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Transcripts for KOCI 101.5 FM KOCI 101.5 FM 20191217 190000

Are you listening to one of 1.5. F.m. Newport Beach custom a set and this is the most rock n roll magic show you just heard bad company with run with the pack found cat with Terraplane blues sadly Brown with doing fine and the Wailers with another Christmas song she s coming home and as discussed earlier we have some fun we re about to have because we have original drummer of ambrosia Drummond here to talk with us so welcome barely Welcome to the show yeah thanks for having me. Here we are excited to and so honored and ambrosia has a show December 21st so pretty close by for all of our Orange County listeners at the coach house in San Juan Capistrano soberly can you tell us a little bit about this show and what because I know Ambrosia has a pretty big catalog of music so what kind of material can we expect to hear well I m going to be a little unusual. I mean we re right about. We ve got quite. Year we re bringing. You know start of. Them. That would be David Lewis and Roy Jones so we re having a kind of a little reunion on big age you know a little mini set within our. And we re going to visit some of the material that we did back then and these 2 artists were really good about that and because it s out of the special that like a homecoming Yeah but they re you know we ve been there every year by year for ever and and it s great it s really like home even though we live all over if. You can improve it was formed in Los Angeles weren t they you know we we were well they basically then. But none of us only want to live there but we all came to fame road to be in that brochure where we formed our sound and our road our 1st but they re not and you know living room or you know in the Right exactly so pretty close by said we got some of that so that local Southern California connection with Ambrosia. So that sounds like so much fun the fact that it s kind of a reunion we love reunions nowadays because they re pretty rare and to bring back the original members does make it such a unique show that we don t want to miss and your wife is in the band too now right yes she is. Been around the band for like 20 year. I she with you know when we read form. Like in 1909 with him back together and work with things she would have been she put to good musicians he would have been and Bill that. And then the crowd like but the last few years he s been you know a solid member and the band has really taken off oh yeah a lot for being our great player as a lot of the you know that s something do you enjoy having. You re in the band then yes it s me and I would probably. That sounds about right yeah and then going back to the history same British have formed about $970.00 right yeah we formed and I knew that maybe next year will be our year you know and. That s incredible and for you. So how did you what inspired your unique sound because Ambrosia does have a very different at kind of musical style so what was your everybody s main inspirations one that you know. There s so many inspiration than you know things that develop but you know there are 4 really unique individual of that name together and one thing that Mindy and though you know we had and your thought where and then we had the Beatles. And we were blues guy and Kurt door and then I was kind of the world. So through all that and to a big with our. Whole album were more progressive than me or. We were bigger America. Crimping and. At the time and missed the cut at our. Own. And then. We were we were recording our 1st. During the day and night we have so we went play of all our make a living. And we were playing r. And b. Every night. So you are kind of you know how you say you are with you we. Can use ition to what they become what they play so you know because they re playing so much of it we are writing it and then you start having it like how much feel and biggest part of me and you re the only woman so it was kind of like the grammar. Even though we don t bid we had it but we were on both sides now we had. But we had Prague and you know then at that time it was like that was 2 different worlds you know but now that all work together to go to an average a concert no we. Although it s something to work the dog in the off in the raw and then all work together and then Broacha Yeah it s just incredible film usually everybody has something then if people are more into positive people or more into the progressive stand you re going to get all of it so there s some different everyone to Levs here but even Ambrose has brought over a lot it and with always. It was never like we never wrote the show off you know how fast we could play or you know how complicated we could play we just knew that that we thought through the phone and that. You know we never we never got too far away from being pure music you know yet exactly kept it kind of more sophisticated it sounds like. So how would you describe are you making any more music these days yeah we had we d read. Them not about discount that kind of or a retro. Look at our career but epically we do play a new song you know we recorded a couple news. So yeah hopefully to be more in the future for that brilliant firey that do then yeah I love that you keep going and you can bring so many to. Grounds music as you were talking about would you say that. Of the newer songs you re writing kind of what category did they fall into. It really is. That prog and the coming together. We have great hope and but what we have great playing through. Oh you know I mean you know bare metal playing or pushing anything I mean if I had to compare it at all I would say you know I have little believe in it because the. Musicianship is high level but it still has a basic song to it. You know but that might be the core comparison and you definitely see that and and British is known for being an incredible a live act and you guys put on some incredible performances too and so what would you say separates your life performances from your studio recordings what makes it different well I think that the studio I mean we really work our record but but you know we don t want to feel like we re trapped by our record or so when we ve played live. In the grammar. We d like we d like say that we never thought of our song same way. I mean that s impossible because strange but we do like. And look for the unexpected happens when you know what time of the fire and in the performance. And I repeat it could repeat to the record no you can t thing here you are doing there we play a little bit yeah and then it makes people want to see you more than once to win every concert it s different you don t know what to expect to. Keep them coming back. And you ve toured with many other big bands as well like Fleetwood mac the Doobie Brothers heart who would you say was maybe the wildest band that you ve toured with. Well they all have something like. And they all have a funny thing that drama and other than like. You know what. An art or get to the bottom girl s name well earned him the guitar and well then yeah and he. And Nancy now yeah I mean watching their break that s our every other day you know you know there are guys lining up her and she was just great fun. You know your wife you know all the members. Which partners you know yes. I m crazy out there I mean you know and and we we had a you know front row. Pretty Era You know I m sure you have all those crazy stories . And so anything else that you want to say or and encourage our listeners to come to your show on December 21st. Well. You know it or so I think you know. That s one of the great American. Really really should your life. Really is one of the. I believe it. Well one last question for you both. Because Thanks again so much for joining us and talking with us for a bit and again if you re just tuning in you can catch barely with Ambrosia this Saturday I believe December 21st yes it s Saturday at the coach house in San Juan Capistrano it s going to be a great time and it s a bit of every union concert with other members joining again so yes thank you so much and we hope to see Saturday and my last question for you is what are some Ambrosia songs that you would like us to play right now. They re barely. And yes that s the idea if that s what you got. There or I m way or no I make a salad where Time waits for no one you know I write I will play both of those for you. Thank you and I we re going to go to a few words from our sponsors and again we ll then we ll hear some embers after that thanks again barely Thank you. The hey. If you re a business owner and would like to have your business on the air donate 10 toys to the Keogh see a children s toy drive you to receive 20 radio spots it s as simple as that our contact information is on our website a radio dot com That s Kaohsiung a radio dot com. As our economy keeps improving it s time for your business to increase its exposure by becoming an underwriting sponsor on community radio Kaos c.i. Reach our thousands of local Orange County listeners at a remarkable cost effective rate call today to find out more about our on air and Web site marketing packages 949-675-5778 that s 949-675-5778. You re listening to 11.5. L p f and Newport Beach Coast to Mesa and you just heard a couple of ambrosia songs because in case you just tuned in we just did a little interview with Burley Drummond original drummer of ambrosia who can be seen at the coach house this Saturday December 21st with Ambrosia doing a little reunion as well some original members will be rejoining them who have played with them for a bit so we had Ambrosia with Time waits for no one and ambrosia again with make us all aware. It s that time now where we talk about someone in the roots category someone from back in the day that really was influential in the rock n roll that followed today talking about Styx McGee He was a jump blues guitarist singer and songwriter and he was best known for his blues song drinking wine. Kind of a tongue twister when you say it fast he wrote this one with j. Mayo Williams he received his nickname a Styx McGee when he was a young child. And he used a stick to push a wagon carrying his older brother Brown McGee who had contracted polio so really really sweet brother ship Brotherhood whatever you call it going on there and he made his biggest song which we just said drinking wine studio when he was in the Army because he often would play his guitar that he brought with him there but the original lyrics of the song are not so radio friendly probably would not have gone anywhere back in the day there was a certain word that follows a certain mom kind of name another name from my word that follows is that over and over again but the version he recorded got rid of that word and this one obviously went pretty far and made its way all the way to the most rock and roll magic show on one of 1.5. Sticks McGee and his buddies to be completely accurate. Down. The wrong thing and on our drinking. Life. We re. Going to Only you by sharing are you doing things. To your table. Leaf. Plate. Paid. To. Get. . And it is that time we got pushed back a little bit from the interview but it s now that time that we re going to jump in our rock n roll time machines to find out what happened today in rock n roll history today is December 17th 2903 going to go back to December 17th 1054. And its comments but the 1st rock n roll song on the u.k. Singles chart with Rock Around The Clock which peaked at number 4 December 17th 1957 Bill Helms Jingle Bell Rock entered the Billboard chart for the 1st time reached Number 6 made the chart again in December 958-969-6196 extension 2 December 17th 1063 James Carroll at d.c. In Washington d.c. Became the 1st disc jockey to broadcast a Beatles record on American airwaves big day for radio he played I Want To Hold Your Hand which he had obtained from his girlfriend who brought back the single back from Britain because she was a stewardess and due to listener demand the song was played daily every hour and it hadn t been released yet in the States Capitol Records initially considered court action but instead just released a single earlier than planned December 17th 1966 the foretop standing in the shadows of love and to the Billboard Hot 100 and stayed there for 10 weeks and peaked at number 6 December 17th 1970 the Beach Boys played a command performance for Princess Margaret at London s Royal Albert Hall summer to 17. 1986 Paul McCartney s limo caught on fire on the way to a t.v. Pay taping in Newcastle England him and his wife Linda escaped unharmed does that murder 17th 1999 the Rolling Stones Keith Richards decided to keep a guitar that he was asked to autograph outside of his birthday party at the Russian t.v. Room in New York City the owner of the guitar decided not to press charges because he just said hey it s Keith man so keep decides to keep your guitar is just do it you gotta let him December 17th 2005 Dennis Payton the saxophonist for the Dave Clark 5 died of cancer at the age of 63 and December 17th 2019 so this is actually today this is actually big day big day something sad just happened Donavan van a valet who is also known as Captain Beefheart died from complications from multiple sclerosis at the age of $69.00 so that really just happen today so it s pretty crazy and really sad but I have to place an extra songs for him later all right well we re going to go ahead and get right to the songs that represent historical significance for just suffered December 17th in rock n roll history and I ll be right after this if you. Would like to have your business don t they tend to the children s toy drive you to receive. Our contact information on our website. That s. When it s time for a smug inspection you know your car or truck has to pass that inspection whether your vehicle is old or new previously failed or a problem or even a star center car Fitzgeralds auto care can make most out of the mission repairs and once your vehicle passes and oil changes included AAA approved and right here in Costa Mesa at 2066 plus an avenue it s. Fitzgeralds I don t care 949-548-8877 extension 1 the web hits I don t care dot com The snow sports is your destination for ski and snowboard equipment and apparel right here in Co s the mesa with certified bullshitters plus tuning repairing the latest skis and snowboards for rent or purchase o.c. Snowsports delivers expertise in product selection traditionally only found in mountain resorts o.c. Snow sports at $23.00 o 6 New Ford Boulevard coastal Mesa next door to the feed barn Orange County snow sports destination o.c. Snow Sports dot com for information and rental reservations have to correct a mistake I just made before I play the music Captain Beefheart did not die today he died in 2010 when I read that when I was reading that for I thought that was strange I thought he had already died a while ago and then I just thought well I guess he has been alive so that was completely my bad he s been gone for a bit now this did not happen today it happened today 9 years ago All right well let s get back to some music that all has to do with December 17th and rock n roll history here is. What s considered to some as the very 1st rock n roll song. 123 o clock 4 o clock rock set 7 o clock and 8 O Clock Rock 10 11 o clock 12 o clock probably go to Rob. Rob but. The wrong. Way. Rain snow line and

Radio-program , Musicians-from-california , American-male-singers , Radio-formats , Progressive-rock-musicians , American-rock-singers , African-american-baseball-players , Pittsburgh-pirates-players , Artists-from-california , Greek-mythology , African-american-culture , Major-league-baseball-left-fielders

Transcripts for BBC Radio Gloucestershire BBC Radio Gloucestershire 20191215 160000

Gulf and Tiger Woods has led the u.s. Side to victory in the Presidents Cup only the 2nd plane captain to do so would said he was reduced to tears as he won all 3 of his matches against the international side b.b.c. News it s 3 minutes past for. Good afternoon I m James Amos for the latest on the roads the a 436 southbound heading towards the Ebeling roundabout still looking very heavy on that stretch no reports of any incidents though so as far as I can tell just volume of traffic the I 46 northbound from the cold ashen roundabout to the m 4 junction 18 again a lot heavier than normal could be linked to the earlier accident on the m 4 the a 4 pole in Bristol heading towards Ashton Aston gate and earlier Overton vehicle as left the road closed traffic no coping well and the temple circus gyrate tree system to his usual stop start move through the roadworks middle road King s words from Jubilee road to a 4175 Station Road and earlier action there s left the road closed traffic though is coping well and the a 3 o 3 adding eastbound around a past own Hanjour looking quite slow at the moment delays of around 10 minutes on the public transport on Southwest in the strike action continue so as always check before you travel for that s the latest. Call I was 801217575 b.b.c. Yes Don t give up on our. Good old David Saul. Hutchinson from Starsky and Hutch back in 1976. 40 Let s take a little look at the lower echelons of the number 48 it was Rod Stewart reciting down 5 down 10 of that a 9 beautiful noise by Neil Diamond you at 38 and he in the u.k. By the Sex Pistols they were closing. In 1976 because they were swearing the Sex Pistols on the Bill Grundy show on Thames Television cools them out right they were 3837 Don t give up on us David saw you at 36 Keep it coming love pace in the sunshine back down at 35 Play That Funky Music it was wild cherry and down 334 I missed a dream. It was Cliff Richard next to entry at number 33. And the Haitian Divorce here on Richard dreams. If you wish to. See the codes you can. See. And Donald Fagan. Divil a ski. Trip number 33. Down 17 at 32 it was a Steve Miller Band Maggie May it was up. And down for at number 30 the song it was Gladys Knight and the. Now at number 29 there was a new entry from Mr. You ll recognize this one. From the b.b.c. This weekend. Yes. Stevie Wonder. What was going on in 1976. Was announcing parliament. From the International Monetary Fund conditions that they owe a lot of public expenditure cuts but the n.h.s. Education and social benefits want to form part of that Stevie Wonder was that number 29 in the charts at number $28.00 spinning rock Boogie Hank c. But that was down to $27.00 the things we do for love it was 10 and the highest. From Mr Barry big. Time to. Get on the show you. My friend. To get home. To. Get Along comes. This is. Really. Easy it s a plan. C. C. C a. No I m tired of. Selling this so. You. Can. Get. Close. To. The. Crowd and. Bought a. Settlement. With. The gay. That s was. That s my son and that was. The son. The son. You. Know you. Can. See. You coming. To. See. Larry big it s just side the highest new entry at number 26 in 1976 when OPEC was rejecting calls for a 15 percent increase in the price of crude. And Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates are saying that only take 5 percent. The price of crude oil per barrel in 1976. Was around about $13.30 nowadays $65.24 just for comparison purposes in the charts Barry big hit $26.00 at $25.00 Mississippi pussycats up Want to $24.00 you ll never get to heaven the Stylistics down 14 to 23 if not you don t look and Donna s fairy tale is at number 23 down for 21 don t make me wait too long Barry White down for I we re going to go inside the top 20 right now just good friends start to impresario Nicklas grandmas party at number 20. party was climbing 7 I d number 18 Well Tina Charles is paying a visit to the don t. Talk to. You. Don. We ve. We ve. We ve. We ve. We ve. We ve. We ve. We ve. We ve. We ve. Tina Joel s don t to love it number 18 in the singles John in 1906 let s take a little look at the album signed now as you know when the vintage Joe show we take a look at the top 5 albums from any particular year on any particular week featuring the number 5 in this December week 976 that was 100 golden great trimmed necks by Gregory Warner turning a story. Don t move for number 4 the greatest hits of Frankie Valli in the full seasons is Christmas buying to reckon at number 3 disco rocket by various artists number 2 with the arrival out that was a nonmoving an unknown mover at number one while its 20 golden greats all the late Great Glen Campbell in all that was all sorts of things like Johnny come back the a beautiful voice mystic Glen Campbell number one in the album Johnson 1976 in the singles Johnson. To love at 17 sorry seems to be the hottest Well Mr Mr down full. Ocean down 5 of 15 lost in front Bonnie Tyler. And Little does she know the custom flyers that was out for 14 down to a 13 get back by road and down 9 at 12 living next door to Alice it was smoky now the highest climber in 1960 is one of those records that you won t hear on any alpha right here station will probably any other program this is a novelty record from a fellow who worked in a club in foot in Essex he was a d.j. To put to good. Well I did a cut and splice record in 1975 which was rent to Santa and then in 1960 followed the up with this one by all Nick Santa sounds a little bit of its time but it s Chris Hill at number 11. Here s a special announcement. Rent a Center. Love. I found Oh yes but this year he s traded in his right ear for a motorbike. Hey Santa How do you get around so fast. And where are you going now. Oh my goodness there s been a tram accident what are we going to do without Father Christmas. We can rebuild. The capability. To perform such an operation. We are going over now to the House of Commons. Both major parties are in full agreement over the financing of a buy only corporation and Jim Callaghan a Margaret Thatcher of issued the following statement. Everyone is asking Mrs Thatcher I mean you re wearing but not everyone is happy some conservatives are saying to their leader. What is Mrs Thatcher done now it s never done it may sound Mr Callahan is saying to Mrs Thatcher. Mrs Thatcher is saying to Jim. Now I take his profit out of the house Mr Speaker do something. We return you now to the peace and quiet of the Bunnicula bartering and here the operation has been a great success Tennis Center how do you feel. We all know Steve Austin has a boy like hi Jamie Summers has a boy in the area what is your special Beinecke feature. Well it s almost Christmas and Santa it s time you were on your way. Back. While it was clever. It was definitely opiates time. When you couldn t quite so easily with computers that we have nowadays cut and paste little elements of songs etc but it did bring Chris Hill a big smash number 11 bio Nick Santa in the chart of December 1906 at number 10 you make me feel like dancing it was say Adele 4 and then climbing from 16 all the way through to number 9 let s get back to some regular musical movie. It s my cold and books. Some other. Long long. Long. Long long long. Long. Long long. Long long. Long Long Long Long Long. Long. Long. Long. Long. She. Sued. Me. With that take on the Bill Withers classic. 7 places one at number 6 love me Yvonne element at number 5 Money money money by Abba down to. The number of full. Living thing. Before we go back. To the new. They are lower leg. Bolts and the legs lead. Player Legolas . Ily ily ily ily ily ily ily ily Least. Please. Please please please. Please please please please please A. Living Thing for free one of my favorite Queen songs actually somebody to love it was down one up from 6 up 6 places from Number 8 to number 2 a leap of 6 places it s a Christmas song because it s Christmas time Johnny Mathis when a child is born and then we ll have the top 20 rundown on the number 1976. Come up. Brain. Shot. We will have the number one from 976 in just a few moments I will have a bit of a surprise for you as well but 1st the top 20 at number 20 grandma s potty pull Nicholas it was up 71319 it was wild side of life it was status quo and I think Dr Love Tina Charles up 6. 17 Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word out and John down for down 416 Stop me if you ve heard it all before Billy Ocean and down 550 lost in France a pony time. For at number 14 Little does she know the flyers and get back by Rod Stewart down to a 13 down 9 to 12 living next door to Alice by Smokey the highest climber was Chris Hill that d.j. From Essex with bio Nick Santa up from 28 to 11. Inside the top 10 down for. At number 10 you made me feel like dancing Leo Sayer my goldfields Portsmouth was climbing so. And. Somebody to Love by Queen. I happened to catch up with the original. And he told me how he finds it incredible that the band s music. It s crazy isn t it if someone had told me back in 73 that Shorty what he would still be around and still having albums. In 2009 I was start right in bunkers but but you know. It s the thing about the she what he what he sound and I even fail. When I hear the songs he s lifting and. The crazy times that we re living through right now I just hope it can perhaps bring some sanity and put a smile. His original. 1976. With. The. Oh. Walk. Us. Because we can see b.b.c. Radio Gloucestershire. Peace a. Chance to even Davis conservatives have confirmed the government plans to bring its Bracks it withdrawal deal back to the Commons before Christmas Boris Johnson hopes to take the u.k. Out of the Year want January the 31st and strike a trade deal with Brussels before the end of next year 2 Sunday newspapers are also reporting that the prime minister wants to overhaul the civil service with external experts replacing White Hall staff to make sure his agenda is delivered but the former head of the Foreign Office Lord Ricketts is wary of large scale change in my experience it never achieves the outcome people want it absorbs a civil service in infliction of memory doing the plumbing while they should be out there making new policies so no doubt there were some trainer I would not go for a large shake up the shadow chancellor John McDonnell has joined Jeremy Corbyn in apologising for Labour s performance in the general election Mr McDonnell said it was catastrophic to lose 59 seats for said the media s portrayal of Mr Colvin was also a key factor in the defeat he also said that in his feud Labour s next leader should be a woman they work at m.p. Lisa Nandy told the B.B.C. s Andrew Marr. She was contemplating entering the race to succeed Mr Corbin early next year I am seriously thinking about it I ve never said that before because in all honesty I d never have meant that the thaw but the truth is that this situation is now incredibly start I ve got constituents who woke up on Friday morning with no sense of hope at all about what the future is going to bring a man is in a critical condition in hospital after being shot in the street by police in hole no one else was injured in the incident early this morning but the place watchdog has been informed officers were initially called to reports of a man brandishing a gun these people live close to the same Jochem if they were you so it obvious you re a real the we call those of the not done as all rolled by it s not very good I mean I was born as a rotten and my mom was as well you know to say something like this it s terrible 14 year old boy has been arrested in connection with the murder of another teenager in Bristol the 17 year old victim was found fatally injured in Bedminster yesterday he was taken to hospital but died a short time later a un climate summit has ended in Madrid 2 days later after delegates finally reached a compromise on reducing greenhouse gases there was no agreement on key issues such as the trading of carbon emissions around 2000 homes are still without water in part of Bedfordshire where some residents haven t had a supply since Friday and Liam water says it is trying to fix an air locked water main in the Leighton Buzzard area warning that work is likely to continue through the night football ever turn help Manchester United to one all draw in the Premier League elsewhere Tottenham scored a late winner to the Wolverhampton Wanderers to watch b.b.c. News it s 3 minutes past 5. Good afternoon I m James Amos with the latest on the road to the a full 36 southbound towards the Abilene roundabout is looking a lot heavier than normal still again just volume of traffic I believe the time. The a $46.00 from the Am 4 junction 18 to the cold Ashton roundabout nearly accident left queuing traffic it s affecting traffic heading towards bath the way in Bristol just near to Aston gate and overturned ambulance has left the road closed to traffic is coping quite well at the moment King s wood middle road Jubilee road to Station Road early x. And then as close as the road again traffic hoping quite well at the moment some bus services are being diverted to the temple circus gyrator system doing its usual crawl through the roadworks and the Red hill just need to church right next and there s block the road traffic is queuing No far from Bristol Airport the a 3 o 3 eastbound looking quite slow pass Stonehenge delays all around 10 minutes and the $836.00 will turn roads in Seoul s Bre heading towards a simple runabout looking rather slow at the moment as well for now that s a very latest updates on the roads across the west. 101 c 17575 b.b.c. Radio Gloucestershire. Welcome back as we go all the way back to $63.00. This.

Radio-program , Capitol-records-artists , American-pop-singers , English-pop-singers , Rock-and-roll-hall-of-fame-inductees , American-male-singers , English-male-singers , American-singer-songwriters , English-singer-songwriters , Mercury-records-artists , Musical-groups-from-london , Musical-quartets

Transcripts for KSMF 89.1 FM/KSBA 88.5 FM/KSKF 90.9 FM/KNCA 89.7 FM/KNSQ 88.1 FM/KVUA 91.5 FM [Jefferson Public Radio Rhythm & News] KSMF 89.1 FM/KSBA 88.5 FM/KSKF 90.9 FM/KNCA 89.7 FM/KNSQ 88.1 FM/KVUA 91.5 FM [Jefferson Public Radio Rhythm & News] 20191214 100000

I know. That going to. The line you. Don t hear very. Good. To me. That said. Good morning. To. You know. To be. Good I mean are. The only one. Galleon the man who is the man to the right instead of. Running the example connected even. To the Elite 8. This one s for Jeanne. To get. Is so. We have. Is still so. So. It s. Time. That s right down undercurrents was song for you from the 2800 album Blood. Remembering John Lennon just like starting over zap my mom with memories I say and it was me Honna with don t hope you re enjoying the music is so much more coming up a new one from caravan palace on the way 1st here s Todd Snider from the cast cabin sessions Volume 3 recorded in cabin once owned by Johnny Cash This is like a force of nature. Simply. Just. This is new. a may. Not understand. The Call. The. moonshine caravan palace from Paris and it was Todd Snider with like a force of nature music is that is Nath it s certainly helps. The internal climate. The seasons of the soul you know hey let s take a break and come back with Kerry more and in just a minute. Hi I m Ron Popeil playing for each town solar powered state music conversation community involved 100 percent commission free this week in a town that s Saturday at noon here on j.p. . Every day j.p. Your feeds your curiosity with news that transcends soundbites are fact based Everybody this is poke you a fart You re listening to undercurrents American music or the passport All right. She got up. In the front yard. Santa San Juan some. Don t mind a baseball game. In the rain to see the pain of. The in the. Long. Hot make some. News on. The way she drinks. She treats him. In the. Polls. In the long. Run. I m no. Longer. The water man I know. They re all so crazy and. Not tell you the woman never. Break. Same. Thing in the wrong. It s. Been a pretty. Good . Although it is so old school it s you know reminiscent of Grandmaster Flash you know super Hill Gang and kind of the early fun days of hip hop d.j. Shadow featuring De La Soul d.j. Shadow hailing from Davis California home of u.c. Davis writer by Sacramento rocket fuel the name of a new track from d.j. Shadow featuring De La Soul from the album our pathetic. Badfinger on undercurrents no matter what and it was Dave Alvin and Phil Alvan 2 brothers with Southern flood blues song by Big Bill Broonzy he thanks for hanging out with this is our I m Greg MacVicar undercurrents is produced at Radio camp with support from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting to friends of undercurrents and stations like a.v.m. T. And Montrose Colorado n.k.j.v. a And for Montana we invite you to connect with us at undercurrents radio dot net or just search for undercurrents for streaming music news hand-picked videos and the playlist this is shown number 5128. Recognizes the nonprofit community support of the Museum of Art at Southern Oregon University. In museums exhibitions featuring master works on loan and solo exhibitions by Justin for Bella. And a selection of prints from self-help graphics an art. Museum of Art is located at the corner of Siskiyou Boulevard and Indiana street in Ashland with unrestricted one hour parking located directly behind the museum more information at. This is southern Oregon University s Jefferson Public Radio 89 point one. N.p.r. News and all things. Co-write it s undercurrents I m Greg MacVicar welcome this from Jimmy Drake on the

Radio-program , Radio-formats , American-male-singers , American-singer-songwriters , American-blues-singers , Musicians-from-california , Broadcasting , American-rock-singers , American-rock-guitarists , Npr-member-networks , Radio , Mass-media

Transcripts for KPCC 89.3 FM/KJAI 89.5 FM [89.3 KPCC] KPCC 89.3 FM/KJAI 89.5 FM [89.3 KPCC] 20191214 200000

Don t root for one team over another and switches sides at half time back in Washington the full House is gearing up for a Wednesday vote on whether to impeach Trump China and the u.s. Are touting the Phase one trade deal that averts a new round of tariffs that were set to go into effect tomorrow N.P.R. s genuine reports though the agreement is light on details the deal announcement cuts tariffs and a half 120000000000 dollars worth of Chinese imports in exchange for the tear for leave China says it will increase its foreign purchases and complete some unspecified reforms u.s. China Business Council president Craig Allen says the interim agreement is good news for American businesses but specific commitments from China are needed to encourage u.s. Investment it s important for business to have clarity to have transparency and to have a definitive view of the future here the administration says China has committed to protecting intellectual property but so far it s offered no details genuine n.p.r. News u.n. Climate talks have gone into overtime in Madrid Teri Schultz reports more than $190.00 countries were due to wrap up yesterday but with negotiations in limbo the summit could end with no strong measures to combat climate change ministers are still debating ways to implement the 2015 Paris climate agreement including how to finance countries most vulnerable to climate change how to manage carbon emissions and how strong the pledges to go further would be in the meetings final text Greenpeace says the proposed tax is so weak it sounds like the drafters listened to polluters instead of to the people spokesman under slander says Chile which is leading the talks still hopes to wrap up Saturday he speaks here through an interpreter will try to articulate agreement but if there s not consensus between along the parties than there s not consensus the Finnish environment minister speaking for the European Union says it would be impossible to leave the talks without agreeing on drastic cuts and carbon emissions for n.p.r. News. I m Terry Schultz in Brussels Mississippi s Republican governor says he will ask the Supreme Court to uphold the state s ban on abortion at 15 weeks one day after a federal appeals court ruled the ban was unconstitutional backers of similar measures in other states have been aiming for a Supreme Court fight with the hope that new conservative justices will overturn the 1973 Roe versus Wade ruling legalizing abortion rights nationwide a low pressure system over the western u.s. Is expected to bring widespread wintry weather from the central plains into the northeast further west snow is piling up in the Sierra Nevada and in the Rockies more than a foot is forecast to fall you re listening to n.p.r. News and from. Some of the stories we re following at 12 o 4 the San Anita racetrack unveiled technology yesterday that it hopes will help curb the number of deaths there are of horses and you onsite scanning machines designed to find preexisting conditions and horses before they suffer a fatal injury on the track racetrack veterinarian Dr Ryan Carpenter s a scanner allows lightly sedated horses to remain standing while their legs are examined he says it s similar to equipment used for professional athletes each horse is looked at by veterinarians that was groundwork that was years ago and. In the recent months that commitment. Has significantly reduced our fatalities over the last 6 to 9 months 37 horses have died at the Arcadia track in last 12 months a coronary investigation into deaths from the California Horse Racing Board will be released in mid January sanity the parks official racing season begins December 26th some 1200 volunteers are handing out over 3000 winter survival kits this weekend to Angelenos experiencing homelessness the nonprofit organization the giving spirit provides aid and social connections for local homeless residents founder Tom. Says the emergency kits contain 75. So you have obviously food and hydration basic hygiene things to keep them warm things keep dry things to communicate with a pad of paper and a pen on the street value when it s coming to. An apartment or just being able to have a conversation. He says the group has been distributing winter and spring survival kits for 20 years they customize the kits based on conversations with the people in need and he says one kid can last a few months giving spirits also hosting educational sessions focusing on homelessness among seniors and college students if you like more info you can find it giving spirit dot org. Support for n.p.r. Comes from Newman offering a personalized weight loss program based on our cognitive behavioral approach with the goal of losing weight and keeping it off for a good learn more at Newman and dot com and listeners like you who donates had this n.p.r. Station. Film way gone 89.3. 0 am Larry Matt so wonderful to have you with us this week our critics are. Sol I m an animation critic Tim Cobb shell we have many films to talk about this week beginning with uncut gems Adam Sandler stars as a New York jeweler Kevin Garnett former n.b.a. Star and Edina in the cast as well the film is written and directed by this Saffy brothers Benny and Josh also contributing the screenplay Ronald Brownstein please start us with uncut gems Yeah this is actually an outstanding film and I think it s one of the top films of the year it so stand there plays Howard the tightly coaled . Gambling addicted risk addicted. Guy who s having an affair on his wife played by idiom. And Zell with this gorgeous woman who works in his jewelry shop played by Julia Fox He is trying to juggle all his his balls and keep them in the air when everything starts to come down he insists you know he can keep doing this what I love about this after Brothers is there s their mastery of tone they did a film a few years ago a couple years ago called good time with Robert Pattinson which is so so strong and it s a similar kind of totally in that it has a sense of you have a sense of dread but at the same time there s propulsive energy that keeps moving the film forward so it s like a it s like a modern urban new are but not so much in the sense of the visuals although there are kind of new art stylistic elements but more just the way they way they cut the way they move and their use of Adam Sandler here is is just outstanding I ve never seen his kind of tightly quailed intensity work to better effect event does here it s really good Tim what do you think of uncut Jim says it is quite good in 2 city is the thing that this after Brothers work with they they they start a film out going 60 miles an hour and keep applying the gas although interestingly it begins it does it well does begin with his call it reality and then he has expression on his face that s extremely important that sounds intense Yeah right so this is what they do every every now and again Adam sander reminds us what really wonderful actor he can be when he wants to. Know yeah you know he can get there the brothers here are working with all kinds of things including this this extremely powerful sort of score by a guy named Daniel of pain sort of a sense of crazy class and claiming score and in this discourse starts to get to you and it s horrible but it s perfect it is exactly correct for everything that s happening in this movie the way the score is clawing at your eyes yeah yeah well put and also I think it s the sense. Yeah you know I think if there s a movie makes you feel it s stressed out it s like you have this this sense of you know impending disaster and there s so many kind of wonderful visual metaphors to as well the way so Kevin Garnett basically is as a prospective client of Adam Sandler s he s very interested in this opal that Sandler has had brought over from Ethiopia which is worth anywhere from $150000.00 to a 1000000 dollars on who you ask and what mood stand letter is in and garnets interested in the opal and he wants to borrow it is that actually which leads to all kinds of complications and bad things but there but the notion of the opal through which you can see all kinds of different kinds of light and Garnett believes it s and it s a token of good luck for him and then the glass crashing that he s he s Sandler s telling him constantly Don t lean on that glass don t lean on that glass that s like an omen of Oz it s going to happen and also that the use of contrast in interior spaces next area spaces the way the outside is the urban grit of New York City and then the interior kind of shiny. Glossy apartments if you get the breadth of a coming thing too there s a basketball game there that the championship game and the thing of it is we know how the game ends because 2012 so we know how the game is but does make the difference the knot in your stomach even as that yeah I mean it s playing out with them blocking the thing all of them stop and think about the fun of this game is what I m still sitting here and that s how good they are at constructing the zone and that also that terrific scene where he s got he s at his school his kid s school play and he s being tailed by these mobsters who want money he owes them a lot of money he has to run out of the play he gets stripped naked and locked in the car one point he has to call his ex-wife from the cell phone inside the trunk of the car to come rescue him I mean that s the kind of think it s still his current wife because he keeps talking about them getting together well he s Yeah but he wants to he s there they re spreading they re on the verge of splitting up he keeps saying so well you re right you re right Kyra. What do you think of that I m more the dissenter here in the 1st place I think if you took the n word in the f. Bombs out of the script in about 6 pages was true and if you could at the unnecessary shots of people walking back and forth you d get a movie that was 20 minutes shorter true I was not as well to buy it I think yes it builds tension I don t know that it s a huge stretch for Adam Sandler to be obnoxious. But a lot of it I just wasn t buying I mean yes there are opals from Ethiopia but they are not nearly as valuable as Australian ones so maybe knowing that kind of let some of the air out of the tires Well let me let me defend those those f. Bombs in that end who are innocent of what he Stanfield in the movie Kevin Garnett all these all these young men some good young good Kevin Garnett was really just really really Kevin Garnett really and now he s that good in this movie I agree about him yes and these fellas these fellas you know doing what they do they talk that way and I will say this about Adam that s a character that he has built that s not Adam Sandler that s not yours No not that s does not any of the characters a lot of the male example even the silly guys to be the place that s like the teeth the thing with the teeth yeah he s got to think t.v. Sort of put in and I m like no that s a character that s a that s a complete guy and frankly I ve known some guys like that these guys that are all ways on the edge always trying to pull in the Big Bad always trying to bring the big one home and every now and again I will say also I don t think this is a movie that s easy to like but it s it is it is worth your your deep appreciation in your anger you know your high regard when you give us after Brothers movies are not easy to lie to not likable near not yeah yeah they re there they re experienced already and for people who are Adam Sandler fans and go to this film and they get a rude awakening Oh yeah if you re And this is not going to be any Adam Sandler you ve ever seen before so maybe now I m not sure if you can spell his name and empire is more sympathetic in the hotel translating really he does great work here than. He really does I think it gets to level uncut gems is the film starring Adam Sandler Kevin Garnett and Idina Menzel Benny and Josh Saffy the brothers are the directors screenwriters it s rated r. In wide release bombshell takes us inside the Fox News Channel a group of women take on the head of Fox News Roger Ailes the movie is directed by Jay Roach It stars Margot Robbie Shar least there and and Nicole Kidman here Roger Ailes talks to higher ups of Fox News about accusations from Anchor Gretchen Carlson. A t.v. Outfit needs tall confident women why push them you bet your ass I do but have I ever demanded sex during our castings. I defy you to find any evidence that a single part of what these women are saying is true get ready or will come we need to let her know what it means if I lose Richard Carlson could kill Fox News this is a fight for your jobs if I go. John let s go portraying Roger Ailes in the film bombshell Well what you think oh let s go is very good in this by the way he can almost see the spin coming out of his mouth and the smoke coming out of his ears and he s he s a very intense Roger Ailes I. I mostly like this film I had a few problems with that so you have Nicole Kidman as Gretchen Carlson you have star least Aaron is making Kelly and you have Marco Robbie as sort of a composite character who is like the new hire who. Christian she s she s comes from the Midwest and she s you know trying to make her way in the big city. Each of these represents a different facets of what turns out to be sexual harassment or the female experience at Fox and to different degrees I think that s extremely well acted there and in particular she wearing prosthetics is unrecognizable as herself but so good as making Kelly she gets the voice she gets the mannerisms and it doesn t feel like a copycat performance at all it feels like she s really kind of inhaled making Kelly I liked Kidman performance a little bit less but I felt she had less to do and then the same with Robbie I think Tim s going to talk about she s a she s a complicated character because she is an amalgam or a composite. Kate McCann on the other hand is in a supporting part plays a closeted lesbian Democrat who works at Fox News. And she represents sort of the the underside the people don t you know don t know about or talk about each of these women has to deal with sexual harassment in the workplace the fact that at Fox It s not you know how how good your reporting is it was House how high how short your skirt is or how much makeup you re wearing that in itself is you know troubling they help bring Roger Ailes down through the various degrees of confessing that they do and whether or not they face the truth it is to me it s not limited in that I don t I guess it s the experience that we re having outside of the film right now that you know we have it there s just a piece in the l.a. Times there s no women nominated for foreign and for directing Oscar women have come so far since the me too movement but really have they at all and you know that was the frustrating part of it for me as I think it didn t really add up to very much is just sort of a slice of this particular event what you think of bombing of the film walks us through the machinations of what happened to these women the women that actually existed we were with them and their lawyers quite a lot as they sort of strategize what they re going to do about all of this we meet Mark Duplass Gretchen s husband right and they re very supportive. The film leaves us liking all of these women quite a lot now what you call amalgamation character I call made up. Just same thing just yeah yeah but but but but made up in the sort of very particular way to achieve these very. Very particular notions Now there s a victim there s a scene in this movie and you know the thing I m talking about with between model Robbie s made a character and in left out as Ailes left out who I have to I m sorry and he looked like John Lithgow in a Roger Ailes suit Oh I think it s a great I wanted to earlier this year we had Russell Crowe playing the loudest voice in the Showtime you know series about Roger and I and I you know he inhabited that all right and so so here I always saw John Lithgow But nevertheless in this in this one particular scene with Margot Robbie where this very heinous thing happens . They give us that scene with this made up character we just which is an argument that s you know think it s good but you could use that and you just can t do that I think it s Ok to actually talk about what happened I don t think it s giving anything away he s coming in for an interview with him and he asks her to just do a peer wait for him because it t.v. Is a visual medium and then I asked her just to let her skirt a little bit higher and higher a little bit higher and a little high and nothing much more than that ensues in that scene but it s absolutely heartbreaking because you see her soul crumbling in that moment and her visions of what she thought it was to to be a success in newsmedia absolutely destroyed decimated so that is that s the most powerful scene in the movie to me Tim using composite characters is pretty common in bio picks things like what bothered you about the character Robbie place here because the very specific thing that she would label just described now cruise to Roger Ailes the folks who watch this movie will accrue that moment to Roger Ailes when that moment couldn t happen because that character doesn t exist a moment like that might have happened but if a moment like that happened might have happened the things to Gretchen Carlson and of the of the characters we can ascribe those things to fact as they saw it you can read that you can read them in their books that specific moment did not happen because that character does not exist have Paul you out of the Yes it does because look this is this is what this film is actually basically doing is saying that Roger Ailes was this horrible monster of a person who did all of these things to these women many of which are absolutely true I don t think you have to spin one moment making anything up once you make something up you diminish it I disagree with him I m sorry but I think it I think it becomes symbolic of the entire culture of discrimination against women and harassment in the workplace whether you re talking about Roger Ailes in that moment or alluding to Harvey Weinstein or Matt Lauer and I think the. There are allusions both direct and indirect in this movie to those to those men and I think it does not diminish the overall content or message of the film I actually disagree I don t know I don t know much pushback against it because I know there s a way that you can use a moment like that in the film to make that point you simply have both of the characters be fictitious. Just make up a moment but you can t I don t think that it is fair to ascribe a whole effect issues moment because the character is fictitious to an actual person and we re going to have this conversation exactly again in about 5 minutes and we talk about Richard Jewell that was the culture that went on there and that to some extent still goes on the problem that I had with the Marco character is different from the one that you have I had a problem with the fact that her and her story gets tied up in a neat little bow and the end that did that that felt entirely disingenuous to me but I I didn t have the same problem that you had with a larger problem with his new They re not just that Ok This movie is funny. It s funny it s funny all the way through I don t think it ought to be so funny or I do bombshell is the film we re talking about Margot Robbie Shirley s there on a Nicole Kidman star Jay Roach directs Charles Randolph wrote the screenplay it s rated r. In wide release we got so many more movies to talk about we ll hear what our critics think in one minute. On the frame week at Charlie s takes on sexual harassment at Fox News in the new movie bombshell it s the framework and this Saturday the 2.3. Days supporters include the l.a. Failed presenting c c wine ins on Monday December 23rd at fault is new concert hall part of the deck the Hall concert series The winner of 12 Grammys makes or Walt Disney Concert Hall debut with a holiday themed gospel concert featuring a full band and a constable choir c.c. Wine insta simper 23rd evolved Disney Concert Hall tickets available at l.a. Phil dot com. Supporters include Crystal farms working to help make the holiday stress free with their selection of fully prepared homemade holiday meals you can preorder honey glazed ham sides and desserts at Bristol farms dot com or at one of their 13 so cal Ok sions. Film wake on 89.3. Battle joined by critics lay a Lowenstein Tim Cobb shell and Charles Solomon a lot of big movies this week and this is what we see this time of year we get to December it s it s big release time films trying to qualify for Oscar consideration and to be available when larger number of people on vacation can go to the movies particularly in a challenging whether on the East Coast we don t have that problem here though that s for sure next up is the latest installment in the Jumanji series Jumanji the next level Dwayne Johnson Jack Black Kevin Hart star the film directed by Jake Kasdan who co-wrote the screenplay Tim Well you know I have to be on the show to let for the previous joins a movie that I really really remember you should like to yeah it was those surprise how much I enjoyed that it was a smash made of town and in the end they have been there and what and thus we have another and all the same characters back and they get back into the game we have 2 new elements we see you see them in the trailer Danny Glover and Danny De Vito Spencer s grandfather and his best friends who had this business together they ran for years and years but Danny Glover retired and. Danny De Vito never forgave him for having spoken to each other in 15 years that in the in this game Danny Danny De Vito is doing Johnson s character and Danny Glover is Kevin Hart s character Ok now this is this is interesting previously in the game. One of the young characters was a young black man and he ended up in Kevin Hart s body right now he inside and Jack Black s body in this film. You know this is a bit of a hypocrite when I m watching when I m watching this movie previously in Jack Black Black Spidey there was the sort of teenage Valley Girl So Jack was doing the sort of teenage Valley Girl Yeah that whole previous movie in this movie The rub is in Jack s body so Jack s kind of like doing his brother yeah will become what how does it work oh yeah he s a sterile but I found myself thinking well hey man I don t know if I m Ok with it and then David that Danny De Vito isn t doing Johnson s body and Danny says you know this old never see Jewish guy and and then in doing this like they are he s doing this show and this movie and then they start switching bodies in the movie insisting Arkell So so the valley girl gets back in Jack Black s body and he has to switch black back to doing her said black women in there and they re just watching these bodies and switching personas and all of these characters all these actors are doing all these people it s discredit me up but it did point out to me just how a little bit tiny a bit of a hypocrite I was when I have tiny little issue with Jack Black doing that brother but I had no issue what I thought whatsoever with Dwayne Johnson doing the little Jewish guy so a little Jewish old man feel offended by what Wayne Johnson does so you know what I had to turn all of those switches off and go with the movie. All kinds of wacky things go on in this movie Aquafina is a movie she s a sterile she s doing Danny Glover to fema doing doing doing not doing Danny Glover Aquafina doing Danny De Vito they re just all switching these characters they just crack me up I m sorry these movies are funny and you know I m going to have to turn in my film critic for it and. Charles you re going to say so yeah well didn t Kevin wasn t given heard also the voice of the rabbit in the yes a great life of pets a white snow white rabbit Yes which I mentioned on the shelf. Jim Manji the next level Tim sure likes it Dwayne Johnson Jack Black Kevin Hart star Jake Kasdan direct and co-wrote Jumanji the next levels in wide release rated p.g. 13 the latest film from Clint Eastwood he has his historical drama Richard Jewel based on the store. Of the American security guard who saved thousands of lives from an exploding bomb of the 996 Olympic Games in Atlanta but who ended b. Up being vilified by journalists in this scene Jules mother gives a press conference the media has portrayed my son as the person who has committed this crap they have taken all privacy from us they have taken piece of. The F.B.I. s follows his every move. And. My son is innocent. Mr President. Please leave us. Kathy Bates portraying Richard Jewel s mother Billy Ray wrote the screenplay which is based on 1997 Vanity Fair article by Marie Brenner Paul Walter Hauser and Sam Rockwell star and Richard Jewel Lael so I have mixed feelings about this film and I and I should confess that you know that with the power of the press. The name Richard Jewel to me before I went and saw the movie and thought about the the whole story behind it I had some vague association wasn t he the guy with that Atlanta bombing thing that you know wasn t he the guy who did that so whether or not he did and he didn t he s exonerated in this movie and you see his story it s it says it s a fairly even handed bio pic although we ll get into that because the Atlanta Journal Constitution is having some issues with the way it s portrayed he did clear his name but was not able to clear it for history I think my point is simply that bad press can stick no matter what now the movie s been in the press this week because the Atlanta Journal Constitution is is angry with the characterization of its reporter for having misrepresented facts Scruggs played by a love you while in the movie. Richard you are going to remember that remember that all this very very well and boy his name was every night everywhere and what in more or less what happened as played out in this movie how he was does hero who found this bomb in this trash can clear all these people out Still I think one or 2 people with were actually killed. That nevertheless injured for a moment he was a hero all switches in the in the course of about 3 days there s an f.b.i. Agent who thinks that he might have done it. In the context of this film. Reporter played by Livia while playing an actual human being passed away Kathy Scruggs gets this information plants that hid lined f.b.i. Sets suspects hero guard may have planted bombs turns Richard Jewel s life upside down justice played out in this movie it s all fun and that s all true I mean the fact that the fact that he was vilified he went from being a hero immediately to being like thought of as you know this crazy guy who impersonated a police officer him yet he was a bit of a quirky odd fellow wouldn t want to be in law enforcement ever could make its way into law enforcement ended up being this the sort of security guard guy all true all true now Richard Jewel born in 62 died in 2007 at the age of 44 over the course of this period all the way back then when his name was cleared Richard Jewel had had a bit of a life one thing he went on to actually work in real law enforcement because of this ritual appeared on Saturday Night Live Richard Jewel appeared in a documentary about this entire period where he played himself. None of which shows up in this movie in this movie though they portray Kathy Scruggs an actual reporter who passed away as having traded sex for the information that she got to which you could publish that story there s no evidence of this whatsoever at all anywhere on the planet but he has she had no she s dead there s no case transfer libel Well yes and she is in fact if she were I promise you we d be in court right now this is an excellent filmmaking and this is a very good film. Iraq well and Hauser all of these p Kathy Bates that are just doing excellent work of course all the mastered and corralled by the wonderful filmmaker Clint Eastwood but don t you see that that makes it all the worse this is a very good movie a lot of people going to see it and are going to come away from this movie thinking things that are absolutely not true this movie also has other intentions this movie wants to poke very specifically at law enforcement the f.b.i. Right now this movie wants to poke at media in general just what these reporters did here but just in general this movie is but now that that s that s in and. Can point to that today that s a conservative filmmaker making a very conservatively pointed film about these events none of which is untrue except for the one thing that s wholly true now I think though in the original Vanity Fair piece and correct me if I m wrong the f.b.i. Comes off quite poorly in that piece on which this is based they may come off morally here the f.b.i. Did not they were not fantastic but then they re like I say there is an intention they coax and they could Joel Richard Jewel into the but they get him into the station by air into the office by telling him that they think he s a hero and they need him to to shoot a video about how to bring a suspect and you know they manipulate him a minute and tell that he is not all that all that. Jewel had one great goal really which was just to be to work in security to do his job well he has the sense of duty and and diligence that is really pervasive throughout his character and that was apparently true in his life but I think that s sort of the overriding element of that character and that to me I don t I didn t find it as a multi-dimensional as complex maybe as as you did Tim I thought the film was sort of a little bit weak in that other than these really strong individual performances and I give Eastwood credit for bringing out a great performance from Hauser who by the way played Jeff Gillooly and I tanya he s a he s an actor to watch Kathy Bates excellent as Mom Sam Rockwell and John Hamm I felt like it just it was sort of your standard kind of. Disaster the guy who wants to be a kind of a Year 0 who doesn t go down well that you know I thought it was sort of a mist that was the wrong man kind of say something slightly more pointed in some of the psych text I do think there s subtext and I do think he s going after the media certainly you know this film originally going to be Leonardo Dicaprio play in the Sam Rockwell part with Jonah Hill playing the Richard Jewel and now they re both producers and yes yeah yeah Paul Greengrass was slated to direct really yeah it would have been a. Yes different movie varied in what would not have been in there in the movie I think are the politics yeah Nevertheless I think if you were to ask someone 2030 years later what the name Richard Jewel meant to them they would they would think it had something to do with that that bombing but not necessarily know that he was exonerated him General Reno 997 Janet Reno issued apology to. Richard Jewel Clint Eastwood directs Billy Ray wrote the screenplay Paul Walter auser and Sam Rockwell Olivia Wilde Kathy Bates and Jon Hamm star rated r. It s in wide release Black Christmas followed a group of sorority women is there stalked by killer during their Christmas break this rather loose remake of the 1974 film of the same name that too was remade back in 2006 the current Black Christmas stars Imogene Poots Lily Donahue Elise Shannon and Brittany O Grady Sofia to call is the director and Co screenwriter Tim Lee on this one this one remade in reshaped in very specific ways to sort of reflect issues of today around me too and things that have happened or that sometimes alleged to have happened on college campuses with fraternities and sororities girls and and all kinds of things that go down like that so we have our young woman here who previously had accused a young man in a frat sexually assaulting her of Dargon in such the assaulting her he s let off he comes back the young woman it s very nervous with her sorority sisters about the situation on campus. They put on this show which is very pointed about all of this and more or less calls out these frat boys as massaging this and sexist and sometimes right this that now this college where these young men happen to be going it s one of these sort of like male sort of college is sort of like a hot it s called hearth on the thing you think of a Harvard or something like that and they have one of these founders who was a guy from 865 you own slaves and an Indian hated and wrote really horrible streets against women all and they they worship this guy so we end up in this movie as this and all comedic are done totally straight it s done a little bit too straight for my taste I ll tell you another thing about this movie it eventually gets to a spotlight rather enjoy because it gets to a spot where girls are hitting frat boys in the face with Axis because you know they re angry about what has been going on but I can tell you this movie kills a whole lot of young women before it turns to tables and I was a little bit uncomfortable with that and I was also a little bit uncomfortable with how flatly it laid out its arguments about these things and and how it was a little as my you when you were describing I was wondering still a bit tongue in cheek Yeah I wish that I was to that had been a little bit more tongue in cheek with with all of this but then again that would be a different movie eventually goes to the spot that I m Did you know where it s going . To pay for their crimes and you know it gets us there but I don t think is going to be in the canon of at least at 1st film I didn t see that 2nd film Yeah the 1st film what was it about the original Black Christmas that it that made that such a cult film the same the same thing on a college campus although it didn t have to do with frat boy specifically or a cultish magical. Bust in which this one has to do and what that the city the director did Christmas story did that I don t know. Yeah I know you know I mean yeah he did read both Yeah yeah and died tragically so yeah in a car accident yeah yeah Black Christmas so if he had to call is the director and Co screenwriter with April Wolf it stars. Slowly Donahue Elise Shannon and Brittany O Grady it s in wide release rated p.g. 13 let s at least get started Bob Clark was the driver That s right yes yeah did porkies on his own and has quite a wide ranging career. Cutting hair 3 d. Documentary profiling the modern dancer Merce Cunningham and his dance company Charles just started about the Minutemen will take a break Ok Will Cunningham was of course one of the great choreographer dancers of the 20th century he was John Cage s lover for many years and they worked together his work was so interesting that people like Jesper Johns and Robert Rauschenberg and he wore hold did sort of sets and costumes as minimal as they were and the one hypnotically beautiful sequence in this is from his the film the dance that they did with. 20 least background by Russian Burke and that s what is it s summer space and that sequence is stunning and if the rest of the movie were that good it would be something really special to you where 3 d. Glasses for the house. I didn t see it in 3 d. I had to couldn t get to the scene today in the dancing still impressive I want to hear more of what Leyland Tim thought of Cunningham the 3 d. Documentary on modern dancer Merce Cunningham and his company the director I. Can have more on film week in 2 minutes and this is 89.3 k. P.c.c. I m Tammy Trujillo some of the stories we re following at 12372 Riverside Sheriff s deputies were reportedly denied service at a Starbucks on Thursday night as comes after law enforcement reported mistreatment to other locations in the u.s. In recent months Starbucks customer Jameson Kerik spoke to our media partner n.b.c. For a little thing took Ok coming not that I like cops or dislike. Enough. For America . To go wherever they want Starbucks says they ve suspended the employees pending an internal investigation the company fired an Oklahoma employee after that person wrote pig on an officer s Cup last month mission apology after a barista asked on a group of officers to leave an Arizona Starbucks for making a customer anxious Riverside sheriff Chad Bianco tweeted the anti police culture repeatedly displayed by Starbucks employees must and it s 1239. Clued Jeanette Fras east Hollywood Pasadena and West l.a. And coming soon to Burbank custom profiting and capsize when we re for the full busted woman featuring Lee s shots. From friends Jeanette. That starts at the California Health Care Foundation helping low income Californians get their health care they need on the web at c h c f dot org. So good to have you with us on film week I m learning that joined this week by critics Tim Pod shell. Solomon were just starting off with Charles s thoughts about the 3 d. Documentary Cunningham on Dancer Merce Cunningham. Is the director of the film continue please the film has 2 big problems though the 1st is this is kind of the scrapbooking approach to documentary you ve got framing elements you ve got split screen you ve got writing appearing on the screen you don t need that 2nd is Dance is difficult to film because it s something very dimensional it can flatten out but by having a moving camera going through the dancers you are adding an element to the dance that Cunningham didn t create and it s often very distracting why if you are shooting. A dancer do you move in so close that you can t see the dancers legs or feet and in one of the dead says there s archival footage that coming from it staged on a bare stage it s just him moving with a partner very interesting ways very dynamic when they film it it s behind these carved cut it wouldn t screens so you re looking through an element through the shadows all of which is distracting you from that movement that is the point of the piece and it s so completely unsympathetic to what come coming in is trying to do I just wanted to smack the director by the end of this or I d lay a what did you think I liked it better than char I mean I I did like it there than Charles I think I easy enough. I thought if you aren t necessarily indoctrinated into you know the world of Merce Cunningham or know it that much about his dances and certainly you do I I found it at it a worthy introduction to his style and I found it actually pretty elucidating I thought you know I learned quite a bit about him and I thought it was absolutely stunning and beautiful to watch I I certainly see you re right there could have been more about other parts of his career that could mean more about his work with Martha Graham an influence with her and so on and so forth but I but I I learned something from it and it did you feel like you got to tell Cunningham as a person or just as the artist to some extent yes I did and I wasn t as bothered by that technological the aspects of it that Charles was referring to the split screen and so forth that didn t that you know that it sort of worked for me Tim Well I also did it it more or less fill the bill for me to yes you re right you know you dance from Arthur for 6 years you don t even mention it she discovered him that s that s kind of crazy and he was with with with cage for 50 years until cage died in 1950 years yeah and worked together during most of the time you worked at dry. You know I mean he he was he was a person was constantly changing and innovative and in developing with the modern times his idea was to combine ballet with modern dance either the notion was that from the from the hips down it would be ballet and from the waist up it would be modern dance and having himself explain it and we hear his voice in the film let s put it in then in then see it it suddenly sort of crystallizes for you what he was doing I m like well you know doc I couldn t see that but now I understand it better because of this you know it is about the last few years of the company of his life 1st company of its 1st happening you know but I wish they had had someone like Irving Croce or Louis Siegel talking about some of the points Tim raised that yes from Martha Graham he learned this Paul Taylor learned from him you know if this is not something to exist in isolation he s being influenced he s influencing what else is happening in dance then and I think the context would have major appreciate the singularity of his vision that much need get a sense of his influence on the dancers who followed did not they don t talk about that at all which I think is a real shortcoming of the film that the company has changed the original dancers you know are too old to perform such exacting work and it is. But what did they call on him to do you know and that wasn t a problem when there s I don t know of any other documentaries on him so it ends up being sort of the definitive record if if there s really nothing else to look at conning him the 3 d. Documentary profiling dancer Merce Cunningham and his dance company. Called gun is the director of the films of Lem Lee s Royal Theater in West Los Angeles and it s rated p.g. The documentary what she said the art Pauline Kael is at the new art theater in West Los Angeles Lyall Well Pauline Kael was. I think without question the most influential and. Porton film critic of the last century maybe maybe of all all time I should have Peter Rainer here yeah this is because he was considered one of the Polish disciples so to speak of which Right exactly that s where the term came about was from those who kind of worshipped her and started writing in her style she was to film criticism what the French New Wave was to the movies in that she began writing with this this great of this great passion and love for the movie she was 1st and foremost a movie fan and wrote movie notes for films in Berkeley. Where she helped run the theater and used to have these salons in her living room where people would talk about movies afterwards so she was a fan and then when she started writing about movies it it became it was with this like this she colloquial ised film criticism which had been up until then the sort of stodgy Bosley Crowther writing for The New York Times in this very kind of formal kind of voice she freed up the language she began using the 2nd person you in her writing she she wrote in a way that no one had ever seen before and she was very very polarizing she could also piss people off among them critic Andrew Sarris with whom she engaged in this notorious series of who hasn t been raised by one of her reviews that s kind of part of the job but she s also be loved by many a filmmaker including Quentin Tarantino and Woody Allen who you know became many of them became her friends the issue also and what I liked about this film too is that it s not just all positive stuff it does show the negatives it says so how she could hurt people it does show how she could be a little hypocritical she was a she was a huge critic of the tour style of Sarah s for popularizing the tour style of. In his work but then she became great friends with Renoir and went on to as bows and promote certain filmmakers in her writing as. You know who would have been reasonably thought of a daughter exactly how much so yeah Alan among them yeah let s move to whole lot too I guess you know you with Charles and I were talking little but Charles didn t care that much for Polly and you know there d be get some dots and and in film criticism so Pauline got all those Paulette s including Roger Reaper drudgery Rigby got me in the thing about her writing is she wrote the way she spoke I met her once but it was a long meeting and it didn t take me very long to realise that in talking with Pauline Kael and reading Pauline Kael you were hearing Pauline Kael. She came off the page exactly where she came out of her mouth. She had a deep understanding of what film could do to us emotionally and she rather hated it she hated it when films just pulled at our obvious strings and I kind of hate that too. On the other hand she says she understood what film should do is explore all the many human conditions all of the many human conditions and then look at each one of those conditions from a different angle from from from an oblique angle she loved it when films did that she loved it when the next thing that happened in the film was the expected but still possible thing that s what she loved about cinema and I love that you know she had to sort of Upper East Side Manhattan sort of dynamic she was born on a chicken farm in Petaluma California. You know to Polish immigrant families she said I knew she was in Northern California I assume she s very citified don t you know the chicken farm same as she was she became urban now and then eventually left it for Massachusetts she bring theirself into Berkeley she did and I m going to go bring em I want my one encounter with her was. That she was giving a talk in San Francisco in the late late eighty s and I just remember asking you know what if I said you give to someone who who wanted to become a film critic and she said don t do it. Like the advice I got and the radio grateful that I talked with that s a good try to steer McLaren a lot of good that they ended up doing there were talking about the document. What she said the art of Pauline Kael the documentary is at the new art in West Los Angeles it s on rated Rob Garver is the director of the documentary we have many more films to talk about on the program but I do want to remind you there are films we could Cademy awards preview was coming your way earlier in 2020 than in typical years because the Motion Picture Academy has moved the Oscars into early February so all the critics will be on stage at the theater a day so tell Sunday morning February 2nd at 11 o clock we re also starting it earlier in the day because the Super Bowl Sunday we want you to be able to do both should you desire so started 11 o clock your brunch before or after our film week Academy Awards preview tickets are available at k.p. Dot org slash in person we hope to see you Sunday morning February 2nd at the back in a minute. Charlie. Supporters include triple bean pizza Roman style pizza from Nancy Silverton with locations in Echo Park and Highland Park triple can come to your office or company with their mobile pizza oven and full catering parties and gatherings of any size 10000 villages 10000 villages offers a full holiday collection of fairly traded items from around the world you can shop . To make a difference by providing vital income to more than 30 developing countries on South Lake in Pasadena and Riviera. Beach more information at 10000 villages dot com. Good to have you with. A bad. Day. Laugh. This week s show we told you a devout a documentary directed by Peter Jackson. Had been released earlier this year it s back in theaters for an encore showing this part of a series of Fathom event screenings of the films with 100 percent ratings on Rotten Tomatoes there were 9 of them this year so just wanted to let you know they shall not grow old has screenings coming up next week in select theaters December 17th and 18th you can check your local listings to see which the hit or near you they shall not grow old is going to be screening at out this week the biographical pick a hidden life drawing August deal and Valerie passion or Terrence Malick the writer director Lael this is certainly Alex return to form he is of course the to film maker who did Days of Heaven and Badlands in their early and mid seventy s and was really notable for that men took a 20 year hiatus before he did The Thin Red Line which was a strong return and then after that his sort of descended into weirdness and self-indulgence with the some really unwatchable movies in. Which are adequately acclaimed Well I have to suffer what I like with you on this side but I just like tree of life I found song to song to be absolutely executable and unwatchable one of the most painful experiences I ve had in a while anyway but so this just just to get back to it is is a really beautiful lyrical kind of expansive portrait of a man who is a set around the time World War 2 He is a conscientious objector to the war and you had to swear your allegiance to Hitler if you re an Austrian and and he refuses to do that that becomes known in this very small village that he lives in he gets called off to to serve and he refuses so then the film alternates between his being in Carson. Waited in this horrible gritty grungy prison and these beautiful pastoral shots of his wife funny pulling the hay and so for the it s it s quite beautiful Yeah yeah I ve been a return to form tree of life it s a beautiful movie every time we re trying to find one indeed almost actually physically he s using a wide angle lenses in almost every shot not just everything and any shot Wow that s not low floating steady cam Yeah very many of the shots are outside so because using as wide angle everything is in focus and into the middle ground foreground background always in focus always in focus because he wants you to bring us into this world as deeply possibly can. Austrian. Former. Countries interest object or all of this he was executing 143 and the atta fide in 2007 by Pope Benedict I believe which was sort of controversial even a touch but this is this is that story in its toll with these letters lots of voiceover between these letters between him and his wife that they wrote when he was away in prison beautiful writing beautiful filmmaking not not at the top of my says it s his strongest it has a beginning and an end it does flow as a narrative is always helpful yes unlike many of its hidden life from writer director Terrence Malick it s rated p.g. 13 of the arc light Hollywood the landmark in West l.a. And the biographical film Seeburg on Actress Jean Seberg stars Christian Stewart Benedict Andrews the director Tim Yeah yeah very interesting Benedict made a movie called a couple years ago with Moon Iraq this is about this is about Jean Seberg who of course was in. St Joan it was her 1st film she was burned very badly in that film Jean Seberg she was American but she lived most of her life in France spoke fluent France we in the middle sixty s she came back to United States to work in Hollywood and she got involved the Black Panthers a particular Black Panther the f.b.i. Started investigating her in making her. Now the framing device in this movie of the f.b.i. Agent I don t like that at all that needs to go away completely from this movie Miss Stewart again is just extraordinary I got to tell you Kristen Stewart is just one of those wonderful actresses this country has known in a decade and when she was a little girl I used to poke her so badly that she was too contemporary just all kinds of things but as a young woman she s one of those one and she inhabits this performance use extraordinary in this movie she s the thing much more so than the movie itself yeah fantastic casting with her pixie cut she looks just like Jean Seberg and breathless which of course was one of her most famous and you know I think and Stuart of course is a great heroine of the French they adore her because she speaks French as well and she s she s so she s well cast the costumes are great I just thought it wasn t a particularly well written film it could have been a lot stronger and I didn t love the direction either Benedict Andrews directed Joe shrapnel and Anna Waterhouse were describing writers the film Sieberg is rated r. You can see it at lemon least town standard theater in Encino and it s to be released sometime next year on Amazon Prime a rated r. Also want to talk about the Animation Show of Shows Charles what are some of the films you d like to tell you know this is been a year where so many of the big studio animated films were disappointments uterus that eclair financially and this show was a very welcome reminder that there s another side of animation which is a very personal extension of the traditional fine arts and so it is your use of color and graphics and content remind them that people making personal statements I particularly liked French film by Joanna Lurie that s done in these beautiful watercolor scenes creating a magical sea where they re having a funeral and the souls of the dead become these sort of jellyfish like creatures that swim off into a new dimension. Another one at the swap from Belgium it uses multimedia mixed media shifting media to present the story of a young woman who at the onset of puberty realizes she wants to be a boy she s always seen herself as a boy and now how is she going to deal with that and it s a kind of very calm I think very comforting film for young people who find themselves in that situation but on the other hand completely silly is Rubicon which is a whole series of variations on the you have a sheep a wolf and a cabbage and how do you get all 3 of them across with only one boat and they keep shifting pace and different things happen to them and it s just this little absurdity it s almost like a little baroque piece of music where how many variations on one theme can we do it s just fun and pretty much everything in the show with one or 2 exceptions just reminds you that animation is more than these big studio productions this the 21st Annual Animation Show of Shows and Ron diamond the founder and curator of it so he finds these films from the festival circuit and all over the world for the next week at Len lease Glendale theaters where you can see the 21st Annual Animation Show of Shows also we have sad news to report Actor Danny Aiello passed away at the age of 86 a member him from such films as do the right thing Moonstruck Once Upon a Time in America and his breakthrough was as the hapless lover dumped by share in Norman Jewish since hit comedy Moonstruck. All right. I think you. Share. At the 86. Thank you so much for joining. The program and again we ve. Got. To talk about talk to you then. Thanks for spending part of your Saturday with us. Hospital. Group. The highest safety standards in the u.s. For more than 125 years the. Hospital. This is a $9.00 k. P.c.c. Pasadena Los Angeles it s a community service a passing city college offering over 50 free noncredit courses with flexible schedules dream come do learn more at Pasadena dot edu. Welcome to News from the b.b.c. World Service sign Julian Marshall the un climate summit in Madrid extended as some of the world s biggest polluters resist the final text calling for bolder action we have from Norway s environment minister even though we can improve the text here it will still mocked reflect the. Need for the world to do what is necessary Sudan s ousted president Omar al Bashir sentenced to 2 years for corruption will there be more charges for crimes committed during his rule it s not about teaching it s not about being we want good justice to actually. Want all other tissue to freeze and surprise he s also one of the victory of Boris Johnson s Conservative Party and working class districts main for British politics at Arsenal Football Club distances itself from remarks about China by one of its star players that s after the news. Live from n.p.r. News in Washington I mean he held President Trump is at the Army Navy football game in Philadelphia where a president traditionally avoids taking a side it comes as the Supreme Court has agreed to weigh in on whether Trump can keep his financial records private N.P.R. s Nina Totenberg reports it centers on the issue of presidential immunity the lower courts have upheld all 3 subpoenas that issue in these cases 2 from congressional committees and a 3rd from a grand jury in New York in a criminal case all 3 cases involve subpoenas issued not to Trump himself but to his accountants or banks he did business with the court will hear arguments in the cases in March with a decision expected by the end of June just when the presidential campaign is swinging into high gear Sudan s former dictator 75 year old Omar al Bashir has been sentenced to 2 years of detention for corruption N.P.R. s Neda Peralta reports on the controversial ruling as the judge in the case began to read his verdict and there was chaos. Supporters here protesting his conviction they were escorted out by security forces in the judge said he was sentencing Bashir to only 2 years in detention because of his advanced age but sheer will also not serve that time in a prison but at a much nicer detention facility with access to his family members but she was ousted earlier this year in a military coup is wanted for genocide by the International Criminal Court but Sudan s new government has refused to turn him over pro-democracy groups have complained that state prosecutors are treating Bashir with kid gloves trying him for much lesser crimes n.p.r. News Nairobi tens of thousands of Italians rallied in Rome today against racism populism.

Radio-program , Jewish-american-writers , Jewish-american-musicians , Kennedy-center-honorees , Guggenheim-fellows , Jewish-american-actors , National-museum-of-dance-hall-fame-inductees , American-singers , Actors-from-new-york-city , Actors-from-california , American-voice-actors , American-comedians

Transcripts for KZSU 90.1 FM [Stanford Radio] KZSU 90.1 FM [Stanford Radio] 20191207 170000

Ok Listen here. Welcome to part 2 of this. Blues songs concerning. I think you know more James had it right. Walk down the road. Than I m a. Child found on the. Suit. Jacket his wife $2000.00 to get some market. Street. Art stopped. He s not. Black I m sure you get home. Watch it. Come. But nothing to see. Listen here. Is the bird of. The station is. The University of Stanford. Out on the edge of the Western world in the basement a memorial out of in the shadow of Hoover tower this is blues with a feeling. On student run community radio for over 70 years k.z. As you stand. I got early start just got a call had to cover that last hour of the last show so guess you didn t tune in I ve been playing blues songs concerning talk not talking blues. That s a different show and some I did about a year ago. With. Elmore James and talk to me baby. By the. Kings Sonny Boy Williamson gave us. Ha come on get somebody kill the wall to give us who didn t. Get out of town. And James cut with the sun. Don t start me talking everything I know. And. To help his old buddy from Chicago that one of the guys that play guitar. Little Smokey Smothers. He was in need he since passed but. Went out and recorded in a complete record with him and they were featured at the Chicago Blues Festival and . They did a whole bunch of songs and this record was really hard to get is a black derby record and they. Had done years earlier but they updated it called Talking Blues. In Smokey in conversation about and you know. About Them women doing that but I know for affected men do it too so if it s dexterous is on both sides in a creek you know what I mean that dog does hunt on both sides of the creek in that she does fit on both feet. Still Johnson I thought quite appropriate after little Smokey and Elvin Bishop. With talking about Chicago from his same titled cd. And still really a product of Mississippi but grew up when he moved into his little street in Chicago he s 13 years old 2 doors down was Magic Sam and he was about 14 years old . Junior Wells around the corner they all grew up together but speaking of Elvin Bishop. He s going to be coming to Palo Alto for special show this month and I ll be letting you know about that is the date approaches it s not for a couple of weeks but I ll let you know about the probably on the calendar of next week. Tweet that we re going to keep it locked right. Now speaking of talk we have a lot of talk shows on the radio these days Stanford. And one of our proudest is to philosophy professors doing a show called philosophy talk. And they ve been doing it over 10 years and it s not produced at this station but it s part of Stanford because it concerns to Stanford professors and we air it every Friday at noon. We lost one of them he passed away last Sunday Mr Ken Taylor Foote Stanford philosophy professor Ken Taylor passed away last Sunday. 65. Continues. In the future it s. Only here. Greatly. Of the fifty s and sixty s. Heights. And solid. Players and. The vocals. To. Always affected me. It s just small town talk you know I mean. Women. Keep saying. There you would come with tenants who really. Told you you would build. When it comes right down. Low key need to. Believe. Out loony who can t name. The land they. Don t even know about it didn t end up on the net go to. Their home or to. The back of our lives and. Down through the books just. Down in the doghouse look up the. Band that. Out and. Get. Some. It s not. Cool to still. Listen here. You have been listening. Well this is university you all will be tested on this. It s very important that you pay attention not just you ladies. As it happens both ways be careful what you say because it might just come back and bite you one day. Star net set out your welcome to be. With me at the at this edition of loser the feeling a very special one got to thinking about talk a lot of talk going on today about a whole lot of I don t know what started Give me a headache. People talking on the left the right is anybody know what they re talking about in the blues always has some to say about it so I looked it up and you know what. I found 2 hours worth of it Paul Butterfield with Jeff on the vocals. With small town talk started and one of our greatest. Blues soul rhythm and blues voices really he sing rock n roll to he s been on the show once and I was honored. To California Mike Finnegan of The Phantom blues band. The only guy I ever sing duets with Etta James and and match here. And Mike Finnegan gave us the classic it s an old ballad called Let him talk and he turned it into something else all together from the Phantom from out of the shadows in the phantom blues band. Bonnie Raitt from Monterey Jazz Festival $977.00 paying tribute to sippy Wallace a lady she helped him out of retirement. Women be was keep your mouth shut don t advertise your man and then I found some obscure ones. Say nothing to your friend. That was tell your best friend nothing but Mira Taylor. And then Margie day gave us I just couldn t keep it to myself. And blues blues ladies and men always have the great names Cordella de Milo gave us . With the Maxwell Davis orchestra gave us. This is k.c. Issues. Blues songs concerning talk not talking blues I did that last year where Louis Jordan got some say about it you know that guy down at the end of the bar or that that that coworker you have their mouth or that you know that person could even be me I don t know. But Louis had a little thing for him he said why don t you run your mouth and I ll run my business like Keyes e.s.u. . But. When you run you run my business brother. You run your mouth and run my business brother. You talk so much you got me disgusted but you run your mouth and run my business brother. You run run my business brother. Run my business brother. And end up telling me. You run your mouth and run my business brother. You run your. Business brother. Business brother. Tell me what to do. You run your mouth and run my business brother. Little lips and business brother. Lives an hour run my business brother. If I d followed your advice on how to make. You run your mouth and run my business brother. You dig me Jack. You re Gone Be. So sweet and. Every day you tails me money on the. Good. You better get a job. In that. The

Radio-program , American-rock-singers , American-blues-guitarists , American-blues-singers , Musicians-from-california , Council-of-european-national-top-level-domain-registries-members , Generic-top-level-domains , Radio-kzsu-90-1-fm , Stream-only , Radio , Radioprograms ,

Transcripts for KSMF 89.1 FM/KSBA 88.5 FM/KSKF 90.9 FM/KNCA 89.7 FM/KNSQ 88.1 FM/KVUA 91.5 FM [Jefferson Public Radio Rhythm & News] KSMF 89.1 FM/KSBA 88.5 FM/KSKF 90.9 FM/KNCA 89.7 FM/KNSQ 88.1 FM/KVUA 91.5 FM [Jefferson Public Radio Rhythm & News] 20191205 110000

They pose a $1000000000.00 a year risk in the West due to flooding mudslides and other impacts and that risk is only expected to increase with a changing climate Tom Corrigan is a research economist at Scripps who led the study atmospheric rivers are predicted to get longer wider and wider over the coming century so as these storms become more intense we must be prepared for increasing in the economic impact coroner who is at the United Nations climate conference in Spain says it s another reminder of the need to cut climate warming emissions and to prepare for the change ahead Nathan Rott n.p.r. News you re listening to n.p.r. News from Washington. The man acquitted of killing black teenager Trayvon Martin in 2012 is suing Martin s parents their lawyer and Florida prosecutors George Zimmerman alleges they created a conspiracy to get a fake witness to testify against him Zimmerman is seeking $100000000.00 saying he cannot find work and regularly receives death threats Martin s parents say there s no evidence backing the allegations now so is going to try again today to launch a space x. Capsule to the International Space Station N.P.R. s Jon Hamilton reports the cargo includes some unusual rodents they re known as mighty mice because they re genetically engineered to have twice as much muscle as a typical mouse and scientists want to find out whether the animals can stay bulk up during a month on the space station sage and Lee is a professor at the University of Connecticut and the Jackson Laboratory we want to know what will happen in a setting like microgravity where you have lots of muscle loss throughout the body muscle loss is a major problem for astronauts who spend weeks or months in space lease says if the mighty mice remain strong it may be possible to use a similar approach to protect human space travelers John Hamilton n.p.r. News at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida a published report says a Chinese business woman convicted of trespassing at president trumps Florida resort has been handed over to u.s. Immigration officials the Associated Press reports Eugene Jang was supposed to be deported when Jang was arrested at Trump s resort she was carrying for cell phones and a computer this raised questions of whether Zhang was spying I m corps of a Coleman n.p.r. News in Washington support for n.p.r. Comes from n.p.r. Stations other contributors include I drive maker of remote p.c. Providing real time remote access to computers anywhere and featuring remote p.c. Vision and augmenting reality support to learn more at remote p.c. Dot com. You re listening to World Cafe arena Duras the Byrds The Beach Boys The Mama s in the Buffalo Springfield in the mid sixty s in Laurel Canyon l.a. They were electrifying folk music and putting on the radio for the 1st time they were making the music that would make music history. On that amazing moment. All telling stories to. The film s executive producer and visit his conversation with her along with the film s director and music industry veteran Slater in the canyon is now streaming on Netflix it s got a soundtrack full of covers done by Jacob Dylan and a band featuring guests like back Fiona Apple and. We ll hear. With Jacob in a bit but 1st here s Jacob Dillon. With the echo in the canyon band performing the plays on the album Slater who produced and directed the film it s really an amazing undertaking guys congratulations and welcome to World Cafe. Thank you for having us here yeah it s a pleasure so 1st of all the crazy band that we just heard perform live They re incredible and where do you find them. In a deli it really yeah not really you know you never know where you re going to find inspiration or a great musician there is a there s a deli in Los Angeles counters and in the early ninety s it was a place where Jake up and the Wallflowers had 1st started playing and it was a whole scene going on in Fairfax Avenue and in l.a. And but so will occasionally we go back there and I need Tuesday nights there s a jam session and some of those guys were there and so you know they became part of the of the band. And then in terms of assembling casts the folks that you have talking in the movie you ve got Eric Clapton David Crosby Graham Nash Stephen Stills Lou Adler Michelle Phillips This is like the most amazing rock n roll Rolodex that I can imagine So how did you go about approaching Are these people that that you know through your travels are you flipping through your phone sort of and thinking like oh yeah we should call this person we should call this person or their wish list I think most of them you know I think we knew personally or had connections to to be able to reach out some not the ones that kind of came up as I want to long were because the story was developing in a way that we needed to speak to certain people that maybe weren t the original number of people that we talked to tell me somebody like me an example of that. Well I m like maybe Lou Adler was somebody that wants a story really developed became clear that we needed to talk to him if he was willing and for people who don t know who he is why seen him sort of part of the story want to give some of his well Lou was responsible for recording all of the Mamas and Papas records and among many other great things don t produce or it s he produced Carole King but you know for us it was really looking at the songs and then the songs and performing them and then and then going to the authors of the songs to find out why they were written and what was going on at that time so those songs became the entry point to the bands and then we wanted somebody from either the author of the song if they were alive or someone from the band to talk about what was happening a why the song was written because there s always a great story behind every song yeah there is give a favorite story behind a song from the movie that you learned along the way well I did not know that the Mamas and Papas 1st single go or you want to go was. The subject of that song was Michel and the nature of her relationship with John Philips which was a loose one I guess well let s we have we I really have a clip of that part that that was to me also one of the standout moments in the film so I should just say for people for we hear this clip that. Michelle Phillips is married to John Phillips in the Mamas and The Papas and then she also has a moment with their fellow band mate Danny and here s what she says about that on the cover of our 1st album I m lying back in Danny s arms this is before we got cut really the 1st night that we were together we had all been sitting at the table and John and Cass looked over and they were asleep and that s when Denny just got up and he walked over to the sliding glass door and off we went I was raised in a very free atmosphere to me having an affair was not as serious as it was to the rest of them I had had an affair before Danny when John and I had 1st gotten married so it was something that John had already experienced just me and that s when he wrote Go where you want to go. So as somebody who talks to artists about personal stories sometimes I know I know who did it can be. It s a really intimate thing that you re seeing with somebody especially when you have a kind of relationship with them where you feel like you re just talking which is sort of ideal territory for interviews and then people are also going to see it. For you being sort of like the witness to all of these stories in the movie as we see them like what s a moment like that like re sitting across from Michelle you re hearing the legend of this song and it s a really personal moment that I m just telling you about. Well both you have backgrounds in journalism an ending that noted pretty early on that people were maybe discussing things with me knew a little more candidly than they might if they were sitting down with a tape recorder maybe because I m another artist I suppose but maybe these have enough experience that they are comfortable doing that and maybe they discuss some things that no one s asking I want to get out there just after all these years I m not really sure but I do know that everybody gave the stories that most of us had never heard before yeah it colors the song in a wonderful way which is my favorite I guess outcome of hearing the story behind a song and Michelle s as a rock in the movie like that this green she s really beautiful We re going to you guys do a live version that recorded a little bit earlier on stage this is what we call you guys that the echo in the canyon band yes that works Ok let s do that this is the echo in the canyon band Jacob Dylan and Jake history in us are our singing leads on this one and here we go Play live on stage. café Echo in the canyon is the band the name of the the album celebrating the music of Laurel Canyon in the mid sixty s is the name of the documentary film that I m here talking to any Slater and sick Dylan about. Another one of the 1st really standout moments for me in watching the film that maybe think like Oh cheese Yeah that is something I take for granted and this is where it started is David Crosby talking about this collective of artists who managed to get poetry on the radio and that maybe before then people s ears and minds weren t as open to hearing the kind of poetic lyrics that came out of that period so maybe Andy tell me a little bit about what the songwriters of that time were doing to change really the course of lyrics in popular music you know I think folk music the folk scene in New York in particular was fully developed in that regard in terms of. Songs that were poetic. And had meaning both socially and politically behind them and in some ways I don t I m wondering if the electrification of folk music would have really happened in New York because it was so rigid that scene but California represents this this place of light freedom anything is possible and I think the fact that McGoohan was experimenting with a 12 string and I m Simon interviewing say Roger McGuinn founder of The Byrds was a fair meeting with the transferring for those of us who aren t on Leica you know last name basis with. Good Ok so I don t know that the electrification would have happened in New York and Roger McGuinn from the Byrds. Was experimenting with a 12 string after he saw a hard day s night and you know he s very good at taking a song from one medium and transposing it into another medium and that really becomes the foundation for folk rock and when they have a head it brings people to California so the Mamas and The Papas common the Buffalo Springfield and and other bands come in and that s the beginning of it and yes the 1st time a song of poetic dad and grace becomes a hit. While we re talking about Roger McGuinn Let s listen to a life of formants. The echo in the canyon band of when you guys did it you showed me written by Roger and dad and Gene Clark of the Byrds 2nd 164 this one I think I want to tell a story that right is totally right about you showed me. Where you know that he and Gene liked the same girl and they wrote that song about her I don t quit that in the movie you know if it is in the Arctic remember that very well as he said it as he said it s you the song Roger said it was on the movie. That he and Gene Clark had a crush on the same girl so they wrote it for for this girl and you said who can pick a girl across the. Crosby seemed to get all the girls Ok. Why did you within the movie that s funny. Because you know the singular art of a good narrative always been there Ok the Bluebirds that goes the bloopers route. Ok now let s hear the thought and here we go this is you showed me. a motion of. Self harm I guess on account of how difficult that was do you find this really difficult Yeah I would say I have a newfound respect for directors you know he should also maybe include you know we originally started the idea of making a movie he wasn t suggesting himself as a director we ve gone around and pitched the idea of multiple people oh wow who either didn t want to or interested in or were interested but just didn t want to make that specific movie I was like a failed rock critic trying to make you know a film like a rock critic so make sure if it serves you know much for fuel survive if you re on that sorry for people though who who for whatever reason don t have name recognition about who you are you re making it sound like you went from being a failed rock critic to like making this movie that was kind of scary to make in between you ve produced some call La Soul albums including Fiona Apple s debut album title in 1960 the the Wallflowers out like your You re I think I just I just feel like I need to correct you on on sort of. Being humble about your career in the music industry but also probably really humbling experience to then feel like you re trying your hand at a new art form for the 1st time I guess for me I mean I just follow my heart my brain follows next if I believe in something or feel something like you know when I met Jacob. I just don t take no for an answer that s echo in the canyon director and he Slater along with executive producer and star Jacob Dillon speaking with Talia Schlanger I m writing a tourist today we re revisiting their chat about the film echo in the canyon tells the story of the influential bands that came out of Laurel Canyon in the mid sixty s in a moment you ll hear about Jacob s experience closing down a guitar shop with Tom Petty for the film in an interview they filmed before Patti passed away and we ll hear some more live music from the band coming up cafe. a lot about his time in the Byrds and their time at Buffalo Springfield as well there s a moment where David Crosby is talking about sort of being kicked out of the Byrds and he says that it s because he was a jerk. And he uses a different a different word but there s a he goes on to say something about bands which is his theory and I ve heard him say this before about c.s. And why and he says lately you know bands get to a point and then after that they start to devolve and then it s like smoke and mirrors and play your hits and he says that to you and then in the film you sort of like to throw up your arms and I want to know what your thought bubble was at that moment when you will because he s right and there s very few bands that do. Continue to be great and have the energy for a lengthy amount of time it does have them for most most groups it doesn t and he s right he s been in a number of groups. I guess you what you re seeing in the film is me acknowledging that he I think he s right because it s something all groups struggle with if they ve been together for more than 5678 years you know they begin to wonder if maybe sound is something else that most people just cannot admit to themselves that are probably as time that that thing that really made exciting on point is maybe gone but the last people ever want to meet that is the people that are in the groups so you know he says that with wisdom I think and I think he also kind of expresses what can also be true about groups which is you know rock groups are for kids really you know because once you grow up it s a whole different thing in at it s a trick if you can pull it off and some have some really great you know they do that but I think he s right for the most part for Tom Petty that the 1st shots of this movie are you Jacob talking Tom Petty and is this one of like Would this be one of the last interviews that he did before he passed you know we ve heard that and I m you know I m not terribly comfortable pushing that at all that forward because I think it s true unfortunately I think it s true yeah but he gave us a day and I think it was a maybe maybe my most favorite day of filming he tell me a little bit about like you guys have a relationship for a long time I think and you inducted into the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame Yeah what was that day like with him Yang what was really nice about it is that we got to close down a guitar shop Los Angeles to go shop that we frequent true town in Santa Monica and I think it was really nice for Tom to come down and just close up the doors and it s a great shot that is new equipment all the equipment a lot of energy quirky stuff and I think he had a really great time before filming just walking around looking at the stuff I don t know how often he s able to do that you know in the past. So I thought it was fun is having him be able to do that. But you know he was as much as anybody I think in the film represents a real super fan of that specific music when it was happening and so yes he was Tom Petty and that s that s magnificent and effort and it s own but he s also just like another teenager who he grew up then and he understood that music really really well and he you know he was playing their regular backer throughout the 70s when nobody else was put on the front of his records you know because they came directly from Roger when and where the Beatles so you know he was very important to have a story with something that you d want. People to know about who he is as a person. I wouldn t. I wouldn t project anything in that department you know I don t know what he would like to be numbered as yeah that s I think you know I would just say that what they want things whereas you know I did get the upper 1st group a number of times he was the girl with generous to me and encouraging and you might think well that s pretty normal from that generation but actually not some of those people are not friendly they re not nice to be around they re competitive in their And you hear No really why because most of them are Hall of Famers and should just be totally encouraging going to generations my friends with somebody that was always somebody who matter what his crimes were it was just rock and roll and it was for everybody and he didn t see his time with me I didn t see a difference between age and generations it was just music if that s what I was getting at you re really not the 1st person at all that I ve heard that from about him and his like devotion is just being a mentor in it and a cool human being to other human beings. I think we should go out on a on a Tom Petty tune I ll let you guys pick which one it is affects Ok and I m gonna say Jacob Dylan and any Slater guys thank you so much for talking to me today it s been a real delight really appreciate it likewise called Thank You Thank you and please pick a Tom Petty song which when should it be. That s a good idea. I want to go on record saying I love every song I ever wrote but at the thoughts of the waiting from our promises which is right when I started to be About the film. You can find it now streaming on Netflix back in a moment with more of the music that came. On World Cafe. Kind This is Helen Forster veteran singer songwriter Patty Griffin returns to the town stage after a long absence and talented Brit John Smith brings his songwriting singing and playing as well plus we ll hear a truly awesome each even a word story about a man who s providing site to millions of people around the world this week in the town tune in for in town Saturday at noon here on g p r you can surf the web with any internet connection but there s just one Jeff that the only i.s.p. The directly supports j p r Jeff net is a noncommercial community oriented service of the j.p. Your listeners guild and your subscription helps us underwrite the news music and entertainment we bring you on the air and online you need an internet connection so choose the one it supports your favorite public radio station choose Jeff learn how it Jeff not dot org or call us at 866 Jeff now. World God day you may have just heard we revisited the chat. With Jacob Dylan of the Wallflowers about his documentary echo in the Canyon today but the music scene in Laurel Canyon in the sixty s can keep you right there now with some artists who are making music in a place that moment starting with my favorites Crosby Stills and blue eyes. He Just not for long. In the movie. Oh. Give. A. Good day to. Day. To. Day. before that Jackson Brown s Rock me on the water and Crosby Stills and Nash started off with sweet duty blue eyes we produced this show at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. Thanks for listening to the World Cafe from n.p.r. World Cafe is supported by the candy to fund supporting individual dignity and sustainable communities through investments in transformative leaders and ideas learn more at k e n d e d a fund dot org. Recognizes the nonprofit community support of washed ashore art to save the sea in Bandon Oregon its mission is to build an exhibit aesthetically powerful art to educate a global audience about plastic pollution in our oceans and waterways and spark positive changes in consumer habits their staff and volunteers have processed 26 tons of marine debris from Oregon beaches into over 70 works of art in the past 9 years washed ashore is exhibiting at the Smithsonian Natural History Museum in Washington d.c. Next year they ll be exhibiting at the Oregon Zoo in Portland washed ashore depends on volunteers to create their animal sculptures volunteer information that washed ashore dot org. 89 point one. N.p.r. News. This is The World Cafe My name is. When you were in school were you a good kid had a kid or in between our artists who were both like Dan. Who stole a sampler from his so he could start making music. Or what is sampling in his latest song home that s on the way he will also hear from this very good student. Starlight from Logan Ledger who built an Apple press when he was just 12 years old for.

Radio-program , American-rock-guitarists , Rock-and-roll-hall-of-fame-inductees , Crosby-stills-nash-young-members , American-folk-rock-musicians , The-byrds-members , American-rock-singers , American-male-singers , Lead-guitarists , American-rock-music-groups , American-singers , American-singer-songwriters

Transcripts for KSUT 91.3 FM [Southern Ute Tribal Radio] KSUT 91.3 FM [Southern Ute Tribal Radio] 20191205 030000

There was the Desert Rose band with Sea don t love nobody the Flying Burrito Brothers got spicy and hot burrito Number 2 the Byrds with Chris Hillman on lead vocals did I am a pilgrim that from their sweetheart of the Rodeo record and Chris Hellman started this hour with tomorrow is a long time. Let s hear some others interpret in the music of Chris Hellman the Cole Porter recorded an entire album called The Chris Hillman tribute concerts here they get bluegrass Leon an old Flying Burrito Brothers tune. If you get. Some. Each week explore American roots music from the last 70 years as we traveled down to the highways byways and the dusty trails of roots music you ll hear Western Swing country rockabilly cabaret tunes and to continue those traditions to travel with me and sounds from the motherland. 4 Corners Public Radio stay tuned Jamie Hoover s sounds from the Mother Road comes your way at 9 pm tonight and each Wednesday here on k s u t let s return to Laurel Canyon for the rest of tonight s tales with a new West here s Rick Nelson in the stone Canyon band. To. Him and. Friends. In. A. Way. You both came. Every Manas they. Are a walrus their magic key and. Connor Put. It they can and. All that stuff. They just sell oh oh. It s just a let it be until he gives you keep. Trying to. Keep the child. In. Jane and. Just sitting with you. And telling. Candy and me. Is only. To keep trying. To get you. To do. Just that. Yes I. Got. To get home geez. I didn t take em. All that such a day I never. Shall. Love energy. And then. It. Can come. Back. To. The sun the. Sun. Came. Back. To get cold. Been to. Iowa. We ve. That was Neil Young with Are you ready for the country the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band saying some of Shelly s blues Poco did keep on tryin and Rick Nelson in the stone Canyon band kicked off their set with garden party. We have time for one more set tonight Mickey Dolenz and Peter Tork of the monkeys lived up the canyon and reportedly through some of the wildest parties of that era Here s one of my favorite monkeys tunes. To. Lift the lid. This was. Too. Close. To the Swiss people. Still. Say we. Live. Show. Let s. That was the doors with Alabama s song subtitled whiskey bar Jim Morrison was one of Laurel Canyon is most famous or should I say infamous residents the Beach Boys saying God only knows from their highly influential Pet Sounds record and the monkeys lead off with I m a believer thanks for joining me tonight on Tales of the new West I m Chris Hall Play. Support for tales of the new west as provided by nature s oasis the 4 corners is locally owned natural market with natural organic groceries supplements and body care plus breakfast lunch and catering from their deli just 2 minutes south of downtown Durango nature s Oasis supporting the community since 1993 Thanks for tuning in this is k u t e Ignacio Katie and she Durango k u.s.w. Flora Vista and k p g s p go to springs stream our signal on line a k s e t dot org on i Tunes radio or on tune in. Brian Wilson Michelle Phillips David Crosby Tom Petty they all tell stories in the film. The documents the magical mid sixty s moments in the world can change in the course of music history please please. Read visit Talia fly.

Radio-program , Musicians-from-california , American-rock-guitarists , American-male-singer-songwriters , American-rock-singer-songwriters , American-bass-guitarists , The-byrds-members , American-guitarists , American-composers , Rock-and-roll-hall-of-fame-inductees , Singers-from-florida , Fluvial-landforms

Transcripts for KPFA 94.1 FM/KPFB 89.3 FM [Pacifica Radio] KPFA 94.1 FM/KPFB 89.3 FM [Pacifica Radio] 20191121 070000

In Richmond easy to get to there s a shuttle from the Richmond Bart Station out there although if you take your bike it s a really nice ride as well if it s not too cold from Richmond Bart Station which is the end of the line there Ok so you re sitting out on Cape p.f.a. . And. As we were mentioning earlier the 2nd annual our Hooley awards and benefit show sponsored by our who the records in else to redo and the are who the foundation which preserves and. Makes available for study. So much of Texas Maxim Mexican music that would have been lost of course truck routes and get out of bins and. Other interesting places here and in Mexico so that is preserved our Who records itself is now owned and curated by the Smithsonian Institution So if you want to know who the album they re the ones that take care of it Chris Drucker it s like I said it s still busy out there with the arly foundation and traveling around to various music. And it s. His spirit that not only lives on because he still lives on but also put together this show the Elvin Bishop big fun trio is on it Linda Tillery and the cultural heritage choir sins of the soul revivers and this is all happening this Friday night at 8 o clock at the chapel at 777 violence you know street in. San Francisco. They will be giving out the words there are 2 there s a special one for Elvin Bishop. Linda Tillery is just special in any way and also for Cedric Watson from Louisiana. Linda and her cultural heritage choir it was a project humming years Ridgewood records used to put on annual concerts in addition to the festivals before that that would bring people together in on usual combinations they commissioned Linda Tori to put together a group and Linda decided she wanted to do. African-American roots music going way back so the cultural heritage choir was a. Was and is a mostly on capella group of African-American women for what I m about to play the road to remind you that the chapel is only a few blocks from the 16th Street Bart Station in the mission in San Francisco. 777 Valencia Street if you go to our Hooley dot org The information is there a r h o o o i e dot org One of the great American roots music labels if not the greatest could be courting to me anyway Linda also grabbed her cultural heritage choir and put together. A kids album called chicken to tail feather taking traditional children s songs game songs and things like that in this case she rounded up the cultural heritage choir and Eric. And times my home I think you ll know. Sawn than the Tory. When the sun comes back. In the 1st place. The train will fold the. Phone. If we. Fall on the tree he. Followed my coming train. Followed. The tree. Fold the lead. The way. The. Mole. Well. Makes a. Dead tree. Delays. Flood. Travel. Good rain again. This of us who are experienced turning clock and the sounds of same are some are from Macon Georgia. Last month. We still talk about it and we email each other about how did that happen anyway the words Trey with 4. 5 members of the sounds of the same I live here on sing out back on October 2nd 2019 there s a full choir and band but they came in and did this intimate thing and it was some gospel music since it is a gospel group but also that Midway waving through a window and you will be found from the Broadway show Dear Evan Hanson which starred Ben Platt and I forgot the name of the other woman in it but they are both in. This. Streaming series called The Politician what should the music is truly wonderful in that the politician to new went out there I think it s on Netflix could be Amazon pretty sure it s never it s anywhere there s just too much going on on these various. Platforms to keep up with speaking of keeping up with if you remember last week we took he said I ll be nice as piano pieces story as played the original arrangement of it and then we heard the guitar transcription and then we went into how that became the intro to The Doors. Spanish caravan and since I had fun with that I figured hey let s try another one this week because when I m doing the Sunday classic show Sunday morning from 6 to 9 playing the doors that early in the context of what we play seems maybe people aren t quite awake enough you know so it works good here and sing out we re going to do it again right now by the way next week Joel Sachs will be filling in for me here on sing out. As I mentioned he. Toni Farrow engineer the group Ari Rice recording back in 2001 the one we just heard was train McLachlan and the sounds of Samar was injured by Toni Farrow of course sister by Miguel Guerrero my gang does rock and a rebellion every Sunday from $5.00 to 6 pm on k p f a we are on here together supporting each other not just our programs but the whole concept of k.p. F.a. And presenting an alternative to corporate media. Every expect much my wife incur for me here. I am not going to get into deep thought about that but let us do this I think you ll know the song you may know the performer if not I ll tell you right afterwards and we re going to go back to its source and then we ll take a little side trip with it songs come from everywhere. Marilyn Horne with a viral humper nor are Castro directed by Henry in the us or if that aria which translates from the French into softly awaits my heart for communities and signs opera Samson and Delilah and now we will go to Carnegie Hall in 1063. Nina Simone s 1st appearance there as a solo artist and hear what she dies with that theme. I think most keep your famous Ners know the Nina Simone study classical piano that was her career trajectory she even got accepted into Julliard but could not afford to go there so instead. Ended up supporting herself as a nightclub singer and that s where she developed her voice she hadn t been a singer before and we are so fortunate to have all the needed some own music that does exist anywhere yours needs to moan at Carnegie Hall her version of the theme from Samson and Delilah. A quarter musical journey there you turn to sing out on k p f a I am Larry come the host from Nina Simone doing. Aria from a coming us and Sons opera Samson and Delilah into. The child s arranged and produced tribute to Laura Nero called Map to the treasure in this case the song was Gibson street and featured Susan to the esky and Steve Wilson among others it s like an all star band anyway many people on this album we featured some of that just because I haven t heard that much of it on the radio and it s a favorite Esperanza Spalding with Wayne Shorter Renee Fleming and Yo-Yo Ma also on here are Shawn Colvin and Chris body awesome cross with Jerry Douglas Dianne Reeves our own legacy etc etc The album is called Map to the treasure imagining Laura Nero by Billy Childs and like I said that one featured Susan to the ski and Steve Wilson and. That s what I was going to do. Don t go away today. I m. I think your work better this way we have a thematic theme flowing somewhere here. Charles Mingus the bass player composer arranger. Right up there with the mouse and songs maybe beyond. Day So the piano album called me just plays piano spontaneous compositions and improvisations not totally true he did some old standards to this is one. That he s on also did as a band piece called myself when I am real. Charles Mingus at the piano. And. old. Coots and. One born and. Then. Mary. Lou. There may. 6 k. P.f.a. Ok p.f.b. Barclays c.e.o.

Radio-program , American-jazz-composers , African-american-musicians , American-jazz-singers , American-soul-singers , American-jazz-pianists , American-jazz-double-bassists , Bebop-musicians , Musicians-from-california , Juilliard-school-alumni , African-american-female-singers , American-singers

Transcripts for KZSU 90.1 FM [Stanford Radio] KZSU 90.1 FM [Stanford Radio] 20191118 000000

This is as our deejays here have regrouped have reviewed its break up album for the ages it s a gorgeous album populated with best classical implementation instrumentations that still maintain the genuine indie folk in us that is characteristic of Whitney s John wrist rattling so yeah it sounds good I going to play a song I chose called Valley. I nice nice tune that was so I m going to play one more new one before I get into my loose set I guess my time is running short so I want to play our new Robbie Robertson cd we got here and it s called cinematic and if you re not familiar Robbie Robertson was the headliner for the band band way back in the sixty s and he is an amazing guitarist and songwriter and he has just released another album which is pretty amazing he s still writing after all these years we re talking in career spanning 50 or 60 years so I m going to play a track off this new album called Let Love Reign. This is the bird of paradise. You. Stand for. Host every Saturday from. The field taking a look at us. Playing favorites in interviews ticket giveaways every day. And remember I really do love it. As best. That s one of my favorite. Clips we have here so yes I have to give bird a lot of credit here because actually the little I have picked up about blues really has been from listening to his show he is just amazing and I like the way he narrates now and again and you kind of learn the history of the artists but I I am not even claiming to be close to that knowledgeable in fact this is going to be a very. Blues one o one I would say but it just kind of answered some of my dumb questions that you know you say you know well they say No question is a dumb question but my question was so what s the difference between all the different blues styles though I I looked it up Ok so we have Delta Blues Chicago blues and then I chose Texas blues and of course there s all kinds of country blues folk blues there s all kinds of other genres that are associated but I d say those are the top 3 and so I got really confused because when I looked at the Delta Blues and how it got started and you know basically credits muddy waters along with well course Robert Johnson Johnny Lee Hooker and Bonnie Raitt are some of the they didn t start it up but they are in it that they play and that do Delta blues style and it s known as the earliest known style of the blues and of originated in the Mississippi Delta it s primarily just composed of acoustic guitar harmonica and slide guitar and of course later it became electric and and of course that s what we heard with John Lee and in Bonnie Raitt and Muddy Waters did too so Ok I m thinking aren t you. Delta blues so then I look up Chicago blues and it says you know Muddy Waters Chicago blues that he was you know one of the big created artists who created the Chicago Blues I m going why it what s going on so what happened was so Muddy Waters Howlin Wolf Willie Dixon Jimmy Reed all those guys and a whole laundry list more they all started out as Delta blues artists down in Mississippi and then fell they it around the fifty s they moved up to Chicago and Detroit and they created a kind of a a new pop influenced city blues style in which became the Chicago blues sound so the Chicago Blues is basically influenced by the Delta blues sound but with electric guitar amplified bass guitar drums piano harmonica and it played with you know amplified biker phone in amplifier and sometimes the sax so allocate that made sense to me so I was confused but I did find some Muddy Waters songs I song I mull he has many that I think were the early Delta blues maybe were classified as and then I m going to play some Chicago blues after that I already played the Bonnie Raitt and John Lee Hooker in the mood which is classic Delta blues with we have the sly guitar well by both of them but Bonnie of course is that s her signature so that was a sneak preview so now I am going to play some delta blues classic coochie coochie I m your Hoochie Coochie Man by Muddy Waters on an album called Chess Blues which is after the recording studio Chess Records. Before. I got a. Job . I got a. I got a. I m going to mess with you. I m gonna make you go. On a cell phone. On the 7 days. On the cell and. The 7 doctors. Good luck. And thank you. I ve got 700. So that was the great Howlin Wolf doing spoonful and again that was some old Delta Blues sell let s play let s hear some Chicago blues we got a couple I guess b.b. King and with Robert Craig are pretty much personify that we got somebody guy and probably more mean current artists. But it goes way back to some of the the old classics so but I m going to play more current so with out further ado let s hear some b.b. Qing playin with my friends. r Layla. Oh that was the great Buddy Guy and sounds like he had some other friends there playing with him let s see Keith Richards he mentioned and. Who else Robert Ray like I can remember anyway that was another classic Chicago blues song and before that I played some r. . That was Buddy Guy then Robben Ford Yeah everything I do going to be funky that s off his bringing it back home album and then I played some b.b. King playing with my friends and he had Robert crayon there with him so I ve got stories about all the people that I ll be talking your ears off so I ll skip them however I have to tell you there is this show I ve been watching it just so happened last night that Buddy Guy was featured on it I don t know if any body else is watchin this. But it s called Paul Shaffer plus one and it s on the access t.v. Network and basically he invites guests and they really do kind of a one on one thing with the artists he sed he Paul Shaffer tries to play along with you know his keyboards if you don t know Paul Shaffer is he was the leader of the Dave Letterman band he is most known for and so they talked mainly music and he had a slew of guests on Sammy Hagar Graham Nash Billy Gibbons from z.z. Tops and Donald Fagan which I also saw but anyway he had Buddy Guy on and. It was interesting he keeps talking over everybody which sore is sort of annoying but that song I play just now was called Kong yak and the reason that song was written is because apparently whenever Buddy Guy performed it back in the old days before he. Is a recovered alcoholic he always had cognac and he always requested that that he had a bottle of cognac So anyway Paul Shaffer being. His not done and his research apparently that Buddy Guy does not drink anymore. He ends up pouring everybody else snifter of cognac and of course hands one to Buddy. Who you know very politely puts it down on the floor next. Anyway it s kind of an interesting show if you catch it it s only a half hour and got a ton of commercials but it s on axis it s called Paul Shaffer plus one So anyway I got him we can t stop without hearing some of the Texas blues and that well there s really one only one person really who appear Sana five s the Texas blues and I think everyone will grieve that would be Stevie Ray Vaughan but it s basically they really don t know how it got started but there s artists like T.-Bone Walker blind Billy Johnson Blind Lemon Jefferson Albert Collins Johnny Winter and the Allman Brothers So it s the markets hard focus where you re going to hear a lot of guitar leads and it s the guitar is just the really adds electric guitar up Sam in front her and front and that s what you re going to hear in the Texas blues but I m another show I watch another. And how their show they it was a show on the Allman Brothers and they kind of credited Stevie Ray Vaughan as revitalizing their career as they really were in a big slump after doing Allman died they just the band was pretty much fallen apart and it took many years for them to get it back together and it was Stevie Ray Vaughan who kind of popularized guitar music again and so that then again the all men s became relevant So without further ado got to hear some Stevie Ray Vaughan. Did. Those fine. To. The. Well that was Glen Campbell really pretty song I think and that was probably back in the sixty s and name of the album was See you there and the track was I wish you were here and before that of course Cassidy Also I did say I was playing the dead I actually that was the Bob Weir version of his album his solo album. So that s going to about do it for me here I think the sports guys are going to be coming in now and cover in the women s basketball game at Stanford vs the Vs Gonzaga So we ll see how that goes And so thanks for listening again this is Trish make be doing some music genealogy and I hope to catch in next week same time maybe using my times 3 to 6 but we ll see I get preempted by sports Anyhow have a great week and I will catch you on the flip side and I m going to go out with short song the shortest song I could find. a beautiful Sunday evening I m Joey Friedman alongside Diego Lee and he is you assume 90 point one f.m. Which is bringing you a state of women s basketball here from Maples Pavilion Stanford of course taking on the Going to Go Bulldogs from April to night and we are just about set to get this one underway and this is going to be Sanford s. Most difficult matchup of the year thus far and scheduled play they re taking on the conceivable dogs tonight who have been receiving votes in the a.p. Top $25.00 poll and are actually ranked 23rd on the u.s. The USA Today coaches Bowl so it s going be a fun one tonight of course the number 3 Stanford called in won the best team in the nation taking on. A team that as one of 3 straight west coast conference titles. And that s their 15th overall in program history so it s going to be a fun one tonight of course we have a starting lineup for you and we re just about set for to plexi whole division make Harrington count a Williams out if thing go a little Jerome on the starting line up tonight for the cardinals will get to them in more detail as this game progresses but for the exact skinny Jesse will advocate a Campbell Jill Townsend Townson excuse me Jen worth and Leanne worth 2 twin sisters who were up against the Cardinals twin sisters Lexie and Lacey hole but the tip goes a stamp and we are underway here for maples. Opening drive here Nadia Fingal shoots a short one a jumper and she knocks it down for 2 Stanford on the board quickly it s ideal position as if you know what this right they re going to give up and so the Zags on often has to get back on defense. It will be Katie Campbell with it now gets inside to Leanna work she fires up something in the post but still good in the statement comes up with the rebound Kiana will.

Radio-program , Blues-rock-musicians , Musicians-from-dallas-texas , Chicago-blues-musicians , Chess-records-artists , American-blues-musicians , Electric-blues-musicians , Blues-revival-musicians , American-blues-singer-songwriters , Lead-guitarists , American-blues-singers , Charly-records-artists

Transcripts for KPFA 94.1 FM/KPFB 89.3 FM [Pacifica Radio] KPFA 94.1 FM/KPFB 89.3 FM [Pacifica Radio] 20191108 060000

today is Joni Mitchell s 76th birthday it s also the 3rd anniversary of the death of another Coen so home definitely listening to some of both tonight maybe quite a bit. I will bring you up to date on some upcoming concerts here in the Bay Area. And I would like to dedicate the entire show to Taylor. If you. Frequented East eighty s and ninety s you may have run into very rough times. Kerrigan s records there are going brown. He was a. Cornerstone an independent record retail. A real jazz hand and responsible for much of my education and jazz final starting in the mid 1970 pounds. And I think I probably bought some little feet records have one or 2 with a very guns stores and with the passing of a rare on August 26th age of 71 like Bonnie I thought I would play a little bit of Little Feat he didn t write this one I but it came to my mind. As a warning to certain denizens. Of Washington d.c. I. Know. He s. Please. See. Here s Little Feat. Things. I. Our. Goal. I lived in and paying. For. Those warnings. He says. One time. So sweet. To her. Have. That was Oakland singer songwriter Emily Jane white from her forthcoming recording her 6th album overall imminent fire that comes out a week from tomorrow the name of the track was washed away and Emily Jane White will be my guest next Thursday night performing live in the k p f a performance studio. With Tony Farrow engineering and she ll be playing songs from this new album eminent fire. Joni Mitchell Before that a case of you from her classic complete. Today being Joni Mitchell s 76 birthday. Will hear more from Joni and. From people who have sung Joni songs. Within the hour. Susan Warner was there with that 1st and of a hazy shade of winter from her album classic song which she merges popular. With. Winter. Susan. Right here in Berkeley. Avenue. Just East. Room. 08. The back room right here in Berkeley. Opened the show. Down from. The 1st album on which. He joined. With the departure of original member Roy. Who died. He recorded a couple of. Charlie Haden on the bass and electric guitar. Go back home. And other shows I want to tell you about. The end of her program that. Will be. Sunday afternoon. Party playing lots of soul funk and Motown for you the doors open at 12. The party takes place from one until 3 pm at the coffee house at 2020. Get information in the entire calendar at the. You can call them at 51642020. Coming up next Tuesday night at the freight. Linford Detweiler and. Known as the Ryan that will be at the Tuesday night. In a couple of weeks. He will be there on Thursday Nov 21st. Friday the 22nd but that show was sold out and Darrell Scott coming in on Saturday Nov 23rd you can get the entire calendar at the freight. Tell you about this in the maybe we ll tell you about it again and then the 2nd hour I might be able to squeeze in some of the music. It s the 50th anniversary. Of Terry Riley s landmark recording the rainbow curve. And he and his son will be celebrating that at the chapel on Thursday Nov 21st that s 2 weeks from tonight you might want to put on your calendar some 9 pm show. Chapel and 777 St It s wheelchair accessible and their website is the chapel Ask dot com I would imagine this will be a popular show Terry Riley and his son John Riley celebrating the 50th anniversary of a rainbow given Curved Air. On November 21st at the chapel. And also at the chapel. Friday November 22nd that s the next night. Foundation presents the 2nd annual. Awards and benefit concert. And with performances by. Elvin Bishop with Ellen Bishop s big fun trio. Linda Tillery. With the Linda Tillery and the cultural heritage choir and the sons of the soul revival so great show 8 pm Friday Nov 22nd at. The chapel. More information at the chapel s.f. Dot com or our Hooley dot au foraged. I ll tell you about a couple of other shows during the next break I thought. We would play some songs by Joni Mitchell. That 1st recorded or at least. Brought to public attention by other artists. Including the. It s from Tom Rush from his album which took its name from a Joni Mitchell composition the circle game. The 1st recording of Joni Mitchell s urge for going on this Joni Mitchell s 76th birthday the 1st time Rush Paanch a p.f.a. . We. Of course was Leonard Cohen the title track of his final album when you want to darker it was released about 2 weeks before his death which was 3 years ago today the great Leonard Cohen. Before that a set of songs written and a couple performed by Joni Mitchell today being her 76th birthday we heard Help me from Court and Spark. A rainy night house from ladies of the canyon. I don t know how you. Go back and. Pick songs from. Joni Mitchell s amazing catalog I just picked a couple that struck me. When we started off with 3 and by. Performed by other performers and they became identified with them to a certain degree Crosby Stills Nash and Young doing Woodstock from deja vu which came out in 1970 as the ladies of the canyon which included Joni s version of Woodstock. We heard Judy Collins recording both sides now Judy Collins. A champion of both Joni Mitchell and Leonard Cohen performing their songs and Tom Rush from his album The Circle Game on which he does perform the circle game we heard his version of urge for going. On to tell you about a few more concerts coming up. As we approach the 11 o clock hour. Coming up this Sunday at the California jazz conservatory as part of their Sunday residency series the electric squeeze box or Squeezebox orchestra has been performing on Sundays and they will perform again this Sunday and returned on home fiddler annex at the California jazz conservatory at 2040 Addison Street in Berkeley some wheelchair accessible venue in the electric squeeze Bach orchestra is a 17 piece big band led by Eric Johnson and it features an amazing array of players and composers from the Bay Area. In this case it s Sheldon Brown Mike Zilber Marcus Stevens Rob Ewing Mara Fox Andrew Stevens Eric Jacobson Steve. Peter Barshay Jeff Mars and others with resident poet. Kay p.f.a. In Cape whose own of Ochoa will be performing with the e s o the concert starts at $430.00. It s opened by Bryce group. With the electric Squeezebox orchestra performing from 5 30 pm until 7 pm Once again that s at the Rendon hall. The California jazz conservatory at 2040. St. You can go to. Www dot edu for more details. Jazz workshops. There celebrating the 25th anniversary of the jazz work jazz workshops. With a special concert at Yoshi s next Tuesday night at 8 pm Yoshi s at 5. It s wheelchair accessible and this concert features. Richard how. With Marco d. . A special tribute to founding director. With the. Jazz workshops youth performance ensemble. As well. Will be the host pm you can go to Yoshi s dot com for more details there s a mariachi song coming up in her on the u.c. Berkeley campus on November 13th. That s. One. And u.c. Berkeley s my.

Radio-program , American-singer-songwriters , Musicians-from-california , Female-rock-singers , Rock-and-roll-hall-of-fame-inductees , American-female-singers , Elektra-records-artists , Years-in-the-future , American-composers , American-blues-singers , Harvard-university-alumni , Country-code-top-level-domains