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Transcripts for BBC Radio 4 LW BBC Radio 4 LW 20191225 040000

Hello I m Tom what s with the b.b.c. News 2 attacks by Islamist insurgents in the West African state of bikini fast so on Tuesday have left dozens of people dead the government said 80 insurgents were killed along with 7 soldiers and $35.00 civilians mostly women militants 1st attacked a military outpost in the northern sume province as he Morgan explains after attacking the soldiers there they turned their guns on civilians once relatively stable became a faster has descended into serious unrest since 2015 when violence began spilling over from Mali hundreds of people have been killed or internally displaced this year no group has claimed responsibility for this attack but you have just violence and Brook University has been blamed on militants linked to both al Qaeda and Islamic state groups Pope Francis has ushered in Christmas for more than a 1000000000 Catholics by celebrating midnight mass at the Vatican calling on the faithful not to abandon God s love because of the churches failings speaking to thousands of pilgrims gathered in St Peter s Basilica paid Francis eluded to the clerical abuse and financial scandals affecting the church. We have yet you may have made a complete mess of things but the Lord continues to love you how often do we think that God is good if we are good and punishes us if we are bad that is not how he is pilgrims gathered in the West Bank town of Bethlehem revered by Christians as the birthplace of Jesus Christ they festivities centered on the Church of the Nativity which is cut off from the nearby city of Jerusalem by Israel s separation barrier. Midnight Mass has also been celebrated in churches across France for the 1st time in 200 years not in Cathedral in Paris which was devastated by a fire in April the extent of the destruction meant it was held at a church nearby instead. The Mexican foreign ministry has said it is deeply concerned about what it is calling the excessive surveillance of the Mexican Embassy and ambassador s residence in Bolivia Mexico claims Bolivia is engaged in a clear act of intimidation against their embassy staff in violation of international law from Mexico City will grant has the details Mexico granted asylum to former president everyone Alice when he had to resign at the request of the military he flew to Mexico Mexico sort of put him are allowed him to speak here dressed students he was using Twitter very prominently and didn t hurt him in any way and that annoyed the government in the past a jailed Nigerian activist who d stood as a presidential candidate has been released on bail after the government accepted a court ruling the activist a moyl a show or a was imprisoned on charges of treason and insulting the president the Nigerian government has also ordered the release of on bail of a former National Security Adviser Sambo to Suki who was detained in 2015 you re listening to the latest world news from the b.b.c. a Forest fire has encroached on the Chilean city of Valparaiso destroying about 50 houses the city s entire fire service with help from neighboring municipalities and the military at tackling the blaze 2 districts at greatest risk of received an order to evacuate. Russian and Turkish officials have been discussing how to stop an escalation of fighting in the Syrian province of Idlib Syrian government forces backed by Russian planes have been mounting a week long offensive against jihadist led militias in the province which is the last still mainly held by opposition forces Middle East editor Sebastian Usher says the offensive is part of the Syrian government s wider strategy this is partly the drive to take back the whole of the country to win back it up there s also a strategic attempt by the Syrian government to take full control of the main highway that runs have a country and 5 which as part of that cease fire deal was supposed to have been made safe the militias were supposed to pull back the fighting what s happening now is again going a bit deeper into it live around that area so I think that s the main strategic aim at the moment of the government Brazil s hardline President Jiah balsa Naro has pardoned jailed members of the police and military convicted of crimes committed unintentionally or in self-defense including for unlawful killing the pardon includes personnel who were off duty when the crime was carried out but excludes those convicted of corruption torture or terrorism he writes groups regard Brazilian place among the deadliest in the world. Has announced that one of its founders Travis Callan accused to step down from the board of directors at the end of the year Mr Callan ousted original chief executive within a year of its creation but was himself forced to quit his chief in 2017 after a number of scandals Mr colonic recently sold off most of his shares in the company it was share values dropped by more than 25 percent since it was listed in May correspondence a investors are concerned about long term prospects b.b.c. News. Welcome to hard talk on the b.b.c. World Service with me Steven Sanka my guest today was intimately involved with obviously the greatest feats of exploration in the history of humankind and yet you probably don t know his name Michael Collins was one of the 3 astronauts on the Apollo 11 mission to land a man on the moon as Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin stepped out of their lunar module on to the surface of the moon Michael Collins was piloting the command module orbiting high above them he was in charge of getting all of them home this year marks the 50th anniversary of that extraordinary mission which was watched live on t.v. All around the world by the end of that fateful year Michael Cullen s was just 39 had quit his job as a NASA astronauts in search of different challenges he worked in the u.s. State Department later he was director of the National Air and Space Museum but of course nothing you ever went on to do had the impact of that mission to the moon the same could be said of Massa s manned space flight program Nothing since has captured the imagination like that 1st moon landing will it ever be surprised Well Michael Collins joins me now welcome to Talk thank you very much Stephen this year marks the 50th anniversary of the historic Apollo 11 Levon mission which you were a key part of it means the spotlight is back on that mission it s back on you how do you feel about that. There were 3 of us of course that fly and nail Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin and I am. 3 very lucky people Neil Armstrong was born in 1930 Buzz Aldrin 1930 Mike Collins 1930. 3 quite different people Neil Armstrong didn t like the spotlight Buzz Aldrin doesn t like the spotlight mycology doesn t like that with all due respect Sir Mike Collins doesn t like the spotlight either and yet here we are and we re going to talk about what happened in 1969 do you talk about it with an enduring sense of pride Oh very much so I mean I was I was very proud of the job that the 3 of us did getting us to and from the moon that trip is a very long and fragile daisy chain and the links are very fragile and and we were able to keep them all intact and do our jobs properly but. More than the 3 of us there were almost 400000 Americans working on Project Apollo and I think them they re the ones who don t get recognized I want to take you back actually quite some time before the mission before those amazing pictures of the footsteps on the moon I want to take you back to John f. Kennedy pledging to invest whatever it took to get American man on to the moon in 1961 I guess. Within the decade he said we will make it happen absolutely did you at the time when he said that did you think that s me I am going to do whatever I can to be part of that no I did not when John f. Kennedy made that famous speech on man on the moon by the end of the decade I was struggling with a Quezon Zz of motion and the Test Pilot School Edwards Air Force Base and the notion of flying to the moon was far beyond my ken once I did join the space program and become part of Apollo. As the months went by I thank John f. Kennedy more and more because the stark simplicity of his mandate was wonderful for us we we could quote John Kennedy and we could get things done we could accelerate people we tell people we ve got to have this by day after tomorrow at the Kennedy mandate the simplicity of it the start beauty of it really helped us along through the Mon did you feel that you were part of some sort of Cold War contest because we shouldn t forget that Kennedy s commitment was in pot at least driven by a preoccupation with what the Soviets were doing in the sense that the Soviets may be getting ahead of America in the space race this was America s determination to fight back good did you feel like a cold warrior in a sense yes a little bit we of course were acutely aware of the Us s. R. We knew that we were in a competition with them but somehow that was behind a scrim behind a screen that wasn t part of our day to day life I didn t feel like an active competitor my problems were American problem trying to get American problems solved and although we knew we were in this competition we are at least my consciousness was 99 percent taken with non Soviet affairs or status. You were picked ultimately for this Apollo 11 mission alongside as you say Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin you then spend time training with them you did the mission with them it was a feat of an enormous ambition and day airing and I just wonder what sort of bombs you forged with those 2 men Armstrong and Aldrin we form some very strong bonds but actually not really during the flight of Apollo 11 or even during the prepared to a flight of the flight it was around the world trip that we took after the flight when I I came to know Neil better during our training in the 1st place we had we had not been a backup crew as most prime rary crews had been so we just got to know each other in the 6 months before the flight which is a short period of time further we were split by by function Neil and Buzz were primarily off doing the lunar module training I was usually by myself doing command module training so I somewhere along the line described to us is amiable stranger is didn t didn t mean that in a derogatory way but. When we were very hardworking when the day was over we we didn t party we didn t drive. Color coordinated Corvettes or any of that kind of thing we were our noses were Should the grindstone we had both come off the Gemini program so we did have some experience in space Gemini program was a fascinating but a much smaller program and it had more of a local. Appeal or Thiel ing about it almost perhaps like an athletic contest of some sort Paulo 11 on the other hand. As heavy duty big business we felt the weight of the world on our shoulders. We were being looked at and examined minute Lee We were under tight time table time schedule and amiable strangers we were we were in a sense but there s something intensely human about the. The rules you had because Armstrong and Aldrin as you say were committed to the landing they were in the lunar module and they were going to be the guys let us be honest who were going to get the glory of making those footsteps on the moon you were integral to the mission but you were piloting the command module you were absolutely crucial to getting them on to the moon and getting them off the moon and back home but you would not then and it seems to me it takes a particular kind of man to be committed to the mission and accent that you re not going to get the ultimate glory did you see it that way well no I think 30 certainly thought that I did not have the best seat of the 3 on Apollo 11 but I can say in all honesty I was thrilled with the seat that I did have I knew that I had somehow locked into. Being one 3rd of the team that was going to do this wonderful thing and my function suited me fine I mean yeah sure I would have preferred to walk on the moon but that really seemed trivial distinction at the time I was very pleased with the my responsibilities on the flight people have said that yours actually was the loneliest job that a human being could ever have because while they went off the 2 of them together in the module to make that landing you were all putting the moon in the C mon mode jewel and for a substantial chunk of every orbit you were completely isolated from all of humankind because you were on the fossil had the moon out of all contact with humanity no human being has ever being more isolated than you would. So. So what did you make of that experience what kind of impact did it have upon you well I when I returned to earth I was amazed because most of the questions to me from the press center go and you were the loneliest man in the whole lonely orbit around the Lonely Planet on a lonely evening and I felt on the other hand quite comfortable in my happy little home inside the command module Columbia. I had been flying airplanes by myself for a number of years so the fact I was lost by myself was not anything new I was very comfortable in the head there was an awful responsibility on your shoulders because you were the guy who had to make sure the older and I m strong got back to the spacecraft that was going to get you will home. And you didn t know whether the lunar module would really work when it left the moon surface you didn t know if I am strong and old and would make it back to you and I just wonder if in your mind you had a plan for what you would do if things went wrong Well 1st you ve hit upon the part of the flight that I worried about the most which I thought that the nail in was would go on down and have a successful landing and a lot of our equipment was duplicated but when it came to their return to me they had one engine one engine bell one combustion chamber and that had to work perfectly to lift them up back to my orbit. I had around my neck an 8 by 10 note book which had. 18 different possibilities for how we would bring those 2 vehicles back together if everything went according to the textbook was fairly simple and something that we had practiced over and over in the simulator you had to think what it would mean for you. If you d had to return to Earth without them and sure I did. But only in the most abbreviated form I mean the 1st I was not going to commit suicide I was coming home by myself and I would be a marked man for the rest of my life I knew that. And I didn t dwell on that but I was I was quite aware of that fact. Did you as other astronauts have discussed of course back in 1969 there were very few men who d have the experience that you were having of seeing our blue planet from space did you find it changed your view of humanity Oh of our place in the universe Yes I believe it did if there is any part of the flight of Apollo 11 that sticks in my memory it is the memory of a little tiny thing that you can obscure with your thumbnail blue and white the why is the clouds of blue of the ocean just a trace of land gorgeous very shiny bright back ground totally black. I will remember that all my life and it leads one to consider well is it so pretty is it so quiet is it so pristine for some reason the word fragile came up out of the murk somehow I know not how but I thought God it s a fragile little thing isn t it and though in the 50 years since you had that special view of our planet do you think we human beings have respected and understood that fragility no. No I don t think so I would we flew to the moon the population of the Earth was about $2000000000.00 and it s sneaking up now on and on $8000000000.00 and that growth is willy nilly without any consideration for. The support that additional number of people requires from the resources of the earth No I don t think we ever consider that let me ask you if I may a personal question about that return to us you were perhaps at that time in 1969 the 3 most famous men on the planet you had achieved something which man a dreamed about I mean mankind had dreamed about for so long and you had delivered it. And yet afterwards it can all of been easy to handle both the adulation and the intense focus and spotlight upon you Buzz Aldrin has been open about the difficulties he had in coming to terms with it he said I beams of the moon I had traveled around but was on earth was I going to do next did you have a feeling like that too and not really I bailed out of the space program before Apollo was over I felt that the 1st letter landing it fundamentally done what John f. Kennedy had asked us to do I went on to do other jobs I d be the next 1st I was assistant secretary of state later I was director of the National Air and Space Museum and let me interrupt because both of those extremely important jobs with a great deal of responsibility but if you had stayed I think most people who know NASA well think there s little doubt that you could have commanded your own Apollo mission you may well have stood a chance in the Is that came to have walked on the moon yourself and you walked away from that possibility why. Oh a whole host of reasons some of them professional some of them personal I think the personal ones at that time probably weighed more heavily on me than the professional ones my wife Pat and you know put up with my ridiculous career. Being a jet fighter pilot a test pilot. This loony astronaut thing whatever it was and that required long hours a lot of time away from home. And the time away from home frequently was you were stuffed into a simulator and I was sick and tired of being stuffed into a simulator and I felt that I had. Upheld my end of the bargain with NASA I didn t feel like I owed NASA anything nor did they owe me anything but any regrets at all did not pursue that Oh sure oh sure but but you know I might my luck had endured and this was time for it to end and yeah sure but did I look back when when when Gene Cernan my good good friend Gene Cernan stepped out on to the lunar surface did I feel a sense of they were going to be green and if he could have been me. I maybe thought that but I wasn t you know green with envy or anything like that it was not a strong feeling no I made my decision was happy with my decision I had it was now living in Washington d.c. With a decent job my will my wife my family situation was good so I had no cause for for any great regret as you say you for a while were director of the Air and Space Museum you stayed very closely tied to the world of space exploration you fly. Which Nasser a close quarters do you think after the Apollo program was wound up do you think NASA in a sense lost its way that for all of the development of the space shuttle those endless missions to the space station space lab. They seem to lose momentum with the notion of pushing forward with manned exploration I do think that they made a big mistake I don t think NASA lost its way so much as NASA lost its money and there s an important distinction there I think NASA sort of wobble long they weren t quite sure what you did after Apollo they did they did a space station an abbreviated form of wine and then they created the shuttle I think those were important and useful steps they were not as dramatic they didn t excite the American people and interest in the space program decreased but I think that was perhaps inevitable after Apollo was over let s talk about Mas you have always been a passionate advocate of the need for humans to push a mission to mas but there are so many challenges involved in the miles mission it would take so long at least 2 years do you see a commitment not least amongst America s politicians to invest what it would need to get human beings to moms the financing space ventures has changed somewhat in that it s not only. A tax government project Mars but. So some private money is being thrown in by people such as Ilan Moscow where you comfortable with that with the notion that America s richest billionaires and you mentioned you don t must we could talk about Jeff Bezos as well are you comfortable with with a sort of climate in space exploration where they see more committed to pushing the boundaries the front is than the u.s. Government no I think the u.s. Government should welcome their money and sure if they want to throw in. A 1000000000 here and a trillion there will bless them I I don t see. That there is nothing wrong with having a once you re in a spacecraft you re not sure who paid for the thing that you re up and the fact is that you re there and they re adding to the possible reality of a trip to Mars a little bit sooner than if you relied solely upon appropriated funds isn t the truth that if we the human species are serious about the next phase of space exploration which will be mind bogglingly expensive and technically extraordinarily challenging it can really only happen if there is cooperation between all of the biggest powers that is the United States China and Russia I think we have to find a way to cooperate I remember so vividly the trip that 3 of us took after the flight of Apollo 11 and we were surprised that everywhere we went every city we visited we were not greeted with oh well you Merican finally did it we were greeted with we did it we humanity we human beings it put ourselves our talents together and we have done it and I think that we have to build on that spirit which was ephemeral and when history books come to be written maybe centuries from now when we look back at the arc of human achievement. Over a very long time span where do you think landing on the moon putting men on the moon and seeing them walk on the moon will sit in Tom s all of the mile stone is achieved by a species. I think. 2 flights were very important Apollo 8 and Apollo 11 Apollo 8 which didn t land on the moon but was the 1st human vehicle to exceed escape velocity was very important perhaps as important as Apollo 11 Apollo 8 was about a leap was it was about leaving Apollo 11 was about arriving 100 years from now I m not sure which historians would be prevalent in an argument whether it s more important that we left or more important that we arrived I think both of those were monumental achievements and they will be remembered as we proceed toward what I hope is Mars and if we can do we can leave for one in Iraq with another I think we can do the same thing although I may contradict myself and say that the 1st flight to Mars may be intentionally a one way flight be leaving only and not. Leaving an override Mike Collins thank you very much indeed for being on hold to. This is the b.b.c. World Service with what might be in store for us in 2020 It s our annual get together when some of the B.B.C. s finest journalists use insight instinct and inspired guesswork to predict the events that will unfold in our totally unpredictable world I m used to sex and my panel of guests peering into a crystal ball includes North America editor John Sopel that s a little bit of good news here if editor catch your Adler focus on Africa presenters Sophie Kenya our South America correspondent Katie Watson and from South Asia Regina vide Ian Advent who will be to take stuff from Greece call to the wild 2020 a year that certain to include growing demands for action on climate change and fears over the global economy as well as that small matter of a us presidential election correspondent s Leka head Friday it knowing. China is astray is biggest trading partner but in recent years the relationship has been strained Chinese dreams is a new series from the World Service exploring how China s money and power are influencing debate in 5 very different nations I m Heidi pet and we begin in my home country astray where after centuries of looking to Europe the focus is shifting but this shift has brought concerns about Chinese money and influence in domestic politics after the news Chinese dreams. B.b.c. News with Tom watts to attack spy is the most insurgents in the West African state of bikini Fassero have left dozens of people dead the government said militants 1st attacked a military outpost in northern soon province before turning their guns on civilians 80 insurgents were killed along with 7 soldiers and 35 civilians most of them women Pope Francis has ushered in Christmas for more than a 1000000000 Catholics by celebrating midnight mass at the Vatican calling on the faithful not to abandon God s love because of the church s failings his appearance in Peter s Square on Christmas day to deliver the traditional papal message to the world the Mexican foreign ministry has said it is deeply concerned about what it s calling the excessive surveillance of the Mexican Embassy and ambassador s residence in Bolivia relations between the 2 countries broke down after Mexico offered asylum to Bolivia s ousted president Evo Morales Brazil s hardline President Jaya balsa has pardoned jailed members of the police and military convicted of crimes committed unintentionally or in self-defense including for unlawful killing it includes personnel who were off duty when the crime was carried out but it excludes those convicted of corruption torture or terrorism a jailed Nigerian activist who stood as a presidential candidate has been released on bail after the government accepted a court ruling Amoy Aleisha war a was imprisoned on charges of treason and insulting the president Japanese prosecutors are reported to have arrested a senior member of the governing Liberal Democratic Party over suspected bribe taking to help a Chinese firm set up a casino in Japan until at mid October. Moto had been a vice minister responsible for developing casinos as a way to help boost the economy Mr AQIM OTOH denies wrongdoing the right Helling company has announced that one of its founders Travis Callan ic is to step down from its board of directors at the end of the b.b.c. News. Welcome to our compass series Chinese dreams here on the baby see this I m Heidi Pat over 5 programs we re looking at how China s rise is causing up evils in nations across the globe in this 1st episode astray my home country with a story of how China has brought both economic growth and deep fee is about national security. Around this time last year a Melbourne man named known as knew how to decision to. Nick was a luxury but from all accounts not a very good one he ordered millions to invest is faced fraud charges and was under arrest. Then in light. And when he was released went to. His domestic spy agency and told them a Chinese businessman had offered him a $1000000.00 to run for the Australian Parliament. And security services had previously flagged that same businessman as a senior Chinese spy. Then turned up dead you know hotel room. But this isn t a Met a mystery death is a story of a world superpower and how its rise is rattling astray. A few very wealthy Chinese and Chinese astray and business people have become the major donors to both of our political parties Clive Hamilton is a professor of ethics at Charles Sturt University he published a book about United Front work in 2018 and it was those donations that sparked his interest and in fact a 0 strategy is Intelligence Agency 5 had been tracking these people for some time. And had actually warned the political parties about a couple of them the intelligence agencies specifically had warned the major parties against accepting any donations from these 2 men because a 0 suspected that the donations that they had made and we talked about millions of dollars made in order to give these people who were in Asia as View agents for the Chinese Communist Party political influence illustrated that warning came in 2015 and it stopped neither of the parties for meeting with those Dinah s or accepting money from them then $1.00 offered 400000 Australian dollars or roughly a quarter of a 1000000 u.s. Dollars to an influential Labor Party politician named Sam Dastyari the dharna is called John Moore he told Sam Dastyari now a senator that the party would not be getting the $400000.00 unless he Sam Dastyari made a statement on the South China Sea dispute. Which adopted Beijing s position rather than the struggling government and indeed the Labor Party s position so that they called a media conference with Chinese language media only in the Commonwealth offices in a building in Sydney desk. And hungering Mo stood behind podiums both of which had to come with seal on them so a very official looking and Sam Dastyari made a statement. We were. We were in which he effectively repudiated the struggling governments and his own party s position in the South China Sea and indorsed by jinks. We were clearly hung more was trying a change in the Labor Party s political position on an issue vitally important to Beijing it all backfired and it was actually a ham fisted attempt dusty Ari apologized and said that his comments on the South China say were an unscripted mistake but when that recording emerged a year later he was forced to quit politics and highly hunger more himself has been banned from a stray You can never return perhaps unless some future government decides it is not an agent of influence after all. The former head of a stray is intelligence agency says influence operations by the Chinese state are occurring at unprecedented levels and it s not just money there s increasing concern about something called the United Front Works Department brought us I was united front work is to make the world safe for the Chinese Communist Party so it s defensive but it s also preemptive This is John Garner who has researched those influence operations 1st as a journalist based in Beijing and then he advised the Australian Government over new laws to limit foreign interference those laws were controversial many rightly saw them as directed at China and worried what that would mean for the relationship and diplomatic relations did sour Chinese ports banned Australian coal and Pais were barred from visiting the country. So how did things get so bad between Australia and its biggest trading partner let s go back to camera in 2000 and I. The right my 1st induction into United Front work was watching the Olympic torch relay protests back in 2000 and I. Think. The Beijing Olympics was China s chance to demonstrate its power on the world stage but the international torch relay as had been marred by protest in Paris the torch should actually gone out and then been moved onto a bus in a stroller they went taking any chances the states had been organizing students to rally in support of the Olympic torch to say good to lift the torch as they called it. I. Mean that all pan down from 10000 students were bussed from around the country to camera that was when I came to understand the mobilization power of the United Front system the United Front work organization is sometimes called the Chinese Communist Parties magic weapon its origins are in the Revolutionary War in China when the party came to power and it remains an official . Division of the central party committee its chief task is said to be co-opting and seeing off any threats to the party whether in China or of a Ses and it s alleged that the organization seeks to enlist ethnic Chinese communities living around the world to do the work and promote the messages of the Chinese Communist Party so united front where it throughout the world is operating at grassroots level helping to mobilize students business people it s working very closely with the late wherever it can business people leading scholars former politicians national security advisers and what it tries to do is create a public opinion or influence the decision making calculus of leaders the United Front operation I always emphasize the 2 apart from Tony is a professor in the china department at the University of Technology Sydney while nice to identify primary enemy or 2nd their enemy to isolate it to marginalize or better choice completely and then in the meantime to identify friend. Corp Professor phones research involves travel to China speaking to human rights lawyers he says in the past his connections and old friendships with the progressive wing of the party have allowed him to do that work and he proudly shows me a picture in his office of him and a high ranking official peace you with that s for more had in that department at the Central Committee he was still followed by the secret police on his research trips but there should be a quite polite Ok you are from always sees you re entitled to your viewers but that change symmetrically after the write ups Egyptian key one to eliminate any sense of pretty quickly sent with the in or with em. She Jinping became China s later in 2012 the last time that Professor phone went to China things seemed normal at 1st he was traveling around and on his last night in a city called conning he got a call from the sacred place they said no. Professor for long time no she and we have a chat and I come to She ll which of course yes. Of course a couple is you can t say no because I can say no they questioned him 1st including And then they followed him to when I lived in their hotel immediately and get the form core Mr phone we re out here at the same hotel at Rio. Normally profess a phone would call an old friend in these circumstances and it would be sorted out but these security men how to message for him Mr from b. Of don t know this shit in these prison ish thong border your classmate is completely beyond you at that point hey include an Irish teens early release Schiller s. I was in the hand of the street Irish professor from told me they spent a whole day asking him about his old friend John Gardner the China watcher we heard from earlier he couldn t understand why because he didn t know about John s work obviously the same these authorities have their informant know what you know Australia they knew a lot of things I did not know about my friends close friends I don t know after 10 days from Chung it was released I picked the well read court. Less than 10 days in the book happened in whatever so if you are taken by those people they have a court there beyond the law. They can do anything. For example Chinese authorities have detained young Journ a form a Ph d. Student a professor funk since January 29th Payne Hayes an Australian citizen Meanwhile Professor firm says he doesn t feel safe on his own campus in Sydney they have long been concerns about universities sacrificing academic freedom to chase tuition fees for international students who in Australia provide a 5th of all revenue to the higher education sector tensions on campus have increased since solidarity campaigns for pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong sprang up colorful post at night scrolled with messages of hope and defiance which are known as Lenin walls of balloon on campuses across the country including at u.t.s. Represents a phone tape has came to say it I asked if you could show me I prefer not to go there. Is that you prefer not to go because it s still a sight of trouble because now the security guy has against to met trouble with centers you wouldn t have been one to. Come from then. In that we. Are. Still. Reading your words you just yeah I are I want to say what remained of the wall myself but I had a bit of trouble finding it. The original post at nights had been torn down and the university chose to move the Lennon wall to an official place inside 2 security guards sat underneath an empty pinboard. Oh that was overrun or if this was left let. Me just write what happened I m so sorry for her life and. Her Well these 2 kept the pace at u.t.s. Violence has fled at other campuses around the country the 1st incident was at the University of Queensland in July so the big send off happened. This is true public he led a series of protests on campus we stood under a sandstone archway right in the middle of the university it s a busy thoroughfare cafe on one side a huge lawn in front of us and a smaller behind and there are students everywhere he tells me that he chose this spot because on market day it would be the easiest place on campus to hold a sit in there were about 30 of us I was sitting down like literally on the spot just with the Make a fine leading a chanting and seizing ping time I. Think I thought and was surrounded by on at least 150 nationals I think several I guess for c.c.p. Men some of them in Moscow came over this huge bulky guy and like a sweatshirt and some losses came I would just rip to make a friend from the hands threw it to the ground shot it in the video as he sent me through stand suddenly and pushes the man who smashed the magnifying that I was conscious of the mouth I was on the bridge straight to the ground and they were just surrounding us and I had the dream speak of playing the national Iowa and I m . In a trickier cool mask like teeth across the last he came up behind me and knocked me in the back of my head while my back was turned. I mean what you know about who these people were they students where they come from so that s a thing. We know that the Chinese students call Association on campus has links to the consulate and so we wonder did the consulate direct the students that are part of the Chinese student scholar Association true confront us at the rally and additionally to the $3.00 to $4.00 men who were violent on that day the men wearing masks who had taken steps to conceal their identities they seem to be there with the sole purpose of like sowing discord disrupting things attacking people. Drew blames at least some of what has happened to him on China s most senior diplomat in Queensland I receive thousands of death threats online after the consul general in Brisbane labelled me a separatist and said I was engaging in anti China activities and and he endorsed the patriotic behavior of the students who attacked me those were his words patriotic juror is now suing China s consul general in Queensland saying his words incited the death threats so far hasn t attended court and is claiming diplomatic immunity. The Chinese students and scholars Association at the University of Queensland didn t get back to me members from other branches have previously confirmed that the embassy provided flags transport and food for students attending a rally to welcome the Chinese premier to a stray. I did speak to somebody from the branch at the University of Sydney to ask about links to the embassy the last 2 days a week a making time and I think Sam way we meet one evening on campus I mean is friendly so my name is Amy and I am the director of Chinese a Surely a relationship department and I just got elected last week and she assures me that the students associations only function is to provide social and practical support to Chinese students our society is not providing anything political to a student We re just providing support to Chinese students here in Australia if you want to be involved in anything political you stand for your own self not for Chinese students not for the embassy not for Chinese now so you you ve never heard of that happening of the embassy not necessarily forcing people to go obviously because they can t do that but encouraging people to go No I ve never heard and none of my friends I ve ever heard anything about the embassy it s not it s not making us to anything and we are not doing anything but does it ever worry you receiving funding from the embassy we don t have to do what they tell us to do because we re not relying on their funding they are just sponsoring us and yeah we are our own dependent association we do our own choices the thing is the Chinese students and scholars association is political founded in the student movement in China in 1909 it was soon co-opted by the party and is now an official of the United Front work department still I mean see it s she s not told what to do or say I mean as true it is a country of freedom comes. Saying to China it s your own choice is people s own choice you can t label the whole Chinese international students crowd you can t do that because basically it s a big population we have the freedom to do everything we like here which might be exactly the problem the Chinese students and scholars Association seeks to solve I m from mainland China I used to be a hardcore nationalist Vicki sure came to Australia to study but says halfway through her degree something started to change I was very very overwhelmed growing up my entire life all I knew was. You know China has been bullied by the wost China is seeking to return to its rightful place superpower and when my education in the West questioned all these things that I knew was facts it shook my belief system and I could not cope well with it at 1st you know I was very very defensive he is now a research I with a defense think tank in Australia focusing on China and she also works as a comedian and journalist my job is to write about and research on China related issues in an objective manner the problem is the Chinese government isn t interested in anyone doing that they just want anyone you know who s a Chinese citizen or who is of Chinese heritage to follow the party lines and also actively promote the party lines so when you fail to do that especially as a Chinese person him the consequences are well in the past month the Chinese media there are just having a go with I ve been targeted online they re calling me a traitor or a whore or a West worshipping dog that s all a campaign of punishment because I broke the patriotic code and Viki says it s clear that while some of that nationalism is genuinely felt there s also direction from the embassy and by extension the Chinese Communist Party but these trends of toxic Chinese popular nationalism are not getting enough attention and they re not seeing as a problem because you know people are worried if we criticize them are we racist I mean does have a really long history of anti Chinese racism dating back to the 1800s do you think that is a factor in the current disc. Russian is there an element of paranoia that is rationalized I mean I don t think any of my reporting or research work on Chinese nationalism is to come from a place where you know I m racist against my own people I mean Australia does have as you said does have a long history of racism and I feel it pretty regularly that is a problem but the discussion about Chinese interference campaigns and the discussion about talks a popular Chinese nationalism or not because of race there s also sort of bind the Chinese Communist Party talking points right whenever. Passes a law or says anything about Chinese interfere the Chinese already Sco that is Cold War mentality your hurting the feelings of Chinese people whatever criticism towards the government is criticism towards the people but Chinese astray are increasingly under that spotlight take Gladys Lou She s a liberal party m.p. From Melbourne and the 1st Chinese one person to be elected to the House of Representatives Clive Hamilton the author of that book about United Front work not only had close links and in fact had various positions like Ari President and visor and positions like that with united front organizations in Australia she was also a member of united front organizations in China mislead initially said she didn t remember being part of these organizations and in one case was signed up without her knowledge or permission. Against the background of clashes between Chinese students and supporters of the Hong Kong protesters around the country with fake Chinese police cars showing up in 2 state capitals and a corruption inquiry hearing about bags of cash from Chinese businessmen linked to the say say pay Glavis lose ties to united front organizations seems like just one more thing to add to the fold mocked Chinese state interference in Australia but there are those who say that membership of groups like the Chinese students and scholars associations or the business groups that Gladys Lee was part of is nothing to be alarmed about David Brophy is a professor at Sydney University where his research is focused on and he s been involved in campus meetings between mainland Chinese and Hong Kong students every diaspora community in Australia has organizations like this that maintain connections to the homeland that take advantage of business opportunities that they as members of this diaspora are particularly strong positioned to take advantage of and clearly doing so would bring these organizations at some point into contact with Chinese officials and the Chinese Communist Party but to say that someone who simply appears on a membership list or part of the leadership body of this organization is therefore suspect of being disloyal and entering parliament in order to pursue a foreign country s political agenda I felt that that was a massive stretch that may not necessarily be motivated by racism but it will have racist consequences in discouraging people of Chinese heritage in Australia from fully participating in public life because they know that upon entering into politics they re likely to face this type of continuous and unfair scrutiny Professor Brophy is probably a difficult one for the Chinese state to categorize he s doing research on sin John which would normally have him labeled unfriendly I also teach on to bet I ve brought we could dissidents to the Sydney University campus but he. He s suspicious of the narrative about Chinese state interference in Australia fearing it tips into paranoia he s been trying to build bridges I was involved in helping to organize an event at Sydney University which was just called Let s talk about Hong Kong and this was intended deliberately as outreach to the Chinese student population on campus it was advertised in Chinese it was conducted mostly in Chinese so the meeting was held in the evening on a weekday there s about 60 to 70 people present there was a degree of nervousness going into the meeting part of the reason that I was involved as a faculty member was to you know mitigate the possibility of any kind of disruption and in fact the 2 speakers initially at least they wore masks as well to conceal their identities one of them actually discarded it halfway through the meeting but you know you can see from that that people were nervous but ultimately Professor Brophy says that the work the Chinese government does overseas is not that different to that of other countries look China has its lobbyists has front groups it has its objectives I think China is primarily interested in you know preventing a stray or being used as a base by you know groups within the diaspora that it identifies as its political enemies beyond that I mean China clearly is interested in cultivating good relations with strained politicians but having said all that I would insist that I don t think that the correct response here is that you know we must therefore gear up for a confrontation with China you know that we must become more militaristic that we must become more nationalistic that we should also treat our minorities as potentially subversive elements just as China does. Professor Burns he is of the view that there may now be more smoke than fire when it comes to the extent of Chinese state influence in Australia. And that we should be wary of our own security services in fighting that. It s difficult to say where the line is. What about the Melbourne Coggiola who turned up dead in a hotel room after he told security services he d been recruited to run for parliament by a Chinese spy it turns out he was already in custody at the time candidates were being selected but i easy are you know Rep public confirmation says they are investigating his crimes and the way China watches interpret his story depends entirely on the level of threat they say he was either a small time crook nothing to do with Chinese state who decided that going to the security services would get him out of a fraud trial or it could show the Chinese Communist Party attempting to infiltrate Australian politics but doing it in a ham fisted manner or it s a rare and alarming insight into the influence operations of the Chinese state. Chinese drains the Australia edition was presented and produced by May be pat in the next episode Rebecca Henschke he finds the rise of China creating new opportunities and new FIA s to Indonesia s Chinese community this is the b.b.c. World Service and here s how he at Gilbert s to tell you about January s world pick up Naomi Alderman joins me to talk about the power in the newly created Republic of women teenage girls have the ability to electrocute people that will it so what if story about power who holds it who controls it and how it s used world pick up with Naomi old woman from the 4th of January. And in 30 minutes a digital planet with Garrett Mitchell in the b.b.c. Radio theatre for a special edition by week attempt a holographic phone call with Australia and we have a super speedy internet connection to live musicians in London in Scotland that half an hour. Here on the b.b.c. World Service the world s radio station. At 5 those g.m.t. Welcome to the newsroom from the b.b.c. World Service. Celebrates Christmas Eve Mass and urges Catholics not to let the churches failings affect their faith that it to record the. Christmas reminds us that God continues to love a soul even the worst of us you may have made a complete mess of things but the Lord continues to love you as Syrian a Russian bombardment of it lip intensifies warnings of a humanitarian disaster the town city itself. In the last few days 70000 people being forced out has says been targeting off that town alone Mexico accuses Bolivia of intimidating stuff it is embassy We ll tell you boy and tracking Santa looks like he joins fantastic right looks like you ve had good weather good starlight to navigate by and the rain you re doing fantastic the last this news bulletin. Hello I m Tom what s with the b.b.c. News 2 attacks by Islamist insurgents in the West African state of bikini on Choose day have left dozens of people dead the government said 80 insurgents were killed along with 7 soldiers and $35.00 civilians Hugh Morgan reports the militants arrived at the military outpost of our been the town north and soon province on motorbikes after attacking the soldiers there they turned their guns on civilians 2 days of national mourning have been announced once relatively stable bikini Fassero has descended into serious unrest since 2015 when violence began spilling over from Mali hundreds of people have been killed or internally displaced this year no group has claimed responsibility for this attack but you have used violence and Brook University has been blamed on militants linked to both al Qaeda and Islamic state groups Pope Francis has ushered in Christmas for more than a 1000000000 Catholics by celebrating midnight mass at the Vatican speaking to pilgrims gathered in St Peter s Basilica he called on the faithful not to abandon God s love because of the churches failings Here s Mark Lowen. In the gilded splendor of St Peter s Basilica this was a solemn Christmas Eve Mass the 7th that Pope Francis has led his homily talked of God s Love You may have mistaken ideas you may have made a complete mess of things he said but the Lord continues to love you that will be seen by some as a reference to church scandals including sex abuse Francis his papacy is in many ways reformist shaking up the traditional governance of the church perhaps then there was a pointed message in his words we change the church changes history changes once we stop trying to change others but try to change ourselves the Mexican foreign ministry says it is deeply concerned about what it s calling the excessive surveillance of the Mexican Embassy and ambassador s residence in Bolivia images taken from inside the embassy show more than a dozen Bolivian police officers directly outside the building relations broke down after Mexico offered asylum to Bolivia s ousted president Evo Morales. A jailed Nigerian activist Amoy Aleisha were raped.

Radio-program , Presidential-medal-of-freedom-recipients , Great-medal-of-the-aéro-club-de-france-winners , Politics-of-china , Types-of-organization , Deception , Exploration-of-the-moon , Death , National-security , Communist-parties , Crime-prevention , Surveillance

Transcripts for BBC Radio Lincolnshire BBC Radio Lincolnshire 20190730 030000

Of sunshine and heavy thunder showers will spread to most parts of the U.K. They have a shallow bay in northwest England the Midlands and while windy in the south with a chance of gales on the coast in London today of 21 degrees. Extra. This has slipped through. The final grand slam of the things us that. Just brace for the drivers championship. For its. Extra. This is a pull out of 5 on Dawson at a barn coming up in this hour of the program in a moment we ll see we ll bring you the latest from California 24 hours on from the shooting story that we told you about last night as it was still an ongoing incident will have the latest from there is news of what exactly happened at the garlic festival in Gilroy Northern California emerges also what s been on the spike in the tiger population in India one of the conservation is done right there that is seen increasing numbers of his image and also the Tigers still an endangered species we ll hear about the video of an Indian family who checked into a hotel room and left with as much of the room as they could get there and zone and we will bring you news of the option that is simply out of this world well yes I think that s a way of putting it it s a metaphor you know what I mean is good story though to. Says Richard not true story we 1st brought to you an awful night last night 3 people have been. Killed one of them a 6 year old boy and 15 others injured after a gunman attacked a food festival in California the gunman was shot dead by police shortly after he began firing over police are investigating reports that a 2nd suspect may still be at large the attack happened at the annual garlic festival in the small town of Gilroy which is about 80 miles south of San Francisco the annual event was taken place in a local park where according to the festival s website weapons of any kind of ban the eyewitness told C.B.S. News what he saw on the right by. Her right and then you hearing at the time that it was a private that it broke the 50 yards from where we were police say officers were already on sites in responded to the shooting in less than a minute has the Police Chief Scott Smith the it appears as if though they had come into the festival via the creek which borders a parking area. And they use some sort of a tool to cut through the fence to be able to gain access through the secure fence line. The governor of California is described as shooting is nothing short to fear ific the U.S. President dawdle Charles 2 you should about the incident to be careful and safe Brianna sags who s a reporter for Buzz Feed in California who s been following events as you know what the reaction has been in the state a chunky A and those Another shooting in California and it be said was So it s you know it s just one of those things that same type of reaction from the community that talking this happened here at a garlic festival that s you know so family friendly and same as if the judges had similar type of shock and horror and frustration I vision some of the people who with and were close to what happened pretty much in shock what they ve been saying that as to what they saw. Well I I thought you know why but you know it s a lot of people you know it s a huge festival this as I said very famous the Egypt dominate was the last day of the festival was really just kind of. Closing down so people were just wandering around and joining us they can then that you know it s it s out of like fireworks we re going off and all decided people started running and. They you know people said that they they saw a gun the kind of dressed in camouflage shooting into a large crowd of people 5 E.F. 2 clear can be music stage shows indiscriminate shooting. Yes starting randomly and to a strong of people that you know I spoke to the thing that had just been playing their last encores following up to damn their classic rock band from San Jose which is about 30 miles away and they were playing their ass off and they said they heard the shooting and that I thought Mick was shooting it to you know a curfew 100 people by the paper and the stage in front of that or that the stage they were on front of them and 3 people died as a result of the shooting 3 people did to the children. Correct so 3 people the victims were all young. One who was a 6 year old boy is. Was. And that there are identified later on today I m a 30 year old girl and her. Her name it was came out and then a college that one of its graduates Trevor Irby was also a victim and he was I think in his twenty s is what the police said earlier today what do we know about the shooter and the most who for this. We still don t know a motive you know we know that the shooter police said had been living in the vat of with family. Recently and asked how and where he bought the weapon which is in a case doubt it could very different styles. Is why slow and lot of details and if the data and I thought of it to California law again in the area and Jim would say after is well though as you know what the feds close that family has there there is there is one of the very accomplished athlete a boxer and they want to of like was you know a good student the father was also. A runner and that they re just you know as a a solid family in the community and and killed right on the sheet he was 19 years old. Correct yes he was 19 it was a lot and the. Shooting happened very quickly you know it was the attack was kind of over maybe a minute or so. After it started up 3 please officers engage the suspect and. You know it took him down all the other quickly so police are crediting those officers response with you know it could have been a lot lot worse when one minute the police on duty that had chills him. Yet they engage the suspect they had pinned down and within a minute you know they will patrolling the festivals the suspect the student God made it through a creek area is the back like using cutters to cut the fat so that s how they missed him because it was awesome through these areas it was you know they. Were officers on hand he says that wasn t like there was lax security or anything he stuck in. And the authorities that. Reaction saved lives can imagine that how many people were injured the 3 people killed how many people are injured Yes about 15 others were injured in a few been released today from hospital to area hospitals and their injuries injuries Berry range from fair to put a call. And the organizes of the citizen who everybody is is in shock as I said the 1st of all it s like it s just a huge summer of and attract you know hundreds and hundreds that under the people from all over in order California and so you know they re there in force all right in the chest thinking that this family pops family focus. So like that of things you know people from all over it are tougher to try to do something like this but it s the save my hedge of resiliency is that you know they won t let this this person really is your credit. Record So you know there it is their value you don t have it again next year and that you did not let this to be something that is the report is it fair Brianna Sachs There are reports for Buzz Feed birds thing California some good news now out of India which is home to nearly 3000 tigers Well that still do tiny fraction of the number of charges he roamed across India in the last century it does represent a rapid growth in the target population over the last 5 years India s net is to Maiti to be home to around 70 percent of the world s Tigers prime minister rendered Modi be present in the findings on Monday said India is now one of the biggest and most secure habitats of the taiga Well let s cross live to Delhi in speed to billin the right she s the executive director of the Wildlife Protection Society of India Belinda this is really good news isn t it is it s amazing how they do and I m staggered Well you know it s really it is sort of positive results that have come out of a conservation investment for over $45.00 is and I think I think the key to it is that we now have and this is I mean then the increase is quite recent We now have 50 Tigers of covering in covering an area of over 71000 square kilometers so what we ve gotten is is sort of this these critical Taika habitats which is safe now for tigers so they re multiplying they re breeding they take is a. You know they re very resilient and so on but football. Meeting they need a bit of space and everything else right and I think that s what s happened and they re also spilling out of some of these areas so you know there are still problems that is still poaching but amazingly these wonderful animals are. Doing while and that s why we have been the count last half and in 2014 there were 2226 Tigers but the figure from 2018 show there 90009 $167.00 which is an increase of words about 30 percent increase the $33.00. Level mathematics I was doing. I didn t use a calculator. I mean is it safe to say that the tiger is not an endangered species any movement Oh no I mean India has you know 70 percent of the world s tight and you don t want all your eggs in one basket. But. No And we have a big problem still here we still lose about 100 tigers to coaching every year and you know despite what the honorable prime minister says. None of us are convinced that we have genuine genuine political will to secure a future for while tigers in India you know is our environmental laws quietly being weakened and we have a lot of. What you call it Linnean for infrastructure intrusions So every time a dam is needed or a highway or a can that arrow or a new railway track or worst of all power lines it s put through critical wildlife habitat did you do Indians principally those people who live in those areas close to the tiger habitat do do they see tigers as an asset. Well some do where there s tourism then yes they see it as an asset and and remember people you know worship the tiger they ve lived in the local people have lived close to wild tigers. You know since the beginning of time but things are changing India is changing so you know people have access to mobile phones to television and so on so they re not as tolerant as as certainly that as tolerant as they used to be and the other problem big problem which is I think you know conservationists conservations biggest challenge everywhere not just India is is human wildlife conflict it s really it s getting to a tipping point in India where we ve seen some ghastly things happen in the last few weeks you know tigers being lynched you know beaten to death literally and that goes back to these linear ancients because every time you mess with the habitat and you destroy it in fragmented You know it it it it fuels. Conflict because the animals move away move out of the the protected areas. So if they re in the domain there except they go beyond them in oh yeah I suppose humans have to present themselves as well we are still talking of course the dangers of cars here but you know. Don t we shouldn t actually be talking about tigers The point is we need these forests you know we need them to mitigate climate change protect our sources of water give us rain and fresh air the Tigers are just the guardians of those forests and all the animals and plants that live in their domain and if we don t you know if they if the government doesn t do a strictly hands off. You know is no further the notifications only new infrastructure to Jand you know we re in trouble in these A. Country of 1400000000 people and there s a tiny part of it which has this fabulous habitat and of course a fabulous animal but but we need those forests. We places to live is rugged You know I mean if the population continues to be then would you do something is not to give it some point and yes not just in India by the way yeah but it can t be that because otherwise it will die I mean it s I mean I m living it unfortunately might my head offices here in Delhi and then many months. Where you have to wear the quadrant of gas masks I mean the pollution is dreadful in the west this time I m I mean heavenly places but not not here. So what would you have observed so it s a cable in the woods you know then we ll be because we re we varied of although you haven t ever see very far and it s a big it is a wider picture to this but what do you hope the future of China is in India will be well I hope that we ll be able to to offer a future generations the possibility to get to get to know to see these absolutely gorgeous go plucking creatures I mean I ve spent over 45 years working with wild tigers and I still get tears in my eyes when I when I m watching one and it would be just gosh future generations would never forgive us if if you and I and everybody let them slip through our fingers they just wouldn t I did burst into tears once when I read a poem on air about. About the Tigers disappearing from there yeah it is heartbreaking because they are beautiful creatures absolutely beautiful. Joy you get from being so close well so one thing we should know about tigers bilin is one thing we should all know about tigers. Just that they re probably the most magnificent things on this planet because unlike other big cats like lions they don t going Pryke this solitary except for when they re mating or bringing up the family. And so they hate this super paintings you know they have to be absolutely perfect and fit and everything because they they re survivors and they re there. You know the they don t they can t rely on anybody else but themselves and I really find that awesome. When you just see one or call kill anything it s just extraordinary that they re the most perfect I hate 6 a machines but for a living things and it is a remarkable that they ve been able to help so many tigers I mean the 4th time this has happened but it s a it s a it s an incredible thing I mean it s they covered during this record it a tiger estimation not a census $104.00 over 147000 square miles of tiger range and they surveyed it in detail incredible is there we re going to have to leave it there before thank you very much Minister thank you Karen hopes a bill in the right there she s the executive director of the world live Protection Society of India Tandon with us in Calcutta enough to tell us the remarkable story the role has gone viral. I have and what appropriately gotten and even the Taliban s club which was once run by Belinda right. Father Bob Wright the man he is and way she grow up and get this life Bill to tell the gunge club it was swamps that was marshland and partly there was a few tigers that roaming around here but the conversation this morning about that it s about this video of an Indian couple or an Indian family on holiday in Bali that has gone viral because in the video they are confronted as they be keeping by the hotels that you then go to their luggage and I m like maybe me I don t know about you Dalton who just pinch a few of those costs met takes this shampoo 6 after they ve taken it a little bit they had the head dry as some of the plant Paltz hang is basically everything that they could find in that room let s hear a little bit from that video I didn t see it. Holding a bit of a little I am not a little man you know you hold out of my life I know you have a lot a lot in Germany I mean face this is the respect souls go to. Their lives so the other 90 daily. Who are you know who just a. Little bit late so for it s a prairie perhaps. It is and it s you know it started quite a debate here in India the person who actually posted that video initially I called on the government to cancel they have passports for bringing the whole country into absolute disgrace but it s founded 2 different debates Firstly what is it acceptable to take from a hotel room doctor and I mean what why are you allowed to tell because you know you re paying for the bill of the cost medics you know except simple once you go past that and stop pinching the towels I mean it s your home full of little bottles like mine is from various hotels from across the well. You know I think the cosmetic. You know work with my skin and scratch you must leave all that stuff behind and I try to use one towel the old Sama you know if I m there for weeks and weeks and weeks I don t use a towel once and dump it away they make money on me that sells it make proper money on me. Well that s one debate they did people having at the moment the other one is the behavior of Indian tourist abroad I mean recently a hotel in Switzerland which had a lot of tourists coming through had 2 sets of rules one for tourists generally and another one they felt was needed for the Indian tourist because of their behavior in the past the Indian government has even considered setting up classes so that people understand some of the cultural norms that may be different in that part of the world that Indians now with a huge amount of cash that some of them have and now traveling to it s an issue that I ve been speaking to with one of the Indians leading columnist. I don t know when Indians go abroad they think at all about how it reflects on their country. To get you the most bang for their buck you know you have to remember when Indians are travelling abroad especially in the West in this they are converted from dollars or euros to rupees and so they really feel that they must make the most of whatever they can give even if it s all the free so little packets of sugar on display and I have to say yes full disclosure you know I think my mother s cabinet is filled with soaps from Patel s from all over the world but that the soap is your right as is the little sashay of shampoo they have been stories of Indian stealing cutlery from hotels and all of that it does reflect badly on the country just on the Swiss hotel for people who haven t. They basically issued a separate set of rules. To be yeah basically it s a case of separate and unequal where they singled out Indians for their bad behavior in terms of what they took at the buffet table basically they accused Indians of buying stuff from the table and taking it back with them to eat for lunch as well as talking really loudly in the car doors but you know this is an issue even in India people do. All the time and so even in an Indian hotel in India there are lots of Indians annoyed at other Indians for talking loudly or having their children run like a. Dining room and all of that I feel years ago I think it was an idea of setting up training classes for Indian tourists when they went abroad. I think that s a perfectly good idea as long as we have training classes but Western tourism to come to India and to traverse poverty porn. So there we go there are strong feelings on that here in India you know about the way that people come to India and they behave but sadly at this particular point in time a lot of focus on Indian tourists and what they re pinching from hotel not the 1st time this has been in the news data may quickly a few years ago there was a man who used to check into hotels see the size of the T.V. Buy a suitcase pop them in there and check out. And also when I heard the thing you re proud you know when you mention food about the bar for me to bulldog open tomorrow from the bar for you before and I still feel guilty about it. Thank you very much. And it s good. Headlines now has pulled. From digital B.B.C. So it s small street and. Find. Some farmers in the wilds later as he tries to reassure the mill thrive off the bricks at last week farmers unions warned of civil unrest in some rural areas if the U.K. Leaves the you with ideal Washington plans to start withdrawing troops from Afghanistan according to the US secretary of state says it will begin before dawn runs for reelection next year. The number of trees planted in the U.K. Needs to triple to help tackle climate change the Committee on Climate Change which advises the government says carbon reduction targets can only be met if 30000 hectares of woodland is planted every year and the country rap song Old Town Road by littleness ex has broken the record for the longest time at the top of the US singles charts it has now topped the Billboard Hot $100.00 for 17 weeks that is the 5 Live news now his shutdown of the sport former Real Madrid and Wales manager John Toshack says he s sad and disappointed at Gareth Bale the current situation in Spain the arch forwards pulled out of Madrid strips Munich for a pre-season tour meant after the collapse of his proposed Naved China and says he just needs to find a way out systems saddens me the way that this is gone I mess in terms out from nothing only his agent goodness knows so for all the football that I know and sadness and sickens me to be honest it is Barry s opening match of the season against M.K. Dons will not go hand on Sun City because the club haven t provided enough evidence of how they ll be funded moving forwards the problem is the be referred to an independent disciplinary panel on the 2nd match of the season is also under threat Meanwhile Bolton s 1st game we can will go ahead but teams have already been deducted 12 points from the new league wants hable bone with a sign midfielder Phillip billing for 15000000 pounds he ll join on a 5 year deal from Championship side Huddersfield Town degrades and England Test vice camps in Ben Stokes says winning the Ashes in the same year is becoming world champions will be a once in a lifetime achievement the all rounder who is Player of the match in the World Cup Final says it would top off a dream summer return 50 percent of what we wanted to achieve following the World Cup and the next off is obviously down to the next 7 weeks so if I can go home and you know of want to welcome and I ve won a national. In the same summer I m never going to be able to achieve that ever again it s such a special So let s bring this cricket to be able to play in Beijing you know obviously we test we want to win those Ashes series you want to turn over the Aussies Well the 1st Ashes Test on Thursday at the edge Bastin and we ll have ball by ball T.M. s commentry on 5 Live Sports Extra and online St Helens had code just in Holbrook is set to return to Australia as N.R.L. To take over the Gold Coast Titans Holbrook has guided the league leaders their 1st Challenge Cup final in 11 years and will leave at the end of the season to form a Saints player John Wilkins says he s too professional to let this have any impact on the side while he s still in charge just in this approach is for and detail although this might have been bubbling on the bar ground as if it s confirmed if he does leave it will more of a fight citizen approach to his job but is the most thoughtful detailed one of the most thoughtful detail coaches will be sworn in on this game this week from rugby league the Union and its unlikely wing Jack no will take part in England s 1st World Cup woman match against Wales next month he s been sitting to recover from an ankle injury and has returned home from their training camp in Italy for every team medical assessment and top jockey Ashi Murphy has received a caution after failing a racecourse breathalyzer and being barred from riding in a race is a Sunday fixture at Salisbury in June that s the latest from B.B.C. Sport This is B.B.C. Radio 5 Live on digital B.B.C. Sound small speaker Hello good morning to what we turn our attention towards the southwest of the U.K. We re in and seasonally low pressure system for the time it will spin up and move across the country over the next few days and will indeed be the focus of our weather for much of this week strong winds of the time of year scattered heavy downpours may cause some disruption in places his local flooding possible the chance of wind damage particularly to trees to today s expected start when the plenty of heavy showers and the rebels across southwestern Wales and the selfless middle. Elsewhere than not not about starts with some sunshine around a bit of cloud to not through the day the heavy showers and thunderstorms across the southwest will become more widespread across whales into central southern England and then it said both in England especially northwest England caps fringing into southern Scott in the parts of Northern Ireland with the risk of flash flooding in places there will be a few sunny spells in between the showers but this will only increase instability the atmosphere produce even more downpours winds will also be a feature across England Wales with custard 50 miles an hour along southern coast city to 40 miles per hour. Probably the best of the dry and bright ignitions they will be across the north and east of Scotland on the far east of England but generally it will be a cool day that Monday with highs of 19 to 22 degrees below pressure will move towards the east to the U.K. For Wednesday and Thursday bringing heavy showers to parts of Scotland Northern a nice thing then again with a chance some local flooding in places the winds will ease down a little so that will still be fairly blustery special on Wednesday it will be quite destructive as what we expect today as the dry and brighter conditions will be across the south west of the country and it ll feel a touch will hate to stop the nasty latest fad weather B.B.C. 5 Live from Michael Sheen and later on today 5 lives me how laughter Mike I will be life of the Homeless World Cup in Cardiff all around the world football compare a massive part in helping to bring some joy on home when things seem at their worst $500.00 players from close to 15 nations will compete in the 17th edition of this festival of football we want to harness our power helping transform the lives of people experiencing homelessness and social exclusion committed actual difference to those who need it most D.C. Radio 5 Live from the home of today from one to 5 Longleaf East Asians know from digital B.B.C. Sound it s a small street and online days is a V.C. Grady a fine line if the prime minister will be Wales late it s a day where he s expected to tell farmers who will be better off after the brags because the U.K. Can sign new trade deals. Burs Johnson has promised to go the extra mile to secure the Briggs deal he was speaking on a visit Santa Maria where he held talks of the leader of the Scottish conservatives Ruth Davidson and the 1st minister Nicholas sturgeon while Reeves Davidson has made it clear that she won t support the U.K. Leaving the European Union without a deal she described the talks is incredibly constructive saying she received the assurances from Mr Johnson that she was looking for I said I wanted to see the same level of energy and vigor that s going into no deal planning going into trying to get a deal I wanted to see the sort of shuttle diplomacy that s going to be required if we re going to see changes that can be brought back to the House of Commons and I received assurances that I was looking for Nicholas sturgeon meanwhile has accused Mrs Johnson of trying to bring about what she calls a dangerous no deal breaker despite the prime minister s assurances that there was a good chance he would get an agreement before the end of October misjudging said she believed the government was nagged to really pursuing a no deal breaks his strategy I think that is extremely dangerous for Scotland indeed for the whole of the UKI we nor from the work we ve done the impact that would have on jobs on the economy on our universities on almost every aspect of society in Scotland and I think it s incumbent on all of us who think that that is their own no come to do everything we possibly can to block it who Gallagher of the I knew who told me how they re covering the story this morning Scott in size by against Johnson is the simple splash headline in the F.B.I. Today he s been in Glasgow and this is real divide emerging between Scotland and England especially among the conservatives over direction of U.K. Policy when it comes to their opinion of course him at the 1st minister 1st Nicholas sturgeon sees promise to step up Scotland s planning for a no deal Siddharta becoming convinced that Boris Johnson secretly wants to leave the E.U. Without an agreement and speaking after a lengthy meeting with. The PM She claimed the U.K. Government was hiding its true intentions from the public not mincing words our 1st minister also told Mr Johnson she would soon formally request the power to hold a 2nd referendum on scholarship dependent so voters could choose a way out of a Bracks it now their discussions were described as lively and about the future of the Union during this 50 minute meeting at her official residence a few talents in Edinburgh as he pulled up in his official car Ascot and that the Crist Green was on hands of film the reaction of around $200.00 protesters gathered outside and it s fair to say they weren t cheering Burris Johnson s arrival more like booing and the hurling insults now as the talks themselves are concerned Mr Dinh said she had concluded from his comments during the meeting that he was not serious about seeking a fresh deal with the E.U. And was now actively to Syrian no deal strategy and she also revealed that you re in a very repast in her words debate on on Scottish independence your challenge to the prime minister to a live televised debate on the issue his officials actually intervene during the meeting to to shut down so no meeting of minds between the 1st Minister and the prime minister yesterday I m sure the irony wasn t lost on your newspaper that of course Bose Johnson went north of the border to reassert our ancient ties between our countries and it seems you know unlike those couples ago and renew their marriage vows it seems likely actually the opposite was the conclusion that yes he s obviously this is just 24 hours after announcing this $300000000.00 pound package for strength in the union of course Boris Johnson and self appointed minister for the Union he s another title is a bit since entering Number 10 but of course. Just clashing with the S.N.P. Later of course having clashed over the last 24 hours with his colleague the Conservative leader Scottish Conservative leadership so Ruth Davidson Now they also had a meeting and while Mr Johnson heaped praise on her described as a fantastic politician who resigned of the party s fortunes in Scotland suggested he would ultimately overrule her on the whole issue of support for a no deal of course Ruth Davidson publicly saying that she could never support that and she was rather it isn t about commenting on their discussions after their meeting in in Glasgow yesterday were Nicholas Sturgeon was quick to comment on the nature frank nature of their talks with DE was and didn t didn t comment too much after the meeting a tall fact mentioning no making no mention of her opposition to the no deal outcome but instead said they were going to focus their efforts on renegotiating the withdrawal agreement with the other $27.00 E.U. Countries and of course accidental Boris Johnson s view as well and he said that during that meeting a 40 minute meeting 10 minutes shorter than he held a necklace sturgeon at the 2 Tory leader said they were united in wanting to reach a new agreement with Brussels of course the big divided line there is that while he is prepared to go down the no deal route if necessary rift over there said she could never countenance that and never support it why do you think he went north of the border why do you think Bruce Johnson went to school just days were within a week of his resume in the Premiership given that given the it was always going to be for him a bit he s genuinely worried about the future of the United Kingdom Of course the leader in the of the S.N.P. In the commons in Blackwood stood up and said that he it was his view on the 1st struggles 1st appearance in the Commons that it was in black for 3 that he was going to be the last prime minister of the United Kingdom there is a genuine concern that if as he s prepared to do to take the U.K. Out of the. Without a deal and that is of course Scotland voted 62 percent in favor of their man and that that could allow our surge of support for independence in Scotland and the surge in support for a full remain after removal is already well supported remain but a surge in support of a 2nd referendum on independence so it genuinely concerned about the future of the Union I think and that is a that was a key statement of intent to go there so early on in his premiership and to try and . Support the strengthen any kind of ties between across the United Kingdom because there are those genuine concerns there that of the effects of a no deal brackets and the potential breakup of the United Kingdom something that Boris Johnson certainly would not want to be part of his legacy is he treating brogues it is something of a game move chicken with the European Union in your article wheezes that he expects them to blink 1st Very much so if it s descended into this game as to who can blink 1st and he s confident he can make the E.U. Do that in striking the new Bret s it deal with just day just days before the deadline of 31st of October is engaging in the standoff with Brussels by refusing to hold face to face talks with E.U. Leaders until they drop their refusal to reopen the withdrawal agreement making of course a no deal but said more likely now in this trip to Scotland yesterday used apparently contradictory language during that visit when he struck an upbeat term on his chances of securing a new deal and said his government would go the extra 1000 miles to achieve it despite sticking to his refusal to engage in sit down talks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the French president Emmanuel macron and he s taking a much firmer line with the E.U. Than his predecessor trees amazed president visor only robins were seen by Brock s it is been too conciliatory towards. Source Now Mr Robins is replacement David trust he wrote an e-mail to his E.U. Counterparts last week warning them not to underestimate Mr Johnston in that e-mail which emerged yesterday he wrote you should be in no doubt about this government s commitment to the 31st of October date I would also add that many people are inclined to underestimate Boris Johnson and I urge you not to do so said many a time on this program doesn t. The whole sticking point for Boris Johnson and lady brought to tears is this Irish backstop what they want to see that taken out of the withdrawal agreement that would mean the whole of the rest of the E.U. Affecting the Solomon Island on the boss and nobody nobody can see that happening so it is a bit of a game now between who s going to blink 1st and I don t think it s going to be the pool got to go the I newspaper there now with interests in the Apollo 11 moon mission riding high there s been a renewed focus in recent weeks on Neil Armstrong the mission commander and of course the 1st man on the lunar surface Armstrong died after heart surgery in 20020 after the death of his 1st wife Janet a number of items of Armstrong s memorabilia have gone under the hammer and have netted it s believed almost 17000000 dollars for these sons from their 1st marriage Mark in regards John Robert poem and is the editor of collect SPACE dot com which is a Web site devoted to space memorabilia he s been telling me what sorts of items Rouge you know of the Armstrong family collection has included items that flew on his missions like United States flags and flags of other organizations. Special items like pieces of the in $1000.00 No 3 Wright Flyer the 1st powered aircraft Armstrong famously took some of that to the moon donated some back to museums and then kept the rest rooms also some of those pieces came up for auction there are also everyday items from his just normal life like magazines that he subscribed to or vinyl records that he listened to it was really a cross-section of both personal and. Space flight are effects. People were prepared to pay top dollar for some of these are terms. They did and and it s sort of a combination of both the value of the item itself anything that flies to the moon as you might end might guess. Carries quite a price tag to it not many items are available but from Neil Armstrong specifically he never sold anything during his lifetime and so this was the 1st opportunity for people to get something associated with the 1st person to walk on the moon I didn t even realize who not to tell you so many personal mementos with them to the moon does NASA know this and they accumulated all these masses of trinkets. Indeed they do they had something called the Personal preference kit it was a small pouch they carried several of them on board some state aboard the command module lunar orbit some landed on the moon on the lunar module and they could pack them with items that they wanted to take for themselves or their family or friends then there were other items that were they brought back from the moon that were part of the spacecraft and in 2012 the U.S. Congress and president signed into law affirming that the astronauts could hold title and therefore sell or or donate or keep those mementos that they brought back from the moon you mentioned in his live child knew Armstrong so very little if anything and am didn t commercialise as he could have done from his frame while he was alive he chose not to take part in memorabilia sales he did a couple of. Signings signing autographs for to support organizations that he supported but that was very early on he signed autographs freely for close to 30 years and then after he found that people were taking advantage of that basically asking for his autograph and then rushing it on to e-bay for sell he stopped signing in the in the mid 1990 S. . He knows he didn t realize that people commercializing on his own. He knew that there were some people selling his autograph but he didn t realize that the people would be asking him for his autograph and then rushing to sign to sell it it s different than having an autograph in your collection for 20 years and then deciding to sell it versus meeting the guy and 10 minutes later was doing it on for sale it also made it impossible for him to determine if the for example small child asking for his autograph was someone who generally wanted his autograph or was someone who was being pushed forward by their parents so they could get something they could sell on e Bay Why was he. To commercializing his experiences the 1st man to woman. It s difficult to say from what he said about it it just wasn t part of his personality. He didn t go to the moon to become famous he came back from the moon seeking to return to his normal life as an engineer he went back actually after he left NASA he became a professor at the University of Cincinnati and taught engineering for a number of years. So he didn t seek the spotlight and so he didn t see he didn t see his items or his memorabilia or his personality being something worth marketing. He also didn t put a lot of important story said he didn t put a lot of importance on on memorabilia and so it wasn t something that he concerned I m selfless and I read that exempted that he was only the front man for he Judaization the people who put a lot behind game to the it was his position that he s his carroty on that shared by the other astronauts who went up with him Buzz Aldrin 1st of all and also Michael Collins who cools was the pilot of the space module. Yes all 3 of them and pretty much all the astronauts I wouldn t say there s not an exception to them all were 1st who all would firstly recognize the 400000 or so people that made their mission possible they were the tip of the spear the astronauts and received all the glory but they wouldn t be able to go and do what they did if it wasn t for those hundreds of thousands of people who made every piece of the rocket every piece of the spacecraft and not just made it but made it so that it works so they came home safely so they all helped at that position they ve all spoken about it. But that but they ve expressed their own. Their own personalities in their post astronaut lives as you would expect anyone else to do Have any of them shouldn t there memorabilia. They have both of or all 3 of Neil s crewmates Dave Scott on Gemini 8 and. Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins on Apollo 11 have sold memorabilia they are all still living and so many of the other astronauts since the early 1990 S. When the memorabilia market started the astronaut started to get approached by auction houses and by dealers to ask about do you have items that your children no longer want or that you don t want and that we can sell and so it began and so we had with it with a couple of exceptions most of the astronauts list items for sale from their personal collections there s still a few astronauts who have and have sort of filed the role that that Neil did but given that given that it s not unusual for as you know to some memorabilia Y.Y. Of these options of dunam Strongs possessions why or why they so controversial I don t know if I would use the word controversial but they do stand out because. Because Neil Armstrong as a singular figure in history is probably the only astronaut who really gained. A long standing name recognizability. The other astronauts are known and if you re a space enthusiasts you know all of them but in terms of who will be remembered in fact some people have said a 1000 years from now the only person of the 20th century that will be remembered is Neil Armstrong because he was the 1st to set foot on another on another celestial body that no one else. From that century will will stand the test of time and so given that position given that responsibility anything associated with him has always held a higher desire a higher demand. And then the other astronauts or other people around him when he would enter a room or people would seek out his autograph or or want to have their photo taken with him they would. The books that were written about him were read by more people than some of the other astronauts books. There was always a. Higher interest in him as the 1st person to set foot on the moon than just about anyone else you say you wouldn t describe it as controversial Robert Byrd. Knew Armstrong s sons the 2 sons who have essentially motivated these sales who were behind the mark and Rick and had to come out and defend their decisions to sell their father s possessions we ve had other people come out and say well you know in his life he was totally against this is somewhat unseemly not least. His biographer. You might know James R. Hansen is coming he never did any of that and he s lived time has come out and said And of course knew Armstrong for those you know had 2 families in a way because his 1st wife divorced him. About 19 in the early 1990 S. And the marriage Carol. The 2nd wife 9094 and family have stood aloof of any of these cells and in that context it s no this is no these cells haven t been seen as acceptable by everybody. I think it s understandable I think there is I think that happens with a lot of families and that it s sort of amplified here because of the same that you know Armstrong ad but. There is there certainly certainly because Neil Armstrong did not sell anything during his lifetime the perception is that he did not want that he did not want to be involved whether he would be in support of his sons doing that. You know I can t speak to that but. But I think that he he put more and people less importance on the memorabilia and what happened to it than he did on what happened to his family so if there s some way else s family I think. He d be in and he would at least not object to it but I can t put words in his mouth but I do what I can say is some of the objections have been that all these items should have went to an archive or 2 Museum and the National Space Museum the Smithsonian had the ability to go through the entire collection and identify pieces that they wanted before the auctions were even a saying there were other donations made to other museums around the country and world. The the truth of the matter is is that not everything is appropriate for a museum you know the you could say that a flag flown to the moon yes that but that a museum might want to display that in a magazine that he subscribed to that happened to arrive at his house and then he happened to hold onto his FOR want to look at that oh he s very real said to be from when he was a kid you know and a museum and you know well someone might you know some might put up a teddy bear if it s like there is an Armstrong and Space Museum that he actually donated items to in his lifetime but just every day items. You know his his membership card to a certain organization these are not pieces that are going to end up on display they ll end up in the archives. And in fact museums often sell items in their collection to fund displays and artifacts that they want to display so in this way the artifact of these pieces these nuts and bolts and less so of his his life and their collections where hopefully the enthusiastic buys it is someone who appreciates the history maybe it ends up going into into a classroom with the owner s child as a show and tell I don t and so new class gets to see it or maybe it gets displayed on a website for the collection or loan to a local library so in a way they do you know enter communities and get to get to be seen by more than just the owner but it s but not the type of items that would museum would would naturally seek out yeah these are always going to be this was always going to be a $1000000.00 SEO and perhaps exceeded expectations 16 point something $1000000.00 so far of the 4 oceans have been there s another one do you know John this year so we re not done with that figure will definitely go up was when the most expensive item. I believe the sold the most is a gold medallion it was one of 3 gold medallions that was aboard Apollo 11 it s called the robin s medallion after the company that minted it the robins medallions themselves hold a special place in. Space memorabilia and that they flew on every mission from a pulse 7 to today each each one. Representing the mission that they flew on the gold ones were particularly special because they were only available to the astronauts who were flying on the mission. So Neal s sold for just over $2000000.20 turned his room. For a medallion so and we don t know who bought it we don t know if he was. Collector or if he was a space collector or history collector. But it certainly did appeal and it must appeal to more than one because the bidding pushed it up to so that amount as you could imagine I m not in that league of bid is one can I afford Well we ll see cheap is going to the end of this go. To one of those business cards for the club the intended ones Amaj would not go for several $100.00 cheapest items where it went to the hundreds in the 1st cell the very 1st one last November. Nothing sold for less than a $1000.00 and there was a little bit of auction fever there I think those people. Felt that you know this might be their only opportunity to get something and so they did as the auctions went on and it shows that this collection at a. Lot of items on offer. Getting sort of settled down a little bit not so much that anything could be called an expensive but you could pick up something for a few $100.00 and we ll have to see what happens in the next auction in November. Connect space don t call my Web site devoted to space memorabilia and that s about it for months thanks for listening thanks. And yes you can see the sun is rising in these. This C.B.C. 5 life it s 5 o clock on cheese day the 33rd of July this is morning reports on 5 Live I m Paul cannon our top story this morning but Johnson is continuing his tour of the U.K. Making his 1st visit to while since becoming prime minister Leiter He s due to meet with farmers and try to reassure them they will thrive in a post bricks it Britain but Farmers Union in unions in why it was a warning of civil unrest in summer. Areas If the U.K. Leaves the E.U. Without a deal our correspondent is Thomas Morgan in Wales Agriculture employees around $50000.00 people and it makes a bigger contribution to Welsh employment than in any other part of the U.K. In any of the nation of the U.K. And today in Wales the new prime minister Boris Johnson will come and meet Welsh farmers and try and put at rest any concerns they have in the wake of a possible new deal BRACKS It has just last week at the Royal well show farming unions in Wales had threatened civil unrest if that scenario actually became a reality now Welsh farmers receive subsidies of with around 300000000 pounds a year from the E.U. And it s not known at the moment how much cash will be available to support agriculture after we leave however Boris Johnson believes that E.U. And better trade deals for farmers will be possible once we leave on the 31st of October a former High Court judge says police may have broken the law in the way they investigated claims of a PETA following at Westminster last week called Beach was jailed for 18 years for perverting the course of justice by lying about his claims so Richard Henriques who carried out a review for scholars of Scotland Yard s inquiry claims warrants to search the.

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Transcripts for BBC Radio Scotland FM BBC Radio Scotland FM 20190730 030000

The rape allegations made against name of the footballer denied claims by a woman who said he d forced her to have sex in a Paris hotel saying he was the victim of extortion I think tank claims poor teenagers are 18 months behind their wealthy appears in their G.C.S.E. S. The Education Policy Institute also says progress in closing the divide has almost come to a standstill Here s our education correspondent Frank Uma calmly actually between 20172018 the gap had white in slightly by no point 2 months and at the current rate the study is predicting it will take 500 years to close this gap the government has said it s invested nearly 2 and a half 1000000000 pounds this year to support disadvantaged peoples and Labor s calling for a on the extraction of shale gas warning fracking will make it impossible for the Government to me its targets on climate change the government says natural gas has a role to play in reducing emissions and the industry could create jobs that is the 5 Live news no his shop number the sport is understood Gareth Bale is not in the right mental states play in Real Madrid s pre-seasons women to Munich he s pulled out of the trip after his proposed move to China fell through he would have faced his old club Tottenham on the title this comes a week after his Madrid boss the Nadine s a down side bails departure will be best for everyone Barry s opening match of the League One season against M.K. Dons on Saturday has been suspended but Bolton s away fixture at Wycombe Wanderers can go ahead both clubs have already been docked 12 points Barry failed to provide evidence of how they ll be funded moving forward see the E.F.L. And they ll be referred to an independent disciplinary panel Bournemouth have signed midfielder Philip billing for 15000000 pounds on a 5 year deal from Championship side Huddersfield Town St Helens head coach Justin Holbrook is set to return to Australia s N.R.L. At the end of the Super League season he s taking over a Gold Coast time since after 2 years saints and wing a Jack I know is a Mike Lee to play in England s 1st Rugby World Cup will match against Wales next month as he continues to recover from an ankle injury this has been. See Radio 5 Live on digital B.B.C. Salads. And the 5 live weather today a mixture of sunshine and heavy thunder showers will spread to most parts of the U.K. They have a shower in northwest England the Midlands and windy in the south with a chance of gales on the coast in London today of 21 degrees. Just. The final grand slam of the. Race for the drivers championship. In this hour of the program in a memorable see will bring you the latest from California 24 hours from the shooting story that we told you about last night as it was. We ll have the latest from there is news of what exactly happened at the garlic festival in Gilroy California emerges. On the spike in the tiger population in India one of the conservation is done right there that is seen increasing numbers of his . Tigers to an endangered species we ll hear about the video of an Indian family who checked into a hotel room and left with as much of the room as they could get there and. Bring you news of the. To is simply out of this world. As a way of proving it s a metaphor you know what I mean just kids. Story though tonight. Says region now 2 story we 1st brought to you an awful night last night 3 people have been killed one of them a 6 year old boy and 15 others injured after a gunman attacked a food festival in California the gunman was shot dead by police shortly after he began firing over police are investigating reports that a 2nd suspect may still be at large the attack happened at the annual garlic festival in the small town of Gilroy which is about 80 miles south of San Francisco the annual event was taking place in a local park where according to the festival s website weapons of any kind banned the eyewitness told C.B.S. News what he saw the owner write by. Birth right and then you hear a link. That is. Very private about it but for the 50 yards from where we were police say officers were already on site in responded to the shooting in less than a minute as the Police Chief Scott Smith the it appears as if though they had come into the festival via the creek which borders a parking area. And they use some sort of a tool to cut through the fence to be able to gain access through the secure fence line. The governor of California has described the shooting is nothing short of her ific the U.S. President also tweeted about the incident urging people to be careful and safe Brianna sags is a reporter from Buzz Feed based in California who s been following events earlier I asked what the reaction had been in the state it s shocking and so about for those shooting at California. So it s you know it s just one of those things that same type of reaction from a community that how could this happen here. Or at a garlic festival that s you know family friendly and say Mason. Taught similar type of shock and horror and frustration vision some of the people who were and were close to what happened pretty much in shock they ve been saying that as to what they saw. Well I I thought you know why but you know it s a lot of people you know it s a huge fuss of it is as I said very famous if the region it was the last day of the festival was really just kind of. Closing down so people were just wandering around a chilling use a can then that you know it just sounded like fireworks were going off and all decided people started running and. They you know people said that they they saw a gunman kind of dressed in camouflage shooting into a large crowd of people by the cleric and B. Music stage 2 was indiscriminate shooting. Yesterday randomly and to a strong of people that you know I spoke to the same camp that had just been playing their last encores following up to damn their classic rock band from San Jose which is about 30 miles away and they was playing there last off the base said they heard the shooting and that I thought Mick was shooting it too you know few 100 people by the paper and the stage in front of that are that the stage they were on front of them and 3 people died as a result of the shooting 3 people were good to them Children. Correct so 3 people the victims were all young. One who was a 6 year old boy is. And that they re identified later on the day of a year old girl and her. Her name it was Caleb and then a college that one of its graduates Trevor Irby was also a victim and she was I think in his twenty s is what the police said earlier today what do we know about the shooter for this. We still don t know a motive you know we do know that the shooter police said had been living in the vat of which family. Recently I am asked how he bought the weapon which isn t a case doubt I take a very different styles. Rifle and lot of details and if they ve got it I thought of it to California grew up in the area and Jim had stamped his well though as you know what this is close that family has there there is there is one of the very accomplished athletes a boxer and their want to of like was a good student the father was also. A runner and that they re just as a a solid family in the community and Gilderoy and she too was 19 years old. Correct yes he was 19 a day old and the. Shooting happened very quickly you know it was the attack was kind of over maybe a minute or so. After it started the 3 pulleys officers engage the suspect and. You know it took him down all the other quickly so please crediting those officers responded with You know it could have been a lot lot worse when one minute the police on to you see that had chills him. Yeah they engage us like they had pants down and within a minute you know they will patrolling the festivals the suspect the student God made a go through a creek area is the back like using cutters to cut the fat so that s how they missed him because it was off to through the barrier that you know they. Were officers on hand he says that it wasn t like there was lax security or anything he stuck in. And the authorities that. Love lives can imagine that how many people were injured 3 people killed coming to bring gas about 15 others through were injured in a few been released today from hospital to area hospitals and their injuries injuries Berry range from fair to put a call. And the organizes of the citizen who everybody is is in shock as I said the sensible it s like it s just a huge summer event it attracts you know hundreds and hundreds that under the people from all over in order California and so you know they re all right in the chest thinking that this family pops family focus. Like that of things you know people from all over the top or to try to do something like this but it s the same. Job resiliency is that you know they will let this this person really is your. Next record so there it is their value you don t have it again next year and that you did not let this case something that is there important to the affair Brianna Sachs the reporter for Buzz Feed birds think of a phone or some good news now out of India which is home to nearly 3000 tigers while that still do tiny fraction of the number of tigers who roamed across India in the last century it does represent a rapid growth in the target population over the last 5 years India s net is to Maiti to be home to around 70 percent of the world s Tigers prime minister. Presented the findings on Monday said India is now one of the biggest and most secure habitats of the tiger Well let s cross live to Delhi in speed to billin the right she s the executive director of the Wildlife Protection Society event via Belinda this is really good news isn t it is it s amazing how they do and I m staggered Well you know it s really it is sort of positive results that have come out of a conservation investment for over 45 years and I think I think the key to it is that we now have and this is I mean the increase is quite recent We now have 50 Tiger reserves covering and covering an area of over 71000 square kilometers so what we ve got is is sort of this these critical Taika habitats which is safe now but tigers so they re multiplying they re breeding they take is a. You know they re very resilient and so on but for the. Heating they need a bit of space and everything else right and I think that s what s happened and they re also spilling out of some of these areas so you know there are still problems that is still poaching but amazingly these wonderful animals are. Doing while now and that s why we are with the count last half and in 2014 there were 2226 Tigers but the figure from 2018 show there 90000 $967.00 which is an increase of words about 30 percent increase the $33.00. Level mathematics I was doing. I didn t use a calculator. I mean is it safe to say that the tiger is not an endangered species any movement Oh no I mean India has you know 70 percent of the world. And you don t want all your eggs in one basket. But. No And we have a big problem still here we still lose about 100 tigers to coaching every year and you know despite what the honorable prime minister says. None of us are convinced that we have genuine genuine political will to secure a future for while tigers in India you know I was our environmental law was quietly being weakened and we have a lot of. What you call it lenient infrastructure intrusions So every time a dam is needed or a highway or a can that arrow or a new railway track or worst of all power lines it s put through critical wildlife habitat did you do Indians principally those people who live in those areas close to the tiger habitat do they see tigers as an asset. Well some do where there s tourism then yes they see it as an asset and and remember people you know worship the tiger they ve lived I mean the local people have lived close to wild tigers. You know since the beginning of time but things are changing India is changing so you know people have access to mobile phones to television and so on so they re not as tolerant as as certainly that aren t as tolerant as they used to be and the other problem big problem which is I think you know conservationists conservations biggest challenge everywhere not just India is is human wildlife conflict it s really it s getting to a tipping point in India where we ve seen some ghastly things happen in the last few weeks you know tigers being lynched you know beaten to death literally and that goes back to these linear inches and because every time you mess with the habitat and you destroy it in fragmented You know it it it it fuels. Conflict because the animals move away move out of the the protected areas. So if they re in the domain very subdued but if they go beyond them in the air as well as humans have to present themselves as well we are still talking of course the dangers of cars here but you know. We shouldn t actually be talking about tigers The point is we need these forests you know we need them to mitigate climate change protect our sources of water give us rain and fresh air the Tigers are just the guardians of those forests and all the animals and plants that live in their domain and if we don t you know if they if the government doesn t do a strictly hands off. You know it s no further the notifications only new infrastructure. You know we re in trouble in these A. Country of 1400000000 people and there s a tiny part of it which has this fabulous habitat and of course a fabulous animal but but we need those forests. We need places to live is rugged You know I mean if the population continues to be there would you do something is not to give it some point and. By the way yeah but it can t be that because otherwise it will die I mean it s I mean I m living it unfortunately my my head offices here in Delhi and then many months. Where you have to wear the quadrant of gas masks I mean the pollution is dreadful in the west this time I m I mean heavenly places but not not here. Would you have certain sorts of cable in the woods or you know them will be because we re we varied of. You haven t had to see very far in there it s a big it is a wide thing to do this but would you have the future of Chinese in India will be. Well I hope that we ll be able to to offer a future generations the possibility to get to get to know to see these absolutely gorgeous go plucking creatures I mean I ve spent over 45 years working with wild tigers and I still get tears in my eyes when I when I m watching one and it would be just gosh future generations would never forgive us if if you and I and and and everybody let them slip through our fingers they just wouldn t I did says once when I read a poem on air about. About the Tigers disappearing from there yeah it is heartbreaking because they are beautiful creatures absolute beautiful. Joy you get from being so close what s the one thing we should know about tigers Brylin is one thing we should all know about tigers. I guess that they re probably the most magnificent things on this planet because unlike other big cats like lions they don t going price this solitary except for when they re mating or bringing up the family. And so they hate this super being you know they have to be absolutely perfect and fit and everything because they this of divers and then they re. You know they they don t they can t rely on anybody else but themselves and I really find that awesome. When you just see one walk or kill anything it s just extraordinary that they re the most perfect I hate 6 a machine but living things and it is a remarkable that they ve been able to help so many tiger I mean the 4th time this has happened but it s a it s a it s an incredible thing I mean it s they covered during this record it a tiger estimation not a census 104 over 147000 square miles of tiger range and they surveyed it in detail credible. I mean they re going to have to leave it there but thank you very much. Linda right there she s the executive director of the world life Protection Society of India would go rolled Tandon with us in Kolkata now to tell us a remarkable story the role has gone viral. I m quite appropriately Datta money if you can the Tollygunge Club which was once run by Belinda Wright. Father Bob Wright many years and where she grow up and get this place I ve built the tele gun club it was swamps that was marshland and apparently there was a few tigers that are roaming around here but the conversation this morning here is not about the tiger it s about this. Video of an Indian couple or an Indian family on holiday in Bali that has gone viral because in the video they are confronted as they leaping by the hotel staff who then go to their luggage and I m like maybe me I don t know about you Dalton who does pinch a few of those cos met takes this shampoo 6 after they ve taken it a little bit that had the head dry as some of the plant Paltz hang is basically everything that they could find in that room let s hear a little bit from that video I mean. HOLY a bit of a little bit of. Money you know you load of money I know you have a lot a lot in Germany you know I didn t pay this is no respect. You know that it s going to just a. Little bit late so for it to pray perhaps. It is and it s you know it started quite a debate here in India the person actually posted that video initially I called on the government to cancel their passports for bringing the whole country into absolute disgrace but it s down to 2 different debates Firstly what is it acceptable to take from a hotel room doctor and I mean what why are you allowed to tell because you know you re paying for the bill of the cost medics you know except simple once you go past that and stop pinching the towels I mean it s your home full of little bottles like mine is from various hotels from across the well you know it s not true. You know I think the cosmetic. Scratches. Leave stuff behind and I try to use what. You know noise from there for weeks rather used for where they make money or me go to those that make proper money or me. Well that s one debate they did people having at the moment the other one is the behavior of Indian tour abroad I mean recently a hotel in Switzerland which had a lot of tourists coming through had 2 sets of rules one for tourists generally and another one they felt was needed for the Indian tourist because of their behavior in the past the Indian government has even considered setting up classes so that people understand some of the cultural norms that may be different in the part of the world that Indians now with the huge amount of cash that some of them have and now traveling to it s an issue that I ve been speaking to with one of the Indians leading columnists. I don t know when Indians go abroad they think at all about how it reflects on their country. To get do the most bang for their buck you know you have to remember when Indians are travelling abroad especially in the West in their head they are converting from dollars or euros to rupees and so they really feel that they must make the most of whatever they can give even if it s all the. Little packets of sugar on display and I have to say yes full disclosure you know I think my mother s cabinet is filled with soaps from Patel s from all over the world but that the soap is your right as is the little statue of shampoo they have been stories of Indian stealing cutlery from hotels and all of that it does reflect badly on the country just on the people who haven t. They basically issued a separate set of rules. For now to be basically it s a case of separate and unequal where they singled out Indians for their bad behavior in terms of what they took at the buffet table basically they accused Indians of buying stuff from the buffet table and taking it back with them to eat for lunch as well as talking really loudly in the car doors but you know this is an issue even in India people do. Loudly all the time and so even in an Indian hotel in India there are lots of Indians annoyed at other Indians for talking loudly or having their children run amok in the dining room and all of that a few years ago I think there was an idea of setting up training classes for Indian tourists when they went abroad is that a good idea I think that s a perfectly good idea as long as we have training classes for Western tourism and they come to India and because their. Poverty porn. So there we go there are strong feelings on that here in India you know about the way that people come to India and they behave but sadly at this particular point in time a lot of focus on Indian tourists and what they re pinching from at all not the 1st time it has been and then you start to make quickly a few years ago there was a man who used to check into hotels see the size of the T.V. Buy a suitcase pop them in there and check out. And also when I heard the thing you re proud you know when you mention food the bar for me to boiled egg open tomorrow room from the buffet before and I still feel guilty about it. Thank you very much road sounded as good as his father had lines nice procurement. Digital B.B.C. Small street. B.B.C. Radio 5 Live Boris Johnson many farmers in the wilds of later as he tries to reassure them Earl thrive off the bricks at last week farmers unions warned of civil unrest in some rural areas if the U.K. Leaves the with ideal Washington points to start withdrawing troops from Afghanistan according to the US secretary of state might bump says it will begin before don t try to run for reelection next year the number of trees planted in the U.K. Needs to triple to help tackle climate change the Committee on Climate Change which advises the government says carbon reduction targets can only be met if $30000.00 hectares of woodland is planted every year and the country rap song Old Town Road by littleness ex has broken the record for the longest time at the top of the US singles charts it has now topped the Billboard Hot 100 for 17 weeks is the 5 Live news now hey shut down the sport for my Real Madrid and Wales manager John Toshack says he s sad and disappointed at Gareth Bale the current situation in Spain the Welsh forwards pulled out of Madrid strips in Munich for a pre-season tournament after the collapse of his proposed made China and social. Says he just needs to find a way out. The way that this is gone I mess in terms out from God bless him only his agent is goodness knows so for all the football that I know and more sadness and sickens me to be honest it is Barry s opening match of the season against M.K. Dons will not go ahead on Sunset day because the club haven t provided enough evidence of how they ll be funded moving forwards the problem is the be referred to an independent disciplinary panel on the 2nd match of the season is also under threat Meanwhile Bolton s 1st game we can will go ahead but teams have already been deducted 12 points from the new league once hable bone with a sign midfielder Phillip billing for 15000000 pounds who will join on a 5 year deal from Championship side Huddersfield Town degrades and England Test vice camps in Ben Stokes says winning the Ashes in the same year is becoming world champions will be a once in a lifetime achievement the all rounder who is Player of the match in the World Cup Final says it would top off a dream summer we ve gone 50 percent of what we wanted to achieve all in a World Cup and the next off is obviously down to the next 7 weeks so if I can go home and you know I want to welcome but I want to Nash s in the same summer I m never going to be able to achieve that ever again it s such a special so much for English cricket to be able to play in the mazing you know obviously with us we want to win those ashes there s you want to turn over the Aussies Well the 1st test on Thursday at the edge best and I will have bowled by bull T.M. s commentry on 5 Live Sports Extra and online St Helens had Co Just in Holbrook is sent to return to Australia as N.R.L. To take over the Gold Coast Titans Holbrook has guided the league leaders to their 1st Challenge Cup final in 11 years and will leave at the end of the season form a Saints player John will concerns he s too professional to let this have any impact on the side while he s still in charge just in this approach he s dropped for A and B. To. So that s my grounding is if it s come from and if it does leave it will more of its citizens approach to his job is the most detailed one of the most thoughtful detail coaches will be sworn in on this game this week from rugby league the Union and its unlikely wing Jack no will take part in England s 1st welcome woman match against Wales next month he s been sitting to recover from an ankle injury and has returned home from that training camp in Italy for every team medical assessment and top jockey Ashi Massey has received a caution to failing a racecourse breathalyzer and being barred from riding in a race is a Sunday fixture at songs bring in James That s the latest from B.B.C. Sport This is B.B.C. Radio 5 Live on digital B.B.C. Salads. Good morning to you what we turn our attention towards the southwest of the U.K. Were in Sicily the low pressure system of the time it will spin up and move across the country over the next few days and will indeed be the focus of our weather for much of this week strong winds at the time of the scattered heavy 3 downpours may Brazier. The prime minister will be Wales laces today where is expected to tell farmers who will be better off after the break said because the U.K. Can sign new trade deals Bird Johnson has promised to go the extra mile to secure the brig s deal he was speaking on a visit he held talks of the leader of the Scottish Conservative Group Davidson and the 1st minister Nicholas sturgeon. Ruth Davidson has made it clear that she would support the U.K. Leaving the European Union without a do she describe the talks is incredibly constructive saying she received these surance is from Mr Johnson that she was looking for I said I wanted to see the same level of energy and vigor that s going into no deal planning going into trying to get a deal I wanted to see the sort of shuttle diplomacy that s going to be required if you re going to see changes that can be brought back to the House of Commons and I received assurances that I was looking for. Says Johnson who tried to bring about what she calls a dangerous no deal Briggs s this by the Prime Minister s assurances there was a good Jones he would get an agreement before the end of October misjudging said she believed the government was really pursuing a no deal Briggs s jeje I think that is extremely dangerous for Scotland indeed for the Hall of the U.K. We know from the work we ve done the impact that would have on jobs on the economy on our universities on almost every aspect of society in Scotland then I think it s incumbent on all of us who think that that is the wrong no come to do everything we possibly can to block it to Gallagher of the I News wave would show me how they re covering the story this morning Scott unfazed by against Johnson is the simple splash headline in the day he s been in Glasgow and there s real divide emerging between Scotland and England especially among the conservatives over direction of U.K. Policy when it comes to their opinion of course him at the 1st minister 1st Nicholas sturgeon sees promise to step up Scotland s planning for a no deal Brooks said after becoming convinced that Boris Johnson secretly wants to leave the E.U. Without an agreement and speaking after a lengthy meeting with the PM She claimed the U.K. Government was hiding its true intentions from the public not mincing no words our 1st minister also told Mr Johnson she would soon formally request the power to hold a 2nd referendum on scholarship dependent so voters could choose a way out of a brick set now their discussions were described as lively about the future of the Union during this 50 minute meeting at her official residence a few talents in Edinburgh but as he pulled up in his official car Ascot and that the Chris Cramer was on the hands of filmed the reaction of around 200 protesters gathered outside and it s fair to say they weren t cheering Burris Johnson s arrival All I could booing and the hurling insults now stars a talk. Themselves are concerned Mr Dinh said she had concluded from his comments during the meeting that he was not serious about seeking a fresh deal with the E.U. And was now actively to Syrian no deal strategy and she also revealed that you re in a very robust in her words debate on on Scottish independence your challenge to the prime minister to a live televised debate on the issue has officials actually intervene during the meeting to to shut down so no meeting of minds between the 1st Minister and the prime minister yesterday I m sure the irony was a lost on your newspaper that of course because Johnson went north of the border to reassert our ancient ties between our countries and it seems you know unlike those couples ago and renew their marriage vows it seems like he actually the opposite was the conclusion there yes he s obviously this is just 24 hours after announcing this 300000000 pound package for strength in the union of course Boris Johnson self appointed minister for the union that he s another title is a bit since entering Number 10 but of course not just clashing with the S.N.P. Leader of course having clashed over the last 24 hours with his colleague the Conservative leader Scottish Conservative leadership so Ruth Davidson Now they also had a meeting and while Mr Johnson heaped praise on her described as a fantastic politician who had resigned of the party s fortunes in Scotland suggested he would ultimately overrule her on the whole issue of support for a no deal of course Ruth Davidson publicly saying that she could never support that and she was rather it isn t about commenting on their discussions after their meeting in in Glasgow yesterday were Nicholas Sturgeon was quick to comment on the nature frank nature of their talks with day was a. Didn t didn t comment too much after the meeting a tall fact mentioning no making no mention of her opposition to the no deal outcome but instead said they were going to focus their efforts on renegotiate and the withdrawal agreement with the other $27.00 E.U. Countries and of course accidental Boris Johnson s view as well and he said that during that meeting a 40 minute meeting 10 minutes shorter than he held a Nicholas surgeon at the 2 Tory leader said they were united in wanting to reach a new agreement with Brussels of course the big divided line there is that while he is prepared to go down the no deal route if necessary rift over there said she could never countenance that and never support it why do you think that he wins north of the border was the thing that Bruce Johnson went to school just days were within a week of his resume in the Premiership given that given that it was always going to be for him a beer bit he is genuinely worried about the future of the United Kingdom Of course the leader in the of the S.N.P. In the Commons in a blackout stood up and said that he it was his view on the 1st 1st appearance in the Commons that there was in black for 3 that he was going to be the last prime minister of the United Kingdom there is a genuine concern that if as he s prepared to do to take the U.K. Out of the E.U. Without a deal and that is of course Scotland voted 62 percent in favor of the remainder that could allow or surge of support for independence in Scotland and and the surge in support for full remain after removal is already well supported remain but a surge in support of a 2nd referendum on independence so it genuinely concerned about the future of the Union I think and that is a that was a key statement of intent to go there so early on in his premiership and to try and . Support the strengthen any kind of ties between across the across the United Kingdom because there are those genuine concerns there that of the effects of a no deal Bret s it and the potential breakup of the United Kingdom something that . Boris Johnson certainly would not want to be part of his legacy is eager treating brogues it is something of a game move chicken with the European Union in your article was that he expects them to blink 1st Very much so if it s descended into this game as to who can blink 1st and he s confident he can make the E.U. Do that in striking the New Deal with just a just days before the deadline of 31st of October he s engaging in the standoff with Brussels by refusing to hold face to face talks with E.U. Leaders until they drop their refusal to reopen the withdrawal agreement making of course a no deal cut said more likely now in this trip to Scotland yesterday used apparently contradictory language during that visit when he struck an upbeat term on his chances of securing a new deal and said his government would go the extra 1000 miles to achieve it despite sticking to his refusal to engage in sit down talks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the French president Emmanuel macron and he s taking a much firmer line with the E.U. Than his predecessor trees amazed that advisedly robins were seen by Brock s it is been too conciliatory towards Brussels now Mr Robins is replacement David trust he wrote an e-mail to his E.U. Counterparts last week warning them not to underestimate Mr Johnson in that e-mail which emerged yesterday he wrote you should be in no doubt about this government s commitment to the 31st of October date I would also add that many people are inclined to underestimate Boris Johnson and I urge you not to do so but I said many a time on this program dotted the whole sticking point for Boris Johnson and leading Brock s it is is this Irish backstop that they want to see that taken out of the withdrawal agreement that would mean the whole of the rest of the E.U. Effectively so an island on the pass and nobody nobody can see that happening so it is a bit of a game now between who s going to blink 1st and that s. It s current s beat the WHO GOT to go the I newspaper there now with interest in the Apollo 11 moon mission riding high there s been a renewed focus in recent weeks on new Armstrong the mission commander and of course the 1st man on the lunar surface Armstrong died after heart surgery in 20020 after the death of his 1st wife Janet a number of items of Armstrong s memorabilia gone under the hammer and of nets it is believed almost $70000000.00 for the Son s from Memphis marriage Mark in regards drawn. Is the editor of collect SPACE dot com which is a Web site devoted to space memorabilia he s been telling me was sorts of items Rouge of the Armstrong family collection has included items that flew on his missions like United States flags and flags of other organizations. Special items like pieces of the night you know 3 Wright Flyer the 1st powered aircraft Neil Armstrong famously took some of that to the moon donated some back to museums and then kept the rest rooms also some of those pieces came out for auction there are also every day items from is just normal life like magazines that he subscribed to or vinyl records that he listened to it was really a cross-section of both personal and. Space flight artifacts and people were prepared to pay top dollar for some of these are terms. They did and and it s sort of a combination of both the value of the item itself anything that flies to the moon as you might guess carries quite a price tag to it not many items are available but from Neil Armstrong specifically he never sold anything during his lifetime and so this was the 1st opportunity for people to get something associated with the 1st person to walk on the moon I didn t even realize who know how to tell you. Any plans to mementos move them to the moon does NASA know this and they accumulated all these masses of trinkets. Indeed they do they had something called the Personal preference kit it was a small pouch they carried several of them on board some state aboard the command module lunar orbit some landed on the moon on the lunar module and they could pack them with items that they wanted to take for themselves or their family or friends then there were other items that were they brought back from the moon that were part of the spacecraft and in 2012 the U.S. Congress and president signed into law affirming that the astronauts could hold title and therefore sell or or donate or keep those mementos that they brought back from the moon you mentioned in his live child knew Armstrong so very little if anything and am didn t commercialise as he could have done from his frame. While he was alive he chose not to take part in memorabilia sales he did a couple of of. Signings signing his autograph or to support organizations that he supported but that was very early on he signed autographs freely for close to 30 years and then after he found that people were taking advantage of that basically asking for his autograph and then rushing out on to e-bay for sell he stopped signing in the in the mid 1990 S. . He didn t realize that people commercializing money. He knew that there were some people selling his autograph but he didn t realize that the people would be asking him for his autograph and then rushing to sign to sell it it s different than having an autograph in your collection for 20 years and then deciding to sell it versus meeting the guy and 10 minutes later was doing it on for sale it also made it impossible for him to determine if the for example small child asking for his autograph was someone who generally wanted his autograph or was someone who was being pushed forward by their parents so they could get something they could sell on e Bay Why was he has to commercializing his experiences the 1st man to welcome him. It s difficult to say from what he said about it it just wasn t part of his personality he he didn t go to the moon to become famous he came back from the moon seeking to return to his normal life as an engineer he went back actually after he left NASA he became a professor at the University of Cincinnati and taught engineering for a number of years. So he didn t seek the spotlight and so he didn t see he didn t see his items or his memorabilia or his personality being something worth marketing. He also didn t put a lot of importance or he said he didn t put a lot of importance on on memorabilia and so it wasn t something that he concerned I m selfless and I read that exam too that he was only the front man for a huge organization of people who put a lot behind game to the it was his position that he s his carroty on that shared by the other astronauts who went up with him Buzz Aldrin 1st of all and also Michael Collins who calls was the pilot of the space module. Yes all 3 of them and pretty much all the astronauts I wouldn t say there s not an exception to them all were 1st who all would firstly recognize the 400000 or so people that made their mission possible they were the tip of the spear. The astronauts and received all the glory but they wouldn t be able to go and do what they did if it wasn t for those hundreds of thousands of people who made every piece of the rocket every piece of the spacecraft and not just made it but made it so that it works so they came home safely so they all helped at that position they ve all spoken about it. But that but they ve expressed their own. Their own personality is in their post astronaut lives as you would expect anyone else to do Have any of them and their memorabilia. They have both of or all 3 of Neil s cremates Dave Scott on Gemini 8. And Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins on Apollo 11 have sold memorabilia they are all still living and so many of the other astronauts since the early 1990 S. When the memorabilia market started the astronaut started to get approached by auction houses and by dealers to ask about do you have items that your children no longer want or you. And that we can sell. So it began and so we had with it with a couple of exceptions most of the astronauts list items for sale from their personal collections there are still a few astronauts who have and have circled the role that nailed it given that given that it s not unusual for as you know to some memorabilia why why these old sions of the Armstrongs possessions why or why they so controversial I don t know if I would use the word controversial but they do stand out because. Because Neil Armstrong as a singular figure in history is probably the only astronaut who really gained. A long standing name recognizability. The other astronauts are known and if your space enthusiasts you know all of them but in terms of who will be remembered in fact some people have said a 1000 years from now the only person of the 20th century that will be remembered is Neil Armstrong because he was the 1st to set foot on another on another celestial body that no one else. From that century will will stand the test of time and so given that position given that responsibility anything associated with him has always held a higher desire a higher demand then the other astronauts or other people around him when he would enter a room or people would seek out his autograph or want to have their photo taken with him they would. The books that were written about him were read by more people than some of the other astronauts books. There was always a. Higher interest in him as the 1st person to set foot on the moon than just about anyone else you say you wouldn t describe it as. Controversial Robert Byrd. New Armstrong s sons the 2 sons who have essentially motivated these sales who were behind the mark and Rick and had to come out and defend their decisions to so their father s possessions we ve had other people come out and say well you know in his life he was totally against this is somewhat unseemly not least. His biographer. You might know James R. And since coming he never did any of that and he s lived time has come out and said and of Kools new Armstrong for those you know had 2 families away because his 1st wife divorced him. About 19 in the early 1990 S. And the marriage Carol. The 2nd wife 9094 and have family have stood aloof of any of these cells or in that context it s no this is no these cells haven t been seen is acceptable by everybody. I think it s understandable I think there is I think that happens with a lot of families that it s sort of amplified here because of the same that you are strong at but. There are certainly certainly because Neil Armstrong did not sell anything during his lifetime the perception is that he did not want that he did not want to be involved whether he would be in support of his sons doing that. You know I can t speak to that but. But I think that he he put more people less importance on the memorabilia and what happened to it then he did on what happened to his family so if there s some way else this family I think. He d be in he would at least not object to it but I can t put words in his mouth but I do what. I can say is some of the objections have been that all these items should have went to an archive or to museum the National Space Museum the Smithsonian had the ability to go through the entire collection and identify pieces that they wanted before the auctions were even a saying there were other donations made to other museums around the country and world. The the truth of the matter is that not everything is appropriate for a museum you know the you could say that a flag flown to the moon yes that but that a museum might want to display that in a magazine that he subscribed to that happened to arrive at his house and then he happened to hold onto as we want to look at that. From when he was a kid you know and a museum or you know someone might you know plan might put up a teddy bear if it s like there is an Armstrong and Space Museum that he actually donated items to in his lifetime but just every day items. You know his his membership card to a certain organization these are not pieces that are going to end up on display they ll end up in the archives and in fact museums often sell items in their collection to fund displays and artifacts that they want to display so in this way the artifact of these pieces these nuts and bolts and less so of his of his life enter collections where hopefully the enthusiastic as it is someone who appreciates the history maybe it ends up going into into a classroom with the owner s child as a show and tell I don t and so new class gets to see it or maybe it gets displayed on a website for the collection or loan to a local library so in a way they do you know enter communities and get to get to be seen by more than just the owner but it s about it not the type of items that would museum would would naturally. Seek out these rules going to be this was going to be a $1000000.00 SEO and perhaps exceeded expectations 16 point something $1000000.00 so far of the 4 oceans have been there s another one do you know John this year so we re not done with that figure will definitely go up was when the most expensive item. I believe me. The most is 8 gold medallion it was one of 3 gold medallions that was aboard Apollo 11 it s called the robins medallion after the company that minted it the robins medallions themselves hold a special place in. Space memorabilia in that they flew on every mission from a pulse 7 to today each each one. Representing the mission that they flew on the gold ones were particularly special because they were only available to the astronauts who were flying on the mission. So Neal s sold for just over $2000000.20 turn his room. For a medallion so and we don t know who bought it we don t know if he was a coin collector or if he was a space collector or is street collector. But it certainly did appeal and it must appeal to more than one because the bidding pushed it up to so that amount as you can imagine I m not in that league of bit is one card we ll see Chief is going to see the end of this go. To one of those business cards for a club the standard ones amateur that go over several $100.00 cheapest items were into the hundreds in the 1st cell the very 1st one last November nothing sold for less than a $1000.00 and there was a little bit of auction fever there I think those people. Felt that you know this might be their only opportunity to get something and so they did as the auctions went on and it just shows a discussion at a. Lot of items on. For. Me getting sort of settled down a little bit not so much that anything could be called an expensive but you could pick up something for a few $100.00. And we ll have to see what happens in the next auction in November. Connects by the store called my website devoted to sprays memorabilia that s mounted from us thanks for listening thanks. And yes this is Rising these. In the past. A C.B.C. 5 it s 5 o clock on Tuesday the 30th of July this is morning reports on 5 Live I m Paul cannon our top story this morning Boris Johnson is continuing his tour of the U.K. Making his 1st visit to a while since becoming prime minister Leiter He s due to meet with farmers and try to reassure them they will thrive in a post BRICS it Britain but Farmers Union in farmers unions in wilds are warning of civil unrest in some rural areas if the U.K. Leaves the E.U. Without a deal our correspondent is Thomas Morgan in Wales Agriculture employees around $50000.00 people and it makes a bigger contribution to Welsh employment than in any other part of the U.K. In any of the nation of the U.K. And today in Wales the new prime minister Boris Johnson will come and meet Welsh farmers and try import rest and you can since they have in the wake of a possible new deal BRACKS It has just last week at the Royal well show farming unions in Wales had threatened civil unrest if that scenario actually became a reality now Welsh farmers receive subsidies of with around $300000000.00 pounds a year from the E.U. And it s not known at the moment how much cash will be available to support agriculture after we leave however Boris Johnson believes that E.U. And better trade deals for farm. It will be possible once we leave on the 31st of October a former High Court judge says police may have broken the law in the way they investigated claims of a PETA following at Westminster last week called Beach was jailed for 18 years for perverting the course of justice by lying about his crimes so Richard Henriques who carried out a review for scholars of Scotland Yard s inquiry claims warrants to search the homes of some of those beachhead accused may have been empty and unlawfully police in Brazil have dropped right now allegation made against the footballer Neymar because of a lack of evidence prosecutors have 15 days to decide whether to take the case forward a report claims attempts to close the achievement gap for poor people in England secondary schools almost say they were acting in self defense against men who were following them more than 500 pages of evidence have already been submitted to the court and text messages to photos and video transcripts now one of the suspects lawyers says he ll present fresh evidence including testimony from 2 new witnesses he hopes this will persuade the judge to free the group Jeremy Coleman will join and he fracking protesters later who are calling for an immediate ban Labor says if the U.K. Fully exploits its shale gas reserves it will eliminate any hope of the government meeting its 2050 net 0 target the government says natural gas has a role to play in reducing emissions and the industry could create jobs this way to shoot climate change activists Gretta term Burke has accepted a ride across the Atlantic on a sailing boat so she can attend a climate change conference in New York the 60 foot yacht was built to race around the world is owned by Team Mallett C.E.O. Who had no previous plans to sail it across the Atlantic this summer the 16 year old doesn t travel by plane or cruise ship because of the environmental impact and .

Radio-program , Great-medal-of-the-aéro-club-de-france-winners , Political-science , Presidential-medal-of-freedom-recipients , Pollution , The-football-league-players , Sociology , Climate-change , American-military-personnel-of-the-korean-war , Meals , Rural-geography , Popular-culture

Transcripts for BBC Radio Ulster BBC Radio Ulster 20190730 030000

Labor s calling for on the extraction of shale gas warning fracking will make it impossible for the Government to me its targets on climate change the government says natural gas has a role to play in reducing emissions and the industry could create jobs that is the 5 Live news no his shop number the sport is understood Gareth Bale is not in the right mental states play in Real Madrid s pre-season tournament to Munich he s pulled out of the trip after his proposed made to China fell through he would have faced his old club Tottenham on the top this comes a week after his Madrid balls to Nadine s it down said bells to punch out will be best for everyone Barry s opening match of the League One season against M.K. Dons on Saturday has been suspended but Bolton s away fixture at Wycombe Wanderers can go ahead both clubs have already been docked 12 points Barry failed to provide evidence of how they ll be funded moving forward see the E.F.L. And they ll be referred to an independent disciplinary panel Bournemouth assigned midfielder Phillip billing for 15000000 pounds on a 5 year deal from Championship side Huddersfield Town St Helens head coach Justin Holbrook is set to return to Australia s N.R.L. At the end of the Super League season he s taking over a Gold Coast time since after 2 years saints and wing a Jack I know is a Mike Lee to play in England s 1st Rugby World Cup will match against Wales next month as he continues to recover from an ankle injury this is B.B.C. Radio 5 Live on digital B.B.C. South small speaker. And the 5 live weather today a mixture of sunshine and heavy thundering showers will spread to most parts of the U.K. They have a shell s will be in northwest England the Midlands and Wales windy in the south with a chance of gales on the coast is in London today of 21 degrees like a school that s using lights which in some ways for example you find things force extra. This includes. The final grand slam of the. This is us that. Race for the Driver s Championship. Facts of. This. Kind of life for thanks. A lot of 5 on Dawson at a bar and coming up in this program in a memorable see will bring you the latest from California 24 hours on from the shooting story that we told you about last night as it was still an ongoing incident we ll have the latest from there is news of what exactly happened at the garlic festival in Gilroy California emerges also what s beyond the spike in the tiger population in India one of the conservation is done right there that is seen increasing numbers of his image and also the Tigers still an endangered species we ll hear about the video of an Indian family who checked into a hotel room and left with as much of the room as they could get their hands on and will bring you news of the option that is simply out of this world well yeah I think that s a way of putting it it s a metaphor you know what I mean just good story that. Says Richard now it s a story we 1st brought she an awful night last night 3 people have been killed one of them 6 year old boy and 15 others injured after a gunman attacks a food festival in California the gunman was shot dead by police shortly after he began firing over police are investigating reports that a 2nd suspect may still be a large the attack happened at the annual garlic festival in the small town of Gilroy which is about 80 miles south of San Francisco the annual event was taking place in a local park where according to the 1st. Whose website weapons of any kind banned the eyewitness told C.B.S. News what he saw. Right by. Birth right and then you. Have. That it is very private band and that is that for the next 50 yards from where we were police say offices were already on site and responded to the shooting in less than a minute as the Police Chief Scott Smith It appears as if though they had come into the festival via the creek which borders a parking area. And they use some sort of a tool to cut through the fence to be able to gain access through the security fence line. The governor of California is described as shooting is nothing short of her ific the U.S. President said he said about the incident people to be careful and safe Brianna sags is a reporter from Buzz Feed based in California he s been following events as well the reaction had been in the state it shows. Another go shooting at a California. So it s you know it s just one of those things that they ve type of reaction from a community that how could this happen here garlic festival that s you know so family friendly and safe in our yard to stop similar type of shock and horror and frustration I bet in some of the people who were there and were close to what happened pretty much in shock what they ve been saying though as to what they saw. Well I I thought Gilroy But you know it s a lot of people you know it s a huge festival that as I said very famous in the region and I had it was the last day of the festival was really just kind of. Closing down so people were just wandering around a chilling use a can then that you know it s been sounded like fireworks were going off and all decided people started running and. They you know people said that they they saw a gunman kind of dressed in camouflage shooting into a large crowd of people by the 2 clerics and the music stage so it was indiscriminate shooting. Yesterday randomly and to a straw and of people that you know I spoke to the thing that had just been playing their last encores following up that chant than their classic rock band from San Jose which is about 30 miles away and they were playing their last off and they said they heard the shooting and that I thought Mick was shooting it too you know few 100 people by the and the stage in front of that are that the stage they were on front of them and 3 people saw it as a result of the shooting 3 people did 2 children. Correct so 3 people the victims were all young. One who was a 6 year old boy is. Was conceived in and that there are identified later on today and a 13 year old girl and her. Her name it was came out and then the colleges said that one of its graduates. Trevor he was also a victim and he was I think in his twenty s is what the police said earlier today what do we know about the shooter and the motive for this. We still don t know a motive you know we know that the shooter police said had been living in the vat of which. Recently and asked how he bought the weapon which is in a case doubt I take a very different styles. Of rifle and lot of details in the in the Vatican and I thought of it to California as the last game in the area and Jim did say after his well though as you know what the feds close that family has there there is there is one in the jail very accomplished athlete a boxer and they want to of like was a good student the father was also. A runner and that they re just you know as a solid family in the community and and killed right and the shooter was 19 years old. Correct yes he was 19 years old and the. Shooting happened very quickly you know it was the attack was kind of over maybe a minute or so. After it started the 3 please officers engage the suspect and. You know it s taken down all the other quickly so please credit ing that those officers responded with You know it could have been a lot lot worse within one minute the police on to see that had chilled him. Yeah they engage us like they had a T.N. Down and within a bit you know they will patrolling the festivals the suspect the student God made a go through a precarious is the back like using cutters to cut the fat so that s how they missed him you know because it is so exhausting through these areas do you know they think they were officers I had is that it wasn t like there was lax security or anything he stuck in and the authorities. Could. Love lives I can imagine that how many people were injured we say 3 people were killed coming through for injured gas about 15 others through were injured in a few been released today from hospital to area hospitals and their injuries injuries Perry range from fair to put a call. And the organizes of the citizen who everybody is it is a shark as I said the 1st of all it s like it s just a huge summer offended attracts you know hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people from all over in order California and so you know they re there in force all right in the chest and in that this family pops family focus. Like that as a thing you know people from all over it are tougher to try to do something like this but it s the save my job resiliency is that you know they won t let this this person really is your. Record So you re there if they re vowing you don t have it again next year and that you did not let this to be something that is are important here Brianna Sachs there reporting for Buzz Feed bracing kind of fornia some good news now out of India which is home to nearly 3000 tigers Well that still do tiny fraction of the number of tigers eroded across India in the last century it does represent a rapid growth in the target population over the last 5 years India s now has to make sure to be home to around 70 percent of the world s Tigers prime minister to render Modi be present in the findings on Monday said India is now one of the biggest and most secure habitats of the tiger Well let s cross live to Delhi in speed to Bill in the right she s the executive director of the Wildlife Protection Society of India Belinda this is really good news isn t it is it s amazing how they do and I m staggered Well you know it s really it is sort of positive results that have come out of a conservation investment for over 45 years and I think I think the key to it is that we now have and this is I mean then the increase is quite recent We now have 50 Tiger reserves covering in covering an area of over 71000 square kilometers so what we ve gotten is is sort of this these critical Taika habitats which is safe now for tigers so they re multiplying they re breeding they take is a. You know they re very resilient and so on but for the. Heating they need a bit of space and everything else right and I think that s what s happened and they re also spilling out of some of these areas so you know there are still problems that is still poaching but amazingly these wonderful animals. Are doing while now and that s wise we re with the count last half and in 2014 there were 2226 Tigers but the figure from 2018 show that there are now $2967.00 which is an increase of words about 30 percent increase $33.00. 0 level mathematics. I didn t use a calculator. I mean is it safe to say that the tiger is not an endangered species any movement Oh no I mean India has you know 70 percent of the world s tight and you don t want all your eggs in one basket. But. No And we have a problem still here we still lose about $100.00 tigers to coaching every year and you know despite what the honorable prime minister says. None of us are convinced that we have genuine genuine political will to secure a future for while tigers in India you know as our environmental laws are quietly being weakened and we have a lot of. What you call it lenient infrastructure intrusions So every time a dam is needed or a highway or a canal or it new railway track or worst of all power lines it s put through critical wildlife habitat. Indians physically there s people living in those areas close to the tiger habitat do they see tigers as an asset. Well some do where there s tourism then yes they see it as an asset and and remember people you know worship the tiger they ve lived I mean the local people have lived close to wild tigers. You know since the beginning of time but things are changing India is changing so you know people have access to mobile phones to television and so on so they re not as tolerant as as certainly that I was as tolerant as they used to be and the other problem big problem which is I think you know conservationists conservations biggest challenge everywhere not just India is is human wildlife concert it s really it s getting to a tipping point in India where we ve seen some gusty things happen in the last few weeks you know tigers being lynched you know beaten to death literally and that goes back to these linear inches and because every time you mess with the habitat and you destroy it in fragmented You know it it it it fuels. Conflict because the animals move away move out of the the protected areas. So if they re in the domain very said to be if they go beyond them in oh yeah I suppose humans have to present themselves as well we are still talking of course the dangers of the cause here but you know. Don t we shouldn t actually be talking about tigers The point is we need these forests you know we need them to mitigate climate change protect our sources of water give us rain and fresh air the Tigers are just the guardians of those forests and all the animals and plants that live in their domain and if we don t you know if they if the government doesn t do a strictly hands off. You know is no further the notifications only an infrastructure. You know we re in trouble India is a. Country of 1400000000 people and there s a tiny part of it which has this fabulous habitat and of course a fabulous animal but but we need those forests. We places to live as rugged gentlemen if the population is to be then would you do this something is not to give it some point and I snort this in India by the way yeah but it can t be that because otherwise it will die I mean it s I mean I m living it unfortunately my my head offices here in Delhi and then many months if you have to where they couldn t of gas masks I mean the pollution is dreadful in the west this time I m I mean heavenly places but not not here. Would you have certain sorts of cable in the woods or you know them will be because we re we varied of. You haven t ever see very far and it s a big it is a wider picture to these but what do you hope the future of China is in India will be well I hope that we ll be able to to offer a future generations the possibility to get to get to know to see these absolutely gorgeous go plucking creatures I mean I ve spent over 45 years working with wild tigers and I still get tears in my eyes when I when I m watching one and it would be just gosh if you could generations would never forgive us if if you and I and and and everybody let them slip through our fingers they just wouldn t I did burst into tears once when I read a poem on air about. Tigers disappearing from there yeah it is heartbreaking to full creatures beautiful. Joy you get from being so close well so one thing we should know about tigers bilin is one thing we should all know about tigers. Just that they re probably the most magnificent things on this planet because unlike other big cats like lions they don t going price this solitary except for when they re mating or bringing up the family. And so they hate this super being you know they have to be absolutely perfect and fit and everything because they this of divers and then they re. You know they they don t they can t rely on anybody else but themselves and I really find that also. When you just see one will kill anything it s just extraordinary that they re the most perfect I hate 6 a machines but living things and it is a remarkable that they ve been able to count so many tigers I mean the 4th time this has happened but it s a it s a it s an incredible thing I mean it s they covered during this record it a tiger estimation not a census $100.00 for over $147000.00 square miles of tiger range and they surveyed it in detail incredible. I mean they re We re going to have to leave it there before thank you very much. Guys thank you cannot observe Belinda right there she s the executive director of the Wildlife Protection Society of India tended with us in called Considine to tell us a remarkable story the road has gone viral. And what appropriately got a month into from the Tollygunge Club which was once run by Belinda Wright. Father Bob Wright the many years and where she grew up and that this place I built the telly gunge club it was swamped that was marshland and Batley there was a few tigers that are roaming around here but the conversation this morning here is not about the tiger it s about this. Video of an Indian couple or an Indian family on holiday in Bali that has gone viral because the individual confronted as they had the thing by the hotel staff who then go to their luggage and I m like maybe me I don t know about you Dalton who does pinch a few of those costs met takes this shampoo 6 after they ve taken it a little bit they had the head dry as some of the plant Paltz hang is basically everything that they could find in that room let s hear a little bit from that video and I will say it slowly slowly a bit of a little bit of. Money you know you have a load of money I know you have a lot of money in Germany I mean face is the respect. Of the eighty s or even. You know that if you go to just a. Little bit late so food supply the Habs. It is and it s you know it started quite a debate here in India the person actually posted that video initially I called on the government to cancel they have passports for bringing the whole country into absolute disgrace but it s founded 2 different debates Firstly what is it acceptable to take from a hotel room doctor and I mean what why you are allowed to tell because you know you re paying to develop the cost medics you know except simple once you go past down and stop pinching the towels I mean it s your home full of little bottles like mine is from various hotels from across the well. Actually. Do you know that the cost matter. Who. Says you know. Scratch your. Behind and I try to use well. You know noise from there for weeks and weeks and weeks rather used ones where they make money or me that make proper money or me. Well that s one debate they did people having at the moment the other one is the behavior of Indian tourist abroad I mean recently a hotel in Switzerland which had a lot of tourists coming through had 2 sets of rules one for tourists generally and another one they felt was needed for the Indian tourist because of their behavior in the past the Indian government has even considered setting up classes so that people understand some of the cultural norms that may be different in that part of the world that Indians now with a huge amount of cash that some of them have and now traveling to it s an issue that I ve been speaking to with one of the Indians leading columnist. I don t know when Indians go abroad they think at all about how it reflects on their country. To get you the most bang for their buck you know you have to remember when Indians are travelling abroad especially in the West. Are converted from dollars or euros to rupees and so they really feel that they must make the most of whatever they can give even if it s all the free so little packets of sugar on display and I have to see as full disclosure you know I think my mother s cabinet is filled with soaps from Patel s from all over the world but that the soap is your right as is the little sashay of shampoo they have been stories of Indian stealing cutlery from hotels and all of that it does reflect badly on the country just on the people who have and. They basically issued a separate set of rules to them how to behave Yeah basically it s a case of separate and unequal where they singled out Indians for their bad behavior in terms of what they took at the buffet table basically they accused Indians of buying stuff from the table and taking it back with them to eat lunch as well as talking really loudly in the car doors but you know this is an issue even in India people do. Loudly all the time and so even in an Indian hotel in India there are lots of Indians annoyed that other Indians for talking loudly are having the children in the dining room and all of that I see years ago I think there was an idea of setting up training classes for Indian tourists when they went abroad is that a good idea I think that s a perfectly good idea as long as we have training classes for Western tourism to come to India and to get there. And over to. So there we go there are strong feelings on that in India you know about the way that people come to India and they behave but sadly at this particular point in time a lot of focus on Indian tourists and what they re pinching from adèle not the 1st time it has been in the news data may quickly a few years ago there was a man who used to check into hotels see the size of the T.V. By a suitcase pop them in there and check out. I know so when I heard the thing about the you know when you mention food about the boat for me to boldly go prints from our room from the buffet before and I still feel guilty about it. Thank you very much road sounded as good delayed says far by the headlines die as procurement home digital B.B.C. Sound. B.B.C. Radio 5 burst on summary farmers in the wilds of lights as he tries to reassure the mill throwing off the bricks that last week farmers unions warned of civil unrest in some rural areas if the U.K. Leaves the E.U. With ideal Washington plans to start withdrawing troops from Afghanistan according to the US secretary of state says it will begin before Dawn Treader runs for reelection next year the number of trees planted in the U.K. Needs to triple to help tackle climate change the Committee on Climate Change which advises the government says carbon reduction targets can only be met if $30000.00 hectares of woodland is planted every year and the country rap song Old Town Road by little knapsacks has broken the record for the longest time at the top of the US singles charts it has now topped the Billboard Hot 100 for 17 weeks that is the 5 Live news now his shop them the support for my Real Madrid and Wales manager John Toshack says he s sad and disappointed at Gareth Bale the current situation in Spain the Welsh forwards pulled out of Madrid strips Munich for a pre-season sort of months after the collapse of his proposed needs China and social access. He just needs to find a way out. The way that this has gone amiss in terms out from time a lesson only as Agent goodness knows so for all the football that I know. Sadness and sickens me to be honest it is Barry s opening match of the season against M.K. Dons will not go ahead on Sunset day because the club haven t provided enough evidence of how they ll be funded moving forwards the problem is the be referred to an independent disciplinary panel on the 2nd match of the season is also under threat Meanwhile Bolton s 1st game we can will go ahead but teams have already been deducted 12 points from the new league on Sable bone with a sign midfielder Phillip billing for 15000000 pounds he ll join on a 5 year deal from Championship side Huddersfield Town degrades and England Test vice camps in Ben Stokes says winning the Ashes in the same year is becoming world champions will be a once in a lifetime achievement the all rounder who is Player of the match in the World Cup Final says it would top off a dream summer we ve gone 50 percent of what we wanted to achieve all in a World Cup and the next off is obviously down to the next 7 weeks so if I can go home and you know I want to welcome but I want to Nash s in the same summer I m never going to be able to achieve that ever again obviously it s such a special so much for English cricket to be able to play and is amazing you know obviously we just really want to win those Ashes series he want to turn over the Aussies Well the 1st is has dolls on Thursday at the edge Boston and we ll have ball Bible T.M. s commentary on 5 Live Sports thanks to and on line St Helens had code just in Holbrook is sent to return to Australia s N.R.L. To take over the Gold Coast Titans Holbrook has guided the league lead is their 1st Challenge Cup final in 11 years and will leave at the end of the season form a Saints player John will consent to professional to let this have any impact on the side while he s still in charge just in this approach is dropped for A and B. Tailed old. So this might have been bubbling over in the background and as if it s come from and if it does leave it will more of a foot citizen approach to his job is the most thoughtful detail one of the most thoughtful detail coaches will be sworn in on this game this week from rugby league the Union and its unlikely wing Jack no will take part in England s 1st welcome woman match against Wales next month he s been sitting to recover from an ankle injury and has returned home from that training camp in Italy for every team medical assessment and top jockey as he Massey has received a caution to sailing a racecourse breathalyzer and being barred from riding in a race is a Sunday fixture at Salzburg That s the latest from B.B.C. Sport This is B.B.C. Radio 5 Live on digital B.B.C. South small speak. Good morning and see what we turn our attention towards the southwest of the U.K. Were in Sicily the low pressure system of the time it will spin up and move across the country over the next few days and will indeed be the focus of our weather for much of this week strong winds at the time of being scattered heavy 3 downpours may cause some disruption in places to flooding possible the chance some wind damage particularly trees so today s expects not windy plenty of heavy showers and thunder down poles across southwestern Wales on the South West Midlands elsewhere the not about starts with some sunshine around a bit of cloud to now through the day the heavy showers and thunderstorms cross the southwest will become more widespread across Wales into central southern England a baby crazy. The prime minister will be Wales laces Today ways expected to tell farmers will be better off if the Brits had because the U.K. Can sign new trade deals Bird Johnson has promised to go the extra mile to secure the brig s deal he was speaking on a visit Senator Breaux where he held talks of the leader of the Scottish conservatives Ruth Davidson and the 1st minister Nicholas sturgeon well raised Davidson has made it clear that she would support the U.K. Leaving the European Union without a do she describe the trolls is incredibly constructive saying she received the assurances from Mr Johnson that she was looking for I said I wanted to see the same level of energy and vigor that s going into no deal planning going into trying to get a deal I wanted to see the sorts of shuttle diplomacy that s going to be required if you re going to see changes that can be brought back to the House of Commons and I received assurances that I was looking for Nick the. Message. Anderson of trying to bring about what she calls a dangerous no deal Briggs s this by the Prime Minister s assurance that there was a good chance he would get an agreement before the end of October misjudging said she believed the government was actually pursuing a no deal Briggs s strategy I think that is extremely dangerous for Scotland indeed for the whole of the U.K. We know from the work we ve done the impact that would have on jobs on the economy on our universities on almost every aspect of society in Scotland and I think it s incumbent on all of us who think that that is the wrong no come to do everything we possibly can to block it to Gallagher of the I News wave would show me how they re covering the story this morning because face by against Johnson is the simple splash headline in the F.B.I. Today he s been in Glasgow and this is a real divide emerging between Scotland and England especially among conservatives over direction of U.K. Policy when it comes to their opinion of course him at the 1st minister 1st Nicholas sturgeon sees promise to step up Scotland s planning for a no deal Bracks it after becoming convinced that Boris Johnson secretly wants to leave the E.U. Without an agreement and speaking after a lengthy meeting with the PM She claimed the U.K. Government was hiding its true intentions from the public not mincing no words our 1st minister also told Mr Johnson she would soon formally request the power to hold a 2nd referendum on scholarship dependent so voters could choose a way out of a brick sit now their discussions were described as lively and about the future of the Union during this 50 minute meeting at her official residence a few towns in Edinburgh but as he pulled up in his official car Ascot on that it s a Crist Green was on the hands of film the reaction of around $200.00 protesters gathered outside and it s fair to say they weren t cheering Burris Johnson s arrival all aren t doing and the hurling insults now the talk some so. The concerned Mr Dinh said she had concluded from his comments during the meeting that he was not serious about seeking a fresh deal with the E.U. And was now actively to Syrian no deal strategy and she also revealed the German a very robust in her words debate on on Scottish independence see a challenge to the prime minister to live televised debates on the issue his officials actually intervene during the meeting to to shut that down so no meeting of minds between the 1st Minister and the prime minister yesterday I m sure the irony was a loss on your newspaper that of course because Johnson went north of the border to reassert our ancient ties between our countries and his seems you know unlike those couples ago and renew their marriage vows it seems like he actually the opposite was the conclusion there yes he s obviously this is just 24 hours after announcing this 300000000 pound package for strength in the union of course Boris Johnson and self-appointed MINISTER FOR THE UNION that he s another title is a bit since entering Number 10 but of course not just clashing with the S.N.P. Later but of course having clashed over the last 24 hours with his colleague the Conservative leader Scottish Conservative leadership so Ruth Davidson Now they also had a meeting and while Mr Johnson heaped praise on her described as a fantastic politician who resigned of the party s fortunes in Scotland suggesting he would ultimately overrule her on the whole issue of support for a no deal of course Ruth Davidson publicly saying that she could never support that and she was rather it isn t about commenting on their discussions after their meeting in in Glasgow yesterday were Nicholas Sturgeon was quick to comment on the nature frank nature of their talks with DE was and did. And didn t comment too much after the meeting a tall fact mentioning no making no mention of her opposition to the Nobel outcome but instead said they were going to focus their efforts on renegotiate and the withdrawal agreement with the other $27.00 E.U. Countries now of course accidental Boris Johnson s view as well and he said that during that meeting a 40 minute meeting 10 minutes shorter than he held a Nicholas sturgeon at the to Tory leader said they were united in wanting to reach an agreement with Brussels of course the big divided line there is that while he is prepared to go down the no deal route if necessary receivers and there said she could never countenance that and never support it why do you think he went north of the border was he think the Brits Jones went to school just days well within a week of his zooming the Premiership given that given that it was always going to be for him a bearded. Genuinely worried about the future of the United Kingdom Of course the leader in the of the S.N.P. In the commons in Blackwood stood up and said that he it was his view on the 1st struggles 1st appearance in the Commons that there was Ian Black for fear that he was going to be the last prime minister of the United Kingdom there is a genuine concern that if as he s prepared to do to take the U.K. Out of the E.U. Without a deal and that is of course Scotland voted 62 percent in favor of their mayor that could allow or surge of support for independents in Scotland and the surge in support for a full remain after a while is already well supported remember the surge in support of a 2nd referendum on independence so it genuinely concerned about the future of the Union I think and that is a that was a key statement of intent to go there so early on in his premiership and to try and . Support the strengthen any kind of ties between across the across the United Kingdom because there are those genuine concerns there that of the effects of a no deal Bret s it and the potential breakup of the United Kingdom something that . Boris Johnson certainly would not want to be part of his legacy is he treating Briggs who is something of a gay move chicken with the European Union in your article wheezes that he is begs them to blink 1st Very much so it s it s descended into this game as to who can blink 1st and he s confident he can make the E.U. Do that in striking the new Grex it deal with just date just days before the deadline of 31st of October he s engaging in the standoff with Brussels by refusing to hold face to face talks with E.U. Leaders until they drop their refusal to reopen the withdrawal agreement making of course a no deal got sick more likely now in this trip to Scotland yesterday used apparently contradictory language during that visit when he struck an upbeat tone on his chances of securing a new deal and said his government would go the extra 1000 miles to achieve it despite sticking to his refusal to engage in sit down talks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the French president Emmanuel macron and he s taking a much firmer line with the E.U. Than his predecessor trees amazed that advisedly robins were seen by Brock s it is been too conciliatory towards Brussels now Mr Robins is replacement David trust he wrote an e-mail to his E.U. Counterparts last week warning them not to underestimate Mr Johnson in that e-mail which emerged yesterday he wrote you should be in no doubt about this government s commitment to the study 1st of October date I would also add that many people are inclined to underestimate Boris Johnson and I urge you not to do so but I said many a time on this program dotted the whole sticking point for Boris Johnson and Lady Brooks it is this Irish backstop and they want to see that taken out of the withdrawal agreement that would mean the whole of the rest of the E.U. Effectively so an island on the bus and nobody nobody can see that happening so it is a bit of a game now between who s going to blink 1st and I don t think it. Guns beat the pool got to get the I newspaper there now with interest in the Apollo 11 main mission riding high there s been a renewed focus in recent weeks on Neil Armstrong the mission commander and of course the 1st man on the lunar surface arms from died after heart surgery in 20020 after the death of his 1st wife Janet a number of items of Armstrong s memorabilia have gone under the hammer and of net it is believed almost $17000000.00 for these sons from the 1st marriage market in regards wrong Rob A postman is the editor of collect SPACE dot com which is a Web site devoted to space memorabilia he s been telling me what sorts of items Rouge of the Armstrong family collection has included items that flew on his missions like United States flags and flags of other organizations. Special items like pieces of the night you know 3 Wright Flyer the 1st powered aircraft Neil Armstrong famously took some of that to the moon donated some back to museums and then kept the rest rooms also some of those pieces came up for auction there are also every day items from is just normal life like magazines that he subscribed to or vinyl records that he listened to it was really a cross-section of both personal and. Space flight are effects people were prepared to pay top dollar for some of these are times. They did and and it s sort of a combination of the value of the item itself anything that flies to the moon as you might end might guess carries quite a price tag to it not many items are available but from you know Armstrong specifically he never sold anything during his lifetime and so this was the 1st opportunity for people to get something associated with the 1st person to walk on the moon I didn t even realize who know how to tell you so many. Personal mementos move them to the moon does NASA know this and they accumulated all these masses of trinkets. Indeed they do they had something called the Personal preference kit it was a small pouch they carried several of them on board some state aboard the command module the orbit some landed on the moon on the lunar module and they could pack them with items that they wanted to take for themselves or their family or friends then there were other items that were they brought back from the moon that were part of the spacecraft and in 2012 the U.S. Congress and president signed into law affirming that the astronauts could hold title and therefore sell or or donate or keep those mementos that they brought back from the moon you mentioned in his lifetime No Armstrong so very little if anything and am didn t commercialise as he could have done from his frame. While he was alive he chose not to take part in memorabilia sales he did a couple of of. Signings signing his autograph or to support organizations that he supported but that was very early on he signed autographs freely for close to 30 years and then after he found that people were taking advantage of that basically asking for his autograph and then rushing out on to e-bay for sell he stopped signing in the in the mid 1990 S. . He knows he didn t realize that people commercializing on his own. He knew that there were some people selling his autograph but he didn t realize that the people would be asking him for his autograph and then rushing to sign to sell it it s different than having an autograph in your collection for 20 years and then the site sell it versus meeting the guy in 10 minutes later was doing it on for sale it also made it impossible for him to determine if the for example small child asking for his autograph was someone who genuinely wanted his autograph or was someone who was being pushed forward by their parents so they could get something they could sell on e Bay Why was he has to commercializing his experiences the 1st man to work. It s difficult to say from what he said about it it just wasn t part of his personality he he didn t go to the moon to become famous he came back from the moon seeking to return to his normal life as an engineer. He went back actually after he left NASA he became a professor at the University of Cincinnati and taught engineering for a number of years. So he didn t seek the spotlight and so he didn t see he didn t see his items or his memorabilia or his personality being something worth marketing. He also didn t put a lot of important story said he didn t put a lot of importance on on memorabilia and so it wasn t something that he concerned I m selfless and I read that exempted that he was only the front man for he was Asian people who put a lot behind game to the men it was his position that his his carriage see on that shared by the other astronauts who went up with him Buzz Aldrin 1st of all and also Michael Collins who calls was the pilot of the space module. Yes all 3 of them and pretty much all the astronauts I wouldn t say there s not an exception to them all were 1st who all would firstly recognize the 400000 or so people that made their mission possible they were the tip of the spear. The astronauts and received all the glory but they wouldn t be able to go and do what they did if it wasn t for those hundreds of thousands of people who made every piece of the rocket every piece of the spacecraft and not just made it but made it so that it works so they came home safely so they all helped at that position they ve all spoken about it. But that but they ve expressed their own. Their own personalities in their post astronaut lives as you would expect anyone else to do Have any of them shouldn t there memorabilia. They have both of or all 3 of Neil s crewmates they ve got on Gemini 8. And Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins on Apollo 11 have sold memorabilia they are all still living and so many of the other astronauts since the early 1990 S. When the memorabilia market started the astronaut started to get approached by auction houses and by dealers to ask about do you have items that your children no longer want or you. And that we can sell and so it began and so we had with it with a couple of exceptions most of the astronauts list items for sale from their personal collections there s still a few astronauts who haven t and have surf all the role that that Neil did but given that given that it s not unusual for as you know to some memorabilia why why these oceans of you know Armstrong s possessions why or why they so controversial I don t know if I would use the word controversial but they do stand out because. Because Neil Armstrong as a singular figure in history is probably the only astronaut who really gained. A long standing name recognizability. The other astronauts are known and if you re a space enthusiasts you know all of them but in terms of who will be remembered in fact some people have said a 1000 years from now the only person of the 20th century that will be remembered is no Armstrong because he was the 1st to set foot on another on another celestial body that no one else. From that century will will stand the test of time and so given that position given that responsibility anything associated with him has always held a higher desire a higher demand then the other astronauts or other people around him when he would enter a room or people would seek out his autograph or or want to have their photo taken with him they would. The books that were written about him were read by more people than some of the other astronauts books. There was always a. Higher interest in him as the 1st person to set foot on the moon than just about anyone else you say you wouldn t describe it as. Untraditional Robert Byrd. Neil Armstrong s sons the 2 sons who have essentially motivated these sales who were behind the mark and Rick and had to come out and defend their decisions to so their father s possessions we ve had other people come out and say well you know in his life he was totally against this is somewhat unseemly not least. His biographer. You might know James R. And since coming he never did any of that and he s lived time has come out and said and of Kools knew Armstrong from those you know had 2 families away because his 1st wife divorced him about 19 in their 3990 S. New marriage Carol. The 2nd wife 9094 and have family have stood aloof of any of these cells and in that context it s no this is no these cells haven t been seen as acceptable by everybody. I think it s understandable I think there is. I think that happens with a lot of families that it s sort of amplified here because of the same that you know Armstrong ad but. There were certainly certainly because Neil Armstrong did not sell anything during his lifetime the perception is that he did not want that he did not want to be involved whether he would be in support of his sons doing that. You know I can t speak to that but. But I think that he he put more people at less importance on the memorabilia and what happened to it than he did on what happened to his family so if there s some way else this family I think. He d be in he would at least not object to it but I can t put words in his mouth but I do what I. I can say is some of the objections have been that all these items should have went to an archive or to museum the National Space Museum the Smithsonian had the ability to go through the entire collection and identify pieces that they wanted before the auctions were even a saying there were other donations made to other museums around the country and world. The the truth of the matter is that not everything is appropriate for a museum you know the you could say that a flag flown to the moon yes that but that a museum might want to display that in a magazine that he subscribed to that happened to arrive at his house and then he happened to hold on to us for I want to look at that always favored from when he was a kid you know a number and a museum or you know well someone might you know plan might put up a teddy bear if it s like there is an Armstrong and Space Museum that he actually donated items to in his lifetime but just every day items. You know his his membership card to a certain organization these are not pieces that are going to end up on display they ll end up in the archives and in fact museums often sell items in their collection to fund displays and artifacts that they want to display so in this way the artifact of these pieces these nuts and bolts and less so of his of his life and their collections where hopefully the enthusiastic as it is someone who appreciates the history maybe it ends up going into into a classroom with the owner s child as a show and tell I don t and so a new class gets to see it or maybe it gets displayed on a website for the collection or loan to a local library so in a way they do you know enter communities and get to get to be seen by more than just the owner but it s not the type of items that would museum what would naturally see. Yeah these were always going to be this was going to be a $1000000.00 SEO and perhaps exceeded expectations 16 point something $1000000.00 so far of the 4 oceans have been there s another 1 July from this year s So we re not done with that figure will definitely go up what s been the most expensive item. I believe the sold the most is a gold medallion it was one of 3 gold medallions that was aboard Apollo 11 it s called the robins medallion after the company that minted it the robins medallions themselves hold a special place in. Space memorabilia and that they flew on every mission from a pulse 7 day each each one. Representing the mission that they flew on the gold ones were particularly special because they were only available to the astronauts who were flying on the mission. So Neal s sold for just over $2000000.20 tonnes this room died in her medallion so and we don t know who bought it we don t know if he was a coin collector or if he was a space collector or history collector. But it certainly did appeal and it must appeal to more than one because the bidding pushed it up to so that amount as you can imagine I m not in that league of bit is one card Well said she is going to see the end of this go ahead and one of those business cards for a club the standard one Samaj that go over several $100.00 cheapest items were into the hundreds in the 1st cell the very 1st one last November nothing sold for less than a $1000.00 and there was a little bit of auction fever there I think those people. Felt that you know this might be their only opportunity to get something and so they did as the auctions went on and its shows that this question had a. Lot of items on. For. Me getting sort of settled down a little bit not so much that anything could be called an expensive but you could pick up something for a few $100.00 and we ll have to see what happens in the next auction in November they re all using I did serve collect spice don t call my website devoted to sprays memorabilia that s about it for months thanks for listening thanks. And yes you guess this is Rising these. A the same time it s 5 o clock on Tuesday the 30th of July this is morning reports on 5 Live I m Paul cannon our top story this morning Boris Johnson is continuing his tour of the U.K. Making his 1st visit to a while since becoming prime minister Leiter He s due to meet with farmers and try to reassure them they will thrive in a post breaks it Britain but Farmers Union in the farmers unions in Wiles are warning of civil unrest in some rural areas if the U.K. Leaves the E.U. Without a deal our correspondent is Thomas Morgan in Wales Agriculture employees are on $50000.00 people and it makes a big contribution to Welsh employment than in any other part of the U.K. In any of the nation of the U.K. And today in Wales the new prime minister Boris Johnson will come and meet Welsh farmers and Troy imports rest any concerns they have in the wake of a possible new deal BRACKS It has just last week at the Royal well show farming unions in Wales had threatened civil unrest if that scenario actually became a reality now wells farmers receive subsidies of with around $300000000.00 pounds a year from the E.U. And it s not known at the moment how much cash will be available to support group culture after we leave however Boris Johnson believes that E.U. And better trade deals for pharma. It will be possible once we leave on the 31st of October a former High Court judge says police may have broken the law in the way they investigated claims of a paedophile ring at Westminster last week called Beach was jailed for 18 years for hurting the course of justice by lying about his claims so Richard Henriques who carried out a review for scholars of Scotland Yard s inquiry claims warrants to search the homes of some of those beachhead accused may have been empty and unlawfully police in Brazil have dropped a rape allegation made against the footballer Neymar because of a lack of evidence prosecutors have 15 days to decide whether to take the case forward. Report claims attempts to close the achievement gap for poor people in England s 2nd Rhys goes oh most at a standstill research but a B.B.C. Investigation shows rates of planting vary wildly across the country and many urban areas have received no cash from the scheme at all landowners in England can apply for up to 6800 pounds worth of funding for Hector of land use for planting projects that works out at about one pound 28 per tree more than a quarter of all the new trees using this scheme were planted in just 5 council areas the government has now announced a new scheme providing $10000000.00 pounds 413-0000 trees the U.S. Rocky is due to go on trial in Stockholm later accused of assaulting a 19 year old in the Swedish capital last month 2 friends who were with him at the time are also facing charges our correspondent Martin Savidge is in a case sparked a major debate in the US with celebrities including Kim Kardashian West and Justin Bieber calling for his release as well as President Trump the rapper and the 2 other suspects say they were acting in self defense against men who were following them more than 500 pages of evidence have already been submitted to the court from text messages to photos and video transcripts now one of the suspects lawyers says he ll present fresh evidence including testimony from 2 new witnesses he hopes this will persuade the judge to free the group Jeremy Coleman will join and see fracking protesters later who are calling for an immediate ban the.

Radio-program , Political-science , Great-medal-of-the-aéro-club-de-france-winners , Presidential-medal-of-freedom-recipients , Sociology , The-football-league-players , Rural-geography , American-military-personnel-of-the-korean-war , Climate-change , Human-habitats , Test-pilots , Demography

Transcripts for BBC Radio York BBC Radio York 20190730 030000

And coming up in this of the program in a moment too soon we ll bring you the latest from California 24 hours on from the shooting story there that we were to tell you about last night as it was still an ongoing incident we ll have the latest from there is news of what exactly happened at the garlic festival in Gilroy Northern California emerges also what s behind the spike in the tiger population in India one of the conservation is done right there that is seen increasing numbers of tigers emerge and also the Tigers still an endangered species we ll hear about the video of an Indian family who checked into a hotel room and left with as much of the room as they could get there and zone and will bring you news of the ocean there is simply out of this world well yeah I think as a way of putting it it s a metaphor you know what I mean is good story though. Says Richard now to a story we 1st brought to you an awful night last night 3 people have been killed one of them a 6 year old boy and 15 others injured after a gunman attacked a food festival in California the gunman was shot dead by police shortly after he began firing over police are investigating reports that a 2nd suspect may still be at large the attack happened at the annual garlic festival in the small town of Gilroy which is about 80 miles south of San Francisco the annual event was taking place in a local park where according to the festival s website weapons of any kind of banned the eyewitness told C.B.S. News what he saw on the right. Right now and then you hear anything at that. That it. May be that it broke the yard from where we were police say officers were already on site in responded to the shooting. In less than a minute as the Police Chief Scott Smith It appears as if. They had come into the festival via the creek which borders a parking area. And they use some sort of a tool to cut through the fence to be able to gain access through the secure fence line the governor of California has described as shooting is nothing short of her ific the US president. Said about the incident people to be careful and safe Brianna sex is a reporter from Buzz Feed based in California he s been following events what the reaction has been in the state. Of other those shooting in California and. If we said so it s you know it s just one of those things that same type of reaction from the community that how could this happen here garlic festival that you know so family friendly faces. Charges are similar type of shock and horror and frustration I bet some of the people who were there and were close to what happened pretty much in shock what they ve been saying that as to what they saw. Well I I saw it go right by you know a lot of people you know it s a huge festival that as I said very famous if. It was the last day of the festival was really just kind of. Closing down the people were just wandering the route and joining us you know it s sounded like fireworks were going off and all the side people started. Running again. They you know people said that they they saw a gunman kind of dressed in camouflage shooting into a large crowd of people by the foo cleric and the music stage shows indiscriminate shooting yesterday randomly and to a strong of people that you know I spoke to the same camp that had just been playing their last encores following up to damn their classic rock band from San Jose which is about 30 miles away and they were playing their ass off and they said they heard the shooting and that I thought Vic was shooting it too you know I could few 100 people buy the paper and the stage in front of that are that the stage they were on front of them and 3 people died as a result of the shooting 3 people did 2 children. Correct so 3 people the victims were all young. One who was a 6 year old boy is. Was conceived in and that identifies later on the day of a year old girl and her. Her name it was came out and then a college that one of its graduates Trevor Irby was also a victim and he was I think in his twenty s is what the police said earlier today what do we know about the shooter and the most who for this. We still don t know a motive you know we know that the shooter police said had been living in the vat of with family. Recently and asked how he bought the weapon which isn t a case doubt I take a very different styles. Advice lol and a lot of details and if about it I thought of it to California as the last game in the area and Jim had stamped his well so as you know what this is close that family has or there s one of the very accomplished athlete a boxer and the want to of like was a good student the father was also. A runner and that there just so as a solid family in the community and Elder I understood 2 was 19 years old. Correct yes even 19 is a lot and the. Shooting happened very quickly you know it was the attack was kind of over maybe a minute or so. After it started the 3 pulleys officers engaged the suspect and. You know it took him down all the other quickly so police are crediting those officers response with you know it could have been a lot lot worse within one minute the police on duty that at Chilton. Yeah they engaged the suspect they had pinned down and within a minute you know they will patrolling the festivals the suspect the student God made. Through a creek area is the back like using cutters to cut the fat so that s how they missed him because it was also through these areas it was you know they. Were officers on hand he says that it wasn t like there was lax security or anything he stuck in. And the authorities that. Quick reaction saved lives can imagine that how many people were injured the 3 people killed how many people are injured Yes about 15 others were injured in a few been released today from hospital to area hospitals and their injuries injuries Berry range from fair to put a call. And the organizes of the citizen who everybody is is in shock as I said the 1st of all it s like it s just a huge summer offended attracts you know hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people from all over in order California and so you know they re there for us all right in the chest thinking that this family pops family focus. Seem like that of things you know people from all over it are tougher to try to do something like this but it s the save my hedge of resiliency is that you know they won t let this this person really is your. Record So there it is their value you don t have it again next year and that you did not let this chase something that is the important is it fair Brianna Sachs their reports for Buzz Feed breasting California some good news now out of India which is home to nearly 3000 tigers while that still do tiny fraction of the number of charges he roamed across India in the last century it does represent a rapid growth in the target population over the last 5 years India s net is to Maiti to be home to around 70 percent of the world s Tigers prime minister rendered Modi be present in the findings on Monday said India is now one of the biggest and most secure habitats of the taiga Well let s cross live to Delhi in speed to billin the right she s the executive director of the Wildlife Protection Society even DIA Belinda this is really good news isn t it is it s amazing how they do and I m staggered Well you know it s really it is sort of positive results that have come out of a conservation investment for over $45.00 is and I think I think the key to it is that we now have and this is I mean then the increase is quite recent We now have 50 Tigers of covering in covering an area of over 71000 square kilometers so what we ve gotten is is sort of this these critical Taika habitats which is safe now for tigers so they re multiplying they re breeding they take is a. You know they re very resilient and so on but for. Meaning they need a bit of space and everything else right and I think that s what s happened and they re also spilling out of some of these areas so you know there are still problems that is still poaching but amazingly these wonderful animals are. Doing while and that s why we have been the count last half and in 2014 there were 2226 Tigers but the figures but from 2018 show that there are now $2967.00 which is an increase of words about 30 percent increase the $33.00. Level mathematics I was doing notable I had I didn t use a calculator Thank you. I mean is it safe to say that the tiger is not an endangered species any movement Oh no I mean India has you know 70 percent of the world. And you don t want all your eggs in one basket. But. No And we have a big problem still here we still lose about 100 tigers to coaching every year and you know despite what the honorable prime minister says. None of us are convinced that we have genuine genuine political will to secure a future for while tigers in India you know as our environmental laws are quietly being weakened and we have a lot of. What you call it Linnean for infrastructure intrusions So every time a dam is needed or a highway or a canal or a new railway track or worst of all power lines it s put through critical wildlife habitat did you do Indians who exactly those people who live in those areas close to the tiger habitat do do they see tigers as an asset. Well some do where there s tourism then yes they see it as an asset and and remember people you know worship the tiger. I mean the local people have lived close to wild tigers. You know since the beginning of time but things are changing India is changing so you know people have access to mobile phones to television and so on so they re not as tolerant as as certainly that as tolerant as they used to be and the other problem big problem which is I think you know conservationists conservations biggest challenge everywhere not just India is is human wildlife conflict it s really it s getting to a tipping point in India where we ve seen some ghastly things happen in the last few weeks you know tigers being lynched you know beaten to death literally and that goes back to these linear inches and because every time you mess with the habitat and you destroy it in fragmented You know it it it it fuels. Conflict because the animals move away move out of the the protected areas. So if they re in the domain there except they go beyond them in oh yeah I suppose humans have to protect themselves as well we are still talking of course the dangers of cars here but you know. Don t we shouldn t actually be talking about tigers The point is we need these forests you know we need them to mitigate climate change protect our sources of water give us rain and fresh air the Tigers are just the guardians of those forests and all the animals and plants that live in their domain and if we don t you know if they if the government doesn t do a strictly hands off. You know is no further the notifications only new infrastructure to Jand you know we re in trouble in these A. Country of 1400000000 people and there s a tiny part of it which has this fabulous habitat and of course a fabulous animal but but we need those forests it s we place is a living you know I mean if the population continues to be then would you do something is not to give at some point and as not just in India by the way yeah but it can t be that because otherwise it will die I mean it s I mean I m living it unfortunately my my head offices here in Delhi and then many months where you have to wear the quadrant of gas masks I mean the pollution is dreadful in the west this time I m I mean heavenly places but not not here. Would you have said so it s a cable in the woods you know then we ll be because we re we varied of although you haven t ever see very far in there it s a big it is a wider picture to this but what do you hope the future of China is in India will be well I hope that we ll be able to to offer a future generations the possibility to get to get to know to see these absolutely gorgeous go plucking creatures I mean I ve spent over 45 years working with wild tigers and I still get tears in my eyes when I when I m watching one and it would be just gosh future generations would never forgive us if if you and I and and and everybody let them slip through our fingers they just wouldn t I did is once when I read a post on air about. About tigers disappearing from there yeah it is heartbreaking because they are beautiful creatures actually beautiful braincells and that s a real magic module you get from being so close what s the one thing we should know about tigers bilinear Is there one thing we should all know about tigers. Just that they re probably the most magnificent things on this planet because unlike other big cats like lions they don t going Pryke this solitary except for when they re mating or bringing up the family. And so they get this super beings you know they have to be absolutely perfect and fit and everything because they this a vive us and then they re. You know the they don t they can t rely on anybody else but themselves and I really find that awesome. And you just see one or call kill anything it s just extraordinary that they re the most perfect I hate to say machines but for a living things and it is a remarkable that they ve been able to count so many tigers I mean the 4th time this has happened but it s a it s a it s an incredible thing I mean it s they covered during this record it a tiger estimation not a census $100.00 for over 147000 square miles of tiger range and they surveyed it in detail incredible it is plain that we re going to have to leave it there but thank you very much. Thank you cannot observe Belinda right there she s the executive director of the world life Protection Society of India Tandon with us in Calcutta enough to tell us a remarkable story the role has gone viral. And what appropriately gotten and even the Tollygunge Club which was once run by Belinda Reich. Father Bob Wright the man he is and way she grow up and get this life Bill to tell the gunge club it was swamps that was marshland in the patently there was a few tigers that roaming around here but the conversation this morning about that it s about this video of an Indian couple or an Indian family on holiday in Bali that has gone viral because individually confronted as they be keeping by the hotels that you then go to their luggage and I m like maybe me I don t know about you Dalton who does pinch a few of those cost met takes this shampoo 6 after they ve taken it a little bit that had the head dry as some of the plant Paltz hang is basically everything that they could find in that room let s hear a little bit from that video I didn t see it. Holding a bit of a little problem that a little man you know you hold of my life I know you have a lot a lot in Germany I mean face this is the respect souls go to. All the eighty s early . Ninety s daily. Who are you know who just a. Little bit late so for it s a prairie perhaps. It is and it s you know it started quite a debate here in India the person actually posted that video initially I called on the government to cancel they have passports for bringing the whole country into absolute disgrace but it s down to 2 different debates Firstly what is it acceptable to take from a hotel room doctor and I mean what why are you allowed to tell because you know you re paying for the bill of the cost medics you know except simple once you go past that and stop pinching the towels I mean it s your home full of little bottles like mine is from various hotels from across the well. You know I think the cosmetic. You know. Scratch you. Leave stuff behind and I try to only use one song you know from there for we. Used ones where they make money or me they make proper money or me. Well that s one day they do people are having at the moment the other one is the behavior of Indian tour abroad I mean recently a hotel in Switzerland which had a lot of tourists coming through had 2 sets of rules one for tourists generally and another one they felt was needed for the Indian tourist because of their behavior in the past the Indian government has even considered setting up a class it so that people understand some of the cultural norms that may be different in that part of the world that Indians now with a huge amount of cash that some of them have and now traveling to it s an issue that I ve been speaking to with one of the Indians leading columnist Sunday Profile I don t know when Indians go abroad they think at all about how it reflects on their country. To get you the most bang for their buck you know you have to remember when Indians are travelling abroad especially in the West in this they are converting dollars or euros to rupees and so they really must make the most of whatever they can give even if it s all the free so little packets of sugar on display and I have to say yes full disclosure you know I think my mother s cabinet is filled with soaps from Patel s from all over the world but that the soap is your right as is the little sachet of shampoo they have been stories of Indian stealing cutlery from hotels and all of that it does reflect badly on the country just on the people who haven t. They basically issued a separate set of rules. On how to behave Yeah basically it s a case of separate and unequal where they singled out Indians for their bad behavior in terms of what they took at the buffet table basically they accused Indians of buying stuff from the buffet table and taking it back with them to eat for lunch as well as talking really loudly in the car doors and but you know this is an issue even in India and will do it probably all the time and so even in an Indian hotel in India there are lots of Indians annoyed and other Indians for talking loudly or having their children run like a mark in the dining room and all of that a few years ago I think there was an idea of setting up training classes for Indian tourists when they went abroad is that a good idea I think that s a perfectly good idea as long as we have training classes but Western tourism to come to India and to get there. And poverty porn. So there we go there are strong feelings on that here in India you know about the way that people come to India and they behave but sadly at this particular point in time a lot of focus on Indian tourists and what they re pinching from I tell not the 1st time this has been in the news data may quickly a few years ago there was a man who used to check into hotels see the size of the T.V. Buy a suitcase pop them in there and check out. I know so when I heard the thing you re proud you know when you mention food about the book for me to go print more room from the buffet before and I still feel guilty about Iraq who ve thank you very much wrote sounded as good as far above headlines now as procurement home digital B.B.C. So it s small speak. So many farmers in the wilds of lights as he tries to reassure the mill throwing off the bricks it last week farmers unions warned of civil unrest in some rural areas if the U.K. Leaves the E.U. With ideal Washington plans to start withdrawing troops from Afghanistan according to the US secretary of state says it will begin before don t trust runs for reelection next year. The number of trees planted in the U.K. Needs to triple to help tackle climate change the Committee on Climate Change which advises the government says carbon reduction targets can only be met if 30000 hectares of woodland is planted every year and the country rap song Old Town Road by littleness AX has broken the record for the longest time at the top of the US singles charts it has now topped the Billboard Hot $100.00 for 17 weeks that is the 5 Live news no his shop them the support for my Real Madrid and Wales manager John Toshack says he s sad and disappointed at Gareth Bale the current situation in Spain the arch forwards pulled out of Madrid strips in Munich for a pre-season tour meant after the collapse of his proposed move to China and says he just needs to find a way out systems and saddens me the way that this has gone a mess in terms out from town a lesson only as agent is goodness knows so for all the football that I know. Sadness and sickens me to be honest it is Barry s opening match of the season against M.K. Dons will not go ahead on Sun City because the club haven t provided enough evidence of how they ll be funded moving forwards the problem is the be referred to an independent disciplinary panel on the 2nd match of the season is also under threat Meanwhile Bolton s 1st game we can will go ahead but teams have already been deducted 12 points from the new league wants hable bone with a sign midfielder Phillip billing for 15000000 pounds he ll join on a 5 year deal from Championship side Huddersfield Town degrades and England Test vice camps in Ben Stokes says winning the Ashes in the same year is becoming world champions will be a once in a lifetime achievement the all rounder who has Player of the match in the World Cup Final says it would top off a dream summer return 50 percent of what we wanted to achieve ready following the World Cup and the next off is obviously down to the next 7 weeks so if I can go home and you know of want to welcome and I ve won a national. In the same summer I m never going to be able to achieve it where again it s such a special So let s bring this cricket to be able to play in Beijing you know obviously we test we want to win those Ashes series you want to turn over the Aussies Well the 1st Ashes Test on Thursday at the edge Bastin and we ll have ball by ball T.M. s commentry on 5 Live Sports Extra and online St Helens had code just in Holbrook is set to return to Australia as N.R.L. To take over at the Gold Coast Titans Holbrook has guided the league leaders their 1st Challenge Cup final in 11 years and will leave at the end of the season to form a Saints player John Wilkins says he s too professional to let this have any impact on the side while he s still in charge just in this approach is that for a detail although this might have been bubbling on the bar ground it is if it s confirmed if he does leave it will more of a fit citizen approach to his job but is the most thoughtful detailed one of the most thoughtful detail coaches will be sworn in on this game this week from rugby league the Union and its unlikely wing Jack no will take part in England s 1st welcome woman match against Wales next month he s been sitting to recover from an ankle injury and has returned home from their training camp in Italy for every team medical assessment and top jockey Ashi Murphy has received a caution after failing a racecourse breathalyzer and being barred from riding in a race is a Sunday fixture at Salisbury in June that s the latest from B.B.C. Sport This is B.B.C. Radio 5 Live on digital B.B.C. Sound small speaker Hello Mark good morning what we turn our attention towards the southwest of the U.K. We re in and seasonally low pressure system for the time it will spin up and move across the country over the next few days it will indeed be the focus of our weather so much this week strong winds of the time of year scattered heavy downpours may cause some disruption in places his local flooding possible the chance of wind damage particularly to trees to today s expected start when the plenty of heavy showers and the redoubles across southwestern Wales and the selfless middle. Elsewhere than not not about starts with some sunshine around a bit of cloud to not through the day the heavy showers and thunderstorms across the southwest will become more widespread across whales into central southern England and that incident both in England especially northwest England caps fringy into southern Scott in the parts of Northern Ireland with the risk of flash flooding in places there will be a few sunny spells in between the showers but this will only increase instability the atmosphere produce even more downpours winds will also be a feature across England Wales with custard 50 miles an hour along southern coast 30 to 40 miles per hour. Probably the best of the dry and bright ignitions they will be across the north and east of Scotland on the far east of England but generally it will be a cool day that Monday with highs of 19 to 22 degrees below pressure will move towards the east to the U.K. For Wednesday and Thursday bringing heavy showers to parts of Scotland Northern a nice thing then again with a chance some local flooding in places the winds will ease down a little so that will still be fairly blustery special on Wednesday will be quite destructive it s what we expect today as the dry and brighter conditions will be across the south west of the country and it ll feel a touch will be here to stop the nasty latest fad weather B.B.C. 5 Live from Michael Sheen and later on today 5 lives me how lots of Micah will be life of the Homeless World Cup in Cardiff all around the world football country massive part in helping to bring some joy on home when things seem at their worst 500 players from close to 50 nations will compete in the 17th edition of this festival of football we want to harness our power helping transform the lives of people experiencing homelessness and social exclusion to make an actual difference to those who need it most D.C. Radio 5 Live from. Today from $1.00 to $5.00 young Navy East Asians know from digital B.B.C. SAS It s a small streak of online days is a V.C. Brady a fine line if the prime minister will be Wales late it s a day where he s expected to tell farmers who will be better off after the brags because the U.K. Can sign new trade deals. Burs Johnson has promised to go the extra mile to secure a new Briggs deal he was speaking on a visit Santa Maria where he held talks of the leader of the Scottish conservatives Ruth Davidson and the 1st minister Nicholas sturgeon while Ruth Davidson has made it clear that she won t support the U.K. Leaving the European Union without a deal she described the talks is incredibly constructive saying she received the assurances from Mr Johnson that she was looking for I said I wanted to see the same level of energy and vigor that s going into no deal planning going into trying to get a deal I wanted to see the sort of shuttle diplomacy that s going to be required if we re going to see changes that can be brought back to the House of Commons and I received assurances that I was looking for Nicholas sturgeon meanwhile has accused Mrs Johnson of trying to bring about what she calls a dangerous no deal breaker despite the prime minister s assurances that there was a good chance he would get an agreement before the end of October misjudging said she believed the government was actively pursuing a no deal Bragg s IT strategy I think that is extremely dangerous for Scotland indeed for the whole of the UKI we nor for all the work we ve done the impact that would have on jobs on the economy on our universities on almost every aspect of society in Scotland and I think it s incumbent on all of us who think that that is their own no come to do everything we possibly can to block it who Gallagher of the I News wave who tell me how they re covering the story this morning Scott on fires back against Johnson is the simple splash headline in the F.B.I. Today he s been in Glasgow and this is real divide emerging between Scotland and England especially among conservatives over feature direction of U.K. Policy when it comes to their opinion of course him at the 1st minister 1st Nicholas sturgeon sees promise to step up Scotland s planning for a no deal Brooks said after becoming convinced that Boris Johnson secretly wants to leave the E.U. Without an agreement and speaking after a lengthy meeting with. PM She claimed the U.K. Government was hiding its true intentions from the public not mincing words our 1st minister also told Mr Johnson she would soon formally request the power to hold a 2nd referendum on scholarship dependent so voters could choose a way out of a brick set now their discussions were described as lively and about the future of the Union during this 50 minute meeting at her official residence of view talents in Edinburgh as he pulled up in his official car Ascot and that the Crist Green was on hands of film the reaction of around $200.00 protesters gathered outside and it s fair to say they weren t cheering Johnson s arrival more like the booing and the hurling insults now as the talks themselves are concerned Mr Dinh said she had concluded from his comments during the meeting that he was not serious about seeking a fresh deal with the E.U. And was now actively to Syrian no deal strategy and she also revealed that you re in a very ripostes in her words debate on on Scottish independence your challenge to the prime minister to a live televised debate on the issue his officials actually intervene during the meeting to to shut down so no meeting of minds between the 1st Minister and the prime minister yesterday I m sure the irony wasn t lost on your newspaper that of course both Johnson went north of the border to reassert our ancient ties between our countries and it seems you know unlike those couples ago and renew their marriage vows it seems likely actually the opposite was the conclusion that yes he s obviously this is just 24 hours after announcing this $300000000.00 pound package for strength in the union of course Boris Johnson and self appointed minister for the Union he s another title is a bit since entering Number 10 but of course. Just clashing with the S. M. Paley that of course having clashed over the last 24 hours with his colleague the Conservative leader Scottish Conservative leadership so Ruth Davidson Now they also had a meeting and while Mr Johnson heaped praise on her described as a fantastic politician who d resigned of the party s fortunes in Scotland suggested he would ultimately overrule her on the whole issue of support for a no deal of course Ruth Davidson publicly saying that she could never support that and she was rather it isn t about commenting on their discussions after their meeting in in Glasgow yesterday whereas Nicholas Sturgeon was quick to comment on the nature frank nature of their talks with Davis and didn t didn t comment too much after the meeting a tall fact mentioning no making no mention of her opposition to the no deal outcome but instead said they were going to focus their efforts on renegotiating the withdrawal agreement with the other $27.00 E.U. Countries and of course that still Boris Johnson s view as well and he said that during that meeting a 40 minute meeting 10 minutes shorter than he held a necklace sturgeon at the 2 Tory leader said they were united in wanting to reach an agreement with Brussels of course the big divided line there is that while he is prepared to go down the no deal route if necessary resave and there said she could never countenance that and never support it why do you think that he wins north of the border why do you think the bruise Jones went to school just days were within a week of his zooming the Premiership given that given the it was always going to be for him a bit he is genuinely worried about the future of the United Kingdom Of course the leader in the of the S.N.P. In the commons in Blackwood stood up and said that he it was his view on the 1st struggles 1st appearance in the Commons that it was in black for 3 that he was going to be the last prime minister of the United Kingdom there is a genuine concern that if as he s prepared to do to take the U.K. Out of the. Without a deal and that is of course Scotland voted 62 percent in favor of their mind that that could allow our surge of support for independence in Scotland and the surge in support for a full remain after removal is already well supported remain but a surge in support of a 2nd referendum on independence so it genuinely concerned about the future of the Union I think and that is a that was a key statement of intent to go there so early on in his premiership and to try and . Support the strengthen any kind of ties between across the across the United Kingdom because there are those genuine concerns there that of the effects of the no deal brackets and the potential breakup of the United Kingdom something that Boris Johnson certainly would not want to be part of his legacy is he trees ing BRIGGS It is something of a game move chicken with the European Union in your article wheezes that he expects them to blink 1st Very much so if it s descended into this game as to who can blink 1st and he s confident he can make the E.U. Do that in striking the new Bret s it deal with just date just days before the deadline of 31st of October is engaging in the standoff with Brussels by refusing to hold face to face talks with E.U. Leaders until they drop their refusal to reopen the withdrawal agreement making of course a no deal cuts it more likely now in this trip to Scotland yesterday used apparently contradictory language during that visit when he struck an upbeat term on his chances of securing a new deal and said his government would go the extra 1000 miles to achieve it despite sticking to his refusal to engage in sit down talks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the French president Emmanuel macron and he s taking a much firmer line with the E.U. Than his predecessor trees amazed president rise early robins were seen by Brock s it is been too conciliatory towards a bra. Saul s Now Mr Robins is replacement David Frost he wrote an e-mail to Z U counterparts last week warning them not to underestimate Mr Johnston in that e-mail which emerged yesterday he wrote you should be in no doubt about this government s commitment to the study 1st of October date I would also add that many people are inclined to underestimate Boris Johnson and I urge you not to do so but I said many a time on this program Dawson the whole sticking point for Boris Johnson and Lady Brock s it is is this Irish backstop what they want to see that taken out of the withdrawal agreement that would mean the whole of the rest of the E.U. Effectively Solomon Island on the boss and nobody nobody can see that happening so it is a bit of a game now between who s going to blink 1st and I don t think it s going to be the poor got to go the I newspaper there now within chess in the Apollo 11 moon mission riding high there s been a renewed focus in recent weeks on Neil Armstrong the mission commander and of course the 1st man on the lunar surface Armstrong died after heart surgery in 2012 after the death of his 1st wife Janet a number of items of Armstrong s memorabilia have gone under the hammer and have netted it s believed almost $17000000.00 for these sons from their 1st marriage Mark in regards John Robert Pearlman is the editor of collect SPACE dot com which is a Web site devoted to space memorabilia he s been telling me was sorts of items Rouge and of the Armstrong family collection has included items that flew on his missions like United States flags and flags of other organizations. Special items like pieces of the $903.00 Wright Flyer the 1st powered aircraft Neil Armstrong famously took some of that to the moon donated some back to museums and then kept the rest rooms also some of those pieces came up for auction there are also everyday items from his just normal life like magazines that he. 2 or vinyl records that he listened to it was really a cross-section of both personal and. Space flight artifacts. People were prepared to pay top dollar for some of these are times. They did and and it s sort of a combination of both the value of the item itself anything that flies to the moon as you might wonder might guess carries quite a price tag to it not many items are available but from Neil Armstrong specifically he never sold anything during his lifetime and so this was the 1st opportunity for people to get something associated with the 1st person to walk on the moon I didn t even realize who not to tell you so many personal mementos with them to the moon does NASA know this and they accumulated all these masses of trinkets. Indeed they do they had something called the Personal preference kit it was a small pouch they carried several of them on board some state aboard the command module lunar orbit some landed on the moon on the lunar module and they could pack them with items that they wanted to take for themselves or their family or friends then there were other items that were they brought back from the moon that were part of the spacecraft and in 2012 the U.S. Congress and president signed into law affirming that the astronauts could hold title and therefore sell or or donate or keep those mementos that they brought back from the moon you mentioned in he s live child new Armstrong so very little if anything and I am Didn t commercialise as he could have done from his frame. While he was alive he chose not to take part in memorabilia sales he did a couple of of. Signings signing his autograph or to support organizations that he supported but that was very early on he signed autographs freely for close to 30 years and then after he found that people were taking advantage of that basically asking for his autograph and then rushing it on to e-bay for sell he stopped signing in the in the mid 1990 S. . He knows he didn t realize that people commercializing money. He knew that there were some people selling his autograph but he didn t realize that the people would be asking him for his autograph and then rushing to sign to sell it it s different than having an autograph in your collection for 20 years and then deciding to sell it versus meeting the guy and 10 minutes later was doing it on for sale it also made it impossible for him to determine if the for example small child asking for his autograph was someone who generally wanted his autograph or was someone who was being pushed forward by their parents so they could get something they could sell on e Bay Why was he. To commercializing his experiences the 1st man to walk on the moon. It s difficult to say from what he said about it it just wasn t part of his personality. He didn t go to the moon to become famous he came back on the moon seeking to return to his normal life as an engineer he went back actually after he left NASA and he became a professor at the University of Cincinnati and taught engineering for a number of years. So he didn t see the spotlight and so he didn t see he didn t see his items or his memorabilia or his personality being something worth marketing He also didn t put a lot of important story said he didn t put a lot of importance on on memorabilia and so it wasn t something that he concerned I m selfless and I read that exempted that he was only the front man for a huge organization of people who put a lot behind game to the it was his position that his his carroty on that shared by the other astronauts who went out with him Buzz Aldrin 1st of all and also Michael Collins who calls was the pilot of the space module. Yes all 3 of them and pretty much all the astronauts I wouldn t say there s not an exception to them all were 1st who all would firstly recognize the 400000 or so people that made their mission possible they were the tip of the spear the astronauts and receives all the glory but they wouldn t be able to go and do what they did if it wasn t for those hundreds of thousands of people who made every piece of the rocket every piece of the spacecraft and not just made it but made it so that it works so they came home safely so they all helped at that position they ve all spoken about it. But that but they ve expressed their own. Their own personalities in their post astronaut lives as you would expect anyone else to do Have any of them and their memorabilia. They have both of or all 3 of Neil s crewmates Dave Scott on Gemini 8 and. Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins on Apollo 11 have sold memorabilia they are all still living and so many of the other astronauts since the early 1990 S. When the memorabilia market started the astronaut started to get approached by auction houses and by dealers to ask about do you have items that your children no longer want or that you don t want and that we can sell and so it began and so we had with it with a couple of exceptions most of the astronauts list items for sale from their personal collections there s still a few astronauts who haven t didn t have surf on the roll that that nailed it but given that given that it s not unusual for as you know to some memorabilia why why these sions of dunam Strongs possessions why or why they so controversial I don t know if I would use the word controversial but they do stand out because. Because Neil Armstrong as a singular figure in history is probably the only astronaut who really gained. A long standing name recognizability. The other astronauts are known and if you re a space enthusiasts you know all of them but in terms of who will be remembered in fact some people have said a 1000 years from now the only person of the 20th century that will be remembered is no Armstrong because he was the 1st to set foot on another on another celestial body that no one else. From that century will will stand the test of time and so given that position given that responsibility anything associated with him has always held a higher desire a higher demand. And then the other astronauts or other people around him when he would enter a room or people would seek out his autograph or or want to have their photo taken with him they would. The books that were written about him were read by more people than some of the other astronauts books. There was always a. Higher interest in him as the 1st person to set foot on the moon than just about anyone else you say you wouldn t describe it as controversial Robert Byrd. Knew Armstrong s sons the 2 sons who have essentially motivated these sales who were behind the mark and Rick and had to come out and defend their decisions to sell their father s possessions we ve had other people come out and say well you know in his life he was totally against this is somewhat unseemly not least. His biographer. You might know James R. Hansen is coming he never did any of that and he s lived time has come out and said And of course new Armstrong for those you know had 2 families away because his 1st wife divorced him. About 19 in the early 1990 S. And the marriage Carol. The 2nd wife 9094 and her family have stood aloof of any of these cells and in that concept it s no this is no these cells haven t been seen as acceptable by everybody. I think it s understandable I think there is I think that happens with a lot of families and that it s sort of amplified here because of the same that you know Armstrong add but. There is there certainly certainly because Neil Armstrong did not sell anything during his life time the perception is that he did not want that he did not want to be involved whether he would be in support of his sons doing that. You know I can t speak to that but. But I think that he he put more and people less importance on the memorabilia and what happened to it than he did on what happened to his family so if there s some point helps his family I think. He d be in and he would at least not object to it but I can t put words in his mouth but I do what I can say is some of the objections have been that all these items should have went to an archive or to museum the National Space Museum the Smithsonian had the ability to go through the entire collection and identify pieces that they wanted before the auctions were even to saying there were other donations made to other museums around the country and world. The the truth of the matter is that not everything is appropriate for a museum you know the you could say that a flag flown to the Moon Yes That meant that a museum might want to display that but in a magazine that he subscribed to that happened to arrive at his house and then he happened to hold onto his FOR want to put that. From when he was a kid. And a museum and you know while someone might you know some might put up a teddy bear if it s like there is an Armstrong and Space Museum that he actually donated items to in his lifetime but just every day items. You know his his membership card to a certain organization these are not pieces that are going to end up on display they ll end up in the archives. And in fact museums often sell items in their collection to fund displays and artifacts that they want to display so in this way the artifact of these pieces these nuts and bolts and less so of his of his life and their collections where hopefully the enthusiastic as it is someone who appreciates the history maybe it ends up going into into a classroom with the owner s child as a show and tell I don t and so new class gets to see it or maybe it gets displayed on a website for the collection or loan to a local library so in a way they do you and your communities and get to get to be seen by more than just the owner but it s not the type of items that would museum which would naturally seek out yeah these are always going to be this was always going to be a $1000000.00 SEO and perhaps exceeded expectations 16 point something $1000000.00 so far of the 4 oceans have been there s another one do you know John this years and we re not done with that figure will definitely go up was when the most expensive item. I believe the hold the most is a gold medallion it was one of 3 gold medallions that was aboard Apollo 11 it s called the robin s medallion after the company that minted it the robins medallions themselves hold a special place in. Space memorabilia and that they flew on every mission from a pulse 7 to today each each one. Representing the mission that they flew on the gold ones were particularly special because they were only available to the astronauts who were flying on the mission. So Neil s sold for just over $2000000.20 tonnes really did in her medallion so and we don t know who bought it we don t know if he was a. Collector or if he was a space collector or history collector. But it certainly did appeal and it must appeal to more than one because the bidding pushed it up to so that amount as you can imagine I m not in that league of bit is one can I fooled Well we ll see Chief is this going to be the end of this go. To one of those business cards for the club the intended ones amateur that go for several $100.00 cheapest items where it went to the hundreds in the 1st cell the very 1st one last November. Nothing sold for less than a $1000.00 and there was a little bit of auction fever there I think those people. Felt that you know this might be their only opportunity to get something and so they did as the auctions went on and it showed that this collection at a. Lot of items to offer. The bidding sort of settle down a little bit not so much that anything could be called an expensive but you could pick up something for a few $100.00 and we ll have to see what happens in the next auction and in November the room for the museum and it s of Connex price don t call my Web site devoted to space memorabilia and that s about it for months thanks for listening Thanks Susan and yes you can see the sun is rising in these.

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Transcripts for BBC Radio Scotland MW BBC Radio Scotland MW 20190730 030000

The government says natural gas has a role to play in reducing emissions and the industry could create jobs that is the 5 Live news no his shop number sport is understood Gareth Bale is not in the right mental states play in Real Madrid s pre-seasons women to Munich he s pulled out of the trip after his proposed move to China fell through he would have faced his old club Tottenham on the top this comes a week after his Madrid boss in a dean s a down said Bell s departure will be best for everyone Barry s opening match of the League One season against M.K. Dons on Saturday has been suspended but Bolton s away fixture at Wycombe Wanderers can go ahead both clubs have already been docked 12 points Barry failed to provide evidence of how they ll be funded moving forwards to the E.F.L. And they ll be referred to an independent disciplinary panel Bournemouth have signed midfielder Philip billing for 15000000 pounds on a 5 year deal from Championship side Huddersfield Town St Helens head coach Justin Holbrook is set to return to Australia as N.R.L. At the end of the Super League season he s taking over a Gold Coast time since after 2 years at Saints and winger Jack a no is a Mike Lee to play in England s 1st Rugby World Cup will match against Wales next month as he continues to recover from an ankle injury this is B.B.C. Radio 5 Live on digital B.B.C. Sounds small speaker. And the 5 live weather today a mixture of sunshine and heavy thundering showers will spread to most parts of the U.K. They have a shelf of be in north west England the Midlands and Wales windy in the south with a chance of gales on the coast is in London today of 21 degrees like a school this has a place in life fortunes of the legalities police force extra words This includes. The final grand slam of the year this US expedition was just the race for the excellent drivers championship as it. For. Us. This. Extra to this awful lot of 5 on Dawson added Byron coming up in this of the program in a moment I ll see we ll bring you the latest from California 24 hours on from the shooting story there that we had to tell you about last night as it was still an ongoing incident we ll have the latest from there is news of what exactly happened at the garlic festival in Gilroy Northern California emerges also what s behind the spike in the tiger population in India one of the conservation is done right there that is seen increasing numbers of tigers emerge and also the Tigers still an endangered species we ll hear about the video of an Indian family who checked into a hotel room and left with as much of the room as they could get there and on and we ll bring you news of the option there is simply out of this world well yes I think as a way of putting it it s a metaphor you know what I mean is good story though to. Says Richard now to story we 1st brought Chile an awful night last night 3 people have been killed one of them a 6 year old boy and 15 others injured after a gunman attacked a food festival in California the gunman was shot dead by police shortly after he began firing over police are investigating reports that a 2nd suspect may still be at large the attack happened at the annual garlic festival in the small town of Gilroy which is about 80 miles south of San Francisco the annual event was taking place in a local park where according to the festival s website weapons of any kind of banned the eyewitness told C.B.S. News what he saw. Right right. Right and then you really have. That is. Very private and that is approximately 50 big yards from where we were police say officers were already on site in responded to the shooting in less than a minute as the Police Chief Scott Smith the it appears as if though they had come into the festival via the creek which borders a parking area. And they use some sort of a tool to cut through the fence to be able to gain access through this secure fence line. The governor of California has described the shooting is nothing short of her ific the U.S. President. Said about the incident people to be careful and safe Brianna sex is a reporter from Buzz Feed based in California he s been following events and what the reaction has been in the state. Of other those shooting in California. If we survive so it s you know it s just one of those things that same type of reaction from a community that how could this happen here garlic festival that you know so family friendly and safe if our judges are similar type of shock and horror of frustration I bet in some of the people who move in and were close to what happened pretty much in shock what they ve been saying that as to what they saw. Well I I thought you know why but you know a lot of people you know it s a huge festival that as I said very famous in the region and I doubt it was the last day of the festival was really just kind of. Closing down so people were just wandering around a chilling use a can then that you know it s sounded like fireworks were going off and all decided people started running and. They you know people said that they they saw a gunman kind of dressed in camouflage shooting into a large crowd of people by the food court and the music stage so it was indiscriminate shooting. Yesterday randomly and to a strong of people that you know I spoke to the thing that had just been playing their last encores following up to damn their classic rock band from San Jose which is about 30 miles away and they were playing their last off and they said they heard the shooting and that I thought Mick was shooting it too you know few 100 people by the superior and the stage in front of that or that the stage they were on front of them and 3 people saw it as a result of the shooting 3 people and 2 children. Correct so 3 people the victims were all young. One who was a 6 year old boy. Was seated and that there are identified later on today and a 13 year old girl and her. Her name it was came out and then a college that one of its graduates. Trevor he was also a victim and he was I think in his twenty s is what the police said earlier today what do we know about the shooter and the most who for this. We still don t know a motive you know we know that the shooter police said had been living in the vat of with Champ. Recently and asked how he bought the weapon which is in a case doubt I take a very different style. Rifle and lot of details and if they ve got it I thought of it to California law again in the area and the act is also as you know what this is close that family has there s there s one of the very complex athlete a boxer and they want to of like was you know a good student the father was also. A runner and that they re just you know as a a solid family in the community and it killed Ari and the shooter was 19 years old . Correct yes he was 19 years old and the. Shooting happened very quickly you know it was the attack was kind of over maybe a minute or so. After it started the 3 please officers engage the suspect and. You know it took him down all the other quickly so police are crediting those officers response with you know it could have been a lot lot worse within one minute the police on to you see that had chilled him. Yeah they gave the stuff that they had pinned down and within a bit you know they will patrolling the festival the suspect to the ground made a go through a precarious is the back like using cutters to cut the fat so that s how they missed him because it was all security there and do you know they see it but their office is not a hand he says that wasn t like there was lax security or anything keep back in and the authorities that. Reaction saved lives can imagine that how many people were injured the 3 people killed how many people were injured Yes about 15 editors were injured in a few been released today from hospital to area hospitals and their injuries injuries very range from fair to be critical and the organizes of the citizen who everybody is is as sure as I said the 1st of all it s like it s just a huge summer offended attracts you know hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people from all over in order busy California and so you know they re there in force all right in the chest thinking that this family pop family focused. So like that of things you know people from all over it are tougher to try to do something like this but it s the save my hedge of resiliency is that you know they won t let this this person really use that. Record so they re you know they re doubting he does have it again next year and that he does not let this to be something that is the important area Brianna Sachs there reporting for Buzz Feed based in California some good news now out of India which is home to nearly 3000 tigers while that still tiny fraction of the number of charges he roamed across India in the last century does represent a rapid growth in the target population over the last 5 years India s net is to Maiti to be home to around 70 percent of the world s Tigers prime minister rendered Modi be present in the findings on Monday said India is now one of the biggest and most secure habitats of the tiger Well let s cross live to Delhi in speed to Bill in the right she s the executive director of the Wildlife Protection Society of India bill and this is really good news isn t it is it s amazing how they do and I m staggered Well you know it s really it is sort of positive results that have come out of a conservation investment for over 45 years and I think I think the key to it is that we now have and this is I mean then the increase is quite recent We now have 50 Tigers of covering in covering an area of over 71000 square kilometers so what we go all out is is sort of this these critical Taika habitats which is safe now but tigers so they re multiplying they re breeding they take is a. You know they re very resilient and so on but for. Meaning they need a bit of space and everything else right and I think that s what s happened and they re also spilling out of some areas so you know there are still problems that is still poaching but amazingly these wonderful animals are. Doing well and that s why we have been the count last half and in 2014 there were 2226 Tigers but the figures right from 2018 show that there are now $2967.00 which is an increase of words about 30 percent increase the $33.00. Level mathematics I was doing a lot of trouble I had I didn t use a calculator OK. I mean is it safe to say that the tiger is not an endangered species anymore than oh no I mean India has you know 70 percent of the world. And you don t want all your eggs in one basket for starters but. No And we have a big problem still here we still lose about 100 tigers to coaching every year and you know despite what the honorable prime minister says. None of us are convinced that we have genuine genuine political will to secure a future for while tigers in India you know as our environmental laws are quietly being weakened and we have a lot of. What you call it Linnean for infrastructure intrusions So every time a dam is needed or a highway or a can narrow or a new railway track or worst of all power lines it s put through critical wildlife habitat do do do Indians exactly those people who live in those areas close to the tiger habitat did do they see tigers as an asset. Well some do where there s tourism then yes they see it as an asset and and remember people you know worship the tiger. I mean the local people have lived close to wild tigers. You know since the beginning of time but things are changing India is changing so you know people have access to mobile phones to television and so on so they re not as tolerant as as certainly that as tolerant as they used to be and the other problem big problem which is I think you know conservationists conservations biggest challenge everywhere not just India is is human wildlife conflict it s really it s getting to a tipping point in India where we ve seen some ghastly things happen in the last few weeks you know tigers being lynched you know beaten to death literally and that goes back to these linear inches and because every time you mess with the habitat and you destroy it in fragmented You know it it it it fuels. Conflict because the animals move away move out of the the protected areas. So if they re in the domain very acceptable if they go beyond them in oh yeah I suppose humans have to protect themselves as well we are still talking of course the dangers of cars here but you know. Don t we shouldn t actually be talking about tigers The point is we need these forests you know we need them to mitigate climate change protect our sources of water give us rain and fresh air the Tigers are just the guardians of those forests and all the animals and plants that live in their domain and if we don t you know if they if the government doesn t do a strictly hands off. You know with no further the notifications only new infrastructure to Jand you know we re in trouble in these A. Country of 1400000000 people and there s a tiny part of it which has this fabulous habitat and of course a fabulous animal but but we need those forests. We need a place is a live is rugged You know I mean if the population continues to be then would you do something is not to give it some point and yes not just in India by the way yeah but it can t be that because otherwise it will die I mean it s I mean I m living it unfortunately my my head offices here in Delhi and then many months you know you have to wear the quadrant of gas masks I mean the pollution is dreadful and the rest is time I m I mean heavenly places but not not here. So what would you have said so it s a cable and what do you know then will be because we re we varied of although you haven t ever see very far in there it s a big it is a wider picture to this but what do you hope the future of China is in India will be well I hope that we ll be able to to offer a future generations the possibility to get to get to know to see these absolutely gorgeous go plucking creatures I mean I ve spent over 45 years working with wild tigers and I still get tears in my eyes when I when I m watching one and it would be just gosh future generations would never forgive us if if you and I and everybody let them slip through our fingers they just wouldn t I did burst into tears once when I read a poem on air about. About the Tigers disappearing from there yeah it is heartbreaking because they are beautiful creatures absolute beautiful. Joy you get from being so close well so one thing we should know about tigers bilin is one thing we should all know about tigers. Yes that they re probably the most magnificent things on this planet because unlike other big cats like lions they don t going Pryke this solitary except when they re mating or bringing up the family. And so they eat this super beings you know they have to be absolutely perfect fit and everything because they they re survivors and they re there. You know the they don t they can t rely on anybody else but themselves and I really find that awesome. And you just see one walk or kill anything it s just extraordinary they re the most perfect I hate to say machines but for a living things and it is a remarkable that they ve been able to help so many tigers I mean the 4th time this has happened but it s a it s a it s an incredible thing I mean it s they covered during this record it a tiger estimation not a census $100.00 for over 147000 square miles of tiger range and they surveyed it in detail incredible is there we re going to have to leave it there be thank you very much many times I think you can I hope say Belinda right there she s the executive director of the Wildlife Protection Society of India Tandon with us in Calcutta enough to tell us a remarkable story the role that has gone viral. I have and what appropriately gotten and given the Taliban s club which was once run by Belinda right. Father Bob Reich the man he is and way she grow up and get this life I ve built to tell the gunge club it was swamps that was marshland in the patently there was a few tigers that roaming around here but the conversation this morning here it s not about that it s about this video of an Indian couple or an Indian family on holiday in Bali that is gone viral because in the video they have confronted this that he thing by the hotels that you then go to their luggage and I m like maybe me I don t know about you Dalton who does pinch a few of those costs met takes this shampoo 6 after they ve taken it a little bit that had the head dry as some of the plant Paltz hang is basically everything that they could find in that room let s hear a little bit from that video and I didn t say it just slowly slowly I mean very little it was not our problem that a little man you know you rolled out of my life I know you have a lot of love in Germany I mean face this is the respect whole story is really you just told me it s always great to see all the eighty s on the early Sunday morning I mean daily. Who are you know that you go to just a. Little bit later so if it s a prairie perhaps. It is and it s you know it started quite a debate here in India the person actually posted that video initially I called on the government to cancel they have passports for bringing the whole country into absolute disgrace but it s started 2 different debates Firstly what is it acceptable to take from my hotel room doctor and I mean what why are you allowed to tell because you know you re paying to develop the cost medics you know except simple once you go passed out and stop pinching the towels I mean it s your home full of little bottles like mine is from various hotels from across the well you know it s not true. You know I think the cosmetic. Foods who. Don t. You know. Scratch you. Leave all that stuff behind and I try to only use one song you know from there for we. Used. To the way they make money or me that would make proper money or me. Well that s one debate they did people having at the moment the other one is the behavior of Indian tourists abroad I mean recently a hotel in Switzerland which had a lot of tourists coming through had 2 sets of rules one for tourists generally and another one they felt was needed for the Indian tourist because of their behavior in the past the Indian government has even considered setting up a class it so that people understand some of the cultural norms that may be different in the part of the world that Indians now with a huge amount of cash that some of them have and now traveling to it s an issue that I ve been speaking to with one of Indians leading columnist Sunday Profile I don t think when Indians go abroad to think at all about how it reflects on their country. To get you the most bang for their buck you know you have to remember when Indians are travelling abroad especially in the West in their head they are converting from dollars or euros to rupees and so they really feel that they must make the most of whatever they can give even if it s all the free so little packets of sugar on display and I have to say yes full disclosure you know I think my mother s cabinet is filled with soaps from Patel s from all over the world but that the soap is your right as is the little sachet of shampoo they have been stories of Indian stealing cutlery from hotels and all of that it does reflect badly on the country just on this with the people who haven t. They basically issued a separate set of rules to them how to behave Yeah basically it s a case of separate and unequal where they singled out Indians for their bad behavior in terms of what they took at the buffet table basically they accused Indians of buying stuff from the table and taking it back with them to eat for lunch as well as talking really loudly in the car doors then but you know this is an issue even in India and the deputy will do it drop loudly all the time and so even in an Indian hotel in India there are lots of Indians annoyed that other Indians for talking loudly are having their children run like a mark in the dining room and all of that a few years ago I think there was an idea of setting up training classes for Indian tourists when they went abroad is that a good idea I think that s a perfectly good idea as long as we have training classes for Western tourism and they come to India and do their traverse and poverty porn. So there we go there are strong feelings on that here in India you know about the way that people come to India and they behave but certainly at this particular point in time a lot of focus on Indian tourists and what they re pinching from hell not the 1st time it has been in the news data may quickly a few years ago there was a man who used to check into a hotel see the size of the T.V. Buy a suitcase pop them in there and check out. And also when I heard the thing about the you know when you mention food about the bar for me to board a government more room from the Buffalo before and I still feel guilty about it Iraq who Frank you very much road sound and there is going to be late is far vive headlines now as procurement on digital B.B.C. Sounds small speakers. B.B.C. Radio 5 Live burst on so many farmers in the wilds of later as he tries to reassure the knurled thrive off the BRICS it last week farmers unions warned of civil unrest in some rural areas if the U.K. Leaves the E.U. With ideal Washington plans to start withdrawing troops from Afghanistan according to the US secretary of state might prompt says it will begin before Dawn Treader runs for reelection next year the number of trees planted in the U.K. Needs to triple to help tackle climate change the Committee on Climate Change which advises the government says carbon reduction targets can only be met if $30000.00 hectares of woodland is planted every year and the country rap song Old Town Road by little knapsacks has broken the record for the longest time at the top of the US singles charts it has now topped the Billboard Hot 100 for 17 weeks that is the 5 Live news now his shop on the sport for my Real Madrid and Wales manager John Toshack says he s sad and disappointed at Gareth Bale the current situation in Spain the Welsh forwards pulled out of Madrid strips Munich for a pre-season tournament after the collapse of his proposed Naved China and social access. He just needs to find a way out systems and saddens me the way that this is gone I mess in terms out from time a lesson only his agent is goodness knows so for all the football that I know and sadness and sickens me to be honest it is Barry s opening match of the season against M.K. Dons will not go ahead on Sun City because the club haven t provided enough evidence of how they ll be funded moving forwards the problem is the be referred to an independent disciplinary panel on the 2nd match of the season is also under threat Meanwhile Bolton s 1st game we can will go ahead but teams have already been deducted 12 points from the new league wants hable bone with a sign midfielder Phillip billing for 15000000 pounds who will join on a 5 year deal from Championship side Huddersfield Town degrades and England Test vice camps in Ben Stokes says winning the Ashes in the same year is becoming world champions will be a once in a lifetime achievement the all rounder who is Player of the match in the World Cup Final says it would top off a dream summer we ve done 50 percent of what we wanted to achieve all in the World Cup and the next off is obviously down to the next 7 weeks so if I can go home and you know want to welcome but I want to Nash s in the same summer I m never going to be able to achieve that ever again it s such a special summer for English cricket to be able to play in the mazing you know obviously we test we want to win those ashes back there s the want to turn over the Aussies Well the 1st Ashes Test on Thursday at the edge Boston and we ll have ball by ball T.M. s commentary on 5 Live Sports Extra and online St Helens had Co Just in Holbrook is sent to return to Australia as N.R.L. To take over the Gold Coast Titans Holbrook has guided the league leaders their 1st Challenge Cup final in 11 years and will leave at the end of the season form a Saints player John we ll can say is he s too professional to let this have any impact on the side while he s still in charge just in one s approach is to opt for and detail all. So this might have been bubbling on in the background is if it s confirmed if it were more of a foot citizen approach to his job is the most thoughtful detailed one of the most thoughtful detail coaches will be sworn in on this game this week from rugby league the Union and its unlikely wing Jack no will take part in England s 1st welcome woman match against Wales next month he s been sitting to recover from an ankle injury and has returned home from that training camp in Italy for every team medical assessment and top jockey Ashi Murphy has received a caution after failing a racecourse breathalyzer and being barred from riding in a race is a Sunday fixture at songs bring in June that s the latest from B.B.C. Sport This is B.B.C. Radio 5 Live on digital B.B.C. Selfless small speaker Hello Mark good morning to what we turn our attention towards the southwest of the U.K. Where in Sicily the low pressure system of the time it will spin up and move across the country over the next few days and will indeed be the focus of our weather for much of this week strong winds of the time of the scattered heavy 3 downpours may cause some disruption in places his local flooding possible the chance of wind damage particularly to trees so today s expect start when the plenty of heavy showers and thunder down pulls across southwestern Wales and the South West Midlands elsewhere the not about starts with some sunshine around a bit of cloud to now through the day the heavy showers and thunderstorms across the southwest will become more widespread across Wales into central southern England and then it said both in England especially northwest England caps fringy into southern scald in the parts of Northern Ireland with the risk of flash flooding in places there will be a few sunny spells in between the showers but this will only increase instability the atmosphere but you see even more downpours winds will also be a feature across England Wales because 50 miles an hour along southern coast 30 to 40 miles per hour further inland probably the best of the dry bright submissions they will be across the north and east of Scotland on the far east Pinguin but generally it will be a cool day the Monday with highs of 19 to 22 degrees below press. It will move towards the east of the U.K. For Wednesday and Thursday bringing heavy showers to parts of Scotland northern and eastern England again with a chance of local flooding in places the winds will ease down a little so that will still be fatty blustery special Wednesday it will be quite struck to this what we expect today as the dry brights conditions will be across the south and west of the country and it feel a touch will hit to stop the nasty light his father had with B.B.C. 5 Live from Michael Sheen and later on today 5 lives Neapolitan Michael will be life at the Homeless World Cup in. The world of football complete a massive part in helping to bring some joy on all things seem at their worst $500.00 players from close to 50 nations will compete in the 17th edition of this festival of football we want to harness the power of helping transform the lives of people experiencing homelessness and social exclusion to make an actual difference to those who need it most D.C. Radio 5 Live from the phone today from one of 5 live east regional on digital B.B.C. Said it s a small stream going online this is a V.C. Brady a fine line if they prime minister will be Wales later today ways expected to tell farmers who they ll be better off after the break said because the U.K. Can sign new trade deals Johnson has promised to go the extra mile to secure the BRICS a deal he was speaking on a visit Santa Maria where he held talks of the leader of the Scottish conservatives Ruth Davidson and the 1st minister Nicholas sturgeon while Ruth Davidson has made it clear that she won t support the U.K. Leaving the European Union without a do she described the talks is incredibly constructive saying she received the assurances from Mr Johnson that she was looking for I said I wanted to see the same level of energy and vigor that s going into no deal planning going into trying to get a deal I wanted to see the sort of shuttle diplomacy that s going to be required if we re going to see changes that can be brought back to the House of Commons and I received assurances that I was looking for. Instead of trying to bring about what she calls a dangerous no deal Briggs s the Prime Minister s assurances there was a good Jones he would get an agreement before the end of October misjudging said she believed the government was there to really pursuing a no deal Briggs s strategy I think that is extremely dangerous for Scotland indeed for the whole of the U.K. We know from the work we ve done the impact that would have on jobs on the economy on our universities on almost every aspect of society in Scotland and I think it s incumbent on all of us who think that that is the wrong no come to do everything we possibly can to block it who are going to give the I News wave would show me how they re covering the story this morning Scott incised back against Johnson is the simple splash headline in the F.B.I. Today he s been in Glasgow and this is real divide emerging between Scotland and England especially among conservatives over direction of U.K. Policy when it comes to the European Union of course him at the 1st minister 1st Nicholas sturgeon sees promise to step up Scotland s planning for a no deal Brooks said after becoming convinced that Boris Johnson secretly wants to leave the E.U. Without an agreement and speaking after a lengthy meeting with the PM She claimed the U.K. Government was hiding its true intentions from the public not mincing words our 1st minister also told Mr Johnson she would soon formally request the power to hold a 2nd referendum on scholarship dependent so voters could choose a way out of a brick sit now their discussions were described as lively about the future of the Union during this 50 minute meeting at her official residence of view towns in Edinburgh but as he pulled up in his official car Ascot on that Crist Green was on the hands of film the reaction of around 200 protesters gathered outside and it s fair to say they weren t cheering Burris Johnson s arrival more light booing and the hurling insults now as the talk some say. As a concerned Mr Dinh said she had concluded from his comments during the meeting that he was not serious about seeking a fresh deal with the E.U. And was now actively to Syrian no deal strategy and she also revealed that you re in a very robust in her words debate on on Scottish independence your challenge to the prime minister to a live televised debate on the issue has officials actually intervene during the meeting to to shut that down so no meeting of minds between the 1st Minister and the prime minister yesterday I m sure the irony wasn t lost on your newspaper that of course because Johnson went north of the border to reassert our ancient ties between our countries and it seems you know unlike those couples ago and renew their marriage vows it seems like he actually the opposite was the conclusion there yes he s obviously this is just 24 hours after announcing this 300000000 pound package for strength in the union of course Boris Johnson self-appointed MINISTER FOR THE UNION that he s another title is a bit since entering Number 10 but of course not just clashing with the S.M. Paley there but of course having clashed over the last 24 hours with his colleague the Conservative leader Scottish Conservative leadership so Ruth Davidson Now they also had a meeting and while Mr Johnson heaped praise on her describe him as a fantastic politician who had resigned of the party s fortunes in Scotland suggesting he would ultimately overrule her on the whole issue of support for a no deal of course Ruth Davidson publicly saying that she could never support that and she was rather it isn t about commenting on their discussions after their meeting in in Glasgow yesterday were as Nicholas Sturgeon was quick to comment on the nature frank nature of their talks with Davis and did. And didn t comment too much after the meeting a tall fact mentioning no making no mention of her opposition to the no deal outcome but instead said they were going to focus their efforts on renegotiating the withdrawal agreement with the other $27.00 E.U. Countries and of course accidental Boris Johnson s view as well and he said that during that meeting a 40 minute meeting 10 minutes shorter than he held a necklace sturgeon at the to Tory leader said they were united in wanting to reach an agreement with Brussels of course the big divided line there is that while he is prepared to go down the no deal route if necessary rift over there said she could never countenance that and never support it why do you think he went north of the board Why do you think the Brits Jones went to school just days were within a week of his zooming the Premiership given that given the it was always going to be for him a beard it. He s genuinely worried about the future of the United Kingdom Of course the leader in the of the S.N.P. In the commons in Blackwood stood up and said that he it was his view on the 1st struggles 1st appearance in the Commons that it was in black for 3 that he was going to be the last prime minister of the United Kingdom there is a genuine concern that if as he s prepared to do to take the U.K. Out of the E.U. Without a deal and that is of course Scotland voted 62 percent in favor of their mind that that could allow or surge of support for independence in Scotland and the surge in support for a full remain after removal is already well supported remain but a surge in support of a 2nd referendum on independence so it genuinely concerned about the future of the Union I think and that is a that was a key statement of intent to go there so early on in his premiership and to try and . Support the strengthen any kind of ties between across the across the United Kingdom because there are those genuine concerns there of the effects of a no deal Bret s it and the potential breakup of the United Kingdom something that . Boris Johnson certainly would not want to be part of his legacy is he treating brogues it is something of a game move chicken with the European Union in your article wheezes that he expects them to blink 1st Very much so if it s descended into this game as to who can blink 1st and he s confident he can make the E.U. Do that in striking the New Deal with just date just days before the deadline of 31st of October he s engaging in the standoff with Brussels by refusing to hold face to face talks with E.U. Leaders until they drop their refusal to reopen the withdrawal agreement making of course a no deal cuts it more likely now in this trip to Scotland yesterday used apparently contradictory language during that visit when he struck an upbeat term on his chances of securing a new deal and said his government would go the extra 1000 miles to achieve it despite sticking to his refusal to engage in sit down talks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the French president Emmanuel macron and he s taking a much firmer line with the E.U. Than his predecessor trees amazed president vies Ali Robins was seen by Brock s it is been too conciliatory towards Brussels now Mr Rahman s is replacement David trust he wrote an e-mail to his E.U. Counterparts last week warning them not to underestimate Mr Johnson in that e-mail which emerged yesterday he wrote you should be in no doubt about this government s commitment to the study 1st of October date I would also add that many people are inclined to underestimate Boris Johnson and I urge you not to do so but I said many a time on this program doesn t. The whole sticking point for Boris Johnson and Lady Brock s it is is this Irish backstop I don t want to see that taken out of the withdrawal agreement that would mean the whole of the rest of the E.U. Affecting the Solomon Island on the boss and nobody nobody can see that happening so it is a bit of a game now between who s going to blink 1st and I don t think it s going to be the pool got to go the I newspaper there now within chance in the Apollo 11 moon mission riding high there s been a renewed focus in recent weeks on Neil Armstrong the mission commander and of course the 1st man on the lunar surface Armstrong died after heart surgery in 2012 after the death of his 1st wife Janet a number of items of Armstrong s memorabilia have gone under the hammer and have netted it s believed almost $17000000.00 for these sons from their 1st marriage Mark in regards drawn. Is the editor of collect SPACE dot com which is a Web site devoted to space memorabilia he s been telling me what sorts of items are all of the Armstrong family collection has included I don t know that flew on his missions like United States flags and flags of other organizations. Special items like pieces of the in $1000.00 No 3 Wright Flyer the 1st powered aircraft you know Armstrong famously took some of that to the moon donated some back to museums and then kept the rest rooms also some of those pieces came up for auction there are also every day items from is just normal life like magazines that he subscribe to or vinyl records that he listened to it was really a cross-section of both personal and. Space flight are effects. People were prepared to pay top dollar for some of these items. They did and and it s sort of a combination of the value of the item itself anything that flies to the moon as you might end might guess. Quite a price tag to it not many items are available but from Neil Armstrong specifically he never sold anything during his lifetime and so this was the 1st opportunity for people to get something associated with the 1st person to walk on the moon I didn t even realize who not to tell you so many personal mementos with them to the moon does NASA know this and they accumulated all these masses of trinkets. Indeed they do they had something called the Personal preference kit it was a small pouch that carried several of them on board some state aboard the command module lunar orbit some landed on the moon on the lunar module and they could pack them with items that they wanted to take for themselves or their family or friends then there were other items that were they brought back from the moon that were part of the space craft and in 2012 the U.S. Congress and president signed into law affirming that the astronauts could hold title and therefore seller or donate or keep those mementos that they brought back from the moon you mentioned in his live child new Armstrong so very little if anything and didn t commercialise as he could have done from his frame. While he was alive he chose not to take part in memorabilia sales he did a couple of of. Signings signing autographs for to support organizations that he supported but that was very early on he signed autographs freely for close to 30 years and then after he found that people were taking advantage of that basically asking for his autograph and then rushing out on to e-bay for sell he stopped signing in the in the mid 1990 S. . He realized he didn t realize that people commercializing money. He knew that there were some people selling his autograph but he didn t realize that the people would be asking him for his autograph and then rushing to sign to sell it it s different than having an autograph in your collection for 20 years and then deciding to sell it versus meeting the guy and 10 minutes later was doing it on for sale it also made it impossible for him to determine if the for example small child asking for his autograph was someone who genuinely wanted his autograph or was someone who was being pushed forward by their parents so they could get something they could sell on e Bay Why was he. To commercializing his experiences the 1st man to woman. It s difficult to say from what he said about it it just wasn t part of his personality. He didn t go to the moon to become famous he came back from the moon seeking to return to his normal life as an engineer. He went back actually after he left NASA and he became a professor at the University of Cincinnati and taught engineering for a number of years. So he didn t seek the spotlight and so he didn t see he didn t see his items or his memorabilia or his personality being something worth marketing. He also didn t put a lot of important story said he didn t put a lot of importance on on memorabilia and so it wasn t something that he inserted himself was and I read that exempted that he was only the front man for a huge organization of people who put a lot behind game to the moon it was his position and his his clarity on that shared by the other astronauts who went out with him Buzz Aldrin 1st of all and also Michael Collins who of course was the pilot of the space module. Yes all 3 of them and pretty much all the astronauts I wouldn t say there s not an exception to them all were 1st who all would firstly recognize the 400000 or so people that made their mission possible they were the tip of the spear the astronauts and receives all the glory but they wouldn t be able to go and do what they did if it wasn t for those hundreds of thousands of people who made every piece of the rocket every piece of the spacecraft and not just made it but made it so that it works so they came home safely so they all helped at that position they ve all spoken about it. But that but they ve expressed their own. Their own personalities in their post astronaut lives as you would expect anyone else to do Have any of them and their memorabilia. They have both of or all 3 of Neil s crewmates they ve got on Gemini 8 and. Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins on Apollo 11 have sold memorabilia they are all still living and so many of the other astronauts since the early 1990 S. When the memorabilia market started the astronaut started to get approached by auction houses and by dealers to ask about do you have items that your children no longer want or that you don t want and that we can sell and so it began and so we had with it with a couple of exceptions most of the astronauts list items for sale from their personal collections they re still a few astronauts who have and have surf on the role that that Neil did given that given that it s not unusual for as you know to some memorabilia Why why of these oceans of dunam Strongs possessions why why are they so controversial I don t know if I. Used the word controversial but they do stand out because. Because Neil Armstrong as a singular figure in history is probably the only astronaut who really gained. A long standing name recognizability. The other astronauts are known and if your space enthusiasts you know all of them but in terms of who will be remembered in fact some people have said a 1000 years from now the only person of the 20th century that will be remembered is you know Armstrong because he was the 1st to set foot on another on another celestial body that no one else. From that century will will stand the test of time and so given that position given that responsibility anything associated with him has always held a higher desire a higher demand then the other astronauts or other people around him when he would enter a room or people would seek out his autograph or or want to have their photo taken with him they would. The books that were written about him were read by more people than some of the other astronauts books. There was always a. Higher interest in him as the 1st person to set foot on the moon than just about anyone else you say you wouldn t describe it as controversial robot bit . New Armstrong s sons the 2 sons who have essentially motivated these sales who behind the mark and Rick and had to come out and defend their decisions to so their father s possessions we ve had other people come out and say well you know you know he s live he was totally against this is somewhat unseemly not least. His biographer. You might know James our hands in this coming he never did any of that. These lives are come out and said And of course new Armstrong for those you know had to be families away because his 1st wife divorced him. About 19 in the early 1990 S. And he married Carol. Second wife 9094 and her family have stood aloof of any of these cells are in that concept it s no this is not these cells haven t been seen as acceptable by everybody. I think it s understandable I think there is. I think that happens with a lot of families and that it s sort of amplified here because of the same that you know Armstrong add but. There is there certainly certainly because Neil Armstrong did not sell anything during his life time the perception is that he did not want that he did not want to be involved whether he would be in support of his sons doing that. You know I can t speak to that but. But I think that he he put more and people less importance on the memorabilia and what happened to it than he did on what happened to his family so if there s some point helps his family I think. He d be in and he would at least not object to it but I can t put words in his mouth but I do what I can say is some of the objections have been that all these items should have went to an archive or to museum the National Space Museum the Smithsonian had the ability to go through the entire collection and identify pieces that they wanted before the auctions were even a saying there were other donations made to other museums around the country and world. The the truth of the matter is is that not everything is appropriate for a museum you know the you could say that a flag flown to the Moon Yes That meant that a museum might want to display that but in a magazine that he subscribed to that happened to arrive at his house and then he happened to hold onto his for I want to put that oh he s very real said to be from when he was a kid you know a number and a museum and you know well someone might you know some might put up a teddy bear if it s like there is an Armstrong and Space Museum that he actually donated items to in his lifetime but just every day items. You know his his membership card to a certain organization these are not pieces that are going to end up on display they ll end up in the archives. And in fact museums often sell items in their collection to fund displays and artifacts that they want to display so in this way the artifact of these pieces these nuts and bolts and less so of his of his life and their collections where hopefully the enthusiastic as it is someone who appreciates the history maybe it ends up going into into a classroom with the owner s child as a show and tell I don t and so new class gets to see it or maybe it gets displayed on a website for the collection or loan to a local library so in a way they do you and your communities and get to get to be seen by more than just the owner but it s not the type of items that would museum which would naturally seek out yeah these are always going to be this was always going to be a $1000000.00 SEO and perhaps exceeded expectations 16 point something $1000000.00 so far of the 4 oceans have been there s another one G. Later on this year so we re not done with that figure will definitely go up was when the most expensive item. I believe me I know sold the most is a gold medallion it was one of 3 gold medallions that was aboard Apollo 11 it s called the robins medallion after the company that minted it the robins medallions themselves hold a special place in. Space memorabilia and that they flew on every mission from a pulse 7 to. Each each one. Representing the mission that they flew on the gold ones were particularly special because they were only available to the astronauts who were flying on the mission. So Neil s sold for just over $2000000.20 this rebellion very medallion so and we don t know who bought it we don t know. He was a coin collector or if he was a space collector or history collector. But it certainly did appeal and it must appeal to more than one because the bidding pushed it up to so that amount as you can imagine I m not in that league of bit is one can I afford Well we ll see cheap is going to the end of this go. To one of those business cards for the club the intended ones Amaj would not go for several $100.00 cheapest items where it went to the hundreds in the 1st cell the very 1st one last November. Nothing sold for less than a $1000.00 and there was a little bit of auction fever there I think those people. Felt that you know this might be their only opportunity to get something and so they keep it as the auctions went on and it shows that this collection at a. Lot of items on offer. Getting sort of settled down a little bit not so much that anything could be called an expensive but you could pick up something for a few $100.00 and we ll have to see what happens in the next auction in November. That you see and it s to connect spice don t call my website devoted to space memorabilia and that s about it for months thanks for listening thanks. And yes you can see the sun is rising these. Are Still this C B C 5 life it s 5 o clock on cheese day the 33rd of July this is morning reports on 5 Live I m Paul cannon our top story this morning but was Johnson s continuing his tour of the U.K. Making his 1st visit to while since becoming prime minister Leiter He s due to meet with farmers and try to reassure them they will thrive in a post breaks it Britain but farmers union unions in whilst a warning of civil unrest in. Some rural areas if the U.K. Leaves the E.U. Without a deal our correspondent is Thomas Morgan in Wales Agriculture employees around $50000.00 people and it makes a bigger contribution to Welsh employment than in any other part of the U.K. In any of the nation of the U.K. And today in Wales the new prime minister Boris Johnson will come and meet Welsh farmers and try import at rest any concerns they have in the wake of a possible new deal BRACKS It has just last week at the Royal well show farming unions in Wales had threatened civil unrest if that scenario actually became a reality now Welsh farmers receive subsidies of with around 300000000 pounds a year from the E.U. And it s not known at the moment how much cash will be available to support agriculture after we leave however Boris Johnson believes that E.U. And better tree deals for farmers will be possible once we leave on the 31st of October a former High Court judge says police may have broken the law in the way they investigated claims of a paedophile ring at Westminster last week called Beach was jailed for 18 years for perverting the course of justice by lying about his claims so Richard Henriques who carried out a review for scholars of Scotland Yard s inquiry claims warrants to search the homes of some of those beachhead accused may have been entertained unlawfully police in Brazil have dropped a rape allegation made against the footballer Neymar because of a lack of evidence prosecutors have 15 days to decide whether to take the case forward. Report claims attempts to close the achievement gap for poor people in England s secondary schools are almost at a standstill research by the Education Policy Institute found that this advanced age peoples are on average 18 months behind the rest of the class by the age of 16 here s our education correspondent Frankie McHenry they looked at the latest Department for Education data and what they found was for the 1st time since 2011 progress including the G.C.S.E. Attainment gap had come to a standstill and actually between 20172018 the gap had widened slightly by Northpoint 2 months what it means is poor peoples in England is now on average are a year and a half behind their peers by the time they finish their G.C. Following them more than 500 pages of evidence have already been submitted to the court from text messages to photos and video transcripts now one of the suspects lawyers says he ll present fresh evidence including testimony from 2 new witnesses he hopes this will persuade the judge to free the group Jeremy Coleman will join anti fracking protesters later who are calling for an immediate ban Labor says if the U.K. Fully exploits its shale gas reserves it will eliminate any hope of the government meeting its 2050 net 0 target the government says natural gas has a role to play in reducing emissions and the industry could create jobs the Swedish climate change activists Gretta term Burke has accepted a ride across the Atlantic on a sailing boat so she can attend a climate change conference in New York the 60 foot yacht was built to race around the world is owned by Team Mallett C.E.O. Who had no previous plans to sail it across the Atlantic this summer the 16 year old doesn t travel by plane or cruise ship because of the environmental impact and finally if you don t want to know.

Radio-program , Political-science , Great-medal-of-the-aéro-club-de-france-winners , Presidential-medal-of-freedom-recipients , G20-nations , Pollution , The-football-league-players , Members-of-the-united-kingdom-parliament-for-english-constituencies , Sociology , Climate-change , Rural-geography , Human-habitats

Transcripts for BBC Radio Stoke BBC Radio Stoke 20190730 030000

In this of the program in a moment too soon we ll bring you the latest from California 24 hours on from the shooting story there that we talked told you about last night as it was still an ongoing incident we ll have the latest from there is news of what exactly happened at the garlic festival in Gilroy Northern California emerges also what s behind the spike in the tiger population in India one of the conservation is done right there that is seen increasing numbers of tigers emerge and also the Tigers still an endangered species we ll hear about the video of an Indian family who checked into a hotel room and left with as much of the room as they could get their hands on and we ll bring you news of the ocean there is simply out of this world well yeah I think as a way of putting it it s a metaphor you know what I mean is a good story though. Says Richard now to a story we 1st brought to you an awful night last night 3 people have been killed one of them a 6 year old boy and 15 others injured after a gunman attacked a food festival in California the gunman was shot dead by police shortly after he began firing over police are investigating reports that a 2nd suspect may still be at large the attack happened at the annual garlic festival in the small town of Gilroy which is about 80 miles south of San Francisco the annual event was taking place in a local park where according to the festival s website weapons of any kind are banned the eyewitness told C.B.S. News what he saw on the right. Right now and then you hear anything at. That. That it. Yards from where we were police say officers were already on sites in responded to the shooting in less. Then a minute as the Police Chief Scott Smith the it appears as if. They had come into the festival via the creek which borders a parking area. And they use some sort of a tool to cut through the fence to be able to gain access through the security fence line. The governor of California is described as shooting is nothing short of her ific the US president. Said about the incident people to be careful and safe Brianna sex is a reporter from Buzz Feed based in California who s been following events and what the reaction has been in the state it shanking. Another go shooting in California. If we survive so it s you know it s just one of those things that same type of reaction from a community that how could this happen here garlic festival that you know so family friendly faces. Charges are similar type of shock and horror and frustration I bet some of the people who were there and were used to what happened pretty much in shock what they ve been saying that as to what they saw. Well I I saw it go right by you know a lot of people you know it s a huge fuss about this as I said very famous if. It was the last day of the festival was really just kind of. Closing down the people were just wandering the route and joining us you know it s it sounded like fireworks were going off and all the site is people started. On a. They you know people said that they they saw a gunman kind of dressed in camouflage shooting into a large crowd of people by the foo cleric and the music stage. Was indiscriminate shooting. Yesterday a brand of A and to a strong of people that you know I spoke to the thing that had just been playing their last encores following up to damn their classic rock band from San Jose which is about 30 miles away and they were playing their ass off and they said they heard the shooting and that I thought Mick was shooting it to you know a curfew 100 people buy the paper and the stage in front of that are that the stage they were on front of them and 3 people died as a result of the shooting 3 people did 2 children. Correct so 3 people the victims were all young. One who was a 6 year old boy is. Was conceived in and that there are identified later on today I m a 30 year old girl and her. Her name it was came out and then a college that one of its graduates Trevor Irby was also a victim and he was I think in his twenty s is what the police said earlier today what do we know about the shooter and the most who for this. We still don t know a motive you know we know that the shooter police said had been living in the vat of with family. Recently and asked how and where he bought the weapon which is in a case doubt I take a very different styles. Weisel and lot of details and if the data and I thought of it to California as the last game in the area and Jim would say after is well so as you know what the feds close family has there there is there is one of the very accomplished athlete a boxer and they want to of like was a good student the father was also. A runner and that they re just you know is a solid family in the community and and killed right on the sheet he was 19 years old. Correct yes he was 19 years old and the. Shooting happened very quickly you know it was the attack was kind of over maybe a minute or so. After it started up 3 please officers engage the suspect and. You know it took him down all the other quickly so police are crediting those officers response with you know it could have been a lot lot worse when one minute the police on duty that had chilled him. Yeah they engaged the suspect they had pinned down and within a minute you know they will patrolling the festivals the suspect the student God made it through a creek area is the back like using cutters to cut the fat so that s how they missed him because it was awesome through these areas do you know they. Were officers on hand is that was it like there was lax security or anything back in. And the authorities that. Reaction saved lives I can imagine that how many people were injured 3 people killed I mean people are injured Yes about 15 others through were injured in a few been released today from hospital to area hospitals and their injuries injuries Berry range from fair to put a call. And the organizes of the citizen who everybody is in shock as I said the 1st of all it s like it s just a huge summer offended attracts you know hundreds and hundreds that under the people from all over in order California and so you know they re there in force all right in the chest and just that this family pops family focus. Same like that as a thing you know people from all over it are tougher to try to do something like this but it s the save my hedge of resiliency is that you know they won t let this this person really is your. Record So there it is their value and you don t have it again next year and that you did not let this teach something that is there important is it fair Brianna Sachs There are reports for Buzz Feed based in California some good news now out of India which is home to nearly 3000 tigers while that still tiny fraction of the number of tigers who roamed across India in the last century it does represent a rapid growth in the target population over the last 5 years India s net is to Maiti to be home to around 70 percent of the world s Tigers prime minister under Modi be presented the findings on Monday said India is now one of the biggest and most secure habitats of the tiger Well let s cross live to Delhi in speed to Bill in the right she s the executive director of the Wildlife Protection Society even DIA Belinda this is really good news isn t it is it s amazing how they do and I m staggered Well you know it it s really it is sort of positive results that have come out of a conservation investment for over $45.00 is and I think I think the key to it is that we now have and this is I mean then the increase is quite recent We now have 50 Tigers of covering in covering an area of over 71000 square kilometers so what we ve gotten is is sort of this these critical Taika habitats which is safe now but tigers so they re multiplying they re breeding they take is a. You know they re very resilient and so on but for the. Meeting they need a bit of space and everything else right and I think that s what s happened and they re also spilling out of some of these areas so you know there are still problems that is still poaching but amazingly these wonderful animals are. Doing well and that s wise we re with the count last half and in 2014 there were 2226 Tigers but the figures from 2018 show that there are now 2967 which is an increase of words about 30 percent increase the $33.00. 0 level mathematics as denoted by hand I didn t use a calculator. I mean is it safe to say that the tiger is not an endangered species any movement Oh no I mean India has you know 70 percent of the world s tight and you don t want all your eggs in one basket. But. No And we have big problems still here we still lose about $100.00 tigers to coaching every year and you know despite what the honorable prime minister says. None of us are convinced that we have genuine genuine political will to secure a future for while tigers in India you know is our environmental laws quietly being weakened and we have a lot of. What you call it lenient infrastructure intrusions So every time a dam is needed or a highway or a can that arrow or a new railway track or worst of all power lines it s put through critical wildlife habitat did you do Indians exactly those people living in those areas close to the tiger habitat did did they see tigers as an asset. Well some do where there s tourism then yes they see it as an asset and and remember people you know worship the tiger. I mean the local people have lived close to wild tigers. You know since the beginning of time but things are changing India is changing so you know people have access to mobile phones to television and so on so they re not as tolerant as as certainly the last as tolerance as they used to be and the other problem big problem which is I think you know conservationists conservations biggest challenge everywhere not just India is is human wildlife conflict it s really it s getting to a tipping point in India where we ve seen some ghastly things happen in the last few weeks you know tigers being lynched you know beaten to death literally and that goes back to these linear ancients because every time you mess with the habitat and you destroy it in fragmented You know it it it it fuels. Conflict because the animals move away move out of the the protected areas. So if they re in the domain they re exempted be if they go beyond them in oh yeah I suppose humans have to present themselves as well we are still talking of course the dangers of cars here but you know. Don t we shouldn t actually be talking about tigers The point is we need these forests you know we need them to mitigate climate change protect our sources of water give us rain and fresh air the Tigers are just the guardians of those forests and all the animals and plants that live in their domain and if we don t you know if they if the government doesn t do a strictly hands off. You know with no further the notifications only new infrastructure. You know we re in trouble in these A. Country of 1400000000 people and there s a tiny part of it which has this fabulous habitat and of course a fabulous animal but but we need those forests. We places to live is rugged You know I mean if the population continues to be then would you do something is not to give it some point and yes not just in India by the way yeah but it can t be that because otherwise it will die I mean it s I mean I m living it unfortunately might my head offices here in Delhi and then many months where you have to wear the quadrant of gas masks I mean the pollution is dreadful in the west this time I m I mean heavenly places but not not here. So what would you have said so it s a cable in the woods you know then we ll be because we re we varied of you though you haven t ever see very far and it s a big it is a wider picture to this but what do you hope the future of China is in India will be well I hope that we ll be able to to offer a future generations the possibility to get to get to know to see these absolutely gorgeous go plucking creatures I mean I ve spent over 45 years working with wild tigers and I still get tears in my eyes when I when I m watching one and it would be just gosh future generations would never forgive us if if you and I and and and everybody let them slip through our fingers they just wouldn t I did says once when I read a post on air about. About the Tigers disappearing from there yeah it is heartbreaking because they are beautiful creatures absolute beautiful. Joy you get from being so close well so one thing we should know about tigers bilin is one thing we should all know about tigers. Just that they re probably the most magnificent things on this planet because unlike other big cats like lions they don t going Pryke this solitary except for when they re mating or bringing up the family. And so they hate this super paintings you know they have to be absolutely perfect and fit and everything because they they re survivors and they re there. You know the they don t they can t rely on anybody else but themselves and I really find that awesome. When you just see one walk or kill or anything it s just extraordinary that they re the most perfect I hate 6 a machines but for a living things and it is a remarkable that they ve been able to help so many tigers I mean the 4th time this has happened but it s a it s a it s an incredible thing I mean it s they covered during this record it a tiger estimation not a census $104.00 over 147000 square miles of tiger range and they surveyed it in detail incredible is there begin actually even there but thank you very much Minister thank you Karen hopes a blender right there she s the executive director of the world live Protection Society of India Tandon with us in Calcutta enough to tell us a remarkable story the role has gone viral. I have and a lot of perfectly data month to you from the Taliban s club which was once run by Belinda right. Father Bob Wright the man he is and way she grow up and get this life Bill to tell the gunge club it was swamps that was marshland and partly there was a few tigers that roaming around here but the conversation this morning about that it s about this video of an Indian couple or an Indian family on holiday in Bali that has gone viral because in the video they are confronted as they be keeping by the hotels that you then go to their luggage and I m like maybe me I don t know about you Dalton who does pinch a few of those costs met takes this shampoo 6 after they ve taken it a little bit that had the head dry as some of the plant Paltz hang is basically everything that they could find in that room let s hear a little bit from that video I didn t say. HOLY a bit of a little bit more for I am not a little man you know you hold out of my life I know you have a lot a lot in Germany I mean face is the respect souls go to. All the eighty s early. Ninety s Bailey. Who you know who just a. Little bit late so for it s a prairie perhaps. It is and it s you know it started quite a debate here in India the person actually posted that video initially I called on the government to Cam so they have passports for bringing the whole country into absolute disgrace but it s founded 2 different debates Firstly what is it acceptable to take from a hotel room doctor and I mean what why are you allowed to tell because you know you re paying for the bill of the cost medics you know except simple once you go past that and stop pinching the towels I mean it s your home full of little bottles like mine is from various hotels from across the well. You know I think the cost matter. Who. You know. Scratch you. Leave stuff behind and I try to only use one song you know from there for we. Used to the way they make money or me make proper money or me. Well that s one debate they did people having at the moment the other one is the behavior of Indian tour abroad I mean recently a hotel in Switzerland which had a lot of tourists coming through had 2 sets of rules one for tourists generally and another one they felt was needed for the Indian tourist because of their behavior in the past the Indian government has even considered setting up a class it so that people understand some of the cultural norms that may be different in that part of the world that Indians now with a huge amount of cash that some of them have and now traveling to it s an issue that I ve been speaking to with one of the Indians leading columnist Sunday Profile I don t know when Indians go abroad they think at all about how it reflects on their country. To get you the most bang for their buck you know you have to remember when Indians are travelling abroad especially in the West in then they are converting from dollars or euros to rupees and so they really must make the most of whatever they can give even if it s all the free so little packets of sugar on display and I have to say yes full disclosure you know I think my mother s cabinet is filled with soaps from Patel s from all over the world but that the soap is your right as is the little sachet of shampoo they have been stories of Indian stealing cutlery from hotels and all of that it does reflect badly on the country just on the people who haven t. They basically issued a separate set of rules to them how to behave Yeah basically it s a case of separate and unequal where they singled out Indians for their bad behavior in terms of what they took at the buffet table basically they accused Indians of buying stuff from the table and taking it back with them to eat for lunch as well as talking really loudly in the car doors and but you know this is an issue even in India and happy people do talk loudly all the time and so even in an Indian hotel in India there are lots of Indians annoyed at other Indians for talking loudly or having their children run like a mark in the dining room and all of that I feel years ago I think there was an idea of setting up training classes for Indian tourists when they went abroad is that a good idea I think that s a perfectly good idea as long as we have training classes but Western tourism to come to India and to get there. And poverty porn. So there we go there are strong feelings on that here in India you know about the way that people come to India and they behave but sadly at this particular point in time a lot of focus on Indian tourists and what they re pinching from I tell not the 1st time this has been in the news Delta may quickly a few years ago there was a man who used to check into hotels see the size of the T.V. Buy a suitcase pop them in there and check out. I know so when I heard the thing you re proud you know when you mention food about the book for me to bulldog open tomorrow room from the buffet before and I still feel guilty about a roof thank you very much road sounded as good as far drive headlines nice. Digital B.B.C. Sounds small street. Farmers in the wilds of lights as he tries to reassure the mill throwing off the bricks at last week farmers unions warned of civil unrest in some rural areas if the U.K. Leaves the E.U. Without ideal Washington plans to start withdrawing troops from Afghanistan according to the U.S. Secretary of state says it will begin before don t trust runs for reelection next year. The number of trees planted in the U.K. Needs to triple to help tackle climate change the Committee on Climate Change which advises the government says carbon reduction targets can only be met if 30000 hectares of woodland is planted every year and the country rap song Old Town Road by littleness X. Has broken the record for the longest time at the top of the US singles charts it has now topped the Billboard Hot $100.00 for 17 weeks that is the 5 Live news no his shop them the support for my Real Madrid and Wales manager John Toshack says he s sad and disappointed at Gareth Bale the current situation in Spain the arch forwards pulled out of Madrid strips Munich for a pre-season Sumant after the collapse of his proposed move to China and says he just needs to find a way out systems saddens me the way that this is gone a mess in terms of from a lesson only as agent is goodness knows so for all the football that I know I m saddened sickens me to be honest it is Barry s opening match of the season against a M.K. Dons will not go hand on science a day because the club haven t provided enough evidence of how they ll be funded moving forwards the problem is the be referred to an independent disciplinary panel on the 2nd match of the season is also under threat Meanwhile Bolton s 1st game we can will go ahead but teams have already been deducted 12 points from the new league wants hable bone with a sign midfielder Phillip billing for 15000000 pounds he ll join on a 5 year deal from Championship side Huddersfield Town degrades and England Test vice camps in Ben Stokes says winning the Ashes in the same year is becoming world champions will be a once in a lifetime achievement the all rounder who is Player of the match in the World Cup Final says it would top off a dream summer we ve done 50 percent of what we wanted to achieve following the World Cup and the next off is obviously down to the next 7 weeks so if I can go home you know if want to welcome and I ve won a national. In the same summer I m never going to be able to achieve that ever again it s such a special So let s bring this cricket to be able to play in Beijing you know obviously we test we want to win those Ashes series they want to turn over the Aussies Well the 1st Ashes Test on Thursday at the edge Boston and we ll have ball by ball T.M. s commentary on 5 Live Sports Extra and on line St Helens had code just in Holbrook is set to return to Australia s N.R.L. To take over the Gold Coast Titans Holbrook has guided the league leaders their 1st Challenge Cup final in 11 years and will leave at the end of the season to form a Saints player John Wilkins says he s too professional to let this have any impact on the side while he s still in charge just in this approach is for A and B. Tailed although this might have been bubbling on the bar ground as if it s confirmed if it does leave it will more of a fight citizen approach to his job is the most thoughtful detailed one of the most thoughtful detail coaches will be sworn in on this game this week from rugby league the Union and its unlikely wing Jack no will take part in England s 1st World Cup woman match against Wales next month he s been sitting to recover from an ankle injury and has returned home from their training camp in Italy for every team medical assessment and top jockey Ashi Murphy has received a caution after failing a racecourse breathalyzer and being barred from riding in a race is a Sunday fixture at Salisbury in June that s the latest from B.B.C. Sport This is B.B.C. Radio 5 Live on digital B.B.C. Sound small speaker Hello Mark good morning to what we turn our attention towards the southwest of the U.K. We re in and seasonally low pressure system for the time it will spin up and move across the country over the next few days and will indeed be the focus of weather for much of this week strong winds for the time of year scattered heavy downpours may cause some disruption in places his local flooding possible the chance of wind damage particularly to trees to today s expected start when the plenty of heavy showers and thunder down pulls across southwestern Wales and selfless middle. Elsewhere than not not about starts with some sunshine around a bit of cloud to now through the day the heavy showers and thunderstorms across the southwest will become more widespread across Wales into central southern England and that incident both in England especially northwest England caps fringing into southern Scott in the parts of Northern Ireland with the risk of flash flooding in places there will be a few sunny spells in between the showers but this will only increase instability the atmosphere produce even more downpours winds will also be a feature across England Wales with custard 50 miles an hour along southern coast city to 40 miles per hour. Probably the best of the dry and bright ignitions they will be across the north and east of Scotland on the far east of England but generally it will be a cool day that Monday with highs of 19 to 22 degrees below pressure will move towards the east to the U.K. For Wednesday and Thursday bring the heavy showers to parts of Scotland Northern a nice thing then again with a chance of local flooding in places the winds will ease down a little so that will still be fairly blustery special Wednesday will be quite destructive it s what we expect today as the dry and brighter conditions will be across the south west of the country and it ll feel a touch warm here to stop the nasty latest fad weather V B C 5 line from Michael Sheen and later on today 5 lives me how laughter Mike I will be life of the Homeless World Cup in Cardiff all around the world football team player massive part in helping to bring some joy on home when things seem at their worst $500.00 players from close to 15 nations will compete in the 17th edition of this festival of football we want to harness our power helping transform the lives of people experiencing homelessness and social exclusion to make an actual difference to those who need it most to see real fight life from the homeless today from one to 5 young naive East Asians know from digital B.B.C. Sound it s a small streak of online days is a V.C. Grady a fine line if the prime minister will be Wales late it s a day where he s expected to tell farmers who will be better off after Briggs because the U.K. Can sign new trade deals. Burs Johnson has promised to go the extra mile to secure a new Briggs deal he was speaking on a visit Santa Maria where he held talks of the leader of the Scottish conservatives Ruth Davidson and the 1st minister Nicholas sturgeon while Reeves Davidson has made it clear that she won t support the U.K. Leaving the European Union without a do she describe the talks is incredibly constructive saying she received the assurances from Mr Johnson that she was looking for I said I wanted to see the same level of energy and vigor that s going into no deal planning going into trying to get a deal I wanted to see the sort of shuttle diplomacy that s going to be required if we re going to see changes that can be brought back to the House of Commons and I received assurances that I was looking for Nicholas sturgeon meanwhile has accused Mrs Johnson of trying to bring about what she calls a dangerous no deal breaker despite the prime minister s assurances that there was a good chance he would get an agreement before the end of October Mr Jin said she believed the government was nagged to really pursuing a no deal Bragg s his strategy I think that is extremely dangerous for Scotland indeed for the whole of the UKI we nor from the work we ve done the impact that would have on jobs on the economy on our universities on almost every aspect of society in Scotland and I think it s incumbent on all of us who think that that is their own no come to do everything we possibly can to block it to Gallagher of the I knew somebody who told me how they re covering the story this morning Scott in size by against Johnson is the simple splash headline in the F.B.I. Today he s been in Glasgow and this is real divide emerging between Scotland and England especially among conservatives over direction of U.K. Policy when it comes to their opinion of course him at the 1st minister 1st Nicholas sturgeon sees promise to step up Scotland s planning for a no deal BRACKS It ought to become a consensus that Boris Johnson secretly wants to leave the E.U. Without an agreement and speaking after a lengthy meeting with. The PM She claimed the U.K. Government was hiding its true intentions from the public not mincing words our 1st minister also told Mr Johnson she would soon formally request the power to hold a 2nd referendum on scholarship dependent so voters could choose a way out of a Bracks it now their discussions were described as lively and about the future of the Union during this 50 minute meeting at her official residence a few talents in Edinburgh as he pulled up in his official car Ascot and that Chris Cramer was on the hands of filmed the reaction of around $200.00 protesters gathered outside and it s fair to say they weren t cheering Johnson s arrival more like booing and hurling insults now as the talks themselves are concerned Mr Dinh said she had concluded from his comments during the meeting that he was not serious about seeking a fresh deal with the E.U. And was now actively to Syrian no deal strategy and she also revealed that you re in a very repast in her words debate on on Scottish independence your challenge to the prime minister to a live televised debate on the issue his officials actually intervene during the meeting to to shut down so no meeting of minds between the 1st Minister and the prime minister yesterday I m sure the irony wasn t lost on your newspaper that of course because Johnson went north of the border to reassert our ancient ties between our countries and it seems you know unlike those couples ago and renew their marriage vows it seems likely actually the opposite was the conclusion there yes he s obviously this is just 24 hours after announcing this $300000000.00 pound package for strength in the union of course Boris Johnson self appointed minister for the Union he s another title is a bit since entering Number 10 but of course. Just clashing with the S.N.P. Later but of course having clashed over the last 24 hours with his colleague the Conservative leader Scottish Conservative leader should say Ruth Davidson Now they also had a meeting and while Mr Johnson heaped praise on her described as a fantastic politician who would resign if the party s fortunes in Scotland suggested he would ultimately overrule her on the whole issue of support for a no deal of course Ruth Davidson publicly saying that she could never support that and she was rather it isn t about commenting on their discussions after their meeting in in Glasgow yesterday were as Nicholas Sturgeon was quick to comment on the nature frank nature of their talks with DE was and didn t didn t comment too much after the meeting a tall fact mentioning no making no mention of her opposition to the no deal outcome but instead said they were going to focus their efforts on renegotiating the withdrawal agreement with the other $27.00 E.U. Countries now of course accidental Boris Johnson s view as well and he said that during that meeting a 40 minute meeting 10 minutes shorter than he held a necklace sturgeon at the 2 Tory leader said they were united in wanting to reach a new agreement with Brussels of course the big divide line there is that while he is prepared to go down the no deal route if necessary rift over there said she could never countenance that and never support it why do you think he wins north of the border was the thing the Brits Jones went to school just days were within a week of his resume in the Premiership given that given the it was always going to be for him a bit. He is genuinely worried about the future of the United Kingdom Of course the leader in the of the S.N.P. In the commons in Blackwood stood up and said that he it was his view on the 1st struggles 1st appearance in the Commons that it was in black for 3 that he was going to be the last prime minister of the United Kingdom there is a genuine concern that if as he s prepared to do to take the U.K. Out of the. Without a deal and that is of course Scotland voted 62 percent in favor of the remainder that could allow or surge of support for independence in Scotland and a surge in support for a full remain after removal is already well supported remain but a surge in support of a 2nd referendum on independence so it genuinely concerned about the future of the Union I think and that is a that was a key statement of intent to go there so early on in his premiership and to try and . Support the strengthen any kind of ties between across the across the United Kingdom because there are those genuine concerns there that of the effects of a no deal brackets and the potential breakup of the United Kingdom something that Boris Johnson certainly would not want to be part of his legacy is he trees ing BRIGGS It is something of a game move chicken with the European Union in your article wheezes that he expects them to blink 1st Very much so if it s descended into this game as to who can blink 1st and he s confident he can make the E.U. Do that in striking the new Bret s it deal with just a just days before the deadline of 31st of October is engaging in the standoff with Brussels by refusing to hold face to face talks with E.U. Leaders until they drop their refusal to reopen the withdrawal agreement making of course a no deal but said more likely now in this trip to Scotland yesterday used apparently contradictory language during that visit when he struck an upbeat term on his chances of securing a new deal and said his government would go the extra 1000 miles to achieve it despite sticking to his refusal to engage in sit down talks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the French president Emmanuel macron and he s taking a much firmer line with the E.U. Than his predecessor trees amazed president visor only robins were seen by Brock s it is been too conciliatory towards. Source Now Mr Robins is replacement David trust he wrote an e-mail to his E.U. Counterparts last week warning them not to underestimate Mr Johnston in that e-mail which emerged yesterday he wrote you should be in no doubt about this government s commitment to the 31st of October date I would also add that many people are inclined to underestimate Boris Johnson and I urge you not to do so said many a time on this program doesn t. The whole sticking point for Boris Johnson and Lady Brock s it is is this Irish backstop what they want to see that taken out of the withdrawal agreement that would mean the whole of the rest of the E.U. Affecting the Solomon Island on the boss and nobody nobody can see that happening so it is a bit of a game now between who s going to blink 1st and I don t think it s going to be the pool got to go the I newspaper there now within chance in the Apollo 11 moon mission riding high there s been a renewed focus in recent weeks on Neil Armstrong the mission commander and of course the 1st man on the lunar surface Armstrong died after heart surgery in 20020 after the death of his 1st wife Janet a number of items of Armstrong s memorabilia have gone under the hammer and have netted it s believed almost 17000000 dollars for these sons from their 1st marriage Mark in regards John Robert poem an is the editor of collect SPACE dot com which is a Web site devoted to space memorabilia he s been telling me what sorts of items Rouge you know of the Armstrong family collection has included items that flew on his missions like United States flags and flags of other organizations. Special items like pieces of the in $1000.00 No 3 Wright Flyer the 1st powered aircraft Neil Armstrong famously took some of that to the moon donated some back to museums and then kept the rest rooms also some of those pieces came up for auction there are also everyday items from his just normal life like magazines that he subscribed to or vinyl records that he listened to it was really a cross-section of both personal and. Space flight are effects. People were prepared to pay top dollar for some of these are times. They did and and it s sort of a combination of both the value of the item itself anything that flies to the moon as you might end might guess. Carries quite a price tag to it not many items are available but from Neil Armstrong specifically he never sold anything during his lifetime and so this was the 1st opportunity for people to get something associated with the 1st person to walk on the moon I didn t even realize who not to tell you so many personal mementos with them to the moon does NASA know this that they accumulated all these masses of trinkets. Indeed they do they had something called the Personal preference kit it was a small pouch that carried several of them on board some state aboard the command module lunar orbit some landed on the moon on the lunar module and they could pack them with items that they wanted to take for themselves or their family or friends then there were other items that were they brought back from the moon that were part of the spacecraft and in 2012 the U.S. Congress and president signed into law affirming that the astronauts could hold title and therefore sell or or donate or keep those mementos that they brought back from the moon you mentioned in his live child knew Armstrong so very little if anything and am didn t commercialise as he could have done from his frame. While he was alive he chose not to take part in memorabilia sales he did a couple of of. Signings signing his autograph or to support organizations that he supported but that was very early on he signed autographs freely for close to 30 years and then after he found that people were taking advantage of that basically asking for his autograph and then rushing it on to e-bay for sell he stopped signing in the in the mid 1990 S. . He knows he didn t realize that people commercializing money. He knew that there were some people selling his autograph but he didn t realize that the people would be asking him for his autograph and then rushing to sign to sell it it s different than having an autograph in your collection for 20 years and then deciding to sell it versus meeting the guy and 10 minutes later was doing it on for sale it also made it impossible for him to determine if the for example small child asking for his autograph was someone you re generally wanted his autograph or it was someone who was being pushed forward by their parents so they could get something they could sell on e Bay Why was he. To commercializing his experiences the 1st man to walk on the moon. It s difficult to say from what he said about it it just wasn t part of his personality. He didn t go to the moon to become famous he came back from the moon seeking to return to his normal life as an engineer he went back actually after he left NASA and he became a professor at the University of Cincinnati and taught engineering for a number of years. So he didn t seek the spotlight and so he didn t see he didn t see his items or his memorabilia or his personality being something worth marketing. He also didn t put a lot of important story said he didn t put a lot of importance on on memorabilia and so it wasn t something that he inserted himself was and I read that exempted that he was only the front man for a huge organization of people who put a lot behind game to the it was his position that his his carroty on that shared by the other astronauts who went up with him Buzz Aldrin 1st of all and also Michael Collins who calls was the pilot of the space module. Yes all 3 of them and pretty much all the astronauts I wouldn t say there s not an exception to them all were 1st who all would firstly recognize the 400000 or so people that made their mission possible they were the tip of the spear the astronauts and receives all the glory but they wouldn t be able to go and do what they did if it wasn t for those hundreds of thousands of people who made every piece of the rocket every piece of the spacecraft and not just made it but made it so that it works so they came home safely so they all helped at that position they ve all spoken about it. But that but they ve expressed their own. Their own personalities in their post astronaut lives as you would expect anyone else to do Have any of them and their memorabilia. They have both of or all 3 of Neil s crewmates they ve got on Gemini 8 and. Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins on Apollo 11 have sold memorabilia they are all still living and so many of the other astronauts since the early 1990 S. When the memorabilia market started the astronaut started to get approached by auction houses and by dealers to ask about do you have items that your children no longer want or that you don t want and that we can sell and so it began and so we had with it with a couple of exceptions most of the astronauts list items for sale from their personal collections they re still a few astronauts who have and have sort of filed the role that that Neil did given that given that it s not unusual for as you know to some memorabilia Y.Y. Of these oceans of dunam Strongs positions why or why they so controversial and. If I would use the word controversial but they do stand out because. Because Neil Armstrong as a singular figure in history is probably the only astronaut who really gained. A long standing name recognizability. The other astronauts are known and if your space and theirs used you know all of them but in terms of who will be remembered in fact some people have said a 1000 years from now the only person of the 20th century that will be remembered is no Armstrong because he was the 1st to set foot on another on another celestial body that no one else. From that century will will stand the test of time and so given that position given that responsibility anything associated with him has always held a higher desire a higher demand then the other astronauts or other people around him when he would enter a room or people would seek out his autograph or want to have their photo taken with him they would. The books that were written about him were read by more people than some of the other astronauts books. There was always a. Higher interest in him as the 1st person to set foot on the moon than just about anyone else you say you wouldn t describe it as controversial robot bit . New Armstrong s sons the 2 sons who have essentially motivated these sales who are behind the mark and Rick and had to come out and defend their decisions to sell their father s possessions we ve had other people come out and say well you know you know he s live he was totally against this is somewhat unseemly not least. His biographer. You might know James our hands in this coming he never did any. That he s lived time has come out and said And of course new Armstrong for those you know had Chief families of the way because his 1st wife divorced him. About 19 in the early 1990 S. And he married Carol. The 2nd wife 9094 and her family have stood aloof of any of these cells or in that concept exist it s no this is not these cells haven t been seen as acceptable by everybody. I think it s understandable I think there is. I think that happens with a lot of families and that it s sort of amplified here because of the same that you know Armstrong add but. There is there certainly certainly because Neil Armstrong did not sell anything during his life time the perception is that he did not want that he did not want to be involved whether he would be in support of his sons doing that. You know I can t speak to that but. But I think that he he put more and people less importance on the memorabilia and what happened to it than he did on what happened to his family so if there s some point helps his family I think. He d be in and he would at least not object to it but I can t put words in his mouth but I do what I can say is some of the objections have been that all these items should have went to an archive or 2 Museum and the National Space Museum the Smithsonian had the ability to go through the entire collection and identify pieces that they wanted before the auctions were even a saying there were other donations made to other museums around the country and world. The the truth of the matter is that not everything is appropriate for a museum you know the you could say that a flag flown to the moon yes that but that a museum might want to display that but in a magazine that he subscribed to that happened to arrive at his house and then he happened to hold onto it for I want to look at that. From when he was a kid. And a museum I know well someone might you know some might put up a teddy bear if it s like there is an Armstrong and Space Museum that he actually donated items to in his lifetime but just every day items. You know his his membership card to a certain organization these are not pieces that are going to end up on display they ll end up in the archives. And in fact museums often sell items in their collection to fund displays and artifacts that they want to display so in this way the artifact of these pieces these nuts and bolts and less so of his his life and their collections where hopefully the enthusiastic buys it is someone who appreciates the history maybe it ends up going into into a classroom with the owner s child as a show and tell I don t and so new class gets to see it or maybe it gets displayed on a website for the collection or loan to a local library so in a way they do you know enter communities and get to get to be seen by more than just the owner but it s not the type of items that would museum would would naturally seek out yeah these are always going to be this was always going to be a $1000000.00 SEO and perhaps exceeded expectations 16 point something $1000000.00 so far of the 4 oceans have been there s another one do you know John this years and we re not done with that figure will definitely go up was when the most expensive item. I believe the sold the most is a gold medallion it was one of 3 gold medallions that was aboard Apollo 11 it s called the robins medallion after the company that minted it the robins medallions themselves hold a special place in. Space memorabilia and that they flew on every mission from a pulse 7 to today each each one. Representing the mission that they flew on the gold ones were particularly special because they were only available to the astronauts who were flying on the mission. So Neil s sold for just over $2000000.20 to $1.00 his room did in her medallion so and we don t know who bought it we don t know. He was a coin collector or if he was a space collector or history collector. But it certainly did appeal and it must appeal to more than one because the bidding pushed it up to so that amount as you can imagine I m not in that league of bit is one can I afford Well we ll see cheap is going to the end of this go. To one of those business cards for a club the intended ones amateur that go for several $100.00 cheapest items where it went to the hundreds in the 1st cell the very 1st one last November. Nothing sold for less than a $1000.00 and there was a little bit of auction fever there I think those people. Felt that you know this might be their only opportunity to get something and so they did as the auctions went on and it showed that this collection at a. Lot of items offer. The fitting sort of settle down a little bit not so much that anything could be called and expensive but you could pick up something for a few $100.00 and we ll have to see what happens in the next auction in November really sees more room for these events of connect spice don t call my website devoted to space memorabilia that s manageable Miles thanks for listening thanks to school December and yes you can see this is rising. In the east to the fold is a blind migraine I m well away from Monday morning. To Get out of sight. Out of love it s what time is full of already oh well OK I say it s enough to be all right Scott you know that I. Can you know that I would pull milling around bacon sandwiches and I m surprised you have been to have before caught full in a bit of fun faction going to do like that with the washout of the weekend people milling up and down and if you want to go seems to be a lot of dogs I don t know why it is today I m going so I m flying solo after the show during my wife s and heading towards she s having 5 and a half 1000 cheeses and not to eat cheese show and I ll be trying to write about 50 of them. Basically 50 of them you don t know you never know. Round of I think this is going to be able to the judges and you don t know what you re going to get you get that and then you get you pack and it s like hard cheese soft cheese cheese without civs blue cheese you could even get to the dairy section which it doesn t appeal to me much I mean you ll get something you know me at my age with these eyebrows. Are you satisfied. My goal John is this morning doesn t everybody spooky black is just black is about back just how we like it now is going it talk and talk until we really have have lights again about the city in the shoeshine you stay if quite how the time it was roasting dark roast you know could I go I don t want to sit in that because of trying to find shade. A resident comedian Rush morning. Well that s 16 you don t tell me time to get a job whereas when I was your age my very 1st job I had a which with over 500 people under me wow I asked did you work in some huge corporation he says no I m of the lawn and. Right little to get out on the part of it that snow in the sky I can swim in the ocean and yet remain dry I want all my. Cool Oh a $101.00 to $1.00. Text. And start your message with the word stuck. On social media B.B.C. Radio. Yes.

Radio-program , Great-medal-of-the-aéro-club-de-france-winners , Presidential-medal-of-freedom-recipients , Member-states-of-the-commonwealth-nations , Constitutional-monarchies , Political-science , G8-nations , Island-countries , United-kingdom , G20-nations , Member-states-of-the-european-union , Northern-europe

Transcripts for KALW 91.7 FM KALW 91.7 FM 20190729 020000

What was it. I hear Spokeo already dialing in but. I think it was in the year 2525 was all clear. It was out in Rogers I think Zager in the spirit of the sacred right you know that was great yeah I was hoping you sparky you can hang out so we re looking for the 1st item consumed on the moon and the only book that is on the moon if not a manual published was the 1st time consumed on the moon was that liquid or solid salt lead I m saying it has a taping way but it s always in one of those pouches that everything it s got I think everything came out that this might have been in one of the astronauts on his person I don t know for sure. Well I m sorry if it is I say this it isn t the normal kind of like Gore they would eat for nutrition What do you how did you phrase it did you say substance or just he said it was your 1st item consumer item consume and I think that s telling and that s why I couldn t tell Acco the way you yeah it s my age that. I would almost say it s the opposite of tobacco when I think I have a hint of some sort of health vitamin. Where he stays when still writing and that s good not going to count it did not I don t know whether to face with it or else watch I like please don t buy women s either good action with which the writer has to be good or Jetsons vitamine not correct. And that s going to call. My right mind over matter so I have a couple of quick very quick. I m sorry somebody somebody said we were nice enough to you Are we no no no no I understand but I do think sometime early many other callers they take off a lot of time especially that the end of the show which is really unfair to everybody but be very quick. The newspaper was published in this city in this country I ll give you 4 choices right navels Italy France. Germany a London England which won so the 1st newspaper in the world you re saying that was the year 65. Again because I was waiting for Egypt I really wanted to. Give. The naval naval Italy France star as the Borg Borg. Or many or London England I m going to go with straw sport I m going to agree because it doesn t record correct correct Ok. The 2nd question which is kind of a tad more be able you know every time I go to the but mind always wonder what there s a quick. More be able 1200000 to be able in the year 12 or one were killed by and there s a quake in this country. 1201. Either Japan or China No Is it somewhere in Southeast Asia No Is it in Egypt the prize is in Egypt the brothers are going to Egypt big part of the city of Alexandria was thrown under the this a and c. Which is very sad. That of course some are equipped that doesn t make. When the lighthouse of Alexandria was that part we don t know exactly when it failed but it was simple as a quake over the. 100 year period that it is one of them Ok the whole city of Alexandria will sort of agenda under Mr Kenyon Ok so you know with all of the Haygood going around the site now actually studied the history of Islam there were a lot of very valuable most of all science technology. Mathematic is the inventor of the 0 which is. The. Evolved the field of mathematics. You know what people objects in the old and we call them. The 7 seventh s across there that was led by a French king his name was there was a line. It was it was thought to be clever as they were going to respond directly you went through Egypt down the Nile it was badly defeated is I mean was devastated it was captured and within this is the square of Cairo for luck so for a week until France run some time but the funny thing about the army that if you did it was as if an army some of the things about the leadership was either so what I would have so do you have foreign leadership No Ok if I was elected by a woman woman it is yes that is it yes. It was led by a great Egyptian woman her name was Others thought it was just great I mean if you see what this woman have done she actually dressed like a man just like her husband was and she told me this America that there was an anti that sodomy and other this and then the little one it s like to do that it s because he had or something like that through Libya and then he was killed that thank you God. And you re listening to us on 91.7 f.m. Says k l w your local public radio station this is mind over matter here every Sunday at 7 pm hope you re enjoying the show feel free to give us a call with a question or answer That s area code 415-841-4134 or toll free 866798255 our panel tonight Cura pace technical editor Laurie Fischer teacher to have about a college armor moderator Dana Rodriguez and Ok let me give you couple questions. It has long been said though not necessarily truthfully that there is no rhyme for orange purple circle or silver. As you said in your I know because if you put them in the new job there this is not entirely right. Anyway so it has been said by many that there is no or a no rhyme for orange purple circle in silver Ok And but. Turns out they all have perfect rhymes actually so what I m going to do is give you the meaning of the word that rhymes with these various words orange silver purple and circle and I want you to tell me what the word it s Ok so the English words are these are all English words as correct So again these are all words that rhyme with these various words I m going to give you the meaning you tell me what the word is Ok Number one orange the rhyme meaning is a hill in Wales. Number 2 silver. The rhyme meaning is a female who am. Number 3 purple. The rhyme meaning is to walk with a limp. And number 4 circle. The rhyme meaning is to pull in all your limbs. So once more. I m looking for the rhyme to go the word that rhymes with these words if you can meaning you tell me what the word is number one orange the word rhyme meaning is a hill in Wales number 2 silver the word rhyming meeting a female Lamb of number 3 purple the word rhyme is to walk with a limp number 4 circle the word rhyme is to pull in all your limbs Ok I ll give you each one guess. So I care thank you that s my birthday present. All right I don t know any of these but I think pulling in all your lives seems like maybe Burkle would do. That s pretty good but not quite Ok it s pretty good so it s like right now with Brooke wobbly running circles you know that s it you know I do do we need one more syllable or do we need to change the 1st letter. No I don t think I m going to like that so anyway All right sit it out from now on empirical is the word as I see it in a skit I think that s a quote. From you on that Star Trek. And I know. All right 2nd question. So what was the 1st and last Western to be a top 10 t.v. Show. What was the 1st Western and the last Western to be a top 10 television show does something like a Dr Quinn Medicine Woman count you know that s round the no be my guess it is not Ok oh wait no tombstone no are not 2 So what s it called Deadwood very thoughts what I want to know this is network going to work Ok so is it pre is the last one before Dr Quinn I m going to say Ok so what was the 1st t.v. Western to be a top 10 t.v. Show and here I don t talk about network shows now and what was the last all t.v. Westervelt well known. Yeah definitely the 1st one Gunsmoke it is not that one radio in came of it but you guessed the 1st one I should get the last one because it was on forever right you know but that ended along well could be a trick question I don t put that past year. I m trying to think and he said you know by the way I know I did this last into the. He s not going to answer my question if there is a Gunsmoke you know the last one there are all the last Western to break into the top 10 for ratings it was Gunsmoke in 1902 Wow So what was the 1st t.v. Western to be in the top 10 networks was. All right and what was a Gene Autry show that s not you know Internet you know and let s go to a call Gunsmoke again yeah i read minds or matter. Husband of the woman in the voice for many males yes the voice for Mickey Mouse absolutely gotta go. First western was the lone ranger it was the lone ranger good 1982 very good I think if the same cast. More thank you of a nice Yes 1st and last t.v. Westerns to be in the top 10 and Lone Ranger in 1955 and Gunsmoke in 172 so there has not been a Western in the top 10 for since 172 so Dr Quinn did make Dr Quinn what I made you got 20 years in the lichens top then how about Little House On The Prairie didn t make it either I was in the top 20 or dairy. And cure I believe it s your turn All right well I m going to try another one of these pyramid questions which is where I ask you the hard part 1st and if you don t get it by the next time it comes around to me I ll ask how either you are the games you now know so this is another this is another set of questions I suppose about a movie director. Even I ll even spot you the fact that this is an Academy Award nominated movie director so here we go something about this movie director commercials television commercials that were directed by this Academy Award nominee including 1993 commercial for Barilla pasta in which restaurant patrons Gerard Depardieu commandeers the kitchen to cook intricate noodle dishes for 2 people who have fallen off their bikes. He also directed a 2002 Nissan Micra commercial featuring giant floating blue lips it was response inspired by the art of the name agreed and finally he directed in 1907 spot for clear blue pregnancy tests for which he made his actors actually take the test then switched to results with those of a pregnant crewmember to get her on rehearsed reaction to a positive result on camera that s funny was this doctor. So. Our studio audience is appalled they love this question they re going to go if people could see it they re going nuts. Ok so is it a foreign born is it or not American there is incorrect as a person is American so by $93.00 they re doing share our debt per do commercials right are they still active today yes. And I already spotted you a gender to he right that I know that s not much of a spy tricking the tricking women about pregnancy seems. Probably. Obvious All right let me think about. It you want to very quickly how about Steven Soderbergh No not sort of Arc So once again commercials directed by this Academy Award nominee include a 1993 commercial for Burleigh pasta in which a restaurant page in which restaurant patron Gerard Depardieu commandeers the kitchen to cook intricate noodle dishes for 2 people who have fallen off their bikes a 2002 Nissan Micra commercial featuring giant floating blue lips that was written speired by the art of her name agreed and in 1907 spot for clear blue pregnancy tests for which he made his actress actually take the test then switched her results with those of a pregnant crewmember to get her unrehearsed reaction to a positive result on camera. He s a very mean man. So he s no effort like yeah all right and let s go to a call. Irene mind over matter high and Thomas and Derek 3 times I don t have an answer for anything but I came across this dare you I dare you concert nothing. I came across the scammers thing to me which is a good read and a fight and what they missed it with the 5 top most band laugh they could really do you guys know this. It s just I mean and so you re asking us the what are the words meaning the top. Most abandoned classes so in other words this is something you start reading and then says just stop Is it Ok is Moby Dick one nice you bet yeah I know these international are. Their Own. They re mixed but they re mostly American and then 3 or else or is this current letter one now about Ulysses Yeah number 3 and how about war and peace didn t make it. And I made my reading I think are questionable you know like they say classic read but I think classic creatures are really back there in the 18th 19th century all this is 20th century classic reads that by our readers a couple of them I would like to guess the only book that I ve ever regretted reading all the way through which was a coast to coast pendulum and I was a waste my time it was such a good story but it was flight I found the weakest link. That s not it is that so. Tell us how how long ago these are you so 20th century became a sort of like a like a I don t know when this particular book happened that s number 2 but it was a big movie and to balance it oh I was being described as rainbow but then I thought the minute I act read that thing did you all the way through all the way. This is more in the realm of fantasy to thousands it was a big movie it was a big movie in 2000 is the any of the Lord Of The Rings Yes Oh Ok I thought the everybody clinician gives it just give credit for the Lord Of The Rings I think the hype it or Ok the other one is the forty s. I m pretty sure it was and she wrote it in a 400 nice no the other one Alice. That s that s a fifty s that s a late fifty s Oh it s a late fifty s prefer I was trying to sleep it s Ok And since I m hoping that sixty s is right for this which I have cords read to just go. Let s me I don t use it when I didn t win an Academy Award but it was a big picture. Mike. Michael to record who s afraid of a Virginia Woolf. People don t abandon these radicals Mike Nichols directed in the sixty s you said Ok 22 Yes really it was so good that you. Don t like the way people didn t thanks Thomas but shouldn t abandon kids talking about movies or green Taft Yeah it was my favorite thing that I read in my school and that s return All right so believe it or not we re still talking about the Apollo mission I like this question you re talking about yeah that s how I met my we it s my pronoun. We want to know how many people have walked on the moon I ll give you within 10 percent 12 that s curious on this and you ll know this one too when was the last time humans walked on the moon what year within 70. 270. 471772 Yeah you know so I think that we re Ok with it Ok so here s another Neil Armstrong was requested by the Air Force to take one piece of historical memorabilia on the plane with him and he agreed to do it what piece of historical memorabilia that he take with him the 1st Playboy and you know. I don t think Neil would have done is this had something to do with the Air Force Yes Ok Ok he took it there did he bring it back he did it so we do with the Wright brothers it is nice Ok it was exactly that I mean it s no more than it was remnants of the of the Wright Brothers point that he Hawker that they thought would be a tribute I want to very small sliver of that but he got it so he took it there so it just visited the room. Where he said it s so disproportionate is how would you know I do. Want to write but there s no way it was I had been lured of school but like when I keep it there with the flag I think they were supposed to take most things home except for that book that they left and it s because Cooper. Going license to talk about it talk. Right there that was it you guys have one more on the you probably know this one too I thought these were harder on the front page of The New York times a day after the moon landing there was full coverage including a poem by what poet and if you know that you might know the title. So full profile for poem was included with the coverage of the space landing on July 21st it s a classic boater on McEwen. It s its and it s and this did you think I would say it s more classic than Rod McKuen that some people in our audience know it s pretty borderline to be Ok. Respected Yeah Ok but the classic still 20th century poet and I think instead well that if you re not you re in the right drawing right about it s not Edna St Vincent from. Michigan lived in Michigan not. Frost Frost It s not for a story for. The great poet had read what I don t like to eat coming something like that or Carl Sandburg it s more like Carl Sandburg me Cummings but neither what oh I see Ok so it s nothing it s a very American American kind of well I would say so Ok. Hi Ok never mind I just read the questions and so there s a poem on the front page in The New York Times until I 21st that accompanies the the coverage of the moon landing who wrote it and for a bonus what was the name of the poem told people walk the moon very good in 1902 was the last one the Wright Brothers was the memorabilia so just that one extra question Ok And let s go to a call iron mines or matter. I especially Mattie. You know you re 2525 if you remember who sang it I think or another yeah Cura got it but I knew that Sparky very good thing was when you would have to question I mean every word of it out in the sense I put it out the radio so I said I just like you would know that. That was in your head nobody said that here it just happened but the book helped out brave new world no great guess. The Bible perhaps that s it was the Bible. And they left it on the moon or module which stede on it and they didn t announce it until they got back to earth I forget who the astronauts were as a power 15 not Apollo 11 very good. And I think we re going to leave it at that but thank you for your clairvoyancy. I do my best but I m. So last week I asked I gave you several people who were on u.s. Stamps I want to know why they were on u.s. Stamps on a do that again this week I have 7 So tell me I m going to give you these names of people I want to tell me what their claim to fame is why why would they have been on a United States postage stamp Ok and they were they all on individually or were they were part of their on individual Ok All right number one Gilbert Anderson. Number 2 Montgomery Blair. Number 3 William Boyd. All spelled any of these if you want Number 4 Dorothy Fields. Number 5 Ira Hayes. Number 6 Harriet Quimby that s to tell you I am b. Y. . And number 7 Elizabeth Blackwell who has fellows have both. So once more why are these people on United States postage stamps what what is their claim to fame number one Gilbert Anderson number 2 Montgomery Blair number 3 William Boyd number 4 Dorothy Fields number 5 irate Hayes number 6 Harriet Quimby number 7 Elizabeth Blackwell give each one guess going to good I only know one Elizabeth Blackwell is the 1st female medical degree in the United States woman physician in the United States very good. I know 3 I think I ll take Ira Hayes Hayes was a Native American who was helping. Raise the flag and he would mind that has corrected a very complicated life after us Ira Hayes as played by Tony Curtis in the movie of course Ed I decided I don t care if it was a weird movie yeah so that is correct so Ira Hayes was one of the one of the Marines who. Raised the flag and he would Jima. And it was with Blackwell was the 1st woman physician in the entire 1st woman physician and you know just joking so we re still looking for Gilbert Anderson Montgomery Blair Boyd Dorothy Fields and Harriet Quimby and it s good work all. Iron mines of matter I. Was the 1st consumable on the moon bubblegum No it s not you know it s not shallow I think bubble gum would be tough thing to bring to the moon ever be fun though it was. We were talking last week about Ian Fleming and I have another question about him all right he. Served the war as the personal assistant to the admiral who is in charge of Naval Intelligence and at the end of the war he was able to get a contract. With a newspaper chain to run their international correspondents So instead of running spies he was running correspondents but one of the main things about his contract was that he had 3 months off every winter. So that he could spend the winter months in Jamaica birdwatching watching among other things they also started writing. And he don t a house there but he named Goldeneye. Right next door to a friend and I want to know the name of the friend the whole coward. You re too good that s great Here s a half hour but he was going to make it for a long time all right so that was it thank you very much you know about. And actually let s repeat any question that had been answered here which I am looking for this person commercials directed by this economy Award nominee including 1903 commercial for pasta in which restaurant patron Gerard you commands the kitchen to cook intricate noodle dishes for 2 people who have fallen off their bikes This person also directed a 2002 Nissan Micra commercial featuring giant floating blue lips it was inspired by the art of a name a greet and in 1907 spot for clear blue pregnancy tests for which he made his actress actually take the test then switched her results with those of the pregnant crewmember to get her on rehearsed reaction to a positive result on camera. And Mark I have to Apollo questions one was what was the 1st item consumed on the moon in the craft after they landed and on the New York Times on July 22nd they have to go we learned that the moon there was a poem on the front page who wrote. If you know the title of the poem that would be excellent. And if you don t then we ll give it to the end of the show and you ll get darn Yes it is seen by many that there are no rhymes for the words orange purple circle and silver it so that is not true so what I gave you is the meaning that rhyme other words the word the meaning of the word that is the rhyme so I will read the definition of that word and I want you to tell me what it is so the the definition of the rhyme for Orange is a hill in a way also it s w a l Yes not what drums and number 2 silver definition of the rhyme is a female lamb number 3 purple definition of the rhyme is a walk to walk with a limp and number 4 circle definition definition of the Rhine is to pull in all your limbs and it s kind of like. Yes except it s not and then the u.s. Stamp to that is correct there are these are people who have been who have appeared solo on United States postage stamps want to know what their claim to fame is the ones we have left are Gilbert Anderson. Montgomery Blair William Boyd Dorothy Fields and Harriet Quimby so they were our studio audience has a guess and one we allowed Yes Harriet Quimby is what the character who is the Harriet the Spy character it is not that they ll write. It well I sure will be ushering them out now there s a massive protests going on and let s go to a call. I write mind over matter or that moon is you oh my goodness all right well Ok love. My note to another room. Oh they didn t direct commercials for other countries that you know that I did of that very good you know what else. You know what I m buying coffee they can call me in Japan he said them buying coffee all day but you know yeah. That s the answer right that is the answer he s the guy who did the clear blue. Great also a lot of the Calvin Klein commercials in the late eighty s so what about pill birth that a word Kilburn No not that you were what was the word Ronnie no sooner is the rhyme for Silver is a female lamb right and it s not tell it is not killed it will go. Ok purple when my notes a purple it lamp and I m thinking Trump It s when you know. All right that s all I got all right thank you that s a great answer so I miss. Iron mines are a matter where I am you are fantastic the comments of in California I. Don t know any of these but I think again 1st item consumed on the moon was the cheese it was not chiefs as it got yes it was not that nutritious Oh no not that huge machines but he said it was the opposite of tobacco so I was thinking it s healthful but it s not I m not saying it s not helpful it s helpful I don t know about it right it s not. Sure what. They might with a poem by all been asked it was not Oh I ve been blessed I would have been fun yeah you know it s not it s not a fun poem serious your solemn commemorating the moon. Ok I got taken on the Lynch one show right. Was Montgomery Blair something to do a Blair House he did that was his home as a matter of fact Blair House says for those he may not know is right across the street from the White House is used as the official efficient guesthouse for for foreign dignitaries and presidents before their inauguration and that sort of thing but he was also a friend of Lincoln s and postmaster general he was in the movie thinking he was played by Holbrooke Smucker me Blair So yeah and so very good at that you know you feel the most the blank Salander that helps our. Banks I think some wild guesses up there when Wales is out more than it is now it s not as if the mail and the milk for now these are great but the limp. No. Soul and all in this is that a mark oh. No it s not a mark on a Merkel she would talk. Merkel I know if you know Merkel. Let s see. Today is the 71st birthday. A bass player for what famous band out of all. You know high on the title The band you know playing. No no. Gas All right so out of Ohio are they from are they in Athens Ohio. Are they what are they from Athens Ohio Athens Ohio the reason I mentioned there s an Athens How about Divo do you know I was right do you know. Gerald because following. The South. Famous Ohio gay and besides the Ohio Players Yeah yeah so happy birthday Laura. And parents and I m sure a birthday that s what we all know each other we hang out after the show. You and I guess that leaves for others and some other Jacqueline Onassis. Who you know that s my people are almost as famous as. Thank you. And one other question I was kind of an old. Old local paper for July 20th 1969 and you know obviously the moon landing was the big story. And the 2nd story was about how the Soviets had a moon landing. Unmanned lander that got lost I guess and they couldn t communicate with it what was the other major news story on the front page was it still Ted Kennedy it was yes this Chappaquiddick Wow very good. Ok one last question. You re going so what was the 1st Jewish cabinet member in North America. Well when you say North America you re taking in Canada and Mexico as well yes. And we say cabinet member could not be the Confederacy. Yeah you know. Judah Benjamin who was the very good secretary of state church or the Treasury confederacy of the confederacy of the Confederacy he was a senator from Florida and then he became a member of the Confederacy cabinet senator from Louisiana who s you know I m sorry excuse me Yeah Ok And you know he was appointed attorney general Bill Lockyer at sea. And then Secretary of war d and Lisa had a name right that s good yeah it is very impressive thanks What a great show we re going to write. And. Curie think it s your turn your quick if you pull in all your limbs is that maybe purple. Ok. Sorry that s what I wanted to be a plosive right at the beginning I don t know why so the name of what Spice is related to the Greek word for bed bug. I guess the name of what Spice is related to the Greek word for bed bug I gently it s because of the bad smell of the on ripened fruit so of the spice of the spice I was going to say paprika it s not just good to see Anas No that s a great guess though because and this is nasty yeah I went with the yes the bed bugs Yeah and sort of Ok so from is this a common all right because it was out I mean that s common spice certainly in my kitchen. It s not healthful. I d say you ve heard of it for sure but I d be a rather I would be surprised if you had heard you say it was an herb or spice It s a spice. And it has a fruit of the plant spices do. Well as many do would you call this. Hot or cold or you know I don t think it s hot. And slaver folded I never thought well it will people have to try it in a container you know they like grind it up in fresh they re probably have a dried container. All right just read the question is more than sure the name of what Spice is related to the Greek word for bed bug Ok. And that s going to call. Iran mines or matter I just ran I I have people in mind from all their parts you question. But. One question I believe in you comes from what Broadway show I believe in you know How to Succeed in Business Without religion Yes Frank Loesser right and who starred in the show the male lead and Robert Moore Yeah the young Morrison Rudy Vallee 2 yes yes very good yeah. Just for the hack a bit what takes place at Downing Street in London takes place in what s happening there a lot of a blur stranger horse John said there not to be yeah there for instance we had to clean out the place probably not that yeah the prime minister Yeah right. This I have care in mind but somebody it s a Christmas question can I do it. So now do you want to think. About it that s what I did that s what I did Christmas in July we have 3rd gear it s here in Madagascar for Christmas. I don t know if this comes from that or before but I want the name I would be. Adding reindeer except Rudolph there were reindeer Dasher and Dancer In Prince or in pics and call me keep it and don t wonder and Blitzen very good care that. She said Yes I just want to thank you very much and always. You know whatever. You think your fictional reindeer and Laurie church are all right I had him like and I m still on the Apollo This one s about lawsuits Ok Neil Armstrong sued 2 groups 22 entities he sued Hallmark and he sued his barber how come that I ll give you one more NASA was sued for. Something that happened on Apollo 8 for reading something on Apollo 8 what did they read and what was the lawsuit about. They read out loud and people heard it to be read Happy Birthday they did not. What were they sued because it was copyrighted no. So there s in the Armstrong question hall mark in his barber and then there s the NASA question about being sued for something they read out loud and it was not it would they weren t sued because of a copyright so was the hall mark. Was that maybe did they quote the one small step they did not Ok would be used as like they did he got a lot of them are now what do you think your of him on a moon or not on a card not on a car no not not a card at all maybe a figurine or a Christmas ornament they put him on a Christmas ornament and he really he didn t want his likeness used at all and that upset him more than the others you know so that s the correct name for the Christmas concert this is Christmas in July Ok so we need his barber and then we need a massive beings Oh did they maybe use his likeness for a crew cut or some sort of hair thing that s what I thought I would have here it wasn t. Looking. And that s what we call Iraq might be a matter. Though Iraq Yeah hi this is John from Bernal Heights Niger and I think I have an answer for the 1st food consumed Yes I believe it was bread and wine of communion it was it was a communion wafer and. I thought we had a little discussion about this at my church last with you. But Aldrin was a. Presbyterian elder you know in his church in Webster Texas and he and the minister started the service on earth and then he took the the bread away for in the wine you know into space and it was all done privately racked because I think there was a fear remember they read from the Bible I was in an earlier voyage and there was some you know suing and whatnot over that so no separate was all done privately and then do you know what he did with the chalice. No he left it on the moon Oh he did Wow yeah I did my understand the other thing I am going to church there in Texas Webster Presbyterian church every Sunday nearest landing celebrates cosmic communion Sunday really that s who I am commemorate that event you don t know and I would only Aldrich what Logan was in the congregation until you know until we don t you know step and he would be there for that event and I think the kids still attend the church. Do you think he was older than the life yeah. Yeah oh I can t remember I m going to I m not up on a limb with it I thought you know but I think at least as long as he was physically able he would still be you know attending and would show up for that service and you know read from. You know some of the scriptural passages that talk about the glories of the heavens and you know that sort of thing so I could well thank you thank you good night and I want to interrupt the caller answered a question in passing NASA was sued for reading from the Bible and Apollo Wadeye Christmassy they read a passage from Genesis and Madalyn Murray O Hair the famous atheist sued NASA and before it went to court they just agreed they wouldn t have any more public readings of bible stuff from space separation of church and. Yes I do yes and I m not arguing the merits of the case but but they have to call it really filled in the blanks on the communion that the way for the wine the Bible was the book left on the moon and so no surprise that there s a religious element to some of this this is their religious element to your barber question to you there it s not Ok now we move in question laughter you know the poem that s on the front of the New York Times right. Many more working Ok And you re listening to minds over matter if you d like to give us a call quick call the 2 numbers are here you can. 415-841-4123 extension 4 again with a question or answer 415-841-4134 or toll free 866798255 All right let me give you one quick question here is this go Caesar Cisco is on latitude 37 degrees what 2 world capitals one in Asia and one in Europe are also on latitude 37 it s Tokyo you know. So there are 2 world capitals wanted Asia and one in Europe that are also on latitude 37 Hong was from Cisco I know I mean that s pretty Southern Europe so how about. You re right it is yeah it s like Madrid maybe you know Ok Chicago Lisbon pockets. Rome you know Ok Listen you know Ok but I know who William Boyd is can answer that now you know Ok. So again series is go to cities he goes on latitude $37.00 degrees what 2 world capitals wanted Asia and want and Europe are also on latitude $37.00 degrees. And. Our I go it was way Boyd have a long cast that is correct Cassidy. Will get there if he feels towards the end yeah and let s go to a call. Iron mines or matter. I want to remind everyone you know that I m good thank you. About. The bad but bad question yes I don t I don t want to know but coriander it up and so discouraged all Koreans are you know. I don t care I m going to go into a hotel on a public oriented. Back and I had no doubt about it you are absolutely right good job. About the drive. Up. Her Yet clearly I believe her. I live that is to realize she was less licensed a woman pilot in the United States. Accepted and on and I will believe she was on the air elementals now but she wants something but. I thought that much thank you. Thank you and see we do have a couple of lines open if you want to give us a quick call area code 415414134 or toll free 866-798-8255 let s go to a call. I your in mind over matter. I love all the Apollo questions this is no longer Bernal Heights. I love all the Apollo questions and I was just robbed of the 2 the Bible reading and the communion wafer. So I have a quick question for you. Apollo 10 was kind of the almost like the Animal House of policy. And there were 2 things one. Kind of regulation that NASA made afterwards that affected. All subsequent moon missions that s one and the 2nd part is there is a politician lunar module is still in orbit around the sun. And some people have recently proposed finding it because it would solve it might solve a mystery 50 year old mystery Do you know what that mystery is you know with their regulations is that. Came about because the public 10 does the regulation have anything to do is say alcohol or things that you can do right before you go up no Ok. So was in from their bad behavior even though they were the Animal House guy. Because it is well it wasn t bad behavior but it was a little bit NASA considered a little bit unprofessional and was highly visible. Was visible on their journey to the moon. Yeah it was in the newspapers and everybody who talked about it had basically had to talk about did they have like maybe frat symbols or something like that no. Trafficking how this relates to you know was it anything not specifically and was just. You know yeah. It was a bit concerned a bit unprofessional. To do with the naming of space craft. Ok. Well I mean they I mean they had wacky names like. And you did the end of that they are the ones who named they had once you named the grand bottle of beer. Or Tony Brown and I m not a model Snoopy right now that was considered under fire so I thought all the other ones have much more serious. Challenge to go out on to and they got serious after 10 you know and so there s also this is much more. Big gross actually there but there s a 50 year old mystery that might be solved if you know someone could actually find out that one of module that have anything to do with them going to the toilet. Like curing cancer there was actually thinking that was going to be a tweaky if you think why don t they know Ok not sleep like a Twinkie So it was about their disposal or. What they did with their waste products something to do there was a mysterious floating piece. You call matter that no one claimed nobody was going well so for the little girl it was my God it s everyone s That was my reason. For the winter and close the hatch so you think how do you. Have a sack of what is that a sign of back like you whose poop you say this. Right there he had it testing. Next Kong iron mines are not or how it s Robert and Karen in battle how I. Got skunked and William growing but I wonder Dorothy Fields is Mrs Fields as a cookies It is not oh right about Neil Armstrong suing his barber with that for selling his hair because he was trying to make profit off Neil Armstrong in every regard and he shut him down for doing that very good all right thanks I ll make you an ex-con. I run mines or matter I can for you so when no won t Howard wears out he will take the title role in the act on version of employment Dr No what did he say no no. He said no no no I won t I m no doctor. Make you an ex-co iron mines are a matter. I don t know you re on. That is correct way employed Hopalong Cassidy thanks very much. Ok typically not let me get to Dorothy Fields she s a great composers using great so here is yeah I wrote right the lyrics to find romance one of the great lyrics of all time in many many other Way You Look Tonight Yeah that s terrific many. Bluefield whether the viola vaudeville guy and not related to Mrs Fields of chocolate chip cookies as far as I know the sister of Herbert Fields who was the producer of a lot of projects in her shows us and Ok so I m sorry your you go 1st what do we have well I ve got nothing so I just want to ask if the European Catholic capital is Athens or the Asian one is Bangkok it is Athens is correct and. Easing one is Seoul South Korea so Seoul and Athens are both on latitude 37 and as Sam says goes the front page of The New York Times in July 21st had a poem by Archibald MacLeish own voyage to the moon very appropriate and that s everybody everybody table would have to that s it that s it Ok ever the people did loan the Apollos Let s see if you as you got Gilbert Anderson is probably better known as Bronco Billy Anderson the 1st western star in films and. Yes. But it will never will there is a way out in all of this that we re going to make sure you re clear yes Rives these are the Rye Ok Orange is the rhyme is it s a hero in Wales it s. Lauren Allred and Angie silver a female lamb is chilled for. Purple to walk with a limp it is her pull. It s close and circle to pull in all your limbs is Urkel. So anyway putting out your call I do apologize to them or their minds over matters here every Sunday at 7 pm Our thanks to our panel tonight that will be technical editor Cura paste and the birthday boy Laurie Fisher from travel Valley College I ve seen her moderator dinner at my thanks to David Rutledge And Steve Booker handing the board phones and above all our thanks to you for taking the time to tune in and call in please have a great week everybody and please join us next Sunday at 7 to Gary body but I. Am. On the next calls One Planet series will have a conversation about the recycling crisis in the u.s. a Year ago China stopped taking most foreign recycling previously 40 percent of the United States paper plastics and other materials were sent to China so what has been the impact of China s policy on programs across the country and how can we improve recycling systems join the conversation on the next call with me. And roses live tomorrow morning at 10 a reminder that the your call broadcasts are archived at calle w. Dot au argy and your call is among the many podcasts we offer here at local public radio learn about them all at k l w dot org forward slash subscribe this is 91.7 k l w San Francisco great music and stay with us. That s one of the stairs dances Argentine us with pianist Martha Argerich. Good evening and welcome to revolutions per minute here on. Tonight we ll listen to some new recordings of Brahms Schubert and others let s begin with Bach and his can target number 229 a new recording with key voices. Could . Why the come. To. A law. On the.

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Transcripts for KFYI 550 AM [News/Talk 550 KFYI] KFYI 550 AM [News/Talk 550 KFYI] 20190722 040000

There s the. Bell setting up double. Binds to really show. The recipient but this is Mark. Before I continue with the calls it is a viewpoint of the squad the Cortez to Lavan Nao Mars in the present case are so bad I thought they re so bad that it s possible maybe that they are in see funded their campaign and help put them in power to represent the Democratic Party is trump that smart you know when this thing started about a week ago I thought why would trump jump in the middle of an argument between Pelosi and the squad let him fight it out when your opponents are fighting each other don t shop in the middle but then all of a sudden it became clear that the the plan of the trumpeter was to have the squad the gang of 4 to become the definition of the Democrat Party and they re completely on electable except in their liberal districts from which they come one of them was even a bartender recently maybe she drank too much and so did Trump create the squad to represent the Democrats who get easily beat them a crowded party next year is trump that smart I don t know but maybe he is that smart because the way this is working out if those if those 4 represent the Democratic Party where I live in the Midwest that is unelectable one of those side no Jim Herman I ve played golf with him a couple times and one of the system pros in a Trump golf course and the Trump stir played golf with Jim Herman and that guy is really good. And he said he supported him on tour for one or 2 years he was married a couple kids and now Jim Herman has won his 2nd tour event at the barbus all open in Kentucky and he did it with a trumpeter 2 weeks before he wanted to 1st tournament the University of Houston Open. This was like in the spring or summer of 2016 when Trump was running the Trump star gave him some advice and game a putter that he used to win the used and open a few what almost 3 years have gone by Jim said foot difficulties other health problems 41 years old great guy from the University of Cincinnati. I played golf him a couple times and I said this guy s fabulous So last 3 years been down on his luck got a medical exemption because of his foot problems and so he hopes up with a trumpeter in New Jersey about 2 weeks ago and guess what he wanted a again every time he meets the president he becomes a winner so congratulations to Jim Herman So let s continue now with your calls is go back to the calls we have Stephen in North Carolina the home of the Tar Heels and the great rally I know the rally was successful because the media quickly attacked those who went to the rally as j.t. Just said when Biden shows up in Los Vegas he gets 100 people on the chops or shows up in North Carolina he gets 20000 Stephen in North Carolina welcome to the Bill Cunningham Show Stephen go ahead. Bill get even and I want to tell you that we re charted know and listeners you speak to target and what concerns me is that people need to need to hear it they re not listening you have their head buried in sand and then brainwashed by Sunni and and anybody with a great intelligence can understand that if you go $15.00 an hour minimum wage and free health care and absolve all this school debt a college tuition bet it would bankrupt the country if we had $15.00 now minimum wage Oh a happy meal cost at McDonald s double or gallon or a gallon of milk at the grocery store how many people Steve how many people will be laid off because right now Bernie Sanders the hypocrite is laying off individuals in his own campaign because he can t afford $15.00 an hour isn t hours have to be cut me think. How you go raise the minimum wage in an hour sit so it s a 0 there s no gang and I don t understand how these Democrats and the socialist agendas. Happen over time creep into our society and. How anybody that has any has ever read the Constitution knows what America was created from can support such things I just don t understand Stephen every time every time the Democrats propose a huge government program it s never paid for by their constituents and secondly it means more government control in your life so when you say we re going to forget $1.00 trillion dollars in debt who pays that it s the taxpayer you know you pay it when we have a concentration camps on the border they have to be eliminated there s no there s no borders whatsoever and millions tens maybe $100000000.00 flood in the country who pays for that all of us pay reparations Obama said reparations would never work well what what a person with a white mother and a black father get reparations if you re the president what Obama and Michael Jordan get reparations who knows and by the way it s illegal u.s. Supreme Court would strike it down immediately and the green new deal would destroy middle class jobs and make more people dependent on government one of the Democrats ever proposed something that lessen the impact of government in your life as it ever had well no I don t want to have a point to make work or I have to go. This motor voter mode of our destruction we need to get some time a grassroots thing go on doing that unconstitutional if the ensurance company is promoted given the illegal driver s license which I guess what and term require them to have insurance because they will have an uninsured motorist accident so. I guess that s Ok but don t give them the right to vote they are not u.s. Citizens they don t have a right to vote and that needs to be ruled unconstitutional on a federal level and I don t know how the states would pass it to begin with our looking California I have a gas coming up later on from California James Version and. Alef fornia they have motor voter which means when you get your driver s license and then lines are out the door d.m.v. Your automatically information is sent to Secretary State of California then 30 days or for the next election you ll get a ballot in the mail and then the illiterate votes and then someone harvest out ballots and send it back that s not Republic it s it s illegal it s against federal law it s. Illegal it s unconstitutional and a nice way to know Hillary s vote if it weren t for the used to be kind of a pose wishy washy to let go of college now in hot war on one front lawn and I understand that was established by the fountain pollers when Trump on every of reassured an affirmative sigh then the electoral college states. If the 2 state share Union states who have elected to were all right now California and Texas are 25 percent of the American people that means if you would take California Texas Florida New York and l.a. Noire which 3 of the 5 are blue and I worry about Texas a lot there won t be a Republican elected the rest of the century if Texas terms blue or if we have the popular vote well we re not at the mocker see where representative constitutional republic and the states never would have formed the union the states never would have been part of it if we did not have the Electoral College that s the reason the country existed and also the founding fathers knew that if we eliminated slavery in the beginning the United States of America never would have existed the southern states never would have formed in which but the the key to that was when a mechanism later on to get rid of slavery which was called the civil war in the 13th Amendment and so 600000 Americans died for the slave to become free and no one gets credit for that America and Britain England are the 1st. Traced to eliminate slavery which by the way there s more slaves in the world today than there were in 861 and I own their own people so I m sure the macaws. Give kudos to the man and the Novato of the calm before me who is very knowledgeable on all the facts all the facts that you cresent are available if people just get their head out of the sand research history discover And remember while we were while we were here while we were created. To say I m an American nationalist saying patriot Stephen you re a great American but just go back in time and look at it we re not a democracy where our constitutional republic the states never would have formed the compact to come together in $787.00 and less States had rights above and beyond the United States government that s why the United States of America exists is because of things like the Electoral College. And it is fundamental but the Democrats hate the country they hate the idea of how we were formed they think when it was stolen from the Indians in Bill and the blacks on the backs of slaves who by the way those ever getting slavery were all Democrats the Republican Party was formed to oppose slavery and currently the biggest races in the country are Democrats and so they have to accuse the other side of being what they are do you think I don t I don t think Joe Biden is a racist Well guess what the squad Kamel Harris thinks so I don t think Nancy Pelosi is a racist but guess what the squad the Gang of 4 think so and so How s it possible that everyone s including Mitt Romney s a racist or Bush 43 or Ronald Reagan or Donald John Trump Hell no but it s a card played to keep a core Democratic constituency group loyal under fear of the Republicans taken over remember they re going to put you back in chains is what Joe Biden said he knew was a lie when he said it the Democratic Party is the party who put blacks into slavery and put them in chains because the Democrats actually did it the accusation must be against the Republicans and the labeling takes place so one does not study one s history and think cogently just label somebody what shuts them up and that s what c.n.n. Is job is to do is to label the president a racist to shut him up so his policies never speak. Continue with more line becomes available 866-647-7337 coming up in about 20 minutes it s a good friend of Neil Armstrong Jay Ratliff is going to be here and later in the next hour we have James Harrison live from Los Angeles California about the failure of Democratic policies in California and also later on is Steve Gorm is a climatologist every time it is really cold in the winter time that weather is never indicative of climate but every time it s hot in the summer time it s indicative of climate change so Steve Gorm is a climatologist has studied this issue and I live in Cincinnati has been hotter than the hinges a hell for the last 4 or 5 days but tomorrow is going to be low temperature tomorrow is going to be 58 degrees and that s what the hot weather in July is not evidence of anything so let s continue with more 90 minutes after the hour Bill coming in the great American live with you every Sunday night. Guys waking up over and over to p. 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Was to be defended next John ended by 50 k. Of y. Are going after them how the 5.5 h.t. 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Nicotine is an addictive chemical. The world is changing present time smoking changed to me. And they were caught in a campaign year satisfying alternative to cigarettes a long lasting partnership with liquid planted in the lab is also delivers our House confirming paper yet liberty is surprisingly quiet and impressively powerful themes breaking away today tomorrow and in the future interesting Oprah had to discover the strategies you need to know about to have a happy and comfortable retirement joint Stephanie Fullerton for the Fullerton financial our Sunday afternoons at one if you re retiring retired or just hoping to retire one day start your journey with Stephanie Fullerton and of Fortune financial hour every Sunday at one. Rush that s the only introduction he morning at 10 on 550 k. Of why I and on f.m. 95.582. You know since the media has such a selective memory and short term amnesia. Can I remind c.n.n. That Parag Hussein Obama opposed to open borders gave speech after speech about the necessity of having a wall in the southern border can I tell c.n.n. That Barack Hussein Obama opposed gay marriage said it was a bad idea that marriage is rich when a man and a woman that Obama opposed gay marriage that Obama opposed Medicare for all Obama said it was too costly it would crash the private insurance markets put out of work 2000000 people who actually work for Blue Cross Blue Shield or United or Anthem one of the other ones 2000000 Americans have good middle class jobs working in the private insurance market and most of us me included are very happy with our private medical insurance Obama said don t do it can I remind Medicare can I remind the media that Obama displayed the Betsy Ross flag in each of his inaugural right behind his head during the swearing in done poorly by Justice Roberts the 1st time there s a Betsy Ross flag standing right behind Obama s head that is so racist according to c.n.n. How s it possible that most of the major policies used to employ a man endorsed by Obama have been picked up by Trump but the media is calling Trump a racist when he s trying to enact the same policies in many ways that Obama it s incredible to watch those the media cover this objectively he ll no. They have a viewpoint they want to inject themselves and cover the story one of the classic moments was when the women s soccer team what about 10 days 2 weeks ago had the ridiculous ticker tape parade in New York City in which Megan rippin you know was saying I won this iron that this is mine and used foul language simulated sex acts promoted lesbian lifestyle all the rest I don t think Neil Armstrong did that did it but nonetheless it s incredible to watch what was happening in New York City and guess what no problem the media covered it and Brooke Baldwin said I want to be part of that parade c.n.n. They don t cover events they become part of the parade Burke Baldwin advocated certain left wing philosophies while being a so-called anchor like Don Lemon does and one last thing before we go on I got a friend in Neil Armstrong on hold before before this one of the main reasons I support the president and continue to do so firstly is that he doesn t believe that Americans should solve militarily problems all over the world he was encouraged to go into Syria harder it was a surgical move and it worked the near cons the bill Crystal s etc are saying the Bret Stephens has you got a bomb Iran go what why is it an American interest to get into a war in Iran I have no clue where America is energy independent So at this point one of the main reasons the Trumps are as loved by the by the military men and women is because of his policies in North Korea if you re if you re a parent and your son or daughter s in South Korea would you rather have Trump in the White House or Obama. If you re if you are yourself or floating on a boat in and in the Persian Gulf I want Trump I don t want American military power to be expressed in ways that we cannot when we ve done that for 50 or 60 years we refused to when in Vietnam we won the Persian Gulf War and then lost Persian Gulf War 2 we try to have military and military adventures and to build governments and peoples around the world and it fails I had on Bush 43 he told me like 200425 that 1520 years from now if the flag of freedom is planted in flowing in and Iraq if somehow there is a Jeffersonian democracy flourishing in Iraq then my presidency would have been a success he said Baghdad could become Washington d.c. If on the other hand there is chaos and failure in Iraq then my presidency would have been a failure or guess what Bush $43.00 presidency was an abject failure grossly enlarging the federal government budget deficits completely out of whack and Iraq was a huge unbelievable mistake and which $4000.00 American brave military personnel were killed some murdered without any resolution positively at all and same thing in Afghanistan been in Afghanistan now for 18 years 18 years and still Americans are being killed every week in and around Kabul Afghanistan why I have no clue why American blood should be spilt. An hour and Iran is far beyond my ability to comprehend and those who advocated to go there themselves or send their sons and daughters over fight and die any Iran which is a collapsing country the trump policy is working and I pray to God that this president does not accept the viewpoints of one John Bolton who never saw a war and in like in his blood the only American alive who thinks the Iraqi venture made sense tell me how that made sense George Bush at the standard and said to me and said on the air with me that if in 15 or 20 years from now there s a participatory democracy happening in Iraq then it would have been successful guess what it wasn t and it s a failure and a get involved in Iran Mr President would be again a dismal failure and thank God today a one of the Sunday morning talk shows I heard one of his representative say the president is taking a passive approach to Iran just let it collapse and don t kill don t have killed don t have Americans being killed somehow in Iran we don t need it and the Israelis don t need it they went to war with Iran 100000 rockets coming into Israel at 11 moment from and indirectly in Boston has one makes no sense at all Mr President stay out of Iran and we ll have the same impact on us as Iraq and Afghanistan so let s continue with more coming up next is a buddy a friend of Neil Armstrong the last several nights we ve had so many documentaries we want to talk about him plus my experiences in meeting Neal and also later on James Harrison of Newsmax about the failure of Democratic policies in the cities and states where they ve been actually implemented later on as Steve Gorham a climatologist on the hot weather Bill Cunningham the great American live with you every Sunday. Our Valley is unique climate means your trees plants tribes and gardens need special care nobody knows better the teal cd require than Brian Whitfield listen to the Whitfield Garden show on Saturdays 70 9 am on 550 s. Why I get the most out of your rental property and life with hassle free property management from renters warehouse their ground level understanding as hoped over 50000 people just like you visit renters warehouse dot com to start spending more time doing what you love renters warehouse list invest rent all of. Fox News I m Jessica stone in Puerto Rico governor Ricardo result low refuses to resign protesters have taken to the streets calling for him to go to. Trust. Put a recurring us referring Sello as accused of corruption and making controversial comments in an online video Democrats leading Wednesday s hearings with former special counsel Robert Muller plan to make the case for impeaching President Trump Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff on C.B.S. s Face the Nation president keeps on trying to deceive them about those facts but who better to bring them to life than the man who did the investigation himself Republicans promise to ask tough questions about the cost and fairness of the Russia probe and protest turned violent over the weekend in Hong Kong as police used tear gas to disperse pro-democracy demonstrators there calling for electoral reforms and police accountability This is Fox News. 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Several years sooner or later you ve got to replace belts and hoses and break bad windshield wipers in the air filters and batteries and you re finally comes a day when there s so much wrong that it doesn t make sense to pics we all want to be for you that s when you get your new one cars in the desert just last longer than they do up north because we don t put salt on our roads in the winter down but air conditioners in the desert last about 11 years. I m just saying that air conditioners more than 11 years old are living on borrowed time. Air conditioners always break down on the hottest day of the year that s when they re under the heaviest load I get it you re saying it makes more sense to get that new car before you end up stranded on the side of the road we don t replace cars but we do replace air conditioners but if yours just needs fixing we can do that to get a. T.t.l. 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If you want something you gotta ask for it to say something election play 550 k. If I heard radio just ask your smart speaker for us. Coming on the great American list to 10 you know one of the great things that have happened the past several days is the commemoration of the 1st landing a man on the moon July 20th 196950 years it s incredible and one of the great things that have happened is to look at the dichotomy between the way that Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins dealt with the fame and possible fortune coming back as opposed to those who get New York a ticker tape parades today today s heroes or Megan Rypien know a foul mouth crude great female soccer player part of the never trump movement who is on the float screaming to the to the cameras I deserve this I deserve this holding a trophy in her hands now that the media has wined and dined in pocket lined Megan Rypien you know and others on the u.s. Women s team because of their anti Trump and their pro lesbian homosexual rights agenda which other media skirt certainly holds on his own so conk compare and contrast that to what happened back in August of 1969 when those 3 great heroes Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins had another ticket to ticker tape parade in which each of them talked about the $400000.00. And others not on the platform with them who should be there to accept the platitudes and the compliments from the assembled crowd in New York City a completely different set of principles and also one of the things that happened beginning with Apollo one of the 1st Apollo as as it is those who made it what the death of Gus Grissom and Ed White and Roger Chaffee that happened on January the 27th 1967 So about 2 and a half years after that after those horrible deaths and one cannot imagine being burned alive strapped to a seat and so those 3 American heroes suffered and I was reported as some of these documentaries that when this happened it was Neil Armstrong and other astronauts who simply spent that evening drinking scotch and thinking about those 3 heroes and how they would make sure they would not have died in vain because they were going to they were going to go to the moon so the deaths of Ressam white and chance he played a role in that according to one account Neil Armstrong and the whole group spent the rest of the night drinking scotch and discussing what had happened and to commit themselves to going to the moon in honor of those 3 astronauts who were close friends of Neil Armstrong as you may know we broadcast every Sunday night from Cincinnati Ohio I had the honor a few times are running into Neil Armstrong and one of his friends was Jay Ratliff who s run airports is an aviation expert so to get that perspective not just from the friend perspective of Neil Armstrong but but also from the perspective of how difficult it was Joining us now is that same Jay Ratliff and Jay Ratliff welcome again to the Bill Cunningham Show Jay how are you I m doing well my friend Well let s talk about 1st of all from your a vision experiences How risky was it on July 16th of 1969 for those 3 heroes those men to take off and land on the moon July 20th How risky was that from an aviation perspective for I mean. When you understand normally in space travel things are tested over ears and you go from there you build slowly. This program but I was under a deadline the minute women the 400000 that were associated with this willing understood that they had a goal they had a challenge from the American people to get this done beat the Russians get to the moon before the end of the decade it wasn t something that could spill over that really could tolerate any sort of delays they had to keep marching forward and that s exactly what they did so if something worked Ok what will build on it and go from there even that even if there might have been things with what worked might have been a problem that was not yet discovered they were moving along at a breakneck pace and they basically continued to build Looking back some might have considered it reckless as quickly as they were going but it was working and remember when President Kennedy made that challenge Bill they were having a hard time getting a rocket to go straight let alone handle somebody on top of it that they would send what to the moon and back so I mean it was it was beyond anything that you know a lot of those people could imagine so yeah that the the objective was great but the timeline of the end of the decade made some of them think whoa how are we going to make this happen but as this country continues to prove time after time you give us a challenge that s bigger than us will find a way to make it happen you know I have some doubt whether this political climate today is of such a character that the whole country could come together but something might Collins who was the operating the so-called Colombian that was circling the moon waiting for the Lem to come back a couple nights ago on a Friday night our he was being interviewed maybe on Fox or somewhere and said whenever we had doubts of which we had many we had a killed United States president John f. Kennedy that told us we were going to do this and so the candidate was so beloved respected and marked for his military service and also for the kind of president that he was. And the astronauts Collins and Aldrin and Armstrong said we can t fail normally when you and 3 astronauts strapped to their seats burned alive that would be enough to almost off the program but when Neil Armstrong another spoke it was known you know what in honor of Doesn t Ed and Roger we re going to do this and nothing s going to stop us and I was if that was the case but you know they they they were surprised when the candle was lit and off they went on that July day because so many times before things hadn t gone as scheduled and you know you can we ve heard all of them say one time or another the the most surprised people was the 3 of them when they actually went because you know they were expecting something to slow him down but you know off they went into history was made now as far as your relationship with Neil Armstrong this kind of describes a man is is the day I ve seen some reporting that he was a recluse which is inaccurate and he was certainly an introvert and one he was harder Margo one point that I kind of wish I was in the one selected because he said anyone could have done this any of the other pilots could have done this in a sense it was me but you never benefited from it describe your relationship with Neil I met Neil in the 19 and 96 I believe it was at the entire country club you know while we played golf together and that we met through the u.s. Air trade show we had some mutual friends from the Cincinnati area that that and our mutual love of aviation was pretty much all that was needed for us to develop a friendship and over the course of time of course meeting him is like my gosh here I am meeting the man was the 1st to walk on the moon but. After a very short span of time around him you understood that he didn t want to talk about it he didn t want to reflect on it he didn t want to be you know asked about it because as I learned over the next 16 years to him it was all about team team team team and you remember the 180 u.s. Olympic hockey team they when they they they shocked the world and the captain is up on the podium by him so. Elf during the awards ceremony he calls everybody up so the team was together and that one spot in the air was the same way to him it was all about team you don t get there individually you have 400000 people that busted their butts that sacrificed their families that sacrificed a lot of things in order to make that objective. Possible and percent body to come up to him to congratulate him. It was just it was like it was like nails on a chalkboard Well it was just something he could not stand and many times in his response many times the responses I would see it almost came off as Curt as almost disrespect but he was just that. I guess of that mindset that he was all about team and you can be great and be humble at the same time which Neil certainly was and maybe that was a little bit of the disconnect was between you know how people perceive him and how he actually was but it was all about team and it was in the end he would have it no other way when he got a call that he had received the Congressional Medal of Honor. The 1st thing he said was Think you can email it to me. Or we understand we got this ceremony Washington d.c. And he said I get that but can you just you know send it by u.p.s. Or something and you know he knew that probably that wasn t going to be the case but the other thing was he knew when he went. Can you just put it in a mail you know I had to go in there to accept the Congressional Gold Medal Can you just say that Neil Armstrong that was that was but you know part of the frustration was he was going to go the focus was going to be on the past he was going to be asked to talk about it he was going to be given 2 minutes these are all the things that he conveyed to me and it s like you know I want to talk about space I want to talk about the future of space I want to talk of the future of manned exploration or unmanned. Exploration because that s where a lot of these questions that we have had yet to be answered and all anybody wants to talk about is something that happened so many years ago so to me it was it was a part of history to get he got that but it it s like he had this entire career where the man learned how to fly before he learned how to drive and all anybody wanted to talk about with but one thing and his life was basically defined by now that one thing happened to be something that was one of the greatest things that ever happened from a scientific standpoint to the world not just to the country so we understand all of that but it just frustrated him that there wasn t more attention moving forward then there was with everybody wanting to reflect back you know what you re saying the 1st time I met him was like 23 years ago and I m a so-called celebrity at a golf tournament and brother County which is a you know a little north of Cincinnati I was listening around the country of course and and I go up to this table to check in at the golf tournaments Rahat it was during the All-Star break there were some Reds players there since a resurrection Bangles players a member specifically Oscar Robertson was there and I saw some of the so-called celebrities and I there s a little 3 use in universes that a coed said Nairn and I go up to says celebrity sign in so I go in a name above mine was Neil Armstrong and I look at that nice a I said and I said ma am but she was probably 20 years old I said near. And as he checked in yet yes he walked he has checked in and ice she looked at me and said What team does he play for and I said No Armstrong this is like 19971998 I said he s an astronaut she said as a Canadian team I said yes it is I said where to go so I walk on down there into this big white tent where money gunnery and ribs are being served and I saw all these so-called celebrities and in the back of the room was an older gentleman sitting there with his baseball cap pulled over his head and I said that s got to be him so I ll go get my food walked back to and said Miss. Strong showing and I said as they call me Neal Sit down Mr Armstrong thank you so I sat down for like 510 minutes to get up to leave and I kind of walked out changing niceties and there was a photographer there and I said as a minister I m sure I would you might have got my picture taken with you and he you know he said to me sitting there I listen you sometimes and I enjoy you and say oh I don t know his politics but I think it was somewhat conservative but you know it I enjoy listening and I say can I get my picture taken he looked at me really seriously is that why do you want my picture and I said Well Mr Armstrong you know but when 30 years ago I watched you walk when the moon he said Ok so you put I put it around me and then 3 or 4 other individuals came out and said That s new Armstrong he said look I got hit some balls and he got his cart rolled away he wanted nothing to do with Bill I ve seen that I ve seen that look so many times before where it s like very much so why is it that you want to take my pain I want . You know I was there when people would come up and say Are you venial Armstrong and he would just smile and say one of them you know one of the Neil Armstrong because he was always downplaying it not on purpose but he was the perfect man for the job and he said you know so many people wanting to do things and he told me that look I had to stop giving autographs because there was just this rampant commercialization that basically was uncontrollable because of all these online auctions and he says I m bombarded by these dealers and other people who offer me 7 figures this is almost all weekly basis bill for doing some sort of project and he declined he says I can t make exceptions because the consequence of doing it even once would be catastrophic talk about when you asked him to come on my radio show what happened how he basically said that he doesn t do radio interviews because radio interviews were in his opinion not a proper way to convey information because. This is an engineer remember you know I flip stock I always try to get him to learn how to flip stocks but the engineering mind of him can. Do things quickly it was everything was thought out it was logical it was all this and that and he thought being on a radio show even though he knew you he respected you the idea was that if I tried to give a full answer and was cut off it was only a partial answer because of just the limitations that exist in radio that it might convey the wrong idea and therefore I m just not interested in doing it and then he told me later Jay the real one of the other reasons is if I tell Bill Cunningham Yes all these people I ve told no 2 for 40 years are going to come out of the. I would have accepted that but did it for him so you ve got to do it for us so once he was down that road he it was no turning back and it really didn t bother him I mean it was just something he said you know people I m obliged and that was the word he used repeatedly obligated to look at things differently than other people and that mystifies a lot of people and I get that but I m Ok with that and that s why he didn t accept to give a zillion dollar No his signature and appearances and things like that anyhow Buzz Aldrin said that had he been the 1st one to step on the moon he would have been a better spokes person for NASA and perhaps things that might have gone different because Neil took a step out of the limelight buzz certainly I had his own admission would have stepped on gladly into that spotlight and he would have made the most of it as he could trying to you know promote NASA and going from there so you know Neil was the perfect man to step on the moon 1st because of the fact that he made it all about the team and you look at the mission patch of Apollo 11 all the Apollo mission patches that the astronauts where I believe I m correct in this have all the astronauts names when they did Apollo 11 the crew did help design it and they made sure no single name was on that mission patch it was Apollo 11 it had the eagle it had the you know the olive branch and the claws and and the moon in the earth in the background but there s no the name of it. Astronaut because this was a team effort those 3 men were all about that and they wanted to make sure that everyone got the recognition as much as possible and they communicated that there as well now the good documentaries the last few nights have pointed out that he was offered and one point he was offered $1000000.00 to set and sign something for 30 minutes 1000000 dollars for 30 minutes and he said no the University of Cincinnati where he taught for like 8 or 9 years went to him and said Mr Armstrong would like to name the College of Engineering after you the Neil Armstrong College of Engineering anything he said about that. But you know what they want to name a street after him in Lebanon where he lived for years but they did it anyways which is 5 they said he said he wanted to know building he wanted no commemoration he simply wanted the achievement to stand in the past move forward well Jay Ratliff we re going to talk all night about your friend Neil Armstrong I m glad to have met him a few times and I m sure as a friend of his that you suffered his last 7 years ago after some cardiac difficulty I was tough and willing as everybody s homework if they can look up the the declarations form that the crew had to fill out when they came back into the country from their moon mission it is worth a hoot and worth checking out and Israel seriously so Google declaration form Neil Armstrong and then the 3 I ll have a yellow 11 and it s right there the Federal Government them fill out a declaration form as if they re coming in from France and they had to declare everything. It is worth a look for sure my friend Jay Ratliff we got to go and God bless you thank you. The stories about Neil. Let s continue with more Bill Cunningham live with you every Sunday night. I m Chris circa Bono founder of on talking we started on talk it because we couldn t find shirts that look good on tucked that s why we created the perfect untucked shirt so guys can look sharp and feel casual untucked it shirts for just the right length we have 50 fit combinations so tall short slim and bigger guys of all ages can look great in untucked shirts try the original untucked share at one of our 55 on Talk of stores or at untuck it dot com Use the promo code summer for 20 percent off your 1st purchase times one l to win $5000.00 a week for life from Publisher s Clearinghouse enter now at p.c.h. Dot com and you could win 5 grand a week week after week for life don t miss your chance to win because 5000 dollars a week for life is guaranteed to be awarded on August 30th and to write p.c.h. 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County almost 2 to new one thinks about the disparate behavior of so-called heroes from 969 Neil Armstrong Buzz Aldrin Michael Collins and New York ticker tape parade and the respect they showed compared to what happened and the least the most recent ticker tape parade with Meghan repeat you know saying I deserve this I deserve this advocating for political causes the astronauts would not get involved in politics because it was in the national interest to they represent all Americans not just Democratic or Republican although I think most analysts or Republican but they represented America so they were going to politicize it today s world whether it s the n.b.a. The n.f.l. Whether it s soccer women s soccer they want to politicize use your platform to advance their particular their particular your. The political viewpoints which I find to be discussed are Stay tuned for more one other thing the media will not cover James Harrison of Newsmax will cover next and that is the failure of Democratic policies in Los Angeles and in California and more about trying to line becomes available 866-647-7337 still coming on the great American Why refuse every. 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Questioning the investigator merger Jordan Fox News former special counsel Robert Mueller is scheduled to testify on Capitol Hill Wednesday Democratic Congressman Jerry never there on Fox News Sunday explain why he called to appear president and the attorney general and others have spent the last few months systematically lying to the American people about what the investigation found they said they found no clue.

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Transcripts for WILM 1450 AM [NewsRadio 1450 WILM] WILM 1450 AM [NewsRadio 1450 WILM] 20190722 020000

For abortions but now they are required to submit a compliance plan next month and show they are carrying out the requirements by mid September the toddler dubbed the tractor boy shows up in a Minnesota county fair when 2 and a half year old Kenneth Allen went missing last week his mother Lynn feared the worst just it s buried and like what was going through my mind that someone actually took Oh but it was little Kenneth who did the taking He took a spin on his motorized John Deere toy truck to chugging along at one mile an hour and drove to the county fair 2 blocks away here my partner converged over this area and sure enough very wise on its own John Deere. Battery powered that Sergeant Jason foster the brightest red hair you could miss this little guy well after his unexpected road trip then its parents were putting the brakes on their son s toy wheels Sangean Bresso Fox News and we fishing in Cape Cod Bay got up close and personal with a great white shark and has the video to prove it the footage shows the shark leaping out of the water to snatch a fish right off one family members fishing line I m Richard Jordan and this is Fox News. Sitting in a nice neat stuff prime shot that chance ran for a free Bamiyan fun entertainment and our monthly gets cut and the 2nd man see it every month enjoy it fun activities entertainment craft shows and mark that every segment day of every Mike starting at 5 pm learn more at the shop attend Friend dot com. Within a certain segment of their base. Say 4050 w y l m w y l m dot com I have beaten my head against the wall. Glenn back. In and days from now until noon I will do my best to. Radio 1415 am. We did lines heating up all summer we ll keep you updated at the top 1030 past the hour. W.y.l. Lamb. Company Cunningham the great American Good to have you with me this rather hot evening in the Tri-State nation in the world you know I broadcast from Cincinnati and the last several days the temperature has been hotter in Cincinnati than in Florida so it s incredible So later on we have Steve Gorm coming up who s a climatologist to talk about why this is not unusual at all in fact the hottest temperatures were in the 1930 s. Largely before all the c o 2 emissions that the Liberals complain about Also later on we have James Harrison of Newsmax coming up to talk about the issue of homelessness and what s occurring in his home city of Los Angeles his home state of California then a special guest in about an hour and a half as you may know I live in Cincinnati Neil Armstrong the last several nights we ve celebrated the courage and fidelity of that man and also Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins It s been great to go back in time some 50 to 60 years to watch the origins of the of the space program really 950 s. But 1962 was when John f. Kennedy said it s time to send a man to the moon and return him safely by the end of this decade and that was a motivating factor and I had occasion at times to run into Neil Armstrong at various functions and has been misreporting on Neil that he was in a sensory close he was a net. Revert completely focus on the future and Buzz Aldrin has given many interviews I love the thing with Neil Cavuto The other day when Buzz Aldrin was 71 I think now is about 88 or 89 somebody walked up to him and called him a liar and a thief and Buzz Aldrin at the age of 71 reared back and punched the hour right now face and guess what the local prosecutor did not press the not press any charges nor should he so that s coming up in about an hour and a half to talk about Neil Armstrong the person and I could not help but know part of the documentary as you and I ve been watching the last few nights have dealt with so many aspects of this Neil was offered a $1000000.00 and $1.00 point to autograph for 30 minutes and it might autograph $100.00 items in 30 minutes and 30 minutes which would be about one every 20 seconds he turned down a $1000000.00 on a regular basis to do various things because he said I m not going to monetize the space program for personal benefit there was even occasions when course the horrible deaths of those 3 brave astronauts as they re strapped into their Apollo one capsule on it on a test it wasn t it was just a test inside the capsule that was Gus Grissom Ed White and Roger Chaffee on January 27th 19672 and a half years before Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked on the moon they were strapped down and there was a flash fire inside their capsule and they died horribly over a period of time and what Neil and other astronauts did was during scotch that night and promise each other that the deaths of Gus Annette and Roger would be motivation to make sure that the promises of President Kennedy were fulfilled by the end of the decade and today s world with c.n.n. The way it is today the media would blanket coverage this thing and we would stop it at that point all the astronauts were test pilots and death is something that they dealt with all the time and we re going to talk about later on with one of Neil s friends how he was picked why it was picked how you. Lived his life there after he spent about a year and a half after this event still at the NASA but because they wanted him to be in a secondary role he wanted to go back and they refused to let Buzz Aldrin Michael Collins or Neil Armstrong go back into space again they were too valuable so Neil left the NASA and came back home here to the University of Cincinnati where he was a professor in engineering for about 7 or 8 years and he was extremely well liked very well respected wanted to keep a low profile he always kept a low profile in Cincinnati and one of the boards of trustees members went to him in 1978 and asked permission to name the University of Cincinnati College of Engineering the Neil Armstrong College of Engineering and Neil within 8 months left his post because he thought there were several professors at u.c. Who deserve the honor much more than him there when there was a time when i 1st time I ran into him was at a golf turn and there it was the raise money for Children s Hospital in Cincinnati and I noticed his name on the celebrity less than an I checked in went down through to a tent or some ribs were being served to the so called celebrities I was had the honor to be one of them there were a lot of reds and bangles there was some browns there some other so called Television radio personalities in the back of the room was sitting Neil Armstrong and I I saw an on back that way it was in a tub by himself with a golf found on it was a hot July day and I said Mr Armstrong I said he said sure have a seat and looked up and said you re Bill Cunningham and I said well you re near La and we engaged in some small talk but he was done eating and I counted half a my meal we left for leaving the 10 gauge and Small Talk about coffee as me if you played shaker run before in this kind of stuff and there was a photographer standing there and I said Mr Armstrong can I get my picture taken with you and he looked at me and said Really honestly why do you want my picture and I said Well. You know about 30 years ago I watched you walk on the moon so I got the picture taken others started coming up to me said I m not dealing with this guy on his cart pulled off he did not one Fame did not one fortune did not want any of that he wanted to look forward completely only look forward and that was Neil Armstrong compare that and I watch some of the New York ticker tape parade of Armstrong and Aldrin and Collins they were at their one coat and tie and they were buttoned down waving in the crowd and they got up and spoke a big platform and talked about 400000 people had put them there and they were all 400000 as part of the Apollo space mission could have been there with them this isn t about me it s about we Now compare that New York ticker tape parade to Meghan Rypien o. And the women s soccer team crude foul mouth remember Megan Rypien no screaming I deserve this holding up a friggin trophy I deserve this that those 2 symbols are perfect examples of the way America was and them way America ought to be and the way it is today that s the way it is today so we have his friend Neil Neil Armstrong s buddy Jay Ratliff coming up in about an hour and a half and more but until then it s early in the campaign very early historically in America their campaign actually started in September which is 8 weeks before the presidential election. Because those are the days before Fox c.n.n. M.-s. N.b.c. And broadcast television fact it was considered unworthy if any person would actually seek the presidency normally the power brokers came to you in order to accept the nomination and you accepted a progression early because of so much time to fill the cable news networks especially c.n.n. Has started the campaign already with already presidents will be done candidate to make coming up in about 10 days c.n.n. Is promoting the idea the Mauler testimonies on Wednesday trump issues a tweet about the Gang of 4 the squad the media goes down that rabbit hole for a long time and then he s in North Carolina you know it unlocker up anymore it s it send sender off center away whatever the hell it is the media goes crazy absolutely nuts during the sixties and seventies how many times did you see bumper stickers and signs and shouting America Love it or leave it and that was generally directed at those who opposed the war in Vietnam in the American way of life America Love it or leave it. And so now that it s become a racial slogan used against the Gang of 4 the squad and the media wants it to be a racial issue the media is all about racial division things of that character they will never ever cover the Democrats the way they cover for Republicans the Democratic Party the party of the Confederacy the party of Robert e. Lee the Democratic Party of the Ku Klux Klan 4000 blacks lynched the party of Jim Crow the party of racial segregation in the military by f.d.r. The party that has destroyed school choice today the Democratic party that puts Planned Parenthood abortion clinics in the black community that Democratic Party but calls the Democratic Party only has 52 cards of race to play in the deck they have to accuse the Republicans of their behavior the Democrats are the racist racial party because of their treatment of African-Americans over the last 400 years the Republican Party has been the opposite but every chance Democrats want to use race against Republicans when the they are the real racists and the whole midst the Democratic Party was founded on the principles of slavery and oppression and it s been played repeatedly in 1907 Robert Bork was picked by Ronald Reagan perhaps the most brilliant conservative judge in America to be on the United States Supreme Court seat Ted Kennedy could not simply say he s a conservative I m a Democrat he s a Republican I m a liberal no no he had his say among other things quote in Robert Bork s America. This is a land in which blacks would set a segregated lunch counters so Ted Kennedy who killed Mary Jo Kopechne of all the way in 1969 had to play the race card to keep Bork out in 1908 the Democrats in the Senate picked a former Ku Klux Klan member Robert Byrd to be their Senate majority leader and now the race card was played of course on every Republican in Ronald Reagan s case he had a campaign stop in Philadelphia Mississippi where horrible racial event took place so the Democrats quickly who are Democrats in Mississippi who were all shall we say card carrying members of the Democratic Party in racist one and play the race card on Ronald Reagan which they didn t because he appeared at a campaign stop in Philadelphia Mississippi or horrible racial event took place Bush $43.00 there s not a racial or races bone in Bush 43 Bonnie but because James Byrd was dragged to death by white supremacists and murderers and because Bush was governor at the time in Texas I guess didn t stop it when he could ve stopped it anyway and secondly did not want hate crime legislation because the killers of James Byrd got the death penalty and I think they ve now been executed but they played the race card and Bush 43 to keep their most core constituency in line and then Mitt Romney in 2012 you might recall it was Joe Biden who said you know all the Republicans Mitt Romney wants to put you back in chains so it s typical behavior of a democrat party to play the race card on every Republican they can find because they re the real races in American society historically and it continues today do you think Democrats believe in school choice for black kids locked in lousy inner city schools Hell no. Do you think they want to have inner city neighborhoods without Planned Parenthood killing literally millions of black babies over the past what almost 50 years know the policies desired upon by the Democratic Party hurts African-Americans not as badly as Democrats hurt African-Americans 150 years ago but when you advocate open borders and the u.s. Census Bureau tells us that the average illegal alien immigrant living in America makes $9000.00 more a year than a African American Why would the Democratic Party advocate policies that hurt blacks Why would Democrats do that it s because self-reliance is one of the indicators of true American freedom they don t want African-Americans to be independent of government programs of one type or another so the modern Democratic Party wants to keep black kids locked in government schools that are failing they want to kill as many black babies as possible and Planned Parenthood clinics which they re located in the black community or in the brown community then they advocate policies of open borders that make sure that African-Americans can t get on the 1st step of the rung the ladder of success they want to make sure that illegal immigrants make more money than African-Americans How s it possible the media doesn t cover this suppose the media has a megaphone for the Democrat party they were bought and paid for by the Democrat Party and so when you have a George Stephanopoulos and others who move from Democratic campaigns and Democratic administrations in the mainstream media they bring with them the baggage of their opinions and they promote them on a.b.c. N.b.c. C.b.s. And the front page of the newspaper. I think the media would cover just for a few instances a.o. C. And others who call our detention centers concentration camps it s incredible that the chaos in the southern border she says is similar to what happened in Nazi Germany to Jews and the ovens and that somehow Federal Police officers are similar to the Gestapo and American detention camps are similar to Nazi of ins with the media cover that for a few moments hell no and so when the race card is played I can all but assure you the Democratic Party historically and locally regionally and nationally will be playing it because they have to they can t allow the media to turn its guns on the issues of what the Democratic Party has done to African-Americans for the past 400 years let s continue with more have a 2 lines open 186664773378666477337 so I wish the trumps or would clean up some of his tweets Absolutely but he s the president he takes responsibility for I ve asked him the question he has 55000000 Twitter followers on a good night c.n.n. Has 600000 now he has his own a.p. He s his own c.n.n. About 100 times what c.n.n. Has so he wants to get his viewpoints out there I grew it all him every time Hell no but damn it he s doing one great job as our president. Let s continue with more 22 minutes after the hour Bill Cunningham the great American life with you every Sunday night. I m Chris or kimono founder of on Tucker we started on tuck it because we couldn t find shirts that look good on tucked that s why we created the perfect untucked shirt so guys can look sharp and feel casual untucked shirts for just the right length we have 50 fit combinations so tall short slim and bigger guys of all ages can look great in untucked shirts try the original on Talk of sure at one of our 55 on Talk of stores or at untuck it dot com Use the promo code summer for 20 percent off your 1st purchase time s running out to win $5000.00 a week for life from Publishers Clearing House Internet at p.c.h. 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And I know the me the only covers Republicans are never covered Democrats they were never cover the fundraisers Obama had a No 7 or No 8 in the homes are radical individuals like those who bombed the Pentagon they would never cover the minister the ranting and ravings of Reverend Wright they were never covered that they didn t cover the fact that black lives matter as a hate wing left group that loudly advocated the murder of police officers and then when 5 were murdered in Dallas and 3 in Baton Rouge Obama invited into the White House black lives matter who actually represented the killing of police officers did it not once but many times one can imagine the media reaction if Trump when invited into the White House the cohorts of that fellow in Charlottesville who murdered Heather hire I can imagine what the media would have done with that. But Obama got away with it because he had media coverage that was friendly toward all Democrats may I raise my hand in the back of the room and tell the media that Barack Hussein Obama was against reparations and said it loudly and proudly for the 8 years he was in the presidency Obama opposed to reparations can I also say loudly and proudly that Obama said Medicare for all makes no sense that it s impossible to destroy the private medical insurance markets or innovation arise that Obama said Medicare for all would bankrupt the country can I also say that Obama was against open borders and sounded like Trump in 070-809-1011 extension 12 that the speeches Obama gave about immigration illegal in our country could have been given by Trump himself can we talk about the deportation in chief that Obama deported at least 100000 more illegals a year than Trump has done the 1st 2 and a half years does the media cover any of that hell no hell no but they tell us that Obama has still a 97 percent approval rating among Democrats so one would have thought the Joe Biden running as kind of reclaim the Obama legacy would be quite popular but then knowing that Kamel Harris and Cory Booker attacked Joe Biden for being a racist and the media played along as if it was real Are you kidding me and also the squad has gone after Palosi for being a racist they re going back to consume their own so every time a Democrats in trouble they ll play the race card on Obama s vice president for 8 years did they go bomb or whatever white supremacist as vice president hell no why can t the media point out and cover both sides equally because the media represents only. One philosophy and one party and not the other and it s not necessarily about race there s the media fairly cover Clarence Thomas Oh no so one thing that trumps everything else is liberal progressive left wing philosophy and God help an African-American that embraces conservatives. As continue with or remember trumpet Obama agree on reparations Medicare for all the border and deportation did you know they re from listening to c.n.n. Hilda. Let s continue your calls are next bill coming up a great American life with you every Sunday. Aloha and welcome aboard home why an airline lightly flies with us now for a limited time new home when your lines were only Mastercard card members can earn 60000 bonus home wine miles after qualifying purchases that 60000 bonus miles closer to the war and traditions. Apply Today at home wind airlines dot com offer subject to credit approval see application terms and conditions for completely tailings credit cards issued by Barclays Bank Delaware. Sucks News I m Jessica stone a former special counsel Robert Muller of ready to testify about the Russia probe this week Republicans want to discredit him Democrats want to move towards impeachment it s a pretty damning a set of facts that involve a presidential campaign in a close race welcoming help from a hostile foreign power Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff on C.B.S. s Face the Nation Puerto Rico s governor refusing to resign despite protests Ricardo was Allo is accused of. Option and President Trump accusing 4 progressive congresswoman of destroying the Democrat Party but last week some at his rally shouted sent her back about a Somalia born Congresswoman he continued with his speech he made it very clear the next day that he was not happy with the chant that s Trump campaign adviser Mercedes Schlapp on A.B.C. s This Week that congresswoman has called the president a fascist This is Fox News. 6 hours. 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And one other thing the major media will not cover this day Apocrypha Bernie Sanders and other Democrats never getting a $15.00 an hour minimum wage which I think there should be a for put me in charge there is no minimum wage whatever a person wants to sell their by their conduct their action in exchange for money I say about it but the big headline on Newsmax Bernie Sanders under fire for not paying his staffers 15 dollars an hour minimum wage so Bernie Sanders ever getting for you not for him and his campaign spokesman said the that Bernie Sanders may have to cut the hours of staffers to ensure that they re paid at least 15 bucks an hour Sanders is a staple on the frontlines of the labor fight and has led the charge for years for $15.00 an hour however. His own staffers are not getting paid that and in order to raise their wages up to $15.00 an hour there must be hours cut this is idiocy can you imagine if Trump a done some like this would be headlines for at least a week what in the media coverage because it doesn t fit for the 1st time in his life socialist Bernie Sanders practices economics and the results are hilarious one commentator said very simple courting the Congressional Budget Office if there is a mandated $15.00 an hour minimum wage at least $1300000.00 American workers will lose their job which means they go on government assistance to make them a loyal Democratic voter So this is not about putting more money in the pockets of individual Americans it s about getting more loyal voter there s no more loyal voter to a Democrat than those on public assistance they want the party of government to keep paying them so Bernie Sanders says police do as I say not as I do also in the last campaign socials no Democrat give him credit he s being honest and his own little campaign has rampant sexual harassment and underpaid employees but Bernie Sanders is telling us and other American businesses how to run or how to run their businesses it s incredible So one last thought before I turn things over to you 866-647-7373 extension 700 California North Carolina New Mexico Illinois and Las Vegas I saw this one story today. On Newsmax headline Trojan Horse drug tricks and kills cancer cells a taxing cancer killing medicine a fatty acids researches say they have found their trojan horse in targeting cancerous tumors in humans according to report on a research journal in animal testing this strategic medicine eliminates bone pain Korea attic and colon cancers it s incredible Now this is why Americans pay more for our medical care than other people throughout the world right or wrong good or bad and I think it s bad we pay for all the research and development of new pharmaceuticals of new research grants we pay for everything out of the pockets of American consumer and also we have a system of malpractise in this country that other nations do not have and most other nations that are developed shall we say you can t be selling your doctor and hospital on a regular basis because those costs are passed on to you in the form of higher insurance premiums and so when Bernie Sanders often says that we pay more than other so-called civilized nations for medical care the question or should say isn t it true that other nations have loser pay and or difficulty suing doctors and hospitals so the billions of dollars in defensive medicine that takes place in this country along with the billions of dollars in medical malpractise verdicts and settlements are all built into your insurance costs Secondly all the research and development new drugs has borne by the American consumer when it shouldn t be but it is and thirdly the other main reason you pay high insurance premiums is because you have to support yourself your husband maybe your wife and your kids plus you have to pay in an insurance system. The cost of Obamacare when the federal government says United or Anthem guess what we re not going to limit malpractise awards that goes into your insurance premium we re not going to require illegal aliens to pay anything that goes into your insurance premium also when it comes here insurance premium we re going to make sure that you pay for those who stay on their insurance policy until they re 26 years old their parents insurance policy and also if you can t charge for preexisting conditions federal government Day That means you got to pay for people that have profound medical difficulties who come into anthem mind surance my backup is with United so when United has a premium for me to pay I have to pay for myself for my family I have to pay for illegal aliens getting free medical care I have to pay for all the Americans on their parents insurance system up to the 26 years old I have to pay for all the research and development of new drugs and other ways of doing surgeries and operations why I have to pay for all the Medicaid individuals and hospitals not doctors offices that don t pay anything so that s why there s $5.00 in $10000.00 deductible if you just pay for yourself you d be in business but federal government mandates that you pay for a lot of people who pay nothing into the system can someone asked the Democrats that question are you willing to get rid of malpractise medical awards yes or no are you willing to not provide the same medical care to a Nicaraguan as to an American so you go over the laundry list of reasons the premiums are high they don t ask the question because just like Trump Obama opposed Medicare for all he said it won t work 160000000 of us enjoy the medical care that we have because when you pick our doctor to an extent we can pick our hospitals. And I look forward to the next realm of discovery because of the profit in the system the Trojan Horse drug tricks and kills cancer cells in the future if one contracts bone cancer pain carotid cancer or colon cancer these new regimen of drugs will solve that difficulty who pays for all that medical research the American consumer pays I don t think your ghost lobby and pays only a German pays we pay come up with a system where those who benefit by American r. And d. Also pay into the system come up with that I m all in favor of it I don t like paying high medical bills but I enjoy having an aortic valve replacement on April the 4th of this year while I was out of the hospital within 24 hours I m back to work so to speak of what I do is work within 5 days it s because of medical advancement we re on the cusp of curing cancer as close as long as there is a profit system in place so that those who do it will profit from it personally governments that have government paid medical care don t have research and development and will pay for those continue. Line becomes available 866-647-7337 let s go to j.t. And Los Vegas and many others after that j.t. Welcome to the Bill Cunningham Show j.t. Go ahead Frank get barely a breath of fresh air every Sunday night coming old points. Why not a few years back about 8 or 10 Democratic senators were exposed for not paying some of their staff members $15.00 an hour so it s an ongoing thing but I wanted to say hold How about Bernie Sanders himself during the 2016 campaign that had numerous staffers sexually harassing female subordinates the media barely covered it and then you have Stephen Skinner lease about a year and a half ago gunned down by Rachel Maddow watching Democratic activist who was with Bernie Sanders and now I see on Drudge that the Democrats are fairing some sort of vicious assault on the Gang of 4 what guess what it s already happened or Republican that the media doesn t cover any assault like that is disgusting why does the media not cover the Stephen skilly shooting at the hands of a Democratic activist what is not because it doesn t fit they don t cover it. Well they ve been exposed I want to tell you 2 things we are the epicenter for these 2500 Democratic people running for president this week we have approximately 17 people here every week we have 5 or 7 people here I think there are in fact 2 waited with the 2 bedroom 5000 dollar 92 week and the Colby beef 4000 dollar dinners for themselves and their staff members have you taken a look at Bernie Sanders lately it must again 30 or 40 pounds since he s been on the campaign trail I guarantee you know his room service bill I d like to check his audit of all the $5.00 donors that are contributing to him also Joe Biden was here yesterday at 2 events one was labeled as well in 2 years and Union Record coworkers really there was less than 100 people the other one was for campaign reports for general public less than a 100 people Mr Biden is is not drawing and it s amazing how these. People we got 6 electoral votes in Nevada we know we re not Florida we re not Ohio. Why they come in there it s at the girls the gambling What is it the food laws about I mean they re oh it s beautiful it s wonderful I love Las Vegas we have some of the best restaurants in the world he said Kobe beef you know a couple of bottles of a look see Chaffetz Pete Rock child Lafayette 962-5008 bottle that s what they re coming for because you know these people are fact dogs and I d say Look at this way it is delicious irony when the mainstream media and the Democrats called Trump a racist when that is the party of racism the Democratic Party s The party is slavery the Democratic Party did as the party that says you re black get in a trap to public school you can t get a voucher to go to a good Catholic school they put Planned Parenthood in the black and brown communities because it kills as many black and brown babies as is possible by keeping the border open its hurting black folks but somehow with the laces irony they say Trump is the racist when he doesn t ever raises bone in his body. Really we have spent with the Democratic Roger Slater of Nevada in the last 4 years obviously $3000000000.00 directly infused into our public education they have stopped any charter schools and would not allow any charters to schools to the function with any government money they are spending hundreds of millions of dollars on Spanish or learning English because of the Spanish people in classes that don t speak English and at the same crime a report in our Review Journal today. When they go off to college they need remedial education to get to a basic college class Jane answer a question let s say your 12 year old Nicaraguan and let s say you should be in something like the 6th grade Can you show up in a Clark County Los Vegas public school when you re 12 years old are you up to the academic standards of a 12 year old an American and I read on one of the one of the websites there s about 300000 illegal alien kids showing up in public schools starting in August 300000 now if you re troll of years old and you should be in the 6th grade you show up to be educated free of the public expense What is your educational achievement you think a Nicaragua is not exact you ve had to go back to kindergarten I how I would you say to a child that is put into our public school system whether it be 1st grade or 5th grade and they speak no English and they re expected to be taught what they re $25.00 or 30 American kids to speak English how can that teacher spend any amount of quality time how Wiki what the teacher will be and get it jades it does c.n.n. Cover that aspect of the story. I don t even know Barton there are 300000 kids show up from all over the world they don t speak of the English they don t have the culture they don t understand the academic disciplines and let s say you re 14 years old and you re from you re from Nigeria you show up and Euston and you go up in Austin taxes Ok I m here educate me what is the educational achievement that kids should be a want to freshman or sophomore and there s not nothing at all underneath that how do you stop the class to keep a kid who for years is never going to be up to snuff you know pass them along e.s.l. Programs they have no chance of going to college if they go to college they re going to go back to the 6th grade that is a $1000000000.00 And how is it fair to you know $25.00 kids in the class well guess that s just going to really try you when you have a grant in Nevada for about 15 years from the tobacco industry which helps with scalloped scholarships about 2 years ago 80 some illegals got that grants and because there are 2 there are. Benefits I should say to their work that they became they graduated they hired 8 of those illegal kids to cheers in our public school good luck how what do you what do you think the loyalty of a person like that might be when push comes to shove might it be a South American country that they came from I don t know or the United States I don t know what about the n.t. For attack in the state of Washington where they pull down or glory in part of the Mexican flag Can you imagine have made a hat wearing Republicans charge some public government facility and attacked it and t 5 is a domestic terror organization that is supported by Chris Cuomo of c.n.n. And j.d. When I look at the disparate treatment between the left and the right and it s disgusting and thanks for your call let s continue with more on becomes available 866-647-7337 bill coming in the great American live with you every Sunday night. Are you putting your retirement savings in a 4 a one k. 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Hottest topics of the season try em on for yourself every different topic just made a lot of $350.00 while I am. In one of trying to be objective and I think Fox News also is losing its way if you watch Chris Wallace this morning call the president s tweets races Switzer clearly or not America Love it or leave it was used for 20 or 30 years by those who simply attack the American way of life and there s not some minor disagreement which when Trump in the squad there s a major disagreement the squad things America has done nothing right that America was a race s nation formed by racism when we stole the land from the Indians and that the whole country was built on the backs of slaves and treatment disparate treatment of the disabled and and women and homosexuals drug the years in America is a lousy races rotten filthy place that is not the traditional argument which we like a Kennedy in the Nixon or even join a carter and a Reagan. There was mild differences today it is stark It is far left wing radical communist ideas on one hand and all American ideas on the other but nonetheless if c.n.n. Was a fair object of news source and not involving itself in every story they might send reporters to Texas to Nevada to California what is the cost of illegal aliens being educated in public school systems to the to the American students in school you can t tell me that $300000.00 illegal aliens from poverty stricken areas of the world come here they are far behind their American counterparts you can t be a 10 year old show up and be in the 4th or 5th grade how do you do that and what is the cost to the system now we should know approximately what these expenses are but c.n.n. Is going down the rabbit hole of Trump tweets every night every day let s go to the panel we got to go to the panel what is the panel have to say what are the cost of illegal immigration how about in the emergency rooms put a c.n.n. Crew summer in El Paso on a Friday Saturday night and see who pays I would assume the great majority do not pay a nickel for free medical care that you and I pay for I want to know the cost to Americans and Public School one literally hundreds of thousands of illegal alien children show up to be educated free what is the cost in Texas what is the cost in Florida I don t know do you know I know it s billions of dollars and also the educational failures incumbent upon Americans who are held back because teachers have to teach in languages that they can t teach and how does someone not fluent in English sit in a class in Los Angeles I m an ass Newsmax says James Harrison a question coming up and about an hour or so I like to know. It s not covered because it s an inconvenient truth as far as the expenses and all the top of it the penal expenses the penitentiary the jailing expenses the emergency room costs the medical expenses thrown on top of educational costs plus the depression of ways and wages of traditional Democratic voter blocks all across the country u.s. Census Bureau says that it illegal aliens make $9000.00 more per year than the typical African American wanted Democrats advocate policies that hurt their core groups I have no idea it was a media cover that because it s an inconvenient truth so let s continue coming up next a call from North Carolina California Santa Fe New Mexico Kansas City Illinois line becomes available at 666477337 The coming of the great American life with use every Sunday in a. So are you tired of being tired Well then it s time to get the t. 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