Cheetah conservation continues on a stable path at Mountain Zebra National Park (MZNP) as the once-critically endangered animal in SA is safeguarded through innovative means.
A new assessment has found that 25 percent of freshwater fish are at risk for extinction due to climate change and pollution. The latest update to the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species was published Monday and included the first-ever global assessment of freshwater fish. It found that 3,086 out of…
A quarter of freshwater fish species worldwide are at risk of extinction, according to an update to the global red list of threatened species on Monday, highlighting the escalating impacts of human-caused climate change on the planet's wildlife.Of the nearly 15,000 freshwater fish species assessed, 25 percent were at risk of extinction and of those at least 17 percent were suffering consequences of climate change, including fluctuating water levels and shifting seasons.