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Sputnik International
CHICAGO (WLS) The Justice Department has charged more than 300 people in the extremist takeover of the Capitol, but not all of the cases have been unsealed and made public. What we do know is 259 men and 41 women have been named in criminal cases, including five from Illinois facing federal charges.
A couple from Quincy, Illinois, has a court date Wednesday morning with a judge in Washington, D.C. where they are charged with crashing the Capitol on Jan. 6.
Jason and Christina Gerding were identified through pictures and posts he made on Twitter according to the FBI. His account heading featuring then President Trump and a large QAnon logo-the unfounded and discredited far right conspiracy theory alleging a secret anti-Trump cabal.
A Utah man accused of taking part in the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol was charged Monday with three additional crimes in federal court in Washington, D.C. John Sullivan was charged last month with civil disorder, being in a restricted area and disorderly conduct.