“Let’s stop talking about toppling the unity government or changing the government of the day but think about how we can guarantee that the new PM and his cabinet is better and more capable/efficient than what we have now.”
(Focus Malaysia) - IN a defeat conceding tone, fugitive blogger Raja Petra
Murray Hunter
This was a journal article published in the Conflict and Peace Studies Journal (CPSJ) at Prince of Songkla University (PSU). This article looked at the Anwar government’s first 3 months in office. The notes I have added looks at how the trajectories I predicted turned out.
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KUALA LUMPUR: Justifying the government’s move to replace the World Bank-endorsed Shared Prosperity Vision 2030 (SPV) with the Madani Economy Framework, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said the decision was made after taking into account the local context and economic factors.
KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 24 The Federal Territories Islamic Religious Council (Maiwp) could consider reviewing its existing guidelines when deciding on whether to give scholarships.