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Transcripts For DW DW News 20191125 01:00:00

bialik gassed. managed by shrapnel. this is w. news live from berlin celebration in hong kong pro-democracy candidates make massive gains at the probation as the probation both collapses in municipal elections the vote is seen as a referendum on the territories battle government also coming up it s too close to call in the race for the presidency and a lot of what early results from the country s presidential runoff could both candidates from the left and right neck and neck. and stores and head to believe
battled it out in the bundesliga both teams have been a disappointment so far this season could they rediscover their mojo. i m mommy and use of welcome to the program vote counting is underway in hong kong after municipal elections and already pro-democracy candidates have made massive gains they ve secured a majority with nearly $390.00 seeds compared to just 59 seats for the probation camp election is seen as a chance for hong kong has to have a direct say about the city s direction after nearly 6 months of protests. as polls closed and results started to trickle in celebrations erupted among pro-democracy voters on the streets of hong kong activists had urged people to go
to the ballot boxes and the record turnout of her around 70 percent answered the call. on she privately if there are more hong kong is costing their ballots it means a better democracy so if this year s voter turnout is higher than the previous election i think that s quite positive. many voters wanted to make their voices heard following nearly half a year of unrest in hong kong it had left many feeling that enough is enough. people have been long long you know the current. prime cooperate. almost listen to do was it of. the policy to choose district councillors they don t have any direct political power i see it merely offer advice to discover him and as hong kong s district councils have long been dominated by the probe ageing establishment pro-democracy voters believe this time the scales are tipping in
their favor. now for more on that story i m joined by our reporter hunk sean lee who has been following events there for us so the initial results have come in what you make of them so far all the counting is still on the way but early results have already shown that the pro-democracy camp is leading the poll it has already won more than $380.00 out of $452.00 seats and that s a lot and as for the probation camp they have lost around 240 seats compared to the last election many prominent probating heavyweights have been bombed out of office such as studio hold he s a very controversial figure and has caught a lot of media attention because of his abrasive comments about the protesters so the genius hoe he s been a controversial figure and he recently made headlines in november because it it appeared that he was stabbed at a campaign event now this could have gone both ways it could have obviously looked bad for the pro-democracy camp that because this criticism of them using violence
but he was kicked out of office how did this happen. genius who is very unpopular among protesters you re right he was stabbed in november and the attack was filmed and shared online so logically protesters and the prodemocracy can shoot loose support because of that violence why junius hall and the protests pro-government camp should actually gain support but why it didn t happen it s because many people doubt the credibility of that video so the video was filmed in a way as if it was all planned. the filming of the filming angle was perfect and besides he and his team reacted superfast and as if they knew exactly what was going to happen so that s why. a lot of people actually doubt the credibility and of course these are all speculations i have to say that but many believe that the attack was staged and that s why they didn t take it seriously so booting this guy out of office seems like a pretty big win for the pro-democracy camp but this is of course just
a municipal election. so what are the what s going to the outcome for hong kong how are they taking this well the results are very symbolic because the district council has. issued saying the results are actually only symbolic because the district council has relatively late to power in order for it in the political landscape of hong kong it has some sort of influence but not much. but it is giving a fresh fresh impetus to the protesters because it s approved for the protests supporters that if they are determined enough they can make a change and also there s a common argument among pro-government supporters they re saying that well a lot of the majority of the people are actually not in support of the protests but they are the silent majority and that s why they didn t say anything before. that they said that when one 4th of the population there was 2000000 people on the streets and also for change they were saying that they were arguing the ball but
then the other 5000000 people didn t come out and now this is just a slap in their face so do you think the protestors after this result are going to go back out on the streets yet definitely as long as the 5 demands of the protesters are not met people will keep on going out on to just streets. and now with the backing of the election results. the protesters can put pressure on carolyn s government and to ask for change and to osce carolan to respond to that in mots. reporter thanks for that analysis. now to some of the other stories making news around the world at least 26 people have been killed in a plane crash in the democratic republic of congo the aircraft came down in a residential area in the eastern city of goma authorities say the cause of the crash was potentially pilot error and. former new york mayor michael bloomberg has
announced he is running for president of the united states the former republican became a democratic a democrat just last year and as one of the richest people in the world he ll 1st have to beat out other democrats jostling to go up against president donald trump in 2020. romanian president klaus johannes has been reelected for a 2nd term in a landslide election victory the conservative defeated the leader of the social democrat party. the run up to the election was dominated by allegations of corruption against and she was part of the. now voting has ended in presidential runoff and early exit polls show lewis poll from the center right national party in the lead the poll came in 2nd in the initial round of voting but has assembled a possible winning coalition since then so far he s several points up on daniel martinez of the ruling center left broad front party they are facing widespread discontent with economic stagnation and rising unemployment.
iraqi security forces have opened fire on protesters in several cities including the capital baghdad at least 6 people have been killed in clashes and dozens of others injured the latest violence since anti-government protests began in october . before sunrise in the southern city of basra flames block the roads leading to iraq s major trading ports protesters no government workers will soon be trying to travel this way. it s not long before the pink dawn sky is filled with smoke and the empty streets i felt with demonstrators. was. across the country they re out in force from the south to the capital baghdad in iraq center. and everywhere they re facing
violence i was not for the 1st time security forces opened fire on the protesters. they shot life bullets and take us. was since the un rest began in october more than 300 people many protesters have been killed and thousands more injured demonstrators are calling for a whole system change. lives but the outgoing we want all the government to leave we have no other demands we want the fall of this government and the introduction of a new one made up of all those people with diplomas who are sitting on the bridges why are they there we haven t been happy for 16 years the end of the current anti-government protests iraq s largest since the fall of saddam hussein in 2003 many iraqis feel the political system that has been in place since then has failed
them corruption is rife unemployment is high promised reforms have not materialized and protesters say concessions offered by the government and not enough they want systematic change a complete overhaul of iraq s political system and they re prepared to die for its . faults francis has called upon world leaders to scrap their nuclear weapons the pontiff made the appeal during a symbolic visit to japan the only country to have suffered nuclear attacks. huge crowds turned out and braved the rain to catch a glimpse of the pope it s the 1st papal visit to japan for nearly 4 decades and not exactly the pontiff laid a wreath at a grain see room oriel for the 10s of thousands of people including $8000.00 catholics who perished in an atomic bombing in the final days of world war 2.
francis told the crowds that he believes a world without nuclear weapons is both possible and necessary and the money spent on them could be put to better use. the inter-day as world where millions of children and families live in inhumane conditions. the money that is wondered and the fortunes made through the night a fracture upgrading maintenance and sale of even more destructive weapons we are now from crying out to heaven not even. here. the pontiff is also visiting her russia the site of the 1st atomic bombing in 1945 on monday pope francis will meet survivors of the 20 a live in fukushima nuclear disaster he ll also meet japan s prime minister shinzo abbey and emperor not
a hito and he will be hoping that they and other global leaders he has calls for a nuclear free world. now in the bonus league on sunday head to berlin travel to both sides are stuck in the bottom half of the table and not living up to their own expectations the pressure is especially palpable in berlin where coach anted shoebridge has failed to make an impact since his appointment. pantech coverts was under pressure his berliners hadn t won in 4 outings opponents martin schmidt and alex borg were in even deeper why. but soon wipe the smile off the head coaches face phillip maxwell the free kick in the 17th minute no one touched it and it bounced freely into the net to make it one nil. 9 minutes later berlin keep it on a yosh john got tangled up with lucky and needed less now and the ball fell just.
doubled outboards lead. and to make matters worse yosh john was sent off for lunging at the venezuelan. substitute keeper denish then made his 1st but in this league periods and early in the 2nd half he conceded his 1st league goal andre with way too much space and a bit of luck 3 nil. and 10 minutes before the end caught had to flat footed with a cleverly disguised free kick which he had made a left no slotted home. for until the final score and the heat will only be turned up on took over the church. often hun missed the chance to jump up to force on the table after they were thrashed at home by mind the visitors had to play over half the game with 10 men after
a real back who was sent off for the dangerous challenge of seeing here but they still tore the home side apart going to know soon after the half time thanks to a bizarre own goal by a couple of back. and the goals kept on flowing here condemn along method to completing the 51 rout for months i was. in golf john rum has won the d.p. world tour championship in dubai the climax of the european tour season the 25 year old spaniard hit a beautiful shot out of the bunker to. set up a birdie on the final hole. that 4 didn t intend from tommy fleetwood to come from behind victory means from finish the season as the number one in europe netting him a total payday of 4500000 euros. watching d.w. news live from berlin i ll be back with more news of the top of the hour up next is
a documentary following the victims a female genital mutilation as they try to overcome their old guilt in germany for all the latest news and headlines check out our website that s d.w. dot com thanks for tuning in. welcome to the book is the game here for deep down the. trail trying to talk about some of the sounds of the coverage. 3 more. subtle we have. let s have a look at so many of them look so you don t want to. go with

Bialik , Season , Teams , Mojo , Disappointment , Bundesliga , Hong-kong , Candidates , Elections , Program-vote-counting , Mommy , Protests

Transcripts For CNNW The Sixties 20140703

welcome to our special breaking news coverage here. i m jake tapper in washington. and brooke baldwin at the cnn center in atlanta. we re here to bring you the latest on these two breaking stories this hour. first, hurricane arthur whipping the beaches of the carolinas right now and very close for the eye to be making a direct hit. our reporters are scattered all along the coast ready to bring you every angle of the storm. alina machado is in wrightsville beach, joe johns is way out on the outer banks in kill devil hills and our own chad myers is standing by in the cnn severe weather center. we ll get the very latest from all of them over the next hour as this massive storm barrels north. one storm we re watching tonight. the other, did you watch this hearing out of georgia today? the staggering jaw dropping details from this cobb county courtroom for this probable cause and bond hear fog the father of a boy who died in his hot car. here he was today in his orange jail jumpsuit. this is justin ross harris denied bail after the judge ruled he will stand trial on felony murder charges for leaving his 22-month-old son cooper in a hot car on a 90-degree georgia day. a police detective here testified today that harris was sexting with at least six different women, one of whom was 17 years of age, sending nude photos of himself on the day of his son s death. also tonight we can tell you that there are two life insurance policies that this couple apparently took out on this little boy. so we will have much, much more on this hearing and the implications coming up. that s right. a heartbreaking case. but let s go first back to that hurricane and alina machado. this storm could dump more than six inches of rain in some areas and it s already started to fall where you are. yeah, jake. it s actually been on and off here for several hours in wrightsville beep, north carolina. right now we just have wind, but conditions here continue to change moment to moment it seems. we are hearing reports that there are more than 6,000 customers in the county that we are, in new hanover county, north carolina, right now, that do not have power. where we are it appears that there is power. you can see some of the lights in some of the houses behind me. we also are hearing that for the most part people are heeding the warnings in terms of people being in the water after authorities told them not to be in the water. if they are they are listening to police when they approach them to tell them to get out of the water. so far no rescues. we ve heard reports of minor flooding in low lying areas. we re getting whipped here but we re hanging on. jake? brooke? the winds are expected to get up to 100 miles per hour. what s it like there now? how bad is it? we re feeling wind gusts. it comes and it goes. definitely, though, when we took a stroll by the beach not too long ago, the rough surf is obviously there, but right now it seems like the winds are picking up quite a bit, jake. alina machado in wrightsville beach, stay safe. with landfall potentially imminent, we re in atlantic beach, north carolina. you ve been talking to officials at a state emergency operations center. how prepared is north carolina for this storm? well, jake, when you speak to them, they say they re very prepared. in the words of one emergency management director, he says we don t plan hour after hour. we plan 12 hours ahead because if you don t plan 12 hours ahead, you are behind. so that has been the strategy here. we know that within these coastal communities, what they re doing, a curfew. just in the hours before this storm really gets close to the coastline and really starts causing some trouble, people will be told that there s a curfew. you should stay indoors, stay off of the roads. i want to give you a live look where i m right here. you can see the surf is very rough. we are getting a break from the wind and the rain at this moment. but aloileelina just talked abo this goes and it comes. we re at this moment where we re getting a break. you can see people are out. no one in the water that we can see at the moment, which is good news. and then we see this police officer who s walking here. he s making sure that people are being smart about it here. if you are going to be out here, they want you on the shore. they do not want you in the water, jake. and again the time that we spent here within atlantic city as well as moorehead city, their bottom line is this they haven t told people that they must go. they say they re not at that point yet. of course at any point notice could change depending on the strength of this storm. but they want people to, again, prepare, if there are things outside of your home that could become projectiles as the storm inches closer, they want you to take that sort of those sort of pieces of equipment or whatever it may be up so that you don t have more problems. but again you can see for yourself, a little bit of calm before things get rough again for us here, jake. rene marsh in moorehead city, thank you so much. cnn s joe johns is 3 1/2 hours up the shoreline in the outer banks, specifically in kill devil hills, north carolina. this hurricane s threatening to do some serious damage the farther north it goes up the coast. what exactly are you seeing where you are right now? we re seeing a lot of chop in the waves, a lot of mist has rolled in here. the visibility has changed for the worse over the last several hours. the beach is starting to be clear. there are people out here and a lot of them, in fact. i can tell you so many people we have talked to here who are further down the coast have moved to this area in kill devil hills because they were evacuated or otherwise couldn t get where they are going. so this is sort of a way station for people to try to wait out this storm and see what happens. one of the big problems, of course, is not just the weather, which of course could be severe, jake. it s also a concern about the road. north carolina 12 we talked so much about out there really just washes out with sand, with water and the problem is there are emergency people standing by to try to clear that road, but they re not going to be asked eo clear that road while the storm is still in effect. that s a question of their personal safety. people are being warned if you decided not to evacuate, you should reconsider that at all costs because, number one, you re going to have to stay where you are, sustain yourself for up to 72 hours, and the other factor, of course, is if something happens and you ve got a problem, the emergency people may not be able to get to you. so that s why people are being encouraged to evacuate, they re moving to higher ground, which is here in kill devil hills. people are planning on waiting out the storm. as you can see, everything behind me is just a precursor of what is expected to come tonight. joe johns in kill devil hills in the outer banks of north carolina. brooke? jake, watching all these different people out there, everyone has one of these and if you re not under mandatory evacuations, people want the great pictures. but please, please be safe, i m sure chad would echo what i m about to say. it s hugging the coastline. as you re watching that radar and this hurricane spin, spin, spin, where is it exactly right now? it s to the south of our alina machado, right due south of her by about 35 miles. people are looking at this, the empty spot. the eye. the eye isn t windy. the eye isn t stormy. it s the eye wall that we re concerned about. and that s what s now on shore. all the way from surf city back down to our alina machado, all the way to kerry beach and all the way back up to where the next live shot location is, there s atlantic beach right there. so as the storm moves this way, and the bosses about an hour ago said is there any way that this misses? no, there s no way that this storm misses anything because the dangerous part of this storm is going to travel right along the coast, right through there. so this is exactly what we don t want. we d love to have it go down here and move out to sea, that s probably not going to happen. if you keep that eye wall on shore for hours and hours, that s where the real damage comes from, brooke. what about farther up the east coast? we re focusing on north carolina. but earlier thinking of boston pops, fourth of july, what will those folk s be seeing? it makes a run at nantucket, it really does, about an 80-mile-per-hour storm. eventually you move off shore and you re away from norfolk and hampton rose, but this is where we re seeing the approach to new york city. we could see outer bands in new york city tomorrow afternoon, there will be outer bands in boston as that right there is the middle of the cone, but that right there is the left side. that would be the most dangerous situation if we actually got this thing to run over cape cod, brooke. chad myers, we ll stay in close contact with you, of course, as we re live over the next couple of hours on cnn watching this storm barreling through. we ll check in with chad. squlak tapper, to you in washington. storm conditions in north carolina are getting worse by the minute. right now more than 7,000 customers are sitting in the dark along the carolina coastline. bill blair, the mayor of wrightsville beach, north carolina, we ve been trying to reach him. is he on the line? we don t have him on the line. right now back to alina machado who is in wrightsville beach, north carolina. what s the situation right there? you just heard from chad myers, the storm is about 35 miles away from you. yeah, jake, we re feeling consistent wind here. not much in terms of rain, which is surprising to me, but the wind is pretty steady. i would imagine that the closer that arthur gets, the worst this is going to get here, jake. i want to bring back chad myers in the cnn severe weather center. you ve been talking all day, voicing your frustrations with the people who are going into the water. you heard the governor of north carolina telling people not to put their stupid hats on, not to try to be gutsy and go out there and surf those waves. what have ub seeing as you have been following the reports from our correspondents all along the north carolina shoreline? there got to be a threshold. for a while it was fun for these people that were in the water. then all of a sudden when the first squall came in, they all started running because the winds went from 30 to 60 and here s a shot right now from wrightsville beach. the only issue with this picture right now is that this water should be there. it s here. and that s the rub. because we re now two feet over where low tide should be. and i can show you that on a scale here. this is where the water should be hard to see, but you ll get the idea. that s one foot. that s where the water dam should be right now. it s at three feet. guess what happens for the next six hours? we go up from here. that s when the real scouring, the real beach erosion is going to take place because this water is not only going to be here but on the dunes and through the dunes and even probably on to the roadway there in wrightsville beach. alina, you re still seeing pretty heavy wind. they re going to come and go, and for you they re actually going to change directions because you re almost directly on the eye wall right now. well, chad, i wouldn t be surprised to see that. we have seen the wind change direction throughout the course of the day. and quite frankly, right now it seems to be picking up quite a bit. but we ll keep monitoring this, jake and chad. we sboek to the head of the national hurricane center who said one of his big fears is not only the wind damage and the damage caused by the storm itself but also the water surge that you heard chad talking about. what have you seen if anything in terms of the water surge there in wrightsville beach? is water higher than it was yesterday? is it flooding into the streets? we have seen the water going up along the beach, but in terms of street flooding, what we re being told by the police department here is that there is flooding in low lying areas. that flooding happened earlier today in the first few bands when arthur rolled through here. that flooding receded. i m imagining as the winds and the rain continue to pick up, that may come back. but so far, at least here in wrightsville beach, we ve had some good news and that s that there isn t widespread flooding as far as we re concerned, jake. not anyway. we ll take a quick break. when we come back, more on our continuing coverage of hurricane arthur as it barrels into the north carolina coast. we ll talk about that tonight. the other major story we re following for you today this gripping court hearing. shocking new accusations against this father, this man here in the orange jumpsuit. this is the man charged with killing his 22-month-old toddler by leaving him in his hot car. what he was texting multiple women when his son died. at every ford dealership, you ll find the works! it s a complete checkup of the services your vehicle needs. so prepare your car for any road trip by taking it to an expert ford technician. because no matter your destination good maintenance helps you save at the pump. get our multi-point inspection with a synthetic blend oil change, tire rotation, brake inspection and more for $29.95 or less. get a complete vehicle checkup only at your ford dealer. where its biggest refinery has been attacked. more chaos over there means higher prices here but we can take control with renewable fuels like ethanol. it means more jobs and more security. less pollution and less pain at the pump. because it s time to stop letting chaos decide our. energy future. tell congress and the epa to stand up to big oil. don t gut the renewable fuel standard. to build something smarter. some come here to build something stronger. others come to build something faster. something safer. something greener. something the whole world can share. people come to boeing to do many different things. but it s always about the very thing we do best. if your denture moves, it can irritate your gums. try fixodent plus gum care. it helps stop denture movement and prevents gum irritation. fixodent. and forget it. you re looking at some live shots from hurricane arthur. arthur making landfall in north carolina. welcome back to our special live coverage of the hurricane as it slams the east coast. i m jake tapper in washington, d.c. and i m brooke baldwin in cnn center in atlanta. winds around 100 miles per hour. hurricane arthur could bring a lot of damage and impact to families obviously out and about hoping to enjoy their fourth of july holiday weekend, jake. that s right. of course there s much more serious concerns that that, with storm conditions in north carolina getting worse by the minute. right now more than 7,000 customers are sitting in the dark along the carolina coastline because of power outages. let s go to bill blair. he s the mayor of wrightsville beach, north carolina. sir, thanks so much for talking to us. first and foremost we hope you re staying safe and the people in your town are safe. the waves at wrightsville beach seem to be intensifying from the second from the images we re seeing. tell us what s happening right now. mayor blair, can you hear me? i can hear you. can you hear me? i can. tell us what s happening right now in wrightsville beach. tell us what you see. it s picked up significantly in the last 30 minutes. the winds have picked up. and it s raining pretty hard now. so last check on the radar looks like we were due east. eyewall was due east of here. we re probably pretty close to the eye wall at this point. probably going to get a little worse before it gets better. what have you told the people of wrightsville beach. have they been told to evacuate, to go indoors, to stay out of the water? i think the concern about the wrightsville beach residents, we have no power outages or any of those issues here, but we are concerned about beach erosion, and that would be one of the biggest concerns. we won t really know the effect of that until after the until probably tomorrow morning because the early reports are moderate erosion which is a big deal for the beach. does that have any short-term implications or just long term, beach erosion? it seems like we ve lost mayor blair s communication right now. so we re going to go to our next segment, which is a question about how should the communities in these areas prepare. joining me on the phone is somebody who has much experience with this, lieutenant general who commanded efforts after hurricane katrina in the south of the united states where it was hit. sir, thank you for joining us. how should these communities in north carolina and virginia prepare right now. as we approach nightfall, number one, i ve been monitoring for the last 24 hours and there s still people using the concept of category of storm particularly whether they re going to vehicle wait. we need to move away from that language and be more precise and tell people they can expect two to three feet or in inches in your neighborhood. we have to start talking effects of the storm as opposed to category because people are still using that old language. well, it s only a category 1. guess what? tonight we have a possible category 2 with over 100-mile-per-hour winds and gusts that will turn the lights off. if you re within 100 miles of this storm, you can expect to be without electricity for several days. of course people who live along the coast who have come to that level of comfort of riding out, now you have thousands of people who are visiting who want to make the best of the weekend. and we ve got to be more precise. and that is you move away from a hurricane. you don t move near it and hope it doesn t hit you. we ve got to get more precise with that language, jake. let me invite you to be more precise because right now we re looking at images from the outer banks which is the northern shoreline of north carolina. hurricane arthur right now hitting southern north carolina, but obviously it won t be too long before some serious effects are felt in the outer banks. i m looking at these images, families, young people and children walking on the beach in the outer banks. what s your message to them? well, i think our city fathers, speaking of the mayors and the chamber of commerce people, folks need to get very specific. when we start talking about category of storm, there s nobody on the beach. close the beach. i know there s always talk about people have a freedom to do what they want. they don t know, jake, most of these people are operating because they may see a television camera out there who is a well trained, well resourced backup team and they say we can go on the beach, too. we need to be very specific and tell people stay away from the beach! the beach are closed. because many of them are visitors, jake. they don t know. everybody wants to get this thing through here so we can go on with the fourth of july. we have to be more precise and give people warnings that the lights will be out and it won t be just hours, it will be possibly days. it won t be just hours. the roads are going to be closed. we have to get more precise in our language. i know it s not good for business. you can t have two things. you can t have a hurricane and have businesses open. they have to close. general, should i mean, you re telling these people who are on the beach right now and we re seeing live images of them walking dogs and walking with their children. they re in the northern shoreline of north carolina where the storm has not come at least not yet to the degree that hurricane arthur is hitting southern north carolina, you re saying get off the beach. should they be leaving the coast? should they be leaving their cars and heading west or is it okay for them just to be staying in their homes? jake, i would tell them, if you can see water and you are on the coast, you need to get out of there. because if it s surge, surge will put surge in, as chad will dictate here in a few minutes, 20, 30 miles inland. if you re on the coast and you can see water and you live anywhere under the storm, you need to move away from this storm. it will be easier to come back if the power s still on, but if you re in that area, i can guarantee you lights are going to go out. you won t have running water. you won t have electricity and you re going to be miserable. you smoo move away from storms, not ride them out. i think we got communication back with the mayor of wrightsville beach, which is in southern north carolina, mayor bill blair. mayor blair, i m hoping you can hear me. if pu heard general honore who obviously was in charge for some of the response to hurricane katrina if 2005, he is saying not only should anybody on the beach in north carolina get off the beach, he s saying if you can see water from your home, you should be getting in your car or your suv and heading west and getting out of town. i don t think that that is what you have told the people of wrightsville beach. what s your message to lieutenant general honore? well, i think in some degree he s correct that if you get a storm that s above a certain category, i think you definitely need to get out of harm s way. i think public safety s very important. on a storm like this, however, at a category 1, maybe category 2, this beach has been through many storms like this and there are a lot of folks that live on the beach. i think it s up to them to decide at what level they need to get off the beach and get out of harm s way. i don t think it would be automatic at this level, but i think if it got worse than that, then it would be a great idea to get off the beach and go inland. i do agree with that. lieutenant general honore, i don t know if you heard mayor blair right there, if you did, you re welcome to respond. our elected officials, god bless them. they re in a heck of a position with business on one side and people on the other. hurricane sandy was a superstorm. it got downgraded from a category 1 hurricane. 90-mile-per-hour winds with surge with this storm coming at night, it could create a lot of damage. we hope for the best, but we got to prepare for the worst. and in this case we need to be telling people definitely they need to move away from those coastal areas and get away from that water because either the surge or 6 ifnches of rain will fall in those areas and roads will become impassable and power will go out. it will turn the lights off. general russel honore and mayor blair of wrightsville beach. mayor, our thoughts are with you in north carolina right now. winds now hitting 1 hun hu00 mi hour. and they could get worse. the winds already knocking out power on the coast. more on that in a min. i ve been watching people stand-up palgdboarding. a guy on an suv. i have been to wrightsville having gone to school in north carolina. pay attention to what general hon honore just said. it will just get worse. more on that in a minute. also today the dramatic court hearing for the father accused of killing his 22-month-old son in that hot 90-something degree day in that suv. how did his wife react? she was sitting in that courtroom. second row. how did she react to the shocking allegation that her husband was sexting with multiple women the day little his little child cooper died? we ll talk to a reporter who was in the courtroom and saw it all, next. 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yes. what did you uncover? he was having up to six different conversations with different women it appeared from the messages from kick mostly which is a messaging service. is that a computer related messaging service? it is. and these conversations he was having with these females, of what nature were they? the most common term would be sexting. were photos being sent back and forth between these women and the defendant during this day while the child s out in the car? yes. there were photos of his exposed penis, erect pinis being sent and photos of women s breasts being sent back to him. had you located every one of these girls? i have not. have you located any of them? i ve located two of them. the first one, i won t use the user name. but i guess let me for lack of a better toeerm, the older one. did you speak with her? i did. she said she first met ross through scout, which is another messaging service. and that he met up and wanted to hook up with her. and did she talk to you and confirm the nature of what you saw on these chats back and forth? yes, she did. now, i m going to turn your attention, was there also another girl that you met and that you ve spoken with? i have. and how old is that girl? she s 17 at this time. so that right there, that exchange between the assistant district attorney and the lead detective here a total bombshell for anyone who has been following this case. on the flipside, the defense is maintaining that this father, despite that, totally forgot to take this boy to day care, but that detective says in the weeks before little cooper s death, harris did an internet search for how to survive in prison, is what they found on his computer, and they also found that he looked at websites that were advocating living this child-free life look with finding online videos of people, of animals dying. our correspondent, victor blackwell who was inside the courtroom the entire time these new details, damning details were emerging. we ll analyze this with a panel in a moment. i want to get straight to the emotion because i know you were watching this father. the wife was in the courtroom as well. virtually emotionless. for most of the time, yes. this was expected to go 90 minutes. went on for three hours. in response to the testimony about the sexting, especially with a then-16-year-old girl, there was no visible response from the wife here, leona harris, although there was an audible gasp from other people there in the gallery. look, nobody who came here today and sat in that gallery expected to hear testimony about x-rated messages being passed between ross harris and six women the day that his child was there in that car. the big headline before today was that the two of them had discussed with detectives that they d searched information about children in hot cars and the temperature that would be required for those children to die. but as you said we heard about other text messages. we also heard about two gasp-inducing or gasp-prompting moments on the day that this child was found. first, when leeana harris showed up at the day care center to pick up little cooper, she was told he wasn t there, he didn t come in today. and according to the lead detective the first thing she said was ross must have left him in the car. that s the first thing that had people kind of turning and looking at each other. there was a second moment in which we re told that the two of them, both parents were in a room together, they did not know there was a double sided mirror. so investigators were watching them. first, harris, ross harris told his wife that he dreaded how the boy would look at the time of his death. dreaded as if he d considered what the child would look like dead before the child actually died. also, when the mother, leana harris asked her husband, did you say too much? both times we saw people kind of looking back and forth at one another. there was also a time in which the defense attorney here, maddox kilgore asked the investigator white surprise you if i told you that ross harris is deaf in his right ear? now, remember ross harris is in the driver s seat, the child is to his right in the back seat. so it possible that harris did not hear the child if the child was making any noise in the backseat? we also heard from harris brother, ross harris brother, other co-workers who said that he was a great father and he was very passionate about his son. that s when we saw ross harris start to cry, cried three times in the courtroom. we ll here more of this as we head to trial. we ll stay on this. victor blackwell for us outside that courthouse in cobb county, georgia. let s talk more about this including why some of the evidence we heard today might not be used in a trial down the road. our legal panel weighs in. a lot to talk about next here on cnn. cut! [bell rings] jane. her long day on set starts with shoulder pain. .and a choice take 6 tylenol in a day which is 2 aleve for. .all day relief. hmm. 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she did. what did she ask him. she is who? she is this other girl he s sexting with. objection. same response. irrelevant to anything. final question he says, mr. kilgore, i m going to allow the question and answer, then we ll move on. she said something to the effect of do you have a conscience. what was his response? nope. we ll bring in sunny hostin and holly hughes. so let s begin tonight here. there is so much we can talk about between the sexting, between possible involvement or questioning about the wife s role of financial issues in the marriage about lack of sexual intimacy issues is of the marriage in and of itself. three minutes apparently from this breakfast that morning to when he got to work. so let me just begin, holly hughes, with you. what was the number one thing that stood out in this three-hour hearing? that the state finally told us a motive, brooke. last week we all heard that it was an accident and people were, you know, i can understand that. they were sympathetic to this detective. but today, today the state laid out piece by piece, they built up that brick wall and they spelled out for the potential jury which, let s face it, they re all watching this, why you would have done such a horrific act. that s the number one takeaway from today s hearing, i think. sunny hostin, what do you think? i agree. i ve been saying all along, this is something that happens, unfortunately, horrifyingly, all over our country. we know that last year in 2013 over 40 children died in way. i wrote an op ed for and i explained that i, too, left my child in the car when she was 14 months old. thank god she was okay. we re all trying to give him the benefit of the doubt about this terrible epidemic that does seem to be happening around our country. but today we certainly heard a motive. that s what the prosecution really needs to show a jury. of course, it s not the element in any crime, but a juror i think is going to have a lot of difficulty thinking that a father would bake his child inten intentionally in a car. well, when you hear evidence, brooke, and i think it would come out at trial, evidence that a father was on the internet, on readit looking at that s enough. i m so glad you brought that up. that s one of the new pieces of information that dropped a lot of jaws probably in that courtroom. roll the sound. take a listen. were there any topics of concern, first of all, regarding death? yes. could you tell the judge about that. he visited several sites, and these sub-reddits is people who die. it shows videos of people dying from suicides to iraq, executions, those type of videos. so you hear that, but on the flipside they brought up a number of different witnesses to testify on the defendant s behalf saying that he seemed not at all, nothing seemed out of the ordinary that day. he seemed genuinely bothered, that eyewitness on the scene saying this man was screaming oh, god, oh, god. then you hear this detail about how during lunchtime this father went away to home depot bought light bulbs and had his friends drive him to his car so he could put them away. a you would think he would smell the smell of death as detectives described but why ask the friends to come so close to the car if he knew what he was doing? i think a lot of very smart lawyers and good people in cobb county, georgia, were giving this guy the benefit of the doubt. and they said how could somebody deliberately kill a 22-year-old child? and today we found out a lot of really horrible things about why he might have done that. why would he bring his friends close to the car? the defense attorney made a big deal about that in his closing argument saying he wouldn t do that. well, i think he would do that because it would demonstrate that he didn t know the child was in the car. obviously he didn t bring them close enough to the car that they could smell the stench when the door was opened, and not close enough for them to actually see his child in the car, and bear in mind one of the pieces of evidence was that although this was a rear-facing car seat, the 22-month-old had outgrown it and his head actually protruded above the top of it. and he had to look backwards came together in this puzzle indicating that there is evidence to prove he was well aware that the child was in the car and was probably setting up an alibi for himself of some sort by involving his friends and co-workers. detective pointed out it would take three minutes to go from breakfast in which he took his boy out to go to chick-fil-la to head to work. how could you forget about your child in three minutes? i m sure the defense will try to defend that. let s keep this conversation going. thank you so much. much more to talk about on this case out of georgia coming up. also ahead, laguardia airport, on a normal day is enough to make rational people go full alec baldwin. how bad will the travel gridlock get? we will take a look at that. type 2 diabetes effects millions of us. and for many, it s a struggle to keep your a1c down. so imagine what if there was a new class of medicine that works differently to lower blood sugar? imagine.loving your numbers. introducing once-daily invokana®. it s the first of a new kind of prescription medicine that s used along with diet and exercise to lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. invokana® is a once-daily pill that works around the clock to help lower a1c. here s how. the kidneys allow sugar to be absorbed back into the body. invokana® reduces the amount of sugar allowed back in and sends some sugar out through the process of urination. and while it s not for weight loss, it may help you lose some weight. invokana® can cause important side effects, including dehydration, which may cause some people to have loss of body water and salt. this may also cause you to feel dizzy, faint, lightheaded, or weak especially when you stand up. other side effects may include kidney problems, genital yeast infections, urinary tract infections, changes in urination, high potassium in the blood, or increases in cholesterol. do not take invokana® if you have severe kidney problems or are on dialysis or if allergic to invokana® or its ingredients. symptoms of allergic reaction may include rash, swelling, difficulty breathing or swallowing. if you experience any of these symptoms, stop taking invokana® and call your doctor right away or go to the nearest hospital. tell your doctor about any medical conditions, medications you are taking, and if you have kidney or liver problems. using invokana® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase risk of low blood sugar. it s time. lower your blood sugar with invokana®. imagine loving your numbers. ask your doctor about invokana®. welcome back to a cnn special. breaking news coverage of hurricane arthur. the outer banks of north carolina, the northern part of the carolina shoreline. new tornado warnings coming in. three eastern carolina counties. the maximum sustained winds of 90 miles per hour, getting stronger, travel plans can be effected. more than 40,000 expected to head out, 3 million by plane. alexander field is live at laguardia for us. this is the busiest week of summer travel. how are things looking there now? obviously things up there can be affected by what is going on in north carolina. sure, and we haven t feeling the effects of arthur up here yet but we know we have a big threat of thunderstorm that s causing chaos for a lot of peopl people. looks like we re having problems with alexander fields microphone. we ll come arthur aiming for a direct hit, revving up to become a stronger her can than now. millions in the path. we ll look at who is most at risk. stay with us for special breaking coverage. defiance is in our bones. defiance never grows old. citracal maximum. calcium citrate plus d. highly soluble, easily absorbed. hooking up the country whelping business run trains! they haul everything, safely and on time. tracks! they connect the factories built along the lines. and that means jobs, lots of people, making lots and lots of things. let s get your business rolling now, everybody sing. norfolk southern what s your function? helping this big country move ahead as one norfolk southern how s that function? if your denture moves, it can irritate your gums. try fixodent plus gum care. it helps stop denture movement and prevents gum irritation. fixodent. and forget it. they had legs every transatlantic ocean. the animals, the stones, the who? it was the most powerful decade for popular music captions by vitac approaching land, bracing for impact, hurricane arthur pushing up the beaches of north carolina right now with sheets of rain, surging waves, 90 mile an hour waves possible, twisters even, the storm is only expected to get stronger as we approach the 4th of july and the storm c. i m jake tapper in washington dc. and good evening, i m brooke baldwin tonight here in atlanta. we re here to bring you the very latest on these two big breaking stories today. first, hurricane arthur, of course, whipping the beaches of the carolinas right now very close to making a direct hit with the eye wall of the storm. new tornado warnings in three eastern north carolina counties now. reporters are scattered along the coast ready to bring every angel. we have rene marsh, joe jones in kill devil hills in the northern part of the coastline, chad

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