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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Jesse Watters Primetime 20240614

and ultimately humans and what s really best for society. you headed isabel. it s a threat to their power structure. family faith first. the government is not so important suddenly and neither is politics. as a you getting married it? you are about to get married yourself? i am on june 29th, right around the corner. i think there s a revival toward the things that matter most the things that have enduring importance in our lives. congratulations on that, best wishes. we are going to do a lot longer segment later on. that s it for us tonight. make sure to follow me on social media, thank you for watching. remember it s america now and forever. jesse watters is going to take it from here. jesse: welcome to jesse watters primetime p. are tonight. we have great unity, we have great common sense, we have one thing in mind that s making our country great. reporter: trump back in washington. biden in italy getting lost. i think she should step down. it should the democratic party remove her if she doesn t? i think so. jesse: wearing thin. the first runner-up is. jesse: a man wins ms. miss maryland. plus. are you a manly man? no. jesse: a swing and amaze pure goes of the words about her never wants to hear but at last night s congressional baseball game it s all democrats heard. and a swing and a miss. and a swing and a miss. and a swing and a miss that will end the inning. jesse: republicans roughed up democrats 31-11 the. at the baseball score. maybe a little preview of what s coming in november. if you think about it, baseball is kind of like politics. if you keep striking out you put the other team back at bad. all season democrats have been striking out with hoax after hoax, the dictator on day one, bloodbath and revenge. strike three. jesse: democrats just put the other team back at bat in their own home stadium, washington dc. donald trump back on capitol hill for the first time in almost four years. the former president spent the day meeting with house republicans, senators and businessmen. this was a great meeting. there is tremendous unity in the republican party. we want to see borders, we want to see strong military. we want to see money not wasted all over the world. we have great commonsense, a lot of very smart people in this room. a lot of people that love our country. they love it just beyond all else and the only thing that ab supersedes it is their family and maybe their faith in certain instances and that s very nice but they want this country to be great again and we are going to make a great again. jesse: donald trump is running around dc trying to unite the party in the country because teamwork makes the dream work. and we d never seen the republican party disunited under trump. even gave them a birthday cake. [ inaudible ] [ applause ] jesse: there was so much love and unity in the room it broke adam shifts brain. guilty, guilty, guilty,. jesse: has battle cry was heard by the media and they went to work doing what they do best. apparently the former president made for made reference to hannibal lecter saying he even had a friend over for dinner. we ve seen him praising hannibal lecter. apparently did it again this morning, not sure we fully understand the context of that. jesse: we weren t inside the room but neither was cnn and that s the point. we did what journalists do, we went towards sources who were actually there. did trump really call a flesh eating serial killer a nice guy? no. trump was joking that if he said something about hannibal lecter, the fake news media would say he was praising him. cnn took the bait. and that wasn t the only hoax. i m getting word from my producers we have a new hoax alert. he said as it s gotten a lot of publicity and we broke this that he doesn t like the walkie, it s a horrible city he says. the campaign is pushed back on that. everybody comes out and didn t say it. of course he said it. that is according to almost everybody in the room. jesse: everybody in the room says he didn t say it. as soon as the news broke people inside the room debunked it. a congressman says i was in the meeting, president trump never disparaged milwaukee. another one, i was in the room appear president trump did not say this. another, trump was specifically referring to the crime rate in milwaukee. here s what trump had to say. democrats are also hating you on this comment that you made about milwaukee, the host city for the rnc for the convention and they seem to believe that you said that it was a horrible city. can you nip this in the bud and clarify what you meant. i think it was very clear what i meant. i said we are very concerned with crime. i love milwaukee, i have great friends in milwaukee. the crime numbers are terrible and we have to be very careful. jesse: how is the media directly quoting him if they are not in the room with him. and then telling the people inside of the room that they are wrong. it s what nancy pelosi calls the wrapup smear. you smear your opponent with lies, the press writes about it, that validates it and then the politicians run with it. as soon as the media reported the hoax, the mayor of milwaukee rushed to the camera. donald trump wants to talk about things that he thing so horrible, all of us lived through his presidency so right back at you buddy. joe biden saying i happen to love milwaukee. he didn t write that himself. kamala harris saying milwaukee is a beautiful city and for the record, milwaukee was the third most violent city in the nation, third most. so when primetime goes to the convention, johnny is going to have two bodyguards. democrats are down late in the game, you can t yank them because you have no bullpen. so you just have to keep throwing trash. here s more. the media wants to to thank trump spent every waking second plotting revenge. i m told there s a similar dynamic behind closed doors with advisors or other republicans where he will talk about revenge , sometimes get a look of d. really mean that and he makes it clear he does. this is his retribution, that s the word that s been at the centre of this campaign for a year now. they re not going to be. it s going to be true believers and loyalists. if trump says he wants revenge or i want to target a particular person or institution they are going to do that. jesse: who are these advisors that are leaking this to msnbc? they don t exist. it s made up. trump s people don t talk to this guy. look at him. he s on morning joe. they say trump went to washington to harness the power of congress to go to war against the democrats. really? people inside of the room told us revenge never came up. it was the economy, foreign policy and election strategy. it was forward-looking. a feeling that washington hasn t felt in four years. that s not revenge, that s success and like trump says, success is his revenge. she was in the room with trump today she joins me now. so he did not praise hannibal lecter? much to cnn s despair he did not. he joked about the fact that they were going to report fake news and many of us were there. they don t want to talk about the fact that he has a plan in dealing with our foreign policy debacles that this diminished ration has caused. we are excited about the numbers we are hearing. jesse: what were the policies that he was discussing today behind closed doors with you guys? the number 1 issue that he has is concern for what s happening with russia. there s the media really silencing what s happening with russia. warships off the coast of cuba and also florida. i think more importantly he made sure that the american people would know that what is currently happening in ukraine and israel would ve never happened under him and he does have a plan and solution moving forward and i also want to point out that he understands that world leaders respect him and right now what s coming out of the white house, a lot of people realize that joe biden is likely not going to be the nominee which is from what we are hearing on capitol hill, representative kylie had reported that kamala harris eyeing a run for california governor because of it. jesse: so you are hearing also in dc that joe biden isn t going to be the democrat nominee? correct. it appears that our colleagues are trying to put guardrails on a 2024 presidential election with president trump and also what you are seeing is according to our pulling, you know as well as i do that they have been trying to paint republicans as anti- woman and trying to push an abortion crisis right now with the election and i don t think that s a case. a lot of the american people know that this is a state rights decision so i think that they know that they are losing. jesse: the straight truth from inside the room, didn t need any spin from cnn. thank you so much. we always appreciate you coming on the show. north dakota governor and potential vp candidate joins me now. so you are going to be in milwaukee, it has a crime problem. third worst violent crime last year of any city in the united states. are you used to this so far, they just make things up and then merchandise it? i wish that every american could see what i ve seen the last six months because the opportunity to be with president trump, be in the room, see what s reported whether it s at the trial or at a rally, whether it s at a fundraiser, the thing that i see reported versus. are two different planets just like you described tonight. jesse: when you guys are behind-the-scenes talking policy , personnel, what you mostly focused on? i want to say when president trump. guided over a dozen events between roundtables, rallies and fundraiser things, sometimes 500 people, sometimes a thousand. whether he s in the line getting the photo or at a roundtable with the owners that are job creators, the number 1 thing people don t report is he s curious. he s asking them how are biden s regulations hurting you. what d the things you need to help moving forward. are they being affected affected by inflation? he understands. he was in the hospitality business. he cares about what people are experiencing and then that feeds into his thinking. i looked at that schedule that he had, and joe biden couldn t have done one of those events and he did 14 nonstop 12 hours a day moving between locations. incredible the energy and the stamina. he s got real interest in people. jesse: how unified is the republican party right now? never been more unified. jesse: is out of feeling or can you see numbers to that? everybody is coming together. you are seeing it in the primaries that are happening around the nation right now. everybody is unified and they are unified for two reasons. one is because they know that president trump represents strength whether that s on the world stage or on the economy or the border or it s fighting inflation, he represents that strength. they are also unified because what s the alternative? the alternative is joe biden s weakness which has started wars, it s inviting wars. it s inviting russia to come to cuba. president trump is actually a deterrent. we talked about our defence budget. but that kind the white house and we don t have to raise our defence budget a dime and also we ve got a better deterrent because they know that we ve got strength that we would be willing to use. al raed our economy, diplomacy. jesse: i was looking at the new york times over the weekend, big hit piece. your name keeps coming up as vp. big hit piece, how are you feeling about all of this? a lot of that is a distraction. of the key is the ability to focus on. the key is making sure that we elect president trump because there s never been a politician, a leader like him in history. no one has raised the kind of money that he s been able to raise. no one generates the crowds he s been able to generate and no one has the enthusiasm. you go to a fundraiser and they say there s going to be san francisco or all of these rides riots and protesters and nobody shows up to protest against them but i thousand people are waving their flags and cheering for him. you get down to newport and it s people lined up with boats on the water. i take it back to one thing, the people that show up and are waving the flags along the sidewalks. they are all working, they all have jobs and they all know they were better off under president trump and they are under joe biden and that s where it is. it s working class people that care about america. that s his voting block. jesse: basic economics. thank you very much. johnny hit the streets. it s a tough one right? that s a tough one. s s i was only 23 when i was first diagnosed with non-melanoma skin cancer. 40 years later, i ve had almost 20 mohs surgeries. i had just accepted that the pain and the scars were going to be part of my life. but when i was diagnosed with two basal cells on my face, i became determined to find an alternative to surgery. if you, like millions of others, are affected by skin cancer. it s important to know that surgery isn t the only option. there s another choice. gentlecure. it sounded like everything i had been looking for. gentlecure uses low energy x-rays to kill skin cancer cells with a 99% cure rate. plus, there s no cutting, no surgical scarring and no downtime. i m so glad i did it. it was successful in every way. to learn more, call today or go to jesse: last night we told you biden can t run on his record so they are going to drag him across the finish line and replace him with come all after inauguration. they have to distract you from how old and incompetent he has. the way they do that is to slap those labels on trump. you will hear trump say the most common sense things biden s failed policies. the shower presser regulations making you have a bad hair day. this weak trump said democrats are going to start putting electric batteries not just in cars but in boats. and if you know anything about how heavy these batteries are, that boat is going down. there s a shark 10 yards away from the boat. do i get electrocuted if the boat is sinking and water goes over the battery, the boat is sinking, do i stay on top of the bow and get electrocuted or do i jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted. jesse: you hear that and you laugh but it makes sense. the media here is it and calls him senile. he s out there talking about wind turbines and sharks in boats and sinking, not talking about issues voters care about. if this was your father you would take him in for a neurological exam. fox news didn t carry them or broadcast them. didn t air them after the fact either. in the words of stephen king, that speech was like listening to your senile uncle at the dinner table after he has that third drink. jesse: except fox did our that and we aired it monday. biden says cannibals snacked on his uncle and that he started the civil rights movement, that a lightning strike burned his house down and almost killed dr jill and whiskers the cat. and he s a puerto rican truck driving jewish professor who went to a historically black college and captain their undefeated football team and won a lawsuit for a guy who lost a testicle in a construction accident. trump stories relate to real concerns people have about public policy. biden stories, the fantastical lies of an insecure old man desperately trying to relate to people. biden was in europe today at the g7 and wandered alone into an italian field. jesse: people are falling out of the skies and he can t even focus. wise he always going in the wrong direction? and why he is the always moving in such slow-motion. world leaders have to hurt him like a stray sheep. reportedly the main focus in italy has been making sure biden gets his sleep. president biden got a much earlier start than he usually does today. aids typically keep him as close to an east coast schedule even on a trip like this as they possibly can one it s possible but today when you look at the tape he was rolling out of the hotel about 5:11 am eastern. jesse: you can see the cpap creases on his face when he leaves the white house at noon. now joe is trying to turn sleepy joe into an asset. what he s doing at three in the morning i don t know. jesse: today biden signed a ten-year defence agreement with ukraine and confirmed that we expect to see ukraine joined nato in the future. what? do we get a say in that? oh and we ve loosened the rules of engagement allowing american weapons to be fired from ukraine into russia proper. ukraine will be getting f-16s this summer. and those of you in miami may have noticed but the russian navy just held a poor call in cuba 90 miles up the american coast. china s building deep water ports in south america, hello munro doctor npr china selling dual use tech to russia s war machine. china just landed on the moon and saudi arabia just ended its 80 year deal with the united states to sell oil solely in dollars. i think that s enough to worry about. does the man wandering alone into an italian field look like he has everything under control? it s not a shark but it s pretty scary. former sec reof state secretary of state mike pompeo joins me know. you are seeing the president wander around alone away from everybody as people are falling out of the sky. does not give you confidence that he has this world under control? it s good to be with you and thank goodness for prime minister who grabbed him and kept him from walking off completely. it certainly doesn t give any american confidence and the contrast between seeing president biden unable to perform basic functions to keep america safe and we know the policies have failed. i think the american people, it was a bad day for america and one sense. we saw our president failed to be able to lead on the world stage but it was a good day and we got to say there s a sharp contrast as we all consider what s going to happen in november. jesse: we want to win proxy wars. we also want to make peace everywhere donald trump s big message today on foreign policy behind the scenes at sec. was we of these messes in europe, in asia, in the middle east if he were president. it s remarkable to watch the biden administration say we ve done such a good job, everybody s working hand-in-hand. you ve gotten tens of thousands of ukrainians killed. you failed to deter. 1200 israelis dead on your watch. still a war going on in gaza. the failure of the policy isn t that you react after the crisis is taking place it s that you are strong enough and then america s leading sufficiently so you can deter the bad guys. the other folks that watch this today were chairman kim in north korea,. they all watched what happened today in italy and said we think we are right, this may well be the time that we continue to probe and test america because when president biden said he doesn t know what donald trump is doing at three m, i hope we never get that three m call with president biden as commander-in-chief. jesse: he wants to pat himself on the back for reacting but we shouldn t have been in this position in the first place. today fanny willis took us to church. i m so tired of hearing these idiots call my name as fanny in a way to attempt to humiliate me because like silly schoolboys, the name reminds them of a woman s rear. they get mad when i call out their lunacy. you can t pistol on me and tell me it s raining. jesse: we are not trying to humiliate her, we thought her name was. and i we don t feel like going back. nathan wade went on cnn and was asked when did you start sleeping with her. these exact dates are at issue and these dates are i m getting signalled here. jesse: they apparently hadn t prepared him to answer the one question at the centre of the entire case. sohi exit out mid-interview to prep him? it s not like she asked him did you guys ever go to the cabin. did you go to a cabin with ms. miss willis ever? ever? ever. no. jesse: happy dei thursday. why did you stop the ballots? there is video viewed stopping the ballots. do you have anything to say? wanda? what do you want to say to the people of bridgeport? jesse: that was johnny confronting wander the stuff her after she was shoving a legal ballots in a dropbox peer she was arrested along with three other democrats. she was charged with ballot fraud and witness intimidation tied to the 2019 election. tonight we got our hands on the arrest warrant. we learned investigators examined absentee ballots, surveillance video from bridgeport senior housing and use witnessed interviews as evidenced to make the arrest. a voter who did not request an absentee ballot told investigators wanda came to my house and told me only to sign the bottom of the blank application. she went on to say i have done with the done this with wanda over the past ten years. wanda said no. jesse: it was a got punched a democrats peer she s been there ballot wizard for over a decade. wanda has a government job, runs the city s democratic party and is the gatekeeper at the mayor s office. now she s busted and democrats need to answer some questions. reporters have been chasing down connecticut s democratic governor since the arrest. he endorsed the men wanda allegedly stopped for. the governor thinks the mayor had nothing to do with it of course but says wanda should take the fall. i think she should step down. if she won t step down, should the democratic report democratic party remove her? i should thank so. are you going to ask them to do that. i hope they do the right thing. jesse: hours after wanda was arrested, he signed a bill that puts a camera on every dropbox in the state. primetime called for this months ago. it took four arrests to make it happen. it s not enough to end corruption and secure elections but it s a step in the right direction. next let s get rid of the drop boxes altogether. they are ripe for fraud. will have more on wanda soon. we have new details on biden s bad dog. the president watched as commander attacked secret service agents. kevin corke is in dc with the story. an exclusive window into the harrowing circumstances surrounding commander, the president s dog and his numerous attacks on secret service agents which could top three dozen such attacks according to new really newly released records. apparently the president himself was present for at least three of those attacks. now everybody knows commander has been known to bite but there are a lot of examples you may not know about including this one. as i started to walk toward him, him being the president, to see if you needed help, commander ran through his legs and bit my left arm through the front of my jacket. i pulled my arm away and yelled no, potus yelled and then blank. the story went on to say that the dog later jumped up and bit him in the left arm again for a second time. his suit coat had not one, not to but three holes. and that s not it, there are other conversations between secret service officials including this one from september 2023. tmz just reported a dog bite at the white house dog bite at the white house. can we find a way to get this dog muzzled. you will recall former first dog major was also rehoused back in 2021 after apparently attacking a lot of people. secret service members wish each other safe shift as the attacks mounted. that s really damning right there. that tells you plenty. i ve been written by a vicious democrat dog and it hurts. still have a mark on my upper thigh. thank you so much. jesse: so what is a man? why does society want men to act like women. now they are djs and promoters . jesse: happy dei thursday. we re bringing you the best stories about diversity, equity and inclusion. first stop the beauty pageant crowned their winter over the weekend. sorry ladies, the crown went to an asian man. the first runner-up is. trace: jesse: they were born cambodian baby boy before getting a sex change. they say we see bailey s win as a win for everyone who dreamed the impossible dream. impossible. we told you about how biden spent nearly a billion dollars and only built seven ev charging stations. now we are finding out why. white house insiders are blaming dei. the regulations for government contractors are huge roadblocks. construction can t start until the builders prove they are inclusive. they have to host block parties and minority communities with interpreters in case nobody speaks english. and they have to hire minority subcontractors to do all the work. good luck finding a black electrician in maine. mountain view high school was pumped to hear their gay senior gift will be a massive mural of thor representing their thunder mascot. the school s equity office cancelled it because thor is racist. according to one student, the equity office said thor was. and is a white supremacist and the image should be more inclusive. no dei thursday is complete without a primetime victory. transits will merit leah thomas will not be participating in the summer olympics. thomas lost a legal battle that he hoped would overturn a policy that bans athletes who have been through male puberty from competing in the female category. you can try again in four years. let s bring an author of the sad truth about happiness. when you hear how preposterous some of these dei items are, what goes through your mind? of course i live within the ecosystem of academia so none of this surprises me up and warn against this for two decades picked just make you feel better down there in the united states we are even crazier in canada. let me give you a few examples to add to your d. dei thursday lineup. at my university, or five-year strategic plan posits that we must now all indigenous eyes and decolonize our curriculum. it doesn t matter what you are teaching, you to be teaching pure mathematics or neuroscience or shakespeare, you need to decolonize and indigent eyes that. second example, on may 17th you ll be happy to hear that we held a symposium on menstrual equity because it turns out that menstruation is a human rights. i didn t know that women were forbidden to men straight in canada but apparently we need to have a symposium. third quick example, university of waterloo is searching for a professor in artificial intelligence, they have to be either gender fluidity, nonbinary or whatever or to spirit. you haven t reached the level of lunacy that we have in canada. i m enjoying the canadian dei edition on dei thursday very much. menstruation is a human right that i don t need because i can be a little bit of a complainer. when you process some of these things, what do you think the end goal is besides screwing around with everybody else. what you think is really motivating it? postmodernism, i call it the granddaddy of all parasitic ideas because it purports that there are no objective truths. it s a form of intellectual terrorism. operas down, slavery as freedom, men or women. it s a way to liberate ourselves from the pesky shackles of reality. it s grotesque, it needs to end and we need to return to a commitment to reason, logic and science. jesse: it s like modern arts. i don t understand it, it changes all the roles, makes no sense but people thank it s amazing. happy dei thursday to our canadian friends. a new study says men won t call out sick from work because it s not manly. so what does it mean to be a man? johnny went out and found out. define a man. that s not simple. it s a tough one right? it s a tough one. this is hard to. someone who is strong. if that demand, what the manly man? someone who looks good doing it. the firefighter who is at the door in the middle of the night. he drives a harley for no reason. a manly man takes orders from his wife? are you a manly man? no. what is a man have to do to be considered a real man? have a job at. love a man that works out. he s not sitting out here. not giving up [ bleep ] what other people think. why does today s society want men to act like women. they used to go to war now they are djs. masculine characteristics have been demonized. he was complaining to some woman about something that women do. every time i think about trump i get allergic. and want to put men and women sports and the women lose. that s not funny. should men cry? i don t want to see men crying. i cry a lot. i love crying, i think it s so fun. he came to my office, tears in his eyes. mentor saying they are afraid to take a sick day because they don t want to appear weak. they should suck it up at. what if you did have covid and you got the whole office sick. so you are a big believer in . should men be drinking out of straws? yes. do you think that s very manly? yes. father s day is coming up, what is more one important lesson about manhood that your father is taught you. to be financially responsible. they all want one thing and it s inevitable. is joe biden a manly president? he is not as sure of himself. he s doing better than trump i know that. how s the crime? worse every day. how s the border? it s messed up now man. tell me again why biden is better than trump. you have a good point. can men get pregnant? i don t know because i have i m not sure if. i will tell you at the time, i ll keep you in suspense. jesse watters, manly man what you think? he s going to see it. he s a man but he does wear makeup because he s on tv. i think he has cojones man. jesse: the spartan race part two next. sues keep piling up? it may be due to a buildup of amyloid plaques in the brain. visit home inspectors, general contractors, roofers; all kinds of pros recommend leaffilter. why? it s engineered for performance. because with leaffilter s patented filter technology, there s no gaps, no openings, no place for debris to get in at all. leaffilter is a permanent solution we install on your existing gutters. you ll never have to climb a ladder to clean out your gutters again. our installation process is simple and easy. just give us a call and set up an appointment today. we ll come out and give you a free gutter inspection. if your gutters are sagging, we ll repair them. if they re broken, we ll replace them. if they re in good shape, our local trusted pros will install leaffilter in as little as a few hours. and the best part? 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what is this? this is going on their barbed wire. running. fire is involved. they want to torture themselves. working for presage jesse watters prime time, they have to do in their free time. we are very proud of a keylock on everyone else on the fox group. talking about tony s. koneh s. will not aquila, obviously. [laughter] let s do some stacks. mark from whitefield, kansas, there s only one thing worse then a broken record, a shifty broken record. i just want to apologize to the audience, that was a terrible shifty soundbite. tyler from kentucky, watch out for that doug burgum fellow, he has great hair. they re here alone will get you on the ticket. greg know we ve got janine from milwaukee, and wisconsin, come to milwaukee, exhibit a city with beautiful people. state downtown, and obraro recap take a picture with the bronze funds. we ll be there in milwaukee the whole week, johnny will be there cutting trouble. johnny from brooklyn, what about men blowing up candles? is that manly? . only on a birthday cake. if you re doing it in a dining room, use the software. always remember, i am watters, this is my world. sean:

Society , Humans , Threat , Power-structure , Isabel , News , Person , Television-presenter , Hair-coloring , Newscaster , Skin , Television-program

Transcripts For MSNBC All In With Chris Hayes 20240612

we can secure our world. don t just use a password alone. mfa sends a call, a text or a code to your phone. learn more at that s how we can secure our world! on that note, i wish you a very good night. from all our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thank you for staying up late. i will see you tomorrow. tonight on all in. as we deliberate, we reached a verdict pretty quickly. the president s son found guilty of violating federal gun laws. no one in the country is above the law. everyone must be accountable for their actions. what the verdict means and does not mean about the rule of law in america. everyone is saying where is hunter? two tiered system of just a we have. the campaign led by compact is vetting potential running mates. i don t know. certainly, like, you committed a crime. the alito scandal that will not end. you know what i want? i want a sacred heart of jesus flag because i have to look across the lagoon at the pride flag for the month. jamie raskin on the push to get answers from the supreme court. can you tell us about how the supreme court and specifically the chief justice have addressed the scandals? all in starts right now. good evening from new york. i m chris hayes. in a political era marked by seemingly never ending string of historic firsts, there s another one today. a record decision the conservatives received with glee. hunter biden has been found guilty on all counts in his gun trial. federal trial in wilmington. hunter biden, the last living son of the sitting president was convicted today on three felony counts related to his lying on a federal firearms application in 2018 by not disclosing the struggles with drug addiction. he had the gun for 11 days. hunter biden now faces as much as 25 years in prison and his father, president biden, did not blast the case is a which one or target the prosecutors, judge, and jurors some of whom called into cable news shows to discuss the verdict with no major fears for their own safety in this high-profile case. president biden did not shake his fist at the justice system. he put up the statement. as i said last week, i am the president but i am also a debt. jill and i love our son and we are proud of the man he is today. so many families who ve had loved ones battle addiction understand the feeling of pride seeing someone, the other side and be so strong and resilient in recovery. as i also said, will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process is hunter considers an appeal. jill and i will always be there for hunter and the rest of our family with our love and support. nothing will ever change that. i find that genuinely touching. love of family, respect for the process. its income incredibly stark contrast to the ceaseless barrage of absolutely unhinged authoritarian histrionics we all witnessed last month. remember? not just from donald trump but the entire republican party. other people dressing up as donald trump who went to the courthouse so he will pick them to be the vice president and mob chanting for them to be hanged. all of them calling to tear down the entire judicial system are casting aspersions at new york jurors or near justice for the judge or the prosecutor. all because their nominee got caught falsifying business records and was convicted unanimously by a jury of his peers on 34 felony counts. this was a rigged trial by a conflicted judge who was corrupt . a rigged trial, a disgrace. this is like the soviet style thing. show me the person and i ll show you the crime. it was a smear job. it was an attack job. it s what you see in a banana republic. the problem is democrats have crossed the line. it s a justice system the hunch republicans while protecting democrats. this was a hoax. a sham. do we want to become a country where we jail political opponents? republicans and protects democrats. what do you think the party affiliation of hunter biden is? and so, this hunter biden conviction is as clear a moment of contrast as possible between the two major coalitions, the major parties and political polls today. what did illustrates is one party under donald trump, and this is important, has placed itself outside the american constitution while the other still trying to defend and uphold of. that was closed in january 6 but at that time, particularly the aftermath, there was palpable horror among republicans. lots of them talking how horrified they were. re-signing from the administration and all that. there was a sense the party wanted to distance themselves from trump s lawlessness. that was then. today they are fully united as a party in opposition to that. attitude typified by possibly the most powerful conservative you ve never heard of russ vought, portions of the heritage foundation project 2025 on how to remake the executive branch in a trump presidency. this week, the washington post identified russ vought as a potential chief of staff and the trump administration even if he lays out his vision for a post-constitutional presidency to turn the government into a flatly authoritarian project or failing that, just a mafia state. reporting that he is help craft proposals from trump to deploy the military to quash civil unrest, seize control of the justice department, and assert the power of appropriations and that s just on trump s first day back. democrats are not just making statements of faith and the legal institutions, they have taken reelections to preserve those institutions and their independence. no better example of this is the prosecution of one hunter biden. remember how this started? back in 2018 under david weiss, the u.s. attorney the trump- appointed in delaware, the fbi probed hunter biden and there were subpoenas but no charges. remember, trump grew angry at that, quote, was justice department had not publicized the investigation into his opponent s son during the 2020 election. after trump lost that election, republicans insisted president biden would obstruct justice to keep his son free and they called for a special counsel to investigate hunter biden. when the new president comes in, it s his right to replace any u.s. attorney who wants in the usually do. been replaced donald trump s appointees at doj except for two. john durham who bill barr tasked with investigating the rusher probe, trump special. and david weiss who was investigating his own son. that is because the new president, at the pains of a possible criminal conviction of his surviving son in recovery wanted no appearance of impropriety or of fearon s. merrick garland went a step forward. and he appointed david weiss as special counsel to make sure his work on the hunter biden case was independent. that was a move that republicans opposed? the republicans in the house judiciary, david weiss can t be trusted. it s a new way to whitewash the biden family s corruption. after all of that and a plea deal that was worked out with hunter biden but ultimately rejected by the courts, he ended up charging the president s son for an weapons are rarely prosecuted that even trey gaudi, the far right ex- congressman and former prosecutor could scarcely believe. i did gun prosecutions for six years. i went after convicted felons. i went after people who were fugitives from justice. i went after lots of different people who were prohibited from possessing a firearm. i will bet you they were not 10 cases prosecuted nationwide of addicts or unlawful drug users who possess firearms relied on applications. i bet there were not a dozen. it makes you wonder of all the cases you could be pursuing in delaware, why are you pursuing this one? all of this facilitated by democrats in the white house and the department of justice and capitol hill, all to try to restore faith and equal justice under the law and the norms of the constitution. trump flagrantly violated the norms at every turn. stewing we could not interfere further. publicly calling for prosecutions. you may have forgotten this nugget that months into his presidency trump was calling federal prosecutors and cultivating relationships with them including the was attorney for the southern district beat barrera, obama holdover who was overseeing investigation into stock trades made by trump s health secretary tom price. he said those calls made him uncomfortable and he was fired as u.s. attorney less than a day after he finally refused to take a call from trump. people inside the administration would later tell propublica, trump s personal attorney bragged about getting bharara fired reportedly telling trump this guys going to get you. the former u.s. attorney for the southern district of new york joins me now. an interesting study in contrast over the last few weeks. indeed. what strikes you about the reaction today? when you think of the biden family and how joe biden in particular thinks of his job, and his family, upon a conviction before the conviction, the investigation and arrest and indictment of his son given what his family is been through, you would think every parental, a fatherly instinct would ve been to protect him. if you are a father, you love your children more than you love yourself. you need to protect them from harm and you try to protect them from bad consequences. the biden family has suffered bad things as a family and yet there s some things more important than that when you are commander-in-chief and the president of the country. one of those things is no one is above the law and the rule of law matters. this that you have been pointing out, joe biden had absolute authority, literal authority. no authority over alvin bragg and did not direct the prosecution of trump. it s his justice department and he had authority to direct people not to prosecute his son. he could ve fired special counsel and directed them not be appointed in the first place. he could ve pardon has some preemptively. he could still pardon him but he said he will not do that. all of that conduct given it is his son, it s kind of think how unbelievable that is. in 1 million years if the shoe were on the other foot and donald trump was facing the prospect of his son being prosecuted by me if i had been held over, a biden holdover or obama holdover prosecution, not in 1 million years with that have happened. some of the people on the right who support donald trump are trying to cast this as some clever ops program by which this actually proves it to hash i will say it s outlandish to announce don jr. getting in trouble with guns or drugs. stephen miller said it s a misdirection and easy effort doj to sell to appliance media that s too willing to be due. it s about protecting joe biden and only joe biden. no matter what happens, the corrupt rigged system is steeper than you realize. if every possible outcome, permutation is arguably a point in your favor, maybe your position is terrible. i used a different word than terrible. i don t even think he was required even by probity to keep david weiss on in delaware. honestly. when i say bend over backwards, it would ve been perfectly reasonable bend over backwards above and beyond. and it would not be reasonable to say wink wink, nudge nudge. if you say, do your thing. he didn t have to do with. other features important to point out and you mentioned some of them in the intro. the jury verdict came out and they didn t dox the jury or take the judge. he didn t say it s a travesty of justice or a witch-hunt. he said what i used to say when i was attorney and from time to time even though with the you win some and lose some. we respect the jury. opposite of what trump did. one of the most striking things is after the trump verdict and i remember judge kaplan in the federal civil trial with e. jean carroll told the jurors, you can talk to the press, i advise you not to. and they did not. in alvin bragg s case they did not talk to the press. they would expose himself to harassment a possibly threats and harassment. i m a reporter and i like it. what a contrast. it s a stark contrast. i think it goes to show and when joe biden and his supporters talk about the rule of law, they mean it. you can disagree with his policies. talk about the border and other things that are not in my daily work but on the question of whether or not the rule of law is to be enforced in fear or favor to be given to anyone including the son of a sitting president of the united states, the republicans are full of it on the trump side and biden is not. walk the walk. final question, independence and the department of justice. we have a post-nixon order. one of the things about nixon, a level of regulation, norms, and statures was the department of justice can t just be a tool in the hands of the executive to pursue vendetta. to prosecute and punish enemies. to protect friends. the trump vision is that. explicitly that. russ vought, they really think we are going to come in ski and it will be day one open investigation and that person and prosecute them. that which they accused everyone as of doing, they are saying, there is great irony, one of the cases pending against donald trump, the mar-a- lago case in florida, donald trump s team is made a number of motions to dismiss the indictment. one is vindictive prosecution. there is no evidence of that. no evidence that joe biden or anyone else directed that prosecution and indictment. by saying the things they re saying now that you are pointing out, donald trump ironically laying the foundation for a vindictive persecution motion to dismiss on the part of all the current people who donald trump will be going after because he s announcing his plans before election. all the statements in the plans, project 2025 and everything is will be chapter and verse in the briefs asking for the dismissal of those indictments. that s a great point. preet bharara, thank you. coming up congressman alexandria ocasio-cortez and jamie raskin on the scandals rocking the maga supreme court. donald trump s rude awakening from the criminal justice system. l justice system. her uncle s unhappy. i m sensing an underlying issue. it s t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit. unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock.” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it s not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that s uncalled for. donald trump has been convicted of 34 felonies and now, americans, the ones who don t know at least getting a crash course the way life changes when you become a felon. since his conviction, trump is expected to have his gun license revoked under federal law. convicted felons are prohibited from possessing a gun. that was part of the issue when the hunter trial. it s unclear what it means for guns he has in his possession a. he told the probation officer he has a gun in florida. he could lose his liquor licenses first three new jersey golf clubs. new jersey prohibits any person who is been convicted of a crime of moral turpitude from having a liquor license. have you ever been convicted of a crime is often on job applications. a subject of reform campaigns to ban the box as a way to help former convicts get jobs and reenter society. that question about criminal convictions is part of the vetting for vice presidential pick where it seems only one member of the ticket gets to be a felon. the vast for a number of things. a number of people have been asked to submit this and that. like taxes? i don t know everything. criminal background? have you convicted a crime. charles coleman and civil rights defense attorney. a senior political reporter at rolling stones who has covered trump world. trump hoped would save him from conviction. they join me. it s interesting to watch folks who don t know this to watch the various implications of being convicted of a felony and the different regulations and things you cannot do. in some states it s voting, liquor licenses, and the like. speaking as a person of color and a former prosecutor, i am unmoved by these newfound epiphanies that are occurring on the right with respect to the reality of life in america if you are a convicted felon. one thing i find to be particularly interesting is how the right is scrambling to rearrange the narrative of what it is to be a felon. you are talking about the party that has planted its flag on the notion of law and order in america now having to walk out and say it s politically advantageous for our candidate to have 34 convictions on his record. this is a narrative they are not going to be able to square but it s funny to watch them try. he had invited on stage in the box, two folks broad conspiracy of folks like moving heavy drugs and violent crime. very serious stuff and has them on the state. this is our thing now. you were talking whether someone is an associate of felons. that is donald trump s jam. the list is very long. shockingly long, especially for someone who held the highest office in the country. i think it is a psych job. they re trying to say it s good we are felons. it s amazing how the tough on crime falls by the wayside when it s the racist game show host. donald trump and his minions love to talk to in and day out but two tiered system of justice. he is correct that one does exist in the country but he is at this tier and everybody is below. there s so many things he has been doing lately that no other defendant in a criminal trial could get away with. including the stuff he said about the judge. behind the scenes and in the open, and his maga brain trust prepared to exploit parts of the u.s. criminal code, as we have reported, to go after the alvin bragg sand letitia james and jack smith if he returns to power. some of this is cooked up behind the scenes in policy papers but so much is done in the open. you also have got them get alvin bragg before a committee. he is going to testify at the gop led judiciary committee. one question i have about this is, does any of this matter in the process that trump is going through? no, it does not. ramose, the probation officer? it s all rigged? does that matter from what sentencing? his public rhetoric absolutely i thought you were referring to alvin bragg. with respect to the things that donald trump is parroting and continues to parrot in the public dialogue around his case, that matters. one of the things a probation officer will take into account is what degree of understanding and remorse do you have? i screwed up. i am sorry. when you are in every opportunity in front of a microphone saying what a political prosecution this was. you have been reported on this that house republican leaders are gauging support for legislation that would like current and former president move a state case to federal court. have you heard any of that? oh, yeah. we reported at the end of last month that trump had been calling around to different conservative allies including republican lawmakers on capitol hill to lobby them when i m back in office, wouldn t it be great if you passed legislation ready for me to send that can have former and current president move their cases to federal court? again, i think they re getting high on their supply. i feel like that is a bad bill to vote for. for a front-line republican member. if you are a maga lawmaker, there is a cute appeal to it. it s not only moderate republicans saying maybe we should not do this. i have spoken to extremely maga attorneys close to donald trump with told me, maybe we shouldn t go down this run. we want to use state ag s and district attorneys to go after joe biden or hillary clinton. the principle applying equal he would hang them up. there is back and forth about the gun situation. i m sure you have encountered this. folks have guns. what does the law say about whether he can keep the gun in florida, new york crime. he will probably need to turn the gun in in florida. he will have a grace period or that s allowed. technically, he might be in violation of the law upon the notice of conviction, he will probably allowed some leeway but it would not surprise me if he has to turn it in. hunter biden conviction today was about he lied on a form because you cannot in terms of taking drugs and own a gun. violation of federal law and lied on the forms and of the ex- president holding a gun. having been convicted of a felony. it s a remarkable set of circumstances. thank you both. samuel alito s wife has even more thoughts about flags. aoc and jamie raskin on the supreme court s legitimacy crisis. itimacy crisis. hi, i m janice and i lost 172 pounds on golo. a friend told me that i was the only one holding me back from being as beautiful on the outside as i am on the inside. once i saw golo was working i felt this rush. golo really works. donald trump wins in november his plans including as the washington post reports a plot to convert federal civil service into an authoritarian tool to report friends and punish enemies. the scope of his plan his desire to weaponize the government against perceived foes. one of the most striking example was a trump department of justice lengthy battle to block the merger between at&t and time warner on antitrust grant. there was always a suspicion which is been all but confirmed that trump was trying to block the merger because he did not like time warner s news network cnn. antitrust and trump s hands was another tool of government authority that could be used to corrupt ends. in the latest episode of my podcast series why is this happening with pot 2024 those steaks? i talked with timothy who is the architect of president biden s antitrust policy. we talked about the respective records of donald trump and joe biden as president when it comes to antitrust action. there were indications, genuine bits of evidence, and a widespread perception amongst i think fortune 500 corporate elite that this was essentially, if you are with trump, if you were his friend you could get the merger approved and it you were his enemy you would have a problem. this became this powerful almost unilateral lover for trump to wield against people he did not like and the most notorious case being, and i think it was somewhat surprising, when the doj announced it would block a proposed at&t time warner merger. there is some evidence to suggest that at least partly it was born of the animus trump hat of cnn s coverage of him. that is pretty bad. i think it s a thing where trump didn t think there was a problem with it. no. i think he thought it was within his rights to order the breakup of a company he did not like. his white house counsel sort of restrained were slightly dead and that. there is so much circumstantial evidence that the white house and the presidency were involved in antitrust decisions that it s hard to deny it. you can find the full conversation i had with him who is a fascinating guy and an amazing record in this area by going to why is this happening? the stakes by scanning the qr code on your screen. you can listen to it wherever you get your podcast. ur podcas flight. cirkul is the energy that gets you to the next level. cirkul is what you hope for when life tosses lemons your way. cirkul, available at walmart and i must admit i was skeptical when supreme court justice samuel alito blamed his wife for that upside down american flag flying at their home after january 6. a symbol adopted by trump supporters who believed the 2020 election was stolen. it seemed like a convenient explanation but it looks like justice alito was telling the truth when he said infamously, quote, my wife is fond of flying flags. i am not. listen to her in a recent conversation secretly recorded and released by activist lauren windsor. you know what i want? i want a sacred heart of jesus flag because i have to look across the lagoon at the pride flag for the next month. and he s like, please don t put up a flag. i said i won t do it because i am deferring to you. but when you re free of this nonsense, putting it up and i m going to send a message every day, maybe every week. i made a flag in my head. this is how we satisfy myself. i made a flag. it s white and yellow and orange flames around it and in the middle is this word. in italian that means shame. shame. the opposite of pride? they have not responded to an nbc news request for comment but none of what she said changes the facts that justice alito allowed the flag to fly over so molly sits in the highest court on the land hearing cases related to the insurrection in january 6 and he sits on the court along with his buddy clarence thomas his wife was interviewed by the january 6 committee better tax with trump s chief of staff. both justice thomas and alito refused to root recuse himself despite the obvious appearance. we are faced with an urgent question. what can be done about us out of control court? democrats in the house oversight committee held a roundtable on the ethical crisis in the supreme court. one of the expert legal witnesses was my wife. leading the panel was jamie raskin, ranking member the oversight committee and new york congresswomen alexandria ocasio-cortez, the vice ranking member and they post join me now. good to have you on. thank you for having us. i will start with you about what the agenda was today to convene this. you cannot call hearings herself as a ranking member and not the chair. what were you trying to do today? the oversight democrats wanted to respond to the national clamor over this crisis of legitimacy at the supreme court. we analyzed the ethics crisis and we analyze the political crisis around confirmations that got us into this and the blockade of confirmations of people like merrick garland who was nominated by president obama that we began to talk about what things could be done both in the specific case of justices alito and thomas and about the ethical collapse at the supreme court. the highest court in the land with the lowest ethical standards. the only governmental officials in the land who are not governed by a binding ethics code. there is no process by which we can hold them accountable. it violates the essential principle that james madison identified as the heart of our justice system which is no man can be a judge in his own cause. we began to explore different avenues of holding them accountable. congresswoman, you said something toward the end saying it cannot be the case, a constitutional matter as an almost intuitive common sense matter that they are not subject to any checks. we have three coequal branches. checks and balances between them three branches in the position alito said in an interview that congress has no ability to regulate us whatsoever. what should congress be doing? what are you brainstorming? what s the conversation about what those checks can be? of course, justice alito s position is laughable. this idea that he can be and the court should be accountable to nobody and the only person that should be accountable is are themselves. this scouts promise sort of set up for how we should be having ethics standards for the highest and most consequential court in the land. it s completely unacceptable and not only unacceptable, but to have one of our coequal branches be completely unaccountable to the others is paving the path to authoritarianism, tyranny, the abuse of power in the united states. it s structurally, completely unsustainable. it s not a question of if congress has jurisdiction and power over the supreme court. it is what power are we going to exercise in order to reign in a fundamentally unaccountable and rogue court? one of the beautiful things about the roundtable today is we were able to call in one of our senate colleagues, senator white house, who has been pursuing extensive investigations into the dark money networks that has been exerting influence over the court and we raised and discussed a varying degrees of measures from term limits to actual binding ethics standard and congressman raskin i myself will be introducing a forthcoming legislation to even have the supreme court be subject to the same $50 gift rule that he and i are subject to is everyone else is, members of congress. that is a great point. i was talking to my wife kate shaw who gave testimony today before your hearing. she pointed out to me that if i m not mistaken, things like, you can get a book deal as a supreme court justice but you could not be a partner of wilmer hail. that s something congress passed a statute to say what you could or could not do. you would be nuts to be a supreme court justice and have a side gig as a lawyer. presumably, you can change data congress can pass statutes that says this is not allowed. congress has a ban on outside employment and as aoc was saying, we have a $50 gift ban. none of us goes near doing that. you don t do $500,000 vacations? that s a comical thing. members of congress don t even understand that. what circumstances would a supreme court justice accept millions of dollars in foreign travel prepaid tuition for very family members or recreational vehicle, motor stagecoach. it s outlandish to contemplate. that s a general level of funds for people over here. the normal business as usual at the supreme court that they are collecting millions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of dollars from the so-called friends. we need to clean that up. we said, we will start was something simple that the country can understand immediately. we want a $50 gift ban for u.s. supreme court justices. they make $300,000 a year. pay for your own lunch and you re on vacation. that does seem quite clear congresswoman and has the advantage, there s issues to deal with. in some ways, the only way to legislate for congress to act as outlaying broad principles that are broadly applicable. absolutely. as all of us as public servants of federal public servants whether it s both chambers of congress, the white house, many of us are subject to the same if not extremely similar and uniform code of ethics. the fact that the supreme court which is already unelected, at least for those of us who run for office, we have to re-run for office every two years in the house. for an unelected body of nine people appointed for life do not have any sort of binding, strict ethics code to which they cannot only be held accountable but which can be enforced, is actually ludicrous. it s almost unbelievable that we are sitting here in the year 20 24/200 years after the establishment of this country, and we have not addressed this issue. it is something that s long past doing and it s common sense. one thing we addressed is how the private corruption of the justices mirrors the public correction corruption of. it has been dismantling civil rights law, civil liberties, women s right to choose an abortion, labor law, consumer law, you name it. as they grow more removed from the experiences of the way the rest of us live, the more they are willing to demolish the protections the rest of us need to. there s a bunch of things to happened outside of the purview of this question, the court has to deal with equal justice under law and i wonder if you would stick around to talk about that. love to. love to. are you still struggling with your bra? it s time for you to try knix. makers of the world s comfiest wireless bras. for revolutionary support without underwires, and sizes up to a g-cup, find your new favorite bra today at craig here pays too much for verizon wireless. so he sublet half his real estate 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showed in his statement love for his son and love for his country including the rule of law. the different reactions between republican colleagues and democratic colleagues with the trump verdict in the hunter biden verdict, it s astounding. nobody on our side said the fix was in. nobody said it was a travesty. nobody said that justice system needs to be turned upside down. everybody accepted it. hunter biden like donald trump had the right of counsel which he exercised. he had the presumption of innocence and had the right to take the stand but chose not to do. trump chose not to do. they had unanimous jury verdicts finding they were guilty on all counts. i am saying about that what i said about trump s burdick which is they have a right to appeal and they can do that under due process. thank gut we ve got that in america and we will stand by the rule of law and the system of justice for the same reason we are fighting for a supreme court that restores its integrity and reputation. we need to have that kind of confidence not just at the trial level, federal court or state court, we need it all the way up. those supreme court justices are a runaway body at this point. speaking of state court in new york, congresswoman you represent part of new york. there was insults and vitriol that has been directed at alvin bragg from donald trump down in the people s carrying water for him. that has escalated. he is being called for the house republicans before i think the judiciary committee and be grilled by house republicans have rallied behind trump since his conviction. gop lawmakers are perpetuated the false narrative that president biden ordered his prosecution. what do you think about the fact that they are escalating to the point where they will haul alvin bragg before congress? what we are seeing here unfold is an out right abuse of power in the politicization, the seats of power these republicans hold to intimidate the courts and exact political revenge. we have to look at this from a basic jurisdictional point of view. alvin bragg is not even dad it s not even a federal case. we are looking at a state court. we are looking at municipal and state courts. we have republicans who are trying to haul them in, on what grounds exactly? it s not federal court. they do not have jurisdiction over it. it is truly an attempt at public targeting. we see they do this. it s in the model of donald trump and the model of invoking and trying to incite as much anger and intimidation in order for them to get the outcomes they want. and they are eager to be servile sycophants of donald trump that their political judgment is up. that s not where the public is and they understand what the hunter biden verdict in the donald trump verdict the rule of law is working and they are intervening as you say in a state case in order to placate donald trump. precisely. what we are also seeing is the stark contrast between joe biden and donald trump. president biden we have yes a loving father who was there to be supportive of his son but also a president who respects the rule of law and willing to accept the outcomes of a case even if the outcome is not in favor with his family or his personal outcomes. you have donald trump who takes and weaponize is the seats of government, the seats of power, and embarks on a campaign of political intimidation in order to secure outcomes that personally benefit him. that at the core is part of the stakes of our democracy that are before us today. once rule of law goes out the window, it s not something that is easy to get back. it s very much a part of the decision we have to make in the next few months. thank you for all your time tonight. that s all in on this tuesday night . night . tuesday night. good evening, alex. we have some new exclusive audio from the supreme court historical society that lauren windsor has given us and

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Transcripts For MSNBC The 11th Hour With Stephanie Ruhle 20240612

that is tonight s last word. the 11th hour with stephanie ruhle starts now. tonight, hunter biden guilty in his federal gun case. what s next for the president s only living son as he awaits sentence thing and what it could mean for the race. then my exclusive interview with john bolton. why he thinks we are not taking the former president s threats seriously enough. plus, pride month under attack. why progress is being lost as the 11th hour gets underway on this tuesday night. good evening once again, i am stephanie ruhle and we are now 147 days away from the election and today the president son, hunter biden, was convicted on all counts in his federal gun trial. the jury deliberated the three counts for just three hours. president biden says he accepts the outcome of the case and will always be there for his son. here is my colleague ryan nobles with more. reporter: tonight president biden arriving in delaware, hugging his son on the tarmac after hunter biden became the first child of a sitting president found guilty in a criminal trial. no one in this country is above the law. reporter: it took three hours of deliberations for 12 jurors to unanimously determine hunter biden guilty of three felony counts. for lying about his drug use on a federal background check to buy a gun. special counsel david weiss, who oversaw the prosecution, saying this is not a case about hunter s struggles with crack, but his decision to break the law. s choice to lie on a government form when he bought a gun and then to possess that gun. it was these choices and the combination of guns and drugs that made his conduct dangerous. reporter: inside the courtroom, the president s 54- year-old son did not react as the verdict was read. he left the courthouse holding the hand of the first lady, later releasing a statement saying i am more grateful today for the love and support i experienced this last week from melissa, my family, my friends, and my community then i am disappointed about the outcome. the verdict comes after four days of testimony from people who are or were once close to hunter biden. many testifying about his drug use around the time he filled out the background check saying he was not a drug user. his ex-girlfriend testified she witnessed hunter smoking crack every 20 minutes or so. the prosecution also using clips from hunter s own book. i have no plans beyond the moment. reporter: the defense argued hunter biden did not knowingly lie on the form. tonight we spoke to juror number 10, who asked that we conceal his identity. separating the politics from the case a absolutely. for us it was not politically motivated. politics never played into anything that we said in the jury room. reporter: president biden, who said he would not pardon his son, writing, jill and i love our son and we are so proud of the man he is today. jill and i will always be there for hunter and the rest of our family with our love and support. nothing will ever change that. with that let s get smarter with the help of our leadoff panel this evening. mike memoli is here. he has covered president biden and his family for more than a decade. susan glasser joins us, staff writer for the new yorker and harry litman, former assistant attorney general. mike, you know this president and his family better than any other reporter out there. how are they all reacting to this? biden has a lot of family expressions and one i have heard him invoke so often is that family is everything. it is the beginning, it is the middle, and it is the end. in the more than decade of covered president biden i have seen them come together to celebrate their greatest triumphs. the election, the inauguration most recently. i have also seen them have to endure some of the most difficult and tragic moments as a family. this is one that yet again has brought the family together. to really take stock of a very difficult moment. really the past week and a half has been so difficult to have to relive through this trial the most difficult moments of their family, starting with the death of beau biden and what it did to hunter biden, leading to the addiction to drugs. as i have been talking to people close to the family tonight i have been struck by a tone of defiance about what comes next. there has been concern about what this might mean politically, but also personally for president biden. he is 21 weeks away from his last election. 16 days away from a consequential debate against donald trump, but the tone i am hearing from people close to the president is that they are so proud of their public service as a family and nothing is going to stop them from achieving the goal that is set out in front of them. they know they have a difficult task ahead. the politics, the legal situation does not get easier from here but they are determined to face this together as a family. harry, you wrote in the l.a. times that the jury decision was right, but the prosecution was wrong. i don t think i know what that means. let me try. department of justice guidelines, stephanie, have ways of handling cases and cases like this in which someone lies on a form but does not do any other crime with a gun or part of a gang or whatever are universally dismissed or not treated with the severity that david weiss treated this one. that is how david weiss first proposed to treat this one about a year ago when the gun charges were going to be the subject of a diversion agreement if hunter biden kept clean for two years. it would go away. so the screaming question, not the jury verdict but the question to charge presents and i don t know what the answer is. what happened to change his view of what was the proper punishment and treatment of hunter biden to take it outside how gop practice would normally treat it. because he is a special counsel no one in the doj supervisory structure which normally would say we don t do that to these cases, here is how we handle these cases. no one was there to say that and i think it is certain for whatever reason that hunter was treated more severely than another defendant with the same facts. you have written that you don t think a game changer could change voters minds about this election so i assume you think this verdict won t have much of an impact. we are getting to the point that you are anticipating me too well. look, if donald trump s conviction and becoming the first convicted felon in american history who was a former president, if that was not a radical change in the election, i don t see the conviction of a private citizen, even one who was the son of a current president to be a game changer in this race. it was that close. there was a minor, incremental shift at best toward biden. it is not entirely clear how this conviction of biden s son will play politically. certainly republicans were immediately questioning this, saying this is really just a distraction and all sorts of instantaneous conspiracy theories. default setting from some of trumps public supporters and defenders. you know, hunter biden is not running for president and that s the bottom line. there is no evidence that years of investigations of him, of dragging his name around, has really affected biden s political standing and i don t anticipate this would, either. hunter biden is not running for president. we should remind our audience he has no role in our government, past, present, and no plans for the future. harry, what could he be looking at as far as sentence goes? the standard guidelines would dictate a sentence between 15 to 21 months, based on the conduct and lack of criminal history. those are just recommendations and my best guess, consistent with what i was saying about how people who don t do anything else other than lie on the form are treated is that he will receive a fair bit less than that from the judge. remember however that there are still the tax charges he has to face and david weiss made it clear that the investigation is ongoing and he may be targeting some of hunter biden s conduct in 2014 or so in china, in business dealings. for this charge i expect him to get a sentence that is a matter of months, not the 15 to 21 that the guidelines would otherwise dictate. even if it is just a few months, hunter biden, unlike most people in his situation has secret service protection. so how does that work? your guess is as good as mine, though we have been thinking about it and we know the secret service prepared a plan when it came up with donald trump. trump would have his own wing and people would be there. there would be a lot of cooperation with local authorities. here it is easier because it is federal authorities, bureau of prisons and secret service. that will be worked out one way or another. i think that is sort of the least of the practical issues that this conviction poses today. michael, you laid it out for us, how close the biden family has. how to finance the president is when it comes to protecting his family, how he talks about the family. around this time last year i interviewed the president. much to his teams chagrin, anger, fury, i asked about hunter and he said my son is an innocent man, my son is a good man. the president is now headed deeper into this campaign into the debate stage. how is he going to handle the questions he is asked, the narrative around hunter now that we have this guilty verdict and a president who does respect the rule of law and decisions made by a jury? just think about the gauntlet that is ahead. i mentioned 16 days from now is the first debate. preparation is critical. the president tomorrow is leaving for an important foreign trip. meeting with other key leaders as well as pope francis. you know how close this president is with that hope. it will be an interesting meeting, but then he comes back and has a little over a week to prepare for that debate. we have never in modern history scenery match between combatants like trump and biden and we know the strategy on the part of the former president is very likely to try to get under president biden skin and use this against him. the biden team looks at 2020 when, yes, hunter biden was a frequent political cudgel that trump tried to use against him and the president s advisers say it did not work then and it actually backfired on donald trump. they are presenting this as do this at your own peril to donald trump, but i think it is a concern to people close to president biden that as important as the debate is and as important as preparation is, will he be able to focus on the task at hand? the answer from those i ve spoken to today is that is not going to be an issue. susan, i m sure you remember this question. former president trump and his friends at fox news said it over and over and over. where is hunter? they said it for days, weeks, months. it seemed like years. yet after today s verdict the trump campaign was basically silent, saying it is just a distraction. what in the world is going on here, susan? well, first of all i guess now that donald trump himself where s the label of convicted felon and has been at the spearhead of the most kind of concerted assault that we have ever seen, i think, by one political party in this country against the very legitimacy of the legal system. it is not exactly a comparison that is favorable where you have democrats on down today saying listen, we respect the rule of law. biden isn t going to issue a pardon for his own son. as painful as this is we think that the jury system works and things like that. the contrast with trump is obviously one that is very unfavorable and i am struck by how quickly trumps allies immediately reverted to conspiracy theories and make- believe. i can t stress that enough. they are still in burnet down mode when it comes to our legal system and that includes, you know, trying to imply that this case is a distraction from the real secret being covered up, the real case that should be brought against hunter biden. whatever the conspiracy theory is, it is part of a purposeful plan to rip down the authority and the legitimacy of the legal system, because of donald trump. because of one man. republicans like to say the current president weaponize is the justice department, but i want to share with democrat jim mcgovern had to say about that very thing. watch this. apparently when a republican is convicted it is weaponization, but when a democrat is convicted, the president s son no less, that is justice. give me a break. hunter biden was found guilty by a jury of his peers, just like donald trump. the divide is stunning and it is a great reminder that one political party remains committed to the rule of law and the other doesn t. jim mcgovern bringing a rational thought to a political party. crazy to do these days. michael, there are a lot of apolitical people. it seems like what you laid out with the a clear contrast for voters. is it? it is interesting because what we didn t hear from the president, from those around him tonight, was criticism of a trump appointed judge that presided over this trial or the prosecution from the trump appointed special counsel. there was none of that in the statement before the trial began and today when the try was over, he reiterated his respect for the rule of law and freedom and democracy have been an important part of the president s campaign. that is an example he is showing not just through those words, but the words we saw in another interview last week. the president has the power after this difficult moment, this difficult verdict, to free his son of any potential jail time. he can issue a pardon as soon as the sentence comes down and he has said he will not do that. if ever there was an opportunity for a president to put their finger on the scale of the justice system and given how close he and his family are, it would seem to be in this moment and he said he is not going to do that. thank you all for starting us off on this very serious news evening. when we return this man once worked in the trump administration and a cabinet level position. now one of his biggest critics. john bolton talks the verdicts in both trump and hunter biden s trials. later the biden campaign has an aggressive strategy to brand trump as a felon. how the president s sons verdict could complicate that. the 11th hour, just getting underway on a tuesday night. da. 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i don t think enough people are. when you hear trump saying things like people are saying that retribution can be justified, what he really means is i am saying that retribution can be justified. i think he has a long list of adversaries he wants to go after, but i think the justice department under the trump administration will be in continuing chaos as he tells his political appointee is to go after people whether there are grounds to do it or not and what those lawyers do will tell you a lot about their legal integrity. i think it will put the judiciary under real pressure. you might be on the perceived enemy list. are you concerned at all for your safety? i m concerned about a lot of people that i think he made clear he wants to go after. he tried to suppress my book. he tried to get a criminal investigation started. both of those have been settled and taken out of the picture because they were utterly without merit, but i don t think those technicalities stand in trumps way. he said for example he wants to prosecute the former chairman of the joint chief of staff s for daring to have a conversation with his chinese counterpart in the run-up to january 6, to assure the chinese that they need not worry. trump says that his treason and he reminded people that the death penalty used to apply. i think he is very serious. he may joke about it a little bit, but this will be a retribution presidency and i think the justice department will be where the rubber meets the road. you called the new york verdict a fire bell in the night and you urged your party to nominate somebody else at the convention. do you think that is something that could realistically happen? is there a group behind the scenes potentially working on this? i don t think it is realistic, but i think people ought to have a gut check one more time. for most americans voting for a convicted felon, i think, is going to be a real obstacle. you can say all you want that this was the result of political discrimination against trump. he will be able to raise the selective prosecution argument on appeal. when the case was put in front of 12 regular americans, new yorkers like donald trump used to be, they found him guilty. i think the facts the prosecution presented were clear and that is a problem the party will have and could affect senate candidates, house candidates, gubernatorial candidates. i think if he is elected, electing the first convicted felon as president of the united states will cause real damage to the united states and how we are perceived abroad. given the guilty verdict today for president biden son, hunter biden, what do you say to those republicans who say joe biden weaponized the department of justice and made it his political tool? right and basically shot his son in the process. it is a conspiracy theory. i speak as an alumnus of the department of justice. you could not do in that department what trumps supporters say has been done and not have it leaked to every major media outlet in the country. it is possible to be the victim of selective prosecution and unfairly so and also be guilty. i think certainly that is probably true in trump s case. in hunter biden s case they are not done with him yet. there will be an income tax case and the u.s. attorney, special counsel investigation into hunter continues. so i would like to see what the impact of this case is on the election. it will have an election impact, even though it is not joe biden. it is his son. and see what people think when trump says poor donald trump, the whole world is against him. apparently against hunter biden, too. do you think donald trump is a threat to democracy? we keep hearing that phrase. i want to know if you believe it and if so, practically, tangibly what does it look like? i don t think it is a threat to democracy or our system. i think it will cause enormous damage and a term of confusion and turmoil. but the idea that donald trump is going to overthrow the united states constitution, overthrow the republic as an existential threat to democracy gives him too much credit. i think it is important to state the threat accurately. not to overstate it, not to understate it, but to understand what the nature of the threat is so people who oppose it can combat it more effectively. overdoing it i think gives trump a break and that s a mistake. you said that donald trump doesn t have the brains for dictatorship. even though he said that he would be a dictator on day one. does that make him any less dangerous if he is not that smart but still wants to be a dictator? i think it goes to the point that while donald trump has an infinite span of attention when it comes to the greater glory of donald trump, his attention span on most other issues is about he will to a fruit fly. so that his opponents and even some of his supporters who try and move him away from the most dangerous things that he does will have plenty of room to try to step in. i m not trying to minimize what i see donald trump doing. i think what he was doing at the end of his first term is where it will pick up the day he is inaugurated and it is serious. when you say the republic itself will fall like the roman republic well, really? people think donald trump is equal to julius caesar? give me a break. he may not be, but this time around he won t have the safety guards of you, h.r. mcmaster, the list goes on. are you concerned about the people that are in his current orbit and what they are capable of doing and how they can influence him? yes, i think any administration in a second term does not attract the quality of people it does in the first for the very practical reason that the runway in the second term is shorter. trump will be a lame duck the minute he is sworn in and he has a lot of people around him. basically the people who stayed in the government after january 6 who were second and third rate at best. i think the bigger danger is that trump will insist on staffing a second term on personal loyalty to him above all. he is coming up with his decision for his vice presidential nominee and i think the two questions are, number one, do you think the 2020 election was stolen? and number two, if i told you in a similar situation to do what i told mike pence to do, would you do it? unless the answer to both questions is yes, then that person will not be considered for vice president. i think you will see something similar in all of the key positions. that is a very dangerous circumstance and to the extent the senate republicans included take the confirmation process seriously. if they see people who are more loyal to donald trump than they are to the constitution, that alone is grounds against them. is there a certain person that you see as highly dangerous who you are worried about? i would not want to give any of them academy awards. i think there are bright people including people in the house and senate who have joined this cult of personality and the smarter they are, the more dangerous they are. you are giving us some very serious warnings and things to take seriously, but something i m going to say is not that serious. a write in vote. this election is going to be joe biden or donald trump. in 2020 you wrote in dick cheney. you said you would do it again. are you really giving a clear and honest warning if you are willing to do another right in that won t help anything? look, i bought that argument in 2016 when hillary clinton ran against trump and i voted for trump in 2016. hillary and bill were a year ahead of me in law school and i like to say i ve been burdened with them a lot longer than the rest of the country. after working for trump i could not vote for him, but i did not vote for joe biden in 2020 and won t this year because i don t think he is fit to be president either, for different reasons. when you have two people who don t cross the bar of acceptability, i think it is legitimate to cast a protest vote. a lot of republicans told me a year ago that they would not vote for trump. that they will look at biden and choose what they considered to be the lesser of two evils and i hear other republicans and some democrats say the opposite. it is an unhappy time for america when these are the two people we nominated and it will be a bad four years for america, whichever of them wins. then are these concerns that you have that serious? writing somebody and who won t when is not serious. it s a protest vote. if i didn t vote for anybody this time it would be a protest vote as well. i m not going to vote for someone i think is not qualified, not fit for the office. i m not going to vote for people whose principles i don t agree with. ambassador, think you for joining me today. pleasure to meet you. glad to do it. when we return, how hunter biden s guilty verdict could impact his father s reelection campaign, especially with the first debate two weeks away. when the 11th hour continues. ffects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. far-xi-ga you know what s brilliant? 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they can t, stephanie and i think we are already seeing previews of how they will contort themselves and make the reach that, oh no, this hunter biden verdict is unique in and of itself. completely different from what is happening to trump and that is not the reality. i think republicans will still try to say that even though it has been demonstrated that they have nothing to gain here. they tried and failed repeatedly to use hunter biden as a political football and the responses today show that they fully understand that it is nothing for them to win here. i think we were describing trump statement as a distraction. so i don t expect them to stop at that, right? they will keep with the trump lies, but when we look at this broadly we have to keep in mind that that is not going to have an impact in the selection. throughout the afternoon we ve heard it repeated that hunter biden is not running for election, donald trump is. we ve also heard the contrast from president biden who fully says he accepts the jury decision. he respects the justice system, compared to trump saying it is rigged and i think that is a contrast that will be replayed again and again and that will be something that captures voters attention more than the verdict specifically on hunter biden. hunter biden is a one off. menendez s legal bills would disagree. the president has started to use the term, convicted felon, calling trump that over and over. now that his son is in that camp, does it make it harder for him to do that? no, because he is not talking about his son. he s talking about the guy running against him to be the next president of the united states. hunter is not running for anything. hunter is taking care of business and will have another casey will have to deal with, just as donald trump is taking care of his business and will have three or four other cases to deal with. from the president s perspective it is smart politics to call the thing what it is. why would you run away from that? honestly he is a convicted felon. we watched our friends on this network countdown each count, one through 34. i think for the biden team it is an opportunity for them to lean into the politics and this is a political campaign. what candidate in the country, in the world for that matter, would not use this kind of weakness that is self-imposed by his opponent? remember this is all because of what donald trump did. joe biden was not in that hotel room with stormy daniels. donald trump was. the reality of it is, that is the reality. that s the truth. those are the facts and why not talk about it when the moment presents itself? judging when and exactly how each time may be a matter of some decision, but lean into it and call the thing what it is. i want to talk about somebody else that talks about politics today in the presidential race. a republican we don t hear from often, paul ryan, he was on fox news and here is what he said. he said he is a populist and authoritarian narcissist. it is a job that rick myers the kind of character he just does not have. that s pretty strong. that s the way i feel. i agree with that. i don t support biden, either. i think his policies are terrible. a lot of republicans make this argument. we heard john bolton saying basically the same thing on the show. michael, what is your response to that? my response is okay. to a certain extent, to each his own, but at a certain point it has to become about the country. going back to your discussion with john bolton, the reality is this is a big deal. you have an individual who is running for president who says he wants to be a dictator. i don t know. that is not what we do or have done. that is not what we are inclined towards. yet we may have had folks in america who danced with this idea back in the 30s. and in the 1950s with john birch society, but leaders in this country and ultimately the american people said that is not who we are. i am not forsaking the future of my kids and my grandkids to some fool who wants to be a dictator, because i know what history has taught me about dictatorships and that is not who we are. so at a certain point the paul ryan s and john bolton s may sit and go, i can t do that. but what i am asking my fellow republicans to do and center- right voters to do is think about the country for once. think about the bigger issue. think about your kids and the importance of this. there are a lot of things about the biden administration policies i could disagree with all day long, but they are not a threat to my freedom. they are not a threat to my family and my future. i get up every morning and have that fight with the administration. i can t have that fight with thugs from a former dictator knocking on my door. i m at a disadvantage there as an american citizen. so there are some important points to be made about this election. i happen to think that is one of them. i hope paul ryan and others will come around and at the end of the day what they do in the privacy of the voting booth is their business, despite what they may say publicly. i m guessing right now mitch mcconnell is tucked into his bed, nodding and agreeing with everything michael is saying. in public he is going to be welcoming donald trump later this week along with fellow senate republicans. how do you think this will go? these two men have not met in person since 2020. they may loathe each other, but they both love power. they both love authority and that is one reason they will continue to do the public display. i want to go back to something michael said that connected the dots in the way that john bolton couldn t. understanding that threat is important because what bolton could not commit to is that trump is a threat to our democracy. it was jarring to me to hear that interview in a post january 6 reality, in an effort to undermine the 2020 election results reality, where trump still refuses to accept those results and his supporters refused to proactively accept the 2024 results and to claim he is not a threat to democracy. it shows a disconnect that again, it aligns with some of the other republican talking points that are completely not based in reality and outlandish. connecting the dots for the american public is critical and i appreciate that the biden campaign has started their outreach campaign to the never trump republicans and crafting a national narrative that will appeal across partisan lines. because understanding the threats. understanding the components of project 2025 is going to be mobilizing factors in the selection. juanita, michael, i appreciate the two of you being here. great to see you both. when we return, pride under attack. we talk about the growing hostility ahead of pride month with the head of glaad when the 11th hour continues. inu i asked my doctor about treating my td, and learned about ingrezza. ingrezza ingrezza is clinically proven for reducing td. most people saw results in just two weeks. people taking ingrezza can stay on most mental health meds. only number-one prescribed ingrezza has simple dosing for td: always one pill, once daily. ingrezza can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington s disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, behaviors, feelings, or have thoughts of suicide. don t take ingrezza if you re allergic to its ingredients. ingrezza may cause serious side effects, including angioedema, potential heart rhythm problems, and abnormal movements. report fevers, stiff muscles, or problems thinking as these may be life threatening. sleepiness is the most common side effect. take control by asking your doctor about ingrezza. ingrezza chewy, a citi client, uses citi s financial expertise to help drive its growth and keep its supply chain moving, so more pet parents can get everything they need. right when they need it. keeping more pets, and families, happy. for the love of moving our clients forward. for the love of progress. the chances of a plane crash 1 in 11 million. you re not going to finish those salted nuts, right? 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[ laughs ] aah! protect everything your family does online with aura. they say we should stop eating so much meat. so we made meat out of plants. because we aren t quitters. impossible. we re solving the meat problem with more meat. have you ever considered getting a walk-in tub? well, look no further! safe step s best offer, just got better! now, when you purchase your brand new safe step walk-in tub, you ll receive a free shower package. yes, a free shower package! and if you call today, you ll also receive 15% off your entire order. now you can enjoy the best of both worlds! the therapeutic benefits of a warm, soothing bath that can help increase mobility, relieve pain, boost energy, and even improve sleep! or, if you prefer, you can take a refreshing shower. all-in-one product! call now to receive a free shower package plus 15% off your brand new safe step walk-in tub. it s time to feed the dogs real food, not highly processed pellets. the farmer s dog is fresh food made with whole meat and veggies. it s not dry food. it s not wet food. it s just real food. it s an idea whose time has come. for years, people have celebrated lgbtq pride month. but this year, june is beginning with stories of backlash and hate across the country. in washington state, 14 pride banners slashed. more than 200 stolen from a town center in massachusetts and the colorado republican party posted on x to burn all pride flags this june. i have one question. what in the hell is going on? here to discuss, sarah kate ellis, president and ceo of glaad. what are we seeing here? i think it has been building. what we have seen the past couple of years is this intensity against our community from politician, from right wing politicians. there have been over 500lgbt bills proposed. only 37 have passed at the state level across the country. the damage, though, is done as soon as those bills are proposed. what the politicians do are filling people with rhetoric, misinformation, and lies about our community. and it is fueling hate. just in the past month, we have seen over 30 attacks on our community. this past weekend, we saw three bomb threats. it is a direct line coming from the anti-lgbtq activists and mostly politicians. we also have companies now. now officially saying no to pride, but quietly pulling back support. why is this happening? i m not seeing that as much. i am seeing that headline. i work with over 300 fortune 500 countries and they are actually not pulling back. i think as a result from last year s pride and the bruhaha over bud light and target. what they are doing is integrating pride more into their every day. taking a 365 day approach versus putting all of their eggs in one basket. i am seeing an increase in commitment. i will tell you why that is. 30% of the next generation are lgbtq. 80% of the next generation identify as allies to the community. if you are a consumer business in america, you need to step up your ally ship. they realize that what they are trying to do is do it in really thoughtful ways. how much does misinformation fuel all of this? i have seen why does pride get a month. while others get a day. we have month that s support women, african americans, aapi. disability rights. where does the misinformation come from that almost makes lgbtq a target of things that are not even based in truth? we have a long history of our community being politicized. it has been going on for decades. where it is being fueled now though is through social media. this is a half of trolls that know how to exploit the social media platforms that spread these lies and misinformation. in fact, at glaad, we do an annual report on social media platforms for the safety of our community. and all of them failed. all the major ones failed. a piece of that we are unsafe is that they spread these lies and misinformation. and then it makes it to mainstream media. and it is absolute nonsense. that is why it is our job to tell the truth every night. it is always a pleasure to see you. thank you for joining us. happy pride month. be right back after a quick break. ack after a quick break. at what cost? 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Hunter-biden , Word , Stephanie-ruhle , 11th-hour , 11 , Person , Eyewear , Clothing , Street-fashion , Fashion , Sunglasses , Product

Transcripts For CNN Erin Burnett OutFront 20240612

chambers hopes this is one step toward politicians actively campaigning for voters behind bars in clark county. you have potential victory is lying in those sales at least for now. i want to i guess is it makes a huge difference night, i step toward voters like elliot carver hall, having their voices heard it felt a little bit of empowerment, a little, just a little bit, a little tiny bit sara marie joins us now from las vegas. so this is the first time these voting booths had been used. how did the process go? it went pretty smoothly, although there were voters who showed up to vote and found out they were actually registered in a different county or in some cases, in a different state which is indication of the education gap that still exist for those who are behind bars. there were dozens of folks who wanted to vote from the jail today and we expect that that s cut number is going to be even larger when we get to the general election in november. this was sort of a dry run for the big event coming up, anderson be interesting to do polling and see if they re running for sara marie. thanks. the news continues right here on cnn outfront. next, breaking news, president biden, now it is son side behind closed doors after you re biden was found guilty today. and if federal gun case, tonight, a member of the jury who helped convict biden speaks out. you ll hear plus more breaking news this our federal agents arresting eight people from tajikistan with two suspected ties. i m sorry to isis after they entered the us through the southern border, tonight, we re going to take you to one of the dead please. stretches of that border. and martha and alitos secretly recorded threatening to put up more flags to counter the quote pride flag. that s going up nearby. her neighbor, who s at the center of the controversy over alitos flags is outfront tonight. let s go out front and good evening. i m marion burnett outfront tonight. the breaking news, president biden rushing to his sons, sayyed tonight. hunter biden greeting his father on the tarmac of the delaware air national guard base just hours after hunter biden was found guilty on all counts of lying about being addicted to drugs when he bought a gun today s verdict historic hunter biden is now the first child, sitting president to be convicted of a crime. and the first family is now grappling with the fallout of the jury s verdict. a verdict that came incredibly quickly, just three hours so fast. in fact, it caught almost everyone off guard. firstly, jill biden, who was attended the trial almost every day. been commuting back and forth from france was unable to get into the courtroom and time to hear the verdict yourself. and according to people who were there inside that room, hunter biden stared straight ahead as the verdict was read, stone-faced, showing little emotion. afterwards, though he could be seen hugging family members a close biden family friend, fran person who was with the bidens today gives us this statement tonight out front says there was nothing but love in that room with hunter after the verdict. abbe lowell and his team put up the best defense he could ask for hunter was incredibly strong and gracious. look at how good hunter looks today. sober, going on for years. it is remarkable how far he s come and he will be a powerful force story of redemption and hope for attics and their families that love conquers all. now, hunter biden could face up to 25 years in prison and a fine of up to $750,000 in a moment, we re going to hear from one of the jurors about the discussions that took place inside that jury room and those few hours of debating as the 12 men and women deliberated it really is incredible when you take a step back here, you ve got the president s done, just found guilty, criminally, less than two weeks after former president trump was found guilty and is now a convicted felon both are now awaiting sentencing. and yet the reactions from biden and trump could not be more different just hours after his son was found guilty, president biden spoke to the nation s largest gun control groups. so he s actually i had a gun control group. he did not mention his sons conviction. he did not talk about a corrupt judge or rigged trial or which time. instead, he released this statement separate from his speech. i will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process as hunter considers an appeal jill and i will always be there for hunter and the rest of our family with our love and support. priscilla alvarez is out front. she is live in wilmington, delaware and evan perez is outside the courthouse. i want to start with you, though, priscilla, because i know you ve got some new reporting on this last-minute trip by president biden to delaware. so what is the biden family doing right now? how did this all come together as far as your learning era and the president and his family are huddling behind closed doors here in their residents wilmington tonight after the president rights only hours ago and was greeted by his son, hunter on the tarmac. now, this was a last-minute trip with sources telling cnn that it was floated late monday night, but came together after the verdict was reached and finalize with the president arriving here again, only a couple well hours ago. but of course this is a family that has often come together over the course of the trial. the first lady in the courtroom, multiple times as these legal proceedings were underway and even coming back from france briefly to attend the trial. and that really underscores the delicate and difficult balance that this president has had to strike with his foreign travel in recent days. and also as these deeply painful family moments, we re planning out in this trial and publicly now, the president did release the statement earlier today, and it was a statement that was frayed seen through the lens of a father, not so much a president where he talks about the resiliency of his son, but also said that he would accept the outcome of the case of the president has previously firm that he would not pardon his son. now, also, hearing wilmington is the biden campaign headquarters and sources telling us that as far as tonight, it is business as usual usual for this very sensitive and delicate issue for the biden family. all right. priscilla, thank you very much. in wilmington. and i d want to go to evan perez now because he s been in the courtroom throughout this trial every day you ve watched the jurors you ve watched the biden family there and i know you just spoke to one of those jurors, evan, what did he tell you well, erin this is? juror number ten. he s man in his stuff, these terms his from southern the southern part of delaware. and one of the things that we heard from the defense team as we were going through this trial was they believed that politics had a role in why hunter biden was even facing these charges. he said the defense team believe that the us attorney who was appointed by donald trump was essentially bullied into going after hunter because of criticism from house republicans and republicans in general. i asked the juror number ten, who did not want to be to show his face on television, whether their politics played any role in these deliberations. listen to what he had to say if anybody, was in that courtroom or in the jury room, they would know it was not motivated by politics politics played no part whatsoever in my mind no. i can t speak for the other jurors but nothing was nothing was ever said about this election year that was never brought up and aaron, we also he also told me that that the gun form that hunter biden signed back in october of 2018 when he bought the firearm that was the crucial piece of evidence in his mind and he believe that hunter biden lied when he signed it, and none of the other evidence from the from the from the defense to try to explain it away, really worked on the part of the jury one of the things that may come up by the defense team, they do they are weighing an appeal of this of this verdict is the fact that jurors never got to see a second oppression at that form, because the judge did not allow it. and so i asked the juror whether he believed that that would have made a difference. he said it would not have aaron sheep all right. i evan, thank you very much. outside that courthouse and having a chance to speak to turn number ten, which was obviously so fast thing is we d we d heard about the jury and their reactions and who they are all right. i m a panel with me now, katie rogers, i want to start with you because you have covered the biden family closely for a long time at the new york times and now we re seeing the president arrive in delaware, greeting his son. what are your sources telling you about how this has impacted president biden personally? well, i think everyone who has spoken to me who is close to the president and close to the bidens. they always really reiterate to me how much the president believes in his sons ability to stay sober. he s very proud on that level of his son and they always stressed to me that, yes, he is worried about the legal problems ahead for hunter biden, but he believes in his son s ability to continue his recovery. now, that said, the people close to him say that this is the thing that more than anything else he wakes up. if he s briefed by aids on gaza, the next immediate get thing is about his son or he is constantly in contact with his son. they speak at least once a day. so this is something that is going to add more weight to the president s mindset. he s already been quite worried about these legal problems, never having an end for his son. and this just adds to that, right? it didn t certainly at a crucial time in this case campaign. congressman buck, i wanted to play something else for you that juror number ten shared with evan perez about hunter biden. let me play it i did have empathy for him, for his addiction i don t wish that on anybody and especially correct. okay. let me let was the has to be a terrible dickson it comes from i think just significant that that juror says that after they unanimously convicted him on all counts. right. but still able to have that human empathy and obviously a lot of americans can relate to that who are dealing with this themselves or with others and their families, some sort sort of addiction the president though is to deal with the political side of this. do you think that he has managed this? appropriately as a father and as a president congressman yeah, i do. i think it s very difficult. you look at your son having an addiction like bad. the federal government, the congress obviously passed this law because folks who are addicted to drugs and buy guns are more likely to commit crimes. so certainly not a hunter biden category necessarily, but i think the joe biden president biden has done a great job of trying to stay above the fray and recognizing that his department of justice was a very difficult position attorney general merrick garland appointed a special counsel s so that that council would be independent and render independent judgment. and i think that people look at this case and recognize that it was done in an independent and fair way the idea that there may have been other crimes are really irrelevant. this this defendant totter biden, got a fair trial, a quick jury verdict, and i think that joe biden made the right statements after the verdict ryan, the thing is this this is not done for hunter biden or for joe biden, the whole family, right? he can still appeal just even on this case, i m i m talking separately from the tax case, which is very serious. but on this case alone, is this going to drag out for the remainder of election between sentencing appeals and all kinds of this process 100% because he s going to both appeal on the grounds that certain evidence should not have been excluded from the defense. and he s going to appeal on the grounds that under the second amendment, the constitution, that this particular criminal provision should be invalid and none of that is going to be sewed up before november. in fact, we ll probably at least a year from now before any of that gets stored up, even conservatively speaking, well, even conservatively speaking. all right, so that s a long time, katie, and it s certainly shows in terms of weighing on the president all the way through the election way beyond, but through the election i mentioned how joe biden, the first lady, was not able to get there in time today because happened so quickly. she wasn t actually able to be in the courtroom for the verdict but she was there almost every day. hunter sister was there is on its uncle a lot of other family members, his daughter testified ex girlfriends wives and we ve seen support from almost all of them on hunter and he s recovery. it has been something that clearly has damaged and hurt this family for a long time. they ve struggled with it what does the conviction mean, katie, for the whole family? i mean i think that this family has dealt a hunter biden has detailed his addictions over the years in various ways, whether it s through a memoir, through a lengthy magazine profile. but for the rest of this family, it s been a really long private, painful battle as we saw, this week during and last week during the trial. sorry these members of the biden family, onetime members of the biden family in current members recounted what was essentially they had all described as a held that they were in with him and a conviction is really the first time this very private battle has been laid bare for public consumption. so it s uncomfortable for them and they have had to sit there and here the shrapnel hit them yet again of hunter biden s choices have had to sit there and listen to him in his own words through his memoir, recount his drug use is a painful time for them congressman buck, president biden was asked about whether he would pardon his son right? on this crucial point, i want to play that exchange. it was with david muir let me, ask you will you accept the jury s outcome, their verdict no matter what it is? yes. and have you ruled out a pardon for your son? yes. you have congressman buck, how do you feel about this when he s saying that to show he believes in the system and he s not going to question it with a witch-hunt to rigged and all that, right? clearly, it is his son how do you feel? does he have to take this all the way to the mat? no. pardon? no commutation of his prison sentence, which by the way, he did not he did. not commit to or or do you think it would be appropriate and not hurt belief in the system if he were to commute his son sentence i don t think president biden wouldn t do anything until after the appeals are finished. number one, and that s going to happen after the election so he s going to have much more flexibility after the election whether he wins or loses to make a decision like this. now, if he were to engage in a pardon of president trump with president trump was victims of a federal crime at the same time that he pardon his own son. i think americans would understand a father doing that but i think he made the right statement at the time and that is i m not going to show preferential treatment to a member of my own family and a quick final word, ryan, just to be clear that this would go another year, you also have a very serious yes tax evasion charge, federal charge in california, which would carry significant present time that is underway. that s right. and the justice department said that it could carry up to 17 years in jail. and what s unfortunate for hunter biden is because you didn t do a plea deal. he will now have to convictions potentially steck up against each her to us sentencing guideline. the conviction that he just got today in delaware would count against him. he will not be a first-time offender if he is convicted in california. right. which could affect sentencing. i thank you very much. ryan. katie, and congressman, i appreciate all of you very much next trump and his supporters called the doj rigged and political. so what are they saying tonight? now that hunter biden was convicted by a jury on all counts unanimously, just like donald trump was a couple weeks ago. plus breaking news, the us is now tracking a flotilla of russian war ships less than 100 miles off the coast of florida and passing by a us cruise ship packed with passengers we are speaking to a person on board for that ship, just sending us some pictures of what they saw on that crews and new audio tonight of samuel alito s wife threatening to put up more political flags we what i want i want sacred heart of jesus glad because i had to look across the lagoon at the pride flag for the next month alito s neighbor who had a confrontation with martha-ann alito and is at the center of the story is outfront tonight priceline helped stand can we say 60% on family-friendly hotels? so many great trips we might just leave here with another vacation maybe take it easy. paris and u2 for motor down lisa wasn t alito gardi are happy priceline hey, you ve seen this was the one you re telling me you can get direct tv, got good stuff, and you don t need a satellite dish are used to love doing my business on those things. won-sik pigeon, then dishes kept the rain off our beat we just have different priorities satellite free directtv never thought i d see the day or lifespans are quite short. extreme directtv without it satellite dish, you gonna do this thing with my neck just for a bit. right now, pet dander in sales mold spores, pollen, and dirt are being sucked into your air. ducks get cleaner air in system efficiency. now, with stanley steamer, your air done? 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[ bird squawks loudly ] to a pet shop. meg s moving company uses t-mobile. so she scaled down her fleet to save money. and don s paying so much for at&t, he s been waiting to update his equipment! there s a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don t have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. pain. learn more. it s this is a secret, war, secrets and spies sunday at ten on cnn more of our breaking news, the deep states sacrificial lamb, those are the exact words from top trump ally marjorie taylor greene. she claims hunter biden took the fall for his father and a new conspiracy theory today, greene tweeting, quote, hunter biden just became the deepstate sacrificial lamb to show that justices balanced while the other biden prim s remained ignored meantime, longtime trump adviser stephen miller, posts and park quote, don t be gas lit. this is all about protecting joe biden and only joe biden there are those some republicans who are coming to hunter biden s defense team format is outfront this is the first time that hunter biden has faced responsibility and consequences for his actions, political spinners on the right are spinning out of control in all directions. biden s calling the conviction of hunter biden a step toward accountability and kinda dumb and saying things like hunter biden might deserve jail for something, but purchasing a gun is not it. why is this verdict so confounding for the right? first, it is about a gun or some conservative politicians and advocates opposing gun restrictions. the case against hunter biden was an invitation to attack as father. so long as this president continues to use every tool at his disposal to harass and criminalized guns gun owner there s and gun dealers, his son should be receiving the same treatment and scrutiny as all of us. let s just do a little more shooting over here but other gun enthusiasts, while not fans of the bidens, leave the law in this case is unconstitutional. as a matter of principle i do not believe the hunter biden should be convicted of that anymore. that anyway well, now should hunter biden is not talking, but he is walking in right now second, this wasn t the case. republicans wanted for years. they have talked without evidence far-reaching foreign corruption, secret payoffs, and influence peddling tied all the way to the top. so after this verdict, the trump campaign quickly issued a statement this trial has been nothing more than a distraction from the real crimes of the biden crime family. and lastly, this verse predict came just a dozen days after donald trump himself was convicted of 34 felonies, even as he appeals a course, republicans have joined him in calling the courts corrupt their case against president trump has been a witch hunt from the beginning. this was not criminal justice. the entire thing is political, but now some conservative seem to be squirming, suggesting hunter biden s conviction must be a ruse. posting timing is everything. this is the veil of fairness in the justice system. so maybe it is a measure of how twisted up the right is on how to respond to all of this. that when the trump team put out that statement after the verdict and much i made all those crazy claims about the biden family. they then send out an edited version shortly thereafter because the first version at the end so they wish hunter biden well. and then in the edited version, they had dropped the well wishes. they didn t fix the false claims. they just dropped the well wishes clearly, this has the republican right saying, what are we supposed to do on this? because there are cross purposes on so many issues, aaron. yeah. i mean, well, you know, you say it s a rigged system when your guy s guilty and then the other guy s guilty and then all of a sudden what he is supposed to say. maybe they could have foreseen that possibility. all right. tom, form. and thank you very much. i want to go now to ty cobb, a former trump white house lawyer. so tie i mean, can you believe hunter biden gets convicted on all counts by a jury in a case brought originally by a special counsel who trump initially appointed us attorney somehow, it s not fair and square to many in the gop can you believe it oh, yes, i can sort of believe anything. i mean, it s a really crazy de marjorie taylor greene is out there making the rest of us look like geniuses. what she can do on it regular basis yeah. i think it takes away from the gravity of the moment which is you know, he he wasn t added. it was a sad situation that was tragic but it wasn t political and keep in mind that he did have the opportunity to take accountability for this year ago and the plea agreement build up then they decided that they would insist on their de and courting and they got it but i think it s i think this is has to be looked at on its own merits. so i mean, this was a case the evidence says the jurors juror who was interviewed said was overwhelming and they didn t put politics into it and i just ruled on what they saw, on what they were told, just like trump s urey did. and i think both jury s got it right based on what they were told to do and the evidence that was before them. but i think it is a crazy time because you have the president today. i ve given a speech on tighter tighter gun controls. yeah. and keeping guns out of the hands of felons and people who don t don t deserve them. and his sons on trial. i think yeah, it s just it s a crazy time in america full of folic contradictions, but, yeah, but this was, this was a sad day and i think it was inappropriate result. i don t think he s going to jail for very long. my off the cuff assessment is scheduled for 1016 months as the first defender and the judge may well go below that and give him a probationary sentence. who knows? yeah. it s not going to be a punitive situation and then he does have that serious tax case involving $7.5 million in taxes. so yeah. i mean, that s that and that ll be in september and that ll be in the heart part of the heart of the election. so i think it s very hard for republicans to insist that this is somehow a ruse. well, i mean it s sort of amazing. it seems to me that if you did get a guilty verdict here, that this would be something that everyone could say. okay. well, there was it can t say that it s rigged or during goes one way or the other. and yet somehow that there are still some finding a way to say this is basically a veil of as nancy mace said, congresswoman avail of fairness, write that this is all to distract you from it s frightening in some senses, but you mentioned that a convicted felon, right? can i have a gun? and obviously, you know, donald trump and in this context, we found out today tie that he disclosed in his probation interview that he had three guns. now he acquired them legally. obviously, he is now prohibited from having any as a convicted felon were you surprised at all but to hear that donald trump own three guns not really. and i think all the people are hyperventilating on this a little bit. i mean, it s it s sort of ordinary that it would come up in this context particularly for somebody donald trump it s not carrying a gun i never saw him carry ganim, didn t know him to ever carry a gun. he s got to see as a concealed carry registration in new york, but you re right. that s what he had and i understand that, and i think he obviously has these guns and he s going to have to pony him up but that s what that s really what this process is designed to do is to get all that, all that, all those requirements out of the way before he couldn t run afoul of any other laws after the time of being sentenced up, tied before you go. also today, trump asked aileen cannon, the judge in florida, mar-a-lago, to dismiss the classified documents case. and if she didn t do that, he asked her to throw it any evidence gathered during the fbi search of mar-a-lago? which sort of confusing and confounding because that appears to be the entire case as far as most of us understand it that s actually much of the case. it s actually not quite the entire case, but it s it s most of the documents, yes. that we re included in the indictment and the worst thing that could happen to him is that she actually does it in advance of trial because that will certainly be reversed abruptly by the 11th circuit and giving them the opportunity i m for that. they re dying for given the circus that she puts on to remover. all right. we ll tie. thank you very much. as always thank you, aaron tax. and next new secret recordings tonight of justice alito s wife talking about conversations with her husband about political flag it s at their homes like, oh, please don t put up a black alito s neighbor who is at the center of the dispute with the alitos is out front but next, plus breaking news, this our federal agents arresting eight to gq nationals with suspected ties to isis after they came into the united states through the southern border. and we re going to take you tonight to one of the most dangerous stretches of that border right now, will take you there next detect this living with hiv. robert learned he can stay undetectable with fewer medicines. that s why he switched to nevado divider was a complete hiv treatment meant for some adults. no other complete hiv pill uses fewer medicines to help keep you undetectable than davon detect this morning to learn that most hiv pills contains three or four medicines. devito is as effective with just two if you have hepatitis b, don t stop to vada without talking to your doctor. don t take to vado if you re allergic to its ingredients are taking dofetilide. this can cause serious or life-threatening side effects if you have a rash or allergic reactions, symptoms stopped a bottle and get medical help right away, serious or life-threatening? lactic acid buildup and liver problems can 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frank, brad. how are you? fnth call 1803 558999, or visit home served i m mj lee at the white house. and this is cnn closed captioning brought to you by thunder shirt, constant gentle pressure for a calmer pet. if your dog suffers from fear of thunder, fireworks separation, or any other anxieties, thunder shirt can help thunder shirts find it. retailers like pet smart and petco tonight, martha-ann alito, the wife of supreme court justice samuel alito, in secretly recorded audio, vowing to continue flying political flags outside her home, mocking gay pride flags that fly nearby. mrs. alito to finally reacting to the controversy do that now swirls around her and her husband after the new york times reported that an upside down american flag flew outside their home in virginia in january of 2021. flag used by insurrectionists, as well as the second flag also carried by insurrectionist, seen flying outside their vacation home. here s part of what martha and alito said cnn has not obtained the full of audio you know what i want, i want sacred heart of jesus flag because i had to look cross the lagoon at the price the flag for the next month exactly. i made a flag in my head. this is how i satisfy myself. i made a flag is white and it s yellow and orange flames around it and in the middle is the word but goniometer that gunja in italian means shane gone yet vii car g, g they re gone shame, shame, shame anyway wow, shame, shame, shame on you spelling it out like that. such vehemence about the gay pride flag. those comments were secretly recorded by a liberal activist, journalists lauren windsor, who misrepresented herself to me this is alito as a sympathetic and like-minded admire her, but she recorded these conversations and we now know what was set out in front. now, emily baden, a former neighbor of the alitos in northern virginia. she s the person justice alito says provoked his wife and to flying the inverted american flag after a verbal dispute between the two a claim emily says is false and is backed up by police reports, which showed that the dispute actually happened weeks after the flag went up. so emily, i m glad to see you again what s your reaction now you hear this audio, you hear martha and alito a voice, you know, because you had conversations with her and she s saying she s going to fly these flags spelling this out, that she s going to fly a flag very gunja, and she spells it out. every letter to say shame that she wants to fly a flag against the gay pride flag. yes an erin excuse me. thank you so much for having me again, it s great to be with you again my first reaction to hearing this audio i think was the same as most other folks, which was absolute horror if there s one thing that is the basic job description of a supreme court justice. it is to remain impartial and with the upside-down flag, with the appeal to heaven flag samuel alito has shown that he is not impartial and yeah, hearing martha and talk about that, it s interesting because i was used as a scapegoat for why she flew the other flag and we know clearly that that s not true and she says you, you obviously interacted with her and in very negative circumstances at one point, which i ll ask about in a moment, but she when you hear her tone of voice here, that she s going to fly this flag against the gay pride flag that says virgo anya in italian means shame. and she says it and then she spells it out. she hits every single letter virgo kn. yes. she says again and then she says, shame, shame on you did that tone sound like the same woman, the same tone that you d heard yes it was defiance. it was just very, very clear that she wishes shame upon the lgbtq community and yeah, i definitely recognized the tone for sure. so that secretly recorded conversation went on for about six minutes. at one point, mrs. alito said her husband asked her to stop flying flags and she said she would do it temporarily. i want and to play that part of the exchange for you, emily, here it is nazis believed that he should control the hell. do you never can tell and he s like please don t put up a flag. i can i won t do it because i m deferring to you but when you are free of this nonsense i m putting it up and i m going to send them a message every day, maybe every week the change in the flag s, there ll be all kinds i mean, look, she you talked about how she glare at you, called you a fascist. she spat on your car. i know that you have said you regretted calling her, that that vulgar epithet but when you hear this audio, is this this is consistent with the woman that you interacted with it is. and i think it s only fair for me to point out that mr. and mrs. alito are essentially strangers to me and my my interactions with them are very limited. so i can t really make any type of comment on you know, they re their attitude or their mental state or just aside from the facts of what i witnessed and what i experienced, and i just want to bring that back to the facts of this whole situation that he showed allegiance to january 6, he showed allegiance to christian nationalism and it s just very dangerous for our democracy. and i think he opinion value are secular. he wrote, it, wrote an opinion actually, after a year after the upside flag was flown and it was actually about flags flying outside boston city hall i just wanted to read the operative leinz. again, this is after he himself had known these flags were flying at his homes. and he says, a passerby on cambridge street confronted with a flag, flag flanked by government flags standing just outside the entrance of boston seat of government would likely conclude that all of those flags convey some message on the government s behalf. so it s clear he s saying if they fly the flag than any reasonable person would think that you support what that flag stands for. and yet he s saying it s not the case when they fly at his own home is there any doubt in you did interact with him and i know he didn t really speak. you didn t say much in those interactions but is there any doubt in your mind that a supreme court justice sees the hypocrisy here so he must see the hypocrisy and maybe just doesn t care it seems to me that their behavior and these words maybe they feel like they re above the law. and a lot of ways they are. we don t have an enforceable code of ethics for the supreme court they essentially police themselves and that ruling is really important because it only proves me right, and it proves all of us, right? who think that he of course knew about the flags. of course, he he endorsed them and him making those statements to congress that oh, my wife did it. i don t know about it. oh, i did it because of a neighbor. those are lies and this is important for our country. we need to, we need to hold our elected officials accountable, and we need to have a congressional hearing. we need to enact term limits. we need to have an actual code of ethics that they have to abide by. alright, well, emily, i appreciate your time and thank you for coming back on. thank you so much, aaron. and for. all who want to hear more, more of those alito audio tapes will be played tonight on laura coates live. that is at 11:00 eastern. next we re going to take you to one of the deadliest stretches along the american mexican we re scores of migrants are now risking their lives what a look because of all the threats there they can t go back also breaking the us, tracking russian warships, including a nuclear powered submarine that are passing by florida, were speaking to a passenger who is right now on a us cruise ship and just saw those russian warships hi, my name is kim and i am 41-years-old. i ve been given the opportunity to work from home, so that means lots of video calls. i see myself more and i definitely see those deeper leinz i m still kim and i got botox cosmetic. i wanted to keep the expressions that i would normally have you re right, you re on camera. 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frank, frank, bred. how are you? fred fuel up to seven brain health indicators, including your memory, joined the neretva brain health challenge breaking news, cnn learning eight people with suspected ties to isis have been arrested after entering the us from the southern border a source as the suspects were arrested in los angeles, new york, and philadelphia. so they d fanned out three different cities and had been monitored for overall month. it comes to cnn is going deep into the deadliest stretch of the us mexican border, speaking to migrants, reaching this remote and desolate region. after days without food, seemingly, these people on aware of president biden s announced crack down on asylum claims. david culver has this special report that you ll see first tonight, outfront while this is a. larger group here, let s see she s asking us if it s much longer to reach asylum. so what this does documents in hand and this family desperate to find border patrol does they ve been walking through a yes. they ve been walking for three days obviously, she s very emotional, says there s no food, there s no way when you think we re in a remote part of the arizona mexico border, getting here, not easy, took us about two-and-a-half hours from tucson. much of the drive off road with no cells signal and yet as desolate as this part of the border might seem, the trash and close literary in the gravel tell a different story. we find makeshift encampments were migrants, shield themselves from the scorching sun and wait for border patrol to pick them up she said three board. of ritual past about a little more than three hours ago and they assume they pick coming back and go, but they haven t seen them yet. this family fleeing cartel death threats and kidnappings were surprised hearing where they re from illness on negative limit heiko, mexico. and as we drive on, we meet another they make windows towards an encampment further down they may go from he s saying there s a bunch more that are coming from from mexico and he said, after the election of particular i felt the motivation to leave fearing the corruption and the lack of work. see what we end up steam because it s late getting near sunset, there s a huge and camp and mostly children a non-profits at this camp up for migrants who ve just cross are saying, please wait here, immigration is going to come and get you here and actually have wifi setup. most everyone here mexican what s up candy he said that they ve been getting a lot of threats and they said it was sort of the reason of the elections, it didn t vote for as they put it, the candidate who ended up winning on june 2, mexicans voted and local, state and presidential elections that campaign season proved violent and deadly. even the roman, she says that the reason they left us for reasons of security, which she says as now, everybody that we see here is from mexico, but they might not be in the us for law just days after mexico s elections, the biden administration took executive action on the order allowing first swift deportation of most migrants after a daily cap is reached. in nogales, arizona, we see those deportations up close. we counted probably a dozen people altogether most of them kids, about eight kids from what we could see getting off that bus and border patrol agents then escorting them directly flee to the border. and they ll continue walking them over right into mexico. what do you think does executive orders that going to do anything more in a rare encounter, we meet a border patrol agent eager to vent he asked us to mask his identity. worried, he ll be fired for talking to openly does it frustrate you when you hear that when you hear the narrative like wire border patrol doing anything don t blown off the mecole one he blames the current administration but isn t any more hopeful with the alternative, really to learn we meet others also frustrated by border policy, though, for more personal reasons. is, is this the only way that you can get face-to-face? yeah. litter carla pachinko crossed illegally nearly 30 years ago. she s recently gotten her work permit, but it s still waiting on a green card. i can be within the us how the mexico side that s her dad, freddie, who crossed illegally and was deported more than a decade back. they and other families meet here every couple of months to catch up. when s the last time you got to hug your dad? 15, 16 years ago. when you think about what s happening at the border now what what goes through your mind? yeah, well, it s unfair because we ve been waiting what has been 20 years, 20 six years, and nothing nothing was being here paying my taxes and not owing anything, no tickets or nothing. yeah. i don t get anything out of it. while washington focuses on illegal crossings and asylum claims cases like carlos have been put on the back back burner for decades, it s still freddie. once his next crossing to be done, laughlin, i wanted to take you write everything, you know with my passport every in legal even if it means waiting years, though it will happen the way i can wait await for border patrol at this remote section of the arizona mexico border unbearable for some. and so you re going to keep walking where cartel back smugglers often mislead migrants to think that once they ve crossed the hard part s over, it s not a struggled to push on and triple-digit heat kliger, the border wall for balance and shade ahead of them, i ll seemingly endless stretch of hills to climb aaron, i want to go back to that breaking news you mentioned just a few minutes ago those individuals was suspected ties to isis who were arrested, believed to have crossed over the us southern border. it s something i d actually asked our border patrol agent that we had connected with somebody who is very candid and open and he was concerned about some of the folks who are coming in. he said, look, the vast majority sure. are women and children and he said, that it s heartbreaking. but they in turn can distract from nefarious activities that might become an cross including potential terrorists. he said, it s terrifying for him and it s for that reason, aaron, that he does not want his signature on any of those release forms. wow. that s really credible. and honestly amazing that you able to speak to him and admirable that he was able to both be honest, but yet he wasn t didn t express kind of rage or anger at anyone fastening and what he said about trump and biden not being satisfied with either all right. thank you so much. david culver for that spectacular reporting next to the us is now track king russian warships packed with high precision weapons that are just off the coast of florida one. can one. i want to do in which and to be with my family i want you to join your brothers in the rank welcome to the show i just love being out there with you guys the only thing that matters to me rigid or now streaming exclusively on max when to leave 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being tracked by us navy and coast guard ships as the russian flotilla is heading to cuba and out front has obtained pictures. a passenger and a celebrity cruise line ship. look at this picture off the coast of florida, took these pictures as the war ships pass by he says they were just a couple thousand feet away and he saw us ships and planes tracking them. the passenger telling us quote, i just happened to look outside and i saw one of the ships so i went outside to investigate. i can see six ships at one time across the horizon. there have been shifts in sight. most of the day and we just think about that most of the de, russian warships next to a us cruise ship, he adds quote, i was surprised how close they are. we re not that far offshore meantime, in moscow, russian state television is touting the deployment of the ships off the us coast as tensions increase with the us and matthew chance is out front from moscow tonight these are the first images of the russian flotilla steaming towards cuba, just 90 miles off the us coast the russian defense ministry says the strike group including a nuclear powered submarine, the qizan, armed with modern caliber cruise missiles practicing the use of high precision weapons. but it s really about putin flexing his muscles on the international stage led by the flagship of russia just northern fleet, the admiral golf cough, which russia s defense ministry says is normally equipped with latest zircon hypersonic missiles this is meant to deliver a powerful message to washington russian state television has been celebrating than evil deployment, placing some of russia s most powerful vessels in cuban waters. i boil and accordion. the american media, has been discussing the event, reports, the russian news anchor claiming the pentagon has no idea where our submarine is positioned. in fact us officials or downplaying any threat. but moscow has been signaling displeasure that washington recently green light getting ukrainian attacks on russian territory with us supplied-weapons speaking ahead of the cube and naval visit, vladimir putin warned of a possible russian response. easley, and you put it today in the west lai weapons to the zone of combat operations and call for the use of these weapons against our territory. then why do we not have the right to do the same? to mirror these actions? i m not ready to say that we ll do it tomorrow, but we of course, should think about it elsewhere moscow has been stepping up tactical nuclear drills to staging exercises with neighboring belarus near the ukrainian border. russian tactical nukes delivered from either ground or air can level entire cities or the kremlin insists it has no plans at this stage

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Gutfeld 20240612

sean: unfortunately that is all the time we have left set it on dvr so you never ever miss the episode of hannity monday through friday 90 eastern let not your heart be troubled because greg gutfeld is standing by the idea to put a smile on your face next. [ cheers and applause ] greg: i expect nothing less. happy tuesday. historic day for the first time ever hunter biden did not to get off. found guilty of 3 felonies facing up to 25 years behind bars the good news if he goes to prison his family visits and conjugal visits could be done at the same time unlikely maximum sentence since his first conviction community services likely he shown a interest in working with unwed mothers not the kids. biden froze for 30 seconds at white house event calling it the longest he is gone without saying something stupid he then exchanged of fist bump his hand it should heal in 4-6 months. s&l talking with the biden campaign to reach voters biden s campaign raiders are asking s&l to write comedy. aoc and rachel maddow claimed if trump elected they will be locked up even more terrified is the view of going to fat camp. researchers using ai determine elephants call each other by names in their own language i thought we already knew that. trace gallagher shannon bream the canadian cancer society apologized for using cervix instead of the trends friendly front hold. not to be confused with the word ass hole. south dakota governor kristi noem says trump choosing a woman vp would help in wynne especially if he needs help shooting bleep bleep and books mentioning butts and farts can t be banned in public libraries good news for my new book. you know it s coming. you know it s coming. so prior to a jury finding biden guilty and has gun trial as defense found an unlikely ally the second amendment the thing democrats hate more than they hate soap. last week in a last-ditch effort hunter asked that as the questionnaire he said violated second amend meant rights of the argued the question asking if he was a drug addict was unconstitutional in the state had no right to infringe on his second amendment s rights just because he did a little dope and buy a little dope i don t mean george stephanopoulos i mean so much coco scarface would ve recommended rehab. is still the defense has a point so why is it unconstitutional well they argued historical intoxication statutes can t stretch far enough to justify disarming a sober a citizen based on past drug use and that i m sorry but make sense is a constitutional for the government to remove the secondment meant rights of a person based on an the conflict let s forget about hunter the same law would borrow wounded that who uses cannabis for pain from exercising his right to self defense imagine a person in recovery who now owns guns should he go to jail never mind the ruling people from going to treatment or seeking mental health help i need it. now did hunter break the law sure but it s an unjust law you can disagree with me you are disagreeing with the second amendment it shall not be infringed but if that sounds familiar to you then you must be paying attention to our very own kat timpf rolled the flashback flashback dude. you can make the argument and said this is unconstitutional because the second amendment doesn t have an exception in for if you re addicted to something you can make the argument that is secondment meant rights are being violated which it would be funny to see joe biden asking the court to make that argument her next book now the rules say estate you should only applied for me during the monolog but her next book should be called how i tried to keep hunter out of jail but imagine that the sun of a democrat president suddenly puts on an nra part saying politics makes strange bella bedfellows but for the second amendment s state i daresay get hope hunter were a condom because i don t want that getting genital warts. so while the verdict maybe bad news for hunter it s also bad news for the second amendment he was found guilty of being in possession of a firearm as a drug user or addict but there is many americans who fall into that category. but it offers trump a golden opportunity to condemn it but the democrats in a box if trump calls unconstitutional the democrats agree suddenly they are on the side of the second amendment but if they don t it forces them to applaud the guilty verdict of the president sent i bet his dad would love that what if the commander dims commander and soiled briefs he said he wouldn t pardon him but the odds abide in remembering that are the same as michael loftus wearing underwear it s a headache for joe but that assumes he has feelings about the neckline hears him at an event last night. was that joe or a statue of joe. if he was any more frozen maas protesters would ve spray-painted on his face. at this point the best they could do for him is unplugging with 5 minutes and reboot before calling tech support you want to hear something worse years joe today had a gun summit gun-control summit talking about you gun owners. by the way they want to take on that if we get out of line mr talking about they need f-15s they don t need a rifle what did he just say i kind of know what he said but still still is not about what you need it s your right to have a rifle this is the guy you believe january 6th was an insurrection apparently we shouldn t worry because he has f-16s or after 15 sees aft up and so his approval ratings dropping faster than his boobs when his bra comes off. even liberal election forecasters suggesting the unthinkable that biden drop out just he did in 1988 democrats what was a marketable candidate michael dukakis he says in biden just hit an all-time low and approval 37% dropping out would be a big risk but there is some threshold below which continuing to run is a bigger risk democrats would ve been better served if you decided a year ago not to seek a second term and give voters a say among the many popular democrats across the country the many popular democrats what i hope he doesn t fill out a gun application soon because apparently he is high as well who do they have this guy it looks like a tennis pro gave the entire country club committed chlamydia like this chuckle monster i ve seen whoopee cushions with more depth this guy s transportation secretary ellie transporter was illegal immigrants on midnight flights talk about a shallow bench they make fox and friends look like the supreme court what does joe think. no no luck nobody steps down i m not going anywhere. if you re going to beat me after run against me and nobody wants to do the right who do they have the california debt guy at the hearing the teeth really when he likes him is him get the vp lady good luck with that mayor gaye judge booty pete he can t beat me nobody respects him and it s not because he s gay either. it s because he s not a real judge let s welcome tonight s guests. she can use to handstands will she grandstands. [ cheers and applause ] he puts the half and half i m homeless michael loftus. her bumper sticker says food is for losers new york times best-selling author and contributor kat timpf and he doesn t wear hawaiian shirts he wears hawaii as a shirt new york times best selling author, comedian and former and debbie way world heavyweight champion tyrus. kat i would go to you first even though you re not a lawyer but i m interested what you thought of the verdict given your verdict feet of fillings on the secondment creek. you know how i feel because we talked about it this morning we also know i agree with everything in your monolog i think that what i read about is the way partisanship can do divide us and convince us to argue in favor of giving up her own rights this is a good example about that because everybody who wants to see the biden family go down i understand where that comes from i certainly think they been involved in corruption i don t think this is the thing to slammed him on because based on the data we do have on drug use in gun ownership tens of millions of americans could be guilty of felonies and faced decades in prison over the exact thing what i argue he was a responsible gun owner i would not but there was no victim here in the law doesn t designate that somebody who uses marijuana who s a veteran or a wounded veteran for chronic pain could fall under this and what you need to do to avoid it having partisanship clad your thoughts is take the biden s out of ask yourself do you agree with and is a constitutional debbie or second amendment s rights which shall not be infringed nothing what so ever do you want that to be up to the subjective standard of what doesn t doesn t qualify as an addict and have the government be the ones allowed to make that determination and the answer if it s no as it is for me then yet to be against us and also even if you like the law if you think it s a great law you have to say he can t really argue it s constitutional there s a difference between a statutory law unconstitutional you can t argue it s constitutional regardless i you feel about it. emily in the greenroom you said you hope biden fries. rereading my thoughts? no. geographic at orgy think it s a different thing how do you look at it. is a great point let s have that is the foundation over which let s put historical statutory applications bottom-line in 1968 the gun control act was passed where congress said you can t possess a gun if you are under the influence of you re addicted to these controlled substances then the controlled substances act which defined what that meant to be omega go for a whole decade here they make gutfeld stop it. the reasons many americans are vulnerable and that hundreds of thousands of brothers and sisters and parents and uncles have been incarcerated is because of those lawes going all those decades back so currently over 157,000 people are incarcerated federally it s a federal prosecution 10% of them second-most is for firearms offences number 1 is drug offences so i also feel when the jury when they were pulled from the beginning they said over half of them direct family members they sought as being 1 more person just that being your last name you won t get away with it i saw them get incarcerated as well i cite taken away also so at the end of the day on the president released a statement saying we love her son were going to appeal and his family in court look so angry i feel it s welcome to the real world there are 157,000 american families going through the same thing right now he just went through today. can i just say some thing superfast i would love to see this actually get overturned on appeal and then it can strengthen second amendment rights for all of us. it would have to be the supreme court like for circuit courts and stuff. greg: you legal ladies pop pipe down i have to get the homeless guy in here. greg: whoa-mac he was she could go to prisons you could have a roof over your head? as a homeless lesbian i do and i realize now that i have developed a cardboard and shellfish allergy so no more sitting around eating clamps from a box. no more freak lamotta juice a want to talk about joe locking up you have to to keep them away from bright lights they are calling them home that s where he went he was just standing there going uncle bo z is that you did the un have an uncle bo z. you can t even clap at that point. as to the gun thing. [ snoring ] it s a good point in its true and is not what i want hunter to go to jail for what about the rest of the. [ bleeps ] laptop. it s like sweet jesus i m tired of the crimes where it s like yet to be careful about pulling that down like when trump as his attorney do something that s 34 felonies that you are slinging guns around high school dumpsters and doing drugs and that s just a 3. it makes zero cents the only thing good about this is a gives hunter a better story when he meets his fellow inmates right if he s like i opened up several shell companies and i was taking money from ukraine and putting that in the shell companies 10% would go to my father you might as well just suck a dude off their. greg: tyrus finish this out for us. he wouldn t to got that far. really disagree with you guys but if you like your examples are flawed like when you talk about the veteran. prescription lead is legal so he s not an addict the skylight about being an addict he s taking controlled substances yet to commit the crime to get it anyhow he is again there s a reason that simply as anybody who lives there it s a reason he was so he is lucky when he left the gun in the car it was someone in his family who got it he lifted there someday took it or there s a reason why we put these things in place of crack was legal he wouldn t be an addict unfortunately alcohol is legal because it was first it s 10 times worse than most drugs but you can drink all the beer you want and say i m not an alcoholic and you aren t lying. he asked if she was asked if he was an addict they check the box and 7000 people testified he lied so. [ bleeps ] send him to jail like the rest of us who commit crimes. crack is illegal. [ bleeps ] you you are going to jail. if you get arrested for a felony you can t vote you can t own again there s a reason for. greg: that was a spirited discussion alright. up next nancy pelosi admits fault in the january 6th assault. have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. and i m keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i m reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine that s proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events in adults with known heart disease and with either obesity or overweight. wegovy® shouldn t be used with semaglutide or glp-1 medicines. don t take wegovy® if you or your family had medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop wegovy® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may happen, including pancreatitis and gallbladder problems. wegovy® may cause low blood sugar in people with diabetes, especially if you take medicines to treat diabetes. tell your provider about vision problems or changes, or if you feel your heart racing while at rest. depression or thoughts of suicide may occur. call your provider right away if you have any mental changes. common side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. with wegovy®, i m losing weight, i m keeping it off. and i m lowering my cv risk. that s the power of we. check your cost and coverage before talking to your health care professional about wegovy®. all these games on directv and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles. what s missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they d rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we re not very athletic. 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( ) at evernorth, we combine medical and pharmacy data with behavioral health data to identify members in need of care. predicting and treating behavioral health issues quickly. while lowering costs for plan sponsors and members. that s wonder made possible. evernorth health services greg: nancy makes a clear will the national guard wasn t near here s footage from januare frozen face nancy pelosi taking response ability for not having the national guard and the capital that day watch. we have responsibility and there wasn t any accountability for what was going on there. we should have. it is ridiculous. they ve already breached should be called the capitol police i mean that the national guard i were they there to begin with. they don t know. they clearly didn t know with responsibility there because it s stupid in a situation like this they thought they had a wet thought they would act as civilized. even with the mask even with the mask she sounds hideous. emily what is going on here why is this out now. why is she taking responsibility for this there is something going on here. her daughter s making a documentary that s part of the file turned over after everybody found out about it the irony is that after the video was released the pelosi spokesperson said 3 years later house republicans are trying to whitewash january 6th it s shameful unpatriotic empathetic what i think is pathetic is the findings from the gop january 6th committee that returned it 10 p findings among them house democrats like speaker pelosi were concerned with optics after the summer of love it so want to the play the national guard being too afraid to have any form of law enforcement ready because they didn t want it to look bad when the streets are being burned down so that s her fault not trump s. didn t vindicate trump called for the national guard. it vindicates trump and that they should release all those january 6th people right now. and i am with you why are we seeing this now. nancy must have felt bad because both claws were going so sober as they had the ability to talk again crap the back of that dan gave terry we other responsibility i don t know how them going to buy stocks and do insider-trading now. it felt like a performance. low me get this straight she knew they were going in the building and did nothing about it locker up. 20 years is what you get. 20 years. what do you make of this iec conspiracy why are we seeing this now? and her daughter is filming this that s what i m struck by her daughter filmed she s making a documentary what s going on with this family like i would give anything a bravo reality show for nancy pelosi s family. greg: it s creepy the january 6th committee as that should be in there but the 2 republicans were. [ bleeps ] republicans. gold the great they saw something and it s going on getting worse we ve got him. they put people s lives at risk to get rid of trump they could have made the call they didn t because that s how we get them that s what it is. another hoax. up next as they declare trump making her scared. on your period, sudden gushes happen. say goodbye gush fears! thanks to always ultra thins. with rapiddry technology. that absorbs two times faster. hellooo clean and comfortable. always. fear no gush. let s get the rest of these plants in. organic soil from miracle-gro has grown me the best garden i have ever had. good soil, and you get good results. this soil will blow you away. it s the martha stewart of soil. scout is protected by simparica trio and he s in it to win it! simparica trio is the first chew with triple protection. whoa fleas! and ticks! 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[ bleeps ] for 8 years that s likely going to say now why would else do you have it s passed that they overplayed their hand in their worried about consequences everybody who try to get away with stuff and lied and push false narratives are now afraid they re going to get their comeuppance and they call revenge are gonna me a camp signal you shouldn t be allowed to call yourself a journalist when you peddle lies narratives if anything once he wins where you going to do now because no matter what you do he s gonna finish his 4 years in the winds again absence like always going to lock me up at the celtics when the championship jayson tatum and jaylen brown are going to come to my house and beat me up. greg: by the way how does she think he s going to lock her up like what could be the crime like she leaps from a he becomes president i go to jail she leaves at all the stuff in between i was like is it because she s a journalist like whatever she is i don t know because it s so preposterous and if it s being a journalist but year paolo barack obama if you want to see the high volume of journalists imprisoned it s like they are in a space capsule they haven t evolved so outdated like listening to robert de niro when he was ranting and raving recently the thing coming out of his mouth trump s not going to accept the results fascism and he s wearing a mask is like watching somebody from 2016 and you re like we are so past that i don t know who listens to her but it makes me as lame as it sounds there are camps with millions of people in them and they are in china if i would her i would steward or time and platform a little better because the trump delusion derangement syndrome is stupid and i wish she would use it for sighing actual. greg: well put. maybe they would go on tv and say she has to go oh, no,. greg: coming up a coach to a slam dunk a question which stunk. for my patients. it really works. with fastsigns, create factory grade visual solutions to perfect your process. fastsigns. make your statement™. this is steve. steve takes voquezna. this is steve s stomach, where voquezna can kick some acid, heal acid-related damage to the esophagus called erosive esophagitis, and relieve related heartburn. voquezna is the first and only fda-approved treatment of its kind. 93% of adults were healed by two months. of those healed, 79% stayed healed. and voquezna can provide heartburn-free days and nights. other serious stomach conditions may still exist. don t take if allergic to voquezna or while on products with rilpivirine. voquezna may cause serious side effects including kidney problems, diarrhea, bone fractures, severe skin reactions, low vitamin b-12 or magnesium levels, and stomach growths. call your doctor if you have diarrhea, stomach pain or fever that won t go away, decreased or bloody urine, seizures, dizziness, irregular heartbeat, jitteriness, muscle aches or weakness, spasms of hands, feet, or voice. voquezna can help kick some acid, and so can you. ask your doctor about voquezna. home inspectors, general contractors, roofers; all kinds of pros recommend leaffilter. why? 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the journalist come on we need to stop using that term more watered-down than a racist in these days. when joe came and i thought he was too young didn t have experience but then he pulls a stunt like this you heard the race baiting pin just drop and nobody had a follow-up question they re trying to get him a gotcha moment glad to see a brother stand up and say it has nothing to do with my coaching ability or anything it s my work ethic and faith they got me where i was at and just ended it. forget the fact that we are up 2-0. i invaded his podcast dropped a bit and the full went for like it s a bin prank calling him a week but again it goes to the point where most of us just like the funny blackeye get field the skin is knowing to do with character and jokes. some glad her prominent black eyes because a lot of times psycho that school and he said enough of the seas done this before he did with the rowe family is like what was it like sing next to the prince he was like jesus is only king i serve so just murdered them all the time kat as a devout christian and sports however how do the comments make you feel great. like i could be a sportswriter. yahoo sports. i m serious because i could have known he would have answered this way there are a few things i follow lasted then basketball because you know what i did i googled him but to think you re going to go into an interview the same person when asked about meeting at the royal family answered like o chiese as mary and joseph this is a christian man gaia prioritizes his fave talks about his faith you could ve known he would answer this way if you bothered to google so sportswriters don t need to know sports or even pretend to google it if things don t work out here i ll just go to espn i guess. do they put basque ballgames on at the shelter? they do fro chicken wings from a distance to catch me where they actually from chicken? completely rowe seo and have to fight to kill the chicken with your single can of pork and beans the question was crazy is like for the first time since 1975 okay it was settled in 1965 are we seriously arguing about lack of diversity in the nba okay. let s out of the fight arrow lysed trans people having coached a single team in aussie let s get in there and fight for the ball and help me change my address. you are insane tonight mr loftus taking special outrageous bills last to you emily. only because of them. what you think. my point is do your research on the person you re covering but the promise we lived in an anti-christian anti- judeo-christian society is wei harrison becker i would say but to us and i know that s not right why he was vilified for speaking out for his faith at a catholic college in a filet no problem pray for them being a twitter handle when you tragically dropped on the field prayer is only okay when everyone else doesn t so i applaud this coach irrespective a sports team skin color or anything for being a bastion and beacon for being a christian man in the social environment. up next a texas court overrules banning books on butts in schools [ ] nobody is watching the news. [ ] gary: almost 11 on the east coast let s talk about butts and farts ruled houston area schools and libraries kennel longer banned books that mention but and farts like i broke my butt. and larry farley leprechaun. tyrus, are these books a gateway does shakespeare and chaucer? i think this is a gateway for your new tv shows where you have afternoon shows about farts and butts. gary: that s a great idea emily, as an adolescent boy in my past, i loved about farts and butts. if this is what gets a little boy to read, i love it. it is hysterical that there is this category but at the end of the day the ruling that you can t ban the book because you don t want to see the message but you can ban if it s unpopular so for those communities who do not want them to read about butts and farts. trace: my dream is to be number 1 on amazon in the category i don t know if there is a button fart category but i want to be the trailblazer. i m glad this ruling has been made those on staff picking up the slack and you been a way lobbying for this. gary: it was tough. being a homeless guy, you come in contact with smelly butts and terrible farts and that s how i know i m alive but it unites people rather than divides. farts are always funny and as long as they re not teaching little kids sex stuff and those are the books you want to have and here s who s riding these books because i wrote a book doing well at because you have to do the follow-up and it s don mcmillan is our whole thing she s written five books exclusively about butts. what s all that about and they all have the pseudo-porn titles that, hey, ladies slow down. we get it. greg: we need a second but. i glued my butt. greg: will talk about that will b e right back. s how do you find the perfect father s day gift? simple. just type weathertech has hundreds of premium products that will keep dad s vehicle looking its best. like laser-measured floorliners, cargo liner and seat protector for extra interior protection. sunshade blocks harmful uv rays. the cupfone perfectly secures his phone while driving. order these american made products or a gift card at happy father s day. greg: thank you emily, michael and the audience. i love you and good night. [applause] trace: good evening. i m trace gallagher and it s 8:00 and los angeles and this is america s fox news at night. [ indiscernable crosstalk

Each-other , Names , Language , Elephants , Trace-gallagher , Shannon-bream , Visual-effect-lighting , Light , Laser , Magenta , Disco , Technology

Transcripts For MSNBC Alex Wagner Tonight 20240612

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and on that note, i wish you a very, very good night. from all of our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thanks for staying up late. i ll see you at the end of tomorrow. exclusive never before heard audio recordings of justice samuel alito speaking to an undercover progressive activist. that s what we have tonight. that is in addition to the bomb shell recordings released yesterday and we will definitely want to hear these recordings when we play them. if you have been wondering how those secret tapes were made in the very first place, how activists and judges on the highest court in this land, that begins almost ten years add to this day when the supreme court handed down a major decision. supporters of the hobby lobby cheered today s victory. the oklahoma family that owns the chain of 500 craft stores claimed providing insurance coverage for some forms of contraceptives under obama care would be the equivalent of paying for abortion. that will allow companies to opt out of any law they judge incompatible with their sincerely held religious beliefs. the hobby lobby decision. the majority opinion was written by justice samuel alito and one of the first signs that conservatives on this court were willing to go after reproductive freedoms no matter the consequence. in the wake of the dobs decision, hobby lobby seems like the canary in the coal mine in more ways than one. november of 2022, the new york times offered key reporting about how the hobby lobby decision came to be. for years, conserve tiff christians had been engaged in a campaign called operation higher court. that operation was to personally court and influence the supreme court s conservative justices. it was spearheaded by a man named reverend robert shank who would recruit christian couples he called stealth missionaries to gain access to the judges and impress upon them the importance of conservative christian values. the justices were more likely to let their guards down at the historical genders. see a justice, boldly approach, he told the couples. if given the opportunity, bear witness to biblical truth, but don t push it. he said. your presence alone at the historical society events telegraphs a very important signal to the justices. christians are concerned about the court and the issues that come before it. that strategy appears to have paid off. some of shank s stealth missionaries were able to build enough of a relationship with justice alito and his wife martha anne they obtained advance notice of the hobby lobby decision before it came out. that breach, that unprecedented breach foreshadowed the leaked dobbs decision striking down roe eight years later and that specific strategy of using the supreme court s annual historical society dinners as a way to gain access to supreme court justices, turns out that, too, is relevant again just this week. the dinner is a yearly event where wealthy donors give money to a non-profit dedicated to supporting the court s history in exchange for their money, the donors get to rub shoulders with the justices and their spouses. as it turns out, conserve tiffs weren t the only ones in on this little arraignment. last week, lauren winsor who happens to be a member of the historical society bought a ticket tothe event. when she got in, she pretended to be a conservative donor. she approached some of the conservative justices and secretly recorded her conversations with them. nbc news has not heard the full tape of what was recorded so we cannot say for certain where edits were made if any were actually made. tonight, we have some brand new never before heard audio from that event to play for you. you will hear something familiar to what was on the tape s release yesterday. justice alito who is aggrieved and frustrated. who is nakedly partisan and totally unconcerned by appearing to be all of those things in front of a total stranger. remember, what we heard yesterday. as a catholic and as someone who really cherishes my faith, i just don t, i don t know that we can negotiate with the left in a way that like needs to happen for the polarization to end. i think that it is a matter of like winning. i think you re probably right. on one side or the other, one side or the other is going to win. i don t know. i mean, there can be a way of working together or living together peacefully. but it is difficult. there are differences on fundamental things that can t really be compromised. they can t really be compromised. so it s not like you re going to split the difference. that s what i m saying. i think the solution really is like winning the moral argument. people in this country who believe in god have got to keep fighting for that to return our country to a place of godliness. well, i agree with you. i agree with you. remember, at this closed door cocktail party, windsor was able to get justice alito s wife to explain her deeply personal motivation for flying two insurrectionist flags in front of the alito homes. that is a story that had just scandalized this court and these recordings this week would seem to suggest mrs. alito has no shame about what she has been doing here. in fact, quite the opposite. after deriding feminazis who have been critical of the scandal engulfing her husband, she made clear these flags are explicitly her form of resistance and response. you know what i want? i want a sacred heart of jesus flag because i have to look across the lagoon at the pride flag for the next month. exactly. and he s like oh, please don t put up a flag. i said i won t do it because i m deferring to you, but when you are free of this nonsense, i m putting it up and i m going to send them the message every day. maybe every week i will change the flags. i made a flag in my head. this is how i satisfy myself. i made a flag. it is white. it is yellow and orange flames around it. and in the middle of is word vergogna. it means shame. just the be clear here, justice alito has publicly stated his wife did not fly the flags to associate herself with the stop the steal movement or any other group but it seems clear his wife very much sees the flags as a form of political expression and a response to what she believes are liberal attacks. it s okay. when they come back to me, i ll get them. i m going to be liberated and i m going to get them. what do you mean by they? there is a five year defamation statute of limitations. i don t know who you mean by they. get them. the media. okay. so, martha anne alito, the wife of a supreme court justice say she has a plan to get back at the media suing for defamation and thinks she will have the opportunity to do that in the next five years when she is free of all this nonsense. is sam alito s wife telling us something about justice alito s retirement plans? how concerned should we be that a supreme court justice s pows is talking about the american media with open contempt? tonight, we have brand new audio from that same event where justice alito himself tells us what he thinks about the fourth estate. the press. the other voice is an associate of lauren windsor s who was also at this event. i just wanted to ask you why do you think the supreme court is being so attacked and being targeted by the media these days? it is a simple reason. they don t like our decisions and they don t how we anticipate we may decide some cases coming up. that s the beginning and the end of it. and there are groups of very well funded by ideological groups that have spearheaded these attacks. that s what it is. gets a lot of money. and they have spent a fortune investigating clarence thomas for example. you know everything he has ever done his entire life. and they ve done some of that with me too. but you know they look for nit little thing they can find and try to make something of it. nbc news reached out for comment from samuel alito and his wife but have not heard back. joining me now is lauren windsor. progressive activist. lauren, thank you for being here. i know you have had a busy week so far. let me start with the new sound your organization, your colleague has given us. there are two parts of this new tape that strike me as concerning. alito says the media has not liked how the court has decided cases and may decide upcoming cases, was that a window into what may be coming down the pike the next two weeks? how did you interpret that? i interpret it as a harbinger of bad things to come. did you get the sense when he was talking about the media and specifically citing propublica and their extensive investigating about clarence thomas. that these stories are very much being shared behind closed doors of the supreme court. his media awareness seemed to be relatively high. oh it s very high. he already had a sense of grievance when i first spoke with him in 2023. but it was much more pronounced this year. two conversations that ali and i had with him. can we talk about the context here? for those of us who have not been to supreme court historical society events, is this what happens at them? we have two bomb shell series of reports about conversations, advocacy campaigns and attendees from the supreme court. i initially read the report in the new york times about reverend shank. that played into my going in the first place. but i didn t read that report and think i should become a member now. it really was incited by the propublica reporting on clarence thomas. justice alito wants to rail about the money taken by propublica for invest good faithing public servants while clarence thomas is not disclosing millions of dollars of gifts from gop donors. i have no idea what propublica s finances are, but as someone who is an independent journalist, i would imagine that the money that clarence thomas has taken probably rivals the budget of propublica in any given year. it is such a good point. what did you hear in alito s explanation for that? did you hear, it seems there is no contrition. but is not even an acknowledgment there was any wrong doing on the part of clarence thomas in accepting potentially millions of dollars in unspecified gifts from conservative donors. i mean, you know, it is not vergogna bay verbatum. i don t consider that paying for tuition or getting a free rv loan. these are all things he has accepted from gop donors. it would be a different story if this was just about vacations he was taking with harlan crow and his wife and family. most people would write it off as oh, it was a trip. most people would not consider traveling with friends or associates as being something that is that big of a deal. but that is not what we are talking about with clarence thomas. it is another order of magnitude and it has been going on years. i guess some part of me is surprised that you not knowing the alitos, you are just a random member of the historical society is able to even get within shoulder rubbing distance of a justice and draw him into conversation about some of the incendiary topics in the country. the partisan divide. how did it unfold when you were in the room with the justice? it should be stated in the guidance for the events, the historical society says if you broach topics that are before the court, it may be grounds for you to be kicked out. so there is aprocess. how do i approach someone with that not only are judges supposed to be really the height of discretion. the height of you know, judgments. right? i definitely went into this assuming i was not going to get anything news worthy. in 2023, i did not get anything news worthy. the scrutiny has intensified so much and his grievance level is much more piqued that unlike clarence thomas who did not show up to this dinner. but has been reported to have shown up to it many times, and he didn t show up in 2023 by the way. that alito would probably attend anyway though he was undergoing this intense media glare. sure enough, he was there. and i think it was, i can t say what was in his mind so i don t know if in 2023, he had the the same level of grievance and it changed over the course of the year. there s a couple of options there. did it change? was it hard to get him to talk? at the very end of this conversation, he says are you a lawyer? it wasn t like you had offered any biographical information other than having a husband who was not in the room. how did you actually get into conversation with him? did you just go up to him and start talking to him? so the reason i brought up my husband was that in 2023, i came with a male friend. so, the context of it was we had a conversation, after dinner in 2023, my male friend was with me. he was not with me in 2024. so when i saw justice alito solo, it was one on one. it was hi there, my husband really wants to let you know we are rooting for you. you have all the grit. the reason i said you had all the grit, this is because donald trump had tweeted something out about how you know, there should be more justices like samuel alito with the grit samuel alito has so i felt like it was flagged if you will. to alito. that it was. a safe space for him. a safe space, yes. i was trying to signal to him coyly without saying trump. because it goes back to the way to broach who has the highest level of discretion. you can t talk partisan politics if i walked up to him and talked joe biden or donald trump, he would have shut down. so talking polarization was a way to, a way into the conversation that wasn t as aggressive. but also indicative of what we were trying to get at. was he acting on bias. and i do believe that american people deserve to know. is the supreme court so compromised that we do not really have impartiality that bedrock of our judicial system. i think hearing it from his mouth that he cannot be impartial that some things cannot be compromised, that needs to be fuel for journalists and congress to say what are the things that cannot be compromised? look, you brought us into a room that few people are ever in. these tapes are revelator. it is, we are not done having this conversation. thank you for bringing some of that to our air. we are really appreciative. thanks for spending some time with me tonight lauren. thanks alex. coming up this hour, we have new details about donald trump s presentencing meeting with his probation officer. turns out, he is being treated differently. just maybe not in the way he would like you to believe. the first hunter biden today joined donald trump in becoming a convicted felon facing possible jail time. does that mean the system is now unrigged? we ll get into the republican response coming up next. epubli response coming up next. missing out on the things you love because of asthma? get back to better breathing with fasenra, an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don t 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( ) ok, someone just did laundry. no, i add downy light so the freshness really lasts. yeah, most scented stuff gives me a headache, but this is just right. and i don t like anything. but i like this. get a light scent that lasts with no heavy perfumes or dyes. ( ) president biden s son hunter biden was found guilty on three felony gun charges and given this news you might have thought the maga conspiracy about president biden rigging the justice system, maybe you thought that is going to collapse. it did not. today is the first step in delivering accountability for the biden crime family. you have been saying two tiered justice system some time. the president s son being convicted three counts. every case is different. and clearly the evidence was overwhelming here. do you think the department of justice is still weaponnized against conservatives though we see this verdict? when they tell school moms they are domestic terrorists because they don t like what is taught in the classrooms. we could go into it but we won t. a trump campaign statement released today calls hunter biden s trial nothing more than a distraction from the real crimes of the biden crime family. and in lock step with the party front runner, the chairman of the house oversight committee said the work will not be done until the department of justice investigates everyone involved in the biden s corrupt influence peddling schemes. joining me now is charlie psychs. charlie, thank you for joining me. this criminal conviction is a distraction from the real crime family. is this going to work? it was awkwardment it is awkward for the talking point it was all rigged. that the biden justice department was weaponnized only against republicans. but, we live in a world in which the reality and the facts have a hard time catching up with the spin. and you can see how deeply invested republicans are in their talking point about the biden crime family so it is not a shock they will continue to repeat those talking points. over and over and over again. but i do think the contrast and the reaction to the conviction of donald trump and the conviction of hunter biden has been very, very telling here. this will come up at the debate and you though donald trump will try to make an issue of the fact that the president s son is a convicted felon which will be awkward being a convicted felon himself. but democrats have been making this point. and the media have been making the point that there are a number of democrats facing indictments under the biden justice department. not just the president s own son. they don t feel the need to explain that at all. they will just go with the spin. i wonder who the spin is for. you talk about the reaction. this was the statement from the president of the united states after his son is convicted of felonies. as i said last week, i am the president, but i am also a dad. jill and i love our son and we are so proud of the man he is today. so many families who have had loved ones battle addiction understand the feeling of pride seeing someone you love come out the other side and be strong and resilient in recovery. as i also said i will accept the outcome of this case and continue to respect the judicial process as hunter considers an appeal. jill and i will always be there for hunter and the rest of our family with our love and support. nothing will change that. i mean, that just, it is a very strong statement. it is a tough statement for a father to make. and i feel like that just undercuts whatever the republican argument is of the rigging of the system. among the voters that matter. the conviction of hunter biden shows the system is not rigged. it also shows this is the way the rule of law looks. this is what it looks like when no one is above the law. and president biden is also said, you know, has said on the record, that he will not use his pardon power to free his son if hunter biden gets a prison sentence. now, there are some people skeptical about that. but i don t think there is any reason to doubt his word at this point. and again, this creates a really significant difference between the tantrum donald trump and his supporters have thrown and the acceptance of the rule of law and the decision of a jury presented with all of this evidence. the point you are making is who is this for right now? almost everything republicans say is for the audience of one is for donald trump. this is what the base wants to hear. but, that is not the group of voters who will be deciding this election. and not to wax too poetic about it charlie. but embedded in biden s statement is a call to empathy. right? for those who have fallen for people who have addiction and are trying to make it through a dark, dark period. versus trump who is all grievance all the time. and i think we think a lot of things. we don t know a lot about where this country is headed but appealing to people s sense of forgiveness and empathy doesn t seem like a political strategy that has an expiration date. am i being too soft here? no. again it is an interesting contrast. joe biden s superpower is his empathy. and republicans are not going to give him any credit for it but a lot of americans will say okay. this is a tragic situation. you know, there are questions about hunter biden s judgment and his behavior. but also, what you are seeing from joe biden is, this is what a father, a father who has lost his other son, how they would react to something like that. and there will be a sliver of the electorate with crucial sliver that will look at that and say we understand that seems human to us. something we can identify with and admire in opposition to the conspiracy theories and the victim card playing and the really vicious attacks on the criminal justice system and the jury system coming from donald trump. yeah. it is a real choice ahead. and, this will be very, very indicative of who we are as a country. charlie, thank you for your time. it is great to see you. thank you. still to come this evening we have some new reporting about what appears to be a coordinated effort to broadcast disinformation about this fall s election on your local newscast. plus, when it comes to donald trump s criminal conviction, republicans need a reality check. we have one. that s next. eality check. we have one. that s next. 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this is something that is so routine and it typically takes hours. to the extent there have been things that have been different for him. they have only been different in his favor. most defendants have to come there in person. it is a drab office. these things take hours. there are reports his probation interview took half an hour. this is an opportunity for probation to ask the type of questions that a judge might want to know on sentencing that don t come out in the trial. so this is somebody obviously, this defendant is somebody who is so well vetted everybody knows everything. but for most defendants, the judge doesn t have a sense of who they are as a person. what their family situation is. their immigration status is. are they using drugs so a lot of people know this about donald trump. but, so you could say well, half an hour, maybe all you need. but the fact is this is them doing their due diligence. to the extent it is on zoom. the lawyers there. it is only half an hour to tex tent that it is rigged or different, it has only been in his favor. the other piece of this that he likes bringing up is the presence in this case on the da side of matthew calangalo. he previously worked at the department of justice and now works for alvin bragg and they have literally used him as the missing link of joe biden and alvin bragg. let me say for people who are not familiar, this is how trump talks about him. he is a radical left from the doj who was put into the state working with letitia james and put into the district attorney s office to run the trial against trump. we will take issue with it. put into? passive in that statement. but you have gone between the doj and the doj s office. is that a normal thing that happens and now in line with reality is this argument? in the letter, just today, the department of justice said this was conspiratorial speculation. i think it is something a lot more sinister. it is an attempt to undermine law enforcement. first off, the manhattan da s office and doj work together all the time. there are joint task forces on terrorism. on hate crimes. there is a joint task force that looks at the filings that banks file. the suspicious activity reports. there have been joint cases prosecuted by the department of justice and the manhattan da s office against banks like standard charter, ing. there have been cases every day that are deconflicted between the department of justice. they don t arrest the same person. people go back and forth. i went from the manhattan da s office and back. robert morgan, the most famous manhattan da who served for 35 years from 1975 to 2010, prior to becoming. he was an obama plant. is that you are telling me? a stooge of the administration. it is preposterous, there is no sense these cries of foul play will end any time soon. this is all coming to a head on july 11th when there is the sentencing hearing for trump and i guess i wonder what your expectation for that is. and whether there is anything to be done around the cries of foul play in a rigged system that are inevitably going to come up no matter what he is sentenced. it is such a hard decision for the judge and you wouldn t wish it on your worst inny or both sides. nobody should want him to go to jail or want anyone to go to jail. it s a sad day. the prosecution is virtually going to be asking for jail time. the defense is virtually going to be asking for a sentence of a conditional discharge saying he has been punished enough by the felony. and there will be outcry on both sides. i don t know there is any way through the political thicket of it other than to say this is a judge who has been around the block. he will be taking this seriously and fairly and i think you will see a sentence that is sort of free of some of those political considerations. something that he will be, maybe down the middle. both sides will be able to make of it like a rorschach test and they will be able to argue around it. well, that is not exactly, you are not giving me the inside dope on what you think it would be. but look. for all of that we have seen, it feels like the volume will only increase into july 11th. thank you for helping us through this. coming up, trump appointee judge aileen cannon tosses out part of trump s indictment in the classified documents case. but first, some very orwellian messages being broadcast from your local news stations. that s next. your local news stations. that s next. i m out of breath, and often out of the picture. but this is my story. 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Gutters , Leaf , Filter , Call-833-leaffilter , 2 , 3 , 1 , 833 , One , Yuck , Two , Gutter-inspection

Transcripts For MSNBC The 11th Hour With Stephanie Ruhle 20240612

that is tonight s last ward, the 11th hour starts now. tonight, hunter biden is guilty in the federal gun case. what is next for the president s son as he awaits sentencing? my exclusive interview with trump s former national security advisor. why he thinks we are not taking the former presidents threats seriously enough. why congress is being lost. the 11th hour gets underway on this tuesday night. good evening once again, we are now 147 days away from the election. today the president s son hunter was convicted on all counts in the federal gun trial. the jury deliberated for three hours. biden excepts the outcome of the case and will always be there for his son. reporter: tonight, president biden arriving in delaware, hugging his son on the tarmac after hunter biden became the first child of a sitting resident found guilty in a criminal trial. it took three hours of deliberations for 12 jurors to determine that hunter biden was guilty of three felony counts, from lying about his drug use in order to purchase a gun. the prosecution saying this was not a case about his struggles with crack but his decisions to break the law. his the choice to lie and purchase a gun. it was these choices that made his conduct dangerous. reporter: inside the courtroom the president s son did not react, he left holding the hand of the first lady later releasing a statement saying i am more grateful today for the love and support i experienced today then i am disappointed by the outcome. it comes after four days of damning testimony. many testifying about his drug use around the time he filled out the background check saying he was not a drug user. his ex-girlfriend testifying he witnessed him smoking crack every 20 minutes or so. the defense argued that hunter biden did not knowingly lie on the farm. tonight we spoke with juror number 10. you felt that you and the jurors separating politics from the case was not difficult. correct. for us it is not politically motivated. politics did not play into anything we said in the jury room. president biden said we are not pardoning our son. he said joe and i will always be there for hunter and the rest of our family with love and support. nothing will change that. with that let s get smarter with the help of the leadoff panel this evening. mike is here, he has covered biden and the family for more than a decade. susan a staff writer for the new yorker. mike, you know i am going to you first. you know this president and his family better than any other reporter out there. how are they reacting to this? biden has a lot of family expressions and one of them i hear the most often is family is everything. the beginning, the middle and the end. i have seen them come together to celebrate the biggest triumphs, the election and the inauguration, but i have also seen them come together to endorse some of the most tragic moments as a family. this is one that yet again brought the family together to take stock of a difficult moment. the past week and a half has been difficult, reliving through the trial, the most difficult moments of their family, starting with the death of bo and what it did to hunter leading to the addiction. as i talk with people close to the family, i have been struck by a tone of defiance and a resoluteness about what comes next. there has been concerned about what it means politically but also personally for biden. he is 21 weeks away from his last election, 16 days away from a consequential debate against trump. the tone i am hearing from people close to the president is that they are proud as the public service as a family and nothing will stop them from achieving the goal they set out in front of them. the politics, the legal situation does not get easier from here but they are determined to face it together as a family. you wrote in the la times that the juries decision was right but the prosecutions was wrong. what does that mean? the doj guidelines have ways of handling cases and cases like this in which somebody lies on a farm but does not do any other crime with the gun or is not part of a gang are universally dismissed were treated with the severity that david treated this one and that is how david first proposed to treat this a year ago when the gun charges were going to be the subject of a divergent agreement, if hunter kept clean for two years it would go away. the screening question, not the jury verdict but the decision to charge presents, is what happened since then to change his view of what was the proper punishment and treatment of hunter to take it outside how doj practice would normally treat it and because he was a special counsel, nobody in the supervisory structure which would normally say we do not do that, nobody was there to say that and i think it is certain for whatever reason that hunter was treated more severely than any other defendant with the same facts. susan, you have written you don t think a game changer can change voters minds about this election, i am assuming you do not think this verdict will have much of a impact. we are getting to the point where you are anticipating me well. if trumps conviction and becoming the first convicted felon in american history who is a former president, if that was not a radical change, i do not see the conviction of a private citizen, even one that is the sign of the current president to be a game changer in this race. it is that close. a minor shift at best toward biden. it is not clear how this conviction of his son will play politically. certainly republicans were immediately questioning this, saying this is a distraction, there were all sorts of conspiracy areas, default setting from some of trumps public supporters and defenders. hunter is not running for president and that is the bottom line. there is no evidence that years of investigations of him, dragging his name around, has affected biden s political standing and i do not anticipate this would either. hunter is not running for president, he has no role in the government, past, present or future. what could he look at as far as a sentence goes? the standard guidelines would dictate a sentence between 15-21 months based on the conduct and lack of criminal history. those are just recommendations. my best guess, consistent with others, is that he will receive less than that from the judge. remember there is still the tax charges he has to face and david made it clear today that the investigation is ongoing and he may be targeting some of hunter s conduct in 2014 in china in business dealings but for this charge itself i expect him to get a sentence that is a matter of months, not 15-21 that the guidelines would otherwise dictate. even if it is just a few months, hunter biden has secret service protection, how does that work? your guests is as good as mine. we know the secret service prepared a plan when it came up with trump, trump would have his own wing and people would be there. there would have to be a lot of cooperation with authorities. here it is easier because it is federal authorities. still that will be worked out one way or another. that is the least of the practical issues this conviction poses today. you just laid it out for us how close the biden family is and how defiant the president is when it comes to protecting his family. at this time last year i interviewed the president, much to his teams anger and fury, i asked about hunter and he clearly said my son is innocent and good. the president is heading deeper into this campaign, how will he handle the questions he is asked, the narrative around hunter now that we have a guilty verdict and a president that does respect the rule of law and decisions made by a jury? ink about the gauntlet ahead, 16 days from now is the first debate. tomorrow the president is leaving for a important foreign trip, he will be at the g7 summit meeting with other key leaders as well as pope francis. you know how close this president is with that pope. then he comes back and has a little over a week to prepare for that debate. we have never seen a rematch between combatants like trump and biden and we know the strategy on the part of the former president is to likely try to get under biden s skin and use this against him. the biden team looks back at 2020 when hunter was a frequent political cudgel that tried to be used against him. they say it did not work then and it backfired on trump so they are presenting this as a do this at your own peril to trump but i do think that is a concern for people close to biden, as important as preparation is, will he be able to focus on the task at hand, the answer from those i spoke to earlier today is that will not be a issue. former president trump and his friends at fox news said it over and over, where is hunter. it seemed like years. after today s verdict, the trump campaign was basically silent. saying it is just a distraction. what is going on susan? first of all, i guess now that trump wears the label of convicted felon and been the spearhead of the most concerted assault we have ever seen by one political party in this country against the very legitimacy of the legal system, it is not a comparison that is a favorable one. where you have democrats from the president down today that we respect the rule of law and biden will not issue a pardon for his son. as painful as it is, we think the jury system works. so the contrast with trump is obviously one that is unfavorable. i am struck by how quickly trumps allies immediately reverted to conspiracy theories and make-believe. i cannot stress that enough. they are still in burnet down mode. when it comes to the legal system. that includes trying to imply that this case is a distraction from the real secret being covered up, the real case that should be brought against hunter. whatever the conspiracy theory is, it is part of a purposeful and political plan to rip down the authority and legitimacy of the legal system because of donald trump. republicans like to say the current resident weapon ices the justice department but i want to hear what democrat jim mcgovern said about that very thing. when a republican is convicted it is weaponization but when a democrat is convicted, the presidents son no less, that is justice? give me a break. hunter was found guilty by a jury of his peers just like trump come up this is the justice system at work. it is a great reminder that one political party remains committed to the rule of law and the other does not. jim mcgovern ringing irrational thought to a political party. crazy to do these days. there is a lot of apolitical people out there. it seems like what he just laid out would be a contrast for voters, is it? it is interesting, but we did not hear from the president or those around him tonight was criticism of a trump appointed judge that resided over the trial or a trump appointed special counsel. there was none of that. the president reiterated for his respect for the rule of law and freedom and democracy are institutions that are important part of the president campaign so that is a example he is showing not just through those words but the words we saw in another interview, the president has the power after this difficult verdict to free his son of potential jail time. he can issue a pardon as soon as the sentence comes down and he has said he will not do that. if there was ever a opportunity for the president to put his finger on the scale of the justice system, it would seem to be this moment and he said he will not do that. thank you all for starting us off on this serious news evening. when we returned, this man wants worked in the trump administration. now he is one of his biggest critics. john dalton talks about the verdicts in both trials. later the biden campaign has a strategy to brand trump as a felon. how the verdict of the presidents son could complicate that. the 11th hour is just getting underway on a tuesday night. da. only purple s gel flex grid passes the raw egg test. no other mattress cradles your body and simultaneously supports your spine. memory foam doesn t come close. get your best sleep guaranteed right now! save up to $400. visit or a store near you. my name s trevor. i ve tried other diets in the past never lasted before too long my cravings came back especially my sugar cravings and i fell off the wagon. release worked fast. my sweet tooth is gone. i m so happy with my progress and now i love myself. with absorbine pro, pain won t hold you back from your passions. it s the only solution with two max-strength anesthetics to deliver the strongest numbing pain relief available. so, do your thing like a pro, pain-free. absorbine pro. revenge does take time. sometimes it can be justified. let s be honest. when this election is over, based on what they have done, i would have every right to go after them and it is easy because it is joe biden and you see all of the criminality. i know a lot of republicans that want that retribution. we will see what happens. the former president has been vague but there is no doubt revenge has been top of mind for trump. nbc news noting trump has done five interviews since the verdict and he has talked about possible retribution in all five. john bolton has been warning about this for years. in 2023 he wrote trump only cares about retribution for himself and it will consume much of the second term. thank you for being here. i wanted to talk to you, trump is clearly not shy about saying he will get revenge on his perceived enemies in the second term. are we taking his threats seriously enough? i do not think enough people are. when you hear trump saying things like retribution can be justified, what he means is i am saying retribution can be justified and i think he has a list of adversaries he wants to go after and i think the justice department under his administration will be under chaos as he tells his appointees to go after people whether they have grounds to do it or not. those lawyers will tell you about their legal integrity but it will put the judiciary under a lot of pressure. you may be on that list, are you concerned for your own safety? i am concerned about a lot of people he made it clear he wants to go after. he tried to suppress my book and he tried to get a criminal investigation started and they were both settled because they were without merit. i do not think those technicalities stand in his way. for example he said he wants to prosecute the former chairman of the joint chiefs of staff for daring to have a conversation with his chinese counterpart to ensure the chinese state do not need to worry and trump said that is treason and reminded people that death penalty used to apply. i think he is serious. this will be a retribution presidency and the justice department will be where the rubber meets the road. you called the new york verdict the fire bell in the night and you urged your party to nominate somebody else at the convention. do you think that is something that could realistically happen? is there a group working on this? i do not think it is realistic but i do think people should have a gut check one more time at least. for most americans, voting for a convicted felon will be a obstacle. you can say all you want this was a result of political discrimination against trump. he will be able to raise selective prosecution argument on appeal. new yorkers found him guilty because the facts the prosecution presented were clear. that is a problem the party will have an could affect senate candidates and house candidates. i think if he is elected, electing the first convicted felon as president will cause real damage to the u.s. and how we are perceived abroad. given the guilty verdict today for hunter biden, what do you say to those republicans that claimed that biden has weaponized the doj and made hit his political tool? and basically shot his son in the process. it is a conspiracy theory. you could not do in that department what trump supporters say has been done and not have it leaked to every major media outlet in the country. it is possible to be the victim of selective prosecution and also be guilty. i think certainly that is probably true in trump s case and in hunter s case they are not done with him. there will be a income tax case and a special counsel s investigation into hunter. so i would like to see what the impact of this case is on the election. even though it is not joe biden and see what people think when he says for trump, the entire world is against him, apparently against hunter as well. do you think trump is a threat to democracy? i want to know if you believe it and if so, what would it look like? i do not think he is a threat to democracy or our system. i think he will cause enormous damage in a second term and it will be a term of confusion and turmoil but the idea that trump will overthrow the united states constitution or the republic or that he is a threat to democracy gives him too much credit. it is important to state the threat accurately, not overstated or understated. to understand the nature of the threat so people that oppose it can combat it effectively. overdoing it gives trump a break and that is a mistake. you have said trump does not have the brains for dictatorship even though he would say that he would be a dictator on day one. does that make him less dangerous if he is not that smart but still wants to be a dictator? it goes to the point while trump has a infinite span of attention when it comes to the greater glory of trump, his attention span on most other issues are equal to a fruit flies. so his opponents and even some of his supporters that try to move him away from the most dangerous things he does will have plenty of room to try to step in. i am not trying to minimize what i see trump doing. what he was doing at the end of his first term is where it will pick up the day he is inaugurated and it is serious but when you say the republic is self will fall like the roman republic fell, really? people think trump is equal to julius caesar? give me a break. he may not be but this time around he will not have the safety guards of you or mcmaster and the list goes on. are you concerned about the people in his current orbit and what they are capable of doing? yes i think any administration in a second term does not attract the quality of people it does in the first. the runway in the second term is shorter, he will be a lame duck the minute he is sworn in and he has a lot of people around him, the people that stayed in the government after january 6 who are second and third graders at best. trump will assist in staffing a second term on personal loyalty to him above all. he is coming up on his decision for his vp nominee and the two questions on the interview form are do you think the 2020 election was stolen and if i told you in a similar situation to do what i told mike pence to do, would you do it? unless the answers to both questions are yes that person will not be considered. you will see something similar in virtually all key positions. that is a dangerous circumstance. to the extent the republicans in the senate take the process seriously, if they see people were loyal to trump than the constitution, that alone is grounds to vote against them. is there a specific person close to him now that you are worried about? i would not want to give any of them academy awards. i think there are bright people that have joined this cult of personality. the smarter they are, the more dangerous they are. you are giving us serious warnings, something i am going to say is not that serious is a right in vote. this election will be biden or trump, in 2020 you wrote in cheney, you said you would do it again. are you giving a clear and honest warning if you are willing to do another right in that will not help anything? i bought that argument in 2016 when hillary ran against trump and i voted for trump in 2016. hillary and bill were a year ahead of me in law school and i would like to say i have been burdened with them longer than the rest of the country but after working for trump i could not good for him but i did not vote for biden in 2020 and will not this year because i do not think he is fit to be president for different reasons. when you have two people that do not cross the bar of acceptability, i think is legitimate to cast a protest vote. a year ago i heard a lot of republicans say they will not vote for trump but they look at biden and they decide to vote for the lesser of two evils. it is a unhappy time for america when these are the two people we nominated and it will be a bad four years for america no matter who wins. then are these concerns really serious? it is a protest vote, if i did not vote for anybody this time it will be a protest vote as well. i will not vote for somebody that is not qualified or fit for the office. thank you for joining me today. i do appreciate it. when we return, how hunter s guilty verdict could impact his father s reelection campaign especially with the first debate just two weeks away. when the 11th hour continues. i still love to surf, snowboard, and, of course, skate. so, i take qunol magnesium to support my muscle and bone health. qunol s extra strength, high absorption magnesium helps me get the full benefits of magnesium. qunol, the brand i trust. what is cirkul? cirkul is what you hope for when life tosses lemons your way. cirkul is your frosted treat with a sweet kick of confidence. cirkul is the effortless energy that gets you in the zone. cirkul, available at walmart and it is not just any tuesday, it is primary night in five states and we have breaking news on a key senate race that could decide the control of the chamber. in nevada, trump s preferred candidate took the gop primary running against jeff who served as a ambassador to iceland. they will face jackie rosen on election day. republicans see nevada as a pickup opportunity. meanwhile hunter s guilty verdict comes days after trump s and weeks before the first presidential debate. while trump and republican allies seized on the news to attack biden it also undercuts a frequent trump lie where trump says the justice system is rigged against him. that same justice system just convicted president biden s son. let s bring in a political analyst and the former chairman of the republican national committee and former lieutenant governor of maryland. you know him as the cohost of the weekend. how can republicans continue to push this rigged justice system line now? they cannot and we are already seeing previews on how they will make that reach, no, this one verdict is just unique. it is completely different from what is happening to trump and that is not the reality. republicans will still try to say that even though it has been demonstrated they have nothing to gain. they tried to use hunter as a political football and their responses show they understand there is nothing for them to gain here. it was described as a distraction. i do not expect them to stop though. they will keep with the trump lies but when we look at this broadly we have to keep in mind it will not have a impact on the election. we heard it repeated throughout the afternoon that hunter is not running for election. we also heard the contrast and reaction to the case where biden says he accepts the jury decision and respects the justice system. that is something that will capture voters attentions. hunter is a one-up, legal bills would disagree. now that biden s son is in that camp doesn t make it harder for him to call trump a convicted felon over and over? no, he is not talking about his son, he is talking about the guy running against him for the presidency. hunter is taking care of his business and he has another case he has to deal with just as trump is taking care of his business and has 3-4 other cases to deal with. it is smart politics to call the thing what it is. obviously she is a convicted felon. our friends on this network counted each count, 1-34. for the biden team is a opportunity for them to lean into the politics. this is a political campaign. what candidate in the world would not use this kind of weakness that is self-imposed by his opponent? remember this is because of what trump did. biden was not in that hotel room with stormy daniels. trump was. the reality is, that is the truth and those are the facts. why not talk about it when the moment presents itself? judging when and how each time will be a matter of decision but lean into it. somebody else talked about politics today. republican we do not hear from often. paul ryan was on fox news and here is what he said. you said he is a populist and a authoritarian narcissist. it is a job that requires the kind of character he just does not have. that is strong. that is the way i feel. i do not support biden either. i think his policies are terrible. a lot of republicans make this argument. we heard john bolton say the same thing a few moments ago. what is your response to that? my response is, to each his own but at a certain point it has to become about the country. going back to your discussion with bolton, the reality is, this is a big deal. you have a individual that is running for president who says he wants to be a dictator. in the annals of our country that is not what we do or have done. we may have had some folks who danced with this idea back in the 30s and in the 50s but leaders in this country and ultimately the american people said to with that. that is not who we are. i am not forsaking the future of my kids and grandkids to a fool who wants to be a dictator because i know what history has taught me about dictatorships. so at a certain point the paul ryan s and john bolton s may sit there and go i cannot do that but what i am asking my fellow republicans to do is think about the country for once. think about the bigger issue, the future of your kids and the importance of this. there are a lot of things about biden s policies i can disagree with all day long but they are not a threat to my freedom, my family or my future. i can get up and have that fight with the administration, i cannot have that fight with doug s knocking on my door sent by a dictator. there are important points to be made about the selection, i think that is one of them. i hope paul ryan and others will come around. at the end of the day, what they do in the privacy of the voting booth is their business despite what they say publicly. i am guessing right now mitch mcconnell is tucked in his bed nodding and agreeing with everything michael is saying but in public he will be welcoming trump later this week along with fellow senate republicans. how would this go? these two men have not met in person since 2020. they loathed each other but they both love power and authority and that is one reason why they will continue to do the public display. i want to go back to something michael said that connected the dots in a way john bolton could not. understanding the threat is important because bolton could not commit to trump being a threat to our democracy. it was drawing to hear the interview in a post generate six reality. where trump still refuses to accept those results and his supporters refused to accept the results proactively. it shows a disconnect that is aligned with some of the other republican talking points that are not based in reality. connecting the dots for the american public is critical and i appreciate that the biden campaign has started their outreach program to those republicans and crafting a national narrative that will appeal across partisan lines. understanding the threats and all of the components of project 20/25 will be mobilizing factors in the election. i appreciate the two of you for being here. when we return, pride under attack. we talked about the growing hostility during pride month. when the 11th hour continues. i m amanda and i ve struggled my whole life with my weight. i had some health issues which affected my hormones and my metabolism literally just crashed on me. i ve tried everything and starving myself just didn t work. what appealed to me about golo was that it focused on losing fat weight and maintaining my muscle. the golo plan and release has given me back my metabolism. golo has shown me how to lose the weight and keep it off. i will never gain the weight back again thanks to golo. for years, people celebrated lgbtq pride month but this year, june is beginning with stories of backlash and hate across the country. in washington state 14 pride banners were slashed, more than 14 flags were stolen from the town center and the colorado republican party posted on x to burn all pride flags this june. i have a question, what is going on? here to discuss, the president and ceo of glad. why are we seeing this pushback? i think it has been holding honestly. what we have seen over the past couple of years is a intensity against our community from right-wing politicians. this past year there have been more than 500 anti-lgbtq bills. only 37 have passed at the state level across the country. that damage is done as soon as the bills are proposed. what the politicians do is filling people with rhetoric, misinformation and lies about our community and it is fueling hate. so this year at glad, we track violence and extremism against our community and in the past month we have seen over 30 attacks on our community. this past weekend we saw three bomb threats against drag shows. so it has really amped up and i think it is a direct line from the rhetoric coming from anti- lgbtq activists and politicians. we have companies now, not officially saying no to pride but quietly pulling back their support, why is this happening? i am not seeing that as much, i am seeing the headline but i am not hearing that when i talk to ceos. i work with over 300 fortune 500 companies and they are not pulling back. as a result over last year s pride and the situation over bud light they are integrating pride into the every day, versus pleading all of their eggs into one basket in june. so i am seeing a increase in commitment. i will tell you why that is. they understand the next generation is lgbtq, 30%. 80% of the next generation identify as allies to the community. so if you are a consumer business in america you need to step up your support to the community and they realize that. what they are trying to do is do it in thoughtful ways. thoughtful is the key word here, how much does misinformation fuel all of this? i have seen people say why on earth does pride get a whole month? we have months the support african americans, women s, disability rights, where does the misinformation come from that makes lgbtq a target of things that are not based in truth? we have a long history of our community being politicized. it has been going on for decades. where it is being fueled now is through social media. this is a handful of trolls that know how to exploit the platforms that spread these lies and misinformation. at glad we do a annual report on social media platforms and the safety for our community and all of them failed except for tick-tock and they passed with a d+. if you are a student in school i do not think that would mean much to you. the platforms are unsafe for the community and a piece of that is that they spread lies and misinformation and it makes it to mainstream media. that is absolute nonsense, that is why it is our job to tell the truth every night. thank you for joining us. we will be right back after a quick break. quick break. no other complete hiv pill uses fewer medicines to help keep you undetectable than dovato. detect this: marnina learned that most hiv pills contain 3 or 4 medicines. dovato is as effective with just 2. if you have hepatitis b, don t stop dovato without talking to your doctor. don t take dovato if you re allergic to its ingredients or taking dofetilide. this can cause serious or life-threatening side effects. if you have a rash or allergic reaction symptoms, stop dovato and get medical help right away. serious or life-threatening lactic acid buildup and liver problems can occur. tell your doctor if you have kidney or liver problems, or if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. dovato may harm an unborn baby. most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, trouble sleeping, tiredness, and anxiety. detect this: you could stay undetectable with fewer medicines. ask your doctor about dovato. we can secure our world. watch out for offers too good to be true. that s phishing! someone s trying to take advantage of you. learn more at that s how we can secure our world! we can secure our world. don t just use a password alone. mfa sends a call, a text or a code to your phone. learn more at that s how we can secure our world! on that note, i wish you

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you guys for that conversation. i will leave you with this get them bts army is celebrating the region turn of one of their own this morning, bts member jin has completed his mandatory military service in south korea. but k-pop star was seen leaving base today after 18 months in uniform he is far i will say, from the big first big pop star to spend time serving his country jaylen. jailhouse rock or elvis presley reported to the army after he was drafted in 19 58, the king was a soldier until the spring and 1961, earned his discharge from the army reserve in 1964 and then there was this i came the man in black, also a man in uniform. johnny cash wrote, i walk the line while stationed with the air force in germany after jimi hendrix was caught stealing cars in the early 1960s a judge gave them two choices, prison or the military what would you do? he enlisted in the army thanks to our panel for being with us. thanks to you for joining us. i m casing. don t go anywhere. cnn new central start right now very shortly president biden depart ports on a crucial overseas trip before boarding air force one, it is possibly speaks for the first time on hunter biden s federal gun conviction. we are our standing bach a good night for donald trump, the republican candidates he endorsed took home victories in multiple state primaries and one special election in ohio puts house republicans is on track to expand their slim majority. and russian war games, russian warships on their way to cuba, some of russia s most powerful vessel full, set to run military drills just miles from the us coast. what could go wrong? i m kate bolduan with john berman, sara sidner is out today. this get cnn new central a pivotal moment for a president, a painful moment for a father. we are standing by in delaware to see president biden depart for very important g7 meeting in europe. now the reason he s in delaware at all, the criminal conviction of his son, hunter on federal gun charges hours after the verdict, the president traveled to delaware and bracing hunter on the tarmac. the president release to paint a statement saying, quote, i am the president, but i am also a dad. this morning, we are waiting to see if the addresses the conviction out loud before leaving for europe, seen as priscilla alvarez standing by in delaware with the latest priscilla, what are you hearing so far this morning well, john, over the last several hours, the president and his family have been huddled together behind closed doors at their residents here in wilmington, delaware for a last-minute trip, the president deciding to come after the verdict was reached just yesterday. and as you said, embracing his son, hunter on the tarmac, of course, this is a family that has often come together over the course of this trial as some is their some of their most intimate personal struggles were put on disk blade. this is what the spiritual adviser and family friend of the family friend had this to say about how this unfolded within the family and. he said that let justice play out. and whatever the decision was of the jewelry, he would respect and accept the decision. but when i saw him come home tonight and embraced his son i saw the power of love president and first lady. they love hunter. and we love him and we will continue to walk alongside him with the ministry of presence now, the president statement was framed through the lens of a father, not a president, but he did have this to say in closing quote, i will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process as hunter considers an appeal. now, of course, the president has previously affirmed that he would not pardon his son i m john wilmington is also the headquarter are where the campaign headquarters is, and their sources tell cnn, it is business as usual and the president going to italy for these important g7 meetings. what are the priorities? their priscilla well, just like it was in france, the shadow of former president donald trump moving, looming large over this next foreign trip by the president as he attends the g7 summit in italy and world leaders will continue to this dress as we ll president biden and the preservation of democracy. now, ukraine will be front and center again, the president will be having a news conference with ukrainian president zelensky. were again last week the president apologized for the delays in getting additional aid to ukraine given the stalls in congress that was a rare moment for a president to apologize to another world leader. more of that over the course of this trip where the two again will reaffirm their support and also perhaps ultimate is on additional aid to ukraine. and of course, the world leaders will also be discussing a range of other issues given the situation in the middle east, climate change and artificial intelligence and facts pope francis will be attending the summit to talk about ai. so all of this converging at this three-day trip for the president and italy, again, book ending a month of foreign travel, john so always force in wilmington, delaware this morning for slick rick to see you. thank you. kate this morning, we are seeing the power of donald trump s endorsement after it was put to the test and big republican primaries last night, going to show you this six all endorsed these six candidates, all endorsed by the former president, all victorious. cnn s mark preston is tracking all of this for us. so mark, what happened last night good night for donald trump is what happened, kate, we saw from the south all the way out to the west up to the northeast that candidates donald trump backed well, they one, let s take a quick look right here and go through some of them, some interesting races we ve seen that were resolved last night down in south carolina, nancy mace. now, this is somebody your congresswoman who was initially against donald trump after january 6. she has done an about face. she was able to push back against outside money from kevin mccarthy, the former house speaker to win her primary. if you also look, william timmons as well from south carolina. he was a moderate why i should ve said a conservative but yet not conservative enough for the freedom caucus. they went out after him, williams timmons does pull out a win. he was also trump endorsed. if you go out to nevada, we saw that sam brown. now, this is a purple heart. winter got a last-minute endorsement from donald trump he easily went out in nevada. that s gonna be a race that we are going to be watching for control of the united states senate. and then if you go up to north dakota, there was 32 or three up there in north dakota where donald trump did very well. and of course this is very interesting up in maine, a nascar, former nascar driver endorsed by donald trump won the nomination to take on jared golden up in maine. so six for six last night, donald trump as he heads into his convention, kate huge victory also for just for republicans writ large, especially in the house in ohio because they they held a special election to replace the retired retired congressman bill johnson yeah. you so what s interesting about this is it, we re going to spend a lot of time talking about this race because this is a congressional district that really borders the pennsylvania ohio border, right? they re incredibly conservative, republican should have a lock on it. they didn t do as well last night, don t necessarily they did win the race, but they didn t win by as many points. we should note those special election so there s probably about a fifth of the voters showed up yesterday. i will see certainly it s a different electorate going into november cave, but democrats will certainly be looking at this for some signs of hope we have. i mean, how many, how many cycles and how many years have we tried to figure out what special election say about the bigger general elections waiting standby, just you have via this one once again, we north dakota maybe one of the most fascinating things that happened last night, voters passing a measure. i m going to say it s the first of its kind. maybe i can t think of another another place that has happened, age limits on congressional candidates yeah you know, you talk about a states rights issue right here. let s take a look at this north dakota voters decided last night that they are going to how age limits now for members of congress, if you are over the age of 80 before the end of your term, i mean, it s just really interesting given the fact that we have two presidential candidate hey, it s right now, we have president biden, former president donald trump who are either at their age or will reach their age as president of the united states. but if you were trying to run for congress in north dakota, there is gonna be an age limit pretty interesting law that was passed. but again, shows you that the states rights, the issues is certainly moving back to the states. yeah, it s good to see you, mark. thank you thanks, kate how we got for us hamas responding to the proposed hostage and ceasefire deal. why israel says that response equals a rejection of the deal that was just approved by the un security council and 84 nationals are arrested in three major us cities with suspected ties to isis and the kids who survived the sandy hook massacre as first-graders, they re about to graduate high school how they re feeling, and what they re i m doing. honor the 20 classmates who will not be walking the stage with them devastating. and sudden power of tsunamis. it happened in far away lands and it s easy to think it can t happen here if one hits home ready silent earth would liev schreiber, sunday at night on cnn if you re 50 or over, you can be taking advantage of everything aarp has to offer right now, join aarp for $12 for one year and your second membership is free. get instant access to discounts on everyday purchases i karen 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well, this has gotten caught up so many times in the details and we re back at that spot right now waiting to see if the details can be worked out to push this it s meanwhile, at the same time, the un has released its most in-depth investigation to this point of the beginning of the war from october 7 to the end of the last year. so roughly the first two-and-a-half months. and in it, the un says both israel and palestinian militant groups include putting hamas have committed war crimes and violations of international humanitarian law amongst those the un says both israel and militant groups committed acts of sexual violence, torture, and the intentional targeting of civilians to put forward this report and put it together israel did not cooperate, but the un spoke with victims, witnesses, media reports, as well as open-source investigations and information that they were able to verify as they looked at the first couple of months of the war, the part about hamas and palestinian militant groups, perhaps no surprise, that focuses on october 7. and in it, they say hamas in those groups intentionally targeted civilians, committed acts of murder and torture outrageous upon personal dignity, as well as taken hostage including children. israel, which is accused of a systemic and widespread targeting of civilians, rejected the report, calling it anti-israel discrimination at the un and saying it viewed october 7, the rope palestinian lens. john we re very. quickly there has been a constant battle on israel s northern front with hezbollah in lebanon with a flare up overnight. what s the latest there one that we ve seen escalate over the course of the past couple of weeks and very possibly escalating. again, israel carried out a strike that killed hezbollah commander abu talib, as well as several other hezbollah fighters as one of the more senior commanders they have killed since back in january in response bonds hezbollah has launched more than 160 rockets towards northern israel, number of which have been intercepted. the us has tried to define some sort of diplomatic off-ramp here, but it is when you see what s happening right now, that is very obvious that there has been no success on that front. the risk of course a miscalculation and even further escalation perhaps another front in the war or lieberman in tel aviv this morning or nice to see you. thank you so one of the most important days of the year in economic news crucial inflation data do our shortly just before a key decision is to be announced. and then a commuter bus hijacked in broad daylight, the rush hour police chase through the streets find a great deal for your ideal hutto open your vargo typing where you want to go, select your check-in and check-out dates. you search, compare prices for the same hotel and save up to $30.09 hotel. trivago. what impacts hue every day? 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married janet, hey, edey know fraser franck. frank bred. how are you? fred fuel up to seven brain somebody you can sign and make official start your will. i trust and we ll dot com and make it count the greatest general in history his body and his tomb are missing but he s, you know, the new season begins with the hunt for alexander the great s tomb next wednesday at nine and discovery and stream on max today, a rare double dose of economic news. next hour we re going to get a look at inflation and where it stands when the closely watched cpi report is released. and then this afternoon, just a few hours later, the federal reserve is set to announce its latest policy decision in trying to control inflation, seen as matt egan is here with a look at that. so what is expected first and foremost with cpi this morning? well it s crunch time for the us. we ve got the fed decision inflation report back to back just hours apart. this would be like having game seven of the stanley cup finals and the nba finals on the same day, except here exactly, exactly. like that. except these issues, these events actually really impact everyone because it gets at the cost of living the major frustration with this economy. and so the big question for the inflation report is whether or not we re going to see any sort of progress at all and whether or not we do is going to have a big say in what the fed does next. now the fed, there s almost no chance that the fed lowers interest rates today. the big question is, what does it say about rates going forward previously they were penciling three interest rate cuts this year. that seems very unlikely, just looking at the calendar. so are they going to go to one cut, which would mean maybe no interest rate cuts before the election, or two, that would be good news for the white house and borrowers were dealing with really high cost of living and interest rates right now. and also, what does jerome powell say at the 230 presser today? how tough does he sound about inflation? how concerned is he, is he preaching patients? here s a look at the estimates for two days of inflation report 3.4%. that s the annual rate that would signal no progress at all. well ahead of the precocial ovid rate, but the silver lining could be the month over month figure 0.1% that would be a good number. it would be driven by lower gas prices. and this would actually be the lowest month over month inflation figure. we ve seen since last fall. and i think when you look at the trend for inflation, it s clear that we re in a better place than two years ago. this inflation shouldn t figure was about 9% two years ago, miles away from that, but it s also clear, kate that the progress has stalled and it needs to resume before interest rates go lower. yeah, way better than two years ago. but how people are feeling about it and how their personal economy feels. that these are not always in line as we know, you re also taking a closer look at the pay gap between the c-suite and all the workers below and help people are feeling about it today? yeah, people are feeling very, very frustrated about how much more money ceos make than the average worker. now, there s this new poll out from bentley university in gallup, shared exclusively with cnn. and it finds that 83% of americans say it s important for businesses to avoid a major pay gap between ceos and employees that includes 56% who say this is extremely important. and what s striking here is this really cuts across gender generation even when you look at it by party 96% of democrats say this is important, but also 83% of independence two-thirds of republicans. so this is a clear bipartisan issue across the political spectrum. and yet, when you ask americans, how re companies doing on this issue, they say the companies are failing. look at this just 13% say companies are doing good job of a voting and pay gap excellent or good. 21% say fair and a clear majority, 66% say companies are doing a poor job here. and i think the number is kinda back that out, right? ecuador had a study that showed that it would take a 196 years for the average employee to make what the typical ceo makes, 196 years. we saw that last year, the average worker got about a $4,300 pay bump. the average ceo, 1.5 million more, an even some former ceos are alarmed. i talked to a medtronic former ceo bill george. he told me that he he s trebled because ceo pay has gotten completely out of hand tomorrow, kate, tesla shareholders are going to vote on whether or not to approve elon musk 40 $40,000,000,000 pay package? yes. 40 billion not million? yes. let s see what happens there. but first and foremost, let s see what happens at 8:30. was cpi gives a really parton read and then we ve got the big decision coming out each day for the economy. it s great to see matt. thank you so much so i ll have ross any moment. we re waiting for president biden to be departing for the g7 meetings in europe. this is just a day after his son was handing a guilty verdict, handed a guilty verdict and while hunter biden awaits sentencing a look at how the supreme court may play a role in helping him with an appeal of that conviction cnn business update is brought to you by pods trusted with more than 6 million moves whether you re moving across town or across the country you can count on pods you deliver when we say we will which is why we were voted america s number one container moving company. hook your move today at next wednesday, cnn celebrate juneteenth with special performances by john legend edey lewbel, smokey robinson. we still have a lot of work to do. juneteenth celebrating freedom and legacy next wednesday at 100 and cnn nothing dems my light, like a migraine with nortech odi team. i found relief the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent all-in-one to those with migraine. i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults don t take if allergic to nurture echo detail allergic reactions can occur even days after using most common side effects are nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it s time. we talk to a health care provider about nortech ott from pfizer came to riva support your brain health. mary janet, hey eddie, know, fraser, franck, franck, bread. how are you? 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so there s a process. good morning to take ammonia to john and here s what the process will entail. we have something called pretrial services at the federal level. what does that is to probationary wing, what they will do is they will do a deep dive into his prior history including everything, finances, health, family et cetera. they ultimately that is pretrial services, probation issue, a report and recommendation that s significant that goes to the judge while that s happening, what ends up happening is that your lawyers are preparing a memorandum with the recommendation as it relates to sentencing. i suspect that that ll be inclusive of all kind of people who know, you know what you re about, whether be clergy, businesspeople, colleagues, et cetera? euro. thereafter prosecutor submit their sentencing memorandum to the judge and then you of course, have the sentencing date where you go in. there ll be oral argument with respect to what s appropriate and there are these things at the federal level called sentencing guidelines. i know we talk about this with respect to 25 years, ten years on this, that not at all. the the federal sentencing guidelines include the offense level with regard to the offense for which you were convicted, in addition to your criminal history, let s remember, he s a first offender? no. no criminal history to speak of. and the nature of this allegation is not violent. and so all of that will be happening in the ensuing weeks and months. but he pleaded not guilty, made this go to trial? yes. generally speaking, in sentencing, when you plead out, you plead guilty. that s when you get the lighter sentence. so what might the impact be there? so that s true and obviously at they also at the federal level, have acceptance of responsibility points. it s this interesting mix, john, where you have these calculations is really, you quantify that at the same time a person should be permitted to exercise their due process. let s remember, this is a very sympathetic pick case. jurors themselves questioning whether it should have gone to trial, saying it s a waste of taxpayers money. so i don t think the judge will ultimately hold that against him. obviously, there ll be some explained i m going to do that was gut wrenching testimony, et cetera. it s not an offense for which she needs to write go to jail. that s obviously up to the judge, but when i m speaking about is regarding mandatory minimums, so it s very discretionary. the person in the black rozi will decide on some of the gut wrenching testimony. i did find it as the after this wrapped and the verdict came down, jurors seem to think that the defense is decision to call hunter biden s daughter, naomi, to the stand that it didn t help his case wonder number ten, so they felt bad that they put naomi on trial as a witness. i think that was probably a strategy that should have not been done. no daughter should ever have to testify against her dad. what do you think when you hear that? you know what it is kate hindsight s always 2020, right? right. and so what ends up happening is, is that you re having to make as a defense lawyer strategic decisions that you think and move the ball forward. i do believe that one of the plays of the defense was not only as it related to the merits of the case, you know what he wasn t addicted at the time. he didn t form the mental state he was in denial, et cetera i also think the play was what we call jury nullification having the jury failed bad about the fact that we re here having the jury believe it s a waste of resources to do it, having the jury believed that this is not adjust result to convict, and i think as part of that play, who would be more sympathetic? of course, then the daughter i just think some of it backfired with respect to what she said vs what text messages demonstrated with respect to how her father was really doing at the time, very quickly, the judge has said she wants to do sentencing when the next four months, but if there is an appeal, when does that how does that impact when hunter biden if he gets prison time, would have to report so what will happen is is that they have certainly will be an appeal that s part of the process. right. and what ends up happening is is that there s many basises to appeal. one of course, dealing with whether it s constitutional that is to take away his gun rights. another weather of course, a psychiatrist or medical health official could have testified as prediction while that s happening, the matter will proceed. the judge will pronounce sentence. i suspect that there could be what we call a stay pending that appeal. and then i ll also look for jon and kate, the timeframe timeframe is very important why dad is in the white house that has said, i m not going to pardon my son, has not ruled out a commutation. what s the difference if you re given prison time? do we delay the prison time? then there s that other case and i m looking for a timeline on that other case california tax case, because the timeline of that and should he be convicted and his father not be in the white house that presents other problems as father could be. we just don t know, but these are all things to watch out for. it s great to see a joy. thank you. always. thanks, kate. thanks, john. all as we said, president biden is in delaware with his son, hunter right now, but very shortly, he leaves for the g7 meetings in italy, are looking at live pictures, by the way, from delaware right now, where the president will be departing shortly. these are hugely important meetings that will cover everything from the israel-hamas war to ukraine to climate change. let s get right to nic robertson who is in italy right now where these meetings will take place. nick yeah, president says is expanded a touchdown here later this evening yes. a full schedules here. the first ticket on the agenda, if you will, will be africa. it will be climate change and development. they sound a little bit not as if they would be the central issues of such an important meeting. but of course they are fundamental to so much that concerns all the leaders here. and that is migration ration itself comes up on another day, but you ll have the leader of the african union here prime minister from kenya. you ll also have leaders from tunisia and algeria here as well. and why does african matters so much as just across the mediterranean of course, from italy, italy on the forefront of huge migration waves coming out, coming out of that continent. so what can these developed democracies with powerful economies? do to help the african continent and the people there. and perhaps in essence persuade them not to migrate towards europe. so that s one issue. then you have ukraine coming up and of course the central focus there will be getting agreement on how to fund a 50 billion dollar loan to ukraine, which is going to be paid for by frozen profits from frozen, frozen russian assets that looks likely us and eu will sort of underwrite that. then you get into the issue. as i said of me gracian. and you have a central and important issue for president biden the indo-pacific region, china, in essence, ai, that s also going to be a big topic here. and the pob coming in friday, ai will be something hill want to talk to these world leaders about a packed agenda? and for president biden. and of course, the specter, if you will of a donald trump, a potential president donald trump attending the next g7. that s what these leaders will have on their minds as well. but of course coming into this, there are five liters out of the eight liters coming here who face election of potential election challenges over the coming john all right. nic robertson for us in monopoly italy, do not land on boardwalk, nick, thank you very much for that new details this morning about the ice operation to detain eight men living in the us with suspected ties to isis the men are tajik nationals who sources say were screened when they crossed at the us-mexico border, and nothing in their past was flagged at the time cnn s josh campbell has much more on this. josh, what are you learning about this? well kate, you know, this is really interesting. we re learning about how federal authorities actually identify these people. i m told from law enforcement source, it was the us government s targeting of isis targets abroad that actually allowed them to make these identifications part of this ongoing investigation. of course, that s interesting because we know that earlier this year we saw that some of these us surveillance authorities come under heavy scrutiny and congress these sweeping ability of the us government to surveil certain targets abroad. but i m told it was those kinds of authorities that allowed them to actually determine. we have people here who have some kind of connection to isis targets overseas. now here s what we know, as you mentioned, these are eight tajikistan nationals who were arrested recently by ice as part of their removal authorities. now when they came across the southern border, they were vetted. a source tells me but there were no red flags that us authorities identified at the time. it was later after they were already in the country that this investigation determined they had those alleged isis connections. and the decision was made to deport them. i m told that this was hotly debated within federal law enforcement. do we continue to surveil them? federal investigators to determine if there s a potential plot here or do we just expel them and i m told that it was the ladder that us senior official ultimately decided to actually to just get them out of the country. now, of that group that was arrested, i m told that extremist rhetoric, so it s unclear whether the other members of the group were arrested simply by association with those individuals, but still questions there were winning to determine when the expulsions will actually take place. and then finally is worth pointing out this is obviously all coming as the department of homeland security and the fbi the office of the director of national intelligence have warned about increasing threats from terrorism. this is not a point in history. there are current threats. now, we know that the dhs recently came out with an assessment indicating just that it s something that federal authorities are certainly look king at this elevated threat that continues this year josh campbell, thanks so much. john and emotional day in connecticut, survivors of the sandy hook elementary school massacre will graduate high school almost 12 years after 20 of their classmates and six adults were killed, seen as brynn gingras is in new town this morning i have to imagine this is gonna be a difficult day. brynn yeah, john, listen bittersweet is the word that has been said many times in this community for what is going to happen today, this graduation and obviously there are more than 300 students who are celebrating the fact that they ve finally reach this milestone in their lives, graduating high school. but of course they will never and have never forgotten those 20 classmates that should be right there with them in those six educators should be celebrating with them as well. actually, during the ceremony, they re all going to wear green ribbons on their caps and gowns to have that memory close to them. the names of those 20 students are gonna be read throughout this ceremony. he said there are little bits of this celebration where they are really going to just remember how far they ve come and what they lost along the way. i want you to hear from three students who talked about what this day means to them after what they ve been through while they were in sandy hook on that day? we are so kids, so we do as much as we can to enjoy ourselves. and still live our lives will still carry the memory of those who lost it s hard because you have these big moments in your life things that are supposed to be solely exciting but they get clouded by those a way that we want to be remembering our friends and we are going to keep them with us, but it s also something that we wish we never had to deal with compared to some work classmates who can go say, are there are no, it s really like md with blocked out that first i don t you know, we don t want to make this is ultimately what should be the biggest de of most of our lives yeah, that day still so vivid in their memory is actually it s tradition john, in new town for these high school seniors to go back to their elementary preschool. there are several in this town and to go back to this building and see the people, the teachers that shaped their lives. of course, these students that you just heard from they had to go to a new high school since that other one where this tragedy happened was torn down, a new one rebuild. so the memory just continues to be with them, but they are survivors. look the objectory of their lives have changed. you just heard from people who say they now want to be activists. they want to be therapists. they want to be lawyers. they want to be politicians. they want to change gun laws. so it s quite incredible how far these little first-graders have come to now this high school graduation, and certainly the memory of those lost is very vivid today. we ll congratulations to all of them there. oh, the places they will go. and of course, we are thinking about that community this morning, a brynn geographic great to have you there. thank you very much. russian more ships sailing less than 100 miles from us soil what they re doing, and how the us military is now responding. and this morning, house republicans, well, here s the question do house republicans have the votes to hold attorney general merrick garland inke contempt all of a sudden that seems to be up in the air. we ve got the latest webcam the most anticipated moment of this electric and the stakes couldn t be higher. the president and the former president, one stage two, very different visions for america s future. the cnn and presidential debate thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming unmatched. if you re 50 year over, you can be taking advantage of everything aarp has to offer right now, join aarp for $12 for one year and your second membership is free. get instant access to discounts on everyday purchases. i care in prescriptions and tools and tips to help manage your money and maximize your health plus aarp fights to protect your social security, medicare and more join and get an insulated trunk organized are free plus aarp, the magazine call or go to join the now, so this has pickleball with e-trade for morgan stanley were ready for whatever gets served up to get to with the chest i d rather work on saving for retirement poole college since you d like to get schooled it s pretty your burn write home the place where you created week those special moments we celebrate the home and the way you live in it. at three-day blinds, we help you create that special place. and because we know you re busy as we bring the showroom to you at your convenience and provided design expert to help you find the perfect solution that fits your style and budget three de blocks thank you love the treatment, call or go online right now to schedule your free in-home design consultation i can t wait for this family get away shingles doesn t care. shingles is a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks there s nothing like a day out with friends that s nice. what she doesn t care. 99% of adults 50 years or older already had the virus that causes shingles inside had them and it can reactivate it anytime a perfect de for a family outing. guess what? 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and what did you learned over the last 11 weeks? you know, what happened that morning was horrific, but what happened next was inspiring. so in terms of what we ve learned, i think the biggest thing has been about the power of teamwork. i asked our team to count up the number of agencies involved. we think it was 56, 56 different entities he s from our department of us coast guard and the army corps of engineers the state dot under the leadership of governor wes moore, county, city, all of the first responders from the divers looking for victims to the people making sure that traffic was handled and managed safely all adding up to this moment where less than 100 days after that shocking event, more than 50,000 tons of concrete and steel have been cleared out of the potassium river. the channel is open, the port is up and running. those workers are working now, obviously, we ve got a long way to go in terms part two, which is getting a new bridge up to replace the francis scott key bridge that was destroyed and more and more of the focus is going to now turn to that, although we ve been working on that from day one as well, already got $60 million after the state. but again, my big lesson, my big takeaway here is the power of teamwork. i have never seen this many different organizations, agencies responders, come together since i ve had this job to deal with a crisis, touching, are transportation system so it s what people expect from government that when something terrible happens, those agencies snap into action, team up and get results. you talked about the bridge you have any estimate on when there may be a new bridge so the original one took about five years to build. we re hoping we can beat that. this time around, but obviously a lot goes into building a bridge and it s going to look different. the design that went in the 70s is not the same as the right answer for a bridge that s going to be standing. hopefully well into the 2070s but we re already underway on that we released $60 million to help get that process going. were side-by-side with maryland their work, they re already engaging in the procurement, the design they estimated it ll take about 1.7 to $1.9 billion to get that new bridge in place. but when it is there, it will be not just a new part of the baltimore s skyline, but an important link for supply chains and, and for commuters so you were not a member of the president s family, although he has said you remind him of his son beau i m wondering what you think it must be like for the president now that his other son, hunter biden, has been convicted on federal gun charges as both a president on his way to europe for key meetings and also as a father i think anybody should imagine what would i do? and one of many things i admire about my boss is that it is so clear how much love he has for his family. and that s not just something that obviously as a human being, you see and feel in terms of how much he cares about his loved ones. but also as a boss, it is a tone that he has set across the administration that he expects. everybody who reports to him to take good care of their families. he made clear on day one, there s a standing policy that if any of us needs to take care of a family matter, we go look after that. no questions asked and and balance that with the responsibilities that we all have. just so you know, secretary, we re looking at live pictures from delaware right now where president biden is arriving. he ll he ll get a marine one. had to andrews and then head to europe for meetings again, we re looking at live pictures of that right now. it does not appear as if the president will comment before arriving at andrews and we don t know feel comment there. i want to ask you very quickly about another subject to there was a secret recording made at a meeting where many supreme court justices and their spouses, were in martha-ann alito, the wife has supreme court justice samuel alito was discussing how she feels about apparently a pride flag that was flown not far from our house. listen i want sacred heart of jesus because i had to look across the lagoon at the pride flag for the next month. badly. and he s like, oh, please don t put up a flag. i said i won t do it because i m deferring to you. but when you are free of this nonsense, i m putting it up and i m going to send them i think every day how does that make you feel knowing that the wife of a supreme court justice wants to send a message to people with a pride flag look i m often reminded that the most important thing in my life which is my marriage and my family and the two beautiful children that my husband chest and i are raising, that marriage only exists by the grace of a single vote on the united states supreme court that expanded our rights and freedoms back in 2015 and made it possible for somebody like me to get married and supreme court justices have an unbelievable amount of power and they ll, by the nature and the structure of the supreme court, there s no supervision over that power. they are entrusted with it literally for as long as they live and part of that trust is we expect them to enter into those enormously consequential decisions that the shape our everyday lives. with a sense of fairness. i also hope that most americans can understand the difference between a flag that symbolizes love and acceptance and signals to people who have sometimes feared for their safety that they re gonna to be ok. and insurrectionists, symbology i ll just leave it at that secure transportation people to hear. thank you so much for being with us this morning. appreciate it this morning uncertainty on capitol hill, the house is scheduled to hold a rules vote surrounding whether to hold attorney general merrick garland in contempt over failure to comply with subpoenas. but there are whispers that it s possible there are enough moderate republicans that enough monitor republicans are skittish that this might not have the votes to pass, the contempt vote might not have the votes to pass seen as lauren fox has been whipping the votes on capitol hill, or at least counting him, where did thanks dan, this morning? lauren john, you re putting a lot of pressure on me as a vote counter, but behind closed doors, leadership is still trying to ensure that they have the support they need to go to the floor to try and advance his contempt devote. this is going to happen as soon as later today. what we expect to see on the house floor around 1030 they will vote on the actual rule governing the debate over this vote on contempt against merrick garland. but as you noted, there are some concerns that there could be some moderate holdouts and because the speaker only has a two-vote margin, that does mean that he has to get all of his ducks in a row before this actually comes to the floor. a critical meeting they will happen this morning at 9:00 a.m. when house republicans will gather for their weekly conference meeting, that is obviously going to be an opportunity for republican leadership and key voices on those committees to make the case for their colleagues. why this is so important to advance right now. but this all stems from the fact that republicans want to get those audio tapes of robert hur s special counsel, robert hur s interview with joe biden. we do have the transcript, but republicans arguing that they need that audio tape because they think that it could help them in their investigation in the biden family, they also say that they want to make sure that the transcript was accurate. they have not voiced exactly why they think it would not be consistent. john, lauren pfos in washington for us, counting the votes, let us know where things stand when you find that lauren. thank you very much us officials. are tracking a group of russian warships in the caribbean, right now, they include a nuclear powered submarine and also warships carrying hypersonic missiles. final destination, cuba, russia s military is planning to run drills with its high-precision weapons in the atlantic ocean war games that the pentagon says poses no direct threat to the us. but war games nonetheless, that vladimir putin is trying to use, as his latest muscle flex against the west seen as patrick oppmann joys us from havana, cuba with much more than this patrick, what are you hearing about this? good morning. well, cnn is also tracking these russian warships and they re actually right behind us. we re going to try to focus in. we could see them. it s a bit of a cloudy day. and behind that statue there you can just make out the lead russian, forget the admiral gorski have which as you were saying, carries hypersonic missiles it is when those modern russian navy ships that vladimir putin has in his navy and is at this moment bring havana harbor, one of four of these ships, including nuclear-powered submarine that is expected to arrive today in cuba, arrived in the next few hours into havana harbor. you see it just coming up behind that statue there as it makes its way into the port of havana. and there are russian ships, russian naval ships that come to cuba over the years. i don t remember what a convoy as large as this, a convoy that has the latest weaponry that vladimir putin to has at his disposal. so while it may not be a direct threat to the united states, it is very symbolic because vladimir putin has been talking recently about how if the us will deploy weaponry his borders. he could do the same to dus certainly. meaning countries like cuba or

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240612

kamala was a good darner, she tried a little bit. it is not good to be around people who are good dancers and you are rocking in an awkward. jimmy: doug should have froze. this whole administration america s got issues, whole video, just look at it. laura: i knew we would get in trouble with this. jimmy will be in new jersey next weekend, follow me on social media. i have rose growing trouble. jesse next. todd: a packed city bus hijacked by a convicted felon with a gun leading to one of the wildest police chases caught on camera. we ll show you the pursuit and takedown that brought at lant on to a slow down. carley: hunter biden found guilty on all charges and media making this about trump. politically, this is a big blow to trump. one could argue hunter biden is being treated worse than the average citizen. carley: really? walk you through hunter s next steps. todd: the story no one saw coming, joey chestnut banned from the nathan s hot dog eating contests. he is breaking his silence. carley: you have to eat nathan s hot dogs. we will bring you details. todd: there are details. you are watching fox and friends first, i m todd piro. carley: i m carley shimkus. we have that coming up, first this fox news alert. president biden returns to the world stage itself leaving for italy in two hours from now. todd: at home, group of icu linked terrorist suspects arrested after walking right into our country across the border. lucas tomlinson, what do we know? lucas: eight terror suspects entered the united states illegally through the southern border and received full vetting, according to bill melugin. they are from central asia, borderers afghanistan and china. the fbi and dhs said in a statement to fox, the individuals are detained in ice custody. fbi and dhs described in public bulletin, the u.s. been in heightened threat environment. the fbi and dhs will work to identify and disrupt protential threats to national security. the suspected terrorists were arrested in recent days days. according to new york post, part of the investigation featured a wiretap, which includes one of the now arrested individuals were talking about bombs. remember the boston marathon bombing, i believe something like that or worse may happen. described as increased threat of coordinated attack in the u.s. the suspects were also from tagikistan. carley: bring in john elliot to talk about this story. one of the most concerning things about this, these eight were not gotaways, they received full vetting by cbp. they were welcomed into our country. given millions treated the same way, where does this leave us? you are right, carley, it is a disaster here. one aide used the app, you could go in and get prevetted. we are having terrorists use the ape. this is an open border and the terrorists know it. whether it is isis-k who killed 1000 people in moscow, a similar thing could happen now. look at the white house, over the weekend, what there was, you had people putting defacing one of the statue and throwing bricks at the park police there. this is something not a single person got arrested there. we have people that can come that close to the white house and known terrorists, just since biden has been in office, you have had 320 known terrorists stopped at the border and that is just the ones we ve stopped. if you use the app and you re a t terrorist, it is a disgrace. todd: just a matter of time before our intel services fail to catch one of the terror cells before it is too late. the fbi director expressed fear a few weeks ago. listen. we ve seen the threat rise to another level, on top of that, is potential for a coordinated attack here in the homeland, not unlike the isis-k attack we saw in march. todd: if elected, can he eliminate as much of this threat as possible or john, is it too late? it is not too late at all. we will start with criminals and put everybody coming here illegally under biden and earlier, trickle there compared to the wave going on now, he will deport these terrorists. what president trump said, police know where the guys are and with intelligence, resources we have, kudos to the fbi for finding these guys. good on them. what president trump will do is close the border and those here, he will make sure they are deported or arrested and p prosecuted and deported after that. we need these guys in jail. carley: without question. everything in afghanistan, isis-k has been on the rise since we left there. given our catastrophic our withdrawal was, does not seem like sending troops back now is on the table. given the fact terror organizations, would it be safer if we did have a presence there? you are right, under biden, we gave up the bagram air force base. the withdrawal from afghanistan was to keep bagram, who is contr controlling bagram air force base? the chinese. we have over the horizon capability. it biden not given away bagram, we would have been safer and could have attacked isis-k where we are. todd: president biden will be heading to italy for the g-7 summit as israel and hamas ceasefire looms large. what deliverables must biden walk away with in order to be considered a success, john? one thing for certain, after what happened with hunter biden, he will not be giving parenting tips and will not be giving them any talk on gun control. what he is going to do is going in and these are globalists who are afraid of president trump coming in. i think laura s program talked about how so many of these leaders are worried about what has happened in terms of more centrist forces coming in, right of center voices coming in. he has to push back on them and he has to show that somehow he is able to make it across the finish line. they are ready to bail on him right now and they are asking for more money for ukraine, they are ready to bail on him. they are telling him that hate to break it to you, biden, there is a steep discount on hunter biden s art. carley: israelis medias hamas rejected key parts of the ceasefire deal. thank you for joining us. todd: hunter biden awaiting sen sentencing date after he was found guilty on all counts in his gun trial. carley: brooke singman has details this morning. brooke: jury found the first son guilty for lying about drug use to buy a gun. sentences is yet to be scheduled, hunter is facing fine of $750,000 and maximum of 25 years in prison, although he is unlikely to coany prison time. hunter said, i m more grateful today for the love and experience i experienced from melissa, my friends, my family and community than i am di disappointed by the outcome. the president has defended his son for years. peter: yes, yes, yes, god love you, man, you re a one-horse pony. my justice department will be on its own making determination how to proceed. do you think your son did nothing wrong? president biden: i m conf confident. peter: have you spoken to your son? president biden: i m proud of my son. brooke: one juror said naomi s testimony hurt hunter s defense. that was heartwrenching and i think all jurors felt the same thing. another juror speaking out. he was like anybody else, nobody is above the law no matter who you are, politics played no part m this. brooke: americans reacting to the verdict. anybody, whether famous or not, answers to whatever the jury decides. i m happy, justice is served. he needs to suffer consequences. if guilty, he should be brought to justice. i agree, do the crime, do the time. brooke: he is facing another trial over allegedly fairlying to pay over million dollars in taxes. those taxes have since been paid and he pleaded not guilty. carley: few weeks before the election in november. todd: that has a paper trail showing documents and where the money is. carley: todd, are you sick of winning? todd: tired of winning. carley: students in one state learning how to win at cap capitalism and it is seeing huge success. todd: the woman who created the program and a student join us next, you won t want to miss it. sup? -who are you? i m your inner child. get in. 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[ bird squawks loudly ] to a pet shop. meg s moving company uses t-mobile. so she scaled down her fleet to save money. and don s paying so much for at&t, he s been waiting to update his equipment! there s a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don t have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. carley: listen to this, trump-backed sam brown winning the senate primary last night with 60% of the vote, we will challenge senator jackie rosen in november. brown speaking with fox news after the big win. this is a clear signal that republicans here in the state are united behind president trump and me to take on joe biden and jackie rosen this november. americans need hope. nevadans have been crushed and this is resounding victory. carley: nancy mace defeating both her challenges and picks up 56% of the vote. in north dakota, kelly armstrong will take over for burgum as republican candidate in the state s gubernatorial election this november. also in north dakota, voters impose age limit on members of congress from l state and set maximum age limit of 81 on those representing the state. it will likely face legal challenges. and this, jamaal bowman, polls show him behind challenger l lattimore. he is a westchest er executive. 65% of voters have favorable view of lattimore and 51 pvrs for bowman. early voting begins on saturday and primary election is june 25th. todd: winning at cap tap pis. high school reimagining business. dr. shade is founder of total experience learning and patel is a success story from the program. todd: how do you teach kids to win at cap capitalism? good morning, thank you for having us on the show this morning. capitalism means private industry and entrepreneurism. we need to find italent in our students and support and engage them in inventing and changing our school system thought to that entrepreneurial mindset. todd: you have been engrossed in this learning program since seventh grade and you are now at polytech institute, one of the best schools for senate and math in our it nurtured my entrepreneurial ial spirit. i discovered blasted particles and invented needleless new type of patch that uses nano technology to provide extended release of medication, providing more comfortable form of chemmytherapy and for parkinson s disease and patientses and can deliver medications. i patented the device and created patch life. this taught me how to find a problem and figure out how to create a solution. todd: what year are you in college? i m a junior. todd: wow, junior year. i was not invented anything, i don t want to get into my college experience. focus on how you stack up against your peers because of this program. you are in a tough school with a lot of smart students who excel in math and science. how has this program differentiated you from your peers? anyone can do research in a lab, this program teaches you skills that you need to get yourself outside of the lab. how you present yourself is what is going to make you successful. so this has helped me in a variety of competitions and helps you present to your peer says. todd: and helps you win at cap italism, best of luck to both of you, i think you are going to places. send it to senior meteorologist janice dean. jfk janice: we will hear from her in the future. round of aspplause. heat for west and southwest and spreading across central u.s. and east coast. here is forecast highs, 80s and 90s and extreme heat for california and southwest, d dangerous heat for this time of year. average high in phoenix issen it4, when you deal with 112, that could set up a big risk. take a look at heat as it spreads across ohio valley and parts of the northeast friday and to the weekend. people are excited about this, first real taste of summer extended since last summer. make mention of the potential of severe storms and florida is getting heavy rain over next couple of days. tropical moisture moving into the sunshine state. jfk we have been warned. see you. todd: stay there, watch this. deer smashing through the windshield of a bus and caught on camera. more of the video next. carley: friends and family of general hospital actor johnny wactorare demanding action on violent crimes and misdemeanors. johnny s brother is here next. can irreversibly damage your vision. it can progress faster than you think. when ga threatens your eyes, take a stand. slow ga with syfovre. syfovre is an eye injection that was proven to slow damaging lesion growth over 2 years with increasing effect over time. it s the only fda-approved treatment to slow ga in as few as 6 doses per year. don t take syfovre if you have an infection, or active swelling in or around your eye that may include pain and redness. syfovre can cause serious side effects, such as eye infection and retinal detachments, severe inflammation of vessels in the retina which may result in severe vision loss, wet amd, eye inflammation, and an increase in eye pressure. most common side effects are eye discomfort, wet amd, small specks floating in vision, and blood in the white of the eye. tell your doctor right away if you have any side effects. every moment counts act now to slow ga with syfovre. ask your retina specialist about syfovre. choice hotels is a family of brands with a hotel for any traveler you want to be. like a craft cocktail connoisseur at the cambria hotel bar. uh-huh. uh-huh. or mr. tackled the inbox so it s room service time at a radisson hotel! ohh, effervescent. uh, excuse me! sorry, can i just uh. oh, selfie? 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(birds chirping) well this isn t gonna work. try this. (celebratory choir sings) this. will work. scooore! pick up score! at walmart. todd: some absolutely wild video coming out of georgia. a passenger shot and killed after a gunman hijacked a commuter bus with 17 people onboard and held a gun to the driver s head. panicked drivers tried to get out of the way. the suspect is a convicted felon with 19 prior arrests. the mayor placing it on availability of guns. too many guns. crime is down overall, this day is not indicative of all days of the city of atlanta. todd: the suspect was taken into custody, charges pending. carley: family and friends have organize sd a march in hon of johnny wactor. march participants are calling for officials to prioritize public safety. johnny s broth er mark, and michael parker, a friend of johnny, join me now. thank you for joining us. know grant, the loss of your brother is so tragic and se senseless, tell us about this march and what you hope will come of it today. i don t live here, i can t vote here. main thing is keep happened previously before and it sucks it had to be him for it to be a c catalyst to put this in the forefont. carley: michael, what is your message this morning? yeah, it is what grant said. killers are still on the loose. we want to bring awareness to this. a second parts, we want city leaders of l.a. to hear our frustration and understand we are crying out for hymn. carley: i think we lost them, unfo unfortunate time to do it. they need action and change in los angeles and the loss of this actor is just one other horrific and sad example of crime that can, feels like, impact anybody. one thing iun waed to ask grant, we hope to bring them back, the moment before johnny died, he was with a co-worker. saw his car getting broke into, he thought it was being towed and he noticed something was wrong and he stepped in front of his female co-worker. todd: one thing we are not hearing enough about, this to their point, it could happen to anybody. this area in los angeles is basically right at what was formerly the staple center. carley: we have them back, we lost you for just a moment. pick up where we left off, i believe micah talking about your message. we want our city leaders to hear us, you hear secretive conversations in l.a., people whispering about how bad crime is and how dangerous it is. then this happens and it is so close to home. we want to give people an opportunity to stop having the conversations in secret and step out in public and let their voice be heard. enough is enough. we re walking around with fear and anxiety. carley: grant, how many people do you expect at the march? do you have hope this could change things for the better down the road. i have no idea how many people are going to be out there, micah organized it all. i know johnny touched a lot of people. i think there will be plenty people, people that didn t know johnny. i think a big number. i hope it will help, even af after catch the guys that did it, i want it to continue. carley: micah, you met johnny in acting school 10 years ago, you have a great relationship. give us information about the page. we do, we have been raising money with the family for since day one. we just launched www.ju www.justiceforjohnny you will have information about johnny and we ll continue to update information that comes out, news articles and things of that nature. we invite anyone to donate, there will be expenses down the road, it is a long road. carley: thank you for joining us this morning ahead of this march, 10:00 a.m. pacific standard time. thank you for joining us. it will be a long day, hopefully light at the end of the tunnel and hope the people who did this are found. todd: if they can do something to make that grath city safe again. president biden did address gun violence yesterday, did not mention his son s felony gun conviction which came down hours earlier. white house cancelling the press briefing, that did not stop the media from making this about donald trump. watch. mrith cally, this is a big blow to trump. he s trying so hard to create this weaponization. you have a president of the united states who is living embodiment of the rule of law, even with respect to his only living son. know ares have struggled to make it line of attack stick. most people see this and feel sympathy. carley: joe concha joins us now. this is a big blow to donald trump. what do you think about that news coverage yesterday, joe? joe: wow. i have not seen chuck todd on tv in i don t know how long, he is still there, i forgot about that. the other todd is making a gesture. that is what i thought. this is not apples to apples comparison. the hunter biden case was open and shut. he got caught. same will be said after the tax trial in november, he did not file taxes, that is documented on paper. with trump trial, ask 100 people on the street, what was the crime donald trump committed and no one can explain or define it. a bookkeeping error? if that is the case, that is misdemeanor at best, not a felony or jailable event. we have judge merchan deciding donald trump s fate. one comparing to the other, no. the cases are two different things and hunter biden, every analyst said would be found guilty if the jury was not swayed because it was in booides backyard and they were not. carley: hunter biden was going to get a plea deal and then got the irs whistleblowers that were getting blocked at every blow. todd: no precedence for get out of jail free card. there is narrative of whether joe biden s mental psyche is okay. that was a theme for a lot of coverage yesterday. washington post says hunter biden s guilty verdict resurfaced dark moments in the family s history. notice lack of similar concern for trump s psyche. watch the comparison. one could argue hunter biden is being treated worse than an average system. as a parent, worst nightmare come true. donald trump is waking up today facing different reality, first morning as convicted felon in new york. donald trump, first american president convicted of a crime and seconds later, two felonies, and kept breaking his brand new old record. todd: i didn t see a lot of tears discussing donald trump, did i miss something? joe: tears of joy, if anything, after that verdict came down. good to see raf itch / mad rachel maddow on tv. those are msnbc clips, we know where they come from. you have folks on there that gave oorther point of view and w what happened to ronna mcdaniel who was milquetoast in terms of making an argument positive for americans and donald trump and she was pulled from the air after one appearance because the inmates run the asylum over there. this is what donald trump will deal with up until election day, since the messenger is so m mistrusted, the media, not sure what impact it has on public psyche. before 2016 election, 59 newspapers we looked at the hill, gave endorsement of the two candidates. 57 to hillary clinton and 2 to donald trump and that got clinton a set of steak knives and concession speech. todd: only real takeaway from the hunter biden case, it would have been swept under the rug, if not for one federal judge. we appreciate it. carley: major day for the economy, we are awaiting new inflation report. cheryl casone will explain why you should pay attention to this. todd: and teen usa doubling drown to leave caitlin clark off the olympic squad, we ll bring you the answer. carley did not like that joke. have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? 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[cheering] brian: they are up early, i hope you are up early. it is on your own pace, i ask you to gradually get dressed and stay within yourself. we are back in nine minutes. do something. throw up a wide shot. dad is a legend. and his legendary moves might be passed down to you. dancing is just one of the many inherited traits you can discover with ancestry dna. get it for dad, and together you can see which traits were inherited, the places where they started, and the people he shares them with. best of all, it s on sale for father s day. but get movin , this sale is only for a limited time. (relaxing music) ( ) ( ) book in the app to find your perfect somewhere. feeling drained and run down. that s because modern diets lack the superfoods our ancestors thrived on. new primal origins, from forced back harnesses rich nutrients from colostrum and beef organs to provide superfood nutrition your body craves. find primal origins at walmart today. ( ) when life spells heartburn. how do you spell relief? r-o-l-a-i-d-s rolaids dual-active formula begins to neutralize acid on contact. r-o-l-a-i-d-s spells relief. boy the beef and i continued in that commercial charlie. after being banned from the hot dog eating contest. the 16-time reigning champ said i was to learn i m banned from the nathan s july 4th hot dog eating contest. to say set the record straight i do not have a contract with major league eating or nathan s they are looking change the rules past years as it relates to other partners can i work with. the basis i m being banned and it doesn t impact the july 4th event. carley: the host of the don t at me on dan dock kitchen outcast and he joins me now the point he wanted to eat impossible nathan s hot dog eating contest. nathan says if you want to be a part of this you got eat nathan s hot dogs. what do you think about this? i think they are right they are write if you want to be part of the nathan hot dog eating competition eat hot dogs. i m ambassador for nike but i m going to wear adidas. you cannot have a 4th of july hot dog eating contest without joey chestnut major league eating needs to figure this out. hot dog eating contest is absurd to me although i watch every year. i got to he will it you if you want to be part of it eat the damn dogs sponsoring the event it s simple. carley: i couldn t agree more. todd: when you were playing basketball and honing the craft in dusty gimenez did you ever imagine you would be on national tv talking about hot dogs? no. no, i didn t. you know, but i got to tell you, if i can t watch it live, i do tape it. i m a big nathan s hot dog fan. todd: dakich. i don t know if you were such a fan. people saying without joey chestnut they are going to lose a lot of viewers. brings us to next story about caitlin clark being left off team u.s.a. women s basketball team. they are now speaking out saying the team selection committee chair put out this statement saying it be irresponsible for us to talk about her in a way other than how she would impact the play of the team it wasn t the purview of our committee to decide how many people would watch. it was to create the best team. so i guess they are saying that she just didn t make the cut for skill-based reasons. is that true? yeah. you know, i can see where they are saying that i m not so well-versed on the wnba s players top to bottom. you can make that case. here s the thing. the wnba and its leadership have complained for years and years and years pay attention to us. grow the game. we need more. we need. this and well now they have it and they have it in caitlin clark. you are telling me the second best betting favorite is belgium. the three of us, two retired players and my wife could beat belgium for crying out loud. it s not like you bring caitlin clark on the team and this is some charity case. are you kidding me? caitlin clark on that team brings more eyeballs the wnba has been begging for more eyeballs and they haven t gotten them and they got it wrong in case. todd: fox & friends begins right now. they could use you. steve: thank you very much, todd and carley. it is 6:00 here in new york city. it s 5:00 in dallas and this is the fox & friends

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News at Night 20240612

greg: thank you emily, michael and the audience. i love you and good night. [applause] trace: good evening. i m trace gallagher and it s 8:00 and los angeles and this is america s fox news at night. [ indiscernable crosstalk ] trace: breaking tonight, brand-new video of anti- protester telling jews they wish hitler was still here. i am confident. trace: hunter biden guilty on all three gun challenges and the president sun facing nine counts of tax in california. if he is convicted in california , his alts were go way up with president biden s pledge to not pardon his son and we will read what you have to say in the nightcap . remember the california medical medical middle school student fallback and now he and his family kicked out of their school altogether. we begin with the very awkward video that has raised a very awkward question, does joe biden have the mental capacity and physical stamina to do the job? live in dc with more on the question everyone is asking. good evening kevin. reporter: depending on your perspective, watching the president appear frozen stiff during yesterday s juneteenth celebration was either an excusable momentary pause or a shocking reminder of the many and growing concerns around his age and acuity. some questioning the wisdom of his continued candidacy at all including nate silver, the famed polling guru recently noted on next if biden still struggling in august, needs to consider stepping aside. there is this from the atlantic as liberal columnist writing biden remains a comprehensively weak weighed down by the same liabilities that burden him from the start beginning with the largest and completely unfixable one. at 81, much too old for run for president but mr biden still has his supporters. the group won t pack down say it will raise $25 million for support among young voters leaning heavily into the student lone forgiveness talking point and fairly popular among some if the husband though shot down by the courts. polling by the ap suggests forcing taxpayers to cover student lone debt approved by someone else is deeply unpopular with the majority of americans. trace: thank you kevin. let s bring it new york post reporter and thank you both for coming on. i want to play this video of joe biden freezing up at the juneteenth event and replaying it because i want to keep the video up and red you what nate silver, he said biden still trailing by three points in the swing states and a pretty big underdog. nanas not to consider alternatives and sometimes all you get to choose from a different type of bananas but biden hit a new all-time low in approval and in this he also said the biden should step down and that was supposed to be on there. the whole context is the confidence of this man lydia, keeps getting lower. james carl s dad said they don t predict elections and that s clearly what they re trying to figure out. the problem is you can t just swap out candidates for another but the country needs a name recognition and a person with experience and there should be a whole courtship period where the presidential candidate tries to win over voters and the chance look at the candidate with gavin newsom and i don t think the american people want to shock on wedding where the groom is shot down at the last minute. one other point is joe biden loves being first lady and really pushing joe biden to keep running so i don t know if it s up to biting biden. maybe the private jet plays a role. trace: he writes the following, two biden keeps trotting out in a barrage of voters and there s still plenty of time left and it is now june . reassurance? he only wants to thwart trump and stay alive. that s the whole thing, what is the message amber? the biden campaign is struggling to figure that out and they see these numbers they say the numbers on top of economy and immigration get worse and trotted out this week immigration executive order can from both progressive base of the democratic party or moderate voters he s trying to bring to his side. even his former press secretary said he should stop running on his accomplishments because arguably there are not any and make the election about donald trump. that s a problem too because now his whole line about trumping a convicted convicted felon is out the window is because so is his child. trace: rachel maddow had this to say. i know it s a cliché but hitler was elected and talking about putting millions of people in camps in the united states. trace: by the way she thinks she s among those place in those camps. the drama here is a very high level. the drama is off the charts. irony is rachel maddow worried about the weaponization of the justice system which is very ironic because thrilled to see the justice system weaponizing against donald trump and now afraid it will happen to her. donald trump talking about migrant camps for those illegal immigrants and a massive immigration problem and the idea she would somehow link that to limiting free-speech ate have to say it s very self-important to assume if he s elected that he s facing wars in a crisis in the southern border and he will prioritize rachel maddow? i don t buy it. trace: we hear all the time and here s a clip from nancy pelosi we think is important to watch. why weren t the national guard there to begin with? that was not a question they don t know and i take responsibility for not having them. trace: nancy taking a little bit of blame for january 6 takes a narrative. 10 seconds for a thought. it turns out everyone was lying when they said donald trump requested national guard troops and nancy pelosi bears responsibility. eight illegal immigrants with ties to isis have been arrested and coordinated sting operation in new york, los angeles and philadelphia. live with more on the national security implications of the southern border crisis. good evening. good evening and this is exactly what people are worried about. a federal source tells fox fox news the eight nationals of tajikistan with suspected ties to isis all arrested by ice and fbi in new york, philadelphia and los angeles. to giga stand a 7000 miles away from the southern border and fox told all eight of the nationals crossed illegally into the u.s. and received for vetting by dhs . we re no derogatory information on them was flagged. with potential ties to terrorism and national security concerns flagged later on after they were apparently released into the u.s. and in a joint statement, fbi and dhs confirmed the arrest as the fbi recently described in public bulletins, u.s. the heightened threat and fbi continue working around-the-clock with our partners to identify, investigate and disrupt potential threats to national security now the fbi and our sources have not said when and where the eight nationals cross the u.s. border but our sources confirmed to us they did cross illegally. trace: a standby bill if you wood for us. trace: commonsense department very pleased to giga s and nationals in custody but common since concerned about what happened before they were in custody because when they cross the southern border illegally from to giga stand the former soviet republic they were said to be fully vetted. really? over the past three months, jihadist from to giga stand involved in eight when usually high of terrorist attacks including the attack on a concert hall that killed a hundred and 45 so when dhs is fully vetted, common since would like to know what that means. where did they cross and why did they come? where did they go? it appears there were zero red flags or zero derogatory information from these eight people until one of them was caught on fbi wire talking about bombs and that s derogatory information. and there in a highly vetted environment and the system is like getting id before entering a bar. dhs will continue working around the clock to disrupt threats to how many got a ways have gotten away? commonsense things the best vetting is letting the sun wedding walk freely into the u.s. along with former fbi agent all of you joining us and nicole, are you surprised these illegal immigrants have ties to isis? unfortunately i m not surprised and sadly this is the tip of the iceberg. this is not shocking. hope for the best but expect the worse. we have no idea who is in our country right now and there millions of people and the fact these individuals happen to be caught, were very lucky for that but this is what keeps fbi agents up at night. i m still in contact and they are drastically concerned because this is a customs issue into the united states but becomes an fbi issue attacked and when you think these countries allowing the individuals to come into our nation to give a heads up with iran, china and russia. where they just say, hey, here s a heads up? that s insane and these individuals are not vetted. trace: it s dangerous and you see these guys talk to them as they come across and we don t know where they re coming from we don t know where they re coming from and it s scary. what comes from my border contacts the most the vetting is inadequate at the border. guys from iran, toshiko stan and syria and there s no database to match these guys even if they get fingerprinted, the only way they know about criminal history if they ve committed a crime in the united states. not sharing database records on syrian citizens so the u.s. still mask cash in release single adult men into the united states and we seen in san diego and the only country on the face of the planet that does this and it s remarkable. trace: most of those down here the cities have any kind of legal recourse against the state of california and sanctuary policies? this is a high-risk environment and it seems the city and states have zero recourse. if i was a professor and a law school class i would say having the fingers on her pulse and reality in real life i would say who will bring the case? san diego or los angeles or san francisco? naming a city that s irreparably harmed by this unmitigated on surveillance loose emigration which inevitably can lead to a percentage of criminals. find meet one city that will say we will go ahead and go after the biden administration and it s not right. trace: may be someone texas would. nicole and tom former acting ice director said the whole concept is built gnosis better than anybody but they pay extra money because they want to get in and get got away and does that keep you up at night? absolutely and these individuals coming to harm us are being funded and they don t need the benefits from the united states but all they care about is getting here and wreaking havoc we are at high interest levels and we must be alert and aware and the only that that will change is closing the border and this administration proven over and over it s not their priority and you need to remember that on november 5th. trace: why do these people want to disappear into the united states? thus a terrifying question. easier than ever to be caught and released most of them seek a border patrol knowing will be arrested and maybe get a free ticket to new york so why would you go off in the middle of nowhere to sneak into the united states and often times i have a criminal record or maybe something like these guys. trace: these guys made a lot of news. a sheriff in ohio. i m okay with it. i believe if you murder somebody the death penalty. if you molest children or her children, the death penalty. i think terrorism, death penalty sell drugs to someone who dies, death penalty. trace: talking about illegal immigration for the most part and does he have a point there and they say it s unrealistic. everyone has a choice to be proactive and preserve life or be reactive and do your best to repair. what the sheriff is saying is we are done repairing. let s be proactive as nicole parker talked about, the extensive investigations and let s not put in a situation where the only option is to repair families that have been destroyed. trace: great panel and thank you all. hunter biden found guilty and jury returned a verdict earlier today and begs the question will he go to prison? live in wilmington, delaware with more on this. good evening to you and i was in the courtroom and a tense scene as the guilty read three times with the sitting sun now a convicted felon. estimate video of hunter biden leaving a nearby hotel with members of his family just a few hours after that verdict was red and gave a hug to a member of his security detail thinking people after the verdict though clearly this verdict came quicker than they wanted. hunter biden jurors believe he knowingly lied when he said he wasn t addicted to drugs. hunter today after court said the following, i m more grateful for the love and support i experience this last week from my family and friends and community and i m disappointed by the outcome. of recovery is by the grace of god and blessed to experience that gift one day at a time. jurors only to liberated for three hours. before finding him guilty. fox news poker juror number 10 who said this case is not complicated. and no one is above the law so that did not play a factor and was not politically motivated. trace: special counsel prepared to enter a plea deal with hunter biden less than a year ago in delaware and he won and his case was about lying and breaking the law. ultimately this case was not just about addiction but about the illegal choices the defendant made while in the throes of addiction and it was these choices and the combination of guns and drugs that made his conduct. hunter could face up to 25 years but sentencing likely in october but with that the special council was ready for it in california to take hunter biden to trial on those tax crimes although that could end in a plea deal for right now september 5th and los angeles not far from where you are trace, hunter biden going to trial number 2. trace: david life for us in delaware. thank you. let s bring in cash, special council interviewed by choctaw had to say. there is not many countries in the world where the son or daughter of said country would get prosecuted in their judicial system. you have the president of the united states who is living embodiment of the rule of law even with respect to his only living son. trace: he embodies the role of law. what you think? look at the author of that statement he singularly got reversed on monumental cases and he is not receiving any special treatment. this was the one time the system of law had a chance to go through the two-tiered system of justice and adjust the conviction stage. the guilt and sentencing stage is the most important part of the process to complete the repair to the system of justice and we faces a stiff sentence. i handled dozens of these cases as a federal public defender and nine thousands wrought last year and the average sentence for this conviction is 63 months in federal prison? let s see how that shakes out in october. trace: that s my last question. will he go to prison? everyone arguing it s a victory for the justice system needs to go look at at the federal sentencing guidelines. in federal court, regarding sentences for all crimes the dictates of judges what recommended sentence is. every federal judge must review the mandatory guidelines and you must status by statutory obligations and there is a departure up or down. i represented individuals charged with this in every single one of them went to prison for multiple years so hunter biden, we will see. trace: thank you server. coming up anti-semitism on full display with one processor saying he wishes hitler was still here. in the nightcap , president joe biden says he will pardon his son but the question is will he? even if the california case goes against hunter and looking at real jail time, do you think a pardon is still in the mix? yes, no, and why. accent instagram instagram. we re coming right back. choosing a treatment for your chronic migraine - 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours or more - can be overwhelming. so, ask your doctor about botox®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start. it s the #1 prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment. so far, more than 5 million botox® treatments have been given to over eight hundred and fifty thousand chronic migraine patients. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. don t receive botox® if there s a skin infection. tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. in a survey, 92% of current users said they wish they d talked to their doctor and started botox® sooner. so, ask your doctor if botox® is right for you. learn how abbvie could help you save on botox®. t mobile s 5g network connects a hundred thousand delta employees so they can make every customer feel like they ve arrived before they ve left the ground. this is how business goes further with t mobile for business. trace: breaking news. retired army captain declared the winner overcrowded republican field is a trust endorsement and the 11th hour, face off against the incumbent in november for a critical seat with the balance of power in the senate as we know very close and will keep her eyes on what s going on there in the silver state and bring you breaking news updates as they come into the show. in the meantime anti- israel protesters orchestrating a day of rage for gaza and new york city and the protesters were the ugliest of anti-semitic comments directly said to jewish people. ashley s live with more on this and good evening. those trying to mourn those met with this. [ indiscernable crosstalk ] [ indiscernable crosstalk ] according to the new york post, hateful vitriol spewed by an unidentified protester but not the only incident that caused an alarm as pro- palestinian reportedly waved a banner that said long live october 7th enchanted israel, go to hell. mayor had this to say. there was no room for hate and it doesn t matter if you go to a church or synagogue or a muslim house it s not who we are and what we stand for. trace: clashes broke out on ucla campus between police and pro- palestinian demonstrators that try to set up camp in the original cleared in early may and ucla officials say 27 people arrested late monday and six officers injured in those clashes. trace: live in new york thank you and let s bring in the star of netflix s skin decision pro- israel activist and founder of the ndg hatred movement the project ceo from goldstein and thank you from coming on. i want to play some video our correspondent walking through the music festival in the aftermath describing the horrific scenes in this if we had the sound up go through step-by-step and show how absolutely awful and horrific this was. now i want to cut to the sound of the protesters outside the exhibit in new york and watch. [ chanting ] [ chanting ] trace: do these people know what they are saying is there really that much hate? they absolutely do and they re showing up outside of a memorial for the victims of october the seventh enchanting they want to do it again and again and what was so scary is not only these were pro- hamas but the organization s funding these protests run off campus like american muslims for palestine in their leadership connected to hamas and some of the leaders in amp tied to money laundering to work for the hamas terrorist group and none of this would be possible without the constant media misrepresentation of what s happening in gaza that s normalizing this violence and dehumanizing the victims and humanizing the hamas terrorist group. trace: a very good point and i want to play this. he s talking about hitler. i wish hitler were still here. [ indiscernable crosstalk ] how do you answer that? he does not look like of the aryan race so hitler would ve taken him out. trace: as one of those things where you can t tell these people because they think they know it all and would not tell you what happened to women in palestine in these arab countries because they won t hear that. here s a protester confronting a rabbi a ucla. watch. go back to poland. where are you from? born in la. show your face? trace: going batch to the back to the college campuses and back to new york city and to cities across the country it will be a long summer and you will hear this all summer and people who are jewish will be victimized all summer long. i do think that is true but on the flipside i think the crazier the protesters get, the more patriotic i see our youth get in vocals american get and bring it all out into the light and nothing disinfects like sunlight. trace: here is one more protesters shouting down a vice chancellor at ucla. look. you have to say when ucla trying to negotiate with these people, maybe they made a mistake. it s amazing we re still attempting to negotiate with people who support terrorism and to sheila s point, these people are not progressive but regressive and claim to support human rights and yet they support a society is llama society that hangs gays and murders women and uses its own children as suicide bombers and this movement is orwellian and upside down and pushing their limits and testing the limits to see if a law enforcement what they will do and how much longer they will be on the streets. congress has to take this seriously and investigate what s happening in terms of funding and the have to defund these demonstrations and hold those who are committing crimes really accountable for what they re doing. trace: thank you bulls. coming up, remember the medical middle school student who said he was barred from giving a patriotic school election speech? major update to that story and it s not good for the 13-year-old. you need to hear what the school jested next. still ahead, kids day is made when a transit worker allows him to make a transit announcement and a pair of travelers bug out. the next viral videos next. approval decisions. in fact, if you ve had credit challenges and missed a payment along the way, you re more than five times more likely to get approved for the newday 100 va cash out loan. no one knows veterans like newday usa. choose advil liqui-gels for faster, stronger and longer-lasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away. trace: an update to a story we brought you a few weeks ago that the california middle school student barred from delivering a patriotic school election speech now says he was expelled for violating the parishes christian code of conduct. let s bring in unified school district president and board certified medical doctor. thank you both for coming on. jimmy was running for commissioner of patriotism and spirit and wanted to have patriotism in his speech and the principal told him this. told me to remove everything regarding patriotism so i immediately knew no, i m not gonna do that because i knew that was wrong. trace: came on the show and said he would fight for his cause and the school wrote him a letter today, a saint bonaventure catholic school, this decision because they kicked him out of school as a result of serious violations of the christian code of conduct and the parent electronic communications policy. take the kid out of school because he disagreed with you? it s absolutely insane and truth is a christian code of conduct and he is a future leader. it s sad that having that bad of retaliation on someone and patriotism is the love of one countries or state and this is exactly what he is doing. i think he s taking a stance and a beautiful representation to adults who won t take the same stance. trace: it wasn t just him. they kicked out the rest of the family ate want to play this because this is fascinating. san francisco sideshows and it s interesting because you see these videos and it s a car on fire down the street spinning and a lot of young people involved and apparently injuries and police having a hard time and yet they go on because they don t have the resources and you can see they don t have the resources to stop them and it s dangerous. a nightly occurrence in san francisco and la and chaos and lawlessness because city leaders refused to prosecute anything and they re telling people to stand down otherwise when you look it s a major tourist hotspot and a place that has hundreds of thousands of people every day and probably should have a large police contingent and where are they? someone told them to stand down and people are getting hurt people getting struck by cars and ejected landing headfirst. this is a public health hazard and it s embarrassing making california as a whole and san francisco look like a lawless third world area and now are being made fun of. trace: it really is crazy. florida had a big hospice situation leak in fort myers the person holding hostages there was a sniper up there and i want to play this video and a little intense because the sniper takes a shot at the guy holding the hostages and watch how this plays out. what concerns do you have? trace: the sheriff got the guy to just talk and keep his head up and shot him through a computer screen and right through the head and save the hostages and no one knows what would ve happened because this guy was not in his right mind and it s one of those things where you wouldn t see this. it s sad and unfortunate but for florida cackles people get to go home to their families and a message sent here we have gavin newsom taking away a prop that s meant to protect us and a catch and release system that they re not allowing our own sheriffs to do their job and it s really unfortunate right now the lawfulness here sheriffs to music hero and i wish california would follow the lead and allow us to protect our citizens. trace: people can t do their jobs because they won t let them. issuing a fiery statement condemning child gender transition a coalition and conservative organizations calling on medical professionals to stop promoting transgender medical treatments for children. this is interesting and based on a large study done by the national service in the uk with single payer health system looking at evidence of harm and they didn t really see any evidence of benefit and found evidence of harm. i am a researcher and one of my jobs and i focus on medical safety and for anything done for children, an extra level of safety required so what happens when you do something irreversible like modifying their anatomy, that is not something you can go back later and regret so the child can t 100 percent know for sure that s what they want then you defer it and wait until they are in adults. trace: that s good advice. appreciate it. trace: first up and tonight s viral videos. attention all passengers in coach 257. maple is our next station. trace: nicely done. the dream came true when a transit worker in toronto made the announcement and the kid did not disappoint to make the announcement was a huge thrill because he often plays transit simulator games and take his routes very seriously. here is what not to do when staying in a hotel in thailand. open for a split second when their room was taken over by moths. in this horror movie like scenario, can be seen covering the entire room and a hotel employee came to sort out the situation with the headlamp and bat in the travelers moved to another room. if you have a viral video, share it. here we go. what helps officials continue to say president biden won t pardon his now convicted son but if he gets time in the slammer, if you think a have a change of heart? let them know we will read your responses coming up next in the custnightcap . and 5g solutions from t-mobile for business. t-mobile connects 100,000 delta airlines employees, powers tractor supply s stores nationwide with reliable 5g business internet, and partners with pga of america on game changing innovation. this is how business goes further with t-mobile for business. [sfx] water lapping. [sfx] water splashing. [sfx] ambient / laughing. trace: we are back with the nightcap . tonight s topic is pardon me. hunter biden convicted in delaware in the meantime facing nine counts of tech tax crimes in california. heavy ruled out a pardon? yes. trace: he keeps saying he will not pardon his son and maybe he won t need to but if hunter gets sentence, he go back on his word? my son is here in the studio tonight for the first time and in such a situation i would pardon him lost a child and a wife and another son to cancer. he s not the guy who would want to see his other son go off to prison and if i were him, i would pardon him. it s no question that he will pardon him no matter what. trace: he s reverse course on a lot of things so why would he not? if the trial happens in california, let s be real because criminals get away from everything here. or they plea bargain this think. i think he won t pardon him because it will be approving the laws the law because if he does, whole inconsistency think which we see a lot of. i agree 100 percent and i think he will lower the sentence whatever it is. trace: not me. pardoned all the way. he s out and that s the end of it. 94 percent. he will deny that he would not pardon him and he will at least lower his sentence which he never promised not to do. what father would not? he is not coherent enough but his handlers will. as a politician he will protect his secrets. absolutely because needs him to bring home the bacon. thank you for joining the nightcap and we will see you back here tomorrow night. look at that! the broccoli was fantastic. that broccoli! i think some of them were six, seven pounds. i am obsessed with olay s retinol body wash. with olay retinol body wash, 95% of women had visibly renewed skin. it makes my skin feel so smooth and moisturized. see the difference with olay. whether dad s vehicle is his prized possession or the family hauler. he needs to protect it. this father s day, give him the gift of weathertech. from laser-measured floorliners and cargo liner to keep his interior pristine. to seat protector to guard against stains and sunshade to block harmful uv rays. the cupfone perfectly secures his phone while driving. order these american made products or a gift card at happy father s day! won t necessarily explode under donald trump. neil: we will see. thank you very much. da i m dannaa perino with judges jenny and,e richard fowler, jee watters and greg gutfeld 5:00 in new york city and this is the 5.

Trace , Hitler , Breaking-tonight , Person , Skin , Facial-expression , Nose , Eyebrow , Head , Cheek , Chin , Forehead