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Oh he has defended his real life self in responses to tweets criticizing Romney as not being tough enough on President Trump and at times he has agreed with other tweets attacking trump that Pierre delectable account has also responded to tweets that were themselves responding to tweets Originally Posted by the actual Mitt Romney account Romney 1st revealed his anonymous presence on Twitter over the weekend in the Atlantic that p.r. Dialectal account has since been made private Romney has not explained how he came up with the name Don Gonyea n.p.r. News Washington trying is asking the World Trade Organization to slap some 2400000000 in penalties against the u.s. An occasion over Chinese subsidies dating back years into a document published today China s calling for matter be considered by the w t o o s dispute settlement body on Wall Street the Dow is up 57 points this is n.p.r. Live from k.q.e.d. News I m Tara Siler preventative power shutoffs may be coming back this week p. Genie President Bill Johnson says they estimate about 200000 customers might be affected this time around so we began proactively contacting potentially impacted customers this afternoon 48 hours ahead of the event by phone e-mail and text so this means if you do not receive a notification from p.g. Any you are not currently in the area we anticipate turning off the phone with the National Weather Service says dry windy conditions are forecast for winds day night into Thursday morning Mt Diablo and Mt St Helena could see gusts up to 60 miles per hour hundreds of thousands of customers were left in the dark just 2 weeks ago when the utility shut off power Governor Gavin Newsome is calling for an investigation into why I California s gas prices are so high Kate Wolf has the story a new report from the California Energy Commission. Is that last year Californians paid an average of $0.30 more per gallon of gasoline than other Americans that s an extra $4.50 to fill up an average tank the commission wasn t able to explain this discrepancy and dubbed it a mystery surcharge now Governor Newsome wants Attorney General Javier Basara to see if some stations are overcharging customers he says a name brand stations like 76 Chevron and Shell may also be misleading customers by implying their gasoline is higher quality I m Kate Wolf k.q.e.d. News and there s more state and local news online at k.q.e.d. Dot org I m Terry Seiler. Support comes from Stanford health care where patients and physicians turn when health care matters most support for n.p.r. Comes from the group or family foundation supporting N.P.R. s efforts to promote deeper thinking broader perspectives and trusted fact based information always with the goal of creating a more informed public and the listeners of k.q.e.d. Support for k.q.e.d. Comes from the California Department of Public Health helping parents understand the severity of the vague illness outbreak for c.d.c. Outbreak information go to tobacco free ca dot com. This is All Things Considered from n.p.r. News I m Ari Shapiro and I m Elsa Chang Republicans are walking a fine line over how much to criticize President Trump there s the impeachment inquiry the pullout of u.s. Troops from northern Syria and a White House announced meant now retracted that next year s g. 7 summit would be at a trump resort some moderate Republicans met with Acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney this weekend at Camp David that s one indication of how troubled some lawmakers are here s another Republican strategist Michael Steele who was an aide to former House Speaker John Boehner says his phone has been blowing up lately I asked him what concerns Republicans the most. The situation in Syria and the abandonment of the Kurds who had been such loyal allies and such a critical force and containing and what we thought of the time was defeating I says That was the thing that really really bothered Republicans the most does it feel like now calculations among Republicans are changing somewhat when it comes to whether they will call out President Trump on something I think congressional Republicans have been calculating the limits of his tolerance for dissent since he rode down that escalator 34 years ago now is the the hour of maximum uncertainty means it s the hour of maximum danger for people s political prospects and I think the smart move right now is to make like America stay underground if you possibly can America is that the thing that looks like a ferret Yes exactly I see but why do you think this is the maximum point of danger as you put it is it because just where we are in the election cycle is there something particular about this moment now I think that the Ukraine investigation and the fact that we are actually in an impeachment inquiry in the else even if the House Democrats haven t chosen to have a vote yet they are taking testimony the Intelligence Committee is conducting an inquiry I think that means that the administration faces a an existential threat in a way that they haven t in the past how would you counsel a moderate Republican right now the. Challenge here is that while independents are increasingly turning against the president the base of the Republican Party continues to remain very strong for him and so I think the way Republicans in tough districts or tough states have to thread the needle is by saying yes the president did something wrong I don t think you re in a very good position trying to pretend that he didn t but it does not rise to the level of requiring his removal from office when we re less than a year from the American people the voters getting to make that decision was that you think moderate Republicans or maybe any Republican suggest go ahead and embrace the idea that President Trump did in fact suggest a quid pro quo with the Ukrainian president I think that s the only way to deal with reality right now look I think that House Democrats have made a series of errors in this to investigation I think that it is a very poor decision to continue holding these hearings behind closed doors the idea that they are moving towards impeachment soley on the basis of the situation in the Ukraine is utterly untrue this is obviously the result of a series of investigations a series of outrages that they feel the president has committed but I don t think anyone is in a good position insisting that the president did nothing wrong when it came to asking the Ukrainians to investigate either this conspiracy theory that the d.n.c. Server wound up in the Ukraine following the 2016 election or that they needed to reopen the investigation of Hunter Biden s involvement in the energy company in Ukraine I want to play you something that President Trump said today the Republicans have to get tougher and fight we have some very great fighters but they have to get tougher and fight because the Democrats are trying to hurt the Republican Party for the election what do you think of what the president said and I think it s entirely in keeping in character with President Trump he always wants to be on office he never wants to concede error and I don t think that that s a very good strategy for any Republican candidate who does not have the the Teflon coating that President Trump as with with Republican voters in particular so do you think President Trump s insistence that Republicans hang together and fight this impeachment inquiry do you think that that is a strategy that could hurt moderate Republicans who don t have to run toting right now. You know I think he could definitely be a poor strategy because particularly if there are further revelations and it seems like another shoe drops every day or every other day in the situation that could be increasingly difficult to defend I don t think any House Republicans in a moderate district in a difficult to defend district or a senator in a state that could swing the other way wants to be Wiley Coyote and realize that there s no cliff under them anymore Michael Steele is a Republican strategist thank you very much for joining us today good to be with you there s been a lot of breaking news today on the opioid front 1st a major court settlement in Ohio and now talk of a tentative national deal valued at $48000000000.00 North Country Public Radio s Brian Mann is in Cleveland where these developments have been taking place and he s on the line with us now hi brian Hey there 1st there was the sudden settlement early this morning which resolves a lawsuit filed by 2 counties in Ohio that have been hit hard by the epidemic tell us what kind of help they re going to receive Yeah at the very last minute just before the trial was scheduled to start companies agreed to pay some attend Cuyahoga County has roughly $260000000.00 in cash and medications Eileen Shapiro is Summit County is executive and speaking outside the courthouse today she said you know these resources will save lives and also send a message to the drug industry we got people time we got people that are addicted we need to stop this and so that was the primary purpose and that s the way that it works with companies is that getting them to change behavior is through the pocketbook so there was a lot of hugging and back slapping there in Cleveland after this deal was announced there were there was no admission of wrongdoing in the settlement and the deal means that a lot of documents and evidence about the epidemic will not be released to the public how are people responding to that yeah on this point there s a lot of frustration and anger I spoke out side the courthouse also with Greg McNeil he s an opioid activist who lost his son Sam to an overdose in 2015 it s kind of a hollow victory because you have no admission of wrongdoing you know and I feel like if we had some admission here then you get a little bit of closure for a lot of things. Please out there that I will say that McNeil does agree that the money will help you you know with medical care and social programs for people who are addicted this was supposed to be a kind of test case this was a major trial that was going to hash out some of the big questions about who pays for the opioid crisis so what happens now that the trial is cancelled Yeah this was a bit of an anticlimax in that sense and there is uncertainty now even some of the attorneys who negotiated this settlement voiced regret that this didn t turn into the test trial they ve been building toward For months I spoke with Mark linear who s one of the attorneys for the 2 counties we don t have a chance to test the legal theories that are being used here to see if they are properly used to see where the limits are and the ballots are so what that means is that there are unanswered questions for all the other communities out there who are still suing the drug industry and as we mentioned there is another big news story on the opioid front today the framework for a national settlement was just recently announced tell us what that looks like and whether it s likely to be enacted Yeah this is kind of a moving target disaster noon a bipartisan group of attorneys general and 5 major drug companies say they ve reached a $48000000000.00 deal that resolves a lot of these opioid liability questions they say this is a plan that will end at least part of this big wave of litigation across the country here s Josh Pirro the attorney general in Pennsylvania if we can bring people together and there is no settlement if you will have random haphazard litigation and they need people across the country it will not be met Johnson and Johnson in particular has agreed to pay out $4000000000.00 in cash into this framework but now these attorneys general are going to have to convince a lot more states and local governments to suspend their lawsuits and sign on we ll see if they can pull that off that s North Country Public Radio s Brian Mann speaking with us on Skype thank you thank you if you never heard the name Pierre delectable Well we don t blame you his Twitter account opened in July of 2011 and it s tweeted only a few times. Seems almost always to defend Republican senator Mitt Romney yesterday we learned why P.R. s electo is Senator Mitt Romney Romney secret Twitter account 1st came up on Sunday when the Atlantic magazine published a profile of the Utah senator by staff writer McKay Coppins he decided to get out and grab this i Pad from the desk and said You know I actually have a Twitter account that separate from my official account he said he wouldn t tell me the name of it but he gave me a bunch of details the revelation was an irresistible to bid for Ashley Feinberg a writer for Slate who has a thing for unmasking secret accounts the confirmation that exists at all is sort of all we really need to see what s out there Feinberg started by combing through the accounts of Romney s family members pacifically their followers when she got to Romney s oldest granddaughter Feinberg noticed follower Pierre de Lector Oh an infrequent user with no picture no details but a lot of positive things to say about a certain senator from Utah he had 10 total tweets and almost every single one of them was either coming to the defense of Mitt Romney or asserting that actually Mitt Romney is very good Pierre Dellec tweeted to conservative figures like Erick Erickson with messages like wrong or don t read the comments ever he suggested that Washington Post blogger Jennifer Rubin take a breath after she called Mitt Romney spineless and the accounts Pierre followed were very Romney Mitt Romney s family Mitt Romney staffers even Mitt Romney fan accounts Slate published Feinberg s findings on Sunday night so McKay Coppins who wrote the article that started the whole thing reached out to Romney s communications director for comment she s handed the phone over to Mitt Romney who had a 2 word response which as same one same wa it s me Senator Mitt Romney admits to having a secret Twitter account and that he sometimes uses it to defend himself here electo here the elect So here is elected Oh he was just using it to monitor political Can I say she s on Twitter secret identities have always had a search. In the political world from Deep Throat to Carlos Danger before he was president Donald Trump famously called tabloids as John barren to plant stories and Ashley Feinberg has a track record here in March of 2017 she uncovered the secret Twitter account of then f.b.i. Director James Comey she says she expects these stories to just keep coming a lot of politicians probably because it s very unlikely they re running their official ones and they re clearly saying this stuff somewhere so to any high profile tweeters out there with secret accounts enjoy the masquerade while you re here. You re listening to All Things Considered from n.p.r. News and 18 minutes past 6 traffic troubles on the deficit has that and more definitely a trouble of more union city looks like policing Tiffani is shut down North then 80 at Alvarado Niles road they ll take you off the off ramp there and then right back on the freeway but that s a major back up to the word Navajo just up the road Hayward south 8492 so the vehicle crashed in the left lane as things slow back to a street across a bay and Mountain View south 101 and North rings stored as up for that stall in the left lane. Thank you Julie her report was brought to us by Positive Coaching alliance should be back into. And that s with an update support from k.q.e.d. Comes from the Asian art museum visitors can discover how 2 friends sought a new direction from Modern Art in changing and unchanging things. In post-war Japan on view through December 8th and a law firm Fenwick in West helping technology in life sciences companies at every stage of growth online at Fenwick dot com. Older workers are the fastest growing part of the American labor force but the main gauge with their younger colleagues Yeah there s a disconnect built to this thing where they and their e-mails are there and some messages are tax with. Dot dot dot which per millennial is just like the height of passive aggression. Miscommunication in the office next market price marketplace coming up at 630 just to 10 minutes from now here on k.q.e.d. On the next fresh air. We talk about Janis Joplin uncompromising barrier breaking rock star with Holly George Warren author of the new biography Janice who says Joplin made it all look effortless but it was very hard work join us. Fresh air tonight at 7 o clock after marketplace at 630 support for n.p.r. Comes from Indeed with its skills tests built for employers who want to see a deeper sense of the person behind the resume learn more at Indeed dot com slash n.p.r. T. Rowe Price offering a strategic investing approach that examines investment opportunities 1st hand institutions advisers employers and individuals choose to Rowe Price t. Rowe Price invest with confidence and the listeners of k.q.e.d. Are you listening to All Things Considered. From n.p.r. News this is All Things Considered I m also Chang and I m Ari Shapiro Canadians are voting today on whether to keep prime minister Justin Trudeau as Liberal party in power the race is tight after revelations of scandals involving Trudeau David McGuffin reports from Ottawa there is a sense of relief that voting day is finally here and the campaigning is over it s been an election featuring moments like this a familiar American chant this time aimed at Justin Trudeau at a Canadian conservative rally. Conservative leader Andrew sure did put a stop to lock him up but overall this is been a campaign where the focus by the main party leaders has been on why the other guy isn t qualified for the job Here s Andrew Scheer over the last 4 years he has demonstrated time and time again that he is unworthy of that office. He is unworthy of the trust Canadians place in him to respect taxpayer dollars and safeguard our democracy against corruption his ongoing scandals and coverups that cause Canadian Sulu s face and the integrity of their government Trudeau scandals have included photos that emerged during the campaign of him wearing blackface as a young man and this summer he was found guilty of trying to pressure his attorney general to obstruct justice in a case involving a liberal party linked company it s all work to undo his reputation as a progressive leader pushing for change. Trudeau in return has showed his pledge against negative campaigning he has played on voter concerns about the Conservative Party s reluctance to tackle climate change and on their history a budget cutting Andrew Scheer would cut services for families and rip up Canada s only real climate plan taking back the money we ve been putting in people s pockets by making big polluters pay even with the negative tactics neither party has been able to break away from the other they went into today s election. Deadlocked at 32 percent in the polls Ah God the politician who appears to be benefiting most from this situation is jack me saying the son of Sikh immigrants the young charismatic leader of the left leaning Democratic Party has surged in the polls into a strong 3rd place showing his rallies have a youthful party like atmosphere very similar to what Justin Trudeau experience 4 years ago I ve heard from people who tell me their stories about not being able to find housing their stories about not having health care when they need it young people are worried about the environment and this campaign is really about letting their voices be heard letting their struggles their worries their fears be heard but also to give them hope I usually grey is among those young people impressed by saying she cast her vote this morning in the Pontiac district of come back just outside of Ottawa I look at all like the people are running as a lot of white people and there s that one man of color as early as Finally it s good to see that there s diversity that s starting to happen so it s giving me a little bit of hope while her mother Linda Jones is sticking with Trudeau I thought the Liberals did a pretty good job as they say with their climate action plan that s really where I was focusing my attention but David just may sum up the attitudes of many voters on this day little bit disappointed but last 4 years with the liberals I don t see myself with the conservatives either. But the other ones I mean I haven t seen any real solutions either polls indicate that is a prevailing attitude on this Election Day meaning a tight liberal or conservative win but without enough seats in parliament to form a majority government and smaller parties like Jack meet sings new Democrats could end up holding the balance of power for n.p.r. News I m David McGuffin in Ottawa. If in May you said the Houston Astros would make it to the World Series no one would have blinked they won the title in 2017 and they were one of the favorites to win again this year now if in May you said the Washington Nationals would make it to the World Series people with think you were drunk their star player left the team during the off season and the rest of the National started the year dwelling near the bottom of the standings for weeks but here we are not over with a World Series between a team everyone expected versus the team pretty much no one expected on the line with me now is David shining who covers baseball for The Washington Post Hey hi there so like we said in May The Nats were pretty much a total mess how did they turn things around Well I think they turned things around in a couple of ways number one by recognizing the talent level that they had and you know with a mixture of hope and optimism that it would turn around they had one of the most talented rosters in baseball and were underperforming they also had to get their bullpen straightened out that was killing them on a nightly basis they finally did and really they just believe there was no panic up and down the organization and it was kind of remarkable because you know a lot of everybody in town was calling for the heads of the manager people were speculating about which star players they were going to trade but they held it together and here we are you know 5 months later they re in the World Series Ok so at this point this might not be as big of a mismatch as it looks like on paper right I mean I think if you take these last 5 months since the bottom for the Nationals they have been as good as anybody in baseball including the Houston Astros you know I do think that there is a wide perception and probably not unsounded that the Astros are a better team but that underdog thing and that thing that the Nationals built up in May were nobody believes in us that think you carry you along way and you know the National certainly believe they are on equal footing if not better than the Astro. Ok So besides sheer optimism and hope how are they going to do that I mean the asters they won $107.00 games in the regular season they were pretty much unstoppable How do the Nationals to slow them down well the thing the Nationals have going for them is something that nobody the Astros have faced to this point have which is starting pitching that can go toe to toe with the Astros who have the best starting pitching in the American League bar none the Nationals clearly have the best starting pitching in the National League bar none and you know they hope they will be able to put a picture on the mound in every game of this series who is the equal if not the better of the Astros pitcher and you know it s kind of a throwback series in that way because in the last 10 years 5 years baseball has become more of a bullpen game and starting pitching has been minimized but these 2 teams are sort of throwback to the era where starting pitchers are pitching 7 even 8 innings in a game and it s a matchup of aces Okoro I was going to ask you that you know if you re someone who is not from d.c. Not from Houston what would be some of the things that just a casual baseball fan can look forward to in this World Series 1st thing you just mention is we have this battle of the pitchers anything else well you know I think that one thing that s really interesting about the series is just how it is these are 2 you know new money teams you know a Yankees Dodgers World Series would have been a classic old money baseball series of probably would have made the people at Fox t.v. You know very happy match up is going to draw a lot of eyeballs because of the legacies of those teams but you know this is just kind of a new money match up of 2 teams the Astros have never won a World Series title in their franchise history until 2017 the Nationals still have never won one in their existence Of course they only moved to Washington in 2005 but you know I think that s one thing that is interesting about this series that you know that there s just not the legacies. Something like a Yankees Dodgers matchup that s Dave of The Washington Post thanks so much thank you. This is n.p.r. News. Marketplace s Just ahead the traffic troubles continue in the East Bay Julie deficit has the details and still dealing with the a police activity Union City in North Bend 88 Alvarado Niles road they are taking traffic off at the off rant there and then down winding back on but we have a big delay about a 30 minute delay from Thornton Avenue up to Santa Rosa 3 vehicles collided north when I wanted her know everyone should be on the right hand shoulder still recovering from some earlier quip and problems to minute delay that s on the San Francisco line in all directions Julie deputies were he q.e.d. Thank you Julie her report brought to us by the Crohn s and Colitis foundation support for k.q.e.d. 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A strategic investing approach that examines opportunities 1st hand since $937.00 price investment confidence. In Los Angeles I m Carl Rochelle It is Monday today the 21st of October good as always to have you along everybody ticker symbol be a is where we begin the program today the Boeing Company a global aerospace manufacturer as the company itself would surely like to remind you but a company known best at the moment for the fatal problems with a single model of a single plane the Boeing $737.00 Max still grounded still driving Boeing s share price lower and the effects of which are still spilling out into Boeing suppliers and customers and the economy as a whole Marketplace s Mitchell Hartman gets his go let s start with the airlines it s not like air travelers see a bunch of empty $737.00 Max planes grounded on the tarmac but Maduna Krishnan at Airline Weekly says this is affecting the industry it s all tickets against what they expected to have in their fleets and now for example on American and Southwest cases they have 20 odd fewer aircraft and that means fewer routes they can serve meaning fewer options and higher ticket prices for flyers Boeing is trying to get regulators to recertify the $737.00 Max as safe to fly so airlines will start taking delivery and ordering new planes again the company hasn t stopped production but it has slowed the assembly lines for more than 50 planes a month to just over 40 says analyst Scott Hamilton at the lead him company near Seattle if they further reduced production then they re going to start seeing some layoffs labor force in the administration and maybe in the. Other they ve got their hands full as it is how about the impact on u.s. Growth overall Paul Ashworth that Capital Economics says Boeing has slowed its purchases of raw materials an airplane parts which is contributing to the slump in u.s. Manufacturing 71. It s been going on in fact when all of this as has the strike in General Motors has but some analysts still think the company has a bright future Here s Jim corridor at c.f.r. a Research you re looking backwards there s a lot of blame to assign to the company if you re looking forward Boeing is one of 2 companies in an industry that has being very high demand they will be generating profits for a long time he says when Boeing does start selling 737 Max aircraft again they ll be priced cheap to move on Mitchell Hartman for Marketplace Boeing s board by the way meeting as we speak in San Antonio Texas today. We were boarded often on this program about the troubles besetting the retail sector falling revenues closing stores layoffs but amidst all that there is one big retailer opening an enormous new store in Manhattan Nordstrom the new women s store is going to be 320000 square feet 7 stories high lots of room for clothes and shoes obviously but it seems a big part of the business model is going to be about services marketplace might also guards planes out on the Nordstrom website there s a paved that advertises the new flagship store and there are 2 lines on that page that stick out to me no matter what you need just ask we re looking forward to serving you there s a law in list of services the flagship store will offer you can get your leather jacket repaired or you can get your pants hemmed in an hour you can meet with a personal stylist or a beauty advisor for free they also have a number of high end restaurants and eateries there they have the ability to protect him or to order food while they re shopping and even I believe drink their employees with liquor licenses cocktails served to you while you browse for shoes Sanyal Pinsky is a managing director Alex partners Nordstrom is providing a reason for the customer to walk in the door the theory she says is if Nordstrom can get people in the door those people might stick around and buy some of the stuff that s hanging on the racks department stores have been struggling but Sharmila chatter g. Who teaches marketing at mit Sloan says there is still a place for them if they can give customers what they re looking for which in many cases is an experience a please with the right common offerings I m sorry this is all moving and has something to customers with. One of the other services Nordstrom s offering which might appeal more to locals 247 pick up for online orders because people are doing a lot more shopping online these days might as well lean into that to. For marketplace Boeing put the caution on what could have been a better day for the Dow We will have the details when we do the numbers. Older Workers says you know a Labor Statistics are the fastest growing part of the American labor force people $65.00 and older which means we now have the most age diverse workforce we have ever had there are 4 sometimes even 5 distinct generations working side by side in this economy it works all right for the most part but when you remember we ve got more ways to communicate than ever before. Sometimes you end up with complications Marketplace s Megan McCarty Corrino has that millennial Stuart Horgan doesn t buy into a lot of the tired stereotypes about generational difference the operations manager at a tech startup in Boston has never taken a photo of his food and knows plenty of selfie obsessed boomers but when it comes to communicating with older colleagues he sees a big divide on one small point they use periods a lot which I didn t even realize this but they sound very stern like very final or even worse they ll do this thing where they and their emails are there is a messengers or tax with an ellipsis. Which for a millennial is just like the height of passive aggression even vaguely remembers one instance on a Friday afternoon when he said of the big presentation to a 56 year old manager and he just response Facts dot dot dot enjoy the weekend. And not completely ruin my weekend I definitely looked at the present a. For probably like 6 hours that we ve been trying to figure out what was wrong with that organised part of a generation that grew up replacing a lot of face to face time with text based communication so every last character is precious pregnant with meaning that s why he likes to use shorthand visual cues like gifts or emoji to clarify his tone but not everyone is on board insert the face. Not have language anymore 48 year old Gen x. Or Alex Markey likes to think of herself as hip with the young crowd she s worked as a project manager in gaming and entertainment the when it comes to the written word she s old school. Bothered to write. This reflect on. A recent survey from writing software grammar early found workers under $35.00 were 50 percent more likely than older workers to be told their tone was too informal even though more younger workers said they spent time agonizing over meaning tone and grammar in their emails miscommunication between different age groups is hardly a new phenomenon says Bob McCann a management communications professor at u.c.l.a. But the fast pace of technological change is deepening the divide between generations every 3 weeks we have a new platform that we need to do where there are a new app that s coming out and we have to adjust and we have to change he says communicating fluently over a broad range of channels from conference calls to group chats is becoming ever more important and sometimes that should include a Moji says that Burma c.e.o. Of workplace communication platform 8 by 8 and former smiley face hater started. If you say. The problem. Is massive. Changes it s all about context he says and tailoring communication not to fit the learned. Preferences of one generation or another but the demands of the task at hand so e-mail for deliberate complex thinking chat for shoot from the hip collaboration or phone for urgent matters and sometimes there s really nothing better than some good old fashioned face time like the real thing not the app the reason I wanted to talk to you today is about how you sign off most of your messages remember Stuart Horgan and his ellipses problem I asked him if he d be willing to meet with his boss Tom Murphy to get to the bottom of all those dots in the culture. Is like the height of passive aggression. I do feel like I m just thinking class and no one wants to tell me that somebody probably told me so I guess that s going to happen now if someone could just explain the meaning of the 10 different Smiley m o g s. Corrino for Marketplace. It s never easy. Right uncertainty got to go with that job description from weather to crop yields to market braces to trade wars and tariffs so with harvest gone full swing a whole lot of the country another installment of our series Economy about people out there just trying to get by many misplayed Hurst and I farm in northwest Missouri and we grow corn and soybeans and I also serve as President as you re a farm bureau. Harvest. And it is without a doubt my favorite time of year the most beautiful time in years well I get the opportunity to do a lot of different tasks during the year because of the seasonality of farming so just a different job every day and I think that s right. I mean we really have had a very. Year and harvest is late it s to late. To get it done before we would normally you know expect no one winner and just a lot of stress and people are feeling and then to you know just economic stress that we re feeling as a. People or people are not happy. Turns out of course the flooding and I. Supported market prices by cutting production. We can t sell as many soybeans 2 years ago. We sold one in 3 bushels we raised. Our culture sold one and we raised. And those those sales have. Were still selling. And that s when the price lower than it would have been otherwise so that s how it affects us. I mean we re never culture community I mean our town has 1500 people our county which is about 5000 people living here so a very low population almost all of them dependent on agriculture in some way they work at the local c. Dealership they work at the grain elevator they work at the ethanol plant all those businesses have seen a drop in revenue and so it s just economic burden on everybody and. Someday when I m 62 years old and don t know anything better. It s a little below. You know farming. Those things farming is sick. When you put on that corn cap you know like they give us. When you started farming and you know we re all excited about your 1st planting season you knew that it was your a business were some years ago and some are good. But you know that it will get better . To be in a situation where the next goal will put you out of business that s to keep. Her 1st. We need you and your stories to make this series work. You can do that marketplace. And I want to pay so much more not something you hear from your boss all that often but 1st. See the numbers. 260-2773 points. 8162 the s. And p. 500 gained 20. 3006. As much was starting to spread some of its suppliers. U.b.s. Downgraded its outlook for the company today share their own 4.8 percent Meanwhile Southwest Airlines which is grounded more $737.00 matches than any other carrier fell 4 tenths of one percent today bombs fell on the 10 year to note rose to 1.0 percent was last on sort of there are you listening the market marketplace is supported by c.f.p. 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Dot com Splunk working to help bring data to every question decision and action that affects an organization from operations to security to business analytics Splunk the data to everything platform more at Splunk dot com. Clear and mild overnight tonight lows mostly in the mid fifty s while some light north westerly winds becoming calm after midnight sunny again tomorrow warmer by the day and coast with highs in the low to mid eighty s around the bay upper eighty s in seventy s along the coast this is k.q.e.d. It s $648.00. This is Marketplace I m Heather Long the economics correspondent for The Washington Post had a story this weekend that resonated with us the basic gist of which was that economists just aren t doing a good job telling economic stories that maybe what the economic world needs is more English majors a course of study that as Heather pointed out in her piece has seen a 25 percent drop in college majors since the Great Recession has it s good to have you back on the program great to be back we should say here at the outset you are by training and background and interested party in this idea of storytelling and economics right. Yeah you called me out and the disclaimer is I majored in both English and economics Ok but more to the point it s not just you who picked up on this this phenomenon phenomenon about English majors Robert Schiller no less a personage than a Nobel laureate in economics also points out the importance of storytelling in economics tell me why it matters tell me why. Yeah it s really fascinating I mean one of these prominent economist Bob Shiller he just has a new book out narrative economics is the title and the whole point of his bark is that stories matter basically economists have spent so much of the last 50 years trying to build these super elaborate data models to predict human behavior and at the end of the day he says Actually they should have been paying a lot more attention to what was in newspaper articles and one people were telling each other on internet forums or by word of mouth such as oh Get Rich Quick be could buy this coin or hey you know barely have to put any money down to buy a house and it s really interesting to hear one of one of the foremost economists in the profession basically saying that we need better storytellers and we need to be paying attention to stories but it s also interesting because when you talk about this often in your writing economists don t do themselves any favors and the most recent example is is the big Federal Reserve conference out in Jackson Hole where everybody and their dog gives a speech but there are economists giving speeches and nobody is sitting on the edge of their chair figuring out what they re saying yeah that s right again there are lots of peepers that are very technical and trying to put new models but the one person s talk that really got people started I was the head of the Australian Central Bank us daily hasn t had a recession in more than 25 years so people are paying attention a little bit more into what they re saying and he got out Philip blow got up and basically looked around the room and said we need to be better storytellers we need to be better communicators and particularly at this moment in the economy one of the best things you can do is tell people a plausible story why should they continue to invest why should they continue to spend why is this economy going to keep rocking one note here the j.p.l. The chair of the Federal Reserve is advertising for a speechwriter the chairman of the Fed has come under some criticism in recent weeks that his computer. He has been unclear and somebody reached out to me after this article went up over the weekend about the importance of English majors and sort of economists are going from why we still need English majors to remind me that the Philadelphia Federal Reserve Bank has a whole team that s basically dedicated to improving communications from the fat and translating econ speak into more palatable discussion and one note of peril here and this is in your piece as well the idea that the president of the United States is is forming his own narrative is telling his own stories about the economy even though they are not grounded in fact Yeah that s right Bob Shiller actually pointed this out to me he said you know someone and President Trump seems to be trying to encourage this lifestyle of buying more and spending like a trump which may have some influence on the economy and on people s idea of what they should be by but a lot of his comments that this is the greatest economy in u.s. History simply not true and not grounded in fact at all how long she s an economics correspondent also an English major by the way at the Washington Post rather Thanks a lot thank you. I m. The minimum wage you know right government mandated pay $7.25 an hour federally unchanged since 2009 By the way a lot of states set their own related but different and usually higher is something called a living wage in some parts of the country if you do business with the local government the law says that s what you ve got to pay a living wage from w.a.m. You in why. In d.c. Where the cost of living is pretty high such and Simons as an eco Hobbs owns a small African inspired fashion and beauty boutique called Nubian human in Washington d.c. You know most of the local. She s not required to pay the city s living wage of $1415.00 an hour because she s not a government contractor but she pays it anyway f. Pay the living weight and I want to pay so much more I want people to work for newbie and human and say I can t leave them they they have just a. Living Wage dates back to 2006 and has been adjusted twice over the years for inflation most cities with living wages work the same way in d.c. The wage is $0.50 higher than the 14 dollars an hour minimum wage Jason Anderson has worked at hob store for a year he s $44.00 and today he s working a Saturday shift on what would normally be his day off he says he needs the money and he appreciates that his employer is paying a bit more he says it sends a message Ok well I feel you this valuable to the team and I need you to be able to make it to the same way that you are invested in my dream and want me to make it but as Washington gets more expensive the father of 2 says 1450 an hour isn t really enough to get by so he works 2 other jobs what we except the social norms is like work and all that he s ours and get in this ways and trying to piece money together check the check to try to provide ridiculous Hobbs knows several of her feel this way she says paying the living wage is a sacrifice for her I don t get paid they ll be spurts of time when it s like Ok we ve got some good money and you know the holidays is a really great time so I ll pay myself around that time it depends on where the business is that I ll cut a check and when d.c. Is minimum wage rises to $15.00 an hour next summer it will be greater than the Living Wage Ed Lazear heads the d.c. Fiscal Paul. The Institute think tank the minimum wage is a floor the living wage should be something that is much closer to what it really takes to live on in Washington d.c. That would be just under $18.00 an hour for a single person and about $30.00 if they re raising a child that s according to a nationwide living wage calculator created at m.i.t. The calculator looks at costs like rent food transportation Some advocates in Washington say it s time to raise the living wage again Raj Agarwal is a co-founder of think local 1st d.c. He says there are also other ways employers can think about compensating employees are there other things that you re doing as a business pain health insurance provided for for 01 k. Should be calculated into this concept Agger walls group is trying to determine how many employers already pay the living wage and get more on board there are many businesses that we ve already identified that are paying a living wage and that there are there are people who don t know that they re doing it and eco Hobbs the owner of the African boutique doesn t offer health insurance but she does give employees birthday gifts and discounts at the store she would like to offer more if I m not able to offer my staff benefits and here are you really employing people for her and other small business owners there s another question how much more can you pay employees and still survive in an increasingly expensive area in Washington d.c. I m Sasha and Sons for Marketplace. This funnel known. About we work the real estate company that wanted to be a tech company which was. As you might remember once valued at $49000000000.00 that was privately of course because its initial public offering has as you might also know been $86.00 anyway c. N.b.c. Reports this afternoon the Japanese multinational Soft Bank which has already invested $10000000000.00 into we work and loaned it another 5 is going to take control of the company at a valuation of $8000000000.00 give or take. Marketplace is supported by progressive. Now that s. Celebrating 100 years of. Individuals businesses communities and institutions. Universities. Peers visionary leaders to address the challenges of. Can t wait Ok we re done $57.00 today 2 tenths of one percent the Nasdaq up $73.00 . Percent there the s. And p. $520.00 points. Include. And. This is a pia fresh air is just ahead here on k.q.e.d. Featuring Janice Joplin 1st though let s check traffic it looks better on the Nimitz Julie fills us in it does look like the police activity is clear Union City northbound 88 Alvarado Niles road didn t have the freeway completely shut down for a while that s why it s very slow back to Thornton Avenue a little trouble in San Jose. A North Bend she weighty at Chancery fender bender they ve cleared that to the right shoulder and look out in Richmond westbound 88 Central Avenue dealing with several brush fires on the shoulder Julie Delpy sure. Thank you Julie her report was brought to us by unbound dot org Support for k.q.e.d. Comes from Stanford health care where patients turn when it matters for breakthrough medical advances designed to prevent diagnose and treat illness warm again tomorrow a little bit warmer on Wednesday and of Wednesday and Thursday perhaps some fire danger in the East Bay and North Bay hills. This is k.q.e.d. 88.5 San Francisco and 89.3 North Highlands Sacramento It s 6 o clock 7 o clock from w.h.y. Why in Philadelphia I m Terry Gross with fresh air. Today the life and music of Janis Joplin we talk with Holly George Warren has written a new biography of Joplin gap and was an icon of sixty s counterculture a rock star when Rock was a boy s club George Warren says Japanese like to give the impression that her music was just emotion pouring out of her but she worked hard at her singing for years before becoming famous she really tried to hide that side of her just like she tried to hide the fact that she was a total bookworm and she wanted people to think she was just this vessel and David Bianculli reviews the new h.b.o. Series Catherine the Great starring Helen Mirren as the 18th century Russian Empress that s on fresh air the. First news. Live from n.p.r. News Washington I m Jack Speer during a stop in Afghanistan the secretary of defense today said the u.s. Mission has not changed there and says the strong partnership remains even as u.s. Troops withdraw Jennifer glass as more from Kabul defense secretary Mark esper says the United States remains committed to the strong security partnership with Afghanistan and counterterrorism operations remain key Scott Miller the top u.s. General in the country says he s been able to withdraw all forces and keep the mission strong and but else to the public as part of our optimization. Over the last BUSY least 2000 we ve reduced. Authorized strikes by 2000 year with roll about $5000.00 u.s. Forces was part of the u.s. Deal with the Taliban that is on hold for now it s unclear what this drawdown will do to that agreement if talks resume for n.p.r. News I m Jennifer glass in Kabul Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says he has exhausted his efforts to successfully form the next Israeli government you know resemble off explains made the announcement close to the end of the 20.

Radio-program , American-political-writers , American-businesspeople , Employment-compensation , American-politicians , American-chief-executives , Legal-professions , American-female-singers , American-management-consultants , Musicians-from-california , Behavior , Human-behavior

Transcripts for KVMR 89.5 FM/KCPC 88.3 FM KVMR 89.5 FM/KCPC 88.3 FM 20191021 190000

Lance checked that the air delectable account has since been made private Romney has not explained how he came up with the name Don Gonyea n.p.r. News Washington Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has given up trying to cobble together a parliamentary majority the only example of report his challenger Benny Gantz will now get that chance Netanyahu gets a mandate to form the government back to Israel s president after he failed to secure a 61 seat majority in Israel s parliament that s now decision came toward the end of the 28 day period he was allotted to make the effort in a video Netanyahu blamed his opponent dance for failing to join him in a shared government constant blue and white party rejected Netanyahu as proposal accusing the prime minister of trying to protect himself from possible indictments Israel s president intends to give grants the next chance to form a government but God faces an uphill battle as he too lacks a parliamentary majority on Twitter grants wrote it s time for blue and white That s N.P.R. s new always have a laugh this is n.p.r. News. The u.s. Supreme Court says Michigan does not have to draw new lines for legislative districts to better reflect the political leanings of voters who live in them Michigan Public Radio s Rick Pluta reports the High Court ruling comes despite voter approval of a state law to change how district lines are drawn the Court reversed a lower court decision that held Michigan s legislative and congressional district lines violate voter rights this decision does not change the state s voter approved amendment to establish a nonpartisan redistricting commission but it does mean new lines will not be drawn before next year s elections the commission will draw new lines in time for 2022 this decision falls in line with an earlier ruling the court ruled in June in a separate case that it is legal for state legislatures to draw district lines in ways that the liver an advantage to one party or the other for n.p.r. News I m replica after encountering heavy backlash from the public for giving in to the threats of a major drug cartel and then releasing El Chapo son from jail the president of Mexico is tentatively pledging to reregister Oviedo Guzman Guzman is the son of the now imprisoned drug lord Joaquin El Chapo Guzman he was briefly detained recently until cartel gunmen got into an hours long gun battle with security forces and seen a lot President love us a little said he decided to release all Chaplin to prevent more people from being killed he says he will order him arrested again provided that the public safety is not at risk this is n.p.r. News. Support for n.p.r. Comes from the financial services firm of Raymond James offering personalized wealth management advice and banking and capital markets expertise along with a legacy of putting clients financial wellbeing 1st learn more at Raymond James dot com. And this is k.b. M r f m Nevada City k.c. P.c. Camino rolling at you it s 6 minutes past the hour of noon on a Monday afternoon with a big thanks going out to all of our cavy more business supporters we d like to thank them for their commitment to community radio this hour broadcasting is supported by a wake mind and body more information on this business can be found at k.b. Mar dot org slash underwriters. All right you know things could get crazy here so long also thank our folks over there were supported by Sierra Timberline You can also find more information about them it came via more dot org slash underwriters also important business to impart which I believe this was already announced but will say this once again that there has been a dog that has been found it s a male chocolate lab with no tags it s found on Broad Street around 1130 near Broad Street the stroke and it s currently there right now Wolf in a way so you can call 270-056-9037 extension 4 if you would like to get back together with your male chocolate lab with no tags over at the Broad Street be stroke right now not far away from where we are here at k.v. . Are And with that I think I m going to walk over to here and do this. The Sierra. Well hey their friends and neighbors and welcome to the fat music show we have a very special one today I m your host self and prudent will be around for 2 hours as well we re in the middle of Katy Amar s member. Ship dry with all sorts of folks in the other room answering phones taking your membership pledges whether you re a new or renewing member 82659555 lots of fun all day a wonderful south of the border show there and let s see what else is coming up today can I look over there in the way that way ahead box and it looks like at 2 o clock Warren d s going to be in here with. John Ramsey. It s hard to tell what s going on at 2 o clock you ll probably just have to find out the use of magazine at 4 with Greg Jewett and then of course Katie Maher evening news starting at 630 this week because of our membership drive so that s what s rolling on there are today on the fat music show we re going to be playing a bunch of cool music and hopefully we re going to be joined by our old friend Roy Rogers who is going to come in and bring some vinyl I ve got both of the turntables open and ready we ve got some spatial microphones set up in case right maybe brings in his guitar and has a little picking to do with us but to start things out since I figured it would be a while before we got Roy situated I m going to play you some stuff from a guy that used to play with Roy all the time going Norton Buffalo So here s a few tunes from Norton as we start to get rolling here and just reminding you this is our membership drive and this is how we survive and boy we ve got some more interesting weather coming this way maybe later this week so you might need a real bad again so I just remind you about all that as you think about supporting your community radio station 265-9555 all sorts of wonderful thank you s if you d like not necessarily anything special to give away to you for calling except maybe you want to crank radio which everybody seems to want so we ll talk about that a lot more in a bit but right now little Norton Buffalo music as we await the arrival of our buddy Roy Rogers here on the fat music show for this Monday on k v m r. During one. Ensemble there. Will be a change in blue green Mombasa with daughter You ve got the fat music show on a special membership drive Monday here on k.b. M r $28.00 past the hour of 12 noon right now on music right there from Elvin Bishop off the skin I m an album came out back in 1982 and was long shadows and that had a guy named Norton Buffalo playing a harmonica on that as did the song before that was from Bonnie Raitt on her sweet forgiveness album going back in 1977 we heard Bonnie version of runaway right there with Norton on the harmonica and then Bill kerching covering one that Norton wrote a long time ago value of the moon and the book version off of his album words of the wife Kenny but roll was in there with a song about me my own hold my old home Felton s place there that one had Norton Buffalo on the harmonica and the Larry Hoffer on the harmonic you walk on the harmony vocals there with Kenny and then on Norton started things out with another . They offer his love in the Valley of the moon I just thought I d give Roy Rogers some music to listen to while he s driving and he s he s left his house and winding his way on down the hill into the little community of Nevada City here work Aviom our lives and we ll be joined by one of the great blues guitarist in the world Roy Rogers in just a little bit so if you would like to support music that happens like this on the radio you could call 265-9555 there s a whole bunch of course things over there including the just started crank radio $10.00 monthly will get you the new crank radio which is actually been around for a while and kind of was kind of popular a couple weeks ago when the power went off its an am f.m. Radio receiver it has also been know what whether band radio stations a smart phone charger one minute of hand cranking gives you 10 to 15 minutes of radio Sananda bad deal there it glows in the dark so you can find it when the power goes out and it s bright long lasting 3 l.e.d. Flashlight that s a really good thing for $10.00 a month it s only 120 year you can get the crank radio and support your community radio station just like our sustaining members Cheryl from Auburn Alexandra from Grass Valley Deborah and Thomas from Auburn Matthew from the Vatican City Jack and Joe from winters Alan from Grass Valley Carter from New Orleans control from Applegate Rodney from Nevada City and lives with in David from Garden Valley all stepping up to the plate and becoming new or renewing members these folks are also staining members of k.b.r. Which means any monthly donation over $5.00 make sure sustaining members so there you go with that if you want to get the crank radio it s $10.00 a month a bunch of other wonderful things coming your way let s see we also had the last dog and then also. Over here and say thank you to our favorite. El fave retold Tucker Rhea for providing lunch to the k.v. More volunteers during the k.p. Mark membership. Dr. Will also want to thank Lou for salad and apple crisp So there you go the best tacos and burritos in Grass Valley elf a very tall talk Urrea Ok There you go for that and that s 265-9555 all these folks are sitting on the other room wishing that you d call and talk to them for just a little bit you can get a whole bunch of cool things if you want or you just say thanks to Kmart and just throw the donation our way anything you can afford is all we re asking for as we attempt to stay on the air and we will be joined by our buddy Roy Rogers and a few minutes let s roll you one more from Norton Buffalo right now from the last album under the rainbow Here s wild and winding road Tom break me on the fiddle their tunes somebody named looks like Roy Rogers down in the chair over there let s play Roy and maybe we ll talk to the scriptwriter. With. The Video you. See in the news. With and then it stopped and then we said Hi this is Felton pro here on the fat music show and my buddy has shown up here Rogers across the high Felton Hi everybody nice to be here my friend it is great to have you wander around here you know it s not a long way from your house to hear that I was like 20 minutes I m up there around 20 but that wasn t that was Mr Norton Buffalo you just plan air my old friend are all the guy we love the guy we just always and Steve Baker jumping in right next to guy on my right Mr Bass he s well we went up some folks in a rhino sure. I know she you know hung in name only. We do want to learn folks know that they re sending additional engines have been requested to a 2 to 3 acre fire on Peoria road in Brown s Valley and Yuba County aircraft are overhead and the fires are estimated as I said it to the 3 acres at this time a fire was reportedly caused by well being only a minimal structure a threat at this time says Cal Fire so while we like to hear that you re doing these always expect you in here in about an hour telling us all mopped up Ok Ok. That s interesting that s what Steve Baker does he mopped up the fire for us good to see a city Hey great seeing you and thanks so much for coming in here Mike you re making you re making this day extra special My pleasure my pleasure it s you know we should tell just I do you know I did live locally and have a station like a v m r. We re all just so fortunate just not are not to be drab it s just a fact so you know and anywhere I go I travel a lot as you guys know and it s you know big time radio. Like. It s not about big time radio it s about local stations and really this is the epitome of not only community action but just the variety of sounds and just commentary and you know the. We all grew up in the days where you know Oh I m listening to that do you hear that person because they bring in a certain thing to a station I love that about stations in this distinction is one of the best so I am happy to be here Jim would you move up here like 10 or 12 years ago 2 years ago or been or 12 years and you course knew about t.v. More before you did because I d done shows appear in previous years with a guy named Bergen and I think Buffalo might play a show in a row before I play show up here but yeah I know but a very serious and it was. You know I m a little kid so I grew up in a big area and we always used to go to town hall for like summertime into the appetite ours too much. So we get a fair amount of snow at Mile evasion you know but I love the foothills I love it here. Val seagrass our scene is is so great Were you know we re up up from that Smaug thing that can kind of creep up even to Auburn as you probably know so we re above that so that s important these days living here in paradise kind of the foothills but not the real paradise the real paradise is returning recovering right now and that s for sure we wish them the best whole Lord that s for sure you know not to speak I don t know if you mention of the North buffaloes a little you know Lisa Lisa she lost everything although I m not a buffalo memorabilia all the photos you know I have I have been meaning since last year to tell Lisa that you know I probably have 40 recordings 50 recordings of shows of Norton and all the interviews I have She s welcome to them of course I will get them to her we always like what happened I ve always stayed in touch with Lisa and she like I say she lost virtually everything and. 2 weeks before the fire see how things work out whether it s fate or who knows we don t know but a mutual friend of Norton and I s line John Jacobson is I don t know if you know John Jacobs but he s an engineer and really an audio buff studios of and he came up to her place and got. Most of Norton s master tapes Oh my goodness so they were not destroyed in the fire I thought all that stuff was gone so she said he said you can do anything I know what you want with him so he took a lot of his master tapes were talking to him all just 2 weeks before the fire 2 weeks before the fire I said my goodness how want to avoid How fortuitous as we say you know I think the last time that I actually talked with Norton was when we he was playing the Center for the arts and Palmer was a long time ago and I was doing sound for Paul Emory and remember Norton after the show just saying you know I want you to come up the next couple weeks and go through the tapes I want to play I want you to help me pick out some new songs and stuff and we never got that together so well when you look at the things in your life that you regret not doing that s one of the biggest things in my life I regret not getting together before Norton passed Yeah well we all have those things felt and I mean you know but Nora was a perfectionist I was always written you know we did what 3 records together and. He was a perfectionist he said I saw what he put out I d like a cd with his band but like. You know I would put out records with my band separate from Buffalo you know probably once every couple years and through those years and his output was not that much Warton just give it up don t go in and redo that or that no I gotta put another harmony on the vocal or this or that but that s the way he was and I respected that but consequently he has a lot of stuff that s in the can that was recorded that was never released because he just didn t feel he was ready to release it yet so I think there s a lot of lot of artists like that. You know. I just read a story recently about Prince Prince has a lot of stuff. He recorded Crissy his own studio there but it s whether he s alive today who knows you know so there s a lot of things that go down like that that people are not aware of anyway we ve got Roy Rogers in on the fact music show this Monday afternoon here on cable more of the folks are waiting for you to call out the other room 2659555 if you would like to keep k.b. More rolling along that being said make those phones ring of support. Because Roy and I want to talk and play music and right now you ve got me you ve got some Solomon Burke you ve got the let s talk about Holland for Europe you know I brought in a bunch of stuff thanks for the invitation by the way I love coming in and just you know I just pick whatever comes to mind and inspiration comes from so many different places you know you know we re all just music fanatics and before I was playing in bands or an early age and I had the pleasure of meeting Solomon Burke who s tracked coming up I was exposed to his music though as a lot of people. Through other bands especially in the sixty s you know when we were coming up you know the British band they were they covered all these songs I mean the Beatles whoever you want to call a lot of blues was part of it obviously and I 1st heard this song from the real army Rolling Stones record and people will recognize play a. Story about Solomon Burke after track. Well yeah that s. MacRebennack and. Oh that was. That s what he was doing his whole Grigory thing you know so that track is kind of an obscure track you said you did you want to wear that track when when when I was too boy probably 6869 a long time ago they used to play this all the time when mak would come out and do his Dr John thing is hold us and and Mama rule was like just you know we never thought that that greasy kind of like New Orleans thing was very new to you know to all of us what was the Gris-Gris all about I would agree is a great music is not gris gris and it s. Definitely what I m going here to said grifters all my life. I ve never heard a lot of the wrong people talk. It s like a potion agree I think agreed with a group of who do Polish and yeah that s right. We have to look it up but let s kind like a mojo Grigory you know like food you think so my understanding now did the New Orleans stuff come to you but when you were starting to get into music or did it come after you married a woman from New Orleans yeah more and more after I married a woman from New Orleans I was aware of. Well you know it s funny for me because I always loved I didn t know the new it was what you call the New Orleans kind of sound or that thing but I always loved music coming from the warm and going back to Reich you know only Kato and mother in law and I didn t know about it until later you know my mother in law or leave you know we know these names now and I want to sort of course you know the Neville Brothers there people know them but back then we didn t know about that Kid Creole would that be correct yes but he s Dixieland kid Creel he was New Orleans so yeah Ok yeah I think. More Dixie Landings and stamps were you know for me the you know when you listen to the b. . And all the stuff that came out of the whole compilation of combinations of sounds is just so unique now and so yes then a little later writing award from New Orleans I got here not only to the food which was fantastic is fantastic but much more knowledgeable about where the music it come from so it s it s quite an American of course we just lost mac and I mean you know it was a great guitar player before being known as you. Keyboardist went to l.a. From you know from New Orleans and but he was in an accident. Actually he was in a club as the story goes with her and. Bobby Charles somebody s got to refer somebody or maybe it was a hotel or something anyway he got one of the single shot off and so he couldn t play guitar so he started playing didn t stop Jerry. Very strong spiritual How did you really begin to he was that he was it was what he was a kid up in Been Loman and he lost it somewhere haven t been long Yeah we re talking about Jerry Garcia Jerry Garcia Corps and I m sitting on a Grateful Dead stool right here. And actually Wesley Robertson has joined us so he s in the studio with a. Western that s good and we want to throw out a big thanks here let s see who is coming so bring it back again people are appreciative that you re here we want to throw out a big thanks to all it s the another anonymous so this person s been becoming a new member Quite often this week and we thank you so we love all those anonymous . People you know we re here to I m here to support this radio station it s about money because it takes money to do that and they have these great new facility here folks and we re so lucky you know I live here and we re lucky to have you folks because not every community has a radio station that plugged in if I can use that term and has the wealth of. People that certainly are knowledgeable and get the music out there you know and the information about the people that s so it s so crucial these days more than ever you know whatever people say about the Internet and yeah you can find anything the local radio stations I just love anywhere I go and use the Internet a lot when your power is off so that s very true that far to anyone signals have to come over the older way through 659555 if you re thinking about it or you were thinking about us a couple weeks ago and now what we have maybe winded Wiser is coming up again in another few days we ll find out why here we are how do you make it through the power outage I have I have a generator you know. My 1st year. Peter I did not have a generator you called me the 1st year to get it no power to get you out you said to your caller Christ or somebody Man I gotta get out of here help me I regret. Doing the show here I go yeah Oh yes every Saturday morning so he helped me put in my generator and I m telling you that that 1st year was pain. I got a team with real quick and so. That saved me frankly so. When we have but I m not I don t know just. My feelings are supreme We mix about this whole thing about power outages I m not who s minding the store here I don t quite understand what the just a fake I understand we all want to be safe I was no question about it but. Going back to how I have stored pretty important pretty important question I don t know I don t know I m not knowledgeable but I just don t obviously I ve read a lot of editorials I m sure you have to and the 1st time this happened which was what a couple weeks ago was a fiasco for just about in any way shape or form obviously we didn t have a great big fire burning and we re thankful for that but I don t know that s just my personal opinions her fingers crossed over fully everything goes perfect from now on we just want to be safe but we wanted to be done and in the right way I suppose you know we played out in Berkeley for Dr John and everybody needs somebody you know I knew who Solomon Burke was advocate for d.j. Of course you have to know these things but I wasn t into him I didn t get it and then I saw him on David Letterman back in the late eighty s or whatever and of course he was about 5000 pounds at that point he was a very large man rock bring a man. When he play I just went Oh I get it now you know I watching him I was just like my goodness I you know I met Solomon Burke at an awards ceremony they used to have a Blues Awards believe it or not for some years until they ran out of money and literally turn. Some years back or maybe 15 years ago and and it was they were always pick a new location and I sat at a table at one of these awards show with Solomon Burke and what a delightful man he. Not not enough people know about Solomon Burke and his contributions to his writing and he s. Such a stellar performer I mean when you saw him you don t you didn t forget him did you remember the guy that he d go out front and Solomon would be he had a throne folks right Solomon Burke would bring a throne and cape and all that stuff and he was on a throne and then he had this guy. What an Attache kind of like James Brown when he didn t write a protein and a guy would come out but the keep on James Brown he strode off and get out sound Bearcat a guy that handed out roses. And. These women in the front would just faint I mean. And it was it was just. A delight to see that kind of old school self you just don t see that anymore it s just all now now I m going to I m going to challenge you on that you play with a guy named John Lee Hooker and I used to go see John Lee Hooker at the last loon in San Francisco what was that climate history on that s very complimentary and there would be so many women just packed up to the front of the stage every time John Lee play I mean he drew in the waiting for with that voice you know. You re going to make some moves I mean you can try that with out of with a voice like that. You have serious power I mean you know it s. You know look what can I say my my association as you well know what Johnny hook was was. One of the high points not the high point of my career I mean and producing his records we had such a ball and I became such great friends with Johnny hooker he s one of the major blues men of all time without question. You know Boogie Chillen his 1st hit was in 1988 for God s sake that s what is it 71 years ago and he told a 1000000 records and you know when you think back in those times in the end of World War 2 when the big bands were just standing and you had jazz guys coming up and and Louis Jordan and all these sophisticated thing and then Johnny comes and just damp his foot. And does one Guitar Boogie and sells a 1000000 records it was phenomena people couldn t believe it but that s I was part part of the whole movie you know diaspora of people moving from the south to the north to get work you know well I just remember of course you know I got to know John Lee Hooker by working a case that radio and he lived in Gilroy you look around you you could walk to the Cape Flats studios so you know he was this legend already but then I remember him about the time that you started producing him and stuff his he just his voice went into that true great godfather of Blues voice no question I mean it was just it was just a little different than anything else on this planet no question about it he. Just when you hear that voice it s like no other I think I ve got to get some legal and some stuff going in a bit we should play at least one here I ve got one here it says so if you re supplied winder album but it says it has John Lee playing with you and Terraplane blue oh let s do what we did together I you know I did this record and I asked I was very ginger I just I gingerly asked John if he wanted to sing on a recording of mine and he said well sure I would and I lied I said well what should we do I ll just call boss and. He s also one of those old old Robert Johnson songs so I said great so it s just me playing and and John s saying and and listen to the end because the end we both start laughing and it s one of my favorite recordings really this is k.b.r. . If you. Can remember color I m still having so much fun numbers having so much fun place you given the number to call. 30 cases p.c. Come you know Placerville also with trance we got translators I got to tell him all about old k 230 k 230 ca woodland at 93.9 f.m. a K 258 d.j. Angels Camp at 99.5 f.m. In k 286 am Truckee 105 point one f.m. And of course a phone number 265-9555 us Felton with Roy Rogers for a while longer one on the fat music show and here and they are now the infamous as introduced Terraplane blues. Going round of my trip to Atlanta this is. The good I ve been gone. To the drum I took the lead to a planet with. The cure of the i ve been gone. Mom tries my life. And here my home won t even. Bring your dream you. Gotta check your room on. A. Resume review it and. Yup you re. Going to check your phone. When you go to to make sure most elections. There go with it download. To the little blue dot. Com. Newsroom. Book to. Come. To some news. To get a good. News you ll get it to fight back in the. News Baku you got a good to come to top of the bluff. You ve got the to mark the most exciting thing . To do. To come tonight to the plan not the plan.

Radio-program , Chess-records-artists , American-guitarists , American-rhythm-and-blues-singers , American-singers , American-blues-guitarists , American-blues-singers , Rock-and-roll-hall-of-fame-inductees , American-male-singers , American-blues-musicians , Musicians-from-california , American-singer-songwriters

Transcripts for KVNF 90.9 FM/KVMT 89.1 [KVNF] KVNF 90.9 FM/KVMT 89.1 [KVNF] 20191020 100000

Beatles caravan palace and great men and let s begin with some Reiki from Chas stone. On is. Going. To hit. The late. Evening. News. With. I mean. I m not. Saying. Make. Me. You. Can t afford it and I had an idea for an album don t like all this new on is greed greed music and preserving something that I thought was kind of disappearing in the warm ones and I m I wanted to do it for a label called White Whales record stood to Charles Nino champ and one April Stevens was recording. And idea there. And so I got a attitude and after a while if Sonny Bono was singin Bob Dylan is saying in his own end I sang in that but I figure I don t want it. And I did it and I figure it was a one off deal. 30 something really is late and I d still be doing this I should take it to me. She sat. In. The family. Let s. Let s. Let s move. Looks. Cool. She moves. A leg The Beatles with something that was a remake by Giles Martin to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Abbey Road wasn t it just wonderful Dr John in front of that with Thank you Nic The super gave us filled with dread and it was just Joan with Molly town you re listening to undercurrents I m cavity Ella Let s listen to this Brooklyn based whimsical trio called bandits on the run this was recorded live at the power station. In an. Lol. Lol. Lol. Lol. Lol. Lol. Thanks. Love that dramatic scene that Robbie Robertson brings that song praying for rain that s from his 200-1000 release cinematic it was Amy new Viola in front of that was a music from that s the popular China John and that s from the 200-1000 album a journey through Cuban music that won the Latin Grammy Award for Best Tropical fusion album and we started that set with bandits on the run from Brooklyn with potted plant you re listening to undercurrents I m Guy we ll hear some music from the soundtrack of echo in the canyon in just a minute. Royer. Are a. Week. Or at least 8 leak. That s that in a group c. Haas in with big shot in the dark it was caravan Palace in front of that with moonshine Logio from France with bones you know ignore aunts and from the echo in the canyon soundtrack it was questions performed by Jacob Dylan and Eric Clapton You re listening to undercurrents I m governor and if you re just joining us welcome this next artist Jeff Buckley died in a tragic drowning incident he s the son of Tim Buckley who also has passed on here he has interpreted in the popular song everyday people. In. The. In thing. It. Will. Tell you. Like it. It sounds. Those are wrong my own. Assume. The big guy. And then it makes no difference about. The net but. Yeah. The supply won the war the except the green one for living with the fed well in the end of the. Day to see if it s still. Followed him for. Example on a cell phone is going to. Be. No better either to do. The same well they are doing to. Me. You know the end then. Figure out the bag yeah. Yeah. It is head. Isn t it the sword head. It will not help the pole worm. This telling. Her. 7 0 that it is yellow or it won t accept the black one. Is that the red warning and loan it s the white one in this. Cell. Phone It s getting cold. In. There. Interpreted by teachers. In house or in front of that it was Gregg Allman interpreting the Tim Buckley song once I was and the late Jeff Buckley with everyday people even listening to undercurrents and it s been a pleasure being with you this last hour thanks for hanging out with us the executive producer of undercurrents is Greg MacVicar I m. Undercurrents is produced at Radio camp with support from the court. Gratian for public broadcasting the friends of undercurrents and stations like k p p Q l p in Ventura California and k s k o n McGrath Alaska connect with us at undercurrents radio dot net for streaming music news hand-picked videos and the playlist this is show number 5144. The it thank you for taking into undercurrents. 90 point I mean. 89 point one in Montrose and on the web at k.b. And out or your support of k.p.n.x. Undercurrents makes a big difference in the quality of radio available to you and the community. Or can pledge your support together we keep the airwaves alive with amazing music. Thank. You. All right it s undercurrents Gavia like us to line here with you some great music is around the corner such as Kenny Wayne Shepherd boss skanks and Trombone Shorty and that s speaking with Sara Borgia s and the Broken Singles. Old.

Radio-program , American-folk-rock-musicians , Broadcasting , Rock-and-roll-hall-of-fame-inductees , Lead-guitarists , American-singer-songwriters , American-male-singers , American-rock-guitarists , Electric-blues-musicians , Radio , Radio-formats , Mass-media

Transcripts for KZSC 88.1 FM [KZSC Santa Cruz 88.1 FM] KZSC 88.1 FM [KZSC Santa Cruz 88.1 FM] 20191018 150000

It was unconventional what I did I said to get I have to fight a little while sometimes you have to let them fight a little like 2 kids in a lot you gotta let them fight in your poem apart. But it was unconventional but they fought for a few days and it was pretty vicious Utah Republican senator Mitt Romney questioned Trump s explanation for his abrupt decision to pull out u.s. Troops leaving the way clear for Turkey to launch its cross border attack on the Kurds the president has said that we left to fill a commitment to stop and list wars to bring troops home to get them out of harm s way perhaps to save money. I find these reasons hard to square why. Well we withdrew 1500 troops in Syria but we re adding 2000 troops in Saudi Arabia I simply don t understand why the administration did not explain in advance to air to one that it s unacceptable for Turkey to attack an American ally. International criticism of the deal mounted European Union council president Donald Tusk said it wasn t a ceasefire but rather a demand for the capitulation of the Kurds and called on Turkey to immediately halt its military operations in northeast Syria French president Manuel McKown called the Turkish offensive madness White House acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney acknowledged that president trumps decision to hold up military aid to Ukraine was linked to Trump s demand that the country investigate the Democratic National Committee and the 2016 presidential campaign reporters question moving any about his surprising admission it undercut the administration s previous insistence that there was no quid pro quo during Trump s July phone call with Ukrainian president still in ski going to be clear because this right is a quid pro quo. Funding Golden Globe for. The world which we do we do that all the time with foreign policy but I have news for everybody get over it there s going to be political influence from foreign policy Mulvaney unexpected remarks had immediate fall out Trump s lawyer distance Trump from of Deniz account the Justice Department said the explanation was news to them within hours Mulvaney issued a separate statement claiming his remarks were misconstrued and saying there was quote absolutely no quid pro quo between Ukrainian military aid in any investigation into the 2016 election move a nice attempt to walk back his comments was unconvincing House Intelligence Committee member Erik s while will of the East Bay said Mulvaney cosigned the president s confession Takuji. Many executives have been summoned to appear at an emergency meeting today to answer hard questions from state regulators about last week s massive power outages aimed at preventing p.g. And e. Equipment from sparking wildfires the California Public Utilities Commission meeting in San Francisco today one will come as outrage grows against p.g. And e. For shutting off power to more than $2000000.00 people p.u.c. President Mary Bill Badger called the outages and unacceptable situation she ordered a series of corrective actions including a goal of restoring power within 12 hours not the utilities current 48 hour goal she ordered the utility to audit its performance outlined corrective actions and demanded that talk utility executives attend today s meeting prepared to answer questions San Francisco based jewel labs announced it has stopped selling fruit and dessert flavors the flavors affected by the announcement mango crim fruit and cucumber account for less than 10 percent of jewels they thing sales Jewel will continue selling its most popular flavors meant and menthol for now. The Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids say jewels decision to keep selling meant and menthol shows it isn t serious about preventing youth use they are the most popular flavors among teens. The Tobacco Free Kids group said jewel knows that 64 percent of high school East cigarette users now use mentor menthol in this number is growing all the time under-age dating has reached epidemic levels according to health officials in the latest government survey more than one in 4 high school students reported using cigarettes in the previous month that s despite federal law banning sales to those under 18 and Roman in the states covered California Health Insurance Program has opened the program director says new state subsidies mean almost 1000000 people can get more help with their premiums California also has restored the individual mandate which requires people to carry health insurance after Republicans got rid of the mandate on a federal basis more from Suzanne Potter the open enrollment period for Covered California which started this week was expanded significantly so people could now sign up for subsidized coverage on the individual market through the end of January the state also expanded Medicare to all low income people under age 26 regardless of immigration status share marking out with a small business majority says the state also increased subsidies for people in the middle class a group that includes many small business owners are evident when for a small business community because the new measures and shal to reduce costs for small businesses and ensure that more people are able to access affordable health insurance the state also ended the so-called senior penalty slightly raising the income levels for low income seniors and people with disabilities so that more can qualify for Medicare I m Suzanne Potter teachers and other school staff in Berkeley are holding what they call a walk into school this morning they ll be joined by community supporters teachers have been working without a contract since last school year ended in June the 2 sides are negotiating but the Berkeley Federation of Teachers says they are still far apart on the issue of compensation. The union says it also needs more case managers to support special education students weather forecast for the San Francisco Bay area partly cloudy skies in the morning afternoon clearing away from the coast mid sixty s in San Francisco to the low seventy s in London Fred Stone the central San Joaquin Valley sunny $70.00 to $75.00 degrees I m Eileen elf in Darien where news and $94.00 with headlines at noon join us at 6 for the Pacifica evening news. They ll be hit back at 6 o clock. Here in case you see but you do know no one no well no no if a oh I see a different new we get high noon Oh I thought maybe you re canceling you re saying you know I d be worse in shutting off all the power in the area I know that but the cable if a news would be here it s like oh I see Ok we ll stay over there you know you know it s time for now yeah I know you know. That really well you. Know what. That s right so. Yes Yes So I the movie news bit but you won t do the reviews 1st or talk about movies no one do what we re for I think that I think we get some give us a bit about. What s next and what s here in Ok And then why not I mean as long as yeah we can we go we re going several places. Yes movie reviews movie reviews like Lucy in the sky just opened naturally plays. A very conflicted based on a true story gotta keep saying I got to keep saying you won t believe it but anyway she s an astronaut and she s floating around in space and she s very spacey and she has she has a lot of speech problems and then she goes and tries to kidnap somebody I m going to tell you many more than that because you shouldn t see it anyway because it s based on even though. Based on a Tuesday even though they shouldn t go see it you re not going to your professional life you just not going to throw out the spoilers Yeah yeah almost a good day for example the critics gave it a 23 on Rotten Tomatoes the audiences gave it 28 so there is a lot of agreement on the palm of a movie especially those to you know this guy Natalie Portman Natalie always does a good job she s always fun to look at and she does his best she possibly can with this ridiculous script but anyway that s that s that s the 1st one mano a mano says a very unusual film it s the story of a group of young young commandos I suppose you could call them from Colombia this all takes place in Colombia and for some reason which I wasn t really I couldn t quite figure it out that they have to guard and American doctor young doctor pretty woman and they have to guard her and get her through the jungle to go somewhere and I could never figure out why or where they were doing on any of this I didn t like the film of all and the critics gave it 92 on Rotten Tomatoes and an 81 from the audiences just to show you the difference or I just I couldn t believe this film couldn t follow it I couldn t see we didn t win something so just eluded me on my nose mano Sam all n o s mano Lotos mono mano this mono us and o m a m o o o F s. Monaro There you go anyway anyway my role you saw joker I loved it I loved I liked it yes as time went on I think I saw some flaws with it but I enjoyed the 1st viewing Well again probably not Oh Ok I wondered why he said 1st viewing Yeah I loved it a lot and the interesting thing about it was it hardly went down in box office returns for the 2nd week and. You know it s very unusual usually they drop a. Song as much as 50 percent or more after people see and say that s terrible they tell all their friends that s terrible but like I said last week I think you Joaquin Phoenix who takes takes the lead I think they should just hand them the Oscar and I really really believe it I mean you just never take your eyes off him because I mean the entire movie centers around him there s never like a perspective shift it s an entire movie like it there s always he s always in frame yeah the entire heavy all hours of it yeah that s right 2 hours plus and I mean what it really is for. Batman friends this is this is Bruce Wayne in his family and it s the real story about why the Joker keeps haunting and keeps coming back and back and back good as I say I liked it a lot about Judy Renee Zellweger and Judy Garland and the last years of Judy Garland and starting in 1908 when she goes back over to London to wow the audience is one more time it s a saga it s a dramatic saga a tear jerking saga all of that all of that but again I like that I thought they did a good job considering what they had to deal with which is a very disturbed woman and a pill addict and all of the above and her 5 husbands and there it goes even a little bit was it a vase they had in their young and being being. Tortured I guess by one of the film s directors and just I mean what s a lie worth seeing where it s well I mean that s why I say it s a sad saga drama and. It s up to you I mean if you if you like Judy Garland you got to see it Ok and if you you know if you put up with Carnie Carnie sagas go for it. Yeah yesterday and again Downton Abbey he s still out there and still bringing in the money and. Pardon catching Yes Yes exactly and and the king and queen of England come to Downton Abbey and this is the whole story about how the king in Queens his staff gets along with Downton Abbey staff and they don t get along and they ve almost argue and almost fight and do sort of very typical 1920 s. British style nasties to terrorist ocracy labor Yeah except there s labor on both sides you know I mean it s the cooks and the servants and all of that so for me 1st ask Are you a fan of the original p.b.s. Series Dallas has Diane I am more than a fan I am a follower Yes and a fan and enthuses I don t know I love it I thought all in the movie and the movie Well if you if you re not a fan you won t get as much out of it as if you because you won t know the story behind that 2nd 3rd cook and how she got married what happened to that marriage and you know and you won t know this and you won t know that about all of the characters and there s so many characters in this you know probably 20 and in the main 2 casts and these are important people in the film and in the series and so if you watch the 6 or 7 years of it you ll know you ll know everybody walks by on the screen but if you re casual and you won t get as much you won t get as much but it s a fascinating story Delta that you know count Abby and Astro are still out there Brad Pitt Brad Pitt as as a. Master not another astronaut in film and this time he s looking for his father who may or may not be dead and so he has to go through space and face an awful lot of obstacles and. To. Know I mean here we have Luke. In the sky you know we ve had so many of these. Astronaut movies now and floating around out in outer space and they re very popular but this one you know Brad Pitt does a great job great job but if you re going for a big science fiction type thing no because this is more psychological it s more about Brad Pitt and his relationship with his dad than it is about a space film it Astra and asteroid Yes but the Ronstadt again still playing still bringing in the audiences and Linda Ronstadt dot dot to the sound of my voice and again if you like Linda Ronstadt or if you don t like your enough which it was my category I had did not have that much appreciation for until I saw this film and realized the real breadth and depth of her voice and her abilities and she just does a great job and it s a documentary documentary on Linda Ronstadt and they always bring out toward the end of the film where she breaks into her sort of lets out her Mexican heritage and really does does in the incredible good job good job sound of my voice you know Linda Ronstadt son of my boy Brittany runs a marathon that s still playing to which I don t know why I d like to stop at all which I get on to stop this film and Julian Belle The actress who plays Britney she actually is a big deal in the public city she actually lost 40 pounds getting ready for the role and then that s what happens you know she and it s a comedy sorta and is a lot of sadness in that because she s overweight in this and that and how she trains and how she does and then blah blah blah and she runs a marathon that s a. Very inspiring thing. Britney don t bring home runs meant Ok you know they were films not Ok so let s let s see things coming to the area that you might want our listeners to. About yeah they should know about the Santa Cruz Chamber Players I mentioned last week but it s this weekend Saturday October 19th and Sunday the 20th 730 on the 19th and this is the this is the game for players not to be doing music by you know Boston and Carl Maria von Braun and it will be at the Lutheran Church out in app toss and the title of the concert is blowing in the when this so well done I mean they ve been around for 30 something years and throw together Santa Cruz Chamber Players Yes there you are in next Tuesday on universal grapevine 78 o clock on keys yes he Santa Cruz Yeah 1st half hour 1st half hour Mr Jim coffee us will be returning and he is the co-founder and the deputy director of green trade and we re going to be talking about cannabis and the legality illegality challenges that they face a new rules and laws and regulations all of the Above all of the above and it s such a fascinating topic I mean who had ever thought that marijuana would be resilient dollar industry but at least you know so that 1st half hour 1st your so great fun Tuesday night 7 o clock the 2nd half hour 2nd half hour starts at 730 and that s Phillipe hobby because coming back he is the co-founder and the manager of common roots farm and that s a community of year or well good not community supported agriculture and and also it s all centered around handicapped children and so he s going to be talking about that again and it s quite a story quite a story with they ve accomplished that s next Tuesday universal grapevine and please yes you sang for 70 8 o clock yes I found this in Tuesday s business section b. William Bratton Yes Dateline l a in a sign of just how much streaming is changing Hollywood movie fans will soon be able to write and buy films for viewing at home from a movie theater chain. AMC Entertainment the largest multiplex operator in the world will introduce an i Tunes style online video store in the u.s. Next Tuesday said the president and c.e.o. The service AMC Theater on demand will offer approximately 2000 films for sale or rent after their theatrical runs just as i Tunes Amazon and other video on demand retailers do the movie theater industry has long been at odds with online video why trek to theaters if thousands of movies are available at the click of a button at home or on your phone sure new films do arrive on video d.n. Till they have played in theaters for an exclusive period of about 90 days but this windowing practice many analysts believe will become untenable as streaming services like Netflix gained clout Ollywood 5 biggest movie studios Disney Warner Universal Sony and Paramount have all made deals with AMC for catalog and new release movies AMC based in Leawood Kansas and partly owned by China s Deleon wonder group became the largest multiplex chain in the world in 2016 after going on a breathtaking shopping spree they acquired Carmike in the u.s. And Britain Nordic in Northern Europe as a result AMC began carrying debt approximately $4700000000.00 its debt load and bumpy box office ride attendance at AMC is down 3.6 percent this year in the u.s. Compared to last have made investors wary the share price is now $9.00 down from $20.00 a year ago so am see the movie Brad why is a multiplex operator now going to get into the on demand competition with the studios themselves right I mean Disney s going to be streaming there they ve got their own channel starting to say there s a new process right and here it is so tell me it does this make any sense to you does this mean that we re going to have fewer but in the chairs you know actual movie theaters I think it means Perth I mean. You ve been watching them go down and down the Domino and we re talking about attendance not attendant Right exactly yeah I mean in fewer and fewer people are going just because. Box office prices have been going up admission prices have been going up and so the so the people who show up are fewer and fewer and. You know you read you can see that home you know almost pretty quick but some of them even sooner than downtown but isn t a major multiplex competing with itself when it have an on demand service that just inspires more people stayed home instead of coming to yeah the multiplex and I think that shifting focus you know they re probably going to try to close down a little by little turning the exact opposite exactly you know because it s expensive to run the theater you know and. Especially the concession stand I mean where the make all the local money you know that s a very very very big deal. And I ve got one more movie related item for you b. Movie last night at the nick it was the wild and scenic Film Festival which was the fundraiser for Ventana wilderness Alliance sold out there you go 2 weeks in advance but there is still tickets available for a Saturday night s performance this is the wild and scenic Film Festival on tour this year shows each featuring a unique set of films will be at the Golden State Theater in downtown Monterey tomorrow Saturday evening is that it is hosted by the Ventana wilderness Alliance a local nonprofit dedicated to the conservation of public lands in the big country the program will feature world class outdoor films in a raffle of locally donated prizes proceeds benefit the conservation efforts of the Ventana wilderness Alliance great group for ticket info good event of wild or call area code 831-423-3191 that s tomorrow night Golden State Theatre downtown Monterey I ve been many times I ve had them on universe are great fun to talk on a good group good. Streaming services home run by AMC or anybody else through get on out put that but the entire world innocent only all of above the movie Breton thank you very much thank you very much we ll see next week by Dr so I won t be seeing you next but we ll be here Ok Ok we ll catch you the week after we re on the bushwhackers Breakfast Club I m Dangerous Dan and I am myrow way back before Ryan Coonerty was here we put the way back. We did we played we played way back hot Krinsky from from the pastor to the future but before Ryan was in the studio we were playing a set of California songs we started with Anthony Arias title track from his new cd going to California had Led Zeppelin going to California from Zeppelins 4th album had Dave Alvin s King of California Ok Ok what are going acts said Dave Alvin produced an album by Tom Russell called The Rose of the San Joaquin and somehow during the process of collaborating they wrote a song together called out in California it s Dave Alvin album but this is Tom Russell version from the Rose of the San Joaquin. Just. 2 do to. Be a coup stick a California Republic from their cd down at Evangel inas. That is on my short list of national anthems you have a short list if California ever becomes an independent nation what else is on the whole we re going to play here in a 2nd Ok Ok we ll get there but let me tell you what you heard Tom Russell out in California from the Rose of the San Joaquin it s a tune he co-wrote with Dave Alvin and then the acoustic cats Cyrus Clark Mike Mullins Phil Salazar Cheryl and Gastineau and Rick Burrell are coming from down Santa Barbara way down at the Vinge wieners California Republican it s the bushwhackers Breakfast Club on dangerous to and I am on my row now through December 29th the minor. Butterfly net troll preserve will be offering one hour guided tours open to the public tours beginning every Saturday and Sunday at 11 am in 2 pm a natural bridges State Beach visitor center tours of groups of 10 or more may be arranged in advance at that park Dido argy Natural State Natural Bridges State Beach is located 2531 West Cliff here in Santa Cruz More info is available at Parkside ca doc or by phone at 831-423-4609 there s a lot more to driving than stepping on the gas stopping without intersections would be chaos crashes would happen left and right but extremes of bicyclists would be at great risk so resist the California stop and brake completely before the limit line not in the cross walk this lets you see the kids on the bikes and people about to step off the curb and for safety sake do not pass cars stopped at cross walks at stop signs fully stop and await your turn it s to see if the street smarts thing to do more formation is available at k z a c dot f m slash street smarts brought to you by k.c. S.c. And the regional street smarts campaign jukebox jukebox juke box juice box with d.j. Joy takes you backwards in time and lets history cool histories cool kids remind you of classic jazz doo wop and more take a sip of ice cold ice Daljit when you listen to jukebox juice box every Saturday from 2 to 4 pm only on k.c. a Cease and cruise tune into cause and free radio Monday evening stream $7.00 to 8 pm queer public affairs since 1975 is the longest running career public affairs show in the country covering news and events interviews and music and so much more that s every Monday night 7 to 8 pm 88 point one f.m. K.C. s Santa Cruz. Down on the buy you a line up is a little something extra in music from Louisiana always seems to have it Friday mornings at 9 k.c. Ses lining up collective always has a little something extra from Louisiana for you tune in Fridays 9 am noon and let the good times roll on 81 m. Who s coming up in 21 minutes Ok. We re talking about. Anthems if California ever becomes an independent nation sure Ok we have we have to have a national anthem you know stand up and sing it before a ball game some prefer somebody else play ball that is not the last line of The Star-Spangled Banner The thing is well California make that a mandatory thing to sing Up and Sing seeing cowboy you re probably not probably not yet you know who knows yeah so tonight down at the coombe with jazz center there s a show it s $730.00 Roy s Zimmerman end the Austin Lounge Lizards now the lizards on their album creatures from the black saloon which we played earlier well this I think could be our national anthem and stick with us if you feel like standing up and singing You re more than welcome to check. For those cold girls. That was good luck to you. But a. Little Blue. Pill. To Close now cause the way they are. Everybody pieces. Like California police. Were. So. There s Terry Allen the heart of California. For a little George from California bloodlines a set of music that we thought could all be anthems for the California if we became an independent republic we had let s see Austin Lounge Lizards I cried hot tubs of tears over you Maher Posa called up and said Didn t grabber until he mentioned that acupuncture will cure a broken heart had the Beach Boys in their Surfin USA Roy Zimmerman the Orange County Rolling Acres senior center Cannabis Club Roy Zimmerman in the Austin Lounge Lizards tonight Jazz Center $730.00 to snazzy show Kate Wolf red tailed hawk by request for Roz and then Terry Allen the heart of California for a little George from California bloodlines somewhere in there we had California Dreamin with the Mamas and Papas road dog called up and request that already I were reading my rope Ok Ok z. Se would like to thank big boys during their end for his supporting student run community radio show your oyster man caters special events with various types of oysters clams or mussels. The oyster man entertains as he teaches you about facts and fallacies over his bivalve Kingdom more information about scheduling an oyster bar or to learn more about. The orchestra man is at his website k.z. S.c. Dot f.m. Slash your oyster man dot com or by phone at 831-227-8551 k.c. As he said Breakfast Club I m dangerous and I am myrow and we got to go stay tuned for. A piece of Marshall and you listen to K.C. s see Santa Cruz.

Radio-program , Songwriters-from-california , International-relations , Business-terms , American-singers , Latin-legal-terms , Latin-words-and-phrases , American-stage-actresses , American-guitarists , American-vegans , Vaudeville-performers , American-child-actors

Transcripts for KSUT 91.3 FM [Southern Ute Tribal Radio] KSUT 91.3 FM [Southern Ute Tribal Radio] 20191018 020000

It s. True. And. Welcome back everyone to the Ike s America radio program The Benny Goodman sextet giving us rose room a sextet that means are 6 of them they recorded this in October of 1939 Fletcher Henderson on the piano Charlie Christian on the electric guitar Artie Bernstein on bass Nick Fatou on the drums and the great Lionel Hampton on the vibraphone. They it was written way back in 1917 actually called in Sonny Roseland but Benny kind of jazz did up and. Turned it into a swing kind of thing and again welcome to Ikes America support for it is provided by Community Connections announcing their 16th annual festival of trees happening December 6th through the 8th to benefit kids and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities across southwest Colorado inviting individuals businesses and families to sponsor a tree or wreath registration is open through tomorrow and more details are at Community Connections c o o r g. Well let s dive back into the program show we let s go back to 1939 again just will stay in that year why not here s a tune written by Frank Loesser with Fred Hollander from a film called Destry Rides Again that Marlena day trip starting with Jimmy Stewart and she sang it too which is always kind of weird but you ll see what I mean here is more Lena Dietrich and seen what the boys in the back room will have. The backbone. And tell them having. The. Backbone. And if the of poison. And when I die I know and then my mind. And then. Back. And tell them. And tell them. And tell them to get up. And when I don t. Handle. And channel them. And tell them my dad up. And find I don t I don t pay. C and. Her. Her. Her. This. And Neve. Move just Stevies stay. Mad at. Me. And. Long. All strata. Will. With our will float. Have to be. Divvied. One. 3rd. And. Be. Just 2. All that is my vote for the best title song tonight I came I saw all I conquer it. And charge Evans with how although in the Savoy hotel orchestra to NY written by 3 different people that you ve probably never heard of and well it was a big hit back in the forty s for some reason. Billie Holiday before that and her version of it had to be you the great Jones Gus Kahn tune written way back in 1924 Billy s recording there in 1955 course Dolly Wilson really made it famous in Casablanca Diane Keaton did a great job with an Annie Hall as I recall too but it s a wonderful song Guy Lombardo and his orchestra Billie Leach providing the vocals on Speak low talk about Billie Holiday that s one she really made famous but obviously that wasn t her guy in the orchestra recording that one in 1944 tune written by Kurt violin Ogden Nash oddly enough occurred while he wrote all kinds of things usually wrote Bertold Brecht like The Threepenny Opera that sort of thing but I did Nash obviously just a poet that has poetry put to music and yeah Marlena Dietrich and let s see what the boys in the back room will have from death treat Rides Again Well here s June Hutton we re going to go to 1955 actually yes 1955 is the year Sammy Khan and Saul Chapman wrote this way back in 1936 but it is a beautiful song really it ll have to do until the real thing comes along. Its length. To. Lead. Oh. Oh Dana. Pointed. Of it. At me. Even though I doubt. d that there. Are a man. With a. And if. San. Diego end. To. End to Egypt. But too much of it there s. An end to. Him. In this. A. Bright golden haze on the. Bright golden haze on the job. A car is as. It s called. Poll. Of polls. Polls. Polls. Lol. Lol the last stand in life stats. Like stats. They don t. Run. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Things go down. Like music. This sounds. Like music. This is so. Don t miss sod true. We. Will. Leave. It In. That s actually the 1st tune that anyone ever heard from Rodgers and Hammerstein the opening to Oklahoma. Broadway musicals 1943 Gordon McCrea starred in the 1955 film that s what we just heard there he was currently opposite Shirley Jones in her film debut actually as Laurie but yeah 1st time I was that was the 1st tune that any audience heard from Rodgers and Hammerstein they would hear many more and they liked them. Before that Bill Canny and his ink spots with their friend Ella Fitzgerald into each life some rain must fall it s true otherwise it s you get a drought recorded Aug 30th of 1944 and also in there Jean Austin going way way back to 1926 a number one tune for him has anybody seen my gal that one had been floating around since 1914. Gene Austin a big big star of the 1920 s. 5 foot 2 eyes of blue and also in 1026 I get to thinking sometimes it s just I don t have to think what life was like back then and there were actually people living and going about their lives Chuck Berry was born this week in 1906 for example when the pope was published by a Milne this week in 1926 Frank Lloyd Wright was arrested in Minnesota for violating the Mann Act and for adultery he was with a woman from Montenegro apparently and also the daughter they bore together and he got in all kinds of trouble but. They dropped the charges against him so that was something this was the week that her Harry Houdini got punched in the gut by a woman in a Montreal theater he would die 9 days later from Penda situs no one was ever really sure if that the 2 were connected but maybe also with the baseball happening the Cardinals beat the Yankees this week in 1926 Game 7 they won 3 to 2 Babe Ruth was thrown out stealing to end the series and on a Saturday note Mussolini Benito took over the militia gaining control of all of the military in Italy so you know there was life in 1926 even though most of us weren t around to see it and we don t know a whole lot about it. And you have it I like history I can t help it if you can bear with me when I do these sorts of things but anyway we ll play more music that s really what we do here on Ike s America right. And here is Claude for health friend Robert Webber providing the vocals on a Sunday kind of love. Leg These are. The Sunday. Well. Glad but. Nowhere some other long. Oh I m packing my grip. And I m leavin today. Cause I m taking a trip to California where. I m gonna settle. And make for san. Make a new friend. Where the West begin. The sunset in. Where you are really should be. And it s the San Fernando told me. He will make it. So I m hitting the trail. To the country. You can follow. Here of the. Role. And make the San Fernando Valley my home. And told me. His pack and. Even if. He. Told me what. This. Is truly should be. Better. I think that. Would. Be. Make that. Makes a. Leg. Low. Well I leave I heard you. And. Oddly the 2nd time we ve heard from Geraldo in the summer why hotel orchestra this time with Cyril Grantham and doing some Gershwin a foggy day it was recorded the year that there was a one distress came out 1937 that s when the Gershwins wrote it one of the last things George did before he passed course Fred Astaire as he always did introduced it on film but for some reason Cyril Grantham and Geraldo put out a hit record it worked Sarah Vaughan heard from her earlier but we re going to hear from her again. In fact we did hear from her again that s my man s gone now some more Gershwin with Dubose Howard who wrote the novel Porgy and Bess. We heard Carmen and Sammy do something from Porgy and Bess earlier but I say we can never get enough Johnny Mercer saying in his own tune that he wrote with Gordon Jenkins and singing with the Barrys apparently was the name of the group San Fernando Valley was from January of 1944 much different San Fernando Valley than the one Frank Zappa would sing about the 1000 he says with his 14 year old daughter Moon Unit but times change don t they and a Sunday kind of love what a just a beautiful beautiful song became Fran Weber s kind of signature song though for my money Etta James had the biggest hit in 1960 but not oh no one ever cracked the top 40 with that as good a song as it was. Oh well what he going to do Louis Prima actually co-wrote that song with Barbara bell and I need a Leonard Stan Rhodes anyway doesn t sound like his kind of thing but it I don t know what part he contributed to the song well let s get in one more set of music shall we before we hand things over to the folks at the retro cocktail hour here s a Judy Garland from Meet Me in St Louis. A leave that there for you baseball fans by the boy next door Judy Garland from 1944. We ll see you. Soon. I m. Gonna. Do you really need is. To never know when. That certainly should say. Minutes. Next. Oh. When your luck is 0. 0. 0. In a new goal. But. Hard but I don t. Say. You re gonna have. The time. I m not. Saying. That s when the green shoots. Is baton 0. 0. 0. 00. 000000 s. . I Mummy. Mummy Mummy a week to. Able. To play so many tunes from the movies why not finish things off with another great one from Johnny Mercer who raid for Hollywood Johnny sketch Davis playing along with Francis Langford there Johnny was actually in the middle of a 3 year contract with Warner Brothers and he and Richard Whiting kind of were forced to write this music for the 1937 film called Hollywood Hotel Benny Goodman orchestra stars as guest stars and it s very strange but. You know Johnny I guess they say he could write songs in his sleep so Eddie my love was the teen queens in 1956 hit for them when I really the only one that was a. Reelection year was 1956 Maxwell Davis and Aaron Collins wrote it now Maxwell played sax on that tune and he my love an Aaron Collins was the brother of assist.

Radio-program , Decca-records-artists , Columbia-records-artists , Capitol-records-artists , American-singers , Vocalion-records-artists , American-female-singers , American-jazz-bandleaders , African-american-singer-songwriters , Torch-singers , Rock-and-roll-hall-of-fame-inductees , Swing-musicians