MCU: The Reign of Marvel Studios by Joanna Robinson, Dave Gonzales and Gavin Edwards tells the story of the cinematic franchise that has conquered Hollywood and the world’s imagination for the last 15 years. It.
Srijit Mukherji’s “Dasham Avatar” embarks on a daring journey, threading the gruesome tapestry of a serial killer’s reign of terror through the vibrant streets of Kolkata. Despite its compelling cinematography that paints a vivid and.
The world of cinema has evolved significantly over the years, and with it, the portrayal of women on the big screen. Gone are the days when women were confined to passive, one-dimensional roles in film..
The art scene in India has always used its power to show a mirror to society or the ruling dispensation, whenever people have been wronged by a powerful establishment. Our visual artists collectively protested against.
Where there is an audience, there is a way. Western sanctions have denied Russians access to Hollywood’s hits, and Putin’s regime wants Russians to partake of “traditional Russian spiritual and moral values”, whatever that means..