This year marks 25 years since Batman & Robin opened in theaters, the fourth and final installment of Warner Bros. initial Batman film series. The film starred George Clooney as Batman and Chris O Donnell as Dick Grayson/Robin and saw the pair along with Alicia Silverstone s Barbara [.]
Batwoman will return from midseason hiatus later this week, and the second half of its third season definitely has a lot of narrative ground to cover. Among that is the show s take on Poison Ivy both the Poison Mary that Mary Hamilton (Nicole Kang) has become, and the lingering question of [.]
The CW has released a synopsis for Meet Your Maker , the ninth episode of Batwoman s third season. The synopsis hints at the arrival of the Arrowverse s original Poison Ivy, Pamela Isley, who will be portrayed by Jane the Virgin and Agent Carter s Bridget Regan. While Pamela has been acknowledged [.]
The CW has released a synopsis for Trust Destiny , the eighth episode of Batwoman s third season. The episode is expected to continue a number of storylines from the midseason finale, including the rise of Poison Mary (Nicole Kang) and Marquis Jet (Nick Creegan), who is operating as the show s [.]
We re just a few weeks away from the return of Batwoman s third season, and it s safe to say that the back half of the season has a lot to still cover. Among that is the series take on Poison Ivy, which already subverted fans expectations in a pretty major way by having Mary Hamilton (Nicole [.]