todd and carley. todd: that scotus nomination. president biden is not even running the country anymore. i doubt biden knows what day it is, but he has made the decision to hand the agenda over to bernie sanders and elizabeth warren and aoc s. they keep nominating people who are radical and will abuse their power, whether nominating two of the leading advocates for abolishing the police in department of justice, biden did that and every democrat voted to confirm them. todd: it seems obvious to you and me and most of america, no one wants the current policies the biden administration is espousing. people want strong borders, shocker. people want safe streets, productos store shelves and at a
Trome, dependiendo de mercado de destino, existen algunas tendencias en cuanto a preferencias de productos o servicios. Aquí te contamos qué productos o servicios del Perú son los que más requieren los mercados internacionales.
Mercadona, la empresa de supermercados, está constantemente añadiendo y mejorando los productos que tiene a la venta, por lo que muchos de los alimentos e ingre