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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox News Night With Shannon Bream 20180329 03:00:00

she s cool on the show. i like all of your opinions. keep tweeting me. shannon bream is up next. shannon has lindsey graham on friday will be a great show, as always. shannon? shannon: he spent the day with the president. he will fill us in on that, laura. thank you very much. let s get you caught up on three breaking stories tonight. the inspector general at the justice department is starting an investigation into what republicans contend is bias at the doj and fbi and the russia collision investigation and those fisa warrants. we are learning that president trump has fired his veterans affairs secretary dr. david shulkin. senior north and south korean officials are just launching high-level talks to set up a planned summit in april with president trump. team coverage tonight, tomlinson standing by at the pentagon with why dr. david shulkin was locked up into his let s go. we begin tonight with chief national correspondent ed henry following the new pressure on the fbi. good evening.
white house dr. ronny jackson to replace the shulkin, a navy rear admiral, a surprise choice to lead this sick government second largest department. he has served as white house physician over the past three administrations. recently jackson has been criticized by some after giving a glowing report on the president s health. some people have great genes, i would tell the president that he could love to be 200 years old. the president has heart disease. those numbers qualify him to have heart disease. it clearly needs a planted dry and prevent heart problems down the road. in a statement, president trump said admiral jackson is highly trained and qualified. one of the first g.o.p. lawmakers to call for shulkin s ouster applauded the move. dr. shulkin came from within the v.a. and did nothing to clean up the culture of bureaucratic incompetence that is to find a leadership at the v.a. i am convinced that only someone from outside the v.a. can clean up the v.a. the president named robert wilkie, the pentagon s
undersecretary of defense for personal and readiness, to serve as the acting v.a. secretary until admiral jackson is confirmed. expect senate democrats to put up a fight. shannon? shannon: lucas tomlinson from the pentagon. thank you. kim jong un s secretive meeting with chinese president has left many in the u.s. wondering what will happen next. what it could mean for a future meeting with president trump. leland vittert joins us live with more on that. hey. good evening, shannon. lots of news but very few answers to the core questions here. when and where does the trump, summit take place, one with the ground rules, and what does the north koreans really want for their nukes? one thing is sure. the chinese made it clear with this visit that they play a front and center wall when it comes to dealing with the kim regime. the president paid respect to his chinese counterpart to that effect today tweeting, received a message last night from xi jingping of china that he had a meeting with him drunk on and it went very well and kim looks forward to his meeting with me.
in the meantime, and unfortunately, maximum sanctions and pressure must be maintained at all costs. despite their freeze on my cell a nuclear custom of the north koreans appear to be moving forward at all costs and a breakneck speed with her nuclear program. no photo show another reactor, the north claims that is for peaceful electric generation. intelligence reports it is also capable of throwing off plutonium for more bombs. if the white house or u.s. intelligence community knew about the chinese summit, they didn t say anything, nor did they seem particularly surprised. the chinese official state media it reiterated the offer by kim jong un of face-to-face with president trump. certainly, we are going to be cautiously optimistic, but we feel like things are moving in the right direction, and that the meeting yesterday was a good indication that the maximum pressure campaign has been working. you saw him leave for the first
president trump and as yet undisclosed location. he is also rumored to be considering a sit down with russians vladimir putin, while one of its doctor s critics, japanese prime minister shinzo abe says he is ready for a meeting too. what is drawing him out of hermit kingdom all of a set on? let s talk about it with a republican senator from south carolina lindsey graham, a member of the senate armed committee. that is a stunning overview. if you told me a year ago that the north korean leader would be meeting with president trump, potentially there russians and the japanese, i wouldn t believe it, and hats off to president trump and his team for making this a reality. maximum pressure has worked. shannon: let s talk about china. i read an account today that said for six years, he s been pushing china to have an official meeting with him. they weren t interested, and never happen, they held him at arm s length. as soon as it s becoming apparent that he will meet with president trump, china says, hey, come for a visit. they obviously have different interests in the region that we do. there are some similar but there are differences.
a piece says that beijing is concerned with any concessions that north korea might make toward the u.s. in exchange for u.s. security guarantee or a settlement that could lead to the unification of the korean peninsula by absorption and the emergence of a unified korea as an american military ally on china s border i think that s a pretty good analysis of what they fear. here was with a hope. they hope that north korea will stop being a pain in the rear for them. the north korean nuclear program destabilizes the entire world. i hope that kim jong un was told by the chinese president, we stand with america. you need to give up your nukes. i would tell her chinese, our goal is not to reunify south korea and north korea. i would tell them that north korea needs to give up their nuclear weapons to protect the world at large. help us there. shannon: do you think it will? the messages were relayed after their meetings that they are
open to denuclearizing the peninsula, plenty of skeptics who aren t buying math or wonder what kind of agreement we can gr as rigorous, legitimate inspection. we have seen this movie before. in 1994, they gave up their nuclear program for food. they took the food and kept their nukes. the one thing i would tell china and north korea, the worst mistake you can make is meet with president trump personally, have a discussion about what to do, and try to play him. if that happens, that s the end of north korea. i met with the president today. he doesn t want a wife. he is hopeful that this can resolve in ending the north korea nuclear threat, stabilizing that part of the world. i think he is ready to go big. the korean war is still it s never been ended been ended. shannon: technically. but i would like to see happen as a peace treaty between south korea, north korea, china, the united states. north korea would give up their weapons. japan and south korea doesn t have them.
we ll give them insurance that we won t need north korea, we ll tell the chinese we are not trying to unify the korean peninsula, but we are insisting that kim jong un give up his nuclear program. there is a chance for a deal. this is the last, best chance to avoid a war. the worst thing that can happen is that the north korea tries to play donald trump. shannon: you said that the damage from a war with north korea would be worth it in terms of long-term stability and national security. that scares a lot of people. i don t want to minimize the damage would be great. worth it. it s all about bad choices. if there is a war between north korea and us, south korea and japan will get hit, hit hard. thousands of people could die. that is not lost upon me. but if we allow them to get an icbm, they can hit america with a nuclear tipped missile. the names of americans are at risk and he will sell anything he develops. he sold to syria, tried to help iraq. so north korea proliferates nuclear materials.
so you got to go bad choices. to me, it is worth it to stop him from getting a big nuclear arsenal because he will give it our selected people who would use it if he would not to. shannon: let s talk about russia. interesting because the president took the steps obviously in tandem with a number of european allies to expel a number of russian personality, intelligence officers, and response to this poisoning on british soil that russians are now saying the u.k. did had made it look like the russians did it. i am no security expert or professional envoys and so i won t comment on that. a couple of people stepping up in the mainstream media to praise the president, david singer from the new york times saying , it s getting harder to make the argument that the president has not gotten tough with putin. the daily beast income of this is big, it deserves credit. 50 diplomats plus spies. the best thing that they can do is unite the world against
russia s aggression, not just be the united states versus russia come but the entire world. look at what happened when we decided to expel russian diplomats and spies sprayed the entire world followed president trump. the best thing he can do in my view at home and abroad is to tell putin, i don t want to be your enemy but you are making me be your enemy and if you continue to disrupt the world, invade your neighbor, assassinate people, in foreign countries, then you were going to pay a price. if china excuse me, in france and germany would get behind trump s efforts to change business practices and trying to come i guess what, china would stop cheating if they had to pay a price. putin would stop us dropping the world if he paid a price. i can tell you this. putin will respond to weakness, aggression, he will respond to strength by backing off on president trump i ve got a moment in time here to really make putin pay a price. his economy is the size of italy. shannon: 15 seconds. he spent 90 minutes with the president. how did he seem?
there s a lot of new swirling around him, much of it not positive. very, very focused, very upbeat. it feels like he s doing a good job. we have some historic moments coming in may when north korea and iran, tax cuts are working, the president was very upbeat and quite frankly, i think he s done a very good job as commander in chief. shannon: senator graham, always good to have you with us. thanks. the polish government signing off on a huge deal to buy the u.s. patriot to missile defense system. for nearly $5 billion. it is the largest arms procurement deal and poland s history and is also a major step in modernizing their forces, which analysts they do not sit well with the kremlin. the u.s. economy looks to be on stable footing. in the final quarter of 2017, marked the third quarter in a row with gdp close to or exceeding 3%. the pace that the drop administration set as a target. gross domestic product measures the value of every item produced
in every service rendered in the u.s. president trump will buzz at northeast toast ohio tomorrow afternoon to present his proposed $1.5 trillion program to rebuild the country s aging infrastructure. economists argue that it won t add to the u.s. economy. the white house council of economic advisors says the plan will give a significant boost to the gdp over the next ten years, adding up to 400,000 new jobs. they are calling it a boomerang effect. what began as surveillance of a trump campaign turning into an investigation of the alleged fisa abuse by the fbi under the obama administration. what it all means for the special counsel probe next. plus no developments tonight on a breaking story. a new trump administration proposal aimed at making sure immigrants don t become dependent on government benefits if they want to attain legal status. also on tap, marching for our lives to marching for life. another group of students is trying to organize a nationwide school walkout. we look at the same kind of support?
portion of the ball being built, adding, great briefing this afternoon on the start of our southern border wall. it becomes following are part of the drop administration seeking to her restrictive legal status for immigrants who rely on tax credits and government welfare programs. let s talk about with tonight s panel. radio host ethan berman. fox news contributor lisa boothe. the federalists mollie hemingway, also a fox news contributor. good to see you all tonight. hi, shannon. shannon: tell me more about this. this is what the dhs spokeswoman said. this is their proposal, apparently they say nothing is finalized yet. once it is approved, it will be released, have a comment. matt, the whole 9 yards. this is what she said. the administration is committed to enforcing existing immigration law which is clearly intended to protect the the amn taxpayer. mollie, they say this is a tackn
attack on people who are trying to gain legal status. because this gets at the heart of the debate about kind of immigration should have. some people say should be random and lottery based on some people are pushing for a move to the more australian or canadian style where it s self-sufficiency playing a role. it doesn t play a role for people who have special needs or our refugee status or particular persecution. at in general, a lot of immigrants are coming to this country, american citizens are looking for people who can be self-sufficient and can contribute to the economy. a lot of immigrants do. this is a test to make sure that this is working out for current american citizens. shannon: reacting to this, the statement from dnc chair tom perez, it s another heartless attack on immigrants. donald trump should spend less time finding ways to punish hardworking families and more time standing up to the values of inclusion of opportunity that make america great. your response, lisa? i think mollie is right. this is consistent with what we have seen from the sweat has, a
illegal immigration, that looks at what mollie discussed, and merit-based immigration approach, and something that president trump pushed for as well when he laid out what he would ideally like to see congress and address on the daca issue. also, i think this is very consistent with what we have seen from president trump wanting to bring people into this country that would benefit more economically, maybe not take as much public assistance. it would bring some sort of skill set to the workforce. shannon: ethan, the dhs says it s about making sure that u.s. tax to taxpayers are treated treated fairly. of course we want u.s. taxpayers to be treated fairly. the 1996 offer act and the immigration act of 1996 already addressed this issue. this is a very marginal number of people come illegal immigrants already over abundantly contribute to our
economy. there are greater number of small business owners that need a foreign spy they work at a higher percentage than native-born s. they are higher education levels, they actually earn more than native-born americans. this is just meat to the base because it is such a tiny percentage of people that we are talking about. it is not billions of dollars that are being abused or wasted right now. shannon: okay. i want to make sure that this next topic, i get all three of you in. keep your interest relatively brief. ethan, i ll start with you. today the inspector general said he will look into these allegations about whether the fisa warrants were abused, whether the doj and fbi under the obama administration was fair and complied with the law. i think any time that there is an objective investigation by an inspector general, that is something we all need. we need to know that the process works. however, it sure seems to be a right-wing move that seems to think of the deep state is so embedded that the fbi is not
able to function. we have a couple of bad apples who were caught red-handed and were removed from the process. but really, we have the new paul manafort connection to the russian intelligence and that is not what we are talking about. shannon: lisa? there are also bad actors that were helping to lead these investigations, that is where the concern boils down to. i do think to ethan s point, michael horowitz will be deemed as a more objective investigator. however he doesn t have the prosecutorial authority, which is why people like chairman county, members of the senate, calling for a second special counsel. shannon: mollie come as a top democrat on the judiciary committee saying it s a conspiracy theory that s been deprived and it s a waste of time and money. in the last year, you had committees on both sides of the senate and house looking into russian meddling, the inspector general looking into hillary clinton email probe. what everybody sits down, it s a violation of processes and serious problems of the department of justice and fbi. you ve had at least six, seven,
eight people who were fired, demoted, moved around because of these problems. you have very serious issues with fisa abuse. these are secret courts, you can it s incumbent upon our government to make sure we are handling the surveillance authority well. we do need to restore the credibility of our federal law enforcement. this ig is a good step, a small step, though, because they can t compel testimony from people who have left fbi or doj. it also doesn t deal with the problems that we found that state, cia, and other places. we ll need a special prosecutor just so everyone can trust the fbi and doj. shannon: the calls for those continue. panel, what you were fabulous. stick around, we have more hot topics for you and just a minute. thank you. in the meantime, amazon founder jeff bezos is reportedly the richest man in the world but his network took a serious tumble today all because he s reportedly made one very powerful enemy. plus the news stories are so unbelievable, we have to remind you they are legit. the real news roundup coming up.
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shannon: in the wake of anti-gun student walkout, the california teacher was suspended for asking whether pro-life protesters could do the same thing. she wound up suspended. one of her students is fighting back. trace gallagher has all the details from the west coast. hey. i might come as we prepare the nationwide pro-life walkout is specifically meant to imitate protest except the goal this time is too shy to a bright light on the lives destroyed by. the event will also test if there s a double standard when it comes to allowing students to protest things that take lives. the walkout is being organized by 17-year-old brandon gillespie. a junior at rockland high school outside of sacramento. gillespie says he wants to honor the lives of aborted babies, raise awareness of what he calls the injustices of planned parenthood, and to protest the suspension of his history teacher, who was placed on leave when she brought up the double standard. here s the teacher.
i open up the discussion for if schools, not only just our school and administration, but across the country, are going to allow one group of students to get up during class and walkout to protest one issue, would they still give the same courtesy to another group of students who wanted to get up and walk out to protest? i use the example of abortion. she s back teaching now and says the upcoming pro-life walkout will literally answer the double standard question. the event is now set for april 11th, and the students are asking for the very same 17 minutes given to students who protested gun violence. it remains unclear how schools across the country will respond. in the meantime, were getting a better idea of who participated in the march for our lives against gun violence. apparently, it wasn t mostly young people. a sociology professor at the university of maryland at her six person research team
randomly surveyed hundreds of people who joined in the march and found 70% were women and quoting all the about 10% of the participants were under 18. the average age of the adults of the crowd was just under 49 years old. she also says 27% of the participants had never protested before and most of the new protesters were not motivated by gun-control but rather, by issues of peace. and of president trump. shannon. shannon: all right, trace. very interesting. thank you. tonight, the aclu is urging greyhounds not to let i.c.e. agents searches buses for illegal immigrants without a warrant. meanwhile, the acl use efforts against law enforcement and may have had unintended consequences. researchers are blaming tougher rules on police officers for chicago s huge spike in homicides. they are calling it the aclu effect. the aclu calling it junk science. senior correspondent mike tobin takes a look at the evidence from chicago tonight.
the aclu is to blame for chicago s 2016 increase in violent crimes, that according to a new study from the university of utah. we have a collection of data that come together to make it clear that causation exists here. the study concludes that burdens placed on the city s police force have taken their toll. protest erupted in 2015 in response to a video of black teenager look juan mcdonald bank shot to 16 times by a chicago police officer. in the aftermath, the aide don t mock the aclu chicago police reach an agreement to address accusations of racial profiling. police officers were required to fill out elaborate cards after stop and frisk spray to take 15 to 20 minutes to complete. as a result, stops dropped by 82% in 2016. homicides jumped by 58%. chicago endured an additional 1100 gun crimes. the study examined other
factors, from anger on the streets, to the opioid epidemic. it concluded that the aclu effect of the anomaly and cops are discouraged from checking suspicious people for weapons. criminals on the streets of chicago became emboldened to carry guns. the deterrent effect decreased. when there were more guns on the street, being carried by criminals, the predictable result is an increase in gun related crimes. the spike in blood shed is is undeniable. that and enhanced scrutiny of the police frequently gets attention from the president to. what the hell is going on in chicago? and aclu lawyer says you can t just look at the chronology and blame the contact cards. it make to makes claims thate thing caused another. the aclu claims that most of the entries on my contact cards are required by the chicago pd, not their organization. representatives challenge the objectivity of the researchers, who also authored a study in
2017 reaching the conclusion that miranda requirements for police effectiveness. shannon, back to you. shannon: time for a quick round up the of the real news out there. that was often derided by the mainstream media for being weak on russia or even colluding with president vladimir putin to influence the 2016 election, the new york times is crediting president trump with getting tough on russia after expelling 60 russian diplomats earlier this week. david sanger is the chief washington correspondent. he is getting harder to makee argument that the president has not got in touch with putin. this is certainly a tougher move, for example, then president obama took when he expelled 30 some odd diplomats after the election issue. shannon: president trump getting tough on portraits of government officials. 1 of 3 bills signed into law yesterday, eliminating government-funded oil painting
act bars the use of taxpayer funds for partners of federal workers, like former epa administrator lisa jackson, former secretary of defense donald rumsfeld, and more. some of these portraits cost taxpayers $40,000 each. pennsylvania high school has a rifle team with equipment more than 40 years old. that is not the only problem facing the mountaineers. the school board if they are voted monday night to reject a $5,000 grant from the national rifle association meant to help them buy new gear and guns. the team put together a gofundme site with an appeal for help that says, let s put our political ideology aside and come together as a community in support of our rifle team. the night they nearly doubled their original goal after abouta dozen local businesses got together and decided to help fund the team. classic 90s tv show made its most anticipated return. as roseanne really representing trump voters? tonight s panel returns for what is sure to be a lively debate.
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police! shannon: roseanne s debut scoring massive ratings in cities like new york and middle america, dominating states are president trump won like ohio. there is a debate about why. let s talk about it with the panel. i thought it was interesting, guys, it had monster ratings but not everybody agreed it was necessarily a good thing for conservatives because roseanne s character supports trump. ben shapiro writing, there is something else going on in roseanne that should disturb conservatives. the redefinition of trump supporters as blue-collar leftists rather than conservatives. the implication is that she s a good person because of ease-of-use but the real difference between trump voters and hillary voters are economic in nature, not cultural. lisa, what you make of that? i don t want to get into an argument with venture. because he s a smart guy. i also think that if you look at the trump coalition, it is sort of a hodgepodge of individuals in this country. i think that he certainly have
people like roseanne barr, a trump supporter in real life, also an executive producer of this show that may be a little bit more socially liberal but voted on him for the economic issues. i also think you additionally have people that went for president trump because of these cultural wars. again, president trump sort of has this broad, hodgepodge of a coalition. i see a point, i think it s a smart point, but i don t 100% agree with the point he s making. shannon: ethan, what you make the monster ratings last night? i say congratulations to the show, the cast, i think they did a great job. i m not the biggest fan but i will tell you something, ben shapiro is totally wrong on this one. it s about love, it s not about hate. that is what roseanne is preaching and what she s been doing for many, many years. she led the way both the advocate and have come out in support of roseanne, not just the show but 24 years ago, but it was a groundbreaker in terms of the first kiss between two women on tv. that is a big deal for a lot of people because especially in
light of for the president has been doing with some of the anti-lgbt moves, roseanne shows that you can love and support trump at the same time. shannon: i think that is ben s concern. it portrays trump voters as being ones who care about the economy but not the cultural issues. he doesn t think that s the case. we ll see. we love having been on. we want to make sure we get to our second topic. we ll start with you, mollie. a young student in california said he will do a pro-life walkout april 11th is the time mandate for that. he wants to test a couple of things. he says, along with being a movement commemorating the millions of children who are victims to abortion, the movement stands for all students rights to freedom of speech and assembly. he wants to test this theory about whether it will get the same kind of support that the anti-gun rally dead. it s interesting that the study came out showing that the people at this weekends barge, the average age was 50 and there weren t many children there. if you go to the march for life,
held annually in d.c., also in the state capitals and other cities throughout the country, you are blown away by how many young people are there. high school students and younger. it s an issue, and he destruction of human life in the womb and violence in the womb and how that hurts women and their children is an issue that young people care deeply about and it is something that maybe have not done a very good job covering. it s a really interesting question to ask, whether schools will be supportive of this as they wear, actively colluding and trying to push this antigun rights march that they did. shannon: ethan, the student directly was a student of the teacher got suspended in california for asking this and having this conversation in her class. do you think that the two topics will be treated the same? what do you of this plan? i always support people to exercise their first amendment rights. there is a significant difference between an already existing march for life and antiabortion rally that goes on. into reaction by a lot of people by the way, i was at
the march for our lives with my two children, while under the age of 50, i think we saw a lot of young people there. i don t think that study was somewhat nonscientific in d.c. only. but the point is, the kids in parkland at around the country are worried about the violence that took place at marjory stoneman douglas high school. abortions are not happening in high school classrooms. these are different topics and there are separate marches for that. shannon: we got to leave it there. we are out of time. thank you all. we ll see what happens. thanks, guys. facebook under fire. amazon stocks plummeting as a third news technology raises eyebrows with a controversial equipment. breaking on the tech headlines next. you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance.
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is it a broader backlash? it s a broader backlash, shannon. in many ways, it is helpful that it s happening because it s shining a spotlight on something that is really important, which is that these tech companies have got too big and too powerful. it mirrors is something that is happening in the economy in general, where you have a concentration of power, and that is always bad news. it s bad news when it happens in government, when you get a concentration of power in washington. that is why i believe indent might be centralizing power from the federal government to the states and communities. the same thing needs to be happening in the economy. we need to topping up the antitrust laws. breaking up these companies, not just tech, throughout the economy, to get more competition into the marketplace. shannon: alayna, to that point, the president apparently, they are reporting, from your outlet, he would like to take steps against amazon, thinking it s hurting brick-and-mortar stores, retailers, shopping malls, people in real estate, a
business where he has a lot of friends, he wants to go after amazon according to sources who discusses with him. he is obsessed with amazon a source said, obsessed. alayna? it s definitely interesting to see, that s exactly what the reporting shows. really, the president, he is a 1950s man. he s a businessman before he was president. he kind of was nostalgic for the days that it used to be. and he is starting to see talking to steve s point, he thinks there s a lot of power in the hands of these text companies, and amazon in particular for its e-commerce aspect and what it s doing to mom-and-pop stores and other retailers that he sees it as a big threat to some of those smaller businesses. he s looking at perhaps taking some action. press secretary sarah sanders said there is nothing in the works right now but from what the sources have told axios is that he really is looking at
antitrust regulations and some other tax treatment that they might be abusing. shannon: another tech company that has revolutionized the way we get entertainment, netflix has announced susan rice, former ambassador, former nsa under the obama administration, will join their board. a quick reaction for both of you. steve, first to you. i think there is nothing to be upset about except the fact that it is so typical, isn t it? people who serve in government and then basically cash in on their public service and get who burned up by these big companies. as happened forever, it is part of the swamp. that is the real story here rather than the politics of netflix. it s all about the swamp. this is how they work. shannon: alayna, there s been backlash and threats of a boycott because of the ambassador s role in the benghazi fiasco. how do you feel that plays out? a lot of people, on twitter and other forms of social media, say they will boycott netflix for putting susan rice on the board. we saw similar things happen
when there was buzz that barack obama and michelle obama might also have a netflix series on netflix. so a lot of people believed, just like steve s point, it is the swamp coming to these big media outlets. a lot of people don t like that cross over from the political world in washington into some of the more tech companies and media companies that they see as their entertainment and ways of escaping all of that. shannon: a tough day for many in the text companies. a tough week in the markets. we ll see how they fare tomorrow with the next news cycle. stephen alayna, great to have both of you with us tonight. thank you. thanks, shannon. shannon: so many of you have reached out in the last few days after i put out a twitter plea for a young boy he was very ill and had one last wish. we ve got an update for you right after the break. w pneumococcal pneumonia is a potentially serious bacterial lung disease that in severe cases can lead to hospitalization.
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President , Trump , Officials , Secretary , Firing-david-shulkin , Fisa , Learning , Summit , Warrants , Talks , Senior , Veterans-affairs

Transcripts For MSNBCW Kasie DC 20180429 23:00:00

can baker succeed where johnny man sell failed? ronny jackson withdrew his nomination to be the next va secretary will not be returning in his role as the president s personal physician. two senior administration officials, nbc news has not confirmed that reporting. jackson faced intense criticism this week after the top democrat on the senate veterans affairs committee, jon tester, released a document summarizing allegations against jackson by current and former colleagues. those allegations included overprescribing pills, drinking on the job, and creating a hostile work environment. president trump responded in a tweet yesterday writing, quote, secret service has just informed me that senator jon tester s statements on admiral jackson are not true. here s what the president had to say at his rally last night in michigan. senator jon tester of a really great place, montana, who voted, by the way, in favor of
sanctuary cities who is weak on the border, didn t vote for tax cuts, he took a gentleman who is a truly high-quality human being, and what they said about him this is a high-quality individual like they would love in montana, and tester started throwing out things that he s heard. well, i know things about tester that i could say, too. [ applause ] and if i said them, he d never be elected again. again, so far only politico reporting this. i want to welcome my panel in to talk more about all of it. politics reporter for the daily beast and msnbc dribber betsy woodruff. national political reporter for action yo, jonathan swan. white house reporter for the associated press kathryn louis i and nbc correspondent jeff bennett. welcome all. after i know what has been quite
a weekend. jonathan swan went very well, didn t it? everything was perfect. i heard that. pitch perfect. we ll talk more about that in a second. i know you had been doing a lot of reporting on ronny jackson. this is somebody the president very much liked personally. what s kind of been going on behind the scenes? i know you re still working on confirming this report. i can t confirm the specific report, but what i can tell you is one of the reasons why jackson didn t withdraw immediately was there are a number of people inside the white house, including the president, who saw political advantage in them kind of leaving him there, hanging sort of in the wind because the more that democrats pile on, they thought a lot of these allegations were false, particularly the one about him getting drunk and crashing a government vehicle. that s what he was talking about in the tweet on saturday. said the secret service said it was false. that is provable. the theory among some, not all in the white house, was could be very politically advantageous. you have jon tester who is a key red state democrat, a state that
they really want to win putting all these accusations out there. and if some of them, particularly the big ones turnout to be false, they could use this as a political weapon. kathryn louisy, i was surprised tessier went so far out in the public eye. he s not someone we see in public cameras. he did open himself up, especially as jonathan says, some of these are not proven. the president is going to go really, really hard on him and the white house sees an opening here for someone who has not given them a lot of opening so far and is well liked in his state. they think this is something they can target. i think then also in terms of jackson, we re still trying to figure out what s going on here. although they had never said that he would return as the personal physician last week. right. i mean, i will say first of all, if the president does have information that will mean tester never gets elected again, i m sure mitch mcconnell would like to be in on that information. he s throwing out rumor and
innuendo. the fact that the president is blaming everyone else for this bungled process, he has to confirm someone or nominate someone. they are pointing the finger at the president for not properly vetting ronny jackson when the president says he s a high-quality individual. what s so interesting about that is my conversations with former obama administration officials and former trump administration officials who know and have worked with roni yak son sny ja the same thing. they blame the president for letting him be in the wind. did you hear the one about the white house correspondents dinner? some people thought it wasn t very funny. boredom is probably my biggest worry for life after congress. luckily boehner texted me the other day and he said he found something that helps him chill out. something to do with grass. i don t really know.
anyway anyway. the president also skipped the event for a second time. it used to be, this dinner, the kind of thing donald trump loves to go to. there he is. you see him. people in black ties, celebrities, journalists, even a touch of class. no more. ever the tv producer he counter programmed an event in washington township michigan and at times he and comedian michelle wolf found similar grist for the mill. and they said, donald trump has won the state of michigan, remember that? [ cheers and applause ] it is kind of crazy that the trump campaign was in contact with russia when the hillary campaign wasn t even in contact with michigan. [ laughter ] you know, in the old days when the newspapers used to write, they put names down. today they say, sources have said that president trump sources. they never say who the source is. they don t have sources.
the sources don t exist. you guys are obsessed with trump. did you used to date him? because you pretend like you hate him, but i think you love him. i think what no one in this room wants to admit is that trump has helped all of you. he couldn t sell steaks or vodka or water or college or ties or eric. [ laughter ] but he has helped you. he s helped you sell your papers and your books and your tv. you help create this monster and now you re profiting off of him. and if you re gonna profit off of trump, you should at least give him some money because he doesn t have any. that is more or less where the comparisons end for some people last night represented the cynical low point of what has been a caustic couple of years. for some, though, just another day in 2018.
betsy, this was supposed to be in some ways a bit of a reproach month for the press and the white house. the president himself not attending. last year none of his aides did. last night sarah sanders sitting at the podium at the head table with the journalists where we heard nasty attacks from the immediates. there caustic remarks going after sarah sanders going after her accent and makeup. i think it s significant also that matt and mercedes schlapp, a member of the president trump white house, left in the middle of the comedy routine. if there was to be some come to jesus moment between the press and core that didn t happen last night. margaret sullivan has a comment out in the washington post saying we should stop having the dinners altogether which is close to no longer being a minority opinion. the president of the white house correspondent s association saying we thought sarah sanders handled herself
with incredible grace in the face of what she continued to sit there. jonathan swan, do you think thsz the beginning we ve had the conversation in the past whether this benefits democracy, scholarships for kids who will go on to work in the field, protect the first amendment and all of that. but it seems to have gone rather sideways. i m all for the scholarships. scholarships are great. we should keep raising money for them. i m kind of allergic to the whole dinner. not only the sort of comedy which was in my view not particularly funny, but also just the self-congratulatory incestous nature. i m down for dinner. michelle wolff at the outset said she s not a political comedian. she s not from the world of washington so her act was not designed for the people in the room. i thought it was designed to gin
up controversy. she s promoting her netflix show. she certainly succeeded in that regard. the white house correspondents association which i happen to be a member wants to avoid this perennial hand wringing they should find a safer comedian, larry the cable guy or wayne brady or like john than said, forego the same thing. defenders of the dinner would say it is more than about the comedian. it is about fellowships and all about celebrating the first amendment. we heard a lot of that from margaret during her remarks about the work that everyone in the white house press core is doing. and so i think there will be a bigger conversation how to balance those goals with what kind of comedy or entertainment you really want to have at the dinner. absolutely. well, let s change gears a little bit because you may remember that last week the president turned heads during a sprawling interview on fox news. you take a poll at the fbi. i love the fbi. the fbi loves me. but the top people at the fbi
headed by comey were crooked. you look at mccabe where he takes $700,000 from somebody supporting hillary clinton. and you look at the corruption at the top of the fbi. it s a disgrace. and our justice department, which i try and stay away from, but at some point i won t. our justice department should be looking at that kind of stuff, not the nonsense of collusion with russia. there is no collusion with me and russia. and everyone knows it. we d talk to you all day but it looks like you have a million things to do. i hope you get mr. president thank you so much for being with us. it s not clear he had a million other things to do. but even after nearly 30 minutes on the phone with his favorite show, it seemed like, as you could hear there, that the president had more that he wanted to say. and last night back on the trail in michigan, he seemed to finish the thought. take a look at the intelligence agencies. and what about hey, and what about comey? did you watch him on the
interviews? um, um, um. what about comey? the two lovers, right? lisa, lisa and strzok. lisa and peter. look at how many of those top officials were fired or removed. and they should be out of here. and what about the guy that took $700,000 for his wife s campaign? nobody even talks about it. nobody even talks about it. i ll tell you why. i ve been talking about it for a long time. and if our justice department was doing the right thing, thoo they d be a lot tougher right now on those people. so, i want to take a second and kind of walk through all of this. he said in that fox news interview, at some point he won t cease, in his mind he says i try not to go after the department of justice, but at some point i m going to stop doing that and i m going to go after them. what kind of danger, kathryn
lucy, does this represent? if americans cannot trust that there is justice to be had in a country that is supposed to have the rule of law, what are we left with? that s a pretty horrible question, kasie. the president is frustrated with his department of justice. he has been. he s frustrated with the attorney general. and he s clearly trying to sort of sow these seeds of doubt about it. as you can see with this fox interview, with the rally, he wants to do more of them, he s only going to amp up this message. it isn t going to go a what. the other thing we ve heard consistently, it goes beyond d.o.j. he s been increasingly frustrated since the michael cohen raid, that investigation. he feels personally targeted there. and this is really added to his privately and publicly. is that what we re seeing jonathan swan? what is your view from behind the scenes? it s possible. this is a rhetorical pattern. it s not just with the justice department. he does it with everything. he basically makes a big threat and leaves it out there, makes
people feel uncomfortable. oftentimes he retreats to a fairly conventional part. he s done it on afghanistan, syria, nafta. the stakes are particularly high. of course they are. so are they with north korea. we were on the verge of nuclear apocalypse. when i was saying my button is bigger than your button. now we re going for a peace talk. he s been threatening to fire the leadership of the justice department for a long time. he still hasn t done it. i know he wants to, but his lawyers are telling him if you do this, it s the beginning of the end of your presidency so maybe you shouldn t. so, betsy, he s essentially listening to that counsel. what is the president does he feel as though this would be the beginning of the end of his presidency? have they been able to successfully tell him that these are the consequence? the fact that he hasn t fired any of these people would indicate at least for the time being he s taking their advice. he clearly either has a poor grasp of the some of characters in play here or just has been
ignoring news reports. in that tape you play he refers to lisa page and peter strzok, these two lovers involved in one of the investigations of him. my colleagues and i obtained the latest text messages between page and strzok. of course they go after president trump. they go after one of them suggested wanting to leave the fbi because she was so concerned about trump s leadership. so the president is correct in saying there was criticism of him. what the president didn t say which is pretty vital context, they go after a whole host of political actors. they criticized eric holder, they criticized hillary clinton, they criticized bernie sanders. it runs the gamut. these are people who were interested in politics but weren t particularly mart san. that said the president has been able to weapon ize this investigation on capitol hill in a way that is unfair to the people involved. we re just getting started on a packed night of kasie d.c. tonight. just ahead signs of headway in korea as the president gets his man to take over the state department. and later, congressman beto o rourke will size up his bid to
up seat ted cruz in texas. first i m joined by governor john kasich for a segment we re calling kasich dc. you might want to strap on your seat belt or go pick one up. we re back after this. if i get elected president, head out tomorrow and buy a seat belt. if you don t have a seat belt on your chair, go and get one. you re going to have to have a seat belt to get on with it. fasten your seat belt because we re going. you don t like my lasagna? no, it s good. -hmm. -oh. huh. [ both laugh ] here, blow. blow on it. you see it, right? is there a draft in here? i m telling you, it s so easy to get home insurance on progressive can t save you from becoming your parents. but we can save you money when you bundle home and auto.
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ohio governor john kasich tried to distinguish himself in the massive 2016 primary field by being a voice of reason. when i sat down with him today, we talked about whether he would try to it again in 2020 and whether that message will be better received in his own party now. well, you know i was thinking about this. first of all, everybody said they wanted to rip up the iran deal. i said no, no, we need to see how iran does and whether they abide by the deal. i m the only one saying that. 15 million hispanics who came here illegally, put them on a bus and ship them out. that s not practical. or we could balance the budget by going after waste, fraud and abuse. it was like, or i expanded medicaid because i thought the people who were drug addict and had mentally ill ought to get help. when i think back on that, that was pretty weird, you know. so why it was weird because i was really articulating in some
respects traditional, you know, mashl not totally traditional republican views, but that s not what the country wanted back then. what is traditional republican what are traditional republican views now? around long enough to have actually known and was here when ronald reagan was president. everybody talks about saint reagan, we all love him. what was he? well, he could make compromise when it was necessary. he was pragmatic. made a deal with tip o neal, we all know that about. he was pro immigrant. he was pro trade. he was you know, he was a growth guy. everybody should win, not just those at the top, but those at the bottom. it doesn t sound like president trump s republican party to me. well, is it trump s republican party? where is the party? i think the party has left me. i don t think i ve left the party. do you still consider yourself a republican? oh, yeah, yeah. kasie, here s the thing that s
amazing. me, i m not conservative enough. well, we have a balanced budget with very high ratings in ohio. we re running a $2 billion surplus. there are now one-half million ohioans working who didn t have a job when i came in, but we are also helping people who struggle. whether they re mentally ill or drug addicted who were pro immigrant. if immigrants don t want to live somewhere in america, come to ohio. we like to have you there. what s wrong with that? what s wrong with caring about people? what s wrong with lifting people? and what s wrong with balancing budgets, running surpluses and creating jobs? what am i missing about you tell me. i don t have any idea. it s the weirdest thing. why would somebody and first of all, i think today, honestly, there s two poles. there s the hard left and there s the hard right. and they don t want to hear anything, any information that disagrees with their position. but there is a vast ocean, i believe, in the middle and it is
filled with people who i hope who i believe are rational, objective and seek the truth because you know we re in a post-truth environment where we can t even agree that you and i ever sat here. some people would argue, right? if you can get that, i don t care whether you re republican, democrat, liberal. once we get folks there, we can meet all our issues. you re arguing for some sort of challenge to this powerpoint, or at least you re saying there would be room for somebody in that middle. well, i don t know. i have no idea. i wouldn t want to waste my time or my friends time, my family s time. and, you know, i don t know what i m going to do on that. i m more worried this is what s hard for people are you thinking about it? in this town no, all i m thinking about is all my option s are on the table. i don t know what i m going to do. i have no clue. i have no idea what i m going to do when i leave my current job. but because i speak out and i say these things, people think, well, he must be running for something. see, it s like no good deed
you are a politician. goes unpunished. some people say i ve drifted more towards philosophy than politics. if you saw my state of the state address, i m probably the only governor make a speech where i didn t brag about any accomplishments. i ve talking about virtue. i m talking about us, you know, going back and discovering and you saw some of this on the campaign trail, that i believe that the lord you don t have to agree with me on this, but the lord has printed his values and his virtues on our hearts and that s about compassion and forgiveness and hopefulness and human connectiveness. that s what i want to do. now, i don t know where that journey is going to take me. and in this town, i mean, one minute we ve got we re talking about whether the president is going to the correspondents dinner, the next minute we re firing the chaplain. who knows what s going to happen in this town. it s crazy. do you think president is a virtuous man? re: i would never be talking about whether somebody is virtuous you just talked about virtues
being printed on your heart. first of all, none of us are all that virtuous. we re all flawed. we all don t care enough. we all do things about ourselves, our egos do you think he s a good role model for your kids? i don t try to pick politicians or sports figures to be really role models for my kids. the best role models for my kids is me you re a politician. do i think leaders matter, yes. i also think the community matters because without the community you can t be successful. you re tilting at windmills. it sounds to me you re arguing there is this vast center that washington is crazy and that we need lead erders whe in the middle. no, you re not yet you re criticizing president trump. i m not saying that it s not the middle. no one wants to be in a middle. it s people who are rational, people who are so the president is not
rational. here s what i m saying. if you re on the extremes, you only absorb that that you agree with. and if you can be rational and if you can absorb things you don t agree with, and if you can be in a position of seeking the truth, everybothing is not abou fake news because i don t like what they re saying about me. it doesn t mean i m in the middle. i m rational. i can have great disagreements with people who are rational and seek the truth, but i believe i can mediate them. i can reach agreement with people who seek the truth and are objective. with people who are out here on the extremes or taking care of themselves, we ll come back for them later once we build our community. my disagreement with the president, he divides. i m not for dividers. i don t care whether it s the president or somebody running for congress or city council, doesn t matter to me. we can t have any more division in this country. i can disagree with you, but we don t have to divide ourselves. and you think president trump is divisive? he is divisive, yeah, yeah.
i wish he wasn t. i wish he d change. i said that from the beginning. that s why i didn t go to the convention, why i didn t endorse him. he didn t endorse him because he s mad. had nothing to do with it. i don t want our leaders to be saying, the reason why you don t have something is because somebody else took it from you. that creates a victim hood. you know there are many people in the country now who feel like victims. and when you re a victim, when you are a victim, you have no power, you feel hopeless, and you are angry. and i don t believe that our leaders should say, the reason why whatever it is if it s business or sports or religion or whatever. the reason why things are bad for you is because that person took your stuff. bad way to run our country. but we re a strong country. we ll be fine. to go back to what we were talking about earlier, there are reports that you met with billionaire donors over the course of the past week as you i try to meet with regular people and billionaires as i
can. i don t know where that report came from. i mean, i travelled the country. i was in texas last week. so did it not happen? no, no, i went down and i went to it made it look like there was some kind of like, i don t know, it was way out there. the story i thought was exaggerated but i was down there, i went to the barbara bush literacy council. i met people there who were wealthy. we see these people a r0u7round politics. just happened to let me be clear. i m going to keep my political operation alive. because i want to have a voice. and i need to raise certain amount of money each year in order to do that, to be effective. and to do my research, to be able to travel, to be able to be articulate, i m going to travel this fall for republicans who i believe can be objective and those who have courage. i m not 2r5678itraveling for peo are saluting the president. that s not what i m going to do. if you are engaging in division, i m not helping you. if you re somebody that wants to
stand up and be rational and all that kind of stuff and objective and seek the truth, i m going to come and help you because there are suburban republicans that are going to want me to go out and campaign for them and i will gladly do it because i m a republican and i m a conservative. so, do i meet with people who have money and ask them to help me? yes. i also have a website. why don t you send me a contribution. we won t tell anybody. i am not allowed to do that, sirp. you can t? i m sorry. john kasich, thank you so much. i appreciate your time. i enjoyed my chat with governor kasich. we have more. new secretary of state, new status quo in south korea? we ll talk to jonathan swan about his latest reporting. follow along on twitter at kasie d.c. share your favorite dogs watching the show, dogs watching kasie d.c. we re back after this. captivating exteriors dynamic lighting
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between kim jong-un and south korean president moon jae-in. it all comes as the president s new secretary of state mike pompeo is revealing new details about his recent meeting with the north korean leader. we had a extensive conversation on the hardest issues that face our two countries. i had a clear mission statement from president trump. when i left there kim jong-un understood the mission exactly as i ve described it today, and he agreed that he was prepared to talk about that and to layout a map that would help us achieve that objective. only time will tell if we can get that done. and now ahead of a possible summit with president trump next month, kim jong-un has informed the south korean president that he is prepared to abandon his nuclear weapons if the united states agrees to formally end the korean war, and promise not to invade his country. jonathan swan, you have new reporting and your sneak peek out tonight. what do you know? well, we had very interesting
series of events coming up and they all fit into trump s negotiating style. we talked a little about this earlier. if you take north korea, it s ratchet up the tension to 15 out of 10, and then bet that the other party will help you get to something maybe try and essentially take the temperature down. yeah. that they will assume that he s willing to go places that they re not willing to go, and that or he ll do something completely unpredictable. north korea is a perfect example. we have a delegation leaving tuesday night for beijing. steven mnuchin, bob lighthizer, larry kudlow, to negotiate with china, to try and find a gentle exit ramp from this escalating tariff war. we have another thing happening this week. at midnight, 1201, if trump
extends it, it is another pattern of extreme threat and we go somewhere quite moderate in the end. kathryn lucy, what s the view from the white house and the folks that you re talking to right now about what this historic meeting really means between north and south korea? do they feel like this is where the u.s. wants to be or is there concern about them kind of potentially moving past and leaving some of our interests, american interests behind? what you siee is certainly te president taking credit for this historic place we ve gotten to. it is a huge shift from where we were a few months ago in terms of little rocketman and nuclear threats. fire and fury. kbu i do thi but i do think you re hearing from officials there is healthy skepticism about the promises
we re hearing. we ve been here before. the negotiations have gotten us here, but where do you go next? and are the promises real or not, and if they re not, do you do another round of this? how do you move this forward. and john bolt on kind of made this the advisor on tv this morning. he said what we ve heard is words. 1992. i think he said what we ve heard so far is words. and you ve seen both democratic and republican administrations struggle with this. there is a bit of disconnect, quickly, between the president and his own white house officials. 100%. on his cavalier attitude. if it goes well, great, if not, i ll walk away from the meeting. of course there is this huge gamble. the second the president walks into the room, he has elevated kim and given north korea exactly what they wanted. so, if this works he gets credit for being responsible for the biggest diplomatic move since the end of the korean war. if it all goes south and he gets rolled, he s effectively elevated kim and has nothing to show for it. we know he really does want
to do the meeting. as a president, he wants to swing big as much as possible. it doesn t always work, but this is certainly the biggest possible swing he can take. there are republicans already trying to nominate him for the nobel peace prize. we ll keep talking about that. jeff bennett, thank you for your time tonight. i really appreciate it. still to come, things at the border with mexico are coming to a head. we re back after this. much, much better toys. introducing the 2018 c-class sedan, coupe and cabriolet. the thrills keep getting better. lease the c300 sedan for $419 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing.
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it was a pretty close call for republicans in arizona last week. republican debbie last co-eked out a narrow win in the special election in what was a heavily trump district. this week i asked congressional republicans about whether the margin should worry them as they face the midterm elections. what do you make of the results in arizona last night? a win is a win. there is a growing sense and this is a good thing. it s going to be a heck of a fight and you better be ready for it and start earlier and work harder than you ever were before. we better take the race seriously. the good news is she won. should republicans be worried? not in my opinion. everybody is well aware as a republican that it is going to be a very challenging political environment in november. and i think these special election results reinforce that, that challenge. the results out of arizona last night, do they concern you at all in your own senate bid? you know what, i was flying in, i haven t seen they have.
five points, 21 points for trump. you know what, i know we re working hard. marcia black burn, of course, potentially facing a loss in tennessee which should, should be a cake walk, we should say, for republicans. but jonathan swan, there are over 150 or about 150 republican members of congress who are in districts that are more democratic than this district in arizona. uh-huh. how panicked is or not is the white house about losing the house at this point? it depends who you talk to. there are like a very small number of people who are obsessed with this. it s like, you know, ring the bell, guys, we need to wake up, you know. he could get impeached. there are a whole bunch of people who don t seem to be thinking about it at all. i think a lot of what the divide is, you have people who have political experience nick
ayers with the vice-president, the vice-president is traveling. they have a sophisticated political team. the political director studies the data very closely. you have a whole bunch of other people who have never been to washington and worked on a campaign where all the pundits told them they were going to lose, and so i think there is so they basically don t believe it. truly, i really do when you talk to them they re like, yeah, that s what you guys say. let s check in in november. so, there is a lot of that going on and you can understand why. i think it s interesting that of the members who you spoke to for that package there, ryan costello from pennsylvania sounded the most concerned. the reading rules in pennsylvania means there are seats available that wouldn t otherwise be. there are states where there is anxiety, especially given p pennsylvania was a trump state. i think the concern is going to be whether it expands beyond. many of these suburban districts are already gone. costello is retiring. that s right. there is already a lot of
anxiety about suburban districts. are rural districts going to be in play? there are districts that can straddle that. what we ve seen so far from all of the specials is that democratic enthusiasm is real. there s no question. they are overperforming. this is real and it s also historically midterm years are challenging. and there certainly are people telling the president that this is potential this is a problem, this is something the white house needs to think about. they need to be strategic about what he does and where he goes. it s just not clear he s hearing that. you re looking at the new york times has been reporting on this topic. mcconnell has warned the president. if his warning is not enough, marc short, the liaison used the dinner at the white house to offer an even starker assessment. the gop s majority is all but doomed he said. marc short, one of those people who has, as you referenced, worked in this arena for quite sometime. the other piece of this, i think, you re seeing nancy pelosi on the other side. if we re talking about
impeachment, we re handing a gift to the gop. right. they don t want to get the republican base fired up. they re walking democrats are walking this interesting line. they all want to impeach the guy, but if they talk about impeachment, if you are thinking about what s going to get this sort of, you know, not very impressed complacent republican off his couch to the polls talking about impeachment is probably one of those things. indeed. betsy woodruff, kathryn lucy, thank you for your time tonight. i appreciate it. when we come back we continue our series on the historic wave of women running for congress. we ll introduce you to democrat katie wilson trying to pry a seat away from the youngest woman to ever win a seat in congress. we re back after this. . for all the people who sneeze around dust. there s flonase sensimist allergy relief. it relieves all your worst symptoms including nasal congestion, which most pills don t. it s more complete allergy relief. and all from a gentle mist you can barely feel. flonase sensimist helps block 6 key inflammatory substances.
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go to - get a coupon and try them for yourself. fun of because you guys don t do anything. people think you might flip the house and senate this november, but you guys always find a way to mess it up. you re somehow going to lose to a guy named jeff pedophile nazi doctor. one of those races taken
first in the. one of them is katy wilson. if she would did manage to win the nomination she ll face off against a republican incumbent who won by more than 35 points in 2016. joining me is katy wilson. thank you for your time tonight. i appreciate it. it s wonderful to be here. so you are facing in the primary dylan redirect examination radigan. what is your strategy for fighting back against that. you re in a very, very crowded field. how do you break through? i think it s representative of what s going on across the country right now. i am someone who represents working people in a rural working class district it s about who people trust. who s going to motivate people to get out and vote and turnout and finally have a voice in d.c.
have you worked with any of the groups in washington, the d triple c, emily s list, as you make this bid. one concern i have is they hope the wave of women candidate have something to show at the end of the day. it s rough. to be honest, the d triple c gave me advice in the beginning and it wasn t very good advice. what was it? hire this person, that person, make sure you have these contracts with these big firms. what we re doing is rallying people who are not in this for the money but the win. that is what makes me confident we can win this thing. you have not joined several of your kcompetitors sad if we loose, we will make sure
we do not run third party bids. is that something you would consider? i won t consider an independent bid. i m not here to be a spoiler. i m here to help take back a seat and i m committed to winning the democratic line. so i m hoping to go into the general election strong and have more than one line to be on. voter psychology gives us a shot at taking the democratic seat back. leaders have been in place for a decade plus, do you think it s time for some of them to go? are you angling up towards the nancy pelosi question? i do. i think it s time for a new generation of leadership. we need to change the way we re doing things in d.c., and that s why i m running, and potentially a lot of people running.
is there anyone that you could take speaker of the house. someone i that first med is sherry wes toe. she s out in the district, spending time with people keeping her in office. someone like sherry or someone like katherine clark. there are a lot of incredible women out there, and men, who i think could serve that position well. nancy pelosi has been quoted recently and said directly now, that talking about impeachment is a loser for the democrats in the fall. do you agree on that front or do you think the president should be impeached based on what we know now? i think we need to get to the bottom of it. do we have the information? we need to make sure the investigation continues without
any more entrepreneinterruption to the bottom of it. whether or not we should talk about it should be clear soon. congress has to take a good hard look at that and pursue whatever information arises. there s so much to get toll in the next hour. i m joined by angus khang and beto roerk. ught a house. okay. [ buttons clicking ] [ camera shutter clicks ] so, now that you have a house, you can use homequote explorer. quiet. i m blasting my quads. janice, look. i m in a meeting. -janice, look. -[ chuckles ] -look, look. -i m looking. it s easy. you just answer some simple questions online,
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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20180315 01:00:00

protests across the country. you can t make this up, we have the video evidence tonight. this comes as the house overwhelmingly passed a new school safety bill so it s time to protect our kids in school the same way democrats protect themselves. also brand-new tonight, the acting director of i.c.e. is fiercely responding to nancy pelosi who called federal immigration authorities cowardly and families whose loved ones were killed by a criminal illegal immigrants are demanding that the doj prosecute this liberal mayor of oakland, california, and also tonight, the liberals are racing to attack the first female cia director nominee. why? she was too tough on terrorists. what they won t tell you is that gina haskell saved american lives. also tonight, i have a special message. tell your republican congress meant senators to watch. we have all of that new information and tonight s breaking news monologue.
tonight we start with the bombshell development about former deputy fbi director andrew mccabe red fox news tonight reporting that the attorney general jeff sessions is renewing stomach reviewing a declaration to give mccabe the acts and sources are telling fox news that firing mccabe before friday would mean he would lose his taxpayer-funded pension. he said to retire on sunday, something explosive has gone on here. this new development is raising speculation about the doj inspector general s report about the fbi s phony clinton email investigation where the fix was in, that could be released soon. fox news has learned that the inspector general s investigation has discovered that mccabe was not forthcoming about his approval for an fbi official to talk to reporters about the bureau s investigation into the clinton foundation and according to reports, this scandal is what forced mccabe to be removed from that position and placed on leave.
according to a wall street journal report from earlier this year, mccabe would in an entire month to inform congress, remember those huma abedin emails that were found on anthony weiner s laptop? why would he wait? of course there was the text message from the truncating fbi lovers peter stark and lisa page where they mentioned talking to andy. about that insurance policy god forbid if donald trump won the election. then you have mccabe s wife jill, she took over $700,000 of political contributions from hillary clinton s ally terry macola and another democratic group for an obscene amount of money. the attorney general jeff sessions should not be contemplating a decision here, because the answer is obvious and the facts are staring session right in the face. mccabe is correct and he s as quick as they come. he s one of the state actors
win! are you going to do whatever it takes to beat the gun lobby? are we going to ban assault weapons? are we going to have universal background checks? sean: unbelievable and then there s new york governor andrew cuomo who actually participated and i d die in a protest in new york city. take a look. he had tons of security also. shameless hypocrites. they stand in front of crowds of people, no fear about their own personal safety because they are surrounded by armed security, but they would deny those same protections to america s school children. does that make any sense? by the way, here s a quick question. if being protected by armed police officers is good for these politicians, should only be good for our children and
america s schools? pretty simple answer, right? have you noticed that congressional democrats are always the champions of gun free zones except places where they work? there s tons of security at the capital in the same goes for hollywood liberals. those pompous award ceremonies have more security than fort knox, but in their minds, it s outrageous for schools to take the same precaution that they have. you want to protect america s schools and our kids, the solutions are obvious. i have highlighted them on this show. in a comprehensive threat security assessment, unit controlled points of entry, you need to secure the perimeters, you need school ideas, metal detectors, and concealed carry highly trained retired former police and military. by the way, the house to take a step forward today, they overwhelmingly passed a school safety bill that awards grant money to stop the violence in schools. it s a good start, but it s not good enough.
america s schools deserve the same security that liberals demand for themselves. also tonight, the acting director of i.c.e. slamming nancy pelosi for daring to call federal immigration authorities that risked their lives every single day to keep this country safe, nancy called them cowardly. watch this. it not only did she say they were cowardly, she said that i.c.e. was terrorizing immigrant communities. you talk about law enforcement officers, these are men and women that put their lives on the line for this country every day. they leave the safety and security of their homes to defend this nation, so how dare you call them cowardly. to say that word that we are terrorizing these communities, some of these have assault with deadly weapons, murder, these people were terrorizing immigrant communities. i.c.e. went and remove these people. sean: nancy pelosi and liberals are making it clear they have no problem putting
people like haspel literally saved american lives and that s why she is a patriot. democrats should not put partisan petty politics ahead of your national security. of course we would have preferred not to be attacked on 9/11, but sadly, we all know, evil does exist. medical lobbyists came here. finally tonight, i have a message. congressional republicans after last night s special election in the 18th district of pennsylvania. g.o.p. members of congress, take a good, long look in the mirror because that could be your future. if it happens, you have nobody to blame but yourselves. you can put aside the fact that this was an excellent case because the democrats who tended to be pro-life, pro-second amendment and pearl trump in anti-pelosi, so he s kind of acting like republican and he s quickly going to fall in line with whatever nancy pelosi tells them to do, watch and see. what happened last night should
serve as a warning for all republicans, you want to be successful in 2018, there s a simple solution. keep all of the promises you made and campaign years. it s really that simple. that s the best politics. make the country safer, give us a great economy, go back to her district, liquor voters in the eye and tell them that you did what you said you were going to do. you ve already passed tax cuts, good job, but you also promised to repeal and replace obamacare and you also promised to build the wall. now is your opportunity. it s march, you have until november to follow through, show some backbone, show some vision, we mean when you say, say what you mean and finish the job and obamacare and start building a wall. if you do that, my guess is, i ve only been at this 30 years, voters are going to reward you and if you don t do it, they probably won t. a lot of juice to make him obligate all of it. joining us now for reaction,
news contributor sara carter, fox news legal analyst, gregg jarrett. i want to start with andrew mccabe. as of sunday, he would receive a government pension for the rest of his life. if he is fired before sunday, that pension is gone. the rules are quite clear, if you like, you re fired. if you re a fire, he should not get a pension. the story of andrew mccabe proves the old richard nixon adage, it s always the cover up and not the crime. apparently the inspector general had determined that mccabe was covering up and lying about his conversations about giving permission to reporters to talk about the hillary clinton case. he could be charged for lying, it s a crime, making false statement in an investigation, but this is a guy who signed off
on the fisa warrant knowing that when he was doing was against the law and six different felonies. this is a guy who cleared hillary clinton along with others at the fbi in a face of compelling evidence she committed crimes and this is a guy along with others who appears to have sanitized the so-called exoneration statement which is obstruction of justice. losing his pension is the least of andrew mccabe s worries right now. sean: sara carter. let s go to you. i agree with greg on this. there s a number of things that we can look at. what we know right now is what we are hearing and reports and what very few sources are saying about what the ig has to say. the responsibility would not send this recommendation if they did not feel there was something so strong, something so poignant that they would have to ask for mccabe s firing which i believe is eminent and which i believe sessions will have no other choice but to do this wee
week. sean: it s not just mccabe. you ve got that text messages between the lovebirds, lisa page and peter strzok. how does loretta lynch get away with this and where s jim comey? comey along with others put the fix in. he said he did make up his mind until he interviewed hillary clinton, but they were writing the exoneration months earlier. where s comey and all of us as he prepares for his big book tour? i think comey will have to prepare himself for the ig report because the ig report isn t going to just focus on mccabe. it s focused on the entire fbi and how they handled the investigation into hillary clinton s use of that private server to send classified information. the fact that it was shut down we re only seeing a narrow portion of this. once the ig report comes out, i m sure there will be other
recommendations made. i m certain comey will be part of that, lisa page, peter strzok will also be a part of that report. sean: hasn t this been going on for 14 months? many former prosecutors and lawyers who have been working on this. this is huge, this is very expensive. remember, it s not just the i.t., there is a prosecutor looking at the specifics right now so that means if the ig found something, very significant, something he s going to follow up on and another thing, the story i read about this week, remembered judicial watch and former fbi special agent have sued the fbi for all of mccabe s text messages, for all of his emails at the bureau because they believe that will show a timeline for when we will be able to see how they slow rolled the investigation into hillary and got full involvement in the hillary clinton investigation and they have refused to give that up.
sean: where do you see this going? a lot of people are in jeopardy and the ig report may reveal a lot. the acts of corruption and illegality here were so pervasive and involves so many different people at the fbi and the department of justice and protecting hillary clinton and conjuring a fraudulent investigation of donald trump under the guise of counterintelligence, but it was difficult to unravel it and gather all of the evidence. sean: no evidence of collusion. i read it on the air multiple times, but in the process of investigating this, what did we learn? the fix was in on hillary clinton and we have evidence to prove it. we didn t mention loretta lynch either, but then we find out after a year that it was hillary
that she controlled financially that are responsible for paying for this phony russian dossier, then the lies to the fisa court. how do you get to ignore hillary s collusion? how do you ignore that dossier? where was comey, where was andrew mccabe when all of this was happening? why didn t they say wait a minute? stop right here, we cannot use an unverified document to serve vail and american citizen because the law says you have to verify it first. the law by the way also says we can t find the critical information that was paid for by hillary clinton, but they went ahead and they did it anyway. sean: what about these reports to make? what are you hearing about possible trump administration changes with mcmaster and at
the va and the chief of staff and the attorney general? i think the president, president trump sent a very clear message, and i know this from talking to sources with the firing of rex tillerson, he s sending a message across the board to everyone, even allies overseas. he s saying to either work with me, but if you re working against me behind my back, i know this and if you re not going to work with me on this, then we are going to get rid of you and if were not doing her job, then we are taking you out. sean: will of the country explode if jeff sessions is out? i understand the president s frustration about the recusal. if he knew he was going to recuse himself, he never should have taken the position because without that recusal, none of this happens. he betrayed the president. he knew he was going to recuse himself because he testified that the very next day he put the recusal and motion. he never told the president
about that and by the way, he cited the regulation of his recusal, it was the wrong law. it didn t apply. that s true, but he was being advised badly at that time. by obama s holdovers. who would believe them? sean: what about the political fallout if he did tha that? i don t know if we see massive political fallout. he would feel it from republicans to support sessions or don t want to see him removed, but i think sessions is probably the least of it right now because i think what we re hearing from from sessions in the attorney general is that there are things in motion at the doj taking place right now that they can t discuss publicly because we won t even know if there s a grand jury convening on some of this. that s a very private. he does say there is a prosecutor looking into this.
i think other people should be more worried. i think the head of the veterans administration should be very concerned. there are a lot of people i ve spoken with that have said he s not doing his job, he doesn t know how to be a leader, he has an armed guard outside the door, people can access him. i think there s people that need to be very worried. jeff sessions is a very nice man i m sure, i don t know him personally, but he has to be the most incapable attorney general. the two there was a clinton foundation investigation. we re told he believes the process i think he s naive and gullible and he s a puppet and rob rosenstein is a puppeteer. we should wait until mccabe
is fired. sean: what you guys have been great, thank you both. now president trump only moments ago, he arrived at the white house following his visit to st. louis. another major story we are following tonight almost immediately after the president announced he was nominating gina haspel to run the cia after some people in the media were waiting to attack and wait until you are the reason why. take a look at this. she was involved with the torture program after september 11th and then and involved with destroying videotapes of the matter also. that might be something that could be problematic. she has a real history with enhanced interrogation in the cia. a lot of people raising questions including john mccain about the fact that in 2002, she ran a black site cia prison in thailand were suspects were tortured and she also reportedly her name was on
in order for the district no tapes. but you support her. i do, she clearly presided over a massive illegal operation that violated both the u.s. law and international law. i m sure those orders came down from above her, but that is no excuse. sean: jose rodrigues is the former head of the cia national clandestine service. he praised the intelligence like the one that haspel ran. here s what rodriguez told me and 2014. this is crucial. with those of us who let the intelligence come out of black sites every morning know the value and basically the destruction of an organization. sean: led to the destruction of an organization.
without interrogation techniques, there is no getting usama bin laden. she saved american lives. i wish the world was an evil, sadly it is. former deputy assistant to the president, sebastian gorka, ed henry. by the way, ed, this is a full-time gig. what is up with that? they re going to oppose the first woman ever nominated to lead the cia and they re saying she s too tough on terror? jose rodriguez witnessed the waterboarding and he knows the information extracted. this is almost tailor-made for their white house. if they were to design a strategy, they could sit around and table and say if only the democrats would accuse our cia nominee of being too tough on terrorists, that were too tough on try to take out al qaeda and
isis, that would be exactly what they would like to design and that s what the democrats are doing. on top of that, should be the first woman to lead the cia. that s a wonderful achievement if she is confirmed and then you have democrats like chuck schumer and dianne feinstein sanction when i get the job. there are legitimate questions to be raised about those techniques. there was the great debate as a remember better than anyone at the end of the bush administration, and almost everyone of those clips, various journalists are talking about the allegations that may have broken the law, but not one talked about the actual intelligence gone from that to wipe out terrorists. sean: jose rodriguez couldn t be more clear to me, if they didn t use these techniques against kay sm, that led to the couriers, ben martin, led to its killing bin laden. i wish the world wasn t full of
evil radical islamic terrorists that think they re doing god s will by killing innocent people, but they killed 3,000 americans. to me, she s a hero. that s why i wrote the book because we are at war with evil. the left wants to attack a female appointee of a republican president. they couldn t care less about whether we torture people or not, these are all politicians they were briefed behind closed doors, they have no issues with interrogation techniques, but all they do. let s go back in time. the last administration is run by a guy called obama had a female national security advisor. they were just involved in things that were dubious when it comes to interrogations. this was an administration that had something called the threat to disposition matrix. a big ipad on which he would decide which terrorists were
going to kill today including more than one american citizen abroad. they want to get high and mighty when their president and female national security advisor are killing americans without due process? sean: think of the mind-set. bill clinton, $3 billion and this is a good deal. i can t even fathom what obama was thinking $350 billion in the hands of people chanting death to america. in the same mind-set, we can t have people who we know our terrorists about information killing americans. we better build them soccer fields and make sure that we cater to their dietary needs. i don t understand the mind-set.
a traffic cop in d.c. was put in prison because they thought he was wiring $500 to isis. it was actually an fbi contact and he goes to jail. the obama administration sent $150 billion. sean: i can t even comprehend how stupid that is. other news in washington tonight. the other big story is dealing with the school safety what it s about is training teachers and school officials to deal with the threat. you have democrats make a putting there are no gun control measures, but let s remember it started out in the it s all
about the nra and gun control as we got more facts about how the police didn t respond quick enough, some were afraid to go in. it shifted from gun-control to school safety so that house pastor, the senate still needs to. sean: what a display to see politicians showing solidarity for students wanting to get rid of weapons. thank you both. great report. when we come back, yes, he s back. mark levin is going to weigh in on adam schefter straight ahead
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so, maybe it s time to upgrade. get more out of your water. get zerowater. sean: the g.o.p. and intelligence committee investigation is over, and concluded there is zero evidence of trunk collusion after 14 months. that is not stopping democratic hack congressman adam schiff who
pushes his ever-changing narrative to try and desperately proved that this trump-russia collusion after 14 long months and even he admitted two weeks ago, no evidence. take a look. unfortunately, i can t go into the evidence. do you have something hard that you can t reveal? i can t reveal that. there is evidence, it s another thing to say we can prove this got a reasonable doubt or there s enough evidence to bring to a grand jury. i don t think we can say anything definitively at this point. we are still at the very early stages of investigation. we haven t seen actual proof of cooperation and collusion, so what am i missing? you have to look at the pattern and chronology. the russians offered help, the help was accepted. that s pretty. what you said you had more than circumstantial evidence of
treasonous collusion with russia. what specifically where you re referring to? if it s true, i do believe americans have the right to know what that is. [applause] i so there is ample evidence, and never use the word treason only steve bannon has used that word. if you look at the facts in the public domain, they are pretty damning. there s something they can still hold over the presidents ahead. i can say with confidence that there is significant evidence of collusion between the campaign in russia. sean: it s 14 months, what is it? here with the answer, the host of live-in tv and the host of the number one show three weekends in a row, very proud of my body, the great one, mark le. how am i?
this guy has been lying to this country for well over a year. meghan mccain destroyed him. your thoughts? my thoughts are this. mr. schiff is a shelf of the russian government and i m going to tell you why it is schiff who is a propagandist for the russian government despite his spending unreleased left wing tv shows. he put out a list of 30 more interviews he wants to do. even though the republicans on the committee so there s no collusion and he mentions reince priebus, stephen miller, mcfarlane, sean spicer, kelling and conway, a bunch of consultants, people with the trump organization. a summary that runs a group, christian right activists. of course he wants donald trump jr. to kick around. he wants jared kushner to kick around. family members. on and on and on. let me tell you who he doesn t
want. let me tell you who this shelf or russia doesn t want. he doesn t want hillary clinton. he didn t say we should subpoena hillary clinton even though the hillary clinton campaign that laundered money to a law firm to do what? to corroborate with the russians with their phony dossier. why is that? since we know they colluded. i don t know if that was wasserman schultz, he doesn t want to subpoena them and question them. where did their money come from? that money that they laundered through that law firm to the law firms? that s something he doesn t want to talk about. i ve got more. barack obama. how could it possibly be that the president of the united states under whom all this occurred, donald trump is a candidate, he is a victim.
barack obama was president of the united states when the russians were interfering with our election. don t the american people want to hear from barack obama in an open committee hearing will mr. shell for the russians doesn t. what about loretta lynch and her role as attorney general? she s not on his list. neither are other senior just officials. what about these fisa court judges who know as a matter of fact that the warrant against citizens was materially false because it omitted everything i just told you about in the dossier. he is not interested in uranium one, he doesn t make a single request for a witness or subpoena. 20% of americans uranium is now controlled by vladimir putin because schiff is a shelf or a pollutant. what else doesn t he want? he doesn t want to hear
bill clinton testify who got money from the russians to give speeches around the same time. he doesn t want anyone from the clinton foundation to testify, any of the senior officials. that foundation made a fortune off the russians. who else doesn t he want to testify? to the british x5, he doesn t want susan rice back. why doesn t he want susan rice back? there s a new book out that says susan rice objected to the cyber security personnel and the white house who said he susan, the russians are interfering with our elections and she told them stand down. shouldn t susan get another invitation with a subpoena to testify before the committee? apparently not because mr. schiff is a shell. how about ben rhodes?
doesn t mr. schiff want to know what the obama national security council knew about russian interference in our government? he doesn t mention her at all. let me tell you something. mr. schiff is not interested and the abuses of the fisa application process. he s not interested in what the court did, he s not interested that american citizens were spied on and their names were unmasked. i will tell you this mr. schiff, you are a leaguer. because you are on that committee, it ought to be called the house stupid committee. you re the ranking democrat on the committee. i have a challenge for you, why don t you take a lie detector test? why don t you take a lie detector test so the american people can be sure that you, all over tv, ubiquitous, you might as well be on airport radar and sonograms.
your everywhere, sir. you tell us you don t leak, okay. take a lie detector test because i believe you do. comey leaked, deputy fbi director mccabe, leaguer. james clapper according to a new book, leaguer this has been a sham from day one. why would the russians want donald trump as president of united states? they ve got crimea, part of the ukraine, they ve got a big chunk of syria, they ve got 20% of our uranium. why would vladimir putin want donald trump as president of the united states when he promised to beef up the military? sean: i couldn t say it any better. i want to ask you about robert
mueller. you re right on every point you just made. the fix was in in the primary, democrats can do with their own party. the fix we know was in, we learn more in the ig report. she tried to fix the general election, they paid for russian and russian government lies. then you mentioned the fisa court. why is it that robert mueller hasn t lifted a finger to go into any of these issues? what does it say about our justice system? i believe you and your democratic prosecutors mr. mueller, i have a question for you. you ve asked repeatedly rob rosenstein to expand your authority. to chase down issues that have nothing to do with russian collusion. now you re running around over
here, why haven t you asked mr. rosenstein, your friend, the deputy attorney general of united states to expand your investigation to include the hillary campaign? why haven t you asked mr. rosenstein to expand your investigation to look into the russian apparatchiks who gave information to a former ex-british spy who was paid through a process from the hillary clinton campaign? why don t you look at that? how come you haven t looked at the abuse and violations by your friend, mr. comey and the former attorney general of united states? i ll tell you why. because he s a hit man. he got the whole anthrax investigation wrong and has an apologized. he s out to get the president. sean: best one of the night.
great to see you. congrats, number one on the ratings three weekends in a row. when we come back, democrats, are they finally over hillary clinton? jesse watters and jessica tarlov. we ll find out who s world it is straight ahead. you to vote. broccoli!
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pressure to vote the way that your husband, your boss, your son, whoever believes you should. his whole campaign, make america great again, was looking backwards. you didn t like black people getting rights, you don t like women getting jobs, you don t want to see that indian-american succeed anymore than you are. whatever your problem is, i m going to solve it. sean: it s not just republicans taking issue with her remarks. many democrats are now calling clinton s continued remarks harmful to the party. joining us now, the cohost of the five and host of waters road, jesse watters. do it together. these bitter people that cling, irredeemable deplorable s and women in the united states, they
voted the way their husbands, sons, and bosses told them to vote and they re racist. just the white women. sean: they listen to their bosses, husbands, and sons. what century as this woman living in? i think it s going to be just a close world tonight. it s an extremely unhelpful comment to make. sean: do you believe that white women in america vote because their husbands, bosses, and sons tell them how to vote? husbands cannot control their wives. if they could, bill clinton would have convinced hillary to campaign in wisconsin and this whole racism thing, rural america is racist, how did obama
win iowa twice? she insults women and everybody that doesn t live in a city. she is a deplorable candidate, but i want to see cricket hillary 2020. i don t want to shut her up. i think it s sexist for the democrats to want to shut her up. let her keep talking, she is the gift that keeps on giving. there is no way to defend those comments, they don t make a lot of inherent sense. white women tend to go that way because the republicans. sean: you would still vote for her? i don t agree with that. sean: i m worried. i saw her slip and fall. first of all, nothing happened, but we didn t go after people for mental issues or physical. i don t call trump mentally ill,
but i ve made it a point, i think he does a lot of kooky things, but i m not willing to say hillary has insulted more americans. sean: do you think jesse is an irredeemable deplorable? jesse seems quite fine. i could never convince you to vote for someone you wouldn t want to vote for because you are a very strong, upstanding woman. it s out of step with what she s been advocating her entire career. sean: do you think it has to do with she can accept that she got crushed in the election?
it was like pretty many. if you look at what could have happened, it could have been worse. sean: she could have lost you guys are having a great time. let s talk about connor leon. that s a district that vote for trump by 20 points. so the husbands in that district convinced their wives to vote democrat. that s not what happened. sean: the democrats would have to be pro-life and pro-trump. i ve got to go. it s his world.
katy perry under fire for kissing a contestant. i have a message for katie. -if you told me a year ago where i d be right now. aah! .i would have said you were crazy. but so began the year of me. i discovered the true meaning of paperless discounts. and the indescribable rush of saving drivers an average of $620. why does fear feel so good? i fell in love three times once with a woman, once with a country, and finally. with myself. -so, do you have anything to declare or not? -isn t that what i m doing?
all right. so american idol co host katy perry is getting backlash. she gave a 19-year-old his first kiss during an audition. everybody is outraged. take a look. have you kissed a girl and liked it? no, i have never been in a relationship. come here. come here right now. hold on. you come here right now. come here. on the cheek? uh-huh. he didn t even make the smush sound. come on. oh! it went down!
the contestant said the kiss was uncomfortable. stop! everybody calm down. it looked listen, it was charming. seemed nice, fun, innocent. stop with the outrage. i m not going to get outraged. time for the hannity hotline. please quick showing them and the democrats. i can t stand it when you do that. makes me so mad. i have a terrier dog that is smarter than they are. i cannot believe hillary clinton. she can t just own it. she lost because of her. i m a woman and i voted for donald trump. i didn t listen to my husband. i voted for donald trump. i just wish she would go away. really? women in america voted for trump because their husbands, sons and

The-way , Democrats , Country , House , School-safety-bill , Kids , Video-evidence , School , Up , Immigrants , Ice , Immigration

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Outnumbered Overtime With Harris Faulkner 20180302 18:00:00

would be no better time than right now at billy graham s funeral. to settle this once and for eternity. it s simply by faith, simply by believing. and if you were to just pray a simple prayer like, this just say in your heart, just say this in your heart. god, i m a sinner. i m sorry for my sins. forgive me. i believe that jesus christ is your son. and i want to trust him as my savior. and i want to follow him as my lord. if you just pray a simple prayer like that, god will forgive your sins and you can have that hope of eternal life. i last visited with my father sunday, february the 18th. and on the 21st of february he was escorted by god s angels to the throne of god. and i could only imagine what it was like for my father to step in to heaven.
and there was the lord jesus christ to say well done, good and faithful servant. there was the throne of god. can you just imagine that? my mother, his mother, father, friends, clapping, cheering, bells ringing, trumpets blowing. not because it was billy graham. it s just another child of god had come home. another child of god. daddy, i won t see you on this earth again, but i will see you again. i will see you maybe soon but not yet. to god be the glory. [applause]
thank you, franklin. and those last words that he said are something we all should leave with today as we sing a wonderful hymn to god be the glory, great things he hath done. great our rejoicing through jesus his son. will we stand together as we sing this wonderful hymn for the benediction. but everyone sing join and lift your voice. let him be heard. to god be the glory great things he hath done and open the flood gates that all may go in praise the lord praise the lord let the earth hear his
voice praise the lord praise the lord let the people rejoice oh, come to the father, through jesus, the son and give him the glory, great things he hath done oh, perfect redemption, the purchase of blood to every believer, the promise of god the vialest offender who truly believes that moment from jesus, a pardon receives praise the lord praise the lord let the earth hear his voice praise the lord praise the lord let the people rejoice
oh come to the father through jesus the son and give him the glory, great things he hath done. snows great things he hath taught us great things he hath done and great our rejoicing through jesus the son but purer and higher and greater will be our wonder, our transport when jesus we see praise the lord praise the lord let the earth hear his voice praise the lord praise the lord let the people rejoice oh come to the father
through jesus the son and give him the glory great things he hath done let the church say amen. amen. let us say it one more time for the father. amen. and the holy ghost. amen. i had the privilege of praying as dr. graham dedicated the highway out there. so i have the privilege now, my great honor to give this benediction to this great service. hasn t it been a great service? amen. let s give god the praise. [applause] celebration. celebration.
and now may the grace of god, the sweet communion of his holy spirit, may it rest, rule, and abide with us henceforth and forever more and the church said amen. now i m going to ask you to do one thing for me. they asked me to do this last night and i told them i would get it right. so help me, please. because i won t get to do this again. [laughter] please remain standing until all until you are told to do the next thing. [laughter] god bless you:
[bagpipes] [bagpipes] [amazing grace] [amazing grace]
[bagpipes] [bagpipes] [bagpipes]
away in 2007. the ceremony taking place under a massive tent there in charlotte at the billy graham library. as you can see, more than 2,000 people from all over the world. 500 countries represented there as they make their way out. we also saw the president, donald trump, the first lady melania in attendance, as well as the vice president mike pence and his wife karen. the funeral being called graham s last could you said. hilast crusade. franklin saying billy graham said one day you will read billy graham is dead. don t believe one word of it. i will be more alive than i am now. i will have just changed addresses that s all. billy graham s funeral and ceremony continuing now with a private service for the burial of billy graham as we yoall say our goodbyes after a very special service there please stay tuned to fox news channel and this station for continuing
coverage of. i m sandra smith. live fox news coverage in new york. we have continuing coverage of the billy graham funeral. we are joined by chris wallace, anchor of fox news sunday. bret baier anchor of special report and shannon bream fox news at night host joins us as well. shannon, may i start with you first. what a special ceremony we have been all watching this together, starting out with one of his sisters and we heard from many of his children, all with incredibly sentimental thoughts looking back at their father s life. yeah, it was a beautiful ceremony. i had a chance to hear him in high school in the 1980s in tallahassee, florida. he came and for days filled up the football stadium at florida state university. he attracted great crowds, but he always said faithfully through the end of his life it wasn t about him. it was about attracting people to jesus christ u i had a chance, too, to visit over at the capitol rotunda this week where he was lying
in honor. i didn t see one person of all the people cued up and waiting in lines. not one person with tears. they were all with smiles believing as you noted there with graham franklin his son said don t grieve. he is in heaven now. my one purpose in life is to help people find a personal relationship with god which i believe comes through knowing christ. that s what this service was all about today. transparency. his daughter ruth talked about going through two devastating divorces. the second one her parents had warned her against moving too quickly in this relationship. she said it fell apart quickly and she was so humiliated and worried she would embarrass her father but not just that billy graham. talked about the two day drive home not knowing how her parents were going to receive her and winding up that driveway she saw her father waiting for her to get out of that car and tomorrow brace her. it was all about forgiveness and redemption. that s what he spent his whole life preaching about today and that s what that service was about as well.
sandra: have you been watching this ceremony with us with the president in the first row looking quite engaged because it was absolutely beautiful ceremony. chris? it was a great funeral, which is an odd thing to say. but it was and so often these big events get overwhelmed by the scale and the ceremony. but this had a deeply personal feeling and it was very revealing of who billy graham was anne graham lotz, one of the older sisters who billy graham used to say was the best preacher in the family. she was just terrific. i was also struck as shannon was by that very moving speech by her younger sister ruth graham a tribute to her dad who says i always have to follow her, being ann graham her older sister and told that story which told so much about, you know, being worried that she had embarrassed the family by these two failed marriages and billy and his wife ruth were there to greet her and
forgive her and tell her that their lo for her was as unconditional as ever. and then franklin graham, who has taken over the ministry the billy graham evangelical association, i was struck as you were, sandra by i have never been more alive as i am right now i have just changed addresses. very moving moment at the end when he said if this was were your funeral, would you be in heaven? are you sure? because that s really what it was all about. it s not honoring billy graham. it s a message to each of us to do what we need to do to get right with the lord. and to take our lead a life that will lead us to heaven. i thought it was a very moving ceremony. and all you had to do, if you never heard billy graham say a word was to listen to his daughters and his son and you knew who billy graham was and what his message and his values were.
sandra: breath, since webrete have heard reference back to the words where she ended saying she walked up the driveway tout family home and there her father was, billy graham, and all he had to say after all her troubles and heart break was welcome home. let s listen to this. questions swirled in my mind, what was i going to say to daddy? what was i going to say to mother? what was i going to say to my children. i had been such a failure. what were they going to say to me? we re tired of fooling with you. we told you thought to do it. you ve embarrassed us. and let me tell you, you women will understanding you don t want to embarrass your father you really don t want to embarrass billy graham. [laughter] and many of you know that we live on the side of a mountain. as i wound myself up the mountain, i rounded the bass bend in my father s driveway
and my father was standing there waiting for me. as i got out of the car, he wrapped his arms around me and he said welcome home. there was no shame. there was no blame. there was no condemnation. just unconditional love. and you know, my father was not god. but he showed me what god was like that day. when we come to god with our sin, our brokenness, our failure, our pain and our hurt, god says welcome home. sandra: bret, there was not a dry eye on this couch and including may i say it father jonathan. but what a beautiful sentiment from his family there. it really was, and i was struck by this ceremony being split, really. it was a very personal family ceremony in that
gene, gigi ruth, anne, franklin all speaking, offering personal sentiment. sometimes talking directly to daddy and having messages for him. and the other side is the pastor who preached to more than 200 million people. 185 countries, 77 million people saw him in person, in 60-plus years of being a preacher. and you heard the two representatives from the middle east, sammy degar and billy kim from korea talking about the reach that billy graham had throughout the world. so i was struck by the two sides of this. the pastor to the world, really. he was called america s pastor and then the family side of this that he was daddy. and they were saying goodbye to him. we talked earlier about the marker on his grave stone. and it will just say november 7th, 1918 to february 21st, 2018, preacher of the gospel of the lord jesus christ, john
14:6. that s all it will say. john 14:6, of course, jesus answered i am the way, the truth, and the life. no one comes to the father except through me. the verse that was central to graham s preaching his ministry around the world. sandra: beautiful stuff. harris: i want to draw our attention to the family members now as everyone has come out of that tent, it was a revival of spirit and such a great tribute but also just for all of us watching. it was a reminder of christianity and jesus christ and all of the things that reverend graham was about as you saw the sun come up. we have had a nor easter on the coast. you could see that and had this been anywhere enclosed. i know the president of the united states offered up the cathedral, the nation s cathedral. but if this had been any other place, you wouldn t have seen that. and it was such a moment of almost like a wink and a kiss from heaven. it was really beautiful. shannon bream, you attended liberty university. and there is a lot of graham
legacy on that campus. i interviewed recently jerry falwell jr. who is their president. he mental a lot to you personally and this family. yeah. he really did. like i said at first getting to hear him speak in person when i was a high school kid, i was very moved by that i was intrigued to go to this crusade because i had heard about those but to go and show up where there are tens of thousands of people who will show up for days on end, when you heard him and saw him, he was so humble in person, reverend graham was. he wasn t flashy, he wasn t running around the stage. his message was very simple and very direct. and, yet, it drew people from all over the world, all over the political spectrum. people from hollywood. he met with queens and had a relationship with queen elizabeth. all the way down to a homeless person on the street who he could not pass by. and he would stop and speak to. i mean, he had one goal with his life. and that was just to share this message with anyone who would listen. and through that legacy, as bret talked about the
millions who heard him in person, undoubtedly the millions who have seen clips of his sermons will hear recordings over the ages to come, i can only imagine, you know, he seemed to me on the day that we had heard he had passed away that the welcome he had in heaven was the one that everybody would hope to get which is well done my good and faithful servant. he sprea spent his life spreadig the gospel. it seems like right now with the world in so much turmoil and so much of a schism between people on all kinds of different issues and ideologies, he would have been uniting in his message and saying we re all in the same playing field. we are all children of god. and we all have the same opportunity to have a relationship with him. harris: one of the people you just mentioned there and i think bret as well billy kim the president of far east broadcasting company in korea said it this way. that there is a crown of righteousness that has been laid down in heaven for the reverend billy graham. you talked about his meeting with and talking with many
royal members over the years. the queen of england. but the thought today is that a crown of righteousness, the true royalty in heaven will be laid down. we continue our coverage today. now that billy graham is being laid to rest in the prayer garden on the billy graham library. you are watching his family members. his children, you see anne graham right there in the forefront of the screen giving much love to the people who have come out to pay their respects inside that tent today that sits on the grounds of the library. our continuing coverage, stay close. pany definitely doesn t have that. you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™ liberty mutual insurance.
there weren t two billy grahams. he loved his family, he stood by us. he comforted us, he left us an enduring legacy. his uncompromising testimony of god s great love, all of us children came to see the world and our father in heaven through my father s eyes. harris: so beautiful. we brought you the funeral today of the reverend billy graham. he is being laid to rest at the prayer garden at the billy graham library in charlotte, north carolina. our special coverage continues now. father jonathan morris is with us now. you made a remark about how raw visceral and accessible this was today via his children, billy graham s children. this funeral said billy graham. we were commenting earlier. you know, some funerals are super sad. this was sad but it was also
joyful. and you got that from his own children. and what a greatestment to any person to say we saw billy graham or we saw this man in his children. right? and they represented so perfectly that joy that he is in heaven. and at the same time, and this was very powerful, especially that it was on national television, and being seen around the world that franklin graham basically made an altar call, right? he invited everybody to make a decision to follow god with your life. and that s what he was so famous for. yes, he preached the gospel, but then he said make a decision. make a decision. do you want to follow jesus as your lord and xavier? and that s what we just saw in this funeral. you know, here i am a catholic priest, i m not a southern baptist or evangelical, and, yet, so many catholics, orthodox, christian, others saw in
this man a call to the core, to the essential of what christianity is and that is following the person of jesus of nazareth, the second person of the holy trinity, and we saw that at his funeral. harris: hearing you speak about it now, what people also saw in billy graham is that he was unrelenting in talking about jesus and christianity. and as the world has bent to a much more neutral sometimes corner or become sanitized for our protection in terms of how we talk about our faith. he never capitulated. he wanted the world to know jesus. you are absolutely right. and, at the same time, he was able to do something which is very hard to do simultaneously with what you just said, harris. he was able to adapt to be all things to all people. harris: um-huh. saint paul invited us to be, for example, at this funeral, there are catholic, there are orthodox, there are non-christians who are there saying, no, this man actually, even though i
didn t follow all of his theology and every bit, this man was good for our country. he made a huge effort, for example, to reach out to catholics, he met with john paul ii in 1981 and scandalized a lot of evangelicals and southern baptists going why is he meeting with catholics? they are not really christians. he came out of that meeting and said john paul ii told me we are brothers. that was a big deal for our country. harris: you know, we are still continuing to watch what s happening outside of that tent where there was such a beautiful ceremony today for the reverend billy graham. you see members of his family, his daughter anne. his youngest son and this is really when i saw kind of the couch out here light up. ned graham talked about how his father was fat and that women should want that in the people that they love. we all went fat and he said faithful, available, teachable. always learning, knowing that faith isn t about
having all the answers. it s about having good questions and ways to get answers. and what amazing children. you know, i cannot imagine how intimidating it would be to be the child of billy graham and to grow up with him, not as just daddy as we heard them talk about, but as this huge figure to so many people and to see all of them together talking about him in their own ways today. and sharing some laughs. sharing some laughs, sharing some tears and sharing some very personal moments. i think that was just a testament to this family which is extraordinary. harris: lisa, want to get your voice in here. you had mentioned a changing world that is something that the referenced was very much aware of. if you go and look at his last message to america on his 95th birthday, that s what he talked about. he talked about a need for a great spiritual awakening right now in our culture and in this world. he talked about how when he went city to city he wept because of how far americans have gotten away from god. and so i think even just watching today as we all
said, it s very much a testament to his faith and i think also probably had an impact on so many people s lives who are just watching the ceremony today. harris: interesting you brought up that 95th birthday party 2013. that s where he met now president donald trump. we ll be right back. stay close for our coverage. records. .you could learn you re from ireland. .donegal, ireland. .and your ancestor was a fisherman. with blue eyes. just like you. begin your journey at but he hasoke up wwork to so he took aleve. if he d taken tylenol, he d be stopping for more pills right now. only aleve has the strength to stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. aleve. all day strong. today, a focus on innovation in the southern tier is helping build the new new york. starting with advanced manufacturing that brings big ideas to life.
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he goes on to be buried at the barack obama library beside his wife ruth who passed away several years ago. father jonathan morris is on the couch with us. what a day this has been, father. it is. it s one of those historic moments and why, i think that s a really good question because i have heard that question asked to a lot of politicians why was barack obama so important and they fumble because it s rather uncomurstable to say that the reason why barack obama is being honored in the way that he is, the reason why he was being he was laid in honor in the capitol in the rotunda is because he preached the gospel of jesus christ in a profound way that changed millions and millions of people s ordinary lives. it wasn t because he gave advice to 12 presidents. that s not why he was the fact is that people in america right now are watching the television saying this man changed my life. and that s why we honor him. and it s, you know, no political party, democrat or
republican could say we really don t want to do this because people in their states back home are saying this man changed our life. harris: whenever we lose someone like this who has had such a profound effect. we have seen it around the world. we have been blessed with people to come in and lead us with light. i always wonder what the task ahead is for the rest of us. i think barack obama would say try to get to heaven. try to get to heaven. his son said clearly ask yourself when you die, when people are at your funeral, where will you be? and that requires deep reflection on all of our parts. the fact is that he can touch all of us. sandra: he did touch many of us. lisa and marie are on the couch today. his funeral is being called graham s last crusade. his final moments there,
taking place underneath a massive tent, much like his mission started. lisa: i think part of the reason he was able to touch so many people and so thoroughly and people so moved by him. as i mentioned i know my grandfather just loved his teachings was such a big just really looked up to him. that s because as he said it wasn t about him. his message was about god. that s the secret to his work was god and without him he would be nothing. and it s remarkable to see how just one person can have such an impact on the world. and i think. harris: for good. for good. it s a testament to a purpose driven life. this is someone who is the embodiment of that statement in the sense that his sole purpose on this earth was to do it by example. he did it by his message. evidence did it as an instrument of god. it wasn t about him. it was about god. maria: it was also about god s teachings, what kind of world we want to live in and how we want to treat our neighbors and people less fortunate and all these
people on the great planet we are living on. i have been going back and reading a lot of the those messages. some of them seem as relevant as they did decades ago which has been really interesting. a celebration of life, right, father jonathan as the world says goodbye to barack obama and now he starts his time somewhere else as he put it, i have just changed addresses. we have some other news to get to now. white house chief of staff john kelly surprising reporters at impromptu press briefing and addressing the rob porter controversy and ongoing issue with clearances for white house staffers. we are learning what he said. we have that next. come on dad! higher!
higher! parents aren t perfect, but then they make us kraft mac & cheese and everything s good again.
resigned after domestic abuse had surfaced. porter had interim cuter clearance but was one of the president s closest advisors. chief of staff john kelly is facing fresh crisp for initially issuing a statement in support of porter. today kelly talked on the record to a group of reporters. one of them our own chief white house correspondent john roberts.
kelly said this is something that you are going to have to resign over. kelly went up to capitol hill. when he returned after a meeting on daca had about 6:30. kelly said there was a second allegation raised this time by porter s first wife. this deal with actual domestic abuse, physical violence not just emotional abuse. kelly said to rob porter right then and there you have to resign. then the next day kelly came to work and got going on other things he i have heard. will porter still in the house. went down and talk to him and said you are supposed to leave, what s going on. there was messages of support put out by the white house, including kelly on rob porter, it s because he still believed that these were allegations that fell short of what they were about to learn and then when that photograph came out of black eye, everything changed, harris, that s what they put out a statement
about, crying domestic abuse and porter was gone. harris: you know, i was pretty particular taking notice of the words that john kelly used, serious allegations against rob porter. he knew there were security clearances way back last september with several people and i would think rob porter would have made that list because those were serious allegations against him then. what is the white house saying about kind of the take on it now with the wording? john kelly walked us through the situation with security clearances, not mentioning specifically who has interim now or top security or whatever. you but back in august when he first joined the white house, he took a survey because he was concerned the white house wasn t handling classified information to the degree that they were hand ling it at the pentagon in his former job. he undertook a survey and found there were more people who he would have liked who still had interim clearances as opposed to permanent security clearances. he didn t hear anything about rob porter then. he heard one person who
apparently had outstanding credit card debt and somebody else they were told you don t want this person working at the white house let alone having a top secret security clearance so that person left the white house. harris: a lot of this popping back into the news right now because of the downgrade of security clearance. yes. harris: for the president sson jared kushner. john roberts, thank you for the report. we are coming right back. manatees in novelty ts? surprising. what s come at me bro? it s something you say to a friend. what s not surprising? how much money matt saved by switching to geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more.

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20180516 05:00:00

pattern. plus the president is demanding that congress do something, keep their promises for once, build of the southern border wall. also tonight, the russia collision hoax continues to unravel. the house and talk house until committee chairman devin nunes is now saying there was never credible evidence for the fbi to even launch an investigation into drum camping associates. also brand-new tonight, more monumental setbacks for robert mueller s imploding witch hunt and new evidence that the doj is in fact installing it stonewalling even further. meeting with devin nunes and trey gowdy to review classified material is no longer happening tomorrow. it has been rescheduled for next week. mara obstructionism. another major win for the trump administration. the american hearer, gina haspel, secure the votes needed. she will become the new cia director and will call out the mainstream media s lies about what is happening between israel
three american hostages out and he didn t have to send over cargo planes full of cash and other currencies like barack obama did with the mullahs. new satellite images are now showing north korea is already dismantling their nuclear test sites. as we have told you, kim jong un is inviting the western media to watch as he decommissioned that nuclear facility. also kim jong un, guess what, wow, he s no longer firing missiles i ll over japan, he is not affected in guam, he is not threatening the continental u.s. and the rest of the world. you saw it with your own eyes, little rocket man walked across the dmz to agree to south korea s president. what did president trump give up in return for all of this? thing. president trump is not naive, like bill clinton, barack obama. they tried to bribe these despots and dictators with billions and hundreds of billions of dollars. what we are seeing here is typical, quintessential reagan. trust but verify in action before your very eyes. kim jong un wants to come to the
table, then fine. we know the secretary of state, mike pompeo, he has laid out all the details, all the terms for a possible agreement and that includes complete and total denuclearization of the korean peninsula. if little rocket man doesn t want to comply, well, then he has to face the consequences. president trump has made clear, north korea is not going to get away with threatening the world and he will never be able to fully develop a nuclear weapon. here s my prediction tonight. kim jong un, well, he s being a little petulant. he s posturing. he s doing a little saber rattling before he ultimately capitulates, goes to the table. even more breaking news to tell you about. president trump s attorney rudy giuliani, former new york city mayor, telling nbc news that he has spoken with mueller and of partisan team of witch hunters in the past 24 hours, and he is saying that a potential presidential interview is being put in a holding pattern, which is great news. mueller has no business ever questioning the president of the
united states. there is no such thing as collusion. although there might be with mueller and that oligarch guy. i ll explain. the leaked special counsel question, asking trump what he thought, how he felt, how did you feel? there was are ridiculous questions. mueller is sending a perjury trap. no good lawyer without the president to be interviewed under those conditions. also the president is continuing to keep his promises to you, the american people, the forgotten men and women that the media never thought would show up in november of 2016. he s now calling on congress to do their job, secure the border, do it now. take a look. the first duty of government is to protect our citizens and the men and women of dhs are on the front lines of this incredible, heroic fight. that is why we are calling on congress to secure our borders,
support our border agents, stop sanctuary cities, and shut down policies that release violent criminals back into our communities. we don t want it any longer. sean: no, we don t. we need to protect the american people. president trump, he has already accumulated an amazing record of accomplishments. for every republican if they are smart, they can run on a november, and this would be another key victory. look at the economy. record low levels of unemployment. optimism at 11 year high. the the presidents poll numberse highest he s had in his presidency. there is the promises that have kept on the iranian deal, on the embassy in jerusalem, tax cuts, killing the obamacare individual mandate. and there are positive results all over the place and by the way, it hasn t even been two years. also, this is major, the russia collision hoax is unraveling as we predicted right before our
eyes. the house intelligence committee chairman devin nunes is offering up a new proof that the entire thing has always been a witch hunt. chairman nunes is now saying that there was never any credible evidence for the fbi to begin probing the trump campaign. we know there was a spy supposedly on top of the fisa abuse. he never had any right to do this in the first place. take a look. we have yet to see any crab dolomite crab, credible evidence or intelligence that led to thee investigation. they should have opened counterintelligence investigations are very rarely do they happen, and when they do happen, you have to be very careful because you are using the tools of our intelligence services and relationships with other countries in order to spy on a political campaign, probably not a good idea. sean: the powerful tools of intelligence used to spy on an opposition party candidate and
to those powerful tools used against americans, no, that can t happen here. so there was never any actual credible evidence to launch this investigation. of course rod rosenstein conflicted. this is a stunning statement by devin nunes. that is on top of of course the fbi, doj lying, misleading fisa judges, multiple times in order to get a fisa warrant to spy on a trump campaign associate in the weeks leading up to an election and for an entire year, four judges lied to, they never would have told the truth, they never were told it was a bought and paid brooklyn to dossier that was not verified, not cooperated. now there is a new dynamic to this massive scandal. now the possibility of an fbi mole that was inside the trump campaign? chairman nunes is now investigating this huge development. take a look. you had fusion gps that was hired by the democratic party and the clinton campaign to draw up a dossier on the president or when the
president was running for president. what happened with that, in his testimony, he mentioned that there was a source within the campaign. glenn simpson runs fusion gps. glenn simpson said that enclosed testimony, now it became public, he confirmed he was telling congress the truth. we believe he was telling the truth. what we are trying to do is get the documents to figure out, did they actually have, what methods were used to open this counterintelligence investigation. sean: that is an amazing statement. we have been saying that this scandal is the biggest abuse of power scandal and corruption scandal in american history. we have been uncovering this, peeling back the onion, this is only the beginning. you got to sit tight and buckle up because everything that the media, the democrats have been telling you for well over a year is now getting flipped on its head, and all of it, as we told you at the beginning of this year, is boom ringing back on them. while the real russia scandal is expanding, robert mueller s
witch hunt is crumbling. it s reaching embarrassing levels. let s run through some of the recent headlines. at muller s probes first trail, expect more bond to mike blunt what mike lectures from the bench. the judge already smashed down an epic it had to do with the recruiting and tax fraud from 2005. what does that have to do with trump and russia collision? mueller trying to justify his own existence and indict any russian. these court transcripts show robert mueller indicted a russian company .
retiree, cia operative. his name is robert levinson for moran. he was being held hostage. now i m happy that he was working with a russian billionaire, the oligarch that he somehow convinced the oligarch to give him $27 million to help save an american being held hostage. i have no problem with that at all. the government should do everything possible in that situation. i will give mueller credit. it was the right thing to do. here s the issue. it s just a massive conflict of interest rate and that is what we are calling mueller s russia collusion here. you know what? if you are going to talk about a guy in the manafort case that you worked with, secured $24 million from, i think you need to reveal something like that. john solomon reporting that russian oligarch was one of the first people of the fbi interviewed when they began investigating the clinton bought and paid for dossier. as solomon and others are now exposing, the russian actually told the fbi the idea of russian collusion was false. so now the question is, did the
because of deep state operatives at the upper echelon and the misdeeds that they did in all of those that we have now proven on this show. maybe, sally, you are forgetting you were emailing with mueller s pit bull, andrew weissmann, and yates is also one of the corrupt officials that signed off on at least one of the fisa warrants that was unverified, uncorroborated. so congratulations, sally. you ve done enough damage to the doj, more than any president ever could. one more thing tonight. trump hating former cia director john brennan is being called out by two of his former colleagues over his public statements about the clinton bought and paid for dossier. paul sperry reporting that two former top officials are actually contradicting his claim that the dossier did not play a role in the intelligence community s assessment of russian election meddling. sperry is pointing out that former nsa director mike rogers told congress for dossier did in fact play a role in the intel assessments. former director of national
intelligence james clapper admitted something similar to cnn. we know clapper and john brennan are both lying. so it looks like brandon once again is caught flying. this isn t surprising from a guy who once voted for the communists for president of the united states. how he ever got that position is beyond any understanding i have. finally, lastly, president trump is on the verge of another huge victory. this is good news for all of us. gina haspel now has the votes to be the next cia director and the fact that it took this long, just a few weeks ago, democrats, for them to support her, now it s pretty disgraceful on their part. gina haspel was an american hero. she helped keep us safe after 9/11. she helped get the intelligence to find bin laden. here s another fact the left will never admit to. enhanced interrogation of the three people under medical supervision worked. it gave us the valuable intel, allowed us to get to the courier, which took us right to bin laden. democrats should have been praising her. actually they were at the time,
sean: john solomon, let me go back to this russian oligarch story. i may surprise people. any effort to save an american hero being held hostage in iran, i m in favor of. robert mueller the fbi director was able to convince the russian oligarch to hand over $25 million in an effort to release this american hero, i applaud him for that. it is the hypocrisy, as this oligarch is at the center of this manafort case in many ways and this oligarch was not mentioned, nor was the connection mentioned. how important is that? there are three things that people are saying to me since the story broke. i think the first is, donald trump recently sanctioned oleg deripaska. and his day department, his treasury department, he was the man who helped the fbi, did they also tell him this was that mama tried to clear donald trump s name in september 2016 when he told the fbi there is no collusion between russia and donald trump. that is very important. second thing, you hit it in your
monologue, did they tell the fisa court that they had a trusted russian source that was weaving them off collusion before they went and got the search warrant? the third and most interesting thing that intelligence people told me tonight, shawn. if deripaska had this interaction with the fbi, it is a must 100% certain he called russia and said, the fbi thinks you re colluding. that would give russian intelligence a chance to have fun with john brennan cia and treat them as information. that is something that a couple members of congress told me they are looking at. he did to deripaska to about the russians so they could feed the u.s. intelligence a false narrative and create doubt in our country? sean: we know they sowed discord but we also know that no votes were changed and we had a couple of reports confirming that. sara, i want to do on my cue to weigh in on that and update us, if you can, did the fbi have a spy on top of the fisa court abuses, and a selection cycle? i believe they did have an
they opened a counterintelligence investigation, the special counsel, and remember, it was comey and rod rosenstein, the one that wrote the letter to president trump asking for comey to be fired. then he appoints a special counsel to investigate why comey was fired by president trump. a pattern here that i see sean: and he signed off on one of those fisa warrants. we constantly keep seeing set ups, right? we want to go to why they know who this sources, that is the reason why. i can tell you a little bit. it has to do with london. it has to do with george papadopoulos. although he is not i repeat and again he was not the mall. it does have to do with him. this is the reason we need all the answers. sean: one of the great myths was perpetuated by the new york times, was that papadopoulos bar conversation with an australian diplomat is what triggered sean: four way hearsay.
is what triggered the trump-water collusion investigation by the fbi. no. the first in the series of events was the fbi meeting face-to-face in london with christopher steele, the author of this fictitious, fabricated dossier. sean: they told the courts they fired him. they never told that to the courts. they deceived the courts. they concealed evidence of that and other things. sean: we all give the last word to john solomon. we welcome you back. been missing in action, mr. solomon. we welcome you back to the show. thank you. you know, i think gregg has it on the money. the timeline undercuts the narrative we were fed during the campaign and after the campaign. george papadopoulos was after they had talked to christopher steele. you got it right. sean: you guys have been right from the beginning. march 7th, 2017, you guys broke the fisa story and everything has been proven true and more than we ever thought. thank you. great work. can t wait for the book. when we come back from a live
report, north korea threatening to cancel the summit with the president. i have a mini monologue coming up. joe concha, dan bongino, so much more, stay with us. for leisure. so i go national, where i can choose any available upgrade in the aisle - without starting any conversations- -or paying any upcharges. what can i say? control suits me. go national. go like a pro.
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cancel that summit because of joint ongoing military drills between the u.s. and the south koreans. these kinds of drills are very common, the state department said that the north koreans were well aware of and seemingly fine with these drills, so they are not sure what is changed. we have not heard anything from that government or the government of south korea to indicate that we would not continue conducting these exercises or that we would not continue planning for our meeting between president trump and kim jong un nextim month. all the u.s. has to go off as the statement from north korea s news agency, which questions the fate of the planned north summit in lit of this provocative military ruckus. that is what they are calling these ongoing joint military drills. w in response, all the white house has said is it is aware of that report, while the state department says it ishe continuing to go ahead, continuing to prepare and plan
for next month s summit in singapore, sean. they still have about four weeks to work all this out. sean: thanks for that are part of the white house. meanwhile tonight, the new york daily news put out an outrageous cover featuring the first daughter ivanka trump that reads daddy s little gold, slamming her for being all smiles at the opening of the new u.s. embassy in jerusalem while they were deadly clashes going on in gaza. other members of the trump hating media also predictably chiming in, offering their displeasure about the u.s. embassy in jerusalem, will which so many other presidents promised and never delivered. tens of thousands of palestinians held angry demonstrations yesterday, furious after the u.s. embassy was moved to jerusalem. palestinians have been protesting here against their lack of freedom for weeks. but they are fury boiled over on monday when the u.s. embassy was officially moved to jerusalem with president trump s blessing.
today there is a shock and sorrow and rage at that decision by president trump to move the embassy to jerusalem. it feels for the whole region like a fateful step. 55 people killed yesterday. 58. > 58. you had to split screen of what looked like a vip tent at the belmont stakes. they don t care. they just seemed totally oblivious to what was going on. when he announced to the move to the embassy, i said there will be blood b on his hands. not because he pulled the trigger, but because he destabilized the region, not having any clue about what he was doing. you cannot have peace and a peace process without palestinian involvement. you cannot have it. so if you choose a side and you say, this is what i m going to do, you re effectively saying, you are not going to work for peace. maybe they don t really want it. sean: time for a hannity
tutorial. the media seems to have forgotten that those hamas inspired protesters that were hurling rocks and fire bombs at israeli soldiers, okay, this is the same hamas, they never report, that continues to call for the destruction of israel. oh, it s in their charter. they also pay the families of terrorists that literally kill israelis and inflict pain and suffering on the people of israel and americans come too. they use women and children as shields and hamas also receives support as thet world s foremost state sponsor of terrorism. they get support from cohen. here with reaction, and our atv contributor dan bongino and from the hill, dan joe concha. hamas charter calls for the destruction of israel. they were elected by the palestinians. they elected a terrorist organization supported by terrorists. the media is the propaganda
arm here of hamas. it s disgusting. it makes me sick. sean, it s not a demonstration. it s not a protest when you show up with bombs. they were warned to stay away from the border fence and they decided to show up for the explosions. they were warned multiple times, anden then when the israelis engaged, to defend the border by the way, they established after they gave the land back to hama hamas, which they promptly used to shoot rockets into israel. they defended their borders. good for the israelis. the media should be ashamed and embarrassed. i m surprised it doesn t hamas doesn t have a desk in their newsroom. sean: i ve been to the gaza border. i ve been in the tunnels where theyy use is really cement and electricity, joe. i don t know many in the media that happened on that. i ve been to a town were 10,000 rockets were fired in ten years and kids can play outside.
they have stronger playgrounds because there s not enough time from the border if the rocket is fired. 10,001 sued in three years. years. yet the daily news continues to be, ben shapiro said something similar, the propaganda arm for hamas. i have lived in new york city for a few decades and the new york daily news has always been seen as a joke to anybody who has objectivity and a brain. they were teetering on bankruptcy for years, and it t just leads to not only the fact that i know that media we say this many times is distrusted at record levels come on republicans, more than 90%. even among independents and democrats, a majority that don t that mistrusts the media. the problem is we are even out a loading stage of the media, like we have never seen before. blaming ivanka trump andha
juxtaposing her with what is going on and gaza, as if she is smiling at death, it is pathetic and that s the only word i can apply here. sean: really well said. last word. sean, the israelis give the palestinians gaza back. they used it to launch rockets into israel. they told them, stay away from the border. they showed up with bombs. and how they are using the media to advance their own narrative. it s disgusting. sean: you both are so on target tonight. would we come back, rush limbaugh, incredible monologue exposingry the deep state forces that are trying to take down the president. also jesse watters, jessica tarlov, do not ever touch that dial, please, pretty please. baby boomers,
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firing squad, circular intel. if a they plant essentially what they want to be attributed to the trump administration, they planted in a peripheral trump foreign policy advisor, that may arrange a meeting for him with an australian ambassador who then hears this news, and we are off to thef races. none of it is real. none of it. and the collusion has fallen apart and the obstruction. there isn t any obstruction. the president cannot obstruct by doing his constitutional duties. so what we are left with here is look at the lengths to which these people have gone to prevent from winning and then after that, doing their best to get rid of him. sean: that was rushed on his show, rightly calling out fr
corruption on the russia probe and explaining what this is really all about. thank god people. understand it. here with reaction, cohost of the five. he w has two shows. and the host of watters world , we live in it. jesse watters, and fox news contributor jessica tarlov. i will start with you tonight. rush is right. no. sean: tell jesse where he is wrong. i ll tell you both. he s wrong because the mueller probe is not over. anything you say after that is wrong. sean: come on. that is so unfair. there are 19 indictments, i know they are not no. the probe is focusing on three issue areas, russia collusion, obstruction of justice, and financial crimes. none of those have been settled. the only thing that trump obstructed was hillary getting into the white house. valerie had one mike, she would have fired comey on day one and
we never would have heard about sean: the only obstruction was hillary getting in the white house. let me ask a question. mueller and i see certain companies, it turns out one wasn t even a company at the time. you never expect that would actually respond, and how they will have discovery, and i m predicting mueller would have to yank the indictments. okay, we ll go down to six, if my math is correct. sean: 13 will be gone. we had 19. 19 minus six sean: the drugs are talked about the 2005 tax case that had to do with ukraine, not russia,o squeeze and tighten the screws on manafort to turn on trump for a prosecution or impeachment, 2005
mueller has had more contact with russian oligarchs on trump. he had biased agents, peter strzok and lisa page. the rest of the team is all democrat donors. robert mueller himself is aer republican. rod rosenstein is a republican. he s a republican republican in name only. you don t even know what he is! he s a comey republican. he is not a republican. sean: you better swing back. this is the biggest debate win ever. you asked for food last week. trying to bribe the judge. is this in-n-out burger? it strict. it wouldn t have been good from thursday to today. sean: she got ten points back. > it s like 100 points plus 0 plus, i have never entered a chick-fil-a before. liberalsef hate their stuff.
they said the chick-fil-a sauce is the right one. i m not feeling very confident about this. we must all come up for a hand signall for me. [laughter] sean: that was the best line ever. not even as great a sandwich can beat that. i went into chick-fil-a for the first time for you. it smelled good. they were delicious. you know what, she brought you a sandwich, let her win. give it to her. sean: okay. wait a minute, we don t give participation trophies. okay, i ll take the w. you give him conservative points every week. sean: as a person, it s jessica s world, but in terms of the debate, it s jesse, and you live at i had like 3 minutes.
you can t do that to yourself. can weo go back to the probe? you really want to? speed when i got to go. it s over? sean: i m going to eat my sandwich. coming up, more on north korea s threats to cancel the summit with president trump. bret baier is next from special report. ok. who can beat the san francisco guy for governor?
not the conservative guy, travis allen. what about this john cox? talks a big game. but what s he done? a chicago lawyer? huh? thirteen losing campaigns - seven in illinois? cox lost campaigns as a republican. and as a democrat. gave money to liberals. supported big tax increases. no wonder republicans say cox is unelectable in november.
sanctions all work. take a listen. north korea best not to make any more threats to thee united states. they will be met with fire and fury, like the world has never seen. the united stateses has greatest strength and patience but if it is forced to defend itself or its allies, we will have no choice but to totally destroy north korea. rocket man is on a suicide mission for himself and for his regime. this shouldn t be handled now but i i m going to handle it because we have to handle it. little rocket man, we are going to do it because we really have no choice. sean: what s amazing is the president s tough rhetoric towards north korea proves what ronald reagan spoke about in the 1980s concerning the evil empire, the soviet union, when
he talked about peace through strength, trust but verify. watch this. there is one sign that the soviets can make that would be unmistakable. that would advance dramatically the cause of freedom and peace. general secretaryec gorbachev, f you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the soviet union and eastern europe, if you seek liberalization, come here to this gate. mr. gorbachev, open this gate. mr. gorbachev, tear down this wall. sean: his own aides didn t want him to say those words. you can forget reagan s trust but verify approach towards the evil empire. take a look. we have listened to the wisdom and the old russian maxim, and i am sure that you are familiar with it.
mr. general secretary, though my pronunciation may give you difficulty, the maximize [speaking russian] , trust but verify. sean: why this is significant, a brand-new book out, it say amazing. it s called three days in moscow: ronald reagan and the fall of the soviet empire. you know him well, the anchor of special report. bret baier. people say that we aren t friends. every newspaper has sections. and they have an editorial page. am i the editorial page? you are indeed. sean: and you are the news page. this is an amazing book because it is all a a to iran and north korea and the opening of the embassy in jerusalem. remember those times when reagan was speaking about the evil empire, the ash heap of history that communism would become aes joking at times, getting caught, the bombing will
stop tomorrow, heads were exploding in washington at the time. sean: sound familiar? heads are exploding in washington. if june 12 holds on the summit in singapore happens, june 12th is historic. june 12th, 1987, is when reagan delivers the g brandenburg gate speech, tear down this wall, mr. gorbachev. and that changed the world. those summits on the connection of them. it changed our history. as possible. sean: look at what already the president without flying and cargo planes of cash and other currency like obama or clinton with the energy aid to kim jong un s father, kim jong il, this president talked to have come up at a military presence, also a relationship with the chinese president, and sanctions in place. didn t that really all contribute to kim jong un s decision here? i would think so. now the caveat is that north koreans don t have a great
history living up to thes promises. so the president has said he s going to sit at the table and walk away if the deal is not right. sean:ay just like reykjavik. just like a wreck a bike. the really stark. some know my personalities are different. i don t know if reagan would like twitter. he did say those bold things that changed the paradigm. maybe the paradigm sean: they said that reagan was a california cowboy, that he would start world war iii, reaganomics would result in the collapse of the economy. 21 million new jobs were created. we doubled revenues to the federal government at head of the longest. mack of p s economic growth and history. do you see the similarities? i m no i m dragging into opinion but do you see similarities? i do. the last word of this book sean: i didn t get to that page yet. if you look at the words of
big speeches of president trump, the speech in warsaw, poland, the speech in riyadh, the united nationsti speech, the ste of the union speech, they have phrases and terminology that you could actually hear reagan deliver. now i m not saying that president trump is president reagan. sean: very different personalities. but they have similar moments and challenges that they face. sean: peace through strength, trust but verify, tax cuts, now we have the trump tax cuts. originalist on the supreme court, securing the t border, i don t believe that this president is a nationalist populist, as some have said. i believe he is a reagan conservative. the things i mentioned, energy independence, all things that reagan believed in. am i wrong? you re not wrong. i also think there is a possibility that this president has the ability to reach out to democrats and make some deals that reagan would have made.
sean: the book was fascinating. i m saying this not only is her friend, i really have always loved reagan. it s an amazing read and it is so relevant, ripped from today s headlines, so many similarities. great book. how much crap do you take for me being opinionated? on a scale from 1 to 10? sean: yes. may be a six. sean: tell everyone that you were news, i am opinion. every newspaper has a news section, sports section, hannity section. coming up, taking out an al qaeda terrorist. so i go national, where i can choose any available upgrade in the aisle - without starting any conversations- -or paying any upcharges. what can i say? control suits me.
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