured in service of our country. to be a little cynical about it,
they re also an enormous voting bloc and so whether you re republican or democrat, there are no two sides to this issue. veterans didn t receive proper treatment, if they were being messed over, god forbid if some of them died because they couldn t even get an appointment. there are no two sides to this issue. there is only one side, which is fix it. by the same token, you would think there would be no argument between the two parties if the federal government in the form of the irs is punishing somebody during the political system, where they targeted the tea party, or if four americans are killed in benghazi. you would think that that would also be bipartisan and outrage. yet, it s not. no. i mean, i take your point there. obviously there are things that are just right or wrong. i just would say that the veterans and thank god for this, they re kind of above politics. and you re exactly right, most
things aren t above politics, but the vets are. chris, i want to check you on that. are people going to be saying how could this happen over the last six years? how could in 2009 the wait be 45 days, and in 2014, the wait is 245 days to get an appointment? i was reading something interesting in the paper yesterday. i don t know if it s true. we re going to explore this on fox news sunday. but i have heard that there has been a huge increase in the demand for v.a. medical services in the last couple of years. it s about doubled. i m not saying that s an excuse for this kind of treatment, but there may be a reason. and apparently the number of v.a. doctors has gone down. so this may not be a simple thing of people were sitting there reading the comic books instead of taking care of veterans. it may be that we need more a lot more doctors and need to spend more money, whatever we need to do, do it. whether or not eric shinseki is the right guy to do that, that s
legitimate question. i think it goes way beyond one guy into how the whole system has worked and let s hope that they get it together, although going back to other issues, when you see how much trouble we have with something as easy as a web site, you wonder how good it s going to be or how effective the government is going to be in dealing with hundreds of thousands of people who have really serious health needs. absolutely. the great chris wallace, plugging his show. tune in sunday, former vice president dick cheney and his wife, lynn, also karl rove, who had a big week. you ve got a lot to chew on. that s why that man nails the big interviews. making history there, chris. thank you. i think we almost got out of this interview with our dignity intact, but no thanks to brian. thank you. friday, we have two days to write our apologies. hey, heather. i ve got a story about politics. he is an iraq war veteran and running for congress.
what s so cowardly about republican lee zeldin? , the campaign arm of the house democrats, a comparison so the cowardly lion from the wizard of oz. they say he needs to decide where he stands on congressman paul ryan s budget. zeldin hadn t spoken about this until this morning on fox & friends. listen to this. you have some liberal democrat hack who is hiding behind his twitter account, stuffing his face with cheese doodles, shameful attacks. i think that they realize that our strongest suit is our character, our integrity, our honor, our personal courage. by the way, his democratic opponent has not served in the military. if you re one of millions of americans who need help getting toly. the f.d.a. is lowering the recommended dose of the sleeping drug, lunesta. the reason is that the pill that you take at night could make for dangerous driving to work the next day. new data showing that you may
not be alert enough to drive, even if you feel totally awake. the f.d.a. is now cutting the suggested dose in half. a touching display of true sportsmanship by twin sisters at a track meet in illinois. halfway through the race, one sister felt something pop in her leg and fell to the ground. khloe s sister, claire, who was behind her in the race, picked her sister up and carried her to the finish line. they were here earlier on fox & friends. she sat me down right before the finish line and kept pushing me to go first. i didn t want to go first. i wanted her to finish with me. it just came like natural to me, like i have to help her. i have to have her finish. khloe said if claire fell, that she would carry her, too. and those are your headlines. that s what you guys will be doing outside today, right? carrying one another. who is carrying whom is the question. yeah. can elisabeth carry me over the wall? we ll see. good job, heather. we re going to go change. before, let me tell you what s coming up next. where can you get a house like this for under $300,000?
we will tell you and where you can find the most affordable homes in the country. maria and i made it through the spartan race. but what about brian and elisabeth? they have been smack talking each other for the last three hours. we ll finally find out who wins. maria beat me fair and square.
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where can middle class families afford to buy a home these days? releasing their list of the most affordable places for middle class buyers. mo ho, new york, and columbia, south carolina. here to show us great affordable homes is author of find it, fix
it, flip it, michael corbett. he joins us from los angeles. california is pretty much been priced out of the reach of middle class families. but you got some other great places to live. yeah. there are some amazing places out there where you can find great homes that are really affordable. first one is little rock, arkansas. take a look at this house. this is $300,000. it s amazing. it s three bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths. it s a beautiful sort of two-story, on the ski chalet. here is the best part, it s on five acres. two story living room, a beautiful open kitchen, eat in, wonderful island. the master bedroom has got a fireplace in it. it s even got an enclosed rear porch that overlooks waterfalls and ponds. and the whole thing will run you with mortgage, interest and insurance, around $1,400 a month. amazing. you can t beat that. less than a lot of people pay torrent. south carolina, one of mytates ,
columbia, south carolina, has for under 300,000 as well. yeah. columbia, this one is four bedrooms, 3 1/2 baths. this one is almost 3,000 square feet. it s only $287,000. it s two stories. all brick. huge back porch. it s got a wonderful hardwood floor living room, great detail. open kitchen with granite counter tops, stainless steel appliances, flow noose a formal sort of family room. you got a dining room, huge backyard. again, this one will cost you under $1,500 a month with mortgage, interest and insurance. our final stop, dayton, ohio. you got a house for $300,000 that is going to knock people s socks off. i am really going to knock your socks off because it s only $200,000. i love this house. this is a beautiful colonial. look at this! i get excited about this one. this was built in 1914. the original detail on this home is spectacular.
grand foyer with an entrance, huge classic living room. it s got a formal dining room, a beautiful what we call four seasons or sun room. it even has an in-law suite upstairs and wait til you look at the front of the house. it s got a gorgeous circular driveway. this is a beautiful home that s very affordable and all these cities, according to trulia s trends, are all very affordable right now. they re all beautiful. all right. michael o consider bet joining us from the city of angels, thanks for giving people some ideas on where they can live. have a great weekend. absolutely. thank you. coming up, you watched maria molina and i get through the spartan race together. what about brian and elisabeth? do you think brian is going to help elisabeth? their turn coming up next. first let s check in with martha mccallum who is constantly helping bill hemmer get over that wall. up and over. thanks, steve. good morning. we ve got brand-new polls that show a shocking drop in trust in the u.s. government. we re going to show you the
stunning comparisons to just a few years ago on this measure. you won t believe it. and a dad who is fighting the common core tries to get information being gathered on his kids and is told it will cost him big time. wait til you hear his story. and bill o reilly on barbara walters coming up. so s his serve, and his mandarin [speaking mandarin] xieúxieú, hou chiú but like up to 90% of americans, jim falls short in getting important nutrients from food alone. making jim more like us. add one a day multivitamins, rich in key nutrients you may need.
spartan race, 90 minutes ago, it was maria molina versus moi. she won. together we made it through. we did. i kind of helped you, you kind of helped me much what was tough was right there, the ropes. that is the part that is terrifying brian kilmeade. now let s come out live. brian against my advice, i said brian, you needed pants because of the rope. you got your bare legs.
right. cause i have radio right after this, i can t get totally undressed. no one can see what you re wearing on the radio. ladies and gentlemen, it s elisabeth versus brian on the spartan race. go! first is the wall. very nicely done. there goes a tire. the tire weighs about 100 pounds. very heavy. it weighs more than about two elisabeth hasselbecks. notice brian trying to beat the girl. there she goes. brian, she s way ahead of you. shear determination. he rings the bale. we re down to the last one. she s got to come around. this is called the hurt hoist. it s 14 feet high. there she goes around. now the tunnel. through the tunnel. who is going to get through
first? she s first in the tunnel. brian is holding her! that s good sportsmanship, brian. she s in the tunnel. ladies, we have a winner. elisabeth, way to go! that was a very good race. you okay? i feel like a spartan suddenly. she s too quick, she s too good. i had help. i had some help. you guys were great. it was a great race. it was. and we know how you feel. you re absolutely winded right now. great job. if you would like more information, go to spartanrace you guys were top ten. do it again.
thanks very much. good job, you guys. they get to take the tire. they get to take the tire! we ll be right back. i ve got a to-do list and five acres of fresh air. happiness is a drive-over mower deck. [ male announcer ] that s how we run, and nothing runs like a deere.
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this summer, starting to get hot outside. you guys killed it up there. yeah, good job! it s a lot of spartan run. thank you very much for making us number one show in the world, in the morning on cable news. we ll see you back here monday. bill: well done! fox news alert. there is a firestorm in the american west forcing thousands to get out with their lives. at least 9 different fires burning out of control in the suburbs of san diego. 18,000 told to move and november quickly with fires burning dangerously close to these homes. and a badly burned body found as well. martha: take a look. can you imagine if this was burning right behind your home? devastation. stake a look at these pick ta

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Transcripts For MSNBCW Morning Joe 20140806 10:00:00

early. morning joe starts right now. this book is 656 pages of shameless name dropping. jim? tanz mean prime minister ma zin go pin dand i do some planting at a women s cooperative in. she just happened to be hanging out with many zen go in lamb deez zi. not impressed. there was no way on earth one woman can be in so many places at once. [ cheers and applause ] hillary clinton. now who s a name dropper, stephen. really? name dropper, that s not what my
good friend tom hanks calls me when we re hanging out at george clooney s place. i loved george. i wish i could have joined her when i had lunch with merrill street and raphael pereira. oh, raffy is such a cut-up, especially when we go camping with oprah. oh? does that surprise you? no, o is what her real friends call her. i know paul mccartney. i negotiated with hamid karzai. i shared an office with steve carell. i ve held high level talks with chinese state counselor. well, now you re just making words up. i will have you know, madam, i once did an entire show with
president bill clinton. i hate to break this to you stephen, but i ve met him, too. good morning. it s wednesday, august 6. good stuff. she did great. she looked great. she was funny. she should take him on in the stump if she runs. former communications director for president george bsh nicolle wallace. contributor john heilemann, political writer for the new york times, nicholas poff sorry. i ve said it a zillion times. also in washington, white house correspondent for the wall street journal carol lee. i want to thank all of you to join us this morning. a lot to talk about. of course, the news out of afghanistan, just devastating for the military and it continues. this is the front page of the
wall street journal. it s the lead there. also the lead story in the washington post. it s the lead story in the new york post. everybody talking about that. we ve got that to cover and an awful lot more this morning. but this morning let s start with the pentagon investigating that attack in the military base northwest of kabul that left a two star army major general dead. that s the highest ranking american killed in the iraq or afghanistan wars. in fact, you d have to go back to 1970 in vietnam to have another officer with that high of a rank killed. 55-year-old major general harold green was the second highest american serving in afghanistan. he saw the transition efforts to hand over to afghan troops. other coalition officers were at camp tuesday when an afghan soldier opened fire, seriously injuring several before being killed by return fire.
the 15 wounded they included eight americans, two british, one german and four afghans. these insider attacks as we all know have been largely on the decline as international presence has started to wind down. in 2012 is when it was the worst here. the two attacks so far this year. to talk about it more let s bring in nbc news military analyst, retired general barry mccaffrey. first i have to ask you what are you thoughts about the tragedy in afghanistan? a huge loss, very talented officer, phd in political science, one of our real technical experts. remember this comes on top of 22,000 plus killed and wounded in afghanistan. there s been a pretty bloody conflict. i think the lack of transparency in reporting these insider attacks is something we ought to
be concerned about. we re only talking about the ones that result in u.s. killed by the insider attacks. there are many more than this actually occurring. a huge chasm of trust opening up between the afghan security forces and the nato forces. so tell us what we re not hearing. why are these attacks being swept under the table? i think a lot of it, of course, is just an understandable feeling and a part of the isap nato headquarters. they don t want to accentuate the growing insecurity throughout the country. the reason i make a point of this, joe, looking forward, 10,000 troops spread out in small packets across the country. our combat forces zero out, very vulnerable, not just killed and wounded but abduction. it s a policy process we ve got to think really carefully about. what s the best way forward?
at the end of the day afghanistan is going to make it based on afghan people, political leadership, police and army. a robust u.s. embassy with a lot of u.s. marines around it, maybe holding open the airfield at bagram is what we should be doing and not thinking about an enduring presence throughout the country. this is an ethnic civil war that we re unlikely to change substantially with a 10,000 person footprint. general, we were talking about the logistics of how this would work. we are working hand in hand, literally that s how our soldiers are handling this. how would it work? would you envision our troops staying in a secure facility or embassy and troops will come in for technical training or for strategic training, how would the interactions work under what you envision sf. i m less clear on how it
would work than the valabilities of leaving packets of troops all over afghanistan. right now we have intelligence officers throughout the country. they do pretty well. remember they re backed up by not just combat forces of the u.s. army, but also medevac helicopter support, all that s going to disappear as we drop to a very small footprint. again, i think we have to rethink that policy. we ought to find out how many of these inviteder attacks are occurring that don t result in deaths. we ve got a giant lack of trust going on at the lowest level between afghan police and army and nato forces. general, before we go, i need to ask you about this. obviously afghanistan on the front pages of all the newspapers today. over the past several weeks we ve been seeing on the front pages of all the newspapers israel and gaza. before that syria would bump in
and out. it seems to me, though, when i talk to military men and women, foreign policy analysts, they say the most dangerous thing happening on the globe right now is not even in the ukraine, it s in iraq, it s in syria, it s i.s.i.s. you ve been there. you fought there. do you agree right now that what s happening with i.s.i.s. is something americans should be paying closer attention to? well, it s just another indication of an enormous shift. these post world war i boundaries in the middle east didn t make any sense on religious and ethnic grounds. there s going to be a readjustment. it s going to be bloody, take ten years to sort it out. at the end of the day we re more likely to see kurds and shia, if they don t trust each other, historically they re well argued that they shouldn t. inside iraq, for god s sake, when sunnis had control of the
country, they slaughtered hundreds of thousands. general barry mccalf free, thank you so much. we greatly appreciate you coming in. thank you. you see the polls yesterday? almost makes you feel bad for the president. it makes me feel bad for everybody. it s bad everywhere. the president at his lowest approval rating ever. congress at its lowest approval rating ever. the republicans are hey, this is great for republicans, because the president is at his lowest ever. 75% of americans think we re going in the wrong direction. hey, republicans 80 seals, 90 seats, maybe 1,000 seats. hold on a second, r approval rating is at 19%. democrats are at 32. not much better. holy cow. this is like the friends and family plan. friends am family report what s
happening in congress. republicans at 19%. the president horrible at 40. the president ain t running for re-election again. republicans still sitting at 19%. you ve had bill kristol. you ve had moderate becomes, me, you, a lot of people saying for two years now it is not enough to be against barack obama. you ve got to do more than investigate. you ve got to do more than spit on the ground and grumble and scratch yourself when you go back to your district and grunt and say i m against barack obama. shut down the government. you ve got to do something. they re at 19%. republicans, you can be pissed off at me if you want to. i don t know. it s the first republican elected in my district since 1873, won four landslides, won by 70%, 80%, i don t know, maybe i know something about this. i know you don t like when i talk about when i was in
congress. we love it. i love it. that s why you re on the set right now! that s the only reason. most of america can listen to you talk about that, the mood of the country would lift. oceans would part. sunshine and rainbows for everybody. let me tell you, at this point right now people would look back to this time as when the oceans receded, the earth began to heal itself. what else is he going to do for us? what else happened? the oceans would part, i think the big greek columns would be erected. the playing of frogs in washington according to those polls. but now the oceans is apparently not receding, locusts are coming from the heavens and eating the flesh of people in washington, d.c. look at the numbers, barack obama s approval rating 40%. a lot of people not happy about that.
54% disapprove. not sure, 6%. we have a couple more years of this going. you keep going through the polls. the other polls, nick, republicans sitting at 19%, democrats at 32%. republicans win the generic ballot, 42-43%. 44.3. this number is troubling, 36 approval on foreign policy, 60% disapprove. it shows when the world is a mess, as madeleine albright said, people hold the president responsible. you go down the approval/disapproval on foreign policy americans say we don t care what s going on in foreign policy, but boy when it s going bad they turn on the president. a lot is happening. there s a sense of the world is spinning out of control and the average person isn t quite sure why and they blame the president. i think the average person doesn t think the president
understands why. the public has lived through chaotic times. the public doesn t feel like the president understands. you look as the world is spinning out of control. i had a good friend say last night to me. things are crazy, what s happening? i m scared. this was a liberal democrat. you look at the approval ratings we just flashed up, 36% approve of the foreign policy handling, 60% approve. those are george w. bush numbers. yes. the difference being a lot of the disapproval around bush s foreign policy. be had hundreds of thousands of troops deployed. people. reporter: very anxious and very angry. what was the low of your approval rate sglg that was george w. bush minus 13 percentage points towards the end. about this time i think he was sitting about the same as barack obama. he started plummeting soon after that. the interesting thing about this is the point you just made,
in terms of practical consequences, no doubt the country is depressed and having a bad summer. that 43 to 44 congressional balance, it s not a wider spread, you ve got the cross-tabs of this poll saying not a wave election. this doesn t look like 2006, doesn t look like 2010. voters are not hugely motivated in looking toward the midterms. the people who thought this was going to be another big wave election seem on the basis of this poll to have been wrong. i don t know where the wave comes from. no galvanizing issue right now. or candidates. there s also not a group of candidates running on change or running on a new direction or running on a cohesive or understandable foreign policy. the republican party is pretty fractured. you don t have what you had in 2010 where you had a new force, new energy, the tea party movement comes in and all get swept in, the establishment
candidates winning last night. pat roberts, another establishment candidate. our insurgencies abroad are bad for barack obama. insurgencies at home for the gop are bad for the gop. there isn t a central organizing thing for anybody. moreover, when you look at this poll, at first i thought, this is like we re mad at everybody. it s two different houses casts potses on other houses. half of the people say i want to elect a congress that doesn t block the president. two different countries here and they re divided. carol lee, you cover the white house. what are they going to do over the next two years to turn this ar sflound we seem, do we not, when you re in there day in and day out, we seem to be stuck in a holding pattern? that s absolutely right. if you look at part of the
problem, i think, if you look at what the president is saying, what his message is publicly, there s a total disconnect between clearly what the american public feels and what he is saying is going on in the economy. on friday he came out and said things are getting better. clearly people don t feel that way. the president was campaigning, raising money in california a few weeks ago and he was saying people feel better than they did five years ago. some of the folks who were interviewed who participated in this poll explicitly said they don t feel better than they did five years ago. so i think what the white house has to contend with is how you match the president s rhetoric and how he s approaching the public on this issue with what you re seeing in this poll which is that people are not feeling good about the future. the 79% of people who think their kid s future is not going to be better than their own, that s a huge number. that is a massive number.
nicole, things aren t getting better. listen, the economy is getting better. i ve got a news flash for everybody. you don t feel it and it certainly maybe it s what ronald reagan said, a recession is when your next-door neighbor has lost their job. a depression is when you ve lost your job. the rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer. the divide is sickening and continues to grow. but the situation for the middle class is far better today than it was two years ago, four years ago, five years ago. things are getting better. it doesn t show up in these poll numbers. and i wonder how much of that i m not blaming the president at all. i will. he s made it all political, joe. it s all political. this is a stylistic thing. the guy, i ll just say it, everybody that knows him, everybody that talks to him,
everybody that works for him says the guy doesn t like his job. he doesn t want to be there. he also makes everything political, even the good things. even when he goes out and talks about making community college less expensive. that s something more available to a lot of families than a four-year university, it s wrapped in politics. when he goes out and talks about income inequality or making taxes more fair for families, it s always wrapped in politics. don t all politicians do that? i don t think so. i think obama has taken it keep a straight face. i think obama has politicized things that previous presidents have not taken to such a political i think the trash talking, the den grading of republicans, every policy announcement in a political wrapper is a loser. john heilemann, what say you? there s a deeper thing going on. no doubt the economy is in a better place than it was three years ago and the unemployment
numbers are better and jobs are being created. in the end we still have flat wages in this country for the last 25 years and great inequality. people still feel that. the question about whether people think the world is going to be better for their kids and grandkids and about whether they see improvement, even if they have a job, they re not keeping up even with minimal inflation. 40% of people have someone in their household who has lost their job in the past five years. can you imagine how that echoes through the country? it s a sense of insecurity that is always there. it could be me next. even if you have a job, it doesn t mean your life is getting better. carol, you re right. there has to be great frustration for the white house. they see the economic numbers that look more positive than they were two, three years ago. and so does the president pivot back for the 28th time to a new job, hey, i m going to focus on
jobs now. it has to be extraordinary frustrating. is there any indication that he is going over the next couple years, especially if republicans win the senate, is he more inclined to have to sit down and strike deals with republicans that don t like him anymore than he likes them? well, they would tell you that he has been trying to focus on jobs and the economy, he s stuck to that message di des despite some criticism that he should be folk kug cussing on some of the foreign policy issues on the front pages of the newspapers. but i think there is a theory emerging out there that if the senate switches over to the republicans, that the president will be freed in some way and be able to sit down and cut deals with republicans without having nancy pelosi and harry reid pulling him further to the left and that he does want to cut deals and they would be able to get things like some of the trade policies that he s been pushing which drem kratz do not
like or tax reform, comprehensive tax reform. the republicans want that, or even immigration reform. they still hold out hope for that. so there s the silver lining, if there is one, and we re not going to see a wave election this year, the republicans will do well, and there s a good chance that the senate will go. but it seems like, you know, there s a possibility he could make some progress on some economic issues if it flips. carol, the worst thing that happened to bill clinton, new democrat bill clinton was he was strapped with some left wing democrats in congress that would stop him from moving to the senate. the second republicans took over in 1994, the guy spent the next six years striking deals and making things happens. who knows? you never know what happens in washington, d.c. and you never know what happens on morning joe. still ahead on morning joe, the nation s katrina vanden heuvel and ari fleischer join
us. they are going to scrap in the 7:00 hour. they ve got to boxing gloves. it s going to be amazing. plus reagan revisited, modern conservatism with the 40th president of the united states and how a lot of conservatives kind of forgot every single lesson he tried to teach them. the steroid era. anthony voss strikes a deal to reveal his entire performance-enhancing network. this is huge. espn s collin coward is going to be here. the herd is in the house. a whole lot more in a few minutes. we ll be right back. you owned your car for four years. you named it brad. you loved brad. and then you totaled him. you two had been through everything together. two boyfriends. three jobs.
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from the taliban emerged yesterday as he prepares to be questioned by an army investigator. the images taken by his lawyer yesterday, the first glimpse of him since returning the the u.s. he ll be meeting with a general to discuss the circumstances around his capture in 2009. he was released after five years in a prisoner swap last may. from the new york times, a scary scene unfolded yesterday in times square in new york city. there were two double decker tour buses and they collided. 15 people, mostly pedestrians were hurt. what you can see in this earth cam footage. a bus hit a light pole, falling onto a sidewalk full of people. her head lodged before a dashboard. first responders had trouble get together the scene in the heavy traffic and crowds with many arriving on foot. you do that very well, by the way. the wall street journal, 21st century fox has withdrawn the
bid to take over time warner. fox cites an 11% drop in the price. the deal would have united the two largest movie and tv studios in what was once the biggest media merger in a decade. the funny thing is, after they announced the deal, time warner s stock dropped, rupert s stock goes up. guess what? he s in a better position to do the deal now than he was yesterday. you know what the lesson of that is? rupert always wins. i ll tell you another guy who always wins, donald trump. in the philadelphia inquirer the donald is suing the have his name removed from the two remaining casinos in atlantic city he used to control. the real estate mogul reveals the plaza and taj mahal are deteriorating and tarnishing his brand. he hasn t operated the casinos for several years. one already closed, two set to
close next month and one up for bankruptcy tomorrow. a reason we call him abraham lincoln of our time. look at him. he s a born leader. if they re not treating his casinos right down in atlantic city, you got to take care of it. that s the whole problem is having casinos in atlantic city left. falling apart, not up to the standards of the donald s other properties. this is a high class problems to have, buildings with your name on it in a city you left a while ago. my favorite donald trump moment. he s $9 billion in debt and the banks are going after him. he goes out to a press conference. he s like, i m going to be fine. can i ask a question, just one question. has anybody in this room been in $9 billion in debt before? okay, fine. you don t know how to handle it. i do. he told the banks, foreclose on
me. you can foreclose on me. i tried to have the same conversation with my credit card company last month. didn t work. can t pull it off. you re not the abraham lincoln of our time. if you ve ever taken a train overseas, you ve probably seen the sign that says mind the gap. here is why. got his leg trapped. rescuers rush over. the passengers decide to get involved landing a few hands to push the train off the man just enough to get him free. he escaped unharmed. how is his leg? his leg was not available for comment. with us, chief white house correspondent mike allen here with the morning playbook. mike, it says rand paul wants to run for president. ah. does that make you sigh?
it makes me tired. nicole just don t hold back. i think rand paul had a very bad week. i think offending the dreamer on the stump. i think he s stitching together. mike, i ve said it before. i like rand paul, and if like yahoo! they want to do whatever they want to development i voted for his father in the primary in 2012. i you know what? i carry the scars. this guy is not going to be president of the united states, and in large part, i think it s because of his former positions, they re going to catch up with him, all the stuff that s gone in the past is going to catch up with him. one of those things, his position on aid to israel in 2011, it s a newly elected senator, he actually talked about cutting foreign aid to the middle east, and here are his
original comments. let s take a listen. you want to end all foreign aid as well, right? the other day, 71% of the american people agree with me, when we re short of money, when we can t do the things we can t do in our country, we shouldn t be shipping it overseas. what about the $3 billion that goes every year to israel. you want to eliminate that as well? i think what you have to do, when you send foreign aid, you send quite a bit to israel s enemies. it looks like egypt gets almost the same amount. really, you have to ask yourself are refunding an arms race on both sides. i also have a lot of sympathy and respect for israel as a democratic nation, as a fountain of peace and democracy within the middle east. but at the same time i don t think funding both sides of an arms race, particularly when we have to borrow the money from china to send it to someone
else, we can t do it anymore. never introduced any legislation that targeted israel in any way. spent the last three months trying to target aid to hamas and the palestinian authority. i think to print headlines saying rand paul wants to end aid to israel is just not true and inappropriate and really doesn t represent the truth. i ve spent three months trying to end aid to hamas. when you print an article, it s inflammatory and it s also trying to ask you a perception or develop a story line of me that s just frankly not true. it s frankly not true except for the fact that it s true. you go back and look at the clip. he says he s going to end all foreign aid. he includes israel in that. and again, mike, i like rand. i like a lot of the positions he stands for. he runs around saying he s going to end all foreign aid to
israel. we have to be grownups on the world stage. who likes foreign aid? none of us like foreign aid. guess what? you have to do it if you re running the free world. that s right, joe. you know you re in trouble when you re referring to your own words as inflammatory. that s going to be a problem. like paul krugman, when i quoted his words back to him, he s like, come on, these are sleazy tactics they re your own words. rand paul is in the same position. they re his own words. we have a piece up this morning, rand versus rand looking on his evolution on a variety of issues, drones, immigration. he was a senate candidate that once talked about having buried electrical fences at the border. of course, it evolved as he got in. his staff is he hasn t changed his position but come to realize what you can get done.
joe, a huge moment coming up for smat tore paul who has had a great spring and summer, doing well in the invisible primary of buzz, message, travel. he s in iowa right now. we learned that at the end of september, early october, he s going to give a speech on the topic that joe, as you know, is his biggest problem, the biggest hurdle to him getting the nomination, foreign policy is isolationist. he s going to give a speech at the national defense university where he s going to argue on the spectrum, be involved everywhere, be involved nowhere. he s smack in the middle with ronald reagan, george h.w. bush we shall see. sometimes candidates who underpass their past, look at me, i got elected to congress despite the four years i did in a turkish prison. they did a movie about it. wasn t it a great movie? what do you think the percentage of likelihood is that before the end of the year we ll see rand paul campaigning in a
yamaka? pretty high. he was in iowa. i m not knocking him. i m just you know what? this is what i do. this is what i do. i get paid a lot to be wrong. so i m sure i ll be proven wrong here. he s a fascinating guy. he s a fascinating candidate, and i think he has absolutely no chance to actually be elected president of the united states. we shall see. carol lee, thank you for being with us. thank you. hope you ll come back soon. sure. up next, you know what? she didn t seem too excited. she was like sure this is the last time. you ve already burned your bridges with the paul administration. two years before he becomes the 45th president, you ve already burned him. beat the rush. burn him down. i m right on this. i m right on this case. they ll forgive me. most people forgive me. isn t he right on the foreign aid.
doesn t your average voter is like why are we giving this money? no, he s wrong. coming up next, one of the most entertaining voices in sports talk radio about to join us onset. he is a god. the herd is in the house. colin cowherd will be right back talking about roids, college football and every question that real millions of viewers have sent in. in new york state, and startup ny companies will be investing hundreds of millions of dollars in jobs and infrastructure. thanks to startup ny, businesses can operate tax free for 10 years. no property tax. no business tax. and no sales tax. which means more growth for your business, and more jobs. it s not just business as usual. see how new york can help your business grow, at
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it s not going to be longer than that. this is my show. we ll be here for five hours. the herd is with me, colin cowherd is here. his mom when he was born said he shall be called the herd and he is. colin, thank you for being was. the book you herd me. i ll say it if nobody else will, is out in paperback next month. also here, mike barnicle. what s going on man? i m a huge fan of yours. that s awesome. you know what, my wife is in florida doing work. i said you re not going to believe what show i m on this morning. she said don t even do that. i said morning joe. i don t explain stuff, i show up
on tv. i don t know how it works. you just show up on stuff. so your friends, a buddy of mine, paul finebaum, at times the most hated man in the state of alabama. i love him because he says whatever he wants to say. you say whatever you want to say, man. paul and i get along. i was on his show yesterday. he s very polarizing. i tell people in the northeast, they love baseball but they don t get college football. guys, just think of fenway park and all the passions. like nine of those down near atlanta. that s what the south lives for. just respect and love their passion. it s the same in liverpool with their soccer teams. america is amazing. depending on the time zone you re in, the passion changes. in the south and paul is at the center of it, they live for that sport. listen. it ain t the nfl. we grew up with the nfl bed sheets.
we don t care about sunday. we care about saturday. you wake up on a saturday morning in nashville, huntsville, ever boyd has their sports page. they are in their restaurant or bar, it s 7:00 a.m. they re there to that cbs or espn game turns off at 11:30. you say this year, it taint sec going to win the national championship, it s going to be acc. you think fsu. i think florida state will meet up with oklahoma in a championship. i don t think they re as complete as alabama. they don t have to go to baton rouge. auburn s schedule is outrageous, the toughest college schedule i ve ever seen, especially october on. alabama has the most complete roster. i don t leave them yet at quarterback. i think georgia is really good. if you look at florida state through the acc, i think they ll mow through it. oklahoma will lose one game but find their way to it. out west, i think ucla will escape. the sec deserves in my opinion two teams in this forum.
it s like the electoral college. the reality is based on population ohio is more important than rhode island, california is more important than maine. based on the population in the south and their high school players that go to sec schools, they deserve more votes and more people in the college football play-offs. they should have two a year until somebody proves what are the reasons i can t watch the nfl anymore? i ll watch occasionally. i m sorry, the guys are just they look roided up man. you ve got these guys that weigh 800s, they run four two forties. why is it that baseball does the right thing and police themselves but nobody else does. it s almost like baseball cut themselves off at the knees. they should have dragged the nfl with them and everybody else. the george mitchell report when baseball said we re going to get george mitchell and find
out who is using, i said on my radio show, i thought it was an absolute horrible decision. here is our laundry, we ll hang it out. nobody else does. baseball by far and away now has the best system. people do a more moderate version of testing. the reality is baseball is, once again, what is the national narrative this morning on baseball? there s a user, a seller, anthony bosch. we re not talking about the race. last night yankees tsh tigers. the american league east is wide open and we re talking about anthony bosch. shouldn t the nfl do what major league baseball has done? you re really i can just sense that. i want to. it is an unnatural sport. tim miklaszewski who is the pentagon sport. he used to do radio. tom landry was looking at how fast and big everybody is getting, tom landry said this isn t my game anymore, it s too
dangerous. this isn t the game i started with. roger goodell has tried to limit shots above the shoulders and has been panned by his own players for it. the nfl totally understands. the concussion issue is the one issue that can bring down the league. you have a powerful company, it s lawsuits or certain things that can bring down a company. in the nfl it s the concussion issue, they re trying to lessen the injuries. the reality is high school players are bigger, steroid use is up in high school, college players are bigger, the game is faster. now it s no huddle. now it s spread. there s a lot of issues here with injuries in the nfl. the bosch report, it was aimed principally that he was selling steroids to high school kids, not major league ball players, not nfl football players, kids, and that s where the root of the danger is. that s why you have to have stronger drug policies at that
level. i heard a story yesterday on radio, not sure where it was, that kids now are not just taking hgh, young boys, for football, they re taking it to just look better. they just want to look better. hey, old dudes are doing that. you see these 65-year-old guys you never see donny deutsche? they re out here. you think barnicle s physique is natural? everybody is taking hgh. the juice is loose. you re not a user or believer yourself? no, i m not. i m a believer in the lord. you look great. i do. you should see barnicle without a shirt on. it s something. you guys are both, despite this hectic life, you both really have aged well. [ laughter ]. i ask you this question, so i don t watch the nfl on sundays anymore. i m an sec guy and european
football. i love the epl. i ve got to ask you about mike francesa. is he still over at fan? yes. i saw him one time working at cbs for a couple years calling football games. alabama is playing boston college and he says, like when boston college is going down the field, if we don t get a first down here, we re in trouble. i love this guy. he falls asleep. it s awesome. he s a runaway beer truck, as we say in the south. remember what he was saying? they use both of their feet? he s old school, and he loves baseball, that s great. he loves the nfl. he does a fine job. but i kind of poked him in the ribs the other day, he asked a soccer guy on the other day, can they kick with both feet? soccer is not going away. memo to ann coulter, the
american media talk show host for a variety of reasons, fifa sales are up, espn and fox are all in. can i ask you this question, can we execute seth blatter? i don t like him. the biggest issue with the sport from the american perspective isn t necessarily the scoring. it s not. baseball and hockey. it s fluid. there s a lot of movement. the bigger issue is we don t really trust it s the flopping. a little bit. we don t trust fifa. when you ask sports fans, it s like waste disposal in some cities. who is running it? who is making money on it? so that s the big issue. match fixing. i have no idea what you re talking about. yes, there is match fixing all over the place. fifa, they got to clean it up. ironically, it s the united states who some of them seem to loathe that is going to end up cleaning it up. the big sponsors who want to get
involved don t want to get involved in a corrupt sport. soccer is not going away. i understand that. how does it prosper? we re not a 1-0 country. there s connective tissue on why it will work. years ago when i was done, i came home i was down. now my dad played, more connectability. now i can play in more leagues. i can buy merchandise. it s everywhere. by the way, we have an explosion in this country. latino explosion in some cities. we now have the mls is profitable, ten teams are profitable. four need bigger stadiums, seattle, kansas city, portland. they re doing well. it s never going to be the nfl and it will probably never be baseball but it is getting bigger. all the kids are playing the video games.
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welcome back to morning joe. at the top of the 7:00 hour, it s a free-for-all. katrina, ari, we re talking about the new nbc news wall street journal polls that have come out. shockingly bad numbers well, for everybody. we ll talk about what it means when we return. life with crohn s disease or ulcerative colitis is a daily game of what if s . what if my abdominal pain and cramps come back? what if the plane gets delayed? what if i can t hide my symptoms? what if? but what if the most important question
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ari, how great is the herd? we should just taublg sports. he s the sports guy. he s fantastic. welcome back to morning joe. a live look at new york city. as i say that, you know t.j. is going to move away from the shot of new york city. thank you, t.j. aren t you going on vacation again sometime soon? yes, next week. disney land again. he goes on these cruises and disney land more than anyone i knew. he needs them from living here. that s true. i work around the clock and i wear people down. they want me to gone vacation. i refuse. i love where i am too much.
nicolle wallace is here with us. former white house press secretary ari fleischer, sports communications ari fleischer. i think i need to be better friends with this guy to get tickets. editor and publisher of the nation katrina vanden heuvel. you checked your calendar because you have a morning joe calendar up in your kitchen and it s been a year. it s been a year? we ve missed you. well, i m back. great to have you back. thank you. we need your husband in here, too, to talk about russia. yes, a lot to talk about. also former white house communications director and now managing director of skd anita dunne. good to see you, too. great to see you, joe. how are you? i m doing wonderful. i heard you say you don t want to go on vacation. it s obviously different from
congress or anybody in washington. you can tell you re in new york this morning. actually i am in new york. i think i go on vacation more than congress. i m glad to be here now. i love being here. i want to bring all of you together here for us to break bread and talk about the meetings of some of the most depressing poll numbers ever. we ve got new nbc news/ wall street journal polls to run through. let s start with the president and we ll start there and go line by line by line. if you re at home and you re going, oh, this is going to skew against barack obama, joe is a republican, he s so biased. don t worry, it s even worse news for republicans. let s start with obama, job performance. 40% approval rating, 54% disapproval. this next full screen explains so much. obama foreign policy, 36%
approve, 60% disapprove. anita, let me start with you. you worked at the white house. obviously you have tons of friends inside the white house. we re a long way from hope and change. we re a long way from those greek columns, from all the promise of 2008. it s looking fairly grim inside the white house with these numbers. what gives? obviously it s a summer full of challenges for the white house and for the world internationally as well as continued challenges at home. i think what you ve seen the president do is do as much as he can, and he will continue to do as much as he can despite a congress that, as you rightly pointed out, is far more unpopular than he is and frankly is refusing to do just about anything. they re giving the phrase do nothing a bad name. i think both internationally and hear at home, he s doing what he can do and internationally, i think if you look at what s going on, that the president is continuing his policy of
diplomacy and of leadership without committing troops everywhere. that is actually i think very much in line with what the american people are looking for. ari and nicolle, you worked for presidents with low numbers. what s going on? our pitcher is getting shelled and not able to throw anything over the plate. it s not the problem he s doing what he can. it s what he s not doing that s gotten him into so much trouble. what is he not doing? i think two fundamental things that. first is the failure to get the big budget deal with john boehner. it set off the tenor of nothing is going to happen in washington. whose fault was that? everything accumulates up. the president is always the one that has to lead and get things done. democrats would say republicans were out to make him fail from the very beginning. the second big issue where he didn t get something done is where he drew the red line in syria and failed to act.
that sent a bad signal particularly in the middle east where people didn t think america was going to get involved or back up our words with any deeds. if you look around the middle east, one of the reasons there s so much trouble in the polling numbers, there s a sense that the president isn t up to handling any of these challenges. katrina? i think there s a fundamental disconnect between the inside the beltway pundit polling class. you re not skewing bias, but history. first of all, these poll numbers are not as low. we ve seen others over the last few years. americans want to engage with the world, but they don t want to listen to the armchair warriors. they don t want there wasn t a great gusto to go into syria. there isn t a gusto to go into ukraine or get too involved in the middle east. i think we need to step back and understand there s a wisdom among the american people in that front. i also think that for president obama, though i ve said this before, it s the worst of both worlds. americans say in polls, don t get involved.
you don t get involved and bad stuff happens and you re to blame for that, too. i think of the president i have a lot of issues with the president on foreign policy, but i think he has made a decision that america cannot police the world without detracting from the resources it needs, for the real security of people at home and dealing with security challenges. we agree a lot on that front. i m saying the great irony is a less involved america is a america that can t control what s going on out there, and he pays for doing what the american people tell them they want them to do. that goes to the big thing in the poll. america can t control the world s destiny anymore. of course we re a major power, but we re not, quote, the indispensable nation. i think a lot of americans may be having trouble dealing with that. the big number in the poll is americans believe the country is going in a wrong direction and losing faith in their political institutions. this isn t new. if you ve been watching cnn,
the sixties, let s go back to vietnam and the assassinations of king and bobby kennedy, look back at the summer of watergate. this country has experienced crises of confidence in their government. are we allowed to say thoegs cnn documentsry are awesome! like the music one i m going to say it. i just gasped. i sat there i don t want a lot of tv, especially prime time tv. i m on tv and flipping around. joey they ve got brian wilson, i ve never seen this. i m going to get in trouble. those are awesome! some of us were too young to remember the 60s. i was glued at age 13. katrina brings up one, 70% of
americans say we re going in the wrong direction. 80% of americans say d.c. is going in the wrong direction. in the 60s there was the chaos in the street. in the 70s, an ugly decade, too, you still had a washington that works. it doesn t work anymore. why doesn t it work? it doesn t work because the republicans have refused to govern. get her, nicolle. i like her too much. they have made destruction their mode of governance. i was talking to carl bernstein and others last night. did carl bring up mccarthy? part of watergate had to do with the republican party who said good buy to nixon. barry goldwater walked into nixon s office and said it s not going to work anymore. you had a republican party that had moderate wings. this is a tired dispute. we know this now. what do we do with a country that is in gridlock? you have to also say that the problem is the center has been hollowed out over the left and the right. this is an important point to bring up. then i ll be quiet.
if you look at democrats elected since 2006, they re far more progressive now. the joe liebermans are gone. there s been a hollowing out. in the house there s been a hollowing out because of gerrymandering which is just horrific. in the senate there s a natural hollowing out. there aren t people in the middle that can bring the left and the right together. president bush had senator kennedy and john mccain to work with. he was able to govern. you may not have liked the things he did. he did govern and did have some partners, not a lot. but some partners in the democratic party when it came to education and immigration. there were people to talk to. i d like to ask anita if she thinks the way president obama governed makes it easier or harder for hillary clinton to mount a campaign for the presidency. i think everything president obama has done, he s basically run a global experiment to see what would happen if america completely withdrew from the world stage and didn t exert any influence. he said he doesn t believe in
the embodiment of american exceptionism. he says he doesn t believe america has a role to play. i think while americans don t want to see troops on the ground, they do want to believe america can make a difference. but part of not approving of his job and foreign affairs isn t just that we don t like what s happening in the world. we don t like that president obama acts like there s nothing america can do. so, anita, you always hear the generals are always fighting the last war. has there been an overcorrection? if there has been, i think a lot of americans would say it s understandable, after ten years of war, after ten years of occupation, an overcorrection may be in place here. i m a little surprised to hear nicolle mouthing the republican talking points. i love when people say that. thank you. i was going to say nicolle
i m going to help you with your base. please accuse her again of being a republican. we ll say it one more time and you can put it in your resume. here is the thing which is, if you look at this, this idea that somehow this administration and the president are disengaged from the world is simply ludicrous. this morning, joe, we have leaders from over 50 nations in africa in time for a historic summit. by the way, that is a very important continent for the future. these are important relations for the united states in the future. secretary kerry who has successfully helped afghanistan negotiate a recount in their presidential election. we know a little about recounts here. no always that easy to do. you have diplomacy happening everywhere right now. the idea that somehow this president has disengaged from the world is so far nicolle,
let me finish. i want to go back to the republicans in congress. i was working on the hill in the bush administration, a big part of that time working with tom daschle, the democratic leader. the reality is the democrats worked with the bush administration. the republicans from day one made a decision that they weren t going to work with president obama, and i have to tell you it s a very different situation. i ve been on both ends of pennsylvania avenue there. anita, let s move on to congress, a perfect segue. nbc news/ wall street journal, they sur vaifd americans, americans came back when asked what they think about congress and their response was congress sucks. congress s job performance 14% putin almost got that high a number in this poll. 79% disapprove. ari, i have to ask you about this, there is my concern, it s your concern. a lot of republicans concerns.
party approval, gop, only 19%. 54% unfavorable. the dems sitting at 31%, almost double. how many times do we have to say this? republicans in the house have to do something. it s not enough to just pass bills that you know harry reid is going to kill. by the way, i blame harry reid as much as i blame the republicans. guess what? harry reid is not the party in opposition, the republicans are. we haven t made our case on why republicans should take control. you worked in the house when i was there. what do they need to do? what does john boehner need to do to break through with a positive message instead of, we re going to investigate benghazi, we re going to investigate the irs, investigate, investigate, investigate. we re going to sue. and yes, investigate them all, but you ve got to have policies that excite americans, too. i spent about 12 years in the house and almost six years in the senate. two points, one, the 2014
election is going to be just like 2006. it s a rejection election. 2006 was a rejection of george w. bush and his policies in iraq. 2014 is setting up the same way against president obama. so you don t have to as republicans politically speaking do much between now and the election other than win the election on the basis of anti-obama, but it s the day after. it could be a false narcotic for republicans. you could take the senate, probably gain a few in the house. it s the day after. republicans have to turn the corner. i m looking the see who the presidential contenders will be and whether they can speak as a more inclusive fashion. we need to pass comprehensive immigration reform and republicans should do it early in 2015. let s say republicans win the senate. when we won in 94, we can say these are the ten things we promised to do. dam it, we re going to fight and we re going to do it. we got 70% of it done. the day after john boehner gets re-elected, the day that mitch
mcconnell is speaker of the house if he wins, what do they say they stand for? like i just said, the first thing is comprehensive immigration reform, keystone open they might. everything is about might when you get to the congress. nobody can ever say what they re going to do. let me put it in a human context. what we ve witnessed is a republican party unwilling to pass long-term unemployment insurance. you have people in this country who look to congress, look to their representatives, look to government to assist when people are down and out to provide jobs that in this country today, people work full-time and still live in poverty is a scandal. i don t think that is a matter of left or right. i think it s a matter of right and wrong. i think this is something obama with his poll ratings not great, he has a three-to-one
advantage over congress which has refused to govern on behalf of people in this country. don t mean to interrupt you, katrina, only to make your point. guys, do we have the number of americans who support raising the minimum wage? here is some fascinating numbers. we re taking this out of the partisan context. nicolle, you look at things americans support the most? guess what? they re bipartisan. democrats will be very excited that the overwhelming majority of americans want the minimum wage raised. republicans will be very excited that the majority of americans want corporate tax rate cut. tax reform in general. but specifically they want corporate tax rates cut. democrats will be thrilled that the majority of americans want the top 1% to be taxed higher. 60% of americans want comprehensive immigration reform. 60% minimum wage and the overwhelming number of americans
are like me, they want us to invest in our infrastructure. by the way, any republican on cap hole hill that thinks you can run against bob byrd and his off-ramp to nowhere in west virginia, you re in the wrong decade. i ve given 400, 500 speeches on college campuses, et cetera, et cetera. i ve never heard one person say you re a communist, you needless investment in our infrastructure. how about our airports? our airports are crumbling, our bridges are crumbling. nicolle said something interesting about senator kennedy and senator mccain. you see eruption ofs what i call trance partisan coalitions. just the past week, sherrod brown and david vitter worked on banks too big to fail. two weeks before that on the va. and on the issue of how many
people in this country are disenfranchised because of drug arrests. by the way, i want to talk to the two republicans on the set here. that s me politely telling you to hold on one second. republicans have such a great opportunity to run against the big government and to run against big business. most americans want the banks broken up. most americans republicans want the banks broken up. republicans can t be seen as captive to wall street, and they re running against a woman, if she gets the nomination, that s captive to wall street. she and bill clinton are wall street. they are so intertwined. why can t we have candidates say break up the banks, don t give wall street advantages? why can t we punish corporations that take their offices overseas to avoid our taxes? they live here, they get the
benefits of being here. if you want to get denmark s tax rate, then you and your family have to move to denmark because you re not allowed to live here. if you live here, we re going to tax you. joe, i think you re seeing a lot of that, when you look at the republican desire to break up a bank that provides huge subsidies to major corporations so they can do business abroad. republicans are trying to do that. i think the fascinating dynamic that s going to change for our party, if hillary is the nominee, it s not going to be as much as a left-right fight as a future-past fight. republicans have the ability to paint hillary as the candidate of the past. i ll go back to katrina. we ll keep everybody here and anita, also. if i m a progressive, i can t be excited about hillary. she s intertwined with wall street. are you excited about the prospect of hillary clinton being the democratic nominee? no. i don t get excited about
candidates. good for you. i m excited about what i see as the energy right now in a part of the democratic party which is this progressive populist energy which isn t just elizabeth warren. i think it s that bill that pushes senator clinton, former secretary of state. to the left. not to the left, but to really listen to those. i don t want to make it partisan or petty. it s not about hillary clinton. it s about the future of this country and what i believe we will disagree what i believe is needed. people believe this country is moving in the wrong direction. they don t see people there is a recovery in this country, and i think a president should be marked on the subsive accomplishments we ve got to go to break. i want to ask anita, also, there is a recovery out there. i want to ask anita why that s not showing up in the polls. anita, ari, katrina stay with us. still ahead on morning joe,
the fall of richard nixon and the rise of ronald reagan. the author of the invisible bridge joins us later in the hour. plus ebola patients back in the united states, but the virus continues to spread across west africa. will it spread here as well? first, a 72-hour cease-fire appears to be holding, thank god, but for how long. we ll discuss how a long-term bill between israel and hamas can be brokered. that s coming up next. you re watching morning joe. we ll be right back. it s never been easier to find a dentist. watch. dentist. at 1-800-dentist, we ve helped over 8 million people find that right dentist. we can do the same for you. so don t put it off. call 1-800-dentist.
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an neat tax let s finish up business from the last segment. let me ask you, you look at all the economic numbers, it looks like there s a recovery. the rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer. we all have to figure out how to stop that. the middle class slowly making gains over the past year or so. why isn t that reflected in the polls? i think that the deposition of the recession and the fact that so many people are still feeling the effects of it comes through very clearly in the
poll. we just had our sixth month of job creation over 200,000, the most the lowest number of new unemployment claims since 2007. it is slow, though, and always been a very slow process. the poll shows for the first time since i think since the recession, that more people think that we re not in a recession than we are in one. let s be clear. for people the economy is personal. in washington they talk about it as policy. i think katrina talked about the disconnect. that s one of the biggest disconnects. i also want to go quickly to something ari said about a wave election. there s no signs this is a wave election out there. in 2006, the democratic party was an alternative to the republican party. that s how waves develop. 2008, a wave election, 2010 obviously a gigantic wave election. now you have a republican party that is the alternative to obama that has a 14% approval rating in terms of its congressional
leadership and policies. so i think it s a very different dynamic and it means a lot of these senate races in particular will be fought out on a state-by-state basis. i think you re absolutely right. i think tom cotton is ten points ahead. that s going to be a battle. luis nan is always a battle. we don t know what s going to happen in alaska. i think it s going to be a fascinating election. anita, thank you for being with us. we appreciate it and hope you ll come back soon. thank you for having me, joe. by the way, nicolle tell nicolle i said surprised for a reason. great to see you guys. great to see you, too. from domestic politics to israel, the 72-hour cease-fire between israel and hamas is now in its second day and appears to be holding. let s hold our breath there. people are out in the streets and the shops have reopened.
but there were early concerns when hamas fired rockets into israel five minutes before the cease-fire took effect. negotiations for a long-term truce are currently under way in cairo. with us from tel aviv, senior correspondent and member of the editorial board, ari, the author of my promised land. ari, we love having you on the show. thank you for being back with us. thank you for having me. we got into it on the set again yesterday with donny deutsch. it seems to me the great tragedy, for me looking at this from my safe cloistered view from the united states, the past month has seemed to strengthen hamas which i think is in nobody s best interest. do we, though, have a chance with hamas being forced to deal with egypt? do we have a chance for palestinian moderates to finally have their say and have a chance
to broker a reasonable deal? i think we actually do. when you look at the last months you realize that july in this country was the cruellest of months. we ve seen dark forces erupting and a real tragedy evolving. now the challenge is to bring about a much better august. the terrorists, the warriors, the generals that head the world, now it s time for the diplomats to be reasonable and wise and lead the way forward. let me tell you where i think things are, what we ve learned in this terrible month is two things. one, the gaza suffering which is unbearable. the second, israeli vulnerability which is unbearable as well. we have to deal with both simultaneously. the only way to do it is in a sense to lift some of the economic siege on gaza, but tie
the military siege of gaza. in the larger term i would say it s time for a marshall plan that will really rebuild gaza. power stations, hospitals, schools and give real hope for the people of gaza while fighting the fanatical extremist hamas and while disarming it. so only a double track policy which will give hope to the people of gaza, but will be very tough with hamas and will bring about a demilitarization of gaza, will give us hope. i think there s a chance for it. i m sorry. i was just going to say, this time for some reason, appears to be different. we heard yesterday there weren t anti u.s. slogans out in the streets of gaza. you had some people in gaza blaming israel, blaming egypt but also blaming hamas.
it appears that a lot of palestinians are ready to move away from this zero sum game. either they win or we lose. the question is, do you believe you ve written a lot about this, do you believe that benjamin netanyahu faced with this opening to actually empower moderates in palestine that will work towards a two-state solution, does he have the political courage to take that opening? i think there is a certain clans i m not very optimistic, but i think there is a chance. let me tell you what this depends on. as we ve seen, there are no saints in the middle east. yet i do believe there are good guys and bad guys. the good guys are the ones who love america and want stability. the bad guys are the ones who hate america and want instability. the good news is there is a potential alliance between the
good guys which is egypt, the moderate palestinians, israel, with the support of saudi arabia, the gulf countries and jordan. if we will work out a concept that brings together these moderate forces, none of them perfect, definitely some of our arab neighbors, i do not admire their democratic values and the way they treat their citizens and yet they are relatively moderate and want stability and they are with america, if america will lead a real coalition of moderate israelis, mad rat palestinians and sunni arabs, i think we can create a context in which hamas will be isolated. radicals of the region will be isolated and then the dark forces, namely iran, the islamic brotherhood, i.s.i.s., hamas, al qaeda, islamic jihad, all of these will retreat. the result right now has some promise in it, but the solution, as i told you last week is only a political one.
if we see assertive diplomacy, creative diplomacies, deals with the middle east as it is, i think there s reason for cautious hope. ari fleischer, there is reason for cautious hope because you look, and this is the first time this has happened. you do have uae, the gulf states, saudi arabia, jordan. you even have the palestinian authority. you, of course, have egypt who is playing a key role in this, you a lot of arab states that are also turning on hamas. 80% of the gaz sans before this attack began were turning against hamas. there is an opening if netanyahu and the moderate palestinians take it. i think you just put your finger on the changing winds of the middle east. ari, this is ari. i ve always wanted to say ari, this is ari. have you ever seen a potential realignment like this before in the middle east, especially
saudi arabia which has worked behind the scenes with israel over the past many years, vis-a-vis iran. have you ever seen a potential realignment where arabs are willing to work with israel against what is really radical islam in the form of hamas? i think there is a great potential. what we ve seen look, in the middle east, nothing is like what meets the eye. if you really want to understand the region, you have to understand everything is multilayered here. what you actually have seen in the last weekend is egypt, israel and the moderate palestinians working together to try to stop hamas, and it worked. this is what brought about the cease-fire. if we enlarge this concept, i look at it from america s point of view. america on the one hand for very good reason is sick and tired of the middle east, for very good reasons. on the other hand, there is no way to run from the middle east. if you run from the middle east, the middle east chases you.
we ve seen that in 9/11. the only sensible policy i see is for america to lead the alliance of the moderates that will bring some sort of stability to a deeply unstable region. i think if we see that, it will be good for the moderate palestinians for the people of gaza who will be different from hamas and gradually will move away from hamas. it will be better for all the moderates, for israelis, and it will serve america s interest best because it will give her the leadership it needs. as i told you, i think america is god s gift to humanity. america saved us all in the 20th century, and i wish america would lead us all in the 21st century. in order to do that, there is a potential of american leadership creating this alliance of moderates and giving some sort of reasonable modest hope to this trouble, violent region. ari, thank you so much. we love having you.
we hope you ll come back very soon. katrina, a great opening. july was such a horrid month, such a depressing month. as ari said, you do have arab states moderate arab states that used to say something behind the scenes and then say something completely different in their state-sponsored broadcast bashing america, bashing israel. is there a chance for moderate palestinians and israelis to come together with a two-state solution? ari said something important at the top of his interview which is, we ve seen the generals and the warriors, the military men and people. now it s time for diplomacy. but too often that diplomacy has been is undered, broken, by steps taken by israel, not in its own security. hamas, yes, on both sides war crimes have been committed.
but israel is a very powerful state. america is it $3 billion a year in military aid and others? at the same time he works . i want to say this country deserves a broader debate about israel. there s a richer debate inside israel about that. we re having that debate here. the media has not provided as much a little more of an opening this time around. but your debate here sounds like a one-sided debate. we have the ambassador to the united nations there s let me talk. let me talk. for the plo. katrina, you have to admit, you talk about israel. hamas fired 3,000 rockets into israel into civilian neighborhoods. you and i know if mexico fired one rocket across the rio grande, we would be in mexico
city nightfall and there would be people executed and the united israel must be secure, but have you seen gaza katrina katrina, i agree with you. but you re talking about an asymmetry in a debate, and i m telling you that we re trying to provide symmetry. but you can t just come here and say, well, gee, it s israel that always if you say to me the right wing in israel i feel has worked against the best security of israel. there s a great documentary called the gate keepers with five former leaders of the masad who worry katrina. undermined israel s security. katrina, the only thing anything is ace symmetrical is israel has been forced to play defense. if they weren t unable to shoot down those rockets, the death toll would be more than what has
happened in gaza. ari, gaza has been ravaged. who is going to rebuild gaza? that is the international community s mandated mission. we ve got to go to break. i have scars on my back for being down the middle on this. i am pro israeli. the reason i m doing it is because i m hearing my republican friends saying it and my conservative friends saying, my liberal friends saying it, people who don t give a damn about politics seeing what s happening in gaza, they ve said enough. we support israel. we want israel to be safe. but enough with the gaza suffering. i think that s exactly what ari said. he talked about a marshall plan. i support a marshall plan for the people of gaza, the oppressed people of gaza, oppressed by history and the terrible situation they re in. but i lay the blame of that oppression at hamas feet right now. we have an opportunity to
isolate hamas and give them hope. i think that s a symmetrical debate. we need a political solution, not a military one. i agree with you 1,000%, and i think there is an opening and i m hopeful hamas is being isolated. that s a great idea. we re going to be talking, speaking of symmetry, to the plo ambassador to the united nations coming up next hour. i know you ll stick around and wake up your children to see that with us. coming up next, boy, a book that has sparked debate. called the invisible bridge about ronald reagan, charges of plagiarism flying around back and forth, but by one of the best conservative historians over the past decade who happens to be a liberal. we ll be right back. vo: this i. the summer of this. the summer that summers from here on will be compared to. where memories will be forged into the sand.
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conservatives, even pat buchanan told me, joe, you have to read nixon land, it s a great book. it is a great book. his book on goldwater was absolutely amazing. a lot of conservatives talking about rick pearlstein who has written extraordinary books. his latest is controversial the invisible bridge. we ll be talking to rick about that. and ronald reagan: the rise and fall of ronald reagan when we return.
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it s amazing stuff. with us historian rick pearlstein, the author of the invisible bridge. also with us in washington, professor of history at rice university, douglas brinkley, co-ed tore of the new book the nixon tapes. rick, first of all, huge fan of your first two books, nixon land and the invisible bridge. pat buchanan, bill kristol. if you want to understand american conservatism, it s a great place to start. this book is controversial. craig shirley, a good friend of moin and of this show, there have been charges about plagiarism, i guess the times talked about it. so there s passages that look like they re lifted directly
from some of craig s reagan books. what do you say? that s nonsense. we both used the word fess tune. i m calling it fess tune gates. what kind of plajist links source notes to the pages he s supposedly plagiarizing. a lot of the passages are the same. they re not the same. you re saying that put up the second passage. he thinks i got that from him. but actually i got it from an african-american paper, the atlanta world from 1976. and the thing that i write is completely richer. it s the second passage i think that your producer showed me was the one in which reagan was shown on camera laughing at what was going on at the convention reagan dissolved into laugher. what that doesn t show is
then in my book i say he dissolved into laughter and then he saw himself on the screen dissolving into laughter and stopped laughing when he realized it looked bad on tv. that s from my original research. craig s thing i thought i was friends with him. people should read his book. anyone who is interested in ronald reagan should read his book because it s a good book. he wants my pumped, shredded. it want his read. he s also a public relations professional. his clients are people like ann coulter. the first thing they did was send out a letter to their role decks saying people could join their offensive, that s the word, and rick is trying to put a new spin on reagan and he said we can suggest tweets that you can use. so it really strikes me that this is an ideologically motivated thing. we ll get craig on at some
point. maybe both of you on at some point. i would love to. i would really love to talk about this book. not to stay negative. like i said, i could not be larry king tweeted it was controversial and that s why he was reading it. again, your first two weeks i mentioned were extraordinary books. i thought you took a more negative tone toward reagan in this book. is that a fair assessment? i just kind of report what i see. what do you see? well, one thing i see, i write about this in the pref foss. it s very important to understand that opinions about reagan have always been divided. they ve been divided since he was in high school. i tell a story about how there was a cartoon in his high school yearbook making fun of him. some guy says, i m drowning, and
reagan goes out and saves him. the guy says, no, don t save me, i m trying to commit suicide. reagan says you ll have to postpone that. i m trying to win a medal. people saw him as this phony ever since then. but other people saw him as a hero that they wanted to i m late. in the preface i quote a letter from a woman who writes him who said you need to save the country just like you saved someone when you were a lifeguard. by the same token, i had a friend who couldn t bring herself to read the manuscript because she was still so mad at ronald reagan. the bottom line s i m trying to bring back the idea the fact that ronald reagan is a controversial figure that has always divided america. it seems you re more sympathetic to richard nixon more than ronald reagan. people have told me they came
away from the book more sympathetic to reagan. i don t know. i didn t go in with that agenda. it seems like reagan books are defensive voided in two. they either treat him as providential, put on earth to defeat the evil empire. i ve written a few of those. let s bring in doug brinkley. it s fascinating. people are still trying to get their arms around this man. we talked about what churchill would have said, he s still a mystery wrapped in a middle. there are parts of ronald reagan that i didn t know. absolutely. he s become a beloved figure. you have reagan national and all the rest. his presidential library is the most visited. the big reason everybody talks about reagan and generates
such interest is because we may be living in the age of ronald reagan still. by that i mean the two big political figures of the 20th century from pure politics was franklin roosevelt and ronald reagan. fdr told america that the federal government is there to help you. it was there to plant trees with the shelter belt in the depression and all of those you know, it s here to feed the poor during the new deal. it was here to do social security. and then the government won world war ii, the atomic bomb on the manhattan project, federal government, harry truman continued creating government. the nsc, the pentagon, the joint chiefs of staff, the cia. dwight eisenhower, interstate highway system, biggest public works in history. kennedy did the moon. all this federal government. even nixon creates the epa, jimmy carter fema and then reagan. the revolution comes in 81 and it s a roll back that reagan is talking about. rolling back the great society
and some of the new deal programs and that s where we are right now. rick. yeah, but he likes certain parts of government. he certainly liked the cia. he was on the rockefeller commission that investigated the cia and he was livid that they were taking on this part of the national security state that truman had started. so and of course when he was president he was quite pragmatic. he didn t roll back government like a lot of you guys had hoped. in fact conservatives all through his presidency had said reagan had sold out reaganism. bill buckley had to go to california in 1967 to defend ronald reagan against conservatives who said he was a sellout. what i m wondering listening to this is part of the root of the disagreement that other conservatives have with you and this book is that they are into mythdom. let s maintain mythdom about ronald reagan. it s far too early for him to be a myth. for the record, it s far to
early to say conservatives have turned against this book. i m just saying i m a huge fan of your first two books. i just thought you gave reagan tougher treatment than you gave goldwashington goldwater or nixon. i m reading the whole thing and conservatives should as well. let the readers judge for themselves, i guess. loo look, if this guy is the most important man to ever walk the planet, shouldn t we be studying him, warts and all? look, people have always been underestimating ronald reagan. richard nixon underestimated ronald reagan and william f. buckley said he couldn t possibly imagine this guy as president. but there s this great nixon tape in 1971, you know. nixon and kissinger are sitting around. i think nixon or kissinger says can you imagine ronald reagan sitting in this chair. and kissinger is like no way, he s going to start a nuclear war. that was 1971.
you can get it on youtube. two years later because he s such a rising political figure, they bring him in on the consultations and say we have a problem. egypt is exaggerating the number of israeli planes that they re shooting down. reagan says that s no problem. just announce that we re going to on a one for one basis replace every israeli plane that egypt says it shoots down and kissinger was like astonished at this guy s intelligence and he said i wish i had a guy like that on my staff. so i just brought that story into the public record. all right, very good. rick, thank you so much for being with us. congrats on the book. this discussion will continue and we ll see if we can get craig on and you guys can break bread together. duke it out. exactly, duke it out. the book is the invisible bridge. rick, thanks again. doug brinkley, thank you as well. coming up next, we re breaking on the latest nbc news/wall street journal polls. they are ugly for both sides.
chuck todd will be here but there s a ray of hope in the poll and chuck will tell us what it is. i have absolutely no clue. plus pretender or contender. one way or another rand paul is making an impression in iowa, and the global market is reeling. did you see this? they were reeling yesterday as russian troops assemble on the border of eastern ukraine. is this the first step before a larger act of aggression? is war coming in russia? morning joe will be right back.
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israeli troops today finally pulled out of gaza. was this a celebration of a victory or just relief at their return? uncertainty too whether hamas forces ensure no more rockets are fired into israel. we have to talk about demilitaryizing israel. nancy writebol has arrived safely. afghanistan is still a war zone. the pentagon confirming moments ago that an american general was killed. major general harold green, the deputy commander of the security transition in afghanistan he wasn t there he was help krt icf. we re going to see a lot more of this as our combat forces zero out. we re not going more and more
vulnerable not just to killed and wounded but to abductions. rand paul is in iowa where he is running and sometimes ducking. if you have a question, i m happy to answer it. i get paid a lot to be wrong. i m sure i ll be proven wrong here. he s a fascinating guy, he s a fascinating candidate and i think he has absolutely no chance to actually be elected president of the united states. you re talking about real hard choices. which would you rather fight, one horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses? we d have peace peace here, there a peace, everywhere a peace. welcome back to morning joe. so great to have you guys with us. man, the first two hours of flown. this hour, don t blink because it s i mean we have so much stuff to fill, and you re here with some really happy news, chuck todd. america needs prozac. no, no, you re going to tell us these poll numbers are like prozac for america.
absolutely right. chuck todd is here, he s got some polls. also we ve got managing editor of the news website, bobby ghosh, sara eisen and op-ed columnist dana milbank is here to cheer us up because dana always cheers everybody up. he writes only about the happiest things in washington. he s polly annish, i beneficiary he had would be a bit more biting at times. the economy is better. and see that s the thing, okay. the economy is no. hold on. the economy is better, sara, right? right. but nobody is noticing that it s better. well, no, they do notice. that was what was interesting about our poll. they know the economy is better. it s just not better for them. why are they so depressed? it s a number of things. first of all, they re not recovered from the recession. yes, financially they have recovered, but there are still one in three americans that are either supporting a child over
the age of 21 or a parent over the age of 65. the great recession made that. so you have these folks sitting there, they re digging out and sitting there going i m still dealing with the recession. yes, my income, by the way, flat, but i have a job and all these things, so i m still dealing with it even though you keep telling me the economy is better. so, sara, like 70% of americans, i m a politician so i round up or down. 70% of americans think we re going in the wrong direction. 80% of americans think washington is going in the wrong direction. talk to those 70% of americans and tell them why the economy is getting better, why things are improving. well, we saw a 4% growth number last week for the second number. that is a big deal. but you sort of do have this two-speed recovery going on between income. low income, middle income hasn t seen a recovery and wages is the story of why most americans aren t feeling it. adjusted for inflation, they haven t gone anywhere during
this entire jobs recovery. the good news is, though, job openings are at the highest level in multi years. the good news is we ve seen several months now a stretch of 200,000 plus jobs created in this country. easier to get a job now. employment rate going up because more people are actually looking. so easier to get a job. we need to see those wajges stat to go up. let s look at those numbers again. you would have thought yesterday people were jumping out of their windows. oh, my gosh, the stock market crashed. we re almost at 16,500. the numbers have just exploded and people don t feel it on main street at all. only half of the population owns stocks. they have been burned by the financial crisis. unless you have it in your mutual fund and retirement portfolios, you re not feeling a recovery in the stock market. look at these numbers from the poll. 64% of americans are not satisfied with the state of the economy, 35% are and that 1% not
sure. but you just said the stock market is rewarding companies for streamlining, for hoarding cash, for cutting people. the stock market does not reward companies for investing, for being entrepreneurial, for creating new jobs. so i think that that s why this is even worse on how people feel. the president s job approval, 40%. born policy just bleak. 36% approve, 60% disapprove. dana milbank, my god, here we are 2014, coming up on a midterm election. this is so lined up for the republicans, they are going to sweep through there. it s going to be a prairie fire sweeping across america. but wait, you look at congress job approval rating and the
american people say they suck. it s 14% approve of congress job performance rating. here s the party approval, dana. the gop 19%. only 19% have a favorable impression. 54% unfavorable. democrats, i was about to say all the way up at 31%. my parents were glad when i get 31s on my math tests but nobody else is. so, dana, washington, d.c., man, if i m an incumbent, i m thinking this year going into the election that i actually there is a chance that i could get challenged. it s bad news for d.c. it is bad news overall for d.c., but let me add some cheer and light to this. that s why you re here. that s why i m here, because i m always the glass is always half full for me. i don t think these numbers are that bad for president obama given how awful things are overall. and it s not just the economy that s bad. americans are depressed.
76% in this poll don t think their children are going to have a better life than they have had. so far they re right if we re talking about the millennials. 60% think the nation is in decline. when you ve got those kinds of numbers, more than 70% on the wrong track, for the president to be where he is, is quite extraordinary. and the pollsters are saying this does not indicate the sort of wave elections, so people are sort of universal in their discussion. so, dana, in the past you d look at right track, wrong track. you d look at the president s approval ratings and you d be able to predict for the most part other than 1998 what would happen in off-year elections. why is that not the case this year? because of the disgust with washington, 70% is universal. it s also because there s only so many ways voters can register their disgust because very few people are actually vulnerable when you look at the house in particular. and then, you know, you look at the senate. like last night s primaries, you
don t see a lot of anti-incumbent antagonism out there in the voters. they re depressed, they re disgusted with washington. they don t know particularly what to do about it. and, dana, of course every republican in washington, d.c. is going to be holding their breath and waiting for your answer on this because they know they can t wait to hear the answer to this. what is wrong with the republican party? oh, they ll be fine, joe, don t worry about it. no, i don t know that they will. i mean the question we ve been asking all morning is what do they stand for? i know people hate to talk about like when i ran for congress. i m sorry, i could talk about when i was a high school football coach. it wouldn t be as applicable. when i ran, everywhere i went people are saying what are you going to do if you actually get elected. i say we re going to do this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, shove it through the house. if you were a republican in 2014 and people says what are you going to do other than
investigate, investigate, and i m not talking the investigations, but what are you going to do other than investigate, seriously, what is the answer a republican can give? i mean i would say the campaign slogan boiled down for november is not that guy. so we are not president obama, we are not the democrats, and they figure and they re probably right, that will be enough to get them across the finish line this time. that s of course not enough in the long term and even in 2016 term because you actually do have to have some sort of an alternative here. so i mean they re playing a very short-term game here which may work and may feel that validated their strategy going into this but i don t see where you go starting in december. you know, chuck, i always love to say that i m living proof that in off-term elections you can beat something with nothing. in presidential elections you actually have to stand for something. i m not so sure in 2014 that s the case anymore. tom cotton should be up by ten points in arkansas.
he s not. republicans should have closed out mary landrieu by now in louisiana. they have not. georgia, still up in the air. there are a lot of red states where democrats are still holding on. part of the issue is independents are totally throwing up their hands. you see interest in this election by independents cratering. one of the reasons our poll says this isn t a wave election. interest is lower now than 06 or 10 to wave elections. the voters don t have amnesia. they voted for change three of the last four elections and they didn t get it and they re mad. by the way, you want to know what the future of the republican party looks like and what happens when the whole thing blows up in your face? what s that? look at kansas. kansas is a mess right now. sam brownback, a conservative. sam is in trouble. he s in big trouble. he only got 62% in a primary. he didn t really have a real challenger. why is sam in trouble right now? there s a couple of things. one is he was very aggressive and basically trying to leave
the charge to purge his party of moderates. he put in a tax bill that was fiscally the moderate republicans argued it was fiscally irresponsible, it was too much that he didn t pay for it. he went very much with a very aggressive tax-cutting policy. the wall street journal loves it, but half the party inside of kansas doesn t. but this is a state. the republicans are in charge. this is full-on being in charge. you can t point your finger at anybody else. and you re seeing almost an implosion here, an ideological implosion taking place inside of kansas. obviously the book years ago what s the matter with kansas talked about why do rural folks in kansas vote against their economic self-interests. but there s a different way, if you want to understand how the national republican party and congressional republicans could see the whole thing collapse on them, go look at kansas. sara, one final question about the polls and then i want to talk about afghanistan with bobby and just unbelievable news that came out yesterday. so it s fascinating, we were
talking about this last hour. you look at what americans want. they want the banks broken up in this wall street journal poll, they want corporate tax rates cut, very conservative, right? but they also want minimum wage raised. which conservatives don t love. and you can there are all of these contradictions. but there is actually a consensus that is not left or not right on economics. they want the 1% to get taxed more. a lot of different things going on here. and that s a reflection of the sluggish growth and sluggish income growth. what the business community wants from washington right now, immigration reform, we know that, and that s sort of on both sides of the aisle. corporate tax reform, also going to be very tricky to pull off. the party that campaigns should campaign on those factors that will boost the economy and will boost normal americans way of living and their incomes. you heard president obama talking to the economist magazine earlier this week, hostile with ceos and the business community saying that
they live in the hamptons and they should stop complaining. what the business community wants from the republican party is less regulation, dodd-frank financial regulation and obamacare and more proactive reforms. you talk about a reflection of cost cutting. they need to invest and have the confidence to hire. it starts with the ceos, say what you will about them and about businesses. if they get that confidence, that could go a long way to restoring incomes and helping the economy. the top ceos may not say it in front of a camera, but you talk about a lack of distrust in the president of the united states exactly. it is hostile. but the supposed party of business, this is a republican party that wants to dump the import/export bank, doesn t want to do immigration reform. the business community s agenda is not the republican the irony is obama is closer to what they want to get done i don t know about that. i know that, look, the epa thing is a different story, some
of these regulations. but let s talk about immigration reform and import/export, obama is their best ally. dana, it is something and the president can t seem to win for losing with wall street. and this has been this has been a bizarre relationship since 2009. he s done a lot of things. he didn t crack down on the big banks a way a lot of his own supporters want him to crack down. there are a lot of punitive measures that he could have taken. and the justice department could have taken against some of the malfeasance that occurred. he didn t do it, and yet he s still very unpopular on wall street. he hasn t been able to profit from that. chuck is right, there is a huge amount of antagonism. mo brooks from alabama who just yesterday or the day before was talking about the war on whites. he was making an argument against the wall street journal editorial page.
there s a huge divide there. if you look at the facts on the ground since then, they have little reason to be frustrated with him as opposed to what they re getting from congress but i think there s a long hangover effect there. if i were groucho marx, the duck would have come down because dana got in the war on whites phrase. congratulations, dana. you said the magic phrase. we gave people a bunch of lists on how to improve the economy. 78% picked this. increase fines and jail time for executives at financial institutions who broke the law would help. so you ve got a public out there that s actually ticked off that nobody went to ceos are upset that, hey, you re not doing the corporate tax rate. the public is upset that a ceo isn t in jail. and that s what the president is responding to.
there s a disconnect between america and the east coast. a republican candidate that goes out and is anti-big business and anti-big government does big things. watch out for rand paul. they re just not out there. rand paul running away from some of the things he said. he does run away. just a couple of years ago. literally we saw him run away. he literally ran away from the dreamers and now he s running away from what he said about cutting off all aid to israel. this morning changing stories from domestic to international. the pentagon is investigating an attack that left a two-star army major general dead. the highest ranking american killed in iraq or afghanistan. the 55-year-old major general was harold green, the second highest ranking american serving in afghanistan. he was overseeing the transition efforts in handing over u.s. responsibilities to afghan troops. green and other coalition forces were at camp tuesday when an
afghan soldier opened fire, seriously injuring several others before being killed and returning fire. bobby, my god, you look at this poll and there is so much to talk about. we could talk about russia, a possible invasion, what it did to the markets yesterday. we could talk about what s happening in the middle east. we re going to with the ambassador to the united nations for the plo coming up, but of course this hasn t happened since, i think, 70 or 71 in vietnam. the situation in afghanistan is just a mess. you talk about americans looking around going what s going on. so many americans still want to know why we re spending $2 billion a week in a war that we just can t win. well, i think that drawdown that the president has promised couldn t come fast enough for many americans. it is the most senior military official killed since vietnam. since we are desperately trying to look for good news this morning, the number of green on blue killings has actually come down. the target was a big one this
time. 2012 was huge. nearly 50, last year nearly 15, this year this is only the fourth, i think, all year, which is a smaller number. that s very small consolation. the opportunities for green and blue violence will reduce so fewer american soldiers, knock on wood, will die. but what this tells us is there is still a gigantic mess we re leaving behind there. if the afghan military cannot stand up, and the indications are not good, if they cannot stand up, that quickly will very quickly devolve back again into this cess pit and it will pull its neighbors, pakistan again and it is once again the place from where terror will be exported around the world. it s unbelievable all the lives that have been lost, all the money that s been invested in iraq and in afghanistan. here we are 12 years later, 13 years later, we re still looking for that thomas jefferson
figure. guess what, he s not there. well, he s not. it s been three months since presidential elections and they still haven t figured out who the president is. the two candidates are still fighting. john kerry tried to mediate there and that still hasn t happened. they re still counting the votes all over again. there s no one who s behaving like a statesman. never mind thomas jefferson. no one is willing to behave like a statesman. everyone is behaving like a narrow tribal or ethnic leader. and that s the nature of the problem. we would settle for far less actually. the afghans would settle for far less. wouldn t political rivals in a country that cared about this, they d be both serving in the government. wouldn t at this point that s what kerry tried to do. and that s what george washington did. he brought a bunch of rivals into that cabinet. you know, there actually is a model. i know, there is. chuck todd, thank you for being with us. dana, thank you for bringing your own special brand of sunshine to morning joe. you have lit us up. thank you for coming, i hope
you ll come back soon. we loved having you. still ahead on morning joe drugs on the diamond. has baseball successfully moved on from the steroid era? plus, will the peace in gaza hold? we ll be discussing that with the ambassador of palestine to the u.n. but coming up next, is a tech bubble ready to burst? the co-founder of foursquare, dennis crowley, is here to explain what s next for silicon valley and his company. you re watching morning joe. we ll be right back. everybody s excited about the back to school
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call 1-800-denti if energy could come from anything?. or if power could go anywhere? or if light could seek out the dark? what would happen if that happens? anything. okay, beano, i ve got to go to a lot of stores to get what you like.
i ll be back. if you leave me now, you ll take away the biggest part of me oooo, no, baby, please don t go ooo, girl, i just want you to stay hey, man, i m getting car sick. that was one of s tv commercials. by the way, i went hard. i threw a lot of cash on to make up for my losses on eastern airlines. it didn t work out well for me. of course an ever lasting symbol of the internet bubble. did any of you know what eastern airlines is? i knew the question is are we in the middle of another tech bubble. with us the founder of foursquare, dennis crowley. i found out you re not in silicon valley, you re in
silicon alley. what exactly is silicon alley when it s at home? i think silicon alley now is just all of the tech activity that s happening in new york. i ve never found the one specific alley. you ve been looking since 98. since i moved in 98 i thought it was one street and i think it s most of downtown manhattan at this point. you ve got a pretty good streak, though. you ve got some great tech startups. yeah, we re doing okay. foursquare hob going for five years strong and i had a company before this. so is there a tech bubble? are we worried about a tech bubble? i was watching the commercial. i haven t seen that in forever. back then, that was people trying to sell a little bit of everything on the internet. the people that are selling stuff on the internet have figured it out. i think what companies like four square are doing now is trying to reinvent the world through this lens of data analytics and how can we reinvent the world with data. i think it s an entirely
different game now than it was back then. sara, you look skeptical. i ve been seeing these evaluations, they re eye-popping. you mentioned eastern airlines. does it make sense to you that uber, which is not a public company yet, is valued more than united airlines or whole foods? that s the valuation these types of companies are getting. you look at the potential of these companies. it s like is uber going to reinvent transportation logistics? are they going to be the broker by which people go and pick up their driverless cars. who knows what that future looks like but they re in a good spot to execute it. i was going to ask about the data analytics bring up. he who has the data wins, as we know with the nsa. so how are you trying to expand the footprint of what we ve come to know foursquare to be and how you see it moving beyond that so that you stay futureproof. what we ve been trying to do is build these amazing personalized local search ing n engines. why should all of us get the same search results if we re
looking for lunch or dinner in this neighborhood. we should learn from the way people experience new york city to give everyone different results. what if i don t want people to know where i am. it s not about people knowing where you are. its new foursquare is how can we take all this information about where people have been in the past and help you find spots perfect for you. like a yelp. but much smarter. with yelp all of us get the same results. but what foursquare is trying to do is you would get different results, you would get different results. thomas and i would get faur different results. if you re interested in creating a tech alibi, foursquare could be your end. i just learned that german factory orders fell off. way to bring that in. as dennis is pointing out you sound like a consumer that has used this as a tech alibi. no, not yet. but since we re thinking about it, i m always thinking about things. of course you are. but joe is bringing up the contrast about the fact that he
doesn t want people to know where he is so why is foursquare a viable service for him to use? and you ve got a new app, right? it s called social media. social. i never tell people where i am until i left three days ago. hey, look, it s beautiful in nantucket. one of the things we found out is not everyone wants to share their location all the time. so for the people that do want to do that, we launched a separate app for them and called it swarm. you can download it now. it s called swarm? swarm, yes. swarm is the one where you want to share that you re traveling to all these exotic places. i m going to line that one out. the new foursquare app is all about learning about the things that you like and so we can drive you toward the places we think you d love. let s say i want to find the best music spots in brooklyn and williamsburg. i go on the new four square app. yeah, either type in i m looking for live music or scroll over to night life.
based upon where people are going in realtime and based upon what people have said about those places, we help you find the best things that fit your taste. so we re talking about jobs. we re talking about americans being unhappy. i get that you re trying to transform industry and you re trying to change the world. what about jobs? what s up when it got acquired by facebook had 55 employees. are you guys creating jobs? i think we re creating jobs. it s very difficult to find software engineers that are incredibly talented. can i ask you about the immigration crisis, the immigration debate. how important is it for you to be able to get immigrants that, say, graduate from m.i.t. and then they have to go back home? it s tricky because we hit we re only allotted a certain amount of visas every year and we hit that limit every year. there s always people we d love to pull in but are above that limit. so it makes hiring talented
engineers even harder because we re up against those restrictions. how much of a difference would it make for you as far as global competitiveness if you didn t have those restrictions. i don t think it s just us. we would pick up a handful of engineers per year, which would be a huelp for us, but across te companies in new york and in the valley, i think it would make a big difference. all right, dennis, you ve convinced me there is no tech bubble and i m getting your new foursquare app. what s that watch? it s called anuka. so this for the camera. it s called a nuka watch. does it tell time? it does, yes. what else does it do? it tells the future. tells the future? in the future, four square is awesome. oh, that is so awesome. so, sara, before you leave, we always look at german factory orders to figure out what s going on. as you should. and you say german factory orders fell off a cliff and this
is important. because it is the russian factor. obviously the sanctions are starting to hit russia. europe and russia have a very close trade relationship. russia is the eighth biggest economy. thomas was just telling me this. this is not a small emerging markets economy, as thomas knows. so putin moves troops to the border of the ukraine, we feel it here yesterday on wall street. you saw it. just a headline, vulnerability, it s a fragile market out there. the geopolitical tensions especially in russia and ukraine are shaking confidence right now. dennis, thank you so much. thank you for having me. appreciate you being here. check out more on our website on afternoon mojo to find out more about dennis, foursquare and the watch that he wears. coming up next, israel and hamas are taking the first steps toward a long-term truce but a deal won t be struck without conditions. we ll talk about the prospects for a more stable cease-fire with the palestinian ambassador to the united nations coming up next.
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we re now in the second day of a 72-hour cease-fire between israel and hamas that for now still appears to be holding. with us now the ambassador for palestine to the united nations,
ambassador riyad mansour. thank you for having me. i was talking to an israeli journalist earlier and he talked about the horrors on both sides. he talked about the palestinian suffering. i mean saying things that you don t usually hear from israelis, that it s just that we may actually have an opening. is there an opening for peace out of this terrible tragic month of july? i hope so. it is not going to be easy, it s going to be very difficult. we have a delegation prese representing all the palestinians in cairo that has been there in a few days. i believe there will be an israeli delegation going to cairo today as well. i hope that we can begin the discussion in order to not allow for a 72-hour cease-fire but for a long cease-fire and to deal with the root causes of this situation. and hopefully lasting peace. yes. do you think the palestinian authority is going to have more
authority to negotiate with israel on a long-term peace deal since you have the saudis, the egyptians, uae and a lot of other states trying to bolster you and trying to push aside some of the more extreme elements of hamas? we succeeded in april of reaching an agreement to have a national consensus government. and that national consensus government represents everyone, including hamas. so for us in this national consensus government under the leadership of president mahmoud abbas, if we succeed by being empowered by everyone, including the international community, to be responsible for the transition of rebuilding gaza and having a long-lasting cease-fire and then to move into the political situation of negotiating the end of occupation and the independence
of the state of palestine so we can have two state solution living side by side in peace and security, then that would be the best thing not only for us, for israel and for the entire region. ambassador, you talked about the national consensus government that you agreed to in april. hamas was at that point at its historical weakest moment politically as well as militarily. what is your assessment of hamas position now after a month of fighting? there are some who say that hamas in some ways is stronger, at least politically, and if that is so then the dynamic within the coalition government changes. is hamas a political force that now you have to reckon with? hamas is a significant political force among the palestinians. the israeli government waged this war for several reasons, including the reason that they wanted to destroy the national
consensus government, to keep us divided and, therefore, weaker so that they can make us in a weaker position in terms of negotiation. now the challenges for us is not to allow the israeli government succeed in the destruction of the national consensus government, but to allow the national consensus government to lead the negotiation in cairo, to succeed in the negotiation there, to show the palestinian people in the gaza strip that it is the government that was able to make a difference in their lives by lifting the siege, opening the borders, allowing our fishermen to fish deep in 12 miles or beyond in the mediterranean sea where they can get most of the food for the people in gaza in terms of fish. if we succeed in these challenges, and i believe that the gentleman that you referred to, he was saying you cannot
have success in dealing with the situation in gaza without lifting the siege against the people in gaza. he is absolutely correct. we need to show especially the young, 50% of the people in gaza are under 18. we have to give them hope. so with that, and i ve made no secret of the fact that i m a long-time supporter of israel, but with that i would love for the borders to be open, for there to be the possibility. the egyptian border and more movement and less of a siege mentality there, but how do we guarantee security for the israeli people so hamas doesn t use that opportunity to just rebuild its war machine that not only undercuts israel, but undercuts what you re trying to do? well, we have to build on things that succeeded in the past. right. hamas and israel reached a
cease-fire agreement in the year 2012 under the auspices of the egyptians. president abbas was not involved in that. now we have a national consensus government that represent everyone, including hamas. if we have that cease-fire and build on it and add new things to it, such as the possibility of putting in place an observer force or group of people to observe the cease-fire, for the israelis that that observer force will create a deterrent atmosphere so that nobody will be firing anything from gaza towards israel, for us in the gaza strip, it will create a deterrent element where the israelis will not be executing palestinians in gaza and attacking gaza as they wish. so this new additional element which we are dewait batbating -
and also so israeli people don t have to worry about rockets raining down on them from ha hoss. but also when you have 11,000 killed and injured in four weeks, 80% of them are civilians, large number of children, this is a tragedy. it s so huge that is impacting the entire population, entire nation of the palestinians, including half a million displaced. there s no doubt it has been july has been one of the most tragic months, and let us hope that peace comes out of it. thank you so much. thank you very much for having me. and we hope you ll come back. nicolle had five or six questions, we just don t have time. okay. coming up, how baseball explains america. the author of that new book explains our obsession with america s national pastime. we ll be right back. 
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with us now, the senior correspondent for, hal bodley, he s the author of how baseball explains america. one of the most important books written about baseball. that s a pretty damn good review by the new york daily news. that s true. it s also such a thick and deep part of our culture, baseball. explain what you ve been doing with your whole life, and it s all right here in this book right now. after covering baseball for 55, 56 years you have a lot of memories, a lot of tapes stored away, interviews you ve done with a lot of people and that type of thing. i wanted to bring it altogether. i thought i could do a memoir. i talked to ted williams in his underwear. i flew on air force one with george h.w. bush. then i thought, hey, that doesn t really work too good. what about baseball and how essential it is to our society. every day. i challenge you, can you go an
hour without using a baseball term in your language. you probably can t but it s such an important part of our society. it s essential, the people who have a great passion for the game. they love the game and made it possible. i tried to tie all that in and it s been very, very rewarding for me. i think all of us on this set agree that baseball was such an integral part of our country and our country s culture. do you worry at all about the pace of the game and the fact that the demographics of baseball are increasingly people our age and you re not too far from our age and we re losing some younger baseball fans because of the pace of the game? no question, mike. the games, when they last over three hours, i covered a nine-inning game in tampa bay the other day that was four hours long, it was so awful. i think the velcro, the players are tightening their gloves after every swing of the bat, that type of the game. they do have to speed it up. i think it s a big concern that we haven t been able to bring
the youngsters into the game, the little boys. my dad took me to yankees stadium in 1950, the world series with the phillies. we sat behind the dugout. joe dimaggio came to the plate. he put his arm around me and said pay very, very close attention to this because this is something you re going to remember the rest of your life. do dads take their kids to the ballpark as much as they used to? i m not sure they do. we have a contagious type of thing where kids get really involved. i think if the games were played more in the daylight and not so late at night, that would certainly help. so anthony bosh arrested yesterday. brings back the question of steroids, you have a chapter in the book about steroids. we all lived through the steroid era. we may or may not be over. i was a san francisco giants season ticket older. i watched barry bonds break all those records. context y
contextualize it. how do we look at that era and put it in proper context? i think our society struggles with it, obviously. i think that decade of the steroid era, it s very, very important we recognize it. if we ever use those record books, we have to have an asterisk in there. i think saying this is during the steroid era. for me personally i will never vote for any of these players that have tainted the game and been involved with steroids. so it s a very, very important thing. i was just going to say quick debate here, let s talk about something important. the greatest decade for baseball. i grew up in the 1970s. you had the oakland a s, hank aaron, willie mays was still playing, lou brock. it was an extraordinary decade. but you disagree with me. i do. i really do, joe. because i talked to tom brokaw, he wrote that great book the greatest generation. and i said to you agree with me that the 1940s was the greasest
generation in baseball? the greatest decade in baseball. and he said positively. i ll tell you the reason why. joe dimaggio s 56-game hitting street, ted williams batting over .400. you had all of these good players going to war. above all that, jackie robinson in 1947 breaks the color barrier. that has to be the greatest. it was very, very important to our society and to baseball. you know, you talk about baseball, though. i really do mark so many moments of my life. 1975 obviously what happened in game six, but i will forever remember being in dalton, georgia, at my grandmom s house on april 8, 1974, when al downing pitched that pitch to hank aaron. i mean there are just these are the moments that mark our lives, right? really. it s how baseball explains america. you know, it s so important. and that moment when hank broke that record, that has to stand. and the fact that there was somebody that had peds that
helped go above that record the records are so sacred in baseball. it s still hank aaron. we shall return. it s how baseball explains america. hal bodley, thank you so much for being here. always my pleasure. we ll be right back. where the reward was that what if tnew car smelledit card and the freedom of the open road? a card that gave you that i m 16 and just got my first car feeling. presenting the buypower card from capital one. redeem earnings toward part or even all of a new chevrolet, buick, gmc or cadillac - with no limits. so every time you use it, you re not just shopping for goods. you re shopping for something great. learn more at i m alex trebek.
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sleep train your ticket to a better night s sleep let s talk about what we learned today and i was just told we have one second. mike barnicle what did you learn? anything with colin cowherd is a huge day. thomas.
orioles. bobby. the ambassador to the united nations is a floridian. in a country where everyone is depressed and gloomy, this is the happiest place in america. you might turn back to barnicle for another thing about the sports guy. what, hal bodley? i have no idea what s going on here. chuck todd, we owe you about 30 seconds, we re sorry. stick around, here s chuck with all of the nbc news/wall street journal polls. you ve got to watch it, it will change your life. see you tomorrow, bye. his first bakery in a small hawaiian town. making bread so good, that people bought two loaves one to take home, and one to eat on the way. so good, they grew from here. to here. to here. but to grow again, to the east coast they needed a new factory, but where? fortunately, they get financing from ge capital. we not only have teams dedicated to the food industry, we re also part of ge, a company that s built hundreds of factories.
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Transcripts For MSNBCW Hardball With Chris Matthews 20140815 23:00:00

like this. maybe we would seek fairness and seek real answers and seek permanent change and solutions rather than just picking sides. because at the end, we need to be on the side of what s right for those children. thanks for watching. i m al sharpton. have a great weekend. hardball starts right now. the robbery and the tape. let s play hardball. good evening. i m in for chris matthews. leading off tonight, there have been big developments out of ferguson, missouri, today. this morning police finally released the name of the officer who shot an unarmed teenager to death last saturday. darren wilson is a six-year veteran of the force with no history of disciplinary action
against him, according to the chief of the force. police also released information about what they say michael brown was up to in the minutes before he was shot. police made public this video of a robbery at a nearby store saying the person in the video was michael brown. according to a police report brown allegedly tried to leave the store with several packs of mini cigars without paying but was completed by the clerk. brown grabbed the employee s shirt and pushed him into a display rack. thomas jackson laid out a timeline of events that led many to conclude that the officer was responding to a description of the suspect this the robbery. this afternoon jackson said the officer wasn t aware of the robbery. listen to this exchange. did you know he was a suspect in a case or did he not know? he did not know. it had nothing to do with the stop. nothing to do with the stop.
then why release the video? at this point, why did he stop michael brown? because they were walking down the middle of the street blocking traffic. that was it. and then just moments ago, another turn in the story. the ferguson police told nbc news the officer who did the shooting saw mike brown with the stolen cigars and thought brown might be a suspect in the robbery. brown family today blasted the ferguson police force for what they called a strategy of blaming the victim. todd johnson is a reporter for the grio and joins us from ferguson. todd, thanks for being with us. there is a lot of confusing, almost baffling information from the police department in ferguson. i want to make sense of this first to understand exactly where we are. this morning they put out a video. their clear implication is there is a connection here. this afternoon the chief of police gives the press conference are. he s asked several times if the officer was responding to the robbery. he says no. this was about getting him out of the street and not blocking
traffic. then apparently after the press conference we are now finding out that the chief is now telling people, well, wait, the officer saw cigars and made a connection. is that the official story of the police now? i m confused just listening to you recap what s happened today. you can imagine what the residents here in ferguson are feeling. everything that you re describing did happen from one story to the next story to a little modification of the same story. people are confused and still unsettled as to why they don t know what happened when michael brown died. okay. so he was encountered in the middle of the street and then perhaps the officer did see the mini cigars. then it clicked and dawned on the officer that perhaps mike brown was a suspect. the crucial piece of information that everyone here and all other the community want to know is what happened next? what led to the use of this deadly force?
all of the residents i have talked to surely understand that a pack of mini cigars or whatever mike brown allegedly took from the store isn t worth his life. today s events did nothing to build trust or change feelings residents have in the community about the police department. that s as problematic as you can imagine. especially in a day and time where the police department are trying to do the exact opposite build trust, build community relations. today is an example of how not to do the that. it seems awfully fishy to me. at this press conference as we say, the chief is asked over and over again about, you know, does the video you put out this morning have anything to do with the stop. he repeatedly says at the this press conference, no. the officer was just dealing with you know, basically jaywalking. it strikes me as odd that he wouldn t only after the press conference would he say, there was another reason.
he was responding to the rob ary. it seems fishy like somebody got his ear after the press conference and said, though, this is not the official line. this might be extreme but it might be time for the chief of police of ferguson to kien of stop talking or at least get everything together before he gives press conferences. again, the people that i have talked to today just aren t buying the altering of events every few hours there is a new story. you can imagine in the morning when everyone was anticipating that the officer s name was going to be released that there was at least going to be comfort that the police departments and the investigations were going as planned and that we were going to be closer for the residents in ferguson as a community to be closer to the knowledge that they want to know and the information they want. certainly now towards the end of the day and into the demonstrations that will continue into the night, it gives no one any solace that the stories changed throughout the day. people want to know why the videos were released in the first place.
why were stills released of mike brown in a convenience store minutes before he died, released if the chief doesn t know if the they are related to how he died or why he was stopped. again that builds into this mistrust of the ferguson residents into the police department. it didn t help anyone today for the information to come out the way it did. the other information missing here when you look at this police report and the information that was put out today, it mainly pertains to this robbery, the cigars. there is no real information there about the shooting itself. again, correct me if i m wrong here. my impression has always been it s a standard thing in police forces just about anywhere when a weapon is used, when you discharge a weapon for any reason. you as the officer have to file a report. maybe that s not the case in missouri, in ferguson. should there be other pieces of information, pieces of paperwork filed by the officer, by the police department being withheld that we should have access to now?
perhaps in the oncoming days there will be, steve. another part that s bizarre to people is the justification for why the police chief released surveillance video of what s allegedly mike brown in the first place. he said the reason even though it s not related is because the media asked for it. several members of the media looked at each other and said, didn t we ask for information about the shooting? a lot of people didn t know a robbery occurred. for the police chief to put it on the media and say that was the reason that the surveillance video and stills were released also left a lot of people in the media confused. we have confused members of the media. confused members of ferguson and people who distrust the police department. you can see why this situation is being pieced together the way it is and why no one really has any idea what s going on. thank you, todd johnson in
ferguson. the president of the naacp legal defense fund joins us tonight. thank you for your time. i m curious what you make of the latest twist as todd is saying at the press conference this afternoon, the chief is saying two things clearly. one that the stop had nothing to do with the robbery. that the officer wasn t aware of that. two that the only reason the video was released was because the media was asking for it. as soon as the press conference ends the chief is saying, oh, no. actually the officer knew about the robbery. saw the cigars and made the connection. he s justifying putting the video out. it seems fishy to me. i m curious what you make of it. i m not confused. we are at a critical moment now. look what happened today. we have been clamoring for information about the shooting. we have been asking for the identity of the officer. we have been asking for the incident report. we learned that there was going to be an announcement today. and the thrust of that
announcement was the name of the officer without any identifying information and an incident report and still photos of the robbery that happened at the store. we actually learned really nothing more today about the shooting than we knew yesterday except we know the name of the officer. we still haven t seen the incident report. i m pleased my colleagues at the aclu filed suit seeking the incident report. this is a distraction. it s the kind of distraction that unfortunately the american public falls for too much. this is the moment in which mike brown is being put on trial. his character is being put on trial. the sub text here is, you know are, did he deserve it? should you trust this person? we are being invited to suggest his life has less value because he was a knucklehead that day many the store robbing those cigars. this is like asking whether eric garner in new york was illegally
selling loose cigarettes. the penalty for selling loose cigarettes or shoplifting from a convenience store cannot be being shot down in the streets or choked to death in new york. this is the time when the activists, media in particular, and the american public has to stay focused on what s important and not become distracted by this effort to turn it into a story about who mike brown is. we need to know who is darren wilson. where is he? what s his history in the department. what does his statement say in the report? hearing the police chief come back as you said after the press conference and say, he saw the cigars in the hand. why don t you show us the document in which officer wilson describes what he saw, what he encountered, what he did, and why he did it? it s an outrage that we are here today and that they came out purporting to give us information and have given us no
information verifiable information about the shooting. we ve got to stay focused at this moment. this issue is not about mike brown s character. this is about the conduct of the ferguson police department. honestly, since we first learned about this incident, they have made either mistakes or very deliberate efforts to distract us from the important issue here. what is it going to take to get the incident report you re talking about that describes the shooting and the police version? what does it take for that to see the light of day. i m afraid it will take the litigation that s filed and it shouldn t. this is public information. the same way the incident report of the robbery is public information we are entitled to receive is the same way the incident report of the shooting is public information that we are entitled to receive. this is the kind of disrespect that s produced the anger in the community. it s ignoring what s the proper procedure to make sure this community is informed. that s why i applaud the parents today. the mom and the family of mike brown for saying remain
peaceful. stay focused. think this is a moment when, if we become distracted, we won t get the information we need to see to it that justice is done in this case. thank you. appreciate that. with us now from ferguson is u.s. congressman emmanuel cleaver, a democrat from missouri. congressman, appreciate the time. the story today about last night was finally a break, finally peaceful protests and calm was restored. in the wake of what s happened today with the video, with the police all over the map in terms of the explanation for that, what are you anticipating tonight? i think the crowd is going to be larger than it was last evening. it s a peaceful crowd. black, white, brown. individuals are gathering here peacefully. i can tell you this. what the police chief did today, put on display monumental
incompetency or a very elaborate conspiracy that people here believe the police department to do. there are people here who won t speak with the police department. one met with the fbi a short time ago. one will meet with the fbi tomorrow. they are not in any way comfortable in having contact with the police here. they think they are about cover-up. they believe they are incompetent. there is nothing anybody can show me, tell me that would suggest anything otherwise. let us assume that michael brown stole some cigars. nobody has provided information that that even happened.
but why would a police officer then become the police, the judge, the jury, and the executioner for cigars? i think that the police chief is trying to, i think, get us moving in one direction and brick us back to create confusion hoping in a while the plead i can t will leave and the crowds will get smaller. that s not going to happen. there will be a church service tonight on the other side of town where people are going to start talking about reconciliation. let me just say it is extremely difficult to talk about reconciliation when the police chief is stirring the pot more than any demonstrator could do. you talk about witnesses who are afraid to talk to this to come forward to talk to the police department. all this sort of chaos today. then the statements are from the police. look at the fwags going forward are you confident this investigation is going to be able to get to the truth of
this? if the police department of this town conducts the investigation, nobody is going to believe it. there is not a teacup full of trust by the community of the police department. there is nobody who believes that. as i understand, the county police now are responsible the county is investigating this. also the justice department has come to look for potential civil rights violations. with those investigations in place, do you think we ll get satisfactory answers on this? i do believe that the justice department and the fbi will conduct a thorough and fair investigation. i hope that the police here, the police chief, will never come through and give any information that concludes one way or another on the investigation. he has no credibility in his town. the police officer is not required to live here. that s a problem. they can live anywhere.
so if this community is not good enough for them to live in, it s not good enough for them to police in. that s a theme we have been hearing about. a police force that represents the community. thank you, congressman. coming up, the convenience store video. people were asking why the police waited so long to release it. when the police said the officer didn t know about the robbery the question became why release it at all? also debate on the right. conservatives have always supported the police and tough tactics but libertarians are concerned whether this is another sign of the state overreaching. plus, texas governor rick perry who is considering a run for the white house has been indicted for abuse of power. we ll get the details later in the show. finally, life after death in hawaii. this is hardball, the place for politics. two medium cappuccinos!
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new polling on the 2016 presidential race. hillary clinton s lead over hir her rivals is shrinking. clinton leads kentucky senator rand paul by six points. clinton 48, paul 42. four months ago the lead was 14 points. against chris christie clinton leads by six, 47-41. in april the lead was 11. against jeb bush, clinton is up by seven points, 48-41. the lead was 16 back in april. we ll be right back. and with the quicksilver card from capital one, you earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on everything you purchase. not just everything at the hardware store. not everything, until you hit your cash back limit. quicksilver can earn you unlimited 1.5% cash back on everything you could possibly imagine. say it with me everything. one more time, everything! and with that in mind. what s in your wallet?
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who killed the 18-year-old. ferguson police chief led many to believe the officer confronted brown believing he was a suspect in the robbery. at 11:51 there was a 911 call from a convenience store nearby not this one. at 11:a 52 dispatch gave a description of the robbery suspect over the radio. more detail was given over the radio and stated that the officer was or the suspect was walking toward quick trip. our officer encountered michael brown on canfield drive. at 12:04 a second officer arrived on the scene immediately following the shooting. at 12:05 a supervisor was dispatched to the scene. the police chief held another press conference but said the contact was not related to the robbery of cigars at a convenience store earlier. so you re telling us when the
officer stopped michael brown the first time, he was not aware brown was a suspect in a robbery. no. he was just coming off of a sick case which is why the ambulance was there so quickly. let s stay with this. okay. what are you saying, chief? did he know that he was a suspect in a case or did he not know? no, he didn t. nothing to do with the stop? it had knotting to do with the stop. why release the videos. at this point, why did he stop michael brown? because they were walking down the middle of the street blocking traffic. that was it. then as we said earlier late today the police said, yes, the officer involved saw cigars in brown s hands and did connect it to the robbery. for more on this new information we are joined by jonathan cape hart, an opinion writer and msnbc contributor. and jason hayes davis.
we are no clearer what the official explanation for why they released the video is. at the press conference this afternoon, you saw the press is incredulous there. they asked, why release it. he turns to them and said because you were asking for it. then an hour after the press conference he s out there saying the police are saying, well, there is a connection here. we don t have are a clear answer from them. what s been on display here is just sheer incompetence. maybe i have lived in big cities too long where i m used to the order of things where something that happened in ferguson happened. then the police are the demand is for the police to come forward with the name of the police officer involved and the incident report, the ballistics report. and also the autopsy. i think that s what a lot of people were expecting today in addition to the name of the police officer. instead, what we got was the
release of a report of a robbery and video and stills video camera stills of a robbery that no one knew anything about. five hours later, come to find out there s no connection between the two of them at all. i mean, all of the good work that the missouri highway patrol captain ron johnson did last night in terms of quelling the tension and anger in the community was obliterated this morning and again later this afternoon. from a legal standpoint let me look at the question of the tape with you. we have the police saying the stop itself is not related to the robbery, not related to cigars. at the press conference obviously the chief leaves it there. then later he says, well, at some point during the stop, the officer saw cigars and made a connection. based on what you have heard from the police in a court of law would this tape be
admissible? do we know? thank you for having me on. we dropped off. i guess you brought it back to me. it looks like listen, based on what i have seen through the media and so forth that tape probably is not admissible simply because it is unrelated to the shooting or alleged shooting, which it was. everybody knows it was. there at the incident. one of the things i have been writing about, not to change the subject totally, has been this presumption of correctness by the police. this presumption of the legitimacy of the monopoly of lethal deadly force by the police against the general public here in the united states. but in particular in the black community. that s a big problem. it s not limited to the black community because here in florida you have it from time to time in different counties where you do not have a predominant presence of black americans.
but this whole monopoly on the presumed legitimacy of lethal deadly force against citizens of the united states of america is very problematic. well and, and, let me say one more thing. the issue here is the transparency that apparently is not has not been set forth by the ferguson police with this investigation. when government is not transparent with the citizens, we ve got problems. jonathan, what do you think the motive here is? obviously the family has come out and basically said they are trying to, you know, assassinate his character from beyond the grave. is that aimed is this a strategy aimed at the court of public opinion? is it aimed at shaping the media coverage or is it about looking at potential jurors even and trying to change the way they look at this? look. i wish i could give the ferguson
police department that much credit to be that strategic. the if anything, they are trying to protect their police officer and their own operation. unfortunately, what we are seeing is a level of incompetence that has the entire nation agape and wondering what the hell is happening? the other problem here, steve, is we are dealing with a lot of different jurisdictions having a piece of the pie. we are all yelling or i m yelling at the ferguson police department. we also have the st. louis county police department. thank you. that was also involved in this. one thing i want to bring up. in the report that chief jackson released earlier today where they were talking about the convenience store robbery, the police officer involved in the convenience store robbery, when he wrote up the report he was able to corroborate that was
indeed michael brown by reading ferguson police department report 2014-12391 and st. louis county police department report 2014-43984. those are the two reports that the public needs to see. hasn t been able to see. absolutely. transparency is key. we have to run. thank you to you both. up next, back to the streets of ferguson, missouri. msnbc s chris hayes is there. this is hardball, the place for politics. from 2000 to 2011, on average 17 manufacturers a day shut down in america. there s no reason we can t manufacture in the united states. here at timbuk2, we make more than 70,000 custom bags a year, right here in san francisco. we knew we needed to grow internationally, we also knew that it was much more complicated to deal with.
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get the it card and see your fico® credit score. welcome back to hardball. we ll go back oh to host of all in, chris hayes on the ground in ferguson, missouri. i guess i wanted to ask you, you know, you have watched from afar here in new york. you have been on the ground now for the past day or two. i m curious now that you have seen it first hand what do you
think we as viewers watching from afar are not getting? what can we not see through the tv that we should know about? reporter: that s a great question. one is i think people in ferguson, black and white across the spectrum, feel frustrated with the image of ferguson, frankly. ferguson, missouri, a place no one knew about a week ago. now they associate it with unrest, police violence, local incompetence, s.w.a.t. teams and teargas. there is frustration with that. i was with a young man who will be on my show. we were setting up for a shot outside ferguson market which is the store where the footage was released today. it had cops outside. there were a bunch of camera crews. i was thinking as a television producer that was the best shot. he said, hey, can we go two minutes away to just where people live in ferguson? you can see it s the sound of the cicadas and barbecues. and there is a kind of game of
thrones behind-the-scenes struggle for authority between many complex lines of municipal governance. there is the ferguson police, relatively small. st. louis county police. st. louis prosecutor s office. the city municipal folks who have been sharing cops. there is the governor s office. northern st. louis county has these different municipalities with very porous borders. the st. louis county cops are involved in patrolling a lot of them. there are simmering tensions around who decides what and battle for control from a governmental sense here politically as the demographics shifted in north county. earlier in the show we had a guest on that said all the good achieved in the last day or two by ron johnson taking charge from a law enforcement standpoint, that all of the good that was accomplished had been wiped away by what we have seen, the craziness from the police today in these conflicting statements coming out. to what degree is that true? are you feeling that on oh the
ground? yeah. definitely the goodwill dissipated. there was tension in the air. just going to the ferguson market hours after the foot tanl was released i was there when 12 police officers, a mix of state highway patrol and st. louis county cops came in front of it. it was clear the owners of the ferguson market called the cops, fearful after the video got out. the q.t. was burned down on the first night. there is a lot of anger and a lot of here we go again. they are going to assassinate his character after they killed him. captain johnson is here tonight. there are police officers on the scene here who are talking to poem. one thing i have seen are conversations happening between members of law enforcement and protesters on the corner quietly, sometimes heated actually. back and forth. those conversations couldn t happen 36 and 48 hours ago
behind teargas and at the point of the gun. there is something different. does that mean people are less angry? no. people are furious about the footage, particular ly at the second press conference when the police chief said, oh, no, no, that had nothing to do with him being pulled over. why do you think that? thank you, chris hayes. he will anchor all thin from ferguson at the top of the hour. coming up the surprising reaction we have seen. hardball, the place for politics. [ female announcer ] it s simple physics. a body at rest tends to stay at rest. while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammation. plus, in clinical studies, celebrex is proven to improve daily physical function
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welcome back to hardball.
what you have in ferguson, missouri, is a dangerous mix of racial tension and police aggression combined with an unpredictable and unsteady flow of information. it is in this flow of chaos we have seen many politicians avoid the issues of race and class at the center of the storm. yesterday president obama urged calm and peace. a message that s been echoed by officials across both aisles. here is where things get interesting. one of the loudest voices in support of the black community and against the police is a republican. republican party has historically sided with police. they used to call it the party of law and order. this is a party that s 90% white and is consistently alienating large portions of the black community. kentucky senator rand paul wants to run the party. but yesterday he delivered a blistering op-ed in time magazine which caught the eye of every newspaper across the country. he didn t just wade into the issue. he dove head first saying if i
was told to get out of the street as a teenager there would have been a possibility that i might have smarted off but i wouldn t expect to be shot. it is impossible for african-americans not to feel like the government is targeting them. what exactly is going on here? gene robinson is a prize winning columnist with the washington post. nick gillespie is a journalist with the we said the party of nixon, law and order, the police are always right. what do you think of rand paul in this moment? we know he has libertarian tendencies. in this moment choosing to weigh in like this. i think he s being opportunistic. i m not using in a pejorative sense. i think he identified an issue and a moment in which his own views coincide with the views of many african-americans, many
liberals. he seized on that to highlight that. and he feels it s an opportunity and he s taking it. within the republican university, on the right, i m curious how this goes over. it was just the go-to campaign device for republicans is to attack the democrats as the criminal coddlers, ones who didn t respect the police enough. this is the kind of thing they used to go after democrats for. how is this being received on the right? rand paul is setting up a different constellation of concerns. he was basically the only guy in the senate who is really head out there on privacy issues which really resonated with young voters, especially in a way that nobody was expecting. it was to the shame of the democrats with the exception of ron widen. nobody talked during his filibuster. what rand paul he s threading a different needle here. interesting to me on twitter you saw a lot of conservatives including at groups like hot air
and whatnot who were responding to rand paul and the militarization of police issue. a lot of politicians are slipping into libertarian territory. that he see the over use of force as what they dislike about government more and more. i m sure you have been watching rand paul. you have been probably watching particularly closely. a libertarian publication there. have you seen rand paul over the last year or two? he embarked on the national tour, a listening tour, talking to black audiences. there was a speech ott howard university we remember. more than that though. have you seen specific changes in issues he s chosen to address and pigs he s taken over the last year or two you can say are a result of this? he s been emphasizing things like school of choice and sentencing reform in a big way. he s talking about marijuana prohibition at the federal level. he s explicitly said the drug
war is hurting minority communities more than other communities. his growing sensitivity to that and he s using it to talk about government power abuse at all levels. there are people who are skeptical. here s why some might be. in 2010 paul said he was against parts of the civil rights act of 1964 including the key part of the law that forced restaurants and hotels to serve blacks. here is paul during the interview with the louisville courier journal back then. like the civil rights act in the sense that it ended discrimination in all public domains. i m all in favor of that. but [ laughter ] you had to ask me the but. i don t like the idea of telling private business owners. i abhor racism. it s a bad business decision to exclude anybody from your restaurant. at the same time i believe in private ownership.
ask rand paul about the comment then and what he s saying now and he ll get offended at the idea there is a difference. but have you noticed changes in rand paul the last couple of years? if you ask him about that quote he ll say, it wasn t me. that was my evil twin. he s flatly disowned that set of views about the civil rights act. he will stick to this revised position as he contemplates or launches his presidential bid. there is a calibration clearly going on. he s going to face questions about changes and shifts in positions that were once more pure libertarian and now are shading into what a lot of people call real world territory. i think he s stressing the idea of the republican party if it s goinger forward. he told me in an interview i had with him in san francisco a couple of weeks ago if
republican party has to be the party of live and let live. that s a radically different message than social conservativism he believes in but recognizes the governing strategy, you have to kick things like drug legalization and gay riegs down to the state level and get them out of washington. he has to face a lot of criticism, mostly from the right on that. i think it will make him seem more interesting to the mass of independents. my question is he getting into a danger zone here? yes. yes. a lot talked about moving the party. he s trying to take steps here. this is a guy who has taken on the military industrial complex. he says you know we shouldn t bomb these countries. he stood up to obama when obama was going to start bombing syria without congressional authorization. he asked for the president to ask for authorization for libya. he s already neck deep in a lot of deep republican currents. it s those things because he s a true fiscal conservative that he
can say it and change the party. if nothing else, i don t care if a republican wins or a democrat. i think he ll make for a much more interesting political discourse about the role and the size, scope and spending of government. putting him on the stage with chris christie, ted cruz and see what happens. thank you. appreciate it. up next, the corruption trial of former virginia trial bob mcdonnell. the prosecution has made its case. now it is the defense s attorney. this is hardball, the place for politics.
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one of the most dramatic stories the country is unfolding in a virginia courtroom. former virginia governor bob mcdonnell who many republicans hoped would head to the white house is fighting to stay out of jail. yesterday the prosecution resteded. today, the judge denied a request from the defense to dismiss the case. that means on monday, the soap opera defense begins. the former governor expected to take the stand and expose personal details of a troubled marriage. when we come back, the breaking story out of texas tonight where governor rick perry has been indicted on two counts of abuse of power.
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breaking political news out of texas now, where governor rick perry has been indicted for abuse of power and coercion of a public servant. indictment lists two felony counts for vetoing millions of dollars in funding for state public corruption prosecutors. last year, perry threatened to veto the funding if the district attorney of travis county, the county around austin, the fda had been convicted for driving while intoxicated, and in the integrity unit. jim moore has been consulting on texas politics since the 1970s. his new book is called adios, while rick perry will make america miss george w. bush. jim, thank you for joining us. if you could quickly explain the basis of this, you have a prosecutor whose office is funded by the state, and the prosecutor gets a dui, is drunk, and will not resign, so rp zeros
out the funding for his office. where s the crime here? well, number one, under texas law, it s an abuse of office and a form of coercion, to take money away that the legislature has appropriated in order to get someone to do something. that s his main problem. but the political rationale behind this for perry was the fact that her office maintains something called the public integrity unit, and it investigates the legislature. it has the only authority in the state of texas to investigate ethics and potential crimes in the legislature, and it has historically been run by a democrat, as miss lindbergh was and still is. so the governor wanted her out of the way. he would have gotten to a point of replacement. he would have obviously been a republican. and so he decided to use his office in a way that he could coerce her to get out. well, i m just and i understand i want to get to the strictly legal part of this
in a second. but from a public relations standpoint, the court of public opinion, i m hearing a defense here that might resonate with a lot of voters down in texas, where you have the woman who was in charge of the public integrity unit for the state of texas gets a dui. and i ve seen the details on this case. i mean, is recklessly drunk. it s a matter of public record. will not resign her office. and rick perry could say, hey, i was just doing what i could to get her off that office. i imagine court of public opinion, he might have some sympathy there. fair enough, steve. but the further part of this case is that the penalties she suffered was very drastic for a first-time offender. 45 days in jail, which she served. and the other piece of this that tends to resonate with the public is the fact that perry is trying to circumvent being investigated by anyone, including a republican in charge, who s unlikely to investigate him. and let s be clear. it s not the first time a public
official in texas has been arrested for driving while intoxicated. and we ve got a long record in this state of forgiving people and recollecting them to office. and she went into rehab, and announced that she s not going to run for re-election. so it seemed, on perry s part, a kind of power play. but to your point also, it has not really affected him politically, because it s a case that s mostly been followed by political insiders. perry s office put out this statement. the veto in question was made in accordance with the veto authority afforded to every governor under the texas constitution. we will continue to aggressively defend the governor s lawful and constitutional action and believe we will ultimately prevail. jim, he s saying he does have the right to veto that funding he s asserting there. but can you speak to the charges against him here. if he were to be found guilty of this, what would that mean? well, it means it s not good. the abuse of office part is a
felony that carries 5 to 99 years. the coercion part is 2 to 10 years, if he is found guilty. but the part of this that hasn t surfaced, and i think is the strongest part of the case. and i ve heard this around the courthouse and in political stories in texas, that there is some indication that the governor, after she refused, tried to cut a deal with her and to get her another job, and to suggest that perhaps if she would step aside and allow him to have control of that office and that budget, that he would find of place. and that becomes a kind of inducement that makes it look like it s more than simply an act of vetoing the funding, but it s a coercion and it s a bribe to get her out of office, and it s not just the act of a governor doing his job and exercising a line item veto. but even if it is, steve, even if that s all it is, that is an abuse of office under texas law, and that s why he s subject to these indictments. and very quickly, we have a brief statement from them tonight. do you expect we ll be hearing
from governor perry soon, himself? i think he s going to stay quiet on this. i think it would be bad for him to step forward. and as everybody knows, in politics, when you re explaining, you re losing. he s not going to do that. all right, well, geez, all year we ve been talking about indictments, governors, republicans, 2016, everyone talks about chris christie, rick perry ends up being the indicted governor, at least for right now. thanks for that. we ll be right back after this.
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that s hardball for now. thanks for being with us.

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW On The Record With Greta Van Susteren 20140821 23:00:00

on the record with greta van susteren is up next. see you tomorrow. this is a fox news alert. the secretary of defense is warning, warning every single american about isis. isil is as sophisticated and well funded as any group that we have seen. they re beyond just a terrorist group. they marry ideology, a sophistication of strategic and tactical military prowess. they are tremendously well funded. oh, this is beyond anything that we have seen. so we must prepare for everything. he says we must prepare for everything, you can hear it in his voice, the pentagon is in a crisis mode.
meanwhile, across the potomac river, the lights are out at the white house. no one is home. president obama still on vacation. and today, he was back on the golf course, that is despite being slammed from the left and the right. democrats and republicans both slamming him about playing golf yesterday, and that was just minutes after talking to the nation about the beheading of an american journalist, and john bolton joins us. good evening, sir. the optics matter and it s hard to pay a lot of attention to these issues if you re not around. i think that s an important point, but honestly, i wouldn t mind if the president played golf morning, noon, and night if he cared about the national security of the united states. that s the real problem. he doesn t focus on it, he doesn t understand it even after five and a half years of on the job training, he still doesn t get it. that s why this news conference today between secretary hagel and general dempsey is so incredibly contrasted with what the president said yesterday. the pentagon, as you say, is on
full alert. and i don t think the president yet understands the nature of the isis threat. is it that he doesn t understand it or is he incredibly rude? the american people care about this stuff. this is a well funded, very fluid situation because they can move around the world quite quickly. we know, why isn t is it the fact they call him in jv in january, doesn t he get it? he hasn t apparently changed his mind. he said isil speaks for now religion. it has no value to human beings. that s repudiated by the ground. if you don t understand the nature of the threat, you re never going to have a strategy to deal with it. i think we have, as the briefing said today, a real crisis. we need a strategy in response. i think the strategy ought to be to eliminate the threat, not to contain it, but to eliminate it, as secretary kerry himself has said. is it possible, you know, a lot of people are appalled he s playing golf. i would like to see my president
pay more attention. is it behind the scenes maybe he s doing a lot of that? i think the golf is the wrong thing to focus on. i found a picture earlier today of dwight eisenhower during world war ii laughing on the front green of the st. andrew s golf course in scotland. you could say what is eisenhower doing on a golf course? the answer is, life goes on. and if we had a president anywhere close to dwighti eisenhow eisenhower s capabilities, it wouldn t bother me. we should focus on what the real problem is, which is a commander in chief who is not competent to do the job. you say he s not competent. maybe he s speaking to prime minister cameron six times a day, maybe he s doing these things and speaking to secretary hag hagel, general dempsey. that would not be the pattern of the last five and a half years. at some point, you have to produce a strategy. i think there is a strategy to defeat the islamic state as they now call themselves and i think it s important to do it sooner rather than later before they
consolidate territory, before they become a magnet for other terrorists. there are estimates, for example, that 500 of the terrorists they now british citizens. we don t know how many are americans. these are people who could come back to europe, come back into this country with a valid passport they already have. that is a real threat for the united states. what is president obama s strategy on isis? i don t think he has a strategy. i think that s the problem. he s driven from one tactical response to another. so you re worried about 30,000 or 40,000 iia yeedys being massacred, you re worried about personnel in erbil, the mosul dam being opened and flooded the valleys down toward baghdad, so there are pinprick responses, but none of this constitutes a strategy. he hasn t defined our objectives. he hasn t tried to define how he wants to go about that. there is no evidence he s building an international
coalition. i still don t think he understands the internal political situation in iraq or iran s influence there. it s just completely disconnected from the reality that is evolving minute by minute on the ground. ambassador, thank you, sir. thank you. tonight, we have new information about the failed mission to rescue american hostages held in syria. jennifer griffin life at the white house with the latest. jennifer. greta, defense secretary chuck hagel told reporters at the pentagon he regretted the mission to rescue foley did not succeed, adding isis is a sophisticated and well funded as any terrorist the united states has ever seen. unusually strong words from the secretary of defense. he warned americans, to quote, get ready, without specifying what that meant. chairman of the joint chiefs, general martin dempsey said air strikes alone will not destroy isis and suggested action needed to be taken against isis targets in syria, though not necessarily
he said by the united states. in terms of the failed rescue mission, u.s. military sources tell me the special operations team that attempted the rescue was on the ground longer than they expected. when they got to the first compound, the hostages weren t there. there was evidence they had been there just days before. they got into a firefight. one u.s. aviator was injured. the intelligence leads for the operation came from interviews with two spanish and four french hostages released this spring. they described where they were being held in eastern syria. they said they were held by british jihadists. the executioner in the video speaks with an east london accent. the u.s. air force helped the government retake the mosul dam, foley s captors sent his parents a venom filled rant via e-mail suggesting they would kill foley in response to u.s. air strikes in iraq. previously, they had asked for 100 million gryos or $132
million in ransom according to his employer at the global post. there were additional six air strikes in iraq against isis targets and 90 since august 8th. isis is still holding at least three american hostages. their lives hang in the balance tonight. jennifer, thank you. so what s up with the cia? isis is clearly not jv, despite president obama saying that in january of this year. now there s news of this dangerous operation totally botched because of bum intelligence, and the white house now facing some criticism for releasing details of the failed rescue mission. major general bob scales joins us. good evening. looking at this failed effort to rescue, it seems to me that they went there to do the rescue and nobody was there, which means that we had the worst intelligence possible. well, first of all, let s remember that saving someone is an order of magnitude more difficult than killing someone.
right, but the president has to be there to save him. so the intelligence situation for a hostage rescue is sort of like a rolling event. in fact, these guys were getting intelligence updates while they were actually flying into the target, so the intelligence gathering is much greater, but your point is well taken. this is not a failure of operations. this is a failure of intelligence. you re risking the lives of the very competent team and an enormous amount of hardware to go into a site that was vacated two days before. that s a failure of strategic intelligence to your point. what is the military saying tonight because general dempsey has said today rather terrifying things. he talk about open borders and immigration issues and it s an immediate threat, isis. he also said if isis gains what it intends to gain, it creates a security environment that would certainly threaten us in many ways. he said air strikes are not enough, but we had six today. so, you know, and ambassador
bolton said we have no strategy. what s so interesting, first of all, the response i got from my military friends was overwhelmingly negative. negative towards whom? towards the slagz letting out the details of this failed hostage rescue because they re saying wait a minute, it affects our ability to gather intelligence, and it also affects surprise. now, isis knows that we re on the hunt for them, and that complicates this whole idea of surprise enormously. the reason it almost worked is isis got complacent. they re not going to be complacent anymore. that s about one american and it s enormously important. it s the bigger picture that isis is growing, that air strikes aren t going to be enough. nobody wants to say boots on the ground, and the president is away, and ambassador bolton says we have no strategy. pretty soon the media is going to pull out because it can t have everyone beheaded and we
won t get any information at all from there. you notice dempsey s body language is, look, i know what the president said, and what the ambassador said is absolutely true, but i m telling you this is far more serious than the body language we re getting from the administration. i m telling you those in uniform understand the threat of isis. you heard him say very important, air strikes aren t enough. was that to the president? i think it was to a degree. if air strikes aren t enough, what is enough? an escalation of an american presence in iraq? yes. is it gives the mepesh murgy weapons? does it mean operating forces operating not only in iraq but clandestinely in syria as well? absolutely. are they asking that from the president and they re not getting it or what is it? a, they re asking for it, and they re pushing the limits with the administration. they want a strategy. they also want a campaign plan. after you get a strategy, then you have to have a long-term campaign plan.
this is going to last years. it s not the next bombing strike or thehostage. if isis grows so fast and they re so well funded, this is unlike any other enemy we have had because there s so much money. absolute lay, and what the military is trying to do is get ahead of it. i think dempsey understands clearly this is a multiyear campaign that is going to have to eventually involve congress, the administration, and the american people. he s trying to set the conditions and tell the american people, get ready. this is all starting over again. general, thank you, sir. nice to see you. it s very difficult to think it could get worse, but it is. right after beheading james foley in that horrific video, isis threatening that other american journalist sotloff will be next. this woman has met with the family in miami. she joins us. good evening. thank you, greta. i m just going to talk briefly about my limited role in this case. i had the opportunity to meet with steven s parents in miami
as well as in d.c. and had a phone conversation with them. we have kept in touch with the state department, with the fbi, cia, national security council, the white house. they have all been keeping the family abreast. and the family has wanted to be very low key, private. they have made limited statements. the mom today said he s alive. so that s very good news. and then the boyfriend of the sister just said sign the petition and and pray. and so what i can say is that i just can t imagine as a mother and as a grandmother the kind of ordeal that this has been for the family. it s almost a year to the day when i met with them and debbie wasserman schultz and ted deitch have also been helping, but it s very difficult to have had our agencies get the information from a terrorist organization. i would say that now, every is
really in operation to try to rescue him. and i m cautiously optimistic, and i hope that your viewers will pray for his life as well. you know, i think, we all want him to come home. we re all sort of suspicious having seen or heard of the video with mr. foley and what his family has gone through and an operation where the pentagon did try to rescue him, and i appreciate the members of the military trying to do that, but the problem we have here is we re dealing with a very different, vicious, vsavage grume, and it doesn t seem, at least from the outside, it doesn t seem we have a strategy. a few air strikes and bombing them with drones is sort of maintain the status quo, but that s it. we have a far bigger situation, at least i think. am i wrong? i think you re correct. especially it s a shame because we have a natural group, the kurds, who are willing fighters, who want to take arms against
isil. they need our help. and they need far more than these limited air strikes. they want weapons. they want the ammunition. they re willing to fight this terrorist organization that s going to stop at nothing, so we pray for steven s life. we pray for all the journalists being held there, and steven is sadly not alone. but i think that if we are able to help those folks in iraq and in syria who are willing to take on these guys, i think that we can turn this around. it is not hopeless, and i think that our military can do it. we have the hardware and we have drones. we have great intelligence. don t tell me about the great intelligence. i m not big on it. i actually am deeply disturbed that cia director brennan has been spending his time spying on senate staffers, and then that s a shame, i agree, greta. it s a shame because this is
what he should i don t know if you could have better intelligence, but i would much rather have him paying attention to isis than what a bunch of senate staffers are doing on their computers. even the german leader and the president of brazil. i mean, we have done a very bad intelligence operation, but i think in terms of getting the drones and getting to know where these folks may be, i hope that they can find steven, and i hope that they can save him. and that s my prayer every day for that family. but then you ve got the whole problem with all those people who are part of isis carrying passports for western europe, and you ve got a very rich organization. are we boog truly realistic about what we re dealing with. i want to get steven back, too, but are we focusing on the big picture? are we doing that? we kept we did not keep our eye on the ball. this terrorist organization more
from what president called jv organization, that is really just a regional problem, to an international headache, a massive terrorist organization that has no respect for human life. and we let precious months go by. how could he even in january have referred to them as jv if he had good intelligence? where s our intelligence community in getting information about isis. isis didn t suddenly become awful people six weeks ago. they have been there, they have been on the ground. i don t know, you know, i assume the president is getting his information from our intelligence, the cia and everything. sadly, we re getting back to a pre-9/11 mentality and that s very dangerous. these terrorists are still there. they are our enemies. we have to defeat them. that s what we should be focusing on every day. agreed. agreed. anyway, representative, thank you. thank you, greta. viewers, you heard defense
secretary hagel say isis is not just well funded. it s rich. well, it s very rich. it robbed a bank in mosul in june and got $425 million. that s just starters. it now has oil and lots of it. the former deputy assistant secretary of defense under president reagan joins us. i want to focus on the oil money. what do they have? well, they ve got a number of things. in eastern syria, they ve got oil wells. in western iraq, they have oil wells and refineries. as you pointed out, they robbed a bank to the tune of half a billion with a b. they re thought to have roughly two billion. they re getting revenue from selling extra weapons, from selling antiquities and kidnappings and ransoms. they re getting nearly $2 million a day. that makes them not only the best equipped military because they have all of the state of the art american kwipt, but it
makes them the richest. if you take that coupled with the fact they re somewhere near 7,000 european passport holders fighting in syria and iraq and several hundred american passport holders, in other words, those groups could come to the united states. they re rich. they ve got money, seed money. they can form cells and they re clearly not afraid of anything. in fact, the leader of isis has said in the past, see you in new york. their goal is to bring the fight to america. just let the viewers get a sense of this. they now control seven oil fields and two small refineries, and they ve got all this oil. they re selling 40,000 barrels a day, which is about $2 million a day. they sell it on the black market for anywhere from $25 to $60, when if they were selling it on the regular market, it would be $102, so people want to buy it from them. people are buying lots of oil from them. they re getting money.
it s coming in over the transom. what are they using the money for? they used to be called al qaeda in iraq. they didn t have a very good experience. they got kicked out by the sunni tribes for being too violent and too brutal. they had a rebranding. they re taking over the areas and holding them. how? because they re paying off, they re offering bribes to the sunni tribes, and they re no longer violent to those people as they used to be. they re letting the local guys run it. they re saving their violence for christians, for religious minorities, for everybody who doesn t agree with them. k.t., thank you. yeah, thank you. and while the world focuses on the brutality of isis, another islamic extremist group, boko haram is growing and terrorizing africa. they seized control of another nigerian town, hosting their flag over the local government building, but it gets worse.
reportedly executing people, including a report of executing people just for smoking cigarettes. in april, they kidnapped more than 200 school girls. they re still missing and the girls are thought to have been made into sexual slaves. and straight ahead, republicans and now even democrat s blaming president obama for making his beeline back to the golf course after talking about the execution of an american journalist and the dangers posed by isis. plus, have you been had. you know the petitions about the president responding if 100,000 people sign it? turns out it s a phony gimmick. more on that off the record coming up. choose nexium twenty-foureople hour for frequent heartburn.
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not just from republicans but democrats too for continuing his vineyard vacation in the middle of the isis crisis. how did president obama respont to yesterday s mounting criticism? you guessed it. today, he made a beeline back to the golf course. joining us, our political panel. bob kustak, susan, and steven. bob, first to you, what do you think? the president immune to this? i don t think he s immune. the optics don t look good. these are eight rounds of golf. i mean, michelle obama must be a very understanding spouse. i can t play a couple rounds of golf when i m on vacation, but i do think because the world is on fire, but i don t think obama cares. i really don t. and clearly why doesn t he care? because he thinks it s not a problem or he doesn t care? he doesn t care about the golf criticism because he continues to do it and he says, hey, i m on vacation.
it s a working vacation. i came back to washington. which was weird. has anyone figured out why he came back? it was a really important party by his assistant chef and that msnbc host. he was there if four or five hours. you don t want to miss a party like that, greta. susan, your thought on the president? so the top golfer of all time was president eisenhower. 800 rounds of golf during his presidency. right now, obama is right at about 200 rounds. we can t just criticize him for golfing allot, but it s pairing the golfing trips with the crisis on the world stage and then you look at the way the public views his aptitude for foreign policy. it s in the 30s or 40s. the public is catching on that he s not really interested in foreign policy, but we really need a president at this point who can lead on foreign policy because of what s going on in the middle east. i ll tell you another issue. you talk about foreign policy. it s very important that the president be able to lead in the
foreign policy realm. that includes having influence around the world. the brits woke up today to a front page of their newspaper, the daily mail, and the president is in a golf cart laughing with alonzo mourning because of this. where david cameron rushes back to london. the president and his team should be noticing if they re finally returned from the 18 hole that this is coming from the new york daily news. this is not coming from crazy right wingers complaining about this from the beginning. it s not the number of golf or the fact he plays golf. it s the contrast. one of the most tired lines. obama has used it like 30 times, whenever there is a crisis, we will not rest. that sounds good. we re really determined. we re fired up, and in many cases he literally goes on vacation or goes on to a political fund-raiser, to golf, after saying that. he went off to a fund-raiser. it looks like he doesn t care. i would love to know right now what people, his closest
advisers, people who surround him, what are they saying to the president right now? because surely they re notets did you see senator claire mccaskill s quote? it s like eating spinach to him. he does not enjoy spending time that s right. a long complaint that he doesn t work with them. he doesn t have anyone around him to tell him, mr. president, maybe cut it back on the golf. i don t think he does. the person who could tell him that was rahm emanuel and he s long gone from the white house. think the biggest criticism if he showed up more often during the day and talked to the american people or we saw more of the generals talking to him, we had an impression he was doing other things, that s the problem. right now, as we talked before on this panel, he s looking beyond his presidency. that s why they call him the president in semiretirement. he s been criticized for not having his head in the game. panel, thank you. up next, we ll take you to ferguson, missouri, as the sun
sets. the town is braszing for more protests. and the police officer who fatally shog michael brown. was the police officer hurt? more next. we re the names you know, in the places you want to be. where you can explore super destinations and do everything under the sun. twelve brands. more hotels than anyone else in the world. for a chance to win one million dollars, visit a body at rest tends to stay at rest. while a body in motion tends to stay in motion.
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you re looking live at the streets of ferguson, missouri, where the sun is soon to set. if there is trouble tonight, we ll see it first right here any moment. missouri s governor ordering the national guard to leave the town. on the record has a team on the ground monitoring the situation.
we spoke with missouri highway patrol captain ron johnson. thank you for taking the time. sure. i know you re tired. i m exhausted. more importantly, how are your men doing? they re doing good. they re energized. they re committed to getting things back to normal. tell me a little bit about the operation as a whole, how it s going. there s a lot of hope last night. i think everybody went home thinking there is a lot of hope this is going to get back to normal. and they appreciate it. you have what you call agitators and criminals with peaceful protesters exercising their first amendment rights, many of them out of towners. many of them out of towners but let s not let it get lost. we have many people who live here in missouri who are also part of the problem. many people here in north county who are from surrounding areas that are part of the problem. there s a good mixture of issues we re dealing with, and we re going to deal with them, but
there are a lot of great people. tell me, if you will, what are the biggest challenges you ve got? what are your big hurdles right now as we go forward? our biggest hurdles are bringing this community back to a sense of a normal environment, allowing these businesses to get back. allowing the schools to reopen. and allowing the homeowners to get back out in the communities. so that s a challenge we have, and to do that, we have to rid these criminals and agitators of this community. we re going to do that by whatever means we need to. our guys are going to protect that. we re going to make sure they have the proper gear on to train for that. i was asked last night why they re wearing helmets with shields. for a sense of protection. it s not a sense of intimidation. it s a sense of protection with bottles and urine and some of those things thrown at them. any idea how this ends? it ends in peace. thank you, captain. thank you. and kris jenkins joins us
live from ferguson. hi, greta. captain johnson is doing a remarkable job of leading this operation, but he couldn t do it without the brave men and women serving tirelessly out here day after day. and the equipment like the bearcats, an armored vehicle that is used here across the united states to break barricades. it looks like something you would see in a war zone, and we went for a ride in it as we hit the streets of ferguson last night. there was a perception this is an ominous looking vehicle but you need that in this situation when you re being shot at. yeah, we have taken a lot of gunfire and projectiles. you know, throughout the last 12 days. so, you know, we have had a lot more injuries, so yeah. it kept everybody safe, everybody back here, all the officers back here, the ones who have been getting out of the vehicle, they want to go home to see their families, and you
know, this is to keep them safe. greta, that bearcat we were in obviously didn t get shot at last night, thank goodness, and the folks that couldn t be happy seeing law enforcement officers, but without that, they wouldn t be able to be in such a difficult situation. lieutenant colonel dierks that i was with last night said in the 28 years he s been here in missouri on the force, he s never seen protests like this and as violent. what is left out of this story very often is these men and women. 12 days now, they have families many of them, serving hour after hour, day after day, night after night, trying to keep the peace here, and without them, it would be a very different place. greta. thank you. and we re 12 days into this investigation, still no answers to critical questions. was officer darren wilson hurt? if so, where was he hurt, how
badly, and how far away from michael brown was officer wilson when he pulled the trigger? on the record, defense lawyer ted williams has more from ferguson. good evening. the lingering question, trying to piece this together to find out to what extent the officer was hurt, how much was he hurt, and where, what part of his body? hi, greta. you know, you have just asked the $64,000 question. what we had last night was unconfirmed ro eed reports that reported that the officer suffered from a fractured eye socket. injury. but there s been another change of unconfirmed information put out there, that he did not have a fractured socket eye injury, but that he suffered a swollen jaw. greta, i don t think we re going to be able to find out right away. i think that there are certain sources that are putting bits and pieces of information out there, and there are other sources that are that we have
not been able to unfortunately verify. but i have to tell you, greta, i have been out among all of those demonstrators, just to try to find out what their thinking was. you knee, we see them night after night, but i m going to bring you their thinking. take a look at this. he ran, and because he had his hands up, that is an act of surrender. you do not shoot, and even prisoners of war get better treatment than that. i believe it was how many shots? six? at close range. i don t see how you would think someone would survive that. i feel he could have tased him because they have other means instead of using the gun on the young man, and then the officer probably feared for his life because the boy was standing 6 4 and that man looked real little. police is not supposed to kill our children. they are supposed to protect them. they think they can just shoot, shoot, shoot. i m not saying all police
officers are bad, but this one right here, it was an unjustified killing. i think everybody should be treated fairly, but to me in this case, fairness and justice for him would be that he s indicted and he s arrested and charged with first degree murder. greta, as you can see, everybody has an opinion here. and all of the opinions differ. some want officer wilson to be prosecuted. some want him to be arrested. some, if they could, would want him hung. the emotions are running high. it s hard to decipher who it wants to be fair in this whole entire scenario. and the most disturbing thing is, as you say, ted, everybody has an opinion, but nobody has the facts. we don t have the toxicology report, whether there s clothes, whether there s any gun powder residue. there s so many facts we don t
have. anyway, ted, stay with us. . up next, the calls getting louder for the prosecutor in the brown case to recuse himself from this investigation. should he? our legal panel is here next. . . .
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protesters taking to the street in clayton, missouri, demanding the prosecutor recuse himself from the michael brown case, but joining us, our legal panel, ted williams is back, and katie fang. katie, your thoughts. should the prosecutor step aside for this case only? not get out of his job but step aside in this case? i m going to say no. i may take some heat for it, but i m going to say no. i m sure the optic would be great, greta, for him to basically recuse himself from this prosecutor, but there s been no suggestion, nothing objective that would suggest he needs to step down from this. at this point in time, i think they need to continue to do his job. do it objectively, and do it
well. all right, ted, your turn. greta, we ve got a game of chicken and politics being played here between two men. we have the governor of the state of missouri who has declared a state of emergency and who could replace the prosecutor. we have the prosecutor who is saying that if the governor tells me that he wants to replace me, i will go. now, what s significant about that, greta, is that this is the same governor, governor nixon, who has come out and just about said that this police officer irrespective of what the evidence is, should be prosecuted. so at any time the governor should the prosecutor stay on the case or not? well, i think that the prosecutor should stay on the case, or i think the pressure and the world is looking at him, and i think he should stay on the case, absolutely. all right, i m going to disagree with both of you, and i know all the viewers are going
to jump all over me. i expected that. i will. i m going to tell the viewers why. i want the viewers to know one thing. i am not saying this prosecutor can not be fair. i m assuming he s the fairest person in the world. i m saying he should take a longer vision of this in this unique case because if he presents it to a grand jury and there is no indictment, the community is going to be in an uproar and say he was biased and unfair because his father, who was a police officer in a course of an arrest was shot and killed by a black man. so that is going to be horrible. if, on the other hand, the prosecutor gets an indictment against the police officer, then people are going to say you can indict a ham sandwich and he only did it to sort of quiet the community. because of the unique circumstances and because i would suggest that even though i m saying he s fair is on this particular case, take the long vision. step aside, let his first assistant do it, and i would
also say there s some sort of guidelines from the national association of prosecutors which says you should recuse yourself if you think people will view you as unfair. take me on. katie, let me go at her first. i could not agree with you. if you take this prosecutor off, the governor then, let s say, appoints someone. suppose that person doesn t get an indictment, so what happens then? i m saying take the first assistant in the office. he has a lot of assistants. katie? but greta, aren t you creating a slippery slope problem. let s say he recuss himself and the first assistant by the way, some of the first assistants are presenting to the grand jury right now. he himself is not doing it. putting that aside, fast forward a little bit, greta. what if you have the same common denominator of facts? then he does have abobligation to recuse himself then because he did it before?
you don t succumb to the pressure. katie is right, greta. citizens are so raw and have taken to the streets on both sides, i think this is the one case in a million where you try to take a longer look and you try to do everything you can to try to build up on both sides of this dispute. people have taken sides and we haven t heard the facts. everyone has made a decision, and we haven t heard a single fact, but that s what i would do. come on, greta. if you do it on this case, and i hear you say the one case, but then it will be the two case, and the three case. you can t set this kind of a precedent. you put the pressure on this prosecutor. the whole world is looking at him. the whole world knows about him. and he, i believe, is going to do the right thing. let me give katie the last word. you have ten seconds and then we have to go. i m giving you the last word. well you know what, you have to consider this. the man has a history like we all do. i know his father was killed in the line of duty when he was 12
years old and the perpetrator was an african-american. i know there was a huge scandal or this big controversy that happened back in 2000 when he did not indict the two white detectives that shot the two unarmed african-american drug suspects. but you know what? that was 14 years ago. that was how many years ago in terms of his father being murdered? i think everybody needs to take a step back and look at it with some objectivety and say he hasn t shown he can t do the job well so let him do his job. ted and katie, thank you both very much. straight ahead, i m going to talk to you off the record. i m going to tell you why the documepatricians phony. [ dog barks ] [ male announcer ] imagine the cars we drive.
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court documents now exposing the motive behind a murdered college student. one of his alleged killers told police that the murder was revenge for u.s. military killings in the middle east. prosecutors say that he is a devout muslim and he is also charged with three murders in seatt seattle. an american recovering from ebola virus spent three weeks in a hot in atlanta. dr. kent brantly was released today. today was a miraculous day, i am thrilled to be alive, to be well and to be reunited through my family. through the missionary team in liberia, the use of an experimental drugs and the expertise and resources of the health care team at emery
university hospital, god saved my life and i m glad for any attention my sickness has attracted to the tragedy in liberia. nancy writeboll was released from the hospital on tuesday. let s all go off the record for a minute. i have a message for the washington post, which is don t hold your breath waiting, what am i talking about? the post printed an argument with the headline. the white house must respond. must? well, that s laughable. the post has been punked. and this is not a slap at the washington post or michael browne and his family, but a slap directly at the white house and president obama. that precision stuff on white is a gimmick, this is a fox news alert and you know what? you did it. 100,000 of you have officially signed that white house petition to get his case in front of the president. that was back on may 30th. the white house promises, yes, to answer petitions that reach 100,000 signatures within 30 days, has the white house kept its promise to enter the petition? not even a peep out of the white house. it s been more than 2 1/2 months already. the white house has just ignored it. the sergeant served two terms in afghanistan for our nation, that means for us, and suffering from ptsd after an ied explosion. while president obama is busy, well, golfing. i guess he s too busy to keep his word. that s my off the record comment tonight. and coming up, the pope making a very important phone call, that s next.
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