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Transcripts For MSNBC Morning Joe 20110517

future generations, sorry, you re going to have to make due with much less. your taxes will go up because washington can t get government spending down. if we surrender more control of our economy over to a governoring class, then we are choosing shared scarcity over prosperity. that s what threatens us. picking winners and losers and determining ours for us. we as democrats need to be just as concerned about the debt as anybody else because that s how we will be able to move our vision forward, investing in education, investing in infrastructure, investing in clean energy if we ve got a government that lives within its means. but this broader budget debate that is now carrying over and will probably now continue until november of next year, it s also what a vision of our kcountry i. good morning. it s tuesday, may 17. we have the executive of westshouse and professor at nyu, harold ford jr. willie s here. i m here. are you loaded? i m loaded. how s the book? it s good. how s your book. it s good. we re going back out today. told mia i had an executive and ceo of a company e-mail me after i talked about the book, ordered it for every woman in his company. e-mail telling you this is what they call in the business you guys are amazing. we both were fighting for the woodward bernstein book. we knew it was coming. they waited for it. but it s ever green. this thing, seriously, college women studies are going to buy it. it s every dream. it s going to be great. this is it s going be like dark side of the moon. it s going to be on the charts for like the 1970s. mega trends. exactly. this one s going to be around. wow. i have to say, willie, i missed loaded. i saw you guys on tv. i want to help out. i want to do a tom schneider session. can we do that? yes, absolutely. we re going to set that up. we should do ha. on the green screen back there. i m serious. i ll chain smoke and ask you questions. that s a great snow, tom schneider. okay. we ll get to that. we ll get to that. imf chief he s on all the covers here. it s horrific. of course, that s a good headline. financial times headline writers, they probably paid him a lot. imf chief denied $1 million bail. of course, willie, the gold standard. the new york post, he did have sex with the made. and trump not running. what do you think about trump not running? by the way, yesterday i go after newt gingrich. and usually when i tell the truth about republicans, they re always nuts on the floor, right, saying, oh, you re a rhino. that s what i thought. to be a rhino. because i ve been saying the same thing since 1994. we ran newt out of washington in 1998 because he wasn t conservative on spending. you re a rhino. i have to say for the first time in a decade, it was actually nice for conservatives to chatter for a living to agree with me. that s unusual. to agree with me that we really should have conservative figures like newt gingrich held to account for not really being conservative. this has been the republican party s problem for a decade, and when newt was there, he started spending too much money in 98. but, boy, they went after him. he s helping clarify the conversation. that s his role. what about you? you had predicted on this show that donald trump would be prp of the united states. are you surprised? i did. he could be going off he could come back. to palm beach or wherever he goes and come back. willie and i last night i m back in the city, and, of course, it s 30 degrees and rainy. what do we do on a cold monday night, go over to the holiday inn and we re smoking cigarettes. willie, you compared trump s retreat to george washington s retreat on long island. knew he ll be back. washingtonian. what happened with trump? they re sitting in my dark window of the office. why did donald trump run? donnie deutsche and others thought he was going to run. i think perhaps because he fell he wasn t going to winful i think things changed when bin laden was killed, the president put out his birth certificate. if if steve burke said why don t you come back he makes about $50 million, $60 million on this thing. that ain t nothing, right? he s got billions. $50 million to him is walking around money. it s like you, harold. i tell you. i think john me cham, the great tennesseean said it best. donald trump started well and then facts got in the way. the birth certificate, finding bin laden. and he got caught up on the social issues which, joe, you and i know in politics, particularly when your strength is one thing and you re playing in darrent area, it doesn t work in your favor. yeah, but a lot of conservatives say he s the guy who forced the president s hand. couldn t he have spun that on the campaign trail? he probably could have. i never thought he was going to run. i thought this was an effort to stir things up a bit. we know he likes the pub ligsty and attention. he s good at it. i think it got a little too hot and uncomfortable. he probably made the right decision. like him. diblt want to see him hurt himself more than he had. p he raised a million in one run. he s loaded. it s like popping popcorn without the top on. what is? it is. doing the show with joe. it s like popping popcorn without the top on, really. just all over the place, you know. hmm. i m hungry. we miss you vchlt some raspberries. let s go back to newt gingrich. he is fending offer attacks from fellow republicans. at issue is gingrich s comments on sunday s meet the press, where he criticized congressman paul ryan s plan of your hauling medicare what do you do? social engineering. i don t think imposing radical change from the right to the left is a t right way for them to operate. paul ryan is a social engineer now. i don t get it. actually i do get it but i don t get it because i ve gotten it since 1998. is it possible that gingrich is donald trump with congressional penchants? good lord, don t try it. donald trump has a lot more money. but the politics of hyperbole. he s been the politics of high perably since he left. it s always a civilizational a word he likes profound crisis. this isn t just medicare reform. it s a radical change from the left to the right. you can t just disagree with obama. ly say this. at the beginning well, not the beginning because at the beginning newt was a rockefeller republican. when he saw he count win, his zavlgs i think his thesis that the united states had become a bloated welfare state that he raged against until he became speaker in 94, he went overboard, blamg mother s founding children on the democratic party. outrageous comment. but at least he had good material to work with. i think now, you know, he compares kathleen sebelius, a former kansas governor, now a bureaucrat, to joseph stalin. he compares one of the great religions to naziism. i think he needs to taupe it down. i think this is different. this is a newt that is driven by the polls, that sees that ripe s medicare plan is not going to work and he turns on a dime. it seems to me and the libya thing. exactly. it s vertiginous. everything is calamitous until two or three days later when it s not. by the way, those are two good words to use today. vertiginous and calamitous. i agree with everything he said. he add least showed consistency. when confronted with this language by david gregory on sunday with meet the press he s backed off of it. no, he didn t. he stood with it. no, no. i mean yesterday he backed off it. oh, i thought he s flipped again. i stand corrected. you re with us. i didn t see what he said yesterday. thank you. i m sorry. thank you. i was with the president yesterday. i didn t realize he changed. his change is almost vertiginous. and it could be calamitous ultimately. you were with the president yesterday. we re we re smoking it washe spoke at a high sch graduation. it was great for the kids. you can t keep up with the flip-flop when you re doing that. on laura ingram s radio show yesterday first we re going to hear from paul ryan who responded to gingrich and defended his medicare proposal. with allies like that who needs lefts? look. what s happening is they re going broke and we re saying if we put a plan like this in place, you don t have to change the benefits for anybody who is 55 and above. i mean that s harpdly radical. he s just getting slammed. some tharg his attack on ryan s plan was an unforgivable mistake that may cost him the nomination. i m not going to justify this or explain this, the attack on paul ryan, the support for an individual mandate in health care? folks, don t ask me to explain this. there is no explanation. this is a big deal. he s done. he didn t have a big chance from the beginning, but now it s over. calling it radical and right wing social engineering deadly. i always say that people are six months behind you and that s why they call names? this would be like a decade behind. this would be a decade. listen. this is what happens unfortunately to republicans when they run for the prez dincy or become president. when they run, they have courage. when they become president, they become cowards when it comes to small government. and if you don t believe me, find a major candidate running for president that most people believe have a shot of winning, they can raise a lot of money, that has embraced paul ryan s medicare s plan or say, yes, i would vote for paul ryan. they re not going to do it. and they haven t done it. and that s why over the past decade, republicans took a surplus and turned it into a debt. are you suggesting that paul ryan s plan is one of the i m not suggesting that it s a litmus test. to me medicare is a litmus test. we re not going to kick around the poor. we re going to actually save medicare and save social security and save medicate by make really tough cuts. bill talked about mid cade because that s going after the poor. when you have the guts to say medicare will bankrupt americans, you re going after older voters in iowa, new hampshire, michigan, nevada in the early states. do you have the guts? there are some who think that ryan s plan achieves some of what you don t want, which is bankrupting parts of the older population in the country or dischanges them because you re talk about but guess what they always do? it s middle-class entitlements that republicans embrace and democrats. it s the middle-class entitlements they don t go after. medicare. they re not going go after medicare. why not? they vote. they ll attack medicaid because poor people don t vote as much. so are you a do you believe again, do you believe in social lichl for corporations but capitalism for poor people, door you believe in the free market for everybody? paul ryan believes in the free market for everybody. find me the prez dal candidate who believes that right now other than ron paul? i think there s things we can quarrel about with paul. i think one could argue that paul ryan s plan, whether it s a good one or not, is front and center in the campaign in upstate new york, we ll get a sense of how that turns out. to dave camp, the chair of the ways & means committee has stepped away from some of paul ryan s ideas saying his plan will not be the centerpiece. i hear you. in fairness to newt, there are other republicans fully embracing this. you have not heard me from day one. i ve heard you. what i e-mail saying is you haven t heard me endorse it. again, i ve been mock people i know where you re going. i embrace paul ryan having the guts to go after middle-claens titlements. and the only reason i m bringing this sup is because newt is reading the polls and seeing that voters in iowa are concerned about cuts to their medicare. tell me this. take paul ryan out for one moment. i think they re about where you are on ryan saying, hey, the concept is good. i m add mierg by the way, that s a great way. i ve heard you say that. and i have a big difference of opinion, especially on domestic discretion air spending from the republicans and i m been right about that. again, i don t believe with the block grants on medicaid. i disagreed with that. but i admire what paul ryan did. he had guts. my biggest problem here is newt gingrich goes on meet the press and calls him a radical and accuse him of social engineering. listen to that, we veot nancy pelosi. we don t need newt for that. especially a guy that runs on fox news telling everything how conservative he is. they get out there, and suddenly they re not again, they will say, oh, i m a conservative, i m pro life, pro gun, pro this, and pro that. they re all pro government. don t you think it s sort of playing by the house rules since eisenhower really? eisenhower ratified the new deal. by and large he didn t roll things back. and so you ve got something. we ve got a system where you get in knife fights about the smaeflt incremental change because this is the landscape couple of things. couple of things. as george said, quickly, we re all fdr s children. we need to get gingrich s response on this. this was nancy pelosi s comment. we must reduce the deficit. we must put every oong the table. we ve got to look at cuts for sure, you reduce add less end is medicare on the table? yes, medicare is that s good. a spokesman for newt gingrich yesterday released the statement saying there is little daylight between ryan and gingrich but look how it gets reported. newt would fully support ryan if it were not compulsory. we need to design a better system that people would voluntarily move to. that is a major difference in dine but not substance. let s play the gingrich video. when you call somebody radical, there s a lot of daylight. that s pliek running and having a mile. let s roll the video and see. there is a video that he has on his website. i don t think right when social engineering has any more than left. i don t think opposing changing from right to left is a way for free society to hit. t.j., that s not it. great idea? no. t.j., what were you doing last night? drinking. okay. at least he s honest. at least he s honest. think he was making this up. think he said i did this because doesn t the last 15 minutes of our show display exactly what newt gingrich s role will be which is to stir it up. he s not going to be nominee or president. he s a pot stir sneer that s all he wants do is start the conversation. he s doing it for the kids. he s like a professor, you know. he ll tell you that. yes, yes, he is. he was a professor. lab. i boy. you know, the question is this is a big problem for the republican party. they talk small government, small government, small government until they re in a position to be president of the u state and then they forget it. the house republicans are make tough cuts. but as was said, we re like fdr s children. we are. you can argue this is a 30-year cycle. kufrp rocket was the one great roll against government, against the role of the state and that was 30 years ago this august. after that by the way, we re going to have a special kemp roth of all the places i can say that? i know. we know. except for me karks she was in high school. that s me. up next, top stories out of washington including a details on a 2012 sweet boy. we ll also bring in former congresswoman jane harman, eugene robinson, and joe nay math. no way. yes, yes. that ee s exciting. plus can t-miss rain delay coming up in sports but first let s go to bill karins with a check on the forecast. bill. it s going to be wet. on broadway in new york and everywhere else it s an umbrella day, maybe a double umbrella day today. look at the radar. new york city watching numerous locations. they re going to pick up 1 to 2 inches of rain from d.c. north wafrmtd airport delays will be widespread. best chance of thunderstorms will be later this afternoon. but it s going to be a cycler today, a soaker tomorrow. we re going to do it all over again. the next three days, very well. the south east, you re cryle out. anyone flying to the west there s a big storm out there too. ive weathers a you go on this turs. stay tuned. you re watching morning joe brought to you by starbucks. oh, just booked a summer vaycay. ooo. sounds pricey? 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[ jennifer ] go on, join for free. weight watchers new pointsplus. because it works. . i will not be running for president. what? what? who s going to tell opec the fun is over? who s going tell china to go [ bleep ] themselves? who? who is going to break this to meatloaf. do you think i should run for president? absolutely. look at him. so many hopes and dreams for the future. the hopes that one day he might sell suntan lotion with gary busey. wow. meatloaf has been let down by this announcement. devastated. take a look at the morning papers. former california governor arnold schwarzenegger issue add statement last night saying he had fathered a child with a former employee at his household more than a decade ago. he told his wife after leaving the governor s office earlier this year. washington is in direct talk with taliban. u.s. officials say they hope it will help the president to enable a progress toward a settlen t of the afghanistan war. chicago tribune shows the first new mayor in 22 years. ram ramie manu rahm emanuel took charge of change. that s a quick look at the headline. i ve got to say the five years between the election and the inauguration gave him time to prepare for the tasks ahead. that. that was a long gap, wasn t it. michal len has a look at the play book. hello, mike. good morning, guys. so you re writing about tommy thompson this morning. got an exclusive on the 2012 senate run. wh what s he up to? there s an open senate seat. the democrat said he wasn t going to run for a fifth term brks u we know who is running. tommy thompson, who was president bush s first hhs secretary who s the long-time governor of wisconsin. he s been talking to friends about staffing, raising money, and plans in the next couple of days to get in. now, he s holding off because there s no way he would run against paul ryan, the house budget chairman, who has been mentioned as a possibility for the seat. but he s indicating to folks behind the scenes that he does not plan to do that, that he plans to be focusing on his house chairmanship. i think most say paul ryan is going to keep doing what he s doing and not try for the open seat. we talked a little bit morning about mitt romney, all the money he raised, more than $10 million raised in a single day. we know he s got a lot of cash personally. tell us what he s doing and how he s getting his campaign running. s that ooh right. there was a little news. he indicated that he will again, if he needs to, use his own money for the race, which would be a huge advantage. he didn t commit one way or the other. he said that was between him and his wife, anne. but eight hours in a los angeles hangar. having his contacts sit there and crawl through their rolodexes. this is a show of force by romney. he may not be up to obama s money machine but he s the biggest by far in the republican field. these big. my gosh. $10 million is big. michal len, mitt romney has kept quiet, said very little, and he has his show of force. let s behonest what other candidate in the field other than maybe ron paul can raise $10 million in a quarter? exactly. come near it. that was $10 million in a day. palestinianco s john martin thinks he ll have 40 million for the quarter. but i ll tell you this, obama will have more. i ll tell you that. he will. but, man, you win a republican nomination, the money will start flooding in, whoever wins that could take home the presidency. that s that s that s a big day. that s a big day. if he has $40 million in the quarter, that completely dwarves the entire thank you, mike. thank you. coming up, the national championship yukon huskies visit the white house. look at that. that will be nice. kendall with a chance to ask the president for a little advice. okay, good. don t forget, tonight at 7:00, mika and joe will be in northvale, new jersey, outside of new york city. you were there last week. i was last weekend. books and greetings. great shop. mika brzezinski, knowing your value. stop by. i m going the buy signed copies. i m going to take them up there. i m worried. i m going to sell them myself. okay. we ll be right back. 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[ male announcer ] ducati knows it s better for xerox to manage their global publications. so they can focus on building amazing bikes. with xerox, you re ready for real business. joo welcome welcome back to morning joe. a bomb was found on a bus before queen elizabeth arrived. security surrounding the visit has been extra tight, costing almost $50 million. high lighting the importance of the trip, prime minister david cameron joins the queen for the first visit by a british monarch to the island in more than 100 years. thousands of residents in louisiana are on high alert as water continues to gush from the mississippi river s morganza spillway. a total of 11 floodgates on the spillway are are now open with water rushing at an estimated rate faster than niagara falls. over three million acres of land and 13,000 structures in all. they estimate at least 2,500 people were being evacuate d an several could be under several feet of water. we ll watch that. that s a quick look at the news. now time for sports with willie. we begin with the red sox and orioles at fenway. they re down 6-0. i m disgusted. t.j. is going to roll it now. comebacker off dice-k. he s fine. they come back in the sixth inning. kevin youkilis. scores a couple. it s 6-5 there. a one-run game in ninth. adrian gonzalez. unbelievable. goes the other way. slams him off a summonster. ellsbury pedroia comes back to score the winning run. i would have to say when you re in a streak i was falling asleep during their big comeback inning. i nerve believed they d come back. if the yankees get hot in july, they e-mail come back and win it. it just happens. yankees are down right now. they played in tampa against the rays. jorge posada getting another day off. curtis granderson crushes a three-run home run. they re look good behind a.j. burnett until the sixth. sam fuld takes it. same inning, b.j. upton, a two-run home run of his own. rays score five in six innings. we beat the yankees, 6-5. here are the standings. let s talk first. what happened there? apparently he said he wanted to be off the team? going back to saturday. they knocked hip down to nine in fact the order, joe girardi. he said i m jorge posada, sat out the game. they worked it out since then. the reason he s out, he s hitting .195, designated hitter. that doesn t get it done. yankees, red sox, orioles and jays all tied now in second place behind the rays. the yuconn basketball team was at the white house. in accordance with tradition the president was given a huskies jersey this time by kendall walker. walker asked a question of president obama. i want to thank everybody for coming out. i have one question for the president. i wanted to ask you can you teach me that walk? that walk? that walk. that s a special presidential waurks but maybe in a few years. you look good behind the podium, i ve got say. i m looking forward to that. finally a college baseball high light for you. two teams who knew how to make a rain delay entertaining. medieval stile jousting. oh, geez. that s a legit shot. put on a helmet and use a bat. they re okay. still ahead, broadway joe namath. he s going to be right here on the set of morning joe. stop that. i don t believe you. no. he s going to be here. and coming up next, mika s must-read opinion page. there are good ones. and jon stewart goes back behind enemy lines sits in another interview with bill reilly. i saw it on the way to work. wow, that was fascinating. heated at times, funny. magical journey, laughter, tears. we ll show owe when we come back. losing weight clicked for me when i had everything i needed to lose weight right in my hands. sophomore year, started weight watchers online, the weight started coming off. ahh! oh my gosh! 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[ female announcer ] hurry, join for free today. discover customersl are getting five percent cashback bonus at home improvement stores. it pays to switch, it pays to discover. no, no, no. i do not have a thing about bugs. i have a thing about bugs in our house. we used to call an exterminator. ugh. now i go ortho. home defense max. i use it once inside to kill the bugs. stops them dead. guaranteed. and outside to keep new ones from moving in. that s up to 12 months protection against bugs. and 12 months of keeping our house to ourselves. until your mother comes. right. ortho home defense max. defend what s yours. he announced today he wasn t running for president. [ cheers and applause ] what? the whole thing was a publicity stunt? what? trump says he can t run. he wants to spend more time bullying obscure celebrities. donald trump made the surprise announcement that he s not going to run for president. it was a stunning piece of television. take a look. i ve decided that we re going to continue onward with celebrity apprentice. we re going to continue making lots and lots of money for charity. i will not be running for president as much as i d like to. thank you. a lot of apprentice fans. everybody get their kicks in on donald, but he was like first, second place in the republican polls still. yep. no, i don t huckabee was first. he s not running either. i mean you were third. who have we got? okay. so we do have newt gingrich running. you were not alone in the must read opinion pages. i don t associate my remarks with anybody else. i know. i m just saying don t attach me to barnicle. that was something. i m going to have go back and see that tape. i had to force everyone at the table to get into character and be a spokesperson for the gingrich 2012 campaign. wait a minute. so what happened to that civility thing? it was barnicle. it was a sloppy situation. i ve got to same. i did they came in saying turn it on, turn it on, look at barnicle s shirt. look at that. it was terrible. mesh, underarmor breathable we ve goind got to find a picture of that. we have to call anne. she has to be furious. it was mesh? it was mesh. that makes it so much worse. e-mail going to defend mike. i m going to defend him. the next day he wore a sweater under a jacket with a big hole in the gut. the pressure there. the moths get into your okay. in defense of him. no, there s not. the sox were all right. the washington post and wall street journal taking on newt gingrich, the pin oakial candidate. this is richard cohen. there s a little more than richard nixon in gingrich. the same lack of place, the same keen intellect, the same petty fights, and imagine nair enemies, the same hall use na torrey grievances, the sameling bs to lie, exaggerate, and smear. on a given day, gnut begin dwrich could be a brilliant president. on any night, he could be a monster. wall street, in his let s go to here s the wall street journal who i m sure who will defent newt gingrich. in his recent campaign book, to save america, he describes mr. obama as ben on leading a secular-socialist machine that represents as great a threat to america as nazi germany or the soviet union once did. mr. ryan speaks softly but proposes commensurate with america s problems. mr. begin grish speaks loud by but shrinks from hard choices. who s the radical and who s the leader. i always said his biggest problem is he speak loudly and will come out with the most outrageous statements, but when it comes to the really tough choices, certainly we saw this in 97 and 98, he shrinks. that s certainly the lesson of the 90s or the 80s, too, when he spoke to tellty chamber on c-span taking on the entrenched leadership. o you know, he was a viral force politically before there was an intern internet. he did it with videotapes. cassettes. it was amazing. eight-tracks. he sold this vision of the country in perpetual conflict with i think richard s line is good enemies. in the mid-90s. you re right. 95- 96 we made a lot of extraordinarily tough choices, we really did. balanced the budget for the first time in a general. welfare reform. a lot of big things happened back then in 97 and 98. he started doing deals with democrats and attacking conservatives, and i guess maybe that was the move toward the presidency, harold, trying to find that there was a democratic president, so the idea of striking deals with democrats was not completely foreign. and he was calling us a perfectionist caucus and attacking us daily. that was an interesting time in the 80s, a dividing government that seemed to work very well. i think what he said was spot on. i don t think there s any doubt that the conservative had been under the journals. but you re right. you can t ignore. the guy did some good. his politics in the 90s, taking on that republican leadership, i dare say it s unlikely the republicans would have won the majority had he not been as aggressive as others. not like bob michael. he deserves some credit for that and i would agree with you too. he s always been that kind of a thinker though. even when he was leading the guys, he was like get the poor kids a laptop. they re like what do you mean. you know, 1995, 1996, extraordinary times. and there were some great things that were done. but thereafter, again, became big government newt, attacking small government o conservatives. as vivid as that experience is for a lot of us, the amount of time separating the great society and ronald reagan, the same amount of time now separating us from that moment in 15 years it s long time. and there s been a lot of rhetor rhetoric, small government rhetoric from republicans since ronald reagan. very few leaders that have actually stepped forward and dared to actually practice what they preach. paul ryan s one of them. so you call them radical on meet the press. i ve got a problem with that. and we ll be right back. hey, dad, think i could drive? i ll tell you what when we stop to fill it up. [ son ] you realize, it s gotta run out sometime. [ male announcer ] doctors have been saying it forever. let s take a look. but they ve never actually been able to do it like this. let s take a look. v-scan from ge healthcare. a pocket sized imaging device that will help change the way doctors see patients. that s better health for more people. oh, yes. it s time. he wrote a book for his friend logan. it s sweet. strange, disturbing. how should i invest it, willie? dog racing. look at boyd. cigarette boats. these are the two big cigarette boats. boyd mcdonald. money makes money. money makes money. when i go shopping for clothes, got to spend money to make money. especially with shoes. seriously your wife is right. this news could be construed as somewhat useful. jon stewart visiting bill o reilly. they have a nice little back and forth. the controversy surrounds a song common wrote, a song for oh za, a member of the black panther who shot and killed a state trooper. police unions were upset that common was at the white house. here s jon stewart and bill o reilly last night. are you familiar with leonard peltier? yes. okay. leonard peltier was convicted of now we re going out to wounded knee. it s similar. no it s not. why is it not. you re petty fogging the issue. it s the exact same thing, a guy accused of killing a lain forcement official, no? guess who wrote a song about leonard peltier? bono. guess where he was? the white house. booyah. songs are not literal. when the weather girl say it s raining men, it s not precipitation of rain. you do take cheap shots all the time but you defend them very well. that s not the only thing you like me. i m like a shot of levittown right in your ass like boom. i think i m going to commit suicide. oh my goodness, gracious. you ran a longer that language. bob dylan. hurricane carter. and several other rock stars that have been to the white house. bruce springsteen. that s another one. they re both trying to get brownie points. i can tell. anything else? locked and loaded. up next, the editor of fortune magazine andy serwer joins our conference. when a person dies, she said, someone must open the window so the soul can depart. i smiled and squeezed her hand. not tonight, britta. not tonight. long before a cummins diesel engine powered a ram truck.. it roared to life out here. and proved itself here, here, and here. and it s now delivering best-in-class towing, here. and unsurpassed torque, here. the ram 5 year 100,000 mile warranty covers you everywhere. ram. the chief operating officer at a national tissue bank when she decided to get her masters in healthcare administration. by choosing a university that connects working students to faculty who are also leaders in their fields. she was able to apply her studies to the real world. and help more people, much quicker. my name is diane wilson, i deliver the best gifts on earth, and i am a phoenix. [ male announcer ] learn more about the college of nursing at yes, you re from south memphis. yes, you ve always been underdogs. nobody s handed you anything. but that also means that whatever you accomplish in your life you will have earned it. whatever rewards and joys you reap, you ll appreciate them that much more because they will have come through your own sweat and tears. products of your own effort and your own talents. you show more grit and determinations in your childhood than adults ever will. that s who you are. so class of 2011 welcome back to morning joe. jon meacham and harold port jr. are still with us. joining us from fortune magazine andrew serwer. he turned around and addressed the graduates. that s exciting stuff. that school, booker t. washington is one of the earlier schools in memphis. it s a school where former head of naacp benjamin hooks graduated from, numerous people poo from the city graduated from. these kids, the progress they made in a short period of time, the application they sent to get the president to come was just inspiring. he was terrific yesterday. i thought he was talking about the memphis grizzlies, not some wow. how exciting. it was a good day for the city and a good day for those kids. andy. not a good day for this guy. yes. dominique strauss c-kahnstrauss the head of the imf. still. despite the fact according to the new york post he did have sex with a maid. i don t know if that s sex. that s an assault. can i exactly. he assaulted the maid. i m trying to figure out about this story. i understand it s great for the tabloids and everything, but if greece is teetering and portugal is teetering and ireland is teetering and iceland s already gone down and you may you know, germany is carrying the eu on its back, why does one guy s deviant behavior endanger the imf because that s what we ve been hearing the past couple of days, right, mika? let me give you the particulars, and then maybe you can see the impact of this story across the board because it is having a really interesting reaction in france especially. international monetary fund chief dominique strauss-kahn is behind bars without bail on charges of sexually assaulting a hotel maid in new york city. now, looking haggard and unshaven, the french politician listened to the accusations against him. he ll remain in a jail on raicher s island in new york until his hearing scheduled for friday. his lawyer is suggesting that the alleged incident may have been consensual, hinting a what could be their defense. meanwhile overseas the french are steaming over how he s being treated. french journalists and news media it s called new york city. they d do that to anybody. well, in france, the law makes it a crime to take photos of a man not yet convicted. we re not in france, are we? the pictures of strauss-kahn in cuff us was, quote, a brutality, a violence of an incredible cruelty and i m happy we don t have the same judiciary syst. so do we. this from the same country that did deals with saddam hussein for decades, but go ahead. despite all the police call kay use, the white house stresses it is confident the imf will be able to run smoothly without its chief. so have you met this guy? i have not. i have not had the pleasure. i was going to ask if you beerch assaulted by him or not. most others say he has a history of this. the financial times, wall street journal, a lot of publications suggesting that this could endanger greece s bailout. i don t it undermines the credibility of tins substitution, but the institution is a big one with a lot of case officers and people operating in these various countries and trying to fix theseproblems. it s not the only i don t think it s going to it s going to be dig distraction and they re going to need a new guy on the top. what s the political ramifications? if you re in congress and willie said this morning as we were watching way too early, 17% of the imf is funded by the united states, one out of every $5 some of when the guy spends is that being paid for by the imf? yes, it is. that s a problem. that s a problem. when he can live like a rock star, walk on air france any time and get a first-class seat, in these days of austerity, doesn t that make it a tougher sell the next time imf comes up on the funding floor? particularly in light of congress? it certainly will. the other thing is some of tin stability and certainly across the continent can the imf continue to function. the number two who appears poised, ready to assume the number one spot, i know him, i don t think there s any doubt he can do the job. i don t think anyone should confuse imf s work. they ve done good work the last if you few years. these allegations are explosive. if anyone doesn t think he shouldn t be perp walked he would be. this guy was apparently going to challenge sarkozy. that s right. this is good news for sark y sarkozy. obviously i shouldn t say obviously. i was going to say obviously believed from the race. who knows. this may not be the end of his political career in france. you never know in france. will he get back in time to campaign? we don t know. if he had gotten back, he wouldn t have been extra dietd, but that s a moot point, i guess. he s got other victims. weeker. be careful. look at this. look at people coming out saying he was assaulted. me karks look at this poor woman. i know. look at you can tell the stress. he pounced on me. that s not the hungarian economist. there s a hungarian economist too. will are not enough. there are assaults and there are assaults. this sounds like an assault from everything we re reading so far. she goes running and screaming out. he runs and flees, jumps a plane. not good. okay. . what else have you got. i say we move on. let s talk about the budget, shall we? i love it. tim geithner has this should keep the kids glued from the imf to the budget. ooh, in my sweet spot. oh, lord. i m just trying to save you all from yourself. geithner issued a warning letter to both parties about the dangers of a got debt default the congress fails to vote to raise the debt limit. the letter comes as they re taking their debate to the air waves and outside of washington making their case that the nation s plan for finances is the right one. in the wake of harsh democratic criticism, house chairman paul ryan is fighting back. in a speech blasting president obama s handling of the issues so far. look. class warfare may be clever politics, but it s terrible economics. those committed to the mindset of shared scarcity are telling future generations, sorry, you re going to have to make due with much less. your taxes will go up because washington can t get government spending going down. if we can sur rehndy more of our economy over to a govern earning class, then we re shag. that s the real class war that threatens urks picking winners and losers and determining our de destinies for us. president obama stressed that the budget bat sl not just about numbers. we as democrat, we as progressives need to be just as concerned about the debt as anybody else because that s how we will be able to move our vision forward, invefgt in education, infrastructure, clean energy if we ve got a government that lives within igts means, but this broader budget debate that is now carrying over and will probably continue all the way to next year, it s always about what our vision of the country is. house minority leader nancy pelosi also weighed in to the debate, suggesting to cnbc s larry kudlow that no program should be immune to deficit cuts. we must reduce the deficit, we must put erg on table. we ve got to look at cuts for sure. way to deal with abuse, adults, adolescence. do you think medicare is on the table? yes. that s good news. andy, strength things happening here. newt gingrich called paul ryan s medicare plan radical. nancy pelosi says medicare s on the table. things are getting stirred up a good bit, but are we moving toward a bigger deal? we have to move toward a bigger deal. it s important to make a distinction here. it s not like our country is running the out of money. we re not greece. yes. if we hit the debt ceiling and there are problems and the interest rate goes up and the dollar goes down, it s not the world thinks we ve run out of money, they think we can t cope with our political and economic problems. it s a bad signal to the rest of the world and there will will be tremendous costs if we don t do something and do something quick. and the gridlock is sending a signal to the rest of the can you explain to people also that are looking? as far as the markets go and confidence in the u.s. economy and the dollar, what does it mean if we come up with a long-term plan that doesn t cut in the next two years, takes on the general changes of social security, medicare spending, all of these programs wchl don t have to slash the budget in the next two years. what kind of signal does that send? what does that mean for the u.s. dollar, for interest rates, for our borrowing in the future? what does that mean? the benefits could be myriad. the stock market could go up. interest rates could stay low or go lower. the dollar could strengthen. it s a sign to the world they with are finally going to take on these problems and south them. these generational problems. right. we re not talking slashing and burning. the more serious that we are about facing them and the bigger the solutions the bigger the benefits will be and so we need to do something. we need to do something now. it would not behoove congress to way. think geithner and the president have it right, urging coronation republicans to come together. i think that s going to take that kind of leadership if he lays out much like he did after november on the tax cut deal. if he leaves it will be hard for the republicans not to follow or at least enough republicans not to follow him and certainly bring democrats to the table as well. i hope they do it before august. john meech ham, do you think the president will meet here or hang back after the re-election. judging from his past, looking at his character, what s he going to do? he ll wait. why s that. it s worked so far. he s president. donald trump is out. so deferring works for president obama. i think to me and harold s been with him, so tell me if the body language is right. the central nair a active issue for obama is not appearing radical, right? and that has been true all the way through. and i think that he will to me there s an intermediate choice between today and after the re-elect, which could be for the 11 budget. but in terms of retirement, i suspect you re looking at early 13. coming up. you do think that. you ve got to raise the debt ceiling. i thank s the biggest challenge for the president. because i think the freshmen republicans unlike a lot of republicans running for president are very serious about not continuing this spending spree we ve had over the past decade. so i think there are many freshmen republicans who just don t give dam what world markets say. they re not dangerous position. you know what though? it s drama. it s going to come back to the economy and jobs. it s also dangerous about continuing to rubber stamp one, increasing the debt ceiling. this is great time for people to get together before the debt ceiling increase, but we ll see. coming up, communities in the south are still trying to recover from last month s deadly tornadoes including one that tore through tuscaloosa. close to the university of alabama campus. coming up, we re going to have legendary quarterback and alabama alum joe nay math on the set to talk about recovery efforts there. and up next former congresswoman jane harman on the set of morning joe. you re watching morning joe brewed by starbucks. it moves effortlessly, breathes easily. it flows with clean water. it makes its skyline greener and its population healthier. all to become the kind of city people want to live and work in. somewhere in america, we ve already answered some of the nation s toughest questions. and the over sixty thousand people of siemens are ready to do it again. siemens. answers. how can expedia now save me even more on my hotel? 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you hear a lot of different issues you all tackle. what s one of them you re looking at closely. national security is my sweet spot and we held a very interesting national conversation. we re going do many of these. on the need for a new national security narrative for our country. i understand that the president is speaking thursday. he s going to talk about some of the places in the new middle east. he s not going to lay out an overarching approach to this. you talk about the new middle east. can you believe how quickly things are changing there, staggering. i spent eight years on the intelligence committee and homeland committee. i never saw this coming this fast. still what our values are and approaches has to be understood by them or they will not, in my view, have the view of us going forward that we would hope they would. all right. you talk about some of these unexpected turns that we couldn t have predicted. but pakistan, could we have predicted how nebulous the relationship is at this point. is this basically laying out what we already knew and what s our way forward there. that s a tricky deal. i m glad she postponed her trip. that s a statement she should have made. i would like us to hit the reset button with pakistan. there s a lot to rolling back the videotape. for example, the haqqani network needs to be wrapped eped up. that would be one. number two, lack show tie bow who attacked in india needs to be prosecuted for what it did and number three, accucon, the father of the pakistani nuclear industry needs to be questioned by us so he can make sure that his proliferation network that was all over the word shipping nuclear materiels to libya before we and the brits apprehended him and gave a lot of the stuff that north korea and iran may have to them, that we need to understand that that network is gone. john kerry was in islamabad yesterday as you indicated talking to prime minister gillani. he s going to beijing to meet with the chinese leader, so he s all over the place to make sure his country is stabilized. the big thing is money. there s a story in the wall street journal how the united states is reassessing the aid we give to pakistan. how can we control the pursestrings, congresswoman, in terms of helping them out and not alienated them. they re a friend, a frenemy. they re a frenemy with 100-plus nuclear weapons. they re strategically located next to afghanistan. i m reassessing our strategy. i think it s not sustainable. they re next door to india, thiernld full of they have a huge population, 180 million people. we have to reset this relationship. as far as the aid goes, i was wuk of the ring leaders in congress trying to put more conditions on the aid package we have related to the proliferation package. i want us to give economic aid to pakistan. i want us to help build schools that don t teach contorted views of the koran and the need to become suicide bombers. there s me dross everywhere there. i want to help with the repair of the pakistan s infrastructure from the huge flood that destroyed the fifth of the country and i want to help build stability there. we have our boots on the ground there, but we have to do it in a way at a time and a place where pakistan gets the message, which is no more terror attacks on americans in afghanistan. so harold, let me really quickly just to add to this conversation, i didn t see it in the print versus the times but on my iphone. this is the headline from it. pakistanis said never come here again. we did. and, of course, if you listen if you read war, if you talk to any soldiers or marines over in afghanistan, they ll tell you they re not fighting the afghanistan taliban. they re fight pakistan. there s just i mean the i don t know if frenemies is a term of art now, but that s some kind of frenemy. joe and mika had been talking about the front. i ll be asking if you think we should continue it in july. the bigger question joe was raising did you spun port going in and getting bin laden and if you say yes should they continue without pakistani s permission? is this something you advise. did i support them going in, yes. did i support not telling the pakistanis in advance, yes, i did because we had reason to believe it would have been leak and compromised. we can trust many of them. we don t know which to trust. isi runs that company. certainly somebody knew bin laden was there. isi runs that country. somebody in the isi knew. on afghanistan, i think we should we reduce our military footprint 20678914, that s what nato said. that s okay with me. i think our mission is unsustainable. with don t have the rye sources finan financial or people. there are dangers to the u.s. this transformation in the middle east, joe, is something we didn t fully anticipate and we need to focus on those parts of the middle east and we need a new narrative about what america stands for. a consistent how do you tie our the revolution in egypt to the revolution in bahrain to what s going on in syria to what went on in iran in 2009? there is no overarching theme, is there? well, one size does not fit all. i get that. but we need to be clear that we stand with the people of the middle east who want to participant in their government and select their own leaders. that s got to be strong. we want to establish the rule in all of the countries and build economic aid and to proed my u.s. investment in the countries in the peaceful middle east. can we come to your center? sure. it s a safe political space. do it. that would be great. i love this. it s morning joe d.c. god bless. it s a smart show. smart people. you re not smart? mod is city is his thing. it s great seeing you again. and newsweek is doing great. got to plug it. coming up, the robinson called the perp walk. political career killer. i wonder if it is. standing by in the green room, there we go. joe namath. we ll be right back with more morning joe. we re america s natural gas. and here s what we did today in homes all across america: we created the electricity that powered the alarm clocks and brewed the coffee. we heated the bathwater and gave kelly a cleaner ride to school. cooked the cube steaks and steamed the veggies. entertained dad, and mom, and a neighbor or two. kept watch on the house when they slept. and tomorrow we could do even more. we re cleaner, domestic, abundant and ready now. we re america s natural gas. the smarter power today. learn more at welcome back to morning joe. it is 34 minutes past the hour. quick news. according to the bunt office, last month s deal to avert a government shutdown will save more than $3 billion for the rest of the year. they said the agreement would cut spend big nearly $39 billion when it was announced. the reason for the increase, defense spending, some of which was sped up will rise by $7.5 billion. so this deal that one supposed to save us $38 billion. i thought it was bad because it only saved us $300 million. now it costs $3 billion. it keeps getting worse. it will reduce spending by over $102 million over a decade. all right. we ll see. police officials in dublin say a bomb was found on a bouse just hours before queen elizabeth ii was set to arrive. they say security surrounding the visit has been extra tight, costing almost $50 million, highlighting the importance of the trip, prime minister david cameron joins the queen for the first visit by a british monarch to the island in more than 100 years. interesting shots of island. what did he do? put up hawaii? i think he put up pictures of louisiana. they re taking their case against facebook to the supreme court. come on, stop it. e-mail just tired. are these the winklevoss? yes. can we willie, they re spending all this money suing facebook. why don t they go to a justice of the peace, put down $75 and change their name from wi winklevo winklevoss. they got $65 million out of the deal. come on. it s over, you guys. sometimesite note about the money. who do we have coming up next. you don t want me to finish the story? no. it tees winklevosses. they know their value. coming up. he s here. it s huge. joe nay math on the set when we come back. 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[ groans ] [ male announcer ] only walmart has low prices every day on everything to keep you looking young. backed by our ad match guarantee. save money. live better. walmart. welcome back to morning joe. we re very excited. a former quarterback for the new york jets, the one and only broadway joe, joe namath, so good to have you here. good to be here. thank you. you played for tuscaloosa, played for bear brian. an icon. the icon. we love why you re here today. you re helping out there. of course, the tornados that just tore apart not only tuscaloosa but parts of the south. doing good work down there. you know, life s a team effort and the university of alabama, the athletic department, a lot of people are reaching out to do the best they can. so many people have suffered with this disaster. again, just watching mississippi, tuscaloosa, blarjs mother nature has been rough on us all. it s great that people are making an effort to get in there and help the folks, but it s not going to go away soon. this is going to be a long time before we get everything cleaned up and put back together. joe, you talked about your son in school down there and some of the things he witnessed were unimaginable. it really is unimaginable for these kids losing some friends and of course going through tuscaloosa, a town that you and i have grown up with and just not recognizing large chunks of it. wiped off the map it. knocks the air out of you, man. then you see the people that have been hit. you know, a lot of us are lucky that we didn t get our areas hit in tuscaloosa and you look at the folks trying to recover. they lost everything. you wonder it tests my religion at times, man. i believe in spirituality and the good lord, but till you what. you wonder why these things happen throughout the world and our country right now. so many people that a lot of people that can afford at least getting completely wiped out. look at these tornados. absolutely devastating. you re going down to tuscaloosa and you re not going to be alone. you re going to have other people lining up to help out. that s right. the athletic department usually has agate-together this coming sunday and we re going to gut out in the street asnd visit th people. i know kenny chesney is doing a performance down there and it will lift a lot of spirits. mel moore, obviously coach moore is going to be you do keep your ties to the universi university. your son. it s a beautiful campus. it s beautiful. as everybody knows, i tie in the second half of the iron bowl this last year with world events and how you try to establish a running game when you re passing and getting everything, but let s leave that behind. you mentioned mel moore. he s an old teammate of mine. you played with mel. that s right. athletic director. great, great, guy. yes, he is. he s helping to organize this. that s right. that s what i wanted to say. he s spear headed this. the athletic department has helped a lot. nick save and those guys have been out working. we need to get together, be shoulder to shoulder and help out, man. what s your first memory of tuscaloosa? coach bryant. i d have to start there because i didn t know where i was going. didn t know anything about the south coming from western p.a. there was an ongoing education as far as being in a different part of the country and how folks looked at one another. of course, we ve improved a great deal. that stuff still goes on around the world with bigotry and ugliness. i don t understand it to a degree, because it s jut beating ourselves up. hatred is not healthy, you know. this is not a healthy thing for us. we ve come a long way. we ve changed big time down in the south, you know that. but the racial issue was the first thing that was different to me. coach bryant, of course, was the man i was going to see, and my teammates, but i was stunned. was so naive and ignorant to the situation. you know, speaking of coach bryant, everybody talked about everybody s always said you were his favorite player. you guys became friends. but he was tough on you. i mean there s, of course, the famous story that s legendary, willie, i guess it was before the 64 sugar bowl. you came in a minute after the play. he said you re not going to play. he benches the star and you go cry on his wife s shoulder. you were like family. he treated you like everybody else. he was a disciplinarian. he expected everybody to toe the line and chip in together. of course, i broke a training rule. he let me come back the year later, the following spring. but it was tough. it was tough. but he loved you, but he was tough on you. oh you don t see that with a lot of coaches these days. winning is everything with a lot of coaches. yes, but it starts with the coach. it starts with his discipline. and i ll tell you what. talking about the coach rex rieb. i was reading the book and i was telling you how i was in a funk looking at other mother nature beating us up. rex s book is so positive, he picked me up. he changed my attitude. my daughter saying you ve about got to stop dealing with the tragedy. said we re dealing with it. i just can t get rid of it. reading rex s book, it s really picked me up man. it s really good. you re still a bic part of the jets family over there and they ve had a couple of great seasons under rex ryan. i want to ask you about mark sanchez, a guy who some say he could be a joe nay math. not only the way he plays the game but run the city. what do you like about mark sanchez? everything. i promise you. he has won his teammates over from day one because of his work ethic. you see he ooh goes to work. he s not a guy looking to be patted on the back. he s proven that he s team, he s game. now, physically he s outstanding. if he can stay healthy, it s unlimited. rex ryan and that team has a shot. two years in a row going to the unbelievable. yes, yes, really unbelievable. this year we expect him to do it again. have you talked to sanchez about the pressures of being a star in new york city because nobody knows about it better than you do. have you discussed that with him sf. no. i discussed football with mark. we talk about just every day things. we haven t gotten into what it s like because it is different. it s so much tougher now. i couldn t deal with this, i don t believe it, unless i changed my game plan, you know. you ve got have a different plan in this day and age. we were surprised by mark sanchez. he s a young boy. he calls every athlete a young boy. he came in talking about his xbox game. exercise game. it s unbelievable. you never know what somebody s going to be like, especially a young athlete or young star, movie star. he really has his head together. seemed like a pretty solid guy. he is and you re right. when i first met mark prior to his first game down in houston two years ago, the same thing. i thought he was like a puppy dog, you know. he was so full of it. my son is that. that s nice. he is a young guy. all of a sudden these guys are young to me. how s alabama going to do this year? they re going to do well as long as say bin is there and the tradition is there. that s their passion. they re going do well. unbelievable. joe sna math. we can t thank you enough. of course,ite s thrill to have you here. more importantly we can t thank you enough for going down and helping the alabama families. talking to you we see how this has affected you. ite going help you and help those people who have suffered so much as well albuquerquing there for relief. that s right. the folks all down the mississippi rib, the fires in texas, we ve all got to team up and help as much as we can. visit the website at thank you so much. up next, fireworks between jon stewart and bill o reilly last night. we ll show you what they were debating when we come back. keep it right here on morning joe. aaah! [ airplane engine whines ] [ grunts ] [ dog barking ] gah! [ children shouting ] [ grunts ] [ whacking piñata ] [ whacking piñata, grunting ] na, na-na, na [ men ] hey, hey, hey goodbye [ flushing ] [ both ] na, na. [ woman ] na, na-na, na [ men ] hey, hey, hey good-bye [ male announcer ] with kohler s powerful, high-efficiency toilets. flush. and done. [ all ] hey, hey, hey good-bye i feel like a totally new person. weight watchers new pointsplus works because i can eat like this for the rest of my life. on weight watchers, i lost a total of 66 pounds. my children inspired me to lose the weight because i want to be around for them riding bikes, going hiking. a new dawn, a new day, a new life i feel good. like i m 22 again. [ jennifer ] go on, join for free. weight watchers new pointsplus. because it works. not giving a lot to work with here. no, not at all. did you see jon stuart aewar bill o reilly last night? they have this respect for each other. this time, jon stewart visiting bill o reilly across the street at fox talking about the controversy of common appearing at the white house. jon stewart kind of rattled through some other controversial, quote-unquote, performers who have visited the white house. bob dylan wrote a song about a convicted killer named hurricane carter. he s been to the white house. why are you drawing the line at common? you may think he s ignorant in believing that ka shore is innocent, but guess what, bono can t go to the white house. springstein can t go to the white house, bob dylan can t go to the white house. you have a lot of people that respect allowed to sit in the white house because they ve written songs about people convicted of murder. songs are not literal. when the weather girls are singing it s raining men it s not for real. the thing i like about you is you take cheap shots all the time, but you defend those cheap shots. that s not the only thing you like about me. i m like a shot of levitttown right in your ass. i think i m going to commit suicide. that s snap, crackle and pop right there. great on both sides. the common controversy has come and gone. with a bow on it. yeah. you had dylan sing a very popular song about hurricane and bono. what s the springstein cop killer song? i don t know what the controversile song is. there is a strange cult that grows up around cop killers. i don t understand it. with cop stuff there. on fox, common has been portrayed a thug, gangster rapper, but there is something to be said about one song, a song for shakor that was convicted of that. i took issue with bob dylan s glory. most of it is a positive message. i ve never heard of common. springstein born in the usa. we re still looking. i don t think it was about that. what s that 41 shot? remember that song? that s not about a cop killer. it s about shooting a guy unlawfully. we ll stop speculating on the air and do some research. it s more fun to wildly speculating. andy, thanks for being here. you changed our life as always. thank you. the fortune 500 is in stores. ruth bader-ginsburg next. more morning joe when we come back. ÷ hey, did you ever finish last month s invoices? sadly, no. oh. but i did pick up your dry cleaning and had your shoes shined. well, i made you a reservation at the sushi place around the corner. well, in that case, i better get back to these invoices. which i ll do right after making your favorite pancakes. you know what? i m going to tidy up your side of the office. i can t hear you because i m also making you a smoothie. [ male announcer ] marriott hotels & resorts knows it s better for xerox to automate their global invoice process so they can focus on serving their customers. with xerox, you re ready for real business. i feel like we have an amazing inheritance in terms of what our grandparents and our great grandparents thought to leave us. when they were building the infrastructure that is the spine of this country, they knew the benefit of it would redound to us. what are we doing? look, class warfare may be clever politics, but it s terrible economics. those committed to the mind set of shared scarcety are telling future generations sorry, you re going to have to make due with much less. your taxes will go up, because washington can t get government spending down. if we surrender more control of our economy to a governing class, that s the class warfare that threatens us. determining our destinies for us. we as democrats, we as progressives need to be just as concerned as anybody else, because that s how we will be able to move our vision forward, investing in education, investing in infrastructure, investing in clean energy if we ve got a government that lives within its means. this broader budget debate that will continue until november of next year, is also about what our vision of the country is. good morning, it s 8:00 on the east coast as we take a live look at a rainy wet morning in manhattan. welcome to morning joe. returning to the set, we have jon meacham. that s a good headline. financial times, they probably pay them a lot. imf chief denied $1 million bail, but of course, the gold standard, here it comes. the new york post. he did have sex with the maid. trump, not running. what do you think about trump not running. all right. yesterday, i go after newt gingrich and usually when i tell the truth about republicans, they re always nuts on the far right. they say you re a rhino. you re a rhino, because i ve been saying the same things since 1994. we ran newt out of washington in 1998 because he wasn t conservative enough on spending. you re a rhino. yesterday, actually, i got to say for the first time in a decade, it was nice for actually conservatives that chatter for a living to actually agree with me. that s unusual. to agree with me that we really should have conservative figures like newt gingrich held to account for not really being conservative. this has been the republican party s problem for a decade. and when newt was there, he started spending too much money in 98, but boy, they went after him. he s helping clarify the conversation. maybe that s his role. maybe he is. now, you had predicted on this show, jon meacham, that donald trump would be president of the united states. are you surprised? i am. this may be a little like napoleon in the 100 day. he could be going off to palm beach or wherever he goes and could be coming back. willy and i, i m back in the city, it s 30 degrees and raining. so what do we do on a cold raining night, we go to the holiday inn. you compare trump s retreat to george washington s retreat on long island. i know he ll be back. absolutely. what happened with trump? they don t invite me to stuff like that. i sit in my dark, wind doughless office. donny deutsch and people who know him said he was going to run. perhaps he didn t think he was going to win. undergo the scrutiny. i haven t spoken to donald, but i think some things changed when bin laden was killed, when the president put out the birth certificate. if steve berk said, why don t you come back and i ll give you $60 million. i don t know what he said but he made 50 or $60 million on this thing. he s got billions. 50 million is like walking around money. i think jon meacham said it best. donald trump started well talking about china, jobs, america s competitiveness, and then the facts got in the way. the birth certificate, finding of bin laden. he got caught up on the social issues, joe, as you and i know in politics, sometimes when you play in a different area a lot of conservatives say he s the guy that forced the president s hand. couldn t he have spun that on the campaign trail? probably could have. i never thought he would run. i thought this was all an effort to stir things up a bit. we know that he likes the publicity and attention. he s good at it. i think it got a little hot and too uncomfortable. i m glad he did it earlier. i like him. i didn t want him hurt. he raised a lot of money. he knows his value. he really does. he s loaded. yeah. seriously, it s like popping popcorn without the top on. what is? doing the show with joechlt it s like popping popcorn without the top on. all over the place. did you miss me? we missed you. we ll go back to newt gingrich. just days after announcing his candidacy, he s fending off attacks from fell republicans. at issue is gingrich s comments sunday on meet the press. where he credit sized the plan for being too radical. social engineering is any more desirable than left wing social engineering. i don t think imposing from the right or left is a good way for free society to operate. paul ryan is a social engineer now. i just don t get it. actually i do get it. but i like saying i don t get it, because i ve gotten this since 1998. can i throw out a proposition? go ahead. is it possible that gingrich is donald trump with a congressional penchant? donald trump has a lot more money. newt has made it s the politics of hyperbole since he left. it s always some civilizational, a word he likes. profound. profound crisis. this isn t just a medicare reform. this is radical change being opposed from the left to the right. you can t just disagree with barack obama. he s a kenyan who is more dangerous than stalin. i will say this, at the beginning not the beginning, because at the beginning, newt was a rockefeller republican. when he saw he couldn t win as a rockefeller republican and became a conservative, his civilization, i think his thesis that the united states had become a bloated welfare state that he raced against until he became speaker in 94, he went overboard, blaming mothers drowning children on the democratic party, outrageous comment, but at least he had good material to work with. i think now, you know, he compares kathleen sebelius, a former kansas governor, now a bureaucrat to joseph stalin. he compares one of the great religions to naziism. i think he needs to tone it down. i think this was a different newt. this is a newt that is driven by the polls. that sees that ryan s medicare plan is not going to work and he just turns on a dime, which the libya thing. and the libya thing. exactly. everything is calamitous until two or three days later when for some reason it isn t. by the way, those are two good words to use, kids, at school today. calamitous. in fairness to newt on one issue, i agree with everything that s been said, he at least showed some consistency on the individual mandate. when confronted with this language by david gregory on meet the press. he stood with it. he said he believed that an video owe. i mean yesterday, he backed off it. he s flipped again. i stand corrected. you re with us. welcome aboard. the change is almost welcome aboard. thank you. i was with the president yesterday. i didn t realize he flipped. almost calamitous. he flipped again yesterday? you were with the president yesterday. we re smoking a carton. high school s graduation. it was a great event for the kids. can t keep up with the flip-flopping when you re doing that. he does it for the kids. on gingrich s radio show, we re going to hear from paul ryan who defended his medicare proposal. with allies like that, who needs the left? look, what s happening is medicare is going broke and we re saying if we put a plan like this in place, you don t have to change the benefits for anybody who is 55 and above. i mean, that s hardly radical. it goes on, conservative pundits took on gingrich. he s getting slammed. some arguing that his attack on ryan s plan was an unforgivable mistake that may cost him the nomination. i am not going to justify this. i m not going to explain this. the attack on paul ryan, the support for an individual mandate in health care, folks don t ask me to explain this. there is no explanation. this is a big deal. he s done. he didn t have a big chance from the beginning, but now it s over. calling it radical and right wing social engineering is deadly. you know, i always say that people are six months behind you. that s why you get called names. people are catching up with this one. this would be like a decade behind. this is what happens. unfortunately, to republicans, when they run for the presidency or become president. when they re in the legislative branch, they have courage. when they run for president or become president, they become cowards when it comes to small government. if you don t believe me, find a major candidate running for president that most people believe have a shot of winning that can raise a lot of money that has embraced paul ryan s medicare plan. or that s embraced said yes, i would vote for paul ryan s plan. they re not going to do it. they haven t done it. that s why, over the past decade, republicans took a surplus and turned it into a debt. are you suggesting that paul ryan s plan is one of the litmus tests that republicans should have to answer to? i m not suggesting that, but for me, medicare is a litmus test. nancy pelosi even talked about it. we re going to actually save medicare and save social security and save medicaid by making really tough cuts. now, they ll talk about medicaid because that s going after the poor. but when you have the guts to say medicare will bankrupt america if we don t change it, you re going after older voters in iowa and new hampshire and south carolina and florida and michigan and nevada and the early states. do they have the guts to tell the truth about medicare? i haven t seen it yet. paul ryan does. there s some people who think ryan s plan achieves some of which you don t want which is bankruptsing important parts of the older population of the country. you re talking about providing i agree with the boldness of it. guess what? they always do. they go after it s the middle class entitlements that republicans embrace and democrats. it s the middle class entitlements they don t have the guts to go after. medicare. they re not going to talk about medicare, because middle class and upper middle class seniors vote, but they ll attack medicaid or poor people because they don t vote as much. so are you do you believe, again, do you believe in socialism for corporations but capitalism for poor people? or do you believe in the free market for everybody? paul ryan believes in the free market for everybody. find me the presidential candidate in the republican party that believes that right now other than ron paul. i think there are things we can quarrel about ron paul. i think one could argue that paul ryan s plan, whether it s a good one or not is front and center in a political campaign upstate new york right now. we ll get some sense of how that turns out. two the republican stepped away from some of paul ryan s ideas and will not be the center piece. i hear you. i m saying republicans, in fairness to newt, there are other republicans not fully embracing this. you have not heard me from day one. i ve heard you. you haven t heard me saying i endorse the paul ryan plan 100%. i endorse the fact, again, you haven t heard me going i ve been reminding people that say ignore the balance on the backs of the poor. i embrace paul ryan going after the middle class entitlements. the only reason i m bringing this up is because newt is reading the polls and seeing that voters in iowa are concerned about cuts to medicare. tell me this, why do you think no republican candidate running, take paul ryan out, because i think where they are on paul ryan. the concept is good. by the way, that s a great way to put it. i ve heard you say that. and i have a big difference of opinion, especially on domestic discretionary spending from the republicans, and i ve been very blunt about that. i also, again, i don t agree with the block grants on medicaid. i disagree with that. but i admire what paul ryan did. he had guts and my biggest problem here is newt gingrich goes on meet the press and calls him a radical and accuses him of social engineering. we ve got nancy pelosi for that. hold on a second. we do. nancy pelosi will tell you that about paul ryan s budget. we don t need newt for that, especially a guy that runs around on fox news for a decade telling ever how conservative he is. it s something about running for president as a conservative. they get out there and suddenly, they re not small. they will say i ll a conservative, i m pro life and pro gun and i m pro this and that. but they are also pro big government. they are always in the end pro big government. don t you think it s playing by the house rules since eisenhower? eisenhower ratified the new deal. he said we ll turn this way a little bit, that way a little bit, but by and large, he didn t roll things back. you ve got a system that s just we ve talked about this before, where you get into horrible knife fights about the smallest incremental change because this is the landscape couple of things. we are all now fdr s children. we have to get gingrich s response on this. given what you said about nancy pelosi, this is her extending the conversation on cnbc today. we must reduce the deficit. we must put everything on the table. we ve got to look at cuts for sure. waste, fraud, abuse allegations. is medicare on the title? are entitlements on the table? yes. i think medicare is on the table. good. just saying. just saying. that s good. seeking to downplay the controversy, a spokesman for newt gingrich issued this statement saying there is little daylight between ryan add gingrich. but look how it gets reported. newt would fully support ryan if it were not compulsory. we need to support a system people will voluntarily move to. that is a major difference in design but not substance. when you call somebody radical or another plan radical, there s a lot of daylight. that s like running off tackle and having a mile. maybe he s calling himself radical as well. let s roll the video. i am for the repeal of obamacare and against any effort to oppose a federal mandate because it s fundamentally wrong and unconstitutional. he s not going to be the nominee, he s not going to be president. he says something, republicans react, the left reacts. that s all he wants to do. start the conversation. he s doing it for the kids. it s like a professor, you know. he ll tell you that. he was a professor once. yes, he is. listen, you know, again, the biggest problem, we ve got to go to break. this is part of the bigger problem for the republican party and it has been for the past 15 or 20 years. they talk small government, small government, small government until they re in a position to be president of the united states. then they forget it. i mean, the house republicans are making tough cuts, but meacham, as george will said, during the age of reagan, i think he said something like we are all fdr s children now. we are. you can argue this is a 30 year cycle, that kemp roth was the one great blow against government and against the role of the state. that was 30 years ago this august. after that, he kept raising taxes. we re going to have a special kemp roth anniversary right here. of all the places in the world where i would say that and people would know. people watching know what you re talking about, except mika. up next, eugene robinson who writes about the perp walk that almost no politician can recover from. here is bill with a check on the weather. as advertised this is not the best of weeks if you live in the new england area down to the mid atlantic. the ohio valley has more rain than we want. all the green is rain. it s coming off the atlantic on the winds. it s even a chilly rain in many areas. downpours in new york city. the red, heavy downpours that just moved through. more coming in behind it now approaching brooklyn and long island. airport delays are building up, 15 in philadelphia, laguardia, one hour. these will build during the day. 60s if you re lucky, on and off thunderstorms. if you want great weather, go to the middle of the country, minneapolis is getting the reward while the east coast is punished. on the west coast, you have wet weather to deal with, nothing like we have outside our window. you re watching morning joe brewed by starbucks. beer and wine, and cupcakes. i was doing the corporate grind, like everyone else. but to be successful, i knew i had to be different. ink, ink, ink, ink, ink. i mean i love that card. it does things differently too. great customer service, going above and beyond to help me out as a small business. it s accepted in twice as many places around the world as american express, and if i ever need to give my employees ink cards, they re free. announcer: make your mark with ink. chase what matters. go to i will not be running for president. what? what? who s going to tell opec the fun is over? who is going to tell china to go [ bleep ] themselves? who is going to break this to meet loaf? meat loaf, should i run for president? absolutely. look at him, so full of hopes and dreams for the future,the dream that one day the president of the united states might order him to sell suntan lotion with gary busey. i will not seek the republican nomination for president this year. all the factors say go, but my heart says no. what? what? the factors say go but my heart says no? why? because it rhymes? what about the republican field is a mess so my heart says yes, or you re up against pawlenty, he s a grand e, he s a venti. where does the meat go now? meat loaf. i don t know if he s still on the show. who is he going to vote for now? come on. meat loaf has a libertarian streak. rand paul streak. if i know meat, he will. let s move on. joining us now, pulitzer prize winning columnist, eugene robinson who writes about the imf sex scandal. he writes the arrest came amid delicate, complicated and urgent negotiations to rescue the european union s most threatened economies. strauss-kahn was a key figure and while others can pick up where he leaves off, the financial markets could be unnerved by his sudden absence. i think it s more than the financial markets. let s start there. what will happen to the imf, do you think, . i think the euro situation, as well as dominique strauss-kahn did. he was a big cheese. he was a trusted guy who could sit down and work things out with merkel and didn t necessarily go with sarkozy that well, but he was a guy that all the big major players trusted and so with him out of the picture, it s not like starting from square one. it just is a potentially major hiccup at a delicate time. the imf will be fine. you note the irony in a socialist staying at a $3,000 a night hotel. yes. that s socialism today, socialism tomorrow, socialism forever, i guess. it pays well. i didn t know that was the way socialism rolled these days, you know, $3,000 a night hotel. $3,000 is a good deal more, i think, than the average per capita income in the countries of the world. if you take a whole average. so, you know, i guess they re working on behalf of humanity, but that s not the way that s not my grandfather s socialism. yes. i m sure your grandfather would be very happy you re identifying him as a socialist. let s move from politics in france and the imf on the world stage to the politics of the world party. you would see two top republican leaders in the polls, mike huckabee and donald trump have announced they re not going to run for president. where does that leave the field? first of all, i as a journalist, i think i speak on behalf of all columnists, i m heartbroken. this is just awful for journalism, but the field is a mess. and who in this field is going to be the credible, viable challenger to an incumbent whose prospects gone up in recent weeks. this is not a slam dunk. this is an opportunity for republicans, even though it may be uphill but it s not that steep a hill. i can t believe that other major figures are not diving in. like who? where does that leave us, gene? well, it leaves people on the phone to mitch daniels. is he going to electrify the american people? i don t know. there are going to be people talking again about jeb bush and chris christie and others who have said categorically they re not running, but they re going to try to change their minds, i think. by default at this point, you have to say republicans are left with mitt romney, if he can get past the nominating process, and he may not be able to. where are they? what do you think, joe? i was just going turn it to you, because i know we had been saying weeks and even months ago, it was a little late not to have a candidate emerging. how do we even characterize where the party is now. it s 1996. you ve got a very conservative house of representatives. and you have a bob dole type figure from the moderate wing emerging right now. mitt romney raised $10 million yesterday. as i said from the beginning, i think it s going to be very ugly. i think it s going to be a war of attrition, but i think in the end, if you look at the past, as pro log, mitt romney is the gop nominee. i think you re probably right at this point. from what we know now, you would have to say he s the overwhelming favorite because he will have all that money. he s done it before, and frankly, who else out there, who of this field is going to beat him? the question for romney, of course, is that the party is divided. so much of the party is more conservative than he is. we ll never forgive him for romney care, and so what sort of party would then be going into the general election? would it be unified and enthusiastic or would it be like 96? jon meacham? gene, do you think if in may of 07, we would have been having this conversation, we would have been i think saying a lot of the same things about really both parties, being in unsettled fields, hillary clinton being the front runner. obama, i m not sure where he was in the polls at that point and john mccain was having a hard time getting arrested still at this point. yeah. based on how many of these things you ve watched, when do you hi it begins to settle down, which it always does? probably this fall. i think it starts to settle down. but remember, the democratic field, we kind of knew the shape of it by now. obama announced in february of 2007 and fairly quickly, we kind of identified hillary clinton and then obama and edwards as the contenders. we didn t know who was going to win, but we knew who the major candidates were. i think you re right that the republican field was pretty messy at that point. it just seems messier to me now, because we have what looked to me like fewer major viable figures who you can imagine actually winning a presidency, even out there at this point. is chris christie going to get pulled into this in some way, shape or form? i don t think so. i think there are a lot of strong candidates that after the capture of osama bin laden and after seeing that barack obama stays around 50%, even in the worst of economic times, that is not inviting as one potential presidential candidate told me. i can survive losing a republican nomination fight. i cannot survive politically losing to barack obama in the general election. yeah. i mean, if you lose the general election, that s kind of your shot. so they don t want to take that shot yet. eugene robinson, thank you very much. your article in this morning s washington post. the s.e.a.l.s left behind in the bin laden raid. didn t we blow that thing up? most of it. 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[ man ] at ge capital, we re out there every day with clients like jetblue financing their fleet, sharing our expertise, and working with people who are changing the face of business in america. after 25 years in the aviation business, i kind of feel like if you re not having fun at what you do, then you ve got the wrong job. my landing was better than yours. no, it wasn t. yes, it was. was not. yes, it was. what do you think? take one of the big ones out? nah. live look at the white house, 37 past the hour. quick look at the news. thousands of residents in louisiana are on high alert as water continues to gush from mississippi river s morganza s spillway. water is rushing at an estimated rate faster than niagara falls. 25,000 people live in the flood s potential path. over 3 million acres of land and 13,000 structures in all. at least 2500 people were being evacuated in southern louisiana could be covered in several feet of water in the coming days. yesterday, president obama visited flood victims in memphis and later addressed high school graduates in the city who won the white house s race to the top commencement challenge. queen elizabeth has arrived in dublin hours after a bomb was found in a bus there. army officials say they removed and detonated the bomb in a secure location. the tell graph reports security has been extra tight, costing almost $50 million. on a trip to pakistan, senator jon kerry says the government has returned to return the tail of the helicopter that was left at bin laden s compound during the raid that killed him. the helicopter was damaged after making a hard landing there. navy s.e.a.l.s said they had to destroy the stealth machine to protect u.s. technology. kerry says the move is part of a specific series of steps aimed at lessening tensions between the two countries. up next, he leads one of the most preeminent cultural institutions in the world. the president of the lincoln center joins us right here on set. sun in the sky you know how i feel i m loving weight watchers new pointsplus program and the edge it s giving me. freedom is mine and i know how i feel i never feel deprived. you know how freeing that is? it s a new dawn, a new day i feel good. i feel good. i feel good. and i m feeling good go on, join for free. weight watchers new pointsplus. because it works. we believe doing the right thing never goes unnoticed. liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what s your policy? [ technician ] are you busy? management just sent over these new technical manuals. they need you to translate them into portuguese. by tomorrow. [ male announcer ] ducati knows it s better for xerox to manage their global publications. so they can focus on building amazing bikes. with xerox, you re ready for real business. i wasn t there then. i missed this. in may of 2006, illusionist david blaine set of residence in a glass tank in the middle of lincoln center in new york city. willie does that outside of 30 rock. it was an atext to set a record of living in an aquarium. of all the performances we could have highlighted, how did we find that one. thank you, t.j. that was incongruous with the usual crowd of concert goers as one of the several efforts to broaden the institution s audience. despite the recession, libya is getting it right, guiding one of the most prominent mecca to major success. very good to have you here with with us today. that was interesting. it is remarkable. it is a remarkable institution. the amount of traffic that goes into the lincoln center, without getting too specific, in my neighborhood, the amount of traffic that goes in and out of the lincoln center every day is stunning. the number of seats. how does it compare to madison square garden? we have 5 million people a year. we have 22 performing specialists that accommodate about 25,000 people. that s 7,000 more than madison square garden and lincoln center has better seasons. much better. let s talk about some of the great challenges that the arts are facing right now every time there are economic downturns and budget cuts, it seems like the arts are first in line. we ve also been hit with this recession. how are you coping with that? there s a lot of entrepreneurship at lincoln center. i taught for ten years at the harvard business school. there s a tendency to think of entrepreneurship in smaller organizations. for example, peter gayle with the metropolitan opera broadcasts the opera to almost 3,000 movie theaters around the world. outdoors in the summer, there are opera broadcasts, 10, 4,000 people are watching outdoors. those are amazing. you can hear them up and down the upper west side. the $1.2 billion of redevelopment that we just completed at lincoln center has opened it up, made it more green. introduced 21st century technology. has made people feel warm and comfortable. has made the place much younger. the david ruben stooin atrium offers free entertainment and discount ticket for everything going on at lincoln center. it s the largest performing arts center and you ve managed to balance the budget every year. maybe perhaps there s a lesson or two washington can learn. who knows? how do you do it? we ve got a board who insists on it for starter. we have clear accountability. we decided to change the economic model for lincoln center. we have sources of income unrelated to contributor income. fashion week is now at lincoln center. the channel 13 studio is now at lincoln center. we ve significantly reduced the revenue we received from restaurants and from catering. these are all new sources of revenue to help balance lincoln center. it is the center of the neighborhood. speaking of channel 13. i was walking through the apple store one day and turned the corner. there was meacham at the window, again, right in that same neighborhood. my little girl goes to piano lessons. you didn t put a dollar in the guitar case. you didn t say hi. my little girl takes piano. he said don t talk to him. i think it s the heart of new york city. people try to figure out what it is. there s such great energy there. i grew up in the suburbs in emergency injure. my mom would take me in and we would go to fisher hall and see a play and opened my eyes to music and performance and all these great things. you mentioned getting younger. how do you tap in to make the next generation of those millions who stream in to lincoln center? i think everyone agrees that what we put on the stage needs to be world class, but it s not sufficient to draw younger people. sufficient is arts and conversation and social gatherings. so we re trying to make lincoln center a place where young people can feel free to come at midnight, 11:00, early in the morning. come at different times of day and over the weekend. there s an interesting story here. 50 years ago, lincoln center was the site of west side story it was a slum. today, it is the most expensive commercial and residential real estate in all of new york city. our budget is $750 million. we pump about $3 billion into the economy. only 3%, less than 3% of that $750 million is government money. everything else is contributions. joe, we promise our donors three things, if you re a major donor. you get a better night s sleep, you live longer, you have an unobstructed pathway to heaven. all right, you know what. hold on a second. meacham, all the people in the south said amen. you might get good seats for a mccartney concert coming up. tell us about that. the new york city ballet has worked with mccartney. they commissioned a piece they re working with next year. everybody is looking forward to a paul mccartney composed piece for the new york city ballet. it s stunning, as you come down columbus, and you go in and see the tully center. that triangle is absolutely gorgeous. it s beautiful and it s green and it blends in with environmental. reminiscent of the kennedy center in washington. i think the great thing you all have done is broaden it beyond new york. peter gayle opened up the op rachlt live from lincoln center means something no matter where you are. that s a remarkable contribution to the nation. we ve been doing that for 38 years. it s one of the reasons why people come to the jewel yard school, saw something on television, turned to their mom and said i really want to do that. i really want to be that dancer. i think i can do that. reynold levy, thanks for being here. up next, the best of late night. 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Upton , Somerset , United-kingdom , Louisiana , United-states , Nevada , Alabama , Tully-center , New-york , Brooklyn , Pennsylvania , Fisher-hall