Where once American history courses focused on our country’s founding principles, soon such courses started to emphasize political activism and the grievances of various subgroups in American society.
Parents may have noticed a change in the history and social studies curriculum at their children’s schools after 2018. Where once American history courses focused on our country’s founding principles, their roots, and their application, soon such courses started to emphasize political activism and the grievances of various subgroups in American society.
At the time of their adoption, the 2003 standards were fully supported by the Massachusetts Commissioner of Education (David Driscoll), State Board of Education, Governor’s Office, and key legislators. Members of the State Board of Education included at the time Charles Baker, James Peyser, and Abby Thernstrom. The standards had been approved by the Board in 2002 but were not released until 2003. At most grade levels, the sta