In a career spanning five decades, late KPAC Lalitha has starred in over 550 films in Malayalam and Tamil. She has held the position of the Chairperson of Kerala Sangeetha Nataka Academy for five years. Born as Maheswari Amma in Kayamkulam of Alappuzha, the actor had joined K.P.A.C (Kerala People s
Veteran actress K.P.A.C. Lalitha passed away on Tuesday night. A winner of two national and four Kerala State Film awards, she was practically indispensable to legendary film maker Adoor Gopalakrishnan in most of his films.
In a career spanning five decades, KPAC Lalitha has starred in over 550 films in Malayalam and Tamil. She has held the position of the Chairperson of Kerala Sangeetha Nataka Academy for five years. KPAC Lalitha, Veteran Malayalam Actress, Passes Away At 74.