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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight 20180807 00:00:00

anti-racist tweet and wants to it imagine a world where anybody can enter freely from mexico. take a second and just imagine no wall. no wall in southern arizona. brian: can you imagine that night. in new york cynthia nixon said it s time for the democratic party to push socialism and others on the left seem on board. the establishment is terrified of that word. socialism. but if we learned one thing from the obama years, it s that republicans will call us socialists no matter what we do. [cheers and applause]. so we might as well as give them the real thing. brian: this is going to be a big debate in 2020, isn t it? i don t think it will be a debate point.
A look at the latest news and headlines of the day features discussions of politics and culture, analysis of political correctness in Campus Craziness and.
brian: columnist mark stein here. there are times when you have to split hairs to find the problem. we don t have to split hairs here. socialism, let s just embrace it? right, 20 years ago during the clinton era when you watched campaign ads, the democrats all ran as pseudo-conservatives. i am fred smith. i am on tough on crime. you had to wait in the the end to find out if this was a republican or democrat pretending to be tough on crime or the rest. i understand that s frustrating. they want to let their inner leftist out. the last cycle moderate democrats got associated with the clinton campaign. hillary is just someone whose
illegal immigrants. anyone who has been been through legal immigration is not fond of that authority. brian: there are a lot of law enforcement officials and families, you might have a good friend of yours. when you say abolish ice, that hit homes everywhere. in what country is that a good split splitted political thing to do. 9 out of every 10 arrests through ice are people with criminal records. what is your problem with that? the reason the leftists are keen on that is because they don t care about that. you listen to the guy running for governor in arizona. he is saying imagine a world where anybody can enter from mexico. there is a name for that world.
it s mexico. if you let anybody in, the border moves north and then it s at the canadian border and you are all mexicans. brian: i thought the debate was between the fence or the wall. now it s for open? once we have amnesty and legalize these hard-working people. it s frustrating to have to do that. it s much easier to let your inner open borders side out. they are open borders. they are identity politics. they have had it with the whole clinton thing. i don t want sister-soldiers moments anymore. i think they feel dirty from living with those accommodations and the last time around.
even if i disagree because i am not a socialist, i respect people who are consistent. we are seeing inconsistencies across the board. brian: against president trump it would have been an interesting match up because they were different in philosophy. this is supposed to be a big wave for democrats. with these 2 policies in particular, they are doing everything to get rid of that wave. do you look from what you see right now, do you look for them to pick up 23 seats to gain the house despite what we just went over? well, it might be a way in some primary states. but it could be a flood that could drown everybody out in 2020. people have to pay attention to what works in the primary and in one particular district like courtez s district might not work across the country. if democrats think that
everybody is a socialist or all the way left, then they are misinformed. i worked with bernie sanders, yet i am not a socialist. if they try to box everybody up in one box and not figure out what people really want and pay attention to the pole polls, we will number trouble. brian: if you want people to keep money, don t raise health care costs. the party that hundreds health care and delivers quality health care at affordable prices will be in power. to get to the kitchen table in america, it s still health care. for me and my daughter it s over $430 to cover insurance for myself. when i had a staffing firm with 300 employees, we went out of business because they forced temporary agency to cover herlth herlth. health care. it s not resolved.
we would like to provide good health care for myself. your local news. you are absolutely right. brian: two names you hope will be front returns on the left? well, because i worked with senator sanders doesn t mean he will get my vote. i will start from scratch. let them line up. get 10 to 12 candidates. i tell people, pick a side or step aside. i look for candidates to be consistent on their message. like today harris said she doesn t believe on identity politics. right now i am confused. i want to see who all will come out. the front liners and people we may not have heard of. not just anybody because they are popular but substance behind
add-on advantage. this is not a this is the destruction of a cancer cell by the body s own immune system, thanks to medicine that didn t exist until now. and toda.y
fake news a fabrication i am concerned about the meeting my wonderful son donald had in trump tower. this was a meeting to get information on an opponent. and: the media responded with a meltdown as they claimed this was a huge break through to the russian collusion story watch. president trump reversed course on previous denials. saying the purpose of his son s meeting at trump tower was to get information on hillary. an admission of lying. it fits the dictionary of collusion. donald trump admits they are all lying. what are the consequences? brian: the only problem
president trump said the same exact thing a year ago. i think from a practical standpoint, most people would have taken that meeting. it s called opposition research or research into your opponent. brian: wait a second? he said it already. byron york told everyone about this at noon yesterday. everyone ran with the story. how do you explain the hysteria? it s hard to explain. you heard george stephanopoulos said that was a dramatic new admission. it simply wasn t. you could only argue that people forgot that a year ago the president said the same thing. you played a little sound bite of president trump saying that in july of last year. he was even more succinct in a tweet saying most politicians
would have gone to a meeting like the one don jr. attended to get info on the opponent. precisely what he said this time. brian: right. it was in don jr. s emails that he set up this meeting from his promoter friend in england. these people want to talk to you. he said great. they set it up and it went nowhere. the washington post said trump finely admits colluding with russia. we should admit, it would have been difficult for the president last year after those emails to come out to deny that the meeting, the proposal for the meeting was about turning over some incriminating information about hillary clinton who was right there in the email. brian: i get the sense the president will win out over his legal team and sit down with
mueller. is that what your sources are saying? that s still very unclear. he is hearing over and over of the dangers of talking to mueller. on the other hand, you have to remember. donald trump has engaged in a lot of litigation in his career. this is not the first time he s been questioned. this idea that perhaps trump would fall apart if he faced questioning is not an accurate one. brian: he had trouble in some depositions in the past. great to sigh. you had the story early and stayed sane. intentional came back with violent demonstrations in berkeley. that ugly story next. welcome! hi there. so, what do you look for in a vehicle? sleek designs. performance. dependability is top on my list.
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that s not how it is received to people to whom he is speaking. they think it s news that is made up. folks, it s not. dividing good outlets and bad outlets. it s bs. brian: tammy bruce joins us. who is right? the president is right. here s the issue. gallup did a poll about the importance of the american media. the super majority of americans believe they have an important roll in our democracy. they are spaceed to supposed to give us the news and challenge the power. they have thrown their lot in, between the political arena. they decided to help certain things along. that s abandoning the american people. there are a majority of people
who believe there is no unbiassed news they can relie on. there it are other outlets. you see it right there. what is fascinating if trump was a dictator, none of those opinions would be heard on the news. it s turned into a selfish, inward looking entity. like an infant that is not getting what it wants. brian: there are so many deranged people out there. i am worried about them targeting people. on c-span a caller said i will shoot brian stealther and that s disturbing. it s. the problem with this entire dialogue, the media just reporting to people would take the steam out of what president trump is doing. we know people have been hurt.
it s scalise, attempted murder of 23 other republicans. the attack of rand paul. you have threats and individuals arrested for threatening the president and other republican officeholders. the rhetoric has compelled people to do crazy things. brian: now another topic. over the weekend the president tweeted. lebron james was interviewed by the dumbest man on television. he made lebron james look smart which is not easy to do. i like mike. the president was label a racist but he s called other people who are white for years. called mitt romney the dumbest and worst candidate we have ever had. an equal opportunity offender. you are you surprised people saw race in this? look lebron announced he
needs to do more than sports. he is engaits. and that is talking about politics. he s in the kitchen now. that transcends complexion. it s a liberal answer to a text and it s a happen. i think lebron james is better than that. i think he knows and everybody knows that donald trump is transparent and saying these things about all kinds of people. donald trump is fair in the nature of who he attacks and praises based on the nature of what they are doing. brian: i wish he would not do it. lebron james took shots at him. he is not dumb and don lemon is not dumb. the president played golf this week with lindsey graham. a man he insulted. took his phone number and read it to the whole world. our first conversation that we can ease some of this: go
after policy. the personal back and forth from the media and the president is not the most helpful thing. we need policies that the president promotes to succeed because they help our lives. brian: our last topic for you. one thing over the weekend. antifa ugly again. demonstrations in portland and berkeley. they got violent. [shouting]. [bleep]. [shouting]. [bleep]. [bleep]. [shouting].
[shouting]. brian: conservative activist charlie and candace were harhassed this morning at a philadelphia coffee shop. one man poured a drink on her and others shrieked no white supremacy. she was black. she thanked the cops for stepping in. and antifa smashed the windows of a news agency. antifa living in their parent s basement coming out into the light. you are dealing with portland and berkeley which hasn t had a good history of confronting these things.
in portland the police and mayor not acting when antifa blocked the ice office. they seem to prefer these things get out of control. the american people see this. it s not good for liberals or our dialogue. the violence is unacceptable and the police departments have to be more control. brian: this will get ugly. when candace owens wants have to have breakfast with charlie in philadelphia where our country was founded and where the liberty bell sits and they have to take this type of abuse. the maxine waters message was to confront trump supporters. few people have access to the administration members. but you have access to candace and charlie and your neighbor.
when you have somebody like maxine waters any other representative, leadership needs to step forward. democratic leadership has to say enough is enough. hillary could help stop it. jessie jackson and paul ryan and mitch mcconnell, they could come together and say enough is enough if they want it to end. brian: right. candace and charlie will be on fox and friends tomorrow. thank you very much. a great job on the the five. you will be here tomorrow night. i will, in that chair. brian: tucker is back after the break. to interview a democratic congressman who is already running for president. no matter who rides point, there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep.
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brian: the president venezuela was almost assassinated by a drone. he was delivering a speech. medura has no short an of enemy. he is accused of rigging the election last may. the attack gives him a convenient excuse for further crackdowns on country dissidents. the democratic party is descending to chaos. it s becoming more and more extreme on race, immigration and economics. at the same time, they are harassing or physically attacking anybody who disagrees. maybe there is another way, though. congress john delaney is a democratic congressman representing maryland.
he mounted a dark horse presidential campaign and published, a book, the right answer. . tucker spoke to him. tucker: people are in favor of the idea of reuniting the country. it s hard to find a bipartisan consensus. how would you do it? i think there are some areas. things like infrastructure and criminal justice reform and the opioids crisis. there are things in our debate we agree with each other on. there are things we disagree with each other on. there is a role for both things. but we never spend any time on the things we agree with each other on. that s part of the problem. it s simple but our job is to do both. tucker: i agree with that. absolutely and completely. give us a reassuring list of some of the things we agree completely on? that we should invest more in
our infrastructure. it s crumbling. we are behind competitors. we agree we should reform our crimmial sufficient system. justice system. the data is unfair for citizens. the opioids crisis is ravaging our country and there are things we need to do there. i think there is a long list of things. we should agree that technology is changing nevering our country. this would be nice if we had a national artificial intelligence sector. we need a new authorization for military force because we are relying on a 17-year-old document to engage in conflicts around the world. these are just some of the things i think there is agreement among the american people. tucker: but not in the congress? not in the congress. there is reasons for.
that. gerrymandering is a big problem. it creates district that don t represent the american people. congress is broken in many ways and our democracy is broken. not does the person with the most votes win? that still works. representatives in washington don t go there with the spirit to find unity and common purpose. they go there and they might. they put their only political parties ahead of the country. as a result we don t do anything. i think there say huge cost associated with not doing anything. i think we paid a price for a long time as americans. tucker: yes. i don t think there is a question about. a final person question. have you been in congress a couple of terms and you are leaveing to run for president? i am. tucker: if you could do it over again, would you do? did you like it?
how awful was it? i think it was terrific. it s the great privilege of my life to serve in the congress of the united states. i think this is a magnificent country. i think we have the best country in the world. i learned a lot and met terrific colleagues. i have a clear perspective on the type of leadership we need not only as president, but there is something deeper we need in this country. that s for the american people to have some responsibility associated with fixing our broken democracy and bringing us together. i would never had that perspective had i not served in the congress of the united states. tucker: you are an optmist. thank you. brian: on line and in print the right is being censored. why racism on the left being excused? we will analyze next. some cash back cards
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why do you think that happened? you were just retweeting something and defining the new york times writer. not only that, brian, tucker and i did actually quote sarah s tweet. we were having a conversation about it. the only thing i can come up on social media we are so divide. people are so angry about things. we are unable to have conversations. somebody on the left or the right at this point was very angry that we were even having the conversation. people are petty and somebody flagged it and instagram reviewed what was post ed, but lacks that system, so they removed it. i found it upsetting. brian: you are not the first one. someone not a conservative talk show host, for someone to take that down because you were talking about a topic that many conservatives found offensive
and americans found offensive. that was her prior tweets and statements. what does that tell you about where we are heading? again, i think it s problematic that we can t have a conversation or that people are upset even having a conversation. look are there legitimate concerns when people post hateful things. some of the messages i get about my judiciary background should be taken down and flagged and marked. if you call for violence. there is no place for that. i agree with these platforms preserving their terms of service. just to have the conversation about something, brian, you and i engage in debate regularly. it s important and healthy and we grow. calling for violence not a good thing. and calling for violence, i reserve the right of those platforms to remove those posts.
brian: do you think this is boxed? i think the platforms have to have algorhythms for moving posts. only when fox news reached out did a human review and say there is nothing wrong with this. they still have a lot of work to do. brian: so many times the topics that are conservative get targeted. in this case you talking about something got targeted. sarah s anti-white racism is not a concern for the new york times. she still hasener job. still has her job. another person had her article
removed about costing an actress in a trans-gender role. the are we are seeing a double standard on who gets to say what. this woman says i was kidding. it was a sapphire. satire. i was responding to trolls. and liberal twitter responds great, no problem. where is that courtesy when you are a conservative? brian: it doesn t happen. you write that scarlet can play this role. why is there outrage? she is an actress. she is not doing a documentary. you pointed that out and your employer s reaction was? to take the piece down after my colleagues wrote a series of letters expressing outrage at what i said and the way i said it. brian: you were hired to give your opinion and you gave it. they said you would have to take
that it down, and they said there will be a committee who decides if your column can be posted in the future. they wanted me to meet with the committee any time i wrote on something sensitive to make sure i didn t ruffle the wrong feathers. brian: your reaction? to resign. brian: do you have any regrets? it s scary not to know where i am going. i have been freelancing and i have my integrity. brian: what has this process showed you from the story we just read, what has this story told you? there were two responses. one said she was kidding. others said it doesn t matter if she was kidding. if you are anti-white it s fine. she is asian-american and high
enough on the totem poll to excuse anything she does. where is that courtesy? the fact she grew up in somalia and was oppressed by muslim. brian: she is black and muslim? exactly. it s a crazy double standard. who gets to talk and who we defend and who we criticize and who we fire. brian a retiring california congressman said we may have to get regulation. we have to clear lines. if you call for violence,ry move it. anything sort of that let the marketplace of ideas clean up that speech. brian: you will be fine. straight ahead, first statues
were taken down. now texas activists want to rename the state s capital because it was named after a guy that defended slavery. that story about austin, texas, when we come back. how d that go? he kept spelling my name with an i but it s bryan with a y. yeah, since birth. that drives me crazy. yes. it s on all your email. yes. they should know this? yeah. the guy was my brother-in-law. that s ridiculous. well, i happen to know some people. do they listen? what? they re amazing listeners. nice. guidance from professionals who take their time to get to know you.
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and! we ll make heaven a place on earth yeah! oh, my angels! ooh, heaven is a place on earth [ sobs quietly ] brian: get ready for this. you ve got a backlash against proslavery historical figures and it has led to schools being renamed and statues being removed or destroyed and we told you that over the last two years. the latest victim could be one of america s largest cities. texas state capitol austin is named for stephen f. austin, the state s founding father. but austin supported slavery, owned slaves himself. now report by austin s cheek so my cheap equity officer, the city should consider renaming itself in an effort to blot out it s memory. john daniel davidson is a senior contributor at the federalist and joins us right now. do you think this should happen? get rid of austin?
let s get rid of austin, houston, washington, d.c. let s get rid of them all. if we are going to go down this road, there s no stopping it. madison, wisconsin, how about that? there you go. jackson, mississippi. this is the problem. when this whole thing started where we had to remove confederate statues and we had to rename schools that were named after confederate generals and jefferson davis. it was really obvious from the beginning that there was no limiting principle to the renaming, that once we start renaming schools and streets in cities and tearing down statues, eventually we are going to have to go after the founding fathers, we are going to have to go after abraham lincoln, we will have to have to go after woodrow wilson. everybody in the past who had opinions that today are unacceptable are going to have to go. brian: you can go back even a short time ago. a lot of political figures against same-sex marriage. people of all, people get
better. no one defends slavery but there s a lot to be proud of in our history and we should debate it, talk about it, go over it. have to give credit to george b busch. he s the only political figure i can see right now who stood up, the son of jeb. he said the nephew of the former president he says absolutely not, this will not be taken down. there would be no texas if it wasn t for steve austin, who took on the mantle of his father, moses austin who died before texas could become a state. but first it was its own nation. you can t deny that history. can t. and we have to take our history, warts and all. one of the things we have to accept about american history is that it s painful, it s complicated and also the way we remember our history is complicated too. the statues, the naming of things after a confederate general and leaders. it s all now a part of our history. rather than tearing it down and trying to eradicate it and erase
it, why don t we try to educate ourselves and our children about it? why don t we add more explanatory plaques next to the statues instead of tearing them down so we understand better where we came from and where we are going instead of trying to erase the past and blot out the unpleasant parts? brian: 10-second answer, is it a mission of people to make america americans embarrassed about their history, or is this just coincidence? this is part of a ploy to use history and public memory as a political weapon. that s exactly what it is. brian: john daniel davidson, thank you so much. they do say it s unlikely that it will change, but they are focused on the confederate statue. that is it for us for now, join me again tomorrow morning on fox & friends and then of course you can check out my radio show, the brian kilmeade show from nine until noon and i hope you do that every single day. good night from new york and also, sean hannity is next from wherever he chooses to be. sean: i got a question.

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Daily Briefing With Dana Perino 20180807 18:00:00

A look at the day s top news and headlines.
is glaring right at him, does not look like he is really blinking much, just waiting for him to look over as far as i can tell. gates has not looked over, but only one person, the defense attorney between them, it is really interesting, because at one point today gates was trying to explain how it is that he would help paul manafort, his old boss reduce his tax bill by doing things like faking a loan or making income look like colognes. and apparently in 2014 when the tax bill came it was higher than manafort was expecting, emailed to rick loyd s, i just saw this, not happy, wtf, he has spent most of the time on the stand explaining how he figured out his taxable income, wired from overseas, and to wire money from overseas to high-end retailers for fancy suits or construction
projects, they needed a little bit more of a paper trail, but gates said that he falsified invoices. the mueller team is asking a lot of questions about consultancy agreements, wire transfers, records and taking a very, very long time. but for the sixth day in a row, no questions about russia collusion. today now. dana: how strict has a judgment on the mueller team? really strict, the last thing that happened last night before everybody went home was a lecturer for the mueller team because the judge did not think that one of the prosecutors was making enough i can, essentially accused the mueller prosecutor as being dismissive, previously told the team that they cannot besmirch the business partners by calling them oligarchs and that they could not introduce a photo of manafort s closet filled with luxury clothing, most strict about speed. he is always urging the mueller
team to speed up their questioning and their exhibits. and earlier today one of the producers was in the elevator with one of mueller s prosecutors and heard him saying to somebody else one of his colleagues that he knows that the judge wants them to pick up the pace, he just does not know if he is going to be able to. dana: i suppose the message was received, thank you, peter. for more on this let s bring in michael moore, former u.s. attorney for the middle district of georgia. you have experience in this area. let me start with this question for you, tell me about the strategy here by the witnesses that they have put on the stand so far and leading up to this, i guess i would consider this their star witness? it is their star witness, this is sort of the raft testifying against the other rat. and gates will lay out what happened, he is going to have to take the fall for a lot of what went on, admitting his wrongdoing in the scheme to hide
money and to cover some things up. but i also think that that builds the credibility. let me tell you how it really works, and paul manafort was the king. in this game, that s what his plan is now. this has been a lead up when you see both the trial and the way that it plays in the investigation to mueller, talking about a money case, and where the money went, what reasons they were to have manafort in the game, now up to a parts where i m sure that the manafort defense team is going to have some fun with gates this afternoon, but he has told his tale. and he has his deal, and now it is up to the jury whether or not they believe him. dana: i want to ask a question about that, is that settled with gates? he does not have to worry about anything as long as he tells the truth, but my other question is do you think this afternoon when the cross-examination of gates starts, how likely is it that
the prosecution might be surprised by something that the defense brings up? first on the deal, the federal prosecutors are known for making a deal and sticking to it. so my guess is that they will go in and argue the fact that he has cooperated and he has lived up to his end of the bargain. there are other ways to have an additional deal after a fact, sometimes called a rule for 35, a different mechanism to get some help, but a plea bargain deal is in place and they will stand by that. this afternoon, i don t think that it is likely that you will have prosecutors getting surprised with anything he has to say by taking it through this on a script over her soul, sure that they mock him up so that he can be accustomed to being on the stand and taking some hard questions. and if they had a lot of these answers before they had the cooperation, they simply needed him to cooperate facts, data, emails, that type of thing that they had in place, so he is
surprised at all that they are having things moved along, and people that spend time in the courtroom that would be a normal occurrence. i think that some of the rulings that he has made about what they cannot talk about, it is dangerous as a prosecutor to make fun of somebody s will, but what you see is that there was a reason to bring some of this forward, that is to show that manafort s greed, he could not have been the recipient or enjoying the fruits without really knowing what was going o on. so his claim that he did not know it was somebody s wrongdoing, somebody else, it is hard to say that. so that is the reason that some of that came in. the judge wants to limit some of it, and some of its can be a little you make your point and move on, that s really all he was saying. dana: my last question is about the judge, but some people seem to want to take what ever gleaming from this trial so far
and the judge s comments as somehow being a good thing for paul manafort, but is that reading too much into it? i think it is probably reading a little bit into it. he can be somewhat sympathetic with where we are in the case, but he is willing so far in letting the case move forward, they have gotten to this place and now it will be in the hands of a jury. remember at the end of the day when paul manafort is convicted, and i do expect that he will be, you will have a judge who is bound by the guidelines, those advisory guidelines, but they give a parameter and say, look, this is the range that he ought to be sentenced to related to the amount of money or the particular crimes that were charged on which the convictions were based. his hands will be tied a little bit in that way. it may be reading in a little bit much to think that he is favorable, because remember, he had the chance a number of times in pretrial motions to wipe some of this out. but we are here. dana: i guess we will see
local, they voted for the democrat, why did you vote for danny? i voted for him because i believe his issues and where he stands and i am just against raising taxes, deficits, taking step away from social security, i want to stop all that. do you think that president trump coming to the state and campaigning for the republican candidate helped or hurt to your danny o connor? it may have hurt o connor a little bit, because trump space is very strong, and they stand behind him regardless of whatever is going on. thank you for your input, the flip side is republicans like john kasich thought that perhaps trump support could do more harm than good, but this is a county that went overwhelmingly for trump and the fact that he came close by to vote for the republican candidate, balderson
thinks he will win because of the president support. dana: we will keep in touch with you, thank you. up next one of my favorite political analysts on what we should watch tonight. on deck. and how one candidate in the kansas primary could cause some concern for democrats. my father passed this truck down to me,
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before, a lot of times they turn things around, this is a report card for the republican party, and a district that has a lot of different components to it, you have a superb and part of the district around columbus, ohio, a moderate portion of the district, but likes john kasich a little bit more, and yet the swap where kristin was as it is rural, and a very conservative parts, and it likes president trump very enthusiastically. turning out the voters, and also the other voters. dana: looking at a 30% turnout, a special election in august, does that seem high to you? when most people are turning out in august as high as it can be, it is a sign that people are paying attention, and probably a good sign for democrats, because they know that today can get their people to the polls in every district across the
country. dana: do you think it is more, you do not think that the turnout, been boosted by the turnout on saturday? it is hard to say without knowing where the vote is coming from, but what president trump was trying to do saturday is to make sure that his voters were energized. he needs to make sure the people do not know that it is not jusa special day in august. dana: i am curious about this decision to have the special election in august, because no matter what happens today, do these two candidates face a rematch in november? they do, this could be a fluky result, you could have a democrat winning now in a republican opponent winning in november, it speaks to the challenges that republicans have with these open seats, retirements, the former congressman had been in office for quite a while and he decided to resign to take a different job, that created this unusual situation that you have an in
august election. dana: and having posted today, the piece that said democrats are mounting a comeback in the midwest, to win in what is likely a low turnout election traditionally following the g.o.p. district, democrats do not need a tectonic shift, the attrition of just enough moderate republicans and independents could prove more than enough to carry o connor over the finish line against balderson. do you see that as replicated not just here in ohio? i know that we have conor lam in pennsylvania, but are these one-off examples are part of a trend? there were a lot of obama-trump voters in the midwest especially. what democrats are hoping for are some of the people that voted for trump voting for democrats will come back home and vote democratic for congress. that s why president trump was out in force on saturday, trying to make sure that they remember the stakes of this election and they come home and his supporters turnout for his candidate. but look, that is a real worry for republicans.
you have a lot of districts with some big senate races, and yet democrats are getting more and more optimistic that they can make back the ground that they lost. dana: we will see what happens, thank you. new details on a deadly highway accident and what happened right before a huge explosion? and a drone attack on venezuela s president, what investigators are saying about the investigation attempt that will start could start a whole new era in terrorism. tech: at safelite autoglass,
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tanker truck liquefied natural gas before catching fire, you can see it there. exploding and shooting the fireball across the raised roadway which collapsed part of it. the tanker truck driver was killed, but two highway patrolman are credited with saving lives by clearing the road before the big explosion. the accident injured dozens of people, some suffering burns while other were cut by flying glass from the secondary explosion. investigators and venezuela say that they can identify the masterminds and the apparent assassination attempt on president mindoro. two drone pilots among those arrested, the video of the exploding drone tweeted by by a professor. essentially terrorism by joystick not only preprogrammed drone sleeping in from almost any direction, but also used by anybody with the means to buy them. worst threat from the sky, used to be exclusively the domain of nation stakes, that has changed
in the last few weeks, a broader menace has emerged and must be addressed. a former cia officer joins me now. i do not get rattled by much, but when i read your op-ed, i will tell you, i have anxiety about this, what can governments do to protect people? they are two things, day now that governments need to do, and number one, they are doing it worldwide, go look for the bad guys and the people that want to carry out these sort of attacks. there are not the more extremist the world than they were two weeks ago, but have now gotten a tool that previously they did not have which essentially is something you might call a suicide bomber in a box. the other piece that governments need to focus on, it is more the drone industry is stopping the drone requires you to actually see that drone before you can do something to it. currently it is very technically hard to actually see the small objects flying around, especially in cities where you
have tall buildings. that is going to be pushed on to the commercial drone industry to come up with a solution and then for the government to look at those solutions and implement them into the airspace. dana: about the government, not just ours, but many across the world, i m not going to say that it is impossible to figure out a way to prevent something like this from happening, but it seems when you marry up terrorism with some other technology be at a drone that is remote controlled, how are people supposed to protect themselves? there is good reason to be concerned about this. and the bad guys are going to take a look at the technical advantage until the rest of us can figure out a way to spot these things in the air. eventually in the drone industry they will figure that out, but there is a temporary period where unfortunately there is an
advantage to the bad guys, because one place that we never look at threats coming to us from is from the air. that s always been something only a government could do. now it is an extremist with a few thousand dollars and an agenda. dana: it was a speculation that it could ve been a planned exercise to make it look like he had an assassination attempt to get some more support in the country, rallies held in support of him yesterday, have you heard of anything like that? i have not, when you look at that video it seems to demonstrate kind of a loss of control when that happens at a public event like that. i am not going to say that i am an expert on venezuela, but the threat is pretty serious. we had a threat from rebels in yemen that launched a drone hundreds of kilometers into an air zone. so it is not just, that is the venezuela piece, but it is not the only event we are watching. dana: outside of the
governments, people, human beings like to go to big events, they like outdoor gatherings, coming up on all sorts of things like football season, concert season, are there things that private companies should be doing to figure out a way to protect their patrons from things like this? i m sure that they are continuing to work closely with local law enforcement, because there will be people behind these attacks. and they leave footprints, security services around the world are looking for. unfortunately right now and that is a great question. in the counter drone world, things that you can buy, it is quite limited. there is a lot of hyperbole about what can be done in the growing space, but there aren t great one-size-fits-all solutions yet. there will be eventually, but there is not today. dana: sounds like we need some innovation for the good guys, we appreciate you coming on. my pleasure, thank you. a spin on the march of the midterms kicking into high gear with the primary battles in key states today.
a live report from kansas, and analysis straight ahead. experience an unrivaled feel for any road at the lexus golden opportunity sales event. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. feeclaritin and relief fromwsy symptoms caused by over 200 allergens. like those from buddy. because stuffed animals are clearly no substitute for real ones. feel the clarity. and live claritin clear.
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in topeka, kansas, mike tobin in detroit following today s hype to the primary. i think i will start with you first. hey, dana, we are watching the republican primary in kansas, because it mirrors the struggle nationally for the republican party in the direction of the party moving forward. on one hand you have the establishment candidate who happens to be the sitting governor. and on the other hand, practically a president trump clone, the current secretary of states in kansas polarizing for the controversial positions on illegal immigration and widespread voter fraud. he successfully pushed for a law that requires proof of u.s. citizenship before a person registers to vote and proof of idea at the polls. striking that down, but he sees this as a bellwether for his party. in 2016 president trump set a new course for the republican party.
in 2018 now the republican party is deciding in state after state, do we want to stay on the course that president trump charted for us? the incumbent is jeff collier, been in office since january when san brownback took a was lieutenant for seven years and in the legislature for four years, endorsed by the nra, the kansas farm bureau, and the king of g.o.p. establishment bob duell, he says that he is too much of a lightning rod to get elected in november. right now his negatives are 55%. amongst the general elected. but it is about a conservative message that gets things done. kansans, and bob duell said this himself, he said jeff collier is the one person who can win the general election. nonetheless, just yesterday hours before the polls open today, president trump went against his advisors and went ahead and endorsed company baca,
this is supposed to be a close race, by the way, president trump won kansas by 20 points two years ago. we will see if he has the pool with the voters two years later. dana: all right, thank you. a michigan voters are choosing the republican nominee to go up against debbie stabenow in november. john james both vying for the nomination, let s go to farmington hills and bring in mike tobin. mike. president trump has also made it clear the outcome that he wants from the republican matchup here in michigan. he wants 37-year-old combat veteran john james to win. return to to run his father s business, with a lot of momentum in his campaign. has him seven points up. the president has taken the twitter twice to endorse james who he calls a potential republican star. the other republican running sandy pencil or campaigns very much in line with the president, but there was a quote he said was taken out of context,
unflattering to the president and the president s endorsement went to james. it is obvious, i obviously would rather have the president s endorsement, but there is only one endorsement that matters, that is the people of michigan. we encourage the president came out again and tweeted about me again. we are doing this to serve. and really excited that folks are backing up on text messaging and email, and now the energy is real. the victor will face debbie stabenow, the first female senator from michigan, a three term incumbent, both republicans claim that she is loyal to chuck schumer, out of touch with the people of michigan. the president tweeted that she is a soft on crime open borders democrat, clear that he wants james to win. and admits that he enjoys a cash advantage going into the general. dana: all right, thank you. for more in this let s bring in former chief ed staff to mitch
mcconnell, and llc, and the cofounder of third way, great to have you both. let me ask you this, the fox power rankings has the michigan senate race as a likely d. i wonder what you think about the republicans chances. an exciting race, and john james a dynamic candidates, does he have a chance? it is president trump had some success in 2016, and the two term governor in michigan, so success as of late, but no question, still difficult state and there is been a lot of trouble for the republican party, all of that being said, if they are going to win, they are going to have to be a little bit unconventional with a great story. somebody like james. you can tell just from the body language of the interview, just with this segment, he is really leaning forward here. it looks like he will bring an awful lot of momentum if he happens to win tonight into the general election, and you do not know what could happen at that
point. dana: let me turn to you, jim, debbie stabenow, the incumbent, do you think that she has the ability to stay the course and win reelection? this is one of those times where democrats are in the driver s seat, she should do fine there, this has been a tough state for republicans and senatorial races, not a great year for republicans, let s face it, debbie stabenow is pretty strong. she is going to a cruise to reelection. dana: the person we love to put on the tv screen, winning that race against jim crowley in new york, getting a lot of attention paid here is what she said today on the progressive movement. take a listen to this. don t let them forget it, do not let these people forget what they stood by and supported in this moment. they can ever claim this moral framework ever again. because they stood by as children were ripped from their parents. they stood by as the richest in this country enrich themselves.
dana: let me ask you about this, president trump did win michigan in 2016, while messages like the one that cortes put forward, very progressive ideas, is that a way for democrats to try to win voters in 2020? well, certainly not in 2018 and the midterm elections in the purple and red states where democrats were either trying to gain seats or win senate races there, she is the right candidate for the bronx and new york, and there are some very liberal democrats out there, but for the most part in primaries in 2018 in the swing districts and swing states, and the moderates have been winning, it s one of the reasons why it will be a wave election for democrats because they are electing the right kind of people. and i also do not think that it will work in 2020. dana: josh, what do you think about that? talking about the ideas, the conservative movement or the liberal movement, which one has the energy behind it?
and i think the deal is a little bit scattered on a lot of this, the general idea moving forward, they like the trump agenda, but there is this new energy coming from the far left do you think that that will help them win some elections this year? just look at cortez, quickly becoming the embodiment, the energy of the democratic party. the best thing that the republicans have going for them is that democrats do not listen to people like my good friend jim kessler when it comes to where the energy is. dana: we listen to you, jim jim. we do, from the good of the country, more people should, but democrats aren t. and when you look at, take one issue with what he said, in california, you have basically an icon in dianne feinstein, who cannot receive the endorsement of her party. we are watching a party that is drifting so far to the left it is almost unrecognizable. and the more the people like cortez are out putting their stamp on an agenda like the one that you just heard, the less
likely that democrats are ever going to compete. dana: i m curious about that, in terms of the new energy, the republican party has said that they are looking for people who are not establishment. they do not want people who have been there for years, they went out of the box candidates, do you think that you will see that with some of the incumbents in the democratic party that a been there for so long? people like dianne feinstein, for example? dianne feinstein will cruise to reelection. there is a look for new energy among democrats and some of it is very progressive, but there is a quiet energy in the center, and one of the things that has been saving democrats that is underreported our voters. the democratic voters have been coming out in droves and voting for moderates nearly everywhere. the media is missing it that there is a quiet energy in the center that is really helping democrats a lot and can steer
the party in the country. dana: this is a question that i always want to ask people, what are we missing? we hope to have you back. i think i missed to that. yes, i did. dana: think you so much, we will see later. fox news alert, the shares halted after elon musk said that he has considered taking the electric car company private. tesla founder and ceo sending a series of tweets saying i am taking tesla private, funding secured, shareholders can sell or hold chairs and go private. my hope is all current investors remain with tesla even if we are private. would create creates purpose funds enabling anyone to stay with tesla, already to do this with fidelity space investment. up next to a surprisingly small cut of recording artists get when you buy their music. debbie holloway breaking down the testimony from rick gates and the paul manafort trial. ding sweep.
call one today. are you in good hands?
shepard: shepard smith on the fox news deck, three weeks since mollie tibbetts went missing, her father thinks that his daughter is with somebody she knows paid he will be our guest to live to talk that and much more at the top of the hour with spleen 29. we will see you then. dana: new report shows how little musicians make compared to the rest of the industry. music generated $43 billion in sales last year, but just 12% of that actually went to the artist, about half of what record labels and publishers made, the figures could push new artists without record deals for streaming services where they could receive a larger percentage of the profit. the government s star witness in the paul manafort trial took a stand for a second day. rick gates testifying about the work he did for paul manafort and how it was designed to boost the presentation. joined by debbie holloway.
i would not have known how to pronounce it, take a look at what gates said about the manafort and ukraine connections that they would initiate wire transfers from accounts directly to vendors, he would not have to report the income. interviewed by the fbi about a ukrainian investigation and two lobbying firms working with manafort on p.r. efforts for the politician, so this was a pretty big operation? a pretty big operation, and gates is spilling all of the dirt, that s why he cooperated with mueller, he has to go on the stand and tell all, but a very interesting few days, following it closely based on all of the reports coming out, but one thing that the lawyers hope to do is discredit gates and to make it look like he was doing all the bad stuff, paul manafort had no idea i was going on. it will be very hard, because as we have seen, the prosecutors are losing a lot of paper, emails and documents that show that paul manafort was very much in charge of the operation.
he directed gates to do a lot of things that gates is doing, running overseas, reporting income, shuffling numbers around, the paper trail is really important, that could be very difficult. dana: tell me about to this guy? he is coming up a lot in the evidence that we are seeing in trial, every day the documents come up, his name comes up a lot, very close to paul manafort, the special counsel has gone out of their way to say that he had ties to russian intelligence in 2016. and today what was important was that there was a money trail shown in court, constantine:was in charge of payments to paul manafort back in 2014. we also know that he came to the u.s. and met with manafort in 2016, and we know that he was in a precarious financial situation, so this leaves the giant question, was he coming here to pay paul manafort, there
were emails about a black jar of caviar, we do not know, mueller is looking into this, but we have seen that the special counsel said rick gates told an associate that constantine clem nick was an officer once upon a time. the gr you just got indicted for packing hillary clinton s emails, so as you start to follow the web, he could be pretty central to any collusion investigation. dana: if there was one, but the trial is different from tha that. i want to ask you about this, west virginia voters will become the first to vote in november, votes, i guess they call it votes. i got it, cool. available only to the members in eligible dependents, a photo of a self you style video of face, then verified by facial recognition software, the technology was tested by the rock and roll hall of fame.
are we to have a lot of confidence in the integrity of that effort and it would not be hacked? experts say no, one of the experts about voter security at the university of michigan said it looks like snake oil, one of the things that makes it secure is it is recorded on blockchain, technology that records bitcoin transactions, but it does not mean that to your app and your phone is secure. so a lot of experts are worried that if people start voting on apps you are relying on a secure mobile device, all kinds of technology in between your vote and to the ballot itself, so experts are worried about this, you know, it is meant to make voting for military members easier. dana: it s a good idea. and we had an even better idea in the commercial break that you can send elected officials to the bases so that we can collect their votes there and they do not have to worry about that
mail in ballots. that is a genius idea. dana: it would solve everything on the daily briefing, thank you. the effort to save a killer whale on one close line why it has never been attempted before. president trump re-imposing sanctions on iran, how will it affect prices at the pump?
that could remove 1 million barrels of oil per day. so yes, it has pushed the price up higher today, which you will see again soon, $69 u.s. a barrel, you see just over the last, this is today the big spike when sanctions continued to be put into place, but over the last several months there has been a lot of spikes and a lot of that does have to do with threat of pulling supplies from the market. the sanctions are hurting the economy there and there is inflation, unemployment had dana: unrest? yes, we can no longer import persian rugs or pistachio nuts, and what the president has said is that any other country does business with iran, then you can no longer do business with the united states. in one example of a company that has reacted to that was making mercedes-benz, they decided that they were going to throw out their production plans to create trucks in iran after that came out, but china, turkey, i don t think they will listen to the
president, they will still continue. dana: it is a tough decision that they have to make it, they might have consequences. i want to ask you about the commerce department that has this tortuous process for reviewing sanctions on steel and aluminum imports. i was reading about it yesterday, you can explain it to me better. i feel so sorry for these companies, because you are not talking about how long you have used the metal in your products, where did you get it from? the width of the product, these are all separate forms. it is a lot of paperwork that they have to send into the commerce department. who has hired several people, trained over 40 people, but not specialists in metals, they have to go through and decide okay, can these companies use this deal that is being produced in the united states or do they have to continue to buy the products outside? and so far there has been a 90 day time frame, a backlog, a lot of companies still have to continue to pay the tariffs during that backlog which means
costs are climbing higher. dana: you did explain it better than i could understand it myself just reading. i got it and i understand that they have not approved any, so why do you even bother filling out the paperwork? 20,000 requests of our and so many exemptions. dana: a race to save the starving killer whale, off of vancouver island, sparking an unprecedented federal government s plan to feed her life salmon, but the plan is still awaiting approval. the sick orca has not been seen in days. she may only have a few days to live and yet some researchers disagree with the plan to feed a killer whale, never been said before and could lead to associating boats with food. don t feed the animals. how doing a good deed for seemingly down on his luck man let one woman needs a country superstar. herbs.
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Harris , Witness , Dollars , Stole-hundreds-of-thousands , Paul-manafort , Courtroom , Gates , Suspense-lawyers , District-court , Tension , Alexandria , Peter-doocy

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Daily Briefing With Dana Perino 20180808 18:00:00

A look at the day s top news and headlines.
house energy and commerce committee. and he says that collins violated the public trust. dana? dana: all right, bryan llenas, thank you. fox news alert in a different federal courthouse. rick gates wrapping up his testimony in the paul manafort trial. gates saying he has no doubt the government would rip up his plea agreement if he doesn t tell the truth. this coming as manafort s lawyers hammered him on his credibility on cross-examination. peter doocy is live outside u.s. district court in alexandria, virginia. peter, how big a factor is rick gates personal life in his own testimony? a huge factor, dana. because rick gates admitted today that the special counsel s lawyers, the mueller team s lawyers helped him prep for his testimony here for more than 20 hours. so, the manafort team jumped in today to ask him well, did you ever tell the mueller lawyers during the prep about the extramarital affair he admitted to and gates said yes, he did. then the manafort lawyers asked if gates ever told them about four extramarital
the million-dollar wardrobe, the affairs, the trips, the crazy contracts these people have. this is what people think d.c. is like. you are known by the company you keep this was the campaign chairman rick gates as you know right in there in trump tower. not good for them. but, second, dana, this is bad for the swamp. if i m watching this, in oshkosh, i m thinking this is what i thought d.c. was like. people try and tell me this is only house of cards? but here it is. it s live. and so, dana, what you are seeing here is that these things do happen. especially these insane contracts to serve foreign governments. very high amounts there. but this is rare. but it does happen and we re seeing it. dana: one of the things gates testified about was their relationship with some ukrainian connection and how gates would wire do wire
shown in court that day. and if the photos of the suits that we have seen on your air, it s the emails from manafort. it s the contracts with these overseas clients. and so people are seeing, getting a road map to how some of the swamp operates. dana: i want to talk about the midterm elections last night. just the primary elections. that special election in ohio 12. we have about 90 seconds left. tell me the four things that you took away from that because i read it this morning. i thought it was fantastic. we will start with the fact that now we see that every election is a trump election. date of birthna, the funny thin dana, both sides thinks s works for them. we saw the president go out and have a big rally in ohio. people came out and came closer than it might have been otherwise. second, we see that republicans and this is why the big the big blue wave is strengthening. we see that republicans underperforming how they did in clinton vs. trump every single time. and third thing that we re
seeing also in special election after special election we re seeing that democrats are turning out. democrats are more excited than republicans. and, dana, a great fact, today it became official today the most women nominees ever in our history axios posted the statistics today. now 172 female nominees for house. there are 11 nominees for governor. as you have seen in michigan, have you an all female democratic ticket for the michigan governor and the people under them. dana: what s interesting about that, too, it s not the far progressives that are winning. this is not the bernie sanders wing that is winning these elections they were much more your traditional democrat. i will give you the last word. no, that s right. so what we are see something going to be a contest that just as with 2020 the left is trying to get the excitement, is trying to get the attention.
that s where the money is so many democrats are say going we can just pull it a little bit this way, like the wave is going our way, the house upset is within reach. we just need to keep the focus on the economy. people s pocketbooks. not on ice. republican also tell you the president needs to talk about the economy, and immigration less about manafort. ainsley: we will see what dana: mike allen, always fun to have you here. as we just mentioned several democrats win in key elections. the republican campaign committees about that and who thinks they have the fundraising advantage next on the daily briefing. your insurance rates skyrocket after a scratch so small
dana: democrat james thompson one of the winners last night claiming victory in his kansas primary after a boost from bernie sanders and alexandria ocasio-cortez. thompson, however, fairing better than many candidates backed by the progressive duo with several others losing their races last night. i m joined by meredith kelly communications director for the democratic director. great to have you on again. meredith, let me start with you. we will get to ohio 1 in a moment. overall, your feelings about last night. thanks for having me, dana. overall last night was a very exciting night for democrats and our prospects for winning back the house in november. i couldn t be more confident that we will do so. candidates that fit their districts from washington to kansas to michigan were the nominees last night and that s because they are talking to voters about lowering the price of
healthcare increasing wages and impacting medicare and social security. those are messages that cut across all party lines and that will carry them to victory in november. dana: matt, of course ohio 12 is one everybody was keeping an eye on. president trump went there saturday of last weekend. do you think that made the difference in getting this race as close as it is. right now it s still too close to call but how do you feel about that race and how it will turn out? well we believe troy balderson has won and congratulate him on his victory last night. he ran a very strong campaign. and you mentioned president trump. i think it was a team effort. absolutely. president trump, vice president pence, governor kasich, the nrcc and others all pitched in to help. clearly voters were energized. and, you know, we are in the business of winning seats, period. we have won 869 special elections this cycle more than we have i will congratulate meredith on dccc on. they don t get a lot of votes on congress.
i am yet to see any big results. dana: meredith, respond to that i m curious how you answer. obviously democrats have done better. the turnout in the the washington post surge by the end of june 13.6 million votes have been cast in democratic primaries compared with 10.4 million in republican primaries. so, since 2014, the last midterm the republican turnout 24%. democratic turnout had surged by 84%. that trend appeared to continue on tuesday in kansas and fitch began. to matt s point if republicans can point to winning 8 of 9 of these elections, how do you respond to the democrats chances then you? think you are confident of taking back the house in november. do results show that as a sure thing. sure. i have three main reasons that matt and republicans should be very fearful of losing control of the house in november. first of all, there are at least 80 districts that are more competitive for democrats than ohio 12. that is a reliable republican district.
that they have had for decades. trump won it by 11 points. so for us to still be counting votes is a very ominous sign for the rest of the more competitive battlefield. second, matt nailed it himself. it was a big republican team effort. one where they had to pull out all the stops for surrogates and money and that is just not a sustainable strategy in all of the districts that they are on defense n november. and, third, republicans clearly have no message. they scattered around finding different boogie men in every different television ad and that s just not something you do when you have a personal message that is connecting with voters. and meanwhile democrats have a reputable strategy and candidate resources to execute in november. dana: of course, we will be paying attention to that i do want to read to you a statement from cory bless at the congressional leadership fund and he says while we won tonight this remains a very tough political environment and moving forward any republican running for congress getting vastly outraised by an opponent needs to start
raising more money. your boss, congressman steve stivers who is the chairman of the nrcc this year he has been saying this for well since this show began last october. are republicans not heeding his warning? well, absolutely. this is something congressman stivers has been on for a while. and he says money is like using hand grenades you don t need to have the most but close. need to have enough to get your message out and define your opponent. look at ohio 12, for instance, we were able to define danny o connor as someone who would flip flop on support for nancy pelosi and couldn t be trusted on lowering in taxes. and repeal the tax cuts helping middle class families. dana: what about the money part of things and the fundraising. are the republicans at a deficit here? look at georgia 6 special election, karen handel was outraised 4 to 1 in last year s special election but she had enough to get her message out and define john
dana: can never get enough of you too. thank you. live now to federal court in new york city where we are just minutes away from congressman chris collins arraignment on insider trading charges. a new warning about the largest wildfire in california history and how long it can take to contain it. alright, i brought in new max protein
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an area nearly the size of los angeles ravaging more than 80 homes. national guard troops pitching in to fight the western wildfires with 1,000 troops now in california 450 helping in oregon and 170 fighting two fires in washington state. all this while c-130 karl planes are dropping 50,000 gallons of water a day. secretary of state mike pompeo with a message about iran tweeting that the regime is at odds with peace. urging our allies to deny iran s leaders the funds to oppress its people implement terrorism around the world. gillian turner is live in washington. there is a well-established iran al qaeda connection dating back to at least the 1990s. what do we know about it. so, dana, yesterday was the 20th anniversary of the bloodiest deadliest attack prior to 9/11. tandem truck bombings that killed 224 people. terrorism analyst analysts haveg detected iran s fingerprints
in those attacks. the 9/11 commission report described the origins of that iran-al qaeda connection this way. in late 1990 or 1992 discussions in sudan between al qaeda and iranian operatives led to an informal agreement. not long afterwards, senior al qaeda operatives and trainers travel to iran to receive training primarifully explosives. now, yesterday, the state department had this to say about iran s government. if we had reached any type of agreement i think changing the behavior of the iranian regime we are not ashamed to say that change the behavior where they take care of their own people and stop their human rights abuses and spend money on their own people and not terrorism around the globe. making it clear that now 20 years later iran s spawn sporinsponsor something a concerned, concern, data. dana: what s the latest on american pastor matthew brunson. the standoff over the
evangelical pastor s release is ongoing. each passing day between turkish s capital is growing more palpable. the trump administration is keeping the heat on this issue though. earlier today state department foreign officials met and they discussed brunson s ongoing detention right here in washington. yesterday, secretary of state pompeo raised the matter directly with his counterpart in turkey, the foreign minister. and last week the u.s. treasury sanctioned two turkish cabinet ministers as a result of what they say was their failure to release brunson to the united states. but so far the pressure campaign just isn t producing the results the administration wants. if we had reached any type of agreement i think you would see pastor brunson back here at home along with the other american citizens. dana, we will keep you updated on that as soon as anything is breaking. dana: all right. we will keep an eye on it. you are welcome. dana: live in topeka with
the latest on the race. a u.s. congressman due in court moments from now to face insider trading charges. we will break it all down for you with judge napolitano. that s next. congressman collins, who, by virtue of his office, helps to write the laws of our nation, acted as if the law didn t apply to him. you see me. but if you saw me before cosentyx. i was covered. it was awful. but i didn t give up. i kept fighting. i got clear skin with cosentyx. 3 years and counting. clear skin can last. see if cosentyx could make a difference for you. cosentyx is proven to help people with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis find clear skin that can last. don t use if you re allergic to cosentyx. before starting cosentyx,
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inside information about a pharmaceutical company where collins served on the board. also indict were the congressman s son and the father of his son s fiancee. charges today demonstrate once again that no matter what the crime and no matter who committed it, we stand committed in the pursuit of justice without fear or favor. dana: joininjoining me now is judge andrew napolitano senior judicial analyst. you say this is not the run of the mill insider trading case, why? because of the extensive family manipulate that happene membership membershig his trust as a board member
by revealing the existence of test results for a drug this company was trying to manufacture that failed. calls up his son and they basically agree. but sell all the family stock before it goes down. this is going to become public in two or three days. she selectively choose family members. they all dump the stock. the bad news comes out. the stock tanks. what they did was transferred their potential losses to other shareholders, which is a criminal offense. dana: amazing people think they can still get away with this stuff. well, i m glad you said that. because not only, again, he is presumed innocent until proven guilty and he has denied all of this. making that very clear the congressman denies. this the government also indicted him for lying to the fbi so he apparently not only in the government s view thought he could get away with it. he thought he could talk around the fbi. but you know, when the fbi knocks on your door, they know so much more about the case than you think they know. they know immediately or almost immediately if you are telling the truth.
dana: let me ask you about another situation that developed today. president trump s lawyers getting back to manafort or i m sorry getting back to robert mueller about the request to interview the president, jay sekulow writing this: we have responded in writing to the latest proposal from the office of special counsel regarding its request to review interview the president. it is not appropriate at this time to comment publicly about the content of that response. what do you think is going on there? i think that the lawyers for the president led by former mayor giuliani are negotiating with a team of lawyers from bob mueller s office. because, every time you negotiate, whether it s in person or whether it s letters going back and forth, you learn a little bit more about the case. the government does not have to tip its hand. it does not have to demonstrate why it wants the president to be there. but the more they negotiate, the more they learn thinking of their adversaries and the evidence on which that think something based. dana: okay.
do i think there will ever be a sitdown with the president? i don t. as strong willed as the president is, i think rudy giuliani is going to explain to him this is a treacherous situation for you. dana: maybe he will throw himself in front of the door and say no, you are not doing this. might come to that. dana: i want to ask you about the gates testimony in the manafort trial. did you think he was a convincing witness? i did. i wasn t in the courtroom. thanks to peter doocy and our producers i had a chance to evaluate it almost in realtime. dana, the defense counsel went after him very aggressively, but i don t think they laid a glove on him. they did it the right way, the government. they acknowledged all of his lies and all of his deceptions. they missed one and almost all the things that he did wrong, which is really an encyclopeed dick example of the swamp that president trump said he would drain. he had these two guys running his campaign. they were worse than anybody. dana: robert mullen is trying to drain the swamp.
correct. correct. be that as it may. the government got all of that out of gates mouth on direct examination. by the time kevin d do dow ling there wasn t any sting left department neutralize gates? no. was gates credible? yes. were the allegations as lured as they are backed up by paperwork explained by fbi experts and accountants? absolutely. dana: what did you make of the judge admitting that he is so inpatient? i m not happy with this judge. he is making too much of the case about him and showing extraordinary bias against the government. if you feel that negatively about the government, you shouldn t be on the case or you have to keep those feelings to yourself not manifest them. you and i were talking during the break, the jury can t be happy with this judge because of the inside, snarky comments. dana: maybe entertained? sometimes judges think they are entertaining. i will tell you this from having been there they always laugh no. matter how corny a joke is when the judge tells it,
everybody laughs. dana: you know what? your jokes are actually funny. [laughter] dana: judge andrew napolitano, thank you. my pleasure. dana: too close to call with kris kobach nearly leading incumbent governor jeff collier. dan springer joins you now. he is live in boutiqu poo topek, kansas. just about as close as it gets. how are you doing? we will not have a winner declared officially from a week from now or perhaps even longer. with all the counties reporting their numbers, kris kobach, the secretary of state leads by just 191 votes. that s one tenth of 1%. kobach is a lightning rod for controversy in the same mold as president trump. he sees this primary as part of the larger battle for the future, direction of the republican party. and the day before the polls opened, president trump defied some of his advisors and endorsed kobach. a short time ago kobach held a news conference. he didn t declare final victory. he can t. he will campaign right away as if it s a done deal.
certainly possible that the result of the race could change. but, that said, it is imperative that the republican party not stand still for a week. we must begin running the race that is before us. incumbent governor jeff collier is not even close to conceding the race. he led by a couple points in the last poll taken before that trump endorsement. the counties have not yet begun their canvassing and there are thousands of provisional ballots that have not been added to the count. a n. a statement today colyer said this race is too close to call. make sure every vote is counted accurately throughout the canvassing process. nonetheless the trump spokesman clearly the president s support was pivotal in g.o.p. primaries. yesterday where we nominated exceptional candidates in states including michigan and missouri and kansas where he endorsed the likely
victor in the primary for governor. whoever ends up winning. solid long time democratic senator lori kelly. pundits say kelly has the best shot against the polarizing kobach. the will begin counting process monday and have final counts on wednesday we re told and then the loser can ask for a recount. dana. dana: all right, dan. thank you. an emotional ceremony honoring a fallen american hero from the korean war. how one family is receiving a cherished item decades after the guns went silent. plus, texas senator ted cruz reaching out to president trump as his re-election battle heats up. i will tell you what he wants in the panel joins me straight ahead.
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confident he will be totally exonerated. we re live at the courthouse. if anybody comes to the microphone we will bring that you live. there is lots of news today. we ll see you top of the hour on shepard smith reporting. there are more charges in the u.s. than people looking for jobs. new statistics from the labor department show 6.6 million positions open at the end of july. that s about 100,000 more than the number of unemployed people looking for work. this is the third straight month where openings outnumbered job seekers. the kansas republican governor s primary still too close to call. ohio special election for congress also going down to the wire. as missouri voters say no to a right-to-work law on that. afl-cio president steven trumka saying we know who is behind this and we will remind voters of that all the way through november. i m joined by matt schlapp chairman of the american conservative union and adrienne elrod strategic director of communications for hillary clinton. matt, let me start with you
and when i read that about missouri and basically pushing back by a two to one margin, the state legislature s right to work law, did that give you any sense of what might be happening in a state like that where president trump won by, i think, double digits? yeah. i look at a result like that and i say uh-oh something is wrong in trump country. as you dig further in the state of missouri and talk to folks, what you realize what happened with this right-to-work initiative going down by two to one margin it radio was really the baby of the governor, governor greitens. we all know what happened to him. he was in a much deserved scandal and is out of office there was nobody really minding the store in terms of the proponents of this initiative. it didn t have the money that was needed. as a matter of fact, the money that was raised in order to push for its eventual success was actually spent on greiten s scandal having to hire lawyers and pr people. so don t look at this don t look for larger consequences in missouri. missouri is still big trump
country. and i think these republicans are going to be just fine and josh hawley has a chance to be senator. dana: what do you think about last night where in washington state drafts dr. quite well the voting tuesday ought to set off a tsunami siren for two of the remaining congressional republicans run for reflection. both spokane representative cathy mcmorris rogers and representative jamie herrera butler from southwest washington finished with less than 50% of the primary vote. your thought about washington state? yeah, i mean, first of all, washington state is always ban purple state. so we have got to take that into consideration but the fact that cathy mcmorris rodgers in particular who was in republican leadership barely got through, you know a very low number for a republican incumbent is very significant. it s going to be interesting, frankly, to look at the exit polls and determine whether or not this was actually an antiestablishment vote or if
this true solid a situation where that district, in particular, is shifting. and, of course, it s also important to remember, dana that washington douse have a jumbled primary top two go getter goes onto the general. and dana, a third is mai mail: they haven t been counted yet. you will see those numbers go up. dana: especially when they come from overseas with the troops. let me ask you about this, matt. ted cruz, we talk a little bit about this race. beto o rourke challenging the ted cruz in texas. said texas is fool s gold for democrats. here is a quote from senator ted cruz telling the houston chronicle i would certainly welcome president trump s support and i hope to see anymore texas. i think we are likely to seat president down in texas before the election. no doubt that would be one a rally for one for the record books, matt, if the president does go down there. does senator cruz need him to go? you know, of the way i
look at it is this, dana. every republican, especially running in these big trump states, they want the president to come. and, the other thing about texas you know, texas is one of the most important money raising states for republican and conservative coffers. so i think the president going to texas makes sense for a lot of reasons. i would throf see the photo of ted cruz and donald trump arm in arm. it s what the party needs. i m going to like it. dana: all right. adrienne. what about you? do you think texas is fool s gold for texas or are you getting closer? one of the reasons why beto o rourke is closing the gap in this race he is going to every single county rather he has gone to every single county in texas. many are rural counties who have not heard from a democrat in ages. he is having real conversations with the voters. also important to keep in mind that he has outraised ted cruz. and this is also ground zero for child separation. so having trump go in to a stated that is heavily latino when this is an issue that is very important to
them what s been hang at the border and trump is largely responsible for that and they know it, it s very toxic. and, again, you have got to keep in mind a recent pew poll shows that ted cruz is under water. he is under 50%, which is never good for an incumbent, regardless of party affiliation. dana: might have a little bit of work cut out for him. we will keep in touch with it and with you both. matt and adrienne, thank you. thanks, dana. thank you. dana: the pentagon presenting a dog tag to the sons of the unaccounted for from the korean war. let s listen in. called me when we originally found this out. and the medal here. your father s medal and would like to present that to you. we can t see it?
we will drop it down. they are not attached. can you raise it up just a bit? thank you. can we see the dog tag? does this help? okay. what does it mean for you to be reunited with his dog tag? [away from microphone] use the mike. have a seat, please. we were very small children. could you identify yourself? i am chaplain colonel
charles mcdaniel, retired. and i m this is my father, i m his oldest son. i m a junior. and this is my brother larry. this is, as i said, very mixed jumbled moment for us. we didn t expect. this we have had a few days. suddenly we were contacted by the department of the army and said we found one dog tag and it s your father s. when i had heard that there were we mains comin remains comr family started discussing that 55 boxes out of 7700 roughly we were certainly not anticipating. we are really, in one small sense, the most fortunate because we re the only ones that have a name now of some connection. none of the remains, we don t know that they are my father s. but, at least we have this. and we re thankful for that.
and we thank all those that have worked so diligently to try to protect us and at the same time help us to get our arms around it a little bit. i have to say i didn t think about the emotions that were very deep even though i was a small boy and have very little memory of my father. but i sat there and i cried for a while. and it took a while to compose myself. and i m a retired army chaplain i have made notifications and all of those are very difficult. they have always been special to me in a sense because i lost my father and someone had to do that for me and my mother at some point. so, i don t know if i answered your question. kind of rambling a little bit. how old were you? when my father actually left, we were with first cav division in japan with occupation forces. and i don t know when they deployed about, probably august of 1950. so i was just a little over
3. and when i saw my father last. larry was 2. excuse me, larry. i m not letting you say anything. you are doing good. [laughter] he served in world war ii? he did. he served extensively. he actually went in before the war, deployed as a follow-on division medic with the 83rd infantry division and served in europe for oh, i think, probably over a year in combat. served and received a bronze star with bead of ice and some other awards. he was in for quite a while. got out for a little while and came back in with the first cav division. larry was born 1948 at fort knox. so we were back in the army at that time. [away from microphone] yes, we were with the occupation forces when the war broke out and first cav was one of the divisions that was rushed over. was he a medic?
he was medic, yeah, yeah. [away from microphone] indianapolis. he is from. jacksonville, florida and he is in indianapolis. can you say and spell your father s full name? it s charles hobert mcdaniel. charles hobert mcdaniel. and i m a junior. yep. what was your father s rank? he was a master sergeant. when did you you were saying you broke down. when was that? when you got the phone call? was it thursday you called or wednesday? thursday i think it was. it was i remember where i
was the rest of my life. sitting in my chair and my wife said you have got a phone call i said oh, okay. indianapolis? yes, yeah. what time of day? it was about mid afternoon. i don t remember exactly. where is the story [inaudible] i don t know how much we can get into that. again, i was very little. i know my dad watched ice cream. he always watched his weight. some things like that. he was an army guy. i m an army guy, so i understand that. what was the family told about him missing? was the family told that he was killed or what was the family told? well, probably i don t know what you did here with your panel, but did they kind of explain the process when someone went missing in action? okay. you might be a better answer for that really. to be honest with you. tell them what happens.
i was there but i was three and a half. maybe you are real i wasn t quite as sharp maybe at 3 and a half. [away from microphone] well, me personally, i just vaguely remember, you know, kind of being little pieces of things. you know, leaving, getting in on a ship, a big ship. getting sick at sea. i think i fell and busted my lips. those are the memories i have as a 3 and a half-year-old, you see. coming back to the u.s.? there was a troops ship because there was so many casualties they put the widows and families on a troop ship and brought them back to hawaii. that s what i remember. the army has been pretty good about with me staying in contact once i found out
that they were over the last few years. they send me notices and updates and, of course, they provide these wonderful events for families to give them a little bit of updates what s going on. i know more as an adult. as a child i remember the emotional things a little bit and going back to my mother had a large family in southern indiana. so we went back. we had aunts and uncle and they kind of took over. that s the kind of thing that i remember. larry probably remembers that, too. i have no memory of my father. you know, to me this is a big picture thing. it s all about i mean i m proud that my father was extremely patriotic and loved the country enough that he was able to dedicate his entire life for the country without hesitation. but the thing is, he was one
of thousands of guys that that generation that did it i don t think the fact that we found his dog tags should overshadow any of that my memories are all kind of big picture. i have absolutely no memory of my father. you know, i have a picture in my current house in jacksonville of him. and other than that, seeing what he looked like and hearing you a few things people talk about him i don t really know anything about him. i guess you generate your image of what you think about your father for me i m proud of what he did and what he accomplished and he was part of a generation of people that did that. did your mother ever remarry. she did. yes. she married a doctor on the south side of indianapolis. and he was a great man, too, to be honest with you.
he is the one that i know and remember. he was a really fine outstanding people say that but he was. he was an outstanding person. he was a very giving person. do you have a picture of your father on you that we could see. yeah. it s just on my camera i wouldn t be able that see. i would be glad to show any of you later. say it again? do you have plans for the dog tag? we haven t decided exactly. one of us will keep it, you know. we have talked about it. i don t know if we are going to arm wrestle or six months of custody. i m not trying to be too light. really, we re just overwhelmed. i am, that of all of these boxes that came back and all of these thousands of people we are the only one that have certitude on is it
possible? obviously my father is alive some place and he lost his dog tag, i mean, that s just improbable. so, we have got some certitude now though of reasonable location and all of that. what are the plans for a final resting place for your father? well, we actually just talked a little bit about that. i don t know. maybe arlington. maybe up around indianapolis. maybe, you know. we will just have to work that out. those are first, you have to make sure that some of the remains are his. it may not be. maybe we re just getting a dog tag, which is wonderful. i mean, it really is wonderful in one sense. did your grandfather serve in the first world war? he did not. he was a farmer. and was exempted as a farm family. from that generation my mom s family and my father s farm people. is he from butler, missouri area. my father i have a great uncle namesake also that was
killed in world war i. did you ever serve did i not. i was green beret at the time. i went in. for whatever reason they decided central africa sounded better. if you are familiar with special forces that you each have areas of responsibility and at that time they assigned me to a group that had that responsibility. so, i did my time and went out and finished college and then became a chaplain. [away from microphone] yeah. [[inaudible] [. yeah. he is the academic guy and, you know, i always tell me. dana: we have been watching a very moving ceremony and two brothers, charles and larry mcdaniels getting back their father s dog tag. this is what came back, one of the things that the army

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Five 20180810 21:00:00

it s all happening starting at 10:00 a.m. eastern. i will see you in the morning. have a terrific night. the five is next. tape deign hello, everyone. i m kennedy along with richard fowler, dan bongino, dana perino and greg gutfeld it is 5:00 in new york city and this is the five. kennedy: celebrities always clash over president trump. first up, condition yea west defending his support of the president. the rapper and fashion designer delivering a message to trump s critics on jimmy kimmel last night. here is he unplugged. just as a musician african-american, guy out in hollywood, all of these different things you know, everyone around me tried to
before. hollywood has replaced climate change with trump change. remember how climate change what caused everything bad, now, trump change is causing everything bad probably including, ironically climate change. dana: they actually have evidence now. greg: yes. dana: fact of climate change they don t want to talk about it. greg: finally. dana: actually buying into that now. we visit that. kennedy: president trump is going to win. he said based on the people that i talked to. the part of the country that i am from, you are ignoring these people. the only one who is paying attention was bill clinton and michael moore. dana: let s be clear, conservatives are good for business, if you are in hollywood. right? michael moore doesn t make great movies when there are democrats in office. he makes a lot of money when conservatives are in office. i don t think he is complaining that has this popularity now. i don t think he believes that president trump is the last president of the united states. he is an entertainer and it s not very gaining.
kennedy: let s talk about kanye a little bit. i thought this was a fascinating interview with jimmy kimmel. he tried to press and shame him particularly about race and kanye said i m not going to be bull idea. do you think that he is just trolling or does he really believe what he is talking about? i think kanye believes what he is talking about. kanye is entitled to you his thoughts and entitled to his opinions. i don t think he is entitled to change facts. the reason why kanye has sort of come to this fame because he had slavery was a choice. most historians said not a choice. > greg: you know what he was talking about ideas. he tried to walk it back by saying ideals. he straight up said slavery seems like a choice to me. it wasn t. i think this ideal, it s not about ideals. i think he was very clear when he said it in the tmz interviewed and he doubled down on. greg: i think he was talking about ideas. we can agree to disagree. we can. kennedy: who does more for president trump? who does president trump a greater service? michael moore with his
propaganda or kanye west with his endorsement? let s get out of the way first that michael moore is a complete, total hypocrite. you know, we have donald trump precisely because of frauds like michael moore. did i say that clear enough? this guy is a total fraud. flint, michigan, which he focuses on as his material for some of his movies has been run by democrats and liberals since before i was born in 1974. i don t understand. that s true. the reason why flint-michigan was the focus the water by a republican governor. that is false. not true. kennedy: mercury and dumped them in the river. that s not true. you got suckered by that. no, i actually know the case very well. flint michigan run by democrats decided not to buy the municipal water. richard, you don t get to make up your own facts rich rich i am not. they decided because they everywhere bankrupt. they had no money decided not to buy their money from detroit to save money.
A roundtable ensemble discusses and debates the day s news.
your skin precludes you about making independent decisions about politics. kanye west allowed to say. keep in mind he said in that clip he is not political. not allowed to say he likes and appreciates donald trump without being some kind of a sellout. kennedy: those have dragon energy. [laughter] greg: what you are seeing and what he he talks about how he is basically freeing himself. he is untethered to other people s assumptions about him. you have to admit, it is a spectacle because is he probably the world s biggest pop star. imagine the 1950s if elvis declared himself a communist. this is kind of what s happening. he is coming out as a capitalist. kennedy: katy perry has had 8 number one albums debut like kanye west. he really is a cultural force and that s what makes it so interesting because he has an irrefutable argument. you know, and the argument is don t tell me how to vote. don t tell me how to think. i like this person because i like this person, do not put me in this monolith.
and just last week we saw kamala harris try and do that with identity politics. dana: at net roots nation? kennedy: yes. dana: i have a post-it note it says intellectual independence i have it on my computer and had it there for years. greg: how do you fit that on a post-it note? do you have to write really small? dana: what are you talking about intellectual independence? greg: i would not get that on a post-it note. i have to write big. i interrupted. dana: one of the best things about living in a free country that you get to make these decisions and say things that you want and aren t consequences for it except for, perhaps, peer pressure or criticisms or whatever it might be. he is happy to take them. kennedy: does michael moore still have enough gas left in his bag. [laughter] kennedy: in order to fuel anotherreanother mediocre documy
documentary. kennedy: title for this film fahrenheit 11/9: michael moore gives fuel. he empowers democrats and gives fuel to republicans like sarah palin empowers republicans and gives fuel to democrats. guilt gut i like the title. that s pretty clever. he flipped it? i didn t know that. i just figured that out. i m a little slow today. kennedy: fahrenheit 9/11 made over $200 million at the box office. the first day of the last presidency ever. very sad. greg: one point on kanye west. we were in the green room and talking about how on twitter doing meals. constantly imitating each other. everybody tends to just do the same thing with peoples and with catchphrases. this is what happens when you don t do it, right? the mob turns on you. this is an interesting example of somebody, what happens to people, which, you know, when we talk about
christ. somebody steps away from the crowd the mob turns on him. that s part of the story that s overlooked. dana: what s interesting and greg brings up a good point. we see the same revolt in the me too movement. if someone comes forwards and questions the intentions of the mob and not necessarily an accuser or someone who is accused, they are really cannibalized. there has to be this cultural purity when it comes to these divisive issues. dana: or asked to get on board defending somebody against a an accusation and you don t do it and there is a mob that happens that way, too. kennedy: yes, absolutely. richard: i have think you are right, greg, there is a mob mentality that exists on both sides of the aisle. john mccain because he disagreed with the president he is not a republican anymore he is a rino. he is not a rino. that s what you hear from trump people he is a rino because he disagreed with the president. deign. kennedy: really interesting. we do see sort of a backlash
and most effective when they re at least humorous. there was a group in los angeles called the faction. they took dozens of vinyl squares, essentially flooring vinyl with donald trump s star in the middle and glued them to the sidewalk. as a way of saying if you take his star away, 30 more will pop up the next day. and it was a very humorous piece of performance art. i love that story. on kanye, what is the hold the democratic party has over the black community where a successful young male black entrepreneur? there is no questioning that no reasonable person would question he has managed to make a lot of money and very successful to a lot of people that he didn t even say anything offensive. he said i m not really political. i just like trump and i will say it and someone told me i would be thrown out of black community? is that even reasonable to a rational person? this is absurd and way past time for the conversation and trump s approval is up, too, in the black community.
greg: the one thing when you brought up the stickers, it s a clarifying moment in the sense that you are seeing a shift. it s now kind of the people, the non-liberals who are actually having fun and being clever. this is a very merry prankster move with this these artists and it was a conservative artist which is like. kennedy: mind-blowing? greg: you think andrew breitbart and his inspiration and broadcasters and ben shapiro later. you are seeing a move which is so refreshing. kennedy: i m so glad you brought up ben shapiro. ben shapiro slamming socialist alexandria ocasio-cortez for accusing him of catcalling. for challenging her to a political debate. hear what he has to say next. i m worth it baby, i m worth it um-huh i m worth it
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watch. if she were to get in a discussion with somebody who asks her tough questions, i don t think she has the information or the philosophy at her disposal to actually answer those questions well, and she knows that. which is why her best move here would would have been to ignore or say no and everybody would have moved on with their life. instead it turned into her invoking victim status. dana: why is it, greg, you can t challenge someone on the ideas without being called a jerk? i don t think ben shapiro has cat called in her greg: debate she is being the sexist. dana: candace owens doubled the money. greg: cloak her weak ideas in the armor of a smear. she has learned as a leftist the best thing can you do is smear somebody if you don t have an argument and the smear actually works. no one wants to be called sexist or racist. generally if somebody starts doing that to you you walk away and say sorry, if it happens on twitter, you just get off the so it works. we have to become immune to
questions was name one sector you would keep private. and, you know, i don t know that shield be able. dana: stop catcalling, enough of that richard, are democrats frustrated that she is getting so much attention? richard: it s a funny story if you take the 30,000-foot view on this case, this story, you would say that she is one person running for one seat out of 435 different seats. dana: why does tom perez call her the future of the democratic party. richard: he calls her the future of the democratic party she is young, has energy, vivacious. kennedy: she can t answer basic questions. richard: no, no, no. hold on, kennedy. let me finish. she ran against joe crowley a very old entrenched democrat. she beat him by outworking him and out knocking him by talking to more voters. that s what makes her the future of our party. she understands the only way to wins a a democrat is to engage in your backyard and have real conversation with her constituents. do her ideals align with the people in the new york s third district absolutely. they don t align with the people in the georgia, georgia sixth district
because every race is different. what republicans are trying to do here is put the whole democratic party on alexandria ocasio-cortez so that they can win this midterm election. we don t have to do that because we have better candidates running all across the country. kennedy: she has shown herself to be incompetent. richard: the camera is always in her face. dana: what ben shapiro is talking about is on the merits. i agree with you there is a little bit of politics going on. on the merits do you think these issues should be debated? dan: couple points i haven t heard grammy on television since 3rd grade kennedy, that is huge thank you very much. you made my day. gammy. greg: are you catcalling her? no more catcalling. greg: i m used to that from you. dan: you are law officering about it on the left it s a serious question. you can t have a conversation without being called it s the phobic phoba phobe. populated by some people who think that wait a minute 90% of the conservatives i run
into are not these people. this does nothing for her cause. secondly, i ran for office. i lost. it s hard. ism want to applaud her on what she did. i mean it she knocked on a lot of doors and she worked hard. now after winning the primary and likely going to be the general election victor here it s her responsibility as kennedy said to actually know stuff. going out there and spouting out nonsense arithmetic about programs we can t afford without having basic answers, that s just completely irresponsible. dana: i just had a thought. greg, do you think nancy pelosi prefers alexandria ocasio-cortez to be out there taking the heat rather than her because she became the issue in all of these campaigns. greg: yeah, i mean, we have done al, will he annual degree a every day for the last six months. no, but it s true. the thing is, she does represent something. she represents kind of like the naive roman that schism that you can kind of play along and no one questions. kennedy: you mean the poems you write when you are 15 years old? greg: i think this is a real possibility for her if
she does read and get up to speed she could be a challenge but she hasn t. dan: just have some grasp of the numbers. what she says is totally irrational. kennedy: two things one she gave the worst nondefense of nancy pelosi and showed that it s not just the moderate democrats who have a problem with the potential future speaker but it s also the comeys. they also don t like her. and then when she was asked how they were going to pay for medicare for all? she said we ll save so much money not having to pay for those funerals. richard: in ideal she doesn t have any facts. she gave a couple in that interview she is that you candidate and knew to the scene. greg: she uses like a lot. richard: new to the camera. in your face every day not prepared for that wife. dana: maybe she should wait a while. richard: we could run corey stuart peoples over and over and over again. cengsd contend that s true.
greg: thank god the media doesn t do that sort of thing. dana: not here, of course. we are going to move on. president trump calling out nfl players yet again over a new round of protests. his stinging comments next. hall of fame star on a sidewalk with my name or a statue in my hometown when i mdo gone then, use the ultimate power handshake, the upper hander with a double palm grab. who has the upper hand now? start winning today. book now at
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p3 it s meat, cheese and nuts. i keep my protein interesting. oh yea, me too. i have cheese and uh these herbs. p3 snacks. the more interesting way to get your protein. dan: president trump tackling players after protest. took a knee, held their fist in the air or waited in the locker room when the national anthem played before last night s preseason game. the league says it won t punish anyone while it s in talks with the player s union about the protest. the president is slamming the demonstrators tweeting that most of them are unable to define what they re outraged about. instead, trump says players should stand or be suspended without pay, which i absolutely agree with. dana, i have no problem with
people protesting. i m a believer in the constitutional republic and the first amendment. when i go to the doctor i don t ask the doctor s opinion about anything about my bum knee. they are there to play football not to protest. dana: hopefully you get a good diagnosis the next time you go in. i don t know about this. how does america get passed it? who helps bring it all together? who puts an end to it? and i don t know. it s likes a greg points out can you see things from two different points of view. for some people it s the commander-in-chief standing up for the country and the military, on the other hand, you can say that there are people look at it and say here is a white billionaire telling black millionaires that they can t exercise their first amendment right. and that they should be docked pay and they should be punished for doing so. i don t know how it ends. dan: i don t think he is saying that i think he is saying, the president, listen, this is a private business. the nfl. and the nfl should be able to do with its brand what it want. there is no this is hurting
its brand. no question. i m out there all the time, knock on doors, talk to people, go to events. this has been extremely damaging for the nfl. why can t they protect their brand and say protest all you want. we will help you protest not just on our field on our time. richard: i think these players have a trite protest. a couple points i want to add to this conversation. one in a deposition with jerry jordan he had a conference with the president about this protest and here is what the president said and i quote. this is a very winning issue for me. tell everybody you can t win this one. this is a lift for me. the other thing i want to add to that aaron rogers the starting quarterback for the green bay packers said if you are going to take the focus off the protest what it s really about. it was never about the anthem. it was never about the truth. it s about social equality and racial injustice. then make it about the they are making it about the anthem. that s what he said in a quote. you have the president saying that there is no win here. i m using this to gin up my base and players coming out, quarterbacks, leaders of team saying these protests
are not against the troops. they are not against the anthem. they are standing up for racial injustice, period. dan: let me ask you this question why then when the ravens were over in london why did they kneel for our anthem and stand up when god save the queen played. they are protesting racial injustice. protesting racial injustice is not a popular thing, dan. in 1966. dan: when you ask them the question the reason they are going to give you didn t want to stay kneeling they didn t want to disrespect disrespect god save the queen when they disrespected our poll. a gallup poll found 67% hated martin luther king. is he one of the most revered in our day. history will be the judge of these players and the president that will determine what is right or wrong. greg: this the is problem. two groups talking past each other. dana: yeah. greg: no one is denying anybody s right to speech. no one. this is not no one is being denied. can you go the waitress who comes and brings me the steak can protest against me
but not while she is delivering my meal, okay? but she can go out there and go protest for veganism or whatever, not in my restaurant, not that you will be fired. that is one side. it s interesting. because that s how most people think, right? it s like this is where i work. this should not be part of it. this is a football game. no one is taking away rights. can you actually agree with you, richard, that racial injustice is bad and that martin luther king is a hero. but i still don t want to have protests at my place of work. i don t see why you can t hold these two competing thoughts. this is the problem with the media. we are making these thoughts competing, right? they aren t competing. can you hold both of them and i think one thing that the president could do, because everybody is talking past each other, is that he should offer to sit down with whoever wants to sit down and talk and if they reject him, which they probably will right off. he should say the offer still stands. the offer stands and whenever you want, i will be interest. i will come to you.
because at this point you are not going to get passed this because everybody is shouting past each other. kennedy: he has the power and the ability to do that. greg: he doesn t have to but he should. kennedy: he does and this is the week to do it. if you have players that are talking about systemic oppression and sentencing disparate and things like that. this is a week where the president sat down and had a round table on criminal justice reform. this is a bipartisan issue. this is something that s very popular with civil libertarians in both parties. and, this is an area where some of these players, who have the biggest grievance with this country and with whatever system it is they are protesting, they could sit down with lawmakers and the president and say, you know, here s a list of things that would make life better. you have mandatory minimums that are punishing nonviolent offenders. have you people in prison for consensual crimes. have you families that are ripped apart because they are introduced into a system they cannot afford to get out of. things like that with this criminal justice checklist that you can actually go down and make a difference.
my issue with some these players and not all of them. they don t actually want to see a difference. they will not acknowledge when there has been change. we have to be, like dana said, working towards something and we have to move this conversation and this enpass to a new place. richard: i have one comment to what greg said about protesting at work. protesting at work is as american as american pie. think about women who fought for equal rights they did it at work. think about auto workers who fought for the right to collectively bargain and working conditions they did it at work. every time americans in their workplace protest, that s how you get incremental change in this country. as american as american pie to protest at work. kennedy: you are talking about people who created unions. richard: no, talking about women fighting for equal rights. greg: while they are at work they are holding a sign saying hello, may i help you? richard: a lot of women walked off the job because they were not being paid the same as male counterparts. kennedy: what are the top three things that they want? richard: talk about bail reform. talk about private prisons.
dana: actually, president trump is in a position to actually get that done. richard: i agree with you, dana. the problem exists with this president because he constantly traffics in bigotry. dan: no, no, no. richard: last year in charlatan he said many sides. that left a bad taste in many people s jewish folk and regular there are many many sides. neo nazis and the kkk. greg: talking about the monument protesters. richard: somebody died. greg: you are playing with that. richard: can you call it how you want to call it how it was deemed by most americans said there were good people. greg: talking about the debate over a monument. richard: you can claf all you want. kennedy: would you like to see criminal justice reform? this president is doing more on this issue with jeff sessions as his attorney general than president obama did in eight years. i think is he a lot of
talk. if if you look how the administration is running. forfeiture on black communities back on the books. also penalizing marijuana crimes back on the books. kennedy: in certain states and certain counties. dan: time-out. first time hosting the five and hosting the segment you are killing me with this piece. i love you guys. this is my first time. let me gte to the piece. greg: the reason why we are talking about this, why? because the nfl season started. dan: yes. greg: but that s why didn t they do it in the offseason, too? dan: they did. greg: all the players did? all the players were kneeling? no, you know what i mean. dana: actually, i don t understand what you mean. greg: what i m saying is, continue the protest. richard: they did. in front of the nfl headquarters like every day. dana: that he didn t go to the white house. dan: we definitely have to go now. the 20 second. buzz irwas up. greg: wait, i have another point.
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find your exclusive retailer today at greg: fan mail friday we are answering your questions. trish, she asks a great question: what did you hide from your parents growing up that you would like to confess today, kennedy? [laughter] greg: i know there is a lot. kennedy: there is one i couldn t hide from my parents. my mom worked for the phone company. i told her i was going to spend the night at a friend s house. i really went to the republican convention and she saw me on tv. my mom was a lifelong democrat. only time in my life i was grounded. greg: wow, that s amazing. dan? dan: growing up i used to go to tiquando class. i told her i wanted to quit i didn t like it anymore. i was 8 and scared to walk home by myself. it was dark, it was new
york. back then in the day when it was free range kids you did your thing. i was not ready for the free range stuff at 8 years old. sorry, mom. greg: richard? richard: i won t answer the question because my mom is watching right now. i m pretty sure because she knew it because she was a nurse. i definitely faked being sick to not go to school. i forcefully threw up because i didn t want to go to school. kennedy: this show has been going on seven years i have confessed everything. greg: come on, nothing? dana: huh-uh. dana: never stole anything? dana: no. greg: never stabbed anyone or strangled anyone in the dark. dana: told you how i broke my ankle. don t go on three wheelers with the boys i said okay i won t. of course the boys come over and i rode on the back of one but i didn t want troy to think i liked him so when he told me to hold on on the turn i didn t and i fell off
and the 3 wheeler rolled over my foot and that s how i broke my ankle. okay. i got told. greg: those troys. dana: i think is he a chiropractor now. greg: i purchased the first van halen album 1979, 79 with my dad s silver dollar collection. kennedy: which today would be worth like $300,000. greg: i m an awful human being. i still think about that. my parents are both dead so now can i say it. kennedy: he probably would have bought it for you. greg: if he had found out. kennedy: william debane. greg: greg, you disappointed me. now there is nothing in your safe. dan: i look at you differently. greg: i look different at myself sometimes. this is another great question from robert m. you have five minutes to pack for a trip. what do you take? richard? richard: jeans. greg: that s it?
kennedy: no shirts? dan: go with the drawers, man. jeesh, the drawers. the jeans. have you got to have jeans on. you need the extra drawers. greg: that should be you need the extra drawers. greg: dana. dana: i was going to say underwear. remember when i went to montana, my husband is a good packer. i m supposed to putt the stuff out and he puts it in the suitcase there is a western night so i put all my underwear in the boot because i learned from him that that s how you save time space. so we go to montana. we are unpacking. he has unpacked everything. and i m like where is my underwear? he said was it on the bed to put in the suitcase i m like yes, of course it was. and there was about an hour of panic. maybe not even an hour it felt like an hour. in the middle of nowhere and i have no underwear until i realized they were in my boot so it all worked out.
greg: there you go boots and underwear. kennedy: like peter i share a passion for packing george clooney up in the air or whatever it was. and five minutes is an intern at this, toiletry bag always prepacked. i wear my running shoes and pack my swim stuff, dresses can and flip flops. richard: well done, kennedy bravo. dan: dana and i valved a lot on trips with the president. can you run out of jeeps and not run out of drawers. dana: no. greg: put the prepacked bag into the suitcase that i have my fully packed bag. kennedy: your bug out bag. richard: you have a go bag. $10,000 and a firearm and my ipod. nothing but neil diamond because the world is going to be rough when it goes down. dana. i m a daydream believer. i don t know what i m saying. an epic feast is held in your honor. what is on the table?
dan? dan: five guys, man. two of them. greg: we want food. [laughter] dan: and the fact that you get the endless fries? i m a steak guy like i love delfriscos. five guys. greg: kennedy? kennedy: gluten free chocolate chip cookies. the brown sugar is the key and lots and lots of champagne. i m not a snob. greg: richard? richard: whiskey, baked macaroni and cheese and potato salad with eggs and pap reek thapaprika on top. greg: i hate all of you for eating carbs. you don t eat carbs? kennedy: i don t. i don t have a choice. richard: run in the morning and run it off. greg: i have tried that dana? dana: steak fajitas chips and salsa and all the stuff. kennedy: gawk and the
sizzle? dana: civil,. greg: companionship and love and ribs. i don t care where the ribs are from. pork, beef,. kennedy: five guys? greg: all right. up next could listening to deign naps kind of music obviously hip hop help guys hit the right note with dates? stay fresh each morning we know a thing or two because we ve seen a thing or two. we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum it s a revolution in sleep. the new sleep number 360 smart bed, from $999, intelligently senses your movement and automatically adjusts. so you wake up ready to train for that marathon. and now, save up to $500 on select sleep number 360 smart beds. ends wednesday.
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- ( phone ringing ) - get details on this state program call or visit i m a little bit country i m a little bit rock and roll. richard: no achy breaky hearts here. little bit country and rock and roll. increasing chances of finding love according to new dating site men who list country as interest and women who say classic rock fans are more likely to strike a chord with someone special. dana, you fell in love. dana: obviously country music is the place to go. have you ever seen farmers very hot. richard: are you a member? dana: not a member. but i look at it look, you can find some real wonderful men in country that like country music and they don t have to live in the country. right? but a lot of those songs are about being good people.
richard: men. dana: and both and also drinking and trucks and dogs. greg: real finding here is people who love punk rock, electronica or rap don t use online dating. [laughter] greg: sorry to kilt segment. richard: did you meet your wife with country music? dan: my wife is columbian and she loves salsa. i m generally puzzled by this. i was under out belief women wanted the bad boy the rock and roll guy. the data doesn t agree with that. richard: date the bad guy marry the country person. dan: i have been married so long i couldn t tell you i lost the whole dating tech site here. i have never been on one. i don t know. i always thought the van halen thing you stole your dad s coin collection. greg: still bothering you? it s still bothering me. dan: a list and now down to the z list.
richard: kennedy? kennedy: i think there is something to it. emotional bal ballads. bar everyone is singing along nothing more fun than that. dana: two step dancing going on a date most fun way and learning is fun. greg: dana, what are you getting at? what is in your filthy mind right now? kennedy ken not like twerking or the nay nay or whatever it is the young people do. richard: nay nay is like 2015. kennedy: back off, richard. richard: would are dabbing now. kennedy: challenge is getting people killed. richard: anyway, we will be doing in my ceiling in the break. one more thing is next whoever has had a broken heart who wished upon a shooting star this is a story about mail and packages.
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have lasagna. the good news is, claire s husband provided an update to the story saying that they have found a fat orange cat that will be coming for dinner on saturday with the girls. greg: where is the picture? dana: the dinner is tomorrow night. greg: i want to see a picture. dana: we will follow up on monday. you re next. greg: tomorrow night. what s today? friday. saturday, august 11th, 10:00 p.m. joe devito, cat temple and tyrus. another great episode. maybe some turtles to make your daughter happy. i will be away. i will sell more books. richard: it s upside down. greg: maybe the book is upside down. on the world s best seller list. i will be out. tyrus is in for me monday and tuesday. isn t that exciting? kennedy: big, strapping and speaking of deliciousness, greg, it is
america s ultimate camp fire food america s s mores day. they were originally called some mores. you always wanted some more of them. they got their name in the 18927 girl scout camp book called tramping and trailing. tramping? kennedy: that is absolutely right. things were very different in the 1920s. now they switched to cookies for obvious cookies. dana: you can t say that anymore. kennedy: they did. americans eat 9 million pounds of s mores every year at least. these are made with gluten free gram crackers you can have the regular variety. dark chocolate in greg s california heritage delicious gluten free marshmallow. all you need is gas and heat. heat them in a microwave. don t need a camp fire. go. richard: 13-year-old boy glamed faulkner no relation to harris. a neighbor called in and complained because he didn t have a license. but instead of shutting him down. the city of minneapolis health department got
together and pitched in the $87 to give him a permit. and the minneapolis police department also supported jay quan by providing him a new hot dog cart. this is a pretty cool story. we had the whole story up on my instagram page at richard a. fouler so check it out there. kennedy: dan, wrapping it up strong. dan: need to tweet out that turtle segment. best thing ever. dan is obsessed with turtles. greg: and my coin collection. dan: new book is out spy gate. sabotage of donald trump. there is the wonderful cover there please check it out available on amazon for preorder. talks about all the motives behind all the players on this and spent the last year of my life working on this thing. pretty proud of it. not doing as well as greg s book. greg: free order. get it. dana: add turtles to the book. kennedy: so much summer reading and glorious night and way to end the week. that is all for us here at the the five. we, of course, will see you back here on monday. and now a guy i like who

Guy-out-in-hollywood , Things , Everyone , African-american , Dana-perino , Climate-change-with-trump , Change , Everything , Evidence , Hollywood , Everything-bad , Ironically

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends Saturday 20180811 10:00:00

tolerate sanctuary cities pete: what a morning. abby: guess who is back from vaca. ed: i was off for a couple weeks. abby: you look so refreshed. ed: italy will do that for you. abby: were you even vacationing. ed: i missed you guys. pete: nothing happened while you were on vacation. abby: big news we will talk about tomorrow. this is our last weekend together. so we ll make the most of it. pete: we have sound effects for you. we have a big celebration tomorrow as well. but we have a lot of news breaking this morning. in fact, we begin with a fox news alert. terrifying moments as a stolen plane flew aimlessly in the air before crashing in seattle. abby: take a look at this video. alaska airlines employee
i don t want to hurt no one. i just want you to whisper sweet nothings into my ear. i have a lot of people that care about me. and it s going to disappoint them to hear that i did this. air traffic control tried to get the man to land the plane on water. the fighter jets did not shoot the plane down as it flew south of south that coma. an hour and a half after the plane took off. it crashed on a small island. pierce county officials say this was not an act of terrorism. there is no indication that he did this to threaten anybody. there is no indication any kind of terrorist link or anything like that. the crash happened on an island between tacoma and olympia. there interest a handful of houses there. the plane went down in a wooded area and started a small wildfire but no one on the ground was hurt. the man s name has not been released. we should hear more about
A morning news show that includes interviews, features and banter among hosts.
serious problems. somehow this guy can just get in the cockpit? obviously he had more access. i get it he took advantage of that access where i can t get my arms around how there were not more checks. i get that people have certain badges and certain levels of access. there needs to be other player layers. pete: you follow it and watch it enough that you build out appear opportunity. ed: friday night and take advantage of. pete: security guard is a buddy of yours. we don t know what happened. but a couple of things happen. abby: not just about his life. a plane is a missile, right? you get behind that cockpit and anything can happen. so halder today with mental illness or knowing all of your employees and what they are dealing with oftentimes behind closed doors tell as different story. i m sure the company maybe they didn t know he had been struggling this past year. ed: for the u.s. military to scramble not just one but two f-15s they were quite concerned, basically about people all around the seattle area. this plane could have landed
anywhere. abby: send us your thoughts this morning. a lot going on in the home front as well. as we often hear from the president and the attorney general, the area that they do come together on because they are not always on the same page on everything is on immigration. doubling down on the border and against sanctuary cities. here was general jeff sessions yesterday in houston. whatever we would on immigration. whatever our views. all of us should agree on two goals. we need to end illegal immigration and to end illegal immigration crime. we cannot accept the fact that gangs like ms-13, the latin king, many of whose members entered the country unlawfully are terrorizing american communities from los angeles to boston. if we want to reduce violent crime, then we have to get serious about illegal immigrant crime. if we re going to get serious about illegal immigration, we can t tolerate sanctuary cities. ed: think about all the talk
on capitol hill. it s an election year. we re going to deal with daca. finally enforce the immigration law us. it s really the immigration on its own here because congress has done nothing. pete: yes, yes. talk about the contrast. the left has also been rhetorically dedicated, unfortunately many people talking about abolishing ice and keeping those borders open. and really denigrating the policies that this administration has tried to pursue around zero tolerance. ed: denigrating law enforcement agencies. pete: denigrating the credibility of law enforcement at the same time. this administration is continuing to raise that conversation, stay focused on sanctuary cities. when you look at the polling. people, you know, may have different views of immigration and illegal immigration. when it comes to criminals and sanctuary cities, there s a lot of support for ending that policy. abby: you mentioned what s going on in the hill and mid terms around the corner. you notice every time you read one of president trump s tweets endorsing a candidate. he talks about the border.
abby: in his own way. ed: if they are going to take back the house, make her the speaker. pete: the gift that keeps on giving. danny o connor, like many candidates said, i don t want nancy pelosi for spiker. he is one of a few candidates. but if you add up a list. it s over 50 now of democrats both incumbents and candidates who have said they would not vote for nancy pelosi for speaker if they were to retake the house of representatives. now, she has a lot of support amongst other establishment types, her caucus in california. she calls herself a massive legislator. i would call this group right here that s scrolling the new freedom caucus. freedom from nancy pelosi is what they want. ed: here is one of their problems. they don t have an obvious person to replace her. abby: she hasn t let them find an obvious person she hasn t been willing to step aside. ed: she is holding on to power. abby: when your party is not in control of the white
smoke from more than a dozen burning wildfires are traveling thousands of miles to new york city. take a look at that on the map. the smoke not yet affecting the east coast air quality according to the national weather service. those are not clouds by the way. those are all smoke from the fire. unbelievable. and there s this. the navy frantically searching for a marine that went overboard in international waters. the uss essex reporting from the fil philippines. searchers covering more than 8,000 miles of water so far. the marine s family has not been notified. officials are not releasing their identity while the search is underway. hoping for the best there. also this: confirmation hearings for brawng brett kavanh will begin next month. september 4th hearing will last three to four days. hoping to get kavanaugh by early october. president trump nominated kavanaugh to replace retiring justifiable anthony ceptiond. then there is this.
a nasa scrubbed what would have been historic launch overnight with 1:55 seconds to go in the countdown. officials were forced to shut down the so-called mission to touch the sun after missing its launch window. the probe is expected to come within 3.8 million miles of the sun by december 2024. the launch is scheduled for tomorrow morning. very cool. ed: who do you think you are by the way, rick. hey, take a look at this. smoke is going across. abby: he is not here yet. i should become a weather person. it s actually much tougher than you think. pete: it might be happening. how does a jihad compound train kids to shoot other kids on u.s. soil? an expert weighs in next. ed: nfl anthem protest in full force preseason already. one kneeler says it won t stop any time soon. we will discuss this big story ahead motorcycle revving
book as i mentioned i wrote in 2013 about imam no small fish sort of a name we never heard of as we hear often in these terror incidents and findings. this is a leading imam among the islamic establishment in america. he was the vice president of islamic center of north america. he has been a fundraiser for hundreds of mosques. the islamic relations. he has been on their board. so now he certainly has led authorities to find his son. his son was the ringleader. he has two daughters there. grand children. and he, on facebook and social media had been saying he lost his kids. and, yesterday, pete, when he was giving supposedly spontaneous press conference he basically, again, dug his heels in and said he had been looking for them. they were strung out. well, you know what, pete? they were strung out on his islamism. he may not have been a paris hilton tant but he has been for decades the gateway drug for radicalization. he is the tip of the iceberg
almost like an alcoholic i don t know how my kids got on cocaine and other drugs. well, he may not have been violent but at the end of the day he was the mentor for many radicals and has been and i have been screaming it for years, even on your show six, seven years ago i talked about him when he was going to speak at the dnc. and, yet now he is putting his hands up saying he doesn t know how his kids got radicalized. pete: doctor, this could have gone really the wrong direction. at some level this imam is saying i don t know where my sons or daughters are. that may or may not be true. he does still hold responsibility for the fact that if they are radicals who did seek to do violence, they learn that somewhere. absolutely. he was a character witness in 93 for the blind sheikh who committed the world trade center bombing in 93. he grav gave the first prayer to the congress who sponsored him a man doing 23 years for taking hundreds of thousands of dollars from qaddafi to try to kill the kings of
saudi arabia. i can give you an example in 1995 i saw him personally hold up the core ron an quart rn tquartquran. is he a separationist and he may not be al qaeda. he may not be isis. he is the tip of the iceberg of a conveyor belt of radicalization. pete, this is a defining moment for muslims. we need new leadership. we need reform. we need to own up to the gateway drug that are leading imams like this guy and still today, the islamic organizations are saying don t offend its family. it s a hard time for him. be compassionate. you know what? how about would he be compassionate for our kids being radicalized by imams like this guy. pete: wow, dr. zuhdi jasser great inanxiety. it s a scary reminder even in the bureau of brooklyn guys are still there still in mosques preaching this kind of hate. doctor, thank you for your time. we appreciate it.
thanks, pete. any time. pete: wow. still ahead. a wild brawl in new york city. now a cab driver could be in big trouble. woe, look at that film. nfl anthem protest already ramping up as the preseason begins. one kneeler says it won t stop any time soon. our next guest is an iraq war veteran who says he fought for their right to kneel. he has a message to the protesters straight ahead never compromise what s right and uphold your family name you ve got to stand for something or you re fall for anything chicken?! chicken. chicken! that s right, candace new chicken creations from starkist. buffalo style chicken in a pouch bold choice, charlie! just tear, eat.
mmmmm. and go! try all of my chicken creations! chicken! yeah, i got some financialbody guidance a while ago. how d that go? he kept spelling my name with an i but it s bryan with a y. yeah, since birth. that drives me crazy. yes. it s on all your email. yes. they should know this? yeah. the guy was my brother-in-law. that s ridiculous. well, i happen to know some people. do they listen? what? they re amazing listeners. nice. guidance from professionals who take their time to get to know you.
telling fox the launch is sending a message to the u.s. after president trump followed through on that campaign promise and pulled out of the iran nuclear deal and slapped new sanctions on tehran. meanwhile, the president doubling the steel and aluminum tariffs on turkey. the president saying our relations with turkey are not good at this time. aluminum will now be 20%. steel 50% tariffs. tension re release the american detained pastor andrew brunson. pete? pete: nfl preseason starting up this week and so did the ongoing kneeling controversy. abby: kenny stills telling reporters they are not planning to stop any time soon. continue into the regular season? i don t see why not. what would it take for you to stop doing it? it would take a lot. a good first step for us would be acknowledging what they are doing to us.
[inaudible] league support the players and protest and not black ball the players who started the protest. ed: here to discuss former mma fighter tim kennedy. good morning, tim. good morning. ed: we thought the nfl had said we have got a new policy. you could kneel during the anthem if you stay in the locker room. the players association rejected that as you know. so where are we now? i guess we are lost. you know, we are a split nation. people struggling on both sides of the topic. i think ultimately, it s unquestionably protected by the first amendment and they have every right to do it. whether or not they can do it while they are at work, you know, i have jobs and if i work for somebody and they tell me not to do something, i can t do it. that s kind of how it works. you can t take a knee where you are.
that s not going to work. i don t understand how private corporation can kind of be on a freight train that they have no control over what direction or speed it s going their employees. the other side is we do have issues, then those issues should be recognized. i don t know if disrespecting the american flag is the way about going about it. i love the american flag. i fought to protect it. you know, i would go overseas and do violence on their behalf for their right to take a to me. i believe somebody has a right to burn the american flag. i think they are idiots. if they do it in front of me i will probably put them on the ground covered in their own blood. i would with no doubt go overseas and protect their right to do it. i realize there is a conflict there. don t do it in front of me. bad idea. i believe every way shape or form i would protect your idea. abby: what a contrast a week or two there when we saw the
bodies come back in boxes from north korea. what we saw with the nfl and the kneeling you mentioned the american flag and how many friends, i imagine, have you lost fighting for this great country. what does that flag mean to you? when you see it draped over a coffin. when you see it draped over coffins of men and women who have served this great country, what does that mean to you? it means everything. you know, it s not just you know, it might be difficult for me to understand from their perspective the struggles that the african-american community is going through, like come over to my side. come and look at that flag being folded slowly, carefully, deliberately and handed to a widow or handed to a mom or a dad who just lost their son in a war. i have seen that countless times. i have seen that flag fly over bases being overrun by isis and al qaeda. friends of mine like doing absolutely everything in their power to keep that flag flying. and, you know, to have the national anthem come on and
you use that as an opportunity to disrespect the flag while trying to promote some issues. it s the wrong time. you know, that is a conversation that should be hang. but not at the expense and not at the cost of insulting like one of the most important pieces of who we are as americans. pete: you are right. just the wrong time. i have to get your take. you are an army guy. mma guy. none of you was would mess with you. i didn t know you had any experience in space. we did see the vice president lay out their plans for a space force and a lot of people feel like the future of american dominance might include that sphere. apparently you want to volunteer to join the space force, tim? yeah. they are like hurt. we pretty much have to torture you for the next two years. we re not going to feed you, get no sleep. i m like cool, i m in. i ll volunteer. being a sniper is cool. being a green beret is
awesome. being a rangers is awesome being astronaut is awesome doing all of those things together you can t wish for anything cooler. and this is it s not an accident. if you look at trump s national strategic strategy to national defense strategy all the way down to the joint chiefs of staff national military strategy. it is part, you know, controlling information, controlling satellites, controlling who can put out propaganda, intelligence. this is truly america first. and it s no surprise to me that we re going to be owning everything in space and if the military is in space, we re going to own it that s the way it s going to be. abby: especially if you are involved. pete: consider yourself volunteered. guys, i can t even believe it. pete: be a founding member. they would be lucky to have you too. abby: thank you for your service. what a guy. pete: i love it. abby: coming up on the show to a fox news alert now.
an airline employee steals a plane taking it for a terrifying ride as you can see there before crashing. so, how could this even happen? a pilot and aviation expert joining us live next. ed: plus just a wild brawl in new york city. now a cab driver could be in some big trouble.
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ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio. entyvio. relief and remission within reach. abby: we are back with a fox news alert. and terrifying moments as a stolen plane flies aimlessly in the air before crashing to the ground. ed: this went on for about 90 minutes overnight alaska airlines employee taking the aircraft from tacoma to seattle flying dangerously close to several homes. holy [bleep] oh my god. what is happening right now? pete: well, military fighter jets closely tailing the plane before it crashed on an island. please say no other passengers on the plane. authorities confirming this was not terrorism. here to react now we will bring in a pilot and aviation expert. thank you for being here this morning. happy to be with you. pete: how does this happy
from getting away from the gate to taking off to security protocols. walk us through it? it depends or the aircraft was. if the aircraft was at a passenger gate, at a departure gate. someone would have had to push that plane back it doesn t back up on its own. it would have been a crew member to do it. some kind of authorization or coordination with somebody on the ground to do that. if the plane was out near a taxiway, maybe just standing by for maintenance or going into a maintenance bay, then, if you know how to start an engine like that and, again, that takes some training, so he would have had to have some training, then taking off on a runway is not impossible. it s something that a flight student could do after a while. abby: certainly a wake-up call around the country that this could happen. he is a 29-year-old man. as we are hearing he is not a technician but maybe a higher up, at least high enough to have certain access to things. what should people be aware
of now. it s hard to know what went wrong first. we have a lot of airport security. he had credentials he had the ability to get out on the ramp and to be among the airplanes. so, it s hard to say we re going to stop somebody like that from doing anything unless we figure that he may have some, you know, nefarious thoughts in mind. pete: you would think post 9/11 and incidents across the country there would be protocols in layers just because have you an id badge you shouldn t just be able to hop into the cockpit and take off. you would think that there are layers to back it up and say okay, who is this guy? who is going where? is it possible he was taking advantage of friday night? late summer? maybe there s some vacations going on and there is less people there. it could very well be the issue. and, remember, how many people go around and service an airplane before it s ready for departure? 112, 15, 18 people depending
on the size of the aircraft. can you keep track of people all the time? ed: people cleaning a plane or mechanic there. is it ready to take off? pete: usually three, four, five people there. ed: there should be flairs? he indicated the fuel was burning faster than he thought it should have been. he knew something about the aircraft. pete: imagine if this happened over new york, new jersey? they had a couple jets scrambled is there a point you shoot it down. they probably had protocol in place for that let s give them a lot of credit. they went up there and knew exactly what to do. keep him away from population. they made him circle. that s really what you want to do. keep him to an area. this island had a couple of dozen people on the island. it really wasn t a big threat to people on the ground. let s keep him there and had he made a move towards
seattle or some of the more populated areas, i m sure. ed: audio there kept saying take a turn this way, this way. towards the water so he wouldn t be in a pop plus area. and trying to talk him down that s when he decided to put the plane on the island. abby: wake-up call. thank you so much. i do wants to bring you other headlines we are following this morning. starting here, reality tv start bethany frank on and off boyfriend found dead inside of trump tower. 51-year-old dennis shields was unresponsive in his apartment of an apparent drug overdose. shields asked hi his assistant administer narcan. franklin shields appeared together on the real housewives of new york city. an investigation is now underway. cab driver wearing a white shirt in video started attacking a couple that cut
her off. punched the guy in the face. biting him in the neck. eventually the 25-year-old gets back into her cab and rams into multiple vehicles. including the couple s nissan with a child and 2 week old baby inside of the car. the cab driver with a history of assault was later arrested and the license was suspended. unbelievable. california jury awarding nearly $300 million to a man they believe got cancer from a popular weed killer. schools ground keeper dwayne johnson diagnosed in 2014 with non-hodgkin s. he used large amounts of the product roundup. johnson is among 500,000 similar plaintiffs across the country. the company monday santo denies those claims. and incredible rescue caught on camera. pulling out unconscious man. authorities saying that the 60-year-old passed out with his foot on the accelerator causing the engine to overheat and burst into
flames. police arresting the man for operating a vehicle while intoxicated. he now is suffering minor injuries. those are some stories this morning. my goodness. pete: lucky there were sober firefighters there to pull him out. ed: rick heard earlier you were trying to do his job. rick: how was it. abby: talking about above california looks like clouds it s smoke. the whole state is covered in smoke. rick: yeah, some of that smoke people have been kind of excited about a news story some of that smoke is making its way all the way to the east coast. that happens. abby: i m not sure how excited we should be. rick: maybe excited is the wrong word. excited to get in on the action or something like that. here s your temps as you are waking up. was it hot enough for you guys this week? pete: nice. rick: nice? i don t know about that. really hot and humid. breaking a little bit for a couple of days here across parts of the northeast. coolinger again to the great lakes. we have rain throughout the weekend. not as much in the southeast. going to be here across
northeast. some of that is going to cause flooding. waking up things looking good down across the southeast. florida as well. big storms moving in across parts of pennsylvania and new jersey this morning. get ready for that out across areas of the west. phoenix, another night of incredibly heavy rain. take a look at this. dealing with drought across much of texas. showers there this weekend, however, a little bit too much is going to cause some flooding. take a look at this. the fire danger continues all out across areas of the west fortunately we will see things cool down in the pacific northwest. still warm in the northern rockies. aside from that we will not get any precipitation out of this four corners not getting any relief at all. pete: are you judging our weather preferences? rick: a little bit. if it s like 92 and humid. pete: maybe i like that. rick: clearly you do. i didn t know this about you. pete: can we have abby do weather some time this weekend though?
abby: i can t say precipitation. rick: say precip and temps. all the tricks. pete: one year ago he joined us on fox & friends to tackle the epidemic. he joins us live next. abby: democratic darling alexandria ocasio-cortez won t debate ben shah pier worry because she claims he was catcalling. appears she did catcalling herself. ed: ted cruz did some trolling, too. when i touch s it s so hard to believe but it s all coming back me. baby, baby, baby. all you can eat is back, baby. applebee s.
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before starting, tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures and any kidney or liver problems. learn all you can. to help protect yourself from another dvt or pe. talk to your doctor about xarelto®. pete: welcome back. the iconic lee and wrangler jeans brands may be up for sale. the corporate owner vf corp
is considering spinning off or selling the two brands as demand for denim declines. that s a shame. experts say the drop in sales is due in part to the popularity of yoga pants. taking out denim. that is sad. and crocs shuts down last manufacturing plant. this after the company already closed its plants in new mexico and italy. while it s unclear how it will continue to produce its products, the foot wear maker is vowing fans will still be able to buy their sandals as they streamline their business. yoga pants and crocs, the future. ed? just for you. ed: i don t know about the yoga pants. turning to the opioid crisis rocking america. very specific story right here in new york, long island has been hard hit. the numbers are simply staggering. as many as 600 people on long island died last year alone from opioid overdoses. but now one of america s youngest politicians, he s trying to make a difference. he is working to change all
that with us now long island s youngest elected official nassau county legislature josh lap is in he joined us last year before he was elect would and now has an update for us. good morning good to be here. ed: good to have you here because it s such an important issue. one of the bills, so there are two bills that you sponsored. that s right. ed: within a few months of being in office they were signed. walk us through both of the bills. sure in 2018 it s still harder to get help than it is to get heroin. until we reverse that phenomenon we will are not going to make progress. ed: one of the bill creates 24 hour hotline. i m 24 years old. as a legislator i fight for common sense solutions to help my generation i sponsored two bills. one i named timothy s law as to the late son of of my good friend terry. terry lost their son in 2009. what it does is creates a 24 hour hotline get a dedicated substance abuse counselor on the phone 24 hours a day seven days a week.
ed: so important. the second one is an app. smart phone app. the days of giving 30 minute presentation to students in a an auditorium doesn t work. they are getting addicted younger and younger ages. not adapting our tactics to reach them. in 2018, with the tap of a button on smart phone you can order a cheeseburger or uber driver whatever you want to door intan takennously to expect someone to do pro-pirate research it does not exist. ed: how do people find the app. we are developing police commissioner ryder on your show use police asset further fund to do an app. it should be up next 30 days. ed: what has made the opioid crisis a priority? what do you want them to know about what needs to be done. i m going to make a personal appeal here. if president trump is watching, we need federal dollars and we need help. i m making an ask please come to nassau county and
long island. i m heart broken seeing my generation being torn apart from this horrible scourge we need federal dollars and attention. if you want to come i will give you a tour of long island. ed: long island dealing with ms-13 as well. that s right. ed: we will have you back in six months to see how that s working out. thanks, josh. than thank you, sir. ed: airport employee stealing a jet taking it for a ride before crashing. a live report from sea-tac. first woman to take the job. an exclusive sitdown with her and our own griff jenkins is next. i guarantee you i may be the first but i guarantee you i won t be the last female chief of the border patrol.
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challenges at the border. she is the nation s top border cop and started 23 years ago on bike patrol. now she is proud to be the voice of the men and women who stand watch on that border. it s not lost on her that she is the first woman in the border patrol s 94 year history. take a look. i do realize it is a milestone and we have so many talented men and women in the border patrol. i guarantee you i may be the first but i guarantee you i won t be the last female chief of the border patrol. i want to be their voice. i want to have the opportunity to get that message out, the great things that they do. maybe to ensure that the public truly understands the sacrifices that they make, how dedicated they are to protecting the country and to securing our borders and ultimately, you know, border security is national security. i need more men and women. i need more technology. i need more wall. politicians are criticizing not just policies but actually agents
themselves. do you see this taking a toll on them? definitely. i think it takes a toll on their morale. i have said this before and i will say it again. we don t leave our humanity behind when we report for duty. the majority of my men and women are parents. i m a parent myself. law enforcement is a difficult job. in my 26 years in law enforcement, both as a local police officer and as a border patrol agent, i have had to separate parents from their children. it s not an easy task. but when you violate the law, and it is a violation of law to cross the border illegally between the ports of entry, then there needs to be a consequence. our core values are vigilance, service to country, and integrity. i want to ensure that we continue down that path. griff: so she steps in to this challenge with unbelievable pressure on her. but, when i talked to. so other border agents i have met along the way. calling around what do you think of her she is great. we really look forward to
her leadership. abby: griff, how important is it to have someone like her leading the charge? it s really important. you know, you heard there, she s a mother. she understands this. but she also says look, we don t make the laws. we enforce them. and at the top of her priorities is rule of law. and that s exactly what the administration wants right now. griff jenkins getting the scoop. glad to have you on this morning. god speed to her. abby: coming up on the show, gregg jarrett, tammy bruce and dan bongino all here live. i think dan bongino is on the couch. ed: he will be here. good times rule let the good times ahoy-hoy. alexander graham bell here. no, no, my number is one, you must want two! two, i say!! like my father before. [telephone ring] like my father before.
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new boss making history as the first woman to take the job. you know, i realize it is significant. i m the 18th chief and the first female but it s interesting because throughout my career, i never looked at myself as a female border patrol agent, just a border patrol agent. abby: good saturday morning. we begin here with a fox news alert. terrifying moments as a stolen plane flies aim mustily in the air before crashing. pete: alaska airlines employee stealing the aircraft from seattle tacoma international airport. ed: that s where our own dan springer is life with what we know at this hour. dan, certainly a lot of questions this morning. yeah. investigators will eventually get to those questions when they get up this morning. it s real early out here. jewels a stunning joy ride gone terribly wrong is exactly how it was described by the local sheriff.
clearly it was also a bizarre suicide, which happened last night at 8:00. when an airline employee stole a 76 seat passenger aircraft and flew it around the pe piewjt sound. the video is absolutely stunning and amazing when you look at it. shows the q-400 turbo prop doing loops and flying low to the ground. the military quickly sent up two f-15 fighter jets to follow that plane. those planes came out of portland and up here in minutes. the man who stole the plane worked for horizon air as a ground service agent. definitely not a pilot. he joked with the air traffic control agents about his flying skills even though he was not a pilot, clearly. he also made it clear he was suicidal. i don t want to hurt no one. i just want you to whisper sweet nothings into my ear. i have a lot of people that
care about me. and it s going to disappoint them to hear that i can this. air traffic control tried to get the man to land the plane in a variety of places first at a nearby air base and then over water. the fighter jet did not shoot the plane down as it flew south of seattle and towards tacoma and south of tacoma. an hour and a half after the plane took off, it crashed on a small island. pierce county officials say this was definitely not an act of terrorism. there is no indication that he did this to threaten anybody. there is no indication of any kind of terrorist link or anything like that. the crash happened on tetron island. very small. population 20. handful of houses. the plane went down in a wooded area and started a small wildfire. that was quickly out. no one on the ground was hurt. we are told the man who stole the plane was killed. the man s name has not been
released. but you mentioned the investigation. it will certainly start this morning. they will look into exactly how he was able to get into plane and take off. he had no formal pilot skills that we know of. he was a ground transportation employee. he was the guy that de-ices the planes in the winter. he will also direct the planes with those orange cones and bring them in to the gate and take the planes out to the runway and things like that. so how was he able to fly that plane? how was he able to get it undetected? we do know that plane was in for some maintenance. it was not supposed to be flown that day or last night. so, exactly how he got that plane and how he was able to get off the ground with it will be part of the investigation. ed: dan springer some terrific reporting in the middle of the night for us. appreciate it, dan. pete: thanks, dan. ed: that answers a little bit of the question one of our experts had last hour whether the plane was at a gate. dan is reporting it the was not at passenger gate it was in maintenance area being worked on. significant because a pilot
aviation expert was saying if it was at a passenger gate you would need more people involved to actually if he was in the cockpit getting ready to fly you need other people to push it back from the gate. that s not what happened. it was in a maintenance area. abby: begs the question how do you monitor all of your employees and make sure they are mentally well that something like this doesn t happen again. that s a question we asked sal la gotten i can t. here is what he said. he had credentials. let ability to get out on the ramp and be among the airplanes. so it s hard to say that we are going to stop somebody like that from doing anything unless we figure that he may have some nefarious thoughts. remember, how many people go around and service an airplane before it s ready for departure. 12, 15, 18 people, depending on the eyes of the aircraft. can you keep traffic of all of those people all the
time? ed: that last point makes you wonder how it s not happened before. all the airports, chicago o hare and jfk with employees going in and out. thank god it hasn t happened before it s remarkable because he could have done much damage all the fuel in that plane. he was driving over some of these videos showing from social media. i was listening to them earlier. the audio, families, kids at first oh wow, dad, look. they were horrified because they thought this plane was going to crash and kill their families. if this plane had crashed somewhere not on that remote island but actually in a neighborhood, this would be a much pete: i poo pooed this story at first when i saw it. i didn t realize what a large plane it was coming out a major airport. as we saw on 9/11 planes can be missiles. if he decided to turn it towards seattle, if it had happened in this area, that s a real threat and not every airport worker at every airport has been screened probably the way they should for their background. clearly you can do side pilot training without people knowing it. this guy knew how to take
off a plane and fly it i wouldn t know where to start. even if he was a maintenance guy he knew something. abby: we cannot highlight enough how lucky it was. right near a navy base. they are used to seeing planes above them and doing crazy things and flips and tricks. and to your point, ed, when your kid is on the ground and it gets close you realize this is not a normal navy plane. ed: fuel there, it causes a big fire and who knows what happens. thank god none of that happened. abby: thinking about family and friends, everyone who knew him it s a sad story. pete: it is a sad story. abby: we will keep an eye on it. pete: something that makes me happy every august is football is coming pack. i m a fugitive fan. i love it preseason started on thursday. a lot of us hope in the offseason they get this kneeling thing figured out. they had a new policy and everyone walked away from the policy. what will players do kneeled last year and thinking about kneeling this year. unfortunately we saw a
handful of players take a knee or raise a fist in that first weekend. the president tweeting as you would expect about that. the second part of two tweets read this way. he said be happy, be cool. a football game that pays that fans are paying so much money to watch and enjoy is no place to protest. most of that money goes to the players anyway. find another way to protest. stand proudly for your national anthem or be suspended without pay. his point is enjoy the game, we love the game. keep the game where it is. don t mix your protest with something so many people revere in the national anthem. pete: nfl policy supposed to be in place and rejected and part of the reason why we are at this place again is hey, if you want to protest, yeah, have you that opportunity, stay in the locker room, do it that way. don t do it on the field when we are honoring the flag. when we are honoring america. and we had sergeant tim kennedy, an mma fighter, an iraq war veteran on. he said, look, i fought for this flag. i saw some of my friends die for the american flag. for this country. you have the right to
protest. but if he saw that kind of protest happening, here s what he said he would do. come over to my side. you know, come and look at that flag being folded slowly, carefully, deliberately and handed to a widow or handed to a mom or handed to a dad that just lost their son in a war. i have seen that countless times. i have seen that flag flying baits overrun by isis and al qaeda. friends of mine like doing absolutely everything in their power to keep their flag flying. and you know, to have the national anthem come on and you use that as an opportunity to disrespect the flag while trying to promote some issues, it just it s the wrong time. abby: he made the point. he said we are over there fighting so that people can speak their minds, so that they can kneel. so they can do whatever they want really in this country. i think this is a real leadership problem within the nfl and the fact that we
are still talking about this. they will can t get it under control. let s have those conversations, right? bring the players. in figure out how we move forward as a league. how can we make football enjoyable again for every american. pete: there is your problem right there. roger goodell he can tig figure out how to tell them what kind of socks and shoes to wear but not whether or not to stand for the national anthem. ed: they are not having that problem in major league baseball and the nhl. by the way to abby s question and points which is an important one about bringing people together, some of these players have simply said i don t want to meet with the president. i don t want to meet with community leaders. i think kenny stills, we should point out one of the miami dolphin players who has kneeled has met with community leaders. he wants to talk about police issues. he is trying to make a difference. is he not just doing the protest and maybe an empty he is actually saying let s find a solution. pete: nba has figured it out as well. remember the golden state warriors said i m not going to the white house you are entitled to personal perspective and some of us will disagree with that at
least they are standing for the anthem. they have a policy. and they have figured it out. abby: talk to anyone who has gone into the white house or sat down across the table from him and left saying he didn t listen to them or didn t care about what they had to say u that s the only way to move forward is to have conversations. figure out where the problems are and how we move forward. the kneeling, as much as people feel like there are issues in this country and there are issues that we need to solve. is that the most productive way to do it. ed: good point. abby: send us your thoughts on that a highway motorcycle officer and a driver that he pulled over are killed during a traffic stop. a pickup truck slamming into men on the side of the road. will california state highway patrol saying officer kurt griff died doing what he loved. he was the ultimate public servant. he loved what he did. he loved being a chp officer. he loved being a chp motorcycle officer. abby: the driver of the pickup truck is now in the
hospital and cooperating with authorities. a 19-year veteran of the force and former marine. he leaves behind a wife and three children. it s just heart breaking. and there s this. two police officers are among four people killed in a deadly rampage in canada. officers robert costello and sarah burns responding to a call of shots fired in new brunswick. they came across two victims on the ground just moments before getting shot themselves. the accused shooter is now being identified as a 48-year-old man. is he coverinsuffering from sers injuries after gun fight with police. a motive is still unclear. and there s this. the democratic national committee serving weeks with a lawsuit over twitter of all of places. the law firm representing the dnc posting this single tweet with links to several documents related to that suit. they are accusing wikileaks, the russian government and the trump campaign worked together to target the dnc. it all comes after the site published hacked emails during the 2016 election. ed: maybe they will turn
over their server. and an artist showing his support for president trump this 20-foot sculpture. placing masterpiece in front of a home in new york. i m an artist. and this is my work. it s my display to provoke emotion. this community, they love it i think a littl bigger would be better, taller. showing his support for then candidate donald trump before someone set it on fire. pete, is your yard big enough for that? pete: no staten island true to form right there. he should replicate that. abby: maybe make a smaller one for you. pete: no, bigger. ed: this morning talking about a lot of tough issues. chicago. it s been descending into chaos with over 1700 people, 1700 people shot this year. our next guest says it s time to de ploy the national guard. the navy, even the marines. pete: cynthia nixon going full speed on the socialism
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overcome jason hill. jason, good morning. good morning. ed: let s start simply what s going on in your city. an epidemic of mass murders that have been going on for quite some time and it s a genocidal warfare taking over certain parts of chicago and i think nothing short of boots on the ground occupation by the navy, the marines, the national guard. i think certain parts of the city should be placed into military receivership and nothing short of that will be the solution. ed: i want to get to that and what kind of federal response we should have. i want to first start and stay with the city. rahm emanuel is the mayor. as you know he is very much under fire over this, of course i have known him for a long time. he was in the clinton white house. capitol hill. chief of staff at the white house for barack obama. he was hard-charging. he was tough. he would stand up to members
of congress stand up to presidents. what has gone wrong? i think he is just fewerly incompetent. and i think that he is responsible since the 2014 firing of certain forcing into retirement and firing certain chief of police officers and leaders shown no respect for police officers. and law enforcement. he is incompetent and should be called to resign for dereliction of duty. ed: we have heard for calls for him to resign. he has said he is not going it do that he is not incompetent. is he trying to deal with the problem. as you lay out in your book and commentaries this morning clearly the city is not taking care of the problem. in the last minute we have, what do you think president trump should do? what do you think the trump administration what do you think congress should do to deal with this problem? [inaudible] invoked by
three presidents before 1957 by president eisenhower and 1992 by president bush and in 2006 by president george w. bush and i think that the city has to be placed in to military receivership. i think we need boots on the ground, occupation in certain parts of the neighborhood that are being targeted by career criminals. i think gang manipulate should alsgang membership shoul. ed: these gang members clearly are not respecting the law whether you make it illegal or not. important and tough questions ahead for the president and others, professor jason hill we appreciate your time this morning. thank you. ed: all right, still ahead. defense secretary james mattis is so popular with the troops he cannot even introduce the vice president without hearing thunder russ applause. next guest tells us why he is so respected. [applause]
i assure you, mr. vice president, that is for you, not for me. please, please. motorcycle revving motorcycle revving motorcycle revving motorcycle revving no matter who rides point, there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep.
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1300 how many thirsty cows surrounded this water truck in australia. the farmer driving more than an hour to make delivery. region facing one of the worst drought in years. abby: that s heart breaking. ed: james mattis dedicating four decades before, confirmed as secretary of defense by a 98 to 1 vote. abby: mattis is so popular with the troops. take a look at the welcome he received when he and vice president pence were introducing the space force just this last week. watch this. [. [applause] i assure you, mr. vice president, that is for you. not for me. [laughter] please, please. [applause] pete: so who really have general james mattis. here with a closer look is the author of no better friend, no worse enemy the
life of general james mattis jim prosser. thanks for being here this morning. giewrge what made you say you wanted to write the book on this guy. first attracted to him by the quotes many of us have heard things like be polite, be professional, but be prepared to kill everyone you meet. [laughter] he has the ability to be both a peace maker and a very effective war maker, war fighter at the same time. that attracted me to him as someone who could manage both worlds. abby: knowing him now, you actually have not met him. correct. abby: or interviewed him which is so fascinating. you probably feel like you know him so well from this book. is he the man he is today because he was born this way or was it life experiences that turned him into the person we now see? he has worked very hard and long to become the man that he is because as i say
he is a very proficient war fighter. he is a very ferocious warrior. and that takes a great deal of discipline over many, many, many years as you know. ed: we have heard about him as a warrior monk who likes to read all these books. yes. ed: solitude. he has this tough side. the moment i remember is the 60 minutes interview. listen to this. what keeps you awake at night? nothing. i keep other people awake at night. ed: pardon me face the nation, sunday program not 60 minutes. i keep others at wake at night. that s jim mattis. he is not intimidated. he keeps it very real for his troops. and he has always told them that the people are the prize. so, you know, a military victory is just the beginning, but he is very, very aware that the ultimate goal of war is to win the hearts and minds of the people. pete: what does the fact that president trump chose him as his first cabinet member what does it say
about the president and level of respect? well, jim mattis is living proof that trump is neither unethical nor incompetent. the fact that he was chosen first, i think, speaks to president trump s ability to recognize someone who knows how to win. and both and someone who has really brought appeal to both to all people and all sides of very divided nation. abby: so much of the show that we do here is highlighting what makes this country so great and the patriots among us that sacrificed every single day for all of us. and he is the number one example when i can think of that type of person. what can we learn? what do you hope people take from this book? well, he is a role model. i mean, his commitment to the nation andselves to the nation and his dedication and self-discipline over many years is a role model to me. and i hope to many americans who would like to have an
extraordinary life like mr. mattis. pete: pretty private guy, doesn t seek the spotlight. not clear if you are a friend or enemy at this point for writing this book. i hate be the last guy to who makes jim mattis angry last man alive. ed: everywhere you can buy a book right now jim proser appreciate it. pete: one of the most fast fascinating men. abby: a man take as plane ride for a terrifying ride before crashing it. how could this happen? aviation expert live next. pete: bruce ohr is heading to the hot seat on capitol hill. what questions could he face and what can we learn? some interesting stuff there we re going to ask gregg jarrett coming up live. plus, you know what? we have a fox & friends bowling alley. that s the plaza. it s not a bolling alley. it s a bolling alley on the plaza to celebrate national bogglbowling day straight ahead.
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he was flying dangerously close to homes watch this. holy [bleep] oh my god. what is happening right now? pete: yeah, military fighter jets closely tailing the plane before it crashed on a remote island. police say no other passengers were on the plane. authorities confirming this was not an act of terrorism. let s bring in now sal lagonia, pilot and aviation expert. this was not an act of terrorism, sal, a future iteration could be. i mean, that s what scares people about this. this was a guy on a suicide run. what if someone like him had the same access and stole a plane? how do we prevent that? and i m not sure there is a way of preventing it here have you an airline employee with proper credentials in a proper access area of the airport. we call it airport operations area. and he has got access to get on that aircraft. if he knows enough to start it, and to move it, what can you do? now, we did find out that the aircraft was in a
maintenance situation. so it wasn t at a gate where he would have needed extra help to get the airplane pushed back and then back out on the taxiway or on the run way. but, if it was at a maintenance gate, he could have literally walked on board with his proper credentials and shut the door and flown away. ed: how quickly can you start a plane like this it s not like putting a key in an ignition. i have never been in cockpit like that. how long would it have taken? it s a turbo plot so it s ultimately a jet engine. you need to know what valves to pull, how to move the fuel around the aircraft so it s not in one place. how to get the pumps going and how to start it typically what s called apu on board some aircraft that actually start the engine running. so that it can pick up speed and then begin. ed: it takes minutes. not something that happens in a minute or two. five or ten minute
operation. abby: luckily not in a place like new york where there are buildings everywhere and there was water that the plane could go to. certain point fighter jets had to come up and steer it in a certain direction or try to at least. at what point do they make that decision we need to shoot this down or we need to get up there and solve. this they have internal protocols to make that happen. i think we have to say they did a fantastic job. they kept that plane away from population. kept it away from buildings. they kept it over almost deserted island, over in the middle of the water. and when they couldn t get him to go down in a military base, which is what they wanted, then they tried to keep him over the water where he could do the least amount of damage. ed: if you are in charge of operations management this morning at jfk or chicago o hare, what are you doing? redoubling my efforts to make sure the security protocols that are supposed to be in place are in place. i think that s the bottom line. we have plenty of security at airports. we have to make sure they are not failing. pete: how many ongoing
screening happens of employees. obviously a clearance goes in to being hired to be secure area. things change. people can get radicalized. who is alerted of when someone could be suspicious. it varies. the faa has their own protocols in place that require airlines to do a certain amount of that but, for the most part. it s drug testing and alcohol testing. it s not the mental illness testing because that is so hard to do. pete: or the radicalization testing. or the radicalization testing. we don t know when that s going to happen. you could test somebody today and he could be radicalized three days from now. abby: almost impossible. it s a really tough thing we are faced with. it sure is. abby: thank you for your insight. really horrible story. i want to give you other headlines we are following this morning. starting with this. a judge rejects plea deals for two men charged in the deadly oakland warehouse fire. a california judge saying that derek showed no remorse for the 2016 blaze killing 36 people. prosecutors say that harris
turned the warehouse known as the ghost ship into an illegal concert venue. concert goers call it a death trap by cluttering and t. and blocking the exits. both could face life in prison if convicted. college basketball coach is placed on leave an a man he punched died. jamil jones charged with hitting sandor szabo to fall back and hitting his head on the concrete. his mother calling jones out for leaving the scene. when you are responsible for somebody s death, you hit them so hard you leave, don t show up again for five days, and you think an assault is what you should be charged with you are just wrong. abby: the wake forest university coach is charged with assault and pleading not guilty. still unclear why he punched the man or if they even knew each other. first, hollywood star, now his new hampshire granite
vandals smashing president trump s granite block marking his 2016 win. showcases democrat and republican winners of the state s presidential primary. police are now actively searching for suspects. this comes as the west hollywood city council voted to remove the hollywood star after it was reportedly destroyed. ed: no end. unbelievable. rent control in the city and state what newly claimed socialist cynthia nixon pushing for as campaign of governor of new york. she wants to keep rent costs the same for residents across new york state no matter their income giving them a stable and safe place to live. pete: if only we could get rid of all markets all together. ed: free tuition. medicare for all. pete: free, perfect. rick gives us free weather. rick: could you keep my rent stable though? pete: works for me. rick: exactly. all right, guys. big storms coming in across
parts of the northeast. take a look at the map and show you what s going on. we have the storms right here. we also have storms across parts of texas. it s going to be especially tomorrow right around the big been stretching over towards the west in towards hill country. get ready potentially for flooding. a lot of drought going on across parts of texas. across parts of the northeast today pretty big showers as well we have to deal with down across the southeast, we will see heavier rain across parts of south florida. not that bad across places like atlanta and in towards birmingham. we will see those showers in across parts of texas. towards the northern plains, take a look at this 101 for a high today in bismarck. 92 in minneapolis. the heat is on see a little mormomore monsoonal rain. ed: senior doj staff bruce ohr about be interviewed about the author of anti-trump dossier. dozens and dozens of revelations. could be a big bombshell
coming. gregg jarrett is here to weigh in live next. pete: knock down pins for national bowling day. of course we will be competing. abby: who knows. could have fallen in the gutter. pete: sounded like a strike. never stop
wow, that s clean! new cascade platinum. abby: welcome back. house republicans getting ready to grill a key official tied to the anti-trump dossier. pete: bruce ohr will come before congress on august 28th to answer why he had 60-plus contacts with
the dossier author chris steele as far back as january 2016. he owes the american public the full truth. ed: what happens next? here is a man who knows the you author of the russian hoax a run away new york times best seller gregg jarrett. thanks for having me on the curvey couch. ed: bruce ohr is on the book, chapter i believe. yes. we had known some time ago here is the number four official at the justice department. checking in on the russia investigation and whatnot. now we learned he was talking to the author of the dossier. his wife, nellie ohr was working at fusion gps the opposition research firm digging up dirt on donald trump. what an interesting connection. when he filed his disclosure forms he didn t reveal what his wife was doing which as i write in the book is a potential crime. i also identify other potential crimes that bruce ohr and others may have committed, including
conspiracy to defraud the government, major fraud, obstruction of justice, abuse of power. when he testifies on the 28th of this month, i would not be surprised if he invokes his right against incrimination, self-incrimination. pete: what would his justification presumably be for all these contacts with christopher steele for not disclosing his wife who is by the way a russian linguist and expert on russian affairs could have been a part of that. he and his wife hated donald trump. they wanted to help hillary clinton. so there was this can a can kal author. glenn simpson who was paying for it through hillary clinton s campaign. ed: fusion gps. that s right. this little kabul was pushing this phony dossier. james comey and his confederates were all in. they used this document as a pretext not only to investigate donald trump but to spy on the trump campaign
through the fisa wiretap warrant. abby: so republicans on the hill, they are frustrated because all they have been asking for all this time is just some answers. they want to get evidence of those conversations between the ohrs, between steele and peter strzok as well. they throw out subpoenas. it doesn t seem to ever lead to anything it doesn t seem like they have gotten any real answers. right. abby: time and time again they have asked for them. this is how coverups work. the truth is slow to emerge. all of the people who were involved in the russia hoax advancing this co-collusion no probable cause. no intelligence. actively deceiving and they continued to do so this day. abby: how long can this go on for? well, congress needs to really put its foot down. this is a step in the right direction to call all of these people to testify. but what you really need is a grand jury to investigate
the investigators because the law enforcers, as i write in the book, became the law breakers and great irony here is they are not under investigation, but donald trump is and the evidence is pretty overwhelming that they framed him. ed: a whole new layer this week when had you john solomon at the hill newspaper communications we teased at the lead-in. more than we ever knew between bruce ohr at the justice indictment and christopher steele the former british spy. what struck me is that we learn in the communications that the dossier author, steele, is lobbying bruce ohr at the obama justice department on behalf of a russian oligarch, a billionaire who had ties to the russian mob. so here we are investigating whether or not the trump campaign had ties to russia and christopher steele, the anti-trump dossier guy is lobbying for a russian oligarch? he is on the payroll of hillary clinton and he is on the payroll of the fbi this
is guy who admitted in british court documents that i dug up and they are reprinted in the book, he essentially said that his dossier wasn t worth the paper it was written on. he called it unverifiable. the problem is that james comey and others used it to spy on the trump campaign, they perpetrated a fraud on the court, and they were desperate to verify it so they continued to use christopher steele through bruce ohr to try to verify that which they had illegally used. pete: ultimately their shield wags the fact that hillary clinton was going to win. what happened though after she didn t between that election day and his swearing? did things ramp up? absolutely. panic mode set in over the department of justice and the fbi because they realized, my goodness, we can be exposed for all the frauds we have perpetrated and the laws we have broken. so, that s when they continued their efforts with
christopher steele and ramped them up, even after trump was elected, after he was inaugurated and they continued to go after trump with christopher steele, who had been fired as a liar. abby: gregg, if you care about this country and the role of doj and role of government, regardless of your party and politics, everyone should be asking these same questions. gregg gregg they should. again it will take a long time given the coverup but the truth will come out. ed: the russia hoax selling like crazy but sell it more. new york times best seller. you buy it in book stores and amazon or barnes & noble. ed: border patrol has a new chief making history first woman on the job. i guarantee you i may be the first but i guarantee you i won t be the last female in charge of the border patrol. abby: sit down with her next hour. pete: we are going to knock
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he is not someone that you want to debate. he knows his stuff. he wants to basically see how deep she is on some of these issues. ed: that s why she copped out, right? abby: she doesn t want to debate him. he responded yesterday to this back and forth and here is what he said about it? if you cannot win on the facts, you win on the intent. right? and this is what the left does so frequently and i find it highly irritating. highly annoying the suggestion is that it is a bad faith effort to have a discussion if you just don t want to debate. shouting sexist at the moon and all sorts of accolades on the left. this is why the radical left that has been sucked into to intersection nattlez they are failing with the american people, they are feeling with the american people specifically because they won t even have conversations. pete: she accused him of catcalling her. ed: that s what she called it on twitter the sexist card. pete: exactly. turns out previously she tried to get her opponent to debate her.
pete: joe crowley in the democratic primary. pete: she did. we went back on twitter account and these are tweets that she sent out that look like pretty much the same thing. my opponent seems to be avoiding a debate and isn t acknowledging me it s just the two of us, so this weekend i stopped by his office, said hello and asked for a debate in person. i m the first congressional challengener 14 years. the bronx and queens deserves to know their opinions. ed: this was may. walls she catcalling joe crowley? abby: depends on how you define catcalling. i have never cat called anything in my entire life. i don t think a debate will happen between the two but boy i would love to see that happen. ed: still ahead, house minority leader nancy pelosi. a look at mock endorsement coming up. abby: tammy bruce both are here and much more. all live coming up that s what i like about you
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we re trying to land that airplane safely and not hurt anybody on the crown. 29-year-old airport employee stole a jet and flew it around the puget sound before crashing into a small island. i don t want to. i was hoping that was going to be it. we have a lot of security at airports these days. he had credentials. he had the ability to get out on the ramp. it s hard to say we are going to stop somebody like that. going to get serious about illegal immigration. we can t tolerate sanctuary cities. this administration is continuing to raise that conversation, stay focused on sanctuary cities. the nfl preseason has barely begun and athletes are already renewing their protests during the national anthem. we do have issues and those issues should be recognized. i don t know if disrespecting the american
flag is the way going about it. i love the american flag. i fought to protect it? the border patrol has a new boss. making history as the first woman to take the job. i guarantee you i may be the first but i guarantee you i won t be the last female chief of the border patrol abby: good saturday morning. we begin with a fox news alert. an alaska airlines employee died after stealing a plane and crashing it to the ground. pete: he took the aircraft from seattle-tacoma international airport aimlessly flying it for 25 minutes. ed: dan springer is at the airport. he lives in the seattle area. dan, as we saw the story breaking on social media overnight it seemed like it scared a whole lot of people in your neighborhood. ed, it was bizarre last night. for 90 minutes this ninth busiest airport in the country was completely shut down. no aircraft was allowed to land or take off.
because at 8:00 last night, 29-year-old airline employee got into a plane, a commercial aircraft, got off the ground and flew around the puget sound for 90 minutes starting at 8:00 before he crashed into a small island. we understand that president trump has been briefed on the situation. the fbi is taking the lead in the investigation. the ntsb and national transportation safety board may or may not send a full team out here. of the video is stunning shows the turbo prop doing loops and flying low to the ground. the military quickly sent up 2 f-15 fighter jets to follow the plane and shoot it down if necessary. the man who stole the plane worked for the horizon airline as a ground service agent. he joked with air traffic controllers about his flying skills. even though he was not a pilot. he also made it clear he was suicidal. i don t want to hurt no one. i just want you to whisper sweet nothings into my ear.
i have a lot of people that care about me. and it s going to disappoint them to hear that i did this. air traffic control was very calm. they tried to get the man first to land at nearby air base and then land the plane in water. the fighter jets did shot shoot the plane down as it flew south of tacoma. an hour and a half after the plane took off it crashed on a small island. piece county officials say this was not an act of terrorism. there is no independent occasion that he did this to threaten anybody. there is no indication of any kind of terrorist link or anything like that. the crash took place on countketron island. population about 20. a handful of houses there. the plane went down in a wooded area. started a small wildfire that was quickly put out. no one on the ground was injured. the man s name has not been
released. we expect to hear more about him and the investigation later on today. it s still very early out here, but teams of investigators will be out here, as i said, the fbi is taking the lead. the ntsb, which usually does these investigations, will assist but will not take the lead in this one. again, no act of terrorism. back to you guys. ed: real quick, has that just paralyzed the airport last night? i saw people on social media talking about their flights to various places i imagine they locked the airport down for quite a while. yeah. it did for 90 minutes. as soon as they knew this plane had taken off. they shut down the airfield. all the runways were shut down. no planes were allowed to take off or land. and so that did put a lot of people out with their flights. but, you know, 90 minutes and then they got them going again. it s all cleared out now and back to normal operations. it was pretty bizarre here last night. abby: glad it wasn t worse than it could have been.
pete: at first you want to dismiss it and say this is a guy on a suicide mission didn t want to hurt anybody but himself. but, put anyone else with the wrong motives inside that plane and as we saw on 9/11 a missile that could be used. ed: so scary. pete: imagine if it towards turned seattle or happened here or any other city, the screening behind the scenes that we don t have our arms wrapped around. abby: makes you wonder how this could happen. grounds service agent. he was not a pilot. i don t know what credentials he had. but how was he able to get in that plane? obviously there were other people that saw this happening on the ground there at the airport. they would have seen the plane take off. we don t have all the answers to this. it does make you wonder how it happened to begin with and how this never happens again. we had sal lagonia on our show earlier. pilot and aviation expert. could easily access the plane with proper credentials. here s what he said. here have you an airline
employee with proper credentials in a proper access area of the airport. we call it airport operations area. and he has got access to get on that aircraft. if he knows enough to start it, and to move it. what can you do? now, we did find out that the aircraft was in a maintenance situation. so, it wasn t at a gate where he would have needed extra help to get the airplane pushed back and back out on the taxiway or runway. but, if it was at a maintenance gate. he could have quite literally walked on board it with his proper credentials and shut the door. ed: one of our viewers on twitter sent me a note how in the world based on that, if you have access to that area you can just get on a plane and take off? pete: you never know. pete: how has this not happened before? thankful it hasn t happened before but it s remarkable that just with that access he was able to get on a plane and take off and start joy riding. abby: when you talk about mental illness you can test for drugs and alcohol, but the world we are living in
today, how do you test employees for their mental state? how do you know that one day they are fine and the next day they completely change. pete: that s something something that sal talked about. they don t it on mental illness and radicalization. think about people that get clearances that could eventually get radicalized they are behind security border. in minneapolis i pay attention it s a home airport for me. the tsa last year failed 95% of the time trying to stop contraband from coming through just regular security. i would also note, obviously there has been a serious problem of radical islamic radicalization in the somali muslim population there. a lot of them work at the airport. that s not to impugn those people. hopefully they are wonderful people. but, if you have got the wrong person with the wrong access and you are not screening them repeatedly to make sure they wouldn t do something, you could have serious problems. that s why something like this really matters across the country. abby: how is it balanced someone made the point earlier on twitter you can t
even get more that be three ounces of toothpaste. ed: grandmother is getting shaken down what do you have in your purse? abby: this guy gets behind a plane and takes off. pete: you have got to have some knowledge. you don t just turn the keys. he shared with us how much time it takes to start up. maybe it was kind of a sleepy friday night in the airport. he took advantage. ed: vacation time. less people around. obviously there are airport operators all around the country, chicago, new york, l.a., elsewhere waking up this morning saying how do we lock down the situation? it reminds me a little bit of what the president has been talking about with our borders and how we need to get a handle on the situation. he has been talking about this going back to the campaign. abby: so has his attorney general jeff sessions. they continue to double down on the border and how dangerous they keep saying sanctuary cities are. here was attorney jeff sessions yesterday speaking in houston. whatever we would talk on immigration, whatever our views, all of us should agree on two goals.
we need to end illegal immigration and to end illegal immigration crime. we cannot accept the fact that gangs like ms-13, the latin king, many of whose members entered the country unlawfully are terrorizing american communities from los angeles to boston. if we want to reduce violent crime, then we have to get serious about illegal immigrant crime. if we re going to get serious about illegal immigration, we can t tolerate sanctuary cities. pete: sanctuary cities are all about illegality and whether you are going to work with law enforcement to enforce the rule of law, or let criminals get away. ed: yeah. you have had democrats in the runup to the mid terms hey the solution is to abolish ice somehow. let s go after the law enforcement agencies they believe they have overstepped their powers and that s the way somehow to make us safer. that s obviously something that s going to be debated about a lot in the weeks ahead. abby: imforeign relation is
one those issues and most important issue for many americans but one i think identifies parties right now. are you on the side of president trump where he wants to build that wall and get rid of sanctuary discuss or are you where some of the democrats are and talking about abolishing ice? i do think there is probably a space in the middle that doesn t often get a voice or often get talked about. the president, this is what he got voted on and campaigned on. doubling down on the border. he has some people that are on his side that are fighting with him. one of those is the governor of texas. greg abbott who was on this show yesterday. and here is what he highlighted. what s going on in philadelphia is like an alice in wonderland story where it s topsy-turvy where the mayor is blaming ice or the federal government for trying to enforce the laws for being the cause of this. that is insanity. it is the sanctuary city policies that both attract and allow in people who commit these heinous crimes just exactly what happened to kate steinfully san francisco, what happened in
philadelphia is not the only story like this. but going back in fedex texas, we passed that law two years ago to make sure that we would not have occasions like this. pete: hone in on one word he said attract. they also become a magnet. if you know that your sanctuary city. people who might have nefarious intentions probably go there more likely than somewhere that cracks down. ed: he mentioned philadelphia wasn t that the mayor who did the dance. pete: roll a tape on that. abby: i cannot highlight the importance of congress through all of this. you have the blame put on ice agents. blames put on individuals and, yet, we have not passed an immigration law that really has been effective that helps define the country. ed: republicans have control of the house couldn t pass the bill. house republicans could not pass a bill. remember a couple months ago? they utterly failed. abby: send us your thoughts on that a lot going on this morning. i want to bring you of those headlines we are all watching closely.
a massive wildfire doubling in size in the state of california. the holy fire scorching more than 19,000 acres now with 10% contained. that s outside of los angeles. the man, seen right there, accused of starting the fire, making several outburstbursts in court. gordon clark calling the judge a liar when he was read his felony charges. smoke from more than a dozen burning wildfires are traveling thousands of miles to new york city. can you see there the smoke not yet affecting the east coast air quality. that s according to the national weather service. and there s this. the navy frantically searching for a marine who went overboard in international waters. the uss essex reporting that the marine missing near the philippines thursday morning. search and rescuers covering more than 8,000 miles of water so far. the marine s family, they have not been notified. officials are not releasing their identity while the search is still underway. hoping for the best there. we are watching this one as well. paul manafort s trial is mysteriously delayed for five hours without any explanation. this all happened yesterday.
it comes as prosecutors were hoping to finish calling the witnesses to the stand. still unclear if it s connected to a complaint filed by special counsel robert mueller s team claiming that judge t.s. ellis has unfairly criticized them in court. manafort, he is accused of committing tax and bank fraud through his political work in ukraine. he is, of course, pleading not guilty. and there s this. confirmation hearings for supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh will begin next month. the september 4th hearings are expected to last between 3 to 4 days. republicans are hoping to get kavanaugh seated on the high court as early as october. president trump nominating kavanaugh to replace retiring justice anthony kennedy. ed: a little battle coming. pete: in the future, we are are going to talk it about the new border patrol chief. they have a chief making history. the first woman to have the job. i guarantee you i may be the first but i guarantee you i won t be the last female chief of the border patrol.
pete: an exclusive sit down with her next. ed: plus, the president has a message for democrats get behind nancy pelosi. i have a feeling dan bongino might endorse her as well. i don t know. he is coming up have your own way you can call it (harmonica interrupts) (sighs and chuckles) sorry, are you gonna. (harmonica interrupts) everytime. geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance.
she is not lost she is breaking the glass ceiling on a dangerous and difficult job. take a listen. i do realize this is a milestone. we have so many talented men and women of the border patrol. i guarantee you i may not mae the first but i won t be the last female ahead of the border patrol. make sure that the public truly understands the sacrifices that they make. how dedicated they are to protecting the country and to securing our borders and ultimately, you know, border security is national security. i need more men and women, i need more technology i need more wall. politicians are criticizing not just policy but agents themselves. do you see this taking a toll on them? definitely i think it takes a toll on their morale. i have said this before and i will say it again. we don t leave our humanity behind when we report for
duty. the majority of our men and women are parents. i m parents myself. law enforcement is a difficult job. in my 26 years in law enforcement, both as a local police officer and as a border patrol agent, i have had to separate parents from their children. it s not an easy task. but, when you violate the law, and it is a violation of law to cross the border illegally between the ports of entry, then there needs to be a consequence. or core values are vigilance, service to country, and integrity. and i want to ensure that we continue down that path. griff: she has lived the life of an agent. she has been assaulted by drug cartels. we will hear a lot more, guys, about chief provost. she is ready to take the task ss been given by the president and secure the border with the resources she needs. abby: boy, does she have a lot on her plate. how much will had boost morale? it will boost a lot of morale. they see someone who started
23 years ago on bike patrol. she has been in the trenches. they know she knows what they face and they have a tough job ahead of them. from the northern to the southern border they have got the chief they need to lead them with this difficult task in front of them at a time when the threat across that border, you know, abby, couldn t be worse. we talk about it everyday. and she is not wasting time getting busy. ed: all right, griff, thanks for bringing the story. ed: still ahead. one state s entire supreme court could soon be impeached. we will tell you about that coming up. pete: president trump has a message for democrats support nancy pelosi one more time. dan bongino is here. bring him into the picture. he is live next can be a big bad problem for your grandchildren. babies too young to be vaccinated against whooping cough
are the most at risk for severe illness. help prevent this! talk to your doctor or pharmacist today about getting vaccinated against whooping cough. motorcycle revving motorcycle revving motorcycle revving no matter who rides point, there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. and just like tyrone taylor, they know what it takes to help keep you protected. are you in good hands?
pete: senior doj staff bruce ohr will be in the hot seat closed door hearing on capitol hill. abby: there he will author christopher steele. ed: gillian turner with details. we have the chairman of the freedom caucus mark meadows tweeted this yesterday afternoon. doj official bruce ohr will come before congress on august 28th to answer why he had 60-plus contacts with dossier author christopher steele. fox news has yet to independently confirm this. and it comes as president trump s allies including his personal lawyer are trying to turn up the heat on ohr. they are calling for increased attention to what they allege is his role in the russia investigation. the nature and scope of the conflict here. i mean, after he was fired. they fired chris steele for
leaking. james comey, another one that leaked, right? he was still talking to the fbi and beirutor was still taking those conversations. nont. that plays into this calculus you makes a to whether you will submit to an interview. ohr is reportedly a friend of former british spy christopher steele who compiled that infamous dossier and ohr s wife was employee of fusion gps the firm that hired steele. has not commented publicly about any of these allegations or department of justice. one doj official noted to absz this wednesday that ohr was removed from the deputy attorney s office when his ties to steele became known. critics of the president contend all of this has been known for months publicly and asked why the president s team is choosing to focus on ohr, now. pete: here to react is the perfect guy dan bongino author of the upcoming book spy gate which talks about a lot of this. new development here.
we ll didn t know about the relationship. we didn t know the scope of the communications between bruce ohr, the number four at doj and folks that work at fusion gps and the dossier. this has been a year of my life researching for this book. i like to categorize it this way. spy georgia tech is three not separate but larger subscandals beneath. the first bun is the spying scandal. they were spying using human intelligence we have seen that the second one is the setup and the framing of the trump team, this component, the ohr team this is the information laundering information. money laundering with information. the probable they had with bruce ohr. now we know in this is now on the record not conspiracy stuff. this is real. we know fbi source in christopher steele who in their own words, pete, was deemed not suitable for use and sekulow was said was fired for leaking and not being a quality source anymore, his information then, which was not suitable for use, was relaundered back into the department of justice through bruce ohr, the number four as you just accurately stated whose wife
is working for the same company hired by mrs. clinton to gin up. ed: communications had christopher steele after being dumped by the finn as i recall some of the messages in the hill newspaper basically had christopher steele going to bruce ohr and saying hey, can you get me back in with the fbi and mueller? that he wanted, as you say, to relaunder this information that maybe had been dismissed, the unverified dossier. get it in the hands of the fbi. get it in the hands of robert mueller? not only that yes, you are right. that s the whole information, that s the big umbrella picture. the information laundering information. some of the messages, ed, are down right strange. one of them says to bruce ohr, hey, we have to protect our guy. we can t send our guy back home. what everybody is wondering on twitter and on the internet now has been researching this like me, i have my speculations, i m not going to say tonight air. who is our guy? who else was christopher steele working with and trying to get information to the department of justice? remember, after he is terminated as a source for
being not suitable. let me get this straight. they spied on the president. they started the most significant counter intelligence investigation in modern u.s. history against a presidential candidate. and they are using a guy who was fired by the fbi as their primary source who is not suitable? he is working with someone else? one other thing. he also is connected now we know to a russian oligarch directly connected. pete: we talked about that. to vladimir putin. so where is the real collusion scandal here? this is amazing this story and in a very sad way. abby: it is. dan, you have been covering it so closely and researching for your book the past year. it s tough for us to stay on top everything that s going on. tough to know which name, what does that person do? what is that connected to? big picture, what should people know about this russian investigation. everything that s gone on the past year? what is the most important thing in your mind and how should people be thinking of that? that the mueller probe in my opinion is a smoke screen. it s a smoke screen to cover for the democrats actual collusion with russians. i have no doubt, listen, i m
a conservative, i get a lot of liberals who watch the show and, of course, you are always welcome here. i get they will dismiss that and that s fine. i m telling you the facts i know and people researching this, gregg jarrett included, if that happened to a democrat president on my life i would tell you the same thing. this is very dangerous what happened here. they are covering for what they did, the democrats. pete: absolutely. speaking of democrats, one the leaders much the resistance has been nancy pelosi and the president not a big fan of her except for on twitter yesterday, last night, i don t know if you saw this tweet. abby: used a little sarcasm. pete: little sarcasm here democrats please do not distance yourself from nancy pelosi she is a wonderful person whose ideas and policies may be bad but who should definitely be given a fourth chance. she is trying very hard, and has every right to take down the democrat party if she has veered too far left. the reason this tweet comes more and more democrats coming out more candidates and incouple bengts saying we don t want her to be the speaker if we take the house. what do you make of that. we love nancy pelosi she is the gift that keeps on giving.
she is a nonstop gaffe master. i ran for office. people say things sometimes you wish you could take back. i could have said that differently we get it the thing with pelosi is she seems to never say anything right. talking about the tax cuts they are just crumbs. crumbs to people who are working imagine a coal miner in west virginia who gets 1,000s dollars bonus and go home with his family and hey we are going to disney world or something. that s crumbs to them? then of course weave had the ms-13 comment. how do you defend ms-13? why do you that? of course, we had the oldy but goody the old well we will find out what s in obamacare after we pass it. she is the gift that keeps on giving. abby: it s not just republicans. as pete mentioned you have got dozens of democrats and a lot of them are the new faces and the new blood coming into the democratic party. o connor one of them. ed: a list that s scrolling right there. over 50. abby: they are saying they wouldn t vote for her as speaker. what does that tell you about her? her job is an important one. not only does she raise money for the party. you are basically the spokes
personal. you are the one that is leading the charge for the base within the democratic party. having run before from a tactical perspective we can t deny the obvious. we do actual news on this network here. she has been effective in raising money. she did marshall through obamacare. so she can whip votes and she can raise money which is the primary goal. ed: she told us she is a master legislator and astute leader. if she was a masser talker she would be more effective. unfortunately she is not. that s the downside. the problem she has now some of the more moderate candidates don t like her because they think she is too left and other candidates don t think she is left enough. she is in real trouble. abby: dan, good to he so you. thanks so much. pete: a fox news alert. airline employee steal as plane taking it for a tariffing ride before crashing it how could this happen? a former faa official is here to weigh in next. h.
might get windy. have a good shift. fire pit. last use 0600. i d stay close. morning. get ready to switch. protected by flo. should say, protected by alan and jamie. -right? -should it? when you bundle home and auto. run, alan! .you get more than just savings. you get round-the-clock protection.
you always get the lowest price on our rooms, guaranteed? let s say it in a really low voice. carl? lowest price, guaranteed. just stick with badda book. badda boom. book now at pete: we are back with a fox news alert. a suicidal alaska airlines employee died after crashing a stolen commercial plane. ed: he took the aircraft from seattle-tacoma international airport flying dangerously close to home. look at the reaction. holy [bleep] oh my god. what is happening right now? abby: so frightening. military fighter jets closely tailing that plane before it eventually crashed on an island. police say no other passengers were on the
plane. authorities claiming this is not terrorism. a former senior official from the aviation administration and the department of homeland security during the bush administration now with rosemont streaghtsz strategies. a perfect voice to help us understand. this i don t think there really is enough to go off of to fully understand how this happened but what is your immediate reaction? my immediate reaction certified mechanic. he has the proper credentials. he understands how an aircraft works. it s off in a maintenance facility. he has total access to the aircraft. i m kind of surprised that we always knew something like this could happen and when it does happen, we actually had a system in place where we had air traffic control immediately identify this aircraft was not an authorized flight. they contact the military military scrambles. air traffic controllers clear the airspace and monitor to see what this fellow is going to do.
it a terrifying scenario, there is always going to be this level of risk when this kind of system. ed: talk about that response and getting the military involved. that is after the plane has already been taken as you say. sure. ed: the idea that you as an expert and some of the other we have had on earlier. i have had people contact me on social media your experts are basically saying it s relatively easy once you are in a secure area to take a plane. i just think that s very jarring for a lot of people waking up this morning. i guess. but what is the alternative? you have a mechanic who has to get on that aircraft, right? he has to understand how this plane works. which he obviously did. you know, have you got to know your people. have you got to you know, they do go through a level of background checks. at a certain point, how do you know this fellow is the day that is the day that he is going to finally try to take out the plane and do some aerodynamics he has never done before. pete: that s the point. you can t control for everything. they may have will toed the protocols even before and after. how much screening is done for mental health or for
radicalization in these positions that have so much access? i mean, i don t think there is never enough that can you do. but, when somebody decides to do, this i don t think there is a test out there that probably could have found this out. and if you get into the testing, it s a level of testing that s incredibly expensive. incredibly time-consuming and the carriers are saying okay, what s really the level of risk here? we are trying to find a needle in a haystack that s going to cost us millions of dollars and we will pass that onto the consumer to find some body. i have always been of the opinion of there is a infinite way of people ways that people can hurt us but there is only a finite number of people to do that. so the more money we can shift into that mental health, the background checks, the better off we are going to be. abby: scott, we don t live in a perfect world. i think this is what you are saying. no matter how many background checks do you and look into someone and prepare for, this there are still things that are going
to happen. we should be lucky that we haven t seen this happen up until now like this. if anything, we should be proud of the folks that did step in and handle it the way that they did. ultimately, no one else was hurt in this. absolutely. the system worked as it s designed to work. air traffic controllers right away knew there was a problem. they followed the protocol that got the military up in the air. i don t know what the reaction time was. but i m guessing it was probably a couple of minutes. and, fortunately they didn t have to shoot him down which, obviously, could have caused all kinds of side effects. and the fellow either crashed because of his lack of skills or it was intentional. ed: scott brenner, we appreciate your insight this morning. abby: good to have you with us this morning. a lot of other things going on. i want to bring you those headlines. starting with. this illegal immigrant amend convicted felon is arrested for the tenth time in the united states. the mexican citizen is now in custody in michigan and an outstanding warrant for burglary. he has been deported from the u.s. several times over the course of nearly two
decades. once released from custody he will be handed over to ice. and there s this. lawmakers in west virginia are demanding for the state s entire supreme court to be impeached. in a court filing approved this he can, would the four justices are accused of corruption, incompetency and neglect of duty just to name a few. the 14 articles of impeachment will now go to the full house of delegates for a vote. and rascal flatts citing a security concern for concert abruptly ending in indiana. lights turning on right before their encore. one band member suddenly rushing off the stage as guards force confused fans to evacuate the venue. police are now investigating what they call a safety issue. although it s still unclear exactly what happened. keep a close eye on that. and we are making america great again by 2020 in space. apparently earlier on information, sergeant first
class tim kennedy announced he wants to be one of the volunteers. recommendation you know, being a sniper is cool. being a green beret is awesome. being a ranger is awesome. being an astronaut is awesome. but doing all of those things together, like you can t wish for anything cooler. abby: vice president mike pence is now calling on congress to approve $8 billion to fund that plan. ed: what about pete? pete: i would love to be in the space force. i don t think i qualify. i really don t. they have higher standards. pete: i feel like you are off in space a lot. ed: that s true. space cadet. abby: i would love it. rick: for sure. i m too old. pete: no way. rick: i m like right at that age where things start to kick in i m really too old to do it. it s happening. abby: what s going on out there. rick: a lot actually going on out there. notice the temps across the great lakes and minneapolis 70 degrees. it s going to get hot today. rain coming for the weekend across parts of
mid-atlantic. across parts of vermont. take a look at the radar picture. showers across florida today. big storms moving right in here across the northeast. throughout parts of new jersey, eventually heading in right now connecticut and parts of new england. really quickly moving across texas. notice big storms this morning around the dallas area. we are going to see this kind of settle here and be a very stormy weekend all across parts especially central texas. watch for that big storms moving across areas of arizona overnight. we will continue to watch those on over towards the colorado river valley as well. watch that notice big fire danger continuing out across areas of especially the northern rockies where it s very hot and it s very dry. we do see the temperatures cool down a little bit this weekend temporarily into the pacific northwest. take a look at that 101 in billings. the heat is on. all right, guys. abby: thank you, rick. rick: you bet. ed: boston globe declaring a war of words.
unite against the president. they are actually saying hey, let s attack. pete: they are just out about it plus, alexandria ocasio-cortez, the socialist from the bronx, won t debate ben shapiro because she claims he was catcalling. is that really a fair excuse for refusing to debate? we ll bring it to you just roll with it, baby go on and just roll with it, baby i was on the fence about changing from a manual to an electric toothbrush. but my hygienist said going electric
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not so cute when they re angry. and we covered it. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we ve seen a thing or two. we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum pete: quick headlines for you i swear it s not the onion edition. stormy daniels lawyer considering a run for president. michael avenatti hopes people take him seriously because the democratic party needs a fighter like him. he toured the iowa state fair before speaking at a fundraiser there. the second story, a california democrat is sparking 2020 rumors after making his tenth visit coincidentally to iowa this weekend. congressman eric swalwell
has instantly increased his profile making more than 200 television appearances to discuss the ongoing investigation into russian meddling within the last year. i work at fox. i don t think i have done as many hits as he has. iowa is a key battle ground state for presidential runs. abby, over to you. abby: 2020. thank you, pete. conservative commentator ben shapiro said he would donate 10,000 to do so alexandria ocasio-cortez if she agreed to debate him. and i would love to have a real conversation with you about the issues. you noted you think republicans are afraid to debate you or talk to you or discuss the issues with you, not only am i eager to discuss the issues with you, i m willing to offer $10,000 to your campaign today. abby: the democratic socialist was not having it she tweeted this out. just like catcalling, i don t owe a response to unsolicited requests from men with bad intentions. and also like catcalling, for some reason they feel entitled to one. is that really a fair excuse for refusing to debate someone?
aerial davidson a contributor to the federalist and she joins us right now with her reaction. this continues to go on, aerial. you know, i thought i knew the definition of sexism and catcalling and i m not sure that that fits into that. what is going on here? hi, thanks for having me, abby. so, again, i think it s really quite a bizarre chain of events to draw a parallel between someone offering to debate you and catcalling. does nothing but to shut down conversation. and now more than ever, i think conversations be incredibly valuable especially between ben shapiro an esteemed commentator and a de vowed socialist. socialism more and more popular to millennials. it s important to bring them to the forefront and challenge them in a open forum setting. abby: if she did not want to debate ben shapiro either ignore it all together or simply say no. so we did a little research and found a tweet back from may when she was running
against her opponent. here is something she tweeted to him about trying to debate him. she said my opponent seems to be avoid ago debated and isn t acknowledging me. it s just the two of us. so this weekend i stopped by his office, said hello and asked for a debate in person. i m the first congressional challenger in 14 years. the bronx and queens deserve to know their options. erielle how is that different than what ben shapiro is doing asking her to debate. slightly different. those are two political opponents. you hit the nail on the he had. she is there in that point in may willing to engage in dialogue. now suddenly because a man has challenged her she is not willing to have that conversation. going back to the allegation of sexism, that does nothing but actually harm real victims of sexism who have experienced those instances. false accusations do nothing to empower women. what really is upsetting for me, at least, as a young woman myself, to have someone make those kind of
accusations and to have them be false is ultimately harmful. abby: why don t you think she wants to debate ben shapiro. obviously he knows his sufficient stuff they may we hem negligently disagree on the issues. it seems like she is running for office because she cares about the issues she is passionate about. why not say let s have that debated? what it comes down to she sproble just scared that ben shapiro may be able to out debate her. that s what it comes down to. she doesn t want to be in a situation where she is going to be challenged. i think when she has gone on other networks. she has been given softball questions. people have skirted around issues with her. i don t think ben shapiro would do that. abby: it would certainly be a fascinating debate to watch. good to have you with us this morning. thank you for having me. abby: coming up on the show nfl anthem prosecute protests wrapping up as preseason begins. enough to president trump has a new message for those kneelers. plus, we are new yorking down pins in our bowling alley to celebrate, of course, national bowling day and go is making
a special announcement. you are will hear that right here on fox & friends live nice. next. motorcycle revving motorcycle revving motorcycle revving no matter who rides point, there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. and just like tyrone taylor, they know what it takes to help keep you protected. are you in good hands?
and bowling is the number one sport of people to do all year long in america. [cheers] 67 million people go bowling every year. pete: including thee i go bowling about once a month. rick: do you really well. pete: i don t know about that. ed: you will de baying something at the macy s day parade. we have a macy s day parade balloon. going to be macy s day parade. it s iconic because macy s is not only america s great family thing to do during thanksgiving and watch. but bowling is, too. pete: rick, i just matched your strike. rick: you did. i was impressed with that what s the tip for amateur bowlers. main thing is following through. rick is doing a good job following through with your
throw. rick: what i love about you guys you have the manual pin setters back there. they set them up. dangerous job. that s what it used to be like, rick. back in the 1930s. pete: left. southpaw. pete: got a jump on it. [cheers] oh, yeah. pete: got to give it to you that is dang good right there. what is it go yes. you can down load a free game of bowling that s good now today, national bowling day through the end of august at go you can see bowling fitters near your home. rick: still have to rent your shoes or is that included? no. you still have to rent your shoes. ed: pete is going to get one more crack at it. all here live here coming up. pete: oh, yanked it no good. bad, i should have.
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trying to land the airplane safely and not hurt anybody on the ground. a 29 year old airline employee stole a commercial jet and flew it around before crash ing into a small island. i don t want to. i was kind of hoping that was going to be it, you know? we have a lot of security at airports these days. they had credentials and the ability to get out on the ramp. we re going to get serious about illegal immigration. we can t tolerate sanctuary cities. the nfl preseason has barely begun and athletes are already renewing their protest during the national anthem. we do have issues and those issues should be recognized. i don t know if disrespecting the american flag is the way to go about it. i love the american flag. i fought to protect it. pete: nancy pelosi the president
not a big fan of her except for on twitter. a little sarcasm here he said she s tried very hard and has every right to take down the democratic party. we love nancy pelosi she s the gift that keeps on giving talk about the tax cuts they re just crumbs. pete: on the plaza, we re celebrating national bowling day and there might be a trophy involved. pete: rick saccone getting into it. rick has skills but it s usually off camera. abby: he s not happy about that. pete: i forget, ed. ed: i m used to seeing that. pete: ed has a nice little, like a hop. he gives it a little air. a couple of nice throws i ve got to be honest. abby: he never bowls. ed: i don t bowl a lot. pete: i bowl a lot and i m a lefty. still got this smooth, i m a little worried i know we re going to compete.
abby: why are you doing that? pete: because i ve built him up to knock him down. abby: good morning all of you it s national bowling day so we ll continue to bowl at the end of the show. pete: straight up competition. the trophy will be there ed. abby: he s got that spin. pete: i don t know how many frames are we going one or two? ed: you re a lefty too, right? pete: nope. ed: we had a lot of news overnight. abby: we do begin with a fox news alert, the suicidal alaska airlines employee killed after crashing a stolen plane. pete: he took the aircraft commercial aircraft that could seat 76 people from the seattle tacoma international airport, flying it or some say up to 90 minutes before crashing it with just himself on there. ed: and went about 25 miles dan springer is live at the airport with what we know at this hour. good morning, dan. reporter: good morning, ed, abbey and pete. it was 90 minutes of shear panic and high drama out here. nobody knew what this guy was going to do.
29 year old airline employee as you said, got into a commercial airplane and took off and flew around the puget sound for 90 minutes before crashing into a small island south of tacoma. the video is absolutely amazing. it shows the q400 turbo top doing loops and flying low to the ground lots and lots of people took their cell phones out and took video it just seemed so bizarre the 76 seat plane is made by bombardier and the military quickly sent up two f-15 fighter jets that came from portland. they came up in about seven minutes they were here and they followed it and they were ready to shoot it down if necessary. the man who stole the plane worked for horizon eras a ground service agent. those are the people who direct planes to the gate and deice planes during the winter. he joked with air traffic controllers about his flying skills even though he was not a pilot. he calls himself a broken man and sounded suicidal.
i don t want to hurt no one. i just want you to wisper sweet nothings into my ear. i ve got a lot of people that care about me and it s going to disappoint them to hear that i did this. the air traffic control tried to keep him away from population centers they tried to get him to land at first a military base and then over water. the fighter jets did not shoot the plane down as it flew south of seattle towards tacoma and then south of tacoma. an hour and a half after the plane took off it crashed in a very small island. pierce county officials say this was not an act of terrorism. there is no indication that he did this to threaten anybody. there s no indication of any kind of terrorist link or anything like that. reporter: the crash happened an ketron island between tacoma and olympia. there are a handful of houses about 20 people live there, the plane went down in a wooded area , did start a fire but
nobody on the ground was hurt. the mans name was not released and the fbi is taking the lead in this investigation which is a little unusual. usually the national transportation safety board would handle the lead in any commercial aircraft crash investigation; however in this case i think it s pretty clear what caused the crash. it was the lack of skill on the part of the man flying the plane back to you. abby: dan springer live for you. pete: thank you, dan. abby: we ve been talking about this investigation all morning and still the questions remain but it shouldn t be lost on any of us how sad this was. every time there s a suicide i can t help but think what was going on behind closed doors. i grew up mormon. there s a hymn that goes in the quiet heart is hidden sorrow that the eye can t see and that s so well said in moments like this and obviously the employees and people around him they must all be shocked as well and it s just heartbreaking that he would rather kill himself than continue to live life in whatever pain he was feeling it s just a sad part of the story. pete: definitely sad and scary for people that wake up and say
there s airports like this all across the country with people that have legitimate clearance and access to planes. this guy was a mechanic or involved in the mechanisms of the plane, had basic knowledge of flying and what if someone with even worse intentions were to get a hold of that. what if it had steered toward seattle or the needle or one of the high rises in that downtown brings back thoughts unfortunately of terrorism. ed: talked to various senior senior faa officials like scott brenner who served during the bush administration and talked that people with access as pete suggested can do this but the good news is that the system actually worked. we always knew something like this could happen and when it does happen we actually had a system in place where we had air traffic control immediately identify that this aircraft was not an authorized flight. they contact the military. military scrambles, air traffic controllers clear the air space, and then we just monitor to see
what this guy is going to do. it is a terrifying scenario, but there s always going to be this level of risk with this kind of system. abby: we don t live in a perfect world as great as our men and women are that serve this country and protect whether it s with our airlines or anything else, i mean, bad things are going to happen and we always have to question how could we prevent it and what can we do better to make sure we feel safer and that this doesn t happen again but to this point given the situation you had the people there responding the pete: i think we ll get another look at background checks for medical health. abby: well the president was up and the white house is very aware of what s gone on and they sent out a statement saying they re working closely with folks on the ground there. ed: the president has been briefed on the situation and obviously is aware of the federal investigation that s ongoing. another thing the president is on top of as well, obviously has been something else we ve been talking about this morning, we talked for a long time about the investigation of the investigators when it comes to the whole russia probe and just
a few moments ago the president tweeted, why isn t the fbi giving andrew mccabe text messages to judicial watch or appropriate governmental authorities? fbi won t even give up one. i may have to get involved. do not destroy, he says, of the messages in all caps. what are they hiding? mccabe s wife took big campaign dollars from hillary people. will the fbi ever recover its one stellar reputation so badly damaged by comey, mccabe, peter strzok, his lover the lovely lisa page and other top official s now dismissed or fired so many of the great men and women of the fbi have been hurt by these clowns and losers. pete: to give you a little bit more context, judicial watch just tweeted in response to the president s tweet they said as president trump mentions judicial watch is still seeking mccabe s text messages and other communications of stock, page, comey, and others as part of the ongoing effort to hold the fbi
and doj accountable. they will say the fbi has still not been forthcoming that they ve classified too much, slow walked too much and as a result we still don t know the extent. ed: we ve only seen the text messages between peter strzok and lisa page, andrew mccabe now added to the mix as well what about his e-mails and text messages remember the previous text we heard about had to talk about an insurance policy this meeting in andrews office presumably andrew mccabe so we ve seen peter strzok and lisa page going back and forth not all their messages but some. what about andrew mccabe s messages the president highlight ing something. abby: i think the biggest word that comes to so many minds is accountability. where is the accountability when it comes to the fbi and doj and how they ve handled all of this? how is it you can have this russia investigation play out for so long on all the taxpayer money going towards that and yet there s nothing done here. no one, peter strzok and others, after all of this. ed: he was forced out of the fbi
but had there been accountability. pete: exactly only after things were exposed and this sentence stuck out to both of us. i may have to get involved do not destroy of course the president has the power to declassify whatever he wants, and order the fbi to release more and more and more if the fbi won t comply. what does that sentence mean? does it mean something might happen before the mid-term? we don t know we ll keep looking for those answers. abby: whether that s the right strategy for him or not. pete: he feels like they ve slow walked the wrong things. ed: remember rudy guiliani a couple days ago said there s a lot more coming he suggested about the investigators investigating all of this, possible obstruction of justice he said and a lot of the presidents critics maybe there s more they know that we don t know yet. abby: all right pete: absolutely abby: still never going to end is it? pete: it s not. abby: there s not to be accountability and punishment when they re a bad actor.
pete: imagine if it had been a democratic candidate. no, really. abby: that s what i always say if you care about the country, care about the job of the doj it doesn t matter what your party is you should care about what has gone on there. send us your thoughts, friends. turning to other headlines that we re following from here, a highway motorcycle officer and a driver he pulled over are both killed during a traffic stop. a pick-up truck slamming into the men on the side of the road the california state highway patrol saying that the officer died doing what he loved. he was the ultimate public servant. he loved what he did. he loved being a chp officer. he loved being a chp motorcycle officer. abby: the driver of the pick-up truck is in the hospital cooperating with authorities. he s a 19 year veteran of the force and an ex-marine leaves behind his wife and three children. so sad. and there s this, two police officers are among four people killed in a deadly rampage in
canada officers were responding to a call of shots fired in new brunswick. they came across two victims on the ground just moments before getting shot themselves. the accused shooter is now being identified as a 48 year old man suffering from serious injuries after a gun fight with police. a motive is still unclear. also this confirmation hearings for succomb in my brett kavanaugh will begin next month. the hearings are expected to last between three and four days republicans are hoping to get kavanaugh seated on the high court as early as october. president trump nominated kavanaugh to replace retiring justice anthony kennedy. and nasa scrubs what would have been a historical launch overnight with one minute 55 seconds to go in the countdown. officials were forced to shutdown the so-called mission to touch the sun after missing its launch window the probe is expected to come within 3.8 million miles of the sun by december of 2024. the launch is rescheduled for
tomorrow morning. that is very cool. ed: all right pete: i wouldn t want to be on that one. ed: yeah. pete: i don t think anybody is. abby: that close to the sun? ed: liberal senator is accusing critics of weaponizing identity politics imagine that. what s that phrase identity politics? that phrase is used to divide and it is used to distract. ed: but i thought it was a phrase used by the left so when will progressives learn it s a losing message? tammy bruce might have the answer, next. pete: plus look whose warming up right now in addition to tammy. oh, my goodness. weight lifting. ed: the competition. this got a lot more interesting. you wouldn t accept an incomplete job from any one else. why accept it from your allergy pills? flonase sensimist relieves all your worst symptoms, including nasal congestion, which most pills don t. and all from a gentle mist you can barely feel.
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well senator harris accused the critics of weaponizing the term identity politics of the listen. i have a problem guys, with that phrase, identity politics. that phrase is used to divide and it is used to distract. abby: but still, identity politics continues to be a hallmark of the left, so when will she and other progressives realize it is a losing message? here to weigh in fox news contributor and radio talk show host tammy truce always good to have you with us and you ve been writing about this this is something that you ve dug into. well look what she was saying at that net roots conference a week ago is fascinating. they re not saying that identity politics which is the idea you should vote for someone simply because of who they are, based on gender or race, or sexuality, not about the issues of the policies they stand for. that s what the left has been invested in so when the name of
it suggests of course that in fact, that using identity politics, calling it out is. but what we know is that in fact americans are rejecting it and i think that s what they are reacting to. they want to still apply it but they want to gas light the american people particularly their own base, into still being invested in it because when you say you should vote for someone like hillary just because she s a woman that means you re not supposed to care about the issues or policies. one thing we do know an independent woman s voice survey a group of which i m president found that 85% of americans reject the idea of identity politics. they want more women in office that s clearly a goal. we want diversity and of course the nation is diverse but the idea of just voting for someone based on as example if they re woman is rejected and that includes 84% of women and only about i think it was 25% of democrats think it s a good idea , so overall americans are rejecting the concept. abby: you make such a good point on getting lost focusing on
identity politics and forgetting about the issues about what actually drives people to go to the polls. democrats i think could learn a lot from o connor from the 12th district in ohio. he was not an anti-trump democrat he was 31 year old fresh face of the party focused on the issues he cared about more of a moderate voice. that s where the moderates come in too is if you re moderate you can talk about the policies. the further left you go you don t want to because your policies are not accepted by the american people and fail and we can use president obama as an example of that. he talked in very vague terms during a campaign, hope and change. when he gets in he of course then implements what were very far left policies but they didn t even know how to implement them. abby: but it s a great point when campaigning it s not just about energizing your base that s important for the primary but you ve got to win the country and you ve got to get outside the party. it s the people who rejected the parties, effectively the
average person, the normal who wants to know what are you going to do specifically because his term for example, is over 3 million women fell into poverty african americans did not do well so we want diversity but specifics and policy that works and that means moderate to center right framework and that s difficult for the left. abby: maybe the democrats could use you as a consultant tammy. i think they know about the answers here. abby: good to have you with us. coming up on the show a towering tribute to president trump the inspiration behind this 20-foot tall presidential piece of art, more on that. plus president trump has got a message for democrats. he says support nancy pelosi. greg gutfeld, you know you love him. he s live next. motorcycle revving
motorcycle revving motorcycle revving motorcycle revving no matter who rides point, there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. and just like tyrone taylor, they know what it takes to help keep you protected. are you in good hands?
so i put them together and it was originally called the gutfeld hoax and then liars losers and leakers but i thought i m going to do this. abby: greg maybe you could run for house speaker? i think it would be pretty good but they would have to change the podium because i can t see over it. abby: you re a little short? yeah. abby: what do you make that you do have a number of folks within nancy pelosi s own party fresh faces coming but also people already on the job saying he want out? yeah, that could change once everything, because she s pretty powerful. it s like you can complain to your parents all the time but when they yell dinner you come to the table. the tweet though is fan fantastic that grade a trolling it s like an insult, disguised as a defense it s like saying oh , isn t it great that you have ed henry on fox & friends? pete: he s trying so hard and it keeps him busy, out of trouble, you know ed. ed: wait is that a joke? abby: so well played.
so true. it is i love it but it s a very unique, we have a very unique leader whether you love him or hate him our president goes on twitter and trolls people and it s good humored i think that s a good-humored tweet. let s face it he does get along with pelosi. ed: these daring deputies that promote her right before the mid-term. exactly. pete: fourth time is a charm. yes. pete: but you add her to the socialistic from the bronx he s pointing out the obvious that the longer we talk about them the better it is. i do think though the more you talk about cortez i think the better she s going to get because she s going to react to the criticism so and that s why i think well maybe i m wrong though. i haven t seen the improvement yet but i have a feeling i always believe that criticism helps you. that s why i m constantly writing e-mails, pete. pete: late at night. e-mails, do better, pete. do better. abby: greg accepting the criticism also is part of that so the gutfeld monologue so people are wondering what that is and if you re watching you know what it is.
watch greg here is just a little snip-it. [laughter] pete: on crutches you could see the jokes limping toward you. the dinner is now just old news, good job, like the straws you try to ban, you suck, but unlike the straws, not in a good way. the world is getting hotter and it s not global warming. it s political tension driven by emotion. who knew the lasting role would be irrelevant gas bag pleasing irrelevant peers? ed: monologues are classic they usually start with scribble on a paper. yes exactly. pete: where do you get the inspiration every day? i woke up every morning strong cup of coffee and look at what s on tv and what s not been said step one, and what is the angle they haven t heard and then i try to make that angle such that it s when you hear it you go that s exactly what i was thinking so the viewers when they are listening they go he s saying exactly what i m thinking but i haven t articulated it like that so it s a two-step
process. what s not been said and what matches the unspeakable truth that lives inside your head. app abby: how much do you mention robots and unicorns in the book? 40% is robots and 30% is unicorns. pete: but let s be real here. your mind works on another plane or analogies and comparisons where do you come up with the comparisons you use to make things relevant? well, i pretend i use this tip when i mentioned it in the book i pretend that i m drunk so i just sit there and go okay, the democratic agenda is as thin as hair, something like that, a line that i ve often used, but anyway that s what happens and also i ll step into the hallway of our pod and if i can t think of something, i ll start the
sentence, you know, and i ll say like i don t know the democratic agenda is as bloated as, and some will say michael moore after three pizzas and i go oh, that s too obvious, besides i used that yesterday but you play ping pong with your co-workers. it s very good. i won t be making jokes about the view any more abbey as long as you re on it. how am i going to do that? you ve ruined the view for me. abby: greg i love you. [laughter] abby: all right, go buy gutfeld monologues get your greg in your life. love you guys. pete: thanks for getting up early for us. my pleasure. ed: check it out, meanwhile, right in the middle of a busy new york street now a cab driver could be in big trouble the video you ve got to see. pete: plus we are knocking down pins for national bowling day, just ahead, ed and i will be facing off one on one, for the trophy on the fox & friends bowl
ing allie. old time of rock and roll
abby: but guess what the competition happens again at the end of our show. we will be bowling. pete: in just a little bit i think actually after you read headlines, but don t leave. abby: just like a few minutes from now. ed: let me get ready. abby: good luck ed you re already behind. let me bring you the headlines we re following closely starting here reality tv star on and off boyfriend found dead inside of trump tower. 51 year old dennis shields was unresponsive in his apartment of an apparent drug overdose. the new york post reporting that shields asked his assistant to administer narcan used to invert opioid overdoses. an investigation it is underway at this moment. also this. iran test firing a ballistic missile for the very first time this year. officials exclusively telling fox news that the launch is sending a message to the united states. this after president trump pulled out of the iran nuclear deal and slapped new sanctions on that country. the missile flew more than 100
miles landing in the persian gulf. and road rage turns into a brawl in the middle of the street. police say that a cab driver wearing a white shirt in this video started attacking a couple who allegedly cut her off in new york city. police say the woman punched a guy in the face biting him in the neck and eventually the 25-year-old gets back into her cab and rams into multiple vehicles including a couple s nissan with a two week old baby inside the car. the cab driver with a history of assault was arrested and her license is suspended. all right, an artist is showing his support for president trump creating this 20-foot sculpture, placing his masterpiece in front of a home in new york. take a look at this. i m an artist and this is my work. it is my display to provoke emotion. this community they love it. i think a little bigger would be better. abby: he created this sign back in 2016 showing his support for
then presidential candidate. before someone set it on fire. those are some of your headlines out to the bowl bowling ally, rick we ve been watching you bowl all morning long. rick: yeah i ve had a couple of strikes, have you been watching the bowling this morning? yes. rick: great day yesterday too. from texas getting rain take a look at the weather map show you what s going on this morning we do have high fire danger continuing out across parts of the west unfortunately over 93 large wildfires going on in the west and the conditions continue to be very very rough. across the areas of the northeast today very heavy rain going on especially across parts of pennsylvania into jersey, and this kind of pattern goes with us for much of the weekend down to the southeast a pretty nice day across areas in the deep south from alabama to georgia showers across parts of florida and then into texas today and tomorrow big showers, not the case in the northern plains it is hot and it is sunny 95 in
fargo, finally out across parts of the west mostly dry except for rain showers and more monday soon moisture across parts of arizona. pete: all morning we ve been celebrating national bowling day with and now it s time for some, it says friendly competition so let s just go with competition. ed: first let s get tips joining us pba tour bowlers andrew anderson plus pwb a rising star. right here. pete: good morning guys. how are you? pete: so we could talk all day about how good you are as pros but we re not pros, so what s the basic tip we need to succeed as amateures here? just pick out a target reach all the way out trying to hit your target and if you keep it online hopefully hit the one in the front. try to hit the target. ed: straight to the target what s your tip? follow through to the target
ed: okay. pete: so we re playing three frames. ed: two out of three? pete: just walk through. abby: i m trying to help ed out here he needs all the help in the world. pete: best of three frames, here we go. oh, no! abby: ed you ve got some air. pete: we got to have more balls. is there a second ball here? ed: i don t know. pete: could we have another ball ed: they re resetting the pins. pete: ed you re clearly ahead here. ed: i got one. pete: where is your ball? pete: we ve got people down there setting the pins are you ready? ed: i ve got a ball here. pete: are you ready? ed: the straighter the better. abby: look at ed! [applause]
pete: i m in a bad place. ed: wow! thank you for the tip. that s done. that s done. abby: where is the trophy? pete: it is done. abby: ed how does it feel? ed: i know you re going to miss this, this is the finest moment for me beating pete. he had a good streak but it s over baby. pete: and i actually bowl, it s like basketball. abby: did you see his form? pete: the form is nice i ve got to say. ed: i call it air henry. pete: a little hop on it. abby: it doesn t matter as long as you get the pins down. ed: that s right. thanks for all of the great tips national bowling day. pete: no thanks to you. let me get a strike for redemption. ed: gutter ball. pete: come on! [applause] ed: that does not count. that does not count. abby: coming up on the show
president trump says a trade deal with mexico is coming along nicely but when it comes to our neighbors in the north the president is warning canada and what happens next we ll ask our own trish regan next. do you believe in magic bass pro shops and cabela s bring you the fall hunting classic, with huge savings on the latest gear. plus you can earn up to $100 in club points when you pay with your bass pro shops club or cabela s club credit card. [ horn honking ] [ engine revving ] what s that, girl? [ engine revving ] flo needs help?! [ engine revving ] take me to her! coming, flo! why aren t we taking roads?! flo. [ horn honking ] -oh. you made it. do you have change for a dollar?
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well parishing is being brought to life, back to life an ancient elephant-like animal will be sitting inside the university of michigan s new museum of natural history which will open in april very cool. mastadon. abby: we know what you meant. pete: did you? i didn t. abby: you know whose been very clear about what he means is president trump when it comes to the nfl and kneeling for the national anthem this is the most recent tweet because football season is starting again if you can believe it. pete: it did preseason. abby: he said be happy be cool a football game that fans are paying so much money to watch and enjoy is no place to protest most of that money goes to the players anyway. find another way to protest stand proudly for your national anthem or be suspended without pay. pete: yeah. president making the point youly a game for a trophy at the end of the season it s a great game you have the privilege of playing you want to be there for that super bowl we get to watch we love the game, but yet again,
this season, first thursday of the preseason you ve got players kneeling again because the nfl didn t figure it out, they thought they did and then they waffled and now you ve got kneeling again. it doesn t matter if it happens season after season it remains offensive to everyone that understands how significant that flag is. ed: we have the freedom of expression in this country of course people can protest this is america but you also are in a workplace essentially when you re on a team like this i think is what is part the president is alluding to there and when the boss says got to get to work no kneeling that should be followed but number two we can vote it s a marketplace and we can vote with our wallets and we saw ratings dip last year and people going less and less people going to stadiums last year it ll be interesting i m getting tweets from people saying i m skipping the nfl this year. abby: this is when leadership matters more than ever as you said ed they have every right to protest in this country that s what living in democracy is all about but if you re roger goodell we should not be here a
year later. the nba has not had it hockey has not had it baseball you name it they re not going through what the nfl has i think this goes up to leadership. have conversations with your players and say how can we move forward together and talk about the things you re upset about. pete: they ve done that and giving millions to social justice causes for the player association. abby: not enough though, pete. pete: well they re not doing enough to enforce their own rules to just stand for the national anthem. it s not that hard. that s what the president said you want to play in the nfl stand for the anthem that s what jerry jones said with the cowboys he said if you re on america s team you stand for the anthem. ed: and that quarterback said we re going to stand and earlier we had sargent tim kennedy retired mma fighter a rock war veteran and here is what he said about what the flag means to him come over to my side and look at that flag being folded slowly, carefully deliberately and then handed to a widow or a mop, handed to a dad that just lost their son in a war like i ve seen that countless times and seen that flag flying in
bases being over run by taliban and i.c.e. and al qaeda. friends of mine doing absolutely everything in their power to keep that flag flying, and to have the national anthem come on and you use that as an opportunity to disrespect the flag while it s trying to promote some issues it s the wrong time. abby: so that veteran and every other person in this country that serves, they are the reasons that we get to live in this country and do what we do. they are the reasons these players get to kneel. they are the reason we get to sit in front of this camera and talk every morning to our wonderful viewers. there s got to be another way to move forward if we can t stand or respect that flag, who are we pete: or this is just going to continue. ratings continue to drop they get called out by the president this is a cultural issue he s clearly passionate about. figure it out nfl or more of us
abby: go have conversations and go to the white house and sit down with the president and tell him what you re frustrated about what we need to do as a country and what you think we should do. ed: a lot said they don t want to sit down with the president and you heard spike lee telling cnn i don t want to talk to the president he s not my president. so how do you have a conversation if you don t even want to sit down with the man? abby: send us your thoughts on that. how is the trophy ed? ed: well it s raining outside and we want to cheer people up but i want to cheer up pete because i feel bad when we were bowling like i left him in the gutter. so we re going to cheer you up on this dreary day and cody johnson performing in our all-american summer concert series yesterday and up next an encore from his new single on my way to you. pete this trophy is on the way to you. pete: [laughter] all the damage done, i was just passing time motorcycle revving
motorcycle revving motorcycle revving motorcycle revving no matter who rides point, there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. and just like tyrone taylor, they know what it takes to help keep you protected. are you in good hands?
[applause] you all have been awesome thank you so much, god bless you [applause]
pete: let me get a strike for redemption. ed: bowl gutter ball! [applause] ed: that does not count. that does not count. someone actually tweeted me that pete should win because of that strike i m like did you miss the first two frames? abby: they also tweeted me saying because i stepped on your lane with wet shoes and caused it to be slippery. ed: i have not heard this many excuses since the 2016 election. but look at this. thank you. pete: ed: and they have our likeness on the other side. pete: it is national bowling day so it s a ton of fun get pizza and beer. abby: make bowling great again. pete: i love it i ll do it today ed: three of us back tomorrow

Sanctuary-cities , Ed , Abby , Morning , Guess-who , Lavaca , Italy , Pete , Nothing , News , Guys , Most