Union Industries Minister Piyush Goyal gave away the awards at an event in Delhi on Tuesday. The awards are announced annually by Startup India, an arm of the Union government, to recognise startups engaged in developing cutting-edge products and solutions, across sectors.
Prince Bainsla, the young prodigy from Palwal in Haryana, in the Boys 13-14 section and Danish Verma of Ludhiana in boys 12 category produced two of the best performances as the three-day US Kids Golf Indian Championships came to an end at the .
Ganapathy brothers, Jashan and Veer from Bengaluru, held the spotlight as they both had at least a share of the lead in their respective categories in the first round of the US Kids Golf Indian Championships.Jashan playing in Boys' 12 shots .
A host of winners from the first two legs of the US Kids Golf North and the US Kids Golf South Tour are back in action for back-to-back events this week at the Classic Golf and Country Club and the KGA in Bengaluru.With the current season .
Aug 6 (IANS) Vedika Bhansali, the emerging star from Bengaluru, turned in a superb final round of 3-under 33 to leap into Top-4 of the Girls 7 years category of the US Kids Golf World Championships, here.As many as four Indians finished in .