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Transcripts For MSNBCW The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20170906 02:00:00

take a stand against 76% of what americans think is right. several republicans and democrats including my first guest tonight, california senator harris spent the weekend making statements and tweeting strong opposition to president trump ending daca. but in trump s mind, there was the looming headline that appears in breitbart today if the president did nothing about daca, and then, of course, there was the president himself. the candidate who campaigned on ending daca had only this to say when last asked about it on friday. should d.r.e.a.m.ers be worried? we love the dreamers. the president would delay a final big decision on daca for six months, an immigration hard
liner told the new york times he s being pulled in a bunch of different directions and because he doesn t have any strong anchor or deep knowledge of the issue, he ends up sort of not knowing what to do. i think the fact that they did nothing to it suggests that they had no idea what to do. that was an assumption that the president would do nothing to daca today, and so with no good choice left to the president, because of his own rhetoric on the subject, and the pressure of what his supporters expect, today the president politically punted. he delayed the big decision for six months and challenged congress to come up with a legislative version of daca in the meantime. but the president did stop new applications for the daca program, and just to prove how politically confounded he was by the decision and how much he didn t want responsibility for it, he handed the big public
moment to his least favorite cabinet member to make what was really a presidential announcement. i m here today to announce that the program known as daca that was effectuated under the obama administration is being rescinded. jeff sessions may have loved saying that today, but it wasn t true. the daca program still lives. and in the president s written statement that he was afraid to say publicly on camera, the president said work permits will be honored until their date of expiration up to two full years from today. further more, applications already in the pipeline will be processed as will renewal applications for those facing near term expiration. this is a gradual process, not a sudden phaseout. permits will not begin to expire for another six months and will remain active for up to 24 months. breitbart and the right wing could have attacked the president today for breaking
another campaign pledge by refusing to end daca while inviting congress to legislate a permanent version of daca, but breitbart went along with the false jeff sessions concept what the president was going through with his campaign promise and daca was being rescinded. breitbart said trump, sessions repeal daca. that was before the president s tweet tonight in which he clearly tried to soften the blow of what he did to the dreamers today. congress now has six months to legalize daca. if they can t, i will revisit this issue. california senator harris was one of only 11 senators who voted against general john kelly s confirmation as secretary of homeland security. she did that, because in testimony at his confirmation
hearing, senator harris could not get assurances from kelly about how the trump administration would treat the dreamers. in a statement today senator harris said president trump has once again sided with division and hate. joining us now from an exclusive interview, kamala harris. thank you for joining us. the president has given congress a challenge today. it s up to you to save these dreamers. do you think there s a bipartisan possibility of getting a dream act passed in the next six months? i do, lawrence. i m co-sponsoring a bill with senator graham and others, and i think that there is leadership on the republican side of the aisle to get this done. because frankly it s just the right thing to do, and i think that we have got to realize that we have as many as 800,000 young people in our country right now
who have only known one home, and this is it. they are contributing to our economy. they are serving in our military, and we need to do the right thing for these kids. not to mention the fact that when they first applied for daca, we told them we would not share their personal information with i.c.e. our country has to keep our promise to these young people. so the leaders in congress, we have to lead by example, and if we expect and want the young people of our country to live responsibly and to follow the rules and play by the rules, we should too. california has the largest number of dreamers. some estimates 220,000. it s the single biggest home in the united states to these people, and california is not one of states whose attorney general is trying to sue to end daca. what is it that california knows about this program? what is it in your experience as a former california attorney
general? what would you tell the other states, especially the ones like texas and the other states that are suing to stop daca? what would you tell them about this program that you feel california knows that they don t. it s a wonderful question. the one thing, lawrence, that i ve been become aware of is there are a lot of people expressing opinions about daca that have never met a dreamer. what i know being from the state that has the largest number, 0 220,000, these are great kids. i met a young woman this weekend. she came up to me, and she one, asked for support, but then she just broke down crying uncontrollably, because she s terrified, lawrence, and this is a great kid. she is part of a she s actually part of doing free arts for kids in the community, and helping out and being a part of her community. and she was crying
uncontrollably. she s so afraid. so i think part of what has to happen is that more people really should inform themselves about who these young people really are. and stop demonizing them. it s very easy to have an opinion about something you don t know. but it s also irresponsible. and so i think at the more stories that we can tell about the young people that i meet every day in california who, again, are in our colleges, they re in our law schools, they started small businesses, they are serving in our military. they re working in fortune companies. the more stories are known, the more they ll know passing the dream act is the right thing to do. the president was torn that s the word we see in backstage reporting at the white house and he seems to have satisfied no one. the dreamers who he s given kind of a six-month window to hope for a new legislative solution can t be satisfied.
there s a real threat to them and what happened today. and then the hard core trump supporters who want to see bus loads of the kids deported immediately can take no satisfaction in what happened. it seems like the president couldn t find his way out of the political corner he painted himself into. well, listen. from the beginning i think the president has been clear about where he is on this, and other issues related to immigration. i serve on many committees in the senate including homeland security committee, and we reviewed the president s nominee to be secretary of dhs who now the chief of staff, john kelly. i asked him in an open hearing would he promise to keep would he commit to keep america s promise to these kids and not share their personal information with i.c.e. he refused to make that commit. . this was many months ago. so i m not surprised that we re in this situation.
but i do believe that my colleagues in the united states senate can do the right thing. i believe there is a will to do the right thing. but in terms of the demonization of these young people, these dreamers, there s so much that is just misrepresentation of fact. just really just outright untruths. for example, lawrence, it is well documented that if we get rid of daca and do not pass a daca at a stat choir, that we will lose 700,000 jobs in the united states. it is well documented that over the next ten years if we rescind daca without replacing it, we will lose $60 billion in tax dollars. so there is real economic benefit to allowing these young people who have only known this is their home to be able to work, to be able to contribute to our economy, and to be able to contribute to our society. the president seems to have
the opposite view of how it affects jobs. he said today in his written statement, we must also have heart and compassion for unemployed struggling, and forgotten americans. that is a false choice. there is no question that we need to take care of hard-working americans who want to work, many of whom lost their jobs during the great recession, and they need a pathway to finding meaningful employment. and we can do a much better job of helping them do that, and we can help these young people who are called dreamers who are also contributing to the economy. it s a false choice to say it s one over the other, and it s irresponsible to suggest to hard working americans that the only thing preventing them from getting a job are dreamers. what needs to happen is we need to do a much better job to actually get employment and paths to employment for americans who want to work.
senator, it seems attorney general jeff sessions has a different definition of compassion than you do. let s listen to what he said today. okay. the compassionate thing to do is in the lawlessness, enforce our laws, and if congress chooses to make changes to the la laws, to do so through the process by our founders in a way that advances the interest of the american people. that s what jeff sessions says is the compassionate thing to do. again, we ve got to stop vilifying this population, and as a leader, you got to stop pulling out the boogie man. these young people, let s be clear, they qualify for daca because they cleared a vetting where there was a very, very intense process of looking into their backgrounds.
let s everybody be clear about who these daca kids are. in order for them to qualify for daca, they had to answer a lot of questions, and there was basically an investigative process that took place to determine the circumstances of their arrival, to determine are they living a lawful life? have they ever committed a crime? are they productive? and only when they cleared that vet did they receive daca status. so yes, we want to make sure. we don t want people who are committing crimes in our country to be here if they re undocumented. but we also have to understand that when we re talking about these kids who are in daca, they have cleared a vetting process. for the attorney general to suggest that they are other than lawful in terms of a particular committing crimes is just it s irresponsible. senator harris, i want to get a minute on your position on the senate intelligence committee, a
position that is more important than ever with the investigation of the russia connections to donald trump and the trump campaign. there are some issues arising about cooperation with the mueller investigation. mueller would like a transcript of an interview the intelligence community staff had with paul manafort. and there are some other questions of cooperation. do you believe that you should be sharing that information? are you in favor of sharing that information with the special prosecuter? first of all, i have a great deal of respect for robert mueller, and also i m a big advocate for him having independence and being able to do his work without any interference from the administration or anybody else. in terms of the coordination, if you will, between the various investigations including the investigation that s being conducted by the committee on which i serve, the senate intelligence committee, there is coordination that happens. there is a process for
deconfliction, and i believe that the process is moving along in accordance with an understanding that each investigation has its own purpose and that we should encourage each investigation to pursue the facts where they lead them. and senator, finally a health care question. you have become the first co-sponsor on bernie sanders medicare for all single payer bill. people took notice of that everywhere including in local media in california that cover you. and one of the reasons there s a lot of interest is that bernie sanders was very successful as a presidential candidate in pulling in certainly on the left side of the democratic party, people begin to wonder with that move joining bernie sanders bill, does that mean you might follow in bernie sanders steps as a presidential candidate? the reason i m supporting medicare for all is pretty basic, which is that it s i
believe the moral and ethical right thing to do, and to do otherwise means to have a system where we re just not being smart, where we are not maximizing our ability to make sure that every american, every person has access to health care. let s just look at the public health model that tells us well, you want to deal with epidemics, the best way is prevention first. emergency room, it s too late and too expensive. medicare for all as a goal, we ll be able to ensure that americans are having access to health care from the day they are born throughout their lives. and that s just smart for us as taxpayers. well, i guess you ll just continue to think about what you might do in 2020 and we can talk about it the next time. lawrence, i don t even know what i m having for dinner. okay. senator, thank you very much for joining us tonight. i appreciate it. you re welcome. take care. thank you. coming up, we have breaking news tonight about the trump/russia investigation and
why republicans on the house intelligence committee are frustrated by the trump justice department, and later, an important new book tells the story of how donald trump became the president of fantasy land.
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i have a great heart for the folks we re talking about. a great love for them. and people think in terms of children, but they re really young adults. i have a love for these people, and hopefully now congress will be able to help them and do it properly. i can tell you in speaking to members of congress, they want to be able to do something and do it right, and really, we have no choice. we have to be able to do something, and i think it s going to work out very well, and long term, it s going to be the right solution. joining us now, the president and ceo of latino, and also with us franco odoniez. maria, the president repeatedly refers to his love, that s his word, his love for the dreamers. he had a strange way of showing
it today. well, this love is abusive. he s literally playing into the hands and into the mental state of 800,000 young people who thought they had done right by the law by coming forward and tried to play by the rules the u.s. government set forth for them. this is if anything, a bit cynical for him to be talking about the fact that he loves them, when, in fact, he s wreaking havoc on him. the tweet he sent out minutes before the show saying he will revisit it if congress doesn t act. that s unfair. we need clarity on what should be done next. the d.r.e.a.m.ers i know are standing up. we need the american people saying this is not who we are. franco, when congress has an arbitrarily arrived at deadline like the president saying i ll give you six months, the first thing you can expect of the deadline is that it will be moved. that is the most likely thing to happen to a deadline that has no real imperative to it.
and the presidential tweet tonight indicates that may very well be the next thing that happens just to repeat that tweet, he said congress now has six months to legalize daca. something the obama administration was unable to do. if they can t, i will revisit the issue. and so franco, there he is on the day he makes what is supposed to be the big decision, saying six months from now i ll revisit it. yeah. after a day of criticism, it s interesting that immediately he is already kind of flirting with the idea of helping the d.r.e.a.m.ers again. it s the reality is that this congress, it s going to be very difficult to pass any significant type of legislation involving immigration. including the d.r.e.a.m.ers. a act of any ki. he s talking about a comprehensive bill. he was talking today in the white house briefing that he wants a comprehensive measure and even floated the idea of
possibly exchanging a d.r.e.a.m. act for border funding. to get it in six months is a high bar. but the white house would not say today that given that ambition of wanting a big bill that might include d.r.e.a.m.ers and funding for a border wall, the obvious question is okay, but would the president sign a bill that was just for the d.r.e.a.m.ers. there was no answer from the white house on this. let s listen to what senator graham said today about his challenge to republicans. my challenge to the president is that you ve talked glowingly about these kids. help us. help us in the house. help us in the senate. i think you re a good man. get involved personally. work the phones. try to find a consensus here. maria, we just heard the senator harris who was partnering with lindsey graham saying she believes the senate
can get this done. well, and they did the first time around under the obama administration. they came out and had a comprehensive bill that went into the house, and that is the problem. the congressional members are held hostage by a very extreme right of the party that basically does not want any sort of immigration reform, and let s be clear, the idea that the president sent this back to congress, fronted it, ended daca saying he wanted to be right on the on the right side of the law is just less than a week after he pardoned a sheriff that was basically breaking the law. so it s not that he wants he wants it both ways, but it s clear that it s become very much a white nationalist agenda he wants to push forward. it was said by jeff sessions today at the bully pulpit of the department of justice was speaking out of both sides of his mouth. he wasn t leveling with the american people. he was trying to convolute issues of a refugee problem ant border with the idea they were
taking away american jobs. that s not the case. he s trying to pit americans against the d.r.e.a.m.ers in a way that s not fair and not just. franco, senator graham said he thinks the senate can get it done. he essentially deals with senator harris on that. he said the problem will be in the house. the there s going to be a problem with this legislatively, it will be in the house. indeed. this is the house you re going to have the stronger, harder, more conservative body in congress. but this is a huge, huge threat to the gop, and the gop knows that. that s why paul ryan had come out and asked trump not to do this. let s remember that as these daca status expire in march, midterm campaigning is really going to be heating up. and you re going to have hundreds of daca kids are going to be losing their work status,
losing their work permits, and being under the threat of deportation. those are not optics that the republicans want to have coming into a critical midterm election. franco and maria, thank you both for joining us tonight. thank you, laushs. coming up, breaking news in the russia investigation. new subpoenas issued, but not the subpoenas you might expect to be issued. hey grandpa. hey, kid. really good to see you. you too. you tell grandma you were going fishing again? maybe. (vo) the best things in life keep going. that s why i got a subaru, too. introducing the all-new crosstrek. love is out there. find it in a subaru crosstrek. you don t let anything lkeep you sidelined. come on! that s why you drink ensure.
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dissatisfied from the response of the republican controlled justice department to information requests for their investigation of trump connections to russia. the committee is especially interested in what s commonly referred to as the trump dossier. according to washington examiner, the house intelligence committee has subpoenaed the fbi and the justice department for documents relating to the dossier. the fbi s relationship with the dossier author christopher steel and the bureau s possible role in supporting what began as an opposition research project against candidate donald trump. the committee issued the subpoenas on august 24th giving both until last friday, september 1st, to turn over the information. neither fbi for justice turned over the documents. and now the committee has given them an extension until september 14th to comply. joining us now david frum and ron klaine.
ron, reports might indicate that this is a republican mission to get this in terms of the committee to get this information from the justice department, from the fbi, and this is not something that the democrats are pushing. that s right. because it s a republican effort to undermine and to interfere with the ongoing investigation of donald trump s ties to russia. the heart of what tray gowdy who made the request is saying is they want to prove somehow the fbi created this investigation, the fbi created the russia issue. that ignores the pile of russian conduct from breaking into both parties databases, to hacking 20 state electoral systems to sending people to trump tower to meet with the president s son and son-in-law and campaign chair. all the acts that, the incredible acts in the campaign
by hostile power to enteer fear in this election is why the fbi is investigating donald trump and russia. not because of the allegations tray gowdy is trying to deflect to. and david, why the fbi started the investigation is always going to be less important than what the fbi found in the end of their investigation. and did they find evidence of any crimes? well, i think understanding this story maybe there s a step back. remember in the first weeks of the administration kellyanne conway spoke of alternative facts that could present an alternative to the embarrassing actual facts? the white house intelligence committee has this is the third of the alternative scandals it s tried to make people excited about. it s a way of diverting attention from the actual scandal. the first was the allegation that obama wiretapped trump in trump tower, the second was that susan rice and others improperly
unmasked the identities of trump campaign team people were talking to the russians. this is the third. both of the two previous so-called scandals quickly fell apart. the alternative scandal did not adhere. as ron says, this is an attempt to say that the important story here is where did this dossier come from? did it inspire the fbi? as ron says, it didn t inspire the fbi, and secondly, the interesting story about the dossier, it s not how did we find out about it. but to what extent is it true? that s the conversation that this house committee does not want to have. once devin nunez stepped down they were supposed to act in better faith. they re not. we know one way the fbi got the dossier. senator john mccain says that he gave it to them when he came upon it. what were they supposed to do j just push it back toward senator mccain? of course not, and of course
they had to look into it. and they had to look into other things that are undisputed that happened in the campaign. this is an ongoing effort by the republicans on the house intelligence committee not to do their jobs, not to look into a national security threat to the united states. not to look into an effort to undermine the core of our democracy, our electoral system. instead to create cover and diversion for donald trump. and as david said, they did it twice before, both those failed. this is another effort to get a scandal. i m sure we ll see alex jones out this and overs saying the real scandal here is that the fbi somehow created this dossier. the real scandal here is that the trump campaign and the russians may well have colluded to win this election, and that s what everyone should be focussed on. something needs to be said about this dossier. most the people who came in contact with us, and all of us on the air don t have a lot of confidence in it.
this is the dossier that alleged sex acts that donald trump witnessed. i think a lot of people have had a bad feeling act this dossier from the start, and when you look carefully at how it originated, it does look like scrounging for gossip in moscow bars if not actually third-hand russian disinformation. this dossier is not the reason that anybody is concerned about what the russians did in this election. ron, i want to go to your old committee, the senate judiciary committee where you used to work. on thursday donald trump junior is now scheduled to discuss this investigation. that s according to three democratic members of the committee. apparently that discussion is going to be with the senators, with the members of the committee, not just the staff. yeah. that is a step forward. look, i think that the senate judiciary committee has had some interesting progress on this. and remember, senator grassly promised to the recess to
release key transcripts of some of the interviews. hopefully the senate is back and labor day has come and gone and hopefully we ll start to get the information out of the judiciary committee and get a vote and see what more they can find out about the real scandal here. ron and david, thank you for joining us tonight. thank you. coming up, the trump justice department has officially said that the trump tweet about president obama wiretapping trump tower is not true. but it was the kind of fantasy that many people in fantasyland believe, and that s why donald trump became the president of fantasy land. that s next.
what you say it is. that is the case made by curt anderson in his brilliant book fantasyland about how america wenthaywire. that history tells us exactly how we got a president trump. it tells us marco rubio can stand on the stage against donald trump and call him a fraud and a con man and be right about that, and still lose to donald trump in the republican primaries. in my own analysis on this program of how we got a president trump, i looked at first the news media s treatment of the trump campaign, especially cable tv news, and then i looked back at sarah palin s vice presidential campaign where public ignorance was something republicans defended, and then i looked at entertainment television putting trump on tv as a reality tv
star, and the embrace of reality tv. i kept looking back through time at our politics and our culture including our entertainment and our sports figures and found myself looking as far back as 1963 for the seeds that were being planted all inned a ver tantly. some of them by liberals that led to an american president named donald trump, a con man who after he was elected president had to pay $25 million to the students he conned at trump university. i saw only as far back as 1963, because i could not see what curt anderson could see, and what he delivers to us in this invaluable book that i m going to hold up again. this stands as the single most important explanation, and the fullest explanation of how donald trump became president of
the united states. that could only happen in a country where enough people are incapable of distinguishing between reality and fantasy. only in fantasyland can donald trump will president. curt anderson, the author of fantasyland which is nothing less than the most important book i have read this year will join us next. whoooo. i enjoy the fresher things in life. fresh towels. fresh soaps. and of course, tripadvisor s freshest, lowest.
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if i think it s true, no matter how or why i think it s true, then it s true, and nobody can tell me otherwise. and that sounds like of the president of fantasyland, donald trump. joining us now is new york times best selling author and the author of fantasyland curt anderson. the book comes out today. i ve been reading it. this is a stunning, sweeping explanation of how we got to trump. here i thought the explanation was, at most, a multidecade explanation. you ve done us a 500-year ramp into trumpism. and weirdly, to me, i started researching this book in 2013, started writing in 2014. turned in before donald trump was nominated. so i mean, i m the one person who lucked out in this country when donald trump came along and
got the nomination and became president. i wasn t reverse engineering it, i had this big theory and donald trump came along and embodied it. and your book would be valid, even if donald trump had come in second for the presidency, if the electoral college had just tilted the other way. it s astonishing enough that he would get the nomination of a major party. you write, america was created by people resistant to reality checks and convinced they had special access to the truth, a place founded to enact grand fantasies. and the trump presidency now stands as one of the grandest fantasies of all. right. of course, we had a few hundred years where that fantastical impulse was kept in check by say the jeffersons and franklins of the world, and the elites and the establishment over hundreds of years, until it kind of got out of control in the last few
decades and donald trump my point is that donald trump didn t cause anything. he saw an opportunity, because he s a con man and a grifter. he saw what happened or insti t instinctually felt it. and empirical truth doesn t matter anymore. let s go back to your notion that this country was founded on fantasy. you don t mean the people we call the founders. they re among the most rational and sophisticated intellects of their day. true. you re talking about these adventurerers that came here, literally believing by getting off the boat in virginia, they would immediately find gold just by looking at their feet. and most people, if that happened, they would spend six months walking around, a year, maybe two and give up. they kept coming, they kept dying. they kept coming. 20 years later, finally they decided well, guess there s no
gold here. these were people, yes, these adventurers, these people who gave up life as they knew it, their families, civilized the world and came to this empty place because they thought they could find gold. those were people in the south opposed to the christian theo cats in the north. and the people who came in the north, the so-called pilgrims that were puritans, what they were seeking is what they called religious freedom, which meant freedom of thought and ultimately enshrined in the first amendment, freedom of speech. that ultimately, in your telling, becomes a freedom to think and believe anything. correct. at first, it meant after they were forced by the english parliament to tolerate people other than themselves and not hang catholics who happened along, then we developed this freedom of religion where basically as long as you believed in some version of
probably a christian god it was okay. then we got to the constitution and we go to the founders. and along with the it was the other side of the enlightenment. the enlightenment we think of the thing that allowed reason and skepticism of faith and of truths that people declared to be challenged. it also allowed anything and everything to be believed, which it should be and must be legally. but we re not talking about legal freedom of thought, we re talking about freedom to believe any crazy thing you wish because you feel the truth. and no expert is going to tell me otherwise. and in modern times, which is to say our times that we live through, you see the 1960s as the big explosion of believe whatever you want. on the left, on the right, everywhere. and, again, this isn t, as you know, just about politics. but what happened in the 60s
when you in the counterculture, you were supposed to find your own truth and make your own reality and do your own thing. that led to a kind of ultimately, i think, was part of what led to alternative facts and donald trumpism. it was also a time simultaneously, and i don t think as a coincidence, when religion in america, christian protestant religion became more exotic and flamboyant and super natural than it had been in centuries. so yeah, i think the last 50 years, from various sources, led us to where we are today. of course, the internet, once there was an internet, there was no stopping us. then anyone with a crazy idea was no longer alone. correct. the book explains it all. it was not intended as an explainer of how we got to trump, but it is. it s the best explainer i ve seen. where is that camera? it s over there.
thank you very much for joining us tonight. you must read fantasyland, you re not going to understand where this country is tonight without read thing book. we ll be right back. for an exceptionally fresh feeling choose philips sonicare diamondclean. hear the difference versus oral b. in a recently published clinical study, philips sonicare diamondclean outperforms oral-b 7000, removing up to 82% more plaque and improving gum health up to 70% more. its sonic technology cleaning deep between teeth. from the most recommended sonic toothbrush brand by dental professionals. switch to philips sonicare today. philips sonicare. save when you buy now. philips sonicare. so we sent that sample i doff to ancestry. i was from ethnically. my ancestry dna results are that i am 26% nigerian. i am just trying to learn as much as i can about my culture. i put the gele on my head and i looked into the mirror and i was trying not to cry. because it s a hat, but it s like the most important hat i ve ever owned.
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Transcripts For MSNBCW AM Joy 20171104 14:00:00

why is that? is he couldn t ihe couldn ting. he seems to be the person that makes donald trump the most nervous. all of those stay strong, he drnt wadidn t want to fire him. but i think that is looming out there. so you have this committee that is chaired by jeff sessions where the gentleman who was in charge of it recruits in papadopoulous and he is now actually also talking to at least the senate committees and probably to mueller s team as well, you have this team that now seems to be kind of in low customer of the contacts with russia in addition to trump jr., to kushner and others.locust of russia in addition to trump jr., to kushner and others. but carter page overnight is now saying that shortly after his trip to russia to meet with russian officials in july of
2016, which we now learn he did meet with russian high official, not just university officials or whatever he was trying to say before, but shortly after the trip, he sentd an e-mail to one aide describing insights he had. and we now know that he was copied on e-mails that george papadopoulous sent regarding his contacts with moscow. it starts to look like we re circling around what could be collusion. is there is a crime in any of that multiple contacts with a foreign government? you know, when the other guests talked about presidents being subject to interviews by the fbi, you have to give a shout out to barack obama. he s the only president since richard nixon who has not been questioned in a federal criminal investigation. carter page, again, ryan, all of these people who seem low level who president trump denies knowing or tries downplay,
mueller is circling around them. they are the little fish designed to deliver the big fish. what do we know about george papadopoulous? we know he got arrested in august and he was cooperating with mueller since then, but we didn t find out about that until monday. so i think it s safe to assume that these other little fish like carter page might be cooperati cooperating. certainly mueller will try to turn mr. ryan who was arrested along with mr. manafort as kind of manafort s boy, he s his associate, so he will be relatively easy i think to get to cooperate with the government. he might give up the goods on people like his boss manafort. that s how these cases are made. i always say it s like law and order, the tv the show, where investigators go office to office asking questions building clues that ultimately leads them
to the big kahuna. and that of course is the president of the united states. and liz bet, thelizabeth, that k to trump s consistent desire to get rid of mueller. he ultimately fired james comey. he can t outright fire mueller. he would have to get the deputy attorney general to do it who said he one of the. you now have members of congress introducingdema demanding that robert mueller resign on his own based on this. there are human rule others that steve bannon is encouraging trump to defund mueller s investigation. can any of these attempts be seen on the impeachment side or in a legal sense? well, i think that they are
getting into deep water if they try to do that. i think both on a criminal sense and certainly on an impeachment sense. remember we go back to watergate, it was the firing of the special prosecutor archibald cox because he was about to get the tapes, wanted to get the tapes that was going to prove whether richard nixon was guilty or not of a crime. got fired. that produced huge public outcry and led to nixon s downfall. so any kind of fooling around with mueller has the danger of triggering public outrage and anxious impeachment. but it also could be obstruction of justice. just because he s the president and has the power to fire or not fire or whatever that power is, if he does it for the reason of covering up, then we are in obstruction territory in my view. and nick, what about if he starts pardoning people, what if
donald trump who i think frank makes a good point, is probably very much in fear of what mike flynn might say, if he sees jared kushner potentially getting in trouble, what if he starts pardoning people, is that obstruction? certainly could be obstruction because if he does it with the intent to obstruct the investigation and get rid of it because it is honing in on him, sure. that is obstruction. but don t forget the indictment that mueller came down with is for money laundering. money laundering is a crime in new york state. tax evasion is a crime in new york state. so trump is going to have a problem doing any pardons here. he can t pardon for new york state lieus. some of the new york state laws are more potent and may be more applicable to what happened here than would be some of the federal laws. so he is not in a great position, mr. trump. let s remember attempts to pardon or promises of pardons to the watergate burglars by nixon was one of the articles for
grounds for impeachment. let s say manafort or papadopoulous got pardoned. would they then go before an fbi agent to be interviewed, can they assert their fifth amendment right? they can, but that would take the legs right out from under the fbi interview and i agree with the others, the president is teetering on obstruction of justice. remember obstruction requires just because the president can do something doesn t mean that it s not illegal. if he s doing it to avoid in-cell natuin incriminating himself, that is obstruction. and paul, do you see an obstruction of justice case coming out of mueller s office? it s certainly possible. mueller is the most powerful person in the district of columbia. so yeah, there is grounds there if it will happen, it won t be impeachment, that is political, but the nation turns its eyes to roberts mueller. all right.
thank you all. great panel. up next, new details on how russia gate may have started in the first place. as master sergeant. they really appreciate the military family, and it really shows. we ve got auto insurance, homeowners insurance. had an accident with a vehicle, i actually called usaa before we called the police. usaa was there hands-on very quick very prompt. i feel like we re being handled as people that actually have a genuine need. we re the webber family and we are usaa members for life. usaa, get your insurance quote today. people are fighting type 2 diabetes. with fitness. food. and the pill that starts with f. farxiga, along with diet and exercise, helps lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. lowering a1c by up to 1.2 points. do not take if allergic to farxiga. if you experience symptoms of a serious allergic reaction
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missing e-mails which a lot of republicans including donald trump clearly believed russia had. and if we look at this development in the context of a longer timi time line, it s cle the hunt for russians with dirt on hillary clinton was a recurring theme in the trump campaign. let s go back to march 19, 2016 when russian operatives first hacked lits campaign chairman john podesta s e-mail account which did not become public knowledge until wikileaks released those e-mails in october. a month after the podesta hack in april of 2016, the democratic national committee first learned that russian government hackersr network and that became known in june. and we now know that during that same month, on april 26, trump campaign adviser george papadopoulous met in london with a profession on or who claimed to have contacts with russian government officials who were in
possession of dirt on hillary clinton in the form of thousands of e-mails. about two weeks later, on may 9, fox news analyst andrew napolitano goes on fox news and makes a similar claim about russians with clinton s e-mails. then a month after that, donald trump jr. starts his own search for that dirt when on june 3 he gets an efts ma-mail from rob goldstone who promises information from high level russian officials that would incriminate clinton and be useful to his father s campaign. to that donald jr. responds if it s what you say, i love it. six days later, donald trump jr., paul manafort and jared kushner attend the trump tower e-mail set up that meeting. and on that same day, whenever
the brurussians were offering, father tweeted at clinton where are your 33,000 e-mails that you deleted. and a month later on july 27, trump made that request directly to the russians when he said during a news conference russia if you re listening, i hope you re able to find the 30,000 e-mails that are missing. fast forward again to september over labor day weekend when the wall street journal reports yet another quest for russia access to clinton e-mails that got under way. peter w. smith told the journal that he began seekinging tseeking the e-mails he believed to be stolen. smith was found dead of apparent suicide weeks after he talked with the journal. those efforts to get clinton s e-mails ultimately amounted to a fool s errands because here is the thing, there never has been any evidence that russians are or anyone else ever successfully hacked hillary clinton s private e-mail servers.
or that anybody russian or otherwise ever actually had her deleted e-mails. in fact hillary clinton might have been alone among the dnc, john podesta and even some state and federal government agencies in not being successfully hacked. go figure. and up next, my panel weighs in on whether the russians baited the hook by planting a clever fiction about having hillary clinton s e-mails in order to gain access and influence with donald trump and members of his campaign. stay with us. welcome! how s it going? hi!
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were in possession of quote/unquote dirt on hillary clinton. joining me now is malcolm nance and sarah kensior. we ve been on the air together i believe now since last july. yes. essentially telling the same story over and over again. every day. and when you first heard and you write in your book the plot to hack america about that andrew innapolitano clip that happened sort of out of the blue in april of last year, when you heard andrew napolitano say that, what did you think? in fact i came on msnbc that week to address that statement. because it was impossible. what they were saying was it napolitano had u.s. intelligence sources that were saying that he had information from the kremlin of an internal debate between vladimir putin, his senior staff about should they release 20,000
hacked hillary clinton e-mails. i said that level of intelligence is just impossible to have. how would he be saying it? he got from a website called what does it that had put it out and ittedit had a myl character who was a conduit of information from other russian sources that put this story into that conspiracy theory blog site and it made its way to napolitano and then on 27 july it made its way to donald trump. and we know that donald trump and the people who like donald trump are avid viewers of fox news. so to you does it make sense that if the kremlin wanted to plant the fictitious idea that they had the 20,000 to 30,000 e-mails that hillary clinton deleted because they were personal or whatever when her state department e-mails were turned over, that if they wanted to plant that, this would be the way to do it? put it on a website, that fox
news picks it up and it s now in the bloodstream. is that a typical way that the kremlin would brate? operate? yeah, and that kind of intent would be not just to reach people in the trump campaign, but to reach republicans in general, the trump bhas. and to kind of make this narrative, you know, resonate in american society. i tend to think though that if the kremlin wanted to talk to the trump campaign, they could have easily gone through paul manafort or other people in that campaign who had direct connections to the kremlin. so i don t think they necessarily needed to circumvent it for that particular reason. that is a question. you have carter page walking off the street and joinings rump foreign policy team, george papadopoulous who was a low level sort of guy, 29, walk in become a part of the inner sort of foreign policy team of the campaign, and then announce i m going to on mos moscow, i can g vladimir putin in the room with donald trump. there seemed to be a lot of
people who were pedaling connections to the kremd lynnce contin cekremlin or putin. and i ve said there will be multiple dirty tricks teams who had independent access or so they thought to information that russia was dangling in front of them. interesting about the whole 20,000 hillary clinton e-mails thing, it comes ten months after the russians initially hacked the dnc, which means their information warfare management team had already had the information they wanted, they needs to now plus up all of their, you know, their surrogates for surrogate surrogates to feed to donald trump. and worked. papadopoulous, maybe carter page, maybe mike flynn and through man for thafort.
all can be completely independent and then come together once it reaches donald trump or donald trump jr. and do you assume that the russians were lying, that they were just saying that they had these missing e-mails in order to dangle that possibility and draw in trump campaign people? i don t have to assume. we already know that now. because if they had had those e-mails, they would have been out years ago. but again, this came from russian sources. and there is no way anyone would ever know what was being said inside the office of vladimir putin. if that was a u.s. intelligence source, that person would have died with that information. and to leak it out to some obscure website and then shows up on fox news? that tells you you the russians injected it into the bloodstream. and do you think the american media needs to do some soul searching here? because all of this information couldn t have survived if it didn t have the oxygen of media interest in the e-mails as a source of news and information.
it wasn t just the conspiracy theorists that were hungry for the e-mails, it was us, the media. slooutsly they beabsolutely responsibility for that. a lot of this goes back to kind an obsession with hillary clinton with the false assumption that hillary clinton was bound to win the election so they could spend their time on matters like the ec males. there were also financial improprieties that were happening with the trump campaign that went unexamined. it doesn t take a genius to know that the media will bite on any kind of anti-hillary clinton story. so of course the skrkremlin wou peddle it in that way. it appeals to some of the bernie sanders voters and a lot of the public in general. so a smart move on their part, but the media should have paid more attention and done a better job. and is this the most
successful intelligence operation in at least modern kremlin history? i m tempted to say it s the most successful intelligence operation in the history of the world. and i m a scholar in this and i know people who are very, very close to this who were real time participants and they say that the russians apparently got their hooks into another country that has atomic bombs. but do you know who warned us? hillary clinton. she did. there is a lengthy video that you did can find online. nobody listened. thank you both very much. and coming up, why the republicans just can t quit donald trump.
and removing a dangerous president, then what has our government become? i m tom steyer, and like you, i m a citizen who knows it s up to us to do something. it s why i m funding this effort to raise our voices together and demand that elected officials take a stand on impeachment. a republican congress once impeached a president for far less. yet today people in congress and his own administration know that this president is a clear and present danger who s mentally unstable and armed with nuclear weapons. and they do nothing. join us and tell your member of congress that they have a moral responsibility to stop doing what s political and start doing what s right. our country depends on it. more than a year into this story of russian attacks on our election and as the scope of the official inquiries widen, one
thing that has remained completely consistent besides donald trump s denials that there was ever any collusion has been the attitude of republicans when it comes to russian interference and that includes the rnc. for a lot of democrats, that is a sign of not just party loyalty to trump, but something worse. complicity with what russia did. back on october 18, on 2016, three weeks before the election, then chair of the dnc donna brazile wrote a letter to reince priebus offering to brief the rnc on the details of the dnc hack and asking that the parties issue a joint statement on the russia attack in an effort to affirm legitimacy of the process. this is 11 days before they officially accused russia government of trying to interfere in the election. and it got drowned out by the access hollywood tape. but there was no bipartisan
effort, no united front. we reached out to the rnc for comment. a spokesman pointed out that in july of 2016, priebus said he would be concerned if it were true that russians were behind the dnc hack and he also made comments denouncing the hack of e-mails. but republicans never responded. joini joining me now are former strategists, and a former ethics lawyer. and joel, you were on the clinton campaign. i don t know if you recall this letter that was sent out, i have a copy of it here. and in it, donna brazile starts off saying, you know, we challenged both parties to focus on the integrity of the election day process. she goes in to this question of russia hacking and asks let s stand together and help each over. do you recall any response whatsoever coming from the rnc? zero.
no response at all. maybe something happened, but i haven t heard anybody say there was a response. i haven t heard anybody from the rnc say there was. and she also outlined several other steps she wanted to take where they would make a statement jointly about five or six steps that had to be taken and radio silence, nothing. i will say that we reached out on to the rnc and we did speak somebody close to the situation or knowledgeable about the situation. and they said one possible explanation for why there wasn t a response is that this letter starts off talking about the russian interference, the e-mails warning that we can put a subject matter expert in place, let s brief each other, but then it goes in to things like the voting rights. and we all know most of us that the rnc is under a concept decree since the 1980s in which they are not allowed to touch anything involving election integrity because they
committed how shall we say they were attempting to interfere with the right to vote. yes. could it be that they didn t respond to the letter because donna brazile went beyond russia and talked about these other things? it could be, but for example around that time marco rubio if you recall said hey, today it s the democrats, tomorrow it could be us. and people like rick perry said i don t care what he has to say. people close to trump were putting up their hands saying we don t want go near this. and simon, you have written for u.s. news and world report back in april, you said the rnc was at the center of the penetration of trump s campaign by the russian government and nomination and use of russian information. what do you mean by that? it s clear that every single day of the general election the rn krm rnc put out a press release bloatings wikileaks releases and amplifying the russian campaign
and encouraging other people to use this thing to use these things every day. it was critical to the normalization of the use of this which became common with the media themselves. i mean imagine if the rnc had said we have doubts about this wikileaks stuff, we don t want to on toutouch it, we re patrio partisans and we don t want to put it in the bloodstream of the ecosystem, no question that reince priebus and sean spicer s embrace of the russian campaign was country ritical to its succ. collusion has been established. we know this took place. and i think far more scrutiny has to be placed in us looking at the role that the republican party infrastructure itself prayed in the supray prayed played in the success of this russian meddling. and republicans were very cold to the idea of joining with democrats and really actively condemning what russia was doing.
this is a clip where they referenced the post piece. it says in august when the obama administration quietly approached capitol hill to seek bipartisan support, cia director john brennan couldn t get top republicans to meet with him. we learned when a they sat down, they completely refused to cooperate. and when jeh johnson contacted people in charge of elections in various states, the republicans in those states booed him off. were republicans essentially willing to benefit from russian interference and essentially refusing to join with democrats out of pure partisanship over really concern for national security? well, it s unfortunate that, you know, when he wanted to privately meet with some key republicans to discuss the issue, it s unfortunate that they didn t want to meet.
now, you ve got we all know that there is bad blood between republicans and democrats on the fact that donna brazile had tried to approach rins somethin do, i can see where reince priebus probably wasn t thrilled to meet with donna braille brazil on how to combat the russian hack. it s true marco rubio tried to.l on how to combat the russian hack. it s true marco rubio tried to. but to look further into this, the rnc should have been more proceed active on looking at it, but what about the fecle and what about t what about the ads that were let loose todemocrats and republicans on facebook, on twitter?about the ads that were loose to hurt both democrats and republicans on facebook, on twitter? this is how some of the hate groups got out. and we say a lot of the evidence
that russian advertisers were playing in our elections to get the right and left entangled in a bitter war. so the rnc maybe should have been more proactive, you re right, but what about the fec and what about getting them to get a little bit more reactive and a little bit more proactive in trying to prevent some of this. richard, i think there are a lot of democrats doing soul searching and wishing that the obama administration had been more aggressive, but we have examples in other countries of the same thing happening, the same ad, hacking against e-mails. there was an aggressive attempt to hack into the e-mails of the french candidates. hackers came after them you about but the french were prepared. we had fin land and estonia also
attacked. but the difference is that in those countries and germany and other places, both of the political parties came together and were very public about saying we don t care who wins, we don t want russia involved. and they were very proactive. and so wasn t it incumbent on the republicans to be as alarmed as democrats about an attack on our country? well, of course. russians have been do this for 100 years and they supported far left wing communist parties all over the world with some success in some places and you now it s these right wingnuts and so-called religious conservatives that they support and ku klux klan elements in the united states, bright bhart nre news and the rest of it. it s a serious threat to the united states governmentght bre news and the rest of it. it s a serious threat to the united states government and all
americans should be united in opposing this. and conservative voters are not going to tolerate elected officials and other political operatives in the republican party who persist in this coverup and the people for example stooeeve bannon and tho types who are encouraging president trump to fire robert mueller who would be an additional act of ob strubs estf justice. so it s important to distinguish from the extremist elements and the traditional conservatives who have no tomorrlerance of th russian clab rollaborate tors i our government. we have strongly committed to the independence of our own country. we won t allow russia to take advantage of racial animosities
and other issues that we have to deal with in this country in order to dominate us and that is exactly what has happened here and the trump white house is persistent in a coverup rather than allowing robert mueller to complete his investigation. very quickly, simon, you ve been talking about this for quite some time, i take it your view is that none of those wings stood up to the russians? right. and in fact the rnc was critical in the russian operation succeeding. i mean there was active collusion. they all knew this was coming from russia. that is what was established this week. they knew as early as april, may, june that russia was attempting to get involved in the elections here in the united states. think about what happened the day after the republican convention ended, wikileaks released their dnc e-mails and caused the dnc chairman the day before the convention began to resign and created enormous chaos. are you telling me the trump campaign didn t know that was coming from russia? they all knew.
and there hasn t been a lot of honesty about what people knew i think is clear. thank you simon, richard and know noelle. noelle. oelle. noelle. (honking) (beeping) we re on to you, diabetes. time s up, insufficient prenatal care. and administrative paperwork, your days of drowning people are numbered. same goes for you, budget overruns. and rising costs, wipe that smile off your face.
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45 years ago the first indictments were handed down in the watergate scandal. less than two months later president nixon was reelected in a landslide, carrying every single state except massachusetts and washington, d.c. you did have this lingering support for richard nixon, even after you had those indictments. why is that? why did nixon still have support? why did he seem to have such robust support? he was a radically popular president at this point in time, winning the reelection that you just mentioned. i think the republican party saw the possibilities of him being a great leader for the country. so i think that mr. republicans kind of callied around michd x richard nixon. you see the break-in of the
dnc physically during watergate and virtually through the e-mails by russian hackers. but you have a very different response from republican leadership. there seems to be a great wariness of watergate among senior level republicans in congress. now they don t seem to care all that much. is that a radical shift in the republican party itself or is it richard nixon inspired dread among his allies on the hill? no. i thit s ramped up partisanship that s driving what s going on right now. you hear from corker, you hear from flake. you sometimes hear from mccain that there are people who are kind of peeling off the president who are also republicans. that was nixon s biggest fear was that what was going to happen as things were started to be investigated was that people would peel off. for instance, john dean, his white house counsel say there is s a cancer surrounding the
presidency as early as january of 73. that s the fear that s going on. one of the things to keep in mind is that richard nixon as far as his persona goes is somewhat similar to donald trump. there s a real paranoia. there s a real desire for unity at all costs. thinking of any sort of protest as disloyal and infusing disloyalty within the nation. so i mean, i do think there s some parallels here between the two personas of the presidents carrying out both of these crises. the thing to watch, though, would be how many other republican senators start to break with the president. that s quite significant. when you talk about the similarities between nixon and trump, there s a certain kind of paranoia. a lot of people are looking at donald trump and seeing a kind of unraling in the way he s behaving publicly. what was nixon s mental state as
watergate was closing in on him? this is a debate historians have with themselves an awful lot. there s certainly a kind of feeling that nixon had something of a break down in the white house even before watergate but certainly around watergate he became extremely defensive. he became more warrior like which is i think a quality that he shares with our current sitting president. he certainly had something of a breakdown and was increasingly paranoid. there are allegations that alcohol was shofed in this. we don t necessarily have complete and complete evidence for that. but there certainly seemed to be something of a fall-apart on him as he watches people peel off the administration, people turn on him, people start speaking about what s going on within the white house and of course once the tapes get announced, he becomes increasingly paranoid and kind of prone to see this as a conspiracy against him and as
a victim. absolutely. paranoia was certainly the watch word of the day . it might be again. there s so much more coming up. keep it right here on mst nbc be has been excellent. they always refer to me as master sergeant. they really appreciate the military family, and it really shows. we ve got auto insurance, homeowners insurance. had an accident with a vehicle, i actually called usaa before we called the police. usaa was there hands-on very quick very prompt. i feel like we re being handled as people that actually have a genuine need. we re the webber family and we are usaa members for life. usaa, get your insurance quote today.
most tumultuous years in american history. his legacy of connecting to americans across race, class and political lines is especially notable in today s hyper partisan age. and considering that the current occupant of the white house regularly says things like that. you had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. wouldn t you love to see one of these nfl owners when somebody disrespects our flag to say, get that son of a bitch off the field. i m the only one that matters. when it comes to it, that s what the policy is going to be. joining me now chris matthews. i always love talking to you, chris, and reading your books. this one because you are such a scholar on the kennedy family, you write so beautifully about them. it s an interesting time for it to come out.
there are beautiful photos in it. doesn t that grab you? this is something that s it s the african-americans singing at the baltimore train station the battle hymn of the republic. there s such a statement in that guy. he obviously was in the military as an unlisted guy. he s very poor and yet he had belief in bobby as a patriot. i think both communities trusted him. the 60s were rough and they re still rough. you it shows what you can do with the racial divide this this country. bobby tried to bring people together. let me play one clip. this is bobby kennedy talking to african-americans about his own brother s assassination.
a. for those of you who are black and are attempted to be filled with hatred and distrust of the injustice of such an act against all white people, i would only say that ki also feel in my own heart the same kind of feeling. i had a member of my family killed. he was killed by a white man. but we have to make an effort in the united states. we have to make an effort to understand. go beyond these rather difficult times. that of course was the night that martin luther king, jr. was assassina assassinated. you have somebody who is white, irish guy from massachusetts, who s able to people with such moral authority to african-americans. there s no one that can do that. thanks to working with nbc, i was able to get the tapes.
the police wouldn t go into that neighborhood. they left him alone. it was a tough neighborhood and they didn t know what was going to happen. bobby said, do they know you and the guy says no. there s no twittering, no e-mail or anything. they didn t know and he had to tell them. some of the people were still cheering him because they were just reacting to his presence, they weren t hearing his words. it gets back to what i believe in this book, is that this story of bobby kennedy is the spirit that survives the 60s, the spirit that could work. he said we have to make an effort. that s all he s saying, just make an effort. i think that what this president does i only call race is the san andreas fault in this country. he jumps on it. squeeze a few more votes out of the guys guys taking a knee. he always tries to find
something wreck get his 40%. that s all he wants. in the electoral college that s enough. let the 60% just discard them. i love the way you write about the kennedys. there is sort of a gallant narrative with the kenties. they were tough. don t you miss them? they were with joe mccarthy, right? i ll tell you about joe. it is a lot about the thing you mentioned, the irish thing. i grew up like that. my mom was very pro mccarthy. my dad said he went too far. bobby loved the guy. he drank himself to death. he abused witnesses. he used all kinds of tactics. bobby swore i m never going to do that again. in fact, bobby wrote the resolution for the democrats condemning his friend. but yet at the end he went to
the funeral, he went to the grave site. he hid in the car to show his respect. never got out of the car. i got this from his daughter kathleen. when he heard at national airport that mccarthy had died, he was so distraught that he drove around the airport three times. he loved the guy and yet he knew bobby learned people you love can be wrong and can be the bad guy. that is real maturity. i think learning is politics. political career is essentially a learning career. it s like being a dentist. you ve got to keep up. this guy trump is groundhog day. every morning is the same tweet. he never matures.
he never learns anything about race or people or foreign policy. it s the same. bobby is always studying civil rights, getting pushed around by james baldwin and his crowd up here in new york. he just took it. he said, you know, if i were them i d be like this. and he went to his brother a week later and said we ve got to do the civil rights thing. bobby did that. he was i think for a lot of african-americans the more heroic kennedy. his top aide had a lead pipe bashed over his head. can you speculate just based on having written this biography, what would have been different about america if bobby kennedy had lived and become president? you know, a lot of this i think broke bad president 70s.
let s talk progressive politics for a minute. the only way you get pregnantive action is if the communities hurt by injustice and all the systems that are rigged you know how the market works. the money s been taken out of the market before you even invest. so in the early 70s it all became social issues. we all started the joining archie bunker. let s make fun of him and let s make his son-in-law the smart one. so the sbekt actual is the good guy. but the character was sort of ridiculous. why are you living here not making any money and i m pulling the train here? and then it began that reagan came along. he scooped up all the discarded white working class. you don t like the democrats anymore? come on home. i m a patriot. when all this stuff kept getting
worse and worse on the social issues, they re legitimate issues. and choice of course became a big issue among the conservative catholics. all of a sudden the country is divided socially rather than economically. i think we re better off when we re divided by economics. that way if you re making 30 or 40 a year and you want to get a break, you would actually vote together. you may not hang out together, but you ll vote together. i think that s broken now. you ve got union guys voting for trump. he s not building. he said he was going to rebuild america. where? why don t we go back to rebuilding this country congresswomen roosevelt built it. lincoln built during the civil war. do it. we built the empire state
building in the middle of the depression. we need a system of rapid rail across this country. put every construction trade they d be the happiest construction trades in history. they d all be working. stop giving tax breaks to the rich and start spending it. that s an old liberal argument. i wonder if projecting forward to 2020, i almost feel that the only thing that could sort of beet the nihilism of donald trump is nostalgia. will it take a kennedy or something like that to beat donald trump? you could says no tall ja abo nostalgia about jesus too. most of the time his heart was out there.
and i think that we have to make an effort and we don t anymore. i think whoever the democratic candidate is next time, it s got to be somebody who hasn t discarded the white working class. it has to be somebody who doesn t go to carol king concerts all day. bruce springsteen maybe. i m dead serious about this. once you start saying i m better than you, i went to a really good school, they get the message. a guy i was in the peace corps with said people don t mind being used, they mind being discarded. i think the white working class today feels they ve been discarded by the democrats. this is a grandson in the lineage of bobby kennedy. i wonder what you think of him and how he s coming along
politically. it s hard to stomach a trillion dollar tax cut being proposed to benefit wealthy adults at the same time that our republican colleagues are telling us we can t afford to care for sick kids. it s hard to stomach indifference from this chamber as chip lapsed. he seems more like prince harry, doesn t he? he s a ginger. he s great. he s got it all. he did the peace corps, which is very important to me. he went to law school and worked as a local prosecutor. that s the kennedy route. he didn t jump ahead of the line and say give me what i have a right to. i think he s got it. long before he becomes a senator or president, we ve got to restore the spirit. i think a lot of people my age who were in the peace corp with me really do feel that spirit of bobby kennedy.
it s not so much the book that i m out there promoting. it s him. it s bobby and that spirit of we can work together. look at him. i used he would say compassionate. that s what we need. that s what we need. we need maybe a shorter word for it, but looking out for other people. the trump is not that american really if you think about it. not that way. it s hard to see how we go back to this era. i think a picture is worth a thousand words. that picture and this picture on the cover of those kids looking to him as hope. we don t have that right now. we don t. coming up, twitter boots one of their biggest trolls, next.
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trump asked me to get involved because my reputation among other things in politics is understanding of the convention process, the delegate process and most of the major successful big conventions over the last 30 years i ve been intimately involved in. did roger recommend you for the job? roger was one of the two or three people who strongly recommended me, yes. did he bring you in? no. not at all. last friday night paul manafort s long time friend and partner roger stone went ballistic on twitter.
we ve had you on before. we brought you back because i feel like your documentary is in a lot of ways the best explainer of donald trump and the nexus between him, roger stone and paul manafort. briefly explain what that connection is. so paul manafort and roger stone go back to the early 80s with donald trump. donald trump was was their client at black, manafort and stone. roger stone was literally the first person to suggest to trump to run for the presidency. he spent 29 years as trump s closest political advisor, cultivating him for the white house. he kind of talks about roger stone as sort of a nixon. this is donald trump from your documentary get me roger stone, talking about donald trump.
take a listen. i was like a jockey looking for a horse. can t win the race if you don t have a horse. i interceded with the portsmouth new hampshire chamber of commerce to arrange a lunch. the helicopter landing was as big a news as his speech. this is kind of the first time i saw the power of trump, the public interest in trump was palpable, electric. what do you think roger stone wants from all of this? what does he want from donald trump s presidency? roger and a lot of the political consultants have a long history of taking things that have worked in the past and fitting them for the modern era. what he saw in donald trump was to take all the things that worked with richard nixon and ronald reagan and he saw trump had the ability to turn it all into a great tweet and to modernize it. he saw his charisma and over the
years helped teach him the methods to turn that charisma into the presidency. he shares with donald trump a certain attitude toward life, a certain penchant for conspiracy theories. he wrote an entire book sort of putting forward his theory that lyndon johnson killed jfk. he believes in these conspiracy theorie theories. he and donald trump are burters. it is kind of destabilizing to think this is who s running the country. you look at roger stone, you re pretty much seeing donald trump. right. what paul manafort says in the film is that even though it s a trump presidency, it s influenced by stone philosophy. what we found in studying roger stone s career and relating it to donald trump is that trump doesn t have an ideology so much as a political philosophy. and that philosophy is win at all costs and that correlates
also to nixon. of course roger stone started what richard nixon at the age of 19 and was the youngest person called before the watergate grand jury and now of course is involved in russia gai russia-gate. we spend four years chasing paul manafort for an interview and we were actually the last people to interview him on camera. he seemed that after he resigned or was pushed out of the trump campaign that he was embittered
at how he was treated. what is so interesting about the indictment is something that you see in our film. roger and paul manafort were on the vanguard of going to brutal third world dictators and getting their business, making millions of dollars off them. at the time they were registered as foreign agents. we see that part of paul manafort s problems now is that he isn t registered as a foreign agent. they saw an opportunity to make a lot of money off of going and representing some of the most unscrupulous people on the planet. this is a through line in paul manafort s career. is paul manafort somebody who saw donald trump as a vehicle to enrich himself? absolutely. these guys absolutely love the high of election night, the thrill of the countdown, the manipulation of the people. they re not just in it for the money. the money is a great perk and maybe it morphed into a love of
money. but their real source here is the thrill of the hunt. why does it seem that there s so much emphasis on russia, ukraine. why does that seem to be such a particular area of interest for all these guys? i think that a lot of these political consul at that particular times and lobbyists could make a lot of money. the lobbying class really exploded and the consulting class gained so much more power. a lot of people went to look overseas for work, lobbying and consulting work. that was one of black, manafort, stone s practices, was representing brutal third world dictators to lobby in the u.s. for foreign aid to support their war against the more leftist communist regimes that were
rising, say in africa. you know, this is what they have done, paul manafort especially roger stone has also done work in the ukraine. michael ka pew toe has also done work in the ukraine working for boris yet sin. that is their new bread and butter. just based on having interviewed paul manafort, interviewed roger stone, do you think they re the type of men who are afraid of going to prison? well, paul manafort had it s been disclosed that his password seems to have been bond 007. he was leading this lavish jet setting lifestyle hanging out with oligarchs in the lap of luxy ri ri.
roger stone insists that paul manafort is intensely loyal to the president, that if he tried to flip on the president he would be lying and he would never lie. but you see that paul manafort even ob few skated in our film in that clip. in 30 seconds. he was either put on by roger stone or not. and paul manafort s family is wrapped up in this too. he expressed to us great affection for his family. his daughter is a film maker like us. when the heat is on rgs it s hard to guess what decisions will be made. his children were living in some of those multimillion dollar apartments he might have been buying with his ill gotten gains. this is going to get interesting. good luck. oz car buzz. i hope you guys get the award.
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the virginia governor s contest is one of the first gubernatorial races since trump was elected. without a doubt he s had an impact on how both candidates are campaigning. with my moderate to severe crohn s disease i kept looking for ways to manage my symptoms. i thought i was doing okay. then it hit me. managing was all i was doing. when i told my doctor, i learned humira is for people who still have symptoms of moderate to severe crohn s disease even after trying other medications. in clinical studies, the majority of people on humira saw significant symptom relief and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems,
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yet today people in congress and his own administration know that this president is a clear and present danger who s mentally unstable and armed with nuclear weapons. and they do nothing. join us and tell your member of congress that they have a moral responsibility to stop doing what s political and start doing what s right. our country depends on it. ms-13 is a mess. raffle northham increased the threat of ms-13. his policies are dangerous. i m ed gillespie, candidate for governor. i sponsored this ad for a safer, stronger virginia. the ad you just heard is from the campaign of ed gillespie.
he s facing off against democratic lieutenant governor ralph northam. northam has a narrow 1.2 percentage point lead over gillespie. gilless s ads seem to be working. let s talk a little bit about these ads. we know that gillespie has hire add former trump staffer who worked trump s virginia campaign, actually the field director for the campaign. with that field director in tow, ed gillespie has sharpened the distinctions and running ads that really do push up against
issues of race. i want to play the first ad that the latino victory fund has ran. here s the latino victory fund ad. run, run, run! is this what donald trump and ed gillespie mean by the american dream? so that ad was pulled on tuesday after a terrorist attack in new york city that involved a pickup truck hitting people for real. now, this is the rebuttal ad from ed gillespie s campaign. it s kind of his closing argument ad as well. take a look. this new attack ad from a democratic group single most disgusting unfair
thing i ve ever seen. calling people that don t agree with you white supremacists is totally out of bounds. this assumes virginia voters are really stupid. ralph northam disdains us. those ads seem to be working. ed gillespie seems to be gaining with this argument that they just think you re deplorable. what do you think? i think i have a really queasy feeling in my stomach about this race. i m still cautiously optimistic that pause of the energy that we see on the left across the country, northam will still be able to pull this out. make no mistake. this looks a lot like trump and clinton. the republicans, we know what they stand for. it s these culture wars, race ichbl and tax cut racism and
cuts. people don t know where he stands on anything. he has tried to reinvent himself for this moment and it has led to tremendous lack of enthusiasm. so the gillespie play book has really worked in this case. i just hope that we can hold on. it s interesting. jason, you wrote a piece called conservatives shed white tears over political ads calling out ed gillespie s racist ads. you ve also had this weird thing happens where liberal groups have walked away from northam because he has dropped support for sanctuary cities. where ralph northam apparently put out campaign flyers that don t have his black running mate on them. what is going on in virginia? this is the thing. i want people to understand this. i m right next to virginia. i see some of the local ads. i talk to a lot of people on the campaigns. the demographics suggest ralph
northam probably squeaks out a win. the larger issue is this. if he does lose, it s not necessarily because ed gillespie has managed to stap boo the dna of bigots in virginia. leaving fairfax off of campaign literature, that angered a lot of the enthusiastic supporters of justin fairfax. coming out five days before an election and saying i m not in favor of sanctuary cities, there are no sanctuary cities in virginia. he didn t need to step into that. ralph has allowed gillespie to control the narrative. i think it s also because of ms-13. this is a local race. there s something that you will recall, joel, from the campaign that you worked on. the bots have arrived in virginia.
twitter bots swarm into the virginia governor s race promoting chatter about a racially charged ad buy days before the report. the reaction has been amplified by automated bot accounts. out of the 15 accounts tweeted most tweektly, 13 of the 15 belong to fully or partially automated bots. now we have that activity transferred into a local race. right. the danger here is we ve ignored what happened in the presidential race to an extent with a president who seems to want to live in this fiction that russians didn t meddle with our elections. they did. his campaign colluded with them. the threat was they would do it over and over again in other democrats and now it could be happening at a state level. when bots are engaged, you know there are some nefarious players involved. what s happening on the ground in virginia is what strikes me about it from afar, that northam
has let gillespie control the final week of the conversation, not a great place to be. you always expect it to be tight. historically, if you look at the states that have governor s races the year after a presidential, new jersey and virginia, typically they have elected a person from the party that didn t win the presidential race. that being said, there is dissatisfaction on both sides. you ve got people like he s pandering to racism and neo confederates. virginia is a moderate state. at the end of the day i think northam may squeeze out a close race here. we are not going to know at 9:00 where this thing stands. crystal you ran for office in virginia. you know the state well.
are the democrats making a mistake by chasing after the virginia suburbs and thinking they can get suburb ban white women rather than scooping up the base? i think that they need to stand for something. think about the fact that bernie sanders, probably the furthest to the left politician in the democratic party, is also the most popular politician in the democratic party not because he s so far to the left, but because he stands for something. that s the problem. we continue to run these candidates. who people think that they re full of it. they don t trust what they re saying. so it doesn t resonate with anyone, with the base, with white sban women. it doesn t resonate with anyone. hillary clinton did win virginia by the way and she won by appealing to sban white women also. tim kaine did that when he won the governor s race in virginia.
i think democrats do well when they can speak to their core constituencies, the part of the base of the party that s active but also appeal to some of the suburban voters. charlottesville took place obviously in virginia. think does the monument thing wind up helping elect gillespie? if gillespie gets elected, it s northam s race to lose. i still think he s in the lead. if you re in some of these suburban towns in virginia, you re not necessarily worried about the monuments. you re worried about the ads that gillespie ran that says northam wants to give guns to pedophiles. he literally said that. some of the press that you re seeing nationally is not what people are seeing in different parts of the state.
that s why this becomes an issue of the ground game. when you have mistakes like northam has made you re alienating your base right before the election. if you look at the primaries, the democrats should probably win, but if they win it will be in spite of mistakes. do you think if gillespie is able to win this way, he s pretending to be this sort of defender of the kefs. does that wind of spraeting to the whole gop? absolutely. gillespie is a numbers guy. i m sure they re looking at numbers that are telling them this is the way to go. it s a little bit unusual, but this is where the energy is in the republican party. they draw the democrats into these cultural battles rather than focusing on pocketbook issues. and it s working. is that a depressing
diagnosis of the republican party going forward? i think long-term the consequencings for this for the republican party are not to be underestimated. i think they will pay a price for this. it s not where the country is. we re becoming more diverse, not less diverse. it will divide us. it will harm us. but long-term trends in this country are behind where this country is going. we have to do a better job as democrats about winning on election day. i think we have more opportunities where we can win and we can t squander them. hopefully tuesday we ll win the dwofr s races in new jersey and virginia. i think virginia is going to be particularly important because it is a swing state. it s a swing state where you would give ed gillespie and his trumpy friends the ability to redistrict and draw the gerrymandering lines.
obviously the demographics are only going in one direction. even if short-term this is working for the republican party, this is sort of a goldwater moment for the party in terms of where it has placed itself on the spectrum in terms of race and democracy. if you can win a gubernatorial election, i think we should all be looking for passports. that s a very very bad sign. i think the virginia voters are smarter than that. we can t forget, new jersey is about to sweep out everybody with an r in their name. that was a state that chris christie dominated for years both. i don t think a gillespie win means everyone is going to be running around in a confederate flag. i we ve got to be careful of
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the evangelical institution and its president, jerry falwell jr. have been prominent supporters, even inviting trump to speak at this year s commencement. now a group of progressive clergy are taking on the university and its mixing of faith and conservative politics. in an open letter to falwell, barber challenges him to a debate and contends we contend that the greatest threat to christianity is that our lord s gospel will be confused with white supremacy. you and others who see the tr p trump we have reached out but not heard back. joining me is bishop william barber. bishop barber, this started great to talk to you, as always. this started with the expulsion of a clergyman, right? of a pastor from liberty university. can you quickly explain? actually it was a prominent christian author named jonathan
martin and a critic of the trump administration on theological and the basis of the gospel who was taken off the campus. he had been invited on. and told that he would be arrested for trespassing if he returned. wow. and so martin, according to npr, said that he was photographed, told by liberty university police that he would be immediately arrested if he stepped foot on the property ever again. he s been a frequent critic of donald trump and falwell jr. falwell s response said that martin called the university one of the most hostile environments to the gospel in the u.s. i assume martin is a globalist. we understand that is upsetting to leftist leaning and progressive christians to see so many evangelicals supporting donald trump but many believe evangelicals are among the forgotten men and women in this country who voted for change in 2016. that kind of sounds like steve bannon, globalist. what is that about? it actually is a threat to the gospel because it s not the
gospel. falwell joining others like franklin graham and jeffers and tony perkins have actually said that donald trump is the dream president, even though his policies are a nightmare to the very people the gospel lift up that we should be concerned about as a nation, the poor, the sick, creating tax problems that hurt the least of these. it s a nightmare and contrary to the gospel. and falwell and others know they really can t stand the critique. in fact recently falwell was reported as teaming up with steve bannon, the white nationalist, to expose fake republicans. well, white evangelicalism, not evangelicalism, not i m an evangelical. i tell people i m a conservative theologically liberal evangelical. but he s trying to connect this trying to connect the gospel to white nationalism is as old as the slave masters religion that promoted slavery. this is like the slave masters
religion in the 21st century. what they re afraid of is they re so much against first of all, the 2500 scriptures that you hardly ever hear them talk about that talk about our deepest moral principles. scholarship is against them. francis fitzgerald shows how falwell and his like are losing among millenials. and then soon chandra has written a book that has done demographics and shown without african-americans and immigrants, white evangelicalism as a theology is dying. to say white evangelicalism or conservative evangelicalism and then try to suggest the policies line up with the gospel when they really do not. and you ve had jerry falwell jr. tweet finally a leader in the white house about donald trump, jobs returning, north korea backing down, et cetera. in an interview with last saturday, he said that he thinks the leadership. republican party should go and that trump, if they do, trump will be the greatest president since abraham lincoln, which is interesting. paul ryan, who has battled with his own church, he is a catholic, on these issues of cutting taxes for the rich and cutting programs for the poor will be selling that on fox news tomorrow. do you challenge paul ryan on his theology, because he claims to be a very grounded catholic. deeply, deeply. now, you ve always had persons that would attempt to make religion fit the goals of oppression. that s not new. it s as old as the magicians of pharaoh against moses, it s as old as the false profphets against the real prophets. it s as old as ministers who took on dr. king. but listen, the bible actually said, this is the one scripture in ezekial 22. your politicians have become
like wolves when you attack the poor and you have preachers covering up for the politicians. falwell and others are covering up. we re ready for a debate when they re ready to have it. let us know if they agree to that debate. that would be terrific and we may host it on this show. so reverend falwell, if you d like to debate bishop barber, we d appreciate it. a.m. joy is back tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. eastern. please stay with msnbc for the latest.

All , Donald-trump-jr , Person , Stay , He-drnt-wadidn-t , Couldnt-ihe-couldn-ting , Fire-bob-mueller , Democratic-national-committee , Papadopoulous , Gentleman , Team , Charge

Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With Christine Romans And Dave Briggs 20180822 09:00:00

Get a jump on the day s news with Christine Romans and Dave Briggs.
the russian investigation. that s now off the table the president praising manafort as a good man, but at the same distancings from his former campaign chairman. i still feel it s a very sad thing that happens. it has nothing to do with washington collusion. this started as russian collusion. this has absolutely nothing to do. it s a witch hunt. it is a disgrace. in west virginia last night the president whipped up the crowd with his attack on the special counsel. russian witch hunt. we got a whole big combination where is the tlugs? you know, they re still looking for collusion. where is the collusion? find some collusion. despite all the devastating news for the president. his supporters still revived some familiar chances at this rally last night.
tomorrow, following charges from using campaign finance money for personal purchases. in one instance, buying clothing at a golf course and re reporting the purchase as balls for wounded warriors. they believe the indictment is politically motivated. house speaker ryan removed him during the case. he was the second member to support president trump, the first, chris collins, wolves recently indicted on insider trading charges. it certainly shows a couple living way beyond near means. using campaign money to fill the gap. a devastating end to the search for mollie tibb etc., the 20-year-old iowa college student two disappeared while jogging, they say christine rivera led investigators to her body buried under corn stalks and corn leaves. he now faces first degree murder charges, the suspect an
undocumented immigrant. at least one border state republican quick to pounce. arizona senate candidate kelly ward tweeted the lack of leadership and courage by open border senators like jeff flake and john mccain, republican, mind you, adding #build the wall. cnn affiliate w.h.o. reports the suspect worked for four years at a farm partly owned by craig lange. reporter: this is not the ending so many in this community wanted, in fact, it s not many times you go to a news conference and so many people behind start someing giving details about this. mommy tibb etc. is somebody they wanted to find. people started weeping very loudly. very upset about the details of this from what they know there was a under surveillance camera.
they saw a black car and what they were able to gene from that is there was a man following mollie along. eventually he got out of the car. he tells us he ran alongside her or behind her. then at one point he tells us mollie grabbed ahold of her phone and said you need to leave me alone, i m going to call police. then she took off running. he, in turn, chased her down. he confessed to this. in fact, he took them to the body just yesterday. so you can understand why people are so upset about this. now they have this man in custody, christian rivera has been charged with first degree murder. in fact, we are told he lived in this community some four-to-seven years, in fact, homeland security will give us more information in the coming days about him. we are told he is an illegal immigrant in this country, again a lot of people confused about exactly what happened. he s telling investigators he blacked out some time and maybe placed mollie in the truck. we re not sure how long her body
was in the location where it was found. we do know it was concealed. dave, christine. the next question is how was he able to, was he legally work income this country? e-verify. how did e-verify fail there? it has only happened once before a category 5 hurricane within 350 miles of hawaii. a hurricane watch has been issued. the full track of that storm next. ker you ve ever met. there s a lot of innovation that goes into making our thinnest longest lasting blades on the market. precision machinery and high-quality materials from around the world. nobody else even comes close. it s about delivering a more comfortable shave every time. invented in boston, made and sold around the world. order now at gillette. the best a man can get. whenshe was pregnant,ter failed,
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heads for the island the storm packing maximum sustained winds of 160 miles per hour. schools are closed on the big island and paw which the state s governor signed an emergency proclamation. this is only the second time in history a category 5 hurricane has come within 350 miles of hawaii. residents rushing to stock up on supplies and essentials at this hardware store ahead of that storm. cnn meteorologist is tracking it for us. good morning, yes, they re watching hurricane lane carefully. as impress it gets on satellite imagery, very organized, very symmetrical and healthy category 5 as well, hurricane watches in place for molechai. the national hurricane center is taking this seriously. we expect weakening as it shifts to the north. thursday into friday, by the way, friday would be the best possibility for landfall there. that s when we see the
post-drastic weakening down to a potential category 1 as it nears the island to the north. here s what we re watching, a lot of discrepancy in the american models the european models has not a chance. that s how we get this cone. certainly a forecast worth following in the next couple of days. a quick glance along the main land, scattered showers, new york a high around 83 degrees. thank you. the food and drug administration extending the expiration date for epipens by four months to help cover a shortage of the life threatening treatment ahead of the new school year. they reviewed data shows certain batches could be used. the medication to stop severe allergic reaction is available if limited quantities due to disrupgss in manufactured issues. they compared againeric epipen but has yet to announce a
release date. emotions are running high as chris watts is arraigned for the killings of his pregnant wife and two small daughters the father of shanann watts in the first row sobbing feet from the alleged killer. watts seems largely emotionless during the proceeding. he agreed to waive a preliminary hearing. watts claims he strangled his wife after she killed their daughters. an autopsy has not yet been released. a check priest in pennsylvania has charged with indecent assault of a minor. he sent messages to a 17-year-old girl. hugged and grabbed her inappropriately. he served in allentown, pa the diocese of allentown says it learned about the allegation in june and immediately removed the priest. father lonergan was not named in
the 300 reports of abuse by priests. in arkansas a three-year-old baby boy and one-year-old brother on their own for days after a car crash that killed the mother the older boy was killed after a 911 call by a toddler by himself on the highway. a family member contacted police. they say the mother had not been seen since last week. the 1-year-old was found inside the car, alert, still buckled into his car seat. it s nothing short of a miracle. god s blessing that these children were able to survive this accident. you got that right. both boys suffered dehydration but since have been released to the family. you can go home again, john carlos stanton feeling the love on his first trip back to miami as a new york yankee.
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meyer saying he knew about an allegation. but he was not aware of a 2016 incident until last month. meyer later said he did follow protocol by reporting it. smith. who denied abuse allegation was fired last month after his wife received a protective order. after month os of attacks over the nfl and protests. president trump is taking aim at espn. espn announcing they will not air the national anthem before the monday night football game. this is what the president said at a rally yesterday in west virginia. it was just announced by esp n that rather than defending our national anthem, our beautiful, beautiful national anthem and defending our flack, they decided they just won t broadcast when they play. we don t like that. you will remember the nfl put
its national anthem policy on hold last month while they continue to have discussions with players on how to handle it. in the meantime, that mean there is is no punishment for players demonstrating during the anthem. talk about a biter sweet moment, new york includingers carlos stanton traded in miami in december, he made his return and listen to the welcome he got from his former fans. you know they hated to see him go. he called it quote one of the more special moments for sure. it was yankees fans that got the last two of the night. how about that, guys? derek jeter now the man in charge of that franchise, has a long way to go to build them into the yankees. maybe one day they will. urban meyer survived?
yes, i think so. good to see. you in coordination and at the direction of the candidate for federal office, michael cohen implicates the president as he pleads guilty to crimes and campaign finance allegations. is the president in legal jeopardy? work well enough. xeljanz xr can reduce pain, swelling and further joint damage, even without methotrexate. xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma and other cancers have happened. don t start xeljanz xr if you have an infection. tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz xr, and monitor certain liver tests.
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undocumented immigrant. we will talk about a category 5 hurricane bearing down on hawaii. that s ahead. welcome back to early start. i m dave briggs. i m christine romans. stunned, rattled, blindsided, some of what our sources say about the reaction in the white house after a pair of top trump aides become convicted felons, michael cohen, the president s former fixer, pleaded guilty. admitting he acted at the direction of mr. trump to keep two women women quiet during the campaign to sway the election. nearly the same moment a jury returns guilty investigators against paul manafort on eight counts of financial crisis. a republican congressional source tells cnn top party leaders are quote trying to catch their breath. even the president s support, see the significance of the convictions the dredge report calling it trump tell hour. the attorney for michael cohen suggests the long-time fixer could still have damaging
information for the russia investigation. mr. cohen has knowledge on certain subjects that should be of interest to the special count sell and is more than happy to tell the special counsel all that he knows, not just about the obvious possibility of a conspiracy to ka lecollude in t 2016 election, which the trump tower meeting was all about, but knowledge about the computer crime of hacking and whether or not mr. trump knew ahead of time about that crime and even cheered it on. all right. the plea does not include cooperation with the government. cohen likely faces three-to-five years in prison at his sanction december 12th the legal team going after what they call cohen s lice and dishonesty. paul manafort found guilty on
eight counts of bank and tax fraud. a mistrial declared on other charges the white house was honing for a fresh verdict to have fresh ammo in the investigation. that is off the table. the president praising manafort as a good man, while making sure to distance himself from his former campaign chairman. i still feel it s a sad thing that happened. this has nothing to do with russian collusion it started as russian collusion. this has absolutely nothing to do. it s a witch hunt, it s a disgrace. at a rally in west virginia last night the president whipped up the crowd with this attack on special count sell. russian witch hunt. we got a whole big combination. where is the collusion? you know, they re still looking for collusion. where is the collusion? find some collusion. despite all the devastating news for the president, his
supporters still revived that all too familiar chant from the campaign trail at the rally. this is draining the swamp off of there president trump is planning 40 days on the road, campaigning before the mid-terms. 76 days away. political and legal implications, let s ask the attorney for the middle district of georgia, michael moore and zach wolf. let s start with the legal. michael what does this mean as far as michael cohen, what does it mean legally for the president of the united states? well, i mean, trump s name was among the cohen plea, details, he is essentially involved. we know that apparently at his direction, this fec violation and this crime was conducted.
so i don t think there is any more questions about a witch hunt. he can chant at rallies. there is no more talk about. that it tells me this whom cooperation angle is very much in play. i want you to remember there are two district investigations the southern district of new york and the bob mueller investigation. those were intentionally separated by mueller so it was within his purview as he looked at russia, he didn t want to bring cohen into to it to give the president and his reporters something oto crow about. there is a rule 75 in criminal practice. a defendant can come back within a year after sentencing and cooperate with the government the government can go to the court and file a rule 35 motion and have the defendant get credit for that. the fact that there is no spelled out cooperation agreement in this plea agreement is a stroke of genius on bob mueller s part. it keeps the plea clean. it keeps the separation there which needs to be there so that
there is not, we can expect will be the detractors saying, oh, they re working together and they re the ones in colusion with each other. ki hear that now this is a better way to do it. zach the politics of this, in coordination with and at the direction of a candidate for federal office trying to sway the outcome of an election by keeping two scandals out of the public eye. how cornered is the president here? it s obvious, i think now, if it wasn t kind of obvious before, that he was involved with all of this, that you know these efforts, according to michael cohen, to silence the porn star and a former playmate who were alleging affairs with him. that s pretty incredible stuff. now at the same time i m not sure that trump supporters out there, the legions of them, in this country, i m not sure they re going to be necessarily swayed by this, but it could
have a real impact on these coming november elections and if democrats enter the senate where they col things, that sort of changes the pace quite a bit. the gop response, do you think we will hear from paul ryan and the likes on this, or do they keep quiet? i don t think they will come out and hold press coppss. you can guess reporters will at every opportunity to weigh in on this. all right. so let s get back to this notion of a cooperation agreement. michael, because lanny davgs again to reiterate what he said. we ran it earlier. he hinted that michael con, donald trump knew about the hacking of the e-mails and cheered it on. so how does a cooperation agreement work going forward if that is the play by lanny davis
who is on new day later this morning. he would bet mob mueller know another criminal investigation. that is, what s going on in the mueller probe and give him some indication of what he thought he would say and i m sure they would interview cohen. you can now bring him into the grand jury and offer immunity since essentially his plea is resolved in the southern district of new york. mueller can say, look, we want to know what happened with trump. there has already been questions of waiver of privilege. i was stunned when i heard you say and i heard reports that they were shocked and shell shocked inside the white house. i think the fortune teller at the local county fair could have read the tea leaves that michael conwas going to flip. there is no way this guy will give up his family and freedom
for someone who stabbed him in the back. i think you seen cohen move in that direction for a number of months. this has been a long time coming. he was stocking his life and decided to reset his life. this is what the washington post said, he represented a stung rebuke. he staffed his campaign with shady characters, fringe idea logs who never would have approached their high positions but for mr. trump s lack of judgment. you know, zach you get the duncan hunter indictment last night as well, chris collins, insider training charges. when you look at the inner circle of donald trump, the early supporters of drunk, it does not leak like drain the swatch. you ha swamp. you have to remember, trump had won a large number of primaries. he had very few supporters in
congress. people still didn t believe he was going to win the primary. those were two of the first people to sign on with him. you know the same with his staffers, he was unable to find the cream of the walk crop, partially because he was promising to drain the swamp. that s who ended up in his administration. michael, it s hard to find good news yesterday for the president. but if this had nothing to do with russia the collusion the paul manafort aspect of it. what object the notion of this as a witch hunt and that there is again no sign of collusion as we move forward? what does this mean for bob mueller? . i think that bob mueller was sort of acting as the composer of a great opera. he basically played the first song for us. and he told us who the characters are. he talked to us about money. he already knows how this thing will wrap up. he knows how the second trial will come out, the third trial the fourth trial, how the investigation will end or his report is going to end. so i don t really think to the
fact that the president wasn t a central figure means anything positive for the president. this will be a money case. which got no follow the money. this was the start, museumer is starting to tell us about that money coming into officials close to trump and his administration. so, you know, from good news for the president, i think there is none. i think the idea that i ve heard some talk about the idea these accounts, there was a hung jury. he s looking to spend the rest of his life in prison. no good news for him yesterday. would appear he is playing for a pardon. it certainly sounded like the president was leaving that door opened in his remarks there. he called him a good man. the question will be, can trump stand that politically? once he does pardon, the about this, manafort has no more
jeopardy. he will be in front of a garage that bob mueller puts together. he has no right. a lot of questions. michael moore, nice to see both of you bright and early. ahead, an undocumented immigrant facing murder charges in the death of an iowa college student. student. the latest ahead.
more now from cnn s ryan young in iowa. this is not the ending so many in this community wanted. in fact, it s not many times you go to a news conference and have omany people behind you who start sobbing about this mollie tibb etc. was somebody people wanted to find. after we got the details we got, people started weeping very loudly, very upset from the details, they started going through hundreds of hours of that video. they saw a black car. they were able to glean it was a man following mollie along. eventually he got out of the car. he tells us he ran alongside her or behind her. at one point he tells us polly grabbed ahold of her phone, leave me alone, he took off running. he in turn chased her down. they say he confessed to this. in fact, they took him to the body just yesterday. now that i have this man in
custody, christian rivera has been charged with first degree murder, in fact, we are told he s lived in this community some four to seven years, homeland security will give us more information in the coming days about him. we are told he is an illegal immigrant. again a lot of people confused about what is happening. he tells versions he blacked out some time and maybe placed mollie in the trunk. not sure how long her body was out in the location he was found. we do know it was concealed. naumpg thank you for. that it s official. this has been the longest period of prosperity in american history the bull mark will be 3,453 days. it began in 2009, since then the dow has gained 19,000 points the s&p 500 quadrupled in value. just yesterday the s&p notched an all time high.
a few things fuelling this record run here. a slow but steady economic recovery, soaring profits, unprecedented aid from the federal reserve. they kept interest rates low. a bull market ends with a 20% loss. there have been several close calls. close call in 2011. remember when america s credit was down graded. stocks never actually fell 20%. analysts think the bull still has more room to run. bull market marks don t die of old age. there is not an expiration stamp on there. there are a few threats, trade war, rising inflation. overall the economy here quite strong. global stocks, though, mostly lower today, because u.s. politics are shaking markets here as top aides to president trump were convicted in tral court. guilty plea, guilty verdicts as well, china gearing up for
another round of trade talks. president trump told reuters he doesn t think anything will come from it. the u.s. will begin checking, excuse me, another $16 billion in chinese goods tomorrow. beijing said it would trike back dollar for dollar. they will settle claims of gender discrimination, harassment and unequal pay. irish has been working to fix disparities last year, bunk samarys to make sure all employees are paid equally. that s important as uber gears up to go public next year and helping prep for an ipo, it hired a chief financial officer which had been vacant since 2015. he is a banking and insurance exec. after one of of 16 years, hi there, romans, animal crackers are no longer behind bars. barnum s animal crackers changing the classic design. the animals are not in cages,
instead, they are roaming free in grassland. the company says it s redesigned an evolution of the brand peta says it sent a letter criticizing the glorifying the use of animals. the new box no longer has them for circus shows. we don t joy them eating them. run free, animals, on a box. it is just art, anyway. it only happened once before a category 5 hurricane is now within 350 miles of hawaii. a hurricane warning has been issued. more next. how do you win at business? stay at la quinta. where we re changing with stylish make-overs. then at your next meeting,
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now, i ll dream gig. now more businesses, in more places, can afford to dream gig. comcast, building america s largest gig-speed network. hawaii under a hurricane warning as category 5 lane heads for the island the storm packing maximum sustained wednesday of 160 miles per hour. schools are closed on the big island and maui. the state s governor signed an emergency proclamation. only the second time on record a cat 5 hurricane has come within 350 miles of hawaii. they are stocking up on supplies and essentials. out of the storm, lane projected to weaken over the next 24 hours after it makes landfall early friday. they are extending the expiration date four months to help cover a startage ahead of
the new school year the fda says it reviewed data showing certain batches could still be used. the med categories is to stop severe allergic reactions. it s been available for manufacturer issues. emotions running high in a california courtroom as as chris watts is arraigned for killing his pregnant wife and two small daughters the father of shanann watts in the front row, sobbing feet from the alleged killer of his daughter and granddaughter. watts seems emotionless. he agreed to waive a preliminary hearing. watts claimed he killed his wife after she strangled their daughters. a check priest charged with indecent assault and corruption of a minor. they say father lonergan sent inappropriate messages to a 17-year-old girl and hugged her
inappropriately. the diocese says it learned about the allegation in june and removed the priest. father lonergan was not named in a recent grand jury report that accused 300 priest office abuse. a new jersey principal coming up with a fresh idea in school. he installed a free in school laundromat mat to help students bullied because they couldn t afford to wash their clothes. the principal says he suspecting bullying was a big reason 85% of students were missing a significant amount of school. they were being bullied. it wasn t just on like in the building. it was on snapchat. i m sitting behind you, i take a picture of your come lar, oh, look at this dirty guy. school spirit, a $20,000 grant and donation of laundry supplies. they will be up an running as soon as school starts in a couple of weeks is there thanks for joining us. nice to see you today afternoon.

Michael-consuggest , Some , Don-t , Cons , Henchmen , Stunned , Blindsided , Sources , 00 , 22 , 5 , August-22nd-5-00-am

Transcripts for FOXNEWS Jesse Watters Primetime 20240608 05:01

welcome to a special prition of jesse waters primetime. i m pete hegseth in for jesse on a friday night. ime , i m jesse onnow, there isy mind that america is the greatest natiorica in in human history. when the british strangled our freedom, it was braveho rev patriots who revolted and took what was rightfulloly ours, our freedom. when europe was occupied, it was lionheartefreedo europd menr the beaches of normandy to liberate it fromem the . when islamists attacked us on 911, courageous warriors headed out to no man s land to take the fight to their backyard. fight i was one of those mena joined the army to fight extremistsrmht . the i joined the army in 2001. i became an infantry officer. in 2003, i guarded terrorists at guantanamo bay. guarded in 2004, i led men in cd in iraq. in 2005. k i pulled bodies out of burning vehicles in afghanistai n in 2012. i even held a riot shield outside of the white house during helt the riots of0

Pete-hegseth-in-for-jesse-on-a-friday-night , Us , Mind , Natiorica-in-human-history , Ime , Special-prition-of-jesse-waters-primetime , Jesse-onnow , There-isy , Freedom , Normandy , Islamists , On-911

Transcripts for FOXNEWS Jesse Watters Primetime 20240608 05:01:45

Transcripts for FOXNEWS Jesse Watters Primetime 20240608 05:01:45 - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.

Men , White-house , Terrorists , Cd , Vehicles , Bodies , Afghanistai-n , Iraq , Riot-shield , Guantanamo-bay , Helt-the-riots-of0 , Ki